Medicine is a rather complex professional activity. Specialists of this profile require not only a large amount of theoretical knowledge, but also a sufficient amount of practical skills. Although the level of medical education in our country is worse than in European countries, one cannot fail to notice a trend towards improving the quality of medical services. This is due not only to equipping clinics with modern equipment, but also to a significant increase in the level of professionalism of workers in this area.

Medicine can rightfully be called a fairly progressive sphere of scientific and entrepreneurial activity, which is why quite high requirements are placed on workers in this area. Therefore, there is no reason to doubt that the constant improvement of the qualifications of doctors and other medical staff is vital at the present stage of development of this industry.

ANO DPO "SNTA" offers citizens with secondary or higher medical education to take specialized training courses for retraining and advanced training. All materials used by our specialists in the educational process are selected taking into account the specifics of various areas of medicine. They are selected and grouped into modules, based on the norms of federal standards.

Training courses for doctors at the SNTA training center

A professional and comprehensive approach to the educational process helped the Academy staff to create high-quality and useful training programs. After completing the course, the customer will receive skills and knowledge that will not be just theoretical baggage and will be forgotten immediately after the end of the training. Our materials will really come in handy in the workplace.

In the course of training, each client is provided with theoretical information on the chosen topic, they are offered to perform various tasks. Training is carried out in several programs. Each is characterized by its own nuances, which can be clarified with the curators of the Academy.

Advanced training of medical workers

According to the requirements established by the norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation, personnel of the highest and middle categories of medical institutions are obliged to improve their qualifications at least once every 5 years. This is a necessary condition for the implementation of further labor activity. Health workers undergo certification cycles (minimum duration - 144 academic hours), as well as thematic advanced courses (16 academic hours and above).

Based on higher medical education

In ANO DPO "SNTA" advanced training of citizens with WMO is carried out according to one of the following scenarios:

  • Certification cycle lasting 144 academic years. hours. At the end of the course, students will receive certificates and certificates. All documents comply with state standards
  • The cycle of thematic improvement. Duration - from 16 academ. hours. As a result, appropriate certificates are issued.

On the basis of secondary medical (nurses and nurses) education

Improving the professional knowledge and skills of nursing staff is described in the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 83n dated February 10, 2016. According to this document, nurses are required to improve their qualifications once every 5 years. The fact of passing the training must be documented.

Specialized training courses have been developed on the basis of the Academy for employees who do not have WMO. Upon completion, certificates are issued that meet all state standards.

Professional retraining of health workers

In accordance with legislative norms (in particular, the Law “On Education in Russia” No. 273-FZ of January 29, 2012), medical workers who have a specialization obtained after completing an internship or residency have the right to receive another specialization. This is done through professional retraining.

The main requirements for these training programs are contained in the provisions of Law No. 273-FZ. According to the document, the minimum duration of a retraining course is 250 academic hours. or 3-4 calendar months.

Retraining based on higher medical education

Retraining of citizens with higher medical education allows them to get a new specialization. The list of areas in which a doctor can undergo retraining is contained in the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 707. After passing the educational course of ANO DPO "SNTA" a state diploma is issued. We remind you that from 01/01/2019, the issuance of certificates of professional retraining has been suspended. Instead, they issue a certificate of accreditation of a doctor. The document is issued after successfully passing the exam in the territorial division of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation - the regional accreditation center.

Retraining on the basis of secondary medical education

Professional retraining of nurses and nurses also allows them to acquire a new specialty. The list of directions is listed in the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. For more information, please contact our Academy staff.

How are health workers trained?

The main areas of study in our Academy are presented below:

  • laboratory and clinical specialization;
  • cosmetology, dietology;
  • dermatological activity;
  • cardiology;
  • healthcare management.

The number of directions is adjusted depending on the market demand and the degree of training of the student. Separate blocks are formed for each direction in the curriculum. All training materials are posted on the official website of the organization. You can use them at any time of the day. Education in our academy is remote.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of assimilation of materials is carried out by conducting final testing.

Course completion papers are sent to the recipient by courier delivery or express mail. They are issued to the addressee against signature, so loss and errors are excluded.

Benefits of retraining and advanced training courses in health care at the SNTA Retraining Academy

  1. We strive to provide the customer with high-quality and relevant training material that meets modern state standards.
  2. The study schedule is very flexible. Each student can set the required number of training hours independently.
  3. You can get documents confirming the fact of successful completion of training anywhere in Russia - it will be delivered to any convenient place.
  4. All diplomas and certificates are made in accordance with state requirements and are valid throughout the Russian Federation.
  5. Positive customer reviews prove every time that our courses are really effective. We implement a competent approach to work and actively use the latest training technologies.

Learning is like rowing against the current:
just stop - and you drive back.
Chinese proverb.

Postgraduate education of doctors originated in the 30s of the 19th century, when the universities of Moscow, Kazan and Kyiv began to practice the training of doctors in order to improve their qualifications, and internships for doctors in foreign clinics were also used. In 1885, the world's first clinical institute for the improvement of doctors was opened in St. Petersburg, now the St. Petersburg Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education.

Postgraduate medical education became a unified state system in our country in 1964. In 1965, all institutes for the improvement of doctors were transferred to the USSR Ministry of Health, and in 1968 an internship was introduced.

The search for an optimal model of medical training led in the late 90s of the twentieth century to the recognition of the need continuous medical postgraduate education, which resulted in a paradigm shift from "education for life" to "education through life".

Medical postgraduate education can be divided into several types:

  1. Obtaining the main specialty (internship, clinical residency, postgraduate study).
  2. Advanced training (improvement).
  3. Professional retraining.
  4. Self-education.

Obtaining the main specialty

Federal Law No. 125 of August 22, 1996 “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education” (with subsequent editions) determines that for persons who have completed their studies at a medical higher educational institution, the basis for holding positions is a one-year postgraduate training (internship), confirmed by certificates established pattern.

The internship is not completed by graduates enrolled in clinical residency or graduate school. Moreover, not all specialties provide for an internship. For example, to get the main specialty " Psychiatry» is possible both through an internship and through training in clinical residency. But for the specialty " Psychiatry-narcology» internship is not provided, only clinical internship (see orders in the subsection “Admission to medical activity”, illustrating medical postgraduate education).

A complete list of specialties for which training is carried out through internship is set out in the letter of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated May 24, 2005 No. 2374-VS “On the training of specialists in internship”.


Medical postgraduate education in the form of advanced training (improvement) is an update of theoretical and practical knowledge in an already acquired specialty.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 610 of June 26, 1995 “On Approval of the Model Regulations on the Educational Institution of Additional Education (Advanced Training) for Specialists” states that postgraduate education in the form of advanced training is carried out as necessary, but at least once every five years.

Medical postgraduate education at this level takes place in the form of cycles of general or thematic improvement and is confirmed by documents:

  • certificate on advanced training - for doctors who have undergone short-term training or participated in thematic and problematic seminars under the program in the amount of 72 to 100 hours;
  • evidence on advanced training - for students who have completed a long-term training program in the amount of more than 100 hours.

Professional retraining

Professional retraining of specialists is another type of medical postgraduate education and is carried out on the basis of established qualification requirements for specific professions.

The normative period of professional retraining should be more than 500 hours. At the end of the course, a thesis is written and a state final exam is taken. In return is awarded vocational training diploma, which certifies the right (compliance with qualifications) of a specialist to conduct professional activities in a certain area.


Permanent self-education is a key element of postgraduate medical education. It is regular independent efforts (ideally daily), and not the passage of cycles of improvement every five years, that serve as a guarantee of professional competence.

Moreover, in some disciplines, such as internal medicine, it is impossible to provide quality medical care without being up to date with the latest advances in medical knowledge.

Medical universities in Russia

The list of institutions that have faculties of advanced training and professional retraining is contained in the file Medvuz Rossii. Please note that some information cards include the current curriculum schedule.

The list of the minimum necessary things and documents that will be required for training is set out in a separate file (check this list for the place of training).

Postgraduate training of highly qualified medical and scientific-pedagogical personnel at RSMU is carried out at the Faculty of Postgraduate Education in clinical residency, postgraduate and doctoral studies. The origins of training young qualified personnel within the walls of the university go back to the distant past - first to the medical faculties of the Moscow Higher School of Higher Education, and then the 2nd Moscow State University. Back in 1913, the “Regulations on leaving at the MVZhK for improvement in the scientific knowledge of female persons who had completed these courses” were approved. The term of additional training is 2 years, and a number of students were provided with scholarships from the course funds.

When med. faculty of the 2nd Moscow State University, a whole network of research institutes is being formed around it, which have had a significant impact on the development of domestic scientific developments in many areas of research. It is quite natural that the scientific institutions that were being created needed qualified personnel and new methods of their training. On June 30, 1925, the Presidium of the Collegium of the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR approved the "Regulations on the procedure for training scientists", in accordance with which the training of the country's scientific personnel through postgraduate studies at universities began. The term of postgraduate work was calculated for 3 years. On September 12, 1925, the State Academic Council approved the list of the first graduate students of the 2nd Moscow State University, including those at the medical faculty. By the next 1927, 44 full-time and supernumerary graduate students were already studying at the medical faculty. In 1925, a clinical internship was also opened, the medical faculty was allocated 58 full-time and 19 supernumerary places. It can be said that the medical faculty of the 2nd Moscow State University was a scientific and pedagogical base-laboratory of experience in improving higher medical education.

When the medical faculty is reorganized into an independent 2nd Medical Institute, the process of training and improving the knowledge of medical personnel is further developed. As of July 1940, there were 155 graduate students at the institute. By the beginning of the 1970s, 320 graduate students and 300 residents at 47 departments worked within the walls of the institute.

At various times, the heads of the postgraduate and residency department of our institute were: O.V. Grinina, T.V. Zhuravleva, G.A. Pashinyan, N.A. Chechkov, N.P. Olenina, N.A. Zybina, N.I. Frumkin. Professor V.G. was elected the first dean. Vladimirov. Since 1989, the dean of the faculty has been Professor, Honored Doctor of Russia O.D. Mishnev . Currently, the postgraduate department employs: head. department, prof. M.I. Savina and senior methodologist Yu.A. Egorova; in the residency department - head. department of M.V. Viryasova and senior methodologists N.P. Olenina, N.A. Kuznetsova.

The right to enter the clinical residency of the RSMU from among the graduates is used by persons with good academic performance who have passed the state. examinations and past state distribution to the departments. Today, training is conducted at 83 departments in 48 specialties, according to the "Nomenclature of Medical Specialties".

All departments once every 5 years review residency training programs on the basis of the “Layout of the state standard for postgraduate professional training”. The 2-year study programs include:

For residents of the 1st year - fundamental training in the form of lectures on microbiology, Pat. anatomy, pathology, immunology, clinical biochemistry;

For residents of the 2nd year - seminars on phthisiology (2 weeks); lecture course in related disciplines: clinical pharmacology, medical ethics, family psychotherapy, healthcare organization, insurance medicine.

The Department of Clinical Residency organizes the work of the departments of the Institute. Meetings are held where they listen to reports from the staff of the departments responsible for working with residents on the methods of monitoring and training clinical residents, analyze individual plans, discuss the topics of lectures and seminars, draw up plans for unified tests in specialties, etc.

The result of the completion of clinical residency is the state qualification exam, according to the results of which residents receive a specialist certificate and a certificate of completion of residency.

Postgraduate training at RSMU is conducted in 64 areas according to the current nomenclature of specialties for scientists. Curricula and postgraduate study programs are developed and revised by the departmental teams together with the dean's office staff.

The basis of postgraduate education is: extended theoretical, biomedical and clinical training at the departments and clinical bases of the university. Based on standard programs, original programs have been developed on the history and philosophy of science, foreign languages, computer science, the basics of intellectual property, pedagogy and psychology, and biomedical ethics.

RSMU performs the main functions of training medical and scientific-pedagogical personnel of the highest qualification for universities and health authorities of the country. The result of this line of activity is the training of personnel for the regions of Russia: the Tula, Vladimir regions, the republics of the North Caucasus, etc. Target postgraduate students make up to 40%. Along with the full-time form of education, there is a correspondence course. The proportion of part-time graduate students is 30%.

The level of training of graduate students is determined by the high scientific potential of the university, the existence of large scientific and clinical schools led by academicians, corresponding member. RAMS and professors - V.S. Savelyev, Yu.F. Isakov, G.M. Savelyeva, E.I. Gusev, A.P. Nesterov, Yu.K.

There is continuity in education - the proportion of graduates of the Russian State Medical University who completed clinical residency and completed a one-year internship out of the total number of postgraduate students is up to 60%.

Training of scientific personnel through internships. Intern-researchers at the workplace under the guidance of researchers and professors of the Russian State Medical University master modern technologies and carry out fragments of complex scientific research and dissertations.

Every year, the staff of the dean's office organizes a session of examinations of the candidate's minimum, which allows assessing the level of knowledge and the degree of readiness to defend dissertations not only of graduate students, but also of applicants performing their scientific work at the university.

Since 1988, doctoral studies have been working at the university as the highest level of professional medical education. Doctoral training is approved by the plans of the Russian Ministry of Health. During this period, more than 100 people were enrolled in doctoral studies, 85% of them from the regions of Russia. Doctoral students are trained in scientific schools run by leading Russian medical scientists in 17 specialties.

The main goal of preparing a doctoral student is to work on a doctoral dissertation. A doctoral student must meet the criteria of a scientific and pedagogical worker and a doctor of the highest qualification. The evaluation of the implementation of the plan is the positive conclusion of the department (department, laboratory). The defense of dissertations, as a rule, takes place after completion of doctoral studies. Many former doctoral students work as professors, head. departments of universities of the Russian Federation and CIS countries.

Currently, up to 1,500 clinical residents, trainees, graduate students and doctoral students in theoretical and clinical specialties are constantly studying in postgraduate and clinical residency.

Dean of Postgraduate Education, Prof. O.D. Mishnev

Institute of Vocational Education FGAOU VO First Moscow State Medical University named after I.I. I. M. Sechenov of the Ministry of Health of Russia (Sechenov University) was established on December 1, 2013 on the basis of the decision of the Academic Council of the University (minutes No. December 4, 2013 No. 896/R). It included: directorate; departments (for the formation of personal files of students, certification; planning and holding competitions; innovative educational technologies); departments implementing programs of further vocational education; postgraduate department; residency department.

Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences was appointed director of the Institute of Vocational Education.

Currently, the Institute of Vocational Education includes: directorate; departments (for the formation of personal files of students, certification; planning and holding competitions); departments implementing programs of further vocational education.

The Institute of Vocational Education trains specialists in almost all medical specialties. On its basis, more than 15,000 practical healthcare workers improve their skills every year. In addition to training students, the teaching staff trains specialists in residency, postgraduate and doctoral studies. Highly qualified specialists with a scientific degree of candidate or doctor of medical sciences are involved in teaching activities. Training is provided in more than 50 medical specialties.

Departments of the Institute of Vocational Education are located not only at the University Clinical Center, but also at the clinical bases of leading research institutes, scientific centers of the Russian Academy of Sciences, large city clinical hospitals, polyclinics, maternity hospitals and dispensaries. This enables teachers, in addition to conducting theoretical classes, to demonstrate modern diagnostic and therapeutic techniques and to acquaint students with the latest achievements of medical science and practice.

Training of medical workers is carried out using simulators and simulators, which allows for the development of practical skills at a higher level.

The Institute of Vocational Education is actively involved in organizing and conducting training using distance learning technologies, as well as training using an educational certificate, online courses.

With their help, doctors from Astrakhan, Yaroslavl, Rostov, Tula, Lipetsk, Belgorod, Penza, Bryansk, Taimyr, Yakutsk, Ingushetia and a number of other cities of the Russian Federation are trained.

The Institute of Vocational Education actively participates in pilot projects implemented by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the Department of Health of the City of Moscow:

Pilot project for the training of general practitioners for medical institutions in Moscow in the specialty "General Medical Practice (Family Medicine)"

Pilot project "On conferring the status of "Moscow doctor" in the specialties "General medical practice (family medicine)", "Psychiatry", "X-ray", "Gastroenterology", "Clinical pharmacology", "Forensic medical examination", and from April 01 2019 - "Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics" on the basis of the Methodological Center for Accreditation of Specialists.

The Institute of Vocational Education organizes and constantly conducts a special exam for persons who have received medical and pharmaceutical training in foreign countries and apply for the right to engage in medical and pharmaceutical activities in the Russian Federation, as well as an exam for admission to medical and pharmaceutical activities in the positions of paramedical and pharmaceutical personnel .
