Ввели новый, очень полезный функционал, позволяющий каждому игроку самому настроить отображение дропа на земле. В данном руководстве, я научу вас основам написания лут-фильтров.

И так, для начала определимся с тем, какой лут мы хотим видеть. Самое частое желание игроков – просто скрыть бесполезные белые и синие вещи. Именно такой, простенький фильтр, мы и напишем. А уже потом, используя полученные знания, вы сможете модернизировать его на свой вкус.

Для начала создаем текстовый документ и переименовываем его из "Новый текстовый документ.txt" в "lootfilter.filter". Затем открываем его блокнотом, и пишем команду:

Она скрывает весь лут

Теперь, давайте напишем, то что хотим видеть, в строках выше.

Show Rarity Unique

Уникальные предметы

Show Class Quest Items

Предметы, связанные с заданиями

Show Rarity >= Rare

Редкие предметы

Show Class Fishing Rods Show Class Jewel Show Class Map

Show Class Currency

Show Class Skill Gems

Камни умений

В итоге, должно получиться так:

Теперь, давайте добавим различные предметы, которые нам пригодятся даже в белом или синем варианте:

Show SocketGroup RGB

Рецепт на хроматик – 3 соединенных гнезда с цветами красный-зеленый-синий

Show LinkedSockets >=5

Предметы с 5ю или 6ю соединенными гнездами

Show Sockets 6

Предмет с 6 гнездами. Если продать такой предмет NPC – получим 7 сфер златокузнеца (Jeweller"s Orb).

Show Rarity = Normal BaseType "Халат волшебника" "Императорский лук" "Камнетес" "Посох судьи"

Белые предметы, на которые стоит использовать Сферу удачи. Можете добавить в данный блок, любую другую базу, просто дописав ее название в ковычках.

Итак – основа нашего лут фильтра готова.

Теперь перейдем к различным украшениям. Например, давайте выделим уникальные предметы, более крупным шрифтом. Для этого, напишем команду SetFontSize 40, в наш блок уникальных предметов, что бы получилось вот так:

Show Rarity Unique SetFontSize 40

Так же, система лут фильтров, позволяет добавлять к названиям рамки (как у карт, в базовом варианте). Давайте выделим рамкой, камни с качеством. Для этого, перед блоком с камнями, добавим еще один:

Show Class Skill Gems Quality >= 1 SetBorderColor 27 162 155

Теперь, давайте поиграемся с цветами. Мне например не нравится базовый цвет у карточек. Для этого добавим в блок с карточками, строку SetTextColor 50 230 100:

Show Class Divination Card SetTextColor 50 230 100

За цвет отвечают цифры 50 230 100 – это стандартная система RGB. Коды цветов, вы можете взять, к примеру, на сайте www.stm.dp.ua , или даже из программы Paint, открыв палитру:

Вот и пожалуй все, основные функции системы фильтров Path of Exile.

Ознакомиться с полным списком команд, можно на wiki: pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Item_filter_guide


Теперь, давайте добавим наш фильтр в игру.

Перенесите файл lootfilter.filter в папку \Документы\My Games\Path of Exile.

If you’ve recently started playing Path of Exile, then you’ve likely noticed the large volume of loot to be found throughout the game. Between the chests, monsters, and bosses, you’re practically surrounded by loot piñatas. This wealth of rewards adds to a player’s satisfaction while carving a path through Wraeclast. However, what is one of PoE’s biggest strengths can also be a considerable frustration. Because there is so much loot raining down, it can be difficult to see everything, and even more difficult to distinguish treasure from trash. That’s why some very helpful members of the PoE community have developed a special set of mods called “loot filters” to help sort things out. This article identifies the best PoE Loot Filters that are fully compatible with patch 3.2.0.

Never Sink’s Loot Filter

Never Sink’s Loot filter is a consistent favorite and the first choice of many discerning exiles fighting their way through Wraeclast. This loot filter comes with a litany of useful filters that will take the hassle and confusion of your looting. The priority of NeverSink’s filter is increasing your overall gameplay speed and effectiveness by making higher quality, and higher priority, items more easy to recognize so you can grab them and keep going. The filter makes you a faster looter by virtue of the following features:

  • Includes a screen-decluttering trash filter to keep useless items off your screen
  • Places a specially-colored background behind high-quality PoE orbs
  • Plays a special sound when a worthwhile item drops
  • Places color-coded borders around all items to indicate their size and usefulness
  • Tier Lists for special items (Uniques, Divination Cards, and Maps)
  • Adaptive leveling script: lets your loot filter level up with you and your priorities

And those are just the highlights of what NeverSink’s Loot filter does for you. With such a comprehensive, well thought out approach to item filtering, it’s no wonder that this is the gold standard for filtering PoE items. On top of that, this filter is fully updated for the Bestiary League, so you don’t have to worry about it malfunctioning in the newest patch. If you want to really dig into the details of this loot filter (and learn how to download it) check out the official forum post .

Greengroove’s Loot Filter

Freshly updated for patch 3.2.0, this popular loot filter is as deserving of praise as NeverSink’s. Greengroove’s filter places a premium on ease of use and optimization. In the creator’s words: “Pick up green stuff! Pink is good. Take it. Think about picking up yellow and other stuff.” It’s really that simple. Other noteworthy features of this loot filter include:

  • Different alert sounds for each tier of drop
  • Lower-tier items get filtered out as you level past them
  • Large text for all items so you can actually see what drops
  • Multiple optimization features so the filter doesn’t lag your game
  • A version of the filter that adapts and evolves as you level up, and another for endgame
  • A caster version of the filter which hides all non-caster gear

There really was a lot of attention and care that went into this filter, and it shows in each of the features and how they interact. To check out the official forum post for Greengroove’s Loot Filter and read more about it, follow this link .

Ajido’s Aesthetically Pleasing Loot Filter

Have you tried other loot filters and felt like something is missing? Do they all seem to work well enough, but leave your eyes strained and sore? Or do you still just find your loot piles to be ugly and disorganized? If so, this is the loot filter for you. It’s creator set out with one goal in mind: to take the superior functionality of other loot filters and make the item drops easier on the eyes by inverting the text and background colors. It’s a subtle adjustment that makes a big difference. Beyond this change, Ajido’s filter works just as well as the others on the list – it’s just a little bit prettier.


Obviously, there is a whole, wide world of PoE loot filters out there beyond the three on this list. However, these three represent a combination of community favorites and the author’s own time-tested winners. Moreover, these three are fully updated for the Bestiary League. Still, you should check out some of the other options and pick the loot filter that suits your tastes and play-style. The PoE forums have a great table showing many of the popular loot filters and their respective features, which can be found

Installing a Loot Filter for Path of Exile

Installing the Loot Filter

This is a simple, step-by-step guide to installing a loot filter for Path of Exile.

Step 0. What is a Loot Filter?

In Path of Exile, there is quite a bit of loot that drops onto the ground. Even though a lot of the loot is good and may be helpful, most of it is just garbage. The further you get into the game, the more annoying it is to scan through the long lists of items, and eventually at end game, it"s practically unplayable since you keep accidentally picking up items instead of running away from a dangerous boss. Not only might you miss good items, but you also might die! That"s where loot filters come in. They do the sorting of the loot for you, so you don"t have to constantly stand around and read the list of items. It hides the garbage, and highlights the good stuff, and makes the incredible stuff unmissable. Some loot filters add noises to make double sure you notice the item. In my opinion, loot filters are a necessity to play Path of Exile.

Step 1. Pick a Loot Filter

There are quite a few good loot filters that you can find online. It mostly comes down to personal preference, but I picked out a few of the best ones for you to try out.
