Report on the excursion to the dental clinic

"Introduction to the Dental Technician Profession"

“If you choose your work well

And put your whole soul into it

That happiness itself will find you "

K.D. Ushinsky

A dental technician is a specialist in the manufacture or repair of dentures, implants, orthodontics and maxillofacial appliances in healthcare facilities.

Target: to acquaint students with a specific specialty directly in the production conditions of its development.

The excursion is an obligatory part of the educational process, and is one of the most common forms of obtaining professional information. No wonder they say: "It is better to see once than hear a hundred times."

The systematic conduct of excursions for students with hearing impairments enriches intellectual development, awakens curiosity, broadens their horizons, which naturally translates into an increase in speech activity, encourages the desire to reason, and provides opportunities to express one's opinion. Develops an active cognitive position of each student, to acquire specific knowledge. It fosters responsibility, allows you to comply with the rules and norms of behavior established in society. Contributes to successful socialization and adaptation in modern society.

The tour was conducted by the BU KhMAO-Yugra "Nizhnevartovsk City Dental Clinic". The senior students received interesting information about this profession, and saw that people with hearing impairments are socialized and adapted in society and work freely among the hearing.

In preparation for the excursion, the children received a description of this profession, and during the excursion they had the opportunity to get acquainted with the organization of production and observe in a working environment, in the course of the activities of people of this specialty. At the end of the tour, the children were able to ask their questions.

ON THE. Laptev

1 day. The group departed from Moscow from the Leningrad railway station at 23.30 and followed the Moscow-St. Petersburg train to their destination.

At 10.00 at the Moscow railway station in St. Petersburg, our group was met by guides, Valentina Nikolaevna and Tatyana Nikolaevna, who promised to show us “Brilliant St. Petersburg”, under this name the whole day was planned, and to tell about this amazing and mysterious city more interesting historical facts.

The group took seats in a comfortable bus provided by a tour agency and we set off along the ancient streets of St. Petersburg. Driving along the embankment of the Moika River on Bolshaya Konyushennaya, we saw real monuments of the architectural structure of past centuries, here each house has its own amazing story, the guides told and showed houses where famous writers, poets, statesmen lived in the neighborhood at different times. So we learned that the writer M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin lived in house No. 8, in house No. 12, there is a museum-apartment of Pushkin, he lived here from the autumn and in the winter of 1837. A. S. Pushkin died. I. I. Pushchin's childhood passed in house number 14. Baron M. A. Korf, a classmate of A. S. Pushkin, lived in house No. 18, the poet Prince P. A. Vyazemsky lived in house No. 15, and the writer Yu. P. German lived in house No. 25.

On the corner from the Moika embankment, the guides showed us the house where the popular Wolf and Beranger confectionery was located in past centuries. Here, before the duel, Pushkin met with his lyceum comrade K. Danzas, who later became his second.

We saw the Stroganov Palace, where one of Russia's richest aristocrats, Count Stroganov, often held grand dinner parties in the 18th century.

Traveling around the city, we saw and learned a lot of new things from the historical past of St. Petersburg.

One of the unforgettable excursions was a trip to the Kunstkamera, we were told how medicine was born and developed in Russia under Peter I, that the collection he collected at that time was unique and served for the anatomical study of a person. After the Kunstkamera, we continued our sightseeing tour of St. Petersburg, visited the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood, and visited the Cruiser Avrora.

2 - day. The group in full force went by bus on an excursion to the submarine "Narodovolets". We learned a lot about the heroic exploits of the submarine, about the sailors - submariners who selflessly fought during the Great Patriotic War, saw photographs of the entire crew of the submarine, who died defending the borders of our Motherland. We saw how the submarine is arranged, visited each compartment, all the children noted that it was very difficult for the sailors, because the submarine was cramped, there were instruments everywhere, there was little free space, it was uncomfortable, in difficult conditions the sailors had to stay at sea for 2- 3 months, so they still tried during the Great Patriotic War to protect St. Petersburg from the sea. Our veterans recalled their war stories and talked about how difficult it was to defeat the invaders.

Further, our group went to the city of Kronstadt - this is a sea city, on the street we saw many military men in naval uniforms, warships on the pier, a large monument to Peter the Great was erected on Anchor Square. We walked a lot along the Petrovsky pier, in the Petrovsky park, saw the Naval Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

In the evening of that day we returned to St. Petersburg and by train from the Moscow railway station went to Moscow. Early in the morning on April 25, the group arrived in Moscow, where the parents met their children, who enthusiastically and vied with each other about their impressions of St. Petersburg and Kronstadt.

During the spirit of the days for the group was provided with three meals a day and accommodation in the hotel "October" in 2 and 3-bed rooms.

Parents, children, veterans expressed their great gratitude for organizing this trip to the head of the intracity municipality of Sokolniki, the chairman of the municipal Assembly of deputies of the Sokolniki district, Irina Vladimirovna Krestovskaya.

Galeeva A.V.

On October 29, the first visit to an industrial facility in the city of Chelyabinsk by students of our lyceum took place. "Federal Grid Company of Unified Energy Systems" - Yuzhno-Uralskoye PMES today supplies electricity to the entire city of Chelyabinsk. The city has one substation (Novometallurgicheskaya), the rest are located outside the city. The 11th f/m class went on the excursion. For some, this was the first acquaintance with the future field of activity, someone just wanted to see something new, because. Excursions of an entertaining type are tired of them. Marina Viktorovna Moroz, head of the personnel department, accompanied our bus to the enterprise, and she briefly introduced us to the specifics of the work of this facility along the way. Near the checkpoint, we were met by the head of the 220 kV electrical substation of the Novometallurgical substation, Sergei Viktorovich Rtishchev. All the guys put on helmets and were let through the checkpoint. Sergei Viktorovich told the children about the work of the substation, showed the equipment that this facility is equipped with, walked around the territory and, of course, answered the numerous questions of the students. The charm and humor with which Sergei Viktorovich accompanied his stories helped to assimilate rather complex material. The guys even persuaded the head of the substation to take a picture with them. At the end of the tour, the concern on the faces of some students showed us that the tour was not in vain, some of them made their choice for themselves.

Review of the excursion by the participant of the project Nikitas Oksana

On October 29, 2015, the first group of schoolchildren made a trip to the new FGC UES substation as part of the project "Industrial facilities through the eyes of the younger generation".
The tour was conducted by the head of the substation Rtishchev Sergey Viktorovich.
Sergei Viktorovich said that the enterprise is equipped with the latest security system "Frontier 08" and anti-undermining system. The safety of the enterprise is extremely important, because it supplies electricity not only to houses, but also to industrial facilities in Chelyabinsk.
The students' attention was drawn to the significant advantages of the new substation. Here, many processes are computerized, which helps to secure the production process. We were given the following example. The amount of hydrogen and water in the oil of an autotransformer indicates whether it is in good condition. Previously, chemical analysis was carried out by people and this process took about a day. Now chemical analysis is performed automatically, which helps to quickly identify faults and eliminate them.
Such technical specialties as electrical fitters and engineers are involved in the production. As it turned out, our understanding of the word "electrician" is very limited. At the enterprise, these are competent specialists with higher education who understand all the intricacies of the production process. Thus, this is a very responsible, and therefore highly paid profession.
A tour of an industrial plant is an invaluable experience. This is an opportunity to see the production process from the inside and communicate with the people who are involved in it.

Other photos in the gallery

about the excursion "Autumn in the Park".
Objectives: acquaintance with natural objects and phenomena, expansion of knowledge
children about seasonal changes in nature; development of the ability to observe
compare, generalize, express one's impression, develop
communication skills, development of creative abilities, education
good feelings in contact with nature; recovery of children.
Equipment: tablets, paper for notes and drawings, pencils, pens,
felt-tip pens, bags and boxes for collecting natural materials.
The course of the tour.
Stop 1. Before entering the park.
Children admire the beauty of the park, read prepared by themselves
poems by F. Tyutchev, I. Bunin, A. Pushkin about autumn nature.
Stop 2. Changes in inanimate and living nature. Game What has changed.
The teacher briefly describes any phenomenon of nature, as it was
during the summer period. Children should say what changes have happened to them
"It was very hot in the summer." (Autumn is cooler.)
"The sun shone brightly". (The sun is covered by clouds).
"The sky was blue." (In autumn the sky is gloomy, gray).
"A warm gentle breeze blew." (A cold gusty wind blows.)
"The grass and foliage on the trees were green and succulent." (In autumn grass and
the leaves turned yellow and withered).
"Children bathed in the river." (No one bathes, it's cold).
“Bees buzzed, butterflies fluttered, flies flew.” (Insects are few,
hiding in shelters).
"There were many flowers." (There are very few flowering plants.)
“In the summer, the boys walked in shorts and T-shirts, the girls in dresses.”
(People put on jackets, hats, boots).
"The park workers were mowing the lawns." (Janitors rake leaves).
Stop 3. At the reservoir.
How has the body of water changed since summer? water color, temperature,
aquatic plants, preparing them for winter (wintering parts - roots, rhizomes
- are located in the silt, at the bottom of the reservoir). Dispersal of seeds in water.
Insects and other animals of the reservoir that can be observed.
Stop 4. Glade in the landscape part of the park.
Find the tree game.

Each child prepared riddles about trees.
One student makes a riddle about a tree, the rest of the children, having guessed it, must
run up to that tree. One of the "laws of walking" is used - "the law
circle ": the teacher raises the flag, you need to run back to the circle and
listen to a new riddle.
The game "Pick up the sheet."
Everyone takes a leaf that has fallen to the ground. children with the same
leaves form separate groups. Find the tree from which your
sheet. Name the tree. Find another exactly the same sheet, the same size,
colors, shapes.
Game "Make friends with a tree."
1. Choose one tree for yourself.
2. Talk to the tree:
What is your name?
How old are you?
What are you feeling now?
who are your friends?
3. Close your eyes, touch your cheek to the bark:
What dream did the tree have? Tell all the kids.
4. Draw (optionally) the most beautiful tree, the most fun, sad,
lonely, powerful, old, young, fragile.
Game "Pathfinder".
Children work in pairs or small groups and complete tasks:
1st group. Find something that smells.
2nd group. Listen to three sounds made not by a person, but by someone else.
3rd group. Look for where the birds nest.
4th group. What three colors do you see the most?
5th group. Where can an animal hide from the rain?
6th group. What does the earth smell like?
7th group. Find something that is the same age as you.
8th group. Find something that can become part of a cloud or a cloud.
Signal "Law of the circle".
Group report on observations made.
Stop 5.
Collection of leaves, fruits, seeds for crafts.
Outline of the tour.
What did you especially like and remember on the tour?

Municipal educational budgetary institution

secondary school with. Nurlino

MR Ufimsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan


aboutexcursions for preschoolers to school.

Based on the plan of the school, on January 28, 2015, an excursion to the school was carried out for preschoolers.

Goals:establishing contacts between the school and kindergarten, organizing succession.
This excursion implemented several educational and educational tasks at once:
Acquaintance of preschoolers with the rules of the internal regulations of the school.
Excursion program on the premises of MOBU SOSH with. Nurlino (ground floor hall, locker room, library, sports hall, assembly hall, dining room, classrooms).
Acquaintance of teachers with future first-graders.
School and kindergarten are two related links in the education system. The unpreparedness of the child entails negative consequences: in the classroom he experiences discomfort, that is, his social position changes here, the child is included in a special regime.

To prevent maladaptation, it is important to prepare children for such events in advance, discuss possible difficulties with them, and teach them constructive ways to solve problems that arise. Competent informativeness of children about the school can prevent some of the problems that arise during the period of the beginning of schooling. And it is the visit of preschoolers to school that helps them most successfully start their education and make the transition to a “new life” more smooth and painless. Therefore, according to the succession plan of the kindergarten and the school, preschoolers came on an excursion to the school.

The best thing for a preschooler is a real tour of the school, with the opportunity to sit at a desk, draw something with chalk on a blackboard. Here are ourfuture first-graders visited the school.

On January 28, 2015, she met the children and conducted a sightseeing tour of Kalimullina Indira Firdavisovna, a primary school teacher.


The children looked at how the primary school students were sitting at their desks in the classroom and studying

We visited the school cafeteria.

“Welcome to the library,” librarian Akhtamyanova Zilya Anfakovna greeted the children with these words. Entering, preschoolers saw shelves with books, tables and chairs where you can sit, read and leaf through the book. Since visibility and the ability to feel and touch everything are important for young children. We visited the bookstore. The children saw how many books are on the shelves.


And when the school bell rang, the children's delight knew no bounds!

They enjoyed the school trip very much.

    Organize the work of the preparatory group "School of the Future First Grader" in the 2015/2016 academic year.

    Next year to carry out admission to the 1st grade, taking into account the positive experience of previous years.

The note was read out at a meeting of the Methodological Council.
