Feeling- this is the simplest mental process, consisting in the reflection of individual properties of objects and phenomena of the material world, as well as the internal states of the body with the direct impact of material stimuli on the corresponding receptors.

Reflection- a universal property of matter, which consists in the ability of objects to reproduce with varying degrees of adequacy the features, structural characteristics and relationships of other objects.

Receptor- a specialized organic device located on the surface of the body or inside it and designed to perceive stimuli of various nature: physical, chemical, mechanical, etc., and convert them into nerve electrical impulses.

Sensation constitutes that initial area of ​​the sphere of mental cognitive processes, which is located at the boundary that sharply separates mental and prepsychic phenomena. Mental cognitive processes- dynamically changing mental phenomena, in their totality providing knowledge as a process and as a result.

The term "sensation" has traditionally been used by psychologists to designate an elementary perceptual image and the mechanism of its construction. In psychology, they speak of sensation when a person is aware that some signal has arrived at his sense organs. Any change in the environment that is accessible to sight, hearing and other modalities is psychologically presented as a sensation. Sensation is the primary conscious representation of a formless and non-objective fragment of reality of a certain modality: color, light, sound, indefinite touch. In the realm of taste and smell, the difference between sensation and perception is much smaller, and sometimes there is actually none. If we cannot determine the product (sugar, honey) by taste, then we are talking only about sensations. If odors are not identified with their objective sources, then they are presented only as sensations. Pain signals are almost always presented as sensations, since only a person with a very rich imagination can "build" an image of pain.

The role of sensations in human life is extremely great, since they are the source of our knowledge about the world and about ourselves. We learn about the richness of the world around us, about sounds and colors, smells and temperature, sizes and much more through the senses. With the help of the sense organs, the human body in the form of sensations receives a variety of information about the state of the external and internal environment.

internal environment.

The sense organs receive, select, accumulate information and transmit it to the brain for processing. As a result, there is an adequate reflection of the surrounding world and the state of the organism itself. On this basis, nerve impulses are formed that arrive at the executive organs responsible for regulating body temperature, the functioning of the digestive organs, organs of movement, endocrine glands, for tuning the sense organs themselves, etc.

The sense organs are the only channels through which the external world "penetrates" the human consciousness. The sense organs enable a person to navigate in the world around him. If a person lost all his senses, he would not know what was happening around, could not communicate with people around him, get food, and avoid danger.

Feelings and sensations are often similar, they are often confused.

Feelings are often referred to as "feeling": "feeling of closeness" is about the same as "feeling of closeness", "feeling of loss of contact" is the same as "I feel that we have lost contact" ...

In fact, sensations and feelings (inner feelings) are easy to distinguish: sensations are elementary kinesthetics, and feelings are sensations already processed by the mind, this is already a holistic and meaningful vision of what is happening.

"Warm hugs" is not about 36 degrees Celsius, it's about the history of our relationship, just like the feeling "I'm uncomfortable with him" - says much more than the feeling of "squeezing boots."

Sensation can be perceived as just physiology, there is always an element of reason in feelings.

As D.E. writes: "What goes through the body is not yet an emotion, if it is not appropriated by the person himself. Here is a vivid example from the Gestalt session. I am very empathic - I feel other people's emotions exactly at the level of the body. So when the group vividly experienced an individual session, some even cried, I also felt a spasm in my throat, but I didn’t have any such experiences, and I didn’t qualify it as an emotion for myself, only as a bodily sensation. then the group gave feedback and they said that they lived through these emotions, felt them, immersed themselves in them. And not everyone managed to get out of these emotions immediately. Some still did not let go in the evening. It turns out, if you follow your logic - my mind watched my body suffocate from resentment, so it turns out? But I was clearly aware of everything, I did not feel any resentment. Well, the throat was constricted - it happens that the general atmosphere was like that, so the body was stunned. As soon as the situation changed, breathing became free, and no residual phenomena were observed yesterday. So I think bodily phenomena, without the participation of the mind, are not emotions.

Feelings already live at the level of perceptions, which is why the feeling "pleasant - not pleasant" is not yet quite a feeling. To distinguish these emotionally colored sensations from real feelings, they are called "emotional tone of sensations." Feelings are sensations from emotionally charged ones.

They confuse feelings and sensations because both feelings and sensations always come not from, but from. More precisely, in their path they can pass through the head, but in the end they come to us from the body, as something living in the body. And everything that comes to our soul from the body is perceived as a sensation. A person can talk about anything as a feeling and sensation, if during speaking he feels a source in his body, if the ray of his attention (or one of the rays of attention) is in his body.

Sensation is the simplest reflection of the material world by the psyche. This is the most primitive type of reflection because only individual elements of this world are reflected. Let's see the sun, shall we? What is it? Yellow, bright, warm, and painful when viewed through the eyes.

Classification of sensations

But sensations are not only associated with the sense organs. Sight, hearing and others familiar to us are only exteroceptive sensations, but there are other types of sensations. But still, it is necessary to consider the sense organs. The sensations of color, shape, distance, and everything connected with the eyes are called visual. They are the main assistants in orienting in environment. More than 70% of reality is reflected through the eyes.

We also know about auditory sensations that we experience through our ears. This is the second most important type of sensation, because thanks to hearing we can understand what is happening in the world not in our field of vision. For example, thanks to hearing, we hear the approach of a car. That is, our ears in this case warn us of danger.

There is kinesthetic sensations. Our skin makes it possible to experience them. It can be sensations of form, texture, temperature, pain. Thanks to them, we can feel for objects in a dark room and go to the switch without catching on anything.

Our language gives us taste sensations. There are several types of flavors. It is noteworthy that there is no spicy taste. Just very often people call hot pepper hot. In addition to taste, we also have a sense of smell. It is needed to stimulate appetite and interact with the world at the chemical level. The sense of smell is also needed to identify the smells of spoiled food or other life-threatening odors.

But besides these five there are also sensations. This, for example, temperature sensations. Stop. Now you might think, why did these temperature sensations turn out to be separate, if we talked about them when we touched on kinesthetic sensations? But what about body temperature? We feel when it rises, it seems to us that we are breathing heat. This is what temperature sensations are.

With tactile can be associated and pain. But it is not only the skin that hurts, but also any organ. We can give its exact localization, thanks to which we have the opportunity to go to the doctor and say that the heart, liver, stomach, and so on hurt.

In addition to these, there are musculoskeletal sensations, which provide information about what posture we are sitting in, vestibular sensations, which are needed for spatial analysis, and vibrational sensations, which we can often hear at rock concerts. These are intermediate sensations between tactile and sound.

Signaling about what is happening at a given moment in the environment around us and in our own body. It gives people the opportunity to navigate in the conditions that surround them, and to match their actions and actions with them. That is, sensation is the knowledge of the environment.

Feelings - what is it?

Sensations are a reflection of certain properties that are inherent in an object, with their direct impact on human or animal senses. With the help of sensations, we gain knowledge about objects and phenomena, such as, for example, shape, smell, color, size, temperature, density, taste, etc., we catch various sounds, comprehend space and make movements. Sensation is the first source that gives a person knowledge about the world around him.

If a person were deprived of absolutely all sense organs, then by no means would he be able to cognize the environment. After all, it is sensation that gives a person material for the most complex psychological processes such as imagination, perception, thinking, and so on.

So, for example, those people who are blind from birth will never be able to imagine what blue, red or any other color looks like. And a person suffering from deafness from birth has no idea how his mother’s voice sounds, the purring of a cat and the murmur of a stream.

So, sensation is in psychology that which is generated as a result of irritation of certain sense organs. Then irritation is an effect on the sense organs, and stimuli are phenomena or objects that in one way or another affect the sense organs.

Sense organs - what is it?

We know that sensation is a process of knowing the environment. And with the help of what do we feel, and therefore, cognize the world?

Also in ancient greece identified five sense organs and sensations corresponding to them. We know them from school. These are auditory, olfactory, tactile, visual and gustatory sensations. Since sensation is a reflection of the world around us, and we use not only these senses, modern science significantly increased information about the possible types of feelings. In addition, the term "sense organs" today has a conditional interpretation. "Sense organs" is a more accurate name.

Sensory nerve endings are the main part of any sense organ. They are called receptors. Millions of receptors have such sense organs as tongue, eye, ear and skin. When the stimulus acts on the receptor, a nerve impulse occurs, which is transmitted along the sensory nerve to certain areas of the cerebral cortex.

In addition, there is a sensory experience that is generated within. That is, not as a result of physical impact on the receptors. Subjective sensation - this is such an experience. One example of this sensation is tinnitus. In addition, the feeling of happiness is also a subjective feeling. Thus, we can conclude that subjective sensations are individual.

Types of sensations

Sensation is a reality in psychology that affects our sense organs. To date, there are about two dozen different sensory organs that reflect the impact on the human body. All types of sensations are the result of exposure to receptors of various stimuli.

Thus, sensations are divided into external and internal. The first group is what our sense organs tell us about the world, and the second is what our own body signals to us. Let's consider them in order.

External sensations include visual, gustatory, olfactory, tactile and auditory.

visual sensations

It is the feeling of color and light. All objects that surround us have some kind of color, while a completely colorless object can only be one that we do not see at all. There are chromatic colors - various shades of yellow, blue, green and red, and achromatic - these are black, white and intermediate shades of gray.

As a result of the impact of light rays on the sensitive part of our eye (the retina), visual sensations arise. In the retina there are two types of cells that react to color - these are rods (about 130) and cones (about seven million).

The activity of cones occurs only in the daytime, and for rods, on the contrary, such light is too bright. Our vision of color is the result of the work of cones. At dusk, the sticks are active, and a person sees everything in black and white. By the way, hence the well-known expression that at night all cats are gray.

Of course, the less light, the worse man sees. Therefore, in order to prevent excessive eye strain, it is strongly recommended not to read at dusk and in the dark. Such strenuous activity adversely affects vision - the development of myopia is possible.

auditory sensations

There are three types of such sensations: musical, speech and noise. The auditory analyzer in all these cases identifies four qualities of any sound: its strength, pitch, timbre and duration. In addition, he perceives the tempo-rhythmic features of sounds perceived sequentially.

Phonemic hearing is the ability to perceive speech sounds. Its development is determined by the speech environment in which the child is brought up. A well-developed phonemic ear significantly affects the accuracy writing especially during the study period primary school, while a child with poorly developed phonetic hearing makes many mistakes when writing.

The musical ear of the baby is formed and develops in the same way as speech or phonemic. The early introduction of the child to musical culture plays a huge role here.

A certain emotional mood of a person can create various noises. For example, the sound of the sea, rain, the howl of the wind or the rustle of leaves. Noises can signal danger, such as the hiss of a snake, the noise of an approaching car, the menacing bark of a dog, or they can signal joy, such as fireworks or the steps of a loved one. In school practice, they often talk about the negative impact of noise - it tires nervous system schoolboy.

Skin sensations

Tactile sensation is the sensation of touch and temperature, that is, the feeling of cold or heat. Each type of nerve endings on the surface of our skin allows us to feel the temperature of the environment or touch. Of course, the sensitivity of different areas of the skin is different. For example, the chest, lower back and stomach are more susceptible to the sensation of cold, and the tip of the tongue and fingertips are most susceptible to touch, and the back is least susceptible.

Temperature sensations have a very pronounced emotional tone. So, a positive feeling is accompanied by average temperatures, despite the fact that the emotional coloring of heat and cold differ significantly. Warmth is regarded as a relaxing feeling, while cold, on the contrary, is invigorating.

Olfactory sensations

Sense of smell is the ability to smell odors. In the depths of the nasal cavity there are special sensitive cells that contribute to the recognition of odors. The olfactory sensations modern man play a relatively small role. However, for those who are deprived of any sense organ, the rest work more intensively. For example, deaf-blind people are able to recognize people and places by smell, receive signals of danger using their sense of smell.

The sense of smell can also signal to a person that danger is nearby. For example, if the smell of burning or gas is in the air. On the emotional sphere of a person big influence smells of the surrounding objects. By the way, the existence of the perfume industry is entirely due to the aesthetic need of a person for pleasant smells.

Taste and olfactory sensations are closely related to each other, since the sense of smell helps to determine the quality of food, and if a person has a runny nose, then all the dishes offered will seem tasteless to him.

Taste sensations

They arise due to irritation of the taste organs. These are the taste buds, which are located on the surface of the pharynx, palate and tongue. There are four main types of taste sensations: bitter, salty, sweet and sour. The range of nuances that emerge within these four senses gives each dish a unique taste.

The edges of the tongue are susceptible to sour, its tip to sweet, and its base to bitter.

It should be noted that taste sensations are largely influenced by the feeling of hunger. If a person is hungry, then tasteless food seems much more pleasant.

Internal sensations

This group of sensations makes a person aware of what changes are taking place in his own body. Interoceptive sensation is an example of an internal sensation. It tells us that we experience hunger, thirst, pain, and so on. In addition, motor, tactile sensations and a sense of balance are also distinguished. Of course, interoceptive sensation is an extremely important ability for survival. Without these sensations, we would not know anything about our own organism.

Motor sensations

They determine that a person feels the movement and position in space of parts of his body. With the help of the motor analyzer, a person has the ability to feel the position of his body and coordinate its movements. Receptors for motor sensations are located in the tendons and muscles of a person, as well as in the fingers, lips, tongue, because these organs need to make subtle and precise working and speech movements.

organic sensations

This type of sensation tells how the body works. Inside organs, such as the esophagus, intestines, and many others, there are corresponding receptors. While a person is healthy and full, he does not feel any organic or interoceptive sensations. But when something is disturbed in the body, they appear in full. For example, abdominal pain appears if a person has eaten something that is not too fresh.

tactile sensations

This type of feeling is due to the fusion of two sensations - motor and skin. That is, tactile sensations appear when probing an object with a moving hand.


This sensation reflects the position that our body occupies in space. In the labyrinth of the inner ear, which is also called the vestibular apparatus, when the position of the body changes, the lymph (a special fluid) fluctuates.

The organ of balance is closely connected with the work of other internal organs. For example, with a strong excitation of the balance organ, a person may experience nausea or vomiting. In another way, it is called air sickness or sea sickness. The stability of the balance organs increases with regular training.


The feeling of pain has a protective value, as it signals that something is unfavorable in the body. Without this kind of sensation, a person would not even feel serious injuries. Complete insensitivity to pain is considered an anomaly. It does not bring a person anything good, for example, he does not notice that he cuts his finger or put his hand on a hot iron. Of course, this leads to permanent injuries.

And human emotions? It is to this issue that we decided to devote today's article. Indeed, without these components, we would not be people, but machines that do not live, but simply exist.

What are the sense organs?

As you know, a person learns all the information about the world around him through his own. These include the following:

  • eyes;
  • language;
  • leather.

Thanks to these organs, people feel and see the objects around them, as well as hear sounds and taste. It should be noted that this is far from full list. Although it is customary to call it the main one. So what are the feelings and sensations of a person who has not only the above, but also other organs? Let's consider the answer to the question in more detail.


The sensations of vision, or rather of color and light, are the most numerous and varied. Thanks to the presented organ, people receive about 70% of information about the environment. Scientists have found that the number of visual sensations (various qualities) of an adult, on average, reaches 35 thousand. It should also be noted that it is vision that plays a significant role in the perception of space. As for the sensation of color, it completely depends on the length of the light wave that irritates the retina of the eye, and the intensity depends on its amplitude or the so-called range.


Hearing (tones and noises) gives a person about 20 thousand different states of consciousness. This sensation is caused by air waves that come from the sounding body. Its quality depends entirely on the magnitude of the wave, its strength on its amplitude, and its timbre (or sound coloring) on ​​its shape.


The senses of smell are quite diverse and very difficult to classify. They occur when the upper part of the nasal cavity is irritated, as well as the mucous membrane of the palate. This effect occurs due to the dissolution of the smallest odorous substances.


Thanks to this organ, a person can distinguish different tastes, namely sweet, salty, sour and bitter.


Tactile sensations break down into feelings of pressure, pain, temperature, and so on. They occur during irritation of the nerve endings located in the tissues, which have a special structure.

What are the feelings of a person? In addition to all of the above, people also have feelings such as:

  • Static (position of the body in space and a sense of its balance). This feeling occurs during irritation of the nerve endings that are located in the semicircular canals of the ear.
  • Muscular, articular and tendon. They are very difficult to observe, but they are in the nature of internal pressure, stress, and even slip.
  • organic or somatic. These feelings include hunger, nausea, sensations of breathing, and so on.

What are feelings and emotions?

Emotions and inner feelings of a person reflect his attitude to any event or situation in life. Moreover, the two named states are quite different from each other. Thus, emotions are a direct reaction to something. It happens at the animal level. As for feelings, this is a product of thinking, accumulated experience, experiences, etc.

What feelings does a person have? It is rather difficult to answer the question unequivocally. After all, people have a lot of feelings and emotions. They give a person information about needs, as well as feedback on what is happening. Thanks to this, people can understand what they are doing right and what they are doing wrong. After realizing the feelings that have arisen, a person gives himself the right to any emotion, and thus he begins to understand what is happening in reality.

List of basic emotions and feelings

What are the feelings and emotions of a person? It is simply impossible to list them all. In this regard, we decided to name only a few. Moreover, they are divided into three different groups.


  • pleasure;
  • exultation;
  • joy;
  • pride;
  • delight;
  • confidence;
  • confidence;
  • Delight;
  • sympathy;
  • love (or affection);
  • love (sexual attraction to a partner);
  • respect;
  • gratitude (or gratitude);
  • tenderness;
  • complacency;
  • tenderness;
  • gloat;
  • bliss;
  • feeling of satisfied revenge;
  • feeling of self-satisfaction;
  • feeling of relief;
  • anticipation;
  • a sense of security.



  • astonishment;
  • curiosity;
  • amazement;
  • calm and contemplative mood;
  • indifference.

Now you know what a person's feelings are. Some to a greater extent, some to a lesser extent, but each of us has experienced them at least once in our lives. Negative emotions that are ignored and not realized by us do not just disappear. After all, the body and soul are one, and if the latter suffers for a long time, then the body takes on some part of its heavy burden. And it is not in vain that they say that all diseases are from nerves. Influence negative emotions on human well-being and health has long been scientific fact. As for positive feelings, the benefits of them are clear to everyone. After all, experiencing joy, happiness and other emotions, a person literally fixes in his memory the desired types of behavior (feelings of success, well-being, trust in the world, people around him, etc.).

Neutral feelings also help people express their attitude to what they see, hear, and so on. By the way, such emotions can act as a kind of springboard to further positive or negative manifestations.

Thus, by analyzing his behavior and attitude to current events, a person can become better, worse, or remain the same. It is these properties that distinguish humans from animals.
