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The university city of Oxford, located northwest of London, has become famous for being one of the oldest institutions of higher education in the world. Every fifth of the city's 150,000 population is a student. However, the atmosphere of easy fun, thirst for knowledge and sincere faith in science attracts not only those who want to learn to this place. Be sure to stay here for a few days to explore all the attractions of the small town.

Over the course of 9 centuries, Oxford University was formed as a single unique complex, in which today 38 autonomous colleges, 6 private closed institutions (belonging to religious orders), as well as 4 museums and a giant library function and interact. Anyone can feel the spirit of antiquity and look at modern technologies in education.

Almost all buildings of the complex are glad to see guests and tourists for free. Be sure to check the schedule of visits on the university website.

It is rather difficult to indicate the date of foundation of the university. However, history shows that teaching at Oxford began in 1167, when King Henry II forbade English students to study at the Sorbonne. The oldest are considered - The University College (founded in 1249), Balliol (1260) and Merton (Merton, 1264). The largest and most aristocratic college is called Christ Church, built in 1546 by order of Henry VIII. Magdalen College, founded in 1458 by one of the teachers of Winchester College, is not inferior in beauty. The bell tower and Magdalene bridge have become a symbol of the city, and the college choir sings the communion hymn on the tower every year on May 1. The youngest is Green Templeton College, which has existed since 2008.

The shooting of the famous Harry Potter saga took place on the territory of Christ Church College.

In addition to the most beautiful college buildings on the campus, a visit to the unique museums and library is a must. The Bodleian Library was founded in 1598. It is the largest library in Oxford, with over 11 million books. The invaluable collection contains unique copies of the oldest books, such as the Gutenberg Bible or Magna Carta, as well as over 10,000 medieval manuscripts. The archives can be used not only by students, but also by residents of the city, of whom about 40% of the library's readers.

The Ashmolean Museum was founded in 1683. It is the first museum in England open to the public. Here you can see the works of Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Michelangelo, Rembrandt and Constable. And also valuable rarities - the Stradivarius violin "Messiah", the ceremonial attire of Lawrence of Arabia, the death mask of Cromwell, the lantern of Guy Fawkes.

Oxford University has given the world about 50 Nobel laureates. In addition, alumni at different times have included such famous people as Tony Blair, Bill Clinton, Hugh Grant, Margaret Thatcher, Lewis Carroll, Oscar Wilde, John Locke, Jonathan Swift, John Ronald Ruel Tolkien and many others.

The University Museum of Natural History at Oxford University has not only scientific but also architectural value. The museum building was built between 1855 and 1860 in the neo-gothic style. If you are traveling with children, then you just need to visit this place. The main exposition contains the most valuable skeletons of dinosaurs and mammoths. The famous exhibit of the museum is the extinct flightless bird Dodo, which became a character in the book of Lewis Carroll's book "Alice in Wonderland". The Oxford Dodo is the world's best-preserved exhibit. A separate stand is dedicated to him, which is decorated in the style of the book, so beloved by the British.

Practical information

Oxford is 90 km from London. You can get from the city in any way convenient for you: by taxi, bus or train. There is a train to Oxford every 30 minutes from London Paddington station. Or you can take a bus to the university campus from several points in London every 10-20 minutes.

Education systems in different countries

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  • Malta + English

Best Universities in the World

  • Universities of Great Britain: Eton, Cambridge, London and others
  • German Universities: Berlin im. Humboldt, Dusseldorf Academy of Arts and others
  • Universities in Ireland: Dublin, National University of Galway, University of Limerick
  • Universities in Italy: Beau, Bologna, Pisa, University for Foreigners in Perugia
  • Universities in China: Peking, Beida, Zhejiang University and others
  • Lithuania: University of Vilnius
  • US Universities: Harvard, Yale, Princeton and others

Top 24 UK universities. Tuition is paid. Oxford University occupies a leading position in the prestigious rankings of universities in the world, in The World University Ranking 2016 and 2017, the university took 1st place in the world.

Oxford University
original name University of Oxford
Motto Dominus illuminatio mea
("The Lord is my enlightenment")
Year of foundation before 1096
Rector (Chancellor) Chris Patten (English) Russian
Students 19 791
Location Oxford, Oxfordshire, England


The exact date of the founding of Oxford University is unknown, but education at Oxford was conducted already in 1096. The expulsion of foreigners from the University of Paris in 1167 (as a result of the reform of Henry II Plantagenet, he forbade English students to study at the Sorbonne) forced many English students to leave France and settle in Oxford. Historian Gerard of Wales lectured to students as early as 1188, and the first mention of foreign students was in 1190, the first foreign student by documents was "Emo of Friesland". The head of the university was (and still is) the chancellor. Non-English British students were divided into northern (Scots) and southern (Irish and Welsh). In the centuries that followed, geography continued to influence many students as friendships between colleges or dorms became customary. Members of many monastic orders - Dominicans, Franciscans, Carmelites, Augustinians - settled in Oxford in the middle of the 13th century; they influenced and supported student homes. Around the same time, colleges were created by private philanthropists to live as independent student communities. Among the first were William Durham, who founded University College (Oxford) in 1249, and John I de Balliol, father of the future King of Scotland, after whom Balliol College is named. The English Lord Chancellor and founder of Merton College, Walter de Merton, developed the rules for colleges. Merton College has become a model for other colleges in Oxford and Cambridge. After that, many students left life in dorms and houses of worship and moved to colleges.

In the years 1333-1334. several disaffected Oxford scholars attempted to found a new university at Stamford, Lincolnshire. Protests against King Edward III began to come from Oxford and Cambridge, and he banned its creation - until the 1820s. new universities were not allowed in England, not even in London - and Oxford and Cambridge maintained monopoly.

If in the course of time members of high society passed through Oxford almost without fail, then in the Middle Ages it was still far away. Only priests studied there, they rented rooms from local residents and were often poor.

in 1879, Somerville College became one of two newly formed educational institutions created at the same time in Oxford for the education of women: Lady Margaret Hall - influenced by the Church of England, and the second - Somerville - as non-religious, and in 1920 the degrees awarded to them were recognized as Oxford University.

University admission

In October-November, before the planned start of the year of study, applicants apply to colleges. A special commission considers grades (only excellent, A-level), letters of recommendation, conducts interviews. In some cases, the prospective student may be asked to show their written work, to conduct their own written tests. (School exams in the UK are standardized and are not administered by schools, but central examination boards accredited by the state). Since places at the university are offered before most applicants have completed their school exams, students are generally accepted on the condition that their grades by the beginning of the school year will be at least the agreed point ( conditional offer). It is also necessary to know English no worse than an Englishman (according to IELTS certificates - 7.0, TOEFL-Internet - 110). Tuition is paid: living expenses per year - about 8 thousand pounds; tuition fees depend on the chosen specialty - humanities - 6300 pounds; exact sciences - 8,400 pounds, medicine - 15,400 pounds. For admission to graduate and postgraduate studies, candidates apply to the relevant faculty.

It is not allowed to submit applications in the same year at the same time to Oxford and Cambridge universities.

University structure

The university consists of 38 colleges, as well as 6 dormitories - closed educational institutions belonging to religious orders without college status. Exams, most lectures and labs are organized centrally, and colleges conduct individual student sessions and workshops.

Now Oxford has more than 20 thousand students, about a quarter of them are foreigners. Their number increases dramatically in the summer when summer language schools open. The rector of Oxford is Sir Chris Patten. Oxford began accepting women only in the 1920s, but already in the 1970s. split training was abolished.

The staff of Oxford teachers is huge - almost 4 thousand people, of which 70 are members of the Royal Society, more than 100 are members of the British Academy. Oxford uses a unique tutoring system in teaching - a personal tutor is established over each student by a specialist in the chosen specialty.

The main areas of student training are humanitarian, mathematical, physical, social sciences, medicine, life and environmental sciences.


  • classical languages ​​and literature;
  • ancient history;
  • philology, linguistics and phonetics;
  • painting and fine arts;
  • English language and literature;
  • medieval and modern languages;
  • modern history;
  • music;
  • East;
  • philosophy;
  • theology;
  • China;
  • art history;
  • history of medicine;
  • anthropology;
  • archeology (since 1961);
  • biochemistry;
  • geography;
  • plant science;
  • zoology;
  • mathematics;
  • statistics;
  • chemistry;
  • earth sciences;
  • engineering sciences;
  • materials science;
  • physics;
  • anesthesia;
  • cardiovascular medicine;
  • clinical laboratory sciences;
  • clinical medicine;
  • clinical neurology;
  • clinical pharmacology;
  • genetics;
  • molecular medicine;
  • obstetrics and gynecology;
  • ophthalmology;
  • pediatrics;
  • psychiatry;
  • public health and first aid;
  • surgery;
  • experimental psychology;
  • human anatomy and genetics;
  • pathology;
  • pharmacology;
  • physiology;
  • Africa;
  • Brazil;
  • modern China;
  • Japan;
  • Latin America;
  • Russia and Eastern Europe;
  • South Asia;
  • economics;
  • education;
  • Institute of the Internet;
  • rights;
  • management;
  • politics and international relations;
  • public policy and social work;
  • sociology;
  • additional education.

Oxford is not only a university, but also the largest research center; Oxford has more than a hundred libraries (the largest university library in England) and museums, and its own publishing house.

Students have the opportunity to devote a large amount of their time to leisure - more than 300 hobby groups are at their service. Traditionally, close attention in Oxford is paid to sports as a useful and prestigious form of recreation.

A whole galaxy of brilliant scientists, literature, and the arts emerged from the walls of Oxford - Christopher Wren, John Tolkien, Lewis Carroll taught here, Roger Bacon and Margaret Thatcher studied. 25 British Prime Ministers graduated from Oxford.

Oxford colleges

The very first college of Oxford University - University College - was founded in 1249. Two other Oxford colleges claiming historical primacy - Balliol (1260) and Merton College (1264) - are named after their founders: John Balliol was the father of John I, the future King of Scotland, and the second was founded by Lord Chancellor Walter de Merton. Subsequently, about forty colleges were founded.

Omxford University(eng. University of Oxford) is a university located in Oxford, Oxfordshire, UK. Ranked second in the list of the oldest universities in Europe (after Bologna), the oldest English-speaking university in the world, and also the first university in the UK. Although the exact date of the university's founding is unknown, there is evidence that it was taught there as early as the 11th century. It is included in the group of "old universities" in Great Britain and Ireland, as well as in the elite group "Russell" of the top 20 universities in Great Britain.

The university consists of faculties and 38 colleges, as well as 6 so-called dormitories - closed educational institutions that do not have college status and usually belong to religious orders. All exams, like most lectures and labs, are centrally organized, while colleges conduct one-to-one student sessions and workshops.

The exact date of the founding of Oxford University is unknown. Education at Oxford has been going on since 1096. The expulsion of foreigners from the University of Paris in 1167 (as a result of the reform of Henry II Plantagenet, he forbade English students to study at the Sorbonne) forced many English students to leave France and settle in Oxford. Historian Gerard of Wales lectured to students as early as 1188, and the first mention of foreign students was in 1190, the first foreign student by documents was "Emo of Friesland". The head of the university was (and still is) the chancellor. Non-English British students were divided into northern (Scots) and southern (Irish and Welsh). In the centuries that followed, geography continued to influence many students as friendships between colleges or dorms became customary. Members of many monastic orders: Dominicans, Franciscans, Carmelites, Augustines, settled in Oxford in the middle of the 13th century. They influenced and supported student homes. Around the same time, colleges were created by private philanthropists to live as an independent student community. Among the first were William Durham, who, in 1249, founded the University College (Oxford) (eng. University College), and John I de Balliol, father of the future King of Scots, after whom Balliol College is named. Balliol College). English Lord Chancellor and Founder (eng. Merton College), Walter de Merton developed the rules for colleges. Merton College has become a model for other colleges in Oxford and Cambridge. After that, many students left life in dorms and houses of worship and moved to colleges.

University structure

The university consists of 38 colleges, as well as 6 dormitories - closed educational institutions belonging to religious orders without college status. Exams, most lectures and labs are organized centrally, and colleges conduct individual student sessions and workshops.

Now more than 20 thousand students study in Oxford, about a quarter of them are foreigners. Their number increases dramatically in the summer when summer language schools open. The rector of Oxford is Sir Chris Patten. Oxford began accepting women only in the 1920s, but segregated education was abolished already in the 70s.

The staff of Oxford teachers is huge - almost 4 thousand people, 70 of them are members Royal Society, more than 100 - members of the British Academy ( English). Oxford uses a unique teaching system tutoring- over each student, personal care is established by a specialist in the chosen specialty.

The main areas of student training are humanitarian, mathematical, physical, social sciences, medicine, life and environmental sciences.

The University of Oxford (Oxford University or University of Oxford) consistently occupies a leading position in ranking of the best universities in the world, sometimes yielding, and sometimes overtaking their closest competitors - Cambridge and Harvard. Every year, millions of tourists flock to watch the traditional Oxford May Day, to see Christ Church College, where Harry Potter was filmed and Alice in Wonderland was written, and to enjoy the medieval atmosphere of a unique ancient university.

Famous alumni

Among the teachers and alumni of Oxford - 40 Nobel laureates, 25 British prime ministers, 6 kings, 12 saints, about 50 Olympic medalists, about 20 managers of the 100 largest businesses in the world (FTSE 100), thousands of leading politicians, scientists, people of literature and the arts. Such famous figures as Margarit Thatcher, Lewis Carroll, John Tolkien, Clive Staple Lewis, Tony Blair, Felix Yusupov and many others studied and taught here. Oxford University has left its mark on the history of Russian science and literature. Such Russian writers as V. Zhukovsky, I. Turgenev, K. Chukovsky, A. Akhmatova and I. Brodsky received honorary degrees from the university.

Oxford tradition

Each student who enters will have a unique opportunity to become a part of the centuries-old academic life of the University of Oxford, with its unusual and unlike anything else traditions. So, for example, in some conservative colleges, they are allowed into the dining room only in formal clothes, consisting of a dark suit, a student's robe and a rectangular hat with a tassel. Upon admission to Oxford, each student is traditionally required to undergo a matriculation rite, which consists in pronouncing the student's oath in Latin before the chancellors of the university. No less solemn is the graduation procedure, during which the student also takes an oath in Latin and changes his old robe for a new one, corresponding to the new degree he has received. Both procedures take place in a festive atmosphere at the Sheldonian Theater, built in the 17th century by the famous British architect Christopher Wren.

oscford university academic tradition

The educational process in Oxford

The academic year at Oxford begins in October and is divided into three semesters (trimesters): Miklmass (autumn), Hillary (winter) and Trinity (spring). Throughout the year, the student attends lectures, seminars, practical and laboratory classes, as well as tutors- special one-to-one lessons with a teacher.

The staff of Oxford teachers is so large that there are on average 4-5 students per lecturer. Thanks to the unique system of tutoring (individual custody of the student), each applicant receives a set of not only basic, but also specialized knowledge. How to enroll in Oxford here.

Oxford student life

Oxford University knows how not only to study, but also to rest. Numerous student clubs and societies contribute to the integration into the unique academic atmosphere of the university. There are several hundred such clubs at the University of Oxford, and their areas of interest are more than varied. Here you can meet, say, those who like archery, take part in debates, play ping-pong, football and chess, take part in excavations, walk half of the UK on foot, practice fencing and much more. By participating in the activities of such clubs, students not only find friends for life, but also enrich their inner spiritual world.


Special attention is paid to sports at Oxford. Here, as in no other place, the principle "in a healthy body - a healthy mind" is confessed. There is probably no sport that cannot be practiced at the University of Oxford - both at the amateur and semi-professional level. Each college has its own sports teams, and university sports competitions and championships are held. In addition, Oxford has a swimming pool, sports grass fields for football, tennis, squash, rugby, cricket, croquet and many other sports. Oxfordshire's many rivers and canals offer boating, kayaking and pole-pole sailing. Students usually use bicycles for free and environmentally friendly movement in the city. The central event of the sporting year is the rowing competition, in which Oxford competes with its eternal rival - Cambridge.

Oxford colleges

The University of Oxford is divided into faculties and 38 colleges, as well as the so-called "halls of residence" (halls of residence). Upon admission, special attention should be paid not only to the choice of the direction of education, but also to the selection of the college. Attending lectures and seminars at the faculty, student lead most of their free time in college; the student's social, sports and everyday life takes place there. Each college is a separate structure that houses dormitories, a library, a computer center, lecture halls, sports and gyms, a park, a canteen, a choir, a theater, a music room, a chapel and much more. That is why, when applying for admission to the University of Oxford, it is extremely important to choose exactly the college that best suits your taste.

When choosing a college, you should pay attention to the following factors:

Academic profile of the college,

· location,


Providing a place in a hostel,

· External appearance.

All colleges provide housing for at least the first two years of schooling, and many provide housing for the entire duration of their studies. The dwellings are usually single rooms located on or near college grounds. Living in college housing offers modest rent.

Traditionally, the most prestigious are the oldest and richest colleges such as Christ Church, St. John's, Merton and St. Magdalene's College. as a rule, they do not have problems with finding a place to live in a hostel, additional funding for research projects, playing sports, etc. Given the annual mass influx of students, finding a place to live outside the college can become a serious problem. Russian-speaking students often choose St. Antony's College, where students from other countries of Eastern Europe and Asia also study.

Career Development for Oxford Students

An Oxford degree opens the door wide for subsequent employment in the most prestigious fields of science and business. In this, graduates are assisted by a special Careers Service, where you can find announcements of vacancies, internships, possible employment and much more. The university employment service conducts many master classes for students on resume writing and interviews, nine job fairs (each with at least 60 employers), hundreds of employer presentations throughout the year, and also provides the opportunity to meet in person with a professional career counselor.

Some colleges provide temporary work for students; teacher approval may be required for employment. Colleges also offer students work during the summer conference season. In addition, representatives of interested firms and banks often come to the university themselves and provide students with information about continuing their careers after graduation. A degree from Oxford University is also a great help in finding employment upon returning home.

Interesting Facts

· At the University of Oxford, in the Clarendon Laboratory, there is an electric bell that has been ringing continuously since 1840. It uses the forces of electrostatic attraction, so very little energy is expended to keep it working. Dry cells for the bell were installed during its creation and are hermetically filled with molten sulfur, so no one knows exactly how they work. With over 170 years of experience, the instrument represents one of the longest continuous experiments in history.

· Oxford University has influenced culture as well. The student's costume is world famous, one of the attributes of which is the Oxford "bags"

Oxford is one of the "best" universities in the world. In terms of age, it is second only to Bologna, and in the UK and the English-speaking world it is the oldest institution of higher education. It is not easy to enter here, it is difficult to study, and it is very prestigious to have a diploma from Oxford, one of the best universities in the world.


Unfortunately, we do not know the exact date when Oxford University was founded, however, it is known from ancient documents that education was conducted here as far back as 1096. In 1167, the rapid development of the university began and its transformation into one of the world's largest educational centers: the fact is that the French king Henry II issued a decree according to which the British could no longer study at the University of Paris, so those who wanted to gnaw the granite of science had to look for an educational institution at home. Oxford became the destination for young minds.

Around 1190, the first foreign student appeared in Oxford and the tradition of close international university ties began. In the 12th century, the first colleges within the university were formed, and just a century later, Oxford was recognized as one of the leading universities of its time.

At first, Oxford, like all higher educational institutions of the Middle Ages, was exclusively a place for training future clergy, but gradually it became an almost obligatory educational institution for representatives of high society. Until now, Oxford is one of the most prestigious and famous universities in the world.


At Oxford, you can study in a wide variety of areas and study mathematics, physics, social sciences, humanities, natural sciences and medicine. Oxford offers bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees and short-term non-degree courses.

Number of students

2 thousand students. Of these, almost 12 thousand are studying in a bachelor's degree. 62% of graduate and postgraduate students come to study in the UK from overseas. Every year at Oxford, about 3,200 places are opened in undergraduate studies (with 17,000 applications) and 4,500 in graduate and postgraduate studies (with 20,000 applications).

Famous alumni

Over its centuries-old history, Oxford has produced many students who have become famous in various fields. University of Oxford - alma mater of poet John Donne, philosopher Thomas More, economist Adam Smith, writer Jonathan Swift, architect Christopher Wren, poet Percy Biese Shelley, writer Oscar Wilde, philologist and writer J.R.R. Tolkien, writer Aldous Huxley, physicist Stephen Hawking, Kings of England Edward VII and Edward VIII, Prime Ministers of Great Britain Margaret Thatcher, Tony Blair and David Cameron and many other representatives of science, politics and culture. There are many Nobel Prize winners among Oxford alumni


Oxford is a collegiate university, that is, its structure consists of a central university (Central University) and colleges (colleges). The Central University includes academic departments and research centers, as well as administrative departments, libraries and museums. There are 38 colleges at Oxford. These are self-governing and self-funded independent educational institutions that are affiliated with a central university. In addition, there are six private halls founded by religious orders. The dorms do not have college status and are still Christian in nature.

The central university and colleges have different functions.

The university determines the content of the courses taught in colleges, organizes lectures, seminars and laboratory work, provides resources for teaching and learning (libraries, laboratories, museums, computer labs, etc.), provides administrative services, is engaged in admission and examinations of graduate and postgraduate students and determines the knowledge assessment system, as well as awards academic degrees.

Colleges are responsible for admitting undergraduate students, as well as selecting graduate students after they are admitted to the university, providing students with accommodation, meals, libraries, sports and student clubs. In addition, colleges are responsible for teaching undergraduate students.

It is believed that it is the collegial structure of Oxford that is the key to the success of the university. Its students, on the one hand, belong to a large internationally recognized university, and on the other, they have the opportunity to study in a small interdisciplinary community. In this way, the Oxford structure helps to establish a connection between leading scientists and students from different fields of knowledge, age groups, countries and cultures. An interdisciplinary approach is Oxford's trademark and pride.

Another feature of Oxford is its tutoring system. It assumes that each student has a mentor (tutor) in the chosen specialty.

In addition to colleges, Oxford has the prestigious Said Business School, where you can get an MBA in two years.


Given the collegial structure of the university and a large number of colleges, applicants face the question of choice. In fact, everything is much simpler. There is no strict requirement to choose a college for admission. Applicants can indicate the college they want (for example, based on location or scholarship opportunities), but this is not required. Other Oxford colleges may also invite you for an interview and, if successful, offer you a place. According to statistics, 34% of admitted students receive an invitation from the wrong college, which they designated as desired upon admission. No matter which college you go to, you will receive a high quality education.

Oxford colleges are non-specialized and offer a wide variety of courses. On the university website, you will find information on which colleges offer specific programs. For example, if you are interested in earth sciences, you will find that you can study them at one of six colleges. Computer science is taught in thirteen colleges, and history in thirty-two. 7 out of 38 Oxford colleges only accept graduate and postgraduate students.


17% of undergraduate students are foreigners. With the exception of the Medicine major, Oxford does not have a quota for international students, which gives applicants from different countries an equal opportunity.

Find out in advance by what date you need to apply. As a rule, the application must be submitted one year before the planned start of the studies. You can fill out an application online on the centralized portal UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service) for applicants to British universities. The application must, among other things, indicate why you want to study this particular discipline, as well as provide recommendations from teachers. Copies or originals of documents are not required. For admission to most programs, you must also pass tests and / or provide a written work.

Initially selected applicants are invited for an interview, with the inviting college providing room and board for the duration of prospective students' travel to Oxford.

Foreign applicants must also prove their high proficiency in English and pass the IELTS, TOEFL, Cambridge Certificate of Advanced English or others (check the points requirements on the Oxford website in advance).

A Russian certificate of secondary school education is not sufficient for admission to Oxford, so Russian applicants will first have to unlearn at least one year in a bachelor's degree at a university in Russia.

Information for undergraduate applicants:

Portal for applying to UK universities:

Master's degree

Those who already have a bachelor's degree and are fluent in English (you must provide the results of the IELTS test, TOEFL or Cambridge Certificate) can enroll in the Oxford master's program. The application must indicate why you want to study in this particular program, as well as provide official transcripts of existing diplomas and three recommendations.

Postgraduate studies

The process for admission to graduate school at Oxford is similar to the application process for a master's program, but there are differences. Those who already have a master's degree can enroll in graduate school, and in the application it is necessary to indicate what kind of research you would like to do and why.

Information for applicants for graduate and postgraduate studies:

Oxford Graduate and Postgraduate Admissions Portal:


An MBA can be obtained from Said Business School, Oxford. Requirements include a bachelor's degree, excellent command of English, proven by IELTS or TOEFL test, and successful passing of the GMAT exam. You will also need to write an essay and provide recommendations. Work experience is highly desirable. On average, MBA students at Said Business School have 6 years of work experience.

TRAINING COST (per year)

The cost of studying at Oxford depends on whether you are a citizen of the UK or the European Union or not, as well as the level of education received. Russian students cannot count on financial assistance from the British government, and the tuition fees for them are also higher than for British citizens and citizens of the European Union.

  • Bachelor's degree. From 15 to 22 thousand pounds. An annual college fee of £ 7,000 is also charged.
  • Master's degree. From 15 to 30 thousand pounds. In addition, each college will charge a fee of £ 7,000 annually.
  • Said School of Business (MBA): 42 thousand pounds.
  • Postgraduate studies. From 15 to 30 thousand pounds. Typically, tuition fees are covered by a grant or scholarship.

Scholarships: Russian students will most often have to pay for their bachelor's degree studies themselves. In graduate and postgraduate studies, there is an opportunity to receive a scholarship or grant, which will partially or fully cover the cost of training. About a thousand different scholarships are awarded annually at Oxford. Each of them has its own requirements (including the country of residence of the future student, the university where the bachelor's degree was completed, the chosen specialty and the college of Oxford). Scholarships are awarded by a university, college, department, or external organizations.

The University of Oxford is synonymous with prestige and elite, the quality of education, science and knowledge. The university differs from other educational institutions by a high level of academic excellence, scientific research, excellent funding, the ability to receive grants and contracts for training, conduct experiments, and implement various projects. According to these criteria, the University of Oxford is in the TOP of higher educational institutions in the world and in the UK, competing with Cambridge and Cardiff.

Studying at Oxford opens up great prospects for graduates, many of whom become Nobel and Pulitzer Prize winners, receive world recognition in literature, physics, chemistry, biology, and manage transnational corporations and international organizations.

Why Choose Oxford?

  • Funded by the state, and also has its own sources of income. For example, these are receipts from well-known alumni, philanthropists, private foundations, oil and gas companies owned by the university;
  • It is a member of such famous associations of higher education institutions as the Ivy League and the Golden Triangle;
  • Oxford owns a huge parkland covering an area of ​​28 hectares. There are also many forests, its own arboretum;
  • University education is a brand whose quality is underpinned by centuries of student work and education;
  • Centuries-old traditions that are unique, inimitable, rather conservative, requiring you to devote all the main time to study;
  • The presence of the so-called Norrington score, which was introduced in order to carry out the classification of bachelor's degrees and award scholarships to all interested students.

History of University

Oxford legends say that the school was founded by Alfred the Great in 872, who held lengthy debates with monks on various scholarly topics. But historians cannot find reliable evidence that it was from this date that the development of Oxford as a university began.

In 1074, the college of secular laws of the Church of St. George was founded on the territory of the castle, from which the history of the university began. Already in 1096, the educational process was in full swing here, but information about lectures, seminars and practical exercises remained rather fragmentary. It is only known that the courses were taught by outstanding thinkers of the 11th-12th centuries, such as R. Pallen, R. de Chesney and Z. Stampensis.

During the 12th century. large religious centers were formed around the university - monasteries, abbeys and churches. 1167 was a turning point in the development of the university, which was caused by a conflict between the Supreme Pontiff of the Catholic world, Pope Alexander III, Archbishop Beckett and King Henry of England. In the midst of the confrontation, the monarch ordered all students from England to leave France, forbidding them to return abroad at all. This required a special royal license, but the king did not give it. Therefore, students were forced to go on to study at Oxford in order to obtain a document on higher education.

In the further development of the university, the following stages can be distinguished:

  • 13-14 c. - the university received a huge number of rights, occupying a privileged position in the city. Students and faculty members have been significantly reduced on campus accommodation fees. Also, the administration has created a system of discounts for them for the purchase of goods, products, textbooks. In addition, both employees and students received protection from the city government. At the same time, a chancellor appeared in Oxford, i.e. the head of the educational institution;
  • In the 13th century. a system of colleges appeared (at first there were only ten), which owned the adjacent land. On their territory, the administrations of institutions built buildings in which students lived, ate and studied. The oldest colleges are Merton and Balliol, which appeared in 1264. From the beginning of the 15th century. students no longer rented apartments in the city, they were prohibited from doing this by the Oxford administration, completely transferring the educational process and students' leisure under the control of the chancellor;
  • In the 14th century. the university turned into a major educational, scientific and educational center in England, where there were constant disputes on political, ideological and theological topics;
  • Until 1878, women did not have the right to enter the university, and then they were allowed to do so, who received full membership only in 1920;
  • 1974 college charters were changed to include a clause stating that women and men can study together;
  • In the 20th century. courses in applied sciences, natural sciences and medical sciences have been added to the humanities.

Features of academic training

In the Middle Ages, teaching was carried out according to the method of commenting on the works of ancient authors, which was boring and unnecessary for students. They demanded that training be of an applied, practical nature. The conditions for this developed in the 15th century, when the ideas of the Renaissance began to spread in England.

The teaching course at that time included the following areas:

  • Humanities, in particular music, arithmetic, logic, rhetoric, geometry, astronomy, etc. Anyone who wanted to study these disciplines could enter the humanitarian department;
  • Medicine;
  • Civil and Church Law;
  • Theology.

The bachelor's degree program provided for a four-year study period. During this time, students had to regularly attend lectures and take part in scientific disputes. Four years later, students could apply for a Bachelor of Arts degree. This allowed the young man to read further lectures on music, law, astronomy, rhetoric or other disciplines.

After working for three years, the bachelor could enter the magistracy. But for this it is necessary that the graduate of the undergraduate degree attended lectures by other teachers or his colleagues. " When a person entered the magistracy, then he was introduced to the board of the faculty. Here he gave lectures, which lasted several years (everything depended on the faculty: two for the humanitarian faculty, six for the medical faculty, nine for the theological faculty). Completion of the master's education was accompanied by the receipt of a master's license, after which the student could resign from the boards and leave Oxford. It was possible to teach only for a fee.

University structure

Oxford is a system of colleges, of which there are 38 in the university. Among them, it is worth noting the following, founded during 13-196:

  • University;
  • Balliol or Balliol;
  • Merton;
  • Exeter;
  • Oriel;
  • Queens;
  • New College;
  • Magdalene;
  • St. John;
  • Saint Anne;
  • Saint Hilda;
  • Benets;
  • Harris Manchester etc.

In the 20th century. the colleges of St. Peter, St. Anthony, St. Edmond (Edmond Hall), Newfield, Lineker, St. Catherine, Holy Cross, Wolfson, Green Templeton (until 2008, these were two separate colleges Green and Templeton), Kellogg appeared.

The university operates separately. Each college has its own government.

Among the functions of colleges, it is worth noting:

  • Selection and admission of students;
  • Organization and establishment of the educational process;
  • Organization of meals and accommodation for students;
  • Sports activities;
  • Organization of free time.

The university, on the other hand, provides students with an audience for classes, laboratory, experiments. In addition, libraries and laboratories, clubs and societies are located on the territory of the central campus. The administration of the university takes exams, sets the schedule of lectures and practical classes, and is engaged in the awarding of master's and doctoral degrees.

The infrastructure of Oxford includes other objects:

  • There are many libraries, the number of which is several hundred, including the Bodleian one. Her funds contain all the books that were once published in the UK;
  • Museums;
  • Publisher;
  • Botanical Garden;
  • Clubs;
  • Student societies;
  • Sports and gyms;
  • Recreation areas;
  • Canteens;
  • Dormitories;
  • Private college-dormitories (halls), which were founded by Christian religious orders;
  • Parks;
  • Computer classes and auditoriums;
  • Theatre;
  • Music rooms;
  • Chapel.

In colleges, you can rent a room for the first two courses of study, although in many institutions settlement is provided for the entire period of undergraduate, graduate or doctoral studies. Student housing is a room that can only be shared by one person. Accommodation is organized in the dorm or outside the college. The annual rental fee is around £ 8,000.

It is run by the Oxford Vice-Chancellor who heads the central administration. There is also a chancellor, but his position and functions are nominal.

Colleges are known for assigning a separate tutor to each newcomer, i.e. mentor.

Faculties and specialties

Bachelor's, master's and doctoral programs are presented in various departments that are created at colleges and universities. Among such departments-faculties it is worth noting:

  • Additional education;
  • International relations;
  • Countries and regions of the world (separately for Africa, Latin America, Russia, Japan, etc.);
  • Various areas of medicine - clinical, molecular;
  • Psychiatry, Pediatrics, Surgery;
  • Chemistry, biology, physics, physiology;
  • Materials Science;
  • Stories from different periods;
  • Languages;
  • Literature;
  • Philology;
  • Computer Science;
  • IT and programming.

The most popular majors in Oxford are law, design, biology, biomedicine, economics, history, IT, humanities, chemistry.

Colleges only offer individual course classes. In particular, history is studied in 32 institutions, computer science is in 13 colleges, postgraduate and master's degrees - in seven institutions.

A huge staff of qualified employees is engaged in training students, 70 of which are part of the British Royal Society, another hundred people have become members of the British Academy.

The academic year at Oxford runs from October to the end of June. The educational process is divided into three semesters or trimesters:

  • Trinity, which covers the spring semester;
  • Miklmass (autumn);
  • Hillary (winter).

The education system is based on such forms of education as seminars, lectures, practical, laboratory classes, experiments, as well as individual lessons with a tutor.

University customs

During the long existence of the university, all students were divided into two large groups - the northern, which included immigrants from Scotland, and the southern, which included the inhabitants of Ireland and the Welsh. The geographical factor affects the distribution by educational institutions, clubs, societies, associations.

Other traditions of the University of Oxford include:

  • The custom of walking in robes;
  • A college has a unique color;
  • Students wear unique navy blue scarves;
  • A huge place in student life is occupied by sports, including rowing ("eight") and tennis.

How to enter Oxford and features of training

The admission of documents to the university by the commission is conducted every year during October and November, when applicants can bring papers and write applications for admission to Oxford. The learning process itself begins only after a year. For admission to a university or one of the colleges of the university, each applicant must send a package of papers to a special British document reception service. This state structure was created in order to consider applications from applicants.

The prerequisites for admission to the university are:

  • The presence of a diploma of secondary education, in which there should be only grades of level A (excellent;
  • Letters of recommendation;
  • Written works;
  • Grades at the time of admission should not be lower than school grades;
  • English proficiency certificates. Toefl certificates are accepted (only applicants with 230 points are allowed) or IELTS (the average score must be at least 6.5). If the number is less than indicated, then the documents from applicants will not be accepted. Although the level of knowledge of English may differ, depending on the chosen faculty (department) and specialty;
  • The age limit for applicants has been established, which is 18 years;
  • The grade point average of all grades must be 3.33 points.

At the university, during admission, tests are carried out in writing and interviews in the chosen specialty.

Applicants, when submitting documents, are obliged to indicate the college they want to go to study. But at the same time, the university administration has the right to offer a person another college, based on test results, written works, knowledge of English. In the event that applicants “fall short” in terms of their language level, they are offered to take courses in a summer school. For those who cannot pay, a wide scholarship and grant support is provided. Financial assistance can be obtained for numerous studies, travel to conferences, and testing theories and theorems.

The total number of students who study at Oxford is, on average, from 20 to 26 thousand people. More than 8 thousand of them came from 140 countries of the world. Basically, these are students from France, Singapore, Australia, India, Canada, USA, China, Germany, Italy. Students from other countries have the opportunity to take a two-year course of study, which is equal to two pre-university courses. During this time, you can get an education, bringing it up to level A. Usually, every foreigner uses the services of a tutor college, whose staff help to properly and effectively prepare for the necessary exams. Education in this educational institution is carried out in a group form (the number of students in academic groups is small) or individually. The types of training can be combined, choosing the most optimal and suitable option.

It is difficult to enroll in Oxford, given the level of requirements. Moreover, the training is not cheap. But material, financial and mental investments pay off very quickly. Graduates find work 100% of the time. This usually happens within six months after graduation from college or university.

Attention upon admission should be paid to the academic profile that the college has, reviews about it, geographic distance from the central campus, the ability to settle in a hostel, faculty, disciplines.

The admission process takes place according to the following scheme:

  1. It is necessary to collect all the necessary documents, making sure that all knowledge and qualifications correspond to the chosen profile of the university or college;
  2. Send paper;
  3. After passing the initial selection, applicants are invited for an interview. During their stay in Oxford, foreigners and British students are provided with free meals and accommodation;
  4. Passing tests and written works.

Master and doctoral studies

If a student has completed a bachelor's degree, then he can try his hand at a master's degree. To do this, you need to successfully defend your diploma, again confirm your knowledge of the English language, having received a certificate - either IELTS, Cambridge Certificate, TOEFL. In the application, it is necessary to clearly and concisely justify the choice of a master's program, specialty. You must attach three letters of recommendation from university professors to the application.

For doctoral studies, you need to indicate areas of research, intended actions and possible results.

There is a business school at Oxford called Said. To get here, you must provide the following documents:

  • Bachelor's degree;
  • Language certificate of excellent proficiency in English;
  • Essay;
  • Several letters of recommendation;
  • GMAT exam results;
  • Extract from the place of work on the availability of work experience (will be a significant advantage over other candidates.

Cost of education

There are two rates for education at the university - for “friends”, which include residents of the UK or EU countries, and for “aliens,” that is, foreigners. If prospective applicants have already studied at one of the British secondary educational institutions or college, then upon admission to the university, a tuition fee of 9 thousand pounds sterling / year will be set for them. The prices for the programs change every year, so the cost of training is constantly increasing.

Foreign students are required to pay from 15 to 22.5 thousand pounds (price for the 2016-2017 academic year). The price for a bachelor's or master's degree depends on the prestige of the profession, college, faculty.

The humanities will cost students from 10 to 12 thousand pounds, while for the natural sciences you need to pay about 15 thousand a year. Training in such specialties as painting, music or design is somewhat more expensive. For these professions you will have to pay 15-17 thousand pounds / year.

The most expensive faculty is the medical one. In particular, students who dream of becoming cardiologists, neurosurgeons or resuscitators must donate more than 21 thousand pounds a year.

Future marketers, economists or managers will pay from 25 thousand pounds, and future lawyers, legal scholars or notaries - almost 31 thousand.

The following factor should also be taken into account. To obtain a bachelor's degree in most specialties in Oxford, you need to pay three years, and doctors - five, therefore, the cost of training for students at the medical faculty is higher, as well as the level of requirements. After completing the main course of study, medical students will pay for a master's degree for another two years. While the master programs at other faculties are one-year.

Famous alumni

  • Such famous personalities as J. Swift, O. Wilde, J.R.R. studied and taught at the university. Tolkien, T. Blair, Edward Seventh, G. Wilson, D. Cameron, M. Thatcher, W.Yu. Gladstone;
  • Among the graduates are 6 kings and 12 saints;
  • Olympic medalists such as E. Triggs Hodge, D. Tarwater, P. Reid;
  • Economist A. Smith;
  • Physicist S. Hawking;
  • Philosopher T. More;
  • The poet Percy B. Shelley;
  • US President Bill Clinton.
  • Every year in Oxford the May Day is celebrated, which has been celebrated for several centuries;
  • The film Harry Potter was filmed at Christ Church College, and also here L. Carroll wrote "Alice in Wonderland";
  • In one of the laboratories in Oxford, called Clarendon, there is a bell that has been ringing since 1840. Thanks to an electrostatic attraction mechanism, the bell makes sounds all the time;
  • The university has the oldest coffee house in the country, opened in the 17th century;
  • Presumably in the 13th century. in Oxford, the Turf Tavern pub was opened, which tourists and students love to visit;
  • When entering a university, it is worth remembering that for an applicant who has sent documents to Cambridge at the same time, the case may end in litigation. In one year, you can choose only one of the prestigious universities.


The university is located in the picturesque town of Oxford, which is the center of Oxfordshire. The capital of Great Britain is located just 90 kilometers from the settlement, a little further - 110 km - Birmingham.

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