Many of us, at one time, were students and, of course, we all studied at school. I'm just sure that everyone at least once had a desire or an urgent need to get out of classes or classes. One day, when I was in the tenth grade, this happened to me. Suddenly, spontaneously, the whole class decided to run away from the lessons. Everyone suddenly remembered that school would soon be over, and there would be nothing to remember. The most interesting thing is that the Komsomol organizer of the school studied in our class. He, of course, joined us. The whole class went for a walk in the park. They walked, of course, to glory, but the scandal after that was also grandiose.

But this is of course an emergency. Resourceful pupils and students have come up with and developed many ways to legally leave classes that look quite decent. Consider 7 ways to get out of class or classes.

Method Navigator

Method 1. Use a mobile phone

The easiest way to take advantage of such an achievement of progress as a mobile phone. We do so. During a lesson or a couple, we ask one of our friends to call us on the phone. We pick up the phone and, depicting concern on our faces, we approach the teacher or teacher. Showing the phone confidently, with a serious look, we categorically say that a call came from parents or grandparents and it is urgent to leave classes. You don't even have to wait for the teacher's answer. It is possible and even recommended to immediately leave until the teacher comes to his senses and asks for confirmation of the authenticity of the call.

In this game, you can try out hundreds of models of tanks and planes, and once inside the detailed cockpit, immerse yourself in the atmosphere of battles as much as possible.Try now->

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Method 2. The need to satisfy natural needs

One of the simplest and most importantly, effective ways to leave lessons in 7 ways is to ask the teacher to leave in the middle of the lesson (it means to go to the toilet). Failures are unknown. Try not to let go! The teacher is usually so busy with the lesson that he won’t even remember you, unless, of course, he wants to call you to the blackboard. Of course, if you have things with you, you need to take care in advance to take them out and hide them in a secluded place. After all, you see, going to the toilet with a backpack is somehow strange.

Method 3. Health problems

Used with some variations. If it is spring or summer, you can say that you have an allergic reaction to the flowering of trees, bushes, flowers or herbs. It would be good to sneeze several times before this or rub your nose and eyes red. You can also refer to the sting of a bee or wasp. In autumn or winter, you can complain about an allergy from an exotic fruit eaten. If the floor was rubbed with mastic in an educational institution, or something was painted, you can refer to an allergy from chemicals. Knowing that an allergic reaction can lead to anaphylactic shock, the teacher will not prevent you from leaving.

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Method 4. Craving for knowledge

This method is more suitable for high school students. After all, it is no secret that in order to enter higher educational institutions, it is often necessary to attend additional classes with tutors or courses. Approach the teacher and confidently announce that you need to attend an extra class, which was unexpectedly rescheduled for a time that coincides with the lessons. It can also be said that today is the Open Doors Day at the university. Try to refuse the boy's request to receive knowledge.

Method 5. Show artistic abilities

This method is suitable for those who are endowed with artistic abilities. For those from whom the artist is not so hot, we do not recommend using this option. If you need 7 ways to get out of class or class, don't let your classmates know about your plans. Act out a severe attack of appendicitis, an unbearable headache or toothache, etc. whoever has enough imagination. The sympathy of your comrades is guaranteed to you. There will always be someone who is the most compassionate. He quickly runs to the class teacher or the dean's office and asks you to leave the classroom.

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Method 6. Sports, hobbies

If you have a sporty look, you can come up with competitions in any kind of sport. Only if you often abuse this, there may be a danger - they will be attracted to participate in school or university events. Also under this brand is participation in any exhibition organized by a circle that you visit or a concert at a music school. Although, all these activities should be carried out after classes.

Method 7. Connect parents

In extreme cases, you can unobtrusively involve parents in solving this issue. True, telling them directly that you want to skip classes will not work, and you will also get a scolding. In addition, parents, as a rule, have a class teacher's phone number - they can call and everything will fail. Therefore, you need to try and come up with a plausible reason. Such that the parents themselves called the class teacher or the dean's office and confirmed the need for your absence from classes. Dare, and everything will work out for you. But don't get too carried away.

How to leave the lesson?

    for whatever reason the student needs to leave the lesson. if the reason is important and valid, no one will ask the parents of the child better. this can be done either with a phone call or a note with a signature. The teacher, I think, has no right to refuse.

    and if the reason is important for the child himself, then you can refer to the disease, the girl - to the sudden onset of menstruation (and there were no pads with her).

    Start coughing two lessons before the right one. You cough, you tear your throat. Speak, tickle in the throat. At the right lesson, after coughing for 10 minutes, you ask for leave in a tortured voice to the first-aid post. This actually happens when it itches in the throat and forgets to cough. The throat is dry, therefore perspiration. Having drunk some water or something fatty, everything goes away in five minutes.

    To say that you feel bad, while still making a suffering face, otherwise they will suddenly not believe (this mainly applies to boys). If a child needs to be asked to leave the classroom, parents can write a note to the teacher, passing it along with the child. If something is urgent, then parents should call the principal or teacher. Or the student himself should ask the teacher to let him go, stating the reason, but this does not always work, teachers usually say, let the parents call ...

    When I was at school, the teachers always let those who who got sick or there was some other good reason. Unless, of course, the student was on the black list of truants.

    Or you could bring a note from parents, in which they asked to release the child from the lesson. Of course, again there had to be a good reason.

    Now it’s easier to take time off, because there is Cell phones, to contact parents. The parents will explain the reason, and usually the teacher will let the student go without any problems.

    I have a schoolgirl and sometimes I have to leave the lesson, if I know about it right away, I write a note in a certain form and after the signature of the class teacher there are no problems: he leaves freely and without questions.

    It also happened that I suddenly had to leave school (usually this was due to sports, there was also poor health), usually she comes up to my class teacher with a phone and I talk to her and they let her go without obstacles.

    It happens that schoolchildren leave the lesson without asking, the school is large and the security does not keep track of everyone, when the initial building leaves after 4 lessons, you can join them, in our school it is easy to do, there are about two thousand students.

    Then this move needs to be thought out in the morning and so that the teachers do not suspect anything, it is necessary to pretend to be sick and stunted for several lessons in a row. Then they can easily let you go from the rest of the lessons and everyone will decide that you are sick.

    You can think of a lot of things if you want to get out of the lesson, we often dripped iodine on sugar and then sucked it, you can still spread pepper on your armpits, too, a suitable option is the temperature rises, you can just run away and that's it.

    This used to be more difficult to do. Now that everyone has a mobile phone, I think you can connect with the help of his parents and teachers. The parent will explain the reason and, it seems to me, the teacher will go to the meeting.

    I think that we should raise our hand and ask the teacher to let him leave the lesson. At the same time, referring to the fact that he does not feel very well. In my opinion, any teacher will meet halfway, unless, of course, this is not abused. Or say you have an important reason.

    The easiest way to leave the lesson is to pretend to be sick, although for this you need to have at least a drop of acting skills, otherwise the teacher will act as Stanisoavsky and will not believe you. But hiding behind sick or even dead relatives is very ugly, I do not recommend anyone to do this. If we hide behind health, then only our own.

In this article, I will discourage you from studying, I will tell you how to get out of class or how to take a leave of absence from a teacher any high school student or college student. To do this, it is enough to have a good excuse or a legend, another fable that your cat is sick will not work. Those who are in the institutes - you already know everything - are no longer small.

How to leave school home excuses and excuses

Remember the main thing - the teacher is responsible for you while you are in the “temple of knowledge”, if you say that you have a stomachache and feel sick, and you run out of class to the toilet every 20 minutes, they will believe you and let you go home. Because if something happens to you, then the first person to blame is the teacher, since he did not finish watching. Knowing this, you have already won by 80%.

1. Dad forgot the keys - say that now your father called you and wants you to come home and open the door for him, since he forgot the keys to the house. If you have 1-2 lessons left before the end of the day, you can not go back to school. A note from you in this case will not be required.

2. To say that you will not be at the Algebra lesson, since you need to treat your teeth at the dentist at 12 o'clock (any time convenient for you), such an excuse will easily pass once a month - one and a half without a note from your parents. You don't have to go back to school, because dental treatment is a painful event, you have a shock.

Put the main thing before the fact, do not ask permission, otherwise your event may be doomed to failure.

3. Come to the first-aid post, complain about feeling unwell and rub a thermometer under your jacket or heat it with a tea bag. To do this, go to the dining room, ask for a mug of boiling water or tea (the most important hot), dip a brewing bag into it, pull out the tea bag and wring it out, put it in a plastic bag in the inner pocket of your jacket - all so as not to stain the jacket. Next, immediately go to the first-aid post before it cools down. Take a thermometer and lean the tip against a tea bag (since it is in your inner pocket, no one will see your fraud). Done, you have a temperature of at least 38 and you are allowed to go home legally.

4. You need to pick up your brother or sister from kindergarten, if you don’t have them, then you can pick up the neighbor’s son, as she is late and really asks to bring him home. In general, improvise.

You don't have to be a genius to go home from class or run away from school without a fawn. How much is it really to do without help written.

How not to go to school for 1 day

Many are wondering what to do if you have school tomorrow and you don't want to go? For example, skipping a test is very profitable, then you can find your own version in someone else's notebook and decide on 4 or 5 without mental suffering. The first thing that comes to mind:

    The quickest and easiest way to skip a class is to simply not go to it. To do this, leave school, or hide in the bathroom, or wander around the school or school yard until the end of the missed lesson (then you can go to the next lesson).

    • If you are in primary school, then skipping school in your case is not so easy, because after school, your parents or relatives most likely come to pick you up. Move on to the next step.
  1. Pretend to be sick. If you are a good actor, you will lull the vigilance of any teacher. As a rule, it is in the teacher's own interest to send a sick student home.

    • Entering the class, you are already entering the role. Frowning, moving slowly, head down (as if you have a headache). Put your head in your hands and sit like this for a while before approaching the teacher.
    • Ask the teacher at the infirmary. At the same time, you can go to the infirmary and sit there for a whole lesson, or go to the infirmary and then wander around the school yard until the end of the lesson, or not go to the infirmary at all, but go straight home.
    • It's important to be a good actor. If you walk into a classroom laughing and joking, and a minute later you're already suffering from a headache, the teacher won't believe you.
  2. Pretend to be injured. It's better to pretend to be injured after gym class, but if you pretend to sprain your leg, for example, you can even ask your teacher to walk you to the infirmary with a friend. Again, it's important to be a good actor here.

    • It is better not to try to simulate getting injured (for example, when falling) directly in front of the teacher, but to enter the classroom, playing an already injured student. Enter the classroom limping (as if you hurt your leg) or holding your head (faking a head injury).
    • Tell the teacher that you were injured in PE or fell in the school hallway and that you need to go to the first aid room. At the same time, you can go to the infirmary and sit there for a whole lesson, or go to the infirmary and then wander around the school yard until the end of the lesson, or not go to the infirmary at all, but go straight home.
  3. Go to the restroom and don't come back. Thus, you can skip one lesson (if you stay at school) or all the remaining lessons (if you go home).

    • This method will only work if you behaved decently at the beginning of the lesson. Otherwise, if you ask permission to go to the restroom, you will be denied.
    • Make a worried expression. Ask permission to go to the toilet. In most cases, the teacher will let you go (because you have a very good reason to leave).
    • Ask your friend who will stay in class to pick up your things at the end of class (you're not going back to class, are you?).
  4. Stay out of the eye of teachers or school administrators if you decide to wander around the school or school yard. It is better to hide and not be seen by anyone at all.

    • Hide in the restroom. This is the easiest and safest way to avoid getting caught by teachers. Moreover, you may decide to return to the classroom (think about the smell in the school toilet). While in the bathroom, try to complete the task that caused you to leave class.
    • Find those secluded corners that no one looks into. Do not hide in the gym, in the assembly hall and other places where many people go. For example, go down to the floor where the elementary classes are and where the teachers don't know you.
    • If you are in high school, you can go to a coffee shop or similar.
  5. Wait for the teacher to mark the students present. If you do not enter the class at all, you will be marked as absent. If you enter the classroom, leave it and do not return, the teacher will most likely simply forget to mark you as an absent student. Do not rush to leave the class - let the teacher do the roll call, and only then leave under any pretext.

    If you skip several classes a day, a member of the school administration will most likely call you at home. In this case, try to intercept the call or come up with a good excuse for the parents.

    • “Mr. Ivanov messed up with attendance today; he asked me to tell you that all parents will be called today, but that I was at school.
    • In some schools, the administration contacts the parents by e-mail or other means, so find out this point before skipping classes.

    Legal Ways

    1. Make an appointment. It is better to skip classes legally. If you have to go to the doctor, dentist, or other urgent matters, make an appointment at the time of your least favorite class so that you can skip it. In this case, you do not have to pretend and deceive someone.

      • If your parents schedule an appointment with a doctor or other person instead of you, stop this practice and do it yourself.
    2. Accept help from another teacher. In middle and high school, some teachers write notes to other teachers asking them to let a particular student go to work on a group project or other challenging task. You can ask to write a note to let you go during a lesson you don't like (for example, tell the teacher who will write the note that there will be nothing important in this lesson today).

      • This can be dangerous if two teachers are talking to each other. Try to run the described scheme with teachers from different fields of knowledge, for example, with a physical education teacher and with a math teacher - they most likely do not communicate with each other.
    3. Ask for a library. You may have more legitimate reasons to leave class than you think. If you do not want to sit in some class, ask the teacher to let you go to the library, because you learn the subject better there, and not in the classroom. The teacher will be extremely surprised, but it is quite possible that he will let you go to the library.

    4. Ask the school psychologist if you are upset about something or have a more serious reason why you might miss class. No need to make up tall tales - say that you are stressed from schoolwork and cannot cope with it.

      • Tell your teacher that you are very upset, but do not state the exact reason. Talk to the teacher calmly and seriously just before class and ask if you can visit the school psychologist instead of attending class.
      • If you can think of a specific reason for going to a psychologist, do so (but remember that the teacher should not be able to verify this reason). For example, say to the teacher, "I think I'm having a panic attack."
    5. Ask your parents to help you. You may have strict parents, but if you really don't want to go to a class, ask a more gentle parent to get you out of that class (via a note or a phone call).

      • Before doing this, do some reconnaissance by asking one or both parents if they were asked to leave school or not. If so, memorize your parents' stories and use them as examples when asking your parents to take you out of class.
      • If you find out that your father skipped chemistry because the teacher was very boring, play on how boring your chemistry teacher is and how much you want to go home from this lesson and, for example, tidy up the house.

    risky ways

    1. Ask yourself. In the morning (before school), practice imitating your parents' voices, call the school and ask yourself; name the reason, for example, a doctor's appointment. Talk on the phone in your father's or mother's voice; don't forget to give a specific time of your leaving school.

      • It would be better if another person makes such a call, for example, your older brother, or sister, or your friend.
      • Make sure school administrators don't know your parents; otherwise, they will not recognize their voices and you will be exposed.
    2. Use fake certificates or notes. Make a copy of an old certificate or something similar. Use a stroke (corrector) to change the information, date, and similar details, and make a copy again - this way you will get a certificate that can be reused.

      • Use a pen/pencil in the same color as your paper.
      • If you have a friend who doesn't know your teacher, then let him use the "latrine" and fetch her from the "office".
    3. Fake a seizure. Do this only in the most extreme cases, for example, if you did not prepare for an important test or forgot to finish a responsible project.

      • Casually complain that you feel weak. Breathe heavily. Before you enter the classroom, go to the bathroom and wet your head a bit to make it look like you're sweating.
      • Wait for a while and then make a distant look, as if you are about to pass out. Gradually become more lethargic and then fall.
      • If you are faking a seizure, fall to the ground and start convulsing with random, uncontrollable movements.
      • Most seizures last 1-2 minutes, but don't overdo it so you don't start laughing or impersonating yourself in some other way.
      • Grunt and open your eyes wide as if you are in pain. You may be taken to a doctor, or your parents will most likely be called and sent home.
    4. Don't break school rules or other laws to skip school. Do not turn on the fire alarm or send threatening notes to the school administration - such actions are illegal and can lead to unpredictable consequences. You (your parents) may be fined or otherwise punished.

      • Talk to the school psychologist about why you don't want to go to a particular class. Most likely, a psychologist will help you.
    • Be smart!
    • Don't get caught.
    • If you don't have enough time, just watch and practice as much as you can. The more time you have, the better you will play.
    • There is a good chance that you will hurt yourself if you do not fall properly.
    • Make a plan of action ahead of time. Friends can help you a lot!
    • Go where you said!
