Lyubov Uvarova
What is imagination?

Imagination- a mental cognitive process, which consists in the creation of new images, ideas, emotional and sensory states by processing the previous experience of L. Afonkina, Uruntaev)

Imagination- synthesis of a stock of impressions, ideas, experienced knowledge and the creation of new images and fantasies. (Bardier, Romazan, Cherednikova)

Imagination, fantasy is a reflection of reality in new, unexpected and unusual combinations and connections.

These definitions are taken from different sources, but they all speak of the creation of new images based on existing representations of impressions, knowledge, etc. imagination does not show, for example, memory or thinking is impossible, because mental processes proceed simultaneously: at every moment more than ten billion nerve cells of the human brain create a single symphony" of his mental life.

Because the imagination is a function of the cerebral cortex, it should immediately be said about the influence imagination on the work of many systems of the human body. Some observations on people who are rich imagination and impressionability, give interesting facts about the influence imagination on the course of physiological processes:

Flaubert clearly felt the taste of arsenic in his mouth when he painted the scene of the poisoning of Emma Bovary, and Voltaire fell ill every time on the anniversary of Bartholomew's night - the thought of the innocent victims caused him a fit of fever.

The word of an authoritative person, a careless doctor can cause nervous disorders or even serious illnesses. This can also be attributed to the pedagogical tactless, wrong act of a teacher, educator.


Preschool age, when the leading activity of the child is the game, is characterized by rapid development imagination. The very first signs imagination can be noticed already after a year and a half, when the child examines the picture and begins to recognize the depicted object, because the drawing is still only a sign of a real object, its substitute, and imagination here he completes what is not entirely true. Of course it is passive imagination, because the child does not create anything new, but such recognition is the most important step towards its formation.

Yet the roots imagination one should look for actions with objects from which an objective game is born. A necessary element of the game is imaginary situation, introduced with the help of the words "as if", and the child's free transformation of the accumulated representations, not constrained by the rules of logic, however, to a certain limit: Can imagine that the zest is a puck, and the spoon is a stick, but vice versa - no longer, because moving the spoon with a zest is at least inconvenient. So, after all, internal logic exists, and the main condition here is the ability to perform the same actions with a substitute object as with a real object.

With the development of speech, the nature of creation also changes. imaginary situation: the child moves to supports of a different kind - a syllable. During preschool age, there is a gradual transformation imagination child from external activity with objects to internal - verbal. Speech, communication help children imagine objects that they have not seen before. Numerous studies have shown that delays in speech development also affect the development imagination: lead to its lag, impoverishment. And the wealth of children imagination only visible: it is easy for a child who has never seen an elephant to imagine that the elephant is pink - this is the weakness of the child imagination. But in any case, you should not say that it is not true that there are no pink elephants. You should always find out why the child says this and whether he knows what elephants really are.

Wealth imagination directly depends on the wealth of past experience, knowledge, memory. Comparison of new knowledge and past experience, the uncertainty of emerging situations includes work imagination- the process of finding non-standard solutions to homogeneous, similar problems. All this is related imagination with thinking, helps them to perform a general cognitive function. And when for one reason or another imagination turns out to be underdeveloped in children, they begin to doubt even the existence of very real, but unusual things. K. Chukovsky wrote that when one of the children started talking about sharks in one of the schools shouted: "Sharks do not exist!"

Imagination and thinking, arising in sensory cognition, help the child break away "from a specific situation, look at the problem from different points of view, and in cases where thinking is powerless, he comes to the rescue imagination. It helps the child to fill the gap in knowledge that does not allow him to solve the problem with the help of thinking.

Speaking about the features of development imagination in children of preschool age, I especially want to emphasize that the child does not tolerate gross interference in his fantasies. Adults must be careful not to inadvertently destroy the fragile magical world created by the baby in his imagination.

The fantasies of a child must be distinguished from the lies of a child. fantasizing

always disinterested and does not harm other people. A lie is a deliberate distortion of reality in order to obtain some benefit. (to be praised, given candy, not scolded). The fantasies of a child, unlike lies, are more diverse and are accompanied by positive emotions, because a child always fantasizes for pleasure.

In the older preschooler, unlike the younger, thinking directs the work imagination. If the younger preschooler involuntarily distorts the signs and functions of objects due to lack of knowledge, unformed critical thinking, then the older preschooler deliberately replaces reality with fiction, i.e. imagination acquires elements of arbitrariness. In this regard, the so-called changelings, to whom all children are attracted, are very indicative. four year old girl sings: "I'll give you a piece of milk and a jug of cake" (from Chukovsky). Changelings have a product children's imagination, constructed, like other images of fantasy, by rearranging familiar elements to achieve emotional comic affect. It is important that next to this notorious distortion of reality, there exists, as a standard, a correct idea of ​​the world that refutes these absurdities, and thereby even more affirms.

Transition imagination out of activity, in need of external support, into independent internal activity - the most important condition for the development of artistic creativity (composing fairy tales, stories of poems, visual and constructive activities). It is the word that accompanies and anticipates the creative process, merging together. In the world of art, the artist's creative fantasy cannot only copy reality. She transforms her, and then not only people, but also birds, and fish, plants and stones - everything around speaks to him.

At senior preschool age, with the help of a word and thanks to imagination the child already knows how to plan an activity, an idea appears, achieving a goal, a result causes significant difficulties, and an activity planned with the help of speech becomes more successful. The planning function of speech provides the planning function imagination, and inclusion in the process imagination words makes it conscious and arbitrary.

Imagination provides the ability to look at the situation from the perspective of another person, the ability to put oneself in his place, to understand his thoughts and feelings. And this leads to the fact that the preschooler can already foresee the development of the situation, its continuation. At the same time, the child learns not only to sympathize with another, but also to help him.

In life, there are many rules of conduct that must be strictly observed. Many of them are quite abstract and therefore difficult for the child to understand, and the child is not yet used to detailed logical explanations. And this is where help comes in. imagination, bright visual dynamic picture, situation:

You can get in the teeth of crocodiles!

They hid on every platform,

And everyone who moves out is grabbed by the heels!

And dragged to the bottom of the African Nile.

Please don't slide down the railing! (E. Tokmakova)

But here it should immediately be noted that it is necessary to observe the reasonable limits of fiction, without intimidating the child, without causing fear in him.

The desire to protect oneself from negative emotions leads to the fact that the child presents himself as big, strong, generous. By using imagination he tries to transform not only the present, but also past: the broken cup became whole again, mom is not angry, the truck was found. Thus, the baby, as it were, gets rid of the memories that hurt him, internal psychological discomfort, emotional stress, and trouble. THAT. imagination performs a protective function here - protects the individual from severe traumatic experiences


Subbotsky E. B. The child opens the world. y.: Enlightenment, 1991 Nikitin B. P. Steps of creativity, c.: Enlightenment, 1990 Polunina B. N. Art and children. M.: Enlightenment, 1962

Dyachenko O. M. About the main directions of development imagination of a preschooler. Reading book on child psychology. M. Institute of pract. psychology, 1996.

Simanovsky A. Z. Development of creative thinking in children. -Yaroelael, "Academy of Development", 1996.

Kryazheva N. L Development of the emotional world of children. - Yaroslavl, "Academy of Development", 1996.

Uruntaeva G. A., Afonkina Yu. A. we introduce kids to the environment the world: M.: Education: Educational literature, 1997.

Einon D. Creative a game: From birth to 10 years. Moscow: Pedagogy-Press, 1995.

What does not happen in the world? Ed. Dyachenko Dgaeva E. A. M,: 11r. ,1991

Our fantasies and dreams are able to paint life with new colors. Without them it is difficult to imagine our daily existence. The images that arise in the head, a kaleidoscope of pictures and dreams not only give a mood, but also develop creative abilities and extraordinary thinking.

Imagination in psychology

The human brain is able not only to perceive and remember information, but also to perform all kinds of operations with it. In ancient times, primitive people were at first completely similar to animals: they got food and built primitive dwellings. But human abilities have evolved. And one fine day, people realized that it is much more difficult to hunt an animal with bare hands than with the help of special devices. Scratching their heads, the savages sat down and invented a spear, a bow and arrows, an axe. All these objects, before they were created, were embodied in the form of images in the human brain. This process is called imagination.

People developed, and at the same time the ability to mentally create images, completely new and on the basis of existing ones, improved. Not only thoughts, but also desires and aspirations were formed on this foundation. Based on this, it can be argued that imagination in psychology is one of the processes of cognition of the surrounding reality. This is an imprint of the outside world in the subconscious. It allows not only to imagine the future, to program it, but also to remember the past.

In addition, the definition of imagination in psychology can be formulated in another way. For example, it is often called the ability to mentally represent an absent object or phenomenon, manipulate it in one's mind, and retain its image. Often imagination is confused with perception. But psychologists argue that these cognitive functions of the brain are fundamentally different. Unlike perception, imagination creates images based on memory, and not on the outside world, and it is also less real, as it often contains elements of dreams and fantasy.

Imagination functions

It is difficult to imagine a person who has no imagination at all. If you think about it, then in your environment there are people who are pragmatic, as if down to earth. All their actions are dictated by logic, principles and arguments. But to say that they have absolutely no creative thinking and imagination is impossible. It's just that these cognitive processes are either underdeveloped or are in a "dormant" state.

It's a bit of a pity for such people: they live boring and uninteresting, they do not use the creative possibilities of the brain. After all, according to general psychology, imagination gives us the opportunity to be individual, unlike the "gray mass". With its help, a person stands out, occupies his niche in society. Imagination has several functions, using which, each of us becomes a special person:

  • Cognitive. With the help of imagination, we expand our horizons, gain knowledge, acting in an uncertain situation based on our conjectures and ideas.
  • Prediction function. The properties of the imagination in psychology are such that they help us to imagine the result of an unfinished activity. This function also shapes our dreams and daydreams.
  • Understanding. With the help of imagination, we can imagine what the interlocutor has in his soul, what feelings he experiences. We understand his problem and behavior, conditionally putting ourselves in his place.
  • Protection. By predicting possible future events, we can thereby protect ourselves from trouble.
  • Self-development. The properties of imagination in psychology allow us to create, invent, fantasize with its help.
  • Memory. We remember the past, which is stored in our brain in the form of certain images and ideas.

All of the above functions of the imagination are developed differently. Each person is dominated by a separate property, which often affects his behavior and character.

The main ways of creating images

There are several of them, but each of them characterizes the concept of imagination in psychology as a rather complex, multi-level process.

  1. Agglutination. Evaluating and analyzing the qualities, properties and appearance of an object, we create in our imagination a new, sometimes bizarre image, far from reality. For example, in this way the fairy-tale character Centaur (a human body and horse legs), as well as Baba Yaga's hut (a house and chicken legs), an elf (a human image and insect wings) were invented in this way. As a rule, a similar technique is used when creating myths and legends.
  2. Accent. Isolation in a person, object or activity of a single dominant characteristic and its hyperbolization. This method is actively used by artists during the creation of caricatures and cartoons.
  3. Typing. The most complex method, based on highlighting the features of several objects and creating a new, composite image from them. So they come up with literary heroes, characters of fairy tales.

These are the basic techniques of imagination in psychology. Their result is already existing material, but transformed and modified. Even scientists in their seemingly boring and dry field of activity also actively use imagination. After all, they developed new types of medicines, inventions and various know-hows at the expense of existing knowledge and skills. Having learned from them something special and most importantly, they create a completely new product. Thus, we can conclude: without imagination, humanity would never know what progress is in all activities.

active imagination

Usually there are such types of imagination in psychology: active and passive. They differ not only in their internal content, but also in the main forms of their manifestation. Active imagination is the conscious construction of various images in your mind, solving problems and recreating connections between subjects. One of the ways it manifests itself is fantasy. For example, an author writes a script for a film. He invents a story based on real facts, embellished with fictional details. The flight of thought can lead so far that in the end what is written turns out to be phantasmagoric and virtually impossible.

An example of fantasy is any action movie in cinema: elements of real life are present here (weapons, drugs, criminal authorities) along with exaggerated characteristics of the characters (their invincibility, the ability to survive under the onslaught of hundreds of attacking hooligans). Fantasy manifests itself not only during creativity, but also in everyday life. We often mentally reproduce human capabilities that are unrealistic, but so desirable: the ability to become invisible, fly, breathe underwater. Imagination and fantasy in psychology are closely interconnected. Often they result in productive creativity or ordinary dreams.

A special manifestation of active imagination is a dream - the mental creation of images of the future. So, we often imagine what our house by the sea will look like, what car we will buy with the accumulated money, what we will name the children and what they will become when they grow up. It differs from fantasy in its reality, earthiness. A dream can always come true, the main thing is to apply all your efforts and skills to this.

passive imagination

These are images that visit our consciousness involuntarily. We do not put any effort into this: they arise spontaneously, have both real and fantastic content. The most striking example of passive imagination is our dreams - an imprint of what was previously seen or heard, our fears and desires, feelings and aspirations. During "night movies" we can see possible scenarios for the development of certain events (a quarrel with loved ones, a disaster, the birth of a child) or absolutely fantastic scenes (an incomprehensible kaleidoscope of unrelated images and actions).

By the way, the last type of visions, provided that a waking person sees it, is called a hallucination. This is also passive imagination. In psychology, there are several reasons for this condition: severe head trauma, alcohol or drug intoxication, intoxication. Hallucinations have nothing to do with real life, they are often completely fantastic, even insane visions.

In addition to active and passive, one can also distinguish the following types of imagination in psychology:

  • Productive. Creation of completely new ideas and images as a result of creative activity.
  • Reproductive. Recreating pictures according to existing schemes, graphs and illustrative examples.

Each of these types of imagination is capable of influencing real events, activities, and even the future of the individual.

The role of imagination in human life

If it seems to you that you can live without it, then you are greatly mistaken. Imagination has its embodiment in practice in the form of a certain activity, and this is not always creativity. For example, with its help we solve mathematical and other logical problems. By imagining the condition mentally, we find the correct answer. Imagination also helps to control and regulate emotions and relieve tension in relationships between people. Imagine the following situation: the husband says that he is going to the bathhouse with his friends, but promises to compensate for his absence with a romantic trip to a restaurant. Angry and resentful at first, the wife, anticipating beautiful candles, foaming champagne and delicious seafood, suppresses her anger and avoids a quarrel.

Imagination in psychology is closely connected with thinking, therefore it has a direct impact on the knowledge of the world. Thanks to him, we can mentally perform actions, manipulate the images of objects, simulate situations, thereby developing analytical mental activity. Imagination even helps to regulate the physical state of the body. There are known facts when only by the power of thought a person changed blood pressure, body temperature or pulse rate. It is these possibilities of imagination that are the foundation of auto-training. And vice versa: by inventing the presence of various diseases, a person really begins to feel the symptoms of ailments.

The ideomotor act is also a practical embodiment of the imagination. It is often used by illusionists when they are trying to find objects hidden in the hall. Its essence is that by imagining movement, the magician provokes it. The artist notices microchanges in the look or grip of the audience's hands and unmistakably determines who has the thing he needs.

Development of the imagination

Mental activity is inseparable from images. Therefore, thinking and imagination in psychology are closely related. The development of logic and analytical skills helps us to improve our fantasies, creativity and latent abilities. The main types of development of imagination with the help of thinking are:

  1. Game activity. Especially the modeling of life situations, role-playing scenes, the creation of a number of associations, as well as modeling, origami and drawing.
  2. Reading literature, as well as an independent attempt at writing: writing poems, stories, essays. It is also effective to describe what you read verbally and with the help of images.
  3. The study of geographical maps. During this lesson, we always imagine the landscapes of a particular country, the appearance of people, their activities.
  4. Drawing graphs, diagrams, diagrams.

As we can see, imagination and thinking, imagination and creativity, psychology studies are inseparable from each other. Only their common functionality and complementarity make us truly unique individuals.

We have already seen that psychology considers the development of the imagination in parallel with the progress of thinking. His close connection with the activity is also proven, as evidenced by one story that happened to a certain violinist. For a petty crime, he was imprisoned for several years. Of course, he was not given an instrument, so every night he played an imaginary violin. When the musician was released, it turned out that not only did he not forget the notes and works, but now he mastered the instrument much better than ever.

Inspired by this story, doctors from Harvard Medical School decided to conduct a unique study. They divided the subjects into two groups: one played a real piano, the other a fictitious one. As a result, those who imagined the instrument only in their thoughts showed good results. They not only mastered the basic musical compositions, but also demonstrated good physical shape. It turned out that their fingers were trained as if they were practicing on a real piano.

As you can see, imagination is not only fantasies, daydreams, dreams and the game of the subconscious, it is also what helps people to work and create in real life. Psychologists say that it can be controlled and thus become more educated and developed. But sometimes you have to be afraid. After all, the false facts that the imagination palms off on us can push us to commit a crime. One has only to remember Othello to understand what trouble our flight of fancy can cause.

Healing with Imagination

Psychologists say that the best way to become healthy is to imagine yourself as such. A blooming and full of strength image in our mind quickly becomes a real fact, and the disease recedes. This effect is described in detail by both medicine and psychology. The topic "Imagination and its impact on oncology" was studied in detail by Dr. Cal Simonton, a leading specialist in cancer diseases. He claimed that meditation and auto-training helped even those patients who were diagnosed with the last stage of the disease to recover.

For a group of people diagnosed with throat cancer, the doctor suggested using a course of so-called relaxation therapy in parallel with drug treatment. Three times a day, the patients relaxed and presented a picture of their complete healing. Patients who could no longer swallow on their own imagined how they had a delicious dinner with their family, how food freely and painlessly penetrated through the larynx straight into the stomach.

The result amazed everyone: after a year and a half, some patients did not even have traces of the disease. Dr. Simonton is sure that positive images in our brain, will and desire can work wonders. Imagination is always ready to be embodied in a real form. Therefore, where there is war, it is worth imagining peace, where quarrels are harmony, where illness is health. A person has many hidden abilities, but only imagination gives us the opportunity to rise above all limitations, overcoming space and time.

The level of imagination in different people

To determine it, you need to contact a specialist. He will prompt you to take an imagination test. Psychology, its methods in the form of questions and answers are able to analyze the level and possibilities of this mental state specifically in you. It has already been proven that women have better imagination than men. The representatives of the stronger sex are naturally more activated in the left hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for logic, analysis, and language abilities. Therefore, imagination often plays a small role in their lives: men like to operate with specific facts and arguments. And women are influenced by the right hemisphere of the brain, which makes them more sensitive, intuitive. Imagination and fantasies often become their prerogative.

As for children, their fantasies and dreams often amaze adults. Toddlers are able to go far from reality, hide in a fictional world. But this does not mean that their imagination is more developed: due to little life experience, their brain does not have in its stock such a gallery of images that adults have. But, even with insufficient experience, children are sometimes able to amaze with the revelry of their imagination.

Astrologers have another interesting version. They argue that everything unconscious, including the imagination, is controlled by the Moon. The sun, on the contrary, is responsible for specific actions and actions of a person. Since Cancers, Scorpios, Pisces, Aquarius and Sagittarius are under the great influence of the Moon, their imagination is richer and more multifaceted than that of other signs of the Zodiac. Be that as it may, you can always develop your fantasies and creative inclinations. The processes of imagination, indicated in psychology, can be easily improved. Thanks to them, you become a separate person, unlike the "gray mass" of people and clearly stand out from the crowd of the same face.

Imagination- this is the property of the psyche to create images in the mind. All processes that take place in images are called imaginations. Imagination as a mental process constitutes visual-figurative thinking, thanks to which a person can navigate, look for a solution to problems without the direct intervention of practical actions. This process is very essential, especially in cases where it is impossible or difficult to carry out the necessary practical action, or it is simply inexpedient.

This process reflects the surrounding world of a person at the highest mental levels. The most popular definition of imagination is a mental process, the essence of which is the creation of new unique images, through the processing of the perceived material of representations that came with previous experience. It is also considered as a phenomenon, as an ability and as a specific activity of the subject. This process has a complex functional structure, so Vygotsky defined it as a psychological system.

The function of imagination is peculiar only to a person and has a certain meaning in a specific professional activity of a person. Before starting to perform a certain activity, he imagines what kind of this object will be and mentally creates an algorithm of actions. Thus, a person constructs in advance the image of a future object or the final result of an activity. Developed creative imagination plays a great role in creative professions. Thanks to their developed creative abilities, people earn big money.

There are several types of imagination: active (voluntary), passive (involuntary), recreative, creative.

Imagination in psychology

Imagination is a process of cognition of the surrounding world. The outside world seems to be imprinted in the subconscious of a person. Thanks to this, a person is able to remember old and recent events, to program, to imagine the future. Often this process is called the ability to imagine missing objects in one's thoughts, to keep their image, to manipulate it in consciousness. Sometimes it is confused with, but really these are two different mental processes.

The imagination tends to create images based on memory rather than information from the outside world. It is less real because it has a component of fantasy and dreams. Even the most pragmatic, skeptical, boring people have imagination. It is impossible to attach a person who has completely lost such a function. The behavior of these people is governed by their principles, logic, facts, they always do everything according to the rules. But to say that they completely lack creative thinking or that they never dream is very wrong. It's just that this is the type of people in whom these processes are not sufficiently developed or they do not use them, or do not know how to use them. Often such people have a monotonous typical life that repeats the same every day and they act according to a certain algorithm, believing that they have no time for more. In fact, it is a pity for such people, because their life is boring, they do not use the abilities that are given to them by nature. Creative imagination makes people individual, non-repeating personalities.

Imagination as a mental process has certain functions that help a person become special.

cognitive function is contained in expanding the horizons of a person, gaining knowledge, constructing a person’s behavior in an uncertain situation, guided by conjectures and considerations.

Prediction Function suggests that the properties of the imagination help a person to imagine the end result of an unfinished action. It is this function that contributes to the formation of dreams and dreams in people.

Understanding function is displayed in a person’s ability to assume what a person is now experiencing, what emotions he is overwhelmed with, what feelings he is experiencing. Similar to this function is the state of empathy, when a person is able to penetrate the world of another and understand what worries him.

The protection function assumes that by predicting future events, by thinking about the course of actions and the consequences of these actions, a person can prevent troubles, protect himself from possible problems.

Self-development function is displayed in a person's ability to fantasize, invent and create.

Memory function It is expressed in the ability of a person to remember past events, to recreate frames of the past in his head. It is stored in the form of images and representations.

The above functions are not always fully expressed in all people. Each personality is dominated by a certain function, which often determines the character and behavior of a person. To understand how images and representations are created, it is necessary to follow the main ways of their creation. Each path is a complex multi-level mental process.

Agglutination is the creation of unreal, completely new, fabulous objects or phenomena that appear under the influence of the properties and appearance of some existing object, evaluating and analyzing the properties of which a person creates an object similar to him. That is, there is an original object on the basis of which a prototype is formed. This technique is very popular in creating fairy tales or myths.

Emphasizing is the process of fixing on one dominant characteristic highlighted in some object (person, object, activity, phenomenon) and its hyperbolization. Emphasis is often used in their work by artists in the creation of cartoons and caricatures.

Typification is the process of highlighting the main characteristics in several objects, and creating an image from them, completely new, but containing a piece of each of them. With the help of this technique, literary heroes and characters are created.

All of the above methods of imagination are actively used in psychology, creativity, and even scientific activity. For example, in medicine, new drugs are created based on existing ones. Also, modern technology, electronics, gadgets, inventions were developed on the basis of previously existing knowledge, schemes, theories and skills. Having collected from them the most important information, having processed it, scientists receive a completely new product. If people had no imagination, humanity would not be able to progress in all spheres and activities.

Imagination as a mental process involves the creation of new images based on existing experience. The ideas that appear in the images in the human head have not yet begun to be realized do not exist, but there is a possibility that in the future they can be brought to life. This process is based on the reformulation of information and impressions of the subject. The more the situation seems incomprehensible and complex, the more the imagination process is involved. This process is of great importance in the professional activity of a person. It also greatly influences feelings and emotions, and plays a large role in the development of personality.

In the creative and working process, imagination enables the individual to regulate and manage her activities, as well as control her speech, emotions, attention and memory. Helps to create and use images of reality. It improves the psychological state of a person, prevents stress and depression. With the help of imagination, he is able to plan his future activities in his mind, manipulating images. Imagination and individuality are the criteria in assessing the talent and abilities of a person, which is important in labor activity.

A person reflects the surrounding reality mainly in a figurative way. The image is a non-static phenomenon, it tends to change constantly. This process has a dynamic connection with the objects of the surrounding reality. Consequently, imagination is not some kind of abstraction, but a specific process associated with the real mental activity of the subject. This activity is also dynamic in nature.

Imagination is a process of self-knowledge of a person, disclosure of his abilities, other people and the world around him, the events taking place. This is a special form of the human psyche, occupying a place between perception, memory and thought processes. Visual-figurative thinking and imagination complement each other, imagination is its basis and makes it possible to show resourcefulness in an unfamiliar situation, to find a solution to a problem without applying any actions.

Types of imagination

This process, as a complex mental process, can also be of several types. Regarding the features of the process, they distinguish: involuntary, arbitrary, recreating, creative, and dreams.

involuntary imagination also called passive. This is the simplest type and it consists in creating and combining representations, their components into a new image, when a person does not have a direct intention to do this, when consciousness is weak, and there is little control over the flow of representations.

passive imagination occurs in young children. It manifests itself most often when a person is in a drowsy, half-asleep state, then the images arise on their own (therefore arbitrary), one changes to another, they combine, take on the most unrealistic forms and types.

Not only in the drowsy state does such imagination operate, it also manifests itself in the waking state. New ideas do not always appear when a person purposefully directs his consciousness to creation. A feature of the created images is their variability as a result of the instability of trace excitations of the brain and the ease of their relationship with the processes of excitations in adjacent brain centers. Since the trajectory of arousal is not fixed, this makes imagination so easy. It is especially easy in children, in which, moreover, there is no critical thinking, which acts as a filtering mechanism in adults, so the child sometimes gives out the most unrealistic fantasized images. Only by acquiring life experience and forming a critical attitude, such unintentional imagination is gradually put in order and guides consciousness, therefore a deliberate active representation is formed.

Arbitrary imagination, also called active, is the deliberate construction of representations of the corresponding task in a certain activity. Active imagination develops when children begin to play roles (doctor, salesman, teacher). When they try to portray their role, they have to strain their brains as accurately as possible, thus using their imagination. Further development of this process takes place when a person begins to act independently, shows initiative and creative efforts in the process of labor, requiring clear and accurate representations of the subject, which will be created from operations and which must be performed.

active imagination most of all manifested in the creative activity of man. In this process, a person sets himself a task, which is the starting point for the development of the imagination process. Since the products of this activity are objects of art, the imagination is governed by the demands that follow from the specific features of art.

The recreative aspect of this process is contained in the fact that a person must create an image of an object that he has never seen, based on certain descriptions.

Recreating imagination according to the psychological structure, it is the translation of the second-signal stimulus into the second-signal image.

The re-creative imagination embraces what is created, what already exists, and how it exists. It is not separate from reality, and if we move away from it a little, then the imagination will not correspond to the goals of cognition - to expand the field of human knowledge, reducing descriptions to visual images.

The recreating imagination helps a person to be transported to other countries, to space, to see historical events and objects that he has never seen before in his life, but after recreating he can imagine. This process allows people who read fiction to recreate scenes, events, and characters in their minds.

creative imagination also referred to as active imagination, it is involved in the formation of new images in creative activity, art, science, technical activity. Composers, writers, artists resort to such a process in order to display life in images in their art. They create artistic images through which they reflect life as truthfully as possible, and not photographically copy the events of life. These images also reflect the individuality of the creative person, his approach to life, artistic style.

Creative imagination is also used in scientific activities, which cannot be interpreted as ordinary mechanical knowledge of phenomena. The construction of hypotheses is a creative process, which is then confirmed by practice.

There is another peculiar kind of this process - it is a dream, as a representation of what is desired in the future. It is created meaningfully, as opposed to unintentional dreams. A person consciously directs his thoughts to the formation of desired goals, planning strategies to achieve these goals and translating them into real life.

Dreaming can be helpful, but it can also be harmful. When a dream is transcendent, unreal, not connected with life, it weakens the will of a person, reduces his activity and slows down psychological development. Such dreams are empty, meaningless, they are called dreams. When a dream is connected with reality, and potentially real, it helps a person to mobilize, to combine efforts and resources to achieve the goal. Such a dream is an incentive for active action and the rapid development of the best qualities of the individual.

Imagination and creativity

Creativity is the process of creating fundamentally new or improved methods for solving tasks and problems. It becomes obvious that imagination and the creative process are very interconnected.

Imagination is defined here as the transformation of ideas about reality and the creation of new images on this basis. It works every time a person thinks about some object or phenomenon, without even coming into direct contact with it. Thanks to the creative imagination, this representation is transformed.

Creative thinking and imagination have their own specific features. Through this process, it is possible to create completely new unique representations based on the subject's own ideas and thoughts, in which the individuality of the creator is expressed. It can be arbitrary and involuntary. To a large extent, creative imagination or a tendency towards it is conditioned from birth, but it can also be developed.

The development of creative imagination occurs in three stages. The first is a creative idea. At first, a fuzzy image appears in the mind of the creator, the initial idea, which can be created arbitrarily, without purposeful comprehension of the idea. The second stage involves nurturing the idea. A person thinks about strategies for translating an idea into reality, mentally improves it. The third stage completes the nurturing of the idea and brings it to life.

The development of creative imagination is carried out in the process of transition from involuntary to arbitrary, from recreative to creative. During childhood and adolescence, creative imagination has characteristic features, it is special for its magic, fantastic judgments about the world and the absence of a critical component of thinking and rationality. During adolescence, complex changes occur in the body, respectively, in the mind as well. Objectivity is developed, perception becomes more critical. Rationality of perception appears a little later, when a person becomes an adult. Adult reason begins to control the imagination, often too much criticality and practicality weakens the processes of fantasizing, overflowing them with meaning, loading them with some kind of unnecessary, in fact, information.

There are certain methods for developing creative thinking. The most practical method is reading literature and watching scientific films, expanding the circle of one's knowledge, drawing knowledge from different areas of life, memorizing and analyzing information. In this case, a large number of materials for creative processes appear.

Imagine imaginary objects, punch through various manipulations with them. For example, imagine the sea, hear the sound of breaking waves, feel the breath of sea freshness, imagine entering the water, feel its temperature, and so on. Or another example, imagine a pear. Imagine its shape, size, color. Engage tactile perception, imagine it when it is in your hand, feel its surface, aroma. You can mentally bite off a piece of it, imagine the taste.

For the imagination to be arbitrary, it is necessary to work on it, regularly conducting training. To make the effect even greater, you need to look for sources of inspiration, ask friends for help, ask about their ideas. Try group work on creating ideas, sometimes the results are very unique, and a person becomes more active if the imagination process takes place in a circle of other creative individuals.

Development of the imagination

The development of thinking is a purposeful process, the main task of which is the development of brilliance and showiness, originality and depth, as well as the productivity of imaginary images. In its development, imagination as a mental process is subject to the same laws as other ontogenetic transformations of mental processes.

The imagination of a preschooler develops very quickly, it is presented in two forms: the generation of an idea and the strategy for its implementation. Also, the preschooler's imagination performs, in addition to the cognitive-intellectual function, also an affective-protective one, which is expressed in protecting the child's weak personality from too difficult emotional experiences. The cognitive function helps to better recognize the world, interact with it, and solve tasks.

Development of imagination in children has a dependence on the process of objectification of the image by the action. During this process, the child tries to manage the images he created, change them, improve them, that is, take control. But he is not yet able to plan his imagination, a similar ability is developed by the age of four or five.

The affective development of the imagination in children occurs at the age of 2.5 - 4 or 5 years. The negative experiences of children are symbolically displayed in the characters, as a result of which the child begins to imagine situations in which the threat is removed. After that, the ability to relieve emotional stress appears, using the projection mechanism, when the negative qualities that really exist in the child begin to be attributed to other objects.

The development of imagination in children of six or seven years old reaches a level at which many children have already learned to imagine themselves and imagine life in their own world.

The development of the imagination takes place in the process of human ontogenesis, under the influence of life experience, in which the accumulated stock of ideas is stored as material for creating new images. The development of this process is closely related to the individuality of the individual, his upbringing and other mental processes, and the degree of their development (thinking, memory, will). It is very difficult to determine the age limits that characterize the dynamics of the development of the imagination. History knows cases of early development of the imagination. Mozart composed his first music when he was four years old. But there is a downside to this development. Even if the development of the imagination is belated, this does not mean that in mature years it will not be sufficiently developed. A well-known example of such a development is that of Einstein, who, as a child, did not have a highly developed imagination, but over time he developed it and became a genius recognized throughout the world.

In the formation of the imagination, certain patterns are distinguished, although it is difficult to determine the stages of its development themselves. Because it can happen to each person individually. The first manifestations of the imagination process are very connected with the processes of perception. It is good to give examples on children, because in them the development process takes place more actively and brighter. Children who are one and a half years old do not know how to concentrate their attention on a fairy tale or simple stories, when adults read to them, they are constantly distracted, fall asleep, switch to other activities, but love to hear long stories about themselves. The child loves to listen to stories about himself, his experiences, because he can clearly imagine what the story is about. The relationship of perception and imagination is also observed at the next levels of development. This is noticeable when the child processes his impressions in the game, changing in his imagination objects that were previously perceived. For example, a box in a game becomes a house, a table becomes a cave. The first images of a child always have a connection with his activity. The child embodies the created and processed image into activity, even if this activity is a game.

The development of this process also has a connection with the age of the child, in which he masters speech. With the help of a new education, the child is able to include in the imagination, both concrete images and more abstract ideas. Speech enables the child to switch from presenting images to activities and expressing these images through speech.

When a child masters speech, his practical experience expands, attention develops more, this, in turn, gives the child the opportunity to single out with less zeal the individual elements of objects that the child perceives as independent and it is with them that he operates most often in his imagination. Synthesis occurs with significant distortions of reality. Without the necessary experience and a sufficiently developed level of critical thinking, the child is still not able to create such an image that would be close enough to reality. The involuntary emergence of images and ideas appears in the child. Such images are more often formed according to the situation in which he is.

At the next stage, the imagination is supplemented by active forms and becomes arbitrary. Such active forms of this process arose in connection with the active initiative of all adults involved in the development of the child. For example, if adults (parents, educators, teachers) ask a child to do some action, to draw, add, depict something, they encourage him to take a specific action, thereby activating his imagination. To do what the adult asked, the child first needs to create in his imagination an image of what should come out in the end. This process is already arbitrary, because the child is able to control it. A little later, he begins to use arbitrary imagination without the participation of adults. Such a breakthrough in the development of the imagination lies in the very nature of the child's play, which becomes more purposeful and plot-driven. The objects that surround the child become for him not only stimuli for objective activity, but become material in the embodiment of images of the imagination.

When a child is closer to five years old, he begins to build, draw, combine things in accordance with his plan. Another striking shift in the process of forming the imagination is manifested at school age. This is facilitated by perceived information, the need to assimilate educational material. In order to keep up with classmates, the child has to activate his imagination, which, in turn, contributes to the progress of the development of abilities in processing the perceived images into images of the imagination.

Imagination is a mental process of creating an image of an object, a situation by restructuring existing ideas. Images of the imagination do not always correspond to reality; they have elements of fantasy, fiction. If the imagination paints pictures for the consciousness, to which nothing or little corresponds to reality, then it is called fantasy. If the imagination is turned to the future, it is called a dream. The process of imagination always proceeds in close connection with two other mental processes - memory and thinking.

Types of imagination

  • Active imagination - using it, a person, by an effort of will, voluntarily evokes appropriate images in himself.
  • Passive imagination - its images arise spontaneously, in addition to the will and desire of a person.
  • Productive imagination - in it, reality is consciously constructed by a person, and not just mechanically copied or recreated. But at the same time, in the image it is still creatively transformed.
  • Reproductive imagination - the task is to reproduce reality as it is, and although there is also an element of fantasy, such imagination is more like perception or memory than creativity.

Imagination Functions:

  1. figurative representation of reality;
  2. Regulation of emotional states;
  3. Arbitrary regulation of cognitive processes and human states;
  4. Formation of an internal action plan.

Ways to create images of the imagination:

  • Agglutination is the creation of images by combining any qualities, properties, parts.
  • Emphasis - highlighting any part, detail of the whole.
  • Typing is the most difficult technique. The artist depicts a specific episode, which absorbs a lot of similar ones and thus is, as it were, their representative. A literary image is also formed, in which the typical features of many people of a given circle, a certain era are concentrated.

Imagination processes, like memory processes, can vary in their degree of arbitrariness or intentionality. An extreme case of involuntary work of the imagination are dreams, in which images are born unintentionally and in the most unexpected and bizarre combinations. At its core, the activity of the imagination is also involuntary, unfolding in a half-asleep, drowsy state, for example, before falling asleep.

Among the various types and forms of voluntary imagination, we can distinguish recreative imagination, creative imagination and dream.

Recreative imagination occurs when a person needs to recreate a representation of an object that corresponds as closely as possible to its description.

Creative imagination It is characterized by the fact that a person transforms ideas and creates new ones not according to the existing model, but independently outlining the contours of the created image and choosing the necessary materials for it.

A special form of imagination is a dream - the independent creation of new images. The main feature of a dream is that it is aimed at future activities, i.e. a dream is an imagination aimed at a desired future.

If arbitrary, or active, imagination is intentional, i.e. connected with the volitional manifestations of a person, then passive imagination can be intentional and unintentional. Intentional passive imagination creates images that are not connected with the will. These images are called dreams. In daydreams, the connection between the imagination and the needs of the individual is most clearly revealed. The predominance of dreams in the mental life of a person can lead him to a separation from reality, to escape into a fictional world, which, in turn, begins to slow down the mental and social development of this person.

Unintentional passive imagination is observed when the activity of consciousness is weakened, its disorders, in a semi-drowsy state, in a dream, etc. The most revealing manifestation of passive imagination are hallucinations, in which a person perceives non-existent objects. When classifying the types of imagination, two main characteristics are taken into account. This is the degree of manifestation of volitional efforts and the degree of activity, or awareness.

Have you ever dreamed about anything? A property of the psyche, which develops from childhood, is a tendency to imagination. What is this property in psychology? What are its types? A fantastic representation of something allows children to develop their imagination, which is associated with another important property - creativity.

Every creative person is someone who has a well-developed imagination. This is the ability to see the picture of the future before it is realized. This is the ability to present in all colors what needs to be done.

Developed imagination allows you to anticipate events, to predict. We can say that people with supernatural abilities also have a developed imagination. Small children who draw, sculpt, and construct something also use their imagination. It allows you to make the world more perfect, more interesting, more beautiful, especially in those moments when reality is not very attractive.

What is imagination?

All people use their imagination. The degree of this process depends only on the level of its development. What is imagination? This is a mental, conscious activity of a person who presents visual-figurative pictures in his thoughts. In other words, this process is called daydreaming, fantasizing, visualization.

Imagination helps to present pictures that have not yet been realized, they are difficult to realize today, or there is no need for their execution. To some extent, a person through imagination is looking for a way out of the situation, even if it is just a visualization of his desire.

Psychologists have not yet fully studied the phenomenon of imagination, since it is invisible, imperceptible, it is impossible to measure or touch it. Imagination is understood as the ability of a person to recreate pictures of any direction, which are based on the existing experience that was obtained earlier.

Imagination becomes very important in a professional activity or at a stage when it is necessary to find a new solution to a problem that is unique or previously unknown. This is where people show their creativity. Using imagination, a person can find new ways to solve the problem. Here, the breadth of view, flexibility and other qualities that allow you to look at the situation from many angles become important.

The imagination of a person, as well as his ability to, can serve as a powerful means of resisting the ups and downs of life. To "abstract" from an object means to mentally "push" it aside or "exclude" from one's consideration. Possessing imagination, a person can "transfer" himself beyond the current situation, "scroll" alternative options, and thereby create a psychological space of his own choice. In this way, you can feel your own being more fully and remain free.

Existential psychologists emphasize the importance of the concept of freedom in the lives of each of their patients. They do not believe in the existence of some higher principle that controls everything in the universe and determines the fate of people. However, for many, freedom is burdensome, because it implies the recognition of personal responsibility for their actions.

Deep down, people recognize the fact of their loneliness and therefore try to resist it by uniting with other people. However, if a person is largely dependent on others, he mistakenly thinks that his own existence is impossible in isolation from them.

In the course of psychotherapy, after the patient realizes his true aspirations, the therapist helps him to eliminate the factors that prevent the realization of his desires. The therapist reminds the patient that everyone makes decisions every day, even when they don't think about it. When people resort to the help of their defense mechanisms, shielding themselves from the flow of existential truth, they often find themselves in unpleasant situations:

  • They involuntarily classify themselves as special or omnipotent people. Irvin Yalom emphasizes that such an individual can become selfish and paranoid.
  • Thoughtlessly believe in the "savior". Too much attachment to this idea can make a person addicted. For existential therapists, this is a kind of taboo, since the idea of ​​salvation from the outside contradicts obvious existential facts.

Imagination in psychology

How do psychologists characterize the concept of imagination? In psychology, it has a broad concept that includes the ability to recreate previously perceived images, manipulate them without having direct physical contact, predict and imagine a future that has not yet materialized. A person in his imagination can be anyone and live as he pleases. Sometimes imagination is confused with perception, but these are different mental processes.

Imagination is based on images from memory, and not on what is happening in the outside world. Often a person imagines such images that are far from reality, they are called dreams or fantasies.

All people are imaginative. Another thing is that everyone uses this property in different ways. There are pragmatic, boring, skeptical people who simply do not want, do not know how to use their imagination, or they have it undeveloped. The life of such people is subject to rules, logic, principles, facts. On the one hand, their life flows measuredly, understandably and without incident. On the other hand, such people become boring, monotonous, uninteresting. After all, imagination makes people individual, unique, special.

Imagination Functions:

  • Cognitive - helps to gain new knowledge, see new options, compose existing information and get new facts.
  • Forecasting - helps a person to foresee the further development of events even when actions are not performed or not completed.
  • Understanding - allows you to imagine the feelings and state of another person. This is called empathy.
  • Protective - anticipating possible difficulties and troubles, a person can protect himself from them.
  • Self-development - imagining, a person improves, becomes different.
  • Memories - allows a person to recreate pictures from the past in his head, relive them and scroll through them.

Usually a person uses mainly one function of the imagination, but combinations are also possible. How are images and representations created in the imagination?

  1. Agglutination is the transformation of an existing object into a completely new phenomenon. It becomes improved, new, perfect.
  2. Emphasizing - focusing on the dominant characteristic of a particular object, person, phenomenon, highlighting it against the general background.
  3. Typing is the extraction of common characteristics from several objects, their combination into something new that contains a piece of each object.

In almost all areas of life, a person uses imagination. New gadgets, medicines, clothing models are being created that contain everything that has already been positively noted in previous models.

Imagination is based on the existing experience, which is now being transformed, improved. All this happens so far only in the head. It is not reality, although it may become one. Often people simply imagine something that can never be or there is no such technology that could realize the imagined fantasy.

A person imagines only what he is interested in. This helps to know a little about yourself, your tastes and wishes. At the same time, imagination allows a person to draw up a plan of action, imagining the result that one wants to achieve. Thus, the image, imagination is a way of drawing up a plan according to which a person is going to live in the near future.

Types of imagination

You should consider the types of imagination on the website of the psychotherapeutic help website:

  • Active (arbitrary). It is an active and purposeful presentation by a person of what he wants to see. Often this occurs when it is necessary to solve some problem, to play a certain role. A person controls what he sees, consciously controlling the process.
  • Passive (involuntary). The easiest way, in which a person is practically not included in the process of creating new images. They are created on the basis of existing images that are combined. At the same time, a person practically does not control the imagination, the consciousness is weak, there is no intention to embody ideas. Often such dreams arise in a drowsy or half-asleep state.
  • Creative. This type of imagination is a reflection of reality with a certain amount of novelty, uniqueness. You can use existing data, or you can introduce something new, combine with existing data and get something unique.
  • Recreative. This type of imagination is aimed at presenting something that a person has never seen, but has certain descriptions of this object. For example, mentally fly into space or move to prehistoric times.
  • Dream. This type of imagination is active, in which a person imagines what he wants. Dreams reflect desires that I would like to realize in the future. Here you can plan your further actions, as well as predict the development of events.

Dreams can be helpful or harmful. If they are divorced from reality, have nothing to do with a person's capabilities, make him passive and relaxed, then dreams turn into dreams in which an individual can plunge for a long time. If dreams are close to reality, have a clear structure, an implementation plan and mobilize a person, then we are talking about the useful side of this process.

There is nothing wrong with dreams, fantasies and visions of your future. Sometimes it's even good to relax and move for a while to where you are happy, loved, rich, successful, healthy, or doing what you want to do. But sometimes a person is so carried away by his dreams that he forgets about reality. Often, the harshness of life pushes you to run into your own fantasies and often sleep, dream, which can also be fantastic, pleasant and magical.

Psychologists have noticed that the more unrealistic a person's fantasies are, the lower his self-esteem. Moreover, the more fantastic the dreams are, the more unsightly the reality is. Not only does a person, for some reason, have low self-esteem, but he also does not want to change his reality so that it is not gray, boring or cruel.

Dreaming with the goal of imagining what you are striving for is one thing. But it's a completely different approach when you dream, because this is the only state that gives you joy. This is already more like an escape than a search for stimuli and energy, which are acquired in the first case. Here it is better to understand why you do not want to change your reality, make it more pleasant and colorful, rather than wasting time and energy on empty dreams. After all, what you fantasize will not change anything. As long as you just dream about something, it remains a dream. But this ability is not given to a person so that he wastes his time on empty thoughts and pictures. Fantasies are given in order to draw energy from them to achieve goals and once again check your actions, which should contribute to the realization of what you want.

Of course, no one will forbid you to dream and make your fantasies unrealistic. But you still have to live in reality. In that case, why not make it as beautiful as your dreams?

Imagination and creativity

Psychologists insist that imagination and creativity are interconnected. Creativity is the creation of something new based on what is in reality. Imagination allows you to imagine this new even before it is created. For the most part, the imagination acts as a search for a new solution, an object, a plan of action, by implementing which it will be able to achieve the task.

Creative imagination involves the creation of a unique object that did not exist before. This is to some extent due to the individual characteristics of the person himself. Most creative imagination is an innate quality. However, methods are being developed to develop creative thinking.

  1. At the first stage, a fuzzy idea appears, an image that does not yet have clearly defined boundaries and forms.
  2. The second stage is to nurture the idea, think it over, see it more clearly, and improve it.
  3. The third stage is the transition from nurturing an idea to its implementation.

Children's imagination is fantastic, devoid of reality and rationalism. Already in adolescence, the human mind becomes critical, which becomes very noticeable by an older age. This to some extent complicates the process of creativity, when a person must be flexible, versatile, uncritical.

The development of creative thinking requires human curiosity. Reading books, watching shows, traveling and much more allow you to see something new for yourself and become embraced by new experiences. Often, involuntary imagination is included here, which can soon become controlled by a person.

A world in which only you live seems unthinkable and incredible, because people exist in a world where there are others. You can go to the forest or wild trails where people usually do not go. But to completely stay in a world where there will be no one is something from fiction and fantasy.

There are a large number of people on planet Earth, but many live in a world in which only They exist. These are the so-called creative individuals who do not connect with the surrounding society. By their temperament, they are so immersed in their own world that everyday problems are alien to them.

A creative person lives in a world where only He exists. This is not a whim, not a whim, not an escape from reality, but such is nature. Without the realization of the inner potential, a creative person will not be able to enter the outside world. Undoubtedly, even he eats, communicates with other people, worries about the social situation in the country, creates a family, etc. But the rules and traditions by which society lives become so insignificant to him that in the eyes of others he seems detached from reality .

A creative person does not renounce reality. Moreover, he deeply sees her. Just vanity and ridiculous traditions invented by people seem to him unnecessary and stupid. He just doesn't follow them.

The world in which there is only Me is the psychology of a creative person. Undoubtedly, he lives in a world where other people exist. But until his inner potential is revealed and realized, a creative person will be focused on only one thing - to immerse himself in any situation and be ready at any moment to manifest himself as a creative person.

Development of imagination in children

Imagination in children is the most developed, active and uncontrollable. We can say that children involuntarily imagine what they see or want to see. This type of thinking helps to cognize the world around us, to systematize knowledge, to understand the essence of what is happening. The development of imagination in children occurs in stages:

  • Up to 4-5 years old, the child operates with images that he can form and improve himself.
  • After 4-5 years, the child begins to manage his own images, plan them, look for ways out of the situation.
  • At 6-7 years old, children easily imagine themselves and their own lives.

It should be noted that the imagination of each child develops differently. This is influenced not only by individual characteristics of mental development, but also by external factors:

  1. environment in which the child lives.
  2. Emotions that the child constantly experiences.
  3. Opportunity to express yourself as a creative person.
  4. Speech and age of the child. With the advent of speech, the child gets more opportunities for his creative development.

Children actively use their imagination at an early age. They draw, sing, dance, sculpt, etc. These activities should not be hindered. It is also recommended to write stories together with the child, as well as play role-playing games, where the child will play various professions, for example.

Growing up, the child gains experience, interests, hobbies, in which he manifests his creative thinking. In this case, parents should also not create obstacles if they want their child to have a developed imagination.


Imagination plays an important role in human life. In order to imagine something, predict or remember, you need imagination. Undoubtedly, it will be filled with various fantastic ideas about life that a person still believes in, regardless of his age. However, the result of a developed imagination is the ability not only to dream, but also to plan your own future.

You can not use imagination, but apply only logical facts and principles. This will make a person's life monotonous and consistent. On the other hand, the lack of a creative approach makes a person boring, uninteresting, monotonous. He becomes like other people, loses his "zest", individuality.

Imagination is present in all people. It's just that not everyone uses it. Everyone is free to decide how to use their own opportunities. The most important thing is that all tools enrich a person's life, and not limit him.
