Present Continuous - Present Continuous
Group Times continuous indicate a process, an action that continues at a certain moment in the past, present or future.
Time Present Continuous usually indicates a process lasting directly at the moment of speech. This can be indicated by the context or words such as now (now), at the moment (at the current moment), etc.:
Sally is doing her homework at the moment.
Sally is doing her homework now.

Dad and me are fishing now.
My dad and I are fishing now.
Education Present Continuous
affirmative sentences:

I am playingWe are playing
You are playingYou are playing
He/she/it is playingThey are playing
Interrogative sentences:
Am I playing?Are we playing?
Are you playing?Are you playing?
Is he/she/it playing?Are they playing?
Negative suggestions:
I am not playingWe are not playing
You are not playingYou are not playing
He/she/it is not playingThey are not playing
To put a verb into the tense form Present Continuous, an auxiliary is required verb to be in the present tense and present participle(Participle I) semantic verb.
to be currently has three forms:
  • am- 1 person, unit h. (I am shaving.)
  • is- 3rd person, unit. h. (He is reading.)
  • are- 2 person unit. hours and all forms pl. h. (They are sleeping.)
Personal pronouns and the auxiliary verb are often shortened to I'm, he's, she's, it's, we're, you're, they're.
The present participle (Participle I) can be obtained by adding to initial form meaningful verb ending -ing:
jump-jump ing, live - live ng
V interrogative sentence The auxiliary verb is put in place before the subject, and the meaningful verb remains after it:
why are you laughing?
Why are you laughing?

Are you using this dictionary?
Do you use this dictionary?
V negative sentences the auxiliary verb is followed by a negative particle not. Forms is and are and can be reduced to isn't and aren't respectively.
Radio is not (isnt) working.
The radio does not work.
Cases of using Present Continuous

  • An indication of the process occurring directly at the moment of the conversation:
The doctor is leading an operation now.
The doctor is now performing the operation.
  • Description of the characteristic properties of a person, often with a negative connotation:
why are you always interrupting people?
Why are you always interrupting people?

He is always shouting at me.
He always yells at me.

  • Planned action in the future, often with verbs of motion:
We are landing in Heathrow in 20 minutes.
We land at Heathrow in 20 minutes.
English verbs associated with perception (notice, hear, see, feel ...), emotions (love, hate, like ...), mental processes (think, believe, understand ...), possession (have, possess .. .) are not used in Continuous tenses, because they themselves denote a process. Time is used instead present simple:
I hear you, don't shout. I hear you, don't scream.
I love pancakes. I love pancakes.

Dear colleagues!

In the third issue of the Russian Language newspaper for 2009, a list of words with the correct stress was published, which are supposed to be used in the exam test.

Thank you very much for your concern for teachers as well – not everyone still has the opportunity to get information on the Internet in a timely manner – and above all for children who will face a difficult test. Open publication of changes in control measuring materials allows (albeit slightly) to reduce fear and nervousness in anticipation of the exam.

Using the list you printed, I made up several exercises that allow you to control how successful the work on mastering orthoepic norms is. The proposed tests can be used both as training and as control tests. Ten options will ensure the independence of their implementation. I take 5-7 minutes to work.

I would be glad if these small tests make life easier for someone else.

E.V. Yuminova

Little spelling tests



1) E expert; 2) kitchen O ny; 3) walk A ystvo; 4) zak At smack.

2. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel highlighted correctly?

1) Region E munch; 2) don AND zu; 3) ik O writing; 4) treasures A I am.

3. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel highlighted correctly?

1) Took A; 2) n A Chala; 3) d O white; 4) At merle.


1) F O rzats; 2) alphabet AND T; 3) recreate A la; 4) b O kind.

5. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel highlighted correctly?

1) Bukhg A lters; 2) cat A log; 3) exhausted A t; 4) put A.

6. In which word is the letter denoting a stressed vowel highlighted incorrectly?

1) Ringing and sh; 2) nizved Yo n; 3) to O rumbling; 4) bleeding AND T.

7. In which word is the letter denoting a stressed vowel highlighted incorrectly?

1) Ball At being; 2) dialing AND tsya; 3) pr AND nyali; 4) natural At chenny.

8. In which word is the letter denoting a stressed vowel highlighted incorrectly?

1) Provide E chenie; 2) d A external; 3) turn on Yo ny; 4) class E it.

9. In which word is the letter denoting a stressed vowel highlighted incorrectly?

1) Shem AND T; 2) encouraging A la; 3) prozorl AND wa; 4) red AND newest.

10. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel highlighted correctly?

1) Awareness AND to be; 2) tore A s; 3) off Yu channy; 4) forced and th.


1) Enabled; 2) drove; 3) beets; 4) wholesale.


1) Kilometer; 2) bent; 3) illness; 4) aggravated.

13. Which word has the stress on the first syllable?

1) Orphans; 2) hired; 3) adolescence; 4) took.


1) took A, d O dry, about O drain, there O reaping;

2) in O time, AND ksy, n E envy, O tbyla;

3) click AND caller AND t, hug AND s, s A light;

4) percent E nt, encouraging AND having risen, narwhal A, scarf S.

15. Which line has an accent error?

1) H A chal, doused A sya, flail O chka, otd A v;

2) withdrew A, define Yo n, scoop A t, p O nyal;

3) podn I AM c, n O vosti, s A lived, created A;

4) poured A, shav E l, prozorl AND wa, sl AND new.


1. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel highlighted correctly?

1) Water the ir AND With; 2) we know E nie; 3) ball O bathroom; 4) star O nit.

2. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel highlighted correctly?

1) Christian AND n; 2) up O stanza; 3) gene E sis; 4) dancing AND To.

3. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel highlighted correctly?

1) Prin At child; 2) flash O m; 3) novor O born; 4) fax AND le.

4. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel highlighted correctly?

1) Citizen A nstvo; 2) vorv A lass; 3) sound O nit; 4) purchase O riv.

5. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel highlighted correctly?

1) H A rushed; 2) (before) aerop O mouth; 3) vr At cheat; 4) cone O v.

6. In which word is the letter denoting a stressed vowel highlighted incorrectly?

1) Narwhal A; 2) h A nyal; 3) brain A personal; 4) sat down Yo n.

7. In which word is the letter denoting a stressed vowel highlighted incorrectly?

1) Open At smacked; 2) news E th; 3) kill S streak; 4) c E ntner.

8. In which word is the letter denoting a stressed vowel highlighted incorrectly?

1) Start A having gone; 2) seals A t; 3) cf E actions; 4) pr O lived.

9. In which word is the letter denoting a stressed vowel highlighted incorrectly?

1) Cash AND former; 2) cr A lass; 3) pr AND former; 4) divided Yo ny.

10. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel highlighted correctly?

1) Drain O out; 2) h A perth; 3) floor O live; 4) lighten AND T.

11. Which word has the stress on the second syllable?

1) Dobrala; 2) flint; 3) not for long; 4) document.


1) From old times; 2) inquire; 3) bear fruit; 4) narwhal.

13. Which word has the stress on the first syllable?

1) Arrived; 2) lied; 3) dowry; 4) understood.

14. Which line has the correct stress in all the words?

1) Vern A, h A dark, ski I AM, sn I AM that;

2) cone O c, prize s in, sent a, early a v;

3) provide E reading, nar O st, s O rit, quart A l;

4) position AND l, st A thuja, strengthen AND t, w Yo to lie.


1) H A chali, O trinity, with O bent, fruitful AND t;

2) desks E r, created A, Mon I AM in, aware AND t;

3) pump AND t, wed E dstva, poured A, shav E le;

4) sv Yo cla, called A, strengthened AND t, there O reaping.


1. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel highlighted correctly?

1) Quart A l; 2) cat A log; 3) Ukrainian A indian; 4) star O nit.

2. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel highlighted correctly?

1) Cake S; 2) d O it is forbidden; 3) table I AM R; 4) to O ryst.

3. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel highlighted correctly?

1) E expert; 2) shoe I AM; 3) call AND msya; 4) region E read.

4. In which word is the letter denoting a stressed vowel highlighted incorrectly?

1) Dozv O nyatya; 2) heret AND To; 3) waited A; 4) h A bent.

5. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel highlighted correctly?

1) H a chasing; 2) bow s; 3) turn on and sh; 4) wintering and To.

6. In which word is the letter denoting a stressed vowel highlighted incorrectly?

1) D O bottom; 2) zn A chimy; 3) put A; 4) l E who.

7. In which word is the letter denoting a stressed vowel highlighted incorrectly?

1) Veroispov E denmark; 2) excl YU cheat; 3) dispensary E R; 4) bleeding A shchy.

8. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel highlighted correctly?

1) D O white; 2) region E munch; 3) n A for a long time; 4) m E ness.

9. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel highlighted correctly?

1) Dozv O we go; 2) us O rit; 3) l E who; 4) about O streak.

10. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel highlighted correctly?

1) Garbage O waters; 2) busy A; 3) necr O log; 4) w A luzy.

11. Which word has the stress on the second syllable?

1) Delivered; 2) clog; 3) perceived; 4) nail.

12. Which word has the stress on the third syllable?

1) Arrangement; 2) got; 3) prettier; 4) overtook.

13. Which word has the stress on the first syllable?

1) growth; 2) instinct; 3) understanding; 4) immediately.

14. Which line has the correct stress in all the words?

1) Took A, bleeding AND t, pr AND was, St. Yo cla;

2) recall A las, t O mouths, wed E dstva, n E friend;

3) pr AND fucked up, lil A, sv O him, portfolio E le;

4) cement E nt, s A godya, table I AM r, ubr A la.

15. Which line has an accent error?

1) gave A, d O below, perceive I AM in, heret AND To;

2) op O send, ah E nt, sv E rly, prozh AND former;

3) divided Yo nny, p O listener, blind AND, including Yo n;

4) removed A, def AND c, b a ntov, m E ness.


1. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel highlighted correctly?

1) Oil industry O waters; 2) gas pipeline O waters; 3) magneto O waters; 4) overpass O water.

2. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel highlighted correctly?

1) Ap O stanza; 2) h E rip; 3) p O nyala; 4) vtrid O horns.

3. In which word is the letter denoting a stressed vowel highlighted incorrectly?

1) ag e nt; 2) def and With; 3) on Yu cheat; 4) points a th.

4. In which word is the letter denoting a stressed vowel highlighted incorrectly?

1) Ball O bathroom; 2) imp E Russian; 3) n A chavsya; 4) d O top.

5. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel highlighted correctly?

1) vulgarized I am T; 2) head and bottom; 3) rain a foxes; 4) dosing a th.

6. In which word is the letter denoting a stressed vowel highlighted incorrectly?

1) Z A nyalo; 2) drove A s; 3) about O drain; 4) desks E R.

7. In which word is the letter denoting a stressed vowel highlighted incorrectly?

1) Zn A honor; 2) keel E tr; 3) environment AND T; 4) sv E rlit.

8. In which word is the letter denoting a stressed vowel highlighted incorrectly?

1) H A top; 2) t O mouths; 3) core S st; 4) deep AND th.

9. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel highlighted correctly?

1) D O it is forbidden; 2) n A life; 3) they say I AM shchi; 4) one O lies.

10. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel highlighted correctly?

1) Faucet S; 2) start A ty; 3) obzv O nit; 4) drills AND sh.

11. Which word has the stress on the first syllable?

1) was taken; 2) willow; 3) leisure; 4) took.

12. Which word has the stress on the second syllable?

1) endow; 2) spoiled; 3) not for long; 4) heels.

13. Which word has the stress on the first syllable?

1) Joined; 2) busy; 3) up; 4) started.

14. Which line has the correct stress in all the words?

1) called A, ozl O beat, call O niche, shof Yo R;

2) p O hands, doused A ss, cos S in, okay AND t;

3) start A th, chain O chka, tore A, repeat O renny;

4) dexterity A, etc AND got, arrived A, exp E rt.

15. Which line has an accent error?

1) put on AND t, rolled O g, they say I AM shchi, understood A;

2) ski I AM, sat down Yo ny, inst AND nkt, n A Chali;

3) tore A, n A lived, quart A l, zn A chimy;

4) gave A, banked AND t, cream E uh, prin At child.


1. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel highlighted correctly?

1) A gent; 2) b A pouting; 3) turn on AND T; 4) w AND Elk.

2. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel highlighted correctly?

1) D O sug; 2) religion A nie; 3) recreate A la; 4) citizen A nstvo.

3. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel highlighted correctly?

1) Hn A lass; 2) they say I AM shchi; 3) necr O log; 4) n O news.

4. In which word is the letter denoting a stressed vowel highlighted incorrectly?

1) H A chat; 2) m E veins; 3) nizved Yo n; 4) faucet O v.

5. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel highlighted correctly?

1) Head AND bottom; 2) lecturer O v; 3) over E litas; 4) zas E linen.

6. In which word is the letter denoting a stressed vowel highlighted incorrectly?

1) Dispensary E R; 2) took A s; 3) h A perth; 4) us E rhenium.

7. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel highlighted correctly?

1) Locality E th; 2) exhausted A t; 3) n O where; 4) update I AM foxes.

8. In which word is the letter denoting a stressed vowel highlighted incorrectly?

1) Moza AND chic; 2) open At we swear; 3) h A good; 4) region E read.

9. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel highlighted correctly?

1) St E rlit; 2) p O nyavshaya; 3) u A vel; 4) sh A rfs.

10. Which word has the stress on the first syllable?

1) Accepted; 2) (heart) aches; 3) driver; 4) cement.

11. Which word has the stress on the second syllable?

1) Beets; 2) vulgarize; 3) plum; 4) disabled.

12. Which word has the stress on the first syllable?

1) Long-standing; 2) bows; 3) blinds; 4) lila.

13. Which word has the stress on the third syllable?

1) Call back; 2) poured; 3) dispensary; 4) seal.

14. Which line has the correct stress in all the words?

1) Necrol O g, quart A l, ringing AND t, region E gchim;

2) start A after? h A fit, secure E value, w Yo to lie;

3) h E burp, fruit O sit, there O zhya, encouraged A;

4) podn I AM in, exp E oral, O trochic, floor O lived.

15. Which line has an accent error?

1) Cem E nt, okrug AND t, perceived A, alphabet AND T;

2) n E friend, shit AND k, br A las, d O it is forbidden;

3) manually AND t, b A forged, bukhg A lters, nan I AM having gone;

4) n E navist, gazprom O water, inst AND nkt, h A light.


IN 1 IN 2 AT 3 AT 4 AT 5
1–4 1 – 3 1 – 1 1 – 3 1 – 3
2 – 4 2 – 1 2 – 3 2 – 2 2 – 4
3 – 1 3 – 1 3 – 3 3 – 3 3 – 2
4 – 3 4 – 1 4 – 1 4 – 3 4 – 4
5 – 1 5 – 2 5 – 3 5 – 2 5 – 1
6 – 3 6 – 3 6 – 3 6 – 3 6 – 3
7 – 4 7 – 3 7 – 2 7 – 4 7 – 3
8 – 2 8 – 4 8 – 4 8 – 1 8 – 4
9 – 2 9 – 3 9 – 3 9 – 3 9 – 4
10 – 2 10 – 4 10 – 2 10 – 4 10 – 1
11 – 3 11 – 2 11 – 2 11 – 2 11 – 2
12 – 3 12 – 4 12 – 2 12 – 4 12 – 2
13 – 3 13 – 1 13 – 4 13 – 2 13 – 3
14 – 3 14 – 4 14 – 1 14 – 4 14 – 2
15 – 2 15 – 2 15 – 2 15 – 3 15 – 2

E.V. Yuminova,
