scheduleMode of operation:

Mon, W., Wed, Thu. from 09:00 to 17:30

Fri. from 09:00 to 16:30

Latest guests of NSU.

Stepan Colmagors 12:08 01.03.2018

I have long wanted to write about NSU as it really is. To begin, I will say that it is interesting to learn in it. Only those who live in real life, but in textbooks. At first, it is possible, studying and will be pleasure, but in the future you will catch yourself thinking: "When will it all end up? I apply a lot of effort, but everything is no sense. Perhaps this is not for me?" Will explain. When you just go to NSU, you immediately make it clear that lazy and not really gifted here ...

Svetlana Stolbovskaya 13:17 04.05.2013

The university is considered prestigious, so it's not very simple to enter it. I went to the NSU in 2003, when the exam was not yet, and the preparatory courses at the university were considered a prerequisite for admission. The Humanitarian Faculty is far from as popular as, for example, economic or foreign languages, the competition was about 4 people in place. As a result, 60 people were recruited at the philology department, which were distributed to four groups - under the studied foreign language. ...

general information

Federal State Autonomous Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Novosibirsk National Research State University"


No. 01030 acts indefinitely from 06/18/2014


№ 01284 applies from 05/06/2015 to 06.05.2021

Results of monitoring of the Ministry of Education and Science for NSU

Indicator18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
Efficiency indicator (out of 7 points)6 6 7 7 6
Middle Screen EGE in all specialties and training forms78.84 78 77.51 77.34 79.38
Middle score exam enrolled on the budget85.31 83.15 81.70 82.42 86.14
Middle score exam enrolled on a commercial basis72.21 71.13 70.59 69.65 70.57
Middle for all specialties Minimal scores of EE enrolled in full-time compartment47.41 60 60.53 58.98 58.44
Number of students7211 6904 6413 6485 6620
Full-time compartment7104 6751 6210 6186 6291
Part-time compartment107 153 203 299 329
Extramural0 0 0 0 0
All data Report Report Report Report Report

University reviews

The best classic universities in Russia in 2009. The rating was compiled by the international information group "Interfax" and the radio station "Echo of Moscow"

The best legal universities of Russia according to the international information group "Interfax" and the radio station "Echo of Moscow"

The best financial universities of Russia according to the magazine "Finance". The rating is compiled on the basis of data on the formation of financial directors of large enterprises.

About NSU.

Being perhaps the most famous Novosibirsk university, the Novosibirsk State University began its activities in 1959. In 2009, the university received the category of the National Research University - the status demonstrating efficiency, competitiveness, the weight of the educational institution in the educational environment and the scientific community. The main emphasis of the educational institution does on high-quality, fundamental training of specialists in technical, natural-scientific, humanitarian disciplines, as well as the active development of domestic science and high-tech technologies. Every year, NSU produces about one and a half thousand specialists with serious vocational training and a state diploma world-class.

The structure of the university includes 13 faculties, on the basis of which more than 60 promising specialties of undergraduate, specialist, magistracy are being implemented. Facing by NSU students can face with an over average or secondary vocational education. Training is conducted both on a budget and commercial basis. Budget places are not available in all specialties, with a list of available budget places, as well as a list of specialties, on which the choice between day and correspondence training can be found on the official website of the educational institution. Acceptance of students is carried out on the basis of the results of the EGE, there are a number of profile subject olellaes of schoolchildren who give advantages upon admission. Separately, it is worth noting the graduate school of NSU, which is popular in graduates of a number of Siberian and foreign universities. For applicants, preparatory courses and a number of additional educational programs work.

A special feature of the university is its location - it is in the heart of the Novosibirsk Academgorodok. Campus is a harmonious combination of educational buildings, research institutes and student hostels. The campus establishes a full infrastructure that allows students even at a significant distance from the center of Novosibirsk to feel comfortable both in social and educational terms. The educational institution has a huge number of modern multimedia audiences, a sports corps, an extensive scientific library, access to Russian and foreign network educational resources. The training complex of the NSU is famous for all Siberia with its upscale equipment.

Huge attention at the university is given to the selection and development of the faculty. Many teachers work in high school from the moment of release from the university. A significant part of teachers in parallel conducts scientific work. As teachers of innovative disciplines, specialists with a proper level of education are involved in industry. As part of the university, modern scientific schools were formed on technical disciplines, which enjoy supporting researchers from different regions and countries.

Educational institution provides comprehensive support for students. Academic, elevated, social scholarships are paid. Students of the university, thanks to its status, are able to participate in all registered and municipal scholarship programs operating in Siberia. The hostels take non-resident students, undergraduates and graduate students, providing excellent living conditions.

Learning in Novosibirsk State University is a way to success. Outstanding university graduates represent almost all promising areas of human activity from science and education to trade and policies. Immediately after graduation and even in his process, a number of scientific and technological organizations are pleased to provide jobs for students and university graduates.

May be questioned and deleted. You can improve the article by making more accurate sources.

Novosibirsk State University (Full name - Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Novosibirsk National Research State University") is one of the national research universities in Russia. The university is among the participants of the project 5-100 - programs to improve the international competitiveness of Russian universities among the leading global scientific and educational centers.

Novosibirsk State University
Motto We will not make you smarter, we will teach you to think!
Year of foundation
A type state
Target capital 17 672 thousand rubles. (01.01.2016)
Rector M. P. Fedo Ukrak
Students 7131
Foreign students more than 1000 [ ]
Professor 570 [ ]
Teachers More than 2000 [ ]
Location Russia Russia,
Novosibirsk Novosibirsk
Legal address ul. Pirogov, d. 2

At the base, "Novosibirsk State University" was called. In 2009, received the status of the National Research University. In 2011, he was renamed the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Novosibirsk National Research State University". Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of April 17, 2014 No. 331 in connection with the creation of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Novosibirsk National Research State University" The name of the university was respectively changed.

A significant part of the teaching staff at the same time is employees of the institutes of the SB RAS. Senior NSU students undergo professional research training at the Academgorodok Institutions.


The Novosibirsk State University was created by a resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers of January 9, 1958 in six months after the decision to establish the Siberian branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Classes began on September 29, 1959 - Academician S. L. Sobolev read the first lecture to students of the new university.

The university was built and developed together with the Novosibirsk Scientific Center, focusing on the preparation of highly qualified personnel for science and education.

  • January 9 . The Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted a resolution on the organization of the Novosibirsk State University, which was considered as part of the Siberian branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
  • April 9th. Academician I. N. Vekua appointed rector of the Novosibirsk State University (-).
  • May 19 . The date of opening of the Novosibirsk University with day and evening training forms is determined - September 1, 1959. At the sole faculty of natural sciences will prepare specialists in the following areas: mathematics, mechanics, physics, chemistry, geophysical methods for searching and intelligence minerals.
  • September 28th. Began classes at the university. The first lecture for students of all specialties, the topic of which were the problems of mathematical science of the time, read Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences S. L. Sobolev. Since then, according to tradition, one of the leading scientists of the Novosibirsk Scientific Center reads the first lecture for the first-year students of the NSU.
  • August 6. The graduate school of NSU is open.
  • July. The first set of students on the biological department of the Faculty of Natural Sciences.
  • January 23 . The first specialized physico-mathematical school at NSU (FMH) is open. Acceptance of students in FMH was carried out by selecting the winners of All-Russian physico-mathematical and chemical olympics of schoolchildren.
  • Graduates of the NSU Mathematics Yu. L. Ershov and physicist A. A. Galeev, after a year after the protection of the diploma, successfully defended the thesis for the degree of candidate of physico-mathematical sciences.
  • April 30 . The Komsomol organization and Interclub NSU organized and conducted the first Maew.
  • May 3. Already 2 years after the protection of the candidate thesis, a graduate of NSU Yu. L. Ershov successfully defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.
  • Created to the Economic Faculty of NSU.
  • A graduate of the NSU 1963 Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Yu. L. Ershov was elected a corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences. This is the first of the NSU graduates who became a member of the Academy of Sciences.
  • NSU assigned the name of Lenin Komsomol.
  • October 16. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Novosibirsk State University was awarded the Order of the Labor Red Banner for Merit in the preparation of highly qualified specialists for the national economy and the development of science.
  • 4th of July . On the basis of the Polytechnic, located in Akademgorodok, organized the highest college of informatics at NSU.
  • NSU philologists came up with a share "Total Dictation", which became annual and has already acquired international scope by 2007.
  • Moscow summed up the All-Russian competition of innovative educational programs held within the framework of the national project "Education". According to the results of the competition, the Novosibirsk State University received 930 million rubles for the implementation of the project "Innovative educational programs and technologies implemented on the principles of partnerships of the classical university, science, business and state" (implementation period - 2007-08).
2013 2015

NSU today

Currently, the university includes 6 faculties, three institutes and about 110 departments. The total number of students is 6,000 people, more than 1,000 foreign students. The total number of teachers is 2000 people, among which 880 associate professors, 570 professors with a doctoral degree, 60 members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 43 foreign teachers. The university has 132 partner university in 29 countries, 72 Russian magistracy programs, 19 English-speaking magistracy programs, specialist and graduate school.

Scientific priorities of the university - physics, biology, medicine, chemistry, geology, mathematics, IT.

NSU provides a complete educational cycle of higher education.

At the university, there is a physico-mathematical boarding school (Sunz NSU), in which schoolchildren of grades 9-11 receive specialized education in two profiles - physico-mathematical and chemical biological. You can go to school on the basis of the summer school (annually held in August), the invitation to which you can get, becoming the winner and the prize-winning of various subject Olympiads, and also successfully graduating from the Sunz absentee school.

In the learning process at the university is the possibility of additional education.

80% of NSU teachers are scientists of the Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Therefore, education in NSU is closely related to the scientific achievements of the world level. Students from early courses are engaged in research in more than 100 research laboratories equipped with the most modern devices, as well as in 38 research institutes of the Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Inclusive education

NSU offers equal access to the formation of all students, including with severe forms of health restrictions: moving on wheelchairs, blind and visually impaired, with severe forms of common diseases. The goal of the university is to help people with severe diseases to overcome their limitations and become highly professional experts who are able to withstand competition in the labor market. For this, an affordable architectural environment is equipped at the university, modern equipment and software are used, which give students full access to university and to international information and educational resources in adaptive formats.

Online education

One of the new tasks of the university is the provision of open educational resources to everyone with the help of modern technologies. This uses advanced online education forms - mass open online courses (mosok), which include video lectures and tests. Offering his wide audience courses online, NSU expands access to high-quality education for schoolchildren, students, specialists and all who are interested in modern achievements of science.

Scientific life

Around the university collected research institutes that work in more than 130 scientific directions. This allows NSU students from the earliest courses to engage in science and be part of the scientific community.

In physical and natural sciences, the Novosibirsk State University confidently holds leadership among universities in the world. The university's championship is confirmed by the participation of scientists in international collaborations, as well as recognition of research results: In 2015, the European Center for Nuclear Research chose a model for the construction of a superclaridera, which scientists of the Institute of Nuclear Physics - graduates and teachers of NSU were offered.

However, traditional scientific directions are not only strong in the NSU, but also develop new areas: engineering, instrument making, its own astrophysical school is formed and much more. Now the university shows the active growth of publications and quotedness, the number of graduate students and the community of young teachers is growing in NSU.

The location of the University in the scientific town creates fertile ground for the development of each student in the intellectual environment, the emergence of new interdisciplinary areas of research, integrating intellectual results in business and society.

Rector M. P. Fedo Ukrak Students 7131 Location Russia Russia ,
Novosibirsk Novosibirsk Legal address ul. Pirogov, d. 2 Website Awards Images on the Wikisklad

Novosibirsk State University (Full name - Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Novosibirsk National Research State University") is the only classical university of Novosibirsk, one of the national research universities in Russia. The university is among the participants of the project 5-100 - programs to improve the international competitiveness of Russian universities among the leading global scientific and educational centers.

At the base, "Novosibirsk State University" was called. In 2009 received status national Research University . In 2011, by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 27.05.2011 No. 1837, the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Novosibirsk State University" was renamed the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Novosibirsk National Research State University". Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of April 17, 2014 No. 331 in connection with the creation of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Novosibirsk National Research State University" The name of the university was respectively changed.

A significant part of the teaching staff at the same time is employees of institutions. With Ran. . Senior NSU students undergo professional research training at the Academgorodok Institutions.

Encyclopedic YouTube.

    1 / 5

    ✪ NSU. How to enroll in NSU. Novosibirsk State University

    ✪ Novosibirsk State University

    ✪ Why exactly humanitarian sciences in NSU?

    ✪ Why exactly philosophy in NSU?



The Novosibirsk State University was created by a resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers of January 9, 1958 in six months after the decision to establish the Siberian branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. On September 29, 1959, Academician S. L. Sobolev read the first lecture for students of the new university.

The university was built and developed together with the Novosibirsk Scientific Center, focusing on the preparation of highly qualified personnel for science and education.

  • April 9.. Academician I. N. Vekua Appointed rector Novosibirsk State University (-).
  • May 19 . The date of opening of the Novosibirsk University with day and evening training forms is determined - September 1 1959. . At the sole faculty of natural sciences will be preparing specialists in the following directions: mathematics , mechanics , physics , chemistry , geophysical Methods for search and exploration mineral.
  • September 28 . Began classes at the university. The first lecture for students of all specialties, the topic of which were the problems of mathematical science of that time, read academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences S. L. Sobolev . Since then, according to tradition, one of the leading scientists of the Novosibirsk Scientific Center reads the first lecture for the first-year students of the NSU.
1960 1961
  • July. The first set of students on the biological department of the Faculty of Natural Sciences.
1963 1964
  • Graduates of the NSU Mathematics Yu. L. Erschov and physicist A. A. Galeyev , after a year after protection diploma , successfully defended the thesis for the degree of candidate of physical and mathematical sciences.
  • April 30 . The Komsomol organization and Interclub NSU organized and conducted the first Maew.
  • May 3 . Already 2 years after the protection of the candidate thesis, a graduate of NSU Yu. L. Ershov successfully defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.
  • Created to the Economic Faculty of NSU.
1970 1979
  • NSU assigned the name of Lenin Komsomol.
  • October 16 . Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Novosibirsk State University was awarded Order of the Labor Red Banner For merits in the preparation of highly qualified specialists for the national economy and development of science.
1991 2004
  • Philologists of the NSU came up with an action "Total dictation" which became annual and already by 2007 acquired international scope.
  • In Moscow, summed up the All-Russian competition of innovative educational programs passing through national Project "Education" . According to the results of the competition, the Novosibirsk State University received 930 million rubles for the implementation of the project "Innovative educational programs and technologies implemented on the principles of partnerships of the classical university, science, business and state" (implementation period - 2007-08).
2013 2015
  • New Educational and Laboratory Building of the NSU

    NSU today

    Currently, the university includes 6 faculties, ~ 110 departments. The total number of students is 6,000 people, more than 1,000 foreign students. The total number of teachers is 2000 people, among which 880 associate professors, 570 professors with a doctoral degree, 60 members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 43 foreign teachers. The university has 132 partner university in 29 countries, 72 Russian magistracy programs, 19 English-speaking magistracy programs, specialist and graduate school.

    Scientific priorities of the university - physics, biology, medicine, chemistry, geology, mathematics, IT.

    NSU provides full educational cycle higher education. The specifics of the university is the system of competitive selection and training of talented youth. NSU is the only university of Siberia, in which a multi-level model of continuous education is developed.

    At the university, there is a physico-mathematical boarding school (Sunz NSU), in which schoolchildren of grades 9-11 receive specialized education in two profiles - physico-mathematical and chemical biological. Sunz NSU is one of the best schools of Russia, which is regularly confirmed by high scores of his graduates. You can go to school on the basis of the summer school (annually held in August), the invitation to which you can get, becoming the winner and the prize-winning of various subject Olympiads, and also successfully graduating from the Sunz absentee school.

    Olympiads, gravilocks in various subjects, winter and summer schools for applicants and students, training in the NSU Bakalavrov, specialists, undergraduates, graduate students, doctoral students. In the process of studying at the university also provides additional education. All this is the links of a unified system of selection and training of highly qualified specialists.

    80% of NSU teachers are scientists of the Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Therefore, education in NSU is closely related to the scientific achievements of the world level. Students from early courses are engaged in research in more than 100 research laboratories equipped with the most modern devices, as well as in 38 research institutes of the Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

    Inclusive education

    NSU offers equal access to the formation of all students, including with severe forms of health restrictions: moving on wheelchairs, blind and visually impaired, with severe forms of common diseases. The goal of the university is to help people with severe diseases to overcome their limitations and become highly professional experts who are able to withstand competition in the labor market. For this, an affordable architectural environment is equipped at the university, modern equipment and software are used, which give students full access to university and to international information and educational resources in adaptive formats.

    Online education

    One of the new tasks of the university is the provision of open educational resources to everyone with the help of modern technologies. This uses advanced online education forms - mass open online courses (mosok), which include video lectures and tests. Offering his wide audience courses online, NSU expands access to high-quality education for schoolchildren, students, specialists and all who are interested in modern achievements of science.

    Scientific life

    Around the university collected research institutes that work in more than 130 scientific directions. This allows NSU students from the earliest courses to engage in serious - real - science and be part of the scientific community.

    In physical and natural sciences, the Novosibirsk State University confidently holds leadership among universities in the world. The university's championship is confirmed by the participation of scientists in international collaborations, as well as recognition of research results: In 2015, the European Center for Nuclear Research chose a model for the construction of a superclaridera, which scientists of the Institute of Nuclear Physics - graduates and teachers of NSU were offered.

    However, traditional scientific directions are not only strong in the NSU, but also develop new areas: engineering, instrument making, its own astrophysical school is formed and much more. Now the university shows the active growth of publications and quotedness, the number of graduate students and the community of young teachers is growing in NSU.

    The location of the University in the scientific town creates fertile ground for the development of each student in the intellectual environment, the emergence of new interdisciplinary areas of research, integrating intellectual results in business and society.


    student life

    Everything is located in a compact campus of the modeling site: University Sports Center with a stadium, tennis court, swimming pool, sauna, sports halls and shooting gallery. University students can deal with 30 sports directions.

    Summer holidays of students and university staff takes place on their own recreation center in the forest area on the seafront.

    Outstanding graduates

    The science

    Academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences

    Correspondent members of the Russian Academy of Sciences
