Exercise 1.

Write down suggestions. Underline the subject and verb

The students are diligent and hardworking. The play is over. We have become students. The kids enjoyed their holidays. The day turned out to be cloudy.

Exercise 2.

Write down suggestions. Find the subject in the written sentences.

1) In the evenings, the sun falls obliquely on the rye. (M. Prishvin.)
2) Nothing conveys the purity of human thoughts like a smile.
(K. Paustovsky.)
3) To study literacy - everything will come in handy. (Proverb.)
4) Entering must present tickets.

Exercise 3

Write down the sentences, determine in them how the subject is expressed, then make a morphological analysis of the noun and adjective in one of these sentences.

1) Only in that rebellious time could a fifteen-year-old become a member of the party. (N. Ostrovsky.) 2) Since my school years, I have felt the beauty of the Russian language, its strength and density. (K. Paustovsky.) 3) Nothing in life can knock us out of the saddle. (K. Simonov.) 4) A great many ships scurried along the Northern Route this summer. (V. Gorbatov.) 5) The entire population of the Pacific Cape poured out to meet us. (B. Gorbatov.) 6) Seven do not wait for one. (Proverb.) 7) There are no others, and those are far away ... (A. Pushkin.) 8) But - an opposing union. 9) Eleven is an odd number. 10) Some of those present were indignant.

Exercise 4

Make up a sentence with each of the words so that in one case they act as the subject, and in the other - as a secondary member of the sentence or are part of the predicate.

Day, waiting, teach, bold.

Exercise 5

Find the subjects in the following sentences.

1. The silence was quite long (L. Tolstoy). 2. Home Nastya did not demand to themselves (Leskov). 3. Much has changed in the farm (Sholokhov). 4. All living things hid from the heat (Chekhov). 5. A bunch of people stood on the square (Leskov). 6. Two strangers were sitting on the steps (Paustovsky). 7. To drive out before the evening and drive a herd at the dawn of the morning is a great holiday for peasant boys (Turgenev). 8. Masha and the pilot slowly walked through the dew (Paustovsky). 9. There was still a lot of time left before the first babble, before the first rustles and rustles of the morning, before the first dewdrops of dawn (Turgenev). 10. More than three hours have passed since then (Turgenev). 11. Let others disentangle this mess (Goncharov). 12. None of the inhabitants has seen and does not remember any terrible heavenly signs, neither balls of fire, nor sudden darkness (Goncharov). 13. There were about twenty carts in the train (Chekhov). 14. He will not be forty years soon (Chekhov). 15. And in early childhood, everything appears to us in a pink light. 16. In the afternoon, Mikhailov and several comrades were sent to practice in a surgical clinic (Paustovsky). 17. In Lipyagi, getting bait is not such an easy thing (Krutilin). 18. This “if”, referred to the past, came true (Turgenev). 19. It would be stupid to leave now (A.N. Tolstoy). 20. There was something terrible in the determination of her gaze (Lermontov). 21. Several bullets screeched over my head (Lermontov). 22. The princess and the princess were sitting on a bench (Lermontov). 23. A princess with a Moscow dandy was sitting on a bench (Lermontov). 24. There was not enough imagination to revive the story (Veresaev). 25. "Drive in the neck" sounded in his ears as a sweet melody (Chekhov). 26. "Ura" swept over the ships of the flotilla (Paustovsky). 27. Out of twenty-four people, twenty-three gathered (A.N. Tolstoy). 28. It was the middle of March (Kuprin). 29. A righteous and honest death fell many of them (Tvardovsky). 30. The weak in spirit, having abandoned their rifles, tried to swim across (Sholokhov). 31. Someone died in the war. Someone died. Others have gone missing. And some turned into other people (Trifons).

Exercise 6

Determine how the subjects in these sentences are expressed.

1. The peasant way of life is covered with its poetry: songs, fairy tales, legends permeate the whole atmosphere of the story about the people. (Yu.Lotman) 2. Why do you pretend to be the wind, then the stone, then the bird? (A. Akhmatova) 3. You and I are stupid people... (N. Nekrasov) 4. Fifty more hands come out, erasing mold. (S. Yesenin) 5. Not everyone can sing. (S. Yesenin) 6. The psychology of the "superfluous person" is the psychology of a person whose entire life role was aimed at death and who nevertheless did not die. (Yu. Lotman)

Exercise 7

Find the subjects in these sentences and indicate how they are expressed.

1. In the public world, as in the great world, as in the entire universe, cosmos and chaos are fighting. (N. Berdyaev) 2. Tragic is grief, suffering, death, terrible in a person's life, and comic is fun, joy and laughter. (B. Ehrengross) 3. By all means, we come to the same conclusion: the Universe consists of something monotonous. (K. Tsiolkovsky) 4. But what is happening? Who is running, who is jumping? (B. Akhmadulina) 5. No one will meet you. (D. Samoilov) 6. After walking for about an hour, they stopped in front of a ravine, which stretched to the right and left, as far as the eye could see. (A.Volkov)

Exercise 8

Instead of dots, enter appropriate subjects in meaning.

1 .... flew south in endless flocks. 2. With a five-minute delay, this long-awaited by us ... began. 3. She was the first to enter the room ... with her daughter. 4 .... with his brother appeared next. 5.... opposed to beauty. 6. It seemed to me that it was walking along the street ..., and maybe more. 7.... - means to learn sciences.
In which sentence could the subject be both singular and plural?

Exercise 9

Determine which words in these sentences could be subjects.

1. App. I.p. - Exist. I.p. - Verb - Exist. V.p.
2. Exist. etc. - Places. I.p. - Verb - Nar. - Exist. D.p.
3. Exist. I.p. - Exist. I.p.
4. Number. I.p. - Exist. R.p. - Verb - Exist. etc.

Exercise 10

Highlight the subjects in these sentences. Does every sentence have a subject?

At the camp site behind the hill, a radiogram played. Jackdaws flew in the clear sky. Mist hung over the swamp below the mountain. Sheep lay in gray lumps on the green grass.
I walked across the field to the camp site. The sand was yellow on the dew-drenched boots. Coolness and smoke wafted from the grove.
Tourists were sitting under the windows of the tour desk. On the bench, covered with a newspaper, lay Mitrofanov. Even in a dream it was noticeable how lazy he was ... (S. Dovlatov)

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1 Exercises on the topic “Subject and ways of expressing it” Exercise 1. Write down the sentences. Underline the subject and predicate The students are diligent and industrious. The play is over. We have become students. The kids enjoyed their holidays. The day turned out to be cloudy. Exercise 2. Write down the sentences. Find the subject in the written sentences. 1) In the evenings, the sun falls obliquely on the rye. (M. Prishvin.) 2) Nothing conveys the purity of human thoughts like a smile. (K. Paustovsky.) 3) Learning to read and write will come in handy. (Proverb.) 4) Entering must present tickets. Exercise 3. Write down the sentences, determine how the subject is expressed in them, then make a morphological analysis of the noun and adjective in one of these sentences. 1) Only in that rebellious time could a fifteen-year-old become a member of the party. (N. Ostrovsky.) 2) Since my school years, I have felt the beauty of the Russian language, its strength and density. (K. Paustovsky.) 3) Nothing in life can knock us out of the saddle. (K. Simonov.) 4) A great many ships scurried along the Northern Route this summer. (V. 1/9

2 Gorbatov.) 5) The entire population of the Pacific Cape poured out to meet us. (B. Gorbatov.) 6) Seven do not wait for one. (Proverb.) 7) There are no others, and those are far away (A. Pushkin.) 8) But an opposing union. 9) Eleven is an odd number. 10) Some of those present were indignant. Exercise 4. Make up a sentence with each of the words so that in one case they act as the subject, and in the other as a minor member of the sentence or are part of the predicate. Day, waiting, teach, bold. Exercise 5. Find the subjects in the following sentences. 1. The silence was quite long (L. Tolstoy). 2. Home Nastya did not demand to themselves (Leskov). 3. Much has changed in the farm (Sholokhov). 4. All living things hid from the heat (Chekhov). 5. A bunch of people stood on the square (Leskov). 6. Two strangers were sitting on the steps (Paustovsky). 7. To drive out before evening and to drive a herd at dawn is a great holiday for peasant boys (Turgenev). 8. Masha and the pilot slowly walked through the dew (Paustovsky). 9. There was still a lot of time left before the first babble, before the first rustles and rustles of the morning, before the first dewdrops of dawn (Turgenev). 10. More than three hours have passed since then (Turgenev). 11. Let others disentangle this mess (Goncharov). 12. None of the inhabitants has seen and does not remember any terrible heavenly signs, neither balls of fire, nor sudden darkness (Goncharov). 13. There were about twenty carts in the train (Chekhov). 14. He will not be forty years soon (Chekhov). 15. And in early childhood, everything appears to us in a pink light. 16. In the afternoon, Mikhailov and several comrades were sent to practice in a surgical clinic (Paustovsky). 17. In Lipyagi, getting bait is not such an easy thing (Krutilin). 18. This “if”, referred to the past, came true (Turgenev). 19. It would be stupid to leave now (A.N. Tolstoy). 20. There was something terrible in the determination of her gaze (Lermontov). 21. Several bullets screeched over my head (Lermontov). 22. The princess and the princess were sitting on a bench (Lermontov). 23. A princess with a Moscow dandy was sitting on a bench (Lermontov). 24. There was not enough imagination to revive the story (Veresaev). 25. "Drive in the neck" sounded in his ears as a sweet melody (Chekhov). 26. "Ura" swept over the ships of the flotilla (Paustovsky). 27. Out of twenty-four people, twenty-three gathered (A.N. 2/9

3 Tolstoy). 28. It was the middle of March (Kuprin). 29. A righteous and honest death fell many of them (Tvardovsky). 30. The weak in spirit, having abandoned their rifles, tried to swim across (Sholokhov). 31. Someone died in the war. Someone died. Others have gone missing. And some turned into other people (Trifons). Exercise 6. Determine how the subjects are expressed in these sentences. 1. The peasant way of life is covered with its poetry: songs, fairy tales, legends permeate the whole atmosphere of the story about the people. (Yu.Lotman) 2. Why do you pretend to be the wind, then the stone, then the bird? (A. Akhmatova) 3. You and I are stupid people... (N. Nekrasov) 4. Fifty more hands come out, erasing mold. (S. Yesenin) 5. Not everyone can sing. (S. Yesenin) 6. The psychology of the "superfluous person" is the psychology of a person whose entire life role was aimed at death and who nevertheless did not die. (Yu. Lotman) Exercise 7. Find the subjects in these sentences and indicate how they are expressed. 1. In the public world, as in the great world, as in the entire universe, cosmos and chaos are fighting. (N. Berdyaev) 2. Tragic is grief, suffering, death, terrible in a person's life, and comic is fun, joy and laughter. (B. Ehrengross) 3. By all means, we come to the same conclusion: the Universe consists of something monotonous. (K. Tsiolkovsky) 4. But what is happening? Who is running, who is jumping? (B. Akhmadulina) 5. No one will meet you. (D. Samoilov) 6. After walking for about an hour, they stopped in front of a ravine, which stretched to the right and left, as far as the eye could see. (A.Volkov) Exercise 8. Instead of dots, write the subjects that are appropriate in meaning flew south in endless flocks. 2. With a five-minute delay, this one has long been us 3 / 9

4 expected... started. 3. She was the first to enter the room ... with her daughter and brother, they appeared next, confronting the beautiful. 6. It seemed to me that it was walking along the street ..., and maybe it means more to learn science. In which sentence could the subject be both singular and plural? Exercise 9. Determine which words in these sentences could be subjects. 1. App. I.p. Ex. I.p. Verb Exist. V.p. 2. Exist. etc. Places I.p. Verb Nar. Ex. D.p. 3. Exist. I.p. Ex. I.p. 4. Number. I.p. Ex. R.p. Verb Exist. etc. Exercise 10. Highlight the subjects in these sentences. Does every sentence have a subject? At the camp site behind the hill, a radiogram played. Jackdaws flew in the clear sky. Mist hung over the swamp below the mountain. Sheep lay in gray lumps on the green grass. I walked across the field to the camp site. The sand was yellow on the dew-drenched boots. Coolness and smoke wafted from the grove. Tourists were sitting under the windows of the tour desk. On the bench, covered with a newspaper, lay Mitrofanov. Even in a dream, it was noticeable how lazy he was ... (S. Dovlatov) Test on the topic “Subject and ways of expressing it” 1. Which statement is true? 4 / 9

5 1) The subject characterizes the subject of speech. 2) The subject is the main member of the sentence, which does not depend on the other members of the sentence and answers the questions of the nominative case: who? what? 3) The subject characterizes the manner of action. 4) The subject is the main member of the sentence, which does not depend on the other members of the sentence and answers the questions: what? what? what is it? 2. How can the subject be expressed? 1) any significant part of speech; 2) only the inflected part of speech; 3) only the invariable part of speech; 4) only the conjugated part of speech. 3. In which sentence is the subject expressed by a pronoun? 1) Thickets of bushes and grass interfered with their movement. 2) Ours spun, and yours slept. 3) But behind the roar of the broken elements, my heightened hearing again caught the noise in the corridor. 4) None of the great artists was forgotten as thoroughly as Rokotov. 4. In which sentence is the subject expressed by the adjective? 1) Ours are crying, and yours are not happy either. 2) Something screeched through the air and fell in the middle of the river. 3) False cannot be beautiful. 4) Tsar Peter was in the office of his Preobrazhensky regiment. 5. In which sentence is the subject expressed by the verb? 5 / 9

6 1) The envious one dries with envy, but the good one cries for joy. 2) Listen to a smart person how to get drunk when thirsty for cold water. 3) Snow whirlwinds swirled in the air. 4) A silver-green poplar tent swayed above us, filling the surrounding air with greenish shadows and wandering sunspots. 6. In which sentence is the subject expressed by an indivisible phrase? 1) All forty people immediately crowded around him. 2) The civilian said something to the colonel in an undertone. 3) The scales of the alder began to move on the earrings ready in the fall. 4) Whose tireless horse is this running in the boundless steppe? 7. In which sentence is the subject expressed by the numeral? 1) A stranger will remain a stranger. 2) The evil one was with the evil one, but both fell into the pit. 3) The second, kneeling down, tried to fit the slipped ski. 4) Not a soul on the streets. 8. In which sentence is the subject expressed by an interjection? 1) There are no seven Fridays in one week. 2) His “alas” sounded bitter. 3) You ask the silence above the expanse of arable land and fields near birches and poplars. 4) Who, under the stars and under the moon, rides a horse so late? 9. In which sentence is the subject expressed by the adverb? 6 / 9

7 1) “Evening” is an obsolete word. 2) Again I walk along the dark Moscow streets. 3) What enemy can burn out love for you? 4) Some iridescent sounds are heard in the morning silence. 10. In which sentence is the subject expressed by a noun? 1) I looked at the clock. 2) Five o'clock in the morning on a dimly lit station clock. 3) What is going on in the sky? 4) How beautiful is our bright country! 11. In which sentence is the subject expressed by the adjective? 1) And here is the end of the great test. 2) The streams sang noisily and amicably. 3) The long-bearded man chuckled softly. 4) Whose tireless horse is this running in the boundless steppe? 12. In which sentence is the subject expressed by an indivisible phrase? 1) The duty officer looked into the half-open door, stood in indecision, then approached on tiptoe and put a packet of radiograms in front of him. 2) Three travelers, with difficulty pulling their feet out of the swampy mess, went to a young sprawling oak. 3) Victory thunders died down. 4) Do Russians want wars? 13. In which sentence is the subject expressed by the infinitive? 7 / 9

8 1) Our task is to reach the city by all means. 2) To play with you on the same stage is joy, honor and bliss. 3) In the forest, you always need to remember signs. 4) He began to quickly count in his mind. 14. In which sentence is the subject expressed by a substantiated adjective? 1) Everyone knew about the firm decision of the commander. 2) Autumn melts quiet birches. 3) Happy hours are not observed. 4) Three sat in the first row. 15. In which sentence is the subject highlighted incorrectly? 1) Everything broken, abandoned was covered with snow. 2) The Milky Way is our Galaxy. 3) Three friends bent over their friend. 4) Each of us must fight for the truth. 16. In which sentence is the subject highlighted incorrectly? 1) Thousands of Muscovites went to the house on Tverskoy Boulevard to say goodbye to the great actress. 2) Serving the people is not an easy task. 3) The incurious do not catch the firebird. 4) In every situation something comforting will be found. 8 / 9

9 17. In what sentence is the subject expressed by a syntactically indivisible phrase? 1) "Tomorrow" was invented for indecisive people and children. 2) Life to live is not a field to pass. 3) At the kitchen under the window in the sun, Polkan and Barbos warmed themselves. 4) The people standing nearby looked at me strangely. 18. Which sentence has no subject? 1) I often think about the future. 2) Our people went farther and farther. 3) I often have to stay alone. 4) You and I must come up with something. Answers: 9 / 9

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GOODBYE, KINDERGARTEN! Graduation to school in the Dandelion group 2017 - Well, that's all, the hour has come that we all have been waiting for. We gathered for the last time in a cozy bright hall. - Kindergarten gave us warmth

22.01. Material of paragraph 53. Know what questions the subject and predicate answer. Run exercise 424, p.154 (title the text, write off, insert missing letters and select test words, mark

Single sentences. These are sentences in which there is only one main member. It is either the subject or the predicate. Name suggestions. Sentences that have only a subject are called

Every year you look forward to spring. And yet it comes suddenly, unexpectedly. Just once you notice that the sun does not shine from somewhere on high, but its light is poured everywhere. Sky, clouds, houses, people

Primary school teacher MBOU "Kuteynikovskaya secondary school" There is a strange profession, however, To love children, good and not very good. And together rejoice, cry Their upbringing to engage, by the way. Teacher

Integrated lesson in the senior group MBDOU "Rainbow" "Autumn - a wonderful time" Compiled by: Chesnokova N.V. musical director Guseva O.V. educator Peno 2015 Goal: enriching the worldview of children


Scenario of the holiday dedicated to the International Children's Day "How the Crocodile swallowed the sun" Prepared by: Lyutikova Elena Nikolaevna, physical education instructor. Scenario of the holiday "Like a Crocodile

Reference materials on the block "Syntax and punctuation of a simple and complex sentence" 5 What syntax and punctuation study Syntax is a branch of the science of language in which word combinations and sentences are studied,

Twenty second of October. Classwork.

Updating of basic knowledge

Determine the type of connection of words in phrases.

  • Stadium area
  • privileges of deputies
  • true sympathizer
  • participate in a play rehearsal
  • embodied plan
  • be fond of fiction
  • backhand
  • admiring the illumination

  • A simple sentence is a sentence in which...
  • The main members of the proposal are…
  • The subject and the predicate are...
  • A common sentence is a sentence in which…
  • A sentence in which there are only main members of the sentence is called ...
  • A sentence that has two or more grammatical bases is called...
  • According to the emotional coloring of the sentences are divided into ...
  • Incentive sentences are sentences in which ...
  • Interrogative sentences are sentences in which...

Design. Word order

The forest drops your crimson attire, freezing silver withered field, Day glimpses, as if involuntarily, And over the edge disappear district mountains.

The forest drops its crimson dress, The withered field is silvered by frost, The day will glimpse, as if involuntarily, And hide behind the edge of the surrounding mountains.

On a winter, boring road greyhound troika running, monophonic bell Thundering tiresome .

Along the winter road, boring Troika greyhound runs, The monotonous bell Tiringly rattles.

"A sentence is the product of a combination of subject and predicate" - said the linguist

A.M. Peshkovsky.

  • The domes are turning yellow.
  • Alley slumbers lacy .

3. The well-fed does not understand the hungry. 4. The best died in the war.

5. I remember a wonderful moment.

6. You appeared before me.

7. Nobody wanted to die.

8. Sasha is demanding of himself, which causes the respect of his comrades.

9. A journalist wrote an essay to be published in a newspaper.

10. Raised the sword will die by the sword. 11. The reader always enjoys the book.

The subject and ways of expressing it.


  • Expand the understanding of the subject and ways of expressing it.
  • Be able to identify different ways of expressing the subject.

Working in groups /5 min /

How we work in groups:

1. We carefully read the task for working on the card.

2. We analyze examples of sentences on the card.

3. We discuss, we offer our options.

4. We come up with our own answer.

5. We evaluate the work of the groups.

Introducing a Product our activities.

1 group:

Two left for the capital.

Ten is divisible by two.

Both were engaged in a serious conversation.

Only the sixth helped the child get out of trouble.

The first answered five.

Two left for the capital.

Ten is divided into two.

Both were engaged in a serious conversation.

Only sixth helped the child to get out of trouble.

First answered five.

Conclusion: the subject is expressed by the numeral - as a quantitative (whole + collective ) and ordinal.

2 group:

Rushed from all sides "au".

There was a loud cheer.

And again you hear "boo-boo-boo."

All these hee-hee, ha-ha - an abomination!

Rushed from all sides "au".

It came out loud Hooray .

And hear again "boo Boo Boo".

All these hee hee, ha ha - an abomination!

Conclusion: the subject is expressed by an interjection.

3rd group:

Today is not like yesterday.

Here comes the fatal

day after tomorrow.

I'm tired of your "tomorrow".

Your tomorrow will be great.

Today doesn't feel like yesterday.

Here comes the fatal

day after tomorrow.

Our yesterday - this is joy and peace for the week ahead.

Your tomorrow will be wonderful.

Conclusion : the subject is expressed by the adverb time.

4th group:

But pay for something, even the most necessary, suddenly two hundred, three hundred, five hundred rubles seemed to them almost suicide.

Be in love - this is wonderful.

Learning is the right thing to do.

Drawing is always easy.

But pay for something, even the most necessary, suddenly two hundred, three hundred, five hundred rubles seemed to them almost suicide.

Be in love - this is wonderful.

To study - the right thing to do.

Draw - it's always simple.

Conclusion : the subject is expressed by the infinitive.

5th group:

He has golden hands.

The jack-of-all-trades repaired the castle quickly.

Dark days have come in the life of the queen.

The first person you meet will explain to you how to get to the river station.

Him skillful fingers .

Handyman quickly completed the repairs.

In the life of a queen came black days.

First person will explain to you how to get to the river station.

Conclusion: the subject is expressed by a phraseological unit.

6th group:

Usually appears around noon.

a bunch of round high clouds.

Milky Way spread across the sky.

mother with son will go relax .

five chairs stood against the wall.

Around noon usually appears a bunch of round high


Gone about an hour.

Milky Way spread across the sky.

mother with son will go relax .

five chairs stood against the wall.

Conclusion: subject expressed syntactically indivisible phrase.

Compare two sentences.

Find the subject in them.

1. Mother and son will go on vacation. 2. Mother and son will go on vacation.

LOOK at the NUMBER and the END of the predicate!

What information about ways of expressing the subject turned out to be for you new?

/or forgotten/

Match these examples with the way the subject is expressed.

way of expression



Noun in them. P.

We never quarrel

Pronoun in them. P.

The sun shines on everyone.

Numerals in them. P.

smoke - harm health.

Adjective or participle in the meaning of a noun

Gone several days .


Twelve is divisible by six.


adults sometimes they do not understand children. Entered attracted everyone's attention.


Obviously doesn't mean true.

Indivisible phrase

I heard in the distance coo-coo .

Determine what the subject is

1-2 groups

3-4 groups

During the day vacationers came to Semyonov.

5-6 groups

Those who wish bought tickets for the concert.

All living things reach for the sun.

Thousands of surprised eyes surround me.

Nobody ran down the corridor.

The mourners got out of the car.

I like it very much.

Two fighters sit on patrol over cold water.

To live is to serve the motherland.

Dozens of boys swam near the boat.

Protecting nature means protecting the Motherland.

In the distance, a "hurrah" sounded.

Your "today" has come in the morning, and "yesterday" will not return.

Learning and learning is my main task.

In the morning, his “ha-ha-ha” swept through all the wards.

A dull “au” was heard from the depths of the forest.

Everyone is tired of your constant "tomorrow".

The well-fed does not understand the hungry.

Tomorrow won't be like today.

A tall soldier entered.

What burns slowly burns hotter.

The stranger said these words with a mocking smile.

Ours won.

two drops splashed into the glass.

Nobody wanted to leave the disco.

Seven kids frolicked on the lawn.

Three friends played hockey.

Let's sum up the work.

1. Have we expanded our knowledge of the ways of expressing the subject today?

2. Name all ways of expressing the subject.

1. What did you learn new?

2. Which way of expressing the subject seems to you the most difficult?

3. Which way of expressing the subject seems to you the easiest?

4. What now needs to be done in order to be able to accurately find and determine the way of expressing the subject?


§17, exercises No. 163, 164 (according to the options - odd / even sentences)

Exercises on the topic “Subject and ways of expressing it”
Exercise 1.
Write down suggestions. Underline the subject and verb
The students are diligent and hardworking. The play is over. We have become students. The kids enjoyed their holidays. The day turned out to be cloudy. Exercise 2.
Write down suggestions. Find the subject in the written sentences.
1) In the evenings, the sun falls obliquely on the rye. (M. Prishvin.) 2) Nothing conveys the purity of human thoughts like a smile. (K. Paustovsky.) 3) Learning to read and write - everything will come in handy. (Proverb.) 4) Entering must present tickets. Exercise 3
Write down the sentences, determine in them how the subject is expressed, then make a morphological analysis of the noun and adjective in one of these sentences.
1) Only in that rebellious time could a fifteen-year-old become a member of the party. (N. Ostrovsky.) 2) Since my school years, I have felt the beauty of the Russian language, its strength and density. (K. Paustovsky.) 3) Nothing in life can knock us out of the saddle. (K. Simonov.) 4) A great many ships scurried along the Northern Route this summer. (V. Gorbatov.) 5) The entire population of the Pacific Cape poured out to meet us. (B. Gorbatov.) 6) Seven do not wait for one. (Proverb.) 7) There are no others, and those are far away ... (A. Pushkin.) 8) But - an opposing union. 9) Eleven is an odd number. 10) Some of those present were indignant. Exercise 4
Make up a sentence with each of the words so that in one case they act as the subject, and in the other - as a secondary member of the sentence or are part of the predicate.
Day, anticipating, teaching, courageous. Exercise 5.
Find the subjects in the following sentences.
1. The silence was quite long (L. Tolstoy). 2. Home Nastya did not demand to themselves (Leskov). 3. Much has changed in the farm (Sholokhov). 4. All living things hid from the heat (Chekhov). 5. A bunch of people stood on the square (Leskov). 6. Two strangers were sitting on the steps (Paustovsky). 7. To drive out before the evening and drive a herd at the dawn of the morning is a great holiday for peasant boys (Turgenev). 8. Masha and the pilot slowly walked through the dew (Paustovsky). 9. There was still a lot of time left before the first babble, before the first rustles and rustles of the morning, before the first dewdrops of dawn (Turgenev). 10. More than three hours have passed since then (Turgenev). 11. Let others disentangle this mess (Goncharov). 12. None of the inhabitants has seen and does not remember any terrible heavenly signs, neither balls of fire, nor sudden darkness (Goncharov). 13. There were about twenty carts in the train (Chekhov). 14. He will not be forty years soon (Chekhov). 15. And in early childhood, everything appears to us in a pink light. 16. In the afternoon, Mikhailov and several comrades were sent to practice in a surgical clinic (Paustovsky). 17. In Lipyagi, getting bait is not such an easy thing (Krutilin). 18. This “if”, referred to the past, came true (Turgenev). 19. It would be stupid to leave now (A.N. Tolstoy). 20. There was something terrible in the determination of her gaze (Lermontov). 21. Several bullets screeched over my head (Lermontov). 22. The princess and the princess were sitting on a bench (Lermontov). 23. A princess with a Moscow dandy was sitting on a bench (Lermontov). 24. There was not enough imagination to revive the story (Veresaev). 25. "Drive in the neck" sounded in his ears as a sweet melody (Chekhov). 26. "Ura" swept over the ships of the flotilla (Paustovsky). 27. Out of twenty-four people, twenty-three gathered (A.N. Tolstoy). 28. It was the middle of March (Kuprin). 29. A righteous and honest death fell many of them (Tvardovsky). 30. The weak in spirit, having abandoned their rifles, tried to swim across (Sholokhov). 31. Someone died in the war. Someone died. Others have gone missing. And some turned into other people (Trifons). Exercise 6.
Determine how the subjects in these sentences are expressed.
1. The peasant way of life is covered with its poetry: songs, fairy tales, legends permeate the whole atmosphere of the story about the people. (Yu.Lotman) 2. Why do you pretend to be the wind, then the stone, then the bird? (A. Akhmatova) 3. You and I are stupid people... (N. Nekrasov) 4. Fifty more hands come out, erasing mold. (S. Yesenin) 5. Not everyone can sing. (S. Yesenin) 6. The psychology of the "superfluous person" is the psychology of a person whose entire life role was aimed at death and who nevertheless did not die. (Yu. Lotman) Exercise 7.
Find the subjects in these sentences and indicate how they are expressed.
1. In the public world, as in the great world, as in the entire universe, cosmos and chaos are fighting. (N. Berdyaev) 2. Tragic is grief, suffering, death, terrible in a person's life, and comic is fun, joy and laughter. (B. Ehrengross) 3. By all means, we come to the same conclusion: the Universe consists of something monotonous. (K. Tsiolkovsky) 4. But what is happening? Who is running, who is jumping? (B. Akhmadulina) 5. No one will meet you. (D. Samoilov) 6. After walking for about an hour, they stopped in front of a ravine, which stretched to the right and left, as far as the eye could see. (A.Volkov) Exercise 8.
Instead of dots, enter appropriate subjects in meaning.
1 .... flew south in endless flocks. 2. With a five-minute delay, this long-awaited by us ... began. 3. She was the first to enter the room ... with her daughter. 4 .... with his brother appeared next. 5.... opposed to beauty. 6. It seemed to me that it was walking along the street ..., and maybe more. 7 .... - means to know the sciences. In which sentence could the subject be both in the singular and in the plural? Exercise 9. Determine which words in these sentences could be subjects.
1. App. I.p. - Exist. I.p. - Verb - Exist. V.p.2. Ex. etc. - Places. I.p. - Verb - Nar. - Exist. D.p.3. Ex. I.p. - Exist. I.p.4. Number I.p. - Exist. R.p. - Verb - Exist. etc. Exercise 10
Highlight the subjects in these sentences. Does every sentence have a subject?
At the camp site behind the hill, a radiogram played. Jackdaws flew in the clear sky. Mist hung over the swamp below the mountain. Sheep lay in gray lumps on the green grass. I walked across the field to the camp site. The sand was yellow on the dew-drenched boots. Coolness and smoke wafted from the grove. Tourists were sitting under the windows of the tour desk. On the bench, covered with a newspaper, lay Mitrofanov. Even in a dream it was noticeable how lazy he was ... (S. Dovlatov)

Test on the subject "Subject and ways of its expression"
1. Which statement is true?
1) The subject characterizes the subject of speech. 2) The subject is the main member of the sentence, which does not depend on other members of the sentence and answers the questions of the nominative case: who? what? 3) The subject characterizes the mode of action. 4) The subject is the main member of the sentence, which does not depend on other members of the sentence and answers the questions: what? what? what is it?
2. How can the subject be expressed?
1) any significant part of speech; 2) only the inflected part of speech; 3) only the invariable part of speech; 4) only the conjugated part of speech.
3. In which sentence is the subject expressed by a pronoun?
1) Thickets of bushes and grass interfered with their movement. 2) Ours were spinning, and yours were sleeping. 3) But behind the roar of the broken elements, my heightened hearing again caught the noise in the corridor. 4) None of the great artists was forgotten as thoroughly as Rokotov .
4. In which sentence is the subject expressed by the adjective?
1) Ours are crying, and yours are not happy either. 2) Something screeched through the air and fell in the middle of the river. 3) False things cannot be beautiful. 4) Tsar Peter was in the office of his Preobrazhensky regiment.
5. In which sentence is the subject expressed by the verb?
1) The envious one dries with envy, and the kind one cries with joy. 2) Listening to a smart person is like getting drunk when you are thirsty for cold water. 3) Snow whirlwinds swirled in the air. and wandering sunspots.
6. In which sentence is the subject expressed by an indivisible phrase?
1) All forty people immediately crowded around him. 2) The civilian said something to the colonel in an undertone. 3) The scales of the alder began to stir on the earrings ready in the fall. 4) Whose tireless horse is this running in the boundless steppe? In which sentence is the subject expressed by the numeral?
1) The stranger will remain a stranger. 2) The evil one was with the evil one, but both fell into the pit. 3) The second, kneeling down, tried to adjust the ski that had come off. In which sentence is the subject expressed by an interjection?
1) He doesn’t live on seven Fridays in one week. 2) His “alas” sounded bitterly. 3) You ask the silence over the expanse of arable land and fields near birches and poplars. ?
9. In which sentence is the subject expressed by the adverb?
1) “Evening” is an outdated word. 2) Again I walk along the dark Moscow streets. 3) What enemy can burn out love for you? 4) Some iridescent sounds are heard in the morning silence.
10. In which sentence is the subject expressed by a noun?
1) I looked at my watch. 2) Five o'clock in the morning on the dimly glowing station clock. 3) What is happening in the sky? 4) How beautiful our bright country is! 11. In which sentence is the subject expressed by adj.?
1) And here is the end of the great test. 2) The streams sang noisily and in unison. 3) The long-bearded man smiled softly. 4) Whose tireless horse is this running in the boundless steppe? In which sentence is the subject expressed by an indivisible phrase?
1) The duty officer looked into the half-open door, stood in indecision, then approached him on tiptoe and put a packet of radiograms in front of him. Do Russians want wars?13. In which sentence is the subject expressed by the infinitive?
1) Our task is to reach the city at all costs. 2) Playing on the same stage with you is joy, honor and bliss. 3) In the forest, you always need to memorize signs. 4) He began to quickly count in his mind. In which sentence is the subject highlighted incorrectly?
1) Everything broken, abandoned was covered with snow. 2) The Milky Way is our Galaxy. 3) Three friends bowed over their friend. 4) Each of us must fight for the truth.15. In which sentence is the subject highlighted incorrectly?
1) Thousands of Muscovites went to the house on Tverskoy Boulevard to say goodbye to the great actress. 2) Serving the people is not an easy task.
16. In which sentence is the subject expressed by a syntactically indivisible phrase?
1) “Tomorrow” was invented for indecisive people and children. 2) To live life is not a field to cross. 3) Near the kitchen under the window in the sun, Polkan and Barbos warmed themselves. 4) People standing nearby looked at me strangely.
17. Which sentence has no subject?
1) I often think about the future. 2) Our people went farther and farther. 3) I often have to stay alone. 4) You and I must think of something.
1. - 1), 2)2. - 1)3. - 2)4. - 3)5. - 2)6. - 1)7. - 3)8. - 2)9. - 1)10. - 4)11. - 3)12. - 2)13. - 2)14. - 4)15. - 1)16. - 3)17. - 3)

Two-part sentences

According to the purpose of the statement Traditionally, there are three main types of proposals: narrative, interrogative and incentive.

Main purpose narrative proposals - message about certain phenomena of reality, i.e. transmission of information to the addressee of the speech. At the end of a completed declarative sentence, dot: Autumn has come.

Main purpose interrogative sentences - receiving information from the interlocutor. They formulate a question about situations unknown or not quite known to the speaker. Question mark placed at the end of a simple suggestions containing the question: How are you?

Purpose incentive proposals - impulse to the action of the one to whom the speech is addressed. They express various types of motivation: an order, a demand, a warning, a ban, a mandate, a request, advice, etc. Exclamation point placed at the end of an exclamation point suggestions(including sentence words): Rather an overcoat and a hat! Right! Right!

The subject and ways of expressing it.

1. The subject is the main member of a two-part sentence, which is usually expressed by a noun or a pronoun in the nominative case and is explained by the predicate, for example: The sun shone.

2. The subject can be expressed by any part of speech used in the meaning of a noun (answers questions to what or what?).

EXAMPLES. one) During the children's tealarge sat on the balcony. 2)those present talked about different subjects. 3) Here it was heard"ay" far away.

Note. The subject can be expressed by the indefinite form of the verb or by the numeral. EXAMPLES. one) Drink tea on the grass was considered a great pleasure. 2) To study interesting.

3. The subject can be expressed by the word in combination .

1) Phrases consisting of a noun in the nominative case and another noun in the instrumental case, combined with the first preposition With, denoting compatibility. EXAMPLES. Grandfather with grandmother walked ahead.

These combinations are considered as one whole only when the predicate is in the plural and in meaning does not refer to one person or object, but to two at once.

2) Phrases formed by personal plural pronouns we you together with other pronouns in the instrumental case, which are connected with the first preposition With: we are with you(meaning "you and me") We hadetc. EXAMPLES. We are with you let's go to the forest for berries.

3) Phrases that consist of quantitative numerals and nouns attached to them, denoting countable objects and put in the genitive case without a preposition: five people, ten guardsmen, several carts etc. or with a preposition from: one of them, two of my friends etc., for example: Five persons sat around the fire.

Simple verbal predicate and ways of its expression.

The predicate is the second main member of a two-part sentence. The predicate denotes the action or state of objects and persons that are expressed by the subject: flies airplane. boysrested. The predicate in a two-part sentence is simple verbal and compound - nominal or verbal.

A simple verbal predicate is the main member of a two-part sentence, which is expressed by a verb in some mood and explains the subject, for example: 1) brightlyshines Sun. 2) Welet's go to the river.

In the present and future tense, the predicate agrees with the subject in person and number: I the whole truthI will say. In the past tense and in the subjunctive mood, the predicate agrees in number, and in the singular - in gender: Strings of prophetic fiery sounds to our hearingreached. With good weather, hay has long beendried up would. In the imperative mood, the predicate agrees with the subject in number and person: You are with the bass, Mishenka,sit down against viola.

Compound nominal predicate. Bundle.

The composition of the nominal is called the predicate, which consists of a nominal part (adjective, noun and words of other parts of speech) and a linking verb.

The verb - with a connection - is a word indicating the time and inclination of the predicate; past tense: Daywas hot; future: Daywill hot. The absence of a link indicates the present tense: The day is hot. Such a missing link is called null. The subjunctive mood is expressed by a bunch would be: Daywould be hot, and imperative - a bunch be:Be fair to him.

Words that are in the nominal part of the compound predicate.

1. A compound predicate can be expressed by short passive participles and short adjectives: All fairy taleswere retold me oldKirilovna.

2. The predicate, expressed as a short adjective, denotes the qualitative state of the object: Windquiet. snowy streetdeserted. Steps awayheard in frosty air.

3. The nominal part of the predicate can be expressed by nouns and full adjectives in the nominative case, for example: Moscow -capital of Russia. Roadstraight, flat.

4. In addition to nouns and adjectives, the predicate may contain other parts of speech, such as: quantitative numerals (when expressing the total): Two yes three -five; pronouns - when expressing belonging: The street -my, Houses -my ; when expressing the qualitative characteristics of a person by opposing it to another person: I AMnot you. Younot he you can't do that.

5. The nominal part of the predicate can also be expressed by a combination of a noun in the indirect case with a defining adjective, for example: Ivan Ivanovich severalfearful character .

Compound verb predicate.

In the composition of the verbal predicate, one is called such that consists of an auxiliary verb in some mood and a verb in an indefinite form, for example: Victorwants to enter institute.


1. What punctuation marks should be put at the end of a sentence?

1. you don't agree with me 2. How is that really him?

3. What an early spring 4. Winter in Yalta was dry

A. Point. B. Question mark. B. Exclamation point. D. Question and exclamation marks.

2. What part of speech expresses the subject in sentences?

1. Writing about forests is my favorite pastime.. 2. Both are wet with sweat. 3. One autumn evening, I passed by the estate.

4. One is baptized and says goodbye to the people. 5. The burden was light and warm. 6. Those walking in the corridor stopped and, following the lights, applauded the skill.

A. Noun. B. Pronoun. B. The name is numeral. D. Substantiated word. D. Verb.

3. Determine how the subject is expressed.

1. Two hunters rustle the leaves underfoot. 2. An hour, did not a boy with a dog pass here? 3. The captain opens a curtained door. 4. A lot of little people came out of the side door. 5. From below, he really looked like a dark green beetle.. 6. And suddenly, out of the dead darkness of the night, almost above the very mark, a string of geese appeared.. 7. A grandmother with a boy came out on the porch.

A. Word. B. Phrase.

4. Rewrite the sentences, highlighting the subject and predicate. Determine how the subject is expressed.

1. The sea sent piercing humidity to the land . 2. To change your life means to change yourself . 3. He walked towards Dolgoruky . 4. Two roe deer ran into a frequent brushwood during the flood . 5. Flocks of pigeons flew from roof to roof . 6. Some of the artists called Dionysius the Mozart of Russian painting . 7. Detachments of guardsmen hurried forward . 8. Orthodox loved to decorate the houses of God . 9. Many domes crowned the building .

5. Insert the missing letters. In each sentence, find the subject and predicate and indicate what parts of speech they are expressed.

1) For a long time already blushed in the sky: everything proclaimed the rising of the sun. 2) Experienced and old taught m..lodyh. Knocking and working cry rose throughout the circumference. 3) The horsemen rode, not burdening and not hot the horses, the footmen walked briskly behind the carts, and the whole camp moved only at night, resting during the day. 4) Nobody got excited about anything and didn’t neigh at home. Everything was in the hands of the kuren chieftain.

6. Indicate how the subject and predicate are expressed, the time of the predicate and how it is consistent with the subject.

1) His "whoa, whoa" is clearly heard in a ravine close to us. 2) Smoking indoors is strictly prohibited. 3) My Orestes are squabbling with Pylades, only shreds up are flying. 4) Two old men were sitting with their backs to me by the bay. 5) Two friends were walking in the evening. 6 ) Three grown-up youths of neighboring reasoned. 7) Several carpenters came with axes in their hands.

7. Find the subject and the simple verb predicate.

1) It’s good for you, but I support my son at the university, bring up the little ones in the gymnasium. 2) When he [Wild] is offended by such a person whom he does not dare to scold, then hold on at home. 3) Akim falls in love with this Dunyasha. 4) And for sure, if he had not taken care of his food from morning to evening, my Styopushka would have died of hunger. 5) “Who dares to offend an orphan?” he [Pugachev] shouted. 6) Bow a little low, bend down in a ring, even before the royal face, so he [Chatsky] will call a scoundrel! .. 7) The monkey, seeing his image in the mirror, quietly kicks the bear.

8 . Form compound verb predicates from the words below. Think of phrases with each of these predicates. Sample. Want to sleep. - Children want to sleep.

Start working; become, listen; strive to accomplish; be able not to come; try to understand; glad to see; master, tell; ready to burst into tears.

9. In these examples, replace the simple predicate with a compound verb. Underline in verbs - tsya , - be. Sample.The comrade will agree to this job (wants). - The comrade wants to agree to this job.

1) By morning the blizzard will calm down (maybe). 2) The brother will return home in the evening (wanted). 3) The mother worries about the health of the child (beginning). 4) Tourists will return the next day (were going to). 5) This event will succeed (must). 6) The detachments will move in the morning on their way (ready).
