During the life of Michel Nostradamus in France, there was almost no opportunity to obtain any information about internal affairs in Russia. However, the prophet was able to accurately predict the events of the reign of Ivan IV Vasilyevich the Terrible, some of them came true even during the life of the seer. First of all, concerning the reforms and changes that were promoted by Archpriest Sylvester (79th quatrain of the 5th century):

Russian faith will be streamlined
With the advent of the great legislator.
The meek priest will ascend and disturb the strong.
However, the monarch will not use his advice for long.

In 1560, Tsarina Anastasia died, which caused a deep psychological change in the Tsar's soul. The Livonian War was lost, Ivan IV married again.

Seven wives and a son died or killed by a cruel monarch,
There is bloodshed all around, there is no limit to great atrocities.
The fifth wife will be thrown into the lake
But the eighth will give birth to a son and miraculously survive.


The new tsar was Fyodor Ivanovich, who took little interest in state affairs, spending all his time in churches and monasteries, atone for the sins of his father. Boris Godunov, who was at the head of the behind-the-scenes struggle, seized the coveted throne, but he did not have to rule for long. Quatrain 89 of the 8th Century reads:

The boy was killed by a treacherous uncle,
Who poisoned his father to reign.
He inherits a pious monarch, but will not rule for long.
After his death, he will be thrown out of the grave.

As predicted, already in 1601, the relative calm within the country came to an end. A terrible famine began, which was accompanied by an epidemic of plague and popular riots that shook the state.


In the middle of the 17th century, Patriarch Nikon carried out a reform of the church. She put the country on the brink of a religious war. Already in 1658, Alexei Mikhailovich quarreled with Nikon, and in 1667 he achieved a trial over him. All this was predicted in Quatrain 96 of the 1st Century:

The one who will be entrusted to remake
Temples and ceremonies, altered by the whim,
It will hurt both priests and laity.
Then he himself will be in disgrace.


Peter I not only reformed the entire system of government, Peter's transformations became a kind of apocalypse for the "Russian antiquity", Michel Nostradamus knew about the consequences of Peter's reforms and described them in Quatrain 59 of the 1st Century:

Exiles expelled from the island
With the arrival of a more ruthless sovereign
They will be killed and burned in flames.
The insurgent city by the sea has been destroyed.

The youngest daughter of Peter I, Elizabeth, arrested baby Ivan VI and his mother Anna Leopoldovna. For the royal family, a walk in torment began, which ended in death. Nostradamus foresaw the fall of the power of the infant Ivan Antonovich and dedicated the 52nd quatrain of the 6th century to this event:

Instead of the great who was doomed,
His daughter, who escaped from prison, will appear,
The infant will rule for twelve months.
Then he will fall into the fortress, where he will be stabbed to death.


Nostradamus also described the struggle for power, which began in the USSR even before the death of Vladimir Lenin. Century 8, quatrain 9:

To support the labors of the great cap
Yes, and clear the place, the red ones will come out
And they will destroy the family almost to the last.
So reds will destroy reds.

I am afraid of an unknown third ruler
A mysterious, barbaric, terrible country.
His comrades-in-arms were killed by him,
And only hell will preserve his old age.

One cannot but agree with the soothsayer that Stalin was "a terrible unknown third ruler." Note that, according to the memoirs, he was very lonely, especially in the last years of his life. Those around him wished him death; verily, "only hell will preserve his old age."


Century 5, quatrain 29, says:

Freedom will not be recaptured
"Throne" will be taken by black, bad, proud, unjust,
When all the material of the bridge has been processed,
The Venetian Republic will be annoyed by Hister.

Hitler's name is almost exactly named here - Hister. By the way, this was the name of the Danube, which flows through the territory of the Fuhrer's homeland. So the soothsayer gives a double indication of him. Quatrain 80, Century 4 speaks about the beginning of the Second World War:

The big river has a big ditch, the earth is thrown away,
Fifteen parts divided by water,
The city is taken, fire, blood, screams, battle,
Most of the population in a skirmish.

It was only in 1940 that the war started by Hitler became world war. This year, German troops broke through the Maginot defense line in 15 places - "divided into fifteen parts by water" - and captured not only Paris ("the city was taken"), but the whole country. The first two lines of the quatrain describe the trenches.


"This year is more difficult than the previous one,
For the message, for the Church walking without God,
Devastation and quarrels, as a rule, in vain,
But the darkness will die away and Zarya will take over ... "

The newest decryptions of Nostradamus's predictions indicate that from 2014 Russia will begin a rapid entry into the Golden Age. In Russia, there will come: “what will be has never been so beautiful ... the second century of Saturn is the Golden Age. The Creator will see the torment of his people and peace will be concluded between God and people.
Ahead is the beginning of a New Era. Before that there will be big troubles, but after that Justice and Goodness will reign on the Earth ”.

Nostradamus speaks of the beginning of the Age of Aquarius, under the sign of which Russia exists, about which the biblical books say “The Kingdom of God on Earth”. Nostradamus gives the key: the prerequisites for the coming of the Golden Age, which will ripen exactly 33 years - the time between the Birth of Christ and the Resurrection. The preconditions for the Golden Age arose in Russia at the turn of 2002 and 2003. They will ripen for exactly 33 years, and the final Golden Age in Russia will come in 2035.

10 years have passed since the publication of this article. But the topic raised in it is still relevant and interesting to our readers.

Retrospective. Year 1999 and seven months ...

When the dead rise from their grave.

Michelle Nostradamus.
Century 10, quatrain 74.

Michelle Nostradamus knew the future. He not only assumed different variants of events, but also saw these events in detail. Even the time when the inner logic of his prophecies would be revealed was well known to him 440 years before this happened.

It is no coincidence that M. Nostradamus singled out Russia in his prophecies. Numerous facts convincingly show that these days global changes will begin in Russia. A "new branch" will appear here carrying the update.

In the center of the vast world is a rose,
Because of new facts, human blood is shed;
They will have their mouth shut when speaking true,
Then, if necessary, a late one will come.

Century 5, quatrain 96.

Rosa - Russia. It was about the coming mission of our country that Nostradamus wrote.

The sky from Plenkus city gives us an omen,
With clear directions and fixed stars
That an era is approaching its sudden change,
Neither good nor bad.
Century 3, quatrain 46.

“Neither for good nor for evil ...” It’s just time to start realizing and reflecting on what is happening in the world.

In the "Epistle to Henry" Nostradamus wrote about the events in Russia:

“And the changed cities, towns, kingdoms and provinces, which left the original paths for liberation, enslaved even deeper, will secretly weighed down by their freedom, and having completely lost their religion, will begin to beat the left party for the sake of returning to the right. The temples will be restored, as in the early times, and the priest will be restored to his legal status, but he will be mired in fraud and voluptuousness, commit a thousand atrocities. And from this a new devastation will come nearer ... ".

Here we see a clear indication of Russia from 1980 to 2000. There was both a "movement to the right" and a multi-party system. Temples are being restored, and priests are replacing political officers in the army; confessionals are established in the police. And the symptoms of "sinking in luxury" are obvious.

Today the church has everything - "absolution" and retail outlets selling all kinds of ritual services: "godly" candles, calendars, icons ... The only thing missing is God himself.

Let us think about what concrete fruits have brought today churches, mosques, synagogues? Maybe the people for the most part have warmed up their souls? Or maybe there are fewer wars on Earth? Or has religion given the world outstanding scientists, writers, philosophers? After all, once upon a time it was so: the church was a Temple of Science and brought people basic literacy.

In Russia, where the prophecies were deciphered and where freedom is understood as riot and lawlessness, despite warnings, a riot can happen. The army will be seized by a certain Antibes.

The ungrateful people were warned.
Then the army will take possession of Antibes ... "
Century 10, quatrain 23.

Under "Antibes, Antiborom" a certain enemy of Boris Nikolaevich is supposed.

Censured, Antibor, cities near Victory,
They will be treated strongly across the sea and by land:
This locust land and sea is a timely wind,
Dead containers taken, robbed without
war (without a military law).
Century 3, quatrain 82.

Here we can clearly see an analogy with the modern economic and political state of Russia, when financial support comes to us from across the sea and over land, which looks more like bribes, and at this time the country is being plundered literally before our eyes. Well, what, tell me, are not locusts?

The fact is that in the "Epistle to Heinrich" there is a rather clear warning that if, "Forcing the people to go to the right, he will not want to condescend to them, at the end of the resistance of the hands of military unrest on the ground".

Moreover, this will happen exactly when "The restored Christian church will be at its peak, and it will all be mired in luxury and commit a thousand crimes.".

Here again an indication of our time period. The salvation of the government is not in self-government, but in condescension to the people and an end to the plundering of the country. But, as we can see, the processes of political and economic life in the country are not developing for the better.

From the spirit of the state, money has depreciated,
And people will be rebels against their king ...
Century 6, quatrain 23.

The beginning of the XXI century, according to the predictions of Nostradamus, should be marked by the arrival and deeds of the Great Monarch. The Prophet also calls him the Great Henry. His arrival is expected by 1999. This monarch is destined to unite Europe, free it from all hostile forces. He will become the Ruler of the World and the United Nations of Europe.

The great Hiren will become the leader of the world,
More than all others, he will be desired,
but then he will be feared and feared,
His honor will rise to heaven,
And he will be awarded the title of conqueror.
Century 6, quatrain 70.

This Great Monarch will be born at 48-50 degrees latitude. It is likely that Michel Nostradamus had in mind exactly the city of Rostov-on-Don! And for this, the author already has some evidence ...

The state will be given to two, but they are not enough
hold out. (The reign of the kingdom of two is short
will hold),
In three years seven months they will start a war,
Two vestals against (them) will rise,
Lesser Victor / Winner / (born) in
Armenian (Armonic?) Land.
Century 4, quatrain 95.

Addressing the Great Monarch, Nostradamus says: "Only you have the highest priority in solving religious issues." There is a connection between this Ruler and the renewal of spirituality and ideology.

Further, the Prophet unambiguously points out that this “renewing the true Church” will appear not from the already existing religions, but “from the branch that was in vain considered withered”, and this will happen in the country where “in the month of October a great revolution will break out "Whose conquests" will not last longer than 73 years and 7 months. "
In other words, we are talking specifically about Russia.

The great King was abandoned by physicists,
By fate, and not by the ability to be alive from the Drunk,
He and his family are raised high in the state,
Pardon is given to people who are jealous of Christ.
Century 6, quatrain 18.

Here there is a connection between science and spirituality. The time of the arrival of the Great Monarch is discussed in the following quatrain:

Year one thousand nine hundred ninety nine and seven months
The great King of intimidation will appear from the sky;
Rebuild the great king of Angumua,
Before and after Mars (War) reign happily.
Century 10, quatrain 72.

So, the time of the event is predetermined - June 1999 or July 2000. As we know, on August 11, 1999 there was a solar eclipse. As many as three such eclipses are expected in 2000! "The Great King of Intimidation will come from the sky ..."

Perhaps, it is in this year 2000 that something unprecedented and unheard of will happen - an emergency contact situation with Extraterrestrial Intelligence !!! So that people finally think that we are not alone in the Universe.

More than 400 UFO sightings have been recorded worldwide during Christmas week alone. On January 1, at 1 am local time, over the Great Wall of China, the "plate" posed for the media and allowed itself to be filmed on video cameras! And at the end of February, a massive UFO invasion led to the fact that the official circles of China recognized the reality of the activities of Extraterrestrial Intelligence on our planet.

It's time for the governments of other states to follow this example! Indeed, at present, only narrow-minded people can assume that man descended from a monkey, and life on Earth was born by chance in a puddle.

Moreover, those who still argue that UFOs are some fluctuations of atmospheric air look stupid!

Apparently, in July 2000 we will all witness one of the most grandiose "fluctuations" - real contact with representatives of Extraterrestrial Intelligence.

Therefore, the time has come to turn to awareness and repentance. Otherwise, we are on the verge of a third world war, which the ruling clans of the planet will try to unleash. After all, otherwise, the people will finally understand: who is the real master on Earth!

It was in July 2000 that V.V. Putin, who came to power at the time of the July 99 lunar eclipse, has the most intense aspect! (See article G. Maslov, "PC" No. 2, 2000.)

When the year turns to the great seventh,
Then the deadly games of the hecatomb will appear,
Shortly before the new thousandth century,
When the dead rise from their grave.
Century 10, quatrain 74.

(Hecate is the moon goddess. Gakatomba is the expiatory and bloodiest sacrifice of the ancient Greeks, when a hundred bulls were slaughtered in honor of the formidable goddess.)

A new ideological movement will emerge on the world stage during this period, which will be severely persecuted.

“The persecution of the Preachers will take its origin from the Kings of Aquilonia,” and then, when the ruler of Aquilon weakens, then some “holy man from his law, from God, an observer, the whole order of religion will be very much grieved, so much so that the blood of true Preachers will float everywhere. "
"Message to Henry".

It clearly states that the new ideology will be persecuted first by the Russian authorities, and then, when the entire "religious order is limited," then blood will be spilled in a river.

Simply put, the church fathers will not want to agree to a voluntary reformation and will go against the "true preachers" and the "law of God" itself.

“One new sect of philosophers,
Despising death, gold, honor and riches,
Native cities will not be limited,
In them, the followers will have support and
Century 3, quatrain 67.

Nostradamus describes the development of further events as follows:

“The people rise up, defending themselves, drive out these stuck legislators, and it will seem that the states are weakened because of the East, that God the Creator decided to release Satan from the imprisonment of the underworld, in order to give birth to the great Dog and Dohan, who will make such a faction disgusting in the Churches that neither these red and white without eyes and hands will no longer judge, and their power will be taken away from them. "
"Message to Henry".

Here we are talking about a violent change of power somewhere in the East, only as a result of this, both "red" and "white" will become blind, helpless and lose their power! “Great Dog and Dohan - a disgusting faction in the churches” will lead to big church “showdowns”, and “such a mess will be brewed up” that it seems as if Satan has broken free.

A body without a soul will not be sacrificed
The day of death will become the birthday:
The divine spirit will make the soul happy
Contemplating the (Divine) Verb at its infinity.
Century 2, quatrain 13.

Yes, there is a force in our country that is capable of leading the whole world to a new life. But everything depends on people's awareness and repentance. If people don't start thinking about what is happening, we can all be dragged into the third world war. It was the date - the middle of 2002 - that Nostradamus encrypted as a possible beginning of this terrible event.

The terrible war that is being prepared in the West
A year later, the plague will come
So terrible that not young
Neither old nor beast.
Blood, fire, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter in France.
Century 9, quatrain 55.

And the collapse in the country will continue for another 27 years.
From this heavenly fire to the Royal building,
When the light of War fades
Seven months great war, dead people
from damage.
Century 4, quatrain 100.

In other words, we have to learn to fight evil bloodlessly, and if this does not happen, then the promised Golden Age will never come.

We will only have to console ourselves with the fact that the distant descendants who survived this deadly war of 2002 will tell legends about our civilization that did not pass the exam.

But after all, Nostradamus wrote not about the fatality of the third world war. He simply warned future generations about these events, about how all this could be avoided.

It all depends on ourselves, on the mind and awareness of each. It is possible that in the same mid-2002 a peaceful normalization of life will begin in all spheres of society.

Mars and the scepter (Jupiter) will open in conjunction (July 2000),
A disastrous war under Cancer:
A little later, a new King will be anointed,
Which will pacify the earth for a long time.
Century 6, quatrain 24.

“Then he will come out of the branch that was considered barren for such a long time; he will come from that 50th degree who will renew the entire Christian church. And the greatest peace, union and harmony will be arranged between several children at war, lost and divided due to different rulers, such a peace will be concluded that the instigators and instigators of military actions, using religious differences, will remain tied up in the underworld, and the kingdom of these Slaves will be united; which will remake wisdom. "
"Message to Henry".

In a word, the victory of the new teaching is a foregone conclusion. And it already exists!

But the final victory of the age of Saturn is attributed by Nostradamus to 2035, and until then we all have a lot of work!

"Satan will be captured and will be in chains for about a thousand years, and peace will be made between God and people." .

E. KADATOVA. Research Center "ENIO"
(When working on the article, materials from the book by D. and N. Zima "The Deciphered Nostradamus" were used)

Based on materials from the newspaper "ENIO" Research Center "Crossroads of the Centaur" (subscription index in the "Rospechat" catalog 53745)

Michel de Nostradamus, known to all of us as Nostradamus, was born in 1503 in Provence, France into a Jewish family. The glory of a scientist and doctor came to Nostradamus when he found an effective way to free Europe from the plague. The "medicine" included fresh air, clean water and vitamin C. The first 24 prophecies of Nostradamus (quatrains) were published in 1550. The popularity of the almanac was so enormous that Nostradamus was forced to publish the same kind of almanacs annually until the end of his days.

Later, the predictions of Nostradamus were framed as "Centuries". They brought worldwide fame to the seer. It is believed that in the quatrain of the tenth - the last - part of the "Century" Nostradamus accurately predicted his death.

Researchers believe that Nostradamus predicted the fate of the United States, Europe, Japan and even the Green Continent and Antarctica. According to Nostradamus, humanity is waiting for the astrological era of Saturn, such a "golden age". But it will be preceded by natural disasters and a political redivision of the world. The Second Coming is also mentioned by the astrologer; it will come at the "end of 6000 years."

Some quatrains and their interpretation:

A living fire will be released, death in disguise
Inside the balls are terrible.
During the night the fleet will turn the city to dust.
The city is burning, its enemy rejoices.

Most likely, "terrible balls" mean nuclear mushrooms. Then the city that became dust is Nagasaki and Hiroshima.

There is a description of a nuclear bombing in another quatrain:

The sun here falls into flames of fires,
The messages are hidden in the wax candle,
Cities and forests are melting with heat
Coal fumes hung over the plain.

Nostradamus has quatrains that herald the invention of military aviation:

The motor will develop tremendous speed,
A battering ram will pierce the restless century.
War will take over the thought of a man,
Which will give science a runaway Prometheus.

The quatrain says about gas attacks and bombs:

He flies this strange army,
The explosion will be heavenly fire
The smell from Lausanne was suffocating and persistent,
But people do not know its source.

About armored amphibious assault vehicles it says:

It's hard for my contemporaries to believe
In iron amphibians of land and seas,
But these monsters will come ashore,
A steep wave will boil in the distance.

Nostradamus's predictions about Russia

At the time when Nostradamus lived, the territory of modern Russia was often called the North or East, therefore, Nostradamus's predictions about Russia do not contain the words Russia or Russia. However, researchers are confident that the astrologer and doctor predicted some events in Russian history very accurately. For example, he predicted the coming to power of Peter I, the revolution of 1917, described social upheavals, the Red Terror.

In one prediction of Nostradamus there is a Russian toponym - Borisfen. So, Nostradamus describes the decline of the "Law of Mora". The decline will supposedly come because of the coming of another "law". The first, according to Nostradamus, from the previous "law" will turn away Borisfen - because of someone's "gifts" and "more attractive language." In ancient times, the Dnieper was called Borisfen. Researchers believe that Nostradamus could mean communism by the former "Mohr's Law".

What Nostradamus said about Russia in the twenty-first century can be learned from the pessimistic quatrains about the great massacre and numerous disasters. So, the astrologer predicted disasters to the Russian state, after which untold wealth would be concentrated in the hands of a small number of people. The great tragedy of Russia, according to Nostradamus, should begin around 2011. After the war, into which the Russians will be drawn, the end of the formerly great state of Russia will come and a redivision of the world will take place, after which millions of people migrate to the territory of Russia and Europe as a whole.

But the complexity of the predictions of Nostradamus is that it is possible to determine exactly what event to talk about in the quatrain only after it happens. Although there are many researchers who are trying to decipher the message of Michel Nostradamus in order to warn humanity about the possible danger. But perhaps everything should be just the way it should be.

Fulfilled quatrains and their interpretation:

A different dynasty will be in Russia,
The country will rise for its freedom,
The people became one messiah out of grief,
Leads his kingdom to dawn and glory.

The researcher believes that this quatrain is about the replacement of the Rurik dynasty by the Romanov dynasty, after the Troubles. This prophecy came true.

There are predictions about certain personalities, for example, Suvorov:

The man of the east will leave his place,
He will cross the Apennine mountains to see Gaul,
It will pierce the sky, snow and water,
And he will strike everyone with his rod.

The first line of this quatrain speaks about Suvorov's departure from exile, the second - about his campaign in Italy, the third - about the passage through the Alps, the fourth indicates the marshal's baton.

He has predictions that describe the events of 1917. They talk about social upheavals:

When the whirlwind turns the stretcher
And the faces will be hidden by cloaks,
New people will pester the republic
Whites and reds will be suing.

There is a quatrain that predicted the Stalinist repression:

Blood of innocent maidens and widows
The great red will do so much evil,
The saints will immerse their images in burning wax,
Everyone is terrified, no one to move.

The last prediction of Nostradamus

The famous alchemist predicted many catastrophes, wars, murders and global changes awaiting the planet for millennia to come. Scientists and followers of Nostradamus puzzled over his ambiguous quatrains, seeing in them often only contradictory and vague predictions.

Certain prophecies, for example, World War II and the 1917 revolution, came true, and the most authoritative researchers of the legacy left by the mysterious Nostradamus agree with this.

The last prediction of Nostradamus about the fate of Russia is interpreted in different ways. Some believe that the doctor predicted Russia the glory of a great Christian power and world greatness in 2025. The wars will supposedly end, and the Christian state will become the center of the revival of the world.

Other researchers claim that the Nostradamus apocalypse will come in 2011 or 2012. The famous pharmacist allegedly believed that the world had only a few centuries left to exist. According to another theory, Michel Nostradamus described the future of earthlings up to the fourth and even the sixth millennium AD. According to this version, the population of the Earth mutates, assimilates with alien beings, reaches the peak of its development and finds the elixir of immortality.

The world is becoming more complex, tensions are increasing. This pushes many to look into the future, to find out what both wise analysts and clairvoyants predict for us. To be honest, we all want to feel safe, to believe in good. And the media often paint pictures full of threats. People just get tired of this. Therefore, materials containing information about

For example, now it has become fashionable to talk about what Nostradamus said about Russia. Let's face it, there are a lot of materials. Various aspects are considered. Interpretations contradict one another. Let's try to understand this cacophony of opinions and analyzes and understand what the country should really prepare for.

About the prophet

You need to know that we are talking about a real person who died in the middle of the sixteenth century. Yes, the prophecies of Nostradamus about Russia, which many are now trying to decipher, were written more than five centuries ago. Their author lived in France. He was engaged in medicinal art, saved people from the plague that was raging then in Europe. It must be understood that in those days little was known about the eastern country. She has just begun to contact European society, not representing any serious interest to the local population. However, Nostradamus thought otherwise. He wrote a lot about Russia. However, as well as about other countries. His visions cannot be called particularly positive. The prophet predicted many trials for the world, some of which have already come true and have sunk into the past. It is because of the fairly high level of feasibility of predictions that the quatrains of Nostradamus remain popular. There are many works, the subject of which is an attempt to decipher them. It should be noted that the author himself said that his quatrains in their entirety would be solved only after many centuries. One day they will find the right key, and the whole truth of his deep talent will be revealed to the world. It may have already happened. However, we learn this only on our own skin, having experienced all the horrors that Nostradamus wrote about. By the way, he spoke good things about Russia, which makes me happy. But let's take a closer look at some of the quatrains concerning our country, paying attention to those facts that could not have been known to the seer, but nevertheless have long come true according to his words. By the way, there are quite a few of them.

About quatrains

The French are proud of their ancient prophet. The prophecies of Nostradamus were reprinted no less than nine hundred times. This fact clearly demonstrates their popularity, but does not say anything about infallibility. The fact is that predictions are written in the form of quatrains that do not contain dates or "place names." And the seer and astrologer could not use modern terminology. After all, he worked in the sixteenth century. At that time, not all territories were known in Europe yet. The world seemed small, menacing, at times, scary. The quatrains of Nostradamus are written allegorically.

Many critics do not believe that they contain predictions. Their main argument is that the text can be stretched over any fact. The prophet himself spoke about this when he pointed out the presence of a key that still needs to be found. The impossibility of a direct presentation of the visions of Nostradamus explained by the fact that contemporaries may not only not believe him, but not withstand such information. He wanted to leave a message to distant ancestors, hiding part of its meaning from his contemporaries. It is believed that he succeeded quite well. Quatrains of Nostradamus have been interpreted for almost five centuries, but they have not come to a consensus. Scientists and ordinary people find in them all new facets and nuances, confirmed by certain events.

About Russia

We remember that in those days the eastern territories did not particularly excite the contemporaries of the prophet. The more interesting is his attention to them. The name Russia, by the way, is not found in the quatrains. He names this country in a different way, however, it is quite recognizable. It is interesting that the prophecies of Nostradamus concerned a fairly long period of time. Some of them have already become a distant history for us, about which experts talk and think mostly. For example, in his quatrains there is information about the characteristics of the character of Ivan the Terrible, the number of his wives and heirs. In addition, Nostradamus accurately described the succession to the Russian throne. He spoke about False Dmitry and the reforms of Patriarch Nikon. Nothing seems to have gone unnoticed by his all-seeing eye. He saw and described such events about which a man of his time could not have an idea. The predictions of Nostradamus about Russia in the Middle Ages are quite detailed. However, we are not interested in them. It is much more useful to understand what the great French astrologer saw in our time. Moreover, the historical events, according to the researchers, are consistent with his quatrains. Therefore, it is quite possible to trust him. In any case, among the multitude of quatrains, it makes sense to look for those that hint at the future of Russia. His predictions amaze him with incredible, in fact, accuracy. More on this.

Current inventions and visionary

Judge for yourself, what did a man know in the sixteenth century, even if he was well educated? The theory of probability has not yet been discovered, chemistry is only in its infancy, initial information about physics, biology is at the level of intuitive understanding. However, the predictions of Nostradamus over the years contain very specific facts. For example, he talked about the stinking and deadly wind that will blow in Europe. It sounded strange then. Now, with the invention of chemical and biological weapons, the lines have acquired meaning. The seer allegorically wrote about the atomic bomb. It should be noted that Nostradamus predicted many troubles for the European peoples. He spoke differently about Russia. In this country, which he called now Glory, now Aquelon, sometimes New Babylon, the sun of the future "golden age" will rise. But more on that later. Let's go back to the inventions seen by the astrologer through time. In the quatrains of the seer and the poet, there is a direct, clearly readable allusion to the construction of land and water transport. He even described a submarine, which, you see, could not be just a figment of the fantasy of a medieval philosopher. It is interesting that many are mistaken in the interpretation of quatrains. So, according to some researchers, the predictions of Nostradamus for 2015 are gloomy and negative. They said that a real disaster awaits us in 2014. Interpreters agreed that Nostradamus predicted a nuclear conflict. However, this has not happened yet, fortunately. Perhaps people misunderstood the predictions of Nostradamus. Russia and Ukraine, or rather, the conflict between them, on the other hand, fits well into the prophecy. It's not a secret for anyone that the introduction of troops into a neighboring country could cause the most dire consequences, including catastrophic ones.

Back to the history of Russia

It is also necessary to note several events foreseen by Nostradamus. By the way, no one disputes such a fact. So, from his time the future of Russia the astrologer saw bloody, heavy, filled with troubles. He spoke of the long periods of tyranny that the common people would have to endure. He also predicted a revolution, the transfer of power and property to other hands. Very accurately Nostradamus described the fate of Nicholas II. He was sure that the king would be ruined by meekness. In addition, the astrologer clearly described the psychological state of the executioners of Nicholas II. “Seized with fear at dawn, they will lead him to execution,” he wrote. Agree, it was difficult from those times to see the future of Russia so accurately. Predictions about the socialist period of the century are also striking in their accuracy. It seems that Nostradamus himself visited the future and described what he saw as he understood. He wrote:

I am afraid of an unknown third ruler

A mysterious, barbaric, terrible country.

His comrades-in-arms were killed by him,

And only hell will preserve his old age.

In these lines, researchers unambiguously recognize Joseph Stalin. It was also good, by the way, that the seer pointed to Hitler and his deeds. The predictions of Nostradamus over the years contain information about and also indicate the winner. Incredibly, the quatrains describe the biography of the future Fuhrer and his inglorious death. Nostradamus considered the future of Russia extremely difficult and successful. Considering that some of the quatrains have already come true, then it is worth studying further. Agree, since experts could see our past in quatrains, it makes sense to try, together with the author, to lift the curtain into the future.

Europe in the seer quatrains

For a modern person, the globality of the world is not a secret. Russia's future is closely linked with its neighbors, their position, the situation in these countries. The seer predicted troubles and suffering to his native spaces. In general, this is a distinctive feature of the French astrologer. He tried to warn distant descendants that it is impossible to change, but you can try to weaken. Nostradamus's predictions for 2015 are full of similar hints. For example, he says that there will definitely be a war in Europe. By the way, many believed in this. In general, the idea of ​​the need for resettlement to the Southern Hemisphere has been discussed in European society for some time. Indeed, according to the researchers, the continent will perish under a hail of nuclear strikes. Agree, there is something to think about. Other clairvoyants also spoke about the troubles of Europe. So, Vanga saw this territory depopulated, poisoned, uninhabited. The same was written much earlier by Nostradamus. Quatrains about Russia are not so gloomy. The seer believed that this territory will survive the trials that have befallen the peoples. Which Wanga did not deny.

About the third world war

The French soothsayer said that not all of the future is predetermined. Some events can still be changed. So, he saw that a global war could begin in the twenty-first century. First, the rulers of four countries will be killed. This event should take place in 2010, Nostradamus said. War will break out and affect all continents. Few will survive it, the seer said. He also pointed to the one who would be at the head of the instigators of the world fire. He described him as a bearded Muslim. On his order, military operations will begin. By the way, some researchers are sure that this person has already entered (according to the chronology of the seer) into an agreement with the rulers of Russia. Let's say right away that not everyone agrees with this interpretation. Moreover, more than four years have passed since the named date, and nuclear missiles, fortunately, are in their mines. Perhaps, not serious researchers write about the third world war, but those who want to promote themselves on "fried topics". For today, it is important that all the terms indicated by the seer have practically passed, and no terrible events followed. This means that Nostradamus was not always right. Moreover, he wrote about the future of Russia without limiting its existence to 2015. And in the event of a global nuclear conflict, such, modern people are well aware of this, is unlikely.

About the leaders of Russia

In the seer's quatrains, researchers find a lot of information about personalities. Naturally, ordinary citizens were not particularly interested in him. He talked about those who have the power to make the most important decisions. So, in his quatrains, many recognized Yeltsin, who would be involved in the collapse of the "red" country. Then, Nostradamus wrote about the dire suffering of ordinary people in general. Next comes the following quatrain:

The country benefits from serious changes.

The clever is driven away, he rules the country

Cautious with a noble heart.

People's life is changing everywhere.

There is an opinion that the current leader of Russia is described in the last lines. Although some researchers are quite careful about such interpretations. In any case, time will tell who is right. Some say that the future described in this quatrain has already come. Others suggest waiting until 2025. Here, every modern person has the right to have and express their own opinion. After all, it is we who are the builders and witnesses of the events. It is for us to judge them. spoke about Russia more positively than about other countries. In her, he saw the source of the rebirth of mankind.

The last test

It should be noted that almost all researchers agree that the "golden age" is already close. The date of its occurrence varies. Optimists point to 2025, pessimists suggest waiting another ten years. However, before this time of general dawn there will be one more, it should be noted, from our position, a mysterious test. The quatrains speak of a "conflict" with China. But our relations with this country are not yet alarming. What is the meaning of the conflict, which some call war, is not yet clear. There is an opinion that this will be a dispute of ideologies. And it is quite probable. After all, China is a completely different, by the way, very ancient civilization. Finding a common language with her is not so easy. People there think and live differently, profess different values. If two ordinary people sometimes cannot come to the same conclusions and live peacefully, then what to say about civilizations! So that they can coexist and develop normally, a tremendous amount of work must be done at the level of meanings and ideas. But modern humanity has not yet approached this. But there are only ten to twenty years left before the "term".

Golden age

Let's hope that Russia will survive the “last test” with fewer losses than all the previous ones. Moreover, there is something to strive for. Nostradamus calls our country the future "spiritual center of the world." He believed that a new religion would arise in this region. It will be like a "sailing boat", light and pleasant. Joy comes from this prediction. People will begin to treat others with compassion, care and try to help. They will open up new sources of energy. People will experience the period of worship of the "golden calf". Other values ​​will appear. Maybe today we still cannot understand them. However, Nostradamus suggests from time immemorial that it will be so. People themselves will change, become different. They will strive not for material accumulation, but for spirituality. The greatest value will be considered creativity, the ability to create joy for others. There are researchers who believe that Nostradamus predicted the beginning of this beautiful century for Russia as early as 2014. Although, so far we cannot see anything like that in our present. Perhaps the sprouts of beauty are already there, only we cannot distinguish them from the painful everyday life. We are probably looking "in the wrong direction." Moreover, the constant background noise in the information space does not contribute to deep reflections and thoughtful observations. The seer said that people will learn to create new organs, invent. Many miracles await us in the near future, if the quatrains of Nostradamus are deciphered correctly. It is necessary to clarify that the author himself was sure: the misinterpretation of his quatrains is fraught with threats to humanity.

About different interpretations

Quatrains of Nostradamus are well-deservedly popular. Perhaps they are most often mentioned in various studies; those who speak about the future rely on them. The network has already accumulated a lot of different information on this matter. It is all the more interesting to look at their retrospective. You know, most often you can come across the fact that the authors are trying to "pull" a biased point of view out of quatrains. As they say, each sandpiper praises its swamp. The authors of the interpretations present their own point of view, trying to substantiate it with the help of lines from the works of the great astrologer. Such "works" can hardly be taken as the basis for the vision of our future. Rather, they are "information projectiles" in the escalated virtual war. So, many were preparing for the end of the world in 2012. Then materials began to appear that Nostradamus saw our future in this way. But we survived the specified period? The planet did not collapse, global shocks were avoided. One could and forget about that hype. However, this is not recommended for the thoughtful reader. Indeed, it is worth relying on such events if you want not to be led by propagandists of not the best kind. It is necessary to learn to distinguish biased opinion from impartial reasoning. And the works of Nostradamus deserve to be seriously engaged in them, and not used in a cheap information war, without meanings and global goals. The seer was concerned about the future of all mankind, suffering from the fact that his people would be at the stage of decline. Nevertheless, he viewed the future positively and optimistically. I was sure that the human race will not slide into the madness of self-destruction. Now everyone is trying to see in his works a reflection of his own small views. Such "specialists" must be calculated and excluded from the list. Otherwise, it will not be possible to understand the flow of materials, to distinguish truth from notions.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the testing period for Russia, according to Nostradamus, is already coming to an end. Even the notorious "war with China" does not seem so terrible now. After all, it could well have been invented by those who do not like the current union of the two great countries. We should hope for a positive development of events. Among the frightening articles and reports, it is necessary to highlight those that confirm the vision of the seer about the "golden age". After all, you and I already know that the future is built not only by deeds or actions, but, first of all, by the thoughts of people. Everyone should control them. Let the world turn to its prime. Together we can do what the great Nostradamus saw five centuries ago!

Quatrains of Nostradamus are a mysterious part of the legacy of the great soothsayer, alchemist and esotericist. It is believed that the future of all mankind is encrypted in them, but for a long time the quatrains could not be deciphered.

In the article:

Centuries and quatrains of Nostradamus - what is it

Quatrains Nostradamus is a poem in which, as is commonly believed, the future is encrypted, seen by a soothsayer who lived several centuries ago. The seer believed that such information should not be available to everyone on our planet. That is why the poems of Nostradamus are encrypted.

Quatrains are quatrains, the fortuneteller wrote almost a thousand prophetic verses, it is believed. In general, rich and clearly harbors a lot of knowledge. However, most of the knowledge accumulated by this esotericist and astrologer has not been deciphered to this day. Most of the records of Nostradamus are incoherent sentences and calculations incomprehensible to the uninitiated.

Centuria Nostradamus are books with quatrains. He wrote twelve books in total. Each of them contains about a hundred verses. As you know from, he preferred French, therefore his legacy was written in the same language. This makes attempts to decipher them by Russian translators even more difficult. An example of a centurium that is not explained:

Young Prince falsely accused (option - in vain to accuse),
Will bring confusion and discord to the camp, -
The chief will be killed for support,
The scepter is pacified: then it will heal the sick.

The books of predictions by Nostradamus are a mystery to this day. It is interesting that they are also encrypted, but a considerable part of them became known to a wide range of people.

Nostradamus code - keys to deciphering the prophecies

It is believed that in quatrain 93 of the third century, the prophet himself described how and when his prophecies would be deciphered. The quatrain is translated as follows:

When will another five hundred years be counted
The one who was the beauty of his generation
A new light will shed on their coup,
That will lead everyone to the admiration of the century.

Now it is customary to interpret it as follows - the quatrain was written in 1550. If you count five hundred years from the time it was written, you get the date - 2050. It is believed that it will be this year that a person will appear who will study the so-called Nostradamus code and will be able to reveal its secrets.

To date, there is no single correct version of the decryption of Nostradamus. What the great soothsayer tried to tell future generations remained a mystery. However, perhaps the decoders of his quatrain are right, and there are only thirty-four years left to wait for the one who will be able to shed light on the secrets of past centuries.

Until then, you can check out the popular versions of the French diviner's code. So, Daniel Ruzo in 1962 put forward a version that the will of Nostradamus is in fact a code to decipher his quatrain. The will was recognized by the scientist as too strange to fulfill its direct functions - to transfer the will of the deceased to relatives.

The magician's will consists of two parts, while the second part was written exactly 13 days later than the first. It consists of 13 pages. The will contains the requirement to divide all property into 13 unequal parts and give it to 13 heirs. The property consists of 22 cloth, 22 pewter and 22 other items. The money is received by 22 heirs - nine relatives and 13 beggars. The total amount of ducats equals the total number of quatrains in the first century.

Another version calls the typos in the texts of Nostradamus by direct letters, about which the author himself said so in one of his works:

The sacred order in straight letters will show you the treasures of the East and West.

If we consider the typos of Nostradamus, then you can see strange coincidences. So, 11 straight letters are given. Such typos are found on 11 pages. Page 47 will be of particular importance, since 4 + 7 = 11. There are exactly 11 typos on this page. Other pages contain either 22 or 13 typos.

Nostradamus - a message to Henry II and his son Caesar

As mentioned above, not only the centuria and quatrains of the predictor are of interest. It is believed that there are some clues that can shed light on the secrets of the future of humanity, and they are in the will, the message to Henry from Nostradamus, as well as the preface to the quatrains addressed to the son of the fortuneteller Caesar.

So, in a letter to Heinrich Nostradamus wrote that he was able to calculate and calculate the dates and meaning of prophecies about the future, starting from a certain moment. On the basis of this phrase from the letter, scientists concluded that the quatrains and centuries of Nostradamus are precisely prophecies, and not just poetry.

The prophecies of Nostradamus indicate the dates from the creation of the world according to the Bible and until those times that have not yet come. The soothsayer himself, in a message to Henry II, indicated that they were used to conceal the real dating of future events.

Regarding the written appeal to his son Caesar, scientists were interested in only one phrase. It translates as follows:

The world is approaching an anaragonic revolution. For 177 years, 3 months and 11 days, the population will decrease so much from pestilence, long famine, wars and floods, between this moment and the specified limit.

It is believed that Nostradamus believed in some kind of collapse of the world or the end of the world, which will happen in 2065-2066. It is with him that the general decline of human civilization will begin, which will continue until 2242.

In general, the predictions of Nostradamus, encoded in quatrains, may seem interesting to almost everyone. However, as the prophet himself believed, a person who is able to decipher his secrets was not yet born.
