Any study of a foreign language helps in development, career and can significantly strengthen your social position. This is an excellent brain training that allows you to maintain a sound mind and memory at any age. French is considered a rich and analytical language that structures thought and develops a critical mind, and when negotiating and debating, basic French phrases will serve you well.

Do I need to know them

Knowing everyday phrases is essential not only for tourists: French is an incredibly beautiful, melodic and inspiring language. People who know history cannot remain indifferent to France and its heroes, in an effort to join its culture, many are tempted to learn the language of its people. Hence the massive fascination with this language of lovers and poets, spoken by Maupassant, Voltaire and, of course, Dumas.

French is one of the six official languages ​​of the United Nations and is spoken in 33 countries (including Haiti and some African countries). For a long time, knowledge of French has been considered good form, it is the language of diplomats and simply educated and cultured people. The main phrases in this language are heard at international symposia and scientific congresses.

Where come in handy

If you want to work in France, knowledge of the language will be a must. Many large French corporations work in Russia, if you start a career in them, then knowledge of French phrases at the initial level will help an employee of Renault or Bonduelle, Peugeot, as well as the cosmetic leader L Oreal.

Many people decide to come to France for permanent residence, and knowledge of French in this case is essential. Due to insufficient knowledge of the language, misunderstandings can arise, new acquaintances and expanding the circle of communication turn out to be impossible, even conflict situations are possible. This interferes with the well-being of those who wish to arrange their lives in France. English in this country is in low esteem, so knowledge of the French language is required, at least at the minimum level. The French are a very proud nation, and from everyone who comes here to live, they demand respect for language and culture. Ignorance of everyday simple phrases can touch the local people to the core.

Another passionate dream of many of our compatriots is to get higher education in France. This country offers many options for training, including on a budgetary basis. And again - where without a language? As soon as there are difficulties with the transfer in the exam, you may be denied admission to the university. Some French universities accept applicants without exams, only based on the results of an interview in French. That is why it is so important to know the language if you want to study in the country.

In French universities, as a rule, they enter a year before the start of the academic year, that is, the preparatory process can take quite a long time, there is an opportunity to learn French well, and the earlier you start your studies, the better you will show the result in the entrance tests.



In RussianIn FrenchPronunciation
Please (answer to thank you)Je vous en prieThe same vuzan at
Thank youMerciMersey
Please (request)S'il vous plaîtSil wu ple
GoodbyeAu revoirAbout revoir
TillA bientôtA biento
Do you speak Russian?Parlez-vous ……… russe?Parle-wu ……… rus?
…in English?... anglais?... English?
…French?... français?... Français?
I do not speak French.Je ne parle pas …… français.Same no parle pa ... ... francais
I do not understandJe ne comprends pasZhyo kompran pa
Mister, madam ...Monsieur, madame ...Mjosieu, madam ...
Help me please.Aidez-moi, s'il vous plaît.Ede-mua, sil woo ple
I need…J'ai besoin de ...Zhe bezuen do
Slower pleasePlus lentement, s'il vous plaîtPlu lyantman, sil woo ple
I'm from RussiaJe viens de RussieJue Vien do Ryucy
We are from RussiaNous venons de russieWell venon de rucy
Where are the toilets?Où sont les toilettes?Do you have a toilet?


In RussianIn FrenchPronunciation
Where is…?Où se trouve ...?Does this troub ...?
A restaurantLe restaurantLe restoran
ScoreLe magasinLe Magazin
MuseumLe muséeLe muze
The streetLa rueLa Ryu
SquareLa placeLa dance
The airportL'aéroportLaeropor
Railway stationLa gareLa gard
Bus stationLa gare routièreLa garre routiere
BusLe busLe bus
TramLe tramLe tram
A trainLe trainLe tran
A trainLe trainLe tran
MetroLe métroLe Metro
TaxiLe taxiLe taxi
AutomobileLa voitureLa voyatur
DepartureLe départLe Depard
LeftA gaucheAnd gosh
RightA droiteA druate
StraightTout droitTu droix
TicketLe billetLe biye
In RussianIn FrenchPronunciation
How much is it?Combien ça coûte?Combien sa kut?
I would like to buy / order ...Je voudrais acheter / commander ...Zhe woodre ashte / command ...
You have…?Avez-vous ...?Ave wu?
OpenOuvertBe sure
Do you accept credit cards?Acceptez-vous les cartes de crédit?Do you accept woo le cards before credit?
I take itJe le prendsZhe le pran
BreakfastLe petit déjeunerLe Petit Dejene
DinnerLe déjeunerLe dejeune
DinnerLe dînerLe dine
The check, pleaseL'addition, s'il vous plaîtLyadision, sil woo ple
BreadDu painDu peng
CoffeeDu caféDu cafe
TeaDu théDu te
WineDu vinDu veng
BeerDe la bièreDo la biere
JuiceDu jusDu Ju
WaterDe l'eauBefore le
SaltDu selDu sel
PepperDu poivreDu poivre
MeatDe la viandeDo la vyand
BeefDu boeufDu boeuf
PorkDu porcDu por
BirdDe la volailleDo la volai
A fishDu poissonDu poisson
VegetablesDes légumesDe legum
FruitDes fruitsDe frui
Ice creamUne glaceYun glace

1. French pronunciation is rather difficult, in particular due to the presence of nasal vowels. When they are pronounced, the air is partly expelled through the nose and partly through the mouth. When a syllable ends in a single "n" or "m", they are not pronounced, but indicate that the preceding vowel is nasal. There are three of them; in the Russian transcription of words and phrases, two letters are in bold, which means one nasal sound - an (yang, am), he (om) or en.

2. The standard French sound "r" is pronounced as follows: the back of the tongue bends towards the palate, preventing the passage of air flow, and the tip of the tongue lies flat against the front lower teeth.

3. To convey the French sound "eu" where it is fundamental for understanding, two Russian letters "oё" are used, put together. For the correct pronunciation of the sound, just slightly round your lips (the tongue lies flat) and try to say "o" in this position, thinking of "e".

4. The stress in French falls on the last syllable.

5. The French are very proud of their language. Therefore, even if you are going to communicate in English, start any question or sentence with a standard phrase: "Excusez-moi, parlez-vous anglais?"

The fastest way to master the spoken language is by teaching foreigners Russian, as well as by translating Russian classical literature and Russian educational literature into a foreign one. To do this, you must have a good knowledge of the Russian language and Russian literature.

Russia is the world leader in sights and cultural sites. In the future, Russia should become the most popular country for foreign tourists. The historical value of cultural sites and the possibility of recreation for tourists in Russia is much higher than any other country.

It is noticed that many people do not know the basic rules of the Russian language, for example:

1. The number of quotes should always be even, like parentheses in mathematics.

The adjacent quotation marks can be of two types - "..." and "..." (paws and herringbones).

Correct: "words" words "or" words "words" "

Incorrect: "words" "and" words "words"

These errors are found even in the names of large companies and in some articles and books.

2. If there is information in parentheses at the end of a sentence, a period is placed after the parentheses, not before the parentheses, and inside before the closing parenthesis.

That's right: words (words).

Wrong: words. (the words.)

Best regards, Denis Shevchuk,

First few words

Yes. Wee. Oui.

No. Non. Non.

You are welcome. Sil woo ple. S "il vous plait.

Thank you. Mercy. Merci.

Many thanks. Mercy sideways. Merci beaucoup.

Hello (Good afternoon). Bonjour. Bonjour.

Hello. Salu. Salut.

Sorry (to attract attention). Excuse Mua. Excusez-moi.

Sorry. Sorry. Pardon.

Unfortunately, I do not speak French. Desollet, same ne parle pa francais. Desole, je ne parle pas francais.

Where is…? Do se trouv ...? Ou se trouve ...?

Where are ...? Do se trouv ...? Ou se trouvent ...?


Help! O sekur! Au secours!

Call the police! Aple la policy! Appelez la police!

Call a doctor. Aple en medsen! Appelez un medecin!

I'm lost! Same myo xui egare. Je me suis egare (e)

Stop thief! O volor! Au voleur!

Fire! About fe! Au feu!

I have a (small) problem. J "ai un (petit) probleme

Help me please ede moa sil woo ple Aidez-moi, s "il vous plait

What's wrong with you? Kyo vuzariv til Que vous arrive-t-il?

I feel bad Same (oh) yeong malez J "ai un malaise

I'm nauseous Same boy J "ai mal au coeur

I have a headache / stomach. Same mal a la tete / au ventre J "ai mal a la tete / au ventre

I broke my leg Je me suis casse la jambe

Greetings and courtesy formulas

Good afternoon. Bonjour. Bonjour.

Good evening. Bonsoire. Bonsoir.

Bye / Hello. Salu. Salut.

Good night Bon Nui. Bonne nuit.

Goodbye. About the revoir. Au revoir.

See you later. A bianto. A bientot.

Bye (in Belgium) A tantot A tantot

Good luck. Bon chance. Bonne chance.

Have a good day. Bon journe. Bonne journee.

Have a nice weekend Bon week-end Bon week-end

Until tomorrow A deman A demain

Until the evening A syo suar A ce soir

Bon appetit Bon appetit Bon appetit

Your health (at the table) And votre sante A votre sante!

Goodbye (goodbye) Portez-vous bien!

Be healthy (when sneezing) A vos souhaits!

This is Monsieur Durand. Say Monsieur Durand. C "est monsieur Durand.

This is Ms. Duran. Say Madame Durand C "est madame Durand.

This is Mademoiselle Durand. Sae mademoiselle Durand C "est mademoiselle Durand.

What is your name? Coman vuzaplez-vous Comment vous appellez-vous?

What is your name? Coman tapel tu Comment t "appelles-tu?

My name is Petya, Mr Smirnov

Very nice Anshante Enchante (e)

How are you? Sa va? Ca va?

Things are good. And you? Tre bian. E woo? Tres bien. Et vous?

How are you doing? Coman ale-woo Comment allez-vous?

How are you doing? Koman va tu Comment vas-tu?

So so Komsi - Komsa Comme ci, comme ca

How old are you? Kel already ave wu Quel age avez-vous?

How old are you? Kehl already and bye Quel age as-tu?

Where are you from? D "wu wone woo D" ou venez-vous?

I'm from Russia, and you? Je viens de Russie, et vous?

Say hello to (monsieur Petrov) parents / (official var.)

Search for mutual understanding

Do you speak Russian? Parle wu ryus? Parlez-vous russe?

You speak English? Parle woo angle? Parlez-vous anglais?

You understand? Comprune woo? Comprenez-vous?

I understand. Same compran. Je comprends.

I do not understand. Zhe ne kompran pa. Je ne comprends pas.

Does anyone here speak English? Es-kyo kelken isi parl angle? Est-ce que quelqu "un ici parle anglais?

Can you speak slowly? Purie wu parle muen wit? Pourriez-vous parler moins vite?

Please repeat. Rapte, sil woo ple. Repetez, s "il vous plait.

Please write this. Ekrive le, sil woo ple. Ecrivez-le, s "il vous plait.

1. French pronunciation is rather difficult, in particular due to the presence of nasal vowels. When they are pronounced, the air is partly expelled through the nose and partly through the mouth. When a syllable ends in a single "n" or "m", they are not pronounced, but indicate that the preceding vowel is nasal. There are three of them; in the Russian transcription of words and phrases, two letters are in bold, which means one nasal sound - an (yang, am), he (om) or en.

2. The standard French sound "r" is pronounced as follows: the back of the tongue bends towards the palate, preventing the passage of air flow, and the tip of the tongue lies flat against the front lower teeth.

3. To convey the French sound "eu" where it is fundamental for understanding, two Russian letters "oё" are used, put together. For the correct pronunciation of the sound, just slightly round your lips (the tongue lies flat) and try to say "o" in this position, thinking of "e".

4. The stress in French falls on the last syllable.

5. The French are very proud of their language. Therefore, even if you are going to communicate in English, start any question or sentence with a standard phrase: "Excusez-moi, parlez-vous anglais?"

The fastest way to master the spoken language is by teaching foreigners Russian, as well as by translating Russian classical literature and Russian educational literature into a foreign one. To do this, you must have a good knowledge of the Russian language and Russian literature.

Russia is the world leader in sights and cultural sites. In the future, Russia should become the most popular country for foreign tourists. The historical value of cultural sites and the possibility of recreation for tourists in Russia is much higher than any other country.

It is noticed that many people do not know the basic rules of the Russian language, for example:

1. The number of quotes should always be even, like parentheses in mathematics.

The adjacent quotation marks can be of two types - "..." and "..." (paws and herringbones).

Correct: "words" words "or" words "words" "

Incorrect: "words" "and" words "words"

These errors are found even in the names of large companies and in some articles and books.

2. If there is information in parentheses at the end of a sentence, a period is placed after the parentheses, not before the parentheses, and inside before the closing parenthesis.

That's right: words (words).

Wrong: words. (the words.)

Best regards, Denis Shevchuk,

First few words

Yes. Wee. Oui.

No. Non. Non.

You are welcome. Sil woo ple. S "il vous plait.

Thank you. Mercy. Merci.

Many thanks. Mercy sideways. Merci beaucoup.

Hello (Good afternoon). Bonjour. Bonjour.

Hello. Salu. Salut.

Sorry (to attract attention). Excuse Mua. Excusez-moi.

Sorry. Sorry. Pardon.

Unfortunately, I do not speak French. Desollet, same ne parle pa francais. Desole, je ne parle pas francais.

Where is…? Do se trouv ...? Ou se trouve ...?

Where are ...? Do se trouv ...? Ou se trouvent ...?


Help! O sekur! Au secours!

Call the police! Aple la policy! Appelez la police!

Call a doctor. Aple en medsen! Appelez un medecin!

I'm lost! Same myo xui egare. Je me suis egare (e)

Stop thief! O volor! Au voleur!

Fire! About fe! Au feu!

I have a (small) problem. J "ai un (petit) probleme

Help me please ede moa sil woo ple Aidez-moi, s "il vous plait

What's wrong with you? Kyo vuzariv til Que vous arrive-t-il?

I feel bad Same (oh) yeong malez J "ai un malaise

I'm nauseous Same boy J "ai mal au coeur

I have a headache / stomach. Same mal a la tete / au ventre J "ai mal a la tete / au ventre

I broke my leg Je me suis casse la jambe

Greetings and courtesy formulas

Good afternoon. Bonjour. Bonjour.

Good evening. Bonsoire. Bonsoir.

Bye / Hello. Salu. Salut.

Good night Bon Nui. Bonne nuit.

Goodbye. About the revoir. Au revoir.

See you later. A bianto. A bientot.

Bye (in Belgium) A tantot A tantot

Good luck. Bon chance. Bonne chance.

Have a good day. Bon journe. Bonne journee.

Have a nice weekend Bon week-end Bon week-end

Until tomorrow A deman A demain

Until the evening A syo suar A ce soir

Bon appetit Bon appetit Bon appetit

Your health (at the table) And votre sante A votre sante!

Goodbye (goodbye) Portez-vous bien!

Be healthy (when sneezing) A vos souhaits!

This is Monsieur Durand. Say Monsieur Durand. C "est monsieur Durand.

This is Ms. Duran. Say Madame Durand C "est madame Durand.

This is Mademoiselle Durand. Sae mademoiselle Durand C "est mademoiselle Durand.

What is your name? Coman vuzaplez-vous Comment vous appellez-vous?

What is your name? Coman tapel tu Comment t "appelles-tu?

My name is Petya, Mr Smirnov

Very nice Anshante Enchante (e)

How are you? Sa va? Ca va?

Things are good. And you? Tre bian. E woo? Tres bien. Et vous?

How are you doing? Coman ale-woo Comment allez-vous?

How are you doing? Koman va tu Comment vas-tu?

So so Komsi - Komsa Comme ci, comme ca

How old are you? Kel already ave wu Quel age avez-vous?

How old are you? Kehl already and bye Quel age as-tu?

Where are you from? D "wu wone woo D" ou venez-vous?

I'm from Russia, and you? Je viens de Russie, et vous?

Say hello to (monsieur Petrov) parents / (official var.)

Search for mutual understanding

Do you speak Russian? Parle wu ryus? Parlez-vous russe?

You speak English? Parle woo angle? Parlez-vous anglais?

You understand? Comprune woo? Comprenez-vous?

I understand. Same compran. Je comprends.

I do not understand. Zhe ne kompran pa. Je ne comprends pas.

Does anyone here speak English? Es-kyo kelken isi parl angle? Est-ce que quelqu "un ici parle anglais?

Can you speak slowly? Purie wu parle muen wit? Pourriez-vous parler moins vite?

Please repeat. Rapte, sil woo ple. Repetez, s "il vous plait.

Please write this. Ekrive le, sil woo ple. Ecrivez-le, s "il vous plait.

The French language is deservedly considered the most sensual language in the world - in its use there are several hundred verbs denoting emotions and feelings of various kinds. The lyrical melodiousness of the throat sound "r" and the exquisite precision of "le" give a special charm to the language.


The French words used in Russian are called gallicisms; they have firmly entered the Russian-speaking conversation with a large number of words and derivatives from them, similar in meaning or, conversely, only in sound.

The pronunciation of French words differs from Slavic by the presence of throat and nasal sounds, for example, "an" and "he" are pronounced by passing the sound through the nasal cavity, and the sound "en" through the lower part of the front wall of the throat. Also, this language is characterized by the stress on the last syllable of the word and soft hissing sounds, as in the word "brochure" and "jelly". Another indicator of gallicism is the presence in the word of the suffixes -azh, -ar, -ism (plume, massage, boudoir, monarchism). Already these subtleties make it clear how unique and diverse the state language of France is.

An abundance of French words in Slavic languages

Few people realize that "metro", "baggage", "balance" and "politics" are original French words borrowed by other languages, beautiful "veil" and "nuance" too. According to some reports, about two thousand gallicisms are used every day on the territory of the post-Soviet space. Items of clothing (pantaloons, cuffs, vest, pleats, overalls), military subjects (dugout, patrol, trench), trade (advance payment, credit, kiosk and regime) and, of course. words accompanying beauty (manicure, cologne, boa, pince-nez) are all gallicisms.

Moreover, some words are consonant by ear, but have a distant or different meaning. For example:

  • A coat is a piece of men's wardrobe, and literally means "on top of everything."
  • Buffet - we have a festive table, the French have it just a fork.
  • A dude is a dapper young man, and a dude in France is a dove.
  • Solitaire is French for "patience", but here it is a card game.
  • Meringue (a kind of airy brownie) is a beautiful French word for kiss.
  • Vinaigrette (vegetable salad), vinaigrette is just vinegar from the French.
  • Dessert - originally this word in France meant cleaning the table, and much later - the last dish, after which they clean up.

Language of love

Tet-a-tête (one-on-one meeting), rendezvous (date), vis-a-vis (opposite) - these are also words from France. Amor (love) is a beautiful French word that has excited the minds of lovers so many times. A stunning language of romance, tenderness and adoration, the melodic murmur of which will not leave any woman indifferent.

The classic "same tem" is used to denote a strong, all-consuming love, and if you add "bian" to these words, the meaning will change: it will mean "I like you."

Peak of popularity

French words in Russian first began to appear at the time of Peter the Great, and from the end of the eighteenth century they significantly shifted their native language aside. French became the leading language of high society. All correspondence (especially love) was conducted exclusively in French, beautiful long tirades filled the banquet halls and meeting rooms. At the court of Emperor Alexander III, it was considered shameful (bad manners) not to know the language of the Franks, a person was immediately branded as an ignoramus, so French teachers were in great demand.

The situation changed thanks to the novel in verse "Eugene Onegin", in which the author Alexander Sergeevich acted very subtly by writing a monologue letter from Tatyana to Onegin, in Russian (although he thought in French, being Russian, as historians say.) the former glory of the native language.

Popular phrases in French now

Comil'fot in translation from French means "as it should", that is, something made comme il faut - made according to all the rules and wishes.

  • Ce la vie! is a very famous phrase meaning "this is life."
  • Same tam - the singer Lara Fabian brought worldwide fame to these words in the song of the same name "Je t'aime!" - I love you.
  • Sherche la famme - also the well-known "look for a woman"
  • A la ger, com ger - "in war, as in war." Words from the song that Boyarsky sang in the popular film of all times "The Three Musketeers".
  • Bon mo is a sharp word.
  • Fezon de parlet - the manner of speaking.
  • Ki famm wyo - die le wyo - "what a woman wants, God wants."
  • Antr well sau di - it is said between us.

The history of the occurrence of several words

The well-known word "marmalade" is the warped "Marie est malade" - Marie is sick.

In the Middle Ages, Stewart suffered from seasickness during her travels and refused to eat. A personal doctor prescribed her orange slices with peels, thickly sprinkled with sugar, and a French chef prepared decoctions of quince to whet the appetite. If these two dishes were ordered in the kitchen, the courtiers would immediately whisper between the courtiers: "Marie is sick!" (marie e malad).

Shantrapa - the word for idlers, street children, also came from France. Children who did not have an ear for music and good vocal skills were not taken to the church choir as singers ("chantra pas" - does not sing), so they wandered around the streets, making bad smokes and having fun. They were asked: "Why are you messing around?" In response: "Shantrapa".

Podshofe - (chauffe - heating, heater) with a prefix under-, that is, heated, under the influence of heat, took for "warming". A beautiful French word, but the meaning is just the opposite.

By the way, everyone knows why it was called that? But this is a French name, and her handbag is also from there - a reticule. Chapo - translates as "hat", and "gag" is akin to a slap. A flip-flop hat is a fold-over top hat that the mischievous old lady wore.

Silhouette is the surname of the controller of finance at the court of Louis the Fifteenth, who was famous for his thirst for luxury and a variety of spending. The treasury emptied too quickly and, in order to rectify the situation, the king appointed the incorruptible young Etienne Siluet to the post, who immediately banned all festivities, balls and feasts. Everything became gray and dull, and the fashion that arose at the same time for images of the outlines of a dark-colored object on a white background - in honor of the curmudgeon minister.

Beautiful French words add variety to your speech

Recently, word tattoos have ceased to be only English and Japanese (as the fashion dictated), more and more often they began to come across in French, and some of them with an interesting meaning.

The French language is considered quite complex, with many nuances and details. To know him well, you need to painstakingly study for more than one year, but to use several catchy and beautiful phrases, this is not necessary. Two or three words inserted at the right time into a conversation will diversify your vocabulary and make your French speech more emotional and lively.
