V ELES (VOLOS) - one of the oldest and most revered gods of the ancient Russian mythological pantheon. The degree of his veneration is evidenced by the fact that, as historical sources testify, both Prince Oleg and Prince Svyatoslav, when concluding agreements with the Greeks, swore by both Perun and Veles. Veles was placed next to Perun:

“... Yes, we have an oath from God, we believe in him, in Perun and in Volos, the cattle of God…»

I am Veles, a peaceful god. Between the sleeping herds patrol

Invisible I walk to ward off illness

And the spell of cunning witches while the meadow smokes

And the stars at night are full of silver patterns.

P.D. Buturlin

The cult of Veles is associated with the veneration of the bear in Rus' as the owner of the forest, taiga. This is probably inherited from that period (and still is) when hunting was the most important source of human livelihood.

Veles all reverence was given as a giver of great benefits and blessings for people. He patronized hunters, was a symbol of successful hunting for large (hairy) animals. He also becomes the god of domestic animals, especially cattle. In turn, hunting prey and cattle formed the basis of all the well-being of the clan and family. Hence Veles acts as a patron and giver (remember: “ hairy arm”) of all and every blessing and is revered as the god of wealth. With the development of agriculture, which also brought considerable benefits, Veles is also regarded as the god of fertility. He gave people a plow, taught them agricultural work and other wisdom.

Veles associated with animals ("hairy" - hairy), with vegetation - "hair of the earth", with the possession of wealth (volody - to own), with possession. At the same time, the name itself means great, honored. Veles was considered subordinate to all forest, water and house spirits.

Veles was depicted in simple clothes, with bull horns on his head and with a bowl of milk or with a huge turian horn - a cornucopia - in his hands. Prayers addressed to Veles, and cult actions specially dedicated to him, were timed to coincide with winter Christmas time - the first week of January, Shrovetide, the first pasture of cattle after winter to pastures and the harvest of bread. He was sacrificed by bulls and cows.

During Christmas time and Shrovetide in his honor, they dressed up in fur coats or sheepskin coats turned inside out with wool (hair) up, put on masks with horns (image of cattle). Magical rites were performed to protect livestock from all sorts of misfortunes (for example, throwing an ax crosswise over livestock). Symbolic cows were molded and baked from tough dough (the baking of animal figurines was intended to have a magical effect on the fertility of livestock). On the night of Velesov day, cattle were supposed to be given abundant food, and sheep - the first pancake. Dances, songs were dedicated to Veles, and frankly loving actions were not forbidden, as they were associated with fertility, fertility and the revival of all living things.

During the stubble, a bunch of ears of corn was left uncompressed on the last strip - Veles on the beard. At the end of the harvest, on the last stubble, the last sheaf was usually reaped by the whole family in silence, leaving a bunch of stems uncompressed. The eldest at the stubble curled a beard out of them, rotating the stems in the sun. The beard was decorated, tied with a ribbon, left to Veles for the gift of bread with the hope of his help in the next summer.
In The Tale of Bygone Years, the chronicler Nestor calls Veles a "cattle god", the patron saint of domestic animals. Perhaps this monk did not know the pre-Christian mythology of Rus' well, or tried to downplay the importance of the son of Rod, brother of Svarog.
Veles is one of the greatest gods of the ancient world. His main act was that he set the world created by Rod and Svarog in motion. Day began to replace night; winter was inevitably followed by spring, summer and autumn; after exhalation - inhale, after sadness - joy. It was not a monotonous repetition of the same cycles, but learning the basics of life. People learned to overcome difficulties and appreciate happiness. Rotation occurs according to the highest law of the Rule following the movement of the Sun across the sky - Salting. The guiding force is Great Love, which helps in trials. It was about this power that the Italian poet Dante wrote in The Divine Comedy: "Love that moves the Sun and the luminaries."
The symbol of this movement from Darkness to Light, from Navi through Reality to Rule, is the sign of the solstice, or in Sanskrit - the swastika. At the same time, it is very important to know where the curved rays of the solstice are directed: if the upper beam looks to the left, then the movement will go “clockwise” - Salting - from left to right, towards the Right. If the upper end of the swastika is turned to the right, then the movement of life will go back - Osolon, "counterclockwise", from the world of the gods - Rule, to black Navi, the abode of Chernobog, Seduni and Dyya. Such a symbol is the "coat of arms" of the forces of Darkness. A person moving from Good to Evil will become more and more embittered, his soul blackened. It is not for nothing that in our days, we spit three times over the left shoulder, behind which there is an evil force, and we say about a good deed that it is right, that is, right.
Veles gave this law of correct movement to the world. It is recorded in the sacred "Book of Veles" ("Book of Veles"). And the magicians, the servants of the great (this word is formed on behalf of Veles) god, reminded of him and interpreted to people. Thus, Veles was not only an assistant in practical life, but also the original, ever-living sage, as well as a teacher of the Law.
Vast, richly decorated temples of Veles were in many places of the Russian land: near Novgorod, in other places of the Russian North, in Rostov and Kyiv. In the Christian era, the cult of Veles was replaced by the veneration of the patron saint of cattle, St. Blaise. In Novgorod, on the site of the former temple, Volosovaya Street was laid. The church of St. Blaise was erected in Rostov. In Ukraine, on winter Christmas time and Maslenitsa, you can meet mummers - people in "hairy", fur outside, sheepskin coats and horned masks. This is all that remains of the Veles holidays.
Russian chronicles according to the treaties of Oleg and Svyatoslav with the Greeks: In the summer of 6415 (911): “Caesar Leon and Alexander made peace with Olgm, imishesya by tribute and company went between themselves, kissing themselves cross, and Olga led the company and his husband along Russian law and swearing by their weapons and Perunm, their gods and Volos cattle God and affirming the world. In the summer of 6479 (971).
"... Yes, we have an oath from God, but we believe in him from both Perun and Volos, the cattle of God."

His name is also found in the late recorded ritual text of the Macedonian Bulgarians, the so-called "Veda of the Slavs" in ed. Verkovich (IV, 5.5-13). And in the mythology of the Balts, the black god is called Vielona, ​​Wellns or Vels, which actually means “devil”, “devil” is the constant opponent of the Thunderer and the owner of the world of the dead, a jester and a trickster. The identity of this name and the similarity of this image with the Slavic Veles is quite noticeable. In the Christian apocrypha "The Virgin's Passage through Torment", Veles is directly called a demon, but he is also called an "evil god", almost like Helmold's Chernobog in the Slavic Chronicle (it is understood that there were good gods, pay attention to the plural): pagans “are those who called gods; the sun and the moon, earth and water, beasts and reptiles, who in their hardness of heart gave names to the gods, as to people, and those who revered Utrius, Troyan, Khors, Veles, turning demons into gods. And people believed in these evil gods.”

God le Vlas le
Alive ma Yuda taught
Yes, this is a Clear Book,
yes, sit down and write.
Mom taught, God, taught.
And you, God, yes ma teach
Yes, right, kusher-ta.
Yes, you will give me three hundred oxen,
Three hundred oxen, three hundred blood

Literally from another list:
“God made a believer, a creature of the south, to work, then they all the gods called the sun and the month the earth and the water, animals and reptiles, then the network and the man of the trojan chrsa veles peroun to the Gods turned the evil demon into believing, hitherto obsessed with evil darkness sut, for the sake of doing tacos to urinate.
Next to him, Veles, on the list are Troyan, according to Serbian legends, a giant who is afraid of sunlight and has goat ears, as well as Khors. "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" testifies to a certain night path of Khors, for Vseslav prowled in the form of a wolf at night:

“Vseslav prince judging by the people, the prince of the city is standing next to him, and he himself roams like a wolf in the night; from Kiev doriskashe to the hens of Tmutorokan, the path to the great Khorsov and the wolf is broken.

The Czechs, even after adopting Christianity, remembered Veles as one of the most powerful "demons", sacrificing black chickens and pigeons to him. In the "Word of St. Gregory" it is said about the worship of the Slavs "to the cattle god and companion and forest god." That is, Veles - the god of cattle, the patron saint of travelers, the god of forests.

Veles God of wisdom and good luck could take on any guise.

Most often, Veles was portrayed as a wise old man, a protector of plants and animals.
The blackness of Veles is evidenced by the absence of his pillar in the pantheon of Prince Vladimir, the pillar of Veles stood separately, not on a hill, but on Podil. Meanwhile, they deal with Veles in Kyiv under Vladimir, sending them to the afterlife along the river, that is, they do not disfigure, but bury the old god. The Life of Vladimir says:
“And the Hair of the idol ... lead the river into Pochaina”
With this, supposedly Vladimir sent Veles, as hitherto Perun, on a voyage to the kingdom of the dead. Reposed, therefore, the two most famous Slavic gods. However, in Rostov, much later, the stone idol of Veles was destroyed. In the life of Avraamy of Rostov it is said: "The end of Chud worshiped the stone idol, Veles."
We pay attention to the sacred location of the idol - the Chudsky end. With Veles, a demon is directly compared, possessing knowledge of hidden treasures. And Abraham, who destroyed the “idol stone” of Volos in Rostov, “almost became a victim of a demon”, which was transformed into its opposite - “into the image of a warrior who slandered him to the“ tsar ”Vladimir ...”.
The demon "accused Abraham of being engaged in sorcery, that he hid from the prince a copper cauldron with money he had found in the ground." This is truly a diabolical mockery worthy of the trickster Loki and the Navi god - Odin. In the “Tale of the Construction of the City of Yaroslavl”, an 18th-century source dating back to an ancient record, “which, although updated later, nevertheless adequately reflected the true course of events,” it is directly stated that the Magi were priests of the “cattle god”: “To this same multi-executed idol and kermet (temple) was created the life and the Magi vdan, and this unquenchable fire Volos holding and sacrificial smoke to him.” The priest divined from the smoke of the fire, and if he guessed badly, and the fire died out, then the priest was executed. And these people, by an oath at Volos, promised the prince to live in harmony and give him dues, but they just did not want to be baptized ... During the drought, the pagans tearfully prayed to their Volos to bring rain to the ground ... In the place where Volos once stood, there are pipes and a harp , and singing, heard many times, and some dancing was visible. Cattle, when walking in this place, were subjected to unusual thinness and illness. They said that all this misfortune was the wrath of Volos, that he turned into an evil spirit in order to crush people, as they crushed him and kermet.

Nikolai Karamzin retells (without reference to the source, but this is essentially one of the variants of the Greater Poland Chronicle) “for the curious” “fables”, in one of which we find: “Slovene-Russian princes, delighted with such a letter (from Alexander the Great), they hung it in their temple on the right side of the idol of Veles ... After some time, two princes Lyakh (Mamokh, Lalokh) and Lachern rebelled from their family, fought the Greek land and went under the most reigning city: there, near the sea, Prince Lachern laid his head ( where the Blachernae monastery was created after ...)”.
With a high degree of probability, we can say that Veles is a vodka and shepherd of the dead, like his Baltic counterparts, like St. Nicholas.
“The fiery river runs, across the fiery river the viburnum bridge, along that viburnum bridge there is an old mater man; carries in his hands a golden saucer, a silver feather ... relieves seventy diseases from the servant of God.
The werewolf god, the master of magic and the secret, the ruler of the crossroads, the Navi god, as we showed in our previous book, where a functional analysis of the images of Thoth, Hermes, Mercury, Odin, Veles was carried out. One of his names is Mokos - the husband of Mokosh, the goddess of fate (we know at least four mentions of Mokosh-Mokos in the masculine gender) - thus Veles himself, who appears in fairy tales as an old man with a guiding ball - the god of Luck. Note that in the Indo-European tradition, gods with similar names also had similar functions. For example, Roman Lares, Russian Mavkas, mermaids, Roman Fauns and Fauns, Indian Adityas, etc.
Among the Slovenes of the Priilmensky, Volos-Veles, probably also acted under the name of the Lizard or Volkhov. Veneration fell on December 19 - Nikola Vodyany

Volkh, Volkhov, Volkhovets - also the son of the Lizard, a werewolf god, a god of hunting and prey similar to Veles, probably the owner of the waters and, possibly, the patron of warriors, there are indications of him in the "Word of Igor's Campaign", epics about Volkh Vseslavich and Sadko, the First Novgorod Chronicles, how the Vuk-Fire Serpent is described among the Serbs. Ancestor - Gray prophetic Wolf from Russian fairy tales. Hypostasis of Veles. His day is celebrated in central Russia on October 2, this is the beginning of the hunting season. Volosyns are the wives of Veles, the constellation Pleiades according to I.I. Sreznevsky (they are also Vlasozhelishchi, Baba) with reference to his work by Afanasy Nikitin “Journey beyond three seas”: “Hairs and a stake entered the dawn, and the elk stands with its head to the east”. Volosozhary - Milky Way - "Veles scratched and scattered his hair." According to ancient ideas (Egyptians, Germans, Slavs), the Universe appeared from a heavenly cow. The Milky Way is her milk. Veles is the son of the Cow of the Universe. Elk - Constellation Ursa Major - the palaces of Velesov.

So Veles:

  1. The "cattle god" is the master of the Wild.
  2. Vodchiy on all Roads, Mr. Ways, patron of all wanderers.
  3. The owner of Navi, the ruler of the Unknown, the Black God.
  4. Posthumous judge and lifetime tester.
  5. A powerful wizard and lord of magic, a werewolf.
  6. The patron of trade, mediator in contracts and interpreter of laws.
  7. Giver of wealth.
  8. The patron of those who know, a teacher of the arts, including the skaldic.
  9. God of luck.

Veles Day - Wednesday, stone - opal or obsidian, metal - lead or mercury, wood - spruce, pine, walnut or ash (yew), it is from them that amulets, staves, idols and other items associated with the cult of Veles should be made. The myth of the northern sorcerer-god is, of course, somewhat different from that of the Southern Tradition. Places for the device of victims to Veles and dedications to him are dense coniferous forests. Often impassable with ugly trees and deadwood, Veles is volohat and loves mosses and lichens, as well as mushrooms, perhaps they set an idol for him or laid trebs at the fork and crossroads of three forest roads. Three evergreen trees (often pines - hence the “get lost in three pines”) and anthills are also signs of Velesov. If on flat terrain - then the same intersections, but with a lone tree or stone on them.
On the temples of Veles could hang not only letters with letters, as in the legend, but also cattle skulls or horns. Probably, the idol Veles himself was crowned with horns - hence his identification with Satan, or a crooked stick. Veles was sacrificed with copper, for he is the god of well-being and prosperity, wool and fur, and they also poured beer and kvass - those drinks that he taught people to prepare according to one of the legends. Images of Veles' idols may contain images of the same horn (or be horned), as well as a dead human head in the hand of a god. The idols of Veles, according to the reconstruction of D. Gromov, were placed not on the top of the hills, but on a slope or in a lowland, closer to the waters. His days, Velesov, were celebrated especially solemnly on December 22-24, December 31, January 2 and 6 - on the days of St. Nicholas the Winter, on February 24 they asked the "cattle god" to knock the horns off Winter. And they also honored him on the days of honoring St. Nicholas Veshny - May 22 (Yarilin Day, Semik). July 12 - when they put the first sheaf and begin to mow, harvesting hay for livestock. Between August 18 and 20, Veles was curled in a tuft on a harvested field "on a beard" - Nikolina's beard.

Throughout the centuries, the pagan tradition of confrontation between the Black and the White God continues and manifests itself at all levels. The first - Old - pacifies nature, the second - Young - revives it, and with it he rises himself, full of strength. In the spring, the young replaces the old, and the New replaces the Old. Then the cycle repeats, and so it will be forever.

"Veles book" ("Vles book", "Book of Veles") - a translation of the sacred texts of the Novgorod Magi of the 9th century, which tells the ancient history of the Slavs and other peoples from the end of the 2nd millennium BC to the end of the 1st millennium AD (IX century) .

Julia Alekseevna Caesar

Hereditary witch. Tarologist. Runologist. Reiki Master.

Articles written

There are still many mysteries around Veles, although this is one of the most famous gods, whose name is spoken to us from the school history course. It is believed that he is responsible for the actions of people and all living things in principle. Veles is the god of domestic animals, livestock, therefore there is an opinion about his patronage of base human instincts. Some researchers consider him the god of poetry and wealth, as he is the grandfather of Boyan, a Slavic song singer famous in fairy tales. It was not without attributing to Veles the features of the patron of the world of the dead, supposedly it is he who meets the dead and escorts them to his family. The Slavic god is not as simple as it seems at first glance.

The etymology of the name is unclear. The classical point of view is the origin of the word "Veles" from "hair". This god was really depicted with long hair and a beard, shaggy, with horns and a staff in his hand or a sheaf. In the dictionary of M. Fasmer we meet the interpretation "Veles - means" great ", that is," great "". "Volhv" can be a single-root word, in addition, many of the wanderers wear clothes with fur outward like a Slavic god. Velis is compared with the god of the world of the dead Balts Vyalnasa, Velns. The Hindus have the demon Vala, who devours cattle, which refers us to the mythology of our ancestors, because Veles took herds of heavenly sheep away from Perun.

The name echoes the Old Norse Wotan, one of Odin's nicknames. The Scandinavian god of wolves VALASS is also compared with our Veles. According to the description and functions in the pantheon, he is similar to the Greek Apollo and the Roman Mars. Initially, Veles only looked after the cattle, but gradually other duties began to be assigned to him, as evidenced by the roll call with a variety of cultures.

Another drop of tar in the theory of "Veles = Volos" is that the Russians had a Serpent God, who was often called Volos. This is the prototype of the Serpent Gorynych, the Slavic dragon, with which the Russian heroes have to fight. But if they say Veles, they mean only a wise old man, who sometimes appears in the guise of a bear or a bull. However, the idols of Volos have not been found.

The first mention of God Veles falls on the tenth century and is found in the texts of the oath-treaties of Kyiv and Constantinople between Oleg and Svyatoslav. Judging by the weight of the documents, this member of the pagan pantheon was not in the last count. The seal of Veles is the sign under which all agreements in Rus' were signed. But it is also important to remember that in the ancient world to command cattle meant to own life. In every home of a Slavic person, animals that provide meat, milk, wool are the basis of prosperity. They were treated with reverence and love, not without reason even our great-grandmothers let calves into the house in winter so that they would not freeze in the barn. Against this background, the cattle god of luck was the most important pagan patron. If pets are not healthy, they begin to die and get sick, then the family simply cannot survive the harsh Russian winter.

Veles assistants

This god had a whole army, which was called Vlesichi. Their ranks included brownies, foresters, banniks, noonmen, and field workers. All of them helped their master in his affairs, protected livestock from protected people from disasters. Saving animals, they saved people from death.

Read also: Belobog - symbol and rune

Veles has a host of Navi spirits as assistants, and this is not easy reach the ordinary god of cattle. Among the people, it is also a symbol of worldly wisdom, prosperity, diligence and study. Amulet Veles attracts wealth, as he manages human affairs in Yavi, as well as issues related to pets.

Veles is the shepherd of the dead, meeting the soul on the Kalinov Bridge and taking it across the Smorodina River to the afterlife.

Goblin, the host of pastures and lands, are also helpers. The Slavic god Veles is sometimes represented in the guise of Karachun or Father Frost, who wanders through the winter forest and eliminates misunderstandings in the form of thawed patches.

Slavic customs associated with this god

The Slavs, even in the most hungry years after the harvest, left a sheaf of hay in the field - drag - as a sacrifice. He was also given the name "Veles on the beard." A thanksgiving offering was left in honor of the fact that God helped to successfully harvest.

One of the incarnations of God is a bearish appearance, therefore, to this the animal in Rus' was treated in a special way. When the bear came to the village, the population was immediately alert, because it meant that Veles wanted to warn people about something.

The amulet of Veles and Perun come into conflict with each other, just as the gods themselves fought over the bride of the Thunderer. Veles kidnapped the girl, and threw Perun into prison. The sons had to save him, after which Veles himself ended up in an underground prison and became the owner of Navi there. Perun returned the Sun and fertility to the Slavs. He is considered the patron of only people of princely blood, and Veles protects all Slavs in general.

The symbol of Veles, his sanctuary or temple, was one of the manifestations of fear and respect of the pagans. After the adoption of Christianity in Rus', it became necessary to somehow painlessly replace the gods with other persons. So Veles turned into St. Blaise, who also became the patron saint of domestic animals.

The temple, the sign of Veles, should be installed only in a certain place and under special conditions. It is located in a damp lowland, as a symbol of the underworld, an underwater and snake haven, but it can also be placed on a mountain, where spruce trees grow or there are crows' nests nearby. Veles days are celebrated from January 1 to 6 and February 10.

The seal of Veles was depicted on the weapon. This deity starts the wheel of human life and meets him at the very end. In many ways, what the death of a warrior will be depends on the decision of Veles. The god of luck was a werewolf, as evidenced by his many incarnations, so he did not shy away from hunting and good prey.

The Veles star accompanied travelers on their journeys with or without purpose. He was called the Lord of the Roads, the patron of trade, fair profit and various crafts. Veles took an important part in the distribution of talents to a person at birth.

The seal of Veles is your personal amulet

The amulet can be made independently by drawing the appropriate symbol on a piece of leather, or you can purchase a silver item or an alloy. The rune of Veles is stained with the desire to appropriate the ancient culture by the Third Reich, but in fact the talisman is the strongest guardian of humans and domestic animals.

(Volos, Veles, Volos, Taurus Busich, Gvidon) - God of the Slavic pagan pantheon. Veles - God of the three worlds(Rule, Reveal, Navi), freely moving between them. One of the translations of the name Veles, the famous God of the Slavs, is "great ruler." God Veles was also called the Strong God (Asila), his children-bogatyrs in Belarus are called asilks, or Volotomans, that is, Velesichs. God is revered in the north as God of Wisdom and Magic patronizing the Knowledgeable people. Also, the Slavic God Veles is the patron saint of travelers and is considered a God who bestows wealth and prosperity. Another gift of God Veles to people - it is He who transfers the souls of the deceased across the Berezina River (the River of Oblivion) ​​and brings the souls of babies to the Explicit World.

The origin of God Veles in Slavic mythology is described in different ways. There is a legend about the origin of God Veles from the Cow Zimun - a mythological creature created by the Creator at the dawn of time. Other stories are that Veles was created by Rod himself, taking particles of primary matter for this. Thus, Veles, God of the Slavs, brother of the first Gods:

Also, God Veles is the uncle of the younger Gods: Dazhdbog, Perun, Morena, Leli, Alive, etc.

Children of God Veles according to myths:

  • Yarilo is the son of Veles and the Goddess Diva Dodola;
  • Troyan - the son of Veles and an earthly woman;
  • Sleep, the God of sleep among the Slavs - the son of Veles and Morena;
  • Veles's wife, Yaginya, in other words Baba Yaga among the Slavs, and maybe their children, we are not aware of that.

Legends and myths about the Slavic God Veles

In the very birth of God Veles, the secret of destiny is hidden, known only to the Family - the progenitor. Among the Slavic Gods, he is both his own and a stranger at the same time. The son of the mysterious Zemun, who in the legends looks like some special creature from another world, Veles is one of the most powerful, ambiguous and mysterious Gods of the Slavic pantheon, the Ruler of the Three Worlds, the Dark God, born Light, great and simple at the same time.

Many legends about the great Veles are passed on by people - and how he was born by the will of the Sort, and how he was brought up in the World of Navi by God Viem, how he wandered around the world of Reveal in search of his destiny and was tormented by the evil inclination with which he was bewitched. Legends are told of his love for the light-eyed Yasuna and that he sacrificed himself to save her life. They sing songs about his exploits and about helping people. You can't retell all the stories in one article.

Amulet - a symbol of God Veles

The most famous sign of God Veles is "Bull's head". The sign, similar to a bull's head, reminds us that Veles, the God of the Slavs, is the patron of livestock. The sign is known, used more often than others, for a long time it has absorbed all the various ideas of the Slavs about the power of God, including wisdom and magical power.

The sign of God Veles is loved by men, adults and young, attracts women who have witchcraft abilities.

Anyone who wears the sign of Veles has the right to expect powerful protection from him. from magical influence, the development of one's own witch abilities, vitality and the ability to find a solution in a difficult environment.

Attributes of God Veles

Tree- pine, walnut or ash (yew), magical staves and amulets are made from these species

Animal- elk, deer, bear, ox (tour), cow, snake, lizard (lizard).

Heraldry, items- long braids (hair), beard and horns

Treba (offering)- they sacrificed copper (as the God of well-being and prosperity), wool and fur, and also poured kvass - those drinks that he taught people to prepare according to one of the legends.

Veles - Patron God

The Slavic God Veles patronizes not only the Knowers, but also people who have similar traits of his character. Usually such people have an imperious disposition, a flexible mind and organizational skills. Patron Veles in a special way protect these people, in the nature of which there are:

  • curiosity;
  • sharp analytical mind;
  • intuition;
  • creation;
  • paradoxical logic;
  • strength of mind;
  • some aggression.

Such people have an aspiration for novelty and frequent changes, have a vivid imagination, spontaneity in making decisions and actions. God Veles himself has similar personality traits, so he will help people with such a temper.

Veles in the northern tradition of divination and magic

Reza Rhoda Velez
- consists in the northern system of fortune-telling and magic "Slavic Reza of the Family". Reza has the same image and inscription as the symbol (amulet) - Bull's head.

Cut number – 5

Divination. Questioning God.

When fortune-telling and questioning God, Reza Roda Veles appears when unexpected changes gather in the life of the Questioner. A person has to plunge into his inner world and get to know his "I" in order to realize the deep possibilities. Intuition, flexibility, determination, or an affinity for the study of magic may develop.

Magic. When God is invited. At all times and times, when it is required to call Good Luck and Happiness into life and family, Veles is immediately called to help. Who needs success in divination, and in everyday affairs, who is eager to strengthen relations with children and relatives - then Veles can help. The God of the Three Worlds Veles - the God of wisdom and magic, who himself survived the damage that the dark God threw on him, like no one else can throw off all ghost lessons from a person, make him strong and courageous again,

Veles, the God of the Slavs, was honored on many occasions related to the change of the season.

Here are the main dates:

In The Tale of Bygone Years, the chronicler Nestor calls Veles a "cattle god", the patron saint of domestic animals. Perhaps this monk did not know the pre-Christian mythology of Rus' well or tried to downplay the importance of the son of Rod, brother of Svarog.

Veles is one of the greatest gods of the ancient world.

His main act was that Veles set the world created by Rod and Svarog in motion. Day began to replace night; winter was inevitably followed by spring, summer and autumn; after exhalation - inhale, after sadness - joy. It was not a monotonous repetition of the same cycles, but learning the basics of life. People learned to overcome difficulties and appreciate happiness. Rotation occurs according to the highest law of the Rule following the movement of the Sun across the sky - Salting. The guiding force is Great Love, which helps in trials.

It was about this power that the Italian poet Dante wrote in The Divine Comedy: "Love that moves the Sun and the luminaries." The symbol of this movement from Darkness to Light, from Navi through Reality to Rule, is the sign of the solstice, or in Sanskrit - the swastika. At the same time, it is very important to know where the curved rays of the solstice are directed: if the upper beam looks to the left, then the movement will go “clockwise” - Salting - from left to right, towards the Right.

If the upper end of the swastika is turned to the right, then the movement of life will go back - Osolon, "counterclockwise", from the world of the gods - Rule, to the black Navi, the abode of Chernobog, Seduni and Dyya. Such a symbol is the "coat of arms" of the forces of Darkness. A person moving from Good to Evil will become more and more embittered, his soul blackened. It is not for nothing that in our days, we spit three times over the left shoulder, behind which there is an evil force, and we say about a good deed that it is right, that is, right.

Veles gave this law of correct movement to the world. It is recorded in the sacred "Book of Veles" ("Book of Veles"). And the sorcerers, the servants of the great (this word is formed on behalf of Veles) god, reminded of him and explained to people. Thus, Veles was not only an assistant in practical life, but also the original, ever-living sage, as well as a teacher of the Law.

Vast, richly decorated temples of Veles were in many places of the Russian land: near Novgorod, in other places of the Russian North, in Rostov and Kyiv. In the Christian era, the cult of Veles was replaced by the veneration of the patron saint of cattle, St. Blaise. In Novgorod, on the site of the former temple, Volosovaya Street was laid. The church of St. Blaise was erected in Rostov. In Ukraine, on winter Christmas time and Maslenitsa, you can meet mummers - people in "hairy", fur outside, sheepskin coats and horned masks. This is all that remains of the Veles holidays.

Russian chronicles according to the treaties of Oleg and Svyatoslav with the Greeks: In the summer of 6415 (911): "Caesar Leon and Alexandria made peace with Olgm, imishing on tribute and company went between themselves, kissing themselves cross, and Olga led the company and his husband along Russian law and swearing by their weapons and Perunm, God by their own and Volosm cattle God and affirming the world. In the summer of 6479 (971). "... Yes, we have an oath from God, but we believe in him both from Perun and from Volos, the cattle of God."

The Volkhov Princess.Mikhail Vrubel 1898

Probably Veles and the giver of wealth (through cattle, the main wealth of nomadic tribes is the "god of cattle" ("On the idols of Vladimirov"), and later simply the god of wealth, which is earned by labor throughout life. There is every reason to believe that it was Veles monitors the execution of laws and treaties, he is the father and judge of truth, similar to Hermes and Odin. Therefore, "the Second (idol) Volos, the god of cattle, was with them (pagans) in great honor" ("Gustin Chronicle").

The mention of Veles in the contract, next to Perun, the patron of the prince and the squad, is not accidental. Mercury was also invoked by the Germans in tandem with the warlike Mars. And the sacred couple here is not accidental - a wise, old, not quite positive in the Christian sense of the word "cattle god" and a strong, young warrior-ruler. Despite the obvious attributes of blackness, Veles, like Odin, Mercury and Hermes, is the god of science and wisdom. In "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" we find "Whether it was sung, prophetic Boyane, Velesov's granddaughter ...". His name is also found in the late recorded ritual text of the Macedonian Bulgarians, the so-called "Veda of the Slavs" in ed. Verkovich (IV, 5.5-13).

And in the mythology of the Balts, the black god is called Vielona, ​​Wellns or Vels, which actually means "devil", "devil" is a constant opponent of the Thunderer and the owner of the world of the dead, a jester and a trickster. The identity of this name and the similarity of this image with the Slavic Veles is quite noticeable.

In the Christian apocryphal "Walking of the Virgin through the torments" Veles is directly called a demon, but he is also called an "evil god", almost like Helmold's Chernobog in the "Slavic Chronicle" (it is understood that there were good gods, pay attention to the plural): pagans "these are those who called gods; the sun and the moon, earth and water, animals and reptiles, who in their hardness of heart gave the gods names, like people, and those who revered Utrius, Troyan, Khors, Veles, turning demons into gods. And people believed in these evil gods."

God le Vlas le
Alive ma Yuda taught
Yes, this is a Clear Book,
yes, sit down and write.
Mom taught, God, taught.
And you, God, yes ma teach
Yes, right, kusher-ta.
Yes, you will give me three hundred oxen,
Three hundred oxen, three hundred blood

Literally, according to another list: "God created a creature of faith, south of us, to work, then they all the gods called the sun and the month the earth and water, animals and reptiles, then it is more net and a member of the documentary of the Trojan chrsa veles perouna to the Gods, turning the evil demon to faith , hitherto obsessed with darkness by evil, for the sake of this, tacos to urinate.

Next to him, Veles, on the list are Troyan, according to Serbian legends, a giant who is afraid of sunlight and has goat ears, as well as Khors. "The Lay of Igor's Campaign" testifies to a certain night path of Khors, for Vseslav prowled in the form of a wolf precisely at night: "Vseslav prince judging by people, he is a prince of the city, and he himself is a wolf in the night; from Kiev doriskashe to the chickens of Tmutorokan, the great Khorsov and a wolf break up."

The Czechs, even after adopting Christianity, remembered Veles as one of the most powerful "demons", sacrificing black chickens and pigeons to him. In the "Word of St. Gregory" it is said about the worship of the Slavs "to the cattle god and companion and forest god." Those. Veles - the god of cattle, the patron saint of travelers, the god of forests.

The blackness of Veles is evidenced by the absence of his pillar in the pantheon of Prince Vladimir, the pillar of Veles stood separately, not on a hill, but on Podil. Meanwhile, they deal with Veles in Kyiv under Vladimir, sending them to the afterlife along the river, i.e. do not mutilate, but bury the old god. The "Life of Vladimir" says: "And the Hair of the idol ... led the Pochaina river into the river." By this, allegedly, Vladimir sent Veles, as hitherto Perun, on a voyage to the kingdom of the dead. Reposed, therefore, the two most famous Slavic gods. However, in Rostov, much later, the stone idol of Veles was destroyed. In the life of Avraamy of Rostov it is said: "The end of Chud worshiped the stone idol, Veles." We pay attention to the sacred location of the idol - the Chudsky end. With Veles, a demon is directly compared, possessing knowledge of hidden treasures. And Abraham, who destroyed the “idol stone” of Volos in Rostov, “almost became a victim of a demon”, which was transformed into its opposite - “in the image of a warrior who slandered him to “king” Vladimir ..”. The demon "accused Abraham of being engaged in sorcery, that he hid from the prince a copper cauldron with money he had found in the ground." This is truly a diabolical mockery worthy of the trickster Loki and the Navi god - Odin.

In the "Tale of the Construction of the City of Yaroslavl", an 18th-century source dating back to an ancient record, "which, although updated later, nevertheless adequately reflected the true course of events," it is directly stated that the Magi were priests of the "cattle god": "To this same multi-executed idol and kermet (temple) was created the life and Volkhov vdan, and holding this unquenchable fire to Volos and sacrificial smoke to him." The priest divined from the smoke of the fire, and if he guessed badly, and the fire died out, then the priest was executed. “And these people, by an oath at Volos, promised the prince to live in harmony and give him dues, but they just did not want to be baptized… the harp, and the singing that was heard many times, and some dancing was visible.Cattle, when walking in this place, were subjected to unusual thinness and illness ... They said that all this attack was the wrath of Volos, that he turned into an evil spirit in order to crush people, how they crushed him and kermet ".

Most often he was portrayed as a wise old man,
protector of plants and animals

N.M. Karamzin retells (without reference to the source, but this is essentially one of the variants of the "Greater Poland Chronicle") "for the curious" "fables", in one of which we find: "The Slovene-Russian princes, delighted with such a letter (from Alexander the Great), hung this in his temple on the right side of the idol of Veles ... After a while, two princes Lyakh (Mamokh, Lalokh) and Lachern rebelled from their family, fought the Greek land and went under the most reigning city: there, near the sea, Prince Lachern laid his head (where Blachernae Monastery was created after...)"

With a high degree of probability, we can say that Veles is a vodka and shepherd of the dead, like his Baltic counterparts, like St. Nikolay. “The fiery river runs, across the fiery river the viburnum bridge, along that viburnum bridge there is an old mater man; he carries in his hands a golden saucer, a silver feather ... relieves seventy diseases from the servant of God.”

The werewolf god, the master of magic and the secret, the ruler of the crossroads, the Navi god, as we showed in our previous book, where a functional analysis of the images of Thoth, Hermes, Mercury, Odin, Veles was carried out. One of his names is Mokos - the husband of Mokosh, the goddess of fate (we know at least four mentions of Mokosh-Mokos in the masculine gender) - thus Veles himself, who appears in fairy tales as an old man with a guiding ball - the god of Luck. Note that in the Indo-European tradition, gods with similar names also had similar functions. For example, Roman Lares, Russian Mavkas, mermaids, Roman Fauns and Fauns, Indian Adityas, etc.

Among the Slovenes of the Priilmensky, Volos-Veles, probably also acted under the name of the Lizard or Volkhov. The veneration fell on December 19 - Nikola the Water Volkh, Volkhov, Volkhovets - also the son of the Lizard, the werewolf god, the god of hunting and prey similar to Veles, probably the owner of the waters and, possibly, the patron saint of warriors, there are indications of him in the "Word of the Regiment Igor", epics about Volkh Vseslavich and Sadko, the First Novgorod Chronicles, as Vuk the Fire Serpent is described by the Serbs. Ancestor - Gray prophetic Wolf from Russian fairy tales. Hypostasis of Veles. His day is celebrated in central Russia on October 2, this is the beginning of the hunting season. Volosyns are the wives of Veles, the constellation Pleiades according to I.I. Sreznevsky (they are Vlasozhelishchi, Baba) with reference to his work by Afanasy Nikitin "Journey beyond three seas": "Hair and stake entered the dawn, and the elk stands with its head to the east". Volosozhary - Milky Way - "Veles scratched and scattered his hair." According to ancient ideas (Egyptians, Germans, Slavs), the Universe appeared from a heavenly cow. The Milky Way is her milk. Veles is the son of the Cow of the Universe. Elk - Constellation Ursa Major - the palaces of Velesov.

Veles. Andrey Klimenko

So Veles:

1. "Cattle God" - the owner of the Wild.

2. Vodchiy on all Roads, Lord of the Ways, patron of all travelers

3. Master of Navi, ruler of the Unknown, Black God

4. Posthumous judge and lifetime tester.

5. Mighty wizard and lord of magic, werewolf.

6. The patron of trade, mediator in contracts and interpreter of laws.

7. Giver of wealth.

8. Patron of those who know and seek, teacher of arts, including skaldic

9. God of luck.

Veles Day - Wednesday, stone - opal or obsidian, metal - lead or mercury, wood - spruce, pine, walnut or ash (yew), it is from them that amulets, staves, idols and other items associated with the cult of Veles should be made. The myth of the northern sorcerer-god is, of course, somewhat different from that of the Southern Tradition. Places for the device of victims to Veles and dedications to him are dense coniferous forests. Often impassable with ugly trees and deadwood, Veles is volohat and loves mosses and lichens, as well as mushrooms, perhaps they set an idol for him or laid trebs at the fork and crossroads of three forest roads. Three evergreen trees (often pines - hence the "get lost in three pines") and anthills are also signs of Velesov. If on flat terrain - then the same intersections, but with a lone tree or stone on them.

On the temples of Veles could hang not only letters with letters, as in the legend, but also cattle skulls or horns. Probably, the idol Veles himself was crowned with horns - hence his identification with Satan, or a crooked stick.

Veles was sacrificed with copper, for he is the god of well-being and prosperity, wool and fur, and they also poured beer and kvass - those drinks that he taught people to prepare according to one of the legends. Images of Veles' idols may contain images of the same horn (or be horned), as well as a dead human head in the hand of a god. The idols of Veles, according to the reconstruction of D. Gromov, were placed not on the top of the hills, but on a slope or in a lowland, closer to the waters. His days, Velesov, were celebrated especially solemnly on December 22-24, December 31, January 2 and 6 - in the days of St. Nicholas the Winter, on February 24 they asked the "cattle god" to knock the horns off Winter. And they also honored him on the days of honoring St. Nicholas Veshny - May 22 (Yarilin Day, Semik). July 12 - when they put the first sheaf and begin to mow, harvesting hay for livestock. Between August 18 and 20, Veles was curled in a tuft on a harvested field "on a beard" - Nikolina's beard.

Throughout the centuries, the pagan tradition of confrontation between the Black and the White God continues and manifests itself at all levels. The first - Old - pacifies nature, the second - Young - revives it, and with it he rises himself, full of strength. In the spring, the young replaces the old, and the New replaces the Old. Then the cycle repeats, and so it will be forever.

“Veles book” (“Vles book”, “Book of Veles”) is a translation of the sacred texts of the Novgorod Magi of the 9th century, which tells the most ancient history of the Slavs and other peoples from the end of the 2nd millennium BC. until the end of the 1st millennium AD. (IX century).

Consider the meaning of the name of the most important representative of the Slavic pantheon - the god Veles (Volos) in accordance with the approach that we outlined in the fourth chapter of the book. 1) Knowing (B) the nature (E) of the archetype (ray) (L) naturally (E) connects (C); 2) Knowing (B) the nature (E) of penetration (L), natural (E) connection (with him?) (C); 3) Knowing (B) the nature (E) of the law (L), naturally (E) binding (C); 4) Maintaining (B) universal (O) archetype (law) (L), universal (O) connection (C).

Consider what conclusions can be drawn about the functions of God from the above translations of his name. Firstly, Veles knows and protects the universal, natural law. He unites his admirers naturally, by nature, i.e. he separates the "sheep from the goats" and unites his own according to the universal archetypal feature, that is, he is a tribal god. Moreover, the keeper of wisdom: knows their nature (consonant with the word "magi"). One of the values ​​\u200b\u200b(2) will tell about penetration anywhere. The fact is that the letter "L", in a figurative sense, gives the meaning of the archetype, prototype and ray. The figurative understanding of the beam (otherwise it is impossible to understand the style of thinking of the ancient peoples) is built as something all-penetrating. It is no coincidence that hair (a single-root word with the name of the god Volos / Veles) was treated with caution and reverence. The shaving of beards by Peter I caused riots in Rus'. Consider the official point of view from the two-volume "Myths of the Peoples of the World" (hereinafter MNM). Veles, "The Cattle God", the patron saint of domestic animals, wealth, is correlated with gold. There is an interweaving with the cult of the bear, as the owner of animals. ..." is called the grandson of Veles, this may reflect the ancient connection of the cult of Veles with ritual songs and poetry (this is quite logical, because according to our analysis, Veles knows the nature of the law), i.e. responsible for witchcraft, ritual, the mystical side life). According to the MNM, Veles is associated with an agricultural cult, he is left ears "on his beard". It is assumed that in the original Proto-Slavic world Veles was an opponent of Perun. Consider what is common in our interpretation with the interpretation of the MNM. Firstly, Veles does not create a law "But knows him. He connects by ancestry. Knowing the laws and secrets, he can both help (the function of protecting livestock, crops, wealth) and destroy. The same MNM says that he is sometimes understood as a fierce beast, devil and etc. The function of his penetration everywhere can logically be associated with the fact that he is considered the keeper of treasures. According to the reconstructed Indo-European myth, Veles steals Perun's wife or cow and is his opponent. The pervasiveness of Veles (in our interpretation) indicates his theft "in potency". Moreover, Veles naturally connects, perhaps, not only the kind of ward people with a totem, which he is (most likely in the form of a bear), which has a number of confirmations both in folklore and in scientific works. He is responsible for riches and treasures, which, perhaps, he collects himself, using his all-penetration.

He cannot do otherwise, like to like. If there is gold in the earth, then he must add more gold to it. Someone rich in livestock will definitely give more like like. Judging by the name of Veles, as well as the surviving legends and fragments, Veles is an earthly god. It is no coincidence that Prince Vladimir separated him from the pantheon and placed an idol on Podil. The principle of opposing the earth and the sky, apparently, affected the attitude towards Veles. Deep knowledge ("knowledge") of the laws and archetypes makes it possible to avoid and circumvent them, whether it be human or divine law. Veles is akin to the Scandinavian god Loki, who did just that. The alleged conflict of Perun, as clearly a heavenly god, with Veles has deeper roots than was supposed. If we assume that Perun was appropriated as the personal patron of the prince, then in fact Veles is the patron of the people. He teaches the people to evade the law of those in power. Consequently, the prince's entourage speaks negatively about the prototype of this deception - Veles. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the gods were perceived as a reality. Hence the many traits of the devil in this god. And if we add his thieving, capriciousness, self-will and the ability to penetrate anywhere, hide, as well as the power of the tribal unifier (the clan always opposes the central authority), it is strange how Prince Vladimir tolerated Veles even on Podil. The name Veles is consonant with the verb command. Knowledge of the nature of the ray (archetype), apparently, comes down to knowledge and understanding of the supreme heavenly commands. According to the law of similarity, we again come to the conclusion that the earth is a reflection of the heavenly, therefore, Veles has the power to command, command. Based on the rites that have survived to this day, it is clear that Veles (later St. Blaise and St. Mykola) was one of the main, closest gods for the peasants. Ideally, considering pre-revolutionary good peasants, we can derive the appearance of Veles according to the same law of similarity, in this case, the ideal. He is cunning, resourceful, hardworking, patient, but can become violent, greedy, merciless. A large amount of vegetation on the face and on the body among the people is a symbol of wealth. Veles is responsible for wealth, his second name is Volos. He is the totem of the clan. From this we can repeat the conclusion of a number of scientists that its prototype was most likely a bear. Perun - the god of thunder and thunder - is considered the patron of the princely squad and its leader. Outwardly - an elderly man. The god's idol had a golden mustache and a "silver" head. The sources say nothing about the beard. Apparently not by accident, k. she is not. According to other sources, he had a beard, which for some reason was of great importance. The main weapons are stones, arrows, axes. Moreover, it is significant that the arrows of Perun, having reached the ground, turned to stone. The myth about Perun, restored according to the Belarusian and some other Slavic traditions, says that Perun, originally on a horse or chariot, strikes with his weapon a serpentine enemy or earlier that creature that is personified by Volos / Veles. Veles consistently hides (his "permeability" corresponds to the above interpretation) from Perun in a tree, stone, in a person, animals, in water. Let's make some digression. Veles can hide only in things related to himself, in what he commands. Therefore, trees, stones, animals (but not birds), people - everything is in the power of Veles. Veles is actually the owner of the land. If he stole something from Perun, then he stole from the sky for his household, stole for the earth. Therefore, we can assume a hypothetical connection between Veles and Prometheus. After the symbolic victory of Perun over one of the lower incarnations of Veles - the snake - the waters are released, and in the archaic and lateral transformations of the myth - cattle, a woman, etc., and rain falls. One of the interpretations of the myth, as a myth about the origin of thunder, thunderstorms, fertile rain. The rituals associated with Perun are correlated with oaks and mountains, and are confined to the four cardinal points. Before starting a letter-by-letter analysis of the name of Perun, let's consider the myth itself. The authors do not insist on the subsequent assumption, but consider it very probable. Consider what Veles steals from the heavenly Perun. These are sometimes cows, sometimes goddesses of the giver of various blessings, for example, Dodola. In ancient Indian mythology, there is a myth about the abduction of cows from the thunder god Indra. They are kidnapped by some mysterious semi-divine people. Cows are hidden in the rocks, therefore, the people are connected with the earth, rocks. These cows give prosperity and contentment. The same can be said about the hypothetical cows of Perun. Consider what a cow was for the ancient peoples. For the ancient Egyptians, the heavenly cow represents the sky. She gave birth to the sun in the morning, swallowed it in the evening. Among the ancient Scandinavians, the heavenly cow licked the stones, as a result of which the gods appeared - asses, i.e. she is the progenitor of both the Sun and the gods. She is a symbol of fertility, abundance, prosperity. In Indian mythology, the wish-fulfilling cow Kamadhenu emerged from the ocean while churning it. In the Rigveda, the Homeric epic and Latin, the word "udder" of a cow means abundance, fertility, etc. Let's compare the god Veles and the Greek titan Prometheus, which will help to better understand the relationship of characters in Slavic mythology. 1. Veles is an earthly god, closely associated with the earth and its bowels. Prometheus - a titan - was born by the earth, is closely connected with it and life on it. 2. Veles is responsible for the well-being of people, their crops - "Veles beards", cattle - "cattle god", prosperity and wealth (in the agreements of Russian princes with Byzantium, it is correlated with gold). Prometheus also helps people, teaches them everything: crafts, agriculture, cattle breeding. 3. Veles - cunning, dodgy, deceives the gods of heaven. Prometheus - literally "thinking before", "foreseeing", deceiving the gods of heaven. 4. Veles - patron, tribe connector, his totem. Prometheus combines the features of the "divine patron" of the tribe. 5. Veles has an independent position from the heavenly gods - the idol stands on the Hem, has a chthonic origin. Prometheus retains an independent position from the gods because of his chthonic origin - the son of Iapetus (see the "Cosmogony" section). 6. Veles can (like a demon) move into a person (hiding from Perun), presumably the ancestor or creator of people. Prometheus the creator of people (?). 7. Veles opposes the thunderer Perun, still has worship in the image of St. Nicholas, which is opposed to St. Elijah the Prophet. Prometheus confronts Zeus, receives the worship of the people. 8. Veles the Serpent fights with Perun, steals with cunning, Perun acts with brute force. Prometheus fights Zeus with cunning, Zeus acts with brute force. 9. Perun is called Perun, his lightning bolts (arrows) are perunnitsy. The lightning bolts of Zeus are called peruns. 10. Veles steals either cows as carriers of good, or goddesses as carriers of the same good. Brings prey to the ground. Prometheus steals Hephaestus's "wise skill" for crafts from heaven, and Athens (wisdom, account) together with fire and gives it to people on earth, i.e. steals goods for the people. 11. Veles-Serpent is punished for misconduct by means of a stone, Perun's weapons are stones, stone arrows. Prometheus is severely punished for his misdeed by means of a stone - he is chained to a rock. So what did Veles steal from Perun for the land, perhaps for people? It is very likely that fire and heavenly blessings. It is no coincidence that after the battle of Veles and Perun, there is a blessed rain. The fire appeared among people as a result of ignition from lightning (Perun), and who could steal it for his people if not Veles. By the way, the condemnation of Veles and the exaltation of Perun, as the patron saint of the ruler, is similar to the condemnation of Prometheus and the ascension of Zeus already in the time of Homer. The myth of Prometheus is apparently identical to the myth of the god Indra and his cows. Everything happens according to one plot, with the condemnation of the robbers from the earth. However, people cannot receive benefits except from heaven, so all such myths have a well-known context. Unlocked waters by Perun after the battle (in other versions - rain). Extermination by Zeus with the help of a flood of people (according to one of the options) after the punishment of Prometheus. After such a long digression, let us return to the name of Perun. Perun: 1) father (P) of natural (E) action (P), spirit (U) of heaven (N); 2) father (P) of nature (E), action (P) of the spirit (U) of heaven (N); 3) father (P) nature (E) giving birth (P), covering (N) with spirit (U); 4) father (P) of nature (E), giving birth (P) spirit (U) of heaven (N); 5) covering (P) nature (E) by action (P) spirit (U) not ba (N); 6) covering (P) nature (E), action (P) of spirit (U) covering (N). From these interpretations, the following conclusions can be drawn: Perun is the father, the patron of nature, gave birth to the manifested world, covers nature with action, i.e. he gave birth, but he can also destroy, he is a punisher. Perun gives birth to the spirit of heaven, acts as the spirit of heaven, covers and punishes them. In some approximation, we can say that he himself is the spirit of the sky. We believe that heavenly fire, lightning was revered as the spirit of heaven (in addition to heavenly fire, one should name the fire of the middle world - Smargl, Svarozhich and the underground fire - Peklenets. The father of fire is Svarog, thus - Perun - the son of Svarog). Perun is a punishing god, in turn a strict father; he patronizes, but does not help, unlike Veles. The stones of Perun (similarly, in Finnish mythology, the supreme god - the thunderer Ukko - strikes fire with stones) are a tool for striking lightning. It is possible to draw an analogy for our ancestors to strike sparks with the help of flints. The choice of Perun as the patron saint of warriors is quite legitimate. Perun deals with nature, that is, deals with people, their lives, nature. The words: “to stare”, “before”, “feather”, “shuffle”, etc., are quite likely the same root of the name of Perun. In general, apparently, any "covering action", penetration, impact is associated with the idea of ​​Perun, and this will be considered in a separate section.
