• Natasha Rostova- the main character of the novel "War and Peace". In the fourth part of the second volume, this is a young girl who is waiting for Andrei Bolkonsky. He promised to marry her after he came from abroad. She is cheerful, beautiful, talkative, friendly, loves hunting, hopes for future happiness, yearning for the object of her first girlish love.
  • Nikolay Rostov- brother of Natalia Rostova. This chapter describes how he returned from the army on vacation, because his mother asked for it due to the fact that troubles befell the family: the father's illness and the threat of the ruin of the estate. Nikolay accepted this news with chagrin, because he was already accustomed to his army duties and communication with friends. He did not want to go from the clear world to where there was nonsense and confusion, but still he had to overcome himself. At home, Nikolai proved himself to be a loving brother and caring son. Recently, he began to show signs of attention to his cousin Sonya Rostova and even intended to propose to her, despite the fact that the mother wanted to marry her son to Julie Karagina in order to improve the financial condition of the estate.
  • Countess Natalia Rostova- a very rich secular woman, the mother of Nikolai and Natalia. She loves her family, brings up children, receives guests. Recently, the financial situation of the family has been collapsing, so Natalya decides to marry her son to a rich and wealthy girl, Julie Karagina. But Nikolai is categorically against such a party, which greatly upsets the poor mother and provokes her to be rude towards her niece Sonya Rostova, with whom he is in love and wants to propose. In the last chapter of the fourth part, it is said that Natalya Rostova suffered an illness, due to which she remained in the village while Ilya Rostov left for Moscow with the children.
  • Count Ilya Rostov- the father of the Rostov family, a kind, rich man who hosts many guests, arranges balls, carnivals, hunting with hounds. Recently, he was on the verge of ruin, but did not want to realize the gravity of the situation, continuing to do the same as before. “The same was, still increased by Nikolai, hunting, the same fifty horses and fifteen coachmen in the stable; the same gifts dear to each other on name days and solemn dinners for the whole county; the same count whists and bostons, behind which he, fanning out cards to everyone, allowed himself to be beaten every day by hundreds of neighbors who looked at the right to play the game of Count Ilya Andreevich as the most profitable lease.
  • Sonya Rostova- the niece of Countess Rostova, a very beautiful, quiet, reasonable, kind, self-sacrifice girl who knows how to love and wants to be loved. Nikolai Rostov is in love with her. Unfortunately, the mother is against her son marrying a dowry, so she cruelly reproaches the girl and, oppressing, greatly upsets her. Nikolai, wanting to protect his beloved, attracts his sister Natalya, who takes the word from her mother not to offend her sister and friend anymore.

Chapter first

There is a desire for idleness in man, despite the fact that he must work tirelessly, following the moral law. “If a person could find a state in which, being idle, he would feel useful and fulfilling his duty, he would find one side of primeval bliss,” the author says in the work. And this state of impeccable idleness, according to Leo Tolstoy, is used precisely by the military class.

After 1807, Nikolai Rostov already commanded a squadron in the Pavlograd regiment. He became hardened and kind, was loved by all fellow soldiers, and quite contented with life.

Therefore, when his mother called him home, complaining that things were going badly on the estate, he was upset because he did not want to leave the place where he lived quietly and calmly. One of the letters from relatives especially upset Nikolai - the one where Natasha Rostova's engagement to Andrei Bolkonsky was reported. At first he even tried to go home, but after that he put these thoughts aside. As it turned out, I still had to go home, after a letter from my mother, who reported on the troubles that befell the family: the threat of losing the estate, the father's illness.

But it was difficult for Rostov to reorganize: after all, he was already accustomed to rotating among his fellow soldiers and making plans for the army. And then suddenly it is necessary "to go from this clear, good world somewhere to where everything was nonsense and confusion."

And here is Nikolai at home. An enthusiastic meeting passed, and the young man began to settle down again in his native walls. His brother Petya and sister Natasha grew up and got stronger: a thirteen-year-old, handsome and smart-playful boy and a girl who was unrecognizable. Natalya told Nikolai that she was going to marry Andrei Bolkonsky, but she saw that her brother was unhappy that the wedding was postponed for a year. He wondered how Natalya could be calm, because she was in love with Andrei, and he saw some kind of catch in the upcoming marriage.

Chapter Two

At first, Nikolai did not want to interfere in the affairs of the household and was angry that he was called home. Out of vexation, he went to Mitenka and not only scolded him strongly, but also kicked him out with the words: “Out! so that your spirit, bastard, is not here!

The countess, having learned about what had happened in the wing, thought that now their condition should improve, but she was afraid to disturb her son, who, still angry with Mitenka, was smoking pipe after pipe. However, Nikolai's father, Ilya Andreevich, the next day called his son to him and gently remarked that he was wrong about Mitenka and that he was not at all a thief or a deceiver.

One day, his mother called Nikolai and reported on Anna Mikhailovna's bill for two thousand, asking for advice on what to do with it. Rostov, angry and saying that he did not love either Anna Mikhailovna or Boris, tore up the bill in front of Countess Natalya.

Chapter Three

Autumn began, and for Nikolai these were the most favorable days to enjoy hunting to the fullest. As partners, he took a commoner, a hunter Danila, but did not expect that both Natasha and Petya would express a desire to go to the forest. It was hard for him to think about it.

Chapter Four

Count Ilya Andreevich also decided to go hunting. An hour later, everyone was standing at the porch, getting ready to go. Finally, they set off: “Fifty-four dogs were bred out of all the hounds, under which six people rode out as riders and survivors.” Having met the old man on the way, they greeted each other, got into conversation, calling him "uncle". The old hunter, in turn, expressed displeasure that children were taken to such a serious matter. Hunting, they got excited, especially when the dogs were set on a wolf. But they could not catch the beast, he "went in the bushes."

Chapter Five

Nikolai Rostov was inflamed with the desire to catch the wolf at all costs, but he did not succeed. He even prayed to God, begged Him to make it so that “the seasoned one would get out and so that Karay, in front of the uncle, who was looking over there, slapped him with a death grip on the throat.” But nothing happened. Nikolay complained that he was always and in everything just unlucky, when he suddenly realized that there was still a chance to go hunting for a wolf. After a hard struggle of dogs with a wild beast, to the great joy of Nikolai Rostov, they managed to take the wolf alive and show the prey to everyone. The hunter Danilo played a big role in this.

Chapter Six

Natasha and Petya stayed on the hunt, and Ilya Andreevich went home. The hunt went on because it was still early. “The hounds had just been brought in, Nikolai heard the rare rut of the dog known to him - Voltorna; other dogs joined him, now falling silent, then again starting to drive. The hunter, who was standing in the pit, saw a strange red fox. The dogs rushed after her, but, as it turned out, not only the hunters of the Rostovs were thirsty for this prey. Some time later there was a fight between the "uncle's" hunters and strangers. Nikolai, without talking to the hunter, asked Natalya and Petya to wait for him and went to the place where this hostile Ilaginsky hunt took place. The landowner Ilagin, contrary to rumors about his unkind and intractable disposition, turned out to be a courteous gentleman who even wanted to punish the hunters responsible for the fight so that they would not poison from under the dogs, and wanted to get acquainted with Rostov. In order to smooth over the guilt of his hunter, Ilagin invited Nikolai to his eel, where, as he claimed, there were many hares. In addition, Rostov began to praise Ilagin's dogs, which aroused even greater disposition. They started talking, and the new hunter turned out to be a good conversationalist.

The hunt for the Rostovs made a good impression. Natasha was especially happy, who "joyfully and enthusiastically squealed so piercingly that her ears rang."

Chapter Seven

When Ilagin said goodbye to Nikolai, Rostov was so far from home that he accepted his uncle's offer to spend the night with him, in Mikhailovka. Yard men, as well as dozens of curious women, ran out to look at the hunters who had arrived. The uncle, who got off his horse, after examining his household members, shouted, commanding that the superfluous depart and do everything for the reception of guests and the forthcoming hunt. Through the front uncle, he led his new acquaintances into a small hall with a folding table and red chairs, then into a living room with a round birch table and a sofa, then into an office where there was a tattered sofa, and portraits of Suvorov, mother, father, and himself hung on the walls - in military uniform. In the office, the uncle invited the guests to sit comfortably. Petya, Nikolai and Natasha, having undressed, sat down on the sofa. Petya immediately fell asleep. Suddenly Anisya Petrovna, the uncle's wife, entered the room. She was "a fat, ruddy, beautiful woman in her forties, with a double chin and full, ruddy lips." She carried a tray with all sorts of food, on which there were herbalists, and liqueurs, and mushrooms, and flat cakes of black flour in yurag, and honeycomb, and boiled and effervescent honey, and apples, and raw and roasted nuts, and nuts in honey, and chicken, and ham. The hostess hospitably and with pleasure offered dishes to the guests. Uncle told Mitka the coachman to play the balalaika. He played very beautifully, so beautifully that he involuntarily surprised the guests. But it turned out that my uncle also knows how to play the guitar. Natasha, Nikolai, and other guests liked his game. Natasha once again asked: “Charm, charm, uncle! More more". Finally, she began to dance, and those who saw it admired the gracefulness of the girl, who knew how to understand everything that was ... in every Russian person.

When uncle sang his favorite hunting song, everyone was touched by the heart. Natasha was delighted with her uncle's singing. “At ten o’clock, a line, a droshky, and three riders arrived for Natasha and Petya, sent to look for them.” The countess and count did not know where their children were and were very worried. On the way, Natasha sang the motive of the song “Like powder from the evening” and was happy. Nikolai was also glad that he had such a sweet sister.

Chapter Eight

Count Ilya Andreevich no longer worked as a leader, because this position was associated with high costs. Alas, things did not get better for him. The parents secretly and restlessly talked, consulting among themselves about the sale of the rich family home of the Rostovs. Natasha and Nikolai often witnessed these conversations. Life in Otradnoye was quieter than before, however, the huge house and outbuilding were always full of people, so more than twenty people sat down to dine. These were either their own, people, or those who were needed by Rostov as a worker, or simply people who were better or more profitable to live with the count than at home. Nikolay's hunting has also been increased.

The count tried not to think that he was confused in business. On the contrary, he felt powerless to change anything and therefore simply lived as before, convincing himself that nothing had happened.

Countess Natalya tried to find a way out of a difficult situation and thought that Nikolai's marriage to a rich girl would save the situation. She found a bride for him and was very afraid that her son would refuse, and the chance would be lost. This party was Julie Karagina. Nikolai's mother elicited his opinion about marriage, hinted at the need for this, but Nikolai said bluntly that for him love is more important than the financial situation of the bride, even if she comes from a poor family. Nikolai still did not go to Moscow, and the countess did not resume the conversation about marriage, seeing that her son was getting closer and closer to Sonya Rostova, a girl without a dowry. Natalya was angry, sometimes found fault with her poor niece, but she could not do anything. The fourth letter had already been received from Andrey Rostov, where he said that he was already on his way to Russia.

Chapter Nine

Christmas time came, but nothing special happened: the usual holidays with their peculiarities: boring congratulations from neighbors and courtyards, wearing new dresses for everyone. When the third day of the holiday passed, after dinner, the Rostovs went to their rooms. It was the most boring time of the day, Nikolai, who went to the neighbors in the morning, fell asleep in the sofa room, Ilya Andreevich rested in the office. Sonya Rostova was sitting in the living room and sketching a pattern. Suddenly Natasha came up to her mother with a sad face and began to complain that she misses Andrey very much. “I need it,” she repeated. Frustrated, Natasha began to give orders to the servants, trying to give them a lot of work, but they did not fulfill anyone's orders so willingly as they did this young lady. Finally, the girl went into the hall, and, taking the guitar, began to play, plucking the strings. Sonya came into the room, and Natalya asked to wake Nikolai to play the guitar for her brother. The girl was burdened by the monotony of life, bored. She "with horror felt the disgust that rose in her against all the household because they were all the same."

Chapter Ten

Dejected and upset, Natasha asked her brother a question: “It happens to you that it seems to you that nothing will happen - nothing; what all that good was then? And not just boring, but sad? Nikolai answered in the affirmative and even said that the blues came over him at the most unexpected moment: when everyone is cheerful, but it seems to you that there is no point in anything, and you need to die. Sister and brother, as well as Sonya Rostova, shared childhood memories and comforted each other. They touched on the topic of eternity, and Dimmler, who approached the young people with a contemptuous smile, remarked: “Yes, but it’s hard for us to imagine eternity,” to which Natasha objected: “Today it will be, tomorrow it will always be, and yesterday was and the third day was ". Finally, the girl began to sing her mother's favorite play, and, despite the fact that she had not wanted to sing before, she performed it amazingly, causing emotion to the listeners. Countess Natalya plunged into memories, worried about the upcoming marriage of her daughter to Andrei Bolkonsky, Sonya Rostova dreamed of being as charming as her cousin. Suddenly, the singing was interrupted by the voice of Petya Rostov's younger brother, who, running into the room, said: "The mummers are coming." At first, Natasha was so upset that she sobbed heavily, but later, in costumes, in a good mood, everyone began to participate in the masquerade. Finally, they decided to go to Melyukova, a widow with children of various ages, also with governesses and tutors, who lived four miles from the Rostovs. Three horses were harnessed to the sleigh, and everyone, except for the head of the family, Ilya Andreevich, cheerful and contented, set off.

Chapter Eleven

Pelageya Danilovna Melyukova was sitting in the drawing room entertaining her daughters, when suddenly there was a noise in the front door. Hussars, ladies, witches, payas, bears entered the hall, clearing their throats and wiping their faces frosted with frost. Candles were quickly lit. Pelageya Danilovna, having cleared the place for the guests and prepared treats for the gentlemen and courtyards, without taking off her glasses, with a suppressed smile, walked among the mummers, looked at them closely and did not recognize anyone: not only the Rostovs and Dimmler, but “neither her daughters, nor those men's robes and uniforms that were on them. We played a lot, had fun, having a lot of fun. Nikolai Rostov drew attention to Sonya and looked at her with completely new eyes, realizing that he had fallen in love. They met as they left the house, by the barn. Feelings surged in young people, and the kiss was a confirmation of the nascent love between two hearts.

Chapter Twelve

On the way back from Pelageya Danilovna, everyone tried to accommodate themselves so that Sonya sat with Nikolai. Natalia's brother confessed to her that he had decided to propose to the girl. Arriving home, they began to guess near the mirror, and Sonya claimed that she saw Andrei Bolkonsky, Natalya's fiancé. “When will he return? When I see him! Oh my God! how I am afraid for him and for myself, and for everything I am afraid ... ”the girl asked and so far did not find an answer.

Chapter Thirteen

After Christmas, Nikolai Rostov announced to his mother his firm decision to marry Sophia, but for the first time he felt that the countess was unhappy, that she would not let him go so easily. And so it happened. Ilya Andreevich tried to exhort his son, but seeing that this would have absolutely no effect and feeling guilty before Nikolai, he could not be angry with him. But the mother, although she no longer touched on this topic in a conversation with Nikolai, once summoned Sonya to her office and cruelly told her that she was thinking about the upcoming unequal marriage, which made the girl sad and not herself. The discord between Nikolai and his mother continued, each tried to insist on his own, once Natalya even had to intervene in the matter of reconciliation, and she brought him to the point that Nikolai received a promise from his mother that Sonya would not be oppressed, and he, in turn , will not undertake anything secretly from the parents.

Dear readers! We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the novel by L. N. Tolstoy “War and Peace” chapter by chapter.

In early January, Nikolai left for the regiment, and the Rostovs' house became sadder than usual. The countess fell ill, Natasha was more and more difficult to experience separation from Andrei Bolkonsky. She wrote him monotonous, classic dry letters, which she did not attach importance to. Natalya's health did not improve, but it was no longer possible to postpone the trip to Moscow. “The countess remained in the village, and the count, taking Sonya and Natasha with him, went to Moscow at the end of January.”

Features of the creation of the novel "War and Peace" by L. N. Tolstoy

The large-scale novel by Leo Tolstoy "War and Peace" was created for six years - from 1863 to 1869. Its writing required titanic efforts, hard work from the author, which he recalled in his drafts. Five thousand two hundred written sheets, which are preserved in the writer's archive, clearly testify to the history of the creation of the epic novel.

But what was the impetus for the creation of the novel "War and Peace"? It all started with the writing in 1856 of a work about a Decembrist who was returning from Siberian exile to Russia. The first chapters of the new novel The Decembrists, in which the author shows the youth of the hero, which coincided with the formidable times of the Patriotic War of 1812, were read by the writer to Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev at the beginning of 1861.

And 1863 is considered to be the date of birth of the novel "War and Peace". During the first year, the author worked hard on the beginning of the work. He hoped to express in this book everything that hurt his soul, that he wanted to tell readers. It is noteworthy that fifteen variants of creating the beginning of the novel have been preserved in the archive of Leo Tolstoy. The author's deep interest in history, as well as in philosophical and socio-political issues, was at the heart of the idea of ​​this great work. The main question of that era was the question of the role of the people in the history of Russia, of its fate. And the work on the novel reflected the search for answers to these topical and topical questions.

The writer's hopes for the early birth of his offspring did not come true, and the first chapters began to appear in print only from 1867, and were not yet entitled "War and Peace", in addition, they were subsequently subjected to strict editing. Initially, the author titled his plan to capture the history of the country in literary form “Three Pores”, but time passed and the writer abandoned this title, because in this case the novel was supposed to begin with a description of the war of 1812. The second version of "1805" was also rejected, because it did not correspond to the author's intention. The third title “All is well that ends well” did not fit either, in which the writer wanted to focus the reader's attention on the happy ending of the work. But this title could not reflect the scale of the work as a whole. The final title of the novel "War and Peace" was published in 1867. The word "world" means the whole universe, the whole world, the whole human race.

The last volume of the epic novel was published in December 1869, thirteen years after the idea arose to write a novel about the exiled Decembrist.

Nowadays, the novel "War and Peace" is read by people of all ages - young men, old people, and children. It is studied at school, essays are written, serials and films are staged. Perhaps centuries will pass, and this work of Leo Tolstoy will be as important and burning for mankind as in the first years of its publication.

The action of the book begins in the summer of 1805 in St. Petersburg. At the evening at maid of honor Scherer present among other guests Pierre Bezukhov, the illegitimate son of a rich nobleman, and Prince Andrei Bolkonsky. The conversation turns to Napoleon, and both friends try to defend the great man from the condemnations of the hostess of the evening and her guests. Prince Andrei is going to war, because he dreams of glory equal to the glory of Napoleon, and Pierre does not know what to do, participates in the revelry of St. Petersburg youth (here occupies a special place Fedor Dolokhov, a poor but extremely strong-willed and determined officer); for another mischief, Pierre was expelled from the capital, and Dolokhov was demoted to the soldiers.

Further, the author takes us to Moscow, to the house of the count Rostov, a kind, hospitable landowner, arranging a dinner in honor of the name day of his wife and youngest daughter. A special family structure unites the parents of the Rostovs and the children - Nikolai (he is going to war with Napoleon), Natasha, Petya and Sonya (a poor relative of the Rostovs); only the eldest daughter, Vera, seems to be a stranger.

At the Rostovs, the holiday continues, everyone is having fun, dancing, and at this time in another Moscow house - at the old Count Bezukhov - the owner is dying. An intrigue begins around the count's will: Prince Vasily Kuragin (a Petersburg courtier) and three princesses - they are all distant relatives of the count and his heirs - are trying to steal a portfolio with Bezukhov's new will, according to which Pierre becomes his main heir; Anna Mikhailovna Drubetskaya, a poor lady from an aristocratic old family, selflessly devoted to her son Boris and seeking patronage for him everywhere, interferes with stealing the portfolio, and Pierre, now Count Bezukhov, gets a huge fortune. Pierre becomes his own person in Petersburg society; Prince Kuragin tries to marry him to his daughter - the beautiful Helen - and succeeds in this.

In Bald Mountains, the estate of Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky, the father of Prince Andrei, life goes on as usual; the old prince is constantly busy writing notes, giving lessons to his daughter Marya, or working in the garden. Prince Andrei arrives with his pregnant wife Liza; he leaves his wife in his father's house, and he himself goes to war.

Autumn 1805; the Russian army in Austria takes part in the campaign of the allied states (Austria and Prussia) against Napoleon. Commander-in-Chief Kutuzov does everything to avoid Russian participation in the battle - at the review of the infantry regiment, he draws the attention of the Austrian general to the poor uniforms (especially shoes) of Russian soldiers; right up to the battle of Austerlitz, the Russian army retreats in order to join the allies and not accept battles with the French. In order for the main Russian forces to be able to retreat, Kutuzov sends a detachment of four thousand under the command of Bagration to detain the French; Kutuzov manages to conclude a truce with Murat (French marshal), which allows him to gain time.

Juncker Nikolai Rostov serves in the Pavlograd hussar regiment; he lives in an apartment in the German village where the regiment is stationed, along with his squadron commander, captain Vasily Denisov. One morning, Denisov lost his wallet with money - Rostov found out that Lieutenant Telyanin had taken the wallet. But this offense of Telyanin casts a shadow on the entire regiment - and the regiment commander demands that Rostov admit his mistake and apologize. The officers support the commander - and Rostov concedes; he does not apologize, but retracts his accusations, and Telyanin is expelled from the regiment due to illness. Meanwhile, the regiment goes on a campaign, and the junker's baptism of fire takes place during the crossing of the Enns River; the hussars must be the last to cross and set fire to the bridge.

During the battle of Shengraben (between the detachment of Bagration and the vanguard of the French army), Rostov is wounded (a horse was killed under him, he concussed his hand when he fell); he sees the French approaching and "with the feeling of a hare running away from the dogs", throws his pistol at the Frenchman and runs.

For participation in the battle, Rostov was promoted to cornet and awarded the soldier's St. George's Cross. He comes from Olmutz, where the Russian army is encamped in preparation for the review, to the Izmailovsky regiment, where Boris Drubetskoy is stationed, to see his childhood friend and collect letters and money sent to him from Moscow. He tells Boris and Berg, who is lodging with Drubetsky, the story of his injury - but not in the way it really happened, but in the way they usually tell about cavalry attacks (“how he chopped right and left”, etc.) .

During the review, Rostov experiences a feeling of love and adoration for Emperor Alexander; this feeling only intensifies during battle of austerlitz when Nicholas sees the king - pale, crying from defeat, alone in the middle of an empty field.

Prince Andrey up to the battle of Austerlitz, he lives in anticipation of the great feat that he is destined to accomplish. He is annoyed by everything that is dissonant with this feeling of his - and the trick of the mocking officer Zherkov, who congratulated the Austrian general on the next defeat of the Austrians, and the episode on the road when the doctor's wife asks to intercede for her and Prince Andrei is confronted by a convoy officer. During the Battle of Shengraben, Bolkonsky notices Captain Tushin, a “small round-shouldered officer” with an unheroic appearance, who is in command of the battery. The successful actions of Tushin's battery ensured the success of the battle, but when the captain reported to Bagration about the actions of his gunners, he became more shy than during the battle. Prince Andrei is disappointed - his idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heroic does not fit either with the behavior of Tushin, or with the behavior of Bagration himself, who essentially did not order anything, but only agreed with what the adjutants and superiors who approached him offered him.

On the eve of the battle of Austerlitz there was a military council at which the Austrian General Weyrother read the disposition of the upcoming battle. During the council, Kutuzov openly slept, not seeing any use in any disposition and foreseeing that tomorrow's battle would be lost. Prince Andrei wanted to express his thoughts and his plan, but Kutuzov interrupted the council and suggested that everyone disperse. At night, Bolkonsky thinks about tomorrow's battle and about his decisive participation in it. He wants glory and is ready to give everything for it: “Death, wounds, loss of family, nothing is scary to me.”

The next morning, as soon as the sun came out of the fog, Napoleon signaled to start the battle - it was the day of the anniversary of his coronation, and he was happy and confident. Kutuzov, on the other hand, looked gloomy - he immediately noticed that confusion was beginning in the allied troops. Before the battle, the emperor asks Kutuzov why the battle does not begin, and hears from the old commander-in-chief: “That’s why I don’t start, sir, because we are not at the parade and not on Tsaritsyn Meadow.” Very soon, the Russian troops, finding the enemy much closer than expected, break up the ranks and flee. Kutuzov demands to stop them, and Prince Andrei, with a banner in his hands, rushes forward, dragging the battalion with him. Almost immediately he is wounded, he falls and sees a high sky above him with clouds quietly crawling over it. All his former dreams of glory seem to him insignificant; insignificant and petty seems to him and his idol, Napoleon, circling the battlefield after the French utterly defeated the allies. "Here is a beautiful death," says Napoleon looking at Bolkonsky. Convinced that Bolkonsky is still alive, Napoleon orders him to be taken to the dressing station. Among the hopelessly wounded, Prince Andrei was left in the care of the inhabitants.

After the death of Prince Andrei, Natasha and Princess Mary became very close to each other. However, they spoke surprisingly little. “If they spoke, then about the most insignificant subjects. Both avoided mentioning anything related to the future.

“But pure, complete sadness is just as impossible as pure and complete joy. Princess Mary, in her position as one independent mistress of her fate, guardian and tutor of her nephew, was the first to be called to life from that world of sadness in which she lived for the first two weeks. She received letters from relatives that had to be answered; the room in which Nikolenka was placed was damp, and he began to cough. Many other things appeared, "the cares of life demanded her participation, and she involuntarily gave herself to them."

Princess Mary began to prepare for her departure to Moscow. Natasha refused to go.

She lived with memories of Prince Andrei. When the letter about Petya's death arrived, Natasha forgot about herself and did not leave her mother, who was struggling in sobs.

“Princess Mary has postponed her departure. Sonya and the count tried to replace Natasha, but they could not. They saw that she alone could keep her mother from insane despair. For three weeks, Natasha lived hopelessly with her mother, slept in an armchair in her room, gave her water, fed her and talked to her without ceasing - she spoke, because one gentle, caressing voice calmed the countess.

The emotional wound of the mother could not heal. A month after the news of Petya's death, which found her "a fresh, vigorous fifty-year-old woman," she left her room "half-dead and not taking part in the life of an old woman."

"But the same wound that half killed the countess, this new wound called Natasha to life."

Natasha “thought her life was over. But suddenly love for her mother showed her that the essence of her life - love - was still alive in her. Love woke up, and life woke up.

Princess Marya told Natasha everything about her childhood, about her mother, about her father, about her dreams. Natasha fell in love with Princess Mary and understood her better than anyone else.

“At the end of January, Princess Marya left for Moscow, and the count insisted that Natasha go with her in order to consult with the doctors.”

This was due to Natasha's failing health.

"The rapid movement of the Russians behind the French acted on the Russian army just as destructively as the flight of the French."

Many blamed Kutuzov for all the troubles. But Tolstoy says: “Meanwhile, it is difficult to imagine a historical person whose activity would be so invariably and constantly directed towards the same goal. It is difficult to imagine a goal more worthy and more in line with the will of the whole people. It is even more difficult to find another example in history where the goal set by a historical person would be so completely achieved as the goal to which Kutuzov’s entire activity was directed in 1812.

November 5, circling the troops, Kutuzov delivered a solemn speech. He thanked the troops for their faithful service.

While in Vilna, Kutuzov held back the troops in every way, did not want to make a trip abroad. Kutuzov believed that his mission was accomplished, because he drove the enemies out of Russia. However, Alexander was unhappy that the old commander was so slow and did not want to go to Europe. Gradually Kutuzov lost power, she passed to the sovereign. Kutuzov died in April 1813.

After being released from captivity, Pierre was ill for three months. Then everyone noticed how much he had changed. Now he listened attentively and with interest to people. Pierre began to perceive God's will in a different way: "Everything is God, without whose will no hair will fall from a person's head."

When the French left Moscow, local residents began to return.

“In a week there were already fifteen thousand inhabitants in Moscow, in two it was twenty-five thousand, and so on.

Rising and rising, this number by the autumn of 1813 reached a figure exceeding the population of the 12th year. Life in Moscow gradually improved.

Pierre decided to visit Princess Mary in Moscow. There he met Natasha Rostova, and tender feelings flared up again in Bezukhov's heart. Princess Mary understood that love was possible between Natasha and Pierre, and this sincerely pleased her.

Soon Pierre asked Marya to help him in the matchmaking. Natasha figured it out.

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  • summary of war and peace vol 4
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Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" was written in 1863-1869. To get acquainted with the main plot lines of the novel, we offer 10th grade students and everyone who is interested in Russian literature to read the summary of "War and Peace" chapter by chapter and part online.

"War and Peace" refers to the literary direction of realism: the book describes in detail a number of key historical events, depicts characters typical of Russian society, the main conflict is "the hero and society." The genre of the work is an epic novel: "War and Peace" includes both signs of a novel (the presence of several storylines, a description of the development of characters and moments of crisis in their fate), and epics (global historical events, the all-encompassing nature of the depiction of reality). In the novel, Tolstoy touches on many “eternal” topics: love, friendship, fathers and children, the search for the meaning of life, the confrontation between war and peace, both in a global sense and in the souls of the characters.

main characters

Andrey Bolkonsky- the prince, the son of Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky, was married to the little princess Lisa. He is in constant search for the meaning of life. Participated in the Battle of Austerlitz. He died from a wound received during the Battle of Borodino.

Natasha Rostova Daughter of the Count and Countess Rostov. At the beginning of the novel, the heroine is only 12 years old, Natasha is growing up before the eyes of the reader. At the end of the work, she marries Pierre Bezukhov.

Pierre Bezukhov- Count, son of Count Kirill Vladimirovich Bezukhov. He was married to Helen (first marriage) and Natasha Rostova (second marriage). Interested in Freemasonry. He was present on the battlefield during the Battle of Borodino.

Nikolay Rostov- the eldest son of the Count and Countess of Rostov. Participated in military campaigns against the French and the Patriotic War. After the death of his father, he takes care of the family. He married Marya Bolkonskaya.

Ilya Andreevich Rostov and Natalia Rostova- counts, parents of Natasha, Nikolai, Vera and Petya. A happy married couple living in harmony and love.

Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky- Prince, father of Andrei Bolkonsky. Prominent figure of the Catherine era.

Marya Bolkonskaya- Princess, sister of Andrei Bolkonsky, daughter of Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky. A pious girl who lives for her loved ones. She married Nikolai Rostov.

Sonya- niece of Count Rostov. Lives in the care of the Rostovs.

Fedor Dolokhov- at the beginning of the novel, he is an officer of the Semenovsky regiment. One of the leaders of the partisan movement. During a peaceful life, he constantly participated in revelry.

Vasily Denisov- friend of Nikolai Rostov, captain, squadron commander.

Other characters

Anna Pavlovna Sherer- maid of honor and approximate Empress Maria Feodorovna.

Anna Mikhailovna Drubetskaya- the impoverished heiress of "one of the best families in Russia", a friend of Countess Rostova.

Boris Drubetskoy- the son of Anna Mikhailovna Drubetskaya. Made a brilliant military career. He married Julie Karagina to improve his financial situation.

Julie Karagina- daughter of Karagina Marya Lvovna, friend of Marya Bolkonskaya. She married Boris Drubetskoy.

Kirill Vladimirovich Bezukhov- Count, father of Pierre Bezukhov, an influential person. After his death, he left his son (Pierre) a huge fortune.

Marya Dmitrievna Akhrosimova- the godmother of Natasha Rostova, she was known and respected in St. Petersburg and Moscow.

Peter Rostov (Petya)- the youngest son of the Count and Countess of Rostov. Was killed during World War II.

Vera Rostova- the eldest daughter of the Count and Countess Rostov. Adolf Berg's wife.

Adolf (Alphonse) Karlovich Berg- a German who made a career from lieutenant to colonel. First the groom, then the husband of Vera Rostova.

Lisa Bolkonskaya- the little princess, the young wife of Prince Andrei Bolkonsky. She died during childbirth, giving birth to Andrei's son.

Vasily Sergeevich Kuragin- Prince, friend Scherer, a well-known and influential socialite in Moscow and St. Petersburg. He occupies an important position at court.

Elena Kuragina (Helen)- the daughter of Vasily Kuragin, the first wife of Pierre Bezukhov. A charming woman who liked to shine in the light. She died after an unsuccessful abortion.

Anatole Kuragin- "restless fool", the eldest son of Vasily Kuragin. A charming and handsome man, a dandy, a lover of women. Participated in the Battle of Borodino.

Ippolit Kuragin- "the late fool", the youngest son of Vasily Kuragin. The complete opposite of his brother and sister, very stupid, everyone perceives him as a jester.

Amelie Bourienne- Frenchwoman, companion of Marya Bolkonskaya.

Shinshin- cousin of Countess Rostova.

Ekaterina Semyonovna Mamontova- the eldest of the three Mamontov sisters, the niece of Count Kirill Bezukhov.

Bagration- Russian military leader, hero of the war against Napoleon 1805-1807 and the Patriotic War of 1812.

Napoleon Bonaparte- Emperor of France

Alexander I- Emperor of the Russian Empire.

Kutuzov Field Marshal General, Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army.

Tushin- an artillery captain who distinguished himself in the battle of Shengraben.

Platon Karataev- a soldier of the Apsheron regiment, embodying everything truly Russian, whom Pierre met in captivity.

Volume 1

The first volume of "War and Peace" consists of three parts, divided into "peaceful" and "military" narrative blocks and covers the events of 1805. The “peaceful” first part of the first volume of the work and the initial chapters of the third part describe social life in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and in the Bald Mountains.

In the second part and the last chapters of the third part of the first volume, the author depicts pictures of the war between the Russian-Austrian army and Napoleon. The battle of Shengraben and the Battle of Austerlitz become the central episodes of the "military" blocks of the narrative.

From the first, "peaceful" chapters of the novel "War and Peace", Tolstoy introduces the reader to the main characters of the work - Andrei Bolkonsky, Natasha Rostova, Pierre Bezukhov, Nikolai Rostov, Sonya and others. Through the depiction of the life of various social groups and families, the author conveys the diversity of Russian life in the pre-war period. The "military" chapters display the whole unadorned realism of military operations, further revealing to the reader the characters of the main characters. The defeat at Austerlitz, which concludes the first volume, appears in the novel not only as a loss for the Russian troops, but also as a symbol of the collapse of hopes, a revolution in the lives of most of the main characters.

Volume 2

The second volume of "War and Peace" is the only "peaceful" in the entire epic and covers the events of 1806-1811 on the eve of the Patriotic War. In it, the "peaceful" episodes of the secular life of the heroes are intertwined with the military-historical world - the adoption of the Tilsit truce between France and Russia, the preparation of Speransky's reforms.

During the period described in the second volume, important events take place in the lives of the heroes that largely change their worldview and views of the world: the return of Andrei Bolkonsky home, his disappointment in life after the death of his wife, and the subsequent transformation thanks to love for Natasha Rostova; Pierre's passion for Freemasonry and his attempts to improve the life of the peasants on his estates; the first ball of Natasha Rostova; loss of Nikolai Rostov; hunting and Christmas in Otradnoye (the Rostov estate); the failed kidnapping of Natasha by Anatole Karagin and Natasha's refusal to marry Andrey. The second volume ends with the symbolic appearance of a comet hovering over Moscow, foreshadowing terrible events in the lives of heroes and all of Russia - the war of 1812.

Volume 3

The third volume of "War and Peace" is devoted to the military events of 1812 and their impact on the "peaceful" life of the Russian people of all classes. The first part of the volume describes the invasion of French troops into the territory of Russia and the preparations for the Battle of Borodino. The second part depicts the Battle of Borodino itself, which is the culmination not only of the third volume, but of the entire novel. Many central characters of the work intersect on the battlefield (Bolkonsky, Bezukhov, Denisov, Dolokhov, Kuragin, etc.), which emphasizes the inseparable connection of the whole people with a common goal - the fight against the enemy. The third part is devoted to the surrender of Moscow to the French, a description of the fire in the capital, which, according to Tolstoy, happened because of those who left the city, leaving it to the enemies. The most touching scene of the volume is also described here - a date between Natasha and the mortally wounded Bolkonsky, who still loves the girl. The volume ends with Pierre's unsuccessful attempt to kill Napoleon and his arrest by the French.

Volume 4

The fourth volume of War and Peace covers the events of the Patriotic War of the second half of 1812, as well as the peaceful life of the main characters in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Voronezh. The second and third "military" parts describe the flight of the Napoleonic army from the plundered Moscow, the Battle of Tarutino and the partisan war of the Russian army against the French. The “military” chapters are framed by the “peaceful” parts one and four, in which the author pays special attention to the mood of the aristocracy regarding military events, its remoteness from the interests of the whole people.

In the fourth volume, key events also take place in the lives of the heroes: Nikolai and Marya realize that they love each other, Andrei Bolkonsky and Helen Bezukhova die, Petya Rostov dies, and Pierre and Natasha begin to think about possible joint happiness. However, the central figure of the fourth volume is a simple soldier, a native of the people - Platon Karataev, who in the novel is the bearer of everything truly Russian. In his words and actions, the same simple wisdom of the peasant, folk philosophy is expressed, over the comprehension of which the main characters of "War and Peace" are tormented.


In the epilogue of the work "War and Peace" Tolstoy sums up the entire epic novel, depicting the life of the characters seven years after the Patriotic War - in 1819-1820. Significant changes took place in their destinies, both good and bad: the marriage of Pierre and Natasha and the birth of their children, the death of Count Rostov and the difficult financial situation of the Rostov family, the wedding of Nikolai and Marya and the birth of their children, the growing up of Nikolenka, the son of the deceased Andrei Bolkonsky, in which the character of the father is already clearly visible.

If the first part of the epilogue describes the personal lives of the heroes, then the second part presents the author's reflections on historical events, the role of an individual historical figure and entire nations in these events. Concluding his reasoning, the author comes to the conclusion that the whole history is predetermined by some irrational law of random mutual influences and interconnections. An example of this is the scene depicted in the first part of the epilogue, when a large family gathers at the Rostovs: the Rostovs, the Bolkonskys, the Bezukhovs - all of them were brought together by the same incomprehensible law of historical relationships - the main acting force that directs all the events and fates of the characters in the novel.


In the novel "War and Peace" Tolstoy managed to masterfully depict the people not as different social strata, but as a single whole, united by common values ​​and aspirations. All four volumes of the work, including the epilogue, are connected by the idea of ​​“folk thought”, which lives not only in every hero of the work, but also in every “peaceful” or “military” episode. It was this unifying thought that became, according to Tolstoy's idea, the main reason for the victory of the Russians in the Patriotic War.

"War and Peace" is rightfully considered a masterpiece of Russian literature, an encyclopedia of Russian characters and human life in general. For more than a century, the work has remained interesting and relevant for modern readers, history buffs and connoisseurs of classical Russian literature. War and Peace is a novel that everyone should read.

A very detailed brief retelling of "War and Peace", presented on our website, will allow you to get a complete picture of the plot of the novel, its heroes, the main conflicts and the problems of the work.


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The last volume of Tolstoy's "War and Peace" describes the events of the second half of 1812. It covers: the flight of the French from Moscow, the Battle of Tarutino and numerous scenes of guerrilla warfare. In the fourth volume, the “peaceful” parts one and four frame the second and third “military” parts, as if emphasizing the close relationship between “war” and “peace” not only on the battlefield, but also in the personal lives of the heroes and all of Russia of that period. You can read the summary of the 4th volume of "War and Peace" in parts online on our website or download a copy to your computer.

Important quotations are highlighted in gray, this will help to better understand the meaning of the fourth volume.

Part 1

Chapter 1

The actions of the first part of the fourth volume of "War and Peace" begin on August 26, on the very day of the Battle of Borodino, in the salon of Anna Pavlovna Scherer, Helen's sudden severe illness was discussed, suggesting that the woman was just pretending, because she could not choose a husband from two candidates. Prince Vasily reads out a letter from the Bishop, written "when sending the image of the Monk Saint Sergius to the sovereign."

Chapter 2

The next day in St. Petersburg they receive a letter from Kutuzov, written from the battlefield of Borodino, and interpret it as news of the Russian victory. However, three days later it becomes known that Moscow was abandoned by the inhabitants and surrendered to the French. In society, Kutuzov is beginning to be called a traitor. Alexander I is extremely dissatisfied with the actions of the commander in chief.

News of Ellen's death. The official cause of death is a severe attack of sore throat. However, according to rumors, Bezukhova drank a huge dose of medicine and died in agony before she could be helped.

Chapter 3

Colonel Michaud arrives in Petersburg with official news that Moscow has been abandoned and the city has been burned by the enemy.

Chapters 4-5

Nikolai Rostov is on a business trip in Voronezh. At the evening at the governor's, he meets the aunt of Princess Marya Bolkonskaya - Malvintseva, who offers to marry Marya for him, and the young man agrees.

Chapter 6

Marya and her nephew live with an aunt in Voronezh. Malvintseva arranges a meeting between Marya and Nikolai. Their date transformed Marya, she seemed to have become prettier. Nikolay began to think that Marya was better than all the people he had met before and even better than himself.

Chapters 7-8

Marya and Nikolai learn about the results of the Battle of Borodino, the surrender of Moscow and the wounding of Prince Andrei. Maria wants to find her brother.

Rostov receives a letter from Sonya (written under the influence of Countess Rostova), in which she refuses Nikolai's promise to marry her. Rostov also receives a letter from his mother, in which the countess writes about their departure from Moscow, mentioning that Prince Andrei is traveling with them, and Natasha and Sonya are looking after him. Nikolai shows this letter to Marya (thanks to this letter, Nikolai "became close to the princess in an almost family relationship").

Chapters 9-11

Pierre is captured by the French. When they were taken for interrogation through burning Moscow, Bezukhov was horrified by what he saw: he "felt like an insignificant chip that fell into the wheels of an unknown to him, but correctly operating machine."

Pierre is brought in for questioning by Marshal Davout, who is known for his cruelty. However, after exchanging glances, Bezukhov and Davout vaguely felt "that they are both children of humanity, that they are brothers." This is what saves Pierre: when the turn comes to him during the execution of the prisoners, the execution is stopped and Bezukhov is taken to the prisoners of war.

Chapter 12

Pierre understands that after the execution scenes, he will not be able to return to normal life and to faith. However, in the barracks he meets Platon Karataev. Karataev was convicted and given to the soldiers, but he is happy about this, as it helped him save his younger brother. Plato tells Pierre that you need to accept life as it is, pitying everyone. After a conversation with Karataev, Pierre "felt that the previously destroyed world was now being erected in his soul with new beauty, on some new and unshakable foundations."

Chapter 13

Platon Karataev is a person who personifies everything “Russian, kind and round”. “His face had an expression of innocence and youth,” and “the main feature of his speech was spontaneity and argumentativeness.” Karataev knew how to do everything: “baked, soared, sewed, planed, stitched boots” and even sang. However, Pierre was most attracted to Karataev by his ability to talk about simple things that you usually don’t notice. Plato loved everything around and lived in this love. "Each word of his and each action was a manifestation of an activity unknown to him, which was his life." His life "had meaning only as a particle of the whole, which he constantly felt."

Chapter 14

Marya goes to Yaroslavl to the wounded Andrey. The girl feels that love for Nikolai has become an inseparable part of herself and knows that her feelings are mutual. The Rostovs welcome Mary as if they were their own. During a conversation with Natasha about Andrei, Bolkonskaya realizes that now Natasha is her sincere friend and comrade in grief.

Chapter 15

During the meeting of Princess Marya with her brother, it seems to the girl that in all the actions of Bolkonsky there is some strange alienation from the world for a living person. She understands that Andrei's death is near.

Chapter 16

Andrei himself feels that he is dying. The man thinks about his love for Natasha, that love must fight death, because it is life. Bolkonsky has a dream in which death comes to him and he dies. Waking up, Andrei understands that death is liberation, awakening, relief. Soon he dies.

Part 2

Chapter 1

In the second part of the fourth volume of "War and Peace", the Russian army, due to a lack of provisions, moves from the Ryazan to the Kaluga road to the Tarutinsky camp, having carried out "the so-called flank march behind Krasnaya Pakhra".

Chapter 2

Tolstoy talks about the famous flank march of the Russian troops and the role of Kutuzov in it. Kutuzov's merit was not "in some ingenious strategic maneuver", but in the fact that he alone believed that the Russians had won the battle of Borodino. He saw that the French were weakened, and kept the Russian army from "useless battles."

Kutuzov receives a letter from Napoleon, which Lauriston brings, asking for peace, which only confirms the conclusions of the commander in chief. Kutuzov refuses. By this time, the balance of power between the Russians and the French is changing in favor of the Russians.

Chapters 3-4

Alexander is trying to control the Russian army from St. Petersburg, which only hinders Kutuzov. The emperor sends a letter to Kutuzov demanding to launch an offensive against the French.

Chapters 5-7

Tarutino battle. The beginning of the offensive of the Russian troops (it dragged on for a day, since the orders given by Kutuzov were not immediately transferred to the army). The Orlov-Denisov detachment successfully attacks the French (as a result, this battle was the only one in the Tarutino battle). Upon learning that Murat (Napoleon's marshal) was retreating, Kutuzov ordered a slow advance. The French army is melting during the offensive.

The Battle of Tarutino "exposed the weakness of the French and gave the impetus that the Napoleonic army had only expected to start the flight."

Chapters 8-10

The result of Napoleon's activities after the capture in Moscow: no matter what measures he tried to introduce, they were all to no avail (from administrative to religious and entertainment).
Moscow continues to burn, looting intensifies in the city. The decline of French military discipline. When the French left Moscow with the loot, their situation "was like that of a wounded animal, feeling its death." Napoleon, on the other hand, "was like a child who imagines that he rules."

Chapters 11-12

During his time in captivity, Pierre changes a lot, becoming collected, energetic, calm, ready for action. Bezukhov finally understood Andrei's words that "happiness is only negative." “The absence of suffering, the satisfaction of needs and, as a result, the freedom to choose occupations, that is, a way of life, now seemed to Pierre the undoubted and highest happiness of a person.”

Chapters 13-14

The French flee from Moscow. Pierre is assigned to the captured officers. During the first overnight stay, Bezukhov admires the landscape. “Pierre looked into the sky, into the depths of the departing, playing stars. “And all this is mine, and all this is in me, and all this is me!” thought Pierre.

Chapters 15-17

Napoleon again sends a truce to Kutuzov with a peace proposal. Kutuzov again refuses. The French army turns onto the new Kaluga road and heads towards Borovsk.

Reflecting on the war, Kutuzov realizes that the French army is in chaos, so it is easy to defeat.

Chapter 18

Kutuzov is doing everything to prevent the useless offensive of the Russian troops (to allow the French to leave and not to lose their people in senseless skirmishes), but the French themselves ran away from the enemy. Almost captured by the Cossacks, Napoleon orders to retreat along the Smolensk road.

Chapter 19

The French are running in disorder towards Smolensk. Kutuzov tries not to interfere with the disastrous flight of the enemy, but few people listen to him, and the Russian troops are trying to block the French way, losing hundreds of their own.

Part 3

Chapters 1-3

In the third part of the fourth volume, Tolstoy argues that the war of 1812 had a popular character, since for the Russians it decided the question of life and death of the fatherland. Tolstoy calls guerrilla warfare one of the methods of waging a people's war.

Chapters 3-4

On August 24, Denis Davydov assembled the first partisan detachment. Such detachments soon became about a hundred. Preparations for the attack of the partisan detachments of Denisov and Dolokhov, who want to attack the French transport with Russian prisoners and a load of cavalry things. Wanting to take the “language”, they send a scout to the French - a peasant Tikhon Shcherbaty.

Arrival at Denisov's regiment, Petya Rostov.

Chapters 5-6

Tikhon Shcherbaty returns under French fire. Tikhon tells Denisov that he tried to choose the most suitable Frenchman, so he was discovered.

Chapter 7

Petya Rostov takes part in the battle of Vyazemsky and is waiting for an opportunity to distinguish himself. Petya is sent to Denisov's detachment, but the general forbids him to participate in battles.

Chapter 8

Dolokhov is going to go on reconnaissance to the French, having changed into a French uniform. Petya goes with him.

Chapter 9-10

The French took Dolokhov and Petya for their own and told everything that interested the scouts. Returning back to the Russians, Dolokhov and Petya agree that in the morning, on a signal, they will begin to advance. Worried, Petya does not sleep all night.

Chapter 11

Detachment Denisov performs. Denisov orders Rostov to obey him and not to meddle anywhere. During the attack on the French convoy and depot, Petya rushes forward and is killed by a shot in the head. The Russians seize transport and a batch of Russian prisoners, among whom was Bezukhov.

Chapter 12

The plot takes us back a little, to the period when Pierre was still in captivity. Pierre's condition during the movement of the French from Moscow to Smolensk can be described as follows: he thinks that there are limits to freedom and suffering, and there is nothing terrible in the world.

Karataev falls seriously ill with a fever, and Bezukhov stops communicating with him.

Chapter 13

Bezukhov recalls Karataev's story about a merchant who ended up in Siberia for the murder of his comrade and grew old there. The real killer found out about this injustice and he himself came to the authorities with a confession. But when the release papers were approved, the merchant had already died. During the story, Karataev's face shone with enthusiastic joy.

Chapter 14

One day, Karatev was unable to walk with other prisoners and lagged behind, so the French shot him.

Chapter 15

While spending the night among the captives, Pierre hears in a dream the words: “Life is everything. Life is God. Everything moves and moves, and this movement is God, ”and he understands that Karataev said them. Pera is released from captivity.

Chapters 16-18

The plight of the French army, they kill each other for provisions, rob their own shops. French flight. The author's thoughts about Napoleon that there is no greatness where there is no simplicity, truth, kindness.

Chapter 19

The author argues that in the last period of the military campaign of 1812, the goal of the Russians was to rid their land of the enemy's invasion. “The Russian army had to act like a whip on a running animal. And an experienced driver knew that the most advantageous thing was to keep the whip raised, threatening them, and not to whip a running animal on the head.

Part 4

Chapter 1

The fourth part begins with a description of the state of Natasha and Marya. They are having a hard time with the death of Prince Andrei, they became very good friends. Marya is distracted by worries about Nikolenka. Natasha, on the other hand, avoided everyone and constantly thought about Andrei, about their unfulfilled marriage.

Chapters 2-3

The Rostovs receive news of Petya's death. For the Countess, the death of her son becomes a strong blow and the woman takes to her bed. Natasha takes care of her, trying with all her might to comfort and help. Rostova is getting worse and worse, while Natasha's brother's death seems to be sobering, she understands that love for her loved ones lives in her.

During her illness and the illness of her mother, Natasha became very weak, so she leaves for Moscow with Marya: to rest and consult with doctors.

Chapter 4

Kutuzov is trying to ease the movement of his troops when attacking the fleeing French (the Russians were exhausted by the long daily movement). Other Russian generals accuse him of preventing the defeat of Napoleon (because he does not start battles, but only pursues the retreating French).

Chapter 5

Assessing the historical significance of Kutuzov's activities, the author writes that he was the only one who realized the popular meaning of the Battle of Borodino and the loss of Moscow, and to the end confidently walked towards the main goal - the liberation of Russia.

Chapter 6-9

Being with the army near Krasnoye, Kutuzov calls on the soldiers to take pity on the French, although he believes that they got what they deserved. The soldiers felt a sense of great triumph, combined with a feeling of pity for the French.

The life of the soldiers, their conversations about the house, awards, harvest, etc. The French approach the fire of the 5th company: Rambal and his batman Morel. Russians treat them well, not perceiving them as enemies.

Chapter 10

Kutuzov is very dissatisfied at court and among the chiefs of the army after the failure of the St. Petersburg plan at the Berezinsky crossing (contrary to the plan during the battle, Napoleon, in seemingly hopeless circumstances, managed to transport and maintain the combat-ready forces of his army). For the victory in the Battle of Tarutino, Kutuzov is awarded George 1st degree, but he understands that his role in the war is over.

Chapter 11

After the liberation of Russia, Kutuzov was gradually removed from the leadership of the army, since he did not meet the new tasks of the European war. The death of Kutuzov: “there was nothing left for the representative of the people's war but death. And he died."

Chapter 12

After being released from captivity, Pierre is in Orel, ill for a long time. Bezukhov learns about the death of Andrei and Helen. Pierre feels a sense of freedom from his wife. He begins to believe in a living and always tangible God.

Chapter 13

Pierre feels a strong internal change in himself. He looks at life and people in a new way. “Now a smile of the joy of life constantly played around his mouth, and in his eyes shone participation in people.” Princess Mamontova, who came to Orel to look after him, gradually realizes that she is in love with Pierre, she "gratefully showed him the hidden good sides of her character." In Bezukhov, such a trait appeared in relation to people as "recognition of the possibility for each person to think, feel and look at things in his own way, recognition of the impossibility of words to dissuade a person." "In practical matters, Pierre suddenly now felt that he had a center of gravity, which was not there before." Bezukhov decides to leave for Moscow to settle his affairs.

Chapter 14

Moscow is being rebuilt and restored after looting and fire.

Chapter 15

In Moscow, Pierre visits Marya, where she also meets Natasha Rostova. Bezukhov feels the awakening of his love for Natasha. Confused in words, he involuntarily betrays his feelings.

Chapter 16

Marya, Pierre and Natasha are talking about Andrey. Bezukhov takes pity on Natasha for the suffering she endured.

Chapter 17

At dinner, Marya jokes with Pierre that now he is rich again and the groom. Bezukhov talks about how he was in captivity. Marya notices the closeness between Natasha and Pierre and is happy for them.

Chapter 18-19

After a meeting with Natasha, Pierre decides to marry her, and every day he visits Princess Mary's house. Bezukhov tells Marya about his feelings and the girl, assuring that everything will be fine with Natasha, advises him to leave for Petersburg for the time being, so that Rostova recovers after what she has suffered. Before leaving, Natasha tells Pierre that she will be waiting for him very much.

Pierre is happy: “The whole meaning of life, not for him alone, but for the whole world, seemed to him to consist only in his love and in the possibility of her love for him.”

Chapter 20

After meeting with Pierre, Natasha had hope for happiness and the strength of life, she seemed to come to life, began to make plans for the future. Marya tells Natasha about Pierre's intention to marry her. Natasha replies that it would be great if she married Pierre, and Marya married Nikolai, but the princess asks not to mention Nikolai.

Results of the fourth volume

The retelling of the fourth volume of the novel "War and Peace" conveys the drama of the events that took place in the fate of the main characters at the end of 1812. The author interweaves tragic episodes (the death of Andrei Bolkonsky and the death of Petya Rostov) with important and joyful events in the lives of the characters: Pierre's fateful acquaintance with Platon Karataev , mutually erupted feelings of Nikolai Rostov and Marya Bolkonskaya, a happy meeting between Pierre Bezukhov and Natasha Rostova.

Depicting life as it is in volume 4: full of sad and joyful moments, Tolstoy shows that it is important, no matter what, to always strive forward, acquiring new meanings and goals for existence.

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