
General goal of the program.

Main directions of the program.

Tasks of the work program.

General didactic principles.

Expected Result.

    Contents of the program.

Conditions for the implementation of the program.

1 section. Getting to know all the sounds and letters of the Russian language.

Section 2 Development of sound-letter analysis of words in preschoolers.

Section 3 Learning to read.

Section 4 Formation of initial writing skills.

    Program monitoring..




Appendix 1. Planning by quarter.

Appendix 2. Calendar and thematic planning.

Appendix 3. Didactic games and exercises.

Appendix 4. Long-term plan for working with parents.

Appendix 5. Subject development environment.

    Explanatory note

The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (FSES DO) dictates the introduction of new approaches to creating in kindergarten a system of comprehensive assistance to children in preparing for school.

“To master literacy, that is, the initial skills of reading and writing, first of all, it is necessary to sufficiently develop phonemic hearing of the pronunciation side of speech, which serves as the basis for mastering the skills of sound-letter analysis” A.R. Luria Relevance: Today, future schoolchildren are offered a choice of educational institution, educational profile, programs, textbooks, and final exams (USE). Differentiation and structural restructuring of the network of educational institutions continues. Therefore, preparing a child for school, schooling, helping him move to a new level, supporting him, lending a helping hand is the task of educators, teachers and parents. For decades, problems have accumulated in all the most important areas of children's lives. Their solution depends not only on the efforts of the family, but also on the activities of many other social institutions involved in the process of socialization, upbringing and education of children. Childhood is the process of growing up, it is the life of a person moving from one qualitative state to another, higher one. In a broad sense, all preschool childhood prepares the transition to a new stage of development. The doors of the school will open for the preschooler; he will enter the “Era of Ascent to Social Maturity” (A. V. Petrovsky). If a child who has gone to school in the first grade cannot cope with the task in the literacy section, does not realize that a sound is pronounced and a letter is written, words consist of syllables, sentences can be made from words, etc., then naturally he has difficulties arise. The child no longer wants to go to school. The lion's share of a child's educational difficulties in grades 1-2 is a consequence of “tails” in preschool age, and therefore of parental omissions. It must be remembered that learning is considered as a two-way process, in which the teacher is the bearer of knowledge and experience and, as the organizer of learning, is considered the dominant figure.

The “training and education program” in kindergarten provides classes on preparing preschoolers for literacy once a week in the preparatory group, therefore, based on the study of advanced technologies on the problem of teaching children literacy in kindergarten (Povalyaeva M.A., 2000, Filicheva T.B., Cheveleva N.A., 1991, Kashe G.A., 1985, Zhurova L. E., 1974, Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V., 1999, Galkina G.G., 2003, Agranovich Z.E., 2004, Kuznetsova E.V., Tikhonova I.A. , 2008, Limanskaya O.N., 2009), preparation for It was decided to organize literacy training in circle classes. This was also facilitated by requests from parents concerned about the quality of preschool education for their children. This circle form of work makes it possible to solve the problem of teaching basic reading skills with a much greater effect, since it takes into account the individual characteristics of children, and also allows you to optimally dose the load on each child in the group. This program also partially uses speech therapy techniques and technologies for preschool children.

The overall goal of this program: This program is aimed at preventing violations of oral and written speech.

The program is designed for 1 year, for children 5-6 years old. The program is implemented outside the framework of the main educational activities. Number of classes – 1 time per week. Duration – 25-30 minutes. The work is carried out from the front. The proposed cycle of classes promotes the development of sound culture of speech, phonemic hearing, sound-letter analysis, as well as the development of attention, thinking, and memory. The manual develops interest and reading abilities.

Main directions of the program- Development of phonemic hearing and pronunciation aspects of speech;

Development of skills in sound-letter analysis of words;

Formation of letter gnosis;

Development of manual dexterity and graphomotor skills;

Development of mental operations, modeling of sound articulation;

Formation of interest in reading.

Development of mental processes.

Tasks of the work program: 1. Formation of interest in the learning process.

2. Development of sound culture of speech.

3. The ability to conduct sound analysis and synthesis of words, comparison of words by sound composition.

4. Development of skills to speak and listen to other people.

5. Development of interest and attention to the word, to one’s own speech, and to the speech of others.

6. Enrichment of children's vocabulary.

7. Assimilation of language units: sound, syllable, word, sentence.

The program takes into account general didactic principles:  Scientific;

 Systematicity;

 Gradual complication;

 Perspective;

 Availability;

 Connection with life.

For the first time, the question of preliminary sound exercises in the Russian method of teaching reading was raised by K.D. Ushinsky. He considered it necessary to develop children's speech hearing, the ability to hear individual sounds and their sequence in words. Professor R.I. Lalaeva, in a speech at the 1st international conference of the RAD in September 2004 (Russian Association of Dyslexia), noted that in order to master many spelling rules, the formation of the phonemic component of language ability is required (the ability to differentiate vowels - consonants, hard - soft and voiced - voiceless consonants phonemes, unstressed and stressed vowels). Therefore, in the system of this course in preparation for learning to read and write, quite a lot of time is devoted to children’s mastery of the concepts: sound, syllable, word, sentence, vowel, consonant, soft consonant, hard consonant, voiced consonant, voiceless consonant.

Considering gradual complication, these concepts are acquired in a certain sequence:

 Sounds of the surrounding world;

 Sounds made by humans (speech sounds);

 Vowel sounds;

 Consonants (without classification);

 Hard and soft agree;

 Consonants are voiced and voiceless.

At the same time, the following concepts are given:  Word;

 Offer;

 Emphasis.

Expected results. By the end of the course, children can:

 Distinguish between the concepts of “sound”, “syllable”, “word”, “sentence”.

 Identify words in a sentence and determine their place.

 Make a sentence with the given word.

 Compose words from ready-made syllables.

 Know that a word has one syllable – main, stressed.

 Have an idea of ​​the classification of sounds (vowel - consonant, hard - soft, voiced - voiceless).

 Conduct sound analysis of words with 3 – 4 sounds.

 Understand and distinguish between the concepts of “sound” and “letter”.

The material offered in the program is studied taking into account the individual psychophysiological characteristics of the child.

The first part of the program involves children mastering the sound side of speech and orientation in it.

The theoretical approach to the problem is based on the idea of ​​the patterns of speech development in preschool children.

The program implements a systematic, comprehensive, personal approach to the development of children.

A systematic approach considers ways for a child to master language in the unity of consciousness and activity.

An integrated approach requires the interaction of different sciences (psycholinguistics, pedagogy, linguistics, sociolinguistics).

The personal approach examines the process of teaching children to read and write in the light of the concept of development of a holistic personality with

taking into account the psychophysiological characteristics of children and their needs.

The program is not a static document, but a very flexible mechanism in organizing work with children of this age group.

Conditions for the program:

I. Systematic conducting of classes.

The need for classes is determined by the following

1) Conditions are created for mastering program tasks (correct pronunciation of sounds, familiarization with words and sounds, stress, the alphabetic system of the language, mastering initial reading skills, etc.).

2) The deficit in verbal communication is compensated.

3) The child’s attention is purposefully fixed on grammatical concepts and ideas about words, sounds, stress, letters, sentences, etc.

4) Learning skills are formed (understanding the educational task, its independent solution, self-control and self-esteem).

5) Conditions are created under which children not only master knowledge, skills and abilities, but also learn ways to independently comprehend them, as a result of which preschoolers develop thinking, memory, and imagination.

II. Creating conditions for independent activity of children.

It is very important not only to give preschoolers a certain amount of knowledge, skills and abilities, but also to provide the opportunity to use this knowledge, creating conditions for the child’s independent activity.

To do this, you need to have a sufficient number of board games and manuals.

You can use the teaching aid “Tell a Tale”, “Alphabet”.

III. Collaboration between teacher and family.

The success of cooperation is possible only when the teacher and parent realize the importance of targeted pedagogical influence on the child.

You can introduce parents to the “Preparing for Literacy” program at a parent meeting, in individual conversations, through the group’s information stand, where it is necessary to reflect what the child is doing in the group, and offer material for homework.

It is advisable to hold open classes twice a year so that parents can see their child in a group of peers and understand what problems he has.

Modern preschool education places increasingly high demands on the teacher, training and development, the amount of knowledge that needs to be transmitted is steadily growing, and the development of this knowledge should not be mechanical, but meaningful. Famous psychologist Vygotsky L.S. believed that learning should go ahead of the child’s overall development and lead him along, relying on the “zone of proximal development.” By being late in teaching, teachers lose the opportunity to regulate children's development and guide them along the right path. The most effective use of the child’s rich potential is carried out only when the period of special sensitivity to the assimilation of this or that material in his development has not yet passed.

According to the founder of Russian scientific methodology and pedagogy of primary education, K.D. Ushinsky, literacy education acts as the main, central subject, included in all other subjects and collecting their results.

Having worked with preschool children for many years, I noticed that it is children aged 5-6 years who develop an interest in letters and a desire to learn to read.

Studying the achievements of modern pedagogy and psychology from various sources, I came to the conclusion about the need for the developmental function of the program of the learning process. In my teaching activities I rely on the work experience of E.V. Kolesnikova. on the development of sound-letter analysis in preschoolers.

Club work is built on the principle of maximum use by the child of his own cognitive activity and sequential introduction of program material (that is, from simple to complex). The organization of training was thought out in such a way that:

    ensured cognitive interest and stability of voluntary attention,

    each child could participate in the process of completing tasks,

    Individual and differentiated approaches to children are used (strong and weak groups of children according to their level of knowledge and skills).

Classes are held in the form of games and play exercises using visual materials and toys. The use of this form of learning awakens children's interest in new knowledge, it is absorbed more deeply, and later they are willingly and actively used in independent activities. Children play didactic games with letters and words; read books, solved crosswords, diagrams, solved puzzles.

A large place in working with children is occupied by poetic texts, which are necessary not only for aesthetic education and speech development, but also for the formation and improvement of their speech hearing.

In literacy classes, children are given a variety of exercises and tasks to prepare their hands for the writing process, to develop attention, memory, and thinking.

In the process of performing independent work, comparing their own results with a given sample, children master the skills of self-control and self-esteem, and prepare their hands for writing.

Thus, during classes, children, in addition to the development of basic reading skills and initial writing skills, undergo comprehensive development: mental development, development of creative and psychophysical processes.

Literacy training is a complex process that includes several stages:

    preparatory stage - preparation for sound analysis of the word;

    the main stage is the formation of basic reading skills and initial writing skills.

The preparatory stage of training is preparation for sound analysis of a word.

At this stage, the foundations are laid for children to master literacy (reading and writing).

Purpose of the stage: preparing children to master the sound analysis of words.

Stage tasks.

1. Form in children the actions of intonation, drawing out, singing a sound in a word.

2. Teach them to identify the first sound in a word, the presence of a sound in a word, a frequently occurring sound in a poem.

3. Provide practical familiarity with hard and soft consonants without introducing the corresponding terms. Learn to distinguish them by ear.

4. Introduction of the terms “sound” and “word”.

5. Learn to name words with a given sound.

6. Develop speech attention and phonemic hearing.

Main stage- formation of basic reading skills and initial writing skills.

The methodology for developing basic reading and writing skills is divided into 4 sections.

    Getting to know all the sounds and letters of the Russian language.

    Development of sound-letter analysis of words.

    Learning to read.

    Formation of initial writing skills.

Section 1: Introducing all the sounds and letters of the Russian language


    Give an idea of ​​the sounds of the Russian language.

    Introduce the features of the pronunciation of vowels and consonants, with their schematic representation: blue circle - consonant sound, red circle - vowel sound.

    Show children the connection between sounds and letters.

    Formation of the skill of reading open and closed syllables.

An approximate sequence of familiarization with sounds and letters:

A, O, U, S, E, R, L, M, N, S-3, Sh-Zh, D-T, K-G, B-P, V-F, X, Ch, Shch, C, Y, I, I, Yu, E, E, b, b.

Exercises for detailed familiarization with the letter:

Examination of each letter, what it looks like, what elements the letter consists of, touching the letter (feeling a dimensional letter with your hands), laying out the letter from various materials, sculpting the letter, memorizing poems about each letter, guessing riddles, coming up with words for a given letter, “writing” letters using reference points, completing the missing elements of a letter, searching for a given letter among other letters, comparing a letter with other letters, typing a letter based on a sample.

It is necessary to work with individual split alphabets, since the learning process is more effective if the child “passes” letters and syllables through his fingers.

When learning letters, it is necessary to observe consistency and gradualism, carefully select words and compile syllable tables of different types for each lesson. Show the syllable-forming role of the vowel and the meaning of stress.

Section 2. Development of sound-letter analysis of words in preschoolers


    Distinguish sounds according to their qualitative characteristics: vowel, hard (soft) consonant.

    Teach children to determine the position of sound in a word.

    Teach children to determine the order of sounds in a word and individual sounds

    Learn to correctly correlate sounds and letters.

The order of sound-letter analysis of a word:

Pronouncing a word with intonation highlighting each sound (first, second, etc.);

Naming an isolated sound;

A characteristic is given to the sound (vowel, hard (soft) consonant);

Designation of sound with the corresponding chip;

- “read” by “write” (by chips);

Designation of a sound by a letter;

Determining the number of syllables.

When teaching children sound-letter analysis of words, a picture diagram of the sound composition of a word is used, showing how many sounds there are in a word.

Then the picture-scheme is replaced by a strip-scheme.

Carrying out a sound-letter analysis of a word for preschoolers is a complex process, so it needs to be developed gradually:

1. First, children learn to determine which vowel (consonant) sound is heard in a word.

For example. What vowel is heard in these words: house, smoke, moss, garden, beetle, onion, etc. What consonant is heard in the words: hurray, she, mustache, mind, mu, etc.

2. Then they learn to determine the position of the sound in a word (at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of the word).

For example:

Sound-letter analysis should begin in the older group with words consisting of 3 sounds (cheese, mustache, nose, ball, onion, beetle, house, smoke, cancer); then move on to words consisting of 4 sounds (moon, frame, balls, fish, rose, soap, umbrella, houses, mountain, duck, spider, scarf, etc.).

Then we move on to analyzing words with 5 or more sounds (bag, cat, desk, bucket, dog, cow, etc.).

Here are some exercises used in this section:

“Find out the sound and write the letter in the window”;
"Find a house for the letters";
“What vowel (consonant) sound is heard in the word”;
“Write the first and last letters of the word”;
“Where is the vowel sound hidden?”;
“What sound is hidden at the end of the word?”;
“Clap as many times as you hear sounds”;
“Name the sounds of the word”;
"Who made a mistake?";
“Help Mishka correctly arrange the sounds (letters) in order”;
“Make your name from letters”, etc.

By performing these exercises, children develop the ability to consistently isolate sounds and letters in words, as well as conduct a sound-letter analysis of words consisting of 3 or more sounds.

Section 3. Learning to Read


    1. Formation in children of the skill of smooth syllabic reading with a gradual transition to reading whole words and sentences.

      Introduce children to the concept of inflection (onion-varnish, house-smoke).

      Teach children to form words from syllables and individual letters, and sentences from individual words.

      Forming in children the skill of consciously reading short texts and understanding the meaning of what they read.

      Introduce basic spelling norms when reading short texts: pauses, logical stress, and in simple cases, observe intonation.

      Teach how to work independently with the scheme of words and sentences.

Teaching children to read begins after becoming familiar with the following letters:

A, O, U, Y, E, R, L, M, N.

All material for reading and “writing” in the initial periods of learning to read and write must be selected in such a way that its spelling completely coincides with pronunciation. Learn to read first forward and backward syllables, then three-letter monosyllabic (sok, suk) words. Then you can learn two-syllables (mustache, wasp, moon, roma, etc.). Much attention is paid to exercises on transforming words by replacing, rearranging, and adding sounds. This emphasizes the need for meaningful reading.

Section 4. Formation of initial writing skills


    Develop the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper, on a wide line.

    Development of fine motor skills of the hands.

    Mastery of a writing instrument and some graphic skills.

The optimal means of developing initial writing skills are albums with practical tasks, which give the child the opportunity to act independently (shading, coloring, connecting, completing drawings, etc.).

Here are some types of work:

    Hatching - before and after getting to know the letters. First, stencils with geometric shapes are used for shading, then stencils depicting objects and animal figures, as well as a set of different patterns, are used.

    Coloring letters according to the sample.

    Exercise for the development of fine motor skills of the hands: “trace the letter with your finger”, feeling with your hands a three-dimensional letter with your eyes closed, “finger alphabet” (draw a letter with your finger in the air, write on the table), “make a letter...”, “lay out a letter from... ", launching small "tops" with your fingers, tasks to connect letters and pictures, etc.

To improve the quality of education, based on the characteristics of children, I developed:

    long-term plan by quarters ();

    calendar and thematic planning ( Appendix 2).

    Each lesson includes didactic games and exercises ( Appendix 3).

Many years of experience in preparing children for literacy testifies: preschoolers are able to successfully master the initial skills of sound-letter analysis and synthesis, which is the basis for the formation of reading and writing.

    Extensive work was carried out with parents ( Appendix 4);

    a subject-specific development environment has been created that promotes children’s learning to read and write. ( Appendix 5)

III Program monitoring.


Examination of children under this program is carried out 2 times during the training period (at the beginning and at the end).

This makes it possible to see the dynamics of children’s assimilation of program requirements, and then, after analyzing the causes of individual gaps and shortcomings, to outline ways to correct them. In my diagnosis I am based on the basic program of education and training in kindergarten according to ed. M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova (M.; “Mosaic - Synthesis” 2005), a program for the education and training of preschool children with speech underdevelopment (Moscow, 2010) T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina.

As well as observations of children, questions, individual test tasks (E.V. Kolesnikova “Tests for 6-year-old children”, “Is your child ready for school?” - M.: “Yuventa”, 2001)

Speech is examined for the following reasons:

Sound pronunciation and phonemic perception;

B (high) – pronounces all sounds;

D (sufficient) – does not pronounce 1-2 sounds;

C (medium) – does not pronounce 2 to 5 sounds;

K (critical) – does not pronounce more than 5 sounds.


a) nouns;

b) verbs;

c) adjectives.

Connected speech:

a) compiling a story based on action;

b) compiling a story based on a presentation;

c) compiling a story based on a series of plot paintings;

d) compiling a story based on a plot picture;

d) retelling.


    Gvozdev A.N. Children's acquisition of the sound side of the Russian language. – St. Petersburg: Aksident, 1995.-64 p.

    Zhurova L. E. Development of sound analysis of words in preschool children // issues of psychology. No. 3-1963.

    Zhurova L.E., Elkonin D.B. On the issue of the formation of phonemic perception in preschool children // Sensory education of preschool children - M.: 1963.

    Lalaeva R.I., Serebryakova N.V. Formation of correct conversational speech in preschoolers. – St. Petersburg: Soyuz, 2004.

    Tkacheva L.F. Development of phonemic hearing in children as a prerequisite for successful mastery of phonetics and spelling // Questions of psychology. No. 4/19.

    Shvachkin N.Kh. Phonemic development of children's speech. – M.: Education, 1961.

    Zhurova, Vorontsova “Teaching preschool children to read and write,” M., 2001.

    Nefedova, Uzorova “Teaching reading”, 2000.



Quarterly planning.

1st quarter

Sound pronunciation.

1. Clarify the pronunciation of vowels and the easiest consonants in newly admitted children.

2. Continue automating the correct pronunciation of speech sounds in children who attended a speech therapy group.

1. Continue working on three-syllable words with a consonant cluster and a closed syllable (apricot, orange).

2. Work on monosyllabic words with consonant clusters at the beginning and end of words (elephant, bridge).

3. Work on two-syllable words with two consonant clusters (plank).

1. Consolidate children’s knowledge of vowels and consonants and their characteristics. Exercise children in distinguishing between vowels and consonants, in selecting words for given vowels and consonants.

2. To consolidate ideas about hardness-softness, deafness-voice of consonant sounds. Practice differentiating consonant sounds by hardness-softness, deafness-voiceness.

3. Strengthen the ability to isolate sound from a word. Exercise children in isolating sounds from words.

poppy, wasps, forest.

5. Learn to analyze and synthesize words like: mother, elephant, bridge, fox, leaf.

6. Strengthen the skills of syllabic analysis of words and analysis of sentences without a preposition.

Learn to analyze sentences with simple prepositions and draw up their graphic diagrams.

2. Continue working on developing correct voice delivery and fluency of speech. Observe the voice mode, do not force the voice or shout.

3. Teach children to arbitrarily change the strength of their voice: speak softer, louder, louder, quieter, whisper.

5. Teach children to speak at a calm pace.

6. Continue working on the clarity of diction and intonation expressiveness of speech.


1. Exercise children in “typing” and reading syllables and words with completed letters.

2. Introduce children to the letters: U, A, I, E, P, T, K, M, O, X, Y, Y, S.

4. Clarify children’s understanding of how a sound differs from a letter.

5. Exercise children in composing and reading vowel mergers AU, UA, OI, IA..., in reading closed syllables such as: AP, UK, OT; then in reading open types: PI, KO, TA….

cat current mom

Keith Mock Dad

kok mac puma

com like flour, etc.

7. Exercise children in recognizing the completed letters depicted with the missing element.

8. Practice finding correctly depicted letters in a row consisting of their correctly and mirror-written letters.

Teaching coherent speech.

1. Develop in children the desire to discuss what they see, talk about their experiences and impressions.

2. Continue teaching how to make a proposal based on pictures, and teach how to distribute the proposal.

3. Strengthen the ability to compose descriptive stories about objects based on the material of the lexical topics covered.

4. Learn to ask questions correctly. Stimulate the development and formation of not only cognitive interest, but also cognitive communication.

5. Improve the skill of retelling short texts.

6. Improve the skill of writing stories based on a picture and a series of paintings.

1. Improve children’s ability to form and use singular and plural nouns in speech (topics: “Trees”, “Vegetables”, “Fruits”, “Birds”, “Animals”, “Clothes”, “Shoes”, “Hats” ").

2. Continue work on teaching the agreement of adjectives with nouns, on the practical use of relative and possessive adjectives in speech (on the indicated topics).

3. Strengthen the ability to correctly use simple prepositions in speech, clarify the understanding of their meanings and begin to develop in children the ability to use complex prepositions: from under, from behind.

4. Clarify children’s understanding of the meanings of verbs with various prefixes ( feed, bend, tie up...) and begin to teach them education and practical use.

5. Improve the ability to coordinate numerals two, five with nouns.

1. Improve technical skills and abilities in creating new color tones and shades.

2. Continue to develop fine motor skills in finger gymnastics, entertaining exercises, working with mosaics, construction sets; stencils, strokes along the contour.

3. Develop artistic perception of works of art.

Physical development.

1. To form in children the need for daily, active physical activity.

2. Form correct posture.

3. Cultivate endurance and perseverance in achieving results.

4. Develop a good eye in children.

5. Improve basic movements ia, by introducing new, complexly coordinated species.

2nd quarter

Sound pronunciation.

1. Continue to work on automating the correct pronunciation of sounds for all children.

2. Form the correct pronunciation of hissing and sonorous sounds in newly admitted children.

Work on the syllabic structure of the word.

1. Work on four-syllable words made from open syllables ( corn)

Development of skills in sound and syllabic analysis and synthesis, sentence analysis.

1. Strengthen in children the ability to select words for a given sound.

2. Exercise children in distinguishing hard-soft, voiced-voiceless consonants in a series of sounds, syllables, words, in a sentence.

3. Improve the skills of isolating a given sound from a word.

4. Strengthen the ability to conduct sound analysis and synthesis of words like: dad, table, bush, linden.

5. Learn to analyze and synthesize words made from five sounds.

6. Improve the skill of sound analysis of words, analysis of sentences without prepositions and with simple prepositions. Exercise children in drawing up graphic diagrams of sentences.

Development of general speech skills.

1. Continue working on developing speech breathing.

2. Improve children’s ability to voluntarily change the strength, pitch and timbre of their voice.

4. Continue to work on clarity of diction and intonation expressiveness of speech.


1. Improving children’s “typing” and reading skills of syllables, words and sentences with completed letters.

2. Introduce children to the letters: Z, N, C, B, V, D, G, Sh, E, L, Zh, F, E, R.

3. Practice making letters from sticks or laying them out from string, sculpting letters from plasticine, cutting them out of paper, and drawing letters in the air.

4. Teach children how to solve puzzles, crossword puzzles, and isographs.

5. Improve the ability to transform letters, distinguish between correctly and incorrectly printed letters, and “complete” unfinished letters superimposed on each other.

Teaching coherent speech.

1. Improve the ability to compose stories about a subject on worked lexical topics using a collectively drawn up plan; by a series of paintings, by painting.

2. Teach children to compose stories from personal experience, talk about experiences related to what they read and saw.

3. Teach the use of accepted norms of polite verbal communication (listen carefully to the interlocutor, ask questions, construct statements briefly or broadly). Develop the communicative function of speech. Create conditions for children to communicate in play.

4. Improve retelling skills.

5. Learn to correctly construct and use complex sentences in speech.

Development of grammatical structure of speech.

1. Improve the ability to form and use singular and plural nouns in speech.

2. Introduce children to methods of word formation.

3. Continue working on teaching the agreement of adjectives with nouns.

4. Teach the correct use of relative possessive adjectives in speech.

5. Strengthen the ability to correctly use simple and complex prepositions in speech.

6. Continue to work on learning to form and use verbs with various prefixes in speech; verbs denoting labor actions.

Artistic and creative activity.

1. Develop the ability to impart stability to various structures when constructed from ready-made forms; replace parts, combine them.

2. Teach how to work with various tools.

3. Continue to develop children's creative activity.

Physical development.

1. Improve coordination of movements and balance.

2. To foster honesty, friendliness, and independence in the process of outdoor games and performing various physical exercises.

3. Continue to develop fine motor skills in finger exercises, tracing, shading, and games with construction sets.

3rd quarter

Sound pronunciation.

1. Complete the automation and differentiation of all sounds in children.

Work on the syllabic structure of the word.

1. Work on three-, four- and five-syllable words with a complex sound-syllable structure (thermometer, intersection).

Development of skills in sound and syllabic analysis and synthesis, sentence analysis.

1. Exercise children in selecting words for a given sound, in distinguishing between hard and soft, voiced and voiceless consonants, and isolating sounds from words.

2. Strengthen the ability to conduct a complete sound analysis of words like: bowl, machine.

3. Form the idea that the letters b and b do not represent sounds.

4. Improve the skill of syllabic analysis. Learn to divide four-syllable words into syllables.

5. Improve the skill of analyzing simple sentences without prepositions and with simple prepositions. Learn to analyze simple sentences with complex prepositions. Exercise children in drawing up graphic diagrams of sentences.

6. Consolidate knowledge of known spelling rules.

Development of general speech skills.

1. Develop the duration of speech exhalation.

2. Continue to work on the tempo and rhythm of speech, clarity of diction, and intonation expressiveness of speech in everyday communication.

3. Improve the sonority and mobility of the voice.


1. Strengthen the skill of “typing” syllables, words, sentences

2. Introduce children to the letters: Yu, Ch, Shch, Ya, b, b.

3. Exercise children in solving crossword puzzles, solving puzzles, and reading isographs.

4. Learn to recognize letters from different fonts, distinguish between correctly and incorrectly printed letters; letters superimposed on each other.

5. Learn the alphabet.

6. Ensure the formation of initial skills in mastering written language.

Teaching coherent speech.

1. Improve the skills of full and brief retelling, descriptive story, story based on a picture and a series of paintings, story from personal experience.

2. Develop children’s individual abilities in creative speech activity.

3. Develop the ability to select the most interesting and significant events and episodes for creative stories, finding the original form of transmission, including in the narrative a description of nature and the surrounding reality, using verbal and non-verbal means.

4. Encourage children to make statements and describe what they saw.

Development of grammatical structure of speech.

1. Reinforce the correct use of relative and possessive adjectives in speech, agreement of adjectives and numerals with nouns.

2. Reinforce the correct use of simple and complex prepositions in speech.

3. Learn to coordinate possessive pronouns with nouns.

4. Improve the ability to form comparative adjectives.

Artistic and creative activity.

1. Improve artistic skills in plot works.

2. Teach methods of construction from various waste materials.

Physical development.

1. Continue to develop motor skills in finger exercises and working with stencils.

2. To develop the skills of correct posture in static positions and movements in games.

3. Encourage children to show independence in organizing games.

4. Maintain interest in various sports.

Cooperation with parents of preschool children.

Family and educational institutions are two important institutions for the socialization of children. Their educational functions are different, but for the full development of the child their interaction is necessary.

Unfortunately, most often work with parents in preschool educational institutions is carried out only in those areas of pedagogical propaganda in which the family is only the object of influence. As a result, feedback from the family is not established, and the opportunities for family education are not fully used.

To fill this gap, I use the following models of interaction with parents:

1. Educational model , focused not only on developing a positive attitude towards additional education among parents, but also on their active participation in the educational process.

Within this model, I use the following forms of interaction with the family:

    Classes with parents, which involve increasing their competence in the field of the individual and age characteristics of the child and in the field of activities offered by the program. Parents need to understand what their children are doing and, to the best of their ability, develop and support what they are taught.

    Parental participation in educational activities: parents choose a topic from an area of ​​knowledge close to them and prepare the lesson together with their child. It is important that this is not a story, but an action - competitions, experiments, games in which all children actively participate.

2. Model of sensory communication , which involves creating favorable conditions for self-expression that help the child gain self-confidence, learn to openly and sincerely express his feelings, both positive and negative. This helps a person live in harmony with himself, and therefore with others.

Also, “open” classes for parents are held quarterly throughout the year.


Calendar and thematic planning

Number of classes

Strengthen children's understanding of words. Isolating the first sound in a word. We write: I I I.

Sound and letter A. Vowel sounds. Typing the letter A.

Rule : We hear and speak sounds, and we write and read letters!


Sound and letter U. Letter: Letter U, shading. Sound analysis and reading of AU. Printing: AU, UA. The first sound in words.

Sound and letter I. Kingdom of vowels. Writing the letters studied: AUI, IUA, UIA, IA. Sounds A, U, I. Rule : There are as many syllables in a word as there are vowels. Dividing words into syllables.

Sound and letter M. Consonants (hard, soft, voiced, voiceless) Reading syllables: AM, UM, IM, etc. Printing the letter M; syllables: AM, UM, IM, MI; words MA-MA.

Vowel sound and letter O. Name the last sound in the words: window, heat Typing from dictation: O, OM, MO, O. Reading: OM, UM, AM, MO, MU, MA. Sound-letter analysis of syllables.

Sounds X, Xh. Letter X. Isolating the last sound in words like: moss, fluff... Sound analysis of words: MAX, MOSH, MUH. Typing: 1) Letters X, 2) Syllables and words under dictation: AH, MAX, OX, MOX, UH, MUH Letter X. Division into syllables (1,2,3 syllables). Isolation of the sound X: a) at the beginning of a word; b) at the end; c) in the middle of a word. Typing: a) syllables: AH, OH, UH, IH, HA, HO. b) words: MAX, MOSS, EAR, FLY. Reading words and syllables.


Sound and letter Y. Formation of the plural of nouns. Printing: a) letters Y, b) syllables: YM, YH, WE, XY; Reading sentences Sounds: N, Нь. Letter N. Vowels and consonants. Finding the place of a sound in a word. Reading syllables: AN, UN, IN - NA, NU. Consonants: hard and soft. Sound analysis: NINA. Printing: 1) letter N, 2) syllables: AN, NA, UN, NU, IN.

Letters M and N. Consolidation of what has been learned. Reading syllables and words. Isolation of the initial consonant sound. Development of fine motor skills. Sounds: S, S. Letter S. Sound analysis of words. Reading syllable tables. Definition of sound in a word. Exercises with split alphabet.

Drawing up proposals. Number of words in a sentence. Printing sentences.

Rules: 1) Start your sentence with a capital letter! 2) Write the words separately from each other! 3) Put a period at the end of the sentence! 4) Write people's names with a capital letter! Reading sentences.

Sounds P, P. Letter P. Development of auditory attention. Sound analysis of words: SOUP, POOH, PAPA, PUMA, PEONY. Consonant sounds (voiced-voiceless; hard-soft). Reading syllable tables.


Sounds K, K. Letter K. Reading syllables, words, sentences. Game "Live Sounds".

Sounds T, Th. Letter T. Rule : Write people's names with a capital letter! (repetition). Sound-letter analysis of words: CAT, WHALE. Typing from dictation: cat, whale, whales, Nata, Tom. Dividing words into syllables. Determining the place of sound in words.

Sounds R, Ry. Letter R. Reading syllables and words. Isolating a given sound from words.

Work in copybooks and with split alphabet. Tongue Twisters

Sound and letter Sh. Development of auditory attention in the game: “Remember, repeat.” Reading sound tables. Sound analysis of words. Typing words from dictation: porridge, porridge, cat, midge, bear. Reading the story "The Cat and the Mouse". Retelling.


Consolidation. Rule : shi - always write with the letter I! Reading words with the syllable -shi-. Reading and typing sentences.

S/W differentiation. Hissing and whistling sounds. Game: “On the contrary” (replacing s to w). Tongue Twisters. Reading sentences with given words. Game: "Make a proposal."

Sounds L, L. Letter L. Determining the place of sound in words. Reading words, syllables, sentences.

Work in copybooks.

Differentiation r/l. Development of phonemic hearing. Tongue Twisters.

Sound-letter analysis of words. Final lesson. Vowels and consonants. Reading a story. Guess and complete the letters

Sounds B, B. Letter B. Determination of quantity and sequence. sounds in words and syllables. Sound analysis of words: BIM, BOM, BANT, BAND. Prevention of dysgraphia. "The letters are broken." Voiced consonants. Differentiation p/b. Voiced and voiceless consonants. Prevention of dysgraphia. Put together a proposal. Game "Which letter is missing?" (p/b)


Sounds Z, Z. Letter Z. Sound-letter analysis of words: bison, Zina, umbrella. Game: "Finish the word." Work in copybooks. Differentiation of wages. Voiced and voiceless consonants. Prepositions S,ZA. Compiling a descriptive story. Work in copybooks. Reading words, syllables, sentences.

Sounds V, V. Letter B. Development of phonemic hearing in the game: “Remember and repeat.” Dividing words into syllables. Reading the syllabic table. Crossword. Reading a short story. Answers on questions.

Sounds D, D. Letter D. Tongue twisters. Sound-letter analysis of words. Diminutive suffixes. Reading a short story and retelling it. Proposal outline.

Differentiation d/t. Voiced and voiceless consonants. Selection of words for the diagram. Game: “On the contrary” (development of phonemic hearing)

Sounds G, Gy. Letter G. Composing words from syllables. Prevention of dysgraphia. Plural of nouns. Crossword. Differentiation h/c. Singular nouns. Compiling questions. Work in copybooks.


Sound and letter Z. Determining the place of sound in words. Reading words and syllables.

Rule : Zhi, like Shi, is written with the letter I!

Changing the verb over time. Diminutive suffixes. Game: "The letter is lost." A tongue twister about a beetle. Selection of words for the diagram. Differentiation w/f. Reading words, syllables, sentences. Words are objects, words are actions. Drawing up proposals.

Vowel sound E. Vowel sounds. Reading words and sentences. Work in copybooks.

Letter E. Compound vowels. Reading. Compiling questions. Selection of objects for action. Words-signs. Composing words from syllables.

Soft consonant J (mine, yours). Selection of features. Changing words according to the model. Selecting a word for a diagram. Learning an excerpt from a poem.

Sound and letter C. Reading syllables, words. Nouns are masculine and feminine. Related words. Reading a story, asking questions, retelling. Differentiation s/c. Reading syllable rows. Prevention of syllable series. Working on a proposal.

Letter F. Reading words and sentences. Composing words from syllables. Work in copybooks. Differentiation in/f. Voiced and voiceless consonants. Prevention of dysgraphia. Graphic dictation.


Vowel letter Y. Hard and soft consonants. Sound-letter analysis of words. Compiling and writing sentences (mine, mine, mine) Reading a story and retelling it.

Sound and letter Ch. Sound analysis of words. Formation of patronymics. Reading and writing. Purely speaking.

Letter E. Sound-letter analysis of words. Letter. Purely speaking. Changing sentences according to the model. Changing words according to meaning. Composing words from syllables.

Letter Y. Soft consonants. Changing sentences according to the model. Pure talk. Prevention of dysgraphia. Work in copybooks.


b sign. Hard and soft consonants. Reading and retelling a short story. Proposal outline. Singular and plural nouns.

Sound and letter Sh. Rule : Remember that the sound Ш, like Х, is always soft! Reading words and tongue twisters. Changing actions according to the model. Formation of names of people by profession.

Letter b. Changing words according to the model. Hard and soft consonants. Reading and retelling a short story. Genitive nouns.

Final lesson. Reading and retelling short texts. Puzzles, crosswords, riddles, puzzles.

Total 35 hours


Didactic games and exercises

" Wind - breeze " The teacher offers to stand near the chairs. For the word "wind"children should raise their hands, swing them strongly (like trees sway in the wind) and sing a song loudly - mm-mm. On the word "breeze" childrenshould sit down, quietly sing the song of the wind - shhhh and slightlyswing your arms (like grass sways in a weak wind).

" The bugs have arrived ". Educator: "Let's imagine that there is a forest outside this window. They live therebeetles. They fly towards us and buzz: w-w-w. (First quietly, and thenlouder). We got tired and sat down to rest on a piece of paper - our palm. We rested andflew back into the forest.

"Pump". The teacher suggests making a circle - a ball. "This is the kind of ball we have, buthe is deflated - shhhh (the teacher and children run up to the middle of the circle).Let's inflate him with a big pump - ssss (the children move back, theyThey practice inflating the ball with a pump, pronouncing - s-s-s). We pumped it up so much that it burst - sh-sh-sh (children pronounce the sound "sh" and run awayto the middle of the circle). Now let's inflate the ball with a small pump -s-s-s-s (children imitate the operation of a small pump, making the sound“s”, make a circle).

" Be careful" . Educator: “If I call big brother the sound “s,” then you raisethrow your hands up and clap, if I call little brother - the sound is “s”, you will sit down.”

" Tell me how I am." The teacher pronounces the word with intonation highlighting one sound and throws the ball to the child. He, having caught the ball, repeats the word like the teacher and throws the ball to the teacher

" Zoo". Educator: “Here is the zoo. Various little animals will live here. I have them in a box for now. You can take the little animal to the zoo only when you correctly say the first sound of its name (name). Children take turns coming up, taking the little animal, calling it, calling it the first sound of the word, they place it in the “zoo”.

" Find a mate." The teacher distributes 1 subject picture to the children, but in such a way thatif two children had words - names that began with the same sound (car- raspberry, table - elephant).

Educator: “Look at what is drawn in your picture, think about what sound this word begins with. Now let’s go for a walk, and at the “Look” signal you should find yourself a friend, whose name should begin with the same sound as your word. Keep the pictures where they can be seen."

"Name the first sound." Educator: “I will say a word, and the one to whom I throw the ball mustcall the first sound of this word and throw the ball to me."

"The kiosk is open." Educator: “I will work as a kiosk, selling postcards. ButYou can only buy a postcard if you name it correctlyan object that is drawn and 1 word sound." (Postcards of your choice teacher).

"Find your brother." Option I: The teacher gives each person 1 subject picture and, together with the children, determines the first sounds of the names; Pictures are laid out on the table so that each child can find an object whose name begins with the brother of its sound (the name of its object)

II option: "I will call big brother, and the one to whom I throw the ball must call him little brother."

"Say the words." The teacher asks to name words that begin with the sound"l" and then "l".

The sound is lost"

1. S. lives in the zoo. he (elephant) is like a house, he is huge.

Clarify with the children what sound is lost? (l)

2. It's dark for us. We ask dad to turn it up brighter. pu. (lamp)

Children name the word and the missing sound, (a)
3. The chick jumped along the path and pecked at the big cats. (crumbs)

Give the children the task of identifying which sound is missing.

Who is attentive" 1st option: Invite children to clap their hands only when they hear the given sound in the words.

2nd option: Determine the first sound in the words: ram, birch, butterfly, Pinocchio, beret. Name the words in which the sound is “B”, and in which there is “By”

3rd option: Invite children to find the same sound in the words: ticks, sorrel, goldfinch, box, lizard, cheek.

Live sounds” Option 1: The teacher offers to play with sounds: “Natasha will be the sound “A”, and you, Sasha, will be the sound “U”. You will sing “songs” with the sounds one after another. Whoever I put my hand on the shoulder will begin to sing a song when I take it away , he must stop singing (the teacher first puts his hand on the shoulder of one, and then simultaneously removes his hand from the shoulder of the first child and puts the other hand on the shoulder of the other child).

II option: After the word has been sorted out at the board and laid out schematically with chips, the teacher offers to play with sounds, calls the children and names a sound for each of them: “Nadya will be the first sound in the word “house” - the sound “d”. Go, Nadya, take it your chip. Which cell is it in? Correctly, in the first one. Vitya - the second sound in the word "o". to make this word."

III option: "You are the sounds of this word.... Take the chips, who wants what sound be. Now come to me, the first sound of the word..., the third sound of the word..., the second sound of the word.... Think about how you need to stand up to make this word.”

"Which sound?" ( with cards - chips). The teacher shows a blue chip - the child names any consonant sound if the teachershows a red circle, children oncall a vowel sound. And vice versa.

"Find your brother." The teacher hands out pictures that begin with a hard letter.vowel sound. On the board they must find a picture startingthe same, but soft consonant sound.

"Say the words." I option: The teacher suggests finding words with some sound, for examplemeasure, "r", and pronounce them so that this sound is clearly audible. BehindFor every correctly named word, the child receives a chip as a reward.- a toy, so that later you can count and determine the ditator.

II option: You can invite children to name words in which the given soundthere would definitely be the first, in the middle, the last.

"Guess what." There are pictures on the board, diagrams of words on the table. Children must match the name of the picture with the diagram of the word.

"Guess my word." The teacher says: “I thought of a word that begins with the syllable"ma". Try to guess my word. And the answer is drawn on the cardteen It's lying on my table. I'll show it to you at the end of the game." Children name different words starting with the syllable "ma" (10-12 words).After finishing the game, the teacher shows his picture.

"Telegraph". Educator: “I will name the words, and you must tap out with a pencil the number of syllables in the named word - “transmit the word by telegraph.”

"How many sounds did you hear?" The teacher expressively pronounces individual sounds and syllables mixed together (m, ra, u, us, we, k...). Children clap 1 time per sound, 2 times per syllable.

"Roll call". The teacher names different sounds mixed together - vowels and consonantnew Children whose names begin with the named sound stand up.

"Let's build a house." The teacher says that he is going to draw a house and draws only one wall on the board. Children must name the parts of the house that need to be completed. You can name only those words that have the sound “r”. Children name: “Roof, attic, frame, porch, chimney.” The teacher draws all the named objects schematically on the board.

"Look up the word." The teacher says that in the Russian language there are words that like to play hide and seek. These are short words, they hide in longer oneswords. In order to find a short word, you need to divide the long one into syllables. For example, you need to find a word that is hidden in a wordve "sand". (Children divide words into syllables - sand). What word was hidden? (Juice).

The teacher names other words in which the second syllable is an independent word: fisherman, Boris, pie, fist, beans, king. Children look for words “hidden” in them.

"Carlson's diet." Target: teach to find words starting with a given letter and read them (if it is difficult, with the help of a teacher).

Benefits: 1) toy - Carlson; 2) cards with words:

M - milk, butter, meat, ice cream, fruit drink, marmalade, pasta;

K - candy, strawberry, coffee, cutlet, cupcake, potato, compote.

Progress: Educator: “Carlson revealed his little secret to me today. It turns out that in order to feel good and not get too fat, Carlson will go on a diet - one day he will eat foods that begin with the letter “M”, and the next day - with the letter "K". That's what the doctor advised him and also wrote down the foods he should eat. But Carlson doesn't know how to read. So he came to us for help. Let's help him find the foods starting with the letter "M". reads (if it’s difficult, the teacher helps). Carlson’s diet can be any letter.

Chain of words" Target: develop attention, learn to find a word starting with a given letter.

Aids: 1) cards with words: nose, elephant, rhinoceros, geese, turkey,cow, orange, hole, watermelon, tooth, badger, mole, throne;

2) toy "Parsley".

Organization: The cards are scattered on the table. Children stand around the table.

Progress: The game is played in two versions:

1. Educator: “Today Parsley will play with you. He doesn’t know how to read words yet, but he knows individual letters. Now Parsley will pick up a card with a word, and you must find the word starting with the last letter. Whoever finds it first will get a card. Let’s see, who is the most attentive and smart. For example, Parsley picks up the word “badger”, it ends with the letter “K”. You must find a word starting with this letter (mole).

2. (In junior and middle groups) - children find words not at speed, but in turns (as they stand).

In this game, reading is done with the help of a teacher; children independently record the first and last letters.

"Find words starting with the syllable..." Target: teach children to find the right words for a given syllable, read word together with the teacher.

Benefits: cards with words starting with different syllables.

SA - sled, sled, herring, plane, shoemaker, net, lard, boot;

MA - Marina, Masha, raspberry, car, oil, brand, Malvina;

LI - fox, linden, Lida, rain, lemonade, lemon, line;

BU - pin, bud, bouquet, bottle, paper, beads, bug, Pinocchio

Organization: There are two cards laid out on the table. Don’t take it at once more than three syllables and 3 - 4 words for each syllable (for example, RU, MA, LI - 3-4 words). Task: who can find the most words for the syllable MA? Etc. Children sitting around table.

"Who was it?" Target: teach children to find words that contain the named letter, andread words with the help of a teacher.

Benefits: 1) pictures of a duck and chicken; 2) card with the words: duck, parsley, goose, pigeons, peTukh, magpie, starlings, rowan, viburnum, grass, cranberry, spikelets.

Progress and organization: The teacher and children are sitting at the table. Cards are laid out on the table. Pictures (duck and chicken) in the hands of the teacher.

Educator: “Once upon a time there were a duck and a chicken. Look what they were like. And their names were like this: the duck’s name began with the letter U. Find this word (we read together). And the chicken’s name began with the letter P. Find this word. Let's read, what was her name? - Pestrushka.

She invited those birds whose names contained the sound U. What kind of birds were they? Who guessed? (Goose, pigeons, rooster). And Pestrushka invited those whose names contained the letters S and R. Look who came to her? (Magpie, starlings). The guests were treated to delicacies, their names included the letters A (rowan, grass), K (viburnum, cranberry, spikelets). They chirped merrily and listened to the stories of the white-sided magpie, which always knows everything about everyone."

"What have the brothers collected?" Target: 1) teach children to find words with a given letter; 2) consolidate knowledge of letters.

Benefits: cards: Vanya, Kolya, strawberry, apple, strawberry, saffron milk caps, boletus, pear, tangerine.

Progress: Educator: “Two brothers were walking through the forest. Their names were like this: in the name of one there was the letter B, and in the name of the other - O. What were their names? Find their names (Vanya, Kolya). They met a girl Masha in the forest. Vanya helped her collect berries whose names contain the letter K (strawberries, strawberries), and Kolya - mushrooms, also with the sound K. What mushrooms were in the girl’s basket (Rizhiki, boletus mushrooms).

The brothers walked Mashenka home, helped him carry the basket, and Masha treated Vanya and Kolya to fruits, their names included the letters M, L, G - (apple, pear, tangerine)."

"The Mystery of Parsley." Target: teach children to find words that contain the letters P, T, S andread the words with the help of the teacher.

Aids: 1) cards with words: boletus, milk mushrooms, saffron milk caps, russulaki, boletus, honey mushrooms, sow mushrooms, boletus, boletus; 2) “letter” from Petrushka.

Progress: The teacher tells the children that he received a letter from Parsley.In this letter, Parsley asks the children a riddle. The teacher reads letter:

Hello guys! I now live in the country, walk in the forest. I love picking mushrooms in the forest. I bring a lot of mushrooms home. Guess what mushrooms I collect if their names contain the letter P (boletus mushrooms, milk mushrooms, russula); letter T (butter, honey mushrooms); letter C (russula, pigs); letter I (boletus, boletus)."

"Where is your name, guess." Target: consolidate children's knowledge of the letters of their name.Progress: During a walk, the teacher draws several squares on the ground with the children and tells them that the children’s names are hidden in them. The first of them contains those with the letter K (Kolya, Oksana, Maxim, Vadik).In the second - with the letter Sh (Masha, Shura, Natasha, Grisha). In the third - withletter O (Roma, Vova, Olya). In the fourth - with the letter I (Ira, Marina, Igor, Kirill).

Note: You can make a cut out paper house with empty windows and a different number of windows. Question: "Who lives on what floor?"

"Who lives where?" Target: teach, by reading individual words, to select the necessary names for the picture.

Benefits: 1) pictures of animals in their house: honeyafter all, a fox in a hole, a squirrel in a hollow, a starling in a birdhouse, a dog in a horsere, crow in the nest; 2) cards with the words: den, hollow, birdhouse, hole, kennel, nest.

Organization: d The kids are sitting at the table. They choose a picture of the animal they like. Cards with words from the teacher.

Progress: The teacher shows the word on the card, the children read it syllable by syllable and guess “whose house this is.”

"Feed the animals." Target: teach children to read individual words, match them to pictureswords that fit the meaning.

Benefits: 1) pictures (small) depicting animals: cats, dogs, chickens, cows, goats, squirrels;

2) cards with the words: milk, fish, millet, bone, grass (two cards), meat, mushrooms, nuts.

"Help Mishutka." Target: learn to read words and phrases, find a given word.

Benefits: 1) toy - Mishutka; 2) “jars” cut out of cardboard with painted types of jam and inscriptions: raspberry, cherry, sweet cherry; 3) greeting cards with the inscriptions: “Happy New Year”house", "Happy housewarming", "March 8", "Happy birthday".

Organization: on the first table there are jars; on the second table there are postcards laid out.

Progress: Educator: “It’s Mishutka’s grandmother’s birthday. Mishutka knows what gift to give her. He will send her a jar of her favorite raspberry jam, but how can she find it? There are many shelves in the kitchen, all of them are lined with jars. The jars are labeled, but unfortunately Mishutka doesn’t know how to read. Help him find raspberry jam, otherwise he will try from every jar and his stomach will hurt." Children find it. And now Mishka is going to the post office. Children come to the second table. “There are a lot of different cards at the post office, but Mishutka needs to choose “Happy Birthday.” Help him choose a card for his grandmother.”

"Say it in one word." Target: teach children to combine objects according to common characteristics and yesGive them one name, having first read it syllable by syllable.

Benefits: 1) pictures with various items from the series: toys, dishes, clothing, transport;

2) cards with words: transport, clothes, toys, shoes, flowers, dishes, etc.

Organization: 1) for one game, no more than 5 words are taken.

2) pictures depicting objects are arranged according toconcepts in younger groups - picture up, and in older groups- word up).

The children are given a task: come up with a way to name different objects in one word (poppy, tulip, rose - flowers), etc. and choose the right name for each group of objects.

"Find the word backwards." Target: teach children to read individual words, find the oppositea word with no meaning.

Benefits: cards with words: far, close, joyfully, sad, greedy, kind, high, low, thin, fat, coward, brave, cold, hot, dark, light.

Organization: Cards of the same meaning are laid out on one table, and antonyms on the second.

Move: D They are divided into two groups:

    group - at one table,

    the group is at another table.

Children take turns from one group and from another:

    raise and call the word;

    from another group they find a word that has the opposite meaning.

"Shop". Target: consolidate knowledge of letters.

Material: mittens, gloves, knee socks cut out of cardboard, shoes: shoes, slippers, sandals. Each pair has the same letters written on the reverse side.

Stroke: d The children are given one item from each pair, and the second item is given to the store clerk. In the store, things are turned upside down. Children come to the store and ask to sell an item, naming the desired letter.

"Twins". (Second version of the game "Shop").

Two pairs of identical shoes, knee socks, socks, mittens, dresses, aprons, etc. are made. Things of twins, for example, two dresses, exactly the same, noses with different letters. Children come to the store and buy themselves a second item, saying their letter.

"Confusion". The teacher says that Bunny wanted to put together 3 words: mom, dad, baba, but he got confused. Children read in chorus what the Bunny put together. They offer to correct the Bunny's mistake, right? put a word together.

"Name Games" Conducted in the following sequence:

    "put your name together with letters"

    “read it backwards” (in this case, the letters for the child’s name are selected in advance, and no extra letters are given),

    "read your name on the table"

    "Whose name did I mention?"

    “show your name” (cards with names are laid out on the teacher’s table. Children take turns finding their name),

    "1, 2, 3 - run to your name."

"Find your house." The teacher distributes 1 vowel letter to the children. 2 presenters are selected. One is given a blue chip, the other a green one. Wake uptatel addresses the children: “The weather was good, and all the vowelsthe letters went out for a walk. Suddenly the sky darkened, the sun hidbehind the clouds, and it started to rain. The letters saw houses. One of them washis colors. There lived a hard consonant sound, the other green. A soft consonant sound lived in him. We decided to hide the letters from the rain in the houses. And to enter the houses, you need to remember after whataccording to the sound the vowel letter you are holding is written and enter house
“Name the words according to the given model Voss: “Pinocchio brought you toys. The names of the toys are hidden in these

“houses” (schemes). Guess what word for toy is hidden in this “house”. In the same way, children guess words according to other schemes.

Exercises for intonation highlighting of any consonant sound: "Say it like I do" "Say it like a doll"; “Say it so that the doll can hear the song”; “Finish the word” (to... (m), with... (m)); "Sing the song of the wind (beetle)"; “Make the sound of a hammer loudly”; "Who can speak so that we can hear the sound of the drum."

Exercises to determine the first sound in a word: “Name the word so that we can clearly hear the first sound”; “Name the first sound of the word”; “The one who correctly names the first sound will go to the zoo”; “Find yourself a match” (picture with the same sound); “Let’s collect a bouquet for our mothers” (the child must name the flower, name the first sound of the word and put the picture on the flannelgraph).

Exercises to distinguish between hard and soft consonants: "Find brother"; "Guess whose ball it is"; “Find friends for your “older” and “younger” brothers”; "Guess who we're going to visit"; “Say how the big (small) bell rings”; "Sing the song of the big (small) pump"; “Arrange the pictures in the blue and green circles.”

Exercises to distinguish between the concepts of “sound” and “word”: “Collect “tasty words” in a basket”; “Name the toys in the store”; “Tell me what sounds you heard in the forest”; “Tell me whose song this sound sounds like.”

Exercises to develop phonemic hearing and speech attention nia: "What sound (whose song) is often found in these words, poem"; “Tell me which words are similar in the poem”;“Choose the right word”;"Give me a word";"Be careful";"Say it right";"Take for a ride in the car only those animals whose names include“bell song” (sound “z”) and others.


Long-term plan for working with parents.

1. Survey of parents using a questionnaire:

A) do you think children should be taught to read in kindergarten? Why?

B) would you like your child to learn to read before school?

Q) where would you like to teach your child to read: at home, in kindergarten, at school?

    Introduction to the methodology. Parental consent.

    Assistance in the production of teaching aids.

    Design of a folder - movement for parents "Games and exercises to prepare preschoolers for learning to read and write."

    Open Day.

    Conversation: “What kind of work can be done at home on this topic?”

    Conversation "Learning by playing."

    Parent meeting "Children's results".

    Consultation "Home Library".

10. Help with homework (memorizing poems and assignments in albums).

11. Filling out the section in the corner for parents “Learning to read.”

12.Open lesson at the end of the year.

13. Parents' meeting: "Our successes."

14. Exhibition of books for home independent reading.


Subject development environment

- Selection of pictures for all sounds of the native language (animals, toys, plants, etc.)
- Sets of toys of wild, domestic animals, birds, fruits, vegetables, etc.
- Pictures and diagrams of sound analysis of words (demonstration and handouts for each child).
- Strip diagrams of the sound composition of words.
- Chips (6 pieces each: red, blue, green) for demonstration and distribution.
- Multifunctional punch cards.
- Benefits: “Windows”, “Chamomile”, “Sound Clock”.
- Albums with tasks for each child.
- Puzzles for children.
- Letters from the split alphabet.
- Different types of alphabets.
- Didactic games with letters and words.
- Children's literature (“Grammar in pictures”, “Developing attention”, books for beginners to read).

Russian Federation

Republic of Adygea

Municipal entity "City of Maykop"

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Center for diagnostics and consultation LOCUS"



Protocol No. ___ dated



Deputy Director






Order No. ___ dated “__”_____20


additional education


(teaching elements of literacy)

Age of students: 5-6 years

Implementation period – 1 year

Compiled by: ____Nazarova O.V._______

The program is developed in accordance with

E.V. Kolesnikova

“From sound to letter. Preschool education

elements of literacy."

2018 – 2019 academic year.


Target section

    Explanatory note……………………………………………………..

    Planned results of studying the program…………………….

Content section

    Contents of the program……………………………………………………………………

Literacy (reading)………………………………………………………………

Teaching literacy (writing)………………………………………………………………

Organizational section


Target section

    Explanatory note.

The “Literacy” program is based on the author’s program by E.V. Kolesnikova “From sound to letter. Teaching preschoolers the elements of literacy."

Programdirected on the general, intellectual development of children.

Relevance of the program. The program provides a system of exciting games and exercises with sounds, letters, and words that will help children form mental operations, teach them to understand and complete an educational task, master verbal communication skills, and also promote the development of fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.

Target programs: implementation of an integrated approach to the speech development of children and preparing them for literacy.

Program objectives.


    Formation and development of phonemic hearing

    Development of pronunciation skills

    Teach children to master the sound side of speech - tempo, intonation

    Getting to know the syllabic structure of words

    Formation of the ability to correctly construct a sentence, use prepositions, extend a sentence, and use the construction of a complex sentence.

    Formation of the ability to retell, compose short stories from pictures, using simple sentences

    Expanding children's vocabulary

    Formation and development of sound-letter analysis

    Preparing a child's hand for writing


    Development of auditory perception

    Development of graphic skills

    Development of fine motor skills

    Introducing children to fiction


    Developing the ability to work

    Fostering independence in completing tasks

    Fostering moral qualities, namely tolerance and goodwill towards others.

Features of the program .

The program maintains continuity with the children’s previous knowledge and experience and with subsequent training. The teaching methods used in the work correspond to the age characteristics of the child.

The content of the program is divided into 2 stages of training:

1st half of the year - development of sound culture and phonemic hearing.

2nd half of the year - development of sound-letter analysis, interest and reading abilities

At this stage of trainingnot placed the task of teaching children to read and write . The main task of this stage is to introduce children to material that gives food to the imagination, affecting not only the intellectual, but also the emotional sphere of the child. In addition, at each stage, the task of preparing a child’s hand for writing is solved at the level of age characteristics and includes:

    development of basic movements (exercises for arms, legs, torso);

    development of fine motor skills (exercises for fingers and hands);

    formation of graphic skills

The material is studied in blocks:

1block -

Block 2 - Introduction to hard and soft consonants (1st stage)

Sounds and letters (2nd stage)

3rd block - repetition

Features of the age group of children 4 – 5 years old.

At the age of 4-5, children’s vocabulary increases noticeably due to words denoting the properties and qualities of objects. By the age of 5, the vocabulary is about 2000 words.

Significant changes occur in the assimilation of the grammatical structure of speech: children learn to coordinate the names of objects with adjectives in gender, number and case, navigate the endings of words, and begin to actively use prepositions.

Speech becomes coherent and consistent. Both dialogic and monologue speech develop. Children can engage in group conversation, retell fairy tales and short stories, and make up stories using pictures or toys.

Features of the age group of children 5–6 years old.

The vocabulary of a 5-6 year old child grows not only quantitatively, but also qualitatively and reaches 2500 words, although individual differences are observed. Speech is enriched with synonyms and antonyms. It contains words denoting differentiated qualities and properties (light red, dark green, lighter, heavier, etc.), words naming materials and their characteristics (wood - wood, glass - glass)

Children use simple common sentences, complex and complex constructions, and different words to name the same objects in their speech.

Children already know how to grammatically correct words included in the active dictionary; strive to correctly pronounce words in the genitive plural; form new words (bread - breadbox, sugar - sugar bowl). Improve the ability to coherently, consistently and expressively retell literary works without the help of questions from the teacher. Can convey the dialogue of the characters. Children actively participate in the conversation and answer questions independently.

At this age, phonemic awareness develops: most children pronounce all the sounds of their native language; carry out sound and letter analysis of words, establish the sequence of sounds in a word, differentiate sounds: vowels and consonants, hard and soft consonants, voiced deaf consonants. They identify a stressed syllable and a stressed vowel in a word, use the corresponding terms correctly, make sentences based on pictures of two or three words, and determine the order of words in a sentence.

Methods and forms of working with children.

    Didactic games

    Phonemic exercises

    Working with texts


Program participants - children 5 - 6 years old.

Program implementation period - 1 year

Training period – 9 months from September to May (72 hours per year based on 2 lessons per week).

Main usedtechnologies :

    Developmental education system D.B. Elkonina-V.V. Davydova

    Health-saving technologies

    Computer (new information) technologies

    Student-centered learning

2. Planned results

mastering the Program

Predicted results (first stage of training):

Child at the end of the first half of schoolknows

    by heart nursery rhymes, songs, riddles, short poems for children by A. Barto, G. Sapgir, O. Vysotskaya.


    distinguish short and long words, similar and dissimilar, loud and quiet;

    divide words into syllables;

    differentiate hard and soft consonants, name them in isolation;

    identify and name the first sound in a word;

    draw straight vertical and horizontal lines, rounded lines, hatch simple objects;

    outline figures and simple plot compositions.

    hatch figures and plot pictures in various ways.

    reproduce the basic elements of Russian capital writing.

    perform exercises for fingers and hands;

    make 2-3 sentences about the picture;

    memorize short poems

Second stage of training.


by heart nursery rhymes, songs, riddles, poems for children by A. Barto, K Chukovsky, G. Sapgir, O. Vysotskaya.

    letters of the Russian alphabet

    understands and uses the terms “sound” and “letter” in speech

Child at the end of the school yearcan:

    correctly pronounce all the sounds of the native language in isolation, in words, in phrasal speech;

    determine the place of a sound in a word: at the beginning, in the middle, at the end;

    distinguish between vowels and consonants, hard and soft consonants, voiced and voiceless consonants;

    divide words into syllables; identify stressed syllable, stressed vowel

    use graphic notation of sounds;

    arbitrarily regulate tempo, voice strength, speech breathing;

    write a word or sentence using symbols or letters

    make 4-5 sentences about the picture; based on a series of pictures, from personal experience

    retell simple fairy tales;

    answer questions about the content of a fairy tale or story using simple sentences

    memorize poems

Summing up forms.

Open events for teachers and parents, reading competition.

Content section

3. Contents of the program .

Get children interested and make them want to study.

Introducing a variety of words. Dividing words into syllables.

Learn to understand and correctly use the term “word”, introduce the variety of words, compare words by sound, select words that are similar in sound, divide words into syllables.

At this stage, interest in speech activity, independence, and initiative in solving cognitive problems are formed. The skill of self-control and self-esteem is formed.

Graphic skills are being developed.

Learn to identify consonants among sounds.

In this period, the main aspect will be aimed at the intonation highlighting of hard and soft consonants in words, phrasal speech. At this stage of training, game exercises, speech games, tongue twisters, tongue twisters are widely used, work continues on the expressiveness of reading poems, nursery rhymes, work on texts, work over graphic skills.

Learn to listen carefully to stories, fairy tales, poems.

The teacher, using various techniques and pedagogical situations, helps children correctly perceive the content of the work and empathize with its characters. It is important to maintain interest in the word in this work, to create interest in the book.

Storytelling based on paintings and series of pictures.

Children's vocabulary expands with words denoting objects and phenomena that have not occurred in the child's own experience. Children comprehend cause-and-effect relationships and learn to construct complex sentences.


Repeat sounds, find their place in a word, practice intonation expressiveness of speech.

The material covered is repeated in a playful way.

Learn to build short sentences, learn to listen to each other.

Introduce the variety of words in the Russian language.

In this lesson, children will talk about themselves in a playful way.

Sounds and letters

Learn to distinguish between the concepts of “Sound” and “Letter”, identify consonants and vowels among sounds, hard and soft, voiceless and voiced among consonants, and also introduce letters that do not represent sounds.

At this stage of learning, children begin to read mergers, syllables, words; Didactic game exercises, speech games, tongue twisters, tongue twisters are widely used, work continues on the expressiveness of reading poems, nursery rhymes, work on texts, and work on graphic skills.

Works by children's writers

Learn to listen carefully to stories, fairy tales, poems. Introduce the genre features of stories, fairy tales, and poems.

At this stage, the teacher, using various techniques and pedagogical situations, helps children correctly perceive the content of the work and empathize with its characters. The teacher helps children understand the hidden motives of the actions of the heroes of the works.

Narration based on pictures, a series of pictures, from the personal experience of children.

Exercise children in composing descriptive stories based on a picture, a series of pictures, describing an object, a picture; develop monologue speech.

Children comprehend cause-and-effect relationships, learn to construct complex and complex sentences. Children compose short creative stories on a topic proposed by the teacher.

4. Calendar and thematic planning.

Literacy (reading) – 72 hours


Number of hours


Form of delivery/type of lesson

Content elements/

Characteristics of activities.

form of control

Resources, equipment



Introducing a variety of words. Dividing words into syllables. – 8 hours



Introducing a variety of words, modeling, drawing short,... abrupt lines.


Indication, explanation


Game character

Game exercises

Speech development games

Game “Travel through pictures and diagrams”

Demonstration, visual and handout material, subject pictures


Getting to know the variety of words, modeling, finding differences in two similar drawings


Comparing words by sound, becoming familiar with the length of words (long and short). modeling, drawing needles for hedgehogs.


Acquaintance with the variety of words, their sound: loud, loud, quiet; drawing the sun.


Getting to know the variety of words, dividing words into syllables, drawing needles on Christmas trees


Getting to know the variety of words, dividing words into syllables, finding differences in two similar pictures


Getting to know the variety of words, playing the “Give me a word” game, finding inconsistencies in pictures


Getting to know the variety of words, dividing words into syllables, drawing paths, memorizing a poem by Ya. Kozlovsky

Introducing hard and soft consonants

Works by children's writers - 28 hours.





Sounds “С-Сь” (“songs of the big and small pump”), acquaintance with hard and soft consonants, coloring leaves on a birch tree, memorizing a poem by G. Sapgir

VISUALIZATION – viewing a series of plot paintings. VERBAL


Use of fiction (rhymes, poems, riddles)

Indication, explanation


Examination of an object (tactile)

Game character

Game exercises

Speech development games

Game "Distribute correctly"

Competition for the best reader on the topic

"Poems by S. Marshak"

subject pictures.

Books by children's writers.





Sounds “3-Зь” (“songs of a big mosquito and a small mosquito”), familiarization with hard and soft consonants, memorizing a poem by B. Zakhoder, drawing ears for bunnies.

Competition for the best storyteller on the topic “The Story of My Toy”

Pictures, series of pictures.


Sounds “С-Сь”, “3-Зь”, hard and soft consonants, modeling, finding differences in two similar drawings


The sound “C”, drawing cucumbers, memorizing a poem by G. Sapgir


The sound “Ш” (“wind song”), drawing balls, memorizing a nursery rhyme


The sound “Zh” (“bug song”), modeling, drawing acorns, memorizing a poem by I. Soldatenko


Sounds “SH-Zh”, modeling, drawing paths, repeating poems.





Sound “Ш”, modeling, drawing brushes, learning a poem by S. Mikhalkov


The sound “Ch”, modeling, drawing objects.


Sounds “Ch-Shch”, modeling, finding differences in two similar drawings, memorizing nursery rhymes


Sounds “R-Rb”, painting objects, memorizing a poem by O. Vygotskaya


Sounds “L-L”, modeling, drawing a tumbler, memorizing a poem by E. Alexandrova

Demonstration visual material,

subject pictures.

Books by children's writers.

A. Barto, K. Chukovsky, E Charushin, V. Berestov, K Ushinsky, S. Marshak, B. Zakhoder

A. Barto, G. Sapgira, O. Vysotskaya


Sounds “M-M”, drawing a bear, memorizing a poem by T. Shorygina.


Sounds “B-B”, modeling, memorizing a poem by G. Sapgir, drawing beads.


Sounds “К-Кь”, painting vegetables, memorizing a poem by D. Kharms


The sound “G”, finding differences in two similar drawings, memorizing a poem by G Sapgir.


Sounds “G-K”, modeling, painting objects, memorizing a poem by T. Shorygina


Sounds “Д-Дь”, shading and drawing circles, memorizing a poem by M. Druzhinina


Sounds “T-TH”, modeling, drawing a cloud and an umbrella, memorizing a poem by V. Berestov.


Sounds “D-D-D”, “T-T”, modeling, drawing a house, repeating poems


Reinforcing the material covered. Sounds “3-Зь”, “Ж”, “С-Сь”, repetition of poems, shading.


Reinforcing the material covered. Sounds “Р-Рь”, “Ш”, modeling, coloring of objects.


Reinforcing the material covered. Sounds “L-L”, “B-B”, modeling, drawing a birch tree. Repetition of poems.





Reinforcing the material covered.

Open event

Demonstration visual material, handouts, subject pictures

Variety of words. Sounds and letters. – 36 hours


Sound and letter A.

Introduce the vowel sound A and its symbol - a red square.

Learn to determine the place of the sound A in words. Learn to use a diagram (rectangle) to indicate the place of a sound in a word, using the symbol - a red square.

Learn to listen carefully to the text of a poem, highlighting words in it that contain the sound A.

Introduce the letter A as a written designation for the sound A.

Learn to write the printed letter A using a sample.

Learn to write the letter A on the diagram in the place where the sound A is heard

(Training manual “Development of sound-letter analysis

in children 5-6 years old” E. V. Kolesnikova. Page 13. Workbook for children 5-6 years old “From A to Z” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page 2

Game “Place of letters in words”

Portraits of writers

Pictures, series of pictures

3 8


Sound and letter O.

Introduce the vowel sound O and its symbol - a red square.

Learn to determine the place of the O sound in words. Learn to use a diagram (rectangle) to indicate the place of a sound in a word, using a symbol - a red square

Learn to listen carefully to the text of the poem, highlighting words in it that contain the sound O.

Introduce the letter O as a written designation for the sound O.

Learn to write the printed letter O using a sample.

Learn to write the letter O on the diagram in the place where the sound O is heard

(Training manual “Development of sound-letter analysis in children 5-6 years old” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page 16. Workbook for children 5-6 years old “From A to Z” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page. 4)

Competition for the best reader on the topic “Works of K. Chukovsky”

A story on the topic “Favorite book”

Books by children's writers. A. Barto, K. Chukovsky, E. Charushin, V. Berestov, S. Marshak, E. Blaginina, G. Vieru.

Portraits of writers

Pictures, series of pictures

3 9


Sound and letter U

Introduce the vowel sound U and its symbol - a red square.

Learn to determine the place of the sound U in words. Learn to use a diagram (rectangle) to indicate the place of a sound in a word, using the symbol - a red square.

Learn to listen carefully to the text of a poem, highlighting words in it that contain the sound U.

Introduce the letter U as a written designation for the sound U.

Learn to write the printed letter U using a sample.

Learn to write the letter U on the diagram in the place where the sound U is heard

(Educational manual “Development of sound-letter analysis in children 5-6 years old” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page 18. Workbook for children 5-6 years old “From A to Z” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page. 6)


Sound and letter Y

Introduce the vowel sound ы and its symbol - a red square.

Learn to determine the place of the Y sound in words. Learn to use a diagram (rectangle) to indicate the place of a sound in a word, using the symbol - a red square.

Learn to listen carefully to the text of the poem, highlighting words in it that contain the sound Y.

Introduce the letter Y as a written symbol for the sound Y.

Learn to write the printed letter Y using a sample.

Learn to write the letter Y on the diagram in the place where the sound Y is heard.

(Training manual “Development of sound-letter analysis in children 5-6 years old” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page 20. Workbook for children 5-6 years old “From A to Z” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page. 8)

Solving puzzles on the topic “Sounds and letters”

Demonstration, visual, handouts, subject pictures.

Books by children's writers. A. Barto, K. Chukovsky, E. Charushin, V. Berestov, S. Marshak, E. Blaginina, G. Vieru.

Portraits of writers

Pictures, series of pictures


Sound and letter E

Books by children's writers. A.Barto

Introduce the vowel sound E and its symbol - a red square.

Learn to determine the place of the sound E in words. Learn to use a diagram (rectangle) to indicate the place of a sound in a word, using the symbol - a red square.

Learn to listen carefully to the text of a poem, highlighting words in it that contain the sound E.

Introduce the letter E as a written designation for the sound E.

Learn to write the printed letter E using a sample.

Learn to write the letter E on the diagram in the place where the sound E is heard.

(Educational and methodological manual “Development of sound-letter analysis in children 5-6 years old” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page 22. Workbook for children 5-6 years old “From A to Z” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page. 10)


Reading syllables from completed letters - AU, UA

Consolidate knowledge about vowel sounds and letters A, O, U, Y, E.

Strengthen the ability to identify the first sound in the names of objects and find the corresponding letter.

Strengthen the ability to name words with a given sound.

Continue to learn to determine which vowel sound is in the middle of a word.

Strengthen the ability to write printed vowel letters.

(Training manual “Development of sound-letter analysis in children 5-6 years old” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page 24. Workbook for children 5-6 years old “From A to Z” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page. 12)


Sound and letter L. Reading syllables LA, LO, LU, LY, LE

Introduce the sound L as a consonant sound and its symbol - a blue square. - Learn to indicate on the diagram the place of the sound L in a word. Using the symbol - blue square.

Learn to distinguish the sound L in words intonationally.

Introduce the printed spelling of the letter L.

- Learn to write the printed letter L using a sample.

-Learn to read the syllables LA, LO, LU, LY, LE.

- Continue learning to divide words into syllables.

- Learn to write syllables in word patterns.

(Training manual “Development of sound-letter analysis in children 5-6 years old” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page 26. Workbook for children 5-6 years old “From A to Z” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page. 14)

4 4




Sound and letter M. Reading syllables and words. Emphasis.

- Introduce the sound M as a consonant sound and its symbol - a blue square.

- Learn to indicate on the diagram the place of the sound M in a word. Using the symbol - blue square.

- Learn to correlate the word pattern with the name of the drawn object.

- Learn to distinguish the sound M in words intonationally.

- Introduce the printed spelling of the letter M.

- Learn to write the printed letter M using a sample.

-Learn to read the syllables MA, MO, MU, WE, ME.

- Learn to identify the first syllable in words and connect an object with a syllable.

- Learn to read words from the letters learned - mom. Soap.

- Introduce stressed syllables and stressed vowels.

- Learn to conduct sound analysis of words; differentiate vowels and consonants.

- Introduce accent and its designation.

- Learn to identify stressed syllables and stressed vowels in a word.

(Training manual

“Development of sound-letter analysis in children 5-6 years old” E. V. Kolesnikova. Page 28. Workbook for children 5-6 years old “From A to Z” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page 16)

Solving puzzles on the topic “Sounds and letters”

Demonstration, visual, handouts, subject pictures.

Books by children's writers. A. Barto, K. Chukovsky, E. Charushin, V. Berestov, S. Marshak, E. Blaginina, G. Vieru.

Portraits of writers

Pictures, series of pictures

4 5




Sound and letter N. Reading syllables. Writing and reading words

- Introduce the sound N as a consonant sound and its symbol - a blue square.

- Learn to indicate on the diagram the place of the sound N in a word. Using the symbol - blue square.

- Learn to correlate the word pattern with the name of the drawn object.

- Learn to emphasize the sound N in words with intonation.

- Introduce the printed spelling of the letter N.

- Learn to write the printed letter N using a sample.

-Learn to read the syllables NA, BUT, NU, NY, NE.

- Learn to write the words moon, soap using symbols and letters.

- Learn to conduct phonemic analysis of these words.

(Training manual “Development of sound-letter analysis in children 5-6 years old” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page 30. Workbook for children 5-6 years old “From A to Z” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page. 18)

4 6




Sound and letter R. Reading syllables. Getting to know the sentence, reading the sentence

- Introduce the sound P as a consonant sound and its symbol - a blue square.

- Learn to indicate on the diagram the place of the sound R in a word. Using the symbol - blue square.

- Learn to correlate the word pattern with the name of the drawn object.

- Learn to distinguish the sound R in words intonationally.

- Introduce the printed spelling of the letter R.

- Learn to write the printed letter P using a sample.

-Learn to read the syllables RA, RO, RU, RY, RE.

- Learn to identify the first syllable in the names of drawn objects and connect it with the corresponding ball in which this syllable is written.

- Learn to read a sentence.

- Introduce vocabulary


(Educational manual “Development of sound-letter analysis in children 5-6 years old” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page 32. Workbook for children 5-6 years old “From A to Z” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page. 20)

Demonstration, visual, handouts, subject pictures.

Books by children's writers. A. Barto, K. Chukovsky, E. Charushin, V. Berestov, S. Marshak, E. Blaginina, G. Vieru.

Portraits of writers

Pictures, series of pictures

4 7-48

11 -12




Vowels and consonants sounds and letters. Reading syllables, words. Reinforcing the material covered

- Learn to read the written word Roma.

- consolidate the ability to read syllables from the letters studied.

- Strengthen the ability to distinguish between vowels and consonants.

- Promote the development of phonemic hearing and perception.

- Strengthen the ability to determine the place of sound in a word.

(Educational manual “Development of sound-letter analysis in children 5-6 years old” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page 34. Workbook for children 5-6 years old “From A to Z” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page. 22)

4 9

1 3



Letter Y. Reading syllables, words, sentences

Books by children's writers. K. Chukovsky

Introduce the vowel letter I and its symbol - a red square.

- Learn to write the letter Y.

- Learn to read the syllables MA_MYA, LA_LYA, NA_NYA, RA_RYA.

- Learn to read words and sentences.

- Learn to write sentences schematically, determine the order of words in a sentence.

(Training manual “Development of sound-letter analysis in children 5-6 years old” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page 36. Workbook for children 5-6 years old “From A to Z” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page. 24)


1 4



Letter Y.. Reading syllables, words, sentences

- Introduce the vowel letter Y and its symbol - a red square.

- Learn to write the letter u.

- Learn to read the syllables MU-MU, LU-LYU, NU-NU, RU-RYU.

- Introduce children to the consonants Мь, Ль, Нь, Рь and their symbol - a green square.

- Continue to learn how to relate sound and


- Continue to learn to differentiate vowels and consonants, hard and soft consonants.

- Continue to introduce stressed syllables, stressed vowels, stress markings

(Educational manual “Development of sound-letter analysis in children 5-6 years old” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page 38. Workbook for children 5-6 years old “From A to Z” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page. 26)


1 5



Letter E. Reading syllables, words. Writing proposals

- Introduce the vowel letter E and its symbol - a red square.

- Learn to write the letter E.

- Introduce children to the consonants Мь, Ль, Нь, Рь and their symbol - a green square.

- Continue to learn how to correlate sounds and letters.

- Learn to correlate the diagram with the written word.

- Learn to compose a sentence of 3 words based on a picture and write it in symbols.

(Educational and methodological manual “Development of sound-letter analysis in children 5-6 years old” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page 40. Workbook for children 5-6 years old “From A to Z” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page. 28)


1 6



Letter E. Reading syllables, words

- Introduce the vowel letter E and its symbol - a red square.

- Learn to write the letter E.

- Introduce children to the consonants Мь, Ль, Нь, Рь and their symbol - a green square.

- Continue to learn how to correlate sounds and letters.

- Learn to read syllables and words.

- Continue to learn to differentiate vowels, consonants, hard and soft consonant sounds.

(Training manual “Development of sound-letter analysis in children 5-6 years old” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page 42. Workbook for children 5-6 years old “From A to Z” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page. thirty)


1 7



Sound and letter I. Reading syllables, words

- Introduce the vowel sound I and its symbol - a red square.

- consolidate the ability to determine the place of a sound in a word and designate it on a diagram using a symbol.

- Continue to introduce the letter I as a written designation for the sound I

- Learn to write the letter I.

- Introduce children to the consonants Мь, Ль, Нь, Рь and their symbol - a green square.

- Continue to learn how to correlate sounds and letters.

- Learn to perform phonetic parsing of words.

(Educational and methodological manual “Development of sound-letter analysis in children 5-6 years old” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page 44. Workbook for children 5-6 years old “From A to Z” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page. 32)






Reinforcing the material covered

Books by children's writers. E Charushina

- Strengthen the ability to write the vowels I, Yu, E, Yo, I.

- Continue to learn to read syllables, distinguish between hard and soft consonants.

- Learn to write and read the words meow, mu, spinning top, lemon.

- Learn to read a sentence, identify the 1st, 2nd, 3rd word in it

- Strengthen the ability to identify stressed vowel sounds in read words.

(Educational and methodological manual “Development of sound-letter analysis in children 5-6 years old” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page 46. Workbook for children 5-6 years old “From A to Z” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page. 34)

Demonstration, visual, handouts, subject pictures.

Books by children's writers. A. Barto, K. Chukovsky, E. Charushin, V. Berestov, S. Marshak, E. Blaginina, G. Vieru.

Portraits of writers

Pictures, series of pictures

5 6




Sounds K-G, K-K', G-G'. Letters G, K.. Reading syllables, composing and conditionally writing sentences

Introduce the sounds G-K as voiced and voiceless consonants.

- Introduce the sounds G-Gь,


- Introduce the letters K and G as written signs of consonant sounds.

- Learn to write the printed letters K-G, first using dots, and then independently.

- Learn to read syllables with G + 10 vowels, with K + 10 vowels. Continue learning to compose a sentence of 3 words based on a plot picture.

- Learn to write a sentence using symbols.

(Educational manual “Development of sound-letter analysis in children 5-6 years old” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page 48. Workbook for children 5-6 years old “From A to Z” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page. 36)

5 7




Sounds D-D-D, T-T. Letters D, T.. Reading syllables, sentences

Books by children's writers. S. Marshak.

- Introduce the sounds D-T as voiced and voiceless consonants.

- Introduce the sounds D-D,


- Strengthen the ability to use symbols of consonant sounds: blue square - hard consonants, green square - soft consonants.

- Introduce the letters D and T as written signs of consonant sounds.

- Learn to write the printed letters D-T, first using dots, and then independently.

- Learn to read syllables with D + 10 vowels, with T + 10 vowels.

- Strengthen the ability to identify a stressed syllable and stressed vowels, and indicate stress with a symbol.

(Educational and methodological manual “Development of sound-letter analysis in children 5-6 years old” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page 50. Workbook for children 5-6 years old “From A to Z” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page. 38)

Demonstration, visual, handouts, subject pictures.

Books by children's writers. A. Barto, K. Chukovsky, E. Charushin, V. Berestov, S. Marshak, E. Blaginina, G. Vieru.

Portraits of writers

Pictures, series of pictures

5 8

2 2



Sounds V-V, F-F. Letters V, F. Reading syllables, sentences

Introduce the sounds V-F as voiced and voiceless consonants.

- Introduce the sounds V-V,


- Strengthen the ability to use symbols of consonant sounds: blue square - hard consonants, green square - soft consonants.

- Introduce the letters V and F as written signs of consonant sounds.

- Learn to write the printed letters V-F, first using dots, and then independently.

- Learn to read syllables with V + 10 vowels, with F + 10 vowels.

- Improve reading skills.

- Learn to write words, carry out phonetic analysis of words.

(Training manual “Development of sound-letter analysis in children 5-6 years old” by E. V. Kolesnikova. P. 52. Workbook for children

5-6 years “From A to Z” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page 40)

Demonstration, visual, handouts, subject pictures.

Books by children's writers. A. Barto, K. Chukovsky, E. Charushin, V. Berestov, S. Marshak, E. Blaginina, G. Vieru.

Portraits of writers

Pictures, series of pictures

5 9

2 3



Sounds Z-ZZ, S-S. Letters Z, S. Reading syllables, sentences

- Introduce the sounds Z-S as voiced and voiceless consonants.

- Introduce the sounds Z-ZZ,


- Strengthen the ability to use symbols of consonant sounds: blue square - hard consonants, green square - soft consonants.

- Introduce the letters Z and S as written signs of consonant sounds.

- Learn to write printed letters Z-S first using dots, and then independently.

- Learn to read syllables with Z+ 10 vowels, with C + 10 vowels.

- Improve reading skills.

(Educational and methodological manual “Development of sound-letter analysis in children 5-6 years old” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page 54. Workbook for children 5-6 years old “From A to Z” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page. 42)

Demonstration, visual, handouts, subject pictures.

Books by children's writers. A. Barto, K. Chukovsky, E. Charushin, V. Berestov, S. Marshak, E. Blaginina, G. Vieru.

Portraits of writers

Pictures, series of pictures


2 4



Sounds B-B-B, P-P-P. Letters B, P. Reading syllables, sentences

Books by children's writers. G. Vieru.

- Introduce the sounds B-P as voiced and voiceless consonants.

- Introduce the sounds B-B,


- Strengthen the ability to use symbols of consonant sounds: blue square - hard consonants, green square - soft consonants.

- Introduce the letters B and P as written signs of consonant sounds.

- Learn to write the printed letters B-P, first using dots, and then independently.

- Learn to read syllables with B+ 10 vowels, with P + 10 vowels.

- Improve reading skills.

(Educational and methodological manual “Development of sound-letter analysis in children 5-6 years old” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page 56. Workbook for children 5-6 years old “From A to Z” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page. 44

Demonstration, visual, handouts, subject pictures.

Books by children's writers. A. Barto, K. Chukovsky, E. Charushin, V. Berestov, S. Marshak, E. Blaginina, G. Vieru.

Portraits of writers

Pictures, series of pictures


2 5



Letter X. Sounds X-XH. Reading syllables, words, sentences

- Introduce the printed letter X and the sounds Х-Хь

- Learn to write the letter X

- Learn to read syllables with the letter X + 10 vowels.

Improve the skill of reading syllables, words, sentences.

- Learn to match the picture (sentence)

(Educational and methodological manual “Development of sound-letter analysis in children 5-6 years old” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page 58. Workbook for children 5-6 years old “From A to Z” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page. 46)


2 6



Letters and sounds Zh-Sh. reading syllables and words

- Introduce the sounds Zh-Sh-voiced and unvoiced.

- Introduce the symbols of the sounds Zh-Sh - blue square (as sounds that are always solid.

- Introduce the printed letters Zh-Sh.

- Learn to write block letters Zh-Sh.

- Learn to write words.

- Improve the skill of reading syllables and words.

(Educational and methodological manual “Development of sound-letter analysis in children 5-6 years old” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page 60. Workbook for children 5-6 years old “From A to Z” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page. 48)

Demonstration, visual, handouts, subject pictures.

Books by children's writers. A. Barto, K. Chukovsky, E. Charushin, V. Berestov, S. Marshak, E. Blaginina, G. Vieru.

Portraits of writers

Pictures, series of pictures


2 7



Letters and sounds CH-SH. reading syllables, words, sentences

- Introduce the sounds Ch-Shch as voiceless consonants, soft consonants.

- Strengthen the ability to determine the place of sound in a word.

- Introduce the symbol for the sounds Ch-Shch - green square.

- Introduce in block letters CH-SH.

- Learn to write block letters CH-SH.

- Learn to read syllables and small texts.

- Strengthen the ability to conduct phonetic analysis of the words bull, barrel.

(Educational and methodological manual “Development of sound-letter analysis in children 5-6 years old” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page 62. Workbook for children 5-6 years old “From A to Z” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page. 50)


2 8-29




Sound and letter C. Reading syllables, poetic texts

Introduce the consonant sound C.

- Learn to distinguish the sound C in words intonationally.

- Introduce the printed letter C as a written sign of the sound C.

- Learn to write the printed letter C.

- Improve reading skills.

(Educational and methodological manual “Development of sound-letter analysis in children 5-6 years old” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page 64. Workbook for children 5-6 years old “From A to Z” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page. 52)





The letter and sound Y. Reading syllables and poetic texts

Books by children's writers. Blaginina

- Introduce the soft consonant sound J and its symbol – green square.

- Introduce the printed letter J as a written sign of the sound J.

- Learn to write the letter J

- Strengthen the ability to write words with signs and letters.

- Improve reading skills.

(Teaching and methodological manual “Development of sound-letter analysis in children 5-6 years old” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page 66. Workbook for children 5-6 years old “From A to Z” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page. 54)

Demonstration, visual, handouts, subject pictures.

Books by children's writers. A. Barto, K. Chukovsky, E. Charushin, V. Berestov, S. Marshak, E. Blaginina, G. Vieru.

Portraits of writers

Pictures, series of pictures

6 7




Letter b. Reading syllables and poetic texts

- Introduce the letter b and its softening function. Learn to write the letter b.

- Improve reading skills.

- Learn to write words.

- Continue to learn to correlate a word with its graphic image.

(Educational and methodological manual “Development of sound-letter analysis in children 5-6 years old” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page 68. Workbook for children 5-6 years old “From A to Z” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page. 56)

6 8-69





“Letter B.” Reading syllables, poetic texts.”

- Introduce the letter Ъ and its dividing function.

- Learn to write the printed letter Ъ.

- Improve reading skills.

- Learn to write words.

- Continue to learn to correlate a word with its graphic image.

(Training manual “Development of sound-letter analysis in children 5-6 years old” by E. V. Kolesnikova. P. 70. Working

notebook for children 5-6 years old “From A to Z” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page 58)


3 4



Reading syllables, words, sentences

(Educational and methodological manual “Development of sound-letter analysis in children 5-6 years old” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page 72. Workbook for children 5-6 years old “From A to Z” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page. 62)


3 5



Reading syllables, words Making sentences based on plot pictures

- Contribute to the development of sound-letter analysis.

- Promote the development of phonemic awareness.

- Continue learning to write the names of objects.

- Learn to read words and write the appropriate word.

- Strengthen the ability to identify the 2nd, 2nd, 3rd word in a sentence.

- Strengthen the ability to conduct phonemic analysis of words.

(Educational and methodological manual “Development of sound-letter analysis in children 5-6 years old” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page 74. Workbook for children 5-6 years old “From A to Z” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page. 62)

Demonstration, visual, handouts, subject pictures.

Books by children's writers. A. Barto, K. Chukovsky, E. Charushin, V. Berestov, S. Marshak, E. Blaginina, G. Vieru.

Portraits of writers

Pictures, series of pictures





Alphabet. Reading a poem.

- Introduce the alphabet.

- Reinforce the ability to write the completed letters.

- Improve reading skills.

(Educational and methodological manual “Development of sound-letter analysis in children 5-6 years old” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page 76. Workbook for children 5-6 years old “From A to Z” by E. V. Kolesnikova. Page. 64)

5. Calendar and thematic planning.

Literacy (writing) – 72 hours

Organizational section

6. Logistics support


- cards with printed capital and capital letters;

- box of letters and syllables;

- typesetting cloth;

- cards and diagrams of sound-letter analysis of words;

- cards and diagrams of stressed syllables and vowel sounds and letters

- cards and schemes for drawing up proposals;

- magnetic alphabet;

- symbolic designations of sounds.

Methodological support:


    E.V. Kolesnikova. Program “From sound to letter. Teaching preschoolers the elements of literacy." Moscow: YuVENTA Publishing House, 2010.

    E.V. Kolesnikova. Development of phonemic hearing in children 4-5 years old. Educational and methodological manual for the workbook “From Word to Sound.” Moscow: YUVENTA Publishing House, 2011.

    E.V. Kolesnikova. "Development of sound-letter analysis in children in children 5-6 years old." Moscow: YUVENTA Publishing House, 2011.

    U.M.Sidorova. Tasks for the development of speech for children in the senior group of preschool educational institutions. Moscow: Creative Center, 2010

    Notes of integrated classes in the middle group of kindergarten. Familiarization with fiction. Speech development. Literacy training. Author – compiler A.V. Aji. Voronezh: Shopping Center “Teacher”, 2009.

    E.V. Kolesnikova. "From word to sound." Workbook for children 4-5 years old. Appendix to the educational manual “Development of phonemic hearing in children 4-5 years old. Moscow: YUVENTA Publishing House, 2011.

    E. V. Kolesnikova. "From A to Z". Workbook for children 5-6 years old. Moscow: YuVENTA Publishing House, 2011.

    E.V. Kolesnikova. “Come on, letter, respond!” Workbook for children 5-7 years old. Moscow: YuVENTA Publishing House, 2011.

    E.V. Kolesnikova “Copybooks for preschoolers 5–7 years old.” Moscow: Publishing house "YUVENTA", 2011

    Series “Workbooks for preschoolers” Preparation for writing in 2 parts, Kirov 2013.

Valentina Mamiy
Work program of additional education “Gramoteyka”. Speech direction

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

"Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 35"

Additional general development program


(Informative - speech development)

Children age 6 - 7 years

Implementation period programs – 1 year

Compiled by:

1st qualification teacher

Elektrostal, 2016

Explanatory note.

The development of a child’s speech is the main task of teachers, working with preschool children. Early learning to read is not a fad or a whim of parents. The trend towards lowering the age range for children to start learning to read has a completely objective base: new school standards are being introduced education, expanding primary school program, the success of mastering them depends on the preparation and intellectual development of a child who can read.

Despite the presence of extensive literature on this issue, the possibilities of teaching preschoolers are not sufficiently substantiated literacy in the preschool system education having the opportunity appeals to individuality, identity and self-worth of each child. Therefore the creation additional general developmental literacy program children 6 years old in a preschool institution is relevant. The problem has become especially relevant in connection with modernization education.

In the preparatory group for school, active Job to prepare children to master the basics diplomas, A exactly:

Leading children to sound analysis of words, dividing words into syllables

Composing words from syllables, from words - sentences

Introduction to Concepts "word" and proposal" (without grammatical definition) .

To the main components of speech relate: pronunciation, sound-letter analysis, dictionary, grammatical structure, etc.. d. System of classes for speech development and preparing children for learning literacy leads the child to understand the way of reading, develop attention to words, their phonetics, morphology, spelling, syntax, which ultimately prevents writing and reading disorders.

Speech development occurs in the following directions:

1. Developmental speech environment, tasks: promoting improvement speech communications of a child in kindergarten with adults, peers and younger or older children.

2. Formation of a dictionary, tasks: enrichment, emotional-evaluative vocabulary, development of interest in the meaning of the word, use of various parts of speech.

3. ZKR, target: improving phonemic awareness (learning to use words with a given sound, finding words with this sound in a sentence and text, determining the place of a sound in a word).

4. Grammatical structure of speech, tasks: introduce and teach form cognates(nouns - from suffixes, verbs - from prefixes, adjectives in comparative and superlative degrees, make complex sentences.

5. Coherent speech: improvement of dialogical and monologue forms of speech (dialogue, retelling, story according to plan, story from personal experience, writing fairy tales, fables and riddles).

6. Preparation for training literacy: idea of ​​a sentence, composing sentences and dividing into words, dividing words into syllables, composing words from syllables.

Classes are structured in an entertaining, playful way using speech games, which allows children to successfully master sound analysis and observe with interest the features of words and their use in speech. The educational material is presented in comparison, comparison and encourages children to constantly reason, analyze, draw their own conclusions, learn to justify them, and choose the right solution among various answer options. So way the main value is formed and developed - the child’s creative thinking, on the basis of which a system of knowledge about language will gradually develop and the need for language proficiency and speech improvement will be formed.

Relevance work program of additional education:

How well a child is prepared for school determines the success of his adaptation, his entry into school life, his educational success, and his mental well-being. It has been proven that children who are not ready for systematic learning have a more difficult and longer period of adaptation to the educational environment. (not gaming) activities. These children have poorly developed coherent speech and mental abilities - they do not know how to ask questions, compare objects, phenomena, highlight the main thing, they have not formed the habit of basic self-control.

Program provides a system of exciting games and exercises with sounds, letters, words that will help children form mental operations, teach them to understand and complete a learning task, and master skills speech communication, and also promotes the development of fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.

The main material for studying is words and sentences, texts that children read independently by the end of training. Children are offered game tasks and exercises with sounds, letters, words and sentences. The content of the tasks is related to the sections "acquaintance with the surrounding world" (seasons, domestic and wild animals, flowers, etc.). Expansion and enrichment of ideas about the world around us occurs with the help of artistic words: proverbs and sayings, riddles, fairy tales, poems, stories by K. Ushinsky, V. Dahl, N. Sladky. Each lesson includes tasks for developing graphic skills in order to prepare the child’s hand for writing.

Program training and education” in kindergarten provides classes to prepare preschoolers for literacy 1 time per week in the preparatory group, so training literacy It was decided to organize it in circle classes. This was also facilitated by requests from parents concerned about the quality of preschool education of their children. This circle shape work allows you to solve the problem of teaching basic reading skills with a significantly greater effect, since it takes into account the individual characteristics of children, and also allows you to optimally dose the load on each child in the group.

How to use (applications) work program in practical professional activities:

This program implemented directly educational activities(region "communication") with children of the preparatory group, on the development of phonemic hearing and perception in children, forming an integrative quality (able to solve intellectual and personal problems adequate for age, necessary for successful learning to read and write.

Material in training classes literacy designed for the capabilities of a 6-7 year old child, with a gradual transition from simple to complex.

Working programm by type of activity - cognitive- speech

Target programs

implementation of an integrated approach to speech development of children and

preparing them for learning diplomas.

Tasks programs


Formation and development of phonemic hearing;

Development of pronunciation skills;

Teach children to master the sound side of speech - tempo, intonation;

Acquaintance with the syllabic structure of a word;

Expanding children's vocabulary;

Formation and development of sound-letter analysis;

Formation of the ability to correctly construct a sentence, use prepositions, extend a sentence, use the construction of a complex sentence;

Formation of the ability to retell, compose short stories from pictures, using simple sentences;

Learn to answer the teacher’s questions, ask questions, express your impressions and thoughts, talk about the results of your observations, the ability to speak in front of a group of children, expressively read poems, tell fairy tales, compose short stories based on plot pictures, logical tasks.

Preparing a child's hand for writing;


Development of auditory perception;

Development of graphic skills;

Development of fine motor skills;

Mental development processes: attention, memory, thinking;

Development of reading skills in whole words and sentences, small texts;

Introducing children to fiction.


Developing skills work

Fostering independence in completing tasks

Fostering moral qualities, namely tolerance and goodwill towards others.

The principles underlying work program.

Visualization in learning is carried out on the perception of visual material.

Accessibility - activities are carried out taking into account age characteristics, built on the principle of didactics (from simple to complex).

Problematic – directed to find solutions to problem and game situations.

Integration principle – educational field« Speech development» integrates with educational areas: “Social and personal development”, "Cognitive Development", “Artistic and aesthetic development”.

The developmental and educational nature of training is on speech development, broadening one’s horizons, developing cognitive interests.

features of the organization educational process:

groups of students of the same age, group composition (constant).

tracking and recording forms educational results: photo, feedback from children and parents.

forms of presentation and demonstration educational results: open lesson.

teaching methods:

Verbal, visual, practical; explanatory and illustrative, game, discussion, project, etc.)

Education (persuasion, encouragement, exercise, stimulation, motivation, etc.);

educational technologies:

group learning technology, differentiated learning technology, health-saving and gaming technologies.

The lesson plan includes:

1. Articulatory / speech gymnastics

2. Repetition of previous material / addition or continuation

3. New material:

4. Summing up classes: what new things we learned, learned to do, self-control and self-esteem.

Job carried out frontally with the entire group using gaming technologies. Form activities: joint activity of adults and children, independent activity of children.

Club program« Gramoteyka» provides for the disclosure of the term "word", development of phonemic hearing and articulatory apparatus, formation of the ability to correctly name objects, preparing children to master writing.

Preparation for writing at this stage involves the development of coordination of movements, familiarization with the basic hygienic rules of writing, and training of fine motor skills. Of course, when we talk about training the hands and fingers, we mean not only the muscles of the hands. It has been proven that the development of the hand affects the formation of the child’s brain and speech development. Training exercises for hands logically fit into the development and improvement of the operational and technical sphere of a child’s activity. During the exercises, children develop voluntary attention and certain volitional qualities.

During training literacy psychophysiological characteristics of children six are taken into account years:

Attention and memory at this age are weak, especially if learning is not exciting. I structure my classes based on the interests of the children. The best technique for this is play;

Children are very emotional and impressionable. Psychologists' studies have shown that a child remembers better what he has experienced emotionally;

Children are overly active, which means that during classes it is necessary to give them the opportunity to release energy through movement;

Children should not be overloaded, because at this age they have increased fatigue.

The classes include different types games: didactic, competitive games, situational, active. Games develop thinking skills operations: phonemic analysis and synthesis, representation, abstraction, comparison (comparing words by their sound composition, correlating different types of words with each other, selecting words with a certain sound structure, etc.). The form of the game is educational - that is the value of such activities.

The material offered to the child is entertaining and does not contain complex or incomprehensible tasks. Focusing on the age characteristics of preschool children, a large number of games and game situations have been introduced into the classes to facilitate the implementation of communication tasks. An important role is played by the development of the ability to externally express one’s internal emotions, to correctly understand the emotional state of the interlocutor, showing one’s individual abilities, while the child develops the ability to adequately evaluate activities, directed to analyze their own behavior and the actions of their peers.

Planning lessons

Duration Frequency Quantity Quantity

lessons per week hours hours per year

30 min 1 time (two groups) 2 hours 13 hours 30 minutes

Predicted results:

Personality development of preschoolers

Development of memory, thinking, outlook, intelligence

Formation of personality qualities, such How: work in a team, work independently, listen and hear yourself and your friends, plan and control work

Mastering the ability of sound-letter analysis, syllabic reading skills, writing printed letters, syllables, words.

Improvement grammatical structure of speech, coherent speech.

Show interest in the spoken word, reading, writing;

To navigate the sound-letter system of the language;

Understand the meaning-distinguishing function of sounds and letters;

Write words and sentences in block letters;

Solve puzzles, crosswords;

Navigate in a lined notebook (wide and narrow line);

Draw objects in a notebook using a line.

Forms for summing up the implementation of this programs are:

Monitoring children's learning of the section "Preparation for training literacy»

Open demonstrations of classes additional education for parents, teachers in preschool educational institutions and educators at GMO.

Forward planning program content

for the academic year

OCTOBER 1 "Sounds and Letters"- repetition. Graphic image of a sound in a word(square). Place of sound in a word (beginning, middle, end).

2 "Sounds and Letters"consolidation: Correlating sounds and letters, reading and guessing riddles, game exercises. – “read and write correctly”.

3 "Words and Syllables"- fastening. Syllable as part of a word, graphic word image(rectangle). Reading proverbs. Game exercise "Connect correctly", "Who lives in which house".

4 "Sentence, graphic skills"- acquaintance. Games ex. “Read and write correctly”, making sentences based on pictures, drawing based on sample in a checkered notebook.

NOVEMBER 5 "In the world of books". Reading and guessing riddles, writing clue words, reading proverbs, drawing a kolobok in a lined notebook.

6 "Toys". Games ex. "Write it correctly", “Complete the sentence”

7 "Vegetables". Games ex. "Write it correctly", "Connect correctly", “Complete the sentence”, reading a riddle, drawing balls in a notebook with a line.

8 "Fruits". Games ex. "Write it correctly", "What grows where", “Learning to solve a crossword puzzle”, drawing cherries, apples in a lined notebook.

DECEMBER 9 "Autumn". Reading riddles, stories, proverbs about autumn. Drawing autumn leaves in a lined notebook.

10 "Pets". Reading riddles, games. ex. "Write it correctly", reading a story by Ushinsky K. "Vaska", drawing a cat in a lined notebook.

11 "Wild animals". Solving a crossword puzzle, game exercise. “Complete the sentence”, reading a riddle, drawing a hare in a lined notebook.

12 "Fairy tales". Reading an excerpt from a story by Yu. Koval, games. ex. "Write it correctly", reading riddles, drawing Cheburashka in a lined notebook.

13 "Winter". Reading riddles, a story about Winter, making a sentence based on a picture, drawing snowflakes in a lined notebook.

"New Year". Reading a poem, games. ex. "Write it correctly", compiling a story based on a series of plot pictures, drawing Christmas tree balls in a lined notebook.

15 "Transport". Games ex. "Write it correctly", reading riddles, drawing trailers in a lined notebook.

16 "Professions". Games ex. “Read and complete the sentence”, "Connect correctly", reading riddles.

FEBRUARY 17 "Natural Phenomena". Reading proverbs, poems about natural phenomena, games. ex. "Connect correctly". Correlation between sound and letter.

18 "Forest". Reading a story, riddles about the forest, games. ex. “What did the artist mix up”, drawing acorns, mushrooms in a lined notebook.

19 "Insects" "Color and Connect Correctly", drawing ladybugs in a lined notebook.

MARCH 20 "Birds". Games ex. "Write it correctly", reading riddles, a story by K. Ushinsky "Woodpecker", drawing birds in a lined notebook.

21 "Flowers". Solving crossword puzzles, games. ex. "Color it right", drawing tulips in a lined notebook.

21 "March 8". Reading a poem by Shorygina T., writing congratulations to the women of your family and drawing bouquets of flowers for them, reading proverbs about mother.

23 "Spring". Reading a riddle, a story by Sladkova N. "Spring Joys", games. ex. "Connect correctly", drawing snowdrops in a lined notebook.

APRIL 24 "Summer". Reading riddles and stories about summer, games. ex. "Color it right", "Sounds and Letters", reading proverbs about summer, drawing mushrooms in a lined notebook.

25 "Rebuses". Solving puzzles.

26 "Crosswords". Solving crossword puzzles.

27 "Soon to school". Reading poems and proverbs about school, games. ex. "Connect correctly", reading questions and writing answers to them.

The number of lessons on one topic may vary depending on the degree of mastery of the material.


Topic Number of hours

Lesson No. 1 30 minutes

Lesson No. 2 30 minutes

Lesson No. 3 30 minutes

Lesson No. 4 30 minutes

Lesson No. 5 30 minutes

Lesson No. 6 30 minutes

Lesson No. 7 30 minutes

Lesson No. 8 30 minutes

Lesson No. 9 30 minutes

Lesson No. 10 30 minutes

Lesson No. 11 30 minutes

Lesson No. 12 30 minutes

Lesson No. 13 30 minutes

Lesson No. 14 30 minutes

Lesson No. 15 30 minutes

Lesson No. 16 30 minutes

Lesson No. 17 30 minutes

Lesson No. 18 30 minutes

Lesson No. 19 30 minutes

Lesson No. 20 30 minutes

Lesson No. 21 30 minutes

Lesson No. 22 30 minutes

Lesson No. 23 30 minutes

Lesson No. 24 30 minutes

Lesson No. 25 30 minutes

Lesson No. 26 30 minutes

Lesson No. 27 30 minutes

Total 27 lessons 13 hours 30 minutes

Methodological support for general development additional education programs:

1. Magnetic alphabet;

2. Didactic tabletops games:

3. "ABC", "Syllable Cubes", "Cubes - letters", "I'm learning letters", "Syllable houses", "I know the letters".

4. Split alphabet "I remember the letters" for independent children's work.

5. A set of teaching aids for program

"From sound to letter" For working with children 3-7 years old:

Development of sound-letter analysis in children 5-6 years old – "From A to Z".

Developing interest and reading abilities in children 6-7 years old – "I'm starting to read".

Workbooks for children:

"From A to Z";

"I remember the letters"

Additional material:

“Listen, see, do!” for children 5-7 years old;

"Cheerful grammar» for children 5-7 years old;


“500 games for correctional and developmental education of children 3-7 years old”

"I'm already reading".

Alekseeva M. M., Yashina V. I. Methods of speech development and teaching the native language of preschoolers. M., 2000.

Dmitrieva V. G. “1000 exercises. From word to sound." M., 2016

Zhukova N. S. "Primer" E., 2005

Zhukova O. S. “Copybooks for future first-graders” M., 2015

"From birth to school". Approximate general education program for preschool education. M., 2010,

Sokhin F.A. Development of speech in preschool children. M., 1979.

Manager L.V. "Education literacy in kindergarten» , Ya., 20007

Ushakova O. S., Strunina E. M. Methods of speech development for pre-school children. M., 2004.

ElkoninD. B. Mental development in childhood. M., 1995.

Educational and methodological support Programs

“Development of sound-letter analysis in children 5-6 years old”. M., 1996-2014.

"From A to Z". Working notebook for children 5-6 years old. M., 1996-2014.

"Sounds and Letters". Demonstration material for classes with children 5-7 years old. M., 1998-2014.

“Copybooks for preschoolers 5-7 years old”. Workbook. M 2009-2014.

"I remember the letters". Working notebook for children 5-7 years old. M 2001-2014.

“Development of interest and reading abilities in children 6-7 years old”. Educational and methodological manual. M., 1997-2014.

“Diagnostics of readiness for reading and writing of children 6-7 years old”. Workbook. M., 2004-201 4.

"I'm already reading". A collection of literary works for reading with preschool children. M., 2008-2014.

"Cheerful grammar for children 5-7 years old» . Workbook. M 2008-2014.

“Come on, letter, answer me”. Working notebook for children 5-7 years old. M., 2008-2014.

"Object, word, diagram". Working notebook for children 5-7 years old. M 2007-2014,

"Juventik in the land of sounds and letters". Working notebook for children 5-7 years old. M., 2009-2014.

Among the huge selection of methods, teaching reading using Nadezhda Zhukova’s method is very popular. Her method is adapted for self-study by parents and children at home. N. Zhukova’s textbooks are affordable and can be purchased in almost all bookstores.

Let's try to figure out what's special about this technique and why it's so popular.

From the biography

Nadezhda Zhukova is a well-known domestic teacher, a candidate of pedagogical sciences, and has extensive speech therapy experience. She is the creator of a whole series of educational literature for children, which is published in multi-million copies. Many of her scientific works have been published not only in Russian, but also in specialized publications in other countries. Nadezhda Zhukova conducted a lot of research with preschool children, carefully studying the progressive processes of their speech development. She has created a unique technique with which children can quickly learn to read and easily move from it to writing.

In her method, N. Zhukova teaches children to correctly add syllables, which she uses as a single part in reading and writing in the future.

Sales of her modern “Primer” exceeded 3 million copies. From these figures, according to statistics, we can conclude that every fourth child learns to read using it. In 2005, it was awarded the title of “Classical Textbook”.

In the 1960s, Nadezhda Zhukova was an active worker in an initiative group that dealt with the creation of specialized groups for children with problems and disorders of speech activity. Now such speech therapy groups and entire kindergartens with this focus are widespread not only in our country, but also in the CIS countries.

In creating her own special method, N. Zhukova took advantage of her 30 years of speech therapy work experience. She was able to build a successful combination of teaching literacy with the ability to prevent mistakes children make when writing. The textbook is based on a traditional approach to teaching reading, which is supplemented with unique features.

In speech activity, it is psychologically easier for a child to isolate a syllable than a separate sound in a spoken word. This principle is used in N. Zhukova’s technique. Reading syllables is offered already in the third lesson. Due to the fact that at the very beginning of learning to read, this process for children is a mechanism for reproducing the letter model of a word into a sound one, the child should already be familiar with letters by the time he learns to read.

It’s not worth teaching your child all the letters of the alphabet at once. The baby's first acquaintance should be with vowels. Explain to your child that vowels are singing letters and can be sung. Start by studying the so-called hard vowels (A, U, O). After the baby has become familiar with them, you need to start adding up: AU, AO, OU, UA, OU, OA, OU. Of course, these are not syllables, but it is with this combination of vowels that it is easiest to explain to the baby the principle of adding syllables. Let the child, helping himself with his finger, draw paths from letter to letter, singing them. This way he can read the combination of two vowels. Next, you can start memorizing consonants.

Then, when you start teaching your baby to read, explain to him how to determine by hearing how many sounds or letters you have pronounced, which sound in a word sounds first, last, second. Here N. Zhukova’s “Magnetic ABC” can help you in learning. With its help, you can ask your baby to lay out the syllables you pronounce.

You can also feel the letters and trace them with your finger, which will contribute to their tactile memorization. When the baby learns to merge syllables, you can invite him to read words of three letters, words of two syllables. (O-SA, MA-MA).

In Zhukova's "Bukvara" parents will be able to find mini-studies on learning each letter and recommendations for learning how to add syllables. Everything is written in accessible language. In order to use them, parents do not need to have a pedagogical education. Absolutely any adult can conduct the lesson.

A preschooler is able to perceive information only in a playful form. For him, playing is a calm environment where no one will scold or criticize him. Do not try to force your child to quickly and immediately read syllables. For him, reading is not easy work. Be patient, show affection and love to your baby during training. This is important to him now more than ever. Showing calm and confidence, learn to add syllables, simple words, and sentences. The child must master the technique of reading. This process is not fast and difficult for him. The game will diversify learning, relieve you from the boring task of studying, and help instill a love of reading.

Your patience and calmness will help your child master reading faster.

Starting age

You shouldn't rush things. It is quite normal that a 3-4 year old child is not yet capable of learning. During this age period, classes can only begin if the child shows great interest in reading activities and shows a desire to learn to read.

A 5-6 year old child will have a completely different attitude towards this. In preschool institutions, educational programs are designed to teach children to read syllables. However, children are not always able to assimilate information received in a large group. Many children require individual lessons in order for them to understand the principles of adding syllables and words.

Therefore, do not miss the opportunity to work with your child at home. By coming to school well prepared, it will be easier for your child to endure the adaptation period. It is important to take into account psychological readiness for learning to read. Children are ready to start reading only if they already speak well.

correctly form sentences in their speech, phonemic hearing is developed at the proper level. Children should not have hearing or vision problems or speech therapy problems.

Learning to read should begin at the age when you see the baby's interest and feel that he is ready

Sounds or letters? Getting to know letters should not begin with memorizing their names. Instead, the child must know the sound that is written with a particular letter. No EM, ER, TE, LE, etc. there shouldn't be. Instead of EM, we learn the sound “m”, instead of BE, we learn the sound “b”.

This is done to facilitate the child’s understanding of the principle of adding syllables. If you learn the names of the letters, the child will not understand how the word DAD is obtained from PE-A-PE-A, and the word MOM from ME-A-ME-A. He will not add the sounds that are indicated by the letters, but the names of the letters as he has learned, and accordingly he will read PEAPEA, MEAMEA.

Learn vowels and consonants correctly Don't start learning letters in alphabetical order A, B, C, D...

First of all, learn the vowels (A, O, U, Y, E). Next, you should introduce the student to the hard voiced consonants M, L.

Then we get acquainted with dull and hissing sounds (K, P, T, Sh, Ch, etc.)

In the “Primer” by N. Zhukova, the following order of studying letters is proposed: A, U, O, M, S, X, R, W, Y, L, N, K, T, I, P, Z, J, G, V , D, B, F, E, L, I, Yu, E, Ch, E, C, F, Shch, J.

The sequence of learning letters presented in Zhukova’s primer will help you easily adapt to the school curriculum

Reinforcing the material we have learned

Repetition of previously learned letters at each lesson will contribute to the faster development of the mechanism of competent reading in children.

Reading by syllables

Once you and your child have learned a few letters, it's time to learn how to form syllables. A cheerful boy helps with this in “Bukvar”. It runs from one letter to another, forming a syllable. The first letter of the syllable must be pulled out until the baby traces the path along which the boy is running with his finger. For example, the syllable MA. The first letter is M. Place your finger at the beginning of the path near it. We make the sound M while we move our finger along the path, without stopping: M-M-M-M-M-A-A-A-A-A-A. The child must learn that the first letter stretches until the boy runs to the second, as a result they are pronounced together, without breaking away from each other.

Let's start with simple syllables

The child must understand the algorithm for adding syllables from sounds. To do this, he needs training first on simple syllables, such as MA, PA, MO, PO, LA, LO. Only after the child understands this mechanism and learns to read simple syllables can he begin to work on more complex syllables - with hissing and voiceless consonants (ZHA, ZHU, SHU, HA).

Stage of learning to read closed syllables

When the child learns to add open syllables, it is necessary to begin learning to read closed syllables, i.e. those in which the vowel comes first. AB, US, UM, OM, AN. It is much more difficult for a child to read such syllables; do not forget about regular training.

Reading simple words

When the child understands the mechanism of adding syllables and begins to read them with ease, the time comes to read simple words: MA-MA, PA-PA, SA-MA, KO-RO-VA.

Watch your pronunciation and pauses

In the process of learning to read, it is necessary to carefully monitor the child’s pronunciation. Pay attention to the correct reading of the endings of words; the child should not guess what is written, but read the word to the end.

If at the initial stage of learning you taught your child to sing syllables, now the time has come to do without it. Make sure your child pauses between words. Explain to him what punctuation marks mean: commas, periods, exclamation and question marks. Let the pauses between words and sentences that the baby makes be quite long at first. Over time, he will understand and shorten them.

By following these simple rules, you can teach your child to read quite quickly.

Popular books for children by N. Zhukova

In order for parents to be able to teach their child to read and write using her methods, Nadezhda Zhukova offers a whole series of books and manuals for children and parents.

This includes:

"Primer" and "Copybook" for children 6-7 years old in 3 parts

The copybooks are a practical application to the Primer. The syllabic principle of graphics is adopted as the basis. A syllable acts as a separate unit of not only reading, but also writing. The recording of the vowel and consonant letters acts as a single graphic element.

"Magnetic ABC"

Suitable for both home use and for classes in child care institutions. A large set of letters allows you to compose not only individual words, but also sentences. The “ABC” comes with methodological recommendations for work, they are supplemented with exercises for teaching children.

"I write correctly - from the Primer to the ability to write beautifully and competently"

The textbook is suitable for children who have already learned to read syllables together. It is also necessary that children can identify the first and last sounds in a word, can name words based on the sound that was named to them, and indicate the location of a given sound in a word - at the beginning, in the middle or at the end. The book is designed to demonstrate the creativity of the teacher who studies it. The proposed sections can be expanded or narrowed; the number of oral and written exercises is varied by the teacher. At the bottom of some pages you can see guidelines for conducting classes. Many story-based pictures, offered as illustrations for the textbook, will help the child not only easily learn the basic principles of grammar, but also develop oral speech.

"Lessons on correct speech and correct thinking"

The book is suitable for children who already read well. Here you can read texts of the classical genre. For parents, there is a detailed methodological description of classes based on the book. A system for working on the text is attached to each work for its analysis. With its help, children learn to think, understand hidden subtext, explain, and discuss. You can also see the meaning of words unknown to the child that are in the children's dictionary. Also The author introduces children to famous poets and writers, teaches them how to read this or that work correctly.

"Lessons in penmanship and literacy" (educational copybooks)

A manual that complements the other elements of N. Zhukova’s system. With its help, the child will be able to learn to navigate the sheet, work according to a model, trace and independently write various elements of letters and their connections. Tasks are offered for sound-letter analysis of words, adding missing letters in a word, writing uppercase and lowercase letters, etc.
