The existence of UFOs was questioned until it was clear how these extravagant "hats" or "saucers" fly. But here's a sensation: an engineer-researcher from Moscow, Yuri KOINASH, revealed the principle of UFO movement, tested it experimentally on a model, and proposed a real design for an unconventional aircraft (UFA).

From now on, unidentified flying objects can be considered fully identified. If these "plates" do not exist in nature, then we, earthlings, will be able to build them ourselves. And say: "Let's go! ..."

Oh, and cunning "brothers in mind." For many years, venerable scientists, on someone's order, unanimously refuted the very existence of UFOs.
Like, all the witnesses are crazy or charlatans, and the photos are falsified. But the main trump card of the skeptics was this: it is impossible to fly on a “saucer” or in a “hat” that has neither propellers, nor a turbine, nor even a seedy jet engine. UFOs do not burn or eject anything from themselves, so how do they repel air, water, or, even more surprisingly, vacuum?
- The first guess came to me in February 1992, when I watched the TV show "UFO - an unannounced visit," says Yury Koinash, candidate of technical sciences, an employee of one of the military institutes. - The program showed a filmed plate-shaped UFO. I was interested in the fact that the angle at the base of the "plate" is close to 45 degrees. As is known from physics, at such an angle, the forces acting on the inclined surface are most effectively decomposed. For example, the wind will be great at pushing the yacht forward when it blows into a sail that is turned 45 degrees. This angle is widely known and used in our earth technology. Naturally, the creators of “flying saucers” should also know it.
The fact is that due to the optimal angle of attack, a traction force or a driving force is created inside the dish, which many times exceeds the resistance of air or water. And in a vacuum, as you know, the resistance is zero.
So, the researcher began to consider “saucers” as an ordinary vehicle, which consists of an energy source, an engine and a propeller (a classic example: gasoline, a motor, a propeller). We, earthlings, created the first two components of this trinity long ago. There is a lack of "little things" - a powerful, reliable, economical, environmentally friendly propulsion device that could operate in the atmosphere, hydrosphere and, most importantly, in the vacuum of space.
According to Yuri Alekseevich, it is easy to illustrate how lift is created. It is necessary to draw the outline of the “plate” and close one half of it with your hand. What will we see?
We will get the profile of the wing of our earthly aircraft, familiar from childhood, only with an increased angle of attack. And how the wing creates lift, every schoolchild knows. So, the “saucer” is a circular wing?
Yuri Alekseevich has no doubts about it. The only difference is that the flow of particles of the external environment acts on the wing of the aircraft, and the working fluid enters the circular wing of the “saucer” from the inside. Just like a rocket. Only in her case the working body is thrown out, while in the ULA it is located inside the body and continuously creates lift.
If the liquid rotates in a cone-shaped body, then under the action of centrifugal force it presses on its inclined wall and, as it were, tries to push it apart. The fluid moves along the wall to the base of the cone and pushes it up. The magnitude of this lifting force depends on the density of the liquid, the angular velocity of rotation, the radius of the body and can reach huge values ​​with a relatively small mass of the liquid. (By the way, instead of a liquid, you can use ionized air or electron gas, rotating it with an electromagnetic field at great speed.)
The lifting force pushes the propulsion body, and with it the entire apparatus. But unlike the yacht, the “plate” is not affected by an external, but by an internal force, which is created by a rotating fluid. Particularly strong thrust occurs when using mercury, which is more than 13 times heavier than water. It is probably no coincidence that modern researchers find mercury in places where ULAs were forced to land. And it seems that it was she who was called the “silver liquid” in the ancient Indian epic, describing the “vimanas”.
- But mercury is very heavy. It turns out that your “plate” will have a huge weight?
-Not at all. The layer of liquid can be centimetric, and the diameter of the apparatus can be tens of meters. Therefore, NLAs have an insignificant specific gravity. Their frantic speeds, instant stops and turns are similar to the maneuvers of a balloon: hit it with your hand - it will instantly fly off, and then stop. So the “plate” rushes to the side when a powerful force impulse from the mover is created in it.
Yuri Alekseevich deduced formulas for determining the lifting force of propeller bodies of various shapes (cone, paraboloid and hemisphere) and made calculations on the computer to what extent such propellers could be effective. It turned out that the paraboloid is capable of imparting the greatest acceleration to a unit of mass. Moreover, the optimal ratio of its height to radius is 1:1.15 ...
Here, some readers may accuse me of disclosing know-how, which will allow its owners to make a breakthrough in scientific and technological progress. But the fact is that this breakthrough was made long ago by the builders of UFOs. Having measured the parameters of the “plates” on well-known photographs, the inventor was convinced with great amazement that they were the very ones that his calculations had shown. For example, if you spin up to 10 revolutions per second a paraboloid with mercury 1 meter high, 2 meters in diameter, with a working fluid mass of about 60 kilograms (with a layer thickness of 1 centimeter), then thrust up to 4 tons will occur. This will allow you to fly with an acceleration of more than 600 meters per second - 60 times the acceleration of free fall. And our modern rockets develop thrust ten times less. Therefore, if we want to catch up with the “brothers in mind”, then we must, as they say, sit down at our own “plate”.
-Astronauts fly with a maximum of six times acceleration - more life-threatening. How can the “greens” rush about with frantic accelerations, which eyewitnesses talk about?
-Right, I don't know. But there is evidence that the "aliens" bodies are small, light, there are no internal organs, there is practically no blood circulation. They exist like plants. With such a constitution, they are not afraid of huge accelerations. It is known that cockroaches in a centrifuge easily endure 300-fold overloads.
“Saucers” can move away from the planet with any (even minimal) speeds and accelerations. But in the air or under water, they sometimes have to maneuver very briskly, moving away from the “gifts” in the form of missiles or torpedoes that inquisitive earthlings can send them. That's when the "saucers" develop tremendous speeds: in the air - more than 70 kilometers per second, under water - up to 300 kilometers per hour, which is ten times more than our aircraft, and almost 3 times more than ships and submarines . The fact is that, flying or swimming sideways, the “plate”, like a cutter, cuts the air or water environment. Due to the rotation of its layers above and below the “plate”, particles of air or water are thrown to the sides and the apparatus moves, as it were, in a “vacuum capsule”. And in space there is no resistance of the environment at all - so they fly there at a speed of more than 200 kilometers per second.


Having figured out this "alien trick", Yuri Koinash tested it in experience. He made a cone-shaped impeller of a centrifugal pump, closed from above and below by casings, gradually expanding at the base. At the top of the upper casing there was a hole for water supply. The inventor began to rotate this "plate" with a drill, which he held in his hand.
When water was supplied through the hole, the impeller began to pull the drill and the experimenter's hand along with it. So two important results were obtained: the liquid was ejected from the expanded part of the body in a horizontal direction, and not downward, and a driving force appeared in the device. There was no reverse impulse of force in the impeller casing, which could prevent the device from moving upwards. In fact, it turned out to be an open-type centrifugal jet propulsor with a constant supply of fluid to the body and its ejection to the outside.
In the next experiment, a model of a closed mover was tested: a cylindrical container with water was placed inside a conical impeller, fastened to an electric motor and mounted on a balance. The impeller spun up to 1400 rpm. At the same time, water from the tank entered its blades and, rotating, created lift. Then it flowed into the "hat brim" and stayed there.
The liquid in this closed system also did not create a reverse impulse. The scale on which this device stood showed a short-term “weight loss”. And then the arrow of the scales returned to its original position.
This experiment was carried out in the laboratory repeatedly and showed that in this case the fundamental law of physics about the conservation of momentum in a closed system does not work. Previously, they thought: no matter how you fuss inside the closed building, no matter how you hit the walls - you can’t move it, you won’t go anywhere and you won’t fly away. But it turned out that this law is not a decree for the centrifugal forces of inertia. Therefore, Koinash's experiments opened the way to the creation of unsupported propulsion units with continuous thrust.
Thus, the principle of movement of “unidentified” objects was theoretically explained and experimentally proved, which since that time have become identified.
According to Yuri Alekseevich, “saucers” fly under water, in the bodies of which an electrically conductive liquid circulates. It is spun by rotating electromagnetic fields of greater power, which electrify the surface of the apparatus and it begins to glow, especially strongly along the liquid flows. These streams seem to be translucent through the hull, revealing to observers the internal structure of the flying (floating) saucer.
When braking a rotating fluid, huge mechanical energy is released, which can be easily converted into electrical energy by generators known to us and fed to batteries or directly to the drive engine. Powerful fluid braking allows you to return back the lion's share of the energy that is spent on the rotation of the mover.
A similar effect is well known on Earth. When the electric train goes uphill, the energy of the electric motor is spent on movement, and when rolling down the hill, the mechanical energy is converted into electrical energy and returned back to the network. This process is called energy recovery and is widely used in rail transport. And the “plates” due to recuperation have a huge efficiency: about 95-98 percent.
-These calculations and experiments made it possible to draw a clear conclusion, - says Yuri Koinash, - a “hat” or “plate” is nothing but a ULA propeller, similar to a hydrodynamic clutch. By slightly changing it and increasing it in size, we will get the source of that same internal force that allows the “saucer” to develop tremendous speeds and accelerations, make fantastic maneuvers and fly over gigantic distances.
universal transport
But this is just one of the many areas where the Koinash propulsor can be applied. If you equip a car with such a “plate”, putting it instead of a flywheel in the engine, then there will be no need for drive wheels, gearbox, clutch, cardan shaft, and so on. The “plate” must be directed with the tip forward, and it will drag the car along with it. In this case, all the wheels will become only support and control. A car with such an engine will easily drive on any off-road and even on ice.
A similar “plate”, installed with the top back, will serve as a reliable brake, the effectiveness of which will not depend on the condition of the road (icy, leaf fall, mud).
The possibility of recuperation of the propulsion power opens a direct path to the creation of an efficient electric vehicle - an old dream of our environmentalists and "greens".
To reduce friction between the mover and the hull, magnetic pads or suspensions, well known to earthlings, can be used. In this case, friction will decrease to almost zero, further increasing the efficiency of the installation. By the way, in many countries, after the flight of the ULA, thin jelly-like threads were found on the ground. The inventor believes that these are particles of a lubricant that serves to seal the joint and are squeezed out of it by centrifugal force.
You can reduce energy costs in another way: make the “hat” motionless, and under it rotate the electrically conductive liquid (the same mercury) with a magnetic field. In such a device there will be no rubbing parts at all.
In any case, the energy costs will become so negligible that it will be possible to fly into deep space even on kerosene, not to mention nuclear fuel (1 gram of nuclear fuel is equivalent to 1.5 tons of oil).
In general, why drive or swim? Let's fly better! It is more pleasant, and more convenient, and faster. Let's not spend money on roads, bridges, rails, sleepers, ships, ports, airfields and other attributes of our earthly transport. After all, we will finally create a classic universal mode of transport - UAV, which is able to move in all near-Earth environments: the atmosphere, hydrosphere and space vacuum.
But the unconventional aircraft will open up the most grandiose prospects for astronautics.
As you know, 95 percent of the mass of a rocket is fuel, which is senselessly thrown on our heads, polluting the already poisoned environment. This design is absolutely unpromising for long-distance space flights: there is only enough fuel to put the device into Earth's orbit in 10-15 minutes or throw it in the direction of another planet. Remember how quickly the “lunar” programs were curtailed? But they are simply unprofitable with such movers. After all, a kilogram of lunar rock turned out to be more expensive than gold.
-As far as I understand, your propulsion device creates such a powerful thrust and requires so little energy that it becomes possible to deliver earthlings to the distant planets of the solar system and even to nearby stars?
-Yes, "saucers" can penetrate into deep space, inaccessible to missiles. For this, it is not necessary to invent new engines or energy sources - it is enough to increase the efficiency of the old ones that work with my propulsion. After all, “brothers in mind”, according to my calculations, can fly to us from distant galaxies at one gas station. But on Earth, they behave like true freeloaders, feeding on our energy for free.
-Like this?
- A well-known fact: "flying saucers" like to hang over power stations or slowly fly along power lines.
- Do they take energy from them?
-Of course, it's elementary. You yourself can become the same freeloader: make a frame out of wire and insert a light bulb into it. Approach a high-voltage transmission line, a powerful electromagnetic field around the wires will begin to generate current in the loop (like in a transformer), and the light bulb will light up. With the help of such a frame, or rather, the rotor windings of the ULA electric motor, the so-called “green men” constantly steal electricity from us. When an electrically conductive liquid rotates in a free electromagnetic field, a current arises in the propulsor itself. In this case, we obtain the well-known scheme of the magnetohydrodynamic generator.
Freeloaders of the Galaxy?
Seismic activity areas have also become favorite places for the “saucers” to hang. Here, during the shifts of rocks, powerful infrasound flows are emitted. And its energy can be converted into electrical energy and charge batteries with it.
There is also a lot of sound energy in battlefields. In addition, there you can feed on the energy of thermal radiation. Therefore, "plates" were often seen during the first and second world wars, in Vietnam, Korea and other warring countries.
ULAs are charged with the energy of infrared and sound radiation and in areas of fires, volcanic eruptions, and so on. It is not for nothing that hung “plates” are often observed there. They, like spiders, suck the energy of geological disasters and social upheavals, the inventor believes.
But why do they need such a variety of types of energy?
-To be able to receive it in any environment. For example, electromagnetic waves do not propagate in water. But infrasound practically does not attenuate in it. The “greens” convert its energy into electricity, drive it into batteries or use it immediately.
-It turns out that any disasters are beneficial for aliens - technical, geological, climatic, military, social, and so on?
- Energetically, that's right. And in quiet times, they shamelessly steal energy from our technical systems. So do not be surprised when the lights suddenly go out in your house or neighborhood, as happened in 1965 in America. Then the entire northeastern United States with a population of 36 million people was plunged into darkness. Businesses stopped working, commuter trains stopped, airport landing lights went out, telephones, radio, and television stopped working. Life in 8 states was paralyzed for 10 hours. The cause of this “accident of the century” has not yet been established, although, in my opinion, a large “plate”* worked there.
Scientists are scratching their heads as to why dozens of crews abandoned their ships “for no reason” in the Bermuda region. And our inventor explains this by the tricks of the “greens”. When a UFO turns on a powerful infrasonic emitter to communicate or locate the surrounding space and a ship enters its field, its body begins to vibrate from resonance. At the same time, a terrible panic begins: something similar happened in the theater, when the famous inventor John Wood turned on his infrasound generator in front of the audience, the audience jumped up and rushed to the doors, breaking chairs and not remembering themselves with fear.
The classic case occurred in 1974 in the Atlantic. A German trawler had a net wrapped around its propeller, and one sailor in scuba gear went down into the water to free the propeller. But, grabbing it, he suddenly felt that the whole ship began to vibrate strongly. In the strongest fear, he waited out the shaking, but when he got on deck, he saw that there were no 40 crew members on the ship, and a huge silver disk was hanging in the sky.
- But, Yuri Alekseevich, there are no power plants and power lines in the oceans. What do the “greens” need there in peacetime?
-They chose the oceans and seas to hide from the very unfriendly, warlike bipedal creatures. After all, it is very likely that it was the aliens who created people on Earth. From time to time they check their “garden” or “zoo”. And we strive to catch and destroy our creators...
Strange discussion. Yuri Alekseevich has just told me what kind of accidents happen to people when they come into contact with representatives of a “higher civilization”. "Plates" drove people crazy, disabled and even killed a lot of people. It seems that the “greens” do not behave like the creators of a “garden” or “zoo”, but like malicious pests who, without a twinge of conscience, “pull out” or shoot whoever they want ...
- I categorically disagree with your reasoning, - Yuri Koinash told me after reading these lines. - Yes, if they were our enemies and wanted to destroy humanity, they would have done it hundreds or thousands of years ago, having killed then still practically unarmed earthlings with the help of powerful infrasonic and electromagnetic waves. They do not want and will not harm us. After all, all terrestrial biological objects are their creations.
And the fact that some people are affected by this or that radiation, received burns, blindness, paralysis, leukemia, according to the inventor, are simply the results of accidents. People fall into the zone of action of powerful electromagnetic or infrasonic waves used in UFO radar systems to monitor the surrounding space. Innocent "aliens" are just examining terrestrial objects for research and orientation in flight, observing animals and people along the way. Studying what will become of their "garden", which they sowed thousands of years ago.
Not so long ago, dozens of cows were killed by unknown people, from which some internal organs were taken out through even cuts made during their lifetime. Researchers are racking their brains trying to figure out how these bloodless and unburned incisions were made. And they can be performed, according to the inventor, with a thin focused ultrasonic “beam”, which shakes the tissue cells at a high frequency, causing it to break.
In the bag"
However, Yuri Koinash himself wants to solve quite earthly problems with the help of his “plate” or “hat”. For example, the planet is polluted with a huge amount of harmful garbage - you can take it into space and dump it on the Sun. We were tortured by forest fires - they will be put out by the NLA. You can disperse thunderclouds or, on the contrary, cause rains, extract minerals at the bottom of the sea or ... asteroids. It is known that more than 50,000 minor planets are senselessly “dangling” between Mars and Jupiter. By dragging a rare-earth asteroid to Earth or extracting a concentrate from it, it would be possible to provide for all mankind for many years.
By launching huge elliptical mirrors into geostationary orbit and directing the flow of light energy from the Sun to the Earth, it would be possible to regulate the climate in the regions, melt metal with these rays, and grow agricultural products in the Arctic. These and many other works are quite within the power of powerful, economical, heavy-duty flying "saucers".
-Finally, how do you know if there is life in the universe? - Yury Alekseevich dreams. - The first way is to catch the "plate" and talk heart to heart with the aliens. But it is hardly feasible. It is much easier to make a “saucer” yourself and fly in the Universe in order to calmly figure everything out.
Yuri Alekseevich explains many mysteries of “unidentified objects” (and there are about 40 of them) from the point of view of physics, chemistry, mechanics, mathematics, psychology. For example, when photographing “saucers” in flight, the film is often illuminated: this happens under the influence of electromagnetic waves from ULA radars. The same effect is obtained when passing through special doors with a metal detector at the airport, having a photographic film with you. Conversely, the image of the ULA often does not turn out in photographs. This happens when the aliens use infrared locators: after all, their rays do not affect the film.
In many countries, circles of early diameter with yellowed grass, flattened clockwise or counterclockwise, appear on the fields, which cause great bewilderment among farmers and tourists.
And the fact is, the inventor believes, that “flying saucers” have been there. Grass bruising occurred when landing on the field of the rotating body of the NLA. And the yellowing of grass, branches of trees and shrubs occurred as a result of exposure to high-frequency electromagnetic waves from radars, as in well-known microwave ovens. For the same reason, the soil sometimes dries up, the water temperature rises, and the bodies of cars and aircraft heat up.
-From the monastery reports it is known that in 1663 two fishermen suddenly felt a strong heat on the Robozero. The water in the lake was very hot, and its bottom was translucent to a depth of 8 meters. This went on for approximately 1.5 hours. A typical case of exposure to electromagnetic waves of high frequency, - concludes Yuri Koinash.
By the way, American tracking stations recorded the parameters of the emission of electromagnetic waves from a flying saucer: 3 gigahertz and 600 pulses per second. Our radar systems operate in approximately the same mode. Yes, and a wavelength of about 10 centimeters is optimal for transmitting a television signal in a polluted earthly atmosphere. It is known that at a shorter or longer wavelength, the signal level drops sharply. This once again emphasizes the technogenicity of flying saucers.
Recently, the whole world went around a sensational documentary about how Nazi Germany developed several versions of flying saucers. The defeat in the war prevented the completion of these studies. But the scientists managed to load their equipment onto a ship and send it to the Southern Hemisphere, where it was possible to safely continue work somewhere in remote Africa or America. According to some reports, 80 percent of modern UFOs are German devices created by "true Aryans" in colonies isolated from the outside world.
- I saw this film, - engineer Koinash comments. - In it, in particular. A sloppy sketch of the design of an unsupported mover, made by Professor Charlburger **, is given. After painstaking deciphering of this scheme, it was possible to understand the principle underlying this design. It completely coincides with what we discussed with you.
According to the inventor, the state that will be the first to create such devices will be far ahead of other countries economically, ecologically, geographically, ideologically ... True, the aerospace lobby, which built its well-being on traditional aircraft, will desperately resist the introduction of "saucers". But here we have to choose what is dearer to us: rest on the laurels of obsolete inventions or go through a painful restructuring in order to break into the leaders of scientific and technological progress.

rev. from 20.01.2011

Bruce DePalma's Power Machine creates an anti-gravity effect, although you never know about it from the media. In DePalma's device, two magnetized gyroscopes are mounted side by side inside a cylinder; they rotate in opposite directions to each other, one clockwise, the other counterclockwise. Both gyroscopes (here they are called flywheels) are in the same position, with the lower part of the axes pointing down, and the upper one pointing up.

Then the cylinder holding the gyroscopes in place is also made to rotate, which causes the axes of the gyroscopes to rotate from bottom to top in a vertical plane, like the spokes in a spinning machine.

Since the inertial forces generated by gyroscopes force them to naturally resist displacement from their original position, more aetheric energy is required to make them do so.

At first, in a non-working position, DePalma's “power” car weighed a little more than 125 kg. The gyroscopes rotated in opposite directions at a speed of 7600 revolutions per minute each, then the cylinder itself was rotated, which rotated at a speed of 4 revolutions per second. Any movement faster than this would create internal forces large enough to break the supporting axles of the gyroscopes, destroying the entire machine.

Once the power machine was rotated at this speed, it consistently showed a weight loss of 1.8 - 2.7 kg!

DePalma went on to propose an improved design for the machine that would create even greater weight loss: mounting both counter-rotating gyroscopes on the same axis, thereby increasing the strength of the structure and allowing it to oscillate or rotate faster.

Moreover, it should not be forgotten that the machine can generate "free energy" by simply connecting electrical contacts to the inner and outer edges of the disks on each gyroscope. Therefore, with the help of the same means - rotation - both a new direction of the ethereal gravitational force and an ethereal electromagnetic force are achieved.

Of course, there are many scientists who have obtained the same results as DePalma, that is, using the anomalous forces of the gyroscope as a way to resist the forces of gravity.

Although none of the gyroscope-based machines has demonstrated complete weight loss, one researcher named Jeff Russell managed to create a device that weighing 9 kg and capable of continuously registering weight loss or vertical pulsations of 8.5 kg.

Specifications for this and other similar machines, recorded as their patent files in Adobe Acrobat, can be found on Glenn Turner's website "Gyroscopes as Propulsion Devices". Another similar gravity-reducing machine is patented by Sandy Kidd. She is mentioned on Turner's website and in an article by Harold Aspden.

To make all of the above machines work, another aspect of the gyroscope's behavior is used. The gyroscope not only resists being lifted out of the vertical position, it will generate force by trying to move in large circular patterns.

The easiest way to see these patterns is to look at a spinning top. When the top begins to lose energy, it never spirals in the same direction as it started spinning; destabilizing, it always begins to slowly rotate or oscillate in a slow smooth circle in the direction opposite to the usual rotational motion.

Such circular patterns are known as "precessional" movements. It represents another aspect of the gyroscope's motion that will take place in both air and vacuum, and can be used to overcome gravity. So while the gyroscope's inertia forces it to simply resist motion, precessional forces actually create motion. And such a movement is a specific “force” that can be used, since it is not affected by gravity!

In machines such as those built by DePalma and Sandy Kidd, the gyroscopes are positioned so that their natural “precessional” movement is only possible in one direction. And if this direction is opposite to the force of gravity, then the latter decreases! Below is a five-phase diagram, borrowed from Glen Turner's website, showing the popular way this works, where the sequence of motions goes from left to right and top to bottom.

You can see that gyroscopes naturally try to move up, stop at a certain point, and then move down. This effect is created by the fact that the central axis, which holds both gyroscopes, rotates.

In other words, to see the process in action, you have to see the two gyroscopes spin around the central axis in giant circles. This creates a centrifugal force emanating from the center. When the gyroscopes move up (as far as they can) and hit the metal bobbin, the same force pushes them down.

As we have already said, centrifugal force is easily seen by spinning a bucket of water around itself in giant circles. If you do this fast enough, the water won't spill. So through the clever manipulation of precession and centrifugal forces, this simple design counteracts the force of gravity!

In a sense, it can even be seen as the anti-gravity equivalent of flapping wings. Each cycle of the gyroscope produces an additional impulse of the lifting force. The figure below is a real working prototype of Sandy Kidd's machine using these concepts, a machine that reduces its weight as it works.

Thus, it seems that by means of only the rotational and precessional movements of the gyroscope, we can achieve a significant weight loss. It should be remembered that the loss of weight occurs due to the fact that the ether continuously flows in and out of all matter in order to create its existence moment by moment.

In all the above cases, effects very close to anti-gravity are disclosed and patented. So once society finally realizes that such devices work, inventors can get the recognition they deserve!

Since prototypes already exist, they could be used to travel on the ground (cars) or to travel into space. And because machines can generate force in any direction you send it, they will work much better in the "vacuum" of free space, because there they are not affected by gravity, which prevents them from moving in the ether.

Even the mainstream science world is aware of a demonstration of how gravity can be overcome, a story that literally broke into the media and received some attention. This is a discovery made by Eugene Podkletnov in Finland.

We include it for two reasons: firstly, it is a perfect continuation of the theme, and secondly, to demonstrate that gravitational effects can be observed when magnetism and rotation are combined.

Podkletnov and his team stumbled upon the anti-gravity effect unexpectedly while working with superconductors, materials that lose all resistance to electromagnetism at ultra-low temperatures.

So, if there is a material that can conduct electromagnetic energy without losing energy, then you have something very powerful and based on a new understanding of how aetheric energy can be mastered as electromagnetic fields. Philosophically speaking, the superconductor is a material very close to being in true harmony with the Universal Oneness, it is the perfect medium for the movement of conscious energy.

The following excerpt is part of an article in the English newspaper The Sunday Telegraph dated September 1, 1993:

“The group tested using a rapidly spinning superconducting ceramic disk suspended in the magnetic field of three electric coils. The entire setup was placed in a low-temperature vessel called a cryostat.

“One of my friends came and lit a pipe,” Podkletnov said. “He was blowing smoke on the cryostat, and we noticed that the smoke kept rising to the ceiling. It was funny and we couldn't find an explanation."

Tests revealed a slight drop in the weight of objects placed above the facility, as if it were shielding the object from the effects of gravity - something considered impossible by most scientists.

“We thought it was a mistake,” Podkletnov continued, “but we took every precaution.” And yet the strange effects continued. The team found that even the air pressure, vertically above the apparatus, drops slightly, and the same phenomenon occurs on every floor of the building directly below the laboratory, under the place where the installation stood.

Interestingly enough, the key to Pokletnov's device may not have anything directly to do with the superconducting disk. It seems that this effect is actually created by magnetic forces that are focused and conducted by the disk as it rotates.

In the figure below, you can see that three solenoid magnets (magnets that create a "push" in a certain direction) form a superconducting ring, allowing it to rise slightly. Then (similar to the machines discussed above) the disk is surrounded by two more solenoid magnets, creating a force that forces the disk to rotate.

It can be seen that in this installation there are two different magnetic fields working together, and the movement of the superconducting disk causes these fields to rotate. Looking back at the work of Harold Aspden, we see that when a magnet spins, the internal magnetic force appears to behave more like a fluid than what our modern views of energy allow.

(Aspden showed that it takes ten times less energy to start a gyroscope spinning if it had already been spinning 60 seconds earlier; it appears that the magnetic energy continues to “swirl” inside even if the object comes to rest.)

In the Podkletnov installation, we observe a decrease in the force of gravity through a combination of magnetism and rotation.

To understand how the Podkletnov experiment works, we need to introduce a new idea into our concepts of gravity:

Along with gravity pushing down on the Earth (i.e. downward), there is a force pushing the Earth away (i.e. upward) known as “levitation”.

Usually, the downward force is stronger than the upward force. The balanced interaction of these two forces is a natural consequence of the continuous breathing movement that takes place in all matter in the Conscious Universe.

Gravity is an action directed towards the center, and as Walter Russell believed, when the center is reached, new matter and energy are created, radiating upward.

So, “levitation” is created due to the fact that not all the ether flowing into matter disappears, as in a whirlpool in a river: after the whirlpool appears, part of the water flows out of it, although most of the water flows in.

Therefore, a part of the matter-creating ether will always be released from the object in the opposite or reverse direction.

If there is an oppositely polarized ether levitation force as the counterpart of gravity, then it is very likely that the magnetism and rotation of Podkletnov's superconducting ceramic disk strengthened the upward flow like a laser, concentrating it inside and pulling it out of the surrounding ether.

If this was the case, then it explains why the effect of anti-gravity and reduction of air pressure was found in the form of a straight column above the machine, and this column even penetrated the lower floors of the Podkletnov building.

Let's explain a little more. The upward pushing force of the solenoids, which lifts the disk, creates a primary impulse of magnetic energy, allowing the system to begin to function, and the rotation of the superconductors allows the upward flows of magnetic-aetheric energies to become more concentrated. If you were to look at the above figure again, you would see some simple lines of force acting on the disk like a drain in a kitchen sink, only from the bottom up. The surrounding ether would flow in, reach the bottom, and "end" there, continuing upward.

So the question to be asked is: are technologies involving rotation capable of completely overcoming the force of gravity? Undoubtedly, all the machines mentioned above create a measurable weight loss, but the gyroscope method does not seem to have enough energy to create a levitation effect.

In addition, the Finnish experiment Podkletnov is able to reduce the weight by only 2% for each ring used. There must be a better way!

Other alternative researchers have found a different way to deal with this problem; Once again, magnetism comes to the rescue. We remember that magnetism uses the ether directly, and the result of this use is measured through many of the experiments discussed.

In the case of Searle's Levitating Disc, Professor John Searle used custom-made magnetic cylindrical shafts (rods) rotating within a nested row of magnetic rings. In order for the magnets to have sufficient strength, a special natural metal “neodymium” was used.

If you try to buy neodymium magnets, they will only be sold with stern warnings about their strength. Magnets attract each other with such force that they can break, and special protective goggles are required to protect against fragments.

Therefore, the amount of energy that these magnets can use in combination with rotation is enough to create levitation. For very obvious reasons, Searle called levitation the "Searl effect."

Since Professor Searle's work is the best documented evidence for the power of anti-gravity, a bit of historical background should be included here. In 1949 Professor Searle worked as an electrician for the Midlands City Council in Australia and experimented with electricity because he was very interested in it.

Working with electric motors and generators, he noticed that rotating metal parts created a small current of electromagnetic energy, with the positive pole directed towards the center, and the negative pole towards the end of the outer edge of the rim. By now, we are already familiar with this. Then, in 1950, he worked with rotating sliding rings and again measured the small current of electromagnetic energy generated at the ends of the rings.

He also observed that the hairs stood on end if he allowed the rings to rotate without trying to draw current from them. Based on these observations, Searle concluded that the centrifugal force of rotation in a metal is created by the rotation of free electrons.

In this sense, he made discoveries reminiscent of DePalma's discoveries regarding the ability to draw current from a rotating magnetized object. Only in his case did he discover the effect in non-magnetized metal.

In addition, at first he believed that the measured electrons came from the atoms of the rotating metal parts themselves, and not from the free aetheric energy of the Universe. He later changed his mind!

To translate this principle into a working prototype, he constructed the above generator, now called the Gyro-cell. The above drawing is a simplified version of what actually includes three concentric rings and three series of rotating cylindrical rods.

In order to control the rate of appearance of electrons, a layer of nylon was attached to each ring, allowing a smooth release of energy; otherwise the machine would run in sudden jerks instead of running smoothly. First, in 1952, the plant was designed as a generator, about 90 cm in diameter.

Searle and his friend tested it outdoors, and to drive the shafts around the rings, they used a small engine mounted under the generator. Searle expected to see some amount of electrical power being generated by the plant.

It certainly happened, and with more potential than he imagined. Even at relatively low speeds, the effect was so strong that the voltage was 10.5 volts. It could be measured by static charges generated on nearby objects.

As the generator continued to pick up speed, Searle and his friend were shocked - the generator broke away from the engine that drives it and rose to a height of 15 meters above the ground! He kept at this height, continuing to move with more and more speed, and around him appeared a pink glow of ionized air.

While all this was going on, the electromagnetic charge in the surrounding air increased so much that all the radios in the area spontaneously turned on, which should also be added to the riddle and the surprise they experienced. In the end, with great speed, the generator was carried away into the sky, and it seems that he left the Earth's atmosphere altogether.

Seeing the final result of the new invention, Searle realized that he was working on an important new discovery that went far beyond the creation of a generator to generate electricity. Expecting the effects of levitation to continue, he built Gyro-cell generators into disk-shaped objects that did not need to be grounded to increase power consumption.

Over time, ten different installations were built, and in the early stages of work, the anti-gravity effect was so powerful and uncontrollable that many prototypes were lost! The problem continued until Searle figured out how to vary and control the amount of upward push generated by the spinning magnets.

The way in which he discovered how to control the movement of the installation was ridiculous and more than just confusing. After many years of working in Australia and suffering enough abuse, Searle finally gained a scientific reputation that attracted some attention from the media. To make a film about a levitating object, a team of television people came to him.

To Searl's dismay, while the levitating disk had previously worked fine in front of many different witnesses, it didn't rise at all in the presence of the TV camera! Clearly the moment was at least disappointing and highly confusing!

However, over time, this led Professor Searl to discover that the electromagnetic fields of a television camera directly affect whether an object will rise or not. This was his big “Eureka”, which led to the discovery of a way to change the force and direction of the push, that is, to gaining the ability to start the installation as a device controlled from a distance.

The Levitating Disc flew in front of many different witnesses. And the whole story is on his website. A large installation was built, 3.6 m wide, and two others 9 m in diameter.

Numerous articles have discussed Searle's invention on the Institute for Free Energy website and in various issues of the New Energy News magazine. Being the most successful, its installation is often considered the most popular anti-gravity prototype.

The above figure is a cross-section of the internal structure of a flying anti-gravity disk. It clearly shows three concentric magnetic rings with rotating magnetic cylinders surrounding them. If you saw it with an outer metal layer, it would look like a "flying saucer".

Interestingly enough, when considering Searle's setup, we are back to a working free energy system as a result of the use of electricity through powerful rotating magnets.

In Antigravity: A Dream Come True, John Thomas studied and described the discoveries of Professor Searle. He found that the power source for the plant was maintained after it had entered a certain amount of current needed to start.

It generated energy literally from the surrounding ether and could function indefinitely without any source of stored energy in the installation.

We have already mentioned that the Disc of Searle produces a pink glow around itself, although it is a series of rotating magnets and does not have any elements designed specifically to emit light.

It was also revealed in John Thomas's book that the gravity-neutralizing effects involved some of the air surrounding the facility, not just the facility itself. Such a region was called the "neutral zone" and extended around the bottom and top of the disk.

So when the disk first rose, some of the surrounding earth fell into the neutral zone and was captured by the gravitational field! Thomas writes:

“From the diagram of the gravitational field, it can be seen that when lifting, below the installation and above the neutral ring, a neutral zone appears. If matter gets into it, it is retained in it. As a result, Searl's installation left its mark on the ground in the form of large, clear holes that suddenly appeared. Part of the earth rose along with the installation, this is called “capture of matter” ...

It was very strange to observe that if the disk hovered above the ground for too long, the soil would burn due to electrical currents creating heat. Also, if the animals came too close, their nervous system was affected by the ionizing discharge.”

Using the example of the Searle disk, you can see that the technology to overcome gravity already exists. By 1968, his setup was ready for commercial use, but with that he was a complete failure.

Since neodymium was a very rare element, the production of magnets was very costly, and in order for the plant to function properly, all the magnets had to be made at the same time. Therefore, without proper funding, it was not easy for him to create new prototypes.

However, all electrical appliances in his house were powered by this installation, and in 1983 Searl spent 10 months in prison for “stealing electricity” from the city network. The local electricity committee did not believe that he used only his installation.

While Searle was in prison, a "strange" fire destroyed all the experimental data and all the prototypes created, his wife left him. Therefore, in 1990, he was very depressed and ready to completely stop further work on the project; but then everything started to change. People sent Searl money to continue his work, and America offered to publish the book.

You can go to YouTube and search for the Searl Effect. You will see a small working prototype of the rotor. It doesn't take to the air, but demonstrates that the basic principles of a motor actually work.

Again, financial ruin and the loss of all working prototypes are responsible for why no one has heard of Searl's Levitating Disc in the media in recent years.

However, in the summer of 2000, two Russian scientists, V. V. Roshchin and S. M. Godin, managed to independently confirm the Searl Effect in their experimental version. They did not create a machine to lift above the ground, but nevertheless they managed to "lift" it as high as possible and register a significant anti-gravity effect.

Their experimental setup, consisting of one ring and one row, behaved in the same way as Searl's setup. The second figure shows a side view of the entire setup, allowing the reader to see the entire structure allowing the rings to rotate.

Once the rotors reach 200 rpm, the weight of the rig starts to decrease significantly. She starts self-accelerate, which means an increase in rotational speed without any new energy being introduced.

Once the rotation reaches a critical speed of 550 rpm (which Searle originally determined), the machine begins to produce a "reverse current" of energy, more than was required to start it. In this case, the weight of the installation is rapidly reduced to 35% of its original value.

The researchers also found that, based on knowledge of the technical aspects of Searle's study, the following is true:

The most interesting area (that is, completely eliminating gravity to create levitation) lies above the critical value of 550 rpm.

Also, the experiment showed that a spherical torus of ionized radiation was observed:

“Other interesting findings included the operation of the converter (current converter) in a dark room, when corona discharges were observed around the converter rotor. They were perceived as a bluish-pinkish radiant glow with a characteristic smell of ozone. The ionization cloud covered the region of the stator and rotor and, accordingly, had the shape of a torus.

Moreover, in the room where the experiment was carried out, there were intermittent changes in magnetism and temperature. It can be seen from the description that around the facility (which they call the converter), while it was in motion, a series of concentric spheres or toroidal spheres of increasing aetheric/magnetic energy formed.

We noticed and measured a non-standard constant magnetic field around the converter within a radius of 15 meters. Zones of increased intensity of the magnetic flux 0.05T were found, concentrically diverging from the center. The direction of the magnetic field (or flux) vector in the walls (energy) coincided with the direction (of the motion of the rollers).

The structure of these zones resembled (one of) the circles on the water, (formed) from a stone thrown into it.

A portable magnetometer placed between these zones, using a Hell sensor as a sensitive element, did not register any non-standard magnetic fields.

The layers where the increasing magnetic intensity was measured were distributed almost without loss at a distance of about 15 meters from the center of the converter, and the magnetic intensity rapidly decreased at the boundary of this zone.

The thickness of each magnetic layer is about 5-8 cm. The boundary of each layer is pronounced, the distance between the layers is about 50-60 cm, it slightly increases with distance from the center of the converter.

At a height of 6 m above the setup (on the second floor above the laboratory), a stable pattern of this field was observed. No measurements were taken above the second floor.

An unusual temperature drop was also detected in the immediate vicinity of the converter. While the temperature in the laboratory was +22°C, a temperature drop of 6-8°C was noticed during the operation of the device. The same phenomenon was observed in vertical magnetic walls of energy.

Temperature measurement in vertical magnetic walls was carried out with a conventional alcohol thermometer with a determination inertia within 1.5 minutes. In magnetic walls, temperature changes were felt even by hand.

Being placed in a magnetic wall, the hand immediately felt a real cold. A similar picture was observed above the installation, that is, on the second floor of the laboratory, despite the reinforced concrete blocks of the ceiling.”

As we have heard from Searl's followers, Roschin and Godin's design has a problem. Their rollers were connected by pieces of magnets placed perpendicular to the original polarity.

It seems that gravitational forces tore apart the connected magnetic rollers and broke the machine before it even reached speed enough to lift. Searle's original design included a perpendicular magnetic pattern in the magnets themselves when they were created.

Undoubtedly, such intriguing results suggest that while the apparatus is operating, nested series of spherical harmonics form around it, and these spherical “walls” are areas where aetheric energy flows directly into the room, resulting in an increase in magnetism and a drop in temperature.

The potential of using this technology in healing should not be underestimated. An article in Western Australia on August 7, 1995 says:

“A few years ago, a 45-liter drum of boiling oil exploded right in Searl's face, and the doctors said he would be disfigured for life. But after staying in his house with a running generator for two weeks, he reported that the wounds were healed ...

The generator also helps fight asthma, bronchitis, hay fever, and lung complaints… He said, “You feel like you're not breathing, but drinking fresh spring water. This is because you are getting more oxygen.”

This message was not scientifically studied by Roshchin and Godin. However, their study confirmed Searl's results for the first time in an independent laboratory, greatly enhancing the reputation of his discoveries.

Those who choose to be skeptical and reject the results of experiments stubbornly refuse to see the simple truth that antigravity and free energy are real.

And as we shall see below, the spherical structure will be seen as a "missing link" to the unification of the Cosmos at every level, from the smallest quantum process to the macroscopic structure of the Primal Being itself.

The spherical torus is a reflection of the Primary Being in physical form. Also, it is the “shape” of our soul, our true energy bodies.

As we have shown, the energy of the aether can appear in physical reality through what we have called a spherical torus. It usually takes the form of a glowing, spinning sphere of light, with a hole through the center, making it look like an apple, a bagel, or the inside of an orange.

Once a torus is created, anti-gravity and "free energy" effects can be produced. Thor opens the gate for highly compressed aetheric energy, allowing it to flow into our physical world, much like a hole in the side wall of a water tank, forcing water to pour through it.

Gravitational waves, normally pushing against the ground, are absorbed and converted into electromagnetism and visible light within objects. Numerous observations of anomalous phenomena in the lithosphere, atmosphere, ionosphere of the Earth and in free space on the NASA Space Shuttle film confirm the existence of tori as a tangible reality.

As we continue, it's funny to discover that long before Schappeller, Larson. Searl, Cagle, Nordberg, or Dmitriev, another physicist has also worked with the same concepts of spherical energy with undeniable, astounding success, if the evidence for his inventions is accurate. That scientist was John Keely.

Moreover, Keely was not afraid to connect his theories with the idea of ​​the Primal Being and the philosophy of love and light as the universal force of the Universe, expressed in the form of ethereal energy.

John Ernst Warrel Keely was born in 1837 and died in 1898. At that time, conventional physics still considered the ether model to be correct, since the results of the Michelson-Morley experiment were not fully felt until the 20th century.

Every scientist of Keely's time was naturally drawn to the ethereal model (pun intended), since it was universally accepted at the time. Some projects failed because scientists tended to believe that aether was another form of physical matter, which is not the case at all.

All together these ideas were called theories of “material ether”, and were absolutely incorrect. As an example, the "lines of force" of a magnetic field are not a form of physical matter; they behave more like an energy field than like a moving fluid. No one has ever discovered in a magnet a tangible “liquid” that could be poured into a glass!

Energy is all around us, and the magnet simply focuses it so that it flows in one direction. At the beginning of the 20th century, with the advent of modern quantum physics and the theory of relativity, traditional science completely abandoned the theories of the ether, although, as we have already seen, they were not “incorrect”.

Keely's greatest contribution to the theory of "units of consciousness" (spherical tori) is related to the fact that the ether creates and maintains them. The first principle is that there are three forces in each EC or luminous sphere of the ether - a compressive force which we call gravity, an expanding force which may be called "levitation" or anti-gravity, and a stabilizing force which balances the first two.

So, to use Keely's terminology, there is a gravitational force directed towards the center and a repulsive force directed away from the center. That's why:

What we understand by gravity is the force that remains after the "up" and "down" movements of energy cancel each other out. Keely calls this equilibrium point "dominant".

Most people have never paid attention to the fact that every day we see evidence of a balanced interaction between gravity and levitation. Think for a moment about the traditional ideas of gravity; it is thought to be the force that pulls two objects towards each other.

If it were the only force available, then one would expect that when two objects come close enough that a gravitational attraction is felt between them, they will come into contact with each other.

However, all one has to do is look at the moon and one can see proof that this is not happening! We know that the Moon has enough gravitational pull to cause tides on Earth. Yet a perfect distance is maintained between the Earth and the Moon. In short, if there was no constant attraction-repulsion of gravity and levitation between the Earth and the Moon, and balancing their positions, they would have destroyed each other a long time ago!

Moreover, recent achievements in the cosmological theory of the “Big Bang” made it possible to come to an indisputable conclusion - there must also be levitation between large-scale structures in the Universe so that they can throw each other away without colliding.

As further proof, we can quote Richard Pasichnyk's work posted on his Living Space website on page 12:

“When moving down from the surface of the Earth, the change in the initial gravity depending on the depth is accompanied by a gradual decrease to zero in the gravitational force in the center of the Earth.

The usual downward gravitational force is replaced by a reverse upward force at depths greater than 2,700 km. This force draws matter from the center. This is true, because it is now known that the center of the Earth is much hotter than previously thought.

This is why a study involving deep mines and boreholes has shown different gravity values ​​with depth. In essence, a person descending into a mine weighs less than the same person standing on top of a mountain.

Moreover, scientists studying this phenomenon are calling for the creation of a new model of the Earth, but long-standing theories do not give up easily. And as a result, the phenomenon is practically ignored.”

So, if there is a continuous game of tug-of-war between gravity and levitation, then on the surface of the Earth, gravity always wins slightly. However, since the two forces are very close to being in exact balance with each other, if you could somehow absorb some of the downward compressive gravitational force without absorbing the upward "levitating" force, then Earth's levitation would naturally push you away from its surface, creating antigravity.

At first, the idea of ​​absorbing one force without absorbing another seems incredible. However, from the scientific model of Dmitriev and his colleagues, we know that the “vacuum domain” or consciousness unit actively absorbs gravitational energy, converting it into electromagnetic energy and Light, since all these fields are different forms of aether movement.

We were also told that the "vacuum domain" has a certain polarized "direction" of gravitational effects. One end of the pipe passing through the center of the sphere will increase the weight of objects, the other end will decrease it.

Obviously, gravity works very differently on Earth. The earth has a magnetic field in the form of a spherical torus, but gravity on its surface is constantly moving; nothing seems heavier at the north or south poles than at the rest of the earth.

However, if we create a vacuum domain, as defined by Dmitriev and his group, we have a region where electromagnetic and gravitational motion flow together, and this is very different from observations on planets - they can have a "north gravitational pole" and a "southern gravitational pole".

In everyday scientific observations, gravity is much weaker than electromagnetism (by an order of 40 units), but inside the vacuum domain, all the rules change - the ability to absorb and / or release energy changes significantly. Therefore, for our purposes, we will refer to polarized formations as "polarized ECs" because other ECs, such as the ECs surrounding planets, do not have this unique property.

If we consider that "gravitational energy" is the ratio between two forces, we can easily absorb more gravitational energy than levitation energy, and vice versa.

The merit of Keely is that he was able to notice that vibration is the fundamental key to all physical matter. He realized that even though vibration occurs in an energy form that we cannot physically see, it can still be measured.

He also discovered something else, something so simple that most readers will wonder why they didn't think of it sooner. Without complex magnetic rings and Searl rollers, Keely was able to create an energetic EC around an object through sound frequencies! Below we explain how it works:

1. A physical object consists of an ether stream.
2. By vibrating an object at a very pure sound frequency, you will automatically vibrate the ether that creates the object.
3. Once you create a vibration in the ether, you can focus and direct it the way DePalma and Searl did with magnetism and rotation. The principle is the same - you force the ether to flow in a certain direction, different from its flow in its natural "balanced" state.
4. When sound pulsations are concentrated directly in the center of an object, “ripples” or “waves” of vibration are created in the object itself and in the ether that makes it up.
5. When the vibrations reach the center, they collide with each other and splash out from the center, forming Keely's "repulsion" waves.
6. As soon as there is a “directed” flow of ether, a passage is formed through which the high pressure of ethereal vibrations will flow into the physical form (which we have already described above).
7. Further, such an “outflow” will create a “vacuum domain” or what we now call a “consciousness unit”.
8. In this way, you get "energy" from "sound", creating a bridge that allows the static energy of the ether to flow into our physical reality. We remind you that the amount of energy in a light bulb is enough to boil all the oceans of the world.

Keely knew that gravity is nothing more than a large-scale attraction-repulsion movement of the aether, and matter is made of aether naturally vibrating at a certain frequency.

If he could create a very pure resonance to make an object vibrate in perfect harmony, he would be able to cause a stream of aetheric energy to flow around the object, and this would allow either increasing or decreasing the effects of gravity.

“But wait,” you say! Gravity is not just a force that needs to be overcome, it is the source of the energy of the Universe, which all physical matter must draw in order to maintain itself! Therefore, if you remove the influence of gravity, at the same time you remove the inner life blood of any matter, which will either dissolve or explode? In some cases this can happen, but if you design your anti-gravity system correctly, it won't happen. Here is the explanation:

Inside the spherical field of the EU, the matter does not collapse, although it is “cut off” from the natural flow of the Earth's gravitational energy, surrounding the EU from the outside.

Remember that by Dmitriev's definition, a polarized CU forms its OWN gravitational field and "inhales and exhales" from a central point. This is exactly what the Earth does with its gravitational field.

Consequently, the matter inside the EU sphere will be supported and replenished by the sphere itself, and not by external energy.

Inside the spherical energy field, only the natural gravity and inertia of the EU itself affects you. This means that without any effort, you can move through space at high speeds and make sharp turns without injuring yourself.

In addition, as we explained above, Keely was able to use the principles of the polarized "consciousness unit" to increase the weight of an object, forcing it to rise "up" and absorb more of the levitating force.

Keely's most impressive achievement in these areas was the creation of an aircraft operating on these principles. This machine is well described in Dan Davidson's KeelyNet article. The article is an excerpt from his book Breakthrough to New Free Energy Sources:

“John E. Keely - the creator of the Physics of Sympathetic Vibrations - discovered a means of reducing the zeroing of the effect of gravity and built a certain engine.

From 1888 to 1893, Keely worked on the development of his "aeronautics" system. The first successful test was carried out in 1893 and led to the creation of an aircraft.

By 1896, Keely had improved his system so much that he decided to demonstrate the aircraft to the United States War Department. A number of invited members of the press attended the demonstration.

Descriptions of the apparatus indicate that it was a round platform, approximately 1.8 m in diameter. On this platform, a small seat was mounted in front of the keyboard. The keyboard was attached to a large number of tuned resonating plates and vibration mechanisms.

It can be assumed that Keely employed some kind of mechanical process (possibly electrical) to support and drive the vibratory mechanisms and tuned plates. It seems that it was he who created the “polarized field” described in the next paragraph.

Keely explained that it was the plates that would cause the craft to rise and float above the earth's surface, under the influence of a polarized field that would generate a "negative attraction." When the effect was created, the apparatus rose under the influence of (what Keely called) the "polarized current of the ether."

The control mechanism consisted of 100 vibrating rods representing the enharmonic and diatonic scales. When half of the rods were silenced, the apparatus could move at a speed 800 km per hour. If all the rods were silenced, gravity regained control and the craft descended to earth.

Obviously, the rods are not the main generators of sound vibrations; by their resonance they only change the way the vibrations pass through the apparatus. Plugging certain rods allowed Keely to create small changes in the direction of flight in the CU surrounding the vehicle, thereby changing the motion of the vehicle in the Earth's gravity.

There were no moving parts in the ship's launch mechanism.

However, somehow it generated a "polarized field" to create the basic vibrations that allowed the craft to rise.

The apparatus was not affected by the weather, and it could rise in any storm. The instrument for controlling the aircraft was clearly different from the launch mechanism. By muting certain specific notes, Keely could cause the apparatus to accelerate to any desired speed.

The experiment was carried out in an open area under the supervision of the Military Department and representatives of the media news agency. It was claimed that in a few seconds the device could accelerate from 0 to 800 km per hour.

The most surprising thing is that when Keely sat in his seat in front of the keyboard, operating the machine, he was completely unaffected by the acceleration effects.

Although the government circles were impressed, they reported that they did not see any benefit from the operation of such a complex device; that is, they refused to further consider the issue.

Recall that the Wright brothers demonstrated their aircraft at Kittyhawk, New Caledonia on December 17, 1903, seven years later!

When we discover that no “g-forces” of inertia acted on Keely during the flight, we should understand how this could be. The area surrounding the apparatus was not affected by the ether, as would be the case with any ordinary object.

Since the apparatus accelerated in the air, it generated its own energy field, which counteracted the natural pressure of the surrounding ether. Keely did not feel the acceleration because he was inside a spherical bubble of energy that prevented the change in the pressure of the ether inside him. Likewise, many UFO eyewitnesses have reported sharp 90o turns taking seconds at speeds so high that normal "g-forces" would completely destroy the body of any pilot.

It seems that in order to create the desired influences of the ether on physical matter, Keely developed a toolkit for connecting acoustic or electromagnetic resonance with his consciousness and, probably, changed the direction of the "flow" in the EU through the conscious energy of thought alone. An extract from Davidson's article gives a specific example seen by an eyewitness.

“Lifting a 4-ton iron sphere:

After Keely's premature death in 1898, several researchers from the editorial staff of Scientific America visited his laboratory in search of evidence that he was a deceiver.

They thought they had found what they were looking for when they lifted up the floorboards of part of the laboratory and saw a large cast iron sphere, from which pieces of an iron pipe protruded, but these pipes were not connected to anything. The weight of the sphere was estimated at about 6.625 pounds, the breaking force was 28.000 pounds.

This event revived the accusation that Keely used compressed air to produce his tricks; although, if it turned out to be true, it would have earned him fame as the inventor of compressed air.

The research uncovered a newspaper article written during Keely's lifetime that describes the story of the discovery of an iron sphere under the floorboards.

It seems that in search of worthwhile information, the reporter who wrote the article came to see Keely. In the laboratory, he found the inventor making a large hole in the floor. Keely greeted the reporter, but was taciturn and seemed too busy.

After enlarging the indentation, Keely connected a strange belt at the waist with several mechanisms. Then he connected a thin wire to it, leading to a large sphere resting in the corner of the laboratory.

After several minutes of Keely's intense concentration, the massive sphere slowly lifted several inches off the floor. Then he brought the iron sphere to the depression and allowed the huge mass to sink to the ground below floor level.

After several adjustments to the mechanism on the belt, Keely focused again. This time the orb settled slowly but steadily into the ground, buried by a force opposite to levitation; Namely, supergravity.

Obviously, Keely caused the mass of the sphere to increase so much that the sphere sank into solid earth, just as a heavy rock sinks into mud. The inventor told the reporter that he was clearing space in the laboratory, getting rid of outdated equipment.

Theoretically, everything looks like this: during levitation, a mechanism worn on the Keely belt tuned the atomic structure of the iron sphere so that all the atoms were synchronized, and the ethereal force directed into the sphere made the sphere either rise or fall.”

Again, it can be clearly seen that consciousness is directly related to the factor of levitation or gravity. Although most of the effect seems to be produced by some form of resonant electromagnetic energy, it appears that Keely's mental focus is important in directing the movement of the energy.

In fact, to put an object in place, Keely may or may not have moved his arms; the article only reports that the object "floated" to the desired position. The most interesting aspect of this case is that the reporter was watching from the sidelines, so everything stated in the article turned out to be not just a rumor.

So, our reality, or all the matter that makes up our physical Universe, begins in the form of luminous magnetism, and most of the matter that we can observe in the Universe (namely, stars, galaxies, constellations, quasars, and the like) still resides in the nuclei in this state.

It is highly likely that all of the physical matter we see on Earth is a chilled form of what originally began as glowing magnetism, which we observe any time we go out and look at the stars, galaxies, and celestial bodies in the night sky.

Searle's gravitational disks.

In 1946 prof. John Searle, UK, made a fundamental discovery in the field of the nature of magnetism. While working at Mortimer, Borkshire, he discovered that in the manufacture of permanent magnets based on ferrites, adding a small component of alternating current, within 100mA, with a frequency of 10MHz, to the magnetizing field, the magnets acquire completely new properties /24/. In Searl's experiments, it was shown that if magnets in the form of rollers made using a new technology are placed around the outside of the ring magnet, then with a certain number of rollers, they come into independent movement around the ring magnet. Once in motion, the rollers increase their speed until dynamic equilibrium is reached. It was also found that when the magnetic rollers rotate, the device creates an electrostatic potential difference, the vector of which is directed along the radius from the rollers to the ring magnet. In this case, the fixed ring is positively charged, and the rollers are negatively charged. The interaction of centrifugal force and magnets creates a constant gap between the moving rollers and the ring, resulting in no mechanical or galvanic contact between the ring and the rollers.

Complementing the design with a fixed electromagnet, Searl received a current generator with a power of about 500 watts. The appearance of the simplest design of the Searl electric generator is shown in Figure 5.

In 1952, Searle made a device with several concentric rings, between which rollers were placed. This device with a diameter of 1m developed a potential equal to 1,000,000 volts, which was accompanied by crackling and the smell of ozone. The design of this generator is shown in Figure 6.

There are 10 rollers around the first (small) ring, 25 at the next ring and 35 around the outer ring. On the outer ring, above the ends of the rollers, electromagnetic converters of static potential into DC voltage are installed. Such a generator produces 15kW of power during stable operation. Studies of the Searl effect show that when the magnetic rollers are close to the magnetic ring, the resonant state of the magnetic field draws electrons and ions and, accelerating them in the gap between the rollers and the ring, creates a high static voltage with opposite charges on the stationary ring and the rollers rotating around it. High power at the output of such a generator is obtained by doping the magnetic material with neodymium, a rare earth metal that gives excess electrons. In 1999, SISRC Ltd, which includes subsidiaries in Germany, Sweden, Australia and New Zealand, announced the completion of an extensive program to modernize the Searl generator, which simplified the design. The company's specialists noted that discoveries in the field of vacuum state energy conversion play a key role in the effect of obtaining electrical energy using the Searl Generator /24/.

However, the main discovery was that when the specified potential difference and the maximum speed of the rollers in the dynamic equilibrium mode are reached, the device rises. An analysis of electromagnetic phenomena in the Searl device showed that the interaction of an electric field of high intensity, the vector of which, in a particular case, is directed along the radius to the pulsating magnetic field, creates its own gravitational field that compensates for the weight of the device itself. In addition, Searl generators can be used as high voltage sources in Brown disks.

Since 1952, Searle began manufacturing devices in the form of discs with a diameter of 10m. In the 1950s, publications about Searl's further work ceased. However, in 1970, an important feature of Searl's magnets became known: the characteristics of magnets can temporarily change when exposed to an external constant magnetic field. When the external field is removed, the characteristics of the magnets are restored. In addition, it became known that experiments were being carried out to replace ferrite with magnetic ceramics. Thus, in the early 1970s, as a result of numerous experiments and technical upgrades, it became obvious that Searl disks can be used as a source of electrical energy, the main unit of a gravitational engine for aircraft, or a combination of these technical areas.

Studies of the Searl effect carried out in Russia by V.Ya. Kosyev /25/ showed:

The mechanical energy of rotating permanent magnets is converted into electrical energy in accordance with the magnitude of the gravitational potential created by all masses in the local volume of space.

The movement of the magnetic rollers in the transducer's own electric field leads to the formation of a secondary gravitational field in accordance with the magnitude of the electric potential.

With an increase in the speed of rotation of the rotor (a system of magnetic rollers), the strength of the electric field increases and, as a result, the secondary gravitational field increases, which can reduce or cancel the weight of the structure.

If the energy of the electric field is not spent on electric discharges or heating the structure by induced currents, then a significant part of the mechanical energy manifests itself in the form of an antigravitational effect.

Spontaneous acceleration of the magnetic system is associated with the simultaneous presence of electric, magnetic and gravitational fields in the local region of space.

From the side of the magnetic field, the Lorentz force acts both on moving electric charges and on gravitationally charged bodies.

Since the structure itself is electrically neutral, the Lorentz force acts only on gravitationally charged rollers. The direction of the Lorentz force is perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field and the direction of movement of the magnetic rollers. If the cylindrical rollers rotated in one place, then the Lorentz force would be directed towards the axis of rotation and would not impart additional acceleration to them.

In addition to rotational, magnetic rollers also perform translational motion around the magnetic ring, so that each point on their surface moves along the cycloid, so the Lorentz force has two components: towards the center of the cylindrical roller and along the direction of their movement.

The magnitude of the Lorentz force depends on the electric potential, the strength of the magnetic field, the mass of the rollers and the speed of their movement.

The electric potential, in turn, depends on the speed of rotation of the roller system around the fixed ring. Thus, in the end, the Lorentz force depends on the speed according to a quadratic law.

Electrons accelerated by a toroidal electric field of high intensity ionize the gas in the surrounding space, causing it to glow /25/.

Currently, work is underway on the use of composite materials and multilayer magnetic structures in order to significantly increase the output power of Searl generators. It should be noted that the achieved level of high voltage obtained by using the Searl generator is sufficient to use it as a voltage source in Brown's flying disks.

Electrogravity and unified field theory.

Jerry E. Bayles, US Physical Institute, studying the interaction of UFOs with the environment, man-made and biological objects, came to the conclusion that Brown's theory can be significantly supplemented. Taking into account the results of the practical implementation of Brown's theory of electrogravity, Bayles proposed a theory of the interaction of strong electromagnetic and electric fields, as a result of which a controlled vector of gravitational force is created. Although this approach is not new, Bayles' theory is distinguished by its consideration of the problem from the point of view of unified field theory and quantum mechanics. His theory was presented by him to NASA at a conference in February 2003 /26/.

Without considering the mathematical apparatus for studying quantum interactions of fields and states of elementary particles, we will limit ourselves to the main provisions of the theory that explain the principle of UFO motion. These provisions are a consequence of the consideration of quantum and electrodynamic conditions, in which the entire structure of the UFO and its energy field are both a gravitational engine and a means of movement in space. A UFO surrounded by a microwave field is a single quantum potential similar to the energy potential of an electron. If there are conditions for an external energy action that creates a difference in energy levels, the electron can “tunnel” through the energy barrier to another point in space. This move is instantaneous. This feature of the electron's quantum state was discovered by David Bohm after he solved the Schrödinger wave equation for the quantum energy potential, which represents the electron's energy itself.

The physics associated with the quantum potential of David Bohm made it possible to expand the concept of quantum energy and the mechanics of gravity. One of the main provisions of the Bayles theory is the definition - the energy space is the source of Bohm's quantum potential. Bayles' Unified Field Theory allowed him to develop a new gravitational equation that expresses the mechanics of the vector magnetic potential. The equation shown in Figure 2 includes a vector magnetic potential and a new quantum coupling constant.

The assertion that a quantum particle such as an electron is essentially a standing wave formed the basis for considering the UFO motion system from the standpoint of wave theory, taking into account the design features and parameters of the UFO electromagnetic radiation obtained in direct measurements. Based on the fact that quantum and macroelectronic equations are similar, it becomes possible to move a macroquantum object by changing the phase or wave function of a quantum standing wave relative to a coupled electric standing wave in a strong electric field of the object.

Thus, a UFO, in a quantum sense, is similar to an electron, which gives it the ability to carry out instantaneous movements (jumps) in space, as an electron does when passing through an energy barrier by the “tunneling” method. The range of the UFO jump from its energy space to any point of the ordinary (surrounding) space is determined by the magnitude of the instantaneous phase transformation between the two indicated standing waves, which leads to a sharp, but manageable, change in the energy of the electromagnetic field. Speaking about the energy space of the UFO, one must keep in mind that the energy source can be the energy of vibrations of vacuum particles, converted into another, more convenient form of electrical energy. In a stationary position, the force field around the UFO-disk is symmetrical and has the shape of a torus. When creating a local asymmetry of the field, the UFO moves in the direction of its disturbance. Figure 7 shows a diagram of a UFO, which indicates the functional elements of the design.

Fig.7. Functional elements of the UFO design.

  1. Compartment of the system of phase and group generation of standing waves.

  2. Planar waveguides.

  3. Residential and functional compartments.

  4. Device for removal of corona discharge.

  5. High dielectric ring.

  6. Waveguide outputs.
The microwave radiation emerging from the waveguides -6 creates a force field that counteracts the external toroidal field, keeping it at some distance from the UFO body, thereby creating a vacuum region around the body. Group switching of energy along flat waveguides creates an adjustable asymmetry of the force field to change the spatial position of the UFO. Since the electric field strength in the upper part of the dome is maximum, there is a high probability of a corona discharge, which could lead to disturbances in the standing wave generation system. The corona discharge is removed using a device in the form of a “spike” of variable cross section located at the top of the dome.

Considering the real possibilities of copying UFO-type devices, Jerry Bayles suggested using a hydrogen atomic reactor as an energy source. In 1998, such a solution, from a technological point of view, could well be implemented.

Information beyond the threshold of secrecy.

In the United States, the B-2 aircraft became the first mass-produced aircraft using anti-gravity technology. A feature of the B-2 bomber is the large area of ​​the horizontal surface of the aircraft in the form of a triangle. This feature provides maximum anti-gravity lift. At one time, Brown showed that although the shape of the disk is the most optimal, it is not necessary. Triangular, square or diamond-shaped devices fly with the same high efficiency. Further development of anti-gravity technology depends on advances in the development of newer dielectrics than the high-density RAM cermet. From sources close to Northrop Corporation, the manufacturer of anti-gravity devices, as well as from a publication in Aviation Week on March 9, 1992, it is known that a new dielectric is now available that can operate at a voltage of 15 million volts.

In 1993, Dr. La Violette prepared a report /27,28,29/ in which the B-2 bomber is discussed from the point of view of the use of an electrogravity system in it. It turns out that this plane uses an improved form of the anti-gravity principles first described by T. Brown. Confirmation of this thesis is available in the journal "Evolution Week and Space Technology" (March 1992), which reported that the B-2 bomber electrostatically charges the leading edge of the wing and the exhaust stream. The information was confirmed by Bob Ischsler, a NASA specialist. In flight, a positively charged region moves in front of the aircraft, while the ionized exhaust jet of jet engines creates a negatively charged region behind the aircraft. In this case, a certain modification of the Brown effect is realized, which has undeniable advantages in comparison with the conventional jet aircraft flight pattern.

B. Ischsler publicly made a similar statement in 1990. This information complements the information that there are major developments in the field of antigravity, which are used in military aviation. The appearance of the B-2 aircraft, US Air Force, is shown in Figure 8.

Fig.8. The appearance of the aircraft B-2.

From the conclusion of La Violetta's report: “The commercial airline industry can reap enormous benefits from this technology. It will not only significantly increase the fuel efficiency of jet airliners, significantly increase flight speed, but, most importantly, reduce flight time” /30/.

On May 9, 2001, the Public Organization “Project Disclosure” /31/ held a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington. She presented more than two dozen witnesses, incl. retired employees of the ground forces, the Navy and the Air Force, a high official of the Federal Aviation Agency, employees of various intelligence organizations, incl. CIA. All of them either witnessed events related to UFOs, or were aware of the nature of the activities of the government and industrial corporations in this area. They also produced a white paper /32/ for journalists and congressmen, as well as a book /33/ that collected dozens of testimonies from such people. Many of them talked about secret programs dealing with anti-gravity technologies, zero-point energy and the development of reproductions of alien vehicles (UFOs) as part of American "black projects".

Dan Morris /34/, worked in the Air Force, now retired. For many years he participated in "extraterrestrial projects". After leaving the Air Force, he was hired by the super-secret National Intelligence Organization (NRO), where he worked on UFO-related operations.

He had the highest level of security clearance.

“There are UFOs, both of alien origin and those made by humans. Townsend Brown was almost at the top along with the German scientists. So we had a problem. Our task was to protect Townsend Brown, to protect his work on the secrets of anti-gravity electromagnetic propulsion. Then, he describes a type of zero-point energy device.

“If you have one of these devices, about sixteen inches long, eight inches high, ten inches wide, you can no longer connect to the local power grid.” These devices do not burn anything. No pollution. They will never break because they have no moving parts. Only electrons move in the gravitational and electromagnetic fields. At the same time, they rotate in opposite directions.

"Dr. B." /35/ (name withheld as he is still working in the field) is a scientist-engineer who has worked in top-secret projects almost all his life. For many years he worked directly or was involved in secret projects related to anti-gravity, ultra-high energy space laser systems and electromagnetic pulse technologies.

“In fact, I took the opportunity to go to the Hughes in Malibu. They had very solid anti-gravity projects there. I am well acquainted with the details of these works. The flying disk has a small plutonium reactor inside, which, through conversion, produces huge electrical energy. We also have even more advanced propulsion technology, this is called a “virtual field”, which causes hydrodynamic waves…”

Capt. Bill Juhaus /36/ served 10 years in the Marine Corps as a pilot

fighter and four years in the Air Force civilian service at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base as a test pilot for an exotic experimental craft. Then, for the next 30 years, he worked for Department of Defense contractors as an engineer on anti-gravity propulsion systems: on exotic aircraft flight simulators and on real flying disks. “I think that the first flying disk simulator was put into operation no earlier than the beginning of the 60s. Possibly in 1962 or 1963

year. The reason I say this is because the simulator was not actually functional until around 1958. The simulator they used was for an alien craft they had, this 30 meter object crashed in Kingman, Arizona in 1953 or 1952.”

“We controlled it with six huge capacitors, each

they were charged with a million volts, so there were six million volts in those capacitors.”… various sizes of apparatuses of our construction”.

"OH." /37/ works for Boeing Airspace, collected various information from secret groups working on projects related to UFOs and extraterrestrial civilizations in the government, the Ministry of Defense and civilian companies. He has friends in the NSA, CIA, NASA, JPL, Naval Intelligence, NRA, Area 51, Air Force, Northrup, Boeing, and others.

“Most of the apparatus works on the principles of antigravity and electrogravity. We have now come to the final stage with respect to anti-gravity. I think another 15 years and we will have cars that will float above the ground using this type of technology. We're working on this right now at Area 51. It's one of the things my friend at Area 51 is working on with Northrup, who now lives in Pahrump, MA. Nevada. We're flying anti-gravity vehicles right now in Area 51 and Utah."

Colonel Williams /38/ joined the Air Force in 1964 and was a rescue helicopter pilot in Vietnam. He has a degree in electrical engineering and led design projects for the Defense Air Command. During his military service, he knew about the existence of a top-secret facility at Norton Air Force Base in California.

“There was a structure at Norton Air Force Base that was closed from prying eyes. Even the command did not know what was happening there. Then there were rumors among the pilots that it was a secret repository for one device - a UFO.

Mark McCandlish /39/ is a professional aerospace illustrator who has worked for many of the leading aerospace corporations in the United States. His colleague was inside a building at Norton Air Force Base, where he saw reproductions of non-terrestrial vehicles that were fully functional and could fly. He argues that the US not only has working anti-gravity propulsion vehicles now. The United States has had them for many, many years. They were developed in the course of research, in particular, extraterrestrial vehicles in the last fifty years. Close friend Brad Sorensen told him about a large hangar he was in during an air show at Norton Air Force Base on November 12, 1988.

In this hangar, he saw flying saucers. “There were three flying saucers hovering above the floor. No wires connecting to the ceiling, no landing legs. They only hovered, hovering above the floor. He said that the smallest object was partly shaped like a bell. They were all identical in shape and proportions, only all three were of different sizes. Video footage was shown showing the smallest of the three craft standing on the ground in a desert area, presumably at the bottom of a dry lake, some sort of Area 51 type location.

This craft made three small, but quick, bouncing jerks, then flew straight up, quickly picking up speed, and within seconds completely disappeared from sight. There was no sound, no sonic boom, nothing.”

“This craft was what they called a ‘reproduction of an alien craft’ and was also given the nickname ‘Fluxliner’. This anti-gravity propulsion system - this flying saucer - was one of three that were in the hangar at Norton AFB. Its artificial vision system used the same type of technology used in the machine gun guidance system on the Apache helicopter: if the pilot wants to see what is behind him, he can turn on the view in that direction, and the cameras work in pairs. The pilot has a small screen in the front of the helmet, giving him an alternate look. He also puts on special goggles - in fact, you can actually buy a 3D vision system for your video camera right now and it will do the same - and when the pilot looks around, he sees a great 3D view of everything that is outside , and there are no windows. Why are there no windows? Most likely because the high voltages we are talking about are somewhere between half a million and a million volts.” Brad Sorensen said that at a demonstration of reproductions, "a three-star general said that these devices are capable of reaching the speed of light and even exceeding it."

Nick Cook's new book, Zero Point Hunt /40/ contains some of the strongest evidence for serious effort and success in antigravity technology. The author of the book has been an editor of Aviation magazine for the last 15 years and an aerospace engineering consultant for Janes Defense Weekly, and has spent the last 10 years gathering information for his book. It includes research into the archives of Nazi Germany on anti-gravity technologies, interviews with senior officials from NASA, the Pentagon and secret defense installations. He proves that America "cracked" the code of gravity and closed the information at the highest level of secrecy. The reason is that anti-gravity and related zero-point energy technologies offer the world the potential to have an inexhaustible and non-polluting source of energy in the future, so the information is withheld due to a “giant economic threat”. His findings corroborate the aforementioned eyewitness reports from Project Disclosure.

Although T. Brown reported most of his discoveries about half a century ago, other experimenters have only recently begun to reproduce his work and report the results in the open literature and on the Internet. For example, Davenport /41/ published the results of his work in 1995, confirming the findings of T. Brown. Still later, the company "Transdimental Technologies" /42/ in the USA and the laboratories of J. Naudin /43/ in France published on the Internet diagrams, videos and experimental data of their versions of anti-gravity "elevators" based on the development of Brown's work. It is an obvious fact that big science still needs to demonstrate principles that were already demonstrated more than fifty years ago.

A whole series of demonstrations of "anti-gravitational" phenomena was carried out by scientists from many countries of the world. They include the work of Brazilian physics professor Fran de Aquino, as well as a demonstration of some devices: Searle's electrogravitational disk, Woodward's piezoelectric force field experiments.

Generally the word antigravity" acts on "orthodox" scientists like a red rag on a bull (although some argue that bulls are color blind). But my site does not pretend to be scientific, so I hope you will forgive me for its frequent use. Still antigravity sounds more capacious and tempting than " gravitational effects" or " gravity shielding". So do not blame me. I.L. Prologue.

In 1911, G. Kamerling-Onnes discovered the superconductivity of mercury by cooling it with liquid helium to a temperature of 4.2 K. But I would pay special attention to an event closer to us. In 1933, W. Meisner and R. Oksenfeld experimentally discovered an amazing effect, which later became known as the Meissner effect. It turned out that if the magnetic field induction does not exceed the critical value, the superconductor completely displaces the field from its volume, or, in other words, superconductors have perfect diamagnetism - the magnetic field does not penetrate the body of the superconductor.. Behind this seemingly unremarkable scientific statement lies a stunning fact - a superconductor can freely hang in a magnetic field - levitate (Read more in the articles of my other site - Infinity Limits: namely, Superconductivity and the Effect of Magomed's Coffin). By the way, quite ordinary materials also have weak diamagnetism, so if, for example, a frog (or a person) is placed above a powerful magnetic field (about 16 Tesla for a frog), the body will hang in the air. In any case, in the experiments of our compatriot Andrei Geim, conducted in Holland, frogs have already flown, but I digress ....

The second step was taken in September 1986, when G. Bednorz and A. Müller reported that high-temperature superconductivity is possible in ceramic samples based on Ba–La–Cu–O. Despite the cautious tone of the publication and the indication of only a high probability of the transition of samples to the superconducting state at temperatures of 30-35 K, despite the skepticism of most physicists about the discovery, it nevertheless took place and was awarded the Nobel Prize a year later! It is known that lanthanides (including yttrium) are extremely similar in their chemical properties. It turned out that their substitution for each other does not lead to deterioration of the superconducting properties (if cerium and praseodymium are not used). And so the countdown of a new era began - high-temperature superconductivity (HTSC). (For more information about the process of creating HTS ceramics, see )

In 1992, the Russian scientist Yevgeny Podkletnov conducted studies of the properties of screening by HTSC ceramics of various electromagnetic fields (which by the way follows from the same Meissner effect). However, during the experiments, quite by accident, an effect was discovered that does not fit into the framework of classical physics. Podkletnov called it "gravity shielding" and, with a co-author, published a preliminary report: E. Podkletnov and R. Nieminen "A possibility of gravitational force shielding by bulk YBa2Cu3O7-x superconductor" .

The following text is an information selection from Podkletnov's articles (italics are my comments): Experiment.

For research, a disk made of high-temperature superconducting ceramics was used. YBa2Cu3O7-x, 145 mm in diameter and 6 mm thick. First, the Disk was immersed in liquid helium vapor for several minutes. Then, energy was applied to the toroidal solenoid located under it, and due to the Meissner effect, the disk rose (levitated). At the same time, its "superconducting" temperature (below 60 K) was maintained for about 2.5 min.

To ensure the rotation of the disk at a variable speed, two electromagnetic coils (as in conventional electric motors) were used, placed on both sides of the disk. The frequency of the electromagnetic field in all three solenoids varied from 50 to 106 Hz.

The effect was discovered quite by accident. Podkletnov told the journalist ( Charles Platt of the American magazine Wired): “Someone in the laboratory was smoking a pipe, and we noticed that the smoke (in the cylindrical region) rises upward as it passes over the superconducting disk. Then we placed a magnetized ball that was at hand on the disk, connecting it to the scales. We were surprised by the scales. Instead of a metal ball, they took a non-metallic and non-magnetic material - silicon. The scales were still behaving very strangely. It turned out that any object placed above the disk lost a little in weight, and if the disk rotated, this effect increased.”

Scientists have begun additional research. The superconducting ceramic disk showed a weak but clearly detectable "gravity screening" effect at temperatures from 20 to 70 K.

The test weight was made of silicon dioxide and hung at a distance of about 15 mm. from the HTSC disk, separated from it by a thin plastic film. The sample weight was measured with high accuracy using a balancing electro-optical system and was 5.47834 g. When the disk "levitated" (raised to a height of up to 7 mm from the base) but did not rotate, the change in weight was 0.05%. With an increase in the disk rotation speed, the weight of the sample began to fluctuate in the range from -2.5 to +5.4% of the initial one. Then, at certain frequencies of rotation (and the electromagnetic field in accelerating electromagnets), the weight of the sample, steadily decreased by 0.3%. The effect had good reproducibility. The maximum sample weight loss was observed at high disk rotation frequencies in a high-frequency magnetic field (up to 106 Hz) at temperatures below 40 K. The resonant behavior occurred at electromagnetic frequencies above 105 Hz and persisted while the disk rotated, even with the “rotating” solenoids turned off.

You can read more about this work by reading. and I'll move on Continued experiments.

To continue the research, a new installation was built, with operating parameters of magnetic fields up to 2 T, frequencies up to 108 Hz, and an operating temperature range from 40 to 70 K. The general scheme of the installation remained the same, but there were also fundamental differences. The cryostat and solenoids were placed in a closed stainless steel box, the design of the solenoids was changed, the test load was in a glass flask to eliminate the influence of air flows, but the main difference was in the YBa2Cu3O7-x superconducting disk.

It was made in the form of a torus with an outer diameter of 275 mm and a thickness of 10 mm. To increase the "levitating" properties, the upper part of the disk was "burnt" using microwave radiation. This ensured partial fusion of the grains of the HTSC material, while the lower part remained granular and therefore had a lower critical temperature. An analysis of the disk cross section showed the presence of 2 zones with different crystal structures. Upper(6-7mm) with fine grain (less than 2 microns) forming an almost exact lattice of polycrystals without obvious defects. The transition temperature Tc for this region of the disk was, according to direct measurements in the absence of a magnetic field, 94 K, with a width of 1.5–2 K. And the lower one, which was cooled during thermal treatment. This zone had variable porosity (5-9%) and randomly oriented grain, with typical grain sizes of 5-15 microns. It contained approximately 40% tetragonal phase, and had a transition temperature Tc = 60 K, with a width of approximately 10 K. Analysis showed the presence of small inclusions of Y2BaCuO5 in it. IN ( Los Alamos Library You can read about everything in much more detail.

First, to initiate an internal current in the HTSC ceramics, a high-frequency electric current (105 Hz) was applied to two main solenoids located around the disk and intended for its rotation. After that, the system was slowly cooled with liquid nitrogen to 100 K, followed by rapid cooling with liquid helium vapor to ~70 K. Thus, the upper layer of the HTSC disk turned out to be superconducting, while the lower layer was not yet. The main solenoids were turned off and a high frequency current was applied to the "lift" coils located below the disk. The superconductor began to levitate (raised at least 15 mm). Then the current (105 Hz) was again supplied to the main solenoids and the HTSC disk began to rotate. The rotation speed increased to 5000 rpm. In this case, the current in the main solenoids was 8-10 A. (the wire diameter of these coils is 1.2 mm). It was provided by powerful high-frequency oscillators commonly used for induction heating of metals.

The rotation frequency was adjusted based on disk speed data obtained by reflecting a laser beam from a small piece of mirror foil glued to the disk. Most measurements of the weight of various objects were carried out with rotation stabilized for a long period of time (10 minutes or more). Then the rotational speed was slowly lowered by changing the current in the solenoids.

The frequency of the electromagnetic field varied over a wide range (103-108 Hz). Various materials of test weights were used, placed at different distances from the cryostat (from 25 to 3000 mm). The sensitivity of the balancer for masses of 10–50 g used in the measurements was on the order of 10–6 g, and three different types of balancers were used to eliminate a possible weighing error. Electromagnetic shielding was used. And the efforts were not in vain.

It was possible to obtain a greater value of the "gravitational screening effect" than on the previous installation, which occurs at temperatures below 70 K. When the disk levitated, but did not rotate, the weight loss was 0.05 - 0.07% . At constant disc speed (5000 rpm), typical weight loss was between 0.3 and 0.5%. In this case, the outer boundary of the screening zone was sharp, and the samples that fell into the projection zone inside the toroid (5–7 mm from the edge) lost only 0.1 to 0.25% in weight. During the time (25-30 seconds), when the disk rotation speed decreased from 5000 to 3500 rpm (solenoids were used for braking), the screening effect reached its maximum values: depending on the position of the sample relative to the outer edge of the disk, the weight loss was from 1.9 to 2.1% . Unfortunately, further measurements were not possible due to the resulting vibration of the disk, which required emergency braking.

The maximum weight loss of the samples was observed at high frequencies of the electromagnetic field (3.2 - 3.8 MHz) and disk levitation at the maximum height (approximately 30-35 mm from the magnets). Smoke particles in the air made the effect clearly visible. The area of ​​"shielding of gravity" corresponded exactly to the toroid of the disk. When using only static magnetic fields or non-superconducting disks, the screening effect was completely absent. Within the projection of the disk, up to a height of 3 meters, the change in weight was the same. Inside the screening region, the air pressure decreased by ~5 mm. mercury column in stationary conditions (when the disk rotates at a speed of 5000 rpm) and up to 8 mm. mercury column in the "braking" phase.

It is known that molecular diamagnetism gives the effect of a lifting force for bodies caught in a magnetic field gradient. For a large class of materials, this force is essentially independent of their chemical composition and is only proportional to their weight. For example, the diamagnetic lifting force for a body (diamond, sulfur, silicon oxide, common salt, etc.) weighing 1. g at a field strength of 0.17 T/cm will be approximately equal to 16 dynes (approximately 0.016 g, or 1.6% of the weight ).

Since this force is proportional to the square of the field strength, it is easy to find that the value of the field strength corresponding to a weight loss of the order of 0.1% is approximately 0.04 T/cm (for comparison, it should be noted that the maximum weight loss observed under stationary conditions was 0.5%). The static field strength produced by the experimental setup had smaller values ​​in all cases of measurements. Which excludes the influence of molecular diamagnetism.

It should be noted that only 10% of more than four hundred measurements gave a positive result. Schnurer attributes this to the presence of boundary conditions determined by the rate of rise in disk temperature.

I would note that no one managed to get a change in gravity the same as that of Schnurer, although smaller anomalies were observed repeatedly. Apparently, after all, his measuring system fell into a difficult-to-reproduce resonance.

Continued July 2002:

The BBC's report that the Boeing Corporation is studying the results of an experiment by Yevgeny Podkletnov (more specifically, the Phantom Works laboratory located in Seattle, the division in which Boeing carries out its most secret programs) caused another surge of interest in this topic. The head of Phantom Works, George Milner, said in an interview with Janes Defense Weekly magazine, which specializes in defense and security issues, that Podkletnov's work seems to inspire confidence .... Documents that came into the possession of Janes Defense Weekly and the BBC indicate that Boeing took Podkletnov's work more than seriously and is now analyzing it in the course of a program code-named "Project Capture" .... We are waiting, sir.

To be continued....

* For information, see the site - the primary source, link above (at the beginning of the article)

UFO and antigravity. The principle of operation of the UFO engine. Scientific substantiation of the operation of the UFO engine

Vladimir Zabelyshensky

UFO and antigravity.

The modern level of science allows us to conclude that there are three main forces in the Universe: gravity, magnetism and electricity. This statement was the result of the work of a number of prominent scientists, which, first of all, include Faraday, Maxwell, Planck and Einstein. In 1923, their followers - American scientists Brown and Bifield, California Institute for Special Studies, investigating the connection between electricity and gravity, came to the discovery of the effect of electrogravity. This discovery was the beginning of the development of a completely new scientific direction. Brown showed that for every electromagnetic phenomenon there is an electrogravitational analogue, in particular, the movement of a charged body under the influence of the interaction between electric and gravitational fields in the direction of the positive electrode. In 1939, Brown created the theory of electrogravity and then developed it into the field of electrohydrodynamics.

It is noteworthy that the Brown effect was not predicted, even to any first approximation, either by the Theory of Relativity or by modern theories of electromagnetism. As soon as Brown's theory of electrogravity became available to scientists and technical specialists of aerospace centers, it struck with the simplicity of implementation and the highest degree of experimental evidence of all the provisions of the theory. However, even at the end of the 20th century, despite the practical implementation of the Brown effect in the creation of fundamentally new aircraft, many, due to their ignorance, consider the gravitational engine an obscure exotic.

The essence of electrogravity is that a flat capacitor charged with a high DC voltage tends to move towards the positive pole, due to a decrease in its weight /1/. The change in the weight of the capacitor depending on the polarity of the voltage applied to it is shown in Fig.1.

Fig.1. The change in the weight of a capacitor depending on the polarity of the voltage applied to it.

The experiments revealed the fundamental features:

The dielectric material between the two plates of a capacitor must be able to store electrical energy in the form of a "elastic" voltage without corona discharge and subsequent breakdown at the edges of the capacitor, for example, in the form of a disk. The measure of this ability is the “k” factor of the material. The higher the value of this coefficient, the greater the effect of electrogravity;

The effect of the movement of a freely suspended capacitor is directly proportional to the area of ​​the capacitor plates and the magnitude of the voltage applied to the plates;

The effect of electrogravity becomes more pronounced as the mass of the dielectric material between the plates increases. (Patent T. T. Brown, 3 187 206 dated June 1, 1965, USA).

The distribution of an electric charge of a certain polarity over the sectors of the upper and lower surfaces of a flat capacitor allows you to control the direction of movement of the capacitor. Figures 2 and 3 show the principle of changing the direction of the flight of objects according to the theory of electrogravity.

Fig.3. The principle of changing the direction of flight of objects.

In his experiments, Brown used models of objects in the form of a triangle, a square, a square truncated at the corners with faces, and a saucer. He ultimately concluded that the most effective shape was the saucer shape. Analysis of the flight of the saucer in Brown's experiments showed that during the flight of the model in the air none of the known aerodynamic principles of the wing is used.

Considering electrogravity in relation to UFOs, we must keep in mind some features of its flight. As is known, the Earth is surrounded by a gravitational field, the magnitude of which decreases with distance from the Earth and, ultimately, becomes equal to zero. The UFO, by creating an area of ​​its own gravitational field, changes (deforms) the gravitational field of the Earth. This area acts like a wave with a negative pole at the top of the wave and a positive pole at its bottom. The flight of a UFO is like a surfer sliding on a wave. Thus, by changing the orientation and sign (polarity) of the electric field on the upper and lower surfaces of the body, the UFO is able to move without inertia in any direction. As you know, there are some stably observed features of the flight of UFOs. So, before starting from a hovering position, the UFO leans forward, before stopping in level flight, it leans back. The descent of a UFO, as a rule, occurs by the “falling leaf” method, reminiscent of the movement of a pendulum. Paul Hill, who studied these flight characteristics at NASA's Langley Research Center, came to the conclusion that such evolutions of UFO flight are contrary to aerodynamic requirements, but are fully compatible with the fundamental differences in the operation of a field anti-gravity system.

Experimenting with various forms of his flying models, Brown describes the process of generating the driving force, due to which controlled flight is carried out. In accordance with the theory of electrogravity, the upper part of the dome-shaped disk is an anode, which is under a positive charge of 100-200 kV. The cathode, to which a negative charge is applied, is the central lower part of the case, the diameter of which is approximately 3 times smaller than the upper, domed part of the disk. The dome is mechanically connected to the small anode part by an electrode located vertically in the center of the disk.

The ion plasma, moving at high speed towards the concave part of the dome, creates pressure along the entire anode profile, which leads, in a particular case, to a vertical movement of the disk. The plasma that escaped the dome returns with acceleration to the cathode. An intrinsic gravitational field is created both inside the volume of the disk and in the peripheral region outside the disk. The electrical model of Brown's disk is shown in Figure 4./2/.

Fig.4. Brown's electrical disk model.

The main conclusion following from Brown's theory, confirmed in the experiment, is that there is an electromagnetic correlation factor between the gravitational mass and the inertial mass, which, under certain electromagnetic conditions, can be reduced, canceled, inverted or increased.

Demonstration flights of Brown discs, 1m in diameter. and more, around a high mast with power-through-wire, have shown that a low-pressure region is created in front of the leading edge of the disk. This area, like a buffer wing, displaces the air in front of the flying disk, which eliminates the occurrence of a supersonic barrier and heating of the disk body. Speaking to scientists and representatives of the aviation industry, Brown already then noted that the electromagnetic processes accompanying the flight cause not only the glow of the disk, but also a negative effect on animals and plants.

Observations of low-flying or low-altitude UFOs, as well as the detection of the so-called. step voltage on the surface of the earth during their landings, confirm the presence of an electric field around the UFO. The intensity of this field, according to indirect estimates, is 1 - 1.5 million volts per square meter. see UFO surfaces, which corresponds to the calculated values ​​obtained in Brown's experiments.

In 1953, Brown held a demonstration for senior military officials. He showed the flight of two discs 3 feet in diameter. They reached speeds of several hundred miles per hour. Soon, work in this direction was classified.

During the Winterhaven project, Brown sent a proposal to the Pentagon to develop a disk-shaped electrogravity combat aircraft of the Mach-3 type (Mach-3). It was a much improved version of his test discs shown earlier. Using large vacuum chambers, Brown showed that his discs could fly more efficiently in an airless environment. This made a proper impression on the specialists of the US military department.

As soon as Brown's discoveries gained publicity, some scientists began talking openly about UFO flight technology. None other than Professor Hermann Oeberg, who is considered the father of the space age, who later worked with Wernher von Braun for the US Army Ballistic Missile Agency and NASA, stated the following in 1954: “It is my thesis that flying saucers are real and are spaceships from another solar system. They fly using artificial gravity fields... They produce high-voltage electric charges in order to push air out of their way, while the air begins to glow in strong electromagnetic fields as a result of ionization of the molecules of various gases in the air.

Firstly, this can explain the glow ... Secondly, this can explain the noiselessness of the UFO flight ...” /3/. We now know that, in fact, he was right in his assessment. - Counselor of the Physical Society of Russia, exploring Brown's developments, notes that the active force acting in electrogravity is the result of the asymmetry of the orbital motion of electrons in atoms of a dielectric located in an electric field. The asymmetry creates a centrifugal force gradient and a non-zero linear component of this force. If we take the surface area of ​​the dome equal to 100 sq. m. electric capacitance will be about 1 microfarad. The use of special ceramics as a dielectric makes it possible to increase the dielectric constant (specific capacitance) up to 80. At a potential of 100 kV. the gradient of the acting force will be equal to 80 tons. Since the magnitude of the force increases in a quadratic dependence on the applied potential, it is advisable to increase the potential, and not the surface of the dome or the object as a whole. Thus, the essence of electrogravity propulsion is to use a very strong positive charge on one side of the vehicle and a negative charge on the other. The ability of a capacitor to hold a charge (K-factor) is a comparative specification. If the K coefficient for ordinary dielectrics is 6-8, then the use of barium titanate oxide (sintered ceramics) gives a coefficient of 6.000 with the prospect of bringing it up to 30.000, which is quite enough for supersonic flight.” /4/ Calculation of the gradient of the acting force is shown in figure 1.


ε1=1 ε2=80 (ceramics)

area S=100m2

capacitance C0=10-6F; C= ε2C0=8×10-5F

potential φ=105 V

charge q=CU=8K

field strength E=105 i/m



Fig.1. Calculation of the gradient of the acting force.

In one of their conclusions, based on Brown's work, experts note the following: “Electrostatic energy sufficient to implement the Mak-3 apparatus is possible using megavolt voltages and a K factor of more than 10,000″ /5/.

Despite Brown's thorough research, they further point out that: “One of the major difficulties in 1954 and 1955 was the effort to convince aviators of the seriousness of electrogravity experiments /6/. Report of the British company Gravity Rand Ltd. in 1956 is consistent with this assessment /7/.

Aviation Report made numerous references to anti-gravity projects and cited many of the companies involved in research in this area. The quotes from this magazine, given in the report of the company "Aviation Studies (International) Ltd." /8/ hint at what is going on behind the scenes.

In 1954, the company's specialists note that: “… progress was slow. But there are indications that the Pentagon is willing to sponsor a number of devices to help further progress”... will be available ten years from now.” (Aviation Report, No.12, October 1954) /9/.

During this time period, many of the major companies in the military-industrial complex were cited as leading research projects and trials in the field. For example: “Among the companies studying the application of gravity mentioned in the new statement are Glenn Martin, Conware, Sperry-Rand, Sikorsky, Bell, Liar Inc. and Clark Electronics. Of the other companies that showed interest earlier, we note Lockheed. Other of the reports mentioned point to AT&T, General Electric, and Curtis-Wright, Boeing, and North American as having electrogravity research groups. During the same period of time, a Gravity Rand report notes that: “Already companies specialize in the development of individual components of the electrogravity disk” /11/. However, in the field of predictions, the Evolution Report states the following based on extrapolation of technological advances: “Thus, this century will be divided into two parts - almost to the present day. The first part is due to the Wright brothers, who anticipated almost every major law in which gravity was a formidable opponent. In the second part, gravity will be the great breadwinner.

Electric energy, practically inapplicable for movement in the first part, becomes a kind of catalyst for movement in the second part of the century.” (Aviation Report, No.7, September 1954) /12/.

Looking back in history, it is easy to say that they have lost the point of dividing. Had they really lost her for half a century? After reading the reports mentioned, it becomes quite obvious that there was a lot of interest in anti-gravity among a number of very well-known companies, as well as in the Department of Defense. What happened to that interest, and why did it fade over the next four-plus decades? In the end, T. Brown showed that there is a provable connection between high voltage fields and gravity. Why was this topic kept from the scientific community and publications in the open literature until the 90s? A review of recent statements by former military and civilian employees working in connection with secret projects sheds light on research activity in these areas in the second half of the century. And it turns out that significant breakthroughs were made during this period, but they were hidden from the eyes of scientists and the public.

Recent scientific developments.

In this section, we look at developments in anti-gravity since the late 1980s, as well as scientific findings and eyewitness accounts associated with military and secret groups that indicate that a solution to gravity has been found that can be applied to technology. Although general relativity has been unable to explain Brown's electrogravitational theory, as well as any other antigravitational phenomena, physicists' recent findings on the methodology of quantum electrodynamics allow us to offer a theoretical framework with which to explain electrogravity.

The latest works of the staff of the Institute for Advanced Studies of the Alpha Foundation provide a solid theoretical foundation for antigravitational effects in the framework of the theory of electrodynamics and include reports by Evans /13/, Anastasotsky /14/ and others.

Earlier, in his groundbreaking work in 1994, Alcubière showed that

that space travel at superluminal speed is, in principle, physically possible and will not contradict the foundations of the theory of relativity /15/. Puthoff, later analyzed these definitions in light of the existing SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) paradigms, which state that we cannot be visited by extraterrestrial civilizations due to the light speed limitations imposed by general relativity. On the contrary, he believes that traveling at the speed of light is undoubtedly possible /16/. This leads to a decrease in the time required for interstellar travel and the possibility of a visit by extraterrestrial civilizations. Our limited understanding of physics and scientific arrogance kept it all taboo in some areas for most of the 20th century. While Brown's Electrogravity Theory has found its way into US aerospace projects, there are alternative theoretical approaches to creating artificial, controlled gravity.

In 1999 Fran Di Aquino, Doctor of Physics at the University of San Luis, Brazil, has published a number of papers on the theory of aircraft using the antigravity principle. In the work “Gravity and electromagnetism; correlation and grand unification”/17/ he showed that gravitational and inertial masses are correlated taking into account the electromagnetic coefficient (multiplier). The consequences of this correlation make it possible to transform the Mach Principle into the Theory of Gravity, obtaining a new relativistic expression for mass. In addition, it became possible to generalize Newton's second law for motion, to calculate the differential equation for entropy (the second law of Thermodynamics) directly from the Theory of Gravity. Another fundamental consequence of the considered correlation is that, in specific ultrahigh energy states, gravitational and electromagnetic fields can be described by the same Hamilton function.

Attempts to establish a correlation between gravitational and inertial masses have been made since Newton. However, it has only recently been established that a gravitational particle reduces its mass with increasing temperature and that only at absolute zero (T=0) are gravitational and inertial masses equivalent.Fran Di Aquino showed that the long-standing assumption of a correlation between gravity and electromagnetism turned out to be correct. Initially, using formal methods, it was shown that there is a so-called. electromagnetic coefficient (multiplier), which is related to gravitational and inertial masses. Now there is a possibility of theoretical substantiation of the process of controlling the gravitational mass.

As has been shown, the inertial effects of a material body can be reduced and even canceled if its gravitational mass can be reduced or canceled accordingly. A particle with no gravitational mass is not subject to relativistic effects. Its gravitational mass does not increase with the speed of the particle. It is interesting to note that according to Di Aquino, this means that a particle with no gravitational mass can reach the speed of light and even surpass it. Such a particle is characterized by two fundamental parameters: it becomes a particle with momentum Р=0 and energy Е=0. These "ghosts" of neutrinos are so named because, without having momentum and energy, they cannot be detected. But even so, their presence can be confirmed by an existing wave function that describes their presence.

Inertial forces in the modern version are expressed as Fi=miai, while the equivalent gravitational forces, Fg=mgag. In this case, the equivalence ai=ag. Therefore, the equations of the General Theory of Relativity will be preserved. It is known that photons do not have inertial mass, do not absorb other photons, and do not have gravitational mass. If we consider a certain source of electromagnetic radiation with a certain power, frequency and beam density, then in accordance with Aquino's theory, it is possible to create a so-called “shield” of photons around this source, which will prevent the exchange of gravitons between particles in the “shield” and the rest of space ( universe). Region shield” begins at a distance from the source, where the beam density reaches a value at which photons will counteract each graviton in the electromagnetic field of the source. Moreover, these interactions are instantaneous, since the speed of photons in this case should be infinite, because they are quanta of electromagnetic interaction. It is this speed of photons that will be in shield."

If we imagine a spacecraft with a positive gravitational mass equal to X kg, and a negative gravitational mass equal to, for example, 0.001 kg, then this condition is sufficient to create a “shield” by photons emanating from the surface of the spacecraft. In this case, the gravitational mass of the ship will be equal to 0.001 kg. If the ship's propulsion system creates only F=10N, the spacecraft will acquire an acceleration equal to 104m/s.Thus, due to the photon "shield" around the spacecraft, its gravitational interaction with the Universe will be absent. Consequently, the inertial forces on the spacecraft will also be absent, in other words, the ship will lose its inertial properties. In addition, a spacecraft can not only reach the speed of light, but exceed it, because, as has been shown, a particle with no gravitational mass will not be subject to relativistic effects. The key issue of today is the creation of a compact source of electrical energy that allows obtaining voltages of more than 1 MV and electric fields with a strength of 1-1.5 MV per square meter. see aircraft surfaces. There are several solutions to this issue, including the conversion of nuclear energy or the use of the energy of the vacuum state.

Energy of the vacuum state.

The most revolutionary physical discoveries are made in relation to the energy of zero-point vibrations or the energy of the vacuum state, which is illustrated by the Casimir effect, according to which two metal plates put together attract each other due to an imbalance of quantum vibrations. The prospects for using the energy of zero-point oscillations or the energy of the vacuum state are grandiose. Einstein's student John Wheeler once said: "Figuratively speaking, the vacuum energy contained in the volume of a coffee cup would be enough to evaporate all the oceans of the Earth." The theoretical foundations of the energy of the vacuum state have been described in several works by Puthoff since the end of the 1980s /18,19/.

Physicist Stephen Greer, commenting on the research and practical achievements of scientists at the University of New Hampshire at a radio briefing on January 30, 2003, noted that, judging by the amazing devices that he saw in operation, by mid-2004 the United States will be able to create industrial designs. energy converters of vibrations of subatomic particles of free vacuum into electrical energy. “They are exceptionally compact, lightweight devices with no moving parts. I want to tell you that the UFO mystery has been a mystery for decades for one, the most important reason - we needed to have time to monopolize the study of the energy source in UFOs.

Various technological methods for extracting this energy are described - the latest works by Anastasocki et al. /20/. Bearden's book on zero-point energy theory /21/ will appear soon. There is considerable evidence to support that scientists since Tesla have been aware of this energy, but its existence and potential uses have been hidden for more than half a century /22/.

The connection between observations of electrogravitational phenomena and the discovery of zero-point energy leads to a new, expanded understanding of the nature of matter and gravity. We turn to the next question: what keeps the universe in perpetual motion? Or, more specifically, where do electrons get their energy to keep spinning around atoms? The simplistic answer is that it comes from a vacuum state. Puthoff /23/ describes the process as follows: “I found that we can think of an electron as continuously radiating its energy, as the classical theory says, but at the same time absorbing a compensating amount of energy from the omnipresent zero-point energy ocean in which the atom is immersed. The balance between these two processes leads to the correct values ​​of the parameters that determine the minimum energy or orbit of the ground state.

Thus, there is a dynamic equilibrium in which the zero-point energy stabilizes the electron in the orbit of the ground state. It turns out that the stability of matter itself depends on the ocean of zero-point electromagnetic energy supporting it.”

Moreover, it turns out that the rotation of the electrons provides inertia and mass for the atoms. These theories linking electron spin, zero-point energy, mass and inertia have been presented in a number of recent scientific papers, of which Heisch and colleagues are noted for providing a possible explanation for the Biefeld-Brown effect. It turns out that the high voltage field creates an electromagnetic barrier that blocks the atomic structure of the atom from interacting with the field of zero vibrations. This slows down the electrons, reducing their gyroscopic effect and thus their mass and inertia, making them easier to move around.

This inexhaustible source of energy will make it possible to abandon the use of all types of fuel, to transfer any transport, industrial and social facilities to electricity consumption thanks to vacuum energy.

Searle's gravitational disks.

In 1946 prof. John Searle, UK, made a fundamental discovery in the field of the nature of magnetism. Working in Mortimer, Borkshire, he discovered that in the manufacture of permanent magnets based on ferrites, adding a small component of alternating current, within 100mA, with a frequency of 10MHz, to the magnetizing field, the magnets acquire completely new properties /24/. In Searl's experiments, it was shown that if magnets in the form of rollers made using a new technology are placed around the outside of the ring magnet, then with a certain number of rollers, they come into independent movement around the ring magnet. Once in motion, the rollers increase their speed until dynamic equilibrium is reached. It was also found that when the magnetic rollers rotate, the device creates an electrostatic potential difference, the vector of which is directed along the radius from the rollers to the ring magnet. In this case, the fixed ring is positively charged, and the rollers are negatively charged. The interaction of centrifugal force and magnets creates a constant gap between the moving rollers and the ring, resulting in no mechanical or galvanic contact between the ring and the rollers.

Complementing the design with a fixed electromagnet, Searl received a current generator with a power of about 500 watts. The appearance of the simplest design of the Searl electric generator is shown in Figure 5.

In 1952, Searle made a device with several concentric rings, between which rollers were placed. This device with a diameter of 1m developed a potential equal to 1,000,000 volts, which was accompanied by crackling and the smell of ozone. The design of this generator is shown in Figure 6.

There are 10 rollers around the first (small) ring, 25 at the next ring and 35 around the outer ring. On the outer ring, above the ends of the rollers, electromagnetic converters of static potential into DC voltage are installed. Such a generator produces 15kW of power during stable operation. Studies of the Searl effect show that when the magnetic rollers are close to the magnetic ring, the resonant state of the magnetic field draws electrons and ions and, accelerating them in the gap between the rollers and the ring, creates a high static voltage with opposite charges on the stationary ring and the rollers rotating around it. High power at the output of such a generator is obtained by doping the magnetic material with neodymium, a rare earth metal that gives excess electrons. In 1999, SISRC Ltd, which includes subsidiaries in Germany, Sweden, Australia and New Zealand, announced the completion of an extensive program to modernize the Searl generator, which simplified the design. The company's specialists noted that discoveries in the field of vacuum state energy conversion play a key role in the effect of obtaining electrical energy using the Searl Generator /24/.

However, the main discovery was that when the specified potential difference and the maximum speed of the rollers in the dynamic equilibrium mode are reached, the device rises. An analysis of electromagnetic phenomena in the Searl device showed that the interaction of an electric field of high intensity, the vector of which, in a particular case, is directed along the radius to the pulsating magnetic field, creates its own gravitational field that compensates for the weight of the device itself. In addition, Searl generators can be used as high voltage sources in Brown disks.

Since 1952, Searle began manufacturing devices in the form of discs with a diameter of 10m. In the 1950s, publications about Searl's further work ceased. However, in 1970, an important feature of Searl's magnets became known: the characteristics of magnets can temporarily change when exposed to an external constant magnetic field. When the external field is removed, the characteristics of the magnets are restored. In addition, it became known that experiments were being carried out to replace ferrite with magnetic ceramics. Thus, in the early 1970s, as a result of numerous experiments and technical upgrades, it became obvious that Searl disks can be used as a source of electrical energy, the main unit of a gravitational engine for aircraft, or a combination of these technical areas.

Studies of the Searl effect conducted in Russia /25/ showed:

The mechanical energy of rotating permanent magnets is converted into electrical energy in accordance with the magnitude of the gravitational potential created by all masses in the local volume of space.

The movement of the magnetic rollers in the transducer's own electric field leads to the formation of a secondary gravitational field in accordance with the magnitude of the electric potential.

With an increase in the speed of rotation of the rotor (a system of magnetic rollers), the strength of the electric field increases and, as a result, the secondary gravitational field increases, which can reduce or cancel the weight of the structure.

If the energy of the electric field is not spent on electric discharges or heating the structure by induced currents, then a significant part of the mechanical energy manifests itself in the form of an antigravitational effect.

Spontaneous acceleration of the magnetic system is associated with the simultaneous presence of electric, magnetic and gravitational fields in the local region of space.

From the side of the magnetic field, the Lorentz force acts both on moving electric charges and on gravitationally charged bodies.

Since the structure itself is electrically neutral, the Lorentz force acts only on gravitationally charged rollers. The direction of the Lorentz force is perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field and the direction of movement of the magnetic rollers. If the cylindrical rollers rotated in one place, then the Lorentz force would be directed towards the axis of rotation and would not impart additional acceleration to them.

In addition to rotational, magnetic rollers also perform translational motion around the magnetic ring, so that each point on their surface moves along the cycloid, so the Lorentz force has two components: towards the center of the cylindrical roller and along the direction of their movement.

The magnitude of the Lorentz force depends on the electric potential, the strength of the magnetic field, the mass of the rollers and the speed of their movement.

The electric potential, in turn, depends on the speed of rotation of the roller system around the fixed ring. Thus, in the end, the Lorentz force depends on the speed according to a quadratic law.

Electrons accelerated by a toroidal electric field of high intensity ionize the gas in the surrounding space, causing it to glow /25/.

Currently, work is underway on the use of composite materials and multilayer magnetic structures in order to significantly increase the output power of Searl generators. It should be noted that the achieved level of high voltage obtained by using the Searl generator is sufficient to use it as a voltage source in Brown's flying disks.

Electrogravity and unified field theory.

Jerry E. Bayles, US Physics Institute, studying the interaction of UFOs with the environment, man-made and biological objects, came to the conclusion that Brown's theory can be significantly supplemented. Taking into account the results of the practical implementation of Brown's theory of electrogravity, Bayles proposed a theory of the interaction of strong electromagnetic and electric fields, as a result of which a controlled vector of gravitational force is created. Although this approach is not new, Bayles' theory is distinguished by its consideration of the problem from the point of view of unified field theory and quantum mechanics. His theory was presented by him to NASA at a conference in February 2003 /26/.

Without considering the mathematical apparatus for studying quantum interactions of fields and states of elementary particles, we will limit ourselves to the main provisions of the theory that explain the principle of UFO motion. These provisions are a consequence of the consideration of quantum and electrodynamic conditions, in which the entire structure of the UFO and its energy field are both a gravitational engine and a means of movement in space. A UFO surrounded by a microwave field is a single quantum potential similar to the energy potential of an electron. If there are conditions for an external energy action that creates a difference in energy levels, the electron can “tunnel” through the energy barrier to another point in space. This move is instantaneous. This feature of the electron's quantum state was discovered by David Bohm after he solved the Schrödinger wave equation for the quantum energy potential, which represents the electron's energy itself.

The physics associated with the quantum potential of David Bohm made it possible to expand the concept of quantum energy and the mechanics of gravity. One of the main provisions of the Bayles theory is the definition - the energy space is the source of Bohm's quantum potential. Bayles' Unified Field Theory allowed him to develop a new gravitational equation that expresses the mechanics of the vector magnetic potential. The equation shown in Figure 2 includes a vector magnetic potential and a new quantum coupling constant.

The assertion that a quantum particle such as an electron is essentially a standing wave formed the basis for considering the UFO motion system from the standpoint of wave theory, taking into account the design features and parameters of the UFO electromagnetic radiation obtained in direct measurements. Based on the fact that quantum and macroelectronic equations are similar, it becomes possible to move a macroquantum object by changing the phase or wave function of a quantum standing wave relative to a coupled electric standing wave in a strong electric field of the object.

Thus, a UFO, in a quantum sense, is similar to an electron, which gives it the ability to carry out instantaneous movements (jumps) in space, as an electron does when passing through an energy barrier by the “tunneling” method. The range of the UFO jump from its energy space to any point of the ordinary (surrounding) space is determined by the magnitude of the instantaneous phase transformation between the two indicated standing waves, which leads to a sharp, but manageable, change in the energy of the electromagnetic field. Speaking about the energy space of the UFO, one must keep in mind that the energy source can be the energy of vibrations of vacuum particles, converted into another, more convenient form of electrical energy. In a stationary position, the force field around the UFO-disk is symmetrical and has the shape of a torus. When creating a local asymmetry of the field, the UFO moves in the direction of its disturbance. Figure 7 shows a diagram of a UFO, which indicates the functional elements of the design.

Fig.7. Functional elements of the UFO design.

1. Compartment of the system of phase and group generation of standing waves.

2. Planar waveguides.

3. Residential and functional compartments.

4. Device for removal of corona discharge.

5. High dielectric ring.

6. Waveguide outputs.

The microwave radiation emerging from the waveguides -6 creates a force field that counteracts the external toroidal field, keeping it at some distance from the UFO body, thereby creating a vacuum region around the body. Group switching of energy along flat waveguides creates an adjustable asymmetry of the force field to change the spatial position of the UFO. Since the electric field strength in the upper part of the dome is maximum, there is a high probability of a corona discharge, which could lead to disturbances in the standing wave generation system. The corona discharge is removed using a device in the form of a “spike” of variable cross section located at the top of the dome.

Considering the real possibilities of copying UFO-type devices, Jerry Bayles suggested using a hydrogen atomic reactor as an energy source. In 1998, such a solution, from a technological point of view, could well be implemented.

Information beyond the threshold of secrecy.

In the United States, the B-2 aircraft became the first mass-produced aircraft using anti-gravity technology. A feature of the B-2 bomber is the large area of ​​the horizontal surface of the aircraft in the form of a triangle. This feature provides maximum anti-gravity lift. At one time, Brown showed that although the shape of the disk is the most optimal, it is not necessary. Triangular, square or diamond-shaped devices fly with the same high efficiency. Further development of anti-gravity technology depends on advances in the development of newer dielectrics than the high-density RAM cermet. From sources close to Northrop Corporation, the manufacturer of anti-gravity devices, as well as from a publication in Aviation Week on March 9, 1992, it is known that a new dielectric is now available that can operate at a voltage of 15 million voltages. volt.

In 1993, Dr. La Violette prepared a report /27,28,29/ in which the B-2 bomber is discussed from the point of view of the use of an electrogravity system in it. It turns out that this plane uses an improved form of the anti-gravity principles first described by T. Brown. Confirmation of this thesis is available in the journal "Evolution Week and Space Technology" (March 1992), which reported that the B-2 bomber electrostatically charges the leading edge of the wing and the exhaust stream. The information was confirmed by Bob Ischsler, a NASA specialist. In flight, a positively charged region moves in front of the aircraft, while the ionized exhaust jet of jet engines creates a negatively charged region behind the aircraft. In this case, a certain modification of the Brown effect is realized, which has undeniable advantages in comparison with the conventional jet aircraft flight pattern.

B. Ischsler publicly made a similar statement in 1990. This information complements the information that there are major developments in the field of antigravity, which are used in military aviation. The appearance of the B-2 aircraft, US Air Force, is shown in Figure 8.

Fig.8. The appearance of the aircraft B-2.

From the conclusion of La Violetta's report: “The commercial airline industry can reap enormous benefits from this technology. It will not only significantly increase the fuel efficiency of jet airliners, significantly increase flight speed, but, most importantly, reduce flight time” /30/.

On May 9, 2001, the Public Organization “Project Disclosure” /31/ held a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington. She presented more than two dozen witnesses, including retired members of the Army, Navy and Air Force, a high official of the Federal Aviation Agency, employees of various intelligence organizations, including the CIA. All of them either witnessed events related to UFOs, or were aware of the nature of the activities of the government and industrial corporations in this area. They also produced a white paper /32/ for journalists and congressmen, as well as a book /33/ that collected dozens of testimonies from such people. Many of them talked about secret programs dealing with anti-gravity technologies, zero-point energy and the development of reproductions of alien vehicles (UFOs) as part of American "black projects".

Dan Morris /34/, worked in the Air Force, now retired. For many years he participated in "extraterrestrial projects". After leaving the Air Force, he was hired by the super-secret National Intelligence Organization (NRO), where he worked on UFO-related operations.

He had the highest level of security clearance.

“There are UFOs, both of alien origin and those made by humans. Townsend Brown was almost at the top along with the German scientists. So we had a problem. Our task was to protect Townsend Brown, to protect his work on the secrets of anti-gravity electromagnetic propulsion. Then, he describes a type of zero-point energy device.

“If you have one of these devices, about sixteen inches long, eight inches high, ten inches wide, you can no longer connect to the local power grid.” These devices do not burn anything. No pollution. They will never break because they have no moving parts. Only electrons move in the gravitational and electromagnetic fields. At the same time, they rotate in opposite directions.

"Dr. B." /35/ (name withheld as he is still working in the field) is a scientist-engineer who has worked on top-secret projects almost all his life. For many years he worked directly or was involved in secret projects related to anti-gravity, ultra-high energy space laser systems and electromagnetic pulse technologies.

“In fact, I took the opportunity to go to the Hughes in Malibu. They had very solid anti-gravity projects there. I am well acquainted with the details of these works. The flying disk has a small plutonium reactor inside, which, through conversion, produces huge electrical energy. We also have even more advanced propulsion technology, this is called a “virtual field”, which causes hydrodynamic waves…”

Capt. Bill Juhaus /36/ served 10 years in the Marine Corps as a pilot

fighter and four years in the Air Force civilian service at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base as a test pilot for an exotic experimental craft. Then, for the next 30 years, he worked for Department of Defense contractors as an engineer on anti-gravity propulsion systems: on exotic aircraft flight simulators and on real flying disks. “I think that the first flying disk simulator was put into operation no earlier than the beginning of the 60s. Possibly in 1962 or 1963

year. The reason I say this is because the simulator was not actually functional until around 1958. The simulator they used was for an alien craft they had, this 30 meter object crashed in Kingman, Arizona in 1953 or 1952.”

“We controlled it with six huge capacitors, each

they were charged with a million volts, so there were six million volts in those capacitors.”… various sizes of apparatuses of our construction”.

"A. X." /37/ works for Boeing Airspace, collected various information from secret groups working on projects related to UFOs and extraterrestrial civilizations in the government, the Ministry of Defense and civilian companies. He has friends in the NSA, CIA, NASA, JPL, Naval Intelligence, NRA, Area 51, Air Force, Northrup, Boeing, and others.

“Most of the apparatus works on the principles of antigravity and electrogravity. We have now come to the final stage with respect to anti-gravity. I think another 15 years and we will have cars that will float above the ground using this type of technology. We're working on this right now at Area 51. It's one of the things my friend at Area 51 is working on with Northrup, who now lives in Pahrump, MA. Nevada. We're flying anti-gravity vehicles right now in Area 51 and Utah."

Colonel Williams /38/ joined the Air Force in 1964 and was a rescue helicopter pilot in Vietnam. He has a degree in electrical engineering and has led design projects for the Defense Air Command. During his military service, he knew about the existence of a top-secret facility at Norton Air Force Base in California.

“There was a structure at Norton Air Force Base that was closed from prying eyes. Even the command did not know what was happening there. Then there were rumors among the pilots that it was a secret repository for one device - a UFO.

Mark McCandlish /39/ is a professional aerospace illustrator who has worked for many of the leading aerospace corporations in the United States. His colleague was inside a building at Norton Air Force Base, where he saw reproductions of non-terrestrial vehicles that were fully functional and could fly. He argues that the US not only has working anti-gravity propulsion vehicles now. The United States has had them for many, many years. They were developed in the course of research, in particular, extraterrestrial vehicles in the last fifty years. Close friend Brad Sorensen told him about a large hangar he was in during an air show at Norton Air Force Base on November 12, 1988.

In this hangar, he saw flying saucers. “There were three flying saucers hovering above the floor. No wires connecting to the ceiling, no landing legs. They only hovered, hovering above the floor. He said that the smallest object was partly shaped like a bell. They were all identical in shape and proportions, only all three were of different sizes. Video footage was shown showing the smallest of the three craft standing on the ground in a desert area, presumably at the bottom of a dry lake, some sort of Area 51 type location.

This craft made three small, but quick, bouncing jerks, then flew straight up, quickly picking up speed, and within seconds completely disappeared from sight. There was no sound, no sonic boom, nothing.”

“This craft was what they called a ‘reproduction of an alien craft’ and was also given the nickname ‘Fluxliner’. This anti-gravity propulsion system - this flying saucer - was one of three that were in the hangar at Norton AFB. Its artificial vision system used the same type of technology used in the machine gun guidance system on the Apache helicopter: if the pilot wants to see what is behind him, he can turn on the view in that direction, and the cameras work in pairs. The pilot has a small screen in the front of the helmet, giving him an alternate look. He also puts on special goggles - in fact, you can actually buy a 3D vision system for your video camera right now and it will do the same - and when the pilot looks around, he sees a great 3D view of everything that is outside , and there are no windows. Why are there no windows? Most likely because the high voltages we are talking about are somewhere between half a million and a million volts.” Brad Sorensen said that at a demonstration of reproductions, "a three-star general said that these devices are capable of reaching the speed of light and even exceeding it."

Nick Cook's new book, Zero Point Hunt /40/ contains some of the strongest evidence for serious effort and success in antigravity technology. The author of the book has been an editor of Aviation magazine for the last 15 years and an aerospace engineering consultant for Janes Defense Weekly, and has spent the last 10 years gathering information for his book. It includes research into the archives of Nazi Germany on anti-gravity technologies, interviews with senior officials from NASA, the Pentagon and secret defense installations. He proves that America "cracked" the code of gravity and closed the information at the highest level of secrecy. The reason is that anti-gravity and related zero-point energy technologies offer the world the potential to have an inexhaustible and non-polluting source of energy in the future, so the information is withheld due to a “giant economic threat”. His findings corroborate the aforementioned eyewitness reports from Project Disclosure.

Although T. Brown reported most of his discoveries about half a century ago, other experimenters have only recently begun to reproduce his work and report the results in the open literature and on the Internet. For example, Davenport /41/ published the results of his work in 1995, confirming the findings of T. Brown. Still later, the company "Transdimental Technologies" /42/ in the USA and the laboratories of J. Naudin /43/ in France published on the Internet diagrams, videos and experimental data of their versions of anti-gravity "elevators" based on the development of Brown's work. It is an obvious fact that big science still needs to demonstrate principles that were already demonstrated more than fifty years ago.

A whole series of demonstrations of "anti-gravitational" phenomena was carried out by scientists from many countries of the world. They include the work of Brazilian physics professor Fran de Aquino, as well as a demonstration of some devices: Searle's electrogravitational disk, Woodward's piezoelectric force field experiments.

All of them are described in more detail by Greer and Lowder /44/. An analysis of various theoretical approaches to the study of the antigravitational effect, which does not follow from Faraday's law and is not fully understood within the framework of Maxwell's theory of electrodynamics, leads to a simple, at first glance, postulate:

When the electric and magnetic fields interact, provided that the vectors of the interacting fields are perpendicular to each other, a third force vector arises, which manifests itself in the form of an antigravitational effect.

The use of various methods for obtaining active fields does not change the essence of the effect, and certain engineering solutions allow, with varying degrees of efficiency, to control the magnitude and direction of the gravitational force.

Consequences of antigravity research.

Research on antigravity and zero-point energy and their application has finally earned the attention of scientists of big science. This means that textbooks in this area will soon be rewritten and a new generation of students will be able to apply the “new knowledge”. Its application will lead to huge breakthroughs in transportation technologies in space and on the ground. As a result, we have the potential for human exploration of the solar system and beyond during our lifetime, if we are willing. It also implies that much of the technology of the 20th century will become useless, and in fact may already have.

Based on an analysis of trends in anti-gravity research over the past half century and information from numerous witnesses, it turns out that we have both good and bad news. /1/. The good news is that we (under secret projects) have already developed the theory of anti-gravity, and, in addition, built a working spacecraft on its principles. The bad news is that these technologies have been developed for decades at public expense, and that humanity has been deprived of these technologies, continuing to waste energy using inefficient and dirty technologies.

In the early 90s, the largest research centers joined the antigravity projects, including:

Massachusetts Institute of Technology,

Science and Technology Base for Antigravity Research in Boston,

Institute for Advanced Studies at Princeton,

Radiation Laboratory, Princeton University,

University of North Carolina,

Glen Martin Institute for Advanced Gravity Studies.

In the UK, an extensive research program is underway to develop a technology for obtaining special dielectrics for the implementation of electrogravity projects in aviation. Revolutionary successes in the theory of antigravity and its practical implementation do not mean the absence of problems in this area. There are still some problems with creating a more flexible spatial control system for powerful (50.000kVA) electric and electromagnetic fields. There are significant gaps in human protection from electromagnetic radiation. Advances in the technical solution of the problem of security are the main subject of competition and secrecy at the present time. Meanwhile, experts from leading aerospace firms, mastering new technologies within the framework of anti-gravity projects, believe that these problems are not as great as it seems at first glance /45/.

List of sources used:

/1/ Lowder at the 40th Aerospace Science Conference, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Reno, pc. Nevada, 2002. Translated from English. IN . Romanchenko.

/2/ Brown, T. T. 1929. How I control gravity. Science and Information Magazine, Aug. 1929. Reprinted in Psychic Observer

/3/ Oberth, Hermann: “Flying Saucers Come from a Distant World,” The American Weekly, October 24, 1954.

/4/ Frolov A.V. “Reactionless Propulsion and Active Force”, St.-Petersburg, 1998.

/5/ Aviation Studies (International) Ltd. 1956. Electro-gravitics Systems: An examination of electrostatic motion, dynamic counterbary and barycentric control. p. 14. In Valone, T. (ed.), 1994. Electrogravitics Systems: Reports on a new propulsion methodology. Integrity Research Institute, Washington, DC 20005.

/6/. Ibid, p. 27.

/7/. Ibid.p.19.

/8/ Gravity Rand Ltd. 1956. The Gravitics Situation. p. 54. In Valone, T. (ed.), 1994. Electrogravitics Systems: Reports on a new propulsion methodology. Integrity Research Institute, Washington, DC 20005.

/9/ Aviation Studies (International) Ltd. 1956. Electrogravitics Systems: An examination of electrostatic motion, dynamic counterbary and barycentric control. p. 11. In Valone, T. (ed.), 1994. Electrogravitics Systems: Reports on a new propulsion methodology. Integrity Research Institute, Washington, DC 20005.

/10/ Ibid., p. 34.

/11/ Ibid., p. 41.

/12/ Gravity Rand Ltd. 1956. The Gravitics Situation. p. 47. In Valone, T. (ed.), 1994. Electrogravitics Systems: Reports on a new propulsion methodology. Integrity Research Institute, Washington, DC 20005.

/13/ Aviation Studies (International) Ltd. 1956. Electrogravitics Systems: An examination of electrostatic motion, dynamic counterbary and barycentric control. p. 32. In Valone, T. (ed.), 1994. Electrogravitics Systems: Reports on a new propulsion methodology. Integrity Research Institute, Washington, DC 20005.

/14/ Evans, M. W. 2002. The link between the Sachs and O(3) theories of electrodynamics. In Evans, M. W. (ed.), Modern Nonlinear Physics.

/15/ Anastasovski, P. K., T. E. Bearden, C. Ciubotariu, W. T. Coffey, L. B. Crowell, G. J. Evans, M. W. Evans, R. Flower, A. Labounsky, B. Lehnert, M. M And sz A ros, P. R. Moln A r, S. Roy, and J.-P. Vigier. (In Press). Anti gravity effects in the Sachs theory of electrodynamics Foundations of Physics Letters.

/16/ Alcubierre, M. 1994. The Warp Drive: Hyper-fast travel within general relativity. Classical and Quantum Gravity.

/17/ Fran De Aguino: Gravitation and Electromagnetism; Correlation and Grand Unification, S. Luis, Brazil, 1999.

/18/ Puthoff, H. E. 1996. SETI, The Velocity-of-Light Limitation, and the Alcubierre Warp Drive: An Integrating Overview, Physics Essays.

/19/ Puthoff, H. 1989. “Gravity as a Zero-Point Fluctuation Force.” Phys. Rev A., 39(5):. Puthoff, H. 1989. “Source of Electromagnetic Zero-Point Energy.” Phys. Rev A, 40(9):.

/20/ Anastasovski, P. K., T. E. Bearden, C. Ciubotariu, W. T. Coffey, L. B. Crowell, G. J. Evans, M. W. Evans, R. Flower, A. Labounsky, B. Lehnert, M. M And sz A ros, P. R. Moln A r, J. K. Moscicki, S. Roy, and J. P. Vigier. 2001. Explanation of the motionless elect romagnetic generator with 0(3) Electrodynamics. Foundations of Physics Letters, 14(1):87-93

/21/ See the Tom Bearden web site for an extensive listing and copies of his papers at: www. cheniere. org.

/22/ Bearden, T. 2002. Energy from the Vacuum: Concepts and Principles. World Scientific (In Press).

/24/Consortium searl international, www. /e. htm

/25/ “Searle magnetogravity converter”, Sci Tec , 2002.

/26/ J. E. Bayles, Electrogravitation as a unified field theory, http://www. /gravbook/ (APPENDIX).

/27.28/ LaViolette, P. 1993. The U.S. Antigravity Squadron. In Valone, T. (ed.), 1994. Electrogravitics Systems: Reports on a new propulsion methodology. Integrity Research Institute, Washington, DC 20005.

/29/ LaViolette, P. A. 1992. Electrogravitics: Back to the future. LaViolette, P. A. 1993. A theory of electrogravitics. Electric Spacecraft, Issue 8.

/30/ LaViolette, P. A. 2000. Moving Beyond the First Law and Advanced Field Propulsion Technologies. in T. Loder (ed.). “Outside-the-Box” Technologies, Their Critical Role Concerning Environmental Trends, and the Unnecessary Energy Crisis. Report prepared for The U.S.

/31/ Information available at: www. disclosure project. org.

/32/ Greer, S. M. and T. C. Loder III. 2001. Disclosure Project Briefing Document, 492 pp. Available on CD from: The Disclosure Project, P. O. Box 2365, Charlottesville, VA 22902.

/33/ Greer, S. M. 2001. Disclosure: Military and government witnesses reveal the greatest secrets in modern history. Crossing Point Inc. Crozet, VA.

/34/ Ibid., pp. 357-366.

/35/ Ibid., pp. 262-270.

/36/ Ibid., pp. 384-387.

/37/ Ibid., pp. 391-403.

/38/ Ibid., pp. 388-389.

/39/ Ibid., pp. 497-510.

/40/ Cook, N. 2001. The Hunt for Zero Point.

/41/ Deavenport, L. 1995. “T. T. Brown Experiment replicated. Electric Spacecraft Journal. Issue 16 Oct. 1995. (Reprinted in: Valone, T. (ed.), 1994. Electro-gravitics Systems: Reports on a new propulsion methodology. Integrity Research Institute, Washington, DC 20005)
