Current page: 1 (total of the book has 15 pages) [available passage for reading: 10 pages]

Luule Viilma
Getting rid of any disease! Healing guide

© Vilma L., 2010

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2017

Great reference! A huge amount of useful information on a variety of ailments - both the point of view of official medicine and the warm words of Luule Viilma filled with love and light, revealing to us the real cause of the disease!

Andrey E., St. Petersburg

The book is very conveniently arranged - all diseases are grouped by systems, it is easy to find what you need. And the information is accurate, the tips are capacious and useful.

Irina A., Ufa

An excellent book for admirers of the work of Dr. Wiilma and her followers. It perfectly complements volumes on individual diseases.

Tatiana P., Moscow

The book is very convenient to take with you on trips, on vacation - the most important thoughts from the books of our beloved doctor Luule are concentrated in a small volume.

Svetlana I., Irkutsk

The illness came as a surprise to me ... And I sat in confusion, going through the books of Viilma, not understanding in which of them I should look for answers to my questions, advice on treatment. And then - this book! The answer was found immediately, and I have already started to work on overcoming the disease!

Igor P., Arkhangelsk

Luule Viilma's words, warm and gentle, honest and fair, are the best cures for any disease. This book is not just a reference book, it is a real "pharmacy"!


At the end of January 2002, the car in which Lulle Viilma and her husband were traveling collided with a car that took off from the oncoming lane. It was almost a head-on collision. Two hours later, on the intensive care table, Vilma's heart stopped ...

“Now I understand why my life was full of suffering and was grinding me like millstones” - these are the words from the farewell letter to Lulla Viilma, read at her funeral.

Getting sick even with a trifling disease, we ask: "For what?" and all the more we try to understand how the illness deserved if we are overtaken by a serious illness.

Lulle Viilma's books help us understand that in any disease, in any suffering there is always an opportunity - the opportunity to get to know oneself better, to overcome fears, to give up hatred and thereby find a better life, happiness and health.

Wilma put it this way:

“Happy is the life in which there is a measure of good, which is considered not only good, and a measure of bad, which is considered not only bad.

Only man is gifted with the ability to give something to others and to accept what others give. The more this ability is realized only in the material plane, the more the giver thinks only of his own self-interest, and the one who takes - of his own. To such a primitive state, a person is reduced by invisible forces, they are also stresses. By releasing stress, a person ceases to feel like a prisoner and finds a Human in himself. Comprehending oneself is not only an interesting process, but also one that gives happiness. "

People are used to thinking of a disease as a violation of the physical functions of the body, which leads to disruption of normal life. Even mental ailments, modern medicine seeks to explain organic "breakdowns". But, despite all the achievements of modern medicine, it often cannot give answers to the questions, why does this or that disease arise and how to cope with it? Why?

Viilma believes that “illness, physical suffering of a person is a state in which the negativity of energy has exceeded the critical line, and the body as a whole is out of balance. The body informs us of this so that we can correct the error. It informed us for a long time with all sorts of unpleasant sensations, but since we did not pay attention and did not react, the body became ill. Mental pain, from which no conclusions have been drawn, develops into physical pain. Thus, the body draws attention to a situation that needs to be corrected. Suppression of the pain signal with the help of an anesthetic means an aggravation of the pathology. Now the disease must intensify in order for the person to become aware of the new alarm signal.

The root cause of every disease is stress, the degree of which determines the nature of the disease. "

What does it give us? Hope to be cured by learning to hear your body and understanding the signals that the disease gives us. Following Viilma, using her wisdom, we get the opportunity to get rid of those ailments that traditional medicine cannot overcome.

A few words about the book

Viilma did not deny medicine and did not urge to refuse the help of doctors! Moreover: she strongly did NOT recommend treating some diseases only with the power of thought! Therefore, in case of disturbing symptoms, be sure to go through the necessary research and treatment!

Use Vilma's help and the principles set forth in her books, not instead of healing, but with him!

This book will help you understand how traditional medicine and Viilma interpret the causes and course of a particular disease.

Working with the book is very simple: all diseases are grouped according to the usual signs in 14 sections, for example, Diseases of the blood, blood-forming organs and Circulatory systems and diseases of the digestive system... The sections consist of a list of diseases, for each disease a short traditional description is given, as well as how Viilma interpreted the causes of its occurrence and what methods of getting rid of it suggested.

This book is an ambulance for those who, having learned about the diagnosis, do not want to wait - they can start working on themselves right now, right away, gradually supplementing and expanding their knowledge, if necessary using all the books of Viilma that were published earlier. But this book will also help those who are already well acquainted with the works of Lulle Viilma to refresh their knowledge, remind them of the importance of basic truths, because repetition is the mother of learning.

As Lulle Viilma said:

"Whoever wants to harvest the fruits that grow in the garden of learning here must turn his whole life into incessant exercise."


Neoplasms, or tumors, are pathological growths of tissues, which consist of qualitatively changed cells. These properties of tumor cells are transferred to new cells. The causes of tumors are a number of reasons: genetic predisposition, state of immunity, trauma, past viral or bacterial infections, various external factors (for example, the presence of radioactive radiation, smoking, excessive tanning).

Pathology never arises from scratch. If we noticed the signs given by the body, then the disease would not arise. If we thought correctly, there would be no ailments. The human body is his faithful friend, who never leaves anything unattended, who always informs about everything.

Small always grows big.

At the first stage, when the negativity is still insignificant, the person experiences a feeling of heaviness, vague malaise, bloating, etc., and all this especially in the evenings, but not a single doctor discovers anything, and no one even talks about treatment. It’s also good if they don’t think it’s a simulant or a neurotic.

In the second stage, when the body sees that stress is not being released, it must begin to concentrate the negative energy of stress so that the person can “ dig up» her... After all, it cannot bring stress beyond its own limits. As a result, there is already visible or perceptible edema.

At the third stage, further accumulation and compaction of stresses occurs so that they fit in, and fluid accumulates in cavities and organs, cysts are formed - benign tumors.

At the fourth stage, denser tumors are compacted.

Malice is usually added here. The most common and well-known neoplasms of the mucous membranes are adenoids and polyps.

Benign tumors can become hard as a stone and grow to gigantic proportions, but if there is no malicious malice in a person, then they will not transform into cancer.

NB! Justified spite is spite after all.

Distinguish between benign and malignant tumors.

Cells of a benign tumor hardly differ from normal cells, while cells of malignant tumors differ significantly in structure and function from normal cells. Benign tumors grow much more slowly than malignant ones and do not damage the surrounding tissues and organs, as if moving them apart, while a malignant tumor penetrates into the surrounding tissues, blood vessels and nerves. Benign tumors are usually not fatal and do not cause the suffering that cancer patients suffer. Cancer tumors pose a direct threat to the patient's life. Malignant tumors metastasize, that is, cancer cells, entering the blood and lymph, cause the growth of new tumors. After surgical removal, a benign tumor, as a rule, does not develop again, and a malignant tumor may regrow.


Teratoma is a tumor that occurs as a result of a violation of the embryonic development of tissues. It occurs mainly in childhood or young age; localized in the gonads, less often in other organs and parts of the body. Teratoblastomas are distinguished from simple, relatively benign teratomas - malignant tumors from tissues of the embryonic structure, as well as teratoids - developmental defects that are not tumors, but can serve as the basis for their occurrence. Possibly degeneration into cancer or sarcoma.

Teratoma arises from excessive heroic suffering due to ugly thinking, when a person does not dare to decide for himself how to live. Teratoma is a tumor that is often malignant in nature. If it is malignant, it means that behind the curse "freak" there was malice, a desire to take revenge, cripple, ruin life, a desire to insist on one's own, to prove one's superiority. A frightened child who adopts a parental attitude towards life absorbs similar energy from everywhere.

Myoma of the uterus

Myoma of the uterus, or fibroma, is a benign tumor that develops from the muscle tissue of the uterus. The reasons can be hormonal disorders, irregular sex life, abortion and traumatic childbirth, a sedentary lifestyle, and chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus. Often, no symptoms of the disease are observed. Possible complications: infertility, development of pyelonephritis and hydronephrosis, miscarriage, fetal hypoxia, degeneration of fibroids into sarcoma.

Myoma- a persistent disease, since at present daughters have very complicated, often painful relationships with their mothers. The daughter's feeling or fear that, " mother doesn't love me " , collides with the mother's domineering possessive behavior. Forgiveness from the daughter's side can gradually fade away, and the fibroids will increase several times in a month.

Forgive the hate.

Forgive yourself that you have absorbed the worries and anger of your mother, as well as your worries and anger.

And ask for forgiveness from your body, which thereby did it badly.

And your fibroids will disappear before a more serious illness arrives.

Malignant uterine myoma

Malignant myoma occurs most often in women after menopause. At the initial stage, symptoms are often absent, with development - pains in the lower abdomen, acyclic bleeding, leucorrhoea with a specific odor appear. In the later stages, symptoms characteristic of all malignant neoplasms are noted: malaise, anemia, exhaustion, etc.

Thirty years ago, future doctors were taught that, for example, uterine fibroids never develop into cancer. Ten years ago, the transformation into cancer was rare, and more and more often in the future. It is probably so clear that if a woman accumulates the worries of her mother (the womb is an organ of the mother), adding them to her own, and from powerlessness to overcome them begins to hate everything, then from a benign fibroids, cancer is formed.

Cervical cancer

Cancer of the cervix is ​​becoming more common as women's perverse attitudes about sex increase. Well, they would calmly give up sex and live happily for themselves on. But no. A woman experiencing sexual dissatisfaction becomes nervous, hysterical, angry, angry, and finally embittered. She goes into a rage out of self-pity. The desire to be a good person and not express your shameful problem forces you to restrain the anger boiling inside. And a good woman in no way realizes that she is growing cancer in herself. And when it arises, it nurtures it even more.

Cervical cancer is a malignant tumor that develops from the mucous lining of the cervix in the zone of transition of the cervical epithelium to the vaginal epithelium. The cause of occurrence may be: early onset of sexual activity (from 14 to 18 years), frequent change of sexual partners, smoking more than 5 cigarettes a day, taking hormonal contraceptives, non-observance of sexual hygiene, immunodeficiency, infection with genital herpes viruses and cytomegalovirus, human papillomavirus. Symptoms are: weakness, weight loss, loss of appetite, sweating, unreasonable rises in body temperature, dizziness, pallor and dryness of the skin, bleeding from the genital tract, not associated with menstruation, pain in the lower abdomen, swelling of the extremities, external genital organs, dysfunction of the intestines and bladder, etc.

A pelvic exam can detect many cancers at an early stage. Doctors are able to cure cancer early, but most women do not visit a gynecologist. Each has its own reasons. Many are scared to death of doctors, for the experience of the past remains meaningless to them. Many are afraid of hospital and illness. The frightened woman does not think that by delaying the visit to the doctor, she is contributing to the development of the disease. And at the same time, everyone knows very well that it is easier to cure a minor ailment, while a serious illness is not always possible to cure. The reluctance to open the private parts of your body to someone else's gaze outweighs the fear of death. A woman fixated on her decency, when the word "sex" is dismissed with a condescending smile: "For me, this is not a problem."

Frequent change of sexual partners, called the search for happiness, is also an expression of sexual dissatisfaction, that is, dissatisfaction.

Fibroadenomatosis and breast cancer

The second very common female disease is fibroadenomatosis of the breast and breast cancer, the border between them is unsteady and can disappear in an instant. As a rule, she is overwhelmed by fear.

Fibroadenomatosis is a disease of the mammary glands, a nodal form of mastopathy, which is a tumor with clear contours. The first signs may be painful sensations and a feeling of fullness in the mammary glands, which become more pronounced before the onset of menstruation. The cause of the development of the disease can be: stress, sexual dissatisfaction, gynecological pathologies, hormonal disorders, refusal of lactation.

Breast cancer is a malignant tumor. In the early stages, it is most often asymptomatic. The main causes of occurrence are: genetic, endocrine, irregularity and late onset of sexual activity, late labor or absence of labor, refusal to breastfeed or short-term feeding, precancerous diseases.

Stress is associated with this disease, in which a woman blames her husband, for example, that she does not love her, or the wife has a feeling of guilt because her husband does not love her because of infidelity, misunderstanding, inexperience, etc.

If the pathology is in one breast, then, since stress goes back to the embryonic period, the problem is associated with the relationship with the mother and father:

- my mother does not love me, and I blame her for this;

- the realization that the father did not love the mother, pity for the mother, growing into pity and compassion for women in general.

In general, the mammary gland is very susceptible to reproaches, complaints and accusations. A woman attracts a similar man to her, because she cannot stand and hate complaints, reproaches, unfounded accusations, because this stress came to her from her mother. The situation can be just the opposite - the woman herself loves to groan, complain and lament.

If such stresses accumulate, and doctors do not deal with them, then bitterness arises, fear increases, which develops into anger - that is a catastrophic mistake, the consequence of which is cancer.


Finally, think about yourself! Find your stress and release it. Do not deny their presence, do not try to be proudly taller. A brave person looks bad in the eye and forgives him.

Diseases of the mammary glands in men and boys are not a particular miracle. The reasons are about the same, but with male nuances.

Brain cancer

He who does not know his own worth begins to evaluate himself, and in the same way others will begin to evaluate him - by what else, if not by the external form.

He who wants to be liked racks his brains trying to figure out how to do it. Since the greatest proof of love, which everyone likes, is considered to be sacrificing oneself on the altar of love, this is exactly what they resort to. There are small sacrifices that the person himself knows about, while others do not notice it. There are big and very big sacrifices when one's own life is sacrificed. To whom life is still sweet, he racks his brains, which causes headaches. Whoever adopts the slogan that he and only he is obliged to come up with something, otherwise he won’t achieve favor with himself, he will rack his brains in the future until spiritual torment turns into physical. Despair about your own stupidity and inability to think of something, for example, leads to brain cancer.

The causes of brain cancer are not completely clear to science. As in other cases of malignant tumors, the occurrence of brain cancer is influenced by heredity, unfavorable environmental factors, the presence of bad habits, and trauma. Symptoms are varied and depend on the location of the tumor. As a rule, this is a severe and persistent headache, which is aggravated by tilting the head, dizziness, nausea, drowsiness, impaired vision and hearing, impaired coordination, etc.

Whoever tries to please with rational thinking overloads the left hemisphere, which is affected by the disease. Whoever tries to please by predicting someone else's mood, but does not predict, despair caused by mistakes accumulates in the right side of the head in the form of an illness. Its severity depends on the magnitude of the stress. The features of the course of the disease depend on the degree of despair.

The head is also injured in those who prefer to submit to the pride of their neighbor. Why? Because he sacrifices his own mind for the sake of the mind of his neighbor. He provokes his neighbor to ridicule his mental faculties.

Whoever consciously turns into a slave, wanting to prove his benevolence, loyalty, loyalty, love, etc. at any cost, earns brain cancer.

Digestive system cancer

see Diseases of the digestive system

Prostate cancer

If a man endures the prodding of women, their interference in men's affairs, or the fact that in order to save time they do men's work for him and thereby maintain his reputation, then the man earns a disease corresponding to his accumulated anger, which is often cancer. While women are able to do men's work, they will never do the right thing. You can drive a nail into the wall, but it will be safer and more reliable if a man does it under the gaze of loving female eyes. If a woman, in her impatience, seizes on men's work, then she humiliates the man, and then she is killed when her, in general, good husband leaves this world due to prostate cancer.

Prostate cancer is a malignant tumor of the prostate gland. The reasons for the occurrence are not completely clear. It is assumed that the main risk factors are: age over 65 years, the presence of prostate cancer in close relatives, taking testosterone, a diet rich in animal fats, etc. At the first stage, no symptoms are observed, with the development of the disease, symptoms of prostate cancer may be: frequent urination, pain and burning sensation during urination, urinary incontinence, blood in the urine, pain in the pelvis or back, etc.

A man, for whom the masculine principle is associated with the genitals, absorbs all male grievances into the prostate gland, since the prostate gland is an organ of physical masculinity and paternity, and the prostate gland gets sick.

Anger at his helplessness, which arises in a man due to the fact that the female sex constantly mocks male dignity and paternity, and the man cannot respond to this in a masculine way, leads to prostate cancer. A man's anger at his sexual weakness, which does not allow revenge in a primitive, rude way, also accumulates in the genitals.

Current page: 8 (total of the book has 15 pages) [available passage for reading: 10 pages]

Loss of voice

The reason for the loss of voice can be a decrease in the tone of the muscles of the larynx, which accompanies such diseases as heart failure, laryngospasm, bronchitis, croup. Violation of the voice occurs in hormonal disorders and metabolic diseases. Congenital anomalies of the larynx can also be a cause of voice impairment. Irreversible loss of voice occurs, for example, with inflammation of the larynx, paralysis or swelling. Stress, depression, neurosis and other psychological problems can also cause loss of voice.

The disappearance of the voice tells the person: your excessive frankness has reached a crisis dead end, and you are on the verge of self-destruction... Trouble befell you: your trust is abused by ruthless people, and you yourself give them cards. You protest with all your gut against those who speak badly about you, but in fact you yourself do the same. A person who has experienced a communication crisis subconsciously feels ruthlessness even in a person who is worthy of love in every possible way, and therefore his voice disappears for everyone without exception.

Dyskinesias and dystonia of the diaphragm

Dyskinesia and dystonia of the diaphragm is a violation of its tone and respiratory movements. Usually caused by neuromuscular diseases, acute inflammatory and traumatic lesions of the pleura, peritoneum, spine and ribs, intoxication. A psychogenic effect, such as a sudden onset of fear, can cause a short-term spasm of the diaphragm.

The movement of the soul, or breathing, is regulated by the diaphragm.

A frightened person's diaphragm reflects issues of discrimination, bias and injustice... Anyone who is afraid of being discriminated against has a tense diaphragm and does not allow breathing properly.

Releasing breath is continuous breathing... Imagine a large ring that runs vertically through your body and of which your body is a part. You breathe through the ring - inhale through the feet and exhale through the crown... The exhalation moves in a circle down to the feet, and from there you inhale again. Make sure that the end of the exhalation immediately without a pause passes into the beginning of the inhalation.

You can breathe and vice versa - inhale through the crown and exhale through the feet. Both are correct and necessary. Thus, together with breathing, you direct the flow of energies. It is important to make sure that inhalation flows smoothly into exhalation and vice versa, and that the rhythm remains the same as during normal breathing. It's even better to breathe more slowly. In schools and courses, breathing is taught, which has a certain orientation, in a different rhythm and with a different depth, but this cannot be done without preparation.

You can breathe in and out through the sore spot. You can inhale with the whole body and exhale with the whole body - directing the exhalation from the central point in a ray-like manner in all directions. Such breathing can arise for a moment by itself, when a person is engaged in releasing his pride, shame, hopelessness, inability to make decisions. In principle, saints have such breathing. To achieve this, you need to work on yourself for a long time.


Hiccups - a violation of the respiratory function, arises from convulsive jerky contractions of the diaphragm. As a rule, it occurs for no reason and does not cause harm. May occur with hypothermia or overstretching of the stomach. Sometimes it is a nervous tic - the phrenic nerve, for unknown reasons, transmits excitation to the muscles of the diaphragm. However, hiccups can also be a symptom of certain diseases, such as diseases of the brain and spinal cord, myocardial infarction, the development of kidney failure, and mental agitation. It is the result of the development of an abscess or tumor in the chest, diaphragm or esophagus.

Hiccups expresses fear about the loss of the meaning of life, and this is a serious matter. And life itself is a serious matter, but one should not treat it with mortal seriousness either. So they try to make the hiccuping person laugh. They say to him: “ Remember, when was the last time you saw a lilac horse, and in which direction was its rear turned?"And the person thinks about it.

He thinks so hard that he forgets about the hiccups. Maybe he remembered the horse, maybe not, but the hiccups are gone. What does this mean? But the fact that, if a person is in a state of mental crisis, he should be given some specific task related to mental operations, the failure of which in itself does not contain anything tragic... With hiccups, they also say: someone remembers me. If a person is filled with joyful hope, then from just one attempt to determine who is thinking about him, the hiccups stop.

Pulmonary tuberculosis

Tuberculosis is a chronic infectious disease. The causative agent is Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Infection occurs by airborne droplets or through the patient's personal belongings, his dishes and upholstered furniture. Infection does not mean disease: if the immune system is working properly, the body copes with the infection on its own. With unfavorable factors (weak immunity, a serious illness, unsatisfactory living and sanitary and hygienic conditions, lack of a balanced diet, prolonged contact with the patient, chronic physical and mental stress), tuberculosis may develop.

Tuberculosis can affect both the lungs and other organs - bones and joints, lymph nodes, kidneys, peritoneum, etc. Tuberculosis symptoms: loss of appetite, febrile temperature changes, profuse night sweats, hemoptysis, or even pulmonary hemorrhage.

There are many who are called envious people. A person is positive in all respects, that is, who wants to be better than others, talking about his failures and troubles and constantly comparing them with other people's luck, can exude undisguised envy. If he perceives inequality as injustice, troubles fall on him in turn, one worse than the other, since a person persists in his opinion and his life does not stick. The more frank and vicious his complaints, the more dangerous his developing open form of pulmonary tuberculosis, which today occurs more and more often all over the world, despite the availability of good medicines. Whoever is afraid or ashamed to shout out loud about his troubles, develops a closed form of pulmonary tuberculosis.

Whoever is afraid to express or shout out anger and begins to lament, hoping in this way to deceive himself and others, gets sick with pulmonary tuberculosis. By lamentations, he brings out a lot of anger. Malice towards whiners works the same way.


Bronchiectasis is an irreversible enlargement of the bronchus as a result of damage to the bronchial wall. It can occur along the entire length or in one separate section of the bronchi. At the initial stage, there are no symptoms. With the development of the disease, there is a continuous cough with profuse sputum production. Blood in sputum is a characteristic phenomenon that can be the first (and sometimes the only) symptom of bronchiectasis.

He who angrily clings to his ideals of freedom, his lungs ossify, for freedom is a movement, and not an order established by law. And who begins to overly impose his goals on others and on himself in order to improve life according to his ideas, he gets sick with bronchiectasis, an uneven expansion of the bronchus. This comes from the dogmatic desire of a person to make him breathe more freely, freer and easier in life.


Lung inflammation is an infectious disease that develops when bacteria or viruses enter the lungs. Distinguish between lobar pneumonia (lobar) and focal (bronchopneumonia). Symptoms of croupous pneumonia: acute onset with a sharp rise in temperature up to 39-40 ° C, combined with chills and sweating. At the same time, significant weakness, lethargy, severe headache, vomiting, deafness, or confusion appear. Very early in the chest, on the side of the inflammation, pain occurs. Often, with pneumonia, the pleural reaction is so pronounced that chest pain is the main complaint, it increases sharply with inhalation and a cough thrust. In the early days, a cough may appear with the release of rusty sputum from an admixture of erythrocytes, sometimes profuse hemoptysis.

Anyone who has an acute anger towards accusations, he gets sick with an acute form of pneumonia. You can also get sick, being an outside observer of someone else's quarrel, if you express mute condemnation by your appearance.

Anyone who is constantly angry with accusers or blames himself will develop chronic pneumonia. The recovery of the lungs is hindered by accusing anger, which haunts, because the other does not admit his guilt.


Bronchitis is an infectious disease that can be caused by both viruses and bacteria. It is accompanied by diffuse inflammation of the bronchi. The main symptom of the disease is coughing. It can be acute if it lasts less than three weeks, or chronic if the symptoms of bronchitis appear for at least three months over the course of a year for two years. If the disease is accompanied by shortness of breath, then they speak of obstructive bronchitis.

Whoever feels guilty and throws it out in the form of an accusation, respectively, has either acute or chronic bronchitis. A person who considers himself obligated to fight for the truth and shout about it publicly will suffer from bronchitis until the truth is established. I would only know whose truth. And who does not know the measure, a tumor gradually forms from constant edema in the bronchi.


Pleurisy is an inflammation of the serous membrane surrounding the lungs.

In whom there is anger against the restriction of freedom, he falls ill with pleurisy. Whoever suppresses the desire to cry because of the loss of freedom, the pleura begins to secrete a lot of excess fluid, and wet pleurisy occurs. If a person stubbornly clings to his beliefs, then adhesions are formed. Thus, if a person angrily and consistently believes that his freedom is fettered, then pleural adhesions form in him.


Tracheitis is an inflammation of the tracheal mucosa. The development of tracheitis is facilitated by the inhalation of dry, cold or dusty air, irritating vapors and gases. Acute tracheitis usually occurs in combination with acute rhinitis, pharyngitis and laryngitis. The most common cause is a viral infection, less often bacterial, etc. Chronic tracheitis can develop from acute. It often occurs in people who abuse smoking and alcohol, as well as with congestion in the respiratory tract due to emphysema of the lungs, heart disease, kidney disease; it is often caused by chronic inflammatory diseases of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses.

Trachea gets sick in those who, according to their own understanding, are fighting for justice, and do it with malice.

The vocal cords are a kind of mouthpiece through which you can shout for joy, or you can announce danger. Whoever has to talk too much and feels an inner protest, his voice is lost. “I don’t want to” is always anger, and if a person does not want to speak, then the body comes to his aid so that he does not say anything very bad. If you do not express anger, but accumulate in yourself, then inflammation of the vocal cords occurs. And if a person goes into an angry scream, if his accusations outgrow any framework, then a tumor forms on the vocal cords. As long as there is no thirst for revenge and ill will in the screamer, the tumor does not develop into cancer. But if the person who is being shouted at wishes the screamer evil, the same fate awaits him.


Sinusitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary (maxillary) sinus. It can occur due to infection, reaction to allergens, trauma. Due to the peculiarities of the structure of the maxillary sinus, the mucus formed as a result of the disease is not excreted from the sinus naturally, but stagnates. In acute sinusitis, the inflammatory process captures the layer of the mucous membrane, as well as the loose tissue and blood vessels underlying it. In chronic sinusitis, the submucosa and the bony walls of the sinus are affected. The chronic form develops as a result of untreated acute sinusitis.

Mucus from the nose is anger due to resentment. A person who tries to be good and do good is offended if someone finds a lack of his actions. Whoever walks around with an offended look so that the offender noticed, the offense manifests itself outwardly in an abundance of nasal mucus. But who, out of pride, hides his resentment, because he wants to consider himself better than the offender or wants others to think so, in that case the nasal mucus goes into the maxillary sinuses and causes their inflammation.


Frontitis is an inflammation of the frontal sinuses. It occurs due to a disease of the nasal cavity or hematogenous, almost always combined with a disease of ethmoid cells. With frontal sinusitis, the pain is localized in the forehead and on the lower wall of the frontal sinus, often there is swelling of the upper eyelid, nasal discharge.

When the resentment and the desire to hide it go beyond any boundaries of human logic, an inflammation of the frontal sinus occurs, indicating that human stupidity endangers the mind. In children, the paranasal sinuses are not developed. If the child is not understood, if they do not listen to his worries, if the child constantly has to swallow tears of sadness, then he has adenoids. They can be eliminated, but they are formed again.


Snoring (ronchopathy) is a sharp sound produced by the nasopharynx of a sleeping person. Refers to pathological conditions, but is not a disease. May be a symptom of obstructive sleep apnea at night. Snoring is caused by a narrowing of the lumen of the pharynx as a result of disease or weakening of the muscle walls, or due to congenital anatomical features. Often snoring is intermittent and occurs with infectious diseases of the nasopharynx. Other causes of snoring are obesity, curvature of the nasal septum, and a long uvula.

A person who always treats others too well feels that he is not at all as good as he previously thought. Disappointment in their attitude towards people gives rise to immense sadness, and sadness can cause such abundant serous discharge from the mucous membranes of the larynx and epiglottis that a person has to constantly swallow, otherwise the mucus will enter the windpipe and cause a severe cough. Frequent coughing is also stressful. People with great mental problems, so as not to suffocate, sleep on their sides or on their backs. This malaise is automatically accompanied by snoring.

Diseases of the digestive system

Tooth decay occurs when a large piece does not break off and a worm of disappointment begins to sharpen the soul.

In general, caries is a disease of the hard tissues of the tooth, leading to the destruction of the enamel and dentin of the tooth, which leads to the formation of damage first, and then a cavity in the tooth tissue. In the future, if measures are not taken, such destruction of tooth tissues can lead to its complete loss. The main reasons for the onset and development of caries: poor, insufficient care of the teeth and oral cavity, weak immunity of the body, past diseases that disrupt the correct formation of tooth tissues, the presence of chronic gastrointestinal diseases, lack of vitamins and trace elements with an excess of sugars in water and food, heredity.

Why is tooth enamel damaged? Because a man wants to prove his "brilliance", in other words, superiority. That is, he wants to stand out, to shine among others with his mind and eloquence. Where does this desire come from? From feeling worthless which a person brings with him from a previous life and which blooms in lush color from childhood, if the child is treated like an empty space. If he is noticed only when the family goes to visit or is waiting for the arrival of guests. The earlier you have to prove your "brilliance", the earlier the tooth enamel is damaged. This becomes a loophole for tooth decay.

Enamel defects are especially sensitive the neck of the tooth. This means that an especially big problem is trying to prove their "brilliance" to those people who knowingly refer with disdain for his mind.

Need monitor the condition of the teeth eat need take care of your prudence. Today even dogs have already begun to brush their teeth. Why do teeth turn black? Why is there a dirty, foul-smelling plaque on them, which does not mean that a person has rotten teeth? This means that a person protects his spiritual purity with external impurity. In other words, he saves his prudence under the guise of seeming stupidity. So he drives away annoying clever people from himself.

So, brushing your teeth is necessary because we rely too much on the mind and thereby weaken our teeth. Instead of scrubbing them furiously, do your best to free your mind and judgment.

Bad breath

Many people suffer from bad breath, no matter how and how often they brush their teeth. From the point of view of medicine, their teeth, maxillary sinuses, and also their stomach are in order, but sometimes the smell is such that a person himself feels it. What does it mean? Let me remind you that the condition of the skin reflects a person's attitude to honesty, and the condition of the mucous membrane reflects an attitude to lying.

The main cause of bad breath is the accumulation of white matter in the mouth on the back of the tongue, around and between the teeth, which contains a large number of anaerobic bacteria. They release chemical compounds (hydrogen sulfide, methyl mercaptan, cadaverine, putrescine, skatole), which are the source of bad breath. Bacteria feed on dead cells in the mouth and protein foods consumed. Other reasons may be: gastritis, ulcers, intestinal pathology, liver and pancreas diseases, acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory system, caries.

The smell warns: don't lie! The reason for deceit is the desire to be a good person, because of which a person hides his bad. The biggest lie is when a person says that he cannot stand a lie. Whoever has no lies, he clearly sees someone else's lie and understands its reasons, which means that he does not harm his health. He has a negative attitude towards lying, but not towards a liar.

He lies who does not dare to speak the truth.

Excess and deficiency of fluoride

The internal state of teeth, from the point of view of medicine, depends on the presence of calcium and fluoride in the body. The external condition depends on cleanliness. Fluorine has the energy of movement towards the spiritual, based on materiality... In other words, fluorine gives the energy of development the shape of a growing pyramid, which, as you know, rests on the ground with its base and rushes to the sky with its top.

The state of the bone tissue depends on the concentration of fluoride in the body - the correct formation of the bone structure, the growth of hair and nails, and the condition of the teeth. Thanks to fluoride, the body absorbs iron better and removes heavy metal salts more easily. Fluoride is practically not excreted from the body.

Lack of fluoride can lead not only to a deterioration in the condition of hair, nails and teeth, but also to a weakening of immunity, anemia, and poor bone healing after fractures.

Excess fluoride can lead to the appearance of bone growths, mottling of the enamel of the teeth, osteochondrosis, hormonal disorders. With prolonged excess, bones become fragile.

Lack of fluoride turns the building material from which the pyramid is built into clay, which, with an excess of water content, and therefore sorrow, creeps over the surface like dough. And with insufficient water content, that is, when a person sheds tears of self-pity, becomes brittle, crumbling from the slightest load.

At excess fluoride pyramidal energy becomes too pointed, too directed upward, too aggressive.

Just as a person storms the pillars of spirituality, wanting to grow wiser, because he considers the mind to be spirituality, and spirituality to be the mind, so fluoride added to food and toothpaste attacks tooth enamel, leaving brown stains on it. This happens in accordance with the goal pursued by a person who wants to grow wiser. When fluoride is added to drinking water in an area that is poor in fluoride, we are dealing with a blessed concern for the health of the population. But the fact that fluoride is contained in any toothpaste is too much.

Today, many people know that the cause of all diseases of the physical body originates at the level of the psyche. A person himself mentally recreates the occurrence of stressful situations. And if you get rid of stress correctly, then recovery comes. This method was practically proved by the Estonian doctor Luule Viilma.

The root cause of all ailments is stress. How much it is manifested can be judged by the degree of the disease. When a person reaches such a state that his negative energy exceeds the extreme line, then the body fails and gets sick. Stress is a state of tension in the body where the body defends itself against an irritant.

Luule Viilma believes that diseases cannot occur without a cause; wrong actions are the root cause.

At first, this manifests itself in an illness, in poor health. If stress continues to build up, visible swelling occurs, followed by swelling. Illness can accurately indicate a problem.

The connection of the spine with life principles

The spine is the life channel through which energy moves, and at certain points it branches out, capturing the adjacent organs.

These centers are called chakras:

If the spine is curved, it will make it difficult for the person to recover. It is necessary to straighten it.

Fears and their placement in a person

Fear of something affects the health of certain organs and the well-being of a person in general:

Dr. Luule Viilma's Method: Stress Relief

All diseases are a consequence of negative thinking, the doctor encourages everyone to accept themselves, to admit their mistakes. Anyone can learn to manage their emotional state, their thoughts. Accept for the truth that which cannot be said concretely. The way a person looks at things, with what attitude.

The method consists in comprehending past actions, analyzing them and eradicating the root cause - stress that arose when one was incorrectly positioned in the world around him.

Luule Viilma (the causes of illness are located in the fear of loneliness and dislike of others) believes that a person gradually becomes a magnet for everything bad. This develops into a coma, and then - into a disease.

Everyone's task is to get rid of negative thoughts and experiences. Know yourself and do not stop there. Life is an endless stream of energy that cannot stagnate, but which you can control yourself.

About developing self-love

Luule Viilma says that self-love begins with forgiving yourself. As he comprehends the doctrine of stress, a person finds the causes of illness and can find negative emotions in himself. A person needs to believe in the manifestation of these feelings and get rid of them.

Forgiveness is an important step. It gives a person the energy to recover and overcome the difficulties of life. By accepting oneself, it becomes easier for a person to accept others.

There can be several stresses, and it is worth starting with any of them. The release is carried out at any time: at home, in transport, at work. Forgiveness in thought is just as effective as forgiveness out loud. The main thing in this is intention, awareness and forgiveness.

Table of diseases and their causes

For the convenience of finding affirmations, diseases are collected in the table:

Disease Causes Affirmation
AllergyIrritationThe world around me is favorable to me
ArthritisResentment, fear of dislikeI'm not offended by people for their attitude to me
AsthmaSuppressed life fearI am open to life
InfertilityFear of becoming a parentI am ready to take responsibility.
GastritisA sense of doomI will find a way out
HaemorrhoidsAnger for the pastI let go of past grudges
HerpesSuppression of angerI am positive
GynecologyRejection of the female bodyMy body is the finest
EyesI don't like the moments of lifeI live in such a way that it's nice to look
HerniaOvervoltageI am calm, relaxed
GumInability to comply with decisionsI am determined
StomachThe horror of the unknownThere is nothing wrong with the new
TeethLack of conviction and skill to analyzeI will step firmly
IntestinesPowerlessness before parting with the oldLetting go of the past with ease
LungsNo desire to live fullyI live my years brightly
ThrushLatent resentment towards a partnerI accept a partner
Runny noseSacrificeI approve of my desire to live
TumorsHatred, stubbornness, remorse, unwillingness to changeI wish no one harm. I live the way I would like
LiverWhining, nothing like itI become open to life situations and others
KidneyShame, failure and disappointmentI deserve respect, I do the right thing
PsoriasisFear of losing respectI deserve the best
EarsAnger, rejection of informationI hear positive and pleasant
CelluliteConcealed hatred, rejectionI treat everyone with love
EpilepsyPersecution mania, inner strifeI live in harmony with myself

Affirmation for various diseases

Affirmation is a positive intention, a statement that, when repeated regularly, changes a person's way of thinking. Affirmations must be recited regularly, daily.

A list of some affirmations for diseases:

How to work with a spreadsheet and healing affirmation

In the table, all the names of diseases are in the first column in alphabetical order. The second column contains reasons. In the third, possible positive statements.


  1. Find the disease in the table.
  2. Read the root cause and analyze your mental state.
  3. Read a positive affirmation to be repeated at least once a day.

If there are no diseases in the table or the reasons are inappropriate, then you need to think about what led to this condition on your own. Create your own positive affirmation.

Cleansing the body at the physical and energy levels

Metabolism is the basis of life. It takes place not only at the physical level, but also at the energetic level. At the physical level, it consists of the interaction of processes - anabolism and catabolism. On a spiritual level, this manifests itself as a desire to give and receive. Violation of this process indicates an error in the system "be yourself".

A sick person needs to think about cleansing at an energetic level, which will help cleanse the blood and lymph.

Skin diseases and allergies

Luule Viilma (the causes of skin diseases are accompanied by rashes and redness) believes that allergies indicate the presence of anger. It concentrates for release, blood vessels expand and burst.

When tension appears in a person's life, then the body decides to get rid of it through the skin:

Diseases of the spine and joints

The condition of the spine speaks of the life principles of a person. The fear that can bend the spine is the desire to please everyone. When a child wants to please his parents, his spine becomes like a snake: curvature to the right - the desire to please mom, to the left - dad.

The spine must be extended frequently. If this is an office sedentary work, the exercise must be done 5-10 times. If you fall or lift weights, it is recommended to start exercising right away.

With malaise in the cervical vertebrae, diseases such as:

Disease in the area of ​​the thoracic vertebrae:

Lumbar disorders:

  • diseases of the genital organs;
  • infertility;
  • violation of menstruation;
  • inflammation of the bladder.

When the sacrum hurts, there is a violation of the sexual life.
Pain in the coccyx leads to incontinence, prolapse of the female organs.

Diseases of the nervous system

The nervous system is a system that receives information, directs it and allows you to objectively react to it. The neuron is the main component of the nervous system. She absorbs every emotion. A person with healthy nerves receives information, it is delayed for a while and leaves. In this process, a person assimilates knowledge in practice, gains experience, gains wisdom.

A strong person has a powerful but fragile nervous system. He has already been hardened in everyday life, has become strong. But if something brought him out, then he becomes insensitive. A proud person has a stable and purposeful nervous system.

Each disease has its own root cause:

Digestive system diseases

Luule Viilma (the causes of digestive diseases do not always depend on the person himself) believes that food prepared with bad thoughts is poisonous and destructive.

Diseases of the digestive system and their causes:

Women's diseases

Luule Viilma (the causes of illness are laid in childhood) says that one of the health problems in women is the rejection of their body and purpose.

As a result, diseases arise:

  • Irregular menstrual cycle: shame for their feelings of falling in love with the opposite sex, rejection of oneself as a woman. Wrong perception of sex life (considers it a sin).
  • Termination of critical days: the girl is trying with all her might to prove her integrity.
  • Abundant discharge: a desperate desire to prove their sinlessness and innocence.
  • Dryness of the external genitals and mucous membranes of internal organs: excessive care of the physical body.
  • Uterine bleeding in pregnant women: desire to take revenge on everyone who prevents a woman from becoming a mother.
  • Breast disease: a woman is afraid and ashamed to love a man. All unfulfilled desires and dissatisfaction with her husband accumulate in the chest. Cancer occurs when she tolerates being mistreated by her husband.

Everything that a person does, how he thinks, affects his body, his well-being. The causes of all disease can be eradicated through forgiveness. According to Luule Viilme, forgiveness leads to awareness, and awareness leads to wisdom.

Article formatting: Mila Friedan

Video lectures by Luule Viilma

Luule Viilma lecture in Moscow:

It has long been known that the cause of absolutely any disease in a person must be sought in his psyche. This is increasingly being said not only by psychologists, but also by doctors. And when the true cause of the disease is found and eliminated, the disease itself ceases to exist at the physical level.

This is what Luule Viilma (6.04.1950 - 20.01.2002), a doctor by training, parapsychologist and esotericist, spoke about in her books, trainings and seminars. In her practice, she has done a lot of alternative medicine.

Based on the books of Luule Vilma, a kind of table of diseases and the reasons that caused it was compiled. It is this table that I suggest you study today.

  • Adenoids in children Parents do not understand the child, do not listen to his worries - the child swallows tears of sadness.
  • Allergy Panic anger; fear “they do not love me.” Unwillingness to suffer in silence.
  • Allergy (skin manifestations) Panic anger.
  • Allergy in children (any manifestation) Hatred and anger of parents towards everything; the child's fear “they don’t love me”.
  • Allergy to fish products in children Protest against the self-sacrifice of parents.
  • Allergies (scabs on the skin) in children Suppressed or suppressed pity in the mother; sadness.
  • Allergy to the computer Protest against the transformation of a person into a machine.
  • Dog hair allergy Anti-slavery protest.
  • Alcoholism Fear “no love”; fear "they don't love me"; a man has a feeling of guilt towards a woman for his unreliability; self-flagellation.
  • Loss of meaning in life; lack of love.
  • Heartache caused by lack of self-esteem, deep feelings of guilt.
  • Reluctance to be sad.
  • Alzheimer's disease (atrophic process of the brain) Absolutizing the potential of your brain. Maximalistic desire to receive.
  • Amenorrhea (absence of menstruation) Having sexual problems hidden deep inside, unwillingness to admit the existence of such problems.
  • Angina Anger expressed by screaming.
  • Feeling of unbearable humiliation.
  • Angina in girls under 1 year old. Problems of relationships between parents.
  • Anorexia Fear of coercion.
  • Feelings of guilt, helplessness, depressed life, negative obsession with their appearance.
  • Anorexia Self-pity due to inability to live a fulfilling life.
  • Anuria Unwillingness to give vent to bitterness from unfulfilled desires.
  • Appendicitis Humiliation from an impasse.
  • A state of physical impasse that arises as a consequence of a spiritual impasse.
  • Appendicitis in children Inability to get out of a dead end situation.
  • Appetite (increased, indiscriminate) The desire to compensate for the lack of vital energy.
  • Appetite for feeling full Anger against those who do not accept your kindness.
  • Arrhythmia Fear “no one loves me”.
  • Arteries (diseases) In men - the presence of anger at women.
  • Asthma Suppressed fear.
  • Fear of being badly treated.
  • Lack of courage to live a fulfilling life.
  • Shyness in showing love.
  • Asthma in children Suppressed feelings of love, fear of life.
  • Atelectasis Sadness due to the inevitable feeling of lack of strength for their freedom.
  • Atherosclerosis Wrong attitude to your body.
  • A woman's unwavering, unshakable desire to become stronger than a man, and vice versa.
  • Fear "they don't love me"; the sadness of a dull fossil.
  • Muscle atrophy Birth stress. Self-sacrifice.
  • Fear of interfering with the mother in her eternal haste, so as not to provoke her tears.
  • Aphthous stomatitis (a disease of the mucous membrane of the mouth) Blaming yourself, regretting your behavior.
  • Bacterial and fungal diseases Imbalance and equilibrium.
  • Incomprehension and a group of other stresses.
  • Hips (problems) Problems of economic and material life.
  • Childlessness Stress in the relationship with the mother.
  • Ectopic pregnancy The unwillingness of a woman to share a child with anyone.
  • Pregnancy, termination The fetus feels not loved; subsidence of the 4th vertebra.
  • Infertility - male - female Having sex out of a sense of duty. Problems in the relationship with the mother. Submission to the mother in the choice of a man as a sexual partner; Submission to the mother in the choice of girlfriends.
  • Myopia Fear of the future.
  • Ankylosing spondylitis (deformans spondylitis) Feeling of guilt towards parents.
  • Pain: - acute - dull - chronic Acute anger, comes as soon as someone pisses you off and you start looking for the culprit; dull anger, a feeling of helplessness about the realization of their anger; long-term anger.
  • Borelliasis (tick-borne encephalitis) Malice towards money-grubbing people who want to take over your material achievements.
  • Bronchitis Depression from relationship problems with mother or spouse, feelings of love are hurt, feelings of guilt and blaming others.
  • Chronic bronchitis. Fighting a difficult and unfair life.
  • Bronchiectasis Imposing goals on others.
  • Bronchitis of girls Problems of communication and love feelings.
  • Bulimia Desire to take possession of an illusory future, which in reality a person is disgusted with. The desire to live as best as possible and the unwillingness to live the life that is at the moment.
  • Veins (diseases) The anger of a woman against a man and vice versa
  • Thymus gland (diseases) Fear of being "nobody", the desire to "represent something", to be an authority.
  • Viral diseases. Blaming yourself.
  • Viral diseases in children The desire to leave home, to die is a wordless struggle for one's own survival.
  • Taste sensations (loss in children) Censure by parents of the child's beauty sense, declaring him devoid of a sense of taste, tasteless.
  • Weight (overweight) Desire to be overly honest and say bad things, and at the same time fear to say bad things, so as not to be bad in the eyes of others.
  • Forbid yourself to have what you especially want to have.
  • Dropsy of the brain in children Accumulation of unshed tears by the mother, sadness that they do not love her, do not understand, do not regret that everything in life is not going the way she wants.
  • Inflammation of the vocal cords. Vile criticism.
  • Inflammation of the vocal cords and larynx in girls Stress arising from communication problems.
  • Inflammation of the lungs (acute) Acute anger towards accusations.
  • Second chin Self-love, selfishness.
  • Own discharge - sweat, phlegm, urine, feces - (problems) Problems with each type of discharge are caused by different stresses: anger at resentment, whining, helplessness, powerlessness; dissatisfaction with life in general, self-pity.
  • Miscarriage Shame due to pregnancy.
  • Gases (their accumulation). The desire to change another person with your thoughts.
  • Sinusitis Desire to hide the offense.
  • Gangrene of the legs Humiliation, guilt; inability to get out of economic problems.
  • Gastritis (ulcerative) Forcing oneself. Desire to be good, humble, hard-working, while swallowing the bitterness of disappointment. Fear of "they don't love me."
  • Helminthiasis (enterobiasis, ascoridosis, diphyllobothriasis) Cruelty.
  • Hemophilia The deification of revenge. ^^^^
  • Genetic diseases Desire to be a good person in the eyes of others by hiding the bad in oneself.
  • Gynecological inflammations Disdainful attitude towards the male sex and sex life. Female humiliation.
  • Glaucoma Sadness.
  • Pharynx (diseases). Self-conceit, selfishness,
  • arrogance, a desire at all costs to prove one's own innocence, or the wrong of another person.
  • Deaf and dumb Disobedience - protest against the orders of the parents.
  • Pus (in any organ of the body) Malice from humiliation.
  • Purulent processes. Acne. Humiliated anger.
  • Festering eyes Resentment of coercion (desire not to be forced, desire to live a free life).
  • Ankle joints (diseases) Desire to boast of their achievements.
  • Headaches Fear "they don't like me."
  • Dislike for her husband (fear, anger). Fear "they don't love me."
  • - in the back of the head and neck Blaming others for their own mistakes.
  • Headache: - from tension. Restrained fear. A state of spiritual impasse.
  • - from voltage drop. The manifestation of anger after resolving a tense situation.
  • Headaches in children Inability to resolve
  • disagreements between parents; destruction by parents of the children's world of feelings and thoughts. Constant resentment.
  • Vocal cords (inflammation) Unspoken malice.
  • Gonorrhea The gloomy malice of neglect.
  • Throat (diseases in children) Quarrels between parents, accompanied by screams.
  • Fungal diseases Desire to get rid of one's own shame.
  • Fungal diseases (chronic) Chronic shame.
  • Influenza Despondency, dissatisfaction with oneself.
  • Thoracic spine, pains Fear of being guilty, blaming others
  • Breast (breast disease from benign lumps to breast cancer) Blaming the other for what he does not love Pride, punching his way through any effort.
  • Hernia (in the lower abdomen) An unrealistic desire that caused anger by its impracticability.
  • Hernia of the diaphragm Desire to move from the past to the future in a single jerk.
  • Hernia of the alimentary opening of the diaphragm Desire to break into society, where a person is not expected.
  • Lips in a string Arrogance.
  • Farsightedness Desire to see far into the future. Desire to receive a lot at once.
  • Down syndrome Fear of being yourself.
  • Depression Self-pity.
  • Deforming polyarthritis with progressive destruction of bone tissue in children Shame and anger against the husband's infidelity, inability to forgive adultery.
  • Gums (swelling) Powerless anger from unspoken sorrow to the guilty about the injury inflicted.
  • Gums bleed, periodontal disease Revenge, the desire to sadden the culprit of your suffering.
  • Duodenum (diseases): - constant pain Severity. Heartlessness. Anger at the collective
  • - ulcerative bleeding; rupture of the duodenum; Vindictiveness towards the collective. Turning anger at the team into cruelty.
  • - discomfort Distrust of others, fear, tension.
  • Diabetes Demanding reciprocal gratitude from others.
  • - sugar Destructive anger of a woman against a man and vice versa. Hatred.
  • Wanting others to make my life good.
  • Diarrhea Despair associated with a keen desire to get rid of everything at once; Desire to be strong and to demonstrate their strength.
  • Diaphragm (problems; diseases related to the diaphragm) Fear of being guilty. Issues of discrimination, bias and injustice.
  • Diverticula of the esophagus Insisting that the person's plans be accepted unconditionally.
  • Dysbacteriosis Conflicting judgments about the activities of others.
  • Diphtheria in children Guilt for a perfect deed, which arose in response to the anger of the parents.
  • Daytime urinary incontinence in children The child's fear for his father.
  • Dolichosigma Fear of the end result.
  • Body flabbiness Doom, the feeling that "you still won't get what I dream about."
  • Mental illness Desire to have spiritual values ​​- love, respect, honor, care, attention.
  • Respiratory tract (diseases, catarrh of children) Mother's contempt for the male sex. Fear "no one loves me."
  • Jaundice - jaundice in drug addicts Fear of anger. Malice against the state.
  • Cholelithiasis. Fierce struggle against evil. Own bitterness Fierce anger. Anger towards a spouse. Unwillingness to splash out bitterness (humiliation attracts other people's humiliation).
  • Stomach (disease) Fear of being to blame.
  • Duty to start.
  • Forcing yourself to work; desire to have a lot, to be a model.
  • Stomach (bleeding stomach ulcers) Desire to rise above others ("if I do not, no one will do"). Self-confidence, belief in one's own infallibility.
  • Stomach (gastric emptying and gastritis) Fear “no one needs me” (passive person).
  • Stomach (acidity) Feelings of guilt.
  • Stomach (low acidity) Forcing yourself to work out of guilt.
  • Stomach (spasm of the gatekeeper until completely blocked) Fear of confiding in another.
  • Gallbladder (disease) Anger.
  • Belly: - problems of the upper belly Desire to remake oneself and others.
  • - problems of the middle of the abdomen Desire to make everyone equal.
  • - problems of the lower abdomen Desire to get rid of everything that could not be done.
  • - an increase in the abdomen Desire to stick out their positive qualities, to boast of their hard work.
  • - belly fat Constant self-defense and willingness to defend their way of acting.
  • Fluid (accumulation in organs and cavities) Sadness. Desire to change others.
  • Fat embolism Arrogance, selfishness, selfishness.
  • Addictions (alcoholism, drug addiction, tobacco smoking, gambling) Fear “they don’t love me”; fear “I have no love”; a man's feeling of guilt in front of a woman for the fact that he cannot be relied upon; self-flagellation, punishment of oneself.
  • Mental retardation in children Parental violence against the soul of the child
  • Anus: - itching. Temptation with a sense of duty.
  • - cracks Own merciless compulsion
  • Constipation Covetousness, stinginess.
  • Shame for the results of your labor.
  • Wrist (problems) Anger at one's own powerlessness, a desire to punish others.
  • Conception (problems) Lack of love.
  • Vision (problems) Self-pity, bashfulness.
  • - myopia Fear of the future
  • Pity for the mother and women in general.
  • - farsightedness Pity for the father and men in general. Unwillingness to see little. Desire to get a lot at once.
  • - paralysis of the eye muscles Suffering of the mother and the female
  • - loss of vision caused by aging Unwillingness to see the annoying little things in life.
  • - sclerotic changes in the eyes - aggravation in children Desire to be higher than tears Shyness.
  • Teeth (diseases) Coercion, an attempt to change a neighbor, violence.
  • Teeth: - caries Disappointment at not receiving more than you have.
  • - tooth decay of children Father's inferiority complex (due to mother's anger).
  • - destruction of molars in adults Dissatisfaction with their mind.
  • - front teeth break; - teeth growth defects in children Desire to get more than you have. The desire to show your superiority (to show off your mind). The complex of stress associated with parents.
  • Heartburn Forced out of fear.
  • Hiccups Fear of the lost meaning of life.
  • Immunity (violation) Fear "I am not loved".
  • Impotence Fear that “I am accused of not being able to feed my family, not coping with my work, I am not good enough as a man”; blaming yourself for the same. Fear of economic problems.
  • Feelings of guilt in a man in response to a woman's anger.
  • Self-pity because of your gender.
  • Stroke Thirst for revenge.
  • Fear of the angry discontent of others.
  • Myocardial infarction Sadness "no one needs my love."
  • Myocardial infarction in a man during intercourse. A keen sense of guilt.
  • Childhood hysteria Self-pity
  • Coronary heart disease Fear of being guilty, being blamed for the lack of love; guilt.
  • Stones (gall and kidney) Fierce anger. Desire to rise above the bad person
  • Cysts Unweeped sadness.
  • Intestinal gases Militancy.
  • Intestine (organ diseases - see digestion, organs)
  • Tick-borne encephalitis Malice towards selfish extortion.
  • Skin (defects) wounds, ulcers dryness Constant outpouring of anger. Shame on your own honesty.
  • Skin Disorders Anger, Protest Against Weasel
  • Knees (diseases) Stress associated with moving in life.
  • Bones (injuries, fractures) Poorly perceived, vague anger at a person.
  • Feline scabies Pickiness in the family.
  • Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease. The desire to reverse the course of life, that is, militant conservatism.
  • - Thirst for revenge problems.
  • - Decrease Feeling of guilt.
  • Blood. Dysfunction of the hematopoietic system. Overly demanding purposefulness.
  • Blood: diseases. Selfish love.
  • problems Thirst for revenge.
  • thickening of blood Passionate desire to be rich, greed, greed, greed.
  • - slowing down of blood circulation Feeling of guilt.
  • - many blood cells - few blood cells Malice of struggle, revenge, malice towards men. Malignant subordination of the mother and wife to men.
  • Bloody discharge. Desire for revenge.
  • Blood pressure. - increasing the habit of evaluating others and finding their mistakes.
  • - Decrease Feeling of guilt.
  • Internal bleeding Desire to be over-positive.
  • Bleeding from the nose in a child. Helplessness, anger and resentment.
  • Palm (problems, painful sensations) Fierceness, exorbitant manifestation of masculine qualities in a woman; or excessive flexibility, to the point of servility
  • Laryngospasm Rage.
  • Laryngospasm in children Guilt for the act done when the child is choked with anger.
  • Lungs (diseases) Lack of freedom. Hatred of your own slavery.
  • Blaming yourself.
  • Pulmonary pleura Restriction of freedom.
  • Leukopenia (decrease in leukocytes in the blood) Fear of arrogance. Blaming yourself.
  • Lymph (diseases) The anger of a woman towards the helplessness of a man.
  • Resentment about not getting what you want.
  • Lymphogranulomatosis Deadly shame caused by the fact that a person has not been able to achieve what he actually did not need.
  • Frontal sinus (inflammation) Latent inability to make decisions.
  • Elbows (problems) Desire to stand out from the crowd
  • The desire to prove the justice of your ideas, punching the road in life with your elbows.
  • Macrocephaly The child's father experiences great unspoken sadness due to the defectiveness of his mind, overly rational.
  • Anemia in children Resentment and irritation of the mother, who considers her husband to be the poor breadwinner of the family.
  • Senile insanity Thirst for an easy life, without barriers, without troubles.
  • Uterus (bleeding) Anger against those whom the woman accuses of being prevented from being a good mother, whom she considers guilty of her maternal failure.
  • Uterus (fibroids) Fear "they don't like me." Feelings of guilt towards the mother. Excessive involvement in motherhood. Militant thoughts associated with motherhood.
  • Uterus (tumors) Excessive emotionality.
  • Uterus (diseases of the cervix) Dissatisfaction with sex life.
  • Meniscus (damage) Attack of anger at stagnation in life: at the one who knocked the soil out from under his feet; deceit and betrayal of the people around.
  • Menstruation profuse Desire to cheat on her husband and thus "punish" him. Large accumulation of stress.
  • Menses (absence) Having sexual problems hidden deep inside.
  • Migraine Inability to look for the cause of the ailment.
  • Sadness and fear "do not love me."
  • Microcephaly The child's father mercilessly exploits the rational side of his mind.
  • Brain (disease) Neglect of one's spiritual needs to please other people's desires and whims.
  • Sputum Anger at whining and whiners. Anger at the accusations and accusers, and therefore at oneself.
  • Bladder (inflammation) Humiliation due to accumulated disease.
  • The desire to win sympathy with your work; bitterness when making fun of others.
  • Urolithiasis Suppression of one's humiliation due to accumulated diseases to a state of stone indifference.
  • Muscle tissue (wasting, muscle atrophy) A sense of responsibility, a sense of duty, a sense of guilt. Thirst for fame and power, arrogance towards others.
  • Adrenal glands (diseases) Chronic fears.
  • Metabolic disorder The disorder between giving and receiving.
  • Drug addiction and various types of addiction - work addiction, smoking, gambling Fear “no love”, “they don’t love me”, feelings of guilt. Fear and anger that everything is not the way I would like. Unwillingness to be who you are, wanting to be in a world where there are no worries.
  • Disappointment in everything and everyone. The belief that no one needs a person and no one needs his love.
  • Unwillingness to be nobody.
  • Runny nose (rhinitis) Anger due to resentment
  • Resentment.
  • Resentment at the situation, lack of understanding of the causes of this situation.
  • Neurasthenia Desire to be positive in everything, trying to please others.
  • Incontinence of urine, feces. The desire to free yourself from life's disappointments.
  • Urinary incontinence in children - daytime (enuresis) Fear of the child for the father. The mother's fear for her father.
  • Neurosis Fear “no one loves me” Suppressed aggressiveness
  • Nervousness, whims in children Mutual accusations of parents, more often - accusations of the mother in relation to the father.
  • Necrosis (tissue necrosis) Anger at one's suffering.
  • Legs (problems and diseases) Insincerity in communication related to economic issues. Desire in everything to receive material benefit, honor and glory.
  • Nose (shortness of breath) Sadness at own failure. Sadness. The desire to hide the fact of striking.
  • Nose (noisy blowing out) Disregard for others.
  • Metabolism (disturbance) Imbalance between giving and receiving.
  • Smell (aggravated in children) Curiosity.
  • Baldness Fears, disappointments, stress “they don’t like me”.
  • Obesity Imposing one's will on others. The stress of dissatisfaction.
  • Self-defense. Thirst for hoarding, fear of the future.
  • The desire to be stronger, the inner struggle with your stresses.
  • "I want something good."
  • Neoplastic diseases (see also "Cancer") Great anger against others or against oneself.
  • Tumors of tissue (atheroma, lipoma, dermoid, teratoma) Malice.
  • Brain tumor in children The relationship between mother and mother-in-law.
  • Complication of viral diseases in boys The mother cannot cope with the father and therefore fights with him mentally and with words.
  • - pig - chickenpox - anger Maternal malice because of impotence. Maternal malice because of denial. Malevolence.
  • -influenza Depression.
  • Feeling (impaired in children) Child's shame when parents do not allow him to satisfy the need to touch everything with his hands.
  • Osteomalacia Long-term latent malice.
  • Osteoporosis Long-term latent malice.
  • The sadness of losing faith in your own ability to regain your former idealized and promising strength.
  • Osteitis (inflammation of bone tissue) The malice of a woman directed against a man.
  • Edema Malice exaggeration.
  • Constant sadness.
  • Swelling on the legs, calluses. The malice "it's not how I want it." The lack of expression of reproaches to her husband about economic problems.
  • Deviations in the development of the child The fear of a woman that she will no longer be loved for her imperfection. Cultivating parental love as a desirable goal.
  • Belching Imposing your opinion on others.
  • Containment of anger.
  • Memory (disturbance) Thirst for an easy life, without barriers, without troubles.
  • Limb paralysis Thirst for revenge.
  • Failure to cope with life. Bad attitude towards life.
  • Parkinson's syndrome Desire to give as much as possible, but the given does not bring the expected results.
  • Peritonitis (purulent inflammation of the peritoneum) Unbearable humiliation due to the fact that a person was not given enough. Shame.
  • Liver (disease) Fear of being guilty. Malice.
  • Hatred of injustice; the desire to receive something from the state and the feeling of insult if the desired is not received.
  • Fear of the state and people who wish you harm.
  • Digestive tract (diseases) Sacrifice of oneself against one's desires, but in the name of a goal. Feelings of guilt about work, business.
  • Periodontal disease Book number 6
  • Digestive tract (problems) Not getting what you want, swallowing resentment.
  • Forcing yourself to be guilty out of fear (that is, fear turns out to be stronger than guilt).
  • Esophagus (inflammation, scarring, damage to inflamed tissues, narrowing) Fear of not getting what you want. Resentment and humiliation for what he did not achieve.
  • Tearfulness Sadness. Shame and blame.
  • Pleurisy Anger against the restriction of freedom.
  • Shoulder girdle: shoulders, shoulders, arms (injuries and diseases)
  • Pancreas (diseases) Destructive anger of a woman against a man and vice versa. Hatred.
  • The desire to do good first of all to others because of the fear that a person is not loved.
  • The desire to surpass oneself, selfishness, selfishness.
  • Pancreas (irritation) Protest against orders, prohibitions.
  • Spine (distribution of diseases and stresses to the spine) Various stresses.
  • Spine (problems, diseases) - cervical thoracic spine Fears. Fear of being guilty, blaming others.
  • Redness on various parts of the body: Concentration of anger that seeks an outlet.
  • - reddening of the ears - redness of the eyes The anger of finding the culprit, listening poorly. The person sees life incorrectly.
  • Diarrhea (diarrhea) Despair associated with a strong desire to immediately get rid of all unpleasant affairs; the desire to be strong and to demonstrate their strength.
  • Losing weight Desire to give more life.
  • Kidneys (diseases) Chronic fears.
  • Kidney stones Secret malice in the soul.
  • Pride.
  • Renal failure Envy. Revenge.
  • Prostate gland (diseases) Fear of losing material support, wealth.
  • - inflammation Humiliation. Fear of paternity.
  • - swelling Inconsolable sadness of a man due to his inability to be a good FATHER.
  • Proctitis (inflammation of the rectal mucosa) Negative attitude towards their business and the results obtained. Fear to demonstrate the results of their work.
  • Rectum (problems) The vicious struggle of life does not lead to the desired results.
  • Duty to finish what started at any cost.
  • Mental illness Fear “they don't like me”, guilt, fears, anger.
  • Excessive desire for spiritual values, the need to rise, the desire to surpass someone or something, arrogance.
  • Sadness and grief from the fact that no better can be achieved.
  • Spots: - depigmented - pigmented - hemangiomas Pride and shame.
  • Cervical sciatica Stubbornness.
  • Ruptured perineum during childbirth Feeling of duty.
  • Cancer Malice
  • Anger is exaggeration, anger is envious.
  • Malicious malice.
  • Contempt. Malice.
  • The desire to appear good is the fear of being guilty, which makes you hide your thoughts about your loved ones.
  • Unrealized benevolence, ill will and resentment.
  • Malevolent malice.
  • Overconfidence. Selfishness. Desire to be perfect. Unforgiveness. Arrogance. Proving your superiority. Pride and shame.
  • Cancer in children Malice, ill intentions. A group of stresses that are transmitted from parents.
  • Cancer of the maxillary sinuses Humble suffering, rational pride in oneself.
  • Brain Cancer Fear "I am not loved"
  • Despair about your own stupidity and inability to come up with something.
  • Proving your benevolence by any means, up to the conscious transformation of yourself into a slave.
  • Breast cancer Husband accused of
  • The family doesn't like me.
  • Suppressed shame.
  • Stomach cancer Compulsion.
  • Malicious self-hatred - I can't get what I want.
  • Blaming others, contempt for the perpetrators of suffering.
  • Cancer of the uterus Bitter because the male sex is not good enough to love her husband. Humiliation due to children or not having children. Helplessness to change life.
  • Bladder cancer Desire for evil to bad people.
  • Cancer of the esophagus. Dependence on one's desires. Insisting on their plans, which others do not give a move.
  • Pancreatic cancer Proving that you are a person.
  • Prostate cancer Fear that "I will be accused of not being a real man."
  • Anger at their helplessness due to women's ridicule of male dignity and fatherhood.
  • Rectal cancer Bitterness. Disappointment.
  • Fear of being criticized for work results. Contempt for your job.
  • Colon cancer Bitterness. Disappointment.
  • Cervical cancer. Infinity of female desires. Disappointment in sex life.
  • Cancer of the tongue The shame of having ruined my life with my own tongue.
  • Ovarian cancer Excessive sense of duty and responsibility.
  • Wounds (different types) Different types of anger.
  • Multiple sclerosis Not getting what you wanted - anger and bitterness of defeat.
  • Sadness and sense of meaninglessness in life.
  • Vomiting Anger caused by aversion to life, anger against the atrocities of others. Fear of the future.
  • The desire to get rid of resentment and injustice, fear for the consequences, for the future.
  • Rheumatism Fear “nobody loves me”.
  • Accusation through allegory.
  • The desire to quickly mobilize oneself, keep up everywhere, get used to any situation - the desire to be mobile.
  • Premature delivery Lack of love for the fetus, the child feels that he needs to go away from the place where he feels bad.
  • Erysipelas. Cruelty.
  • Hands (problems of fingers, felon) Problems associated with giving and receiving in the course and as a result of performing work.
  • Greasy hair Resentment of coercion (desire to live a free life).
  • Suicide Desire to please.
  • Sarcoidosis Desire to show one's worth at any cost.
  • Diabetes mellitus Hatred of women and men for each other. Protest against orders and orders.
  • Sexual problems in young men Sadness.
  • Vas deferens (blockage) Having sex out of a sense of duty.
  • Spleen (disease) Fear of being guilty. Sadness associated with parents.
  • Heart (disease) Oh? Fear that I do not love enough Feelings of guilt Desire to be liked and to favor love.
  • Heart (congenital or acquired defect of children) Fear “no one loves me”.
  • Heart (myocardial infarction) Fear "I am accused of not loving."
  • Heart (ischemic disease) A sense of responsibility, a sense of duty, a sense of guilt.
  • Retina (ruptured blood vessels) Thirst for revenge.
  • Sigmoid Colon (disease) Disappointment; vicious struggle that does not lead to the desired results.
  • Syphilis Loss of sense of responsibility to life; malice.
  • Scarlet fever Sad, hopeless
  • Sclerosis Ossified, uncompromising attitude towards everyone and everything in life.
  • The sadness of a dull fossil.
  • General weakness. Constant self-pity.
  • The cecum, large intestine involvement. A large number of dead-end situations.
  • Blindness Seeing only bad things. Unwillingness to see this terrible life.
  • Tears The sadness of anger at not receiving what one wants from life.
  • Mucous discharge (see nose, rhinitis) Anger due to resentment.
  • Mucous membranes. Dryness. Shame, proof that everything is fine.
  • Hearing (defeat in children) Shame. Parents shaming the child.
  • Salivation: - lack, dry mouth - excessive increase Fear of everyday problems. Desire to get rid of problems as soon as possible.
  • Gender change Stress complex.
  • Laryngeal spasm, suffocation. Rage, malice.
  • Adhesions (excessive thickening of tissues in organs, cavities and joints) Convulsive attempts to defend their ideas. Anger of exaggeration.
  • AIDS Lack of love, feeling of spiritual emptiness. Malice that they don't love me.
  • Feet (ailments) Anger from daily routines.
  • Cramps in the muscles of the lower leg Confusion of will from fear of forward movement.
  • Joints (loss of previous mobility, rheumatic inflammation) Fear "they don't like me." Feelings of guilt, anger. The desire to "represent something" and the desire to prove their worth.
  • Hip joints (painful sensations) A sense of responsibility. Shame.
  • Stoop in children Excessive domination by the mother in the family.
  • Tobacco smoking Fear of “they don’t love me”; a feeling of guilt, a man's fear of a woman that he cannot be relied on; self-flagellation.
  • Pelvis (diseases) Stresses associated with
  • attitude to male problems.
  • Waist - painfully thin Fear of not getting what you want.
  • - thickening, the presence of a large number of fat folds Inability to get by with little because of the desire to have only good things.
  • Temperature - high Tension in a quarrel with mother, exhaustion.
  • Strong, bitter anger. Anger in the conviction of the culprit.
  • Overflowing with stress.
  • - chronic old, long-term anger.
  • Teratoma (tumor) Desperate desire to answer the perpetrators of their suffering with their own words, which, however, remain unspoken. Fear of a person to decide for himself how to live.
  • Tissues (diseases): - epithelial - connective - muscular - nervous Accumulation of great anger against others or against oneself. Self-pity.
  • Small intestine (diseases) Duty to do little things, when I would like to do big things.
  • Negative, arrogant
  • ironic attitude towards female labor.
  • Large intestine (diseases) Obligation to do big things, when I would like to do little things. Negative attitude towards male labor; problems related to unfinished business.
  • Nausea Fear that nothing is working.
  • Injuries Anger in the soul.
  • Trachea (diseases) Anger in the fight for justice.
  • Trichomoniasis Desperate malice from her frivolous behavior.
  • Trophic ulcers Accumulation of unspoken anger.
  • Thrombophlebitis (inflammation and blockage of veins) and phlebitis (inflammation of the arteries) Anger due to economic problems.
  • Thromboembolism of the heart, lungs, brain Exaggeration of the importance of the material, economic side of life.
  • Tuberculosis Fear of being accused of dislike. The disease of lamentation.
  • Tuberculosis in children. Constant stress.
  • Tuberculosis of the genitals Complaints about the disorder of their sex life.
  • Brain tuberculosis Complaints about the inability to use the potential of your brain.
  • Tuberculosis of the lungs Fear of expressing anger, but constant lamentation.
  • Self-pity.
  • Complaining about an unhappy life.
  • Tuberculosis of the lymph nodes Complaints of male worthlessness.
  • Kidney tuberculosis Complaints about the inability to realize their desires.
  • Thyrotoxicosis (increased thyroid function) Internal, unspoken struggle against orders.
  • Decreased blood supply to tissues. A sense of responsibility, a sense of duty, a sense of guilt.
  • Phlebitis Anger due to economic problems.
  • Frontitis (inflammation of the frontal sinus) Resentment and desire to hide it.
  • Chlamydia Dominant malice.
  • Chlamydia and mycoplasma Stress group.
  • Cholesterol (high or low) Desire to be persistent, strong, or, conversely, a feeling of hopelessness from the struggle.
  • Snoring Despair of the inability to improve relationships with people.
  • Chronic Illness Shame. Fear of dishonor.
  • Chronic rhinitis A constant state of resentment.
  • Thinness Self-love and self-confidence, but at the same time denying oneself what one wants.
  • I don't want stress.
  • Cellulite Anger, the desire to prove to everyone their importance: "see what I am capable of."
  • Liver cirrhosis Self-destruction. Destructive mute anger.
  • Sneezing Momentary anger.
  • Neck (inflammation, swelling, pain, swelling) Discontent that humiliates, saddens, makes you angry. The sadness that the person suppresses.
  • Schizophrenia Desire for all to be well.
  • Schizophrenia in children Obsessive ideals in parents; the wife's obsession with re-educating her husband.
  • Thyroid gland (dysfunction) Fear of being crushed by life.
  • Guilt. Communication problems.
  • Endometriosis Mother's curiosity.
  • Enuresis (in children) The child's fear for the father, associated with the mother's fears and anger directed at the child's father.
  • Eczema Panic anger.
  • Oviduct right (problems) Dependence on how the mother wants to see her daughter's relationship with the male sex.
  • Oviduct left (problems) Dependence on how the mother wants to see her daughter's relationship with the female sex.
  • Oviducts (blockage) Having sex out of a sense of duty.
  • Ulcer of any kind Suppression of sadness arising from not wanting to be helpless and show helplessness.
  • Bleeding ulcer Forced to take revenge.
  • Ulcerative colitis Suffering for your faith, your
  • beliefs.

A person, according to the books of Dr. Luule Viilma, is healthy as much as he wants it, since bodily diseases cannot be considered separately from the state of mind and soul. Illness and life problems are the unconditional reflection of the chain, made up of the wrong way of thinking and wrong actions. "Thought is action, and a bad thought lurking in a person always does evil, and the body does not need justification." To break up this negative connection, you must learn to forgive, freeing yourself from stress. And this is a real daily work, since a person is used to "looking for someone to blame", to fight against the bad and to think a little about what is really "good" and "bad" for him personally.

Let me remind you that thanks to joints, a rigid skeleton turns into a strong, mobile and elastic system that forms the basis of the human body. In other words, every joint is a mother who makes a father a man. The joint reflects the true relationship between my mother and my father, no matter how they appear from the outside. Leg joints characterize the economic advancement of my parents and the solution to these problems during my childhood.

A common ailment is ossification of the hip and knee joints. The pelvis symbolizes the family. The basis of family strength is the husband, whom the wife makes a man with her love. The hip joint shows the flexibility and mobility of economic life in the family. If the mother is uncompromising in economic matters and this makes the father angry, then the left hip joint ossifies. Bone is also destroyed. If the mother, with her intransigence, begins to get angry with herself and her family, then the right hip joint ossifies. If the father shares the mother's anger caused by dissatisfaction, then bone destruction also occurs. Knee joints represent economic advancement. If a child does not reinforce the mistakes of his parents, but, on the contrary, reduces them, then parental disagreements in economic life do not affect his health.

A person whose legs are "X" is stingy. The more the stinginess is developed, the more the knees are bent. If during life the inborn "X" -shaped legs become even more crooked, then this means that the stinginess inherited from the parents in a person has increased. And if the legs hurt, then stinginess causes anger in a person. If in a person born with straight legs one leg takes the shape of an "X", then one of the parents is stingy, and this leg certainly hurts.

Crooked legs in the shape of the letter "O" characterize a generous person. The more he overdoes his generosity, the more painful his financial situation becomes. The more a person flaunts his condition, the angrier he becomes, and the more his knees hurt. Or his loved ones harbor anger at him, because he condemns them to material deprivation. If a person sits with anger at the extravagance of the male, then the left knee gets sick. If a person believes that women are guilty of lack of money, then the right knee becomes ill.

Straight legs indicate economic balance. But if the economic equilibrium is achieved by stinginess, then the economy can begin to sink, and the narrowing of the joint spaces = the sinking expresses the anger associated with the economic downturn. The thinner the wallet becomes, the angrier its owner becomes, and the more his legs are shortened. Gradually, the knee joints are compressed, then they thicken. The accompanying pain makes a person stop and reflect on their mistakes.

We restore health from the spine

Diseases of the spine and joints

Healthy spine

Everything in this world is Energy.

Energy = Light = Love = Universe = Unity = God

If you don't like the word God, then you are a person who, not tolerating dirt, throws out a sparkling gem with it, not understanding what it is.

Different types of energy provide the diversity of the world.

Health energy provides health... Unity does not know the state of rest, the energy of health is also in constant motion. Just as blood flows through the blood vessels and lymph through the lymphatic vessels, so energy moves through special channels. Blood circulation can be maintained in the body with an artificial heart, but when the flow of energy is interrupted, the person dies.

Energy channels are invisible to the eye. They are innumerable in the human body, and the central part forms the main energy channel, which is located in the spine. That is why we can call the spine the support of the body, both literally and figuratively.

In the human body, there are also energy centers, or chakras, which are reservoirs of energy, the normal filling of which is ensured by the normal, that is, healthy, state of the spine.

Each person should begin to restore their physical health from the spine. Our physique is perfect in its purposefulness. All the aids for restoring the body are given to us from birth - eyes to see a mistake, and hands to correct it. The human skeleton + muscles is a finely regulated system of leverage, simple and versatile if we keep it in working order.

Look at yourself in the mirror - how your body is twisted. And don't look for excuses as to why it is. If you want to get well, you need to straighten your spine. Until a person understands that his health depends on his posture, it makes no sense to treat him further - all the same, he will not fully recover.

Sluggish body = sluggish soul = sluggish health

Do not forget that no vertebra in the spine can bear the slightest friction against another, and before you begin to correct the curvature, you need to create space for the vertebrae. One should start by raising the vertebrae.


Sit on a hard chair (you can do the exercise while standing or lying on the floor).

Place your palms on top of your thighs, resting your wrists on your lower abdomen. Concentrate your thoughts on the spine. Start lifting from your tailbone. Reinforce physical lifting with mental. Imagine a cat raising its tail. Bend in the lower back and mentally imagine that the sacrum takes an almost horizontal position. This is the only way to easily lift the lumbar, thoracic and cervical vertebrae, since their curved backward-curved position, reminiscent of the laying of tiles, will disappear, and with it the accompanying enormous muscle tension in the back.

Imagine mentally that each vertebra individually rises straight up, to its correct place, and slowly, resting your hands on your hips, straighten your back and stretch up. You will soon feel an improvement in your condition, that is: your shoulders are straightened, your arms are free straight, breathing is free, your back is straight. There are no too long arms, there is a short back.

Now relax your shoulders and extend your neck upward, the back of the head more than the jaw, so that all the muscles in the upper torso are tense. Enjoy stretching your spine and savor the joy of it.

When, after such a stretch, you get up, feel your body in a new way and feel that the spine is as if weightless and, if it were not for the restraining body, it would rush upward, then this will mean that you have reached the ideal and the main energy channel is open.

You are filled with a sense of freshness. You will feel better immediately.

How often should this exercise be done? As often as you want to get well soon. Some once a day, and some a hundred. Each has its own purpose and choice.

An ordinary person often cannot understand why he is forced to stretch his back, if he came to be treated for a completely different disease. One does not die from a spinal ailment - this is the usual motivation. And this is important because each vertebra corresponds to one organ or a pair of organs, the health of which is in direct proportion to the state of the vertebra. Looking at the diseased vertebra, you can determine, without seeing the organ itself, what is happening to it. For example, between the shoulder blades is the 6th thoracic vertebra - the heart vertebra, a sharp concussion of which, especially if the vertebra was previously injured, can even cause a heart attack. Damage to the 1st cervical vertebra - migraine, epilepsy, etc.

The longer in time the vertebra was damaged, the more serious the changes. Pain syndrome occurs only with the transition of the critical line. If we stretched our spine for prophylaxis, then it would not have come to a critical point.
