Canada State University College - Algonquin College was founded in 1967 and today occupies a leading position among the universities of East Ontario.

Seneca College.

Seneca College is the largest state-owned educational institution in Canada. Business, IT Technology, Design, Tourism, Media and Communication. Seneca in Canada: 1 647 338 22 61 (Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram) in Moscow: +7 903 762 53 62

Bodwell High School

Private school-board Bodwell High School leads its activities since 1991. To date, about 500 students who pass the program from 8 to 12 class are obtained here. Ask a question to the representative of Canada: 1 647 338 22 61 (VIBE

British Columbia Institute Of Technology

The Technological Institute of British Columbia or BCIT was founded in 1964 and for the past 50 years produces successful specialists with the necessary knowledge and valuable experience.

Cape Breton University

The University of Cape Breton is a sufficiently young, but progressively developing University of Canada. Campus Cape Breton University is located on the picturesque east coast of Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia Province. At a distance of 10 km from

Camosun College.

College Camosun is ready to offer more than 160 educational modern and demanded programs. Ask a question to the representative of Canada: 1 647 338 22 61 (Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram) in Moscow: +7 903 762 53 62 (WhatsApp, Viber)

Capilano University

Capilano University has 6 faculties: art, business, humanitarian science, healthcare and education, science and technology, tourism. Add a question to the representative of Canada: 1 647 338 22 61 (Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram) in Moscow: +7 903 762 53 62 ( Whatsa.

Centennial College.

About 16 thousand students study at CENTENNIAL college. Ask a question to the representative of Canada: 1 647 338 22 61 (Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram) in Moscow: +7 903 762 53 62 (WhatsApp, Viber)

Columbia International College (High School)

Columbia International College is famous for the preparation of foreign students to enter Canada universities. Ask a question of Canada: 1 647 338 22 61 (Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram) in Moscow: +7 903 762 53 62 (Whatsapp, Viber)

Conestoga College.

Conestoga is one of the 9 polytechnic universities of Canada. Ask a question to the representative of Canada: 1 647 338 22 61 (Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram) in Moscow: +7 903 762 53 62 (WhatsApp, Viber)

Douglas College.

Douglas is a successful university of Canada, which since 1970 provides young students by vocational training. Ask a question to the representative of Canada: 1 647 338 22 61 (Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram) in Moscow: +7 903 762 53 62 (WhatsApp, Viber)

Emily Carr University

University of Art and Design. Emily Carr is the most oldest university of British Columbia, which specializes in the training of specialists in the field of art, design and media.

Fanshawe College.

Fanshawe is the sixth largest higher educational education in Canada. Ask a question to the representative of Canada: 1 647 338 22 61 (Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram) in Moscow: +7 903 762 53 62 (WhatsApp, Viber)

George Brown College.

George Brown's State College was founded in 1967. Ask a question to the representative of Canada: 1 647 338 22 61 (Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram) in Moscow: +7 903 762 53 62 (WhatsApp, Viber)

Georgian College.

Georgian College is a state college of applied art and technology. Ask a question to the representative of Canada: 1 647 338 22 61 (Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram) in Moscow: +7 903 762 53 62 (WhatsApp, Viber)

Humber College.

Humber College is the largest, popular and revered State College of Canada. Ask a question to the representative of Canada: 1 647 338 22 61 (Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram) in Moscow: +7 903 762 53 62 (WhatsApp, Viber)


Hudson College Private School is one of the best educational institutions of Ontario province. A question to the representative of Canada: 1 647 338 22 61 (Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram) in Moscow: +7 903 762 53 62 (WhatsApp, Viber)

King George International Business College

King George International Business College - Canada Tesol Center is a private higher education institution, which since 1999 provides high-quality and advanced training programs that allow students to achieve higher professional efforts

LakeHead University.

Lakehead University is a state higher education institution that has been operating since 1946, then as a technical institution Lakehead. The statute of the university was assigned almost after 20 years - in 1965. A B.

Langara College.

Langara College is one of the leading state colleges of British Columbia, specializing in preparatory programs. Langara College leads its activity since 1965, then he was still the municipal college of the city of Vancan

Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology

Mitt leads its activities for more than 30 years and early was known as Technical College Winnipega. A question to the representative of Canada: 1 647 338 22 61 (Viber, Whatsapp, Telegram) in Moscow: +7 903 762 53 62 (WhatsApp, Viber)

Niagara College.

The most popular faculties of Niagara College were recognized: tourism and faculty of computer sciences, PR. Ask a question to the representative of Canada: 1 647 338 22 61 (Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram) in Moscow: +7 903 762 53 62 (WhatsApp, Viber)

Red River College.

Red River is the largest and most popular university in Canada, specializing in applied sciences. Ask a question to the representative of Canada: 1 647 338 22 61 (Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram) in Moscow: +7 903 762 53 62 (WhatsApp, Viber)

Royal Roads University.

The Royal Roads University is currently recognized as one of the most popular higher educational institutions in Canada. ROYAL Roads University has a relatively young university, however, since 1995, since 1995, he was able to achieve high appreciation of the scientific world -

Sheridan College.

Sheridan College since 1967 is considered to be the best Polytechnic Institute of Canada. Ask a question to the representative of Canada: 1 647 338 22 61 (Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram) in Moscow: +7 903 762 53 62 (WhatsApp, Viber)

ILAC (Language School)

International Language Academy of Canada Set Question Canada: 1 647 338 22 61 (Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram) in Moscow: +7 903 762 53 62 (WhatsApp, Viber)

Simon Fraser University

Simon Fraser University is one of the best universities in Canada, Ask a question to the representative of Canada: 1 647 338 22 61 (Viber, Whatsapp, Telegram) in Moscow: +7 903 762 53 62 (WhatsApp, Viber)

Thompson Rivers University

Thompson Rivers University is a young and dynamically developing university in British Columbia, which since 1970 provides high quality higher education. From the first days of the university was known as Meinline Cariba, and in 1989 he received

Question answer

When arriving at DEGREE PROGRAMS IELTS - a total ball 6.5 or TOEFL (IBT) - overall ball 88.

The ideal option is to apply for a year before the start of learning. But, being realistic, we understand what it does not always work. Therefore, we advise you to do this at least six months before the start date of the academic program in the United States.

Not. In a magistracy in the US, you will learn to learn with American students and you will not make an overlooking that you are a foreigner ... Once we do - I will ask to learn ... Therefore, with a weak language (if you even submit a situation that you were accepted for a course) you just don't Catch at lectures, seminars! If you have a weak / medium English, we strongly advise you to undergo special preparatory courses on which you tighten both "common" and "academic" aspects of English.

Upon arrival at Diploma Programs IELTS - a total ball 6.0 or TOEFL (IBT) - a total ball 80.
When arriving at Degree Programs IELTS - a total ball 6.5 or TOEFL (IBT) - overall 64.
Upon arrival at Post Graduate Programs IELTS - overall 6.5 or TOEFL (IBT) - overall ball 88.

Canadian universities can be treated when a student marks 18 years per year.
At the age of 16, you can enter the Canadian College. Sergely by Canadian laws, a foreign student who has not yet turned 18 years old must have an official guardian, a citizen of Canada, or a senior citizen on the territory of Canada.

In the Canadian education system, there is a unique program of postgraduate education, which helps specialists from various industries already having higher education in their field, increase their level of qualifications, get new knowledge or even get a new specialty. As a rule, Postgraduate Training Program in Canada is designed for 1 year of study

The cost of studying in the State College of Canada is separated from 4900 Kan.doll. Up to 7500 Kan. Doll in the semester.
The cost of studying in the Canadian University ranges from 9500 Kan. Doll to 15,000 Kan.doll. In the semester.

Yes, Canada is one of the few countries that give such an opportunity. There are special postgraduate programs in colleges, the so-called post graduate program. They allow for 1-1.5 years to acquire a specialty on the basis of the previously obtained higher education. At the end of such a program, you can go to work or continue training in the University's Magistracy on the specialty received.

After the Ukrainian school, it is better to start learning in college and continue it at the university. Many Canadian Universities take applicants only over 18 years old. In addition, the college is cheaper. You can finish 2 or 3 courses in college, and then transfer to the university and get a bachelor's degree already at the university. You can get a bachelor's degree in college. College training programs are more applied, at universities - academic education. If you want to do only to the university, it is desirable to go through the program of training University Pathway for successful receipt and further effective training.

Immigration to Canada through education.

Public colleges of Canada and Universities of Canada began to receive documents for curricula, which begin in May and September 2016.

Brief reference:

After studying in Canada, you can get a work permit from 1 to 3 years, and after 1 job, you can apply for the status of a permanent resident of Canada.

To date, immigration through education in Canada is one of the most optimal and real ways to immigrate to Canada.

Canadian educational institutions take certificates and diplomas obtained in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and other countries of the former USSR.

With a certificate you can go to the program for a duration of 1-2-year, a large selection of programs with practice.

With a diploma, you can come to postgraduate programs in public colleges and universities of Canada. There are programs for a duration of 1-2 years, after which you can get permission to work for a period of 1-3 years.

Detailed advice on the selection of training program in Canada You can get in the Canadian office of the inforabe company

skype - InfoStudycanada.

(Toronto) - State College of Applied Arts and Technologies. It offers training for 150 higher education programs and 1,200 professional courses. Provides students with the opportunity to gain experience in Canada, both during training and after its end. Many programs suggest practical training and mandatory paid internship for the selected specialty. According to college statistics, 90% of its graduates are arranged for work for six months after graduation.
Specialization: Financial planning, personnel management, International Business Management, Marketing and Finance, Small Business Management.
Bachelor programs, postgraduate training and language courses are open.
Requirements for admission to George Brown College - the presence of a certificate about the end of the secondary school, or a diploma of a higher educational institution, an age of at least 17 years. IELTS 6.5 exam.
If the candidate has insufficient knowledge of the English language, it can be enrolled on the preparatory intensive English courses.

(Toronto). It offers education in the field of applied arts, business, medical sciences and research. Founded in 1967, one of the leading educational institutions of Canada Polytechnic and Postgraduate Education. Offers more than 150 unique training programs. By decision of the selected faculty, some objects of the domestic university may be credited.
Most Popular Certificate and Diploma Programs: Web Design, Wireless Telecommunications, 3D Animation, Art and Design, 3D For Production, International Marketing, Industrial Design, Financial Services.
Bachelor programs (more than 12 programs) and postgraduate learning are open.
Requirements for admission to Hamber College - a document on secondary or higher education, age from 17 years or from 16 years old when admission to preparatory language courses (classes are held in the summer). IELTS 6.5 exam.

(Toronto) - Institute of Technology and Advanced Training. Founded in 1967
Main specialty: business, digital media and communications, education and pedagogy, engineering sciences, medical sciences, information technology, filmography, visual art and graphic design, etc.
Bachelor programs, postgraduate learning and language courses are open. Requirements for admission to Sheridan College - age from 17 years in the presence of a complete secondary education. IELTS 6.5 exam. For applicants with insufficient knowledge of English at the time of arrival, it is possible to end language courses.

Applied Arts and Technologies (Toronto) is the largest and most famous State College of Canada. Founded in 1967 offers more than 230 diploma, postgraduate and certification programs. Foreign students can choose from 160 programs. In the period of study, students can acquire Canadian experience in the training program or after school hours.
Main specialty: International Business Management, Marketing Management, Computer Programming, Computer Networks and Technical Support, Electronic Business, Graphic Design, Brand Management, etc.
Bachelor and postgraduate education programs are open (a large selection of postgraduate programs). There is its own Institute of English, providing the preparation of foreign students who lack knowledge to start learning.
Requirements for admission to Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technologies - the minimum age of 16 years in the presence of a guarantor (guardian). IELTS 6.5 exam. Documents on the end of high school and university.

Applied arts and technologies - founded in 1967. It offers over 60 programs under Graduated with a duration of 1-4 years, 13 postgraduate education programs and 2 programs leading to the assignment of a scientist.
Almost all programs suggest the passage of internships, often paid. It has agreements with hundreds of large Canadian companies that provide opportunities for internship and practice. The pride of Niagara College is the culinary and winery, as well as hotel management.
Other main specialty: laser technology, programming, investment management, broadcasting, business administration, personnel management, etc.
Bachelor's program has been opened. There are courses on learning language. Requirements for entering Niagara College - age from 17 years. Certificate or diploma. Exam IELTS 6.5

Institute of Technology and Prospective Directions of Learning (Kitchiner, Waterloo, Gelf, Cambridge) - one of the best universities of Canada with world name. Lead Polytechnic Institute of Canada. Founded in 1967, he offers students of 120 under graduated and post-graduated day-learning programs, including 7 four-year bachelor programs in applied areas of training. About 70 specialties (diploma / certificate) and 16 postgraduate training programs.
Bachelor and postgraduate learning programs are open.
Main specialty: journalism, mechanical engineering, technology, electronics and microelectronics, accounting, marketing, finance, economics, architecture, etc.
Requirements for admission to a congregation College for foreign students - age from 17 years at the time of the start of classes. The presence of a document on the end of the secondary school or institute. For foreign students, whose knowledge of English does not meet the requirements, language preparatory courses are provided.

(Camlups). Founded in 1970, the University's status received in 1989 the youngest and most dynamically developing University of Canada. Today, the university offers more than 100 academic programs, most of which involve internships abroad.
The programs of the doctor of science, master, bachelor, postgraduate education, as well as internships and courses for learning a language are open.
Main specialty: Business and regulatory policy, computer production technology, medical specialties, marketing, management, electronic equipment.
Requirements for admission to Thompson Rivers University - for Bachelor - age from 17 years, for postgraduate programs - from 21 years. Knowledge of English at IELTS 6.5. The presence of a diploma or certificate. At the University there is a preparatory program in the English language, according to which students can improve their knowledge of English before the start of the curriculum.

Applied Arts and Technologies (Toronto) - Toronto First State College. Founded in 1966 the leader in the quality of education among 24 other state universities of the province of Ontario. Offers more than 100 day-form programs of training and over 160 programs for those who combine study with work.
Bachelor, internships, postgraduate education programs, language learning courses are open.
Main specialty: Accounting, Business and Administration, Programming, Digital Animation, Pharmaceuticals, Publishing, etc.
Requirements for admission to Centennial College - the presence of full secondary education or higher education for admission to postgraduate programs, knowledge of English at the level of IELTS 6.5.

With an emphance of education in Canada is constantly developing rapidly, which attracts more and more foreign students. Studying in colleges and universities of this country opens up great opportunities. As statistics show, about 95% of students who have completed the best colleges of CanadaDuring the year, prestigious professions in the same country. Also, getting bachelor in Canada, You can easily find work in other countries.

Since one of the states with the highest standard of living is Canada, College Learning This country is considered very prestigious. Education There may be disciples who graduated from school, former students or older people who wish to have a new specialty. Before deciding on the decision to form abroad, it is worth knowing what colleges in Canada Offers a suitable training program. Below on this page you will find a list of all Canadian colleges.

Duration of study

If you like most Canada, College Learningwhich suits you, takes about 4 years. When choosing an educational institution in the province of Quebec, the passage of the educational program will be 3 years.

How to go to college in Canada

Responsible torque before entering the best colleges of Canada is the collection of the necessary documents. If they are untowning them, it will only remain to count on the possible availability of free places. Applications for training in the colleges of Canada are accepted in January and February. At the same time, you should prepare all documents in a timely manner:

  • the completed appliquancy form that is on the school site.
  • certificate or in the absence of an extract, which should indicate estimates for the last 2 years of study, or a bachelor's degree and English translation of any of the listed documents certified by a notary.
  • certificate about the passage of tests for knowledge of a foreign language TOEFL or IELTS.

Every year, colleges in Canada storm more than 120 thousand foreign applicants. And it's not just in high-quality education, which is guaranteed here.

Diploma of the local educational institution gives a chance to stay in the country

In the minds of residents of Russia and neighboring countries, a good education is associated with a diploma of a prestigious institution or university. And in Canada, preference gives precisely colleges for the following reasons:

  1. In Canada, those who have a college diploma are perceived as people with higher education. With a document, you can easily build a career in the specialty. And for most destinations and vacancies, a university graduate is not even required. However, there is one exception: if it is supposed to work with people.
  2. The academic approach in universities is not so valuable as practical in colleges. If there is no desire to engage in research, then the college will be completed enough to obtain a promising workplace. Simplify the task of the company, which take students first to practice, and then to work.
  3. For knowledge in Canadian colleges you have to pay much less. Compared to the university here cheaper twice. In addition, education can be obtained faster.

Secondary education in Canada - 10-12 years. The exact time depends on the laws of the province where the school is located. Next, colleges are coming, they are comparable, for example, with technical schools in Russia. This is not a higher education, but not average.

In colleges, complete freedom when choosing items to explore that it will not look unusual for Russians. This allows you to get rid of lessons to which there is no traction, and do not pay for them.

When choosing a college, it is necessary to pay attention to the language in which subjects teach. In Canada, they are officially two - English and French. For example, Quebec (this is the largest province of the country) speaks mainly in French, and the rest Canadians are English-speaking.

To learn from college, you need to know at least one of the languages.

Most Popular Specialties in Canadian Colleges

Colleges in Canada are carefully monitored by the labor market, therefore, they open the sets to new programs annually, but the way is ordered for non-current applicant. This is done so that the labor market is alive, and graduates had the opportunity to find a decent job. For example, another five years ago there was a demand for a dentist-hygienist, now the preparation is stopped almost everywhere.

Analysts have already appreciated where the labor market will move in the coming years, and amounted to the rating of the actual professions of Canada, taking into account the forecast of changes until the end of the decade. The first dozen looks like this (the list includes only specialties with a salary of more than $ 60 thousand per year):

  1. Lawyer ($ 80,000).
  2. Director of Public Administration ($ 97,000).
  3. Head of the enterprise for the drilling of gas and oil wells ($ 73,000).
  4. Manager in the field of main products ($ 110,000).
  5. Health Manual ($ 87,000).
  6. HR manager ($ 82,000).
  7. Senior nurse and medical supervisor ($ 77,000).
  8. Social, public and correctional service manager ($ 66,500).
  9. Financial administrator ($ 83,000).
  10. Telecommunication specialist ($ 73,000).

Despite this list, students most often stop on management programs, marketing, information technologies. Probably the choice is due to the fact that specialties help almost one hundred percent guarantee to work in almost any civilized country. In addition, studies are guaranteed to pass fascinating, since the process is aimed at obtaining applied knowledge.

Cheap colleges of Canada

Education in Canada paid. In most private colleges, there are a bill at 22 thousand dollars for the school year (for foreigners), it lasts eight months. This cost includes accommodation. It will cost 12 thousand dollars a year (+ you need to pay accommodation, about six-eight thousand dollars) Canadian government colleges.

Look in the video: Cost of training in Canada.

There are prestigious institutions where training costs about 45 thousand dollars. Prices for study are not lower than, for example, in America, Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand. Despite the fact that Canada offers relatively inexpensive courses, the quality of education is worthy and competitive.

What city is a college, affects the cost of learning. But in each province there are quite budget, but high-quality options:

  1. New Brunswick Community College. This educational institution is located in Fredericton and teaches on programs:
  • civil Engineering;
  • administration;
  • tourism;
  • natural resources;
  • mechanical engineering;
  • related to medicine science.

New Brunswick Community College in Fredericton

The price for the year of study is 6000 dollars.

  1. Algonquin College. Campuses of this school are in Ottawa, Perth and Pembroke. Students are offered to study:
  • business;
  • technologies;
  • health care;
  • social work;
  • media;
  • building;
  • hotel business;
  • design;
  • tourism.

Algonquin College, which is located in Ottawa

Total in college 180 courses. Foreigners can pass special education programs and advanced training courses. There is the possibility of distance learning. Students from abroad are supported in the career and visa design, and besides this, scholarships are issued. The cost begins from $ 3000 per year.

  1. University College of the North. In the Northern University College, whose representations are located in PACE and Tompson, teach:
  • pedagogy;
  • technologies;
  • auto mechanic;
  • humanitarian sciences;
  • preschool education;
  • nursing;
  • cooking;
  • basics of business.

University College of The North in Tompson

Training takes place on first-class equipment, using innovation. Price - from 6600 dollars a year.

    . The multikampus college is considered to be a leader of polytechnic education in the country. Training is available in Kitchener, Waterloo, Guelf, Stratford, Cambridge, Brantford, Ingersoll. A foreign student can choose programs from a large list, from linguistic and fast certificate to the graduation course. Teach:
  • engineering and IT;
  • business;
  • design;
  • media.

Canadian College Conestoga College located in Kitchener

In campus there is even the possibility of part-time. Cost - from $ 9700 per year.

  1. Cambrian College in Sandbury, where there is an opportunity to learn:
  • business;
  • technologies;
  • social work;
  • pedagogy;
  • art;
  • engineering;
  • design;
  • music;
  • medicine and law.

College view in Sandbury

All courses are focused on practice, it is assumed to pass internships. Education in college full-time and remote. Next, the road is open to the university according to a special program or employment. The cost of annual training is $ 10,500.

  1. CENTENNIAL COLLEGE. Campus is located in Toronto. Available directions for study:
  • media;
  • communications;
  • business;
  • design;
  • tourism;
  • hospitality;
  • cooking;
  • engineering;
  • transportation;
  • health care;
  • social Sciences.

CENTENNIAL COLLEGE, located in Toronto

After passing courses, you can get certificates, bachelor or master's diplomas. To obtain university education, more than 150 transfers programs are provided here. Price - 10 900 dollars a year.

Prestigious colleges of Canada

For Russians who are not accustomed to save and prefer prestigious colleges, there are options in the major cities of Canada.

Widely represented, for example, colleges in Toronto. Among them Seneca College, George Brown College. They regularly appear in national and international rankings as the best. All because the list of educational programs is constantly updated, and the college management bets on qualified teachers, agreements on further education with universities of Canada and practice in well-known companies in the world.

List of prestigious colleges of Canada

This is the largest college and in Toronto, and in the whole country. He held senior posts in famous world companies, and also became famous figures of Seneca graduates of different years.

For those who do not have the required level of English, linguistic programs are provided. After their end, you can go to college and choose any course. The most popular - business and economics, engineering and humanitarian specialties, IT, biomedicine and pharmacology.

In total, more than 160 programs are provided for foreign students. Living students are offered both in furnished apartments in one of 10 campuses and the host family

The cost of training in college begins from 19,300 dollars a year. For language programs will have to pay a minimum of 3200 dollars.

Vancouver colleges will be cheaper. The most popular of them are: Langara College, Douglas College, Vancouver Community College. Here you can get an education for $ 13,500-16 $ 500 per year.

Sheridan Institute is one of the first polytechnic institutions of the country. Now he has three campus not far from Toronto. Disciplines here are taught with emphasis on practice in various technical directions, as well as in the field of business, maintenance of the population, art.

Sheridan College - Real Canadian Pride

Veterinary, along with medicine refer to the specialties that are not available to foreigners. But the admission to the faculty of servicing the population and social sciences is this college helps to get elementary animal care skills. Thus, the Institute can become a springboard for applicants who plan to choose a veterinary path.

Sheridan graduates (90%) are employed in the next six months. Therefore, it is possible to get the desired job first, a year later, and then the road to the specialized faculty and veterinarians opens.

The cost of studying in Sheridan College is at least $ 14,400. Accommodation is organized in the host family, and in college residences.

Niagara College is recognized as the most fast-growing in Canada. Here we respond to the needs of the labor market, develop and introduce new directions of training specialists.

Now enrollments occur almost on hundreds of programs, among which the most popular: business and economics, engineering and humanitarian specialties, information technology, law and jurisprudence, natural sciences. Courses are designed for graduates not only schools, but also universities.

Niagara College is famous and its language programs that are designed for foreigners.

Thousands of students from all over the world have already raised the level of English for the sake of further education or take-off on the career ladder.

The English language course will cost $ 2,600 per year. Other educational programs are from $ 12,700 per year. Live students are offered in a modular type hostels. There is an opportunity to stay at the family.

Canada does not provide free medical care to foreign students. Therefore, it is additionally worth thinking about medical insurance. But most often it is included in the cost of training.

Pay attention to the video: College or University Choice in Canada.

Conditions for entering Canadian colleges

Each Educational Institution of Canada has a number of eigenvalues \u200b\u200bfor foreign applicants. There are general terms of enrollment in colleges:

  1. Completed form.
  2. The presence of a certificate of medium education.
  3. Extract with estimates over the past two years.
  4. International Certificate for English Language (IELTS / TOEFL).
  5. Temporary visa with learning permits.

Canada makes partitions to applicants and does not force the entrance exams in colleges. However, to enroll in a number of areas, you can invite to an interview or suggest passing subject testing. Documents for admission must begin to collect in advance, about a year before the intended date of reception.

Several months can only come to get a visa in CIC (Canadian immigration service). And applications for admission can be left immediately in several educational institutions, however, each will cost $ 60-100.

Education in Canada, obtained in college, prestigious and in demand both in local graduates and foreign students. There are three types of colleges in the country offering a professional education in Canada.

Professional colleges

Finishing such a college, a student acquires practical skills to work in various fields - business, trade, production, services sector. The training program in such a college is designed for two three years. After its completion, the student acquires skills to work in movies, multimedia-spheres, in the field of computer innovation and Internet studies, graphic design. Those who prefer professional education in Canada, waiting for a wide selection of training programs.

Many professional colleges are private, but are under the control of provincial departments of education. Another advantage is the low cost of studying in Canada for Russians.

At the end of some professional colleges, students will be asked to continue their studies in the higher educational institution. As a rule, we are talking about those educational institutions that are in the Association of Canadian Public Colleges (ASSS).

Education in technical colleges

Training in professional colleges is carried out on a technical specialty-oriented program, which also includes general academic items.

Advantages of training in a professional college is a high degree of training specialists, well-equipped classrooms, the necessary laboratory equipment, an interactive learning style, close cooperation with future employers, obtaining best practices in the field of information technology, mining, environmental protection, cultural service and tourism. Training programs in technical colleges are developed in such a way as to combine theoretical and practical knowledge and experience with leisure activities.

Many technical colleges have ISO certification and constantly strive to improve the quality of education to meet the constantly changing needs of modern society. Also, many technical colleges can be a start for those who want to receive higher education. As a professional pre-welcoming training, colleges are fit perfectly.

University Colleges

These are special educational institutions that have been able to combine the traditions of higher educational institutions with serious training on applied and academic disciplines for many years. University Colleges in Canada are considered an important component of the Higher Education System, since they offer professional pre-deulation training for students in various programs, including linguistic. At the end of such a college, students receive certificates and diplomas of the appropriate sample, as well as a unique opportunity to continue their studies in the walls of the highest educational institution. For this, there are special programs transfers and loan systems.
