On this page, read the text "Evening" by Fyodor Tyutchev, written in (?) year.

How quietly blows over the valley
Distant bell ringing
Like noise from a flock of cranes, -
And in the sonorous leaves he froze.

Like the spring sea in flood,
Brighter, the day does not sway, -
And hurry, be silent
A shadow falls across the valley.

Other editions and variants:

How quietly blows over the valley
Distant bell ringing -
Like noise from a flock of cranes
And in the sonorous leaves he froze ...
Like the spring sea, in flood,
Brighter, the day does not sway -
And hastily, silently -
A shadow falls across the valley! ..


Autographs (2) - RGALI. F. 505. Op. 1. Unit ridge 6. L. 1 rev. and 2.

It is printed according to the first autograph (sheet 1 rev.) with the syntactic design of the second autograph (sheet 2). See "Other editions and variants". S. 229.

First publication - Galatea. 1830. Ch. XV. No. 22. P. 41, signed “F. Tyutchev”, censored note - May 27, 1830. Then - RA. 1879. Issue. 5. S. 124; NNS. S. 13; Ed. SPb., 1886. S. 35; Ed. 1900. S. 69.

Autograph (l. 1v.), l. 8°. Cursive on paper with watermarks "In Tolz", no corrections. In the upper left corner, pagination "10" in blue pencil by I.S. Gagarin. The poem has the author's title: "Evening". On l. 1 persons. autograph verse. "December 14th, 1825".

Another autograph (fol. 2), fol. 8°. Written in "ceremonial" handwriting. Has the author's title: "Evening". Above the title, pagination “30” in black ink by S.E. Raicha. In the upper left corner, pagination "107" by I.S. Gagarin. On l. 2 vol. autograph verse. "Noon" (L. G.).

The text of the poem on 2 is executed carefully and clearly, punctuation marks characteristic of Tyutchev are placed: a dash at the end of the 2nd, 6th, 7th lines, an ellipsis at the end of the 4th, an exclamation mark and an ellipsis at the end of the 8th line; the author's signs convey incompleteness, duration of emotion, reticence, at the same time, the exclamatory intonation in the last line, combined with the picture of the silent movement of the falling shadow, is especially expressive and characteristic of the poet (cf. with the last line of the verse. “The stream has thickened and is dimming ...” - “The key of the mysterious whisper!” (See commentary on p. 395) - an exclamation in silence, as if in a whisper.

The variant written on l. 1 v., not syntactically formalized, dashes are only at the end of the 3rd and 5th lines, a comma is at the end of the 2nd, there are no other author's characters at the end of the lines. Another version of the 3rd and 4th lines: "Like the rustle of a flock of cranes - / And he froze in the noise of the leaves." This option is more expressive: a “rustle” is more likely to be heard from a flying flock than a “noise”; the image of "sonorous leaves" also contains an exaggeration; the “in the noise of the leaves” option is simpler and more rigorous.

It is possible to presumably date "Evening" to the end of 1825 or 1826.

In Galatea, the first option is adopted (l. 2), here the 3rd line is “Like noise from a flock of cranes”, the 4th line is “and he froze in sonorous leaves! ..”. Tyutchev's dash at the end of the lines is preserved in the 2nd and 7th verses, the exclamation mark with an ellipsis - at the end of the 4th and 8th verses.

In NNS and subsequent Ed. 1886 and Ed. 1900 - the same version (l. 1v.), which can be considered the second, but in the 6th line - "Lighter, the day does not sway", apparently, Tyutchev's neologism "does not sway" was not accepted. However, Tyutchev's syntax is largely preserved - in all the mentioned editions there are dashes at the end of the 2nd, 6th, 7th lines and added - at the end of the 3rd; expressive dots at the end of the 4th and 8th lines and an exclamation point at the end of the poem are not preserved. In Ed. 1900 features of Tyutchev's syntax are not reproduced.

Evening is a word that evokes various associations. For some, this is a pleasant vacation, an opportunity to communicate with loved ones; for others - complete solitude, the opportunity to stay with their thoughts. Someone is waiting for the evening in order to go on a date, and someone needs to have time to do a lot of things in the evening. In any case, this twilight time of day is the most mysterious. And the expression itself: “See you in the evening!” - sounds loud and promises a lot.

If we talk about natural nature, then evening is such a time of day when most plants fall asleep, and elusive changes take place around, sometimes not at all understandable to humans. It is not surprising that poets and prose writers are attracted by the mysterious time of day.

The work of Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev is not deprived of works that are dedicated to this particular time of day. You can count dozens of them. This is both "Autumn Evening" and "Summer Evening" ... Tyutchev's work is great and diverse, and natural poetic studies are intertwined with philosophical thought. These works require a leisurely reading and study.


How quietly blows over the valley
Distant bell ringing
Like noise from a flock of cranes, -
And in the sonorous leaves he froze.

Like the spring sea in flood,
Brighter, the day does not sway, -
And hurry, be silent
A shadow falls across the valley.

Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev

The author of the work "Evening" was born in 1803. He spent all his early childhood in his father's house, which was located in the Oryol province. He did not go to specialized schools, but took a course of study at home. He was well aware of Latin and the ancient Greek features of the language.

Almost from infancy, Fedor Ivanovich fell in love with nature. Later, in his works, he often reminded readers of this. His first teacher was a very famous person at that time who wrote poetry. His name was Semyon Raich. The teacher became very attached to the student, since Fedor was a worthy and smart boy. It was Raich who awakened in the poet a love for nature and poetry.

Tyutchev was homeschooled until the age of 15, after which he entered a university in Moscow. After graduating, he served in the Russian embassy and went to Germany, where he spent 22 years. Throughout this time, he wrote unforgettable and exquisite poems.

Analysis of the work "Evening"

Initially, it should be noted that in a short poem there are no epithets. The work was created back in the 26th year of the nineteenth century. It was at this creative time that the young diplomat Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev had just entered the specialized collegium for foreign affairs of the state plan. In the same year, he was sent for temporary residence and service in Munich.

The lyrical miniature presented to the reader contains almost the entire world of sounds ever produced by natural nature. Here it does not matter at all what kind of country the poet is trying to describe.

High-quality works with landscape lyrics are considered the main ones in the work of many poets, including Fyodor Ivanovich. Each created masterpiece of this author leaves a long and peculiar aftertaste after reading the work. The reader after reading the work for a long period of time imagines in his imagination the picture presented to him, which describes the greatness of a real and powerful nature. Such sensations are almost impossible to get after seeing it with your own eyes. The poem shows the reader a living canvas that allows you to understand and represent nature with the smallest details, with the smallest details.

The special difference of the poem "Evening" is not the landscape itself, but the many sounds made by natural nature. Here you can hear a distant bell ringing, but it does not rumble, but quietly blows across the expanse of the valley. In the reader's imagination, the whole width of the space immediately arises, which the lyrical hero is trying to convey to the person. This sound is presented so quiet that it can hardly be distinguished. It rather resembles the rustle of a flying flock of cranes, which fades in the easily audible rustling of leaves.

Fedor Ivanovich does not need to emphasize in his lines the time of the year, which is described in the work. Many individual components (these are both cranes and leaves) give the reader reason to assume that in the poem we are talking specifically about the autumn season. The opposite is also present here, namely, when describing the spring sea, located in the flood. Here there is an association with the spring season.

The presented contradictions are specially created to emphasize the inner state of the lyrical hero in the work. The author presented to the reader exactly those sensations that are located deep in the soul and depend precisely on the mood and a certain life situation. Such lyrics are otherwise referred to as philosophical direction based on reasoning about the life path.

In the second stanza of the work, the reader is presented with an observant, visual picture of what is happening. A clear and free sky is described here, which is compared in creation with the spring sea precisely because it is just as blue and carefree. It should be noted that such a space can only appear above a large and spacious area. That is why we can safely take into account the version that natural nature in Germany, exactly where the poet temporarily lived, is practically no different from nature in Russia.

If you look at the presented sky from a different angle, it can be associated with a large distance that separates the author from his homeland. It is this perspective that gives rise to the idea in the imagination of the expanses of Russia, which are distinguished by their boundlessness. While writing the work, Tyutchev, according to many critics, experienced strong nostalgia for his native places. Thus, the young poet gave his lyrical hero a feeling of constant infinity, which Tyutchev himself could experience at a certain point in his life while living in the province of Orlov, where he spent his childhood years.

Particularly interesting are the last lines of the poem "Evening", which reveal a hasty, silent shadow that falls on nature. This is how the author tries to present the reader with the onset of evening time - quiet and calm, when everything around falls asleep.

It should also be noted that the onset of rest time does not change the present mood, which was monitored throughout the entire work. The lyrical hero is still calm and feels serenity. It doesn’t matter to the reader while reading what exactly calmness and tranquility are connected with.

The work "Evening" is written in iambic tetrameter. This method allows you to slowly enjoy the described sound. which is present in the poem.

There is an alternation of feminine and masculine rhymes in the work. This creates in the imagination a peculiar effect of the tide and the withdrawal of specific (described in the work) waves from the spring sea.

It should be noted that at all times, many leading critics reproached Fyodor Ivanovich for the fact that his works belong to "pure" artificial activity. Calls to write about the Motherland, about Russia constantly stirred up society. This was facilitated political situation in the world and Europe. Tyutchev is a representative of "pure" art, who, instead of various social upheavals in society, still continues to write about the beauty of nature. Fedor Ivanovich continues to promote his main theme and does not evaluate the actions of politicians. He prefers to express the beauty of the natural landscape, describe all the charms of the night moon and adheres to a romantic style.

Such preferences indicate that the author does not want to go with the flow and imitate revolutionary commitments. As a diplomat, Tyutchev, in general, always spoke out against any revolutions. And all his works, including the poem "Evening", the desire to introduce the reader to calm and serenity. This is the kind of poetry that can plunge into a world where there is only beauty.

How quietly blows over the valley
Distant bell ringing
Like noise from a flock of cranes, -
And in the sonorous leaves he froze.

Like the spring sea in flood,
Brighter, the day does not sway, -
And hurry, be silent
A shadow falls across the valley.

Analysis of the poem "Evening" by Tyutchev

Tyutchev is a lyric poet who turns with a loving gaze to human nature. He denounces almost all his feelings as natural phenomena, and in this one can see the inextricable connection between man and his elemental principle.

The poem "Evening" was written by Fedor Ivanovich between 1925 and 1929. Then the poet, who was not yet thirty, having entered the service of the State Collegium of Foreign Affairs, was sent as an ambassador to Munich. Cut off from his homeland, Tyutchev yearned. During this period, such poems as "Summer Evening" and "Spring Thunderstorm" (1928), "Noon" and "Spring Waters" (1929) appeared. And, if you look closely, in these works there is neither the southern German Munich nature, nor the narrow Isar river with green embankments. In Tyutchev's poems, pictures of fields, meadows and wide full-flowing rivers are spread out before the reader - something immense and inexplicably native.

The poem begins just from the valley, but its image is still unclear, surrounded by fog. The lyrical hero seems to be sitting with his eyes closed, imagining expanse nearby, but he is more attracted to the sound. The overflowing of the bells is almost inaudible, they reach the hero with a fading noise. And Tyutchev's noise is something calm and iridescent. “The noise from a flock of cranes” means slowness and complete immersion in nature, because only in this state can this barely audible sound be caught.

We can say that in the first quatrain the lyrical hero listens, and only in the second he dares to open his eyes. And then everything he sees turns into his inner feelings. Not just evening comes, covering the valley - a shadow falls on the frozen day, hurried, silent. The day fades away, taking with it everything that was in it. Zinaida Gippus has a similar motif in her poem, written almost a hundred years later:

The day is over. What was in it?
I don't know, flew by like a bird.
It was an ordinary day
And yet, it won't happen again.

With the help of poetic meter (classical iambic tetrameter), various metaphors and comparisons (“sounding leaves”; day “like a spring sea in flood”; “silent” and “hurried” shadow - a harbinger of night) a measured and unhurried rhythm of the etude is created. But, at the same time, it is clear that the hero, the lyrical "I" of the author, is restless. He yearns melancholy, not knowing what the next day will bring him. One way or another, the poem reflects the inner feelings of Tyutchev, who is abroad and longing to get back to his homeland.

How quietly blows over the valley
Distant bell ringing
Like noise from a flock of cranes, -
And in the sonorous leaves he froze.

Like the spring sea in flood,
Brighter, the day does not sway, -
And hurry, be silent
A shadow falls across the valley.

Analysis of Tyutchev's poem "Evening"

The theme of natural sketches, which prevails in Tyutchev's lyrics, acquires a special interpretation: it is inseparable from the author's philosophical reflections. Landscape paintings, which serve as a source of thoughts and impressions, are presented in dynamics, confrontation, and transformation.

"Evening", the creation of which is attributed to 1825-1829, begins with the "signature" lexical anaphora "How". The function of a stylistic figure involved in different episodes of a poetic text is changeable: in the first line it conveys the author's interest, in subsequent lines it organizes comparison.

“Bell ringing” is the central image of “Evening”. The sound dominant is melodious and muffled: the source of the ringing is far away, and only its echoes reach the lyrical "I". Interestingly, the sound wave is like a breath of wind: it “blows” over the open space of the “valley” and fades away, dying in the foliage of trees. The latter is endowed with an original epithet, which is also associated with a phonetic effect.

The first of the comparisons likens the distant ringing to "noise from a flock of cranes." The choice of the lexeme "noise" is indicative: in the author's version, it acquires an additional meaning associated with the pleasant, harmonious nature of the sound. "Noise" is a means of expressing the main acoustic image.

In the second quatrain, phonetic techniques are replaced by pictorial ones. The opening couplet reports the stillness of the surrounding nature. The calmness of a fine day is compared to the flood of spring waters. The final lines are dedicated to the coming evening: the appearance of shadows marks the arrival of twilight. The antithesis between day and evening landscapes is organized on the basis of passivity and activity. Unlike the unchanging, as if frozen picture of the day, the coming night brings a series of transformations. To characterize it, two adverbs are used in comparative degree: "hurriedly" and "silently."

The peaceful mood of the lyrical subject is reflected by the formal features of the poem: the classical size of the iambic tetrameter, the sound writing based on the vowels “o”, “e”, “i”.

In the same period, another work appeared with a similar theme - "". The artistic space of this creation contains a night picture of the starry sky. Darkness and coolness bring a long-awaited "liberation from the heat" and a mysterious "sweet thrill" that embraces nature.

Is in the lordship of autumn evenings
A touching, mysterious charm:
The ominous brilliance and variegation of trees,
Crimson leaves languid, light rustle,
Foggy and quiet azure
Over the sad orphan land,
And, like a premonition of descending storms,
A gusty, cold wind at times,
Damage, exhaustion - and on everything
That gentle smile of fading,
What in a rational being do we call
Divine bashfulness of suffering.

October 1830

Analysis of the poem by F. I. Tyutchev "Autumn Evening"

The poetry of F. I. Tyutchev takes pride of place among Russian landscape lyrics. Two styles harmoniously merged in his poems: Russian and classical European. The works of Fyodor Ivanovich can be compared with the traditional odes to Goethe, Heine, Shakespeare in style, content, and rhythm. But they are much more modest in size, which gives depth and capacity to the texts.

Tyutchev's favorite time of day was evening. In his lyrics there are a lot of poems dedicated to this period. Evening in Tyutchev's poetry is multifaceted, mysterious, magical. And nature is spiritualized, endowed with human features, thoughts, emotions. One of these poems is "Autumn Evening".

The landscape sketch was painted in 1830. Ranked by researchers to the early lyrics of the poet. It was a relatively calm, but not the most joyful period in the life of the author. Recently concluded an official marriage with his first wife. The freedom-loving young man was overwhelmed by family life. Life away from the motherland was also oppressive. Tyutchev felt longing for a carefree youth.

The miniature was born to the poet when he was visiting his native land and visited Russia for a short time. And it became a vivid example of classical poetry of romanticism. The Russian October evening awakened nostalgia, inspired melancholy. In natural phenomena, the author is looking for an analogy with events human life. It hints that everything is cyclical in people, like the change of time of day and seasons. Reasoning gives the poem a deep philosophical character.

Tyutchev's nature is real, full of colors and sounds. A favorite technique of the author is used - the method of artistic parallelism. Here he is helped by inversions: “crimson leaves”, “cold wind at times”.

The poem is one complex sentence, laid out in 12 lines, in one stanza. According to the meaning, rhythm and style, the text is divided into three parts. In the first part, a measured pace, there is a discussion about how beautiful autumn evenings are. A romantic mood is created.

The second part reminds the reader that the rapture will not last long. Everything is fleeting. Freezing winds and snow storms ahead. There is an escalation of the situation, the rhythm changes, the pace of reading accelerates. From the central part of the text breathes winter cold. It contrasts sharply with the introduction. Antithesis was used.

The third part is philosophical. There is a comparison of human existence with what happens in nature. Personifications with a gloomy coloring are used: “the meek smile of fading”, “the modesty of suffering”. All the details create an image of a fading, falling asleep nature. The author comes to the conclusion about the cyclical nature of life.

The three-phase structure of the composition does not introduce disharmony into the perception of the text. There are no sharp emotional jumps in the story. The poems are written in iambic pentameter. A cross rhyme is used. That gives dimension, melodiousness to the text. The narrator and nature itself become lyrical heroes.

The work has become a vivid example of the original natural-philosophical poetry of Fyodor Ivanovich. Landscape and philosophy are merged together, complement each other. Autumn for the poet is a symbol of spiritual and age maturity. Harvest time not only from the fields, but mental too. The period when the results are summed up.

The poem leaves pleasant emotions after reading, prompts reflection. It teaches you to appreciate every moment. On the one hand, it is important to love summer, warmth, happiness, because then the cold, snowstorm will come. On the other hand, the poet draws our attention to the fact that every time is beautiful, unique in its own way. You have to learn to see beauty in simple things.
