Innovative technologies have become perhaps the greatest agent of change in the modern world. There is never a risk, but positive technological breakthroughs promise to provide innovative solutions to the world's most pressing problems of our time, from resource scarcity to global environmental change. (…) By highlighting the most important technological advances, the Council aims to raise awareness of their potential and help close gaps in investment, regulation and public perception.

− Noubar Afeyan, entrepreneur, one of the authors of the report

Now let's look at the innovations themselves.

These innovative technologies are virtually invisible. These include earbuds that monitor your heart rate, sensors that monitor your posture (worn under clothing), temporary tattoos that monitor your vital organs, and haptic soles that give you GPS directions via vibration.

The latter, by the way, want to be used as a guide for the blind. And the well-known Google Glass, an innovative technology, is already helping oncologists in performing operations.

Google Glass is an innovative technology

2. Nanostructured graphite composite materials

Car exhaust polluting the atmosphere is the scourge of modern environmentalists. It is not surprising that increasing the operational efficiency of transport is one of the priority technological areas.

This will be facilitated by carbon fiber nanostructuring methods for the latest composite materials, which will help reduce the weight of cars by 10% or more. For what? A light car needs less fuel, which means it will pollute the environment less

Another environmental problem is the decrease in fresh water reserves and the associated desalination of sea water. Desalination can increase the supply of fresh water, but it also has disadvantages. Moreover, serious ones. Desalination requires a lot of energy and also produces concentrated salt water waste. The latter, returning to the sea, has an extremely negative effect on marine flora and fauna.

And the most promising solution to this issue may be a fundamentally new way of looking at this waste. They can be considered as a raw material source of very valuable substances: lithium, magnesium, uranium, ordinary soda, calcium, potassium compounds.

Energy problems are an inexhaustible source of questions. But some of them, it seems, will become completely solvable, thanks to new innovative technologies. For example, it is proposed to use flow batteries to store chemical energy in liquid form and in large quantities. This is similar to how we store coal and gas.

They will allow you to store quite large amounts of energy and all kinds of solid batteries, and in cheap and accessible materials.

Recently, high-capacity graphene capacitors have also been invented, with which batteries can be charged and discharged very quickly, performing many tens of thousands of cycles. Engineers are also considering other potentials, such as kinetic energy in large flywheels and storing compressed air underground.

Molecular structure of graphene

5. Nanowire lithium-ion batteries

These innovative batteries will be fully charged faster and produce 30-40% more electricity than today's lithium-ion batteries. All this will help improve the electric vehicle market, and will also allow you to store solar energy right at home. Experts suggest that now and over the next two years, batteries with a silicon anode will also be used in smartphones.

A real leap forward in this area occurred last year. This is why there is a high probability that in the near future we will see important breakthroughs regarding the use of innovative screenless display technology. What is it about? About a virtual reality headset, bionic contact lenses, the development of mobile phones for the elderly and visually impaired, about video holograms that do not require glasses or moving parts.

Glyph: futuristic virtual reality helmet

7. Medicines for human intestinal microflora

Recently, it has become clear that intestinal microflora influences the development of many diseases - from infections and obesity to diabetes and inflammation of the digestive tract.

Everyone knows that antibiotics destroy the intestinal microflora, causing complications such as infections from the bacterium Clostridium difficile, and sometimes threatening human life. Therefore, today clinical trials are being conducted all over the world. As a result, it was possible to detect groups of microbes in a healthy intestine. These microbes will help create a new generation of drugs, which, in turn, will help improve the treatment of human intestinal microflora.

These are also new generation drugs. Advances in the study of ribonucleic acids (RNA) will make it possible to obtain them. With the help of these drugs, it will be possible to dilute the natural protein present in excessive quantities and it will be possible to produce optimized medicinal proteins in the natural conditions of the body.

RNA-based drugs will be produced by already established private companies, but in collaboration with large pharmaceutical companies and research centers.

9. Predictive analytics

Smartphones are innovative technologies that contain an incredible amount of information about the activities of people, both the owners of these smartphones and their acquaintances (contact lists, call logging, GPS, Wi-Fi, geo-referenced photos, download data, applications we use etc.) will help build detailed predictive models about people and their behavior.

All this, according to experts, should serve a good purpose - for example, urban planning, prescribing individual medications, medical diagnostics.

Innovative technology Controlling a computer only with the power of thought is not at all a fantasy. Moreover, this is much closer to reality than we used to think. Brain-computer interfaces (where a computer reads and interprets signals directly from the brain) are already being tested in clinical trials. And most importantly, there are already good results. However, they are needed not for entertainment, but for people with disabilities. For example, for those who suffer from quadriplegia (paralysis of the arms and legs), isolation syndrome, people who have suffered a stroke, and who use a wheelchair. The brain-computer interface is capable of many things. With its help, a person will be able to control, say, a robotic arm in order to drink, eat and do much more. Moreover, brain implants can partially restore vision.

Khamidullina Dinara Ildarovna, GBOU NPO PL No. 3, Sterlitamak RB, mathematics teacher

Modern innovative educational technologies

Currently, teaching methods are going through a difficult period associated with changing educational goals and the development of Federal State Educational Standards based on a competency-based approach. Difficulties also arise due to the fact that the basic curriculum reduces the number of hours for studying individual subjects. All these circumstances require new pedagogical research in the field of methods of teaching subjects, the search for innovative means, forms and methods of teaching and upbringing related to the development and implementation of innovative educational technologies in the educational process.

In order to skillfully and consciously select from the available bank of pedagogical technologies exactly those that will allow achieving optimal results in teaching and upbringing, it is necessary to understand the essential characteristics of the modern interpretation of the concept of “pedagogical technology”.

Pedagogical technology answers the question “How to teach effectively?”

Analyzing existing definitions, we can identify the criteria that constitute the essence of pedagogical technology:

definition of learning objectives (why and for what);

selection and structure of content (What);

optimal organization of the educational process (How);

methods, techniques and teaching aids (With using what);

as well as taking into account the required real level of qualification of the teacher (Who);

and objective methods for assessing learning outcomes (Is it so).

Thus,“Pedagogical technology” is a structure of a teacher’s activity in which the actions included in it are presented in a certain sequence and imply the achievement of a predicted result.

What is “innovative educational technology”? This is a complex of three interconnected components:

    Modern content, which is transmitted to students, involves not so much the mastery of subject knowledge, but rather the developmentcompetencies , adequate to modern business practice. This content should be well structured and presented in the form of multimedia educational materials that are transmitted using modern means of communication.

    Modern teaching methods are active methods of developing competencies, based on the interaction of students and their involvement in the educational process, and not just on passive perception of the material.

    Modern training infrastructure, which includes information, technological, organizational and communication components that allow you to effectively use the benefits of distance learning.

There is no generally accepted classification of educational technologies in Russian and foreign pedagogy today. Various authors approach the solution to this pressing scientific and practical problem in their own way.

Innovative areas or modern educational technologies in the Priority National Project “Education” include: developmental education; problem-based learning; multi-level training; collective education system; problem solving technology; research teaching methods; project-based teaching methods; modular learning technologies; lecture-seminar-credit system of education; use of gaming technologies in teaching (role-playing, business and other types of educational games); cooperative learning (team, group work); information and communication technologies; health-saving technologies.

Other sources highlight:

    Traditional technologies : referring to traditional technologies as various types of educational activities, where any system of means can be implemented to ensure the activity of each student on the basis of a multi-level approach to the content, methods, forms of organization of educational and cognitive activity, to the level of cognitive independence, transfer of relations between teacher and student to parity and much more.

    Classroom teaching technology - ensuring systematic assimilation of educational material and accumulation of knowledge, skills and abilities.

    Interactive technologies or ggroup learning technologies (work in pairs, groups of permanent and rotating members, frontal work in a circle). Formation of a person who is sociable, tolerant, has organizational skills and knows how to work in a group; increasing the efficiency of assimilation of program material.

    Game technology (didactic game). Mastering new knowledge based on the application of knowledge, skills and abilities in practice, in cooperation.

    (educational dialogue as a specific type of technology, problem-based (heuristic) learning technology. Acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities by students, mastering methods of independent activity, development of cognitive and creative abilities.

    Technology of advanced advanced learning. Achievement by students of the mandatory minimum educational content. Learning how to solve problems, consider possibilities, and apply knowledge to specific situations. Providing opportunities for each student to independently determine the paths, methods, and means of searching for the truth (result). Contribute to the formation of methodological competence. Forming the ability to independently solve problems and search for necessary information. Learning how to solve problems.

    Workshop technology. Creating conditions that promote students’ understanding of the goals of their lives, awareness of themselves and their place in the world around them, self-realization in joint (collective) search, creativity, and research activities.

    Research technology (project method, experiment, modeling)or Technology for solving research (inventive) problems (TRIZ). Teaching students the basics of research activity (posing an educational problem, formulating a topic, choosing research methods, putting forward and testing a hypothesis, using various sources of information in their work, presenting completed work).

    EOR (electronic educational resources,including ICT technologies ). Training in working with different sources of information, readiness for self-education and possible changes in the educational route.

    Pedagogy of cooperation. Implementation of a humane and personal approach to the child and creation of conditions for students to consciously choose an educational route.

    Technology for carrying out collective creative activities. Creating conditions for students’ self-realization in creativity, research, and student teams. Involving students in discussion and analysis of the problems that most concern them, self-assessment of various negative life situations. Formation of organizational abilities of students.

    Active learning methods (ALM) - a set of pedagogical actions and techniques aimed at organizing the educational process and creating conditions using special means that motivate students to independently, proactively and creatively master educational material in the process of cognitive activity

    Communication technologies

    Portfolio technology

    Development of critical thinking

    Modular training

    Distance learning

    Test technologies

    Technology for identifying and supporting gifted children

    Technologies of additional education, etc.

Every teacher needs to navigate a wide range of modern innovative technologies, school ideas, trends, and not waste time discovering what is already known. Today it is impossible to be a pedagogically competent specialist without studying the entire extensive arsenal of educational technologies. Moreover, this is reflected in job descriptions and certification materials. The use of innovative educational technologies is one of the criteria for assessing the professional activities of teaching assistants and teachers.

Therefore, we need more intensive implementation of technologies for our conditions. Of course, we do not have enough time, money or even knowledge to apply some of them, since modern technologies use the latest achievements of science, technology, psychology, etc. But elements of technology are quite accessible.

Most of the technologies were reviewed several times at previous pedagogical councils and training seminars (Appendix 2). Therefore, let's look at technologies less known to us.

Interactive learning technology

or group learning technology

Interactive technologies or group learning technologies are learning based on interactive forms of the cognition process. These are group work, educational discussion, game simulation, business game, brainstorming, etc.

These forms of learning are important for students because they allow everyone to get involved in the discussion and solution of a problem, and listen to other points of view. The development of communication skills of students occurs both in communication between microgroups and in dialogue between groups.

This form of training is psychologically attractive for students; it helps to develop skills of cooperation and collective creativity. Students are not observers, but solve difficult issues themselves. Each group finds interesting arguments to defend their point of view.

The organization of group interactions in educational activities can be different, but includes the following stages:

    individual work;

    work in pairs;

    making group decisions.

Groups are organized at the discretion of the teacher or “at will.” It is taken into account that a weak student needs not so much a strong student as a patient and friendly interlocutor. You can include students with opposing views so that the discussion of the problem is lively and interesting. There are also “positions” in groups: observer, sage, knowledge keeper, etc., and each student can play one role or another.

Through work in permanent and temporary microgroups, the distance between students is reduced. They find approaches to each other, in some cases discover tolerance in themselves and see its benefits for the business that the group is engaged in.

Only a non-standard formulation of the problem forces us to seek help from each other and exchange points of view.

A working lesson map is drawn up periodically. It contains:

    the issue the group is working on;

    list of participants;

    self-esteem of each participant from the point of view of the group.

For self-assessment and evaluation, precise criteria are given in the map so that there are no significant disagreements. The guys eagerly participate in evaluating the oral and written answers of their classmates, i.e. take on the role of expert.

Those. the use of interactive learning technology affectsfformation of a person who is sociable, tolerant, has organizational skills and knows how to work in a group; increasing the efficiency of assimilation of program material.

Case method

In the context of interactive learning, a technology has been developed that is called CASE STUDY or CASE METHOD.

The name of the technology comes from the Latincase - confusing unusual case; and also from Englishcase- briefcase, suitcase. The origin of the terms reflects the essence of the technology. Students receive from the teacher a package of documents (case), with the help of which they either identify a problem and ways to solve it, or develop options for solving a difficult situation when the problem is identified.

Case analysis can be either individual or group. The results of the work can be presented both in written and oral form. Recently, multimedia presentation of results has become increasingly popular. Familiarity with cases can occur either directly in class or in advance (in the form of homework). The teacher can use ready-made cases and create his own developments. Sources of case studies on subjects can be very diverse: works of art, films, scientific information, museum exhibitions, student experience.

Training based on the case method is a purposeful process built on a comprehensive analysis of the presented situations - discussion during open discussions of the problems identified in the cases - development of decision-making skills. A distinctive feature of the method is the creation of a problem situation from real life.

When teaching the case method, the following are formed: Analytical skills. Ability to distinguish data from information, classify, highlight essential and non-essential information and be able to restore them. Practical skills. Use of academic theories, methods and principles in practice. Creative skills. As a rule, a case cannot be solved by logic alone. Creative skills are very important in generating alternative solutions that cannot be found logically.

The advantage of case technologies is their flexibility and variability, which contributes to the development of creativity in teachers and students.

Of course, the use of case technologies in teaching will not solve all problems and should not become an end in itself. It is necessary to take into account the goals and objectives of each lesson, the nature of the material, and the capabilities of the students. The greatest effect can be achieved with a reasonable combination of traditional and interactive teaching technologies, when they are interconnected and complement each other.

Research technology

Project method

The project method is a training system in which students acquire knowledge and skills in the process of planning and performing gradually more complex practical tasks - projects.

The method, with its own aspirations and capabilities, to master the necessary knowledge and projects allows each student to find and choose a business to their liking, according to their skills, contributing to the emergence of interest in subsequent activities.

The goal of any project is to develop various key competencies. Reflective skills; Search (research) skills; Ability to work in collaboration; Managerial skills and abilities; Communication skills; Presentation skills.

The use of design technologies in teaching allows you to build the educational process on the educational dialogue between the student and the teacher, take into account individual abilities, form mental and independent practical actions, develop creative abilities, and intensify the cognitive activity of students.

Classification of projects according to the dominant activity of students : Practice-oriented project is aimed at the social interests of the project participants themselves or the external customer. The product is predetermined and can be used in the life of a group, lyceum, or city.

Research project The structure resembles a truly scientific study. It includes justification of the relevance of the chosen topic, identification of research objectives, mandatory formulation of a hypothesis with its subsequent verification, and discussion of the results obtained.

Information project is aimed at collecting information about some object or phenomenon for the purpose of its analysis, generalization and presentation to a wide audience.

Creative project assumes the most free and unconventional approach to the presentation of results. These can be almanacs, theatrical performances, sports games, works of fine or decorative art, videos, etc.

Role-playing project is the most difficult to develop and implement. By participating in it, designers take on the roles of literary or historical characters, fictional heroes. The result of the project remains open until the very end.

The project method, in its didactic essence, is aimed at developing abilities, possessing which, a school graduate turns out to be more adapted to life, able to adapt to changing conditions, navigate in a variety of situations, work in various teams, because project activity is a cultural form of activity in which it is possible formation of the ability to make responsible choices.

Todaymodern information technologiescan be considered a new way of transmitting knowledge that corresponds to a qualitatively new content of learning and development of the student. This method allows students to learn with interest, find sources of information, fosters independence and responsibility in acquiring new knowledge, and develops the discipline of intellectual activity. Information technologies make it possible to replace almost all traditional technical means of teaching. In many cases, such a replacement turns out to be more effective, makes it possible to quickly combine a variety of means that promote a deeper and more conscious assimilation of the material being studied, saves lesson time, and saturates it with information. Therefore, it is completely natural to introduce these tools into the modern educational process.

The issue of using information and communication technologies in the educational process has already been considered by the pedagogical council. Materials on this issue are located in the methodological office.

Technology for developing critical thinking

New educational standards are being introducednew direction of assessment activities – assessment of personal achievements. This is due to realityhumanistic paradigm education andperson-centered approach to learning. It becomes important for society to objectify the personal achievements of each subject of the educational process: student, teacher, family. The introduction of assessment of personal achievements ensures the development of the following components of personality: motivation for self-development, the formation of positive guidelines in the structure of the self-concept, the development of self-esteem, volitional regulation, and responsibility.

Therefore, the standards include in the final assessment of studentsaccumulated assessment characterizing the dynamics of individual educational achievements throughout all years of study.

The optimal way to organize a cumulative assessment system isportfolio . This is the wayrecording, accumulation and evaluation of work , the student's results, indicating his efforts, progress and achievements in various fields over a certain period of time. In other words, it is a form of fixation of self-expression and self-realization. The portfolio ensures a transfer of “pedagogical emphasis” from assessment to self-assessment, from what a person does not know and cannot do to what he knows and can do. A significant characteristic of a portfolio is its integrativeness, which includes quantitative and qualitative assessments, presupposing the cooperation of the student, teachers and parents during its creation, and the continuity of replenishment of the assessment.

Technology portfolio implements the followingfunctions in the educational process:

    diagnostic (changes and growth (dynamics) of indicators over a certain period of time are recorded);

    goal setting (supports educational goals formulated by the standard);

    motivational (encourages students, teachers and parents to interact and achieve positive results);

    meaningful (maximally reveals the entire range of achievements and work performed);

    developmental (ensures continuity of the process of development, training and education);

    training (creates conditions for the formation of the foundations of qualimetric competence);

    corrective (stimulates development within the framework conditionally set by the standard and society).

For the student portfolio is the organizer of his educational activities,for the teacher – a feedback tool and an assessment tool.

Several are knownportfolio types . The most popular are the following:

    portfolio of achievements

    portfolio - report

    portfolio - self-esteem

    portfolio - planning my work

(any of them has all the characteristics, but when planning it is recommended to choose one, the leading one)

Choice The type of portfolio depends on the purpose of its creation.

Distinctive feature portfolio is its personality-oriented nature:

    the student, together with the teacher, determines or clarifies the purpose of creating a portfolio;

    the student collects material;

    self-assessment and mutual assessment are the basis for evaluating results.

Important characteristic technology portfolio is its reflexivity. Reflection is the main mechanism and method of self-attestation and self-report.Reflection – the process of cognition based on introspection of one’s inner world. /Ananyev B.G. Man as an object of knowledge. – L. – 1969 ./ “psychological mirror of oneself.”

In addition to general educational skills to collect and analyze information, structure and present it, a portfolio allows you to develop higher-order intellectual skills - metacognitive skills.

studentmust learn :

    select and evaluate information

    define exactly the goals he would like to achieve

    plan your activities

    give assessments and self-assessments

    track your own mistakes and correct them

The introduction of modern educational technologies does not mean that they will completely replace traditional teaching methods, but will be an integral part of it.

Annex 1

Selevko German Konstantinovich

"Modern educational technologies"

I. Modern traditional training (TO)

II. Pedagogical technologies based on personal orientation of the pedagogical process
1. Pedagogy of cooperation.

2. Humane-personal technology of Sh.A.Amonashvili

3. E.N. Ilyin’s system: teaching literature as a subject that shapes a person

III. Pedagogical technologies based on the activation and intensification of students' activities.
1. Gaming technologies

2. Problem-based learning

3. Technology of intensification of learning based on schematic and symbolic models of educational material (V.F. Shatalov).

4 Level differentiation technologies
5. Technology of individualization of training (Inge Unt, A.S. Granitskaya, V.D. Shadrikov)

6. Programmed learning technology
7. Collective way of teaching CSR (A.G. Rivin, V.K. Dyachenko)

8. Group technologies.
9. Computer (new information) teaching technologies.

IV. Pedagogical technologies based on didactic improvement and reconstruction of material.
1. “Ecology and dialectics” (L.V. Tarasov).

2. “Dialogue of Cultures” (V.S. Bibler, S.Yu. Kurganov).

3. Consolidation of didactic units - UDE (P.M. Erdniev)

4. Implementation of the theory of stage-by-stage formation of mental actions (M.B. Volovich).

V. Subject pedagogical technologies.
1. Technology of early and intensive literacy training (N.A. Zaitsev).

2. Technology for improving general educational skills in elementary school (V.N. Zaitsev)

3. Technology of teaching mathematics based on problem solving (R.G. Khazankin).
4. Pedagogical technology based on a system of effective lessons (A.A. Okunev)

5. System of step-by-step teaching of physics (N.N. Paltyshev)

VI. Alternative technologies.
1. Waldorf pedagogy (R. Steiner).

2. Technology of free labor (S. Frenet)
3. Technology of probabilistic education (A.M.Lobok).

4. Workshop technology.

VII.. Natural technologies.
1 Nature-appropriate literacy education (A.M. Kushnir).

2 Technology of self-development (M. Montessori)

VIII Technologies of developmental education.
1. General fundamentals of developmental learning technologies.

2. System of developmental training by L.V. Zankova.

3. Technology of developmental education by D.B. Elkonina-V.V. Davydov.

4. Developmental training systems with a focus on developing the creative qualities of the individual (I.P. Volkov, G.S. Altshuller, I.P. Ivanov).
5 Personality-oriented developmental training (I.S. Yakimanskaya).

6. Technology of self-development training (G.K.Selevko)

IX. Pedagogical technologies of copyright schools.
1. School of Adaptive Pedagogy (E.A. Yamburg, B.A. Broide).

2. Model “Russian school”.

4. School-park (M.A. Balaban).

5. Agroschool of A.A.Katolikov.
6. School of Tomorrow (D. Howard).

Model "Russian school"

Supporters of the cultural-educational approach try to maximally saturate the content of education with Russian ethnographic and historical material. They widely use Russian folk songs and music, choral singing, epics, legends, as well as material from native studies. Priority place in the curriculum is given to such subjects as the native language, Russian history, Russian literature, Russian geography, and Russian art.


Organizationally, a school-park is a set, or a park, open multi-age studios . A studio means a free association of students around a master teacher for joint learning. At the same time, the composition of the studios is determined, on the one hand, by the composition of available teachers, their real knowledge and skills, and on the other hand, by the educational needs of students. Thus, the composition of the studios is not constant, it changes, subject to the law of supply and demand in the educational services market.

Waldorf schools

Waldorf schools work on the principle of “not advancing” the child’s development, but providing all opportunities for his development at his own pace. When equipping schools, preference is given to natural materials and unfinished toys and aids (primarily for the development of children’s imagination). Much attention is paid to the spiritual development of all participants in the educational process. Educational material is presented in blocks (epochs), but the day at all stages of education (from nurseries to seminaries) is divided into three parts: spiritual (where active thinking predominates), soulful (teaching music and dance),creative-practical (here children learn primarily creative tasks: sculpting, drawing, carving wood, sewing, and so on).

Appendix 2

Problem-based learning technology

Problematic education – a didactic system of combining different methods and methodological techniques of teaching, using which the teacher, systematically creating and using problem situations, ensures a strong and conscious assimilation of knowledge and skills by students.

Problem situation characterizes a certain mental state of the student, arising as a result of his awareness of the contradiction between the need to complete a task and the impossibility of accomplishing it with the help of his existing knowledge and methods of activity.

In problem-based learning, there is always a formulation and solution of a problem - a cognitive task put forward in the form of a question, task, task.

The problem to be solved exists objectively, regardless of whether the situation has become problematic for the student or whether he has realized this contradiction. When the student realizes and accepts the contradiction, the situation will become problematic for him.

Problem-based learning is carried out using almost all teaching methods and, above all, in the process of heuristic conversation. Problem-based learning and heuristic conversation are related as a whole and a part.

Requirements for problematic situations and problems

    The creation of a problem situation should, as a rule, precede an explanation or independent study by students of new educational material.

    The cognitive task is drawn up taking into account the fact that the problem should be based on the knowledge and skills that the student possesses. It should be sufficient to understand the essence of the issue or task, the final goal and solutions.

    The problem should be interesting for students and stimulate the motivation of their active cognitive activity.

    Solving a problem should cause a certain cognitive difficulty, requiring active mental activity of students.

    The content of the problem in terms of difficulty and complexity should be accessible to students and correspond to their cognitive capabilities.

    To master a complex system of knowledge and actions, problem situations and corresponding problems must be applied in a specific system:

      • a complex problem task is divided into smaller and more specific ones;

        each problem is allocated one unknown element;

        The material communicated by the teacher and assimilated by students independently must be differentiated.

Problem-based learning is most often used as a part of a lesson.

Gaming technology

Using educational games

An increase in the workload in lessons makes us think about how to maintain students’ interest in the material being studied and their activity throughout the lesson. An important role here is given to didactic games in the classroom, which have educational, developmental and nurturing functions that act in organic unity. Didactic games can be used as a means of teaching, education and development. The game form of classes is created during lessons using game techniques and situations. The implementation of gaming techniques and situations occurs in the following areas:

    The didactic goal is set for students in the form of a game task;

    Educational activities are subject to the rules of the game;

    The educational material is used as a means of play;

    An element of competition is introduced into educational activities, which transforms a didactic task into a game one; the success of completing a didactic task is associated with the game result.

The student’s gaming activity is usually emotional and accompanied by a feeling of satisfaction. While playing, students think, experience situations, and against this background, ways to achieve results are easier and more firmly remembered by them. The game form of classes can be used at various stages of the lesson, when studying a new topic, during consolidation, and in general lessons.

Thus, the inclusion of didactic games and game moments in the lesson makes the learning process interesting, entertaining, and makes it easier to overcome difficulties in mastering educational material.

Business games

Business (role-playing, management) games - imitation of decision-making and performance of actions in various artificially created or directly practical situations by playing the corresponding roles (individual or group) according to rules specified or developed by the participants themselves.

Signs of business games and requirements for them:

    The presence of a problem and a task proposed for solution. Distribution of roles or role functions among participants. The presence of interactions between the players that repeat (imitate) real connections and relationships.

    Multi-link and logical chain of decisions flowing from one another during the game.

    The presence of conflict situations due to differences in the interests of participants or the conditions of information activities. The plausibility of the simulated situation or situations taken from reality.

    The presence of a system for assessing the results of gaming activities, competition or competitiveness of players.

Pedagogy of cooperation

“Pedagogy of cooperation” is a humanistic idea of ​​joint developmental activities of students and teachers, based on the awareness of common goals and ways to achieve them. The teacher and students in the educational process are equal partners, while the teacher is an authoritative teacher-mentor, a senior comrade, and students receive sufficient independence in both acquiring knowledge and experience, and in forming their own life position.

Fundamentals of “pedagogy of cooperation”

    Stimulation and direction by the teacher of the cognitive and life interests of students;

    Elimination of coercion as an inhumane and non-positive means in the educational process; replacing compulsion with desire;

    The teacher’s respectful attitude towards the student’s personality; recognition of his right to make mistakes;

    High responsibility of the teacher for his judgments, assessments, recommendations, requirements, actions;

    High responsibility of students for their academic work, behavior, relationships in the team.

Multidimensional technology V.E. Steinberg

The use of multidimensional didactic technology (MDT) or the technology of didactic multidimensional tools (DMI), developed, used and described by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences V. E. Steinberg (Russia) can help in significantly enhancing the technological and instrumental equipment of the teacher’s activities and the process of assimilation of students’ knowledge. It is multidimensional didactic technology, and with the help of didactic multidimensional tools, that allows one to present knowledge in a compressed and expanded form and manage the activities of students in their assimilation, processing and use.

The main idea of ​​MDT – and the idea of ​​the multidimensionality of the surrounding world, a person, an educational institution, the educational process, and cognitive activity. It is multidimensional didactic technology that makes it possible to overcome the stereotype of one-dimensionality when using traditional forms of presentation of educational material (text, speech, diagrams, etc.) and to include students in active cognitive activity in assimilation and processing of knowledge, both for understanding and memorizing educational information, and for development thinking, memory and effective ways of intellectual activity.

MDT is based on a number of principles:

1. The principle of multidimensionality (multidimensionality), integrity and systematicity of the structural organization of the surrounding world.

2. The principle of splitting - combining elements into a system, including:

· splitting the educational space into external and internal plans of educational activities and their integration into a system;

· splitting the multidimensional knowledge space into semantic groups and combining them into a system;

· splitting information into conceptual and figurative components and combining them in system images - models.

3. The principle of bichannel activity, on the basis of which single-channel thinking is overcome, due to the fact that:

Channel presentation - perception information is divided into verbal and visual channels;

Channel interaction “teacher - student” - on information and communication channels;

Channel design - on the direct channel of constructing educational models and the reverse channel of comparative assessment activities using technological models.

4. The principle of coordination and polydialogue of external and internal plans:

· coordination of the content and form of interaction between external and internal plans of activity;

· coordination of interhemispheric verbal-figurative dialogue in the internal plane and coordination of interplane dialogue.

5. The principle of triadic representation (functional completeness) of semantic groups:

· triad “objects of the world”: nature, society, man;

· the triad of “spheres of world exploration”: science, art, morality;

· triad “basic activities”: cognition, experience, evaluation;

· triad “description”: structure, functioning, development.

6. The principle of universality, i.e., versatility of tools, suitability for use in different types of lessons, in different subjects, in professional, creative and managerial activities.

7. The principle of programmability and repeatability of basic operations , carried out in the multidimensional representation and analysis of knowledge: the formation of semantic groups and “granulation” of knowledge, coordination and ranking, semantic linking, reformulation.

8. The principle of autodialogue, implementing in dialogues of various types: internal interhemispheric dialogue of mutual reflection of information from figurative to verbal form, external dialogue between the mental image and its reflection in the external plane.

9. The principle of supporting thinking - support on models of a reference or generalized nature in relation to the designed object, support on models when performing various types of activities (preparatory, teaching, cognitive, search), etc.

10. The principle of compatibility of properties of the image and model tools, in accordance with which the holistic, figurative and symbolic nature of certain knowledge is realized, which makes it possible to combine the multidimensional representation of knowledge and the orientation of activity.

11. The principle of compatibility of figurative and conceptual reflection , according to which, in the process of cognitive activity, the languages ​​of both hemispheres of the brain are combined, thereby increasing the degree of efficiency in handling information and assimilating it.

12. The principle of quasi-fractality deployment of multidimensional models for representing values ​​by repeating a limited number of operations.

The main purpose of introducing MDT - reduce labor intensity and increase the efficiency of the teacher’s activity and the student’s activity through the use of multidimensional didactic tools.

The most effective and promising tool for use in the educational process of multidimensional didactic technology isLogical-semantic models (LSM) knowledge (topics, phenomena, events, etc.) in the form of coordinate-matrix frames of a support-nodal type for a visual, logical and consistent presentation and assimilation of educational information.

Logical-semantic model is a tool for representing knowledge in natural language in the form of an image – a model.

The semantic component of knowledge is represented by keywords placed on the frame and forming a connected system. In this case, one part of the keywords is located at the nodes on the coordinates and represents connections and relationships between elements of the same object. In general, each element of a meaningfully related system of keywords receives precise addressing in the form of a “coordinate-node” index.

The development and construction of LSM makes it easier for the teacher to prepare for a lesson, enhances the clarity of the material being studied, allows algorithmization of students’ educational and cognitive activities, and makes feedback prompt.

The ability to present large amounts of educational material in the form of a visual and compact logical and semantic model, where the logical structure is determined by the content and order of arrangement of coordinates and nodes, gives a double result: firstly, time is freed up for practicing the skills of students, and secondly, The constant use of LSM in the learning process forms in students a logical understanding of the topic, section or course studied as a whole.

When using MDT, a transition occurs from traditional teaching to a person-oriented one, the design and technological competence of both the teacher and students develops, and a qualitatively different level of the teaching and learning process is achieved.

Nowadays you can often hear about innovative technologies. This term is tossed around here and there. And this is not surprising, because we live in an era of a real scientific and technological revolution. Let's figure out what they are, how they develop and how relevant their application is.

general information

We live in perhaps the most interesting period of human history. The development of technology has become exponential rather than linear, as it was before. Studying knowledge in the field of the latest technological trends, managing all projects and organizing the necessary processes - this is what the science of innovation does. In fact, the subject of discussion has a tendency to meet the needs of people in the modern world, both urgent and social.

Often innovative technology touches on a huge number of problematic issues. Their characteristic feature is novelty in the field of world trends. Moreover, this often applies not only to the technical component, but also to the processes of management and labor coordination. This term is used not just for something new or unusual, but for something that can radically increase the efficiency of a certain area.

The use of innovative technologies leads to improved quality of products and improvement of the production sector. This presupposes the presence of a holistic set of measures and organizational developments that make it possible to improve the process of development, production, operation and maintenance, as well as, if necessary, carry out repairs and restore the object of interest with optimal characteristics and reasonable costs. All this leads to the effective use of not only material and economic, but also social resources.


Here a lot depends on the position of the gaze. So, if we focus on the processes of innovation, we can distinguish technologies:

  1. Radical or basic. This refers to large-scale inventions and discoveries, thanks to which a unique trend in the development of technical progress begins or modern generations (techniques, solutions, etc.) are formed.
  2. Innovations of average potential.
  3. Partial or modified inventions. Used to change outdated technologies, equipment, and organizational processes.

Depending on scale and industry application:

  1. Innovation within the enterprise.
  2. Intersectoral.
  3. Regional.
  4. Industry.

Depending on the factors that led to the emergence of innovation:

  1. Strategic. The decision to implement them is made proactively, with the direct intent of gaining a competitive advantage in a certain time frame.
  2. Reactive. They are used to maintain the state of the enterprise after the implementation of an innovative solution by competitors.

Depending on the nature of the implemented innovation:

  1. Economic.
  2. Social.
  3. Ecological.
  4. Integral.

About the preparatory aspect

Innovative technologies in work are usually presented in the form of full-fledged systems. In this regard, the question arises about the feasibility of identifying processes and researching developments. In essence, innovative technology is the introduction of something new into an already functioning area of ​​responsibility, establishments in this area and the beginning of changes in this area. That is, it includes the introduction of innovation and its implementation. The success of the development of innovative technologies is associated with a certain set of work performed, which allows the emergence and demonstration of the effectiveness of activities. In this case, the whole process can be divided into the following stages:

  1. Scientific activity and developments carried out within its framework, which are aimed at obtaining new knowledge. They are used to state a discovery or new invention.
  2. Design work and processes that should allow the creation of new technological tools in these conditions. At the same time, attention is paid to the appropriateness of actions and the necessary decisions are made to achieve the established goal.
  3. Innovative learning technologies also play an important role, allowing one to gain the necessary knowledge, and subsequently the experience necessary to bring the project to life.

What does the implementation of innovation look like?

In this case, there are three main stages:

  1. Before implementation. In this case, ways to identify problem areas are sought and a plan is drawn up to implement an innovative solution.
  2. At the moment of implementation, previously acquired knowledge is rethought and immediate modifications are carried out during the implementation of the project. As situational features emerge, refinements are developed for them to achieve the agreed upon goal.
  3. After implementation, a diagnostic process is launched, which compares all the obtained parameters with the planned ones and makes it possible to judge the success of the innovation.

At the same time, management is becoming increasingly important. Because reproducing something or creating something is not so difficult. The question is how much time, effort and resources will be spent on this. An effective management model allows you to manage all this wisely and win in both qualitative and quantitative aspects. The successful implementation of innovative technology is characterized by flexibility, mobility, speed and even agility. And it doesn’t matter where exactly it is implemented - in the banking sector or education, medicine or somewhere else. Let's look at an example that affects everyone. Namely, innovative teaching technologies.

Educational field

The main priority and most important value of humanity is high-quality and useful knowledge that allows us to act effectively in modern society and successfully compete with other representatives of society for position and privileges.

In this case, innovative pedagogical technologies play a huge role. That is, not only knowledge is important, but also its presentation, as well as its consolidation in people’s minds. This is where multimedia and interactive innovations come to the rescue.

In everyday life, the term “smart school” is used to indicate the goal of the movement. Moreover, this means not only equipping students with computers and projectors, but also using new approaches to students and creating a more flexible system of interaction with them. Innovative technologies in education are not limited to those presented in schools. It’s just that the most significant public emphasis is placed on it.

In addition to it, kindergartens, vocational schools, and higher educational institutions also receive attention, albeit to a somewhat lesser extent. What innovative technologies are there in preschool educational institutions? There is no easy answer here. For, to put it briefly, we should highlight the information and communication, health-preserving, research, personality-oriented and gaming aspects.

Accessory Electronics

For many, technology is something that you have to interact with through your hands. But that's not always the case. There is such an innovation as a brain-computer interface - essentially a neural system that is designed to ensure the free exchange of information between the human brain and an electronic device on the other side. It allows you to control technology using the power of thought.

Successful research and research is now being conducted to help understand paralysis of the arms, legs, eye problems and a number of other significant ailments.

In addition, electronic devices can be used to monitor the functioning of the human body, its condition and well-being. For example, small headphones placed in the auricle allow you to read indicators of the cardiovascular system. There are even small sensors that look like a temporary tattoo, but allow you to control your body posture, as well as carry out the treatment process. Tactile electronic soles, if necessary, will indicate the desired direction based on a signal from the global positioning system, and notify the person about it using vibration.

Progress in materials science

It is urgent to obtain the necessary substances from previously unimaginable sources. And if you remember about the creation of completely new materials! How much the world has changed just by the use of plastics. Now, however, the development and use of new composite materials is more urgent. Scientists are working on creating ultra-light nanostructured fibers that will have high quality characteristics (strength, ductility, etc.).

New composite materials make it possible to create equipment that consumes less fuel, is less toxic and has a number of other advantages. They are used in automobile manufacturing, spacecraft, hydroelectric power plants and similar developments.

In addition, as an example, we can mention the extraction of metals from seawater concentrate. Many people are aware of such a global environmental problem as a decrease in the amount of fresh liquid that a person can consume. Artificial desalination can correct this problem, but this technology still has significant drawbacks, as well as problems in the field of environmental practice. For example, large amounts of energy are required. In addition, a significant concentration of saline solution is obtained, which also needs to be dealt with. If it is returned to the sea, this threatens to turn into a problem due to the existing negative impact on the fauna and flora of the World Ocean.

And an innovative solution was found - from this concentrate they learned to extract important and necessary minerals and substances for humans: magnesium, uranium, potassium, lithium, soda. Separately, it is worth mentioning the development of methods for obtaining gold from sea water. According to calculations, the reserves of this material are truly enormous: about 8-10 billion tons! In other words, at current prices there is more than enough to make every person on this earth a millionaire.

Advancement in the field of medicine

First of all, we should remember the pharmacology of RNA strands. Its essence is the creation of vaccine preparations from small networks of the molecular composition of ribonucleic acid, which allow restoring the patient’s immunity. In addition, viral or bacterial proteins can be studied in this way.

Another innovation is the creation of advanced probiotics that help maintain a person in a state of normal balance. In addition, significant qualitative changes should be noted.

Another example is mobile DNA laboratories. Previously, diagnostic testing of the deoxyribonucleic acid chain was carried out in large stationary complexes and took 24 hours. Currently, this process can be completed in a few hours in a benchtop laboratory.

Innovative technology is also a digital cytoscope. Thus, its adapter is connected to a cloud storage where a database is located, which is used to check the patient’s heartbeat and pulmonary respiration. All data obtained is analyzed analytically. And even more - they can be transferred to a smartphone. Thanks to this, it is possible to make a diagnosis in a short time and prescribe correct and timely treatment.

Space technology

Where would we be without this pioneer of scientific activity, who brought many benefits to ordinary residents? Space programs have changed the situation of man and still actively influence him. You can remember new approaches to making food, materials and much more.

Moreover, not only government agencies, but also various Innovative Technologies LLCs, that is, the private sector, are involved in this. And that's certainly a good thing. After all, if everything was concentrated in one government agency and called a center of innovative technologies, then gradually, due to the loss of rivalry and competition, research would slow down. In addition, private companies can try different operating patterns, approaches to personnel policies, and much more, without being limited by the bureaucracy of officials.


The technology of innovation processes (their emergence, formation, implementation) has been studied very well. This allows us to make the road easier for those who follow this path. It should be noted that all this is not taken from scratch. Initially, there are children who are interested in science and various technical developments. They study and practice a lot. For example, they launch homemade rockets that fly up several tens of meters. Then they go to get a higher education, enter or organize a design bureau, and only then create new developments that will take humanity upward. That is, in order for there to be people capable of creating and implementing innovative technologies, this must be taken care of from the very birth of a person, instilling love and interest in even the smallest. And such investments will pay off handsomely.

Technology - from the Greek words technë (art, craft, science) and logos (concept, teaching). In the dictionary of foreign words: “technology is a body of knowledge about methods and means of carrying out production processes (metals, chemicals...).”

The problem of technologization of the pedagogical process becomes relevant due to the need to increase its efficiency.

Pedagogical technology involves “strictly scientific design and accurate reproduction of pedagogical processes that guarantee the success” [V. P. Bespalko]. The signs that determine the specifics of pedagogical technology are the guarantee of success, i.e., achieving the goal, scientific design, accuracy of reproduction of the designed pedagogical process.

Technology can be represented as a more or less rigidly programmed process of interaction between a teacher and students, guaranteeing the achievement of a set goal. Technology is understood as an algorithm in teaching, as a specific program of the learning process, the application of which leads to the achievement of a goal - the formation of certain personality traits, cognitive skills, ways of thinking, certain relationships, etc.

It should be noted that pedagogical technology is not didactics or a private technique, like a didactic-methodological system, it is specific and applicable to any subject. Pedagogical technologies can differ for different reasons, according to goals and objectives, and according to structures.

The essential features of pedagogical technologies are:

Diagnostic goal setting, effectiveness - i.e. guaranteed achievement of goals and ensuring the effectiveness of the learning and education process;

Cost-effectiveness - searching for a reserve of teaching time, optimizing teaching work, achieving the maximum possible results in a shorter period of time;

Algorithmizability, projectability, integrity - the ability to apply the described technology by different teachers with different groups of students in certain conditions;

Adjustability - the ability to implement operational communication, consistently oriented towards clearly defined goals;

Visualization - the use of a variety of audiovisual and electronic computing equipment, as well as the development and use of original didactic tools.

The core of any technology is a methodology, but traditional methods are poorly based on diagnosing the real learning capabilities of students and do not take into account the degree of influence of various factors on the learning outcome. They do not consider the use of various learning tools, and do not take into account the need to optimize the processes of interaction between all components and participants in learning. Pedagogical technologies, on the contrary, include diagnostics, specifically targeted methods and means of intensifying learning. The methodology is focused on the teacher, the technology focuses on the interaction between the teacher and the student, it predicts the result, optimizes the work. Both the methodology and diagnostics are practice-oriented and algorithmic.

The criteria for choosing a teaching technology, according to M. I. Makhmutov, are: target orientation, taking into account the specifics of the content, individualization and differentiation of training, the teacher’s readiness to implement the technology, cost-effectiveness, material and technical support. The identified criteria are of a general didactic nature and are applicable when choosing in any type of educational institution, however, the educational technologies themselves acquire some specificity depending on the type of educational institution in which they are implemented.

It is possible to highlight the features of pedagogical technologies in secondary vocational schools.

The first feature is related to the specific specifics of vocational education and consists in the orientation of technology towards mastering a specific profession, which means making specific didactic decisions related to obtaining a profession.

Another feature is less general and is due to the inclusion of students in three main types of educational activities: theoretical, laboratory-practical and industrial-practical, the role and place of which are determined by the specific purpose of training a specialist at the corresponding level of education. This involves justifying and designing learning technologies for these types of learning activities.

The third feature is closely related to the second and consists in taking into account the specifics of theoretical training, laboratory and practical work, and production and practical activities. Thus, the features of a specific technology of theoretical training may be determined by various types of activities and the need to apply knowledge in practice. In practical training, technology is aimed at developing skills in performing work activities related to exercises in the chosen profession.

Pedagogical science and practice have accumulated a significant fund of various pedagogical technologies: modular, contextual, problem-based, computer-based, concentrated training, etc. All of them are characterized by specific goals, focus, a dominant combination of forms, methods and means of teaching and education, a system of assessment and control. The effectiveness of these technologies is determined by the content of the material being studied, the level of preparedness of students and teachers, and other factors.

Educational technologies

Achieved results

Problem-based learning

Creation of problematic situations in educational activities and organization of active independent activities of students to resolve them, as a result of which creative mastery of knowledge, abilities, skills occurs, and mental abilities develop.

Multi-level training

The teacher has the opportunity to help the weak, pay attention to the strong, and the desire of strong students to advance faster and deeper in education is realized. Strong students are confirmed in their abilities, weak students get the opportunity to experience academic success, and the level of motivation to learn increases.

Project-based teaching methods

Working using this method makes it possible to develop students’ individual creative abilities and to take a more conscious approach to professional and social self-determination.

Research methods in teaching

It gives students the opportunity to independently replenish their knowledge, delve deeply into the problem being studied and suggest ways to solve it, which is important when forming a worldview. This is important for determining the individual development trajectory of each student.

Lecture-seminar-credit system

This system is used mainly in high school, because... this helps students prepare for university studies. It makes it possible to concentrate the material into blocks and present it as a single whole, and control is carried out based on the preliminary preparation of students.

Technology of using gaming methods in teaching: role-playing, business, and other types of educational games

Broadening one's horizons, developing cognitive activity, developing certain skills and abilities necessary in practical activities, and developing general educational skills.

Collaborative learning (team, group work)

Cooperation is interpreted as the idea of ​​joint developmental activities of adults and children. The essence of the individual approach is to go not from the academic subject, but from the child to the subject, to go from the opportunities that the child has, to apply psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the personality.

Information and communication technologies

Change and unlimited enrichment of educational content, use of integrated courses, access to the INTERNET.

Health-saving technologies

The use of these technologies makes it possible to distribute various types of tasks evenly during the lesson, alternate mental activity with physical minutes, determine the time of presentation of complex educational material, allocate time for independent work, and normatively apply TSR, which gives positive results in learning.

Innovation assessment system "portfolio"

Formation of personalized accounting of student achievements as a tool for pedagogical support of social self-determination, determination of the trajectory of individual personality development.

The use of a wide range of pedagogical technologies allows the teaching staff to use teaching time productively and achieve high learning outcomes for students.

Modern innovative technologies in pedagogy

In the context of educational reforms, innovative activities aimed at introducing various pedagogical innovations have acquired particular importance in vocational education. They covered all aspects of the didactic process: forms of its organization, content and technologies of teaching, educational and cognitive activities.

Innovative teaching technologies include: interactive learning technologies, project-based learning technology and computer technologies.

Interactive learning technologies

In the psychological theory of learning, interactive learning is learning based on the psychology of human relationships. Interactive learning technologies are considered as ways of acquiring knowledge, developing skills and abilities in the process of relationships and interactions between the teacher and the student as subjects of educational activity. Their essence lies in the fact that they rely not only on the processes of perception, memory, attention, but, above all, on creative, productive thinking, behavior, and communication. At the same time, the learning process is organized in such a way that students learn to communicate, interact with each other and other people, learn to think critically, and solve complex problems based on the analysis of production situations, situational professional tasks and relevant information.

Project-based learning technologies

Game design can turn into real design if its result is a solution to a specific practical problem, and the process itself is transferred to the conditions of an operating enterprise or to training and production workshops. For example, work commissioned by enterprises, work in design student bureaus, production of goods and services related to the field of professional activity of students. The technology of project-based learning is considered as a flexible model for organizing the educational process in a vocational school, focused on the creative self-realization of the student’s personality through the development of his intellectual and physical capabilities, strong-willed qualities and creative abilities in the process of creating new goods and services.

The technology of project-based learning contributes to the creation of pedagogical conditions for the development of the student’s creative abilities and personality traits that he needs for creative activity, regardless of his future specific profession.

Computer techologies

Computer learning technologies are the processes of collecting, processing, storing and transmitting information to the learner via a computer.

At the present stage, many professional educational institutions are developing and using both individual software products for educational purposes and automated teaching systems (ATS) in various academic disciplines. AOS includes a set of educational and methodological materials (demonstration, theoretical, practical, monitoring), computer programs that control the learning process.

The increased productivity of personal computers has made possible the widespread use of multimedia technologies. Modern professional training is difficult to imagine without these technologies, which make it possible to expand the areas of application of computers in the educational process.

The use of computer technologies in the vocational education system contributes to the implementation of the following pedagogical goals:

Development of the student’s personality, preparation for independent productive professional activity;

Implementation of a social order determined by the needs of modern society;

Intensification of the educational process in a vocational school.

Innovative teaching technologies, reflecting the essence of the future profession, form the professional qualities of a specialist, and are a kind of testing ground where students can practice professional skills in conditions close to real ones.

Innovative technology

Innovation- innovation in the field of engineering, technology, labor organization or management, based on the use of scientific achievements and advanced experience, providing a qualitative increase in the efficiency of the production system or product quality. The term innovatio comes from New Latin and is a synthesis of 2 words - investio (I dress) and novatio (I renew).

More generally, this concept can also be applied to a creative idea that has been carried out.

General definition of innovation

Innovation is the result of investing in the development and acquisition of new knowledge, a previously unused idea to update spheres of people’s lives (technology; products; organizational forms of existence of society, such as education, management, labor organization, service, science, information, etc. ) and the subsequent process of implementation (production) of this, with a fixed receipt of additional value (profit, advance, leadership, priority, radical improvement, qualitative superiority, creativity, progress).

Thus, a process is required: investment - development - implementation process - obtaining a qualitative improvement.

Concept innovation refers to both radical and gradual (incremental) changes in the products, processes and strategy of the organization (innovation activities). Based on the fact that the purpose of innovation is to increase the efficiency, economy, quality, and customer satisfaction of an organization, the concept of innovation can be identified with the concept of entrepreneurship - vigilance to new opportunities to improve the work of an organization (commercial, government, charity).

Innovation is viewed from different perspectives: in relation to technology, commerce, social systems, economic development and policy formulation. Accordingly, there is a wide range of approaches to conceptualizing innovation in the scientific literature.

When conceptualizing the concept of innovation, it is useful to compare it with other concepts. In particular, the scientific literature notes that the concept of “innovation” is often confused with the concept "invention", denoting the creation of a new technical development or improvement of an old one. In addition, many improvements in goods and services would be more accurately described simply as "improvement". Concepts "changes" And "creativity" can also sometimes be used instead of the concept of “innovation”.

To distinguish innovation from the concepts listed above, it is often specified that the peculiarity of innovation is that it allows you to create additional value, allows the innovator to receive added value and is related to implementation. In this view, an innovation is not an innovation until it is successfully implemented and begins to provide benefits.

An alternative approach uses other concepts as part of the definition of innovation: "Innovation occurs when someone uses an invention—or uses something that already exists in a new way—to change the way people live." In this case, an invention can be a new concept, device or other things that facilitate activity, and innovativeness is not associated with whether the organizer of the innovation received any benefit and whether it brought a positive effect.



  • Azgaldov G. G., Kostin A. V. Intellectual property, innovation and qualimetry // Economic strategies, 2008. - No. 2(60). - P.162-164.
  • Goldstein G. Ya. Innovation management. - Taganrog: TRTU Publishing House, 1998.
  • Goldstein G. Ya. Strategic innovation management: Textbook. Taganrog: TRTU Publishing House, 2004. - 267 p.
  • Drucker, Peter Ferdinand[= M. Business and Innovation]. - Williams, 2007. - P. 432. - ISBN 0-88730-618-7
  • Kiryakov A. G. Reproduction of innovations in a market economy (Theoretical and methodological aspect). - Rostov-on-Don: RSU Publishing House, 2000.
  • Orlov A.I., Orlova L.A. Modern approaches to innovation and investment management // Economy of the XXI century. - 2002. - N 12. - P. 3-26.
  • Tychinsky A.V. Management of innovative activities of companies: modern approaches, algorithms, experience. - Taganrog: TRTU, 2006.
  • Hargadon Andrew Innovation management. Experience of leading companies = How Breakthrouths Happen. The Surprising Truth About How Companies Innovate. - M.: "Williams", 2007. - P. 304. - ISBN 1-57851-904-7
  • Chernyavsky Yu.P. The crisis requires more innovation, not less -, Google Knol, May 2009.

see also

  • Innovation Convention
  • Russian State University of Innovative Technologies and Entrepreneurship
  • Innovative development of Russia
  • IBFM_(Innovative_construction_and_finishing_materials)


  • National Association for Innovation and Information Technology Development
  • consideration of Russian economic development policy using a cluster approach
  • Federal portal for scientific and innovative activities
  • Korkin S. V. Blog about ideas and innovations
  • SingularBlog: Blog about innovation strategies
  • ASKAR AKAEV: The current financial and economic crisis in the light of the theory of innovative and technological development
  • Innovative direction within the framework of the Year of Youth 2009 (Zvorykinsky project)

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