Topic 2.1. Personal hygiene of catering workers

The student must:

know: personal hygiene rules, requirements for sanitary clothing, the meaning and timing of medical examinations.

Personal hygiene: body skin care, oral hygiene, requirements for clean hands. Industrial manicure.

Industrial hygiene. Sanitary clothing. Its types, rules of use and storage. Requirements for the appearance of a cook, pastry chef, waiter, bartender, bartender.

Medical control of personnel of public catering establishments. Personal medical record. Diseases that prevent work in public catering establishments. Timing of the medical examination. Bacteriocarrier control and its importance for the prevention of intestinal infections. The value of sanitary and hygienic training of personnel.

Independent work

Make a diagram: "The carbon cycle."

Topic 2.2. Foodborne diseases, helminthiases, their prevention

The student must:

know: the causes and measures for the prevention of foodborne diseases, the characteristics and conditions for the reproduction of microorganisms that cause food poisoning and infections;

be able to: develop and implement measures to prevent food poisoning.

Food diseases: classification. Food infections: intestinal (dysentery, cholera, typhoid fever, paratyphoid, hepatitis A) and zoonoses (tuberculosis, anthrax, foot and mouth disease, brucellosis). Brief description of pathogens, their resistance in the external environment, sources and ways of infection, prevention features.

Salmonellosis, causes and preventive measures, culinary products that pose the greatest danger.

Food poisoning: classification. Food poisoning of microbial origin: toxicosis (botulism, staphylococcal poisoning, mycotoxicosis) and toxic infections (including those caused by opportunistic microorganisms). Causes of their occurrence, preventive measures.

Food poisoning of non-microbial origin, their prevention.

Helminthiases: characteristics of helminths, methods of human infection, preventive measures.

Practical work

Analysis of food poisoning investigation materials. Development of measures for the prevention of food poisoning.

Independent work

Make a diagram of a typical anaerobic respiratory process, an example of energy production.

Topic 2.3. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for environmental factors and improvement of enterprises

The student must:

know: main sources of air, water, soil pollution; methods of purification and disinfection of drinking water, regulatory requirements for its quality; sanitary and epidemiological requirements for ventilation, heating, cleaning of catering establishments.

General provisions on environmental protection. The tasks of hygiene to prevent the harmful effects of environmental factors on human health.

Air hygiene (physical properties, chemical composition, microbial contamination). Conditions for creating a favorable air environment in catering establishments. Sanitary requirements for heating, ventilation and air conditioning.

Hygiene of water supply. Sources, methods of purification and disinfection of water. Regulatory requirements for the quality of drinking water.

soil hygiene. Sanitary requirements for sewerage, collection and disposal of food waste and garbage.

Independent work

To study, using additional literature, the influence of physical factors on the development of microorganisms.

Topic 2.4. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the arrangement, equipment and maintenance of premises of catering establishments

The student must:

know: sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the arrangement, equipment and maintenance of public catering establishments, rules for the use of detergents and disinfectants, sanitary requirements for washing and disinfecting dishes, inventory and equipment.

Sanitary and epidemiological bases for the design of public catering establishments. Hygienic principles of planning. Sanitary and hygienic requirements for the device, size, decoration of industrial, commercial, administrative and amenity premises. Hygienic requirements for natural and artificial lighting.

Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design and placement of trade and technological equipment. Hygienic requirements for materials used for the manufacture of equipment, inventory, utensils, containers. Hygienic need for marking equipment, inventory and utensils.

sanitary regime. Sanitary requirements for the territory of the enterprise. Cleaning of premises, types and methods of cleaning, detergents, requirements for cleaning equipment. Hygienic requirements for the maintenance of workplaces of production and maintenance personnel.

Disinfection: concept, significance in the prevention of foodborne diseases. Ways and methods of disinfection. Disinfectants, their characteristics and rules of application. Disinsection and deratization: concept, means, preventive and extermination measures.

Sanitary requirements for washing and disinfection of dishes, inventory and equipment. Detergents: classification, characteristics, sanitary rules for use in machine and manual methods of washing dishes. Express quality control of dishwashing. Sanitary and bacteriological quality control of cleaning and disinfection, sanitization of dishes, inventory and equipment.

Independent work

Make a schematic description of the influence of biological factors on microorganisms.

Topic 2.5. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for transportation, acceptance and storage of food products

The student must:

know: sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions of transportation and storage of food raw materials and food products, the procedure for their acceptance and quality assessment, conditions and terms of storage of especially perishable products.

Sanitary requirements for transport for the transport of food raw materials, food and culinary products. Sanitary passport: concept, information, design. Sanitary requirements for the conditions of transportation of especially perishable products. Hygienic requirements for containers.

Sanitary requirements for the acceptance of food raw materials and food products, accompanying documents certifying their quality and safety. Evaluation of the quality of accepted products. Products that are prohibited to be accepted and used.

Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for storage facilities. Hygienic substantiation of optimal food storage conditions. Sanitary requirements for the maintenance and cleaning of warehouses.

Sanitary rules "Conditions, terms of storage of especially perishable products", hygienic justification for the need to comply with them.

Topic 2.6. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the processing of raw materials, the production and sale of culinary products and confectionery

The student must:

know: sanitary requirements for the technological processing of food raw materials, the production and sale of finished products, the provision of services;

be able to: analyze the data of sanitary and bacteriological control of culinary and confectionery products.

Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the processes of mechanical culinary processing of food raw materials. Sanitary conditions for defrosting frozen products, preparing minced meat and fish.

Sanitary and epidemiological assessment of various methods of heat treatment of food products. Sanitary requirements for heat treatment modes.

Sanitary requirements for the preparation of chopped products, omelettes, cold dishes (jelly and aspic, pates, salads and vinaigrettes) and other products of increased epidemiological risk. Sanitary requirements for the quality of deep fat.

Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the production of confectionery products with cream (requirements for the quality of raw materials, the preparation of fillings, creams, finishing semi-finished products, finishing finished products). Sanitary rules for the use of food additives in the production of culinary and confectionery products.

Sanitary requirements for the sale of semi-finished products and ready-made food. Hygienic substantiation of the conditions and terms of storage of hot dishes, especially perishable culinary and confectionery products. Sanitary requirements for the storage and sale of the remaining culinary products. List of dishes and products prohibited for sale the next day.

Quality control of finished products: grading and laboratory control. Bacteriological quality control. Microbiological safety indicators of ready meals: nomenclature, impact on quality.

Sanitary requirements for the processes of serving visitors, providing services, delivering food to branches, dispensing buffet products.

Practical work

Analysis of data from sanitary and bacteriological analysis of ready meals and culinary products.

Independent work

Make a description of the possible options for the relationship between the main groups of microorganisms that develop in pickled vegetables and sour-lactic bacteria.

The Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare pays special attention to monitoring compliance with the requirements of sanitary and epidemiological legislation at food industry facilities.

Requirements for the quality and safety of food products are regulated by state standards, sanitary and veterinary rules and regulations, are mandatory for citizens, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities engaged in the manufacture and circulation of food products, the provision of services in the food retail trade.

General requirements

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene in the food industry is of great epidemiological importance.

Personal hygiene is a set of sanitary rules that must be strictly observed by all employees. These rules provide for a number of hygienic requirements for the maintenance of the body, hands and oral cavity of the employee, for sanitary clothing, for the regime of the enterprise and for the medical examination of employees.

Failure to follow the rules of personal hygiene can lead to food contamination with pathogenic microbes, cause outbreaks of infectious diseases (for example, such as typhoid fever, dysentery) and toxic infections (salmonellosis, staphylococcal intoxication, etc.).

The personal hygiene of a food business employee means:

  • passing a medical examination;
  • use of clean sanitary clothing for work;
  • keeping the skin of hands, body, oral cavity clean.

Business leaders are required to:

  • the necessary conditions for compliance with sanitary rules and regulations in the processing of raw materials, the preparation of products in order to produce products that are safe for human health;
  • the availability of personal medical books for each employee with a mark on the passage of periodic medical examinations;
  • conducting classes on the study of sanitary rules with applicants for work, as well as an annual check of the sanitary and hygienic knowledge of personnel;
  • the availability of sanitary and uniforms in accordance with applicable standards, their regular centralized washing and repair;
  • availability of a sufficient number of production equipment and other items of material and technical equipment;
  • carrying out activities for disinfestation and deratization in accordance with an agreement with licensed institutions for the provision of services for disinfection, disinfestation and deratization;
  • carrying out additional preventive measures according to epidemiological indications;
  • the presence at the enterprise of a journal of daily examinations for pustular diseases;
  • availability of first aid kits and their timely replenishment.


Responsibility for the general sanitary condition of the enterprise, for the observance of the sanitary regime and the admission to work of persons who have not undergone a medical examination, for the creation of the conditions necessary for the employees to comply with the rules of personal hygiene, for the quality of incoming raw materials and products, is the head of the enterprise.

Persons entering work are subject to a mandatory medical examination. Periodic medical examinations for this category of employees include:

  • examination by a therapist;
  • fluorographic examination of the chest;
  • examination of feces for helminthiases and protozooses;
  • scraping for enterobiasis;
  • examination by a dermatovenereologist;
  • blood test for syphilis;
  • bacterioscopic examination for sexually transmitted diseases.

For your information

Employees associated with the production, storage, transportation and sale of cream and confectionery products, upon admission to work, in addition to the above, undergo an examination by a dentist, an otolaryngologist and a test for carriage of staphylococcus a swab from the nasopharynx.

Bacteriological examination for carriage of pathogens of intestinal infections, a blood test for typhoid fever, a smear examination for carriage of staphylococcus aureus in the future are carried out only according to epidemiological indications.

All employees subject to a medical examination must be provided with personal medical books in which the results of the examinations are recorded. These books are stored at the enterprise and are given to employees when they are sent for examination.

According to Art. 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, preliminary and periodic medical examinations, hygienic training and certification of employees, and, consequently, payment for the issuance of a medical book are carried out at the expense of the employer. The Labor Code does not provide for the possibility of recovering from a potential employee losses caused by the failure to conclude an employment contract.

The following persons are not allowed to work at food industry enterprises:

  • with typhoid fever, paratyphoid, dysentery, salmonellosis in acute or chronic form;
  • intestinal bacteriocarrier;
  • sexually transmitted diseases (gonorrhea, syphilis);
  • scabies, pediculosis;
  • some inflammatory diseases of the eyes, skin, throat, actinomycosis;
  • active forms of tuberculosis.

Upon admission to work, employees at milk processing enterprises are vaccinated against hepatitis A, Zone dysentery, workers processing raw materials of animal origin are immunized against anthrax and brucellosis.

Personal hygiene

Each employee is obliged to observe the rules of personal hygiene:

  • leave outerwear, shoes, headgear, personal items in the dressing room;
  • before starting work, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, put on clean sanitary clothes, pick up your hair under a cap or scarf or put on a special hairnet;
  • work in clean sanitary clothing, change it as it gets dirty;
  • when visiting the toilet, take off sanitary clothing in a specially designated place, after visiting the toilet, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water;
  • if there are signs of a cold or intestinal dysfunction, as well as suppuration, cuts, burns, inform the administration and contact a medical institution for treatment;
  • report all cases of intestinal infections in the employee's family;
  • when preparing dishes, culinary products and confectionery products, remove jewelry, watches and other breakable objects, cut nails short and do not varnish them, do not fasten overalls with pins;
  • it is forbidden to pin sanitary clothes with pins, brooches, needles;
  • do not go out in sanitary clothing outside the food facility;
  • washing of sanitary clothes is carried out centrally, in special laundries;
  • hands are allowed to be washed only in places specially designed for this; hands cannot be washed in industrial sinks where tools are washed and products are processed.
  • workers at food enterprises must have at least three sets of sanitary clothing;
  • the headgear must completely cover the hair, which avoids the contact of dandruff and hair with food during the production process. It is equally important that the hair is clean. Men should cut their hair and shave in a timely manner;
  • industrial shoes should not be made of fabric, made of light washable material, with a closed back.

The hygiene of food production personnel also includes the organization of a sanitary lock, which provides mandatory sanitization of personnel before entering the production premises.

For your information

The sanitary lock is a multifunctional technological system consisting of combinations of disinfection units, hand washing, shoe cleaning.

Hand hygiene

Handwashing sinks should be equipped with liquid soap, disinfectant or skin antiseptic, disposable paper towels, a foot-operated waste bin, and handwashing instructions.

For hand washing, use liquid soap with a dispenser. Dry hands with an individual towel (napkin), preferably disposable.

Hygienic treatment of hands with an alcohol-containing or other approved antiseptic (without first washing them) is carried out by rubbing it into the skin of the hands in the amount recommended by the instructions for use, paying special attention to the treatment of the fingertips, the skin around the nails, between the fingers.


An important condition for effective hand disinfection is keeping them moist for the recommended treatment time.

When using a dispenser, a new portion of antiseptic or soap is poured into the dispenser after it has been disinfected, rinsed with water and dried.

For your information

Preference should be given to elbow dispensers and dispensers on photocells.

Hand sanitizers should be readily available at all stages of the workflow. Dispensers with them should be placed in places convenient for use by personnel.

Every day, before the start of the shift in the cold, hot and confectionery shops, in organizations that produce soft ice cream, for workers involved in the preparation, portioning and serving of dishes, their distribution, a health worker or other responsible persons examine the open surfaces of the body of workers for the presence of pustular diseases.


Particular attention should be paid to the presence of inflammatory processes with suppuration on the hands.

Employees of food enterprises should take a daily hygienic shower at the enterprise before work. Oral care, sanitation of teeth, pharynx, nasopharynx for employees of food enterprises are required. In accordance with the sanitary rules, persons in contact with finished food products, in the presence of pustular diseases on the skin, festering cuts, suffering from tonsillitis, are temporarily suspended from work.

Workers in dirty caps, scarves and dressing gowns are not allowed to work, and also if there are food, money or other foreign objects in the pockets of the dressing gowns, only a clean handkerchief can remain in the pockets.

Features of personal hygiene in certain types of industries

At the enterprises for the production of dairy products, the most closed equipment should be used to reduce the microbial contamination of milk by microorganisms. At the same time, the employee must strictly observe the general rules of personal hygiene described above.

A sick person, with a sharp deterioration in health, injuries, abrasions and skin lesions, should immediately inform his immediate supervisor and medical staff about this. The latter makes the final decision: to remove him from work or to continue it.

All employees involved in receiving, processing and pouring milk are required to take a warm shower before work. Therefore, at a dairy plant or an enterprise for the production of dairy products, a prerequisite is the presence of showers. After the shower, the workers use industrial clothes and shoes, leaving their own in the personal wardrobe. However, even with clean hands, you should not touch the washed and disinfected dairy equipment, do not cough on them.

At the meat processing plant and other meat processing enterprises, it is necessary to prevent the infection of working people with anthropozoonoses and provide products that are safe for the population.

The peculiarity of these enterprises is that meat-processing facilities often get bacteria carriers with a latent form of the disease, which infect workers and their clothes, seed the conveyor line, equipment, air and meat products of healthy carcasses with pathogenic microbes.

Therefore, workers are often infected with erysipeloid, salmonellosis, etc., and meat products are produced contaminated with food poisoning - salmonella, proteus, enterococci, pathogenic serotypes of Escherichia coli, as well as toxic-forming staphylococci that cause human diseases.


In this regard, the slaughter, cutting and sausage shops are the most dangerous, since the tools and hands covered with fat are poorly washed with room temperature water and are practically not disinfected due to the fact that the fatty film protects microbes from the disinfecting action of disinfectants.

Therefore, hands and tools should be washed with warm water at a temperature of 55 ° C, which significantly frees the surface from the fat layer, as well as most microbes, and then use a disinfectant solution in a certain concentration, maintaining the exposure time, by immersion.

In cutting and other workshops, where work is associated with high humidity and splashing of water, workers are provided with additional overalls: rubberized aprons, oversleeves, rubber gloves, boots, and, if necessary, goggles.

Sanitary and special clothes should be changed daily for clean ones.

The main violations of sanitary and epidemiological requirements at public catering facilities:

  • violations of the technological process of cooking;
  • violation of the terms of mandatory medical examinations and failure to pass hygienic certification by personnel;
  • violations of personal hygiene rules by employees;
  • non-observance of storage conditions and suitability of food products;
  • violations of the regimes of washing and disinfection of technological equipment and inventory.

These violations are associated with insufficient professional training of workers in public catering facilities, which leads to violations of the sanitary and anti-epidemiological regime and, as a result, to outbreaks of acute intestinal infections and food poisoning.

Issues of sanitary and epidemiological supervision of public catering organizations are under the control of Rospotrebnadzor.

contact dermatitis

Contact dermatitis (eczema) is a condition in which one or more areas of the skin become dry, red, painful, or itchy. Those who work with food in the kitchen develop contact dermatitis twice as often as people of any kind. Due to frequent contact with water, the skin suffers greatly, becomes inflamed and becomes susceptible to various irritating substances.

Contact dermatitis can be so severe that you have to leave work, probably forever, as it takes a long time to be treated.

Dermatitis for a cook is also bad because of this disease it can be painful to wash your hands, then there will be problems with hygiene, write on If this disease is detected in time, the consequences will be much less serious. Therefore, you need to regularly check the skin for redness, and if necessary, consult a doctor.

Nick Karvounis

To prevent the development of contact dermatitis in cooks, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. Contact with detergents, water and food as little as possible. Explain to the employer that the dishwasher will allow employees to visit the doctor less often and go on sick leave. Use tongs and forks to avoid touching food. If you need to cut or grind something, use the technique to the maximum.
  2. Wear waterproof when possible.
  3. Moisturize your hands with cream. Choose a cream that works with food: it should be in a dispenser, be hypoallergenic, absorb quickly, not contain nut butter, and not have a strong smell.
  4. Dry your hands with a cotton or paper towel after each wash.

Infections in the kitchen

Be sure to wash your hands after contact with so as not to transfer dangerous bacteria like salmonella to other products and not get infected yourself. If you work in (they should be disposable, non-latex), you should wash your hands before and after putting them on.

It is best to remove jewelry when it is time, as it can accumulate bacteria, detergents, and water, which can contribute to dermatitis or infection.

Injuries and burns in the kitchen

A very serious danger for people who work in the kitchen is injury and burns. There are many safety rules to minimize risks. We will present the main ones.

  1. If something falls, crumbles or spills, it must be removed immediately. It is better to wipe the liquid with a paper towel, and not with a mop: it is more reliable.
  2. The floor must be level. If this is not the case, then it is necessary to eliminate the unevenness as soon as possible, and temporarily protect this area.
  3. In the kitchen, there should be no bags, drawers or cables in the aisles.
  4. The floor covering must be suitable (not slippery, even if something is spilled on it). Cleaners need to know how and with what to care for it, because the requirements vary depending on the type of coating.
  5. If you need to move a pot of liquid, use a cart. The liquid should not be hot, the pan should not be overfilled, in any case it is worth covering it with a lid.

  1. The kitchen needs good ventilation that will cope with smoke and steam, then there will be excellent visibility and the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning will be minimal. Carbon monoxide can accumulate in the kitchen and cause headaches, confusion, dizziness, and nausea.
  2. At the entrance from the street, lay a good carpet so that you can dry your feet and not leave wet marks in the kitchen.
  3. Work must be organized in such a way that employees do not have to run around the kitchen and rush. Everyone should have their own workplace.
  4. Choose good shoes with non-slip soles. Cloth and open-toed shoes are not suitable.
  5. The kitchen should have good lighting.
  6. Use potholders. If the oven is deep, wear long protective gloves.
  7. Clothing should not be too loose so that the mixer or meat grinder does not suck in the sleeves. By the way, this is another reason not to wear jewelry.
  8. Wear long-sleeved cotton clothing and an apron. This will protect you from oil splashes and scalding steam.
  9. Open the oven from the side of the oven.
  10. Do not put your hand into a meat grinder or a running coffee machine.

If the implementation of any of these rules is beyond your control, demand from the employer that everything is organized in accordance with safety regulations: your safety and health depend on this.

Quite often, kitchen staff get cut. Usually the hand that does not hold the knife suffers. Therefore, in the case where incorrect movement of the knife can lead to serious injury, it is recommended to put on a chain mail glove on the other hand. For example, when separating meat from bones with a large knife.

To prevent cuts, observe the following rules:

  1. Choose a knife that suits the task.
  2. Make sure the knife is always sharp.
  3. Cut on a stable surface.
  4. Carry the knife blade down. Do not carry the knife with other items or in your pocket.
  5. Store knives in a safe place.
  6. Do not leave a knife on the table you are working on.
  7. Don't try to catch a falling knife.
  8. Do not open cans with a knife.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Pain in the back, arms or neck becomes a problem for chefs. There are several reasons for this. First of all, the position of the body is to blame: often you have to stand in an uncomfortable position or for a long time without turning anywhere. If at the same time only the neck moves, then most likely it will hurt. As is the back. Repetitive movements, especially uncomfortable ones, are also harmful. Constant lifting of the arms harms the tendons or shoulder joint bag and leads to sprain. Therefore, make sure that the position does not cause discomfort, change your position regularly. If there is a small bench, then you can put your legs alternately on it - this will facilitate the situation.

Lifting weights takes a toll on your back. It is important to follow the elementary rules for lifting loads, then the consequences will not be so bad. For example, you can’t turn around with something heavy on your hands, you need to lift the burden by straightening your knees, and not pull it from the floor on straight legs. If weights are often brought into the kitchen, it is better to use trolleys and install automatic doors. Everything that is heaviest and most frequently used should lie on a shelf at waist level.

Overheating in a hot shop

Working in a hot shop can lead to overheating, which is deadly. Therefore, it is very important to know the warning signs. Heat exhaustion occurs when a large volume of blood flows to the periphery for cooling, and in the vital organs it is lacking. This leads to dizziness, blurred vision, nausea and loss of energy. Since the brain may eventually suffer, you need to take the person to a cool room, lay him down and raise his legs. If it doesn't get better after a few minutes, call an ambulance.

Heat stroke is more serious. In this state, the person stops sweating and the body temperature can rise quickly. Symptoms of heat stroke are severe headache, confusion or loss of consciousness, red face, dry, hot skin without sweat. In this case, it is imperative to call an ambulance, and before it arrives, send the person to a cool room and remove excess clothing from him. Heat stroke can lead to death.

To prevent overheating, you need to drink (but not coffee or alcohol) while working, take breaks in a cool room and wear cotton clothes. If you feel unwell, tell your colleagues immediately.


Cooks stand for a long time, this affects the health of the legs. Stagnation of blood in the legs contributes to the development of varicose veins. To reduce the risk, physical activity, maintaining a normal weight is necessary. We recommend that you take breaks from work, lie down and raise your legs if possible, and do not wear tight clothing that presses at the waist, groin or squeezes the legs. If varicose veins still occur, then you can wear compression stockings. If they do not help, vein sclerosis is performed using injections of a special solution / foam or surgery.

Neglect of professional risks often leads to disability. Prevent occupational diseases, or at least do not delay with a medical examination by a doctor if any symptoms occur. At an early stage, dealing with a problem is usually much easier than in a neglected case.

The main purpose of the medical examination of personnel is to protect their health and prevent the admission to work of sick persons or bacteria carriers, which can be a source of mass infectious diseases and food poisoning. The obligation to conduct medical examinations of catering workers is indicated by Art. 34 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population" dated March 30, 1999 and SanPiN 2.3.6. 1079-01 "Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for Public Catering Organizations, Manufactured and Handling of Food Products and Food Raw Materials". Medical examinations are subject to all persons who come to work at public catering establishments and will come into contact with food products, inventory, equipment, utensils and containers. Medical examinations are carried out in medical institutions specially designated by local health departments or in equipped premises of catering establishments, in agreement with the local bodies of Rospotrebnadzor. In addition to being examined by a therapist, certain categories of catering workers (waiters, cooks, directors, barmaids) upon admission to work are subject to examination by a dermato-venereologist with laboratory tests for gonorrhea and syphilis. All employees undergo a chest x-ray. Persons coming to work are examined for helminthiases, cysts, protozoa and for bacteriocarriers (typhoid, paratyphoid, dysentery and salmonellosis). They are required to attend a hygiene training course and pass a test. According to epidemiological indications, in order to prevent intestinal infectious diseases among personnel and create immunity for a certain period, protective vaccinations against typhoid, dysentery, paratyphoid, i.e., such infections that can be transmitted through food products, are carried out.

The results of medical examinations, examinations for bacteriocarrier, helminthiases, tuberculosis, venereal diseases, as well as information on preventive vaccinations, on passing the test for hygienic training (sanitary minimum) are recorded in the personal medical books of employees. Personal medical books of employees are entered for each in the prescribed form with the obligatory indication of the last name, first name, patronymic, position, place of work. Books must have a photo and a seal.

In the future, catering workers undergo a medical examination by a therapist and a dermatovenereologist once every 6 months; chest x-ray once a year. Periodically, at the direction of the Rospotrebnadzor, an examination is carried out for bacterio- and helminthic carriage, for protozoan cysts (giardia, amoeba). Hygienic training with the passing of a test according to the sanitary minimum is carried out 1 time in 2 years according to the established program. All these data must be entered in the personal medical books of the personnel of the enterprise. To improve visibility when monitoring the timely completion of a regulated examination by employees of an enterprise, it is recommended that data from personal medical books be transferred to a journal or computer database for medical examinations with a list of all employees of a public catering enterprise.

Persons with an open form of pulmonary tuberculosis, tuberculous lupus, tuberculosis of the bones, joints and the presence of fistulas are not allowed to work. Patients with typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever, salmonellosis, dysentery, viral hepatitis, AIDS and other infectious diseases, as well as bacteria carriers, are not allowed to work at the enterprise. Venereal diseases (syphilis, acute gonorrhea) and skin contagious diseases - scabies, favus, ringworm, etc. serve as an obstacle to work at enterprises. Persons who are found to be carriers of pinworms and pygmy tapeworm are not allowed to work. Persons suffering from other forms of helminthiases or carrying protozoan cysts are treated without suspension from work; if they refuse treatment, they are subject to suspension from work.

It is not allowed to start work for persons with pustular diseases and those who have not passed the test for the hygiene program. Employees whose family, apartment or place of work have patients or bacteria carriers with such contagious diseases as typhoid, paratyphoid, dysentery, viral hepatitis and other acute intestinal diseases may be allowed to work only after presenting a certificate of hospitalization of the patient and carrying out special anti-epidemic measures (disinfection, etc.). These persons are subjected to a single bacteriological examination without being released from work, and medical supervision is established for them at the place of work.

Persons with angina, pustular skin diseases, festering burns or cuts are temporarily suspended from work with finished products. To identify such persons, it is necessary daily before starting work to check the hands of the personnel for the absence of pustular diseases with a record of the results of the check and the measures taken in a special examination log for pustular diseases. In the absence of a health worker in the state, such a check should be carried out by the sanitary post of the enterprise or the head of production. Workers with pustular diseases are suspended for the duration of treatment from work related to contact with food, utensils, production equipment and inventory, to prevent food staphylococcal intoxication.

Employees of catering establishments must strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene. Gross violations of personal hygiene requirements can affect not only their own health, but also cause massive intestinal infectious diseases and food poisoning. Before starting work, you must thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water with a brush, it is advisable to use Hygiene disinfectant soap. To dry hands, use an electric hand dryer, individual towels or disposable napkins. Then you need to put on cleaned shoes, clean sanitary clothes, pick up your hair under a cap or put on a special hair net, a scarf. This gives workers a neat appearance and prevents hair from getting into food. It is forbidden to fasten sanitary clothes with pins and keep cigarettes, pins, money and other foreign objects in the pockets of dressing gowns, as well as wear brooches, rings, beads, earrings, clip-on earrings, badges, etc., so that they do not get into food. Smoking is prohibited in production areas. Change of sanitary clothing should be carried out as it gets dirty, but at least 1 time in 2 days.

When visiting the toilet, sanitary clothing must be removed in a specially designated place, after visiting the toilet, wash your hands thoroughly with soap, preferably disinfectant.

The norms of sanitary clothing, sanitary shoes and sanitary supplies for catering workers are presented in Table. 3.

Food service workers should cut their nails short, as microorganisms and helminth eggs can accumulate under the nails. Persons in contact with products that have undergone heat treatment do a production manicure - a complete treatment of nails without varnishing them. With barbs, cuts and burns, suppuration should not be allowed. To do this, the first-aid kit of the enterprise must have disinfectants, dressings, etc. If it is necessary to switch from processing raw products or semi-finished products to working with finished culinary products, it is imperative to wash your hands. It is forbidden to wear sanitary clothing outside the working premises; it should be stored separately from home clothing.

At a public catering enterprise, measures should be taken to protect the health of personnel aimed at ensuring normal working conditions - lighting, heating, ventilation; for the prevention of industrial injuries. Typically, injuries are observed in those enterprises where labor protection and safety requirements are violated. Prevention of occupational injuries, in addition to protecting the health of the company's personnel, is of great importance for preventing the contamination of food products with certain pathogens. For example, cuts, burns lead to inflammatory processes and pustular diseases of the skin, most often of the hands. This poses a great danger of food contamination with pyogenic (plasma coagulating) staphylococci, which cause acute food toxicosis. To prevent skin irritation and burns when washing dishes, dishwashers should use rubber or canvas gloves, aprons. To immerse dishes in hot water, mesh baskets with handles are used. Do not open the washing machine doors during operation. To avoid cuts, you should open cans not with ordinary knives, but use a special key or a can opener.

Wooden inventory (chopping boards, mixers, paddles) should not have roughness, burrs. All moving parts of machines must be guarded. The company hangs out posters and warning signs in hazardous work areas.

When working on potato peelers, meat grinders, mashers and other machines, you should not load processed raw materials and semi-finished products with your hands. For this, special wooden spatulas and pestles should be allocated. Products are loaded only after the machine has completely stopped. Special care must be taken when moving tanks and pots with boiling dishes across the stove, as well as when removing cooked food from the stove and transferring it to distribution or to a cold shop. To do this, it is necessary to use specially allocated towels, and the stove plates must be even, without bumps, cracks, etc. To avoid falls and bruises of workers, the floors must be smooth, without potholes and non-slip, spilled liquid and food must be promptly and thoroughly cleaned up from the floor.

All employees of the enterprise must know the safety regulations and be provided with personal protective equipment, which should be noted in a special safety journal. Responsibility for the admission to work of persons who have not passed medical examinations, for the organization of measures necessary for the implementation of personal hygiene and safety of working conditions, lies with the head of the public catering enterprise.

Lecture plan:

1. Hygiene of catering workers

A prerequisite for providing consumers with healthy food is the observance of personal hygiene rules by employees of catering establishments. Failure to comply with these requirements can not only reduce the quality of the food being prepared, but also cause infectious diseases and food poisoning. It is important to follow the rules of personal hygiene not only at work, but also at home. It is also necessary to fulfill them in order to maintain one's own health.

Employees of public catering enterprises are required to keep their bodies clean, take a bath or shower at least once a week, and change underwear and bed linen. In enterprises where there are shower facilities, you should wash daily before work. When washing in the morning, in addition to washing hands up to the elbows, face, ears, it is necessary to brush your teeth.

Especially carefully you need to monitor the cleanliness of hands, as they are constantly contaminated from contact with door handles, clothes, etc. During work, you need to wash your hands as they become dirty, as well as after smoking, visiting the restroom. Microbes can be transmitted through dirty hands dysentery and typhoid fever (these diseases are called diseases of "dirty hands"). In order to avoid such contamination, you need to rinse your hands with a weak solution of bleach (0.2%) each time after washing your hands with soap and water. Nails should be cut short and kept clean; use a brush to clean nails when washing hands. Employees who are in direct contact with food raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products are given a production manicure to keep their nails clean.

It is necessary that in the kitchen, preparation, cold shop there is a washbasin, soap, a brush and a clean towel; there should also be a weak solution (0.2%) of bleach to disinfect hands after washing (Fig. 15).

Of great importance is clean sanitary clothing: gowns, jackets, aprons, etc., which protect products from the possibility of contamination with microbes from workers' personal clothing. Sanitary clothing should be made of white, easily washable material and systematically disinfected, and after washing, ironed with a hot iron.

Cooks should change their sanitary clothes daily, because if they get dirty, they can serve as a source of contamination of food with microbes, including pathogens of infectious diseases. It is not allowed to use the restroom in sanitary clothes. Persons working in the washing and vegetable shops, where there is a lot of moisture, are given overalls - aprons and sleeves made of oilcloth, rubber shoes, etc.

The head must be covered with scarves or caps so that the hair does not accidentally get into food. It is impossible to stab sanitary clothes with pins, needles, wear scallops, brooches and other jewelry at work, in order to avoid the possibility of them getting into food. At the end of work, sanitary clothes should be hung in a special closet. Dirty clothes should be stored separately.

When sneezing and coughing, it is necessary to cover your mouth and nose with a clean handkerchief so that splashes of mucus containing microbes separated from the nasopharynx do not fall on food and utensils.

Sanitary requirements for personal hygiene of personnel are regulated by Ch. XIII Sanitary Rules. Persons entering a catering establishment for work undergo preliminary upon admission and periodic medical examinations, professional hygiene training and certification in the prescribed manner. Without training and certification, graduates of higher, secondary and special educational institutions are allowed to work during the first year after their graduation. Before the production practice, students must undergo both a medical examination and hygienic training in the prescribed manner.

The results of medical examinations, information about the transferred infectious diseases, marks on the passage of hygienic training and certification are entered in a personal medical book.

Restaurant employees are required to:

Leave outerwear, shoes, headwear, personal items in the dressing room;

Before starting work, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, put on clean sanitary clothes, pick up your hair under a cap, scarf or put on a special hairnet;

When preparing dishes, culinary products and confectionery, remove jewelry, watches and other breakable objects, cut nails short and do not varnish them, do not fasten overalls with pins;

Do not smoke or eat at the workplace (eating and smoking - in a specially designated room or place).

Locksmiths and other workers engaged in repairs in production and storage facilities work in workshops in clean sanitary (or special) clothes, carry tools in special closed boxes. When carrying out work, it is necessary to exclude contamination of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products. Each institution should have a first aid kit with a set of medicines for first aid.

2. Permission to work at catering establishments

When applying for a job in a public catering enterprise, each employee must first undergo a medical examination and laboratory examination for the carriage of pathogens of typhoid fever, dysentery, paratyphoid fever, as well as helminthic.

Cooks, storekeepers and other workers in direct contact with food products must undergo a mandatory medical examination at least once a month and an examination for bacterio- and helminthic carriage as required by sanitary supervision.

The administration provides each employee subject to a medical examination with a personal sanitary book, which records the results of a medical examination, checks for bacterio- and helminthic carriage, information about infectious diseases that have been transferred, and about passing an exam in the sanitary minimum.

Catering workers should monitor their health, be especially attentive to intestinal disorders, boils (chiria) or other pustular skin lesions and immediately consult a doctor in case of illness.

To prevent pustular diseases, it is important to keep the body clean, lubricate cuts, abrasions and scratches with iodine or brilliant green in a timely manner, and also treat burns.

To protect catering workers from typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever and dysentery, they are given preventive vaccinations, due to which they become immune to the causative agents of these contagious diseases. These vaccines are harmless.

Questions for self-control:

  1. The procedure for passing medical examinations of persons applying for work in a public catering organization?

  2. What is included in a complete set of sanitary clothes for a cook?

  3. Personal hygiene rules that food service workers must follow?

  4. Rules for washing and disinfecting workers' hands?

  5. Why are people with pustular skin diseases, cuts, burns, abrasions not allowed to work in the shops?
