Ivan Bunin's short story "Bastes" is written on only two pages, but it has a lot of meaning for the attentive reader. The plot of the work describes a remote farm, where the master's son fell seriously ill. In painful delirium, he asks his relatives for red bast shoes.

The child identifies bast shoes with a saving straw, having received which he will be able to overcome death. At the same time, a real blizzard broke out on the ground. And in such weather, no one manages to bring the boy his dream. The writer describes the weather in a way that only he can. The reader clearly understands that a blizzard is really strong in front of a person who cannot hold out in it even for a few moments. And suddenly, without asking anyone, Nefed decides on a desperate act at the behest of the child's soul, and goes out into the street to get the boy red bast shoes. Moreover, in his impulse, he does not pay attention to bad weather. Nefed will never be able to return. And the next morning, passing men will find him near the road, and this will save their lives.

Bunin leaves the reader the right to finish the story, the ending of which is unknown. We do not know whether the child recovered or whether Nefed saved him. However, the author, having opened the veil of intrigue, says that Nefed had in his bosom the long-awaited bast shoes and a vial of medicine. At the end of the work, the reader may well reflect on the act of Nefed. Although we see that by his sacrifice the hero saved the passing men. Nefed died without any regret, without expecting absolutely any gratitude for his deed.

And immediately the meaning of the story becomes clear. Nefed decided, without hesitation, to fulfill the will of the boy's soul. It is she who becomes the highest moral treasure for a person. Moreover, the will of the sick boy for him is above all else. It is possible that the hero saw in this the will of the Almighty himself, who sent Nefed on a difficult path.

He committed an act without even thinking that such an impulse could be called a feat with a capital letter. And here the power of moral understanding of man is manifested. With this work, Bunin teaches the reader to do noble and high deeds.

Essay on literature on the topic: Summary Lapti Bunin

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Summary Lapti Bunin

I. A. Bunin wrote the story “Bastes” in the summer of 1924. The humanistic orientation of this work is very obvious. The summary of Bunin's story "Lapti" focuses on the human soul, which is the highest moral value. Nefed's act is not considered a feat, but what a powerful moral force is present in his desire to help a dying child!

Bunin, "Lapti": a summary

For five days the farm has been swept by an impenetrable blizzard, everything around is white and white from snow. In one of the huts, gloomy, delirious and hot, a sick child lies in his bed and tearfully begs his mother to give him red bast shoes. The woman is crying in despair, her husband is away. She can't hope for a doctor's visit at such a time.

So tragically twists the plot of Bunin. “Lapti” continue their brief content by the fact that suddenly a door knocked in the corridor, it was the man Nefed who came, brought straw for the stove. Having learned that the child is delirious with red bast shoes, he decides to go to the nearest village of Novoselki, which is several miles away, and buy bast shoes and fuchsin in a shop, with which he will paint them red.


He decided not to take horses, since there was no way to get there. He left and did not return for a long time. Everyone thought that he had stayed overnight in the village, which made the night seem even more terrible. The child did not stop asking his mother for red bast shoes, and she knelt down and asked the Lord for help and protection.

At dawn, voices were heard in the courtyard, then someone knocked on the window. It was the Novoselsky peasants who brought the stiff, dead body of Nefed. It turns out that they were driving from the city, their wagon turned over, and they got lost, completely desperate to find the way, they thought they would be lost. But then they saw legs sticking out of the snow in felt boots. They raked and recognized Nefed, and then they realized that the farm was not far away.

This is how Bunin finished "Lapti". The summary of the work indicates that later, in his bosom, children's bast shoes and a vial of fuchsin were found.


Analyzing the topic “Bunin, “Lapti”: a summary”, it is necessary to note the main thing - the strong prayer of the mother of the child to God. Therefore, the simple man Nefed became that expiatory sacrifice, thanks to which the blizzard ended, and the child recovered, and the lost men were saved. And the red color of bast shoes became a symbol of purification, love, mercy and self-sacrifice that Jesus Christ brought into the world. Thus, Nefed became, as it were, the personification of the Savior himself.

In order to fulfill the wish of his sick grandson, grandfather Nefyod goes on a winter storm far from home and freezes on the way.

Winter rainy day. Grandfather Nefyod's grandson falls seriously ill. The boy is delirious, often cries and asks for red bast shoes. A mother weeps over his bed, but she can do nothing to help her son.

Neither mother nor Nefyod know what the sick boy is asking for red bast shoes. Thinking, Nefed decides:

He wants to paint his bast shoes with fuchsin. To do this, you need to go far from home, to Novoselki. Despite the snowstorm, Nefed dresses warmly and sets off. They are waiting for him, but he does not appear before nightfall. The family decides that he spent the night there. As soon as it dawned, Novoselsky peasants knocked on the door - they brought the stiff Nefed, found at night in the field. In the bosom of Nefed lay brand new children's bast shoes and a vial of fuchsin.

Ivan Bunin, "Lapti" (a brief summary follows) is a short story with a seemingly unpretentious plot. However, Bunin's talent lies in the fact that when you read his works, you guess yourself or the story you heard just now with a tragic end ...

Sometimes in the late evening, when it is completely dark, you go to the window, look out into the street, and there are hundreds of thousands of windows. Some of them are lit with a bright yellow light, others are dark, but each of them has its own story, its own story, its own plot develops ...

So it is in Bunin's prose - gray everyday life with its curiosities and incidents. However, there is one “but” that cannot be expressed in one word, or even words. It gets to the very depths of the human soul and takes out something truly alive, real, something that you are afraid to miss, lose again in this thickness of misunderstanding, in an endless string of words and deeds. So..

Ivan Bunin, "Lapti" ": a summary

Winter. The fifth day is swept by an impenetrable blizzard and a blizzard. Not a soul around. Outside the windows of one farm house, grief has settled - a child is seriously ill. Despair, fear and helplessness seized the mother's heart. The husband is away, there is no way to get to the doctor, and he himself will not be able to get there in such weather. What to do?

There was a knock in the hallway. It was Nefed who brought the straw for the oven. After a minute or two he looked into the room to ask about the health of the child. It turned out that the boy is very weak, he is on fire, most likely he will not survive, but the main thing is that he keeps talking about some red bast shoes in delirium, asking for them ...

Without hesitation, Nefed goes to the neighboring village for new bast shoes and for magenta - red paint: if he asks, then the soul desires, and one must certainly go and get it ...

The night passed in suspense.

In the morning there was an ominous knock on the window. They were men from a neighboring village. They brought back the frozen body of Nefed. They discovered it by accident, when they themselves fell into a snow pit, and already despaired of escaping. But, seeing the stiff body of Nefed, whom they knew, they realized that the farm was very close. They strained their last strength and reached the people.

Behind his belt, under the peasant's sheepskin coat, were new children's sandals and a bottle of fuchsin. This is how the story (I. A. Bunin) “Bastes” ends, a brief summary of which was outlined above.

Main idea: "Sand shoes", Bunin I.A..

Last sentence, period, end of story. While reading this or that work, we are more passionate about the plot than what is hidden behind the words and actions of the main characters. However, then hundreds of thoughts come: why, for what, why ... The story written by Ivan Bunin - "Bastes" - is, first of all, an ode to extraordinary kindness and readiness for self-sacrifice. But this is just the tip of the iceberg, the first layer that suggests digging further and discovering new and unexpected riches. What else is hidden behind the "scenery" of the unfolding drama?

A merciless element rules outside the window, ready to destroy anyone who dares to oppose it. On the threshold is death, which is waiting in the wings without pity and unnecessary doubts. The inconsolable mother humbly freezes before her. And only Nefed shows determination to resist these two inevitability and follow the dictates of the soul.

And at this moment the reader is seized by feelings that are difficult to convey in words. As if a thin thread of light, something inexplicable, and at the same time painfully familiar, penetrates, passes through and connects souls, destinies and circumstances together. Nefed does not try to explain his, at first glance, extravagant desire to go for bast shoes in an impenetrable snowstorm and snowstorm. He knows one thing - the soul desires, and here it is a sin to argue and argue. The question arises - whose soul called him on the road: the dying boy, the inconsolable mother, himself or those lost men? Absurd, and somewhere even stupid, it would seem, the death of Nefed becomes significant, and, one might say, a necessary sacrifice. She gave the right to life to those lost peasants from the neighboring village, and perhaps even to a child.

Once again, I would like to remind you that this story, which was written by Ivan Alekseevich Bunin, is called “Bastes”. The summary, of course, cannot convey all the subtlety and depth of feelings of the main characters, so reading the original is simply necessary.

Year: 1924 Genre: story

Main characters: grandfather Nefed and his grandson

Ivan Bunin's story "Lapti" is a short story, at first glance, very simple and understandable. This is a story from village life. In a peasant's hut, a child rushes about in a fever. Delirious, he begs the adults to bring him red sandals. His grandfather, whose name is Nefed, was about to go to a neighboring village to buy bast shoes and red paint there. And the next morning his frozen body was brought by the neighbors' men. In his bosom, Nefed had children's bast shoes and a bottle of paint.

The basic idea of this work is that self-sacrifice is one of the main driving forces of the human soul, which can overcome everything.

Read the summary of Lapti Bunin

The story "Lapti" is one of the most brilliant examples of Ivan Bunin's prose. This story, written in simple words about ordinary people, touches to the core. The plot of the story is simple, but it is impossible to break away from it. This is a poem about boundless dedication and a very strong character.

The action takes place in winter. The weather is terrible outside. A blizzard has been sweeping for several days now, and you can’t look through the blizzard.

On a remote farm in a peasant hut, the owners are in great grief. Their son is sick. Nothing can help him, because no one can go to the doctor or bring him to his place. In a blizzard, you can get lost and freeze to death.

The child's mother is in despair. Her child is delirious and dying of a fever, and she can do nothing to help him. Her husband is away, and the knowledge of this only reinforces her feeling of complete helplessness.

Grandfather Nefed comes to the hut. In his hands is straw to heat the stove. After trampling in the hallway, grandfather Nefed looks into the room to ask how his grandson is feeling. The mother tells him that the child is very sick, weak and suffering from a fever. Most likely, the boy will not survive.

In delirium, the child constantly talks about some red paws. He begs to bring them to him and cries. The mother does not understand why the child needs red bast shoes and is surprised at this strange fantasy. But grandfather Nefed explains it to her wisely and simply: "the soul demands."

Nefeda dawns that you can buy simple bast shoes and paint them with magenta, then the child will be delighted and recover. But where to get bast shoes and paint? Of course, in the next village, and, of course, right now. And the elderly peasant, without hesitation and without hesitation, goes into a blizzard and a snowstorm to get red bast shoes for his grandson.

Grandfather Nefed is a truly Russian character, with a rich soul and an unconquered character. What is more important - the attraction of the soul or self-preservation? What is stronger - a spiritual impulse or common sense?

Common sense dictates that you stay at home. The same goes for self-preservation. Indeed, there is a blizzard and cold in the yard. Wouldn't it be better to submit to circumstances and watch a child die? And will those same red bast shoes be able to save him, even if they manage to get them?

The main characters of this work come face to face with two merciless and irresistible forces - snowstorm and death. How to resist them? Is it worth it to follow your spiritual impulses so recklessly in order to fulfill a fleeting whim of a child, a fantasy that appeared to him in delirium?

Costs. And grandfather Nefed challenges the elements and death, not wanting to submit to circumstances.

Nefed does not discuss the wisdom of his decision. Since the soul desires such a wonderful gift - red bast shoes - it means that they must be brought at all costs, and doubting and pondering is a sin.

The whole night passed in anxiety. The mother took care of her son and waited for grandfather Nefed.

In the morning she heard a knock on the window. Neighboring men brought the body of grandfather Nefed, who got lost and froze on the way home.

The men told the inconsolable woman how they were driving in a snowstorm and were afraid to get lost. When the snowstorm completely swirled them, they fell into a ravine, and thought that their end was near. In the ravine, they found the body of a peasant, recognized him and immediately realized that housing was very close.

Straining all their strength, the peasants reached the farm, bringing with them the body of grandfather Nefed. And when the sheepskin coat was removed from the dead grandfather, in his bosom were small children's shoes and a bottle of magenta.

Whose souls are saved by grandfather Nefed - a child, his mother distraught with grief, those men who almost froze to death? Will the sick child survive, finally getting the coveted red bast shoes? The reader will have to answer these questions for himself.

Picture or drawing Bast shoes

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