PC release date: 19.11.2013

Release date forPlayStation 3, PlayStation 4: 29.10.2013

Available to owners of PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4, as well as buyers of the Deluxe edition of the PC version of the game.

The star of the game Assassin's Creed 3 Liberation for the PS Vita portable console, Aveline de Grandpr, returns to the series in three additional missions for a single game, which will take approximately an hour of playing time. Jill Murray, author of Liberation, also returned to compose a continuation of the story about Aveline.

Aveline's missions in Black Flag take place after the story at the end of Liberation. Now Aveline is older and wiser - but she still has not lost her willingness to act and the ability to skillfully wield pistols and machetes. Once again, Aveline will have to protect the slaves, including Patient Gibbs, a captive teenager and the leader of a gang of fugitives, accused of plotting a massacre of slavers. Aveline will have to face a variety of obstacles - above ground and on it - on the way to destroy the Templar doctor named Edmund Judge and to discover another artifact of the First Civilization...


Assassin's Creed 4 Aveline DLC Trailer

Date of Birth: 1680 Bristol, England

Edward was born in or around Bristol and went to sea early, most likely as a teenager. It is also believed that he arrived in the West Indies shortly after he left England.

Carier start
Childhood years for Tich ended very quickly and at the age of 12 he entered the service of a cabin boy in the Royal Navy. Ed Teach probably fought in the War of the Spanish Succession (also known as Queen Anne's War) as a privateer, a long struggle between all the empires of Europe, with one side led by Great Britain and the other by Spain and France.
But after the signing of the Utrecht Agreement, which put an end to the European strife in 1713, Tich and his associates found themselves far from home without work and money. To secure their livelihood, they became pirates. In recent years, Teach became friends with Captain Benjamin Hornigold and soon joined his team as Quartermaster. This happened between the end of 1714 and the beginning of 1716.
As part of the Hornigold squadron, and then independently, he robbed mainly French and Spanish ships. He used Jamaica, Virginia and North Carolina as a place to sell the loot. The last settlement became his main rear base.
In November 1717, Tich's sloops attacked and, after a fleeting battle, captured a large French ship near the island of St. Vincent. At this point, the Blackbeard fleet consisted of two sloops: one with 12 guns and 120 crew members, the second with 8 guns and 30 crew members. The captured ship was the slave sloop La Concorde, sailing to Martinique under the command of Captain Dosset.
Teach was not inferior to his captain either in the ability to rob or in the ability to manage the robbery process. In the same year, Hornigold was removed from office and Teach, apparently, was unanimously chosen as the new captain. As an additional "prize", the ship "La Concorde" - the flagship of the pirate squadron, also went to Tich. The ship became known as the Queen Anne's Revenge and became a notorious pirate between 1717 and 1718.

In 1717 the new governor of the Bahamas Woods Rogers announced the beginning of a ruthless fight against piracy. Hornigold, with part of his team, decided to surrender to the mercy of the British authorities and receive the amnesty promised by royal decree. Teach refused to stop his craft and raised a black flag over Queen Anne's Revenge, thereby finally outlawing himself.
Teach attacked all oncoming merchant ships, traveling along the Lesser Antilles. In the vicinity of the island of St. Vincent, pirates captured a large English merchant ship under the command of Christoph Taylor. Blackbeard liked to strike terror into his enemies. It was rumored that during the battle he weaved ignition wicks into his beard and in clouds of smoke, like Satan from the underworld, burst into the ranks of the enemy. Having taken everything that was of value, the pirates landed the team on the island, and the ship itself was set on fire. In December 1717, Tich's fleet left Puerto Rico towards Saman Bay on the island of Hispaniola.
By January 1718, there were already about 300 people in the Tich squadron. Cruising in the vicinity of the islands of St. Christopher and Crab, the pirates captured several more British sloops. In late January, the Queen Anne's Revenge anchored off Battown, North Carolina. This small town, with a population of only 8,000 people, was a good refuge for ships coming from the Atlantic. The settlers happily bought up the cargo looted by the pirates, so Teach liked Bathtown as a rear base, and he repeatedly returned to it.

Siege of Charlestown
In May 1718, the Queen Anne's Revenge and three smaller pirate sloops approached the town of Charlestown in South Carolina. They anchored off the coast of Charlestown, setting up an ambush. Thus, in a few days, 9 ships were captured, the wealthiest passengers were taken as hostages. Having received a huge ransom for them with money and medicines, Teach went to North Carolina. He bribed the governor of North Carolina, Charles Eden, and continued to engage in robbery.

End of career and death
In the fall of 1718, Governor of Virginia Alexander Spotswood published a proclamation in which he promised a reward of 100 English pounds to those who capture or kill Tich, as well as smaller amounts for ordinary pirates.
An English lieutenant hired by Spotswood Robert Maynard went to destroy Tich and met with him near the island of Ocracoke. Several ships of Tich were on the roadstead in one of the bays. According to the authorities, most of the crew was either on other ships or on land, and the pirates simply rested in Ocracoke Bay. At night, a punitive expedition on oars approached Tich's ship in order to suddenly attack the "half-drunk" sailors and their no less drunk captain at dawn.
On November 22, 1718, Thatch was celebrating his retirement from piracy when fate brought him together with his old friend Edward Kenway. Both pirates were bombed by the Royal Navy ship of the line, which was Maynard. Tich's ship and most of his crew were destroyed, so he, with the remnants of the crew, moved to Kenway's ship "Jackdaw" and rushed to the attack. Soon a boarding battle ensued. During the battle, Edward Teach was killed, having received 5 bullet and 20 stab wounds. Maynard ordered Tich's body to be thrown into the waters of the bay, and his severed head hung on the bowsprit of his sloop in order to receive the due reward upon his return. All thirteen pirates captured alive were tried in Williamsburg and executed by hanging.
Teach's career as a pirate was short but colorful. Many legends are associated with his name, including legends about treasures.

Benjamin Hornigold

Date of Birth: mid 1680s Norfolk, England

Date of death: 1719

Benjamin Hornigold was most likely born in Norfolk, England, although this fact has not yet been confirmed. Nothing is known about his early life either. The first records about him date back to 1713-1714, when he began his career as a pirate in the West Indies.

Carier start
At the beginning of his career, he sailed on ships that were assigned to the English ports of King's Lynn and Great Yarmouth, and according to the chronicles, his main job was the transportation of especially important cargo and escort of caravans.
After the end of the War of the Spanish Succession, he was one of hundreds of privateers left without work in the conditions of the ensuing peace. Like many other English sailors, Hornigold spent most of his time in the Bahamas, eventually settling in Nassau. It was there that he began his career as a real pirate, although he may have considered himself a privateer then - at least in the early years.
During this period, his first mate was Edward Teach, who would later become famous as the pirate Blackbeard. When Hornigold became the captain of the Ranger, he appointed Teach in command of his former sloop. In the spring of 1717, two pirate captains together successfully captured three trading ships in a row: one was carrying 120 barrels of flour destined for Havana, another ship was loaded with liquor, and a third ship sailing from Madeira under the flag of Portugal was loaded with barrels of white wine.
In March 1717, Hornigold attacked the armed merchant ship of the Governor of South Carolina, sent to the Bahamas in order to hunt for robbers. The ship managed to escape behind the Cat Cay Islands with her captain, who later reported that Hornigold's fleet was replenished with two more ships, and as a result, the squadron consisted of up to five ships, and the total crew strength was 350 people.
In the same year, together with Teach, they captured the large French ship La Concorde, sailing to Martinique under the command of Captain Dosset.

Removal from the post of Captain
Despite the fame and reputation of Hornigold, he was always careful in choosing a target and until 1716 he refused to attack ships under the English flag, remaining true to his native country. The crew did not like his adherence to the patent and made a demand to attack any ship they chose. Hornigold strictly rejected the ultimatum, for which he was removed from the post of captain.
According to a more plausible version, Teach was the initiator of the rebellion, which at that moment was already acting independently and, as a guarantee of Hornigold's life, demanded a ransom - the ship La Concorde. Hornigold agreed to the terms of the rebels and, taking the helm of his old sloop, went to the shores of Nassau, where he piracy until 1718.

Pirate hunter
In December 1717, when the decree came to pardon all pirates, Hornigold went to Jamaica and in January 1718 received a royal amnesty and later, under the auspices of Governor Woodes Rogers, became a pirate hunter, his former "brothers in arms".
Rogers granted the request for clemency, but at the same time instructed him to catch all the pirates, including his former assistant Tich. He would have to spend 18 months chasing Steed Bonnet and Jack Rackham. In December 1718, Rogers approached the Trade Office in London with a recommendation noting Hornigold's efforts to uphold his spotless reputation as a corsair.

In late 1719, Hornigold's ship was caught in a hurricane somewhere between New Providence and Mexico City and hit an uncharted reef. This incident is mentioned in a contemporary account of The General History of Pirates by Captain Charles Johnson, who states "on one of his voyages ... Captain Hornigold, one of the most famous pirates, was thrown onto the rocks and died, but five of his sailors boarded a canoe and were rescued ." The exact location of the reef is still unknown.

Charles Vane

Date of Birth: 1680 England

Date of death: 1721 Gallows Point, Port Royal

The standard phrase in the biography of any golden age pirate is "Little is known of his early life..." This is true of Charles Vane as well. We do not know where he was born, where he grew up, where he first went to sea. But this is not so bad, because it only adds secrets to the life of this unusual, fickle person.

Carier start
Charles Vane was one of the most irascible and wayward members of the Flying Gang, a group of pirates who briefly settled in Nassau, and began his journey, like most pirates of that era, as a privateer who fought for the king. It is possible that he lived in Jamaica in 1715 and was one of the participants in the attack of Henry Jennings on the Spanish expedition, during which the privateers took all the gold for themselves after its sad crash in 1715 off the coast of Florida.
Less than a year later, it was no longer possible to continue the honest work of the privateer, since the English governors did not encourage the violation of the terms of the Treaty of Utrech, which stipulated the cessation of all violent actions between the great empires. With no other choice, Vane went to Nassau, where many of his former associates lived.
Prone to rage and rather stingy, Charles Vane quickly earned a reputation as a hard-to-serve captain. Sometime in 1717 or 1718 his old friend Jack "Calico Jack" Rackham joined the team as quartermaster. For some time they piracy together, choosing Nassau as their base, like Benjamin Hornigold, Ed Teach and Henry Jennings, where he meets Kenway and talks about the gold in the fort nearby, and the fact that Governor Torres is sailing to pick it up.
In the area of ​​Bermuda in 1718, he attacked the British squadron. The surviving members of the team told the governor of Bermuda that the leader of the attackers hung one of the prisoners on the yardarms and then was cold-bloodedly hacked to death with a boarding saber. A few hours later, boarding the ship of Captain North, he tied one of the prisoners to a bowsprit and put a pistol in his mouth, demanding to open the secret of finding the ship's cash register ...

Escape from Nassau
In the summer of 1718, an English fleet arrived on Nassau, led by the Templar and Governor Woodes Rogers, occupying the island. Woods announced an amnesty to all pirates who laid down their arms, and those who did not obey were awaited by the trial and immediate execution. Benjamin Hornigold accepted her and Wayne accuses him of betrayal.
Wayne's team robbed anyone they came across on the trade route linking England and the American colonies.
In September of the same year, in the bay of Ocracoke Island, Vane met Edward Teach. Vane's ship fired a blank salvo from all its guns in salute to Blackbeard's squadron. Teach answered with the same artillery salute and both captains celebrated their meeting for several days according to all pirate rules and customs.
After Teach's death, he helps Edward find the Sage by capturing one of the slavers' ships, which supposedly was the Sage himself. But further searches were interrupted by a rebellious team led by Jack Rackham.

Kenway and Vane were landed on the island of Providencia. There, his psyche faltered, he tried to kill Edward by shooting him with a gun and shouting insults. However, Kenway was able to neutralize Vane and leaves him alone on the island. He lived the life of a Robinson for several weeks, until in 1721 he was found by British soldiers and taken to Port Royal Prison. On March 22, 1721, Vane was tried and on the same day he was executed by hanging at Gallows Point, Port Royal.

Jack Rackham "Calico Jack"

Carier start
Jack Rackham is one of the few famous pirates whose homeland is the West Indies. He was born in Jamaica at a time when Port Royal was a real den of robbers. Most likely, this explains the atrophy of his moral principles: he often drank, rarely took anything seriously, and always ran after women. He avoided trouble with a defiant, aggressive charm, but he was neither a strategist nor a warrior.
Nicknamed Calico for his love of Indian and Asian patterned fabrics, Jack was a terrible sailor and bad pirate, with sudden quirks and short-sighted plans rather than strategic thinking. Drunk, he was probably half his adult life, had a weakness for women, which conquered all basic needs, such as sleep and food. His disarming charm, smart look and wit helped him a lot, but all the fun eventually ends, and someone has to put things in order.
He became famous due to the fact that his team had two women dressed in men's clothes - Ann Bonnie and Mary Read. Both were partners with the captain. Their courage and courage made the team famous.
After landing Charles Vane and Ed Kenway on a desert island and leaving only a small, wrecked boat for his former captain, Rackham hung around the West Indies for a couple of months, and then returned to Nassau and accepted a royal pardon from Governor Rogers.
Soon he started an affair with someone else's wife, the charming Ann Bonnie, who was 20 years younger than him. When their connection was discovered, Ann's husband was so outraged by his wife's infidelity that he demanded that she be arrested and whipped. Rackham offered to pay for the divorce, but the husband was unwilling to listen to anything.
Unable to think of anything better, Ann and Jack decide to run away and become pirates. Their team was joined by Mary Reed, who was then still pretending to be a man. The three of them went in search of freedom, but did not go far.

Four months after escaping from Nassau, the authorities caught them and sent them to trial in Santiago de Vega. Jack was held in a jail in Jamaica, possibly in a cell next to his old rival Charles Vane.
By a court decision, Captain Rackham and almost his entire team of 300 people were sentenced to the gallows. Before the execution, he asked to be allowed to see Ann Bonny, but she refused, and instead of consolation before her death, she told her lover that he indignant her with such a miserable appearance. The sentence was carried out in Port Royal, Jamaica. The body was hung on display at the approaches to Port Royal on a small island now called Rackham Reef.

Bartholomew Roberts

John Roberts - this is his real name, Welsh Pirate, born May 17, 1682, also known as Black Bart. He traded in the Atlantic and the Caribbean. Captured over four hundred ships. Distinguished by extravagant behavior. One of the most famous pirates in the history of piracy. Born in Haverfordwest, South Wales. He was also unconfirmed as the creator of the Pirate Code.

Carier start
Little is known of his early life, as there is no mention in any historical document before 1718, when he served aboard a Barbadian merchant ship. Most believe that he went to sea as a boy - at the age of 13. Just a year later, the picture of Roberts' life begins to emerge noticeably clearer. We now know that he became a pirate under the pressure of the famous Howell Davis, who captured the slave ship on which Roberts served under Captain Abraham Plumb.
In 1715, he was captured by the Templars, as he was a Sage and knew where the Observatory was. When attacking the Templars by the Assassins, Bartholomew tried to escape in the midst of the battle, but was captured by Edward Kenway. Later he was again taken to prison, but, under mysterious circumstances, escaped from there.

Collaboration with Edward
Bartholomew sailed to the shores of the Principe, but was forced to fight the Portuguese and was soon overtaken by Edward again. Kenway wants to cooperate with Roberts and, in order to earn the Sage's trust, he kills two Templars, John Cockram and Josiah Burges. Bartholomew soon planned the capture of the Portuguese ship Nosso Señor and the vials of Templar blood. Thanks to Edward, the Sage gets everything he wanted. Bart promises to show Edward the Observatory, but first he must kill Benjamin Hornigold. Kenway coped with the task and the Sage takes him to the Observatory, but, having shown the principle of its work and taking the device, he betrays Edward, locking him inside the Observatory. Edward got out of it, but earned a serious wound. Wounded Edward tried to kill the traitor, but lost consciousness. Bartholomew turns him in to the authorities.

Visions of Edward
Edward gets drunk in a tavern after Mary Reed's death, but Roberts finds him there and begins to mock Edward. The sage appears in almost every vision of Edward.

On the instructions of the Assassins, Edward sails to Principe in order to kill the Sage, but he knew that Kenway would come for him and therefore escaped to his ship. Unfortunately for the Sage, Edward overtakes him on his ship, boards the King's Fortune, and kills Roberts.

Ann Bonnie

Date of birth: 1702, Ireland

Date of death: unknown

When Ann left her native Cork and went from Ireland to the overseas British colonies, it was difficult to call her even a teenager. By the age of sixteen, she was already married to Mr. Jack Bonnie - a kind and strong young man in his early twenties - and together with her husband went to the West Indies. The couple could hardly imagine what the future holds for them. In April 1716 they arrived in Nassau, where Jack soon found himself working on a small plantation, and Ann mastered the art of idleness and daydreaming. Unfortunately, her beauty, indifference and complete disregard for the rules of conduct brought her an excess of male attention, which she had not suspected before. A year later, only one name remained from Bonnie's marriage. Jack threw himself into work, and Ann, who * became more confident and surrounded herself with friends, soon found herself at the bar of the famous Old Avery tavern in the heart of Nassau. And although she did not have many lovers in the next few years, the rumor dubbed her a whore and a flirtatious. However, there was no high society in Nassau, no one blamed or shamed the girl, and her attractiveness only grew from such rumors.

pirate life
Life in Nassau did not bring anything good to Ann, and she soon succumbed to the dubious charm of Jack Rackham, nicknamed Calico. Rackham, who had already participated from time to time in pirate adventures, turned out to be the very man who rescued Anne from the captivity of her hateful marriage. Around the same time, Anne also befriended Mary Read, whose manly attire failed to deceive the girl. They gradually began to get closer, simply shocking Rackham, who threatened Mary with reprisal for flirting with his mistress. In order not to aggravate the situation, Reed revealed her secret to him, thereby bringing Jack into genuine delight. A few months later, for reasons not entirely clear, Anne, Mary, and Rackham recruited a small crew, slipped under cover of darkness aboard a moored schooner, and sailed out of the port of Nassau at full sail. Their plan was simple: to organize a series of quick robberies, getting enough gold for the rest of their lives. However, Rackham's incompetence again led to fatal consequences. Three months after leaving the port, Ann and Mary, together on the deck of their stolen schooner, already very battered, fought off almost continuous attacks by English soldiers, and Jack and the rest of the team lay in the hold and could not come to your senses after a stormy night of drinking. The soldiers were outnumbered, and the pirates that both of them were pregnant at the time - Ann, most likely from Rackham, and Mary from an unnamed sailor. The girls reported this at the trial immediately after the judge sentenced them to death. Taking into account the fact that both of them were "in position", the judge delayed the execution of the sentence until the moment of delivery. About 4 months later, Mary gave birth safely, but soon died in prison from an infection. As for Ann, her fate is still unknown. Neither the death certificate nor the record of the execution was preserved. For a long time it was believed that her father saved her: having bribed the governor, he allegedly secretly took her to the English colonies in North America. But now we know what really happened. The only question is how to deal with this knowledge.

Mysterios, September 1919. We receive from Roberts the coordinates of the meeting place where we need to complete his task so that he can tell more about the observatory. At the meeting, he asks to discreetly follow the Portuguese ship. Then steal the flag from him and fasten it to the ship, and then, under the guise of a Portuguese ship, take the contents of the chest and steal the flagship. The chest contained the blood of the Templars, in special vials for the observatory.

Murder and chaos

And again we meet with Roberts. But when we meet, we find out that we were being followed. Benjamin Hornigold has been following us and Robers is not ready to work with us while this Templar is on our tail. Therefore, we find his ship, we break it, and then we find Hornigold on the shore and kill him.


The last meeting with Roberst, in which he will show us the observatory. But for a safe passage, you need to clear the way from the local guardians. observatories. The observatory really exists and Roberts will show us it in action.

You can insert vials of human blood into it and watch him and listen to what he says. Edward even managed to eavesdrop on the conversation of Governor Torres, who is making a plan to collect blood from all high-ranking people.

But Roberts did not plan to share the find with Edward, so he drops him down into the water and closes him in the observatory. Our hero gets out of it, but the badly wounded falls into the clutches of Roberts and he takes him prisoner in order to receive a reward from the king for him.

Abstergo. Server hack

We exit the Animus again. The entire staff was locked up due to the fact that a hacking of several computers was discovered (we know who did it) and an investigation is being carried out. Our already familiar IT-person offers to hide our participation in hacking. To do this, we need to hack access to the company's server, and simply change the data.

Suffering worse than death

Port Royal, April 1720. Edward and Mary Read are in jail in Jamaica. Mary's assassin mentor, A-Tabai, frees Edward, but in return he must help rescue her. But during the escape, Mary dies.

Everything is allowed

Kenway has gone on a drinking binge and sees different visions in a drunken delirium. He is found unconscious by Adewale on the seashore. After talking with him, we learn that Ade joined the Assassin clan and Edward also decides to become one of them. After joining the Order, our hero helps repel another Spanish attack on the Assassins' camp.

Templar hunting. Assassin Opia. Getting Templar Armor

The end of the governor

Ile-a-Your, May 1721 Edward sets off to capture Roberts, taking on a new quartermaster to replace Ade Ann Bonny. Disguised as an Italian diplomat, we go to an appointment with the Templar and Governor Rogers and kill him. Before dying, he tells where Roberts is - in Principe.

Royal failure

We are looking for the moored ship "Royal Fortune" on which Roberts is currently sailing, after which we try to kill him, but he hides on his ship, we catch up with him, board the ship and kill Roberts. We take away his skull - a device from the observatory.

bad blood

We go to Havana for the head of Torres, for the next task and we meet the “assassinka” Ron already familiar to us. We give her the skull, and we ourselves go to kill Torres. But we run into his doppelgänger. We kill him and run back to Rhone. Let's find out. that Torres went to the observatory. Let's go after him.

Eternal thorn. End of Assassin's Creed 4.

And again the observatory and again the race for the enemies! Only the last living enemy remained - Torres. We go after him to the observatory and kill him. The Assassins return the skull to its original place, and Edward receives a letter

Again, our hero comes out of the animus and sees the sage "Roberts" right in front of him, he is John the IT guy. He almost manages to kill us, but security breaks in and stops him. Soon, two assassins contact us, who apologize for everything that happened and are not averse to receiving more information from us.

Great Inagua, October 1722 All the Assassins decided to disperse around the world so as not to draw attention to themselves and protect people. And our good friend Edward meets his daughter.

Today the company Ubisoft officially announced that the first set of DLC for multiplayer Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag, "Blackbeard's Wrath" (Blackbeard's Wrath) will be released already tomorrow on all platforms. It can be purchased separately for $2.99 ​​or as part of the Season Pass. The DLC will add three new characters to the game - Jaguar, Orchid and the most legendary pirate - Blackbeard.

Blackbeard- Rude and quick-tempered, Blackbeard tries to get his way with threats, not violence, and kills only as a last resort. Although little is known about his youth, it is believed that he was born between 1680 and 1685 in Bristol, and at the age of sixteen he went to wander the seas. By 1717, he had become a real idol for pirates. Orchid- the daughter of a rebel, Orchid grew up in battles. From her youth, she discovered a talent for diplomacy and languages. After breaking with her family, she became an adviser to a general from the Qin dynasty, against whom her father fought. Having shown herself well, Orchid received the post of ambassador. Allegedly for the sake of fighting piracy, she began to wander the world, eventually joining the Templars in order to achieve her cherished goal - the establishment of universal order. Jaguar- Kuali (which means "good" in Nahuatl) is an Aztec warrior from Mexico who cannot imagine his life without the sea. He is ready to join any campaign that will allow him to fight the Spanish conquest of Central America. Kuali is a true fighter. Having survived the extermination of his community, he joined the ranks of the local Templars, who are trying to win back peace and order in their land.

The developers also promise another DLC with multiplayer characters, which will be released later.


Today the company Ubisoft officially announced that the first set of DLC for multiplayer Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag, "Blackbeard's Wrath" (Blackbeard's Wrath) will be released already tomorrow on all platforms. It can be purchased separately for $2.99 ​​or as part of the Season Pass. The DLC will add three new characters to the game - Jaguar, Orchid and the most legendary pirate - Blackbeard.

Blackbeard- Rude and quick-tempered, Blackbeard tries to get his way with threats, not violence, and kills only as a last resort. Although little is known about his youth, it is believed that he was born between 1680 and 1685 in Bristol, and at the age of sixteen he went to wander the seas. By 1717, he had become a real idol for pirates. Orchid- the daughter of a rebel, Orchid grew up in battles. From her youth, she discovered a talent for diplomacy and languages. After breaking with her family, she became an adviser to a general from the Qin dynasty, against whom her father fought. Having shown herself well, Orchid received the post of ambassador. Allegedly for the sake of fighting piracy, she began to wander the world, eventually joining the Templars in order to achieve her cherished goal - the establishment of universal order. Jaguar- Kuali (which means "good" in Nahuatl) is an Aztec warrior from Mexico who cannot imagine his life without the sea. He is ready to join any campaign that will allow him to fight the Spanish conquest of Central America. Kuali is a true fighter. Having survived the extermination of his community, he joined the ranks of the local Templars, who are trying to win back peace and order in their land.

The developers also promise another DLC with multiplayer characters, which will be released later.

