
| What agents, sellers, sales representatives are not wearing,

Commercial representatives, sales managers!!! robes,

I'll tell you, extremely amazing: here is a sweater with jeans, and

I ironed trousers, and dirty shirts, and uncleaned shoes, but

It is not for nothing that people say: "They meet by clothes, see off by mind."

| Here's what I'll tell you: if you're a man, then until you walk

In a good suit, your sales will be less than they could be.

| By the way, don't forget to wear a tie with your suit. Once I was leading a

ning "Active sales" in one company. Most of the men in this company did not wear suits. The training lasted 6 days, and under

| Well, I decided to arrange such a form of influence on the participants as

sermon. I told the whole group. “Look how respectable people, company leaders, representatives of Western

104? Chapter 5. Approach to the client. Making a First Impression

companies - they are dressed in business suits, from this point of view, they are impeccable. Believe it or not, I know that a suit increases the likelihood of a sale. Why? Many factors. For a long time I listed these factors, but a miracle happened: sales representatives began to pay more attention to their clothes, and sales really increased!

1. Non-verbal behavior (gestures, facial expressions, postures, movements).

4. Meaning of words.

There is such a simple and uncomplicated rule of three pluses, which is that you need to make three favorable impressions on the client about yourself at the beginning of the meeting. (Place three pluses in the client’s head, let them lie, maybe they will come in handy.)

The rule of three

Creating an optimal contact is possible only if you evoke positive emotions in the client at least three times. You can evoke positive emotions with the help of:

Non-verbal behavior (including smiling);


but a question like "tell me yes".

Separately, it is worth mentioning the psychological distance. The topic is important and painful. Why? Because by providing the necessary distance, you create an aura of comfort for the client, which is not bad in itself. In such an aura, you can already more freely push through those thoughts and proposals that you need to push through, and on the other hand, you have the opportunity to smooth out sharp moments, if they, of course, arise. Psychological distance is not only and not so much the physical space of negotiations. By distance, I mean the whole range of manifestations of a person who is able to bring one person closer or further away from another. Say "you" or "you" - distance, address by name or by name and patronymic - distance, use scientific or colloquial language - distance, say "paper" or "paper" - distance, stand a meter apart or half a meter - also distance

Factors contributing to establishing good contact with the client? 105

tion. You can continue the list yourself. One thing is important: establish what distance is most effective with this client, and follow the intended course. And in more detail we will now focus on the spatial-psychological distance.

Spatial-psychological distance

It is necessary to create a psychological distance comfortable for the client. For each person there is a certain physical distance at which it is most comfortable for him to negotiate.

The psychological space can be divided into the following components:

1) intimate area;

2) friendly zone;

3) business communication zone;

4) zone of social communication;

5) zone of indifference.

It is impossible to put down specific numbers that could indicate the limits of these zones. However, in direct communication with the client, by observing the non-verbal behavior of the partner, you can determine which zone you are currently in.

Our main task is to create that degree of comfort for the client, which will allow him to relate to our ideas in the most favorable way.

Psychological distance is influenced by factors such as:

human culture;

The environment in which he was brought up;

The degree of our acquaintance with him;

The presence of physical and psychological barriers;

The specifics of the situation.

There is only one way to determine the spatial-psychological distance that is comfortable for the client.

What? (Maybe you can ask him something like this: “Do you feel comfortable with me?” How do you like this option? No way, and rightly so.) There is only one means - covert observation of the client’s non-verbal manifestations, everything related to his movements, postures, rhythm, tone of voice and so on, or rather, everything related to changes in these parameters of human behavior

106? Chapter 5. Approach to the client. Making a First Impression

Denia. Again, we need to scan for any changes in facial expressions, gestures, tone of voice and ask ourselves the same question: “Why is my dear client changing like this?” By the way, these changes may be subtle, and so much the better for us. The sooner we notice a change, the more smoothly we will respond to it. A sudden smile, a stony face, a lean back - anything, any change! Follow them!!!

Favorable contact is facilitated by joining the client. Here I use the term "attachment", which I think conveys the meaning very aptly. This term is often used by fans and/or followers of NLP. I declare that I am NOT a fan or follower of NLP. Although this does not prevent me from adopting certain ways of working, however, it does not prevent me from adopting ways of working from other directions.

Connection to the client is carried out due to:

A semblance of a pose;

Similarity of speech rhythm;

Like a rhythm of movement.

This similarity in no way means identity. You don't have to "get along". The client never forgives. Here we are really talking about similarity, about some kind of synchronicity.

If you act like a professional communicator, so that the client does not understand that you are intentionally making the likeness, your efforts will have a good result.

But be careful if your partner suspects you of manipulation; You can cross out his coordinates from your diary. The client will never let you in again.

There are three modes of human postures:

open mode;

Medium mode;

closed mode.

I have nothing more to say, you yourself know everything! I!

Factors contributing to establishing good contact with the client

Eye contact

As is known from the physiology of human higher nervous activity, the eyes are the part of the brain that remained outside during development. Through vision, we absorb about 80% of the perceived information.

A person attaches great importance to the eyes of the interlocutor. A person who does not make eye contact with us arouses suspicion (secretive, insecure, afraid of something, etc.). Excessive eye contact provokes the interlocutor to aggressive emotions. Eye contact should be moderate. It is necessary to focus your gaze either on the eyes of the interlocutor, or on the subject of discussion, or on the environment.

It's great if you start a conversation not with the subject of negotiations, but with an extraneous, free topic. Develop the art of small talk. Let's think together. The client is a little tense, and so are you. Why? You are going to talk about money. This is important, money is what any business exists for, money is the focus of thoughts and emotions. And right now, "disappoint" the client, do not talk about the case. Say a few words about something else, such as something that will please both you and your client. Smol-current relaxes, relieves primary stress, establishes primary contact. And during the talk, you can see what mood, state the client is in, how he reacts to you, in what style it is better to talk to him. You can see a lot by saying and hearing a couple of phrases in response. Topics that most often do not relate to the subject of negotiations: ? weather; and nature; ? sport; ? location of the client; and the client's office; ? politics; about other topics. Small-talk allows: a to remove the initial tension, which is inevitably present both for you and for the client; 103? Chapter 5. Approach to the client. Making a First Impression

In order for negotiations to be fruitful, it is necessary to have certain knowledge, skills that enable, as well as ways to make contact. This is one of the most important stages in the professional activity of a negotiator.

Before meeting with a client, make sure that you have all the necessary materials, samples of goods and calculations. Be sure to evaluate your appearance, how your hair, hands, clothes and shoes look. Are there any details in your appearance that are inappropriate for a professional?

When meeting and establishing contact with a client, start with a greeting, smile and call the client by name. Thank him for taking the time to meet with you and give you the opportunity to show and talk about your product. If you host a client on your premises, be sure to offer him tea or coffee - show him from the very beginning that your company cares about its customers.

When meeting with a new client, always remember that he is doing you a favor by agreeing to a meeting. He just does not yet know how profitable he can use or sell your product.

Techniques to help establish and maintain contact

Dress neatly and in business style.

Be energetic and active from the first phrases of the conversation.

Be modest (many people perceive the interlocutor's modesty as a prerequisite for easy communication, the so-called "Columbo effect").

Schedule a business meeting at a time that is convenient for your business partner. Make eye contact while approaching the interlocutor and maintain it until the end of the conversation, but do not overdo it, because if you look into the interlocutor's eyes for too long, this can be taken as a manifestation of aggression on your part.

Greet your partner with a firm and vigorous handshake.

At the first meeting, introduce yourself to the interlocutor (name and social status).

Create a comfortable environment for the interlocutor (it contributes to a positive perception of new information).

Watch the postures, emotions, facial expressions and gestures of your partner.

Create a situation where the interlocutor can do something nice for you (ask for water, give you advice on a professional matter). Subconsciously, people sympathize with those who have done a small favor, and can not stand those who have done bad things.

At the beginning of a conversation, say ten words containing important information to attract the attention of the interlocutor.

Thank the interlocutor for the meeting: “Thank you for agreeing to meet.”

As often as possible, address the interlocutor by name, especially at the beginning of the conversation: “I am very glad that we met again, Sergey Ivanovich.”

Listen to the interlocutor patiently and with interest, try to understand his inner motivation, look at the specific situation through the eyes of the interlocutor.

Never interrupt your interlocutor.

Try to keep the conversation in such a way that you often get positive answers to questions.

Record when the interlocutor's views coincide with your opinion: "We have the same position on this issue."

Insert the words “of course”, “for sure”, “of course” into the conversation. They encourage the interlocutor and cause a desire to continue communication.

The topic of conversation should be interesting to your interlocutor.

Sincerely emphasize the importance of the interlocutor (“Only a competent leader can manage such an enterprise”), and he will strive to match the created image.

Compliment your interlocutor.

Ask the interlocutor questions instead of prompting them to take some action.

Avoid any disputes - the partner's trust is more valuable than your rightness.

Let the interlocutor save his prestige, using the expressions: "Maybe I'm wrong, let's check the facts."

Mistakes that interfere with establishing and maintaining contact

In order to spoil the negotiations and nullify all efforts to establishing and maintaining contact, you need very little.

Let's look at how you can avoid these mistakes in the future:

DO NOT drag out the salesperson's monologue.

DO NOT show your indifference to the interlocutor or to the topic of conversation.

DO NOT be overly impatient and harsh when expressing your point of view.

DO NOT assume a stiff or overly ambitious posture while speaking.

DO NOT interrupt your interlocutor.

DO NOT give a subjective assessment based on first impressions.

DO NOT look at the interlocutor with a tense, squinted look.

DO NOT look away when asked questions.

DO NOT wear tinted glasses while talking.

DO NOT constantly talk about yourself, your problems, merits and victories.

DO NOT hide your emotions under a "stone" facial expression, inexpressive voice, lack of gestures.

DO NOT allow fussy movements and gestures (fidgeting in a chair, rotating a pen, pencil).

Avoid gestures that give the impression that you want to quickly end the conversation (turning away from the interlocutor, moving to the edge of the chair, moving towards the door).

DO NOT get distracted and DO NOT move away from the problem at hand.

DO NOT talk too fast or too much.

DO NOT use too many professional terms and long phrases in a conversation that are not clear to the interlocutor.

DO NOT show your interlocutor your unwillingness to continue the conversation or go for rapprochement.

DO NOT talk down to your partner, DO NOT be self-centered.

DO NOT use in a conversation to which you can answer "no".

DO NOT ask questions that can be answered in one word (yes or no) (the interlocutor may feel uncomfortable, like in an interrogation).

DO NOT allow yourself dryness and restraint when exchanging information.

DO NOT use gestures that indicate that you are in a hurry or want to end the conversation as soon as possible (glance at the clock).

DO NOT change an open position to a closed position (you can destroy an existing relationship and push your partner away).

If you use these tips in your practical work, it will be much easier for you to connect with new people.

The presence of compatibility contributes to the establishment of an acceptable, favorable interpersonal distance in a relationship. Accordingly, compatibility is one of the conditions regulating the socio-psychological distance in relationships.

In the dictionary of the Russian language, the word compatibility means: “one that can be combined with something, and the word combine- combine, connect together.

In psychological literature compatibility is understood as the psychological effect of a combination of individuals, which is expressed in mutual acceptance, agreement and partial identification at the emotional-sensory, intellectual and activity levels, in mutual satisfaction and the absence of tension, conflicts, hostility in any contacts.

N.I. Shevandrin (1998) considers “compatible people who are situationally indivisible in the sense of internal unity and self-government” . However, it is not entirely clear what situationally indivisible? (highlighted by me - S.D.) It turns out that compatibility can only be in situations of joint activity, in situations of interpersonal interaction. But interpersonal relationships are not always immediate, therefore, we believe that psychological compatibility is a broader concept. It should not be limited only to joint activities and direct interaction of the subjects of relations with each other.

In the Great Psychological Encyclopedia, the concept " group compatibility"- representing an element of group cohesion, which consists in the optimal unity and consistency of the psychological properties of group members.

W. Schutz (1993) in his theory of interpersonal relations understood compatibility as a feature of relations between two or more individuals, between an individual and a role, between an individual and the surrounding situation, which leads to mutual satisfaction of interpersonal needs and their mutual coexistence.

As A.L. Sventsitsky points out psychological compatibility- the ability of group members to work together based on their optimal combination. Compatibility can be due to both the similarity of some of the properties of the members of the group, and the difference in their other properties. As a result, this leads to the complementarity of people in the conditions of joint activity, so that this group represents a certain integrity.

Compatibility can be represented at two levels: the lowest and the highest. Lower represents the compatibility of characters, temperaments, consistency of the simplest sensorimotor actions. Higher assumes the consistency of functional and role expectations, subject-target and value-oriented unity.

Compatibility as a factor regulating interpersonal distance, it is convenient to present it in two forms: psycho-physiological and socio-psychological.

Psychophysiological compatibility. It implies the similarity of the psychophysiological characteristics of people and, on this basis, the consistency of their emotional and behavioral reactions, the synchronization of the pace of joint activity.

Socio-psychological compatibility. This refers to the optimal combination of types of behavior of people in a group, the commonality of their social attitudes, needs and interests, value orientations, psychological qualities of the individual.

One of the phenomena of socio-psychological compatibility is communication compatibility. As noted by V.N. Kunitsyna (2003), communication compatibility“a particular type of compatibility that arises on the basis of mutual understanding and consistency of a common position; characterized by the absence of adverse consequences of communicative interaction in the form of tension, annoyance, psychological discomfort.

N.N. Obozov (1979), singled out the following as criteria for assessing compatibility and operability:

● performance results,

● emotional and energy costs of activity participants,

● their satisfaction with this activity.

Incompatibility arises if the subjects of relations have different views on the frequency and degree of change in interpersonal behavior in a certain area of ​​interpersonal relations (inclusion, control, affect). It leads to dissatisfaction with relationships, conflicts, as a result of which an unfavorable, unacceptable distance is established between the subjects of relations.

Psychological compatibility can also be viewed through the prism of similarity (contrast) of the subjects of interpersonal relationships. In this case, psychological compatibility will be determined by:

● the ratio of their individual (natural), personal and socio-psychological parameters (temperament, intelligence, character, motivation, interests, value orientations, worldview positions);

● similarity/difference of initial (before the relationship) opinions, assessments, attitudes towards oneself, the world of people and the objective world;

● similarity / difference of opinions, assessments, attitudes towards oneself, the world of people and the objective world as a result of interpersonal relationships and interpersonal interaction.

The generalization of what has been described allows us to say the following. Socio-psychological distance is regulated by the compatibility of the subjects of relations with each other. The more compatible people interacting, the more opportunities to establish a favorable, acceptable interpersonal distance. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the levels of compatibility, the combination of which will also affect the proximity - remoteness between people. So in some situations, to achieve an acceptable distance, psycho-physiological compatibility is necessary, in others - socio-psychological. The ideal option is their harmonious, proportionate combination.

An important point in the regulation of socio-psychological distance is the degree of trust, the willingness to transmit, receive and store information, information that is of personal significance for the subjects of relations. The problem of interpersonal trust will be discussed in the next part of the book.

"Biological evolution of man" - Anthropogenesis - the theory of the origin of man. A skilled man. Two sides of the issue. Upright man. The meaning and purpose of human life in the views of philosophers. Task: fill in the table based on the textbook p. 30. Stages of anthropogenesis. Objective. Ramapitek. Human nature. Subjective. What is the sense of life?

"Human Development" - Advanced technologies are being created in industry; agriculture. Hypothesis. 1 Search 2 Analytical 3 Research of popular scientific literature. Ancient people represented a more progressive type of man. Modern people. Ancient people. Man goes into space. Conclusion. Ancient people. Speech. Work plan.

"Human Evolution" - New People (Cro-Magnon). Genetic - the similarity of the number of chromosomes in humans and great apes. Sechenov I.M., Pavlov I.P. - developed the doctrine of reflex. Man is a biosocial being. Biochemical - the similarity of the chemical composition of the intracellular environment of humans and animals. Learn to pronounce thematic terms correctly.

"Races on Earth" - Mixed races. Mongoloid race. Negroid race. Sambo-descendants from marriages of the Mongoloid and Negroid races. Mestizos are descendants from marriages of the Caucasian and Mongoloid races. Straight or wavy hair Live in: Europe America Australia. Mulatto. The ratio of races on Earth. characteristics of the race. Bright skin.

"The Origin of Races" - Proof of the evolutionary origin of man. The evolution of primates. Each major race is subdivided into minor races, or anthropological types. Factors of anthropogenesis. Races of man. Many racial traits have an adaptive value. Human Origins. The use of fire led to a decrease in the mass of the jaw apparatus and a shortening of the intestines.

"The place of man in life" - Suborder Apes. Branch of natural science. Class Mammals. Subtype Vertebrates. Research. Squad of Primates. Suborder Apes. Subclass Placental. The place of man in the system of the organic world. Child of the Earth. Type Chordates.

In total there are 19 presentations in the topic
