DYAKOVO: In the former village of Dyakovo stands the Church of the Beheading of John the Baptist. There is also a large ravine, nicknamed Golosov, which has long been considered a mysterious and anomalous place. Below are two huge stones - "Devius" and "Gus". In the 60s, the “unclean” ravine became part of Moscow, but no one dared to build anything here. A bad place was declared a forest park, including the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve.

VOICE RAVINE: Located strictly from west to east, it is, as it were. A stream formed by springs flows along the bottom of the ravine. Tradition says that these springs are the footprints of the horse of George the Victorious. The ravine conditionally divides Kolomenskoye into two almost equal parts. One of them is civilized. Museums, cafes and an observation deck are concentrated here. The other part is wild. These are hills overgrown with grass, small groves and an old orchard.

STONES: One is smooth and is called Devy, and the other is pimply, as if covered with "goose skin" - is called Goose. Weight - about five tons each. Moreover, the bulk of these boulders are in the ground. Small peaks come to the surface. One of the stones lies at the bottom of the ravine, the other - on its high slope. The legend says that these are the remains of a serpent, with which George the Victorious fought. The lower of the stones is “Goose”. It is believed that if a man sits on it, his “male” strength will increase. The upper one is called the "Maiden Stone", and treats female infertility. that the stones are connected with the cosmos and that repeatedly in the sky over Kolomenskoye. Followers of esoteric teachings are sure that the ravine is the most important place in. By the way: the Virgin is a Finno-Ugric female underground goddess, and the Goose is a sacred bird of Finno-Ugric mythology, floating in the underground ocean and once creating everything that exists. Believers pass by the stones to the temple and consider the "route" to be holy. According to legend, George the Victorious rode here, and one of the stones looks like a two-meter horseshoe covered with scales. According to legend, a detachment of Tatar-Mongolian barbarians was located right next to the Goose-stone (see below).

RIBBONS: It is believed that the stones have not lost their magical properties until today. It is enough to touch their surface with your hand and make a wish. For fidelity, you can tie a ribbon on the branches of a neighboring tree. And then the stones, in which, according to legend, the spirits of the ancient pagan gods still live, will certainly help to fulfill the dream. The ravine in which the stones lie has another name - "Velesov" ravine, on behalf of the pagan god Veles.

: In the documents of the police department of the Moscow province of the 19th century, cases of mysterious disappearances of residents of neighboring villages are noted. Two peasants from the village of Sadovniki, Arkhip Kuzmin and Ivan Bochkarev, who had disappeared without a trace back in 1810, suddenly appeared ... in 1831! They said that they were returning home from a neighboring village at night and decided to go through the Golosovy ravine, although this place was considered “unclean”. A thick fog swirled at the bottom of the valley, in which some kind of “corridor filled with whitish light” suddenly appeared! The peasants went there and met people overgrown with wool, who tried to show them the way back with signs. The peasants continued on their way, and when they arrived in the village, they saw their wives and children aged twenty years. The police intervened. At the insistence of the investigators, an experiment was conducted in the ravine, during which one of the peasants again disappeared into the fog and never returned. Another, seeing this, became depressed and subsequently committed suicide. This case is described in the newspaper "Moskovskie Vedomosti" dated 07/09/1832. Documents of the Police Department of the Moscow province, relating to the Kolomna volost for the period 1825-1917, repeatedly note cases of mysterious disappearances of people among the inhabitants of the villages of Kolomenskoye, Dyakovo, Sadovniki and Novinki.

More articles:

I started to spend in the open air, namely in the museum-reserve "Kolomenskoye". The place was not chosen by chance.
Kolomenskoye is one of the most ancient places of human habitation on the territory of modern Moscow. Everything here is literally permeated with the spirit of antiquity! Archaeological monuments located in the vicinity of Kolomenskoye testify to the presence of people here in the 5th-3rd millennium BC!
Like any place of antiquity, the reserve has a powerful natural energy. Any person, having crossed the threshold of this park, immediately plunges into a state of harmony, peace and tranquility. This is a great place to relax with the whole family or arrange a romantic date)))
But not everywhere you can walk carefree! Kolomenskoye is famous for its places of power, and some of them do not invite everyone to visit them.

Where are such conclusions from?

The fact is that, as I wrote earlier, I began to hold my events and group energy practices in Kolomenskoye. And I began to conduct them near the most powerful places of power, which I will discuss below.
While conducting classes, I came across the fact that people with negative energy, bad intentions, mental and energy disorders cannot withstand a long stay near these places. And if for the first time, the person got up, politely said goodbye and quickly left, then the second time the guest had to provide emergency assistance for psycho-emotional recovery.
Therefore, from now on, I first ask the Keepers of these places if they will let us and the group visit them, and if the answer is no, then we choose another place, since there is enough space for everyone in Kolomenskoye!

Well, now actually PLACES OF POWER!!!

According to legend, this place was the temple of Veles - the god of wisdom, wealth, knowledge, magic, the patron of all travelers, the owner of Navi and the posthumous judge of man. It was he who unlocked the doors to his underground kingdom and led the souls of the dead to the Navi world.

The ravine is a portal between the world of Reveal (the material world) and the world of Navi (the other world, the world of ancestors and chthonic entities). History is replete with stories that people disappeared in this ravine. Some returned, but ... after many decades. Probably in the ravine there is a distortion of the time continuum.
The activation of the portal occurs only at the time when the ravine begins to cover the greenish fog and woe to those who wander there at this time. Moreover, the fog is accompanied by a subtle psychological impact. A person is suddenly seized by an unreasonable panic, I want to run as fast as I can. This is exactly what saves many curious people from getting to know the Navi world.

Entrance to the ravine

View from the ravine

Bridge over the ravine

Creek in a ravine

Interestingly, the stream in the ravine is also quite mystical. The water temperature in it in any weather is + 4 ° C and does not freeze even in the most severe frosts

Devy stone

The legend says that the name of the stone refers to the historical moment when these lands were inhabited by Finno-Ugric tribes and in honor of their underground goddess, the Virgin, they named their stone that way.
But my opinion is that the Devy stone is called because its main restoration of the energy and physical potential of a woman, therefore it correlates with the Slavic goddess Makosh.
Makosh is the giver of earthly blessings and the goddess of fate! She takes care of women's fertility and productivity, housekeeping and prosperity in the house.
In Slavic mythology, it is represented either by the earthly wife of the god Perun, or by the wife of Veles (What is most interesting, the brothers on their fathers Perun and Veles are rival gods and oppose each other in various legends of the Slavs).

Virgin stone has the ability to heal diseases, up to infertility. The earth next to the stone also has healing power. It can be applied to sore spots. The stone has a beneficial effect on the female energy structure, grounds and helps to rid the heart of the burden of unnecessary experiences.

goose stone

According to one hypothesis, the Finno-Ugric goose was the personification of an underground animal that created this world. T
It is somewhat difficult to believe in this, because. the goose is a guest between the worlds. He has both earthly nature (walks on earth and swims on water), and heavenly (can fly) and has a controversial relationship to the underworld.
But my experiments with the Venedian runes have repeatedly given me the answer that this stone has the energy of the god Perun the Thunderer, whose fiery arrows touching the ground (the possessions of his rival brother Veles) turned into stones.

Perun is the patron of princes and knights (i.e. the strongest of the kind, alpha males). The personification of male power, valor and order. It is on him that the responsibility of maintaining order in our world of Reveal lies. His image can be compared with the Hindu Indra.

Goose stone is a healing stone for men. It evens out the energy of a man who touches him. Allows a man to strengthen his weaknesses, increase physical strength, strengthen his spirit and gain good health (including increasing potency).

Oak Grove

Not far from the Church of the Resurrection of Christ is an oak grove. The oldest trees are about 600 years old!

Since ancient times, the oak was revered by our ancestors as a sacred tree, which was one of the most important attributes of Perun ( AndInterestingly, the Indo-European name for oak, "perkṷu", has not been preserved in the Slavic languages. It was taboo, which once again confirms the sacredness of the oak for the Slavs).

Oak has a powerful supply of energy that cleanses the space around it. It has a huge vital energy of health and keeps the wisdom of longevity. Upon contact with oak, a person receives the maximum possible amount of vital energy. It has long been noticed that walking through the oak forest normalizes blood pressure, has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart and nervous system.

The entrance to the oak grove is guarded by a Polovtsian woman

Gravestone monument over the burial mound of the Cuman Cuman. The word "baba" is of Turkic origin and means "father". The old Russian designation is “stone girl”. South Russian steppes, late 11th - early 12th century.

Oak trees!

An amulet made of oak bark gives protection to its owner, helps to understand the deep meaning of ongoing events, and also enhances inspiration among creative people. But to get such a talisman, you cannot spoil the tree. You need to get in touch with him and mentally ask for a gift for yourself, and if the Oak Keeper blesses you, then you will receive a piece of the sacred tree as a gift, as it was with me.

Having run my hand along the mighty trunk of the centuries-old giant, in my palm I was left with a piece of oak bark. Just for my protection)))

But it is advisable not to come to places of power empty-handed. Since ancient times, it was customary to leave a ribbon or some other gift as a gift to the Keepers of these places.

The Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve is famous for its open-air exposition, the area of ​​which exceeds 250 hectares. Its symbol is the Church of the Ascension, included in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List.

Every day, about 10 thousand people come to admire the estate, and they are attracted not only by unique architectural monuments, but also by numerous secrets that the former summer residence of Russian tsars still keeps. Where to look for the library of Ivan the Terrible and whether it is possible to make a "jump" into the past by descending into the Golosov ravine - read in the material of the online publication m24.ru.

Golosov ravine, which divides Kolomenskoye into two parts, has long been the hero of legends and legends. Written testimonies have brought to our days an amazing story that happened in Kolomenskoye in 1621. Then the archers were alerted, as a detachment of horsemen appeared out of nowhere at the gates of the Grand Duke's palace. The uninvited guests looked as if they had come straight from the battlefield. Armed with curved sabers and shortbows, they rode short horses, and their helmets were crowned with ponytails, like the warriors of the Golden Horde.

During the interrogation, the captives reported that they belonged to the army of Khan Devlet-Giray and decided to hide from their pursuers in a ravine, along the bottom of which a greenish fog was creeping. Deciding that the chase was over, the horsemen left the shelter and, as a result, unexpectedly found themselves at the gates of the palace, where they were seized by the archers. The sovereign's interrogators were confused, because the mentioned Khan Devlet-Girey died more than 40 years ago. How did it happen that the soldiers of his squad stayed in the Voice Gully for almost half a century without even noticing it?

According to Vadim Chernobrov, a professional researcher of anomalous phenomena, this story should not be attributed to the wild fantasy of its authors. How time actually passes in the ravine can be checked with a chronometer. This device is able to fix the difference in the speed of time even in hundredths and thousandths of a second. "Measuring this ravine, we did it several times, we came across several chronoanomalies, quite small," Chernobrov said. The deviations are so small that it is impossible to feel them. Nevertheless, as the anomaly researcher believes, it is possible that under the influence of some factors this time gap can increase.

The story of the Tatar detachment is not the only surviving story about temporary "inconsistencies" in Kolomenskoye. A note about a similar case appeared in 1832 in the Moscow News. According to the publication, in 1810 two peasants, Arkhip Kuzmin and Ivan Bochkarev, returned home late in the evening - from the village of Dyakovo to the village of Sadovniki. Their path lay through a ravine, and at first the tipsy peasants did not attach much importance to the fact that a greenish fog was creeping along the bottom of the hollow. Only when they returned home, they were surprised to learn that they had been absent for more than 20 years.

Since ancient times, mystical properties have been attributed to the Golosov ravine. So, according to the guide Mikhail Yushkevich, the pagan tribes who still lived in these parts considered it the entrance to another world. Later, a legend arose that it was here that the battle of St. George the Victorious with a snake took place, and the ravine appeared at the site of the blow of the tail of a giant monster.

Geologists, of course, do not share the fabulous "theory" of the origin of the ravine. According to them, the Golosov ravine is a modified valley of an ancient river network, that is, it was formed as a result of the drainage of a river. At the same time, the stones that lie at the bottom of the ravine, in all likelihood, arrived in the capital from afar. According to Chernobrov, they were picked up by a wave of a slowly moving glacier somewhere in the Karelian Isthmus. Like it or not, but some of their boulders have already "overgrown" with a dense layer of legends and beliefs.

Miracle stones and glacial water

Stones of the Golosov ravine - Gus-stone and Maiden stone - both with their names and unusual shape, attract many adherents of alternative medicine. According to folk legends, it is enough just to sit on them - and the diseases will recede. And those who hope for the fulfillment of their most cherished desires tie ribbons near the miracle stones.

Scientists, in turn, are in no hurry to attribute any special properties to stones. Although they differ from local rocks both in texture and geological composition, they do not possess healing qualities. "To date, instrumental methods have not shown any of the known, at least to science, types of radiation that would come from these stones," said Vadim Chernobrov.

Researchers of anomalies were much more interested in the temperature of the water in the stream, which originates in the ravine. Measurements showed that it is only +1.5 degrees, while the usual temperature of springs in central Russia varies from 4 to 8 degrees above zero. What kind of natural "glacier" is hidden in the upper reaches of the ravine, so that the water in the stream becomes not just cold, but icy? The answer to this question is yet to be found.

At the same time, the stream in Kolomenskoye does not freeze even in the most severe cold. True, despite these unique properties, doctors do not recommend drinking this water, because you cannot call it environmentally friendly.

Unique acoustics and chimes

Where the name Golosova ravine came from remains a mystery. It comes either from the pagan Slavic god Veles, or from the voices that echo through the hollow. As Vadim Chernobrov explained, the ravine perfectly conducts sound. If the bells ring at its top, then their melody will be heard even at a distance of several kilometers in the lower reaches of the ravine.

No less famous for its excellent acoustics is the Church of John the Baptist in Dyakovo. Hegumen Alexy Ivanov explains this by the presence of golosniks in the domed part of the church - clay jugs of various sizes. “It is interesting: the higher the number of golosniks is less, but they are larger in volume. Here in the very top tier, there golosniks are a jug with a volume of about a hundred liters,” the rector noted.

Chronicle sources suggest that the Church of John the Baptist was built in 1529. Some researchers consider it a prototype of the future St. Basil's Cathedral. Others put forward an even bolder hypothesis, stating that it was here that Ivan the Terrible could hide his legendary library - Liberia.

In search of the library of Ivan the Terrible

The first to seriously search for the legendary royal library on the territory of Kolomenskoye was the archaeologist Ignatius Stelletsky. In 1938, he began excavations, relying on the story of the former watchman of the temple in Dyakovo. He claimed that he had previously accidentally found a secret staircase that led to iron doors guarded by a decayed skeleton. During excavations at a depth of seven meters, Stelletsky discovered massive masonry. However, soon the work had to be curtailed at the insistence of local residents, outraged by the excavations in the cemetery.

The mysterious staircase again came to the attention of historians only 40 years later. In 1980, during repairs, builders stumbled upon a backfilled underground passage. They began to free the cache from the sand, but then decided to stop the excavations, walling up the passage until better times.

What is hidden at the other end of the corridor: a secret vault of the collection of Ivan the Terrible or an ordinary church basement, still excites the minds of researchers and ordinary visitors to Kolomenskoye.

"The Eighth Wonder of the World" Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich

The beauty of these places did not leave other Russian rulers indifferent. So, by decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, a real palace-city was erected on the high bank of the Moscow River.

Finishing work lasted almost 20 years, but their result exceeded all expectations. Foreign guests, who at one time were lucky enough to cross the threshold of the royal residence, could not restrain their delight: the walls of the palace were decorated with gold leaf, the floors were covered with luxurious oriental carpets, and an intricate painting curled along the ceiling. In addition, as Andrey Topychkanov, a researcher at the Kolomenskoye Moscow State Museum of Natural Resources, said, the throne room, where the king's throne was located, was decorated with mechanical figures of lions. "The 17th century is a time of admiration for mechanics, and these lions were supposed to shake the imagination of contemporaries, foreigners or courtiers," Topychkanov emphasized.

During the time of Alexei Mikhailovich, lions were set in motion by a special hydraulic system, which plunged particularly impressionable foreign envoys into a state of shock. So, evidence has been preserved that one day the Polish delegation, having heard a roar, fled away from the palace.

With the move of the capital to St. Petersburg, the palace ceased to enjoy the attention of the royal people and quickly fell into disrepair. In the end, Catherine II decided to dismantle it, having previously drawn up detailed drawings and measured all the elements of architecture and decor. It was thanks to these documents that the palace of Alexei Mikhailovich was restored, so it can also be considered a kind of "traveler" in time.

To make a short excursion into the Russian Middle Ages, it is not at all necessary to go down into the ravine in Kolomenskoye and wait for the appearance of a mystical green fog there. Even an ordinary inspection of the monuments and expositions of the museum-reserve will allow you to travel in time, and then just as quickly return "back to the future".

please come in

In the park "Kolomenskoye" there is a very unusual and mysterious place - Golosov ravine.

It is located approximately in the middle of the museum-reserve and divides it into two equal parts. The length of the ravine is more than a kilometer, it has rather steep slopes.

The stones in Kolomenskoye, lying at the bottom, served as altars to this deity. Moreover, there is every reason for the location of the sanctuary here - right under the ravine there is a very deep underground fault, traces of the activity of ancient volcanoes were found.

From the steep bank you can go down the wooden stairs.

And you can go to it along the path from the embankment of the Moscow River, starting from the waterfall.

ancient settlements

Dyakovo settlement, located nearby, is the oldest settlement on the territory of Moscow.

Mystical stories and legends

There are many urban legends associated with the Kolomensky ravine.

Here is perhaps the most interesting:

In 1621, Tatar cavalry suddenly appeared in Kolomenskoye near the royal palace. “Suddenly” - because Tatars have not been seen in these places since 1571, since the repulsed attack of the Tatar Khan Devlet Giray. The detachment was seized and Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich ordered an inquiry. During interrogation, the Tatars admitted that, fleeing from the persecution of the Russian army, they descended into the Golosov ravine. There was some strange greenish fog at the bottom, in which the Tatars hoped to hide. They emerged from the fog, as it later turned out, only after 50 years.

Another mystical story:

In 1810, two peasants, Arkhip Kuzmin and Ivan Bochkarev, were returning home from the village of Dyakovo late in the evening, to the village of Sadovniki. The road passed through the Golosov ravine, at the bottom of which they saw an unusually thick fog. After passing through the fog, the men continued on their way. What was the surprise of the local residents who saw the peasants who came to their native village. They have been considered missing for 21 years.

In addition to legends about time travel, there are stories of repeated appearances in this place of huge hairy humanoid creatures, as well as cases of levitation.

By the way, watch out for mobile phones - they often run out of power in a ravine.

Mysterious stones in Kolomenskoye

In the ravine there are two large stones weighing several tons each - the Horse-stone and the Devi stone.

According to legend, these boulders were formed as a result of the battle between George the Victorious and the Serpent. The serpent tore the belly of the horse, the insides fell out and turned to stone - this is how the Maiden stone was formed, and the head of the horse became the Horse-stone.

These petrified remains of a horse have been revered since pagan times - it was believed that spirits live in them. Rites were held here, deities were worshiped and sacrifices were made.

And today it is believed that they have great power. Horse-stone heals men's, and Maiden's stone - women's diseases, and, in addition, they fulfill wishes and bring happiness, you just need to touch and tie a ribbon on a neighboring bush. To be sure, it is worth bringing a gift - a few coins or some food.

The horse-stone lies almost at the very bottom:

The Devy stone is located in the middle of a steep slope.

You can often see women sitting on the Devy stone. It is also called "Women's stone in Kolomenskoye"

wonderful stream

The stream flowing along the bottom is also unusual. Many springs flow into it, according to legend, gushing from the hoofprints of that same horse of St. George the Victorious. The most full-flowing is called Georgievsky. There is also a spring of Saint Nicholas, a spring of the Twelve Apostles and a group of springs Kadochka.

The water in the stream is scalding cold, the temperature is the same all year round. According to legend, the water from the springs and the stream is healing.

The stream bed is lined with stones, nice wooden and stone bridges are built.

Library of Ivan the Terrible

On the edge of the Golosov ravine stands the Church of the Beheading of John the Baptist, built in honor of the accession to the throne of Ivan the Terrible. It is possible that the missing library may be located in the basements of the temple or nearby.

How to get to Golosova ravine and find stones

Moving along the Moskva River, you need to find a bridge in the place where the stream flows into the river, forming a small waterfall. Here is the mouth of the ravine. From the waterfall there is a path that runs along the stream. After passing 500-600 meters, on the left, somewhere in the middle of the slope, you will see the Devy stone. After another 50 meters, closer to the bottom, lies the Horse-Stone.

You can also go down the wooden stairs here.

Coordinates: 55°39’47″N 37°39’45″E

and a whole company of women settled down on the Maiden (Divyem) Stone, while some frankly mocked what was happening, continuing to sit in the meantime. The question is, if you have nothing to do, why stomp a kilometer from the entrance to the park to the Stone? Unclear. After some jokes of those sitting, I preferred to leave, informing (I could not resist) the jokers that mockery can be answered. Literally organs. All the jokers are quiet...

Voices (Velesov) ravine in Kolomenskoye

History of the ravine

Finally, there was time to write about a very difficult and powerful place, located, as they say, under the nose of any Muscovite. It turns out that there is no need to go anywhere. Right in the city, in the ethnographic museum-reserve Kolomenskoye, there is a ravine known since the 11th-12th centuries, which is now called Golosovoy. At different times, the ravine was called differently: Voice-ravine, Sadovnichesky (Sadovnin) stream, Kolomna stream (ravine), Palace ravine, Treasury ravine, Tsarsky ravine, Vlasov (Vlasiev) ravine.

The length of the stream flowing along the bottom of the ravine is about 1 km, the length of the ravine is about 1.3 km. Works on the restoration and strengthening of the stream bed and the construction of ladder descents to it along the slopes of the ravine were carried out in 2006-2007. The work was started in connection with the decision to turn Kolomenskoye into an ethnographic museum-reserve. Many of you may have thought, "Well, finally." In fact, it’s not about Muscovites that they care about, it’s just that they decided to make a “currency vacuum cleaner” out of Kolomenskoye - all this fuss was invented for the sake of buses with a contingent called by the proud word “intourist”. Well, that's good, even though the viper food market was removed under this brand.

At the headwaters of the ravine in the past there was Sadovaya Sloboda (the village of Sadovniki). The lower reaches are located between the former villages of Kolomenskoye and Dyakovo. Kolomensky stream (ravine) - by the name of the village of Kolomenskoye, other names are associated with the fact that this village in the XV-XVII centuries. was the royal estate.

First, I will give some known and obvious facts. Assumptions (there are such) that "Voices" - this was such a surname, from those who lived near the ravine, do not hold water. The name "go'los" is, without a doubt, a transformation of the word "vo'los", i.e. - Velesov. Veles (Volos) is the god of cattle and the ruler of the underworld and bowels in the pantheon of pre-Christian gods. As you know, in pre-Christian times there was no monotheism. There were many gods, but Veles was one of the oldest. The Radziwill chronicle states: “King Leon and Oleksanr created peace with Olgom, imishing on tribute, and the company went between them: kissing the crest, and Olga, who led the company and her husband (s) eg (o) according to Russian law, swearing with his weapons , and Perun, his bgom, and Volos, cattle bgom. And establish the world."

The illustration below from the Radziwill Chronicle tells of the reception of ambassadors by Prince Vladimir, the same one who first set up pagan idols (idols) in Kiev, and himself worshiped them, and then ... And now he is called none other than Vladimir Krasno Solnyshko, the baptist of Rus'. That is also the "sun", a ghoul and a traitor. Well, that's my personal opinion. Never mind.

According to archaeologists, there have always been settlements on this coast. First, the Finno-Ugric tribes (II-I centuries BC), later - Slavic. Until 1917, there were four villages on the territory of the current Kolomenskoye Museum - Kolomenskoye, Dyakovo, Sadovniki and Novinki. Even I remember the remains of Sadovniki and Novinki villages. In the 70s of the last (just think) century, a dozen and a half courtyards of the village of Novinki remained on the side of that street of the same name, where the park is now. And in the village of Sadovniki, as boys, we climbed for apples, the “white filling” variety was especially appreciated by us.

In the photo below - the building of the board of the collective farm "Garden Giant", burned down in 1997. The collective farm had a lot of land on the right and left banks of the Moscow River. In our youth, we weeded beets, helping this collective farm. They crossed to the left bank by ferry, now there is no ferry crossing in this place. The beets were, I'll tell you, not sickly in size. The title justifies it.

The village of Sadovniki was located just near the beginning of the ravine, where Andropov Avenue is now. And on the site of the village of Novinki, they are now building a “Potemkin village” - remodeled log cabins for foreign tourists. It would be better if they left a real village, there were houses standing for 150-200 years. There are only two real houses left from this village - on the corner to the right at the entrance from Novinka Street, the house of a middle-class merchant (abandoned and dilapidated), and a little further, a stone, prosperous peasant with an "optimistic" surname Grobova (painted and restored). By the way, the Grobov family before the revolution produced good postcards with views of Moscow. There was, they say, a decent and popular photographic salon "Karasev and Coffin". When you walk not on asphalt, but on paths, you still sometimes come across forged nails under your feet ...

Some researchers believe that the name Velesov - the ravine received from the ancient pagan temples (altars) supposedly located directly in the ravine. Let me doubt it. Temples were usually located on hills, as well as in oak forests, but not in ravines. Apparently, the ancient pagan temple was located on the high side of the Veles ravine. Where the Temple of the Ascension of the Lord now stands.

There are some other observations that allow such conclusions to be drawn. But more on that later. It is possible that a high hill on the banks of the Moskva River was previously called Velesov, and therefore the ravine located nearby was also called Velesov. After they began to burn the pagans with a red-hot iron, the temple could be moved to a ravine, away from prying eyes. But until the eleventh century there was certainly no need to hide the pagan altar in the ravine.

Later, by the 18th century, in some written sources, the ravine in Kolomenskoye was already mentioned as Vlasiev. St. Blaise is a Christian interpretation of everything that was previously associated with the name of Veles, the cattle god. Just like Veles, St. Blaise is the patron saint of cattle and everything related to prosperity. In what century the ravine was named Golosov - history is silent. It is possible that the Christian church intervened in the matter of ravine toponymy, renaming the ravine so that few people would think of comparing the name “voices of the ravine” with something pagan. This assumption is not without meaning. Everyone who was in Kolomenskoye must have noticed that near each building and even near some oaks in the park there are thoroughly made signs, which contain all the information about the “object” in the most detailed way. And in the ravine, which is now more or less ennobled, there is nothing - no signs, no names. Not a single sign, except for a warning from Roszdravnadzor, not recommending drinking water from springs.

On both stones, which will be discussed later, several people were sitting. But they were completely unaware of what kind of stones and what kind of ravine they were. Heard something that supposedly helps from something there. I had to tell. Some sitting on the stones could not even understand why one of the stones was covered with coins, and the grass next to it was hung with ribbons. One must think that the position of the administration of the Kolomenskoye museum is obvious - the placement of stands in the ravine is clearly not to the liking of the Orthodox bishop who oversees churches in Kolomenskoye. But people still go to the stones. By the way, that is why the photos of the stones given in this article had to be taken from the Internet. Do not drive a few people off the stone just to take a photo.

Ravine travel

So, back to the ravine. If you start your journey along the Golosov (Velesov) ravine from the embankment of the Moskva River (which is exactly what I did, and I recommend doing this), you should pay attention to the springs located 200 meters to the right of the confluence of the stream into the river. Just under the place where the Temple of the Ascension of the Lord is located above. Since my visit was somewhat exploratory, I also checked the energy of the springs. So, the strongest energy, in my opinion, is at the first spring, if you walk along the road descending from the steep to the embankment. The water barely drips there, but, apparently, this is exactly the water that is needed. Several springs located further along the embankment also have a signal, but much weaker.

In the photo below - the "correct" spring, the one located under the Temple of the Ascension of the Lord.

A completely indistinct signal is at the springs located in the ravine itself, in the immediate vicinity of the stones. Moreover, the impression of these springs was completely spoiled by a homeless-looking man, brazenly in broad daylight undressing to his underpants and taking a homeless bath. Such a bath will certainly not add health to him. Although why the homeless health? He would have to wash at least somewhere ... In a word, the gracefulness of the water of the springs gushing in the ravine itself raised doubts in me. I didn’t take frames with me so as not to “attract the attention of vacationers”, I caught the signal with my hand - almost nothing. The existing pendulum did not react to these springs either.

But back to the mouth of the stream. Directly at the embankment, a stream from a ravine flows down a chute in a fairly fast stream. The signal is very strong at this location. If someone is interested in the issue of occult cleaning of objects, this place can be recommended. The item to be cleaned should be tied with a strong twine and placed in a stream falling down the chute for at least twenty minutes.

Moving further along the bottom of the ravine, we find two ponds. The banks are concreted and surrounded by a low fence. The fence was done to the point. I remember how my dog ​​poked himself to drink from the shore and tumbled into the water. And the shores are steep. I had to pull out the already choked dog literally by the scruff of the neck. It is interesting that for some reason it did not occur to the dog to simply drink from the stream flowing nearby. From the point of view of energy, the ponds seemed uninteresting to me.

We pass another two hundred meters along the stream from the mouth to the source and exit to a clearing located at the bottom of the ravine. On the left is a staircase leading to the hill where the Temple of the Beheading of John the Baptist is located (the former village of Dyakovo), on the right is a staircase leading to the now “civilized” Kolomenskoye Park (the former village of Kolomenskoye). Here are the signals. The weather is good, warm. But on the grass growing at the bottom of the ravine there is abundant dew.

To understand, it must be seen. Pretty hot, the glade is open, the sun is shining. And the earth ... such an eerie chill. The energy is strong, but I would not say that it is blissful.

In the photo - a clearing at the bottom of the Veles ravine. The stairs lead to the Temple of the Beheading of John the Baptist.

I remember that they climbed near the Temple of the Beheading of John as boys. Then it was an abandoned temple, next to a rather large cemetery with fallen mossy slabs. Desolation. Such horror seized that I wanted to leave this place as soon as possible. In those days (70s of the last century), there were stories about ghosts appearing in the vicinity of the temple in the form of translucent female figures in long white robes and with flowing hair. Personally, I have not seen these ghosts, but I fully admit that they were and are there. It is known that this temple was built in honor of the accession to the throne of Tsar Ivan IV. And Ivan the Terrible could well have immured in the foundation of the temple a dozen or two virgins in white robes, and alive, he was still a monster and a medieval mystic. Until now, my feet refuse to go to this temple, which is now in order and open to the public. However, there is no desire to go to this place.

In the photo - Temple of the Beheading of John the Baptist. The answer is, it's a creepy place. I don’t know what services are held there today and who goes there. Maybe some secret fans of the series "The Addams Family"... Feel (who knows how) the energy of the place and the temple. For example, I will never go there.

By the way, it was in Kolomenskoye that the famous archaeologist I. Steletsky was looking for the mysterious library of Ivan the Terrible. In 1938, having examined the hill that crowns the Temple of the Beheading, Steletsky drew attention to the area between the steep cliff and the Moscow River. Geological studies have shown that this is an artificial formation, consisting of a dump of sandy rock, while the upper soil layers contain loam. Hence the conclusion - on Dyakovsky Hill, during the construction of the Temple, very large-scale earthworks were carried out. Starting excavations, the archaeologist at a depth of seven meters came across a massive limestone masonry. But since the excavations were carried out on the territory of the church cemetery, allegedly at the request of the inhabitants of the village of Dyakova, they had to be curtailed.

And here again the ghosts come to mind. It is well known that in the time of Ivan the Terrible, treasures were protected from encroachment, including through human sacrifices and the formation of magical protection. I doubt that an archaeologist in 1938 would have been frightened by the protesting residents of the village of Dyakovo. During these years, no one cared about any residents there. The Soviet state was always ready to provide all protesting residents with a separate unheated barrack in Kolyma. Most likely, it was the entities that explained to the archaeologist what would happen to him and his family if he climbed into this hill. Here he is "lost". Are those female figures-ghosts immured during the concealment of the library of Ivan the Terrible by the victims-guardians?

Well, what about a ravine? Probably, it was in this place, where the same signaling glade is now, that it disappeared for 50 years, and then a detachment of Tatar horsemen reappeared. An amazing story is described in the annals of the 17th century. In 1621, a small detachment of Tatar horsemen unexpectedly appeared at the gates of the royal palace in Kolomenskoye. They, of course, were surrounded by archers and immediately captured. The riders said that they were the soldiers of Khan Devlet Giray, whose troops tried to capture Moscow in 1571. Hoping to get away from persecution, in the same 1571, the cavalry descended into the Golosov (Velesov) ravine, shrouded in thick fog. The Tatars spent there, as it seemed to them, a few minutes, and "surfaced" only after 50 years. Of course, no one believed in such miracles, and the archers of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich subjected the captive Tatars to monstrous torture. But the prisoners stood their ground - they supposedly warriors of Devlet-Girey. Although the khan had already died long ago by the time the detachment was captured (from the plague in 1577). It is noteworthy that the weapons and equipment of the detachment did not correspond to the weapons of the described time, but looked like samples from the middle of the 16th century.

According to historians, cases of mysterious disappearances of residents from neighboring villages were repeatedly noted in the Golosovo ravine and subsequently. In particular, the documents of the police department of the Moscow province speak of two peasants, Arkhip Kuzmin and Ivan Bochkarev, who went missing in 1810 and suddenly appeared 21 years later!

Returning home from Dyakovo to Sadovniki at night, the friends decided to shorten the path and go through the Voice ravine, although this place had long been considered “unclean” (according to Christian, of course, concepts) - the peasants of the surrounding villages avoided going into the ravine. A thick fog swirled at the bottom of the ravine, the men poked their heads in there and ... lost their bearings. When the path was found, the peasants continued on their way. And when they came to their native village, they saw their wives and children aged twenty years and hardly recognized them. This story could well be classified as urban tales about the adventures of tipsy peasants, if it were not for the documents of the police department, which at the beginning of the 19th century was hardly disposed to such jokes. Moreover, at the insistence of the investigators, an experiment was conducted in the ravine, during which one of the peasants again disappeared into the fog and never returned. Another, seeing this, fell into prostration and subsequently committed suicide. This case is quite documented and described in the newspaper "Moskovskie Vedomosti" dated July 9, 1832.

After walking another five hundred meters, we find a group of springs, and next to the stream bed is the first Stone.

Springs and stones in the Voice ravine

I already wrote about springs located directly in the ravine. This group of springs is called "Kadochka". According to geologists, the springs in the Veles ravine were formed about one and a half to two thousand years ago as a result of geological displacement of rocks and the discharge of the Lower Cretaceous aquifer. The Orthodox legend explains the origin of these springs in this way: George the Victorious was chasing the Serpent, riding a dashing horse, under whose hooves numerous springs appeared. They say that in former times there were many springs at the bottom of the Veles ravine. The largest was called Georgievsky (it is clear why), the rest in honor of the holy apostles.

In the photo - one of the springs of the "Kadochka" group. In the next one (on the right, I didn’t take pictures), at that moment a homeless man takes a bath, spreading his simple belongings around.

Since the purpose of my trip was, among other things, "field research", I report that I did not feel any special positive energy emitted by the springs of the Kadochka group. If we take “positive” water, then not at all from these springs, but from the first spring that flows under the Temple of the Ascension, on the embankment of the Moscow River. Yes, there you can feel the energy. But just from this spring, no one takes water. It is important that the hill, which crowns the Temple of the Ascension, has not been touched for centuries. Any excavations in this place were and are - strictly prohibited. In ancient times, it is understandable why, in socialist times - simply because they were afraid of a landslide and the destruction of the Temple. After all, a masterpiece of world architecture, the first stone hipped temple in Rus', an expensive work of Italian masters.

The place for the Church of the Ascension was chosen on a steep bank, at the base of which there was always a key, which was considered as early as the 16th century. miraculous (!). The place very much corresponded to the Italian treatises, according to them this spring (key) is classified as especially healing, since it was located in the "winter east".

In the photo - one of the "correct" springs, located under the Temple of the Ascension.

By the way, I learned about this as a boy. Once, a priest came down to the spring, where we were sitting with a group of friends and fooling around - drinking, sorry for the details, port wine of the famous brand “three axes” (and what else can young people do in the park at the age of 15 in the 70s). Running down the steep path to the spring, the priest picked up the cassock so as not to step on it inadvertently. Under the cassock (interestingly) were excellent blue jeans - the unattainable dream of all the young men of the 70s. But I'm not talking about that.

The priest drank water from the spring and told us, unlucky consumers of cheap port wine, about the spring and the Temple. According to the priest, the water of this spring contains a considerable amount of silver ions. In his opinion, there are even quite plausible versions of where the silver comes from in the water of the spring. Allegedly, a deep well was made under the temple, descending to a depth of at least 50 meters, to the aquifer. And the walls of the well were laid out from thick silver sheets connected with riveting. Maybe it's a legend, of course. Don't know. I am telling what I myself heard from the priest, to whom, it seems, there was no particular point in lying. So, there is a “strong” spring in Kolomenskoye. But you need to look for it not in the Veles ravine, but under the Temple of the Ascension, on the embankment of the Moscow River.

The first stone, which is located next to the stream bed, is called Goose-Stone. Probably, the name was formed from associations with the shape - the stone really looks like a large lying goose bird.

When I approached the stone, on it (modestly, from the edge), taking off his shoes, a man settled down, the whole appearance of which betrayed in him a lonely, about forty, techie man, not alien to esotericism. The man was sad and, judging by the posture and hand signals (do not ask), he was corny treating his prostatitis. It is believed that Goose-Stone is male. However, I did not catch the strict "gender" of the stone. There was a signal from the stone, but I would not say that it was strong. Perhaps I just came at the wrong time and to the wrong moon. But the signal was, and quite clear.

Realizing that the man was "in the know", I calmly took out the pendulum and compass. The pendulum described a fuzzy oval, and the compass pointed to "north" not at all where North is actually. The sad man did not fail to note that "today the energy of the stone is somewhat different, rather weak." Yes, I actually noticed it myself. In my, of course, subjective opinion, Goose-Stone helps in the treatment of male (urological) diseases: prostatitis, infertility, bladder stones. Helps to define life goals and priorities. What is called "dot the e". Apparently, it can help those (it doesn’t matter if it’s a woman or a man) who honestly strive for their own development in various areas - career, personal life, improvement, search for landmarks.

After a couple of minutes (I barely had time to “charge” on the stone a certain object that I need for work), a large company approached Goose-Stone. Everyone clamored, fussed ... I had to retreat and head up the wooden ladder to the second stone.

The ladder contains broken wooden steps in places (for some reason, the hands of the administration do not reach). If you go - be careful, the ladder is specially made in such a way that inadvertently stumbled, you will probably break your legs. Having risen, we find the Maiden (Deviy) Stone. Let me doubt the correctness of the name. I think that in fact it is Divy Stone. From the word "wonder", miracle. This stone is considered "female". But, to be honest with you, I again did not feel anything that would indicate that this stone is exclusively female. The type of stone and the signals, which on the described day turned out to be much stronger than those of the Gus-Stone, suggest that it helps in the treatment of diseases associated with the so-called "hollow" organs: uterus, ovaries, kidneys, bladder, lungs. Infertility too.

A whole company of women settled down on the Maiden (Divyem) Stone, while some frankly mocked what was happening, continuing to sit in the meantime. The question is, if you have nothing to do, why stomp a kilometer from the entrance to the park to the Stone? Unclear. After some jokes of those sitting, I preferred to leave, informing (I could not resist) the jokers that mockery can be answered. Literally organs. All the jokers were quiet.

It is sad that in the Veles ravine there is no information at all about either stones or springs. Nothing. Various idle walkers come, joking, sitting on Divyem Kamen ... And then everyone is surprised - where did the woman get serious problems in a feminine way ...

So normal people go with the mind and feeling, they ask. Coins are left right on the stone, ribbons are knitted on a swan that grows higher up the slope. And some idle chicken comes, sits down with his wide ass on these coins, and mocks, jokes ... I watched this picture and came to the conclusion that the Maiden (Divy) Stone has the ability to redistribute human nonsense. Well, that's right.


1. The Radziwill or Koenigsberg chronicle is a chronicle monument, presumably of the beginning of the 13th century, preserved in two lists of the 15th century - the Radziwill itself and the Moscow Academic one. It is a "Tale of Bygone Years", continued with annual records until 1206 AD.

2. For those who like to dig and argue. "Gods of Slavic and Russian paganism", D. Gavrilov, S. Ermakov. Ed. "Ganga", 2009. ISBN 978-5-98882-074-1

3. The temple was built in 1547 by decree of Ivan the Terrible in memory of his wedding to the kingdom, and also as a prayer for the gift of an heir. Architects, presumably, Barma and Postnik. This unique monument of ancient Russian architecture is the predecessor (!) of St. Basil's Cathedral on Red Square. Those. This temple is older than the well-known cathedral on Red Square. Closed in 1924 and was abandoned for a long time. Services resumed in 1992.

4. The Church of the Ascension of the Lord in Kolomenskoye was built in 1528 - 1532 (presumably by the Italian architect Peter Francissky Hannibal, according to Russian chronicles by Peter Fryazin or Petrok Maly) on the right bank of the Moscow River. The legend connects the construction of the temple with the birth of Ivan IV, the long-awaited heir to the throne.

Sukhanov Valery Yurievich
