1) - How is it clear that this is not a Russian fairy tale?(Names)

Now we will read the first paragraph of the tale, pronouncing the names of the heroes correctly.

(Reading 1 paragraph behind the leader)

Complete activity 1 in the notebook on page 41 and write down the first three names.

What is the rule to remember?(People's names are capitalized)... And you will finish the rest of the task at home.

2) Reading the text of a fairy tale

We will read the tale and answer the question "Can we say that this tale is heroic?"


  1. Analysis of the work and answers to questions

What are the heroes of the fairy tale up to?(Travel)

Where did they go?(Wander)

What did they take with them?(A spear)

Did everyone have a spear?(One for all)

What were the heroes like if they took one spear for all?(Friendly)

Remember what troubles happened to your friends during the wandering? List.(Meeting with a bumblebee, meeting with a hare, an incident on the river)

Consider the illustration on page 103 of the tutorial. What episode is depicted on it?(Meeting with a bumblebee)

How did your friends react when they heard the buzzing of a bumblebee?(Scared)

Find and read the passage emphatically, conveying fear in your voice.(p. 101)

- Why did the comrades decide not to tell anyone anything?(So ​​that they are not laughed at)

What new misfortune happened to them in a few days?(Meeting with a hare)

Read the description of the hare.(p. 102)

What did the brothers decide to do?(Join the fight)

Read the words with which they rushed into battle.(p. 103)

How do you understand them?(We wanted to scare the hare)

Why did the brothers shout them out?(We wanted to cheer ourselves up)

- With what intonation should they be read?(Decisiveness, confidence)

How did the brave men behave when they saw the fisherman on the river bank? (They asked how to go, did not understand the answer, climbed into the water)

How did their journey end?

Find the last sentence. How should it be read: sad, mocking, playful, funny?(Mocking and a little sad)

What do you think the authors wanted to say by writing this tale?(Everyone is scared, but you need to strive to overcome your fear)

Can we say that this is a heroic tale?(Not)

  1. Working in groups

Now you will be working in groups.

Let's remember the rules for working in a group.(To be able to listen! To be able to negotiate! Do not quarrel!)

The large group will prepare a role-by-role reading of the passage with the words "They all entered the water ...". Remember that you must convey the feelings of the heroes with your voice.

The second group will collect the proverb and prove that it fits the fairy tale.


  1. Cover Modeling

Prove that this is a fairy tale. What signs of a fairy tale have you noticed?(A combination of real and fantastic, actions are repeated 3 times, happy ending, author's irony)

  1. On house:

The second group - episode MEETING with a bumblebee page 101

The first group - episode MEETING with a hare pp. 102 - 104

Complete tasks in a notebook.

Once seven brave men met. The first was Schultz, the second was Yakli, the third was Marley, the fourth was Ergli, the fifth was Michel, the sixth was Hans, and the seventh was Veitli.

Together they decided to go around the world, seek adventure and show their courage.

And to make it safer for them to wander, they ordered a spear from the blacksmith. One spear for all, but long and strong.

All seven of them grabbed this spear. The bravest and the strongest went ahead - Schultz. And behind him - Yakli, and behind Yakli - Marly, and behind Marly - Ergli, and after Ergli - Michel, and after Michel - Hans, and Veitli was the last.

They walked for a day, they walked two. On the third day in the evening, when it was already dark, we reached a large meadow. And there was hay in the meadow.

A bumblebee flew past the seven brave men. He flew by and hummed: "W-w-w!"

The brave Schultz was very frightened. I almost dropped my spear.

- Oh! - he says to his comrades. - Do you hear, do you hear? The drums are beating! And Yakli says:

- Ahah! It smells like gunpowder. Now they will shoot from the cannon.

Then Schultz was completely frightened, threw the spear and ran. He ran and accidentally stepped on the rake teeth that were lying on the grass. The rake jumped up and hit him on the forehead.

- Ay, ay! Shouted the brave Schultz. - I give up, take me prisoner!

And Yakli, Marley, Ergli, Michel, Hans and Veytli threw their spear and shouted:

- If you surrender, so we surrender! Take everyone prisoner!

They shouted, shouted, and then they see - there is no one to take them prisoner: they are alone in the meadow.

“That's what,” Schultz says. - No need to talk about this case. Otherwise they will laugh at us.

So they decided to be silent until one of them accidentally blabbed out.

A few days later, a new misfortune happened to them, more terrible than the first.

They walked through the arable land, and there was a hare, basking in the sun and dozing.

His ears were sticking up, and his eyes were large and like glass.

Our brave men got scared, began to think what to do: run or attack this monster?

“Brothers,” says the brave Schultz, “we have a dangerous battle ahead of us. The braver we are, the sooner we will prevail. I think so.

“Me too,” Yakli said.

“And me,” said Marley.

“And me,” said Yergli.

- And I, - said Mikhel.

“And me,” said Hans.

“And me,” said Veitley, who was walking behind everyone. Together they took hold of the spear and ran to the hare. We ran a little and stopped.

And Veitley, who was running behind everyone, shouted:

- Brave Schultz, go into battle! Do not be alarmed, we are with you!

And Schultz shouted:

- Veitley yells loudest! Let Veightly go ahead!

They began to argue about who should go forward. And the hare is sitting in the same place.

Finally, Schultz plucked up courage and ran again, the rest of the brave men after him.

“Atu him, atu-tu-tu!” Shouted Schultz.

- Atu him, atu-tu-tu! Yakli shouted.

- Atu him, atu-tu-tu! Shouted Marley.

- Atu him, atu-tu-tu! - shouted Yergli.

- Atu him, atu-tu-tu! - shouted Mikhel.

- Atu him, atu-tu-tu! - shouted Hans.

- Atu him, atu-tu-tu! - shouted the loudest Veitley, who ran behind everyone. But then the hare woke up and galloped away.

“Here,” says the brave Schultz, “it means we have given another blunder. It was a hare.

We came to a big river - the boat is not visible, there is no bridge. How to get to the other side? And on the other side sat a fisherman with a fishing rod. Here is Schultz and shouts to him:

- How can we get to the other side?

“Look for the ford!” The fisherman answers.

And Schultz thought that the fisherman said: "Get into the water." He climbed into the water. He walked a few steps, but could not go further. The river is deep, and my feet are stuck in mud. His cap fell off his head and floats in the water, and a frog sat down on the cap. She sat down and began to croak:

- Kva-kva! Yakli says:

- It's Schultz calling us. Let's follow him. They all entered the water and also got stuck in the mud. They stand and shout:

- Help - we're drowning! Help - we are drowning! They shouted until the fisherman followed them from

the boat didn’t come to the banks and didn’t get them out of the river. The brave men warmed up, dried themselves and went home.

“I won’t travel anymore,” Schultz said.

“Of course it's better to stay at home,” Yakli said.

“It's warm at home,” Marley said.

“It's dry at home,” said Yergli.

“No one will touch you at home,” Mikhel said.

“You can sleep on a feather bed at home,” said Hans.

“I'm not afraid of anyone at home,” said Veitley, who was now leading the way. So brave!

Brothers Grimm, fairy tale "Seven Brave" ("Seven Swabs")

Genre: literary everyday tale

The main characters of the fairy tale "Seven Brave Men" and their characteristics

  1. Schultz, Yakli, Marley, Ergli, Michel, Hans, Veitli. Seven very cowardly and boastful men who imagined themselves to be brave.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "The Seven Braves"
  1. Seven brave men
  2. Spear for the brave
  3. Flight of the Bumblebee
  4. Take me prisoner
  5. Hare attack
  6. Bank of the river
  7. Schultz in the river
  8. Brave men drown
  9. The rescue
  10. Hurry home.
The shortest content of the tale "Seven Brave Men" for reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. Seven brave men got together and decided to travel
  2. They made for themselves a spear, one for all, and went on their wanderings.
  3. A bumblebee flew past, so the brave men got scared and began to surrender
  4. The brave men saw a hare and rushed at him to attack
  5. The brave men got stuck in the mud and nearly drowned.
  6. The brave men went home because home is better.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "Seven Brave Men"
Not the brave who talks about it, but the brave who overcomes their fear.

What the Seven Brave Tale Teaches
This tale teaches not to brag, not to throw empty words. Teaches you to assess your strengths soberly. Teaches not to be a coward, but to be brave. Teaches you to love your home.

Review of the fairy tale "Seven Brave"
A very funny story about braggers who for some reason imagined themselves to be brave. They were scared of everything, everything frightened them. It’s even strange that they even decided to go somewhere. Apparently worked herd instinct... I can't like these characters, but you can laugh at them.

Proverbs to the fairy tale "Seven Brave Men"
Every coward talks about bravery.
One hundred faint-hearted will not replace one brave man.
A coward like a hare, and afraid of his shadow.
Easy to boast, easy and to fail.
Boast not in what you can do, but in what you have already done.

Read summary, short retelling fairy tales "Seven Brave Men"
Somehow seven brave men met: Schultz, Yakli, Marley, Ergli, Michel, Hans and Veitli.
We decided to wander around the world, to show off their courage. And they ordered one spear for all, but a long one.
They grabbed the spear and went to wander.
We reached a meadow on which the hay lay. Then a bumblebee flew past them, buzzed. Schultz was frightened, he heard the drums beating. And Yakli assent that he smells of gunpowder and the cannons will now shoot.
Then Schultz was completely frightened, threw the spear, ran and stepped on a rake. The rake snapped his forehead and Schultz was about to surrender. And after him the rest of the brave men threw a spear and began to surrender. But the field is empty, there is no one to take them prisoner.
The brave men decided not to tell anyone about this incident and went on.
And then another story happened to them, more terrible than the first.
The brave men see a hare sitting on a tree stump, warming itself. The brave men were prepared for a dangerous battle. They grabbed the spear tighter and ran at the hare. We ran a little, stopped. Schultz wants to let Veightly go ahead, but he doesn't agree. They argued, argued, plucked up courage, again ran to the hare. They screamed loudly, and the hare woke up and ran away.
It was only then that the brave men realized that they were going to fight the hare.
We went further, came out to the river. There is no boat, only the fisherman is sitting. The brave men ask the fisherman how they can get to the other side. and the fisherman advises to look for a ford.
Only now Schultz heard that the fisherman offered to climb into the water and entered the river.
And the river is deep. Schultz got stuck in the mud, his hat flew off him, floated with the current. And the frog jumped up on his hat, croaking.
The rest of the brave men heard croaking, decided that it was Schultz calling them, and they also entered the river. Everyone is stuck in the mud, drowning, calling for help. A fisherman in a boat came and pulled out the brave men.
The brave men warmed up and decided to return home. At home it is warm, dry, you can sleep on a feather bed. At home, no one will touch and at home they are not afraid of anyone.
So brave!

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "Seven Brave Men"

The main characters of the fairy tale "Seven Brave Men" are seven men, each of whom considered himself a brave man. One day they met and decided to go on a journey to show the world their courage. As a weapon, they took with them one long spear, which they all held together.

A bumblebee flew past them in a large meadow. The brave man walking first was very frightened and, throwing his spear, ran. He stepped on a rake and they hit him on the forehead. The rest of the brave men also ran after the first. Then they saw that there was no one around, and decided not to tell anyone about this incident.

Another time, the brave men saw a hare sitting on arable land. They mistook the hare for a monster and decided to fight him. At first they ran after the hare, but then they began to argue who should be the first. Nobody wanted to be the first to attack the hare. And when the hare got up and galloped away, the brave men realized that it was not a monster. They made a mistake again.

At the big river the travelers stopped and began to think about how they could get to the other side. A fisherman from the opposite bank shouted to them to look for a ford. But the brave man, who was walking first, heard that he had to go into the water. He entered the water and got stuck in the mud. Then the others went into the water. They were also stuck in the mud. The brave men began to call for help, and the fisherman had to rescue them. The fellow brave men decided that it was better to stay at home than to travel. And they went home.

This is the summary of the tale.

The main idea of ​​the Brothers Grimm fairy tale "The Seven Brave Men" is that true courage is determined not by words, but by the actions of a person. In words, the heroes of the tale were all brave, but their actions spoke quite the opposite. At first they were afraid of the bumblebee, then they were afraid to attack the hare, and at the end of the tale they almost drowned in the river.

The Brothers Grimm's tale teaches you to be independent and not rely on someone else's opinion. The brave men from the fairy tale kept repeating the actions of the first brave man, and nothing good came of it.

What proverbs fit the tale "The Seven Brave Men"?

Courage stands, but cowardice runs.
Boasting a full bag, and the bag is empty.
There are many words, but few deeds.


Audio fairy tale - the Brothers Grimm joke "Seven Brave Men". "Once seven brave men met. The first was Schultz, the second was Yakli, the third was Marley, the fourth was Ergli, the fifth was Michel, the sixth was Hans, and the seventh was Veytli. They thought to go around the world together, seek adventure and show their bravery ..." brave, but cheerful. They were frightened of the bumblebee - they almost dropped the spear, then the rake hit Schultz on the forehead. A few days later, having gathered up their courage, the seven brave men decided to fight with the hare, which was sleeping peacefully in the sun. The river became an absolutely insurmountable obstacle for the seven brave men: they got stuck in mud, the frog sat on his hat ... The fisherman helped the unlucky brave men. "... The brave men warmed up, dried themselves and went home with the words:" ... it's better at home, .. it's warm at home, .. it's dry at home, .. at home no one will touch you, .. at home you can sleep on a feather-bed, .. at home I'm not afraid of anyone ... "That's how brave!
You can listen online or download a comic audio tale by the Brothers Grimm "The Seven Brave Men", retelling from German by A. Vvedensky, edited by S. Marshak.
