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"Machines that help grow bread" PREPARED: Bakholdina O.I. Educator MKDOU D / S No. 8 Ostrogozhsk PRESENTATION for preschoolers

PURPOSE: to introduce children to elementary techniques for growing bread. Tasks: - to give children elementary ideas about machines for growing bread and about the technique of growing bread by our ancestors; develop children's active vocabulary; to cultivate a respectful attitude towards bread and towards the people who grow bread.

This is how bread was grown in the old days.

Tractors that plow the land

Tractors that irrigate the fields

Combines for mowing and harvesting grain in the field

Harvesting grain from the field to the mill

Cleaning straw in the fields

THANKS to those who grow bread!

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

The influence of the work of preschoolers in caring for plants on the site and growing vegetables on the cognitive process.

The world of nature opens up wide opportunities for the mental development of preschoolers. Children receive information about various plants, learn about the characteristics of their growth and development, how to care for them, ...

Teach children how to sow seeds. To consolidate knowledge about vegetable plants (tomatoes and cucumbers) and their seeds. Describe the conditions necessary for the successful development of plants. It is desirable to call the guys ...

vegetable growing project

A project on the theme “Growing vegetables”. Project duration: long (May - September) Project participants: children of the second junior - middle group MBDOU No. 4, parents, teacher Vlasova E.V....

The influence of the work of preschoolers in caring for plants on the site and growing vegetables on the development of the cognitive process. The influence of the work of preschoolers in caring for plants on the site and growing vegetables on the development of the cognitive process.

An important role in the environmental education of preschoolers is played by practical, research activities in natural conditions....

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Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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General information Agrotechnical requirements Devices and operation of the product and its components, classification of plows. Specifying Security Measures

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1. GENERAL INFORMATION Plowing, plowing is the main method of mechanical tillage with moldboard plows. When plowing occurs simultaneously wrapping, crumbling and mixing of the soil. Wrapping achieves incorporation of sod, fertilizers, weed seeds, and many agricultural crops. pests and pathogens. In the lower part of the arable layer, moved to the surface by plowing, under the influence of aeration, re-moistening and quickly activated beneficial soil microflora, the content of nutrients available to plants increases. Plowing makes it possible to maintain a finely cloddy addition of the arable layer. The degree of wrapping depends on the shape of the dumps, the ratio of the depth of processing and the width of the seam. Plows with screw mouldboards wrap the layer most completely, but weakly crumble the soil; with cylindrical dumps, they crumble the soil well, but unsatisfactorily wrap the layer; with the cultural form of dumps, they wrap well and crumble the layer on soils of medium cohesion (with skimmers and on soddy soils).

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2. AGROTECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS When plowing, it is necessary to fulfill the following agrotechnical requirements: - allow deviation of the average plowing depth from the specified one on leveled fields and plots no more than ±1 cm, and on areas with uneven relief and pronounced microrelief - no more than ±2 cm; - to plow with plows with skimmers; - it is necessary to install a disk knife in front of the rear body of trailed and semi-mounted plows, for mounted plows it is not always necessary; - alternate the depth of plowing so that a plow pan does not form; - completely incorporate into the soil (at least 95%) fertilizers, turf, crop residues to a depth of 12-15 cm from the field surface, including soil fluffiness; - to wrap the layer without the formation of voids; create a finely cloddy state of the plowed soil layer with a predominance of lumps in a diameter of not more than 5 cm; the number of lumps larger than 10 cm when plowing fields with optimal soil moisture should be no more than 15-20;

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ensure a stable plow running along the width of the grip; deviation of the capture from the constructive - no more than 10%; - furrows should be straight with the same width and depth; layers raised by each hull; - the surface of arable land in the grip of the plow and between adjacent passages must be continuous; - prevent hidden and open flaws and unplowed wedges, headlands and boundaries; - align the breakup and breakup furrows; - the ridgedness of the arable land surface should be insignificant; - process headlands to a predetermined depth and level their surface; - choose the optimal plowing speed for a given type of plow body and soil conditions; - do not damage roads, plantings and other plantings (crops) located next to the field on which plowing is carried out.

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3. DEVICE AND OPERATION OF THE PRODUCT AND ITS COMPONENT PARTS, CLASSIFICATION OF PLOWS Tractor plows are classified according to the following criteria: 1) by purpose - general purpose and special; 2) by the number of buildings - one-, two-, three-, ... nine-hull; 3) according to the shape of the dump body - with cultural dumps (general-purpose plows, share cultivators), lattice (for working on wet soils), semi-screw and screw (for plowing fallow lands); 4) according to the method of connection with the tractor - trailed, semi-mounted and mounted. 5) by design and principle of operation - reversible, rotary, chisel, etc. An example of the designation of a plow: PLN-5-35 - a share plow, mounted, five-furrow, the width of one body is 35 cm.

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Mounted plows Using the example of the PLN-5-35 (PLN-3-35) plow, we will consider the arrangement of all mounted plows. Designed for plowing soils with a specific resistance of up to 0.09 MPa, not clogged with stones, to a depth of 30 cm. It is aggregated with tractors of the third class (T-150K, DT-75M, MTZ-1221, etc.). Operating speed 10 km/h. Consists of working and auxiliary bodies. Working bodies (fig. 1) - body 2, skimmer 1 and a flat knife (not shown in the figure). Auxiliary bodies - a frame with a trailer or mounted device, a support wheel 7, a mechanism for deepening and deepening the hulls. The skimmer is installed in front of each plow body so that it removes 8 ... 12 cm of the topsoil. The removed layer with a width equal to 2/3 of the width of the plow body is laid with a skimmer on the bottom of the furrow behind the walking body. The skimmer consists of a plowshare, a blade and a rack.

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Picture 1 - General view of the plow PLN-5-35 1 - skimmer; 2 - body; 3 - trailer for harrows; 4- main beam; 5 – an arm of a disk knife; 6 - screw for adjusting the depth of plowing; 7 - support wheel; 8 - brace; 9 - connecting eye; 10 - longitudinal beam; 11 - hitch struts; 12 - brackets of connecting fingers; 13 - connecting fingers; 14 - cross beam

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The field board provides a stable course of the body, unloads the rack from lateral forces, and prevents shedding of the furrow wall. With a field board, the body rests on the wall of the furrow, so it experiences great effort and wears out, especially at the rear body. It is attached to the post from the back at an angle of 2…3 to the wall of the furrow. Sometimes an elongated field board is installed at the rear housing. The blade, plowshare and field board are tightly attached to the rack with countersunk bolts. Housing racks are cast, stamped or welded-stamped parts, in the lower parts of which there is a saddle (shoe), in shape corresponding to the surfaces of the plowshare and blade attached to it.

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The frame is designed for mounting a hitch, a hitch for a harrow and working bodies (cases, a disk knife). The frame serves to fasten all the working bodies of the plow, as well as to apply traction. The plow PLN-5-35 has a flat frame, welded from hollow beams: main 4, longitudinal 10 and transverse rectangular profile 14. Squares are welded to the main beam for attaching the housing racks and skimmer brackets. The offset of the skimmer relative to the body is regulated by moving the clamp along the bracket, and the depth of its travel is adjusted by moving the rack in height. The disc knife is fixed on the bracket 5. The plow frame during operation rests on the wheel 7, the position of which in height can be changed by the screw mechanism 6. This is how the plowing depth is adjusted.

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The body is the main working body of the plow. The body (see Fig. 3) consists of a shoe 1, on which the rack 2, blade 3, share 4 and field board 5 are attached with bolts. - field board and stand. To give the dumps sufficient strength, they are made two- and three-layer. The hard outer surfaces provide sufficient wear resistance, while the soft inner layer gives strength - resistance to bending moment and soil impacts. Rice. 3 Housing assembly 1 – shoe; 2 - rack; 3 - blade; 4 - plowshare; 5 - field board; 6 - let's get down

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The plowshare, cutting the layer, changes its shape and becomes blunt, which can lead to disruption of the plowing process. In addition, as the plowshare becomes blunt, the traction resistance of the plow increases and fuel consumption increases. The soil is mostly directed to the dump, which perceives the high pressure of the formation and wears out quickly, losing its original shape. The dump cuts off the layer from the wall of the furrow, deforms it, shifts it to the side and wraps it with the top layer down. Uglonim 6 (see Fig. 3) is designed to remove the upper part of the soil layer turned over by the hull and dump it at the bottom of the furrow (embedding plant residues), and consists of a small blade of a special design and a bracket for attaching it to the hull blade.

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Attachment 2 (see Fig. 1) is designed to connect the plow to the tractor and consists of the following main parts (see Fig. 2): braces 6, 7 upper links 8 and axles 9. Support wheel (see Fig. 4) serves as the front support of the plow during the operation of the plow and is designed to follow the soil relief, as well as to adjust and maintain a constant plowing depth. The support wheel consists of a rim with a disk 1, a hub 2 assembled with an axle fixed to the plowing depth adjustment mechanism 3. The plowing depth adjustment mechanism consists of the following main parts: a rack assembly with a scraper, a bracket with a locking screw and a plowing depth adjustment screw. Fig. 4 Support wheel assembly 1 – wheel; 2 - hub assembly; 3 - depth control mechanism

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The knives are used to cut the formation in a vertical plane in order to obtain a smooth wall and a clean bottom of the last furrow. Three types of knives are used: disc, cutting and flat with a support ski (see Fig. 5). It consists of the following main parts: rack 1, bracket 2, bearing housing 3, circular knife 4 and lock 5. Fig. 5 Circular knife 1 - stand; 2, - bracket; 3 - bearing housing; 4 - disk knife; 5 - lock, 6 - bracket; 7 - rack mounting bracket

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The disc knife (Fig. 5) is installed on general-purpose tractor plows and some special ones designed for plowing cohesive soils that do not contain large inclusions (stones and wood residues). It is a steel disk 4 mm thick and 390 mm in diameter, freely rotating on two roller bearings. For better stability of the course, the blade of the disc is sharpened on both sides. The cutting knife (Fig. 2, b) is used on plows for special purposes: planting, longline, forestry, etc. It cuts layers and small roots, and turns large roots and wood residues to the surface. Blade thickness - no more than 0.5 mm, sharpening angle 10 ... 15. 6 - cutting knife blade; 7 - back; 8 - cutting;

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The knife is simple in design and strong enough, but it cuts plants and crop residues worse than a disk knife, clogs more often, in addition, it has more resistance when the machine moves; A flat knife with a supporting ski (Fig. 2, c) is installed on shrub-marsh plows. 9 - flat knife; 10 - ski; 11 - base plate

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4. INSTRUCTION OF SAFETY MEASURES 4.1 Do not allow persons who have not read this manual and have not been instructed in safety precautions to assemble and work with the plow. 4.2 Give a signal before moving the machine. Get under way from a place smoothly, without jerks. 4.3 Before raising or lowering the plow, make sure that no one is near it. 4.4 It is strictly forbidden: - to work with a faulty plow; - to be near the unit during the turn; - turn the unit when the restrictive chains of the tractor attachment system are loosened; - sit on the plow frame during plowing or transportation; - adjust the plow on the move or in transport position; - clean the plow on the move or in the transport position; - to repair the plow if it is raised to the transport position or connected to a tractor whose engine is running; - move with a trailer for harrows when transporting a plow; - work with loose fasteners. 4.5 Before changing the shares, place wooden blocks under the field boards and the support wheel. 4.6 Before transportation, raise the plow to the maximum and tighten the limit chains of the tractor hitch. Make sure that the piston rod does not settle.

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5. POSSIBLE MALFUNCTIONS AND METHODS FOR THEIR ELIMINATION 5.1 Possible malfunctions and methods for their elimination are described in the table Malfunction, external manifestation Methods for elimination of the tractor system The plow skids towards the field or towards the furrow Turn the plow relative to the suspension axis in the direction of the plow rotation The disc knife is installed incorrectly, as a result of which the furrow wall crumbles Move the knife away from the cutting edge of the housing, correctly set it in height The knife is strongly lowered or blunt. Residue collects in front of it Raise the coulter, sharpen its blade The knife does not cut through the soddy layer of soil, and crop residues collect on the cutting edge and stand Lower and move the coulter forward, sharpen its blades

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Mounted plow deepens too much because spreader lever is in "neutral" position Set spreader lever to "float" position. The length of the left brace of the tractor linkage mechanism is set incorrectly, and the plow clings to the tire of the tractor’s left wheel Adjust the linkage mechanism The length of the limiting chains, the linkage mechanism is incorrectly adjusted, and in the transport position the plow sways strongly the ends of the longitudinal rods had a lateral swing of no more than ± 20 mm

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6. MAINTENANCE 1. Preventive maintenance system prevents wear and tear of parts, prolongs the service life of the unit. 2. Maintenance of the unit (tractor and plow) is carried out in accordance with the requirements set out in the operation manual of the tractor with which the plow is aggregated, and the technical description and operating instructions of the plow. 3. Maintenance of the plow consists of maintenance during preparation for operation, maintenance during running-in, shift maintenance and seasonal maintenance. Operating break-in time is 14-16 hours. 4. Maintenance of the plow is carried out every shift (at the beginning or at the end of work) and at the beginning of the agricultural season. 5. The list of works performed for each type of maintenance is set out in the table

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The content of the work and the methodology for their implementation Technical requirements Instruments, tools, fixtures, materials for performing work Maintenance during preparation for operational running-in Cleaning the plow from dust and dirt (if necessary) The plow must be clean Maintenance unit Checking the completeness of the plow by external inspection allowed - Checking, if necessary, tightening the threaded connections of the plow All fasteners must be tightened to failure Wrenches from the tractor kit Checking, and if necessary, lubricating the swivel joints that do not have oilers: support wheel support screw, hinge pins Swivel joints must be filled with lubricant Solidol GOST 4366-76, Syringe.

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Maintenance during running-in and at the end of running-in Cleaning: clean the plow from dust and dirt The plow must be clean Maintenance unit Visual inspection: Technical condition of assembly units and parts (replace or repair if necessary) Work with broken or deformed parts is not allowed . Wrenches from the tractor kit. Fastening connections: checking and, if necessary, adjusting and tightening the fastening of assembly units and plow parts All fasteners must be. Tightened to the brim. Wrenches from the tractor kit. Carrying out, if necessary, adjustment work to ensure the agrotechnical requirements of soil cultivation Work with an incorrectly adjusted plow is not allowed. Wrenches from the tractor kit. Checking and, if necessary, lubricating the column, the support wheel screw and the hitch pins The swivel joints must be filled with lubricant. Solid oil GOST 4366-76, Syringe.

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Relubricate the support wheel and adjust the bearings in the following order: - place the plow on a horizontal platform on a stand for beds or stands, ensuring the stability of the plow and the detachment of the support wheel from the ground by 8-10 cm; - release the clamping bolt and locknut fixing the wheel axle on the plowing depth adjustment mechanism; - remove wheel 1 (see Fig. 9) together with axle 3; - unscrew the nuts 10. remove the bolts 9, then the hub 2 together with the axle 3; - unscrew the bolts and remove the cover 11 with the gasket; - unscrew nut 12 and remove lock washer 13, bearing 8 and axle 3 as an assembly; - remove bearing 7, cuff 6, bushing 5 and protective washer 4 from the axle; Rice. 9 Support wheel. 1 - wheel; 2 - hub; 3 - axis; 4 - protective washer; 5 - bushing; 6 - cuff; 7, 8 - bearing; 9 - bolt; 10, 12 - nut; 11 - cover; 13 - lock washer.

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Wash the bearings and the inner cavity of the wheel hub with diesel fuel, inspect them, make sure there is no damage! - fill the bearing separators and the inner cavity of the wheel hub to 2/3 of the free volume with grease; - install the protective washer 4, bushing 5, cuff 6 and bearing 7 on the axle; - install axle 3 as an assembly in place; - put the bearing 8 in place; - install the lock washer 13 on the axis 3 and tighten the nut 12, then unscrew the nut 12 by 1/4-1/5 turn until the slot on the nut coincides with the nearest barb on the lock washer and bend the barb of the washer; - install the gasket and cover 12 in place, then assemble the hub with the wheel and install the wheel assembly on the plow, fixing the wheel axle with a clamping bolt and a lock nut.

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7. RULES OF STORAGE 1. Put the plow into storage during breaks in its use: a) up to 10 days - inter-shift storage; b) from 10 days to two months - short-term storage; c) more than two months - long-term storage. 2. Before placing the plow for long-term storage, check its technical condition (using, if necessary, diagnostic tools) and determine the residual life of the components. 3. Store the plow indoors or under a canopy. It is allowed to store in open equipped areas with the obligatory performance of work on conservation, sealing and removal of components requiring storage. It is allowed to store the plow during inter-shift storage at sites and points of inter-shift storage or directly at the place of work in a complete set without removing their components.

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4. Install the plow for long-term storage in open areas, observing the distance between them in a row of at least 0.7 m for routine inspections. The distance between the rows should ensure the installation, inspection and removal of the plow from storage (at least 6 m). 5. Place the plow for inter-shift and short-term storage immediately after completion of work, for long-term storage - no later than 10 days from the date of completion of work. 6. Carry out maintenance of the plow during preparation for storage, during storage and when removing from storage to prepare the plow for operation. After strong winds, rains and snow drifts, immediately check and eliminate the detected deficiencies. During the storage period, check the condition of the plow indoors at least once every two months, and in open areas and under sheds - monthly. It is not allowed to store the plow and its components in rooms containing (releasing) impurities of aggressive vapors and gases.

Shangireev Rifat

GBOU SPO Baimak Agricultural College, Uragaza village, Baimaksky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan; the author is a student in the specialty 110809 Agricultural mechanization Shangireev Rifat, 2014, 8 slides. The work was carried out within the framework of independent extracurricular work in the discipline "Informatics".



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Agreecultural machines. Agreecultural equipment

Agricultural machinery is one of the most revolutionary inventions of modern technology. The elementary human need for food has always forced the development of machinery and technology. Over the past 250 years, advances in agricultural technology have changed the way we work and produce food around the world. 2

History The first person to switch from hunting and gathering to farming most likely worked with his bare hands and no implements, perhaps occasionally using sticks and stones. Tools such as knives, scythes, and wooden plows came along after a while and dominated agriculture for thousands of years. At that time, almost everyone was engaged in farming, since the limited technology of those years barely made it possible to feed a family. 3

With the advent of the industrial revolution and the development of more complex machines, farming methods took a great leap forward. Instead of harvesting cereals by hand with sharp blades, wheeled machines began to be used, which cut off large ones in one pass. Instead of manual threshing, threshers began to be used, which immediately separated the seeds from other parts of the plants. 4

Types of Agricultural Machines Combines had a chance to take all the work away from tractors, but tractors still do the bulk of the work on modern farms. They are used to move equipment - machines that plow the land, sow seeds, or perform several operations at once. Plowing machines prepare the soil for planting by loosening it, destroying weeds and competing plants. The most famous such device is the plow, an ancient tool that was greatly improved by John Deere. Nowadays, plows are used less often, as disc machines have appeared that wrap the soil layer and chisel machines that work the soil to the right depth while retaining moisture. Seeders and planters are also widespread. Planters are used for automated planting of seedlings. After planting, various machines are used for inter-row weed control, fertilizer and pesticide applications. Hay presses are used to densely pack herbs, in particular alfalfa. In addition, a wide variety of machines are used for farming, including trucks, helicopters and airplanes. 5

New technologies and the future The fundamentals of agricultural machinery technology have not changed much in the last hundred years. While today's harvesters and planters are much faster than their predecessors, $250,000 harvesters cut, thresh and separate crops the same way they did years ago. However, machine control has changed as computerized control systems, GPS navigation and self-guidance programs make modern machines more accurate and less wasteful in their use of fuel, seeds and fertilizers. For the foreseeable future, agricultural machines will be able to steer themselves using GPS navigation and electronic sensors. 6

New technologies 7

Thank you for your attention The presentation was made by a student of the Baimak Agricultural College Shangireev Rifat

Mud flow (in hydrology from Arabic sayl "stormy stream") a stream with a very high concentration of mineral particles, stones and rock fragments (up to 50-60% of the volume of the stream), suddenly arising in the basins of small mountain rivers and dry dens and usually caused by heavy rainfall or rapid snowmelt. Arab hydrology. mineral rocks basins of dry dens rainfall snowmelt Mudflow is something between a liquid and a solid mass. This phenomenon is short-term (usually it lasts 13 hours), typical for small streams up to 2530 km long and with a catchment area up to km².

The speed of mudflows is on average 24 m/s, sometimes 46 m/s, which causes their great destructive effect. On their way, the streams cut deep channels, which are usually dry or contain small streams. Mudflow material is deposited in foothill plains. Mudflows are characterized by the advancement of its frontal part in the form of a shaft of water and sediment, or more often by the presence of a series of successively shifting shafts. The passage of the mudflow is accompanied by significant reformations of the channel.

Mudflow occurs as a result of intense and prolonged showers, rapid melting of glaciers or seasonal snow cover, as well as due to the collapse of large amounts of loose clastic material into the channel (with terrain slopes of at least 0.080.10). Deforestation in mountainous areas can be a decisive factor in the occurrence. Tree roots hold the top of the soil, which prevents the occurrence of a mudflow. slopes Sometimes mudflows occur in the basins of small mountain rivers and dry ravines with significant (at least 0.10) thalweg slopes and in the presence of large accumulations of weathering products. thalweg According to the mechanism of origin, erosion, breakthrough and landslide mudflows are distinguished.

Earthquakes As a result of earthquakes, broken fragments of glaciers or rocks can block the path of rivers, forming very unstable dams. With the destruction of such a dam, water is not discharged from it gradually, but instantly, which contributes to the accumulation of unthinkable kinetic energy by the flow.

Lahars mudflows of volcanic origin. As a result of the ejection of lava or the descent of pyroclastic flows, the snow cover and glaciers on the slopes of the volcano rapidly melt, and the resulting water mixes with ash and rocks. During the eruption of Vesuvius in 79, under the ashes of which Pompeii was buried, the city of Herculaneum filled up with a three-meter layer of mud-stone mass brought by sugar. During excavations, it was found that the mudflow shell of Herculaneum is much denser than the ash layer of Pompeii. Vesuvius Pompeii Herculaneum

Connected streams include mud-stone streams, in which water practically does not separate from the solid part. They have a large volumetric weight (up to 1.5-2.0 t/m³) and a great destructive power. Incoherent include water stone streams. Water transports clastic material and, as the speed decreases, deposits it in the channel or in the area of ​​the alluvial fan on the foothill plain. Volumetric weight of water of stone mudflows.

Mud mudflows mixture of water with fine earth at a low concentration of stones, volumetric weight y=1.52 t/m³ Mudstone mudflows mixture of water, pebbles, gravel, small stones, y=2.12.5 t/m³ with predominantly large stones, y=1.11.5 t/m³

Mudflows can produce enormous destruction. The fight against mudflows is carried out mainly by fixing the soil and vegetation cover, building special hydraulic structures. To combat mudflows, preventive measures and the construction of engineering structures are being carried out. The use of certain methods of control is determined by the zones of the mudflow basin. Preventive measures are taken to prevent the occurrence of mudflow or weaken its effect at the very beginning of the process. The most radical means is afforestation on mudflow-prone mountain slopes. The forest regulates the flow, reduces the mass of water, cuts the streams into separate weakened jets. In the catchment area, it is impossible to cut down the forest and disturb the sod cover. Here it is advisable to increase the stability of the slopes by terracing, to intercept and divert water by upland ditches and earthen ramparts. In mudflow channels, dams have the greatest effect. These structures made of stone and concrete, installed across the channel, delay the mudflow and take away part of the solid material from it. The semi-dams push the flow towards the shore, which is less prone to breaking. Mudflow traps are used in the form of pits and pools laid on the path of flow; bank-protecting retaining walls are built to prevent erosion of the banks of the channel and protect buildings from the shock force of the mudflow. Efficient guiding dams and village storage. Dams direct the flow in the right direction and weaken its effect. In the areas of settlements and individual structures located in the zone of proluvium deposition, diversion channels are arranged to guide dams, the riverbed is taken into high stone banks that limit the spreading of the mudflow. To protect road structures, mudflows in the form of reinforced concrete and stone trays are most rational, allowing mudflows to pass above or below the structures.

Hearing the noise of an approaching mudflow, you should immediately rise from the bottom of the hollow up the drain, at least by a meter. At the same time, you need to remember that stones of great weight that threaten life can be thrown out of the roaring stream for long distances.

Provide assistance to the victims and assistance to the formations and bodies that disassemble blockages and drifts along the path of the mudflow and in places where the main mass of the mudflow is removed. If you are injured, try to get yourself first aid. The affected areas of your body, if possible, should be kept in an elevated position, put on them ice (wet matter), a pressure bandage. Contact your doctor.

Serious material damage was caused to the city by a giant mudflow that hit Almaty in July 1921. A mudflow of almost 3 million m 3 swept away on its way and destroyed many buildings and caused great damage to the city. All the efforts of the working people were aimed at overcoming the grave consequences of the natural disaster, at restoring what had been destroyed in the shortest possible time.

The construction of the mudflow protection dam "Medeo" in the Medeo tract in the valley of the Malaya Almatinka River began in 1964 and was carried out with the help of blasting. The first explosion (right-bank) was made in 1966. The second explosion (left-bank) - in 1967. The rockfill dam of the first stage, 107 meters high, formed a storage facility with a capacity of 6.2 million cubic meters in the village and was put into operation in 1972. In 1973 year, the dam delayed the mudflow with a mass volume of 5.3 million cubic meters.

July 15, 1973, The entrance of the first wave of a mud-stone stream in the village of a storage facility in the Medeo tract. Mudflow hit the body of the dam and choked, filling the pit.

Alexander Yuryevich Khegay, in July 1973, a member of the government commission to eliminate the consequences of mudflow, a little later appointed deputy head of the newly created department "Kazselezashchita": "If, God forbid, there had been a breakthrough, then the strength of the new stream would have doubled due to the high concentration of mudflow Then scientists calculated that the force of the stream in 1973 was 4 times higher than the force of the stream in 1921. Then a quarter of the entire urban development was destroyed, more than 500 people died. But in the early 20s, Verny was a one-story city with a small territory and population about 30 thousand people, and by the mid-70s Alma-Ata had grown several times in territory and twenty times in terms of population - up to 750 thousand, and the city center, through which the mudflow passed in 1921, is now multi-storey. , what could have been the number of victims and the scale of destruction! When these calculations are made for today's one and a half millionth Almaty, they give the figure of thousands of people living or working on a hypothetical mudflow path "

The dam withstood the first assault, but now its siege has begun. Mudflow clogged drainage pipes. There was a real danger of overflowing the mudflow lake, which every second received up to 12 cubic meters of Almatinka water. Work on the dam began as early as 5 am on 16 July. It was necessary to use at least 12 powerful pumps, lay kilometers of pipelines. They started installing them right away. At least 10 dredgers were needed, which were not in Alma-Ata at all, they were delivered by cargo planes from Moscow, Chelyabinsk and Orenburg, and on July 20 they began to work.

1. Material from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 2. A. V. Mikheev "Nature Protection". 3. Materials from the following sites were used: Great mudflow-1973: thirty-five years later Days and nights of courage Photos from the forum Photos from the forum History in photos
