According to the definition of psychologists, a person's character is an individual set of personal properties that determine a person's attitude to everything around him and are manifested in his actions.

The most basic, basic character traits are laid down in early childhood, it can be confidently asserted that already at the age of 5-6 a child has a sufficiently developed character. Already in the second year of life, a boy either demonstrates strong-willed qualities to adults, and by the age of 3-4 years, a child’s business properties are already being formed.

All signs of communicative inclinations appear at the age of 4-5 years, when the child begins to actively participate in role-playing games in a group of other children.

While studying at school, the process of character formation continues, but if parents and teachers have the maximum influence on a student in the lower grades, then starting from the middle grades, the child listens more and more to the opinions of their peers, but in the senior grades, the assessments and recommendations of adults again become important.

During this age period, the young person is also significantly influenced by the media.

In the future, the character will change somewhat on the basis of personal meetings, relationships with other people, at an older age, some personality traits change again, but for other reasons.

At the age of 50, a person finds himself as if on the border between the past and the future, he no longer builds grandiose plans for his future life, but it is still too early to completely immerse himself in memories. After 60 years, a person is already clearly aware of the full value of both the past and the present, he develops slowness and measuredness in reasoning and actions, even if such qualities were not inherent before.

Can an adult change his character?

After reaching the age of thirty, cardinal changes in character occur extremely rarely, but still it is never too late to change yourself. A person at any moment of life can influence those traits of his character that he himself does not like, there are many methods for this, but the main thing is that the decision to change must be voluntary and conscious.

In such a situation, a systematic approach will help a lot. On a separate piece of paper, you need to write out those character traits that cause irritation, and in front of each write in what exactly they manifest themselves. Having weighed everything written, it will be much easier for a person to control himself and prevent further undesirable actions on his part.

The process of character formation is long, complex, and it will not be easy to get rid of unpleasant traits, but it is still possible, and a person will feel especially uncomfortable during the first week after making a decision. When control over unwanted character traits becomes a habit, it will be much easier to monitor your behavior, and the person himself will not notice how his life, and the life of his loved ones, will change for the better.

Dear readers, today we will talk about whether it is possible to change a person's character for the better. You will learn how this can be achieved. You will become aware that an important place in this aspiration is the ability of self-control.

Action algorithm

  1. An understanding of what traits need to be developed should come.
  2. Engage in replacement. It will be difficult for a person to immediately get rid of something. First you need to try to minimize the manifestation of bad traits.
  3. Find yourself a role model.
  4. A person who seeks to change must have some kind of motive, and a strong enough one. For example, when the family collapses due to the rude behavior of a man.

What character to get

Before you learn how to change the character of a girl or guy, you need to clearly define what he wants to become, find out what you need to strive for.

  1. Sometimes the desire to change is dictated by a subconscious desire to be like someone else. It is important to simply improve yourself, and not completely adapt to someone.
  2. Before changing character, it is important to decide on the purpose of life, with your niche. If a person is in his place, doing what he loves, his character can eventually rebuild itself. That is, this process will be unconscious. You also need to understand that a person who works in an unloved place is constantly under stress, tension, and his character also begins to change, but in a bad way.
  3. There must be discipline in life. A person must live with a clear schedule, plans for the future, know the goal, and strive to achieve it, then the character will adjust.
  4. Devote time to self-development. A person cannot simply go on living, hoping that one day his behavior will become good. This always requires a special effort. If you are focused on results, you should know that at first it will be difficult, your hands may give up, you may experience failures, there will be a fear that nothing will come of it. However, it is necessary to overcome everything and strive for the best.
  5. A man's character can often be influenced by bad habits, especially alcohol abuse. In such a situation, the main struggle will be directed against them.

How to change

  1. Analyze your character traits. The first thing to do is to discover your shortcomings. To do this, you can use a piece of paper, draw it into two columns, write out your positive features in the first, and your shortcomings in the second. When the list is over, you will be able to assess the whole situation from the outside, see the "enemy" in the face. Next, you will need to find out what methods you can use to counter your shortcomings.
  2. Books can have a great influence on a person's character. Therefore, very correct literature. If you are aware of your problems, you can turn to special literature related to questions in psychology or to books that reveal the fate of people with a complex character.
  3. It is very important to learn how to control yourself, to restrain emotions. Perhaps you have noticed that some of your words hurt other people, and you can’t get them back. That is why it is so important to learn to be silent in moments of anger.
  4. In your desire to change your character, you can turn to relatives and close friends for help. They, for sure, will themselves be interested in saving you from shortcomings.
  5. A person can try to train his willpower. You can create artificial situations, on the examples of which you can learn how to get out of them correctly, pull yourself together, and not get angry.

Re-education through self-control

A person can change his character, learn to control himself. What needs to be done for this?

  1. Know how to switch attention. As soon as temptation appears, you must immediately start thinking about something else.
  2. No need to act on a whim, act spontaneously. All decisions must be weighed and considered.
  3. It is important to train the general model of behavior. A person must find out in what areas he will have to work on himself. You must understand that you can influence your character traits, but you cannot change what depends on the interaction of two or more people. For example, becoming an excellent husband will not work without the participation of the woman you love.
  4. It is important to be able to conduct introspection, determine your needs and desires, goals in life. After introspection, think about what kind of people are around. If in one of them you see traits that you yourself would like to possess, you are more often in the company of these people.
  5. You also need to work on your complexes and fears, learn to make independent decisions.
  1. If a person realizes that he himself is not able to change, then you can turn to a psychologist who will give valuable advice, explain what exactly is wrong and how to deal with it.
  2. The realization must come that a bad character, first of all, spoils life. By changing, you will facilitate it, improve relationships with loved ones.
  3. Bring out the best in your friends and family. Realize that at first glance it seems rude, interference, in fact, a manifestation of care.
  4. Always program yourself for positive thoughts, think about how good you look, how beautiful the world is.
  5. Arrange your personal life, sometimes love can change people.
  6. Engage in creating the right daily routine, take time for sports and your favorite thing.
  7. Start doing good deeds, like going shopping for a neighbor who is no longer able to go out.
  8. Stop lying, everything secret will still come out. From this, the attitude of people towards you will deteriorate significantly.
  9. Learn to own your emotions, control them.
  10. When changing your habits, do not forget about your appearance.
  11. You need to learn, if necessary, to compromise, to yield to your loved ones.
  12. A person must understand that sometimes the reason is not in a bad character, but in developed complexes.
  13. You need to learn to prioritize your strengths and try to hide your weaknesses.

Transforming for the better

Some people's lives are full of hopelessness. They gave up a long time ago, because they are unable to change something and become happy. Helplessness, self-loathing and the inability to love life became their constant companions. They do not have a loved one and there are very few people around them who sincerely wish them happiness.
Even if all of the above does not apply to you, still, each of us is imperfect. Therefore, anyone periodically has thoughts that it would be good to change their character for the better. Someone wants to do it for the sake of a loved one, someone should become tougher for the sake of a successful career. But in any case, the desire to change something is wonderful.
You will have to make a lot of efforts and tune in to long work. But in order for your life to change 180 degrees and stop looking like a bumpy path instead of an asphalt road, this is worth doing.
Remarkably, albeit rudely, Faina Ranevskaya said about this: “If you expect to be accepted for who you are, you are a lazy mug. Because if you don’t change and work on yourself, you will die alone.”
The desire to change one's character is the main sign of personal growth.

Reasons for wanting to change your character

Remember that it is the character that fully reflects your ideas about life. Personality traits grow and develop with you. So tune in to the best and always remember why you are doing it.

  • Inner fear. This is the strongest motivator in the life of each of us. Fear of losing a loved one, family, job, fear of not having time to do something. It is he who most urges us to take action: a person who has had a heart attack immediately quits smoking; and a girl in love with extra pounds rushes to the gym at a run.

  • Awareness of their negative traits, which should be eliminated. Most often, the impetus for this is some kind of traumatic situation, after which insight occurs. A hot-tempered person can offend a loved one, after which remorse will begin, and there will be a desire to become softer, or a situation of losing a job due to a stupid little thing.

  • How to know that you should change your character

    There is a very simple way to do this.
  • Divide a sheet of paper in half and write your negative qualities in one half, and what traits you would like to acquire in the second. Do not look for excuses for your actions, because they are also manifestations of your character.
  • Be sure to seek help from loved ones. They will tell you what you do not always see in yourself, but what really needs to be changed sometimes.

  • Next to each negative quality, write a way to solve the problem. So, for example, laziness can be defeated only by an active lifestyle, and bad thoughts - by positive thinking.
  • Next, list how your life will change. This will be your strongest motivation, which will not let you give up in difficult moments.

  • Steps to change your character for the better

    Step 1. Get rid of all the complexes and fears that prevent you from living. Some people are subconsciously afraid of success and therefore do not want to change anything. Having received reasoned confirmation of this (in some cases from a specialist), you will be able to change some of the beliefs laid down since childhood, and further correct your character.
    It is during the childhood period that the character of a person begins to be laid, starting from his innate qualities: temperament, heredity and type of nervous system. Praise yourself every time you go to the mirror in the morning. This simple auto-training can charge you with positive energy for the whole day.
    Step 2 Start fighting bad habits. Any problem, not only harms (health or money), it also tends to accumulate and worsen. The habit of indulging the stomach will first lead to various degrees of obesity, and then to diabetes, increased stress on the heart and shorten life expectancy.
    It is hard, and almost impossible, to be happy knowing that you are not in control of your life, but alcohol or another passion. To live in order to indulge them is a dubious pleasure. Of course, it is impossible to change for the better in one day, but you can start working in this direction and gradually, step by step, you will succeed.
    Step 3 Be sure to make a plan - for a year, for two and for five years. All designs must be very detailed and realistic. It is very important that the plan is constantly in front of you, and you reread it several times a day. Analyze each deviation from the intended path, study what exactly prevented you at some point.
    Step 4 Analyze your behavior. Situations in our lives are repeated with enviable constancy, so in order to change your character, it would be good to start keeping a diary. Keep track of all victories and defeats in it, pay attention to misses.
    Step 5 Make it a habit to do good deeds. Volunteer or charity work will help you become softer. By letting goodness into your heart, you will only benefit from it. Firstly, you will immediately feel how your life will be filled with positive emotions; secondly, your self-esteem and respect of others will grow before your eyes; and thirdly, it's just very useful for karma (smiley).
    Bring a heavy bag to an elderly neighbor, and help a young mother to lower the stroller from the porch. It will not take you much time and will not require any effort, but you will really change for the better. This is worth living for - try it and you will understand how cool it is to do good!
    Step 6 Always be honest. In front of oneself, in front of others - for a positive person, such a character trait is very important. A lie is a very insidious thing, if only because it gradually destroys a person. In addition, you do not have to remember everything and be in suspense to remember who and what you said.
    Step 7 Try to keep your word. Previously, people died, but they tried not to deviate from what was said, because for a man of honor this was considered the only possible one. In our time, they will listen to you (especially in business), the respect of others will grow by an order of magnitude, and you yourself will be proud of yourself.
    Step 8 Work constantly on a strong rear. A family in which you will be comfortable and secure or a great relationship with your spouse is one of the components of a happy life. Try your best to live in love. No wonder a person who loves grows wings behind his back.

    If you do not yet have a loved one, your family (parents, brothers and sisters) should become that outlet where you will always be supported and helped. A strong family has always been considered an indicator of a person's success. In business, there is always more trust in such people than in unhappy and lonely people.
    Step 9 Create yourself in such a way that when you look in the mirror, you will always be pleased with your reflection. Recognize your right to be unique and love yourself.
    Work on your figure and appearance. Dirty hair and dirt under the nails will not decorate anyone, even the most positive person. And straight shoulders, confident gait and clear eyes will surely lead to the admiration of others, new friends and acquaintances. In addition, the principle of feedback works here - having changed externally, you will no longer be able to remain the same internally, and you will definitely correspond to yourself new.
    In our time, they are greeted by clothes, there is no getting away from this. Choose several roles for yourself and try to change them, depending on your mood and upcoming events. Being always in shape, you will become a much more collected person, and, accordingly, change your character for the better.
    Step 10 Tune in to the positive. See only the good in others. During the day we hear a lot of complaints from others, and we notice that people's thoughts greatly influence their behavior and feelings. Whatever you call a yacht, so it will float - this expression really determines the quality of life for each of us.
    If you have a rule to constantly feel sorry for yourself and complain about life, stop and remember what good you have. Each of us can thank fate or God for something - for good health, a strong family or a beloved and loving person. Always remember this and appreciate what you have.

    There is a good exercise that you can use to develop a new habit - put a rubber band on your hand for money and every time a pessimistic thought occurs, pull the rubber band back and hit yourself. And be sure to repeat that you are fine and will be even better. The habit of not dwelling on the negative changes the character of a person for the better. In addition, it is much easier to live this way, and it is more useful for the nervous system.
    Step 11 Read specialized literature. It can be both books on psychology, and some situations described in fiction. The main thing is that you can, relying on other people's mistakes, avoid negative experiences.
    Step 12 Learn to manage emotions. In conflict situations, control your rage (for example, by counting to yourself to 50): this will allow you to resolve all issues much more productively. In addition, by maintaining composure, you will only win the argument. Drive away all the negativity from yourself - jealousy, selfishness, envy, and you will immediately change your character for the better.
    Remember that only optimists can be happy.

    By changing your character for the better, you will live a happy life that will be much better than the one that an unhappy and dissatisfied person would have who could not find the strength to move forward.

    The question “how to change your character” was asked, probably, by everyone. And this is fully justified: human nature is multifaceted and there are qualities in it that can both please and grieve. The fact is that each of our virtues is nothing more than a continuation of our shortcomings. So, people who are generous can actually be very greedy. That's why generosity: they compensate for their stinginess, so as not to receive condemnation. According to this type, every inner quality of human nature can be considered. But how to change character? Is it really possible to change the character, to redraw the nature of a person? Let's consider the issue in detail.

    Probably everyone has heard from their parents: “It will be hard for you with such a character”, “Husband will run away from you” (or wife). Yes, others can see the tip of the iceberg: our actions dictated by character. But do our actions really indicate the presence of certain qualities in us?

    - a certain set of personality traits. Our reactions to all life circumstances, habitual behavior depend on them.

    Can character be changed? To fix something, you must first understand the mechanism of action. You can't fix an alarm clock if you don't understand how it works.

    Consider step by step how to change your character for the better.

    Exploring yourself

    What traits of your character need to be corrected, in your opinion? Let's say you are too soft a person and this makes it difficult to defend yourself from manipulation by other people or move up the career ladder. Think about something else. Every medal has two sides. The softness that hinders you is also kindness, it is a clear conscience, because you do not do bad deeds. This is your sympathetic attitude towards others. This is why your loved ones love you. If you completely erased this trait from your life, you would cease to be yourself.

    It is almost impossible to completely eradicate some trait and change the character. This happens only under the yoke of difficult circumstances. Suppose a person was captured, somewhere where life will depend on his rigidity. And then he will either give up, or completely refuse softness and begin to fight. So he will cultivate in himself the opposite trait: rigidity. Even cruelty. His former feelings will become dull, his soul will harden. Neither love nor longing nor pity. For this reason, many parents give their children to sports: in order to develop the necessary character traits, to incline this set for the better. Athletes are persistent, enduring, hardworking, capable of full dedication and self-control.

    First, consider the features you want to change. Find the other side of them and consider if you want to completely eradicate it in yourself. By themselves, character traits are neutral. Coloring “good” and “bad” is given to them by people. You can use your qualities for good and control the other side of the coin with . Hitler was a talented leader. If I had directed my abilities in a peaceful direction, I could have achieved completely different results in life. The choice is always yours.

    Secondly, if you are missing some character trait, think about it. Often people lack self-discipline, the ability not to quit what they started, to achieve their own. This is about education. You must not only get rid of absent-mindedness and spontaneity, but also cultivate the right quality. Not only uproot the weed, but also plant a flower in its place. Care, water. Then he will live. And periodically you still have to eliminate weeds, because they grow on their own.

    Thirdly, you must be well versed in the mechanisms of your actions. Conduct a thorough analysis of your personality before thinking about how to change your character.

    Motivation is the key to change

    Solves everything. It warms you from the inside, pushes you. Let's be honest: people are inert beings. Our body strives for peace, like everything else in this world. Motivation is what makes a person move. Hunger will encourage the cat to get up and start catching mice. In humans, the mechanism is more complicated, but the principle of operation is the same. A person knows that he needs to work so that there is food on the table, a roof over his head. To buy things, to travel. Therefore, we are working. But how to force yourself, for example, to lose weight? There is no motivation for this. Yes, you want to look good, but not as much as to relax after a day's work.

    Usually the motivation is a situation that touches self-esteem or other feelings:

    • Falling in love, the desire to get the sympathy of a loved one.
    • Resentment at a friend who joked about your body weight.
    • Envy: The new colleague at work is nasty and so skinny. Want to be better.
    • Fear: Obesity is injurious to health.

    There are many reasons, but individually they often turn out to be weaker than inertia. And you need to connect them together with the help of constant reminders. You need to start the morning by listing the reasons why you will not seize stress and lie back on the couch. All together the reasons will help to overcome inertia.

    So it is with character: you must find a motivation that is stronger than your desire to refuse to act in the direction of change.

    A properly motivated person will move mountains. Make yourself feel, rely on emotions. Then you will have the power to show you how to change your character for the better.

    Next step: visualization

    Support actions with images. Be determined to win. Play situations in your head and adjust your behavior in them. If you want to learn, visualize the situation in your mind and say no. Analyze your feelings. It will be difficult at first, but do it a few times and it will become easier to refuse. So it is with any other trait that you would like to add to your character.

    Change of environment

    When we are surrounded by the same people every day, it is harder to change. They may not understand the changes, they have to conform and adapt. It is necessary to increase personal space: an adult should live separately from his parents. Independence and isolation will give room for change.

    Can a person change his character

    And here is the main question. How can you change your character? Is it correctable? Answer: yes. But don't expect drastic changes. There are innate traits and acquired traits. You can develop new traits in yourself if you get down to business thoroughly. But remember two important truths.

    1. You can't change your character to please others. You must want this.
    2. Every character trait has two sides. It all depends on concentration. You can turn your shortcomings into good.

    Can you change your character? Yes, but not radically and only if there are good reasons for this.

    Psychologists agree that an important step in changing one's qualities is an external change. You have to change jobs, get surrounded by people who don't know you. There you will be able to show your other qualities without causing condemnation. It is also important to understand why you are changing yourself. Changes should be beneficial for you. Then you will be able to properly motivate yourself. To change yourself, you need to find good reasons and a true desire.

    • Change environment, work place or make new friends.
    • Motivate yourself.
    • Start doing something that will help develop the right qualities:, new

    And also watch movies where the characters show the trait you need. Learn from them. Try to imitate.


    It is unlikely that you will be able to radically change your character. But a person is free to change certain traits, to cultivate the necessary qualities in himself. To do this, you need to force yourself to act, to go towards the goal, no matter what. The right motivation will help with this.

    The desire to change the character appears in a person at the moment of understanding that his features interfere with life : communication, career growth, building a harmonious union with a partner, loved ones.

    The problem can be solved through hard work, self-discipline, strong desire.

    Can you change your character yourself?

    You can only change your character on your own. This is a difficult job, which involves painstaking daily work, which another person cannot do for himself.

    Previously, it was believed that a change in character is impossible, it is given at birth, representing a combination of psychological traits, temperament, nervous processes of the body, brain activity - indicators biologically predetermined by heredity.

    But it's not. After analyzing your life, you can see that each person is different from what she was 5-10 years ago. Habits, preferences, life priorities, attitudes to various things, sphere of interests are changing.

    Genetically, these inclinations play a role in behavior: it is difficult for a choleric person to become calm, restrained, and a phlegmatic person will not sparkle with joy for any reason. However, with due diligence, a large mass of traits can be changed.

    You will have to work comprehensively and systematically, turning on awareness, analyzing every act, word, even thought.

    First of all, it is necessary to understand what features bring difficulties, what they should be replaced with, what it will bring.

    A change plan is built, it is determined how long the process will take. The deadlines are set adequately, it is impossible to wake up in the morning with a completely new person. A prerequisite is desire and will. You can't go far with "I want" without work.

    You have to educate yourself like a child. Praise for successes, deal with failures, which are a natural part of personal training. The path will be thorny and winding.

    A big role is played by attitudes received in childhood. Hyper-responsible parents, trying to protect the child from mistakes, deprive him of responsibility for his actions, discourage the desire to take the initiative.

    From mothers and fathers, patterns of behavior and thinking are transmitted (“the boss shouted - come home, give everyone a thrashing”, “an honest person cannot be successful, rich”, etc.). We will have to work, changing negative programs to creative ones.

    For the better

    You should learn to think in a positive way, enjoy the insignificant daily gifts of fate that happen to everyone. Did you have to get up early?

    I saw a beautiful sunrise, drank a cup of coffee in silence, while my family was fast asleep. Son did not take the dog for a walk?

    An excellent opportunity to unwind after work, improve your health with a walk, make interesting new acquaintances at the dog playground. Stuck in traffic? I thought over the plan of the day, meditated, turned on my favorite radio and relaxed. Hundreds of examples.

    Sincerity is another condition. You need to be honest with yourself and others. Without cunning to answer yourself, what is the cause of irritation right now: is it really a husband who scattered socks, forgot to buy bread, or lack of money at home, banal fatigue?

    If you are invited to visit, but you don’t want to go, it’s better to frankly say that now there is no mood or other plans are conceived. This is better than ruining the evening for yourself, being burdened by the event, and for others, spoiling the mood of people with a lean face.

    For a tougher

    Those who are mild-mannered suffer more than others.

    Compliant people are "loved". They are comfortable, all the time they are forced to solve other people's problems, they shift work from negligent colleagues to them, they ask for a loan and do not give back, they manipulate with a sense of duty, guilt. At a certain moment, a person realizes that he lives other people's lives, but the word "no" is not in the lexicon.

    You have to start with love. To myself, others. You need to understand that by solving their problems for people, you are doing a disservice. A friend asks for a loan for a new dress for the second time in two months? If she is refused, she will learn to balance her income with her needs or find a higher-paying job.

    Help to get rid of the negative influence and pressure from the surrounding team sports - Basketball, football. The team forms a common energy - gives determination, purposefulness. Such a sport deprives one of personal responsibility for the loss of the opponent, gradually forming the habit of achieving the goal.

    Surrounding people love live participation directed at them. Asking about business, family, well-being is a matter of a couple of minutes. It will be possible to find common ground with most colleagues and relatives.

    It is hard for introverts who avoid empty talk, extroverts cope with the task simply. Enough of on-duty greetings, a polite smile, words of gratitude for the service rendered.

    Beyond recognition

    There needs to be a strong reason for such a change.

    What can be done:

    1. . Cardinally. Down with tracksuits, an alternative to sweatshirts - studs and dresses. Hairstyle, jewelry, accessories - everything should be different.
    2. Change habits. Tea instead of coffee in the morning, replace the elevator with walking, the habit of having breakfast at lunch with oatmeal at 7 in the morning. It will be tasteless, difficult, scary, but only in this way will it be possible to upgrade beyond recognition. The body, getting used to living in a new mode, strengthens the spirit.
    3. Experience new emotions. This is the right path to transformation. Emotions give life experience, pull up a fresh environment.
    4. Choose a worthy role model. Copy the idol's facial expressions, habits, way of thinking, his path to success.
    5. Study yourself. Space is hidden inside a person, it's time to master it. Desires, motives of actions, behavior, causes of reactions are hidden inside. Having understood their origins, it is easier to manage emotions, control actions, develop abilities.
    6. Take a break in stressful situations. The hardest thing is to keep yourself under control in an extreme situation. The body is eager to give out the usual reaction (scream, cry, hit, run). You can count to 50, drink a glass of water, go to another room for five minutes - any option is fine. Think about what needs to be done now, how to respond correctly, and only then act.
    7. Make preparations of behavioral models. Most of life's situations are repetitive. It is useful to pre-select the most frequent (communication, actions) and come up with your own reaction. A colleague loves to tease - throw a joke in response, mom teaches - unexpectedly agree. Behavior is recommended to come up with a diametrically opposite natural reaction.

    It is important to understand that the basis of rigidity is not anger, resentment, aggression, but justice. It is better to stop communication with toxic acquaintances who play on other people's weaknesses.

    How to change your character: 11 right steps

    1. Come to the realization of the need for change, be ready to act daily.
    2. Determine how much time will be devoted to the road to a "better me".
    3. Do not be afraid of mistakes, failures - this is a natural part of development, to cancel self-flagellation for mistakes. Only analysis and control.
    4. Designate the eradicated features and the desired replacement.
    5. Eliminate or minimize communication with toxic people who sow doubt, those who pull down.
    6. Workout. Spirit and body are an inseparable system: when muscles are trained, the will is tempered.
    7. Learning new skills - cooking, foreign languages, touch typing, playing the violin broaden the horizons and the scope of contacts, increase self-esteem.
    8. Rejoice in small victories, they will make a Great Triumph.
    9. Find sources of "feeding" that give a charge of enthusiasm, strength, optimism.
    10. Record success. Keep a paper, electronic diary. Analyze in detail every day.
    11. Set aside time for excitement. A living person will not be able to control himself around the clock. Experiences are a part of life that helps to understand oneself, the world around. Twice a week it is allowed for half an hour to worry from the heart about everything at once.

    Adhering to the rules of the plan, form a new character - a matter of time. Self-confidence, sincere desire, hard work will lead to the desired result.

    To get rid of one or two habits will not take much time, a cardinal change will require a long period. It is easier for young people to change because of less life experience, greater flexibility of the psyche.
