Leading: Good afternoon dear friends!

Today, this hall is warm from the friendly atmosphere and crowded from the closeness of eras and generations. You bore the hardships of a terrible war on your shoulders, you have traveled a long life path with joys and successes, losses and hardships. A generation of children has come to meet you, who have not experienced the horrors of war and know about it from history lessons, books, and films.

To you, dear veterans, home front workers, children of war, we dedicate our concert!


Let's remember the serene childhood dream, happy
The first ray of the sun is unhurried
The smell of apples ripening in the garden
Remember the scariest day of the year
Let's remember the glowing city burned to the ground
Harvest in the field, burnt by fire
Explosions, death, eyes filled with pain
Borders of Russia, covered with blood.
Let's remember to glorify the fighters
To send to the people of the whole earth
Light sounding spell:
There should be no war in the world!

Leading: (Against the background of a softly sounding school waltz)

The earth slept peacefully. Children snuffled in their beds, and adults tired of the day rested. And only in the night, full of peace and quiet, a splash of water in the river was occasionally heard, and the leisurely whispering of leaves on the trees. And only the sounds of the school waltz disturbed this night peace. It was the graduates who said goodbye to each other, and to childhood, entering into adulthood.

Meeting the dawn and dreaming about what awaits them tomorrow, they could not even think that there would be four long and terrible years in their lives, and that many of them no longer had a future.

The ground is covered with a light mist. Everywhere is still quiet. These were the last moments of silence.

(Waltz melody fades)

A flower covered in dewdrops, all close to the flower
And the border guard stretched out his hands to them
And the Germans, having finished drinking coffee at that moment
They climbed into the tanks, closed the hatches
Everything breathed such silence
That the whole earth was still asleep, it seemed
Who knew that between peace and war
Only five minutes left...

(The melody of the song "Holy War" sounds)

The war lasted 1418 days and nights.

And from the first hours, from the first minutes of the enemy invasion, the entire Soviet people, at the call of the Motherland, stood up for a mortal battle!

A soldier on the front line and a teenager at a factory, a partisan behind enemy lines and a collective farm woman in a village far from the front - everyone, as best they could, and more often beyond all strength, brought our Victory closer, stubbornly going through the national misfortune to that bright, hard-won day.

In a fierce battle with fascism, the Soviet people showed selfless love for the Motherland, unparalleled stamina and mass heroism.

(The song “Three tankers” sounds)


Bombs shook the ground in the forty-first year
Only we resisted the ages in plain sight
Having mastered so much grief, is it for us not to know
As Russia stood, so it will stand!

(The poem "Goodbye, boys" sounds)

Girls read:

1. Ah, the war, what have you done, vile
Our yards have become quiet
Our boys raised their heads
They have matured so far

2. They barely loomed on the threshold
And they left, for a soldier, a soldier
Goodbye boys!
Boys, try to get back! (Waving to the boys)

3. No, don't hide, be tall
Spare neither bullets nor grenades
And do not spare yourself, but still
Try to get back!

Boys read:

4. Oh, war, what a vile thing have you done
Instead of weddings - separation and smoke
Our girls dresses are white
Gave away to their sisters

5. Boots - well, where can you get away from them?
Yes, green wings of shoulder straps ... ..
You spit on the gossips, girls
We'll settle accounts with them later.

6. Let them talk that you have nothing to believe in
That you go to war at random
Goodbye girls!
Girls, try to get back! (Waving hands to the girls)

Leading: How difficult were those moments when relatives and friends escorted their loved ones to the front. What will the war bring? Will your dearest person return alive and well? No one could then answer these questions. Sad forebodings tormented the soul. But still, the light in the heart did not go out.

(The song "Dark Night" sounds)

Leading: In moments of calm, on halts, in dugouts, a good song warmed the soldier's heart. The song inspired, called for a feat in the name of the Motherland. The song in the war helped many to survive. And let it sound like a memory now.

(The song "In the dugout" sounds)

Leading: None of the soldiers then knew whether he would live to see tomorrow, whether he would meet the dawn, whether he would see the blue sky, whether he would hear the birds singing, whether he was destined to go through the whole war and return home. But courage and courage did not leave them the idea that they were loved and expected at home, warmed them, gave them determination to go into battle, to defend their homeland.

(The boy reads the poem “Wait for me”)

Wait for me and I'll be back, just wait a long time
Wait for the yellow rains to make me sad
Wait for the snow to sweep, wait for the heat
Wait when others are not expected, forgetting yesterday
Wait until no letters come from distant places
Wait until you get tired of everyone who is waiting together
Wait for me and I will return, do not wish well
Anyone who knows by heart that it's time to forget.
Let the son and mother believe that there is no me
Let friends get tired of waiting, sit by the fire
Drink bitter wine for the memory of the soul
Wait, and do not rush to drink with them for one
Wait for me and I will return to all deaths for evil
Who did not wait for me, let him say: "Lucky"
Do not understand those who did not wait for them, as in the midst of fire
By waiting, you saved me.
How I survived, only you and I will know
You just knew how to wait like no one else!


She sounds undying
From grandfathers to youths
A simple front song
Warming your heart!

(The song "Katyusha" sounds)


There are laughter and jokes
And the crackle of a fire is barely audible
It's a minute's rest -
The long awaited time!

Who said that you have to give up songs in the war?
After the battle, the heart asks for music doubly!

(The song "Airplanes" sounds)

Leading: The war is long over...

The trenches were numb and flattened to the ground, the temporary front roads were overgrown with grass, dugouts were covered with flowers. But the earth will always remember the war. And people remember!

The war is over, the suffering is over
But pain calls out to people:
Let's never forget this people!
May they keep the faithful memory of her, of this torment
And the children of today's children, and our grandchildren grandchildren
Then, in order to forget this, generations did not dare
Then for us to be happy
And happiness is not in oblivion!

Leading: Glory to the heroes! Glory! On Victory Day, we will always remember what qualities of our people helped to defeat the enemy: patience, courage, great stamina, love for the Fatherland! Day 9 May became for us not only a national holiday, but also the Day of Remembrance, the Day of Sorrow for all those who were not destined to return.

The war is gone, leaving the lists of those who died in a righteous battle.
The obelisks froze in mourning in a motionless stone formation
“He died the death of the brave” - we answer and again live in the coming day
With a moment of mournful silence, let's remember the fallen!

(Moment of silence)

(The poem “Why did they win?” Sounds)

Why won?
It's a simple question, not an easy one...
Because fearless
Get up to your full height!

Why won?
There are many reasons here
Because you are together
Were all as one

Why won?
What's wrong with guessing?
Because they loved
Our Motherland!

Well, if otherwise
To be clearer:
You loved the Motherland
More of your life!

(The song “Victory Day” sounds)

Leading:(Against the background of the melody of the song “Victory Day”)

And so our meeting came to an end. Today, students of the Argo and Domisolka vocal studios of the Center for Additional Education for Children of the Tyazhinsky District of the Kemerovo Region gave you a piece of their heart. Once again, we congratulate you on the occasion of the Victory Day! And with all our hearts we wish you: happiness, health, long life and a cloudless sky above your head. Thanks for the warm welcome!

Scenario of the concert program dedicated to the Victory Day

Material Description: I present to your attention the concert program of the city event dedicated to the Victory Day.
Target: To instill in students respect for their native country, the feat of the people in the Great Patriotic War.
- Awaken in children a sense of compassion, empathy and pride for the heroism of their people, respect for the defenders of the fatherland, veterans of the Great Patriotic War;
- To instill in students attention, respect for their comrades who have prepared a festive concert;
- Encourage participation in city events, develop artistic ones.
Equipment: Multimedia projector, screen, computer, speakers

The course of the concert program

military fanfare.
Time of heroes, usually you seem to be in the past:
Major battles come from books and movies
The main dates are cast in newspaper lines,
The main destinies have become history for a long time.
The time of heroes, by the highest right,
You gave far and near years
Valor, and glory, and a long good memory.
The time of heroes, has left us so much?

May 9, 945, our fathers and grandfathers, at the cost of great efforts at the front and in the rear, brought us this holiday! It is marked for centuries, for all generations with a red date in the calendar of the heroic past. These are our soldiers, through the fierce flames of battles, went to this light of Victory, increasing the military glory of the Fatherland. This is the greatest event in world history. This is an imperishable memory of the unfading valor of a great and invincible people.
To the glorious victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War, we dedicate our festive concert, prepared by institutions of additional education. Meet Anastasia Falaleeva, Laureate of the City and Regional Competition, student of the Vladimir Ionovich Mikhailusov Music and Choral School "April" with the song "May Waltz".
1. Song "May Waltz"

Leading: New generations have grown up. For them, the Great Patriotic War is a distant history. But conscience and duty to those who died and survived the war should not allow us to forget this heroic and tragic page in the annals of our state. Today we celebrate the Victory over fascism. And our concert continues the dance "Oh, Vasya", performed by Marina Golubenko's dance studio. Center for additional education of children.
2. Dance "Oh, Vasya"

Leading: It was the spring of 1945. Soviet troops victoriously moved across enemy territory, crushing the enemy's defenses, scattering fascist regiments and divisions. The battle lines changed, cities and villages remained behind, the earth hummed from the volleys of our guns, from the roar of Soviet tanks. So the Soviet soldier forged the great Victory. Happy Victory Day, you! Accept a gift-dance performed by the choreographic studio "Suita", director Marina Devzheeva. Center for additional education of children.
3. Dance "Ladushki".

Leading: According to the memoirs of war veterans, letters from relatives and familiar songs helped to survive in the trenches of World War II. These little pieces of home, reminders of families and friends, of close people, for whom it was easier to go into battle. The songs raised the fighters to the attack, the songs brought the fighters closer to the Victory.
Meet Zakhryapin Vsevolod, a student of the Musical and Choral School "April" named after Vladimir Ionovich Mikhailusov. Laureate of city, regional, all-Russian and international competitions. Song letter from 45.
4. Song "Letter from 45".

Leading: Victory Day... From childhood, everyone remembers it with fireworks, red flags, the brilliance of orders and medals on the chest of participants in the Great Patriotic War. A day of national joy and great loss. It is very different and is similar to a spring waltz. On stage, the dance group "Vivat", leader Elena Kirasirova. "Waltz".
5. Dance "Waltz".

Leading: We dedicate our festive concert to the glorious victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War. Accept a gift from the dance group of the Center for Additional Education for Children, head Oksana Zhuikova. Dance "Flower - seven-flower
6. Dance "Flower - seven-color"

Leading: Andrey Dementiev "The Ballad of a Mother"
Polina Sitkina, a pupil of the children's studio "Karuselka", is being read by Viktoria Viktorovna Sitkina.
7. The poem "About that war"

Leading: The native land keeps a grateful memory of the heroes of fellow countrymen in the names of streets, in museum expositions, on memorial plaques and obelisks. Today veterans, home front workers, children of war are glorified in the city and villages of the region. All those who stayed with us meet May 9 with special trepidation and excitement. On the Victory Day, our songs and dances are dedicated, first of all, to them, the soldiers of the Victory. Dance "On the Wings of the Wind", performed by the choreographic studio "Suita" Center for additional education of children.
8. Dance "On the wings of the wind"

Leading: The years of the terrible war are going further and further into the past, but the feat of the people who stood up to defend the Fatherland will live forever in the memory of the people. It was they who, not sparing their lives, brought the victorious May closer. It is about them that poems and songs are composed.
The song "Alyosha" is performed by Elizaveta Konstantinova, Laureate of Regional and International, Music and Choral School "April" named after Vladimir Ionovich Mikhailusov.
9. Song "Alyosha"

Leading: Both old and young rose to defend the country. Many went to the front straight from school. The war scattered young guys - some into tankers, some into telephone operators, signalmen, scouts. But that's all, they listened more than once in moments of calm, sang "Katyusha". And today we offer to watch the Katyusha dance.
10. Dance "Katyusha"

Somewhere, gathering at a halt
Noisy soldier family
All more than once, it happened, they remembered
A distant land, a native land.
Waltz "Blue Handkerchief", the team of the Center for Additional Education for Children is dancing for you, head Oksana Zhuykova
11. Waltz "Blue Handkerchief"

Leading: There are songs that sound special on this holiday. Songs in which people's memory lives. Songs that connect spaces and times. The song "About that spring" is sung by: Egor Krutikov, a pupil of the children's studio "Karuselka"
12. Song "About that spring"

Leading: The young military generation, contemporaries of the great misfortune, ordeals, contemporaries of the brightest Victory. These girls and boys were the most ordinary schoolchildren and students. They skipped classes, chased pigeons, broke girls' hearts with the blazing melodies of accordions, played football and sang songs and danced until the third rooster.
Meet, Dance Ensemble "Sunrise", leader Elena Troshina. Dance "Girls"
13. Dance "Girls"

Leading: The next song is dedicated to all mothers who did not wait for their sons and daughters from the fronts, who until the last minute of their lives hoped and waited.
"Cranes", sings Vsevolod Zakhryapin. Music and choral school "April" named after Vladimir Ionovich Mikhailusov.
14. Song "Cranes"

Leading: May 9 is one of those holidays that unites all generations and nationalities, showing the whole world our indestructible spirit and strong character. On May 9, the war against German fascism ended with a complete victory. Happy holiday, Happy Victory Day!
We meet the dance group "Vivat", leader Elena Kirasirova. Center for additional education of children. "Incendiary Latina".
15. Dance "Incendiary Latina".

Leading: War! She was not only a test for adults, but above all, she touched the child's vulnerable soul. Which remembers every day, every minute of the war. Today, children living under a peaceful sky gratefully give you, dear veterans, their songs and dances.
Dance "Time", dance ensemble "Sunrise", leader Elena Troshina.
16. Dance "Time".

Leading: By tradition, on May 9th we wish each other only peace and kindness. We wake up and are sure that a wonderful day awaits us. A day without war, and every dream has an opportunity to come true. This is the breath of happiness, the breath of life! Another musical gift - the song "Muscovites" is performed by Grigory Svidersky, Laureate of city and regional competitions. Music and choral school "April" named after Vladimir Ionovich Mikhailusov.
17. Song "Muscovites".

Leading: Victory! The most long-awaited word for every soldier. Victory, this short and capacious word contains another, no less wonderful word - the world. A world without war, a beautiful spring world!
“A Scarlet Sunsets” is sung by Daria Vishneva, Domisolka creative association, leader Natalia Ustinova.
18. Song "And scarlet sunsets."
Leading: Victory Day, the most desired holiday, the most massive in fact, it unites the memory of several generations, the memory of all peoples. The Center for Additional Education for Children congratulates you on the holiday. Meet the choreographic studio "Suita", head Marina Devzheeva. Dance "Rhythms of the Caucasus",
19. Dance "Rhythms of the Caucasus".
Presenter: The dance group of Oksana Zhuikova is on the stage.
20. Dance "Jive".

Leading: Glory to the Russian soldier, home front workers and all generations of the great war! Our hearts will forever carry the grateful memory of the heroes of the glorious Victory! Happy holiday, Happy Victory Day!

Speaker: May 9 - Victory Day! This is the most respected holiday! It's already approaching ..-I'm an anniversary!

The ranks of veterans of the Great Patriotic War are becoming less and less common.

But we must remember at what cost happiness is won, tell our children and grandchildren about everything so that they remember!

And let verses and songs about the war sound today so that we can listen to them in silence!

On the screen - modern footage of the celebration of Victory Day.

Speaker: Use the wind to finish singing and in the beat of a waltz the memory of the distant 40s!
Two couples in pre-war clothes come to the fore.
They waltz. With them, as if imitating adults, they dance
two pairs of children. Suddenly, an explosion of a dam sounds, an automatic burst.
Everyone froze, the girls cover their heads with their hands,
and the boys shield them with themselves. The call signs of the radio are playing.

Speaker: June 22, 1041! War! The peaceful life of people was interrupted!
Dreams, love, happiness, she was scorched by the fire of a cruel bloody war.
The silence is broken by the song "Holy War".
"Motherland" enters the stage.
On the screen is a poster depicting the Motherland.

Motherland: When on the other side of the earth
The soldiers minted a step
On this side of the Earth, the Child will not fall asleep in any way.
Everything trembles from resonance,
Throws the earth into a shiver;
How often the sea rustles,
Rye bends on the field.

Avenues and highways are cracking,
Avalanches are bursting from the mountains.
Volcanoes boil all
Throwing rubbish away.

Trembling, unable to stand, the Earth,
And without hiding the fear
My soul is already trembling
The soldiers are minting a step.

"War" enters the scene.

She passes by young couples, hanging black handkerchiefs on their hands, that is, separating them.

War(the melody of the song "Buchenwald alarm" sounds): The earth was torn from a shell,
You didn't know it was war!
And I was already walking beside you
And looked around.

Death carried on a broken cart And kneaded the bloody mud.
Snow was still far away. It was June, but it was freezing for you.

You are children, still boys.
But you are already on my list!
Death does not look at the age of a soldier,
Does not look at valor and honor!

The brass band takes the stage with a marching step,playing "Farewell of the Slav".

The guys go after him, and the girls see them off.
Everyone leaves. The light goes out.
Soldiers dressed in overcoats enter the stage.

The vocal group performs a song from the movie "Officers"
"From the heroes of bygone times." Soldiers retreat to the back of the stage.
The song why the sun fell early.
The melody of M. Blanter "In the forest near the front" sounds.

A soldier enters the scene. He reads the letter.

Soldier (reads the letter aloud): Dear Linda! Fight tomorrow. I can not sleep. There are 6 of us in the trench dugout, the seventh is on duty. Five are already asleep, and I am sitting near the stove and writing this letter. Tomorrow, when we get up, I will hand it over to the contact. It is interesting to know how it is in your rear? I often remember you, I think about you a lot. And now I want to talk with you about everything that I feel, that I experience ... "

Soldier post song "In the dugout".

At the last verse, female soldiers come up.
1st woman: Female soldiers, mothers, sisters, wives, loved ones... How many hardships and hardships fell to their lot in those terrible years of the war.
2nd woman: Waiting for a son, brother, husband from the war, but at the same time raising children, growing bread, standing to exhaustion at the machine.
3rd woman: many fought alongside men.

4th woman: Uncompressed rye sways, soldiers walk along it.
We are walking too - girls that look like guys.

They sing the song "It's time to go, the road."
Accompanying - video sequence.

A shout from behind the scenes: “The artists have arrived!”

The stage is in turmoil. Scene "Soldiers on a halt."

The “artist” comes out, performs the song “Blue Handkerchief”.

1st soldier: The accordionist struck suddenly.
Wider circle! Wider circle!

2nd soldier: Oh, let me go free
Disperse in a hurry!

3rd Soldier: The accordionist spreads the accordion
From shoulder to shoulder.
An accordionist and a ditty player perform ditties of the war years.

Harmonist: You play, play accordion,
Play, six-plank.
On the account we have with you Three wrecked tanks.

Chastushka: Oh, ditty, you are a ditty,
Every word is a shell!
Beats the Nazis on the tops,
Helps fight.

Soon Hitler's grave, Soon Hitler's kaput, Soon Russian cars will pass through Germany.

Wind in the field, storm in the field, Real hurricane.
Our Russian "Katyusha" Does not give life to enemies.

The Red Army is fighting
My flight is ahead.
The war will end - he will arrive With orders on his chest.

The soldier comes out.

Soldier: And here I am, guys, what I'll tell you.

Reads the poem "Peter was escorted to the army."

The male ensemble performs a potpourri on the theme of military songs: "Three Tankmen", "Katyusha", "Smuglyanka", "I was driving from Berlin".

1st soldier: And he came this day - May 9, 1945 Victory Day!
2nd soldier: Victory!
3rd soldier: Victory!
4th soldier: In the name of the motherland - Victory!
5th soldier: For the sake of the living
Together: Victory!

1st soldier: In the name of the future
Together: Victory!
The song "Victory Day" sounds.
Everyone hugs, rejoices, footage on the screen: return from the war.
Everyone leaves.
A woman makes her way through the happy crowd.
One of the soldiers gives her a tunic, she remains on stage with a tunic in her hands.

Reads Yu. Kuznetsov's poem "Tymnast".

Woman (reading a poem):
The soldier left silence Wife and small child And distinguished himself in the war,
How did the funeral visit.

Why vain words And empty consolation?
She is a widow, she is a widow.
Give the woman earthly things!

And the commanders in the war received such letters:
"Give me something back."
And they sent her a gymnast.
She inhaled the living smoke,
Pressed against the gloomy folds.

She was a wife again
How often has this happened!
Dreamed of this smoke for years

She breathed this smoke - both poisonous and native,
Already almost elusive.
... The young hostess entered while the old woman remembered
Dust covered the corners And washed the tunic.

Performs the song "My dear, if there was no war",
dancing with a gymnast.

A barefoot soldier enters the stage, performs a dramatization.

Soldier: Why don't we heat the bathhouse?
Dance "Russian dance".

Sounds like the Victory March.

Bow your heads friends

Look, Russian land,
After all, your heroes are coming!

Orders shine in the sun,
Like knightly armor.
Accept Great country Parade of the Soviet soldier.

They go, minting a step,
Bearing strained shoulders.
After all, they defeated the enemy,

To make life easier for us.
Let every year less often build,
But the flag of victory proudly curls,
They go to another world
And the memory remains with us.

Bow your heads friends
Before the gray-haired soldier formation.
Rejoice, Russian land,
Birth of such heroes!

The song "Serve Russia" sounds.

A soloist and a little boy dressed as a soldier enter the stage.
All participants with flowers go to the final number.

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To hold festive events for Victory Day, concert programs are very often required, which can be shown on the open areas of the Houses of Culture or the stages of recreation parks, at the moments of mass festivities about this wonderful and beloved holiday, in these cases, one of the winning ideas for the storyline the concert can become an analogy with the performances of front-line brigades. We offer one of the options with entertainer and games - Scenario of the holiday program for May 9 "Music of Victory"

Scenario of the holiday program for May 9

Ceremonial start of the program.

It is better to make the beginning of the program solemnly patriotic, for example, by turning on the "Immortal Regiment" block from this one, and only then move on to the concert block.

Leading: The topic of our concert program was suggested to us by letters from the front. Each of the front-line letters is fate. Behind every line is a big life. And we understood the simplest truth: for all the people who created the Victory, and those who fought, and those who worked for the Victory, peace was the main thing.

Presenter: It seems to be so clear. But remember, how many stories about the horrors of war have you heard from veterans? They didn't like to be reminded of it. But they remembered friends, and sang songs of those years with pleasure. And what songs!

Leading: Yes, and favorite war films tell not only about fear and pain. They have a place for love, and true friendship, and good humor. But many of these films were shot by people who have passed the forties, front-line.

Presenter: Yes, these films have everything: brotherhood in arms, internationalism, love for the motherland, and faith in victory.

Leading: Do you remember Captain Titarenko, the commander of the singing squadron? It is his words that will become the main leitmotif of this concert.

Presenter:"Who said that you have to give up songs in the war? After the battle, the heart asks for music doubly!"

Leading: During the war years, 45 thousand artists went to the front. The front-line brigades included singers, musicians, actors, readers, circus performers. They gave 1.5 million concerts in the rear and on the front line. There were up to ten concerts a day. Artists under bullets, risking their lives, raised the morale of Soviet soldiers and marched towards Victory with songs.

Presenter: Thank God, our land has not heard the sounds of war for many decades, and yet, maybe we should remember the songs of those years on this day? Moreover, they are all life-affirming, and even funny. Exactly what you need for every holiday!

Speech by the "front" brigade

A "front-line brigade" appears: a musician, a reader, a singer, an "entertainer". Specialties are conditional, each artist can be a reader, a singer, and an accordion player.


Is reading poem "Who said that you have to give up songs in the war?"(Author V.Lebedev-Kumach)

The reworked song of War Correspondents sounds


From Moscow to Brest

There is no such place

Wherever we wander in the dust.

With song and accordion,

And sometimes with a revolver

Through fire and cold we have passed.

Without a sip, comrade,

Don't make a song

So let's pour a little.

For all the speakers

With an army marching

Let's drink to those who sing under fire!

How the fighters marched

We didn't expect flowers

And on stage, as in the last battle:

With full dedication

Dealt with the task

And we have a concert with you.

From winds and vodka

Our throats rattled

But we will say to those who reproach:

"Move from ours,

Sleep with ours

Fight with ours for at least a year!

Where we've been

We were not given a scene.

Without spotlights, ramps and wings

Let the costumes be in tatters

Morning, noon and night

We always performed for an encore!

So let's drink to victory

For circus and operetta.

And we will not live, my dear,

A new day will come

A friend will drag on a song,

And she will remember us with you!


Is reading poem "Wait for me and I will come back" (Author K. Simonov)

Song "Oh dear"


Is reading excerpt from the poem "Vasily Terkin" from the words: "To go into any fight" to the words: "Or some saying." ( Author A. Tvardovsky)

Front ditties

Chastushkas are performed 41-45 years, for example the option below.

(download by clicking on the file)


Well, my friends, you sing beautifully.

Looks like we came in vain?

But as the poet said "it's not evening yet",

And our meeting will not be fun.

Another poet said: Yes there were people

And in our time, there won't be any.

(Sorry, really, for a free interpretation),

And now we will test your dexterity.

Let's play partisan, are you ready?

The conditions are as simple as a horseshoe.

Team game - relay "Partisans in the swamp"

PROPS: chalk, if the surface of the site is asphalt, or a stick that can be used to draw on the ground.

Two teams are participating. The goal is to go through the swamp in a chain "trace to trace". Teams line up one after another, the first one has chalk. On command, the first numbers walk along the distance, outlining their tracks, when the first numbers reach the other side of the "swamp", the second numbers follow the tracks, trying not to fall into the "quagmire".

The game is being played


No, the word "peace" will hardly remain,

When the war will not people know.

After all, what used to be called the world,

Everyone will simply call life.

And only children, connoisseurs of the past,

Playing merrily at war

Having run, they will remember this word,

With which they died in the old days.

Entertainer: The post-war generation of boys probably remembers that the most difficult thing when playing war at that distant time was to find the enemy. Nobody wanted to be either a fascist or a policeman. But the partisans are a completely different matter. So you now have your own invisible fighters. And what clever ones too! It's time for a partisan song.

The song "Smuglyanka" is performed, if there is a technical possibility, then a video for karaoke is displayed on the screen

(download by clicking on the file)

Entertainer: Are there any successful scouts among you? Let's check? We will not get used to the images of enemies. We'll just form two rival teams, but grab the language. you still have to.

The game "Who will bring more "languages"?"

This is a team competition based on the Breaking Chains game, when one team stands tightly clinging to each other and shouts to the rival team: “Forged chains, unforge us!”, And they ask: “Which of us?”. The one who is called runs with all his might, trying to break the "chains", if he succeeded, he takes the strongest player and leads him to his team, if he failed, then he himself joins the ranks of the established team. Only in this case, the conditions change slightly. The teams line up against each other. Each captain appoints three to four "scouts" who, on command, must break the enemy's line and lead the "tongue" away, or be captured.

The game is being played

Entertainer: I would like to remember those who did not perform visible feats. Yes, they worked. "Everything for the front, everything for the Victory!" - the slogan with which the whole country lived. But remembering the losses and feats, we often forget about those for whom these feats were performed: mothers, children, loved ones - wives and brides who wrote letters, prayed, who waited. And it is no coincidence that the unpretentious love song of a simple girl has become a military symbol.

The song "Katyusha" or another concert number

Entertainer: No matter how much we would like to stay with you, friends, but the trumpet is calling. After all, the front-line artist has a lot of spectators. And it should be noted that in peacetime we are in demand no less. Especially on a day like this. We congratulate all residents on a bright holiday, Victory Day. Let our common sky be clear, and the clouds be only stormy. Good luck, dear ones!

girl reading poem "Children from the palms of the sun folded"(Author O. Maslova)

concert number

Scenario of the festive concert dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory.

Vedas: Good afternoon, dear friends! Good afternoon, dear guests! We are pleased to welcome you to our holiday, which is dedicated to the most precious - Victory Day!

Vedas: There are events that, after decades, are erased from the memory of people and become the property of archives. But there are events whose significance not only does not decrease with time, but, on the contrary, acquire special significance with each new decade, become immortal. Such events include the victory of our people in the Great Patriotic War.

Ved.:70 years have passed since the glorious date of May 9, 1945,70 years of peaceful skies over our country,but we know and remember the name of the winner - the Soviet people. Many sons and daughters of this people gave their lives for their great land.

Vedas: Today will be a day of remembrance And in the heart it is crowded from high words. Today will be a day of remembrance About the feat and valor of the fathers.

Vedas: We gratefully remember our glorious warrior-defenders who defended the world in a fierce battle. We owe to soldiers, sailors, lieutenants, captains, generals and marshals that we now live under a clear, peaceful sky. Eternal glory to them!

(Poems with candles)

(song "Eternal Flame").

Time of heroes, usually you seem to be in the past:
Major battles come from books and movies
The main dates are cast in newspaper lines,
The main destinies have become history for a long time.

The time of heroes, by the highest right,
You gave far and near years
Valor, and glory, and a long good memory.
Time for heroes, what have you left us?

You left us the clear sky of the Fatherland,
Home, and the road, and tender bread on the table,
You left us the most important thing in life -
The joy of working in a peaceful, happy land.

We live in the middle of big Russia,
Among cities, forests, lakes, fields,
And we have, when we were asked,
A sword for an enemy, a hug for friends!
We are bequeathed to love the Motherland
And my heart from everywhere to reach out to her,
Do not break the connecting thread -
And sometimes we need to look back...

(song "My great-grandfather")

Our Motherland has a rich history, each page of which makes us feel a genuine sense of pride. A little imagination ... and the past will "come to life" before your eyes.

The Russian land is wide and boundless. Will and spaciousness all breathed around. And people lived on this fertile land, bright, sincere, talented. They loved their land, decorated it, worked on their land from dawn to dusk and composed beautiful songs about it...

(Song "Ivushki")

Yes, our Russian songs are good, but our ancestors knew how not only to sing songs, but also to defend their land from enemies, and our people had a lot of them. Over the centuries-old history, Mother Rus' has experienced a lot! There have been years of great achievements and upheavals, discoveries and achievements in our history.

The older you are, Mother Rus',
The more you look younger,
I am happy that with such a power
I am in the closest relationship.


However, all the trials faded before the new nationwide grief that suddenly fell on peaceful people.

Shostakovich's 7th symphony is switched on, which then accompanies the next text.

Tomorrow the birds will be afraid of the groves,
Tomorrow the birds will not recognize the forest ...
All this will happen only tomorrow
After 24 hours...
A flower, all covered in dewdrops, clung to the flower,
And the border guard stretched out his hands to them,
And the Germans, having finished drinking coffee, at that moment
They climbed into the tanks, closing the hatches ...
Everything breathed such silence,
That the whole earth was still asleep, it seemed...
Who knew that between peace and war
Only five minutes left...

The music sounds louder, and the countdown is turned on - this is an amplified click of the metronome or another uniform knock.

(vocal group)
1st student.
The roar of the treacherous shelling of Brest reached every town and village in our country.
Lamented, groaned all our land.
The wounded Motherland began to cry.

2nd student.
And her sons and daughters stood up, rose to the defense.
They had different names and different nationalities.
But they all became brothers and sisters by blood because they spilled it on the same great battlefield.

3rd student.
Volunteers besieged the premises of the military registration and enlistment offices.
They went to the front from young to old. Yesterday's schoolchildren were walking, almost the same boys and girls as we are! ..

(Song "Uninvited War")

I left my childhood
In a dirty car
In the infantry echelon
In the sanitary platoon.
Far breaks
Heard and didn't listen
Accustomed to everything 41st year!

41st - he was cruel,
To crush the enemy's scope,
The boys were walking, holding their rifles
In inept hands!

The rye is not compressed,
The fighters are walking on it,
We walk and we are girls,
Looks like guys!
No, it's not the huts that are burning -
That my youth is on fire.
Girls go to war
Looks like guys!

The soldiers went to the westOn the roads of warDropped out among the volleysMaybe an hour of silence.And then on a halt,Falling down into the trenchPeople wrote lettersTo those who were so far away!

(song "In the dugout")


forties, fatal,
Military and frontline!
Where are the echelon interchanges
And funeral notices!
Rolled rails hum.
Spacious. Cold High.

And fire victims, fire victims
Wandering from West to East...

How it was, how it coincided -
War, trouble, dream and youth!
And it all sunk into me
And only then I woke up!
forties, fatal,
Lead, gunpowder…
War walks in Russia,
And we are so young!

(song "Fog" O.Gazmanov)

But then, during the war years, they were funny, mischievous guys and girls. They firmly believed in victory, hoped for the future, loved, joked, sang songs.


You can live without food for days

You can do more, but sometimes

In a one minute war

Can't live without a joke

Jokes of the most unwise.

Do not live, as without shag,

From bombing to another

Without a good saying

Or hints, what ...

(song "Cossacks in Berlin")

And yet the long-awaited day has come. May 9, 1945 - Victory Day, the day of national rejoicing, joy, but joy with tears in our eyes: this victory cost us 20 million lives.

(Song "Victory")


When in a military storm fire Deciding the fate of future centuries, You fought a holy battle!

Even then we were not in the world, When you come home with a victory. Soldiers of May, glory to you forever, From all the earth, from all the earth!

Thank you soldiers For life, for childhood and spring, For silence, for a peaceful home, For the world we live in!

(song "Dedicated to Veterans")


Dawns rise, sunsets burn,
He does not know, the land of silence does not seek.
Soldiers turn gray in labors and worries -
These people passed through thunders and flames,
But the heart is young and the hands are strong,
Walking with grandchildren in sunny parks
Heroes of an old war.
In radiant color boundless distances,
And songs are ringing in the vastness of the country,
And the songs and the sun defended in battles
Heroes of an old war.

(Song "Grandfather"

Vedas: Once upon a time, many years ago, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, saving the world from fascism, bequeathed to us to love our Motherland just as selflessly. And love for the Motherland is manifested in a careful attitude to the past, without which it is impossible to build a worthy future.

Vedas: And today it seems surprising that many are trying to revise history. But history cannot be revised. It is in our hands and our strength to preserve this memory.

(song "And we did not know the war at all")

Vedas: What things await us in the future!
We need to think about this more and more.
And if you are a real citizen,
The country is waiting for a big return.

And raise, contrary to thoughtlessness,
Your determination to fight to the end.
And maybe from one of your hands
Everything that is called the future depends!

(choreographic composition "Flag")

(The plastic composition "Peace" is performed. Girls in white clothes -
a symbol of peace, purity and perfection. It sounds like a poem.)

I love you Russia!
I want you to bloom!
Like a bird in the blue sky
Spread two wings...

(The tempo of the melody increases. The music begins to sound more harsh.
When the melody changes, the girls in white become motionless.)

Russia! It was not in vain that you were known as a mystery to other countries.
But not always the fate of the country was great smooth.
Sometimes not joy, but sadness reigned over Russia,
And often the steel protected its blue lakes.
Sometimes adversity over the country circled like a black crow,
Shoulder to shoulder, the people stood up to fight the enemy.

(artists in red appear on the stage - a symbol of shed blood for the Fatherland. Plastic composition of the war.)

Throughout its harsh history
What Rusich showed vitality.
What mighty power he showed in a terrible hour,
Crushing dashing enemies in the decisive battle...

The music is replaced by the ringing of bells. The group in red steps back and sits down. The music sounds "I look into the blue lakes." The plastic composition is performed by

Mountain chains stand like giants.
Rivers flow across the steppes into the seas,
And there are paths in all directions.
It's you, my sovereign Rus',
My homeland is Orthodox!

(at these words, groups of artists in white, blue and red are distributed around the stage in accordance with the colors of the Russian flag)

Student: Russia! My motherland!

Your fields, ravines, steppes, mountains,

Your blue tent of heaven,

And the stars of your twinkling eyes,

And in the star sparks your inquisitive gaze -

How it worried the soul from childhood

Captivating disturbing beauty!

Student: What does “My Motherland” mean? -
You ask, I will answer:
- First, the path of the earth
Runs towards you.
Then the garden will beckon you
Fragrant branch each.
Then you will see a slender line
Multi-storey houses.
Then the wheat fields
From end to end
All this is your homeland,
Your native land.
The older you get and the stronger
The more in front of you
She enticing ways
Reveal confidently.

(song "Wide is my native land")

Student: Russia...
Like a word from a song
birch young foliage,
Around forests, fields and rivers,
Expanse, Russian soul -
I love you my Russia
For the clear light of your eyes,
For the voice is sonorous, like a stream.
I love, I deeply understand
Steppe pensive sadness
I love everything they call
In one broad word Rus'.


Once again, we congratulate everyone on the Great Victory Day!


We wish you good health, joyful days, and most importantly - a peaceful sky above your head! Happy Holidays!!!

(phonogram "Victory Day")
