Students from Russia are welcome because they have high academic potential and a strong scientific base. No matter what anyone says, Russian leading universities give a good education, which subsequently helps students to conduct unique research abroad.

Most of all, among Russian students, technical, engineering and mathematics specialties are in demand. In second place is business education, etc. On the third - humanitarian specialties, in particular sociology, political science, art.

This is directly related to the concentration of Russian students in American universities. All those who specialize in travel to California, where there is Silicon Valley with the famous Google and Apple. The humanities and economists are based in New York and Florida. Political analysts prefer to be closer to Washington.

In general, the most popular states among international students are California, New York, Texas, Massachusetts, Illinois. This is primarily due to the presence of favorable conditions for both study and life. Which ones are popular among students from Russia?

Until then, why not download university brochures for free? Just click on the map:


A public university located in California. UCLA is always in the top twenty in the rankings of the best universities in the world. He offers educational programs in all directions and at all levels (bachelor's, master's, doctoral, MBA).

The main feature of the University of California Los Angeles is the combination of educational and research activities. This is important for those who want to make discoveries and conduct their own developments in a wide variety of areas. For all this, the university is equipped with an excellent technical base (one of the best in the USA). Tuition is not cheap - about $ 35,000 per year.

For those who want to save money, but at the same time study in America, the UCLA Extension division is open at the university. It specializes in two areas: English for international students and short-term professional programs.

There are many such programs, in more than 60 specialties in different directions (architecture, design, business, management, computer technology, humanities, engineering and technical specialties, natural Sciences, journalism, etc.).

ULCA Extension professional programs are addressed to adult students who already have a college degree. The standard course is designed for 12 weeks of study. Graduates receive professional certificates. A great opportunity to get an education in the United States, while saving time and money.


Public University. Actually, Americans choose it most often in order to get a special education, for example, a teacher, librarian, engineer, materials scientist. But in general, the university offers a fairly wide range of programs at an individual level (bachelor's, master's, doctoral, MBA).

Tuition fees range from $ 22,000 to $ 30,000. UIUC distributes a large number of grants and scholarships for international students. A special center has been opened at the university to work with foreign students.

UIUC mainly attracts IT professionals. The fact is that the University has a National Center for Supercomputing Applications. This Center is supported by the National Science Foundation, the Illinois government and private companies. That is, UIUC opens up great opportunities for those who are engaged in computer technology.


Private University of the USA. Consists of 16 schools, institutes and colleges. He specializes mainly in humanitarian, medical and business programs at all levels (preparation courses for bachelor's, bachelor's, master's, doctoral studies). Tuition fees are approximately $ 60,000 per year.

NYU is a research university that attracts those who want to continue research already begun in Russia. Well, and of course, one of the most important advantages is the location. Living and studying in New York is the dream of many students. However, study takes so much time that it is unlikely that it will be possible to lead the relaxed life of an ordinary city dweller.

Note: NYU has branches in Florence, London, Paris, Madrid, Berlin, Acre, Shanghai, Buenos Aires, Tel Aviv and Singapore (Art School only). So, you can choose one of these departments.


Public University. Ranked second in terms of the number of foreign students. The university is so interested in them that it even posted the necessary informational set on the website: contacts of libraries, medical centers, hotels and real estate agencies. That is, you can prepare for the trip quite thoroughly while still at home.

Who is this university waiting for? Mostly techies - engineers, designers, and also mathematicians. Those who are interested in aviation and space go there. Although, in the arsenal of PU there are programs different levels and in different areas (preparation courses for undergraduate, undergraduate, graduate, doctoral, MBA). Tuition fees are on average $ 30,000 per year.


One of the most reputable American universities in the ranking of Russian students is only in fifth place. Reason - high price education. On average, this is $ 57,000 per year. True, this amount includes medical care at the student medical center, which is very important, since medicine in the United States costs exorbitant money.

The university offers programs in various specialties at different levels (bachelor's, master's, doctoral, MBA). Columbia University is mainly attended by students studying architecture, urbanism, design, art, cinema, journalism. For them, there are quite a few grants that allow them to get education free of charge (well, or almost free, considering that you will have to pay for accommodation and flights yourself).

Whichever university you choose, first of all, study scholarship programs... Believe in yourself, and perhaps you will be the one to go for an internship at one of the US universities. Remember that American teachers appreciate students from Russia, especially mathematicians, chemists, physicists.

First, they have a solid basic knowledge. And, secondly, the general standard of education in the United States is such that the bar for students is too low, and sometimes it is not difficult for our children to enter one of the universities. Well, and finally, do not forget that among American scientists (many of whom teach in universities) there is a large percentage of our former compatriots. And they, you know, are pleased to work with “their own”.

For many years, the United States of America has held a leading position in the world of research and educational potential. Annual spending on the education system exceeds 5% of the country's GDP, this is not the highest indicator in the world, but if you take into account the volume of the American gross domestic product, then in monetary terms the United States is unmatched. On average, one student has about 12 thousand dollars a year... Only the governments of Norway and Switzerland allocate a little more, and the first place is occupied by Luxembourg, where the amount reaches more than 19 thousand dollars.

The quality of education and the prestige of studying at US universities are confirmed by reputable world rating agencies. For example, in the rating QS World University Rankings® 2019 in the top ten are 5 American universities, including the first four places. You will learn more about these educational institutions below. Top 10 rating Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2019 are 7 universities from the USA... At the same time, the high level of education is confirmed not only by the positions in the top ten.

In total, these ratings represent about 150 American universities from almost every state, which guarantee students high-quality knowledge and an international diploma. With a high degree of probability, this will allow you to find a decent job in the United States and any other developed country in the world. Studying in American universities for Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians and other foreigners will help how to build successful career in American companies, and will become the starting point for immigration to the United States forever with further prospects of obtaining citizenship.

Higher education in the USA it is considered the standard of quality. Unlike many other states, the degree of influence of government structures on the activities of local universities is minimal. The country has an extensive list of educational institutions, both public and private, offering a variety of training programs, ranging from religious trends to military affairs. The educational process in American universities is built taking into account the maximum involvement of the student in the discussion of the subject being studied, that is, the development of critical thinking and the ability to defend their own point of view are put in the foreground.

The US higher education system does not have an official classification, it is usually distinguished colleges, universities, institutes of technology and some other specialized agencies. In total, the country operates more than 6 thousand universities, not all of which are accredited by certified agencies, since this is a purely voluntary matter. Any organizational issues, including funding for public educational institutions, are resolved at the state level at the location. It should be noted right away that tuition in American universities is paid Moreover, the cost is very high.

Americans choose to complete a two-year college degree after graduating from high school, which guarantees an associate's diploma, and then go to university. Foreigners usually strive to immediately get into the university bench. Study programs at universities are similar to the European model, that is, the following degrees are offered:

    Bachelor... The term of study is 4-5 years (excluding college).

    master... The term of study is 2 years.

    Doctor... The term of study is 2-3 years (after master's degree).

In general, the US higher education system is quite complex. Much depends on the university itself, the state, the discipline, and so on. To choose the most suitable program you may need the help of a specialist or a detailed study of information on the website of a particular university. Another feature of the American system of education at universities is considered the compulsory two-year study of general disciplines. Only after that, the student chooses a specialization for further education. Often, students change the program after several years, respectively studying proccess stretched.

In 2019 more than 1 million students from abroad study at US universities, about 329 thousand (31%) are citizens of China. There are quite a few representatives from India, Saudi Arabia, South Korea and Canada. There are also Russians, Ukrainians and other representatives of the CIS countries. The requirements for admission of foreigners to an individual American university can vary significantly, this is influenced by many factors. On average, expect a preparatory process of 1-1.5 years before the start of your studies.

This period includes collecting and analyzing information about studying in the United States, choosing a university and a program, preparing documents and submitting an application, passing exams and interviews, applying for a student visa and moving.

General requirements for foreigners for admission to a US university

Language ... One of the main conditions will be knowledge of the English language. To do this, you will need to provide the appropriate certificate. The most common are - TOEFL and IELTS... Also, depending on the training program, are accepted - AT, ACT, GRE, MCAT, LSAT... The required test and the minimum number of points are specified only at the university.

Education ... Every diploma and other certificate earned outside the United States must be reviewed by American educational evaluators. For this, there are special non-governmental agencies. Since the influx of foreign students into the country is very large, it is rather difficult to go through the procedure.

The degree of equivalence of education to American standards is checked, including grade point average, period of study, scientific degree, and so on. For successful admission to a US university, it is better for a Russian or Ukrainian to first graduate from a local university or at least study for several years. Moreover, ordinary secondary education in the United States lasts 12 years.

Visa ... Especially for foreigners in the United States, an F1 student visa is provided, a little less often J1 and M1 visas are issued. The document is drawn up in the American diplomatic department only after successful admission to the university. In order to obtain a visa, it is very important to prove that you have sufficient funds to cover the costs of your studies and show a willingness to leave the United States after completing your studies.

In addition to the above requirements, a foreigner may be required to pass exams, take additional tests and interviews, provide essays, letters of recommendation, demonstrate an extreme interest in learning, and so on. Applications are accepted both on an ongoing basis and within strictly defined time frames, usually from November to January... The admission process depends entirely on the university, therefore, it is there that you need to apply first of all and as early as possible.

It is far from a secret that the cost of studying in the United States is one of the highest in the world. Especially if you take elite private universities, where the annual fee reaches up to 40-50 thousand dollars per year and more. Perhaps this is the only absolutely negative factor for international students planning to get an American higher education. At the same time, studying at prestigious universities in Switzerland, Great Britain and Australia is also very expensive, but very popular.

American laws require local educational institutions to publish up-to-date information on tuition fees and the possibility of receiving scholarships or student benefits on official websites, so it is worth using this information when planning your tuition costs. On average, foreigners pay twice as much for their education as local residents. It is cheaper to study at public universities, where you can meet the amount up to 20 thousand dollars per year.

The US has a widespread student financial aid system- grants, scholarships and other benefits. Moreover, partial coverage of training costs is provided by the most famous universities in the country, for example, Harvard University, California Institute of Technology, University of Pennsylvania. However, there is still no need to rely on scholarships, the number of such payments is limited and available only to the most talented students.

Another significant item of expenses for an international student in the United States is accommodation. Usually tuition fees and living expenses are counted together. As a result, even studying at state universities reaches 50 thousand dollars a year and higher. I mean housing, food, educational materials and other services for students. Overall, according to some studies, the average cost of tuition at US universities, including accommodation, is about 36.5 thousand dollars per year.

Top US Universities

On the territory of the United States of America, there are a huge number of prestigious universities and it is very problematic to single out the best educational institutions. Nevertheless, we will proceed from the results of the current world rankings and designate the three most significant American universities in 2019.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

The higher educational institution, located in the American city of Cambridge, was founded in 1861. At various times, famous university graduates were Buzz Aldrin, Kofi Annan and Ben Bernanke. The training programs are focused on scientific and technical research and development. The main directions are economics, biology, chemistry, computer science, physics, mathematics and psychology.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology is committed to bringing high-end technicians to market to tackle the most global challenges modern world... The structure of the university has 5 schools, more than 30 departments and curricula (faculties). More than 11.3 thousand students are trained, including more than 3.5 thousand foreigners from 120 countries. Applications are accepted from November 1 to January 1... Cost of education - 49 892 dollars, together with campus accommodation - 67,430 dollars.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology official website-

Stanford University

The date of foundation and opening of the university is 1891. Its location in the heart of Silicon Valley obliges the university to graduate successful entrepreneurs and simply famous people... For example, famous students include actress Sigourney Weaver and golfer Tiger Woods. Stanford University is a recognized leader in the field of computer science and mathematics, and provides a first-class education in the humanities.

Major companies such as Google, Nvidia, Snapchat, Hewlett-Packard and many others were founded by alumni of this amazing institution. The university is considered one of the most beautiful in the world; there are various sculptures, gardens and art museums on the territory. The structure of the university includes 7 schools, research centers and 72 faculties in different areas knowledge.

The teaching staff numbers 2118 people. The number of students is 16770, of which over 20% are foreigners. Application deadlines for Stanford University from November 1 to January 3... Cost of education - 48 987 dollars 69 109 dollars.

Official website of Stanford University-

Harvard University

The educational institution is located in the city of Cambridge. The foundation date of this oldest university in the United States is 1636. The name of Harvard University is associated with prestige, elite education and the acquisition of knowledge itself High Quality... Doesn't even need additional introduction. The highest achievements of graduates and teachers of the university in the field of medicine and many other sciences are known all over the planet. The university gave the world about 150 nobel laureate, 8 US presidents and over 60 billionaires.

In addition to technical and medical areas, business, law, art, humanities and social sciences are very popular at the university. The structure of the university includes 12 schools, a research institute and 7 faculties. The academic library is considered the largest in the world. The number of students is 20.1 thousand people, a quarter of which are foreigners. Harvard applications are accepted from November 1 to January 1... Cost of education - 46,340 dollars, together with accommodation and meals - 67,580 dollars.

Editors: Michael Noer, Zach O'Malley Greenberg

Study: Bethany Christie, Michael Garfinkel, Robert Mundy, Charlotte O'Herron, Noah Shifrin

Produced in collaboration with the Center for collegeaf for dability and productivity.

Studying at the university costs a fortune. In four years in an elite private institution like the University of Chicago (# 4) or Stanford (# 3), you will shell out a quarter of a million dollars. A degree in a more accessible location, say, College of William and Mary (# 40) or the University of California at Berkeley (# 50), still costs at least $ 100,000, even for students living in the same state.

Is it worth it? For many students, the answer to this question is “no,” unless you are admitted to one of America's most prestigious universities.

In the annual Forbes ranking Launched in partnership with Washington's Center for College Affordability and Productivity, Top US Universities has focused on what matters most to students — teaching quality, career prospects, and low debt.

For the first time since 2008, Princeton University returns to the first place in the ranking. It is being replaced by Williams College, which has topped our rankings for two years in a row. In the top ten of the list, Ivy League universities are in the lead - in addition to Princeton, they are Yale (No. 5), Harvard (No. 6) and Columbia University (No. 8). The only Ivy League member not to make the top 50 was Cornell University (# 51).

The rating is based on five main criteria: the success of graduates (32.5%) - salary and fame are assessed here; student satisfaction (27.5%), which includes the assessment of the teachers and the percentage of those who remained in training after the first year; the debt level (17.5%) is a high student debt and a penalty interest rate. We also took into account the percentage of graduates in four years (11.25%), awards in various competitions (11.25%) and students who received the prestigious Rhodes, Marshall, Fulbright scholarships, etc., as well as the number of doctoral students.

1. Princeton University

Location: Princeton, pc. New Jersey

Number of Bachelors: 5203

Total tuition fees per year: $ 53,934

Interesting Facts:

In 1783, Nasau Hall, owned by the university, became the building of the United States Congress for four months.

Charles "Pete" Conrad (1953 issue) was the third person to walk on the lunar surface. He delivered the Princeton flag there on November 19, 1969.

Of the students hired immediately after graduation, 16% of the 2006 graduates received jobs on Wall Street. Four years later, the figure was 12%.

2. Williams College

Location: Williamstown, pcs. Massachusetts

Number of Bachelors: 2070

Total tuition fees per year: $ 57,141

Interesting Facts:

The first college baseball game took place in 1859 between Williams College and Amherst College.

Among the graduates who have become billionaires:

Robert Rich Jr. - release of 1997; $ 2.1 billion; Rich Products company;

Chase Coleman - 1997 edition; $ 1.1 billion; Tiger Global Foundation.

The university is in second place in terms of the number of students who completed a full program in four years (91%).

3. Stanford University

Location: Palo Alto, pcs. California

Number of Bachelors: 6988

Total tuition fees per year: $ 57,775

Interesting Facts:

Over the 121-year history of Stanford, 107 of its students have received a Rhodes scholarship, 86 - a Marshall scholarship, 60 - a Truman scholarship.

Some of the most innovative companies in Silicon Valley - Google, Yahoo, Cisco, Sun Microsystems - were founded by Stanford alumni.

Students who later became sports stars: Tiger Woods, John Elway (graduated from 1983), John McEnroe and others. Woods and Mackenroe did not complete their studies.

4. University of Chicago

Location: Chicago, pcs. Illinois

Number of Bachelors: 5402

Total tuition fees per year: $ 59 950

Interesting Facts:

Janet Davison Rowley (graduated 1944; Ph.D. 1948) discovered in 1972 that cancer is hereditary. In 2012, a new department of the university was named after her.

The students themselves call the university "the place where the fun ends."

In 2008, fund manager David Booth donated $ 300 million - the biggest gift in the history of the university - to his business school, which became known as the. Buta.

5. Yale university

Location: New Haven, pcs. Connecticut

Number of Bachelors: 5349

Total tuition fees per year: $ 58,250

Interesting Facts:

In 1852, on Lake Winnipesaukee, pcs. New Hampshire, the first intercollegiate competition in American history took place between Yale and Harvard.

99% of freshmen choose to continue their studies.

The university has raised five US presidents: Bush st. (issue 1946), Bush Jr. (1968), Clinton (1973), Ford (1941) and Taft (1878).

6. Harvard University

Location: Cambridge, pcs. Massachusetts

Number of bachelors: 10,305

Total tuition fees per year: $ 56,000

Interesting Facts:

Harvard faculty and students have received a total of 46 Nobel Prizes.

In 2011, following the repeal of the Don't Ask, Don't Tell Act, Harvard returned to campus for the first time in 42 years a system of off-search training for reserve officers.

The university has a fund of $ 32 billion, or $ 1,168,224 per student.

7. United States Military Academy (West Point)

Location: West Point, pcs. New York

Number of Bachelors: 4624

Interesting Facts:

General Benedict Arnold tried to surrender West Point to the British during the American Revolution.

A limited number of international students can attend West Point, but tuition up to $ 71,086 per year is paid by their government.

8. Columbia University

Location: New York, pcs. New York

Number of Bachelors: 8127

Total tuition fees per year: $ 59,208

Interesting Facts:

Founded in 1754, it is the fifth oldest university in the country.

Barack Obama (graduated in 1983) transferred to Columbia University from Oxside College.

The university has graduated nine Supreme Court justices.

9. Pomona College

Number of Bachelors: 1586

Total tuition fees per year: $ 55 319

Interesting Facts:

Pomona has a unique tradition of a ski / beach day. Students go skiing for half a day at Mountain High Resort, an hour's drive from the university, and half a day at Newport Beach.

Despite the high tuition fees, the university has the 11th lowest student debt rate.

Pomona is part of the Claremont Colleges, an association of seven independent institutions located on adjacent campuses.

10. Swarthmore College

Location: Swarthmore, pcs. Pennsylvania

Number of Bachelors: 1545

Total tuition fees per year: $ 55,895

Interesting Facts:

On the Sunday evening before the start of the school year, students traditionally get together and watch the movie "The Graduate".

If desired, students can attend programs University of Pennsylvania, which is located 20 minutes from the campus.

One fifth of students choose to continue their studies and receive a doctorate.

11. Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Location: Cambridge, pcs. Massachusetts

Number of Bachelors: 4384

Total tuition fees per year: $ 55,270

12. University of Notre Dame

Location: Notre Dame, pcs. Indiana

Number of Bachelors: 8452

Total tuition fees per year: $ 55,257

13. Amherst College

Location: Amherst, pcs. Massachusetts

Number of Bachelors: 1791

Total tuition fees per year: $ 56,898

14. Bowden College

Location: Brunswick, pcs. Maine

Number of Bachelors: 1778

Total tuition fees per year: $ 56,540

15. University of Washington and Lee

Location: Lexington, PA Virginia

Number of Bachelors: 1790

Total tuition fees per year: $ 54,843

16. Wellesley College

Location: Wellesley, pcs. Massachusetts

Number of Bachelors: 2502

Total tuition fees per year: $ 55 300

17. University of Pennsylvania

Location: Philadelphia, pcs. Pennsylvania

Number of Bachelors: 11765

Total tuition fees per year: $ 57 360

18. California Institute of Technology

Location: Pasadena, pcs. California

Number of Bachelors: 978

Total tuition fees per year: $ 54,090

19. Brown University

Location: Providence, pcs. Rhode Island

Number of Bachelors: 6380

Total tuition fees per year: $ 56,150

20. Vassar College

Location: Pokepsi, pcs. New York

Number of Bachelors: 2386

Total tuition fees per year: $ 57,385

21. Wesleyan University

Location: Middletown, pcs. Connecticut

Number of Bachelors: 2882

Total tuition fees per year: $ 58,371

22. Northwestern University

Location: Evanston, pcs. Illinois

Number of Bachelors: 9466

Total tuition fees per year: $ 58,829

23. Claremont-McKenna College

Location: Claremont, pcs. California

Number of Bachelors: 1301

Total tuition fees per year: $ 57,865

24. Duke University

Location: Durham, pcs. North Carolina

Number of Bachelors: 6680

Total tuition fees per year: $ 57,325

25. Colby College

Location: Waterville, pcs. Maine

Number of Bachelors: 1815

Total tuition fees per year: $ 55 400

26. Boston College

Location: Chestnut Hill, pcs. Massachusetts

Number of Bachelors: 9826

Total tuition fees per year: $ 56,728

27. Haverford College

Location: Haverfort, pcs. Pennsylvania

Number of Bachelors: 1198

Total tuition fees per year: $ 57,712

28. Harvey Mudd College

Location: Claremont, pcs. California

Number of Bachelors: 784

Total tuition fees per year: $ 57,968

29. Colorado College

Number of Bachelors: 2026

Total tuition fees per year: $ 52,150

30.Davidson College

Location: Davidson, pcs. North Carolina

Number of Bachelors: 1775

Total tuition fees per year: $ 52 498

31. Carlton College

Location: Northfield, pcs. Minnesota

Number of bachelors: 2018

Total tuition fees per year: $ 56,340

32. Tufts University

Location: Medford, pcs. Massachusetts

Number of Bachelors: 5194

Total tuition fees per year: $ 56 600

33. Vanderbilt University

Location: Nashville, CA Tennessee

Number of Bachelors: 6817

Total tuition fees per year: $ 58,554

34.Dartmouth College

Location: Hanover, pcs. New Hampshire

Number of Bachelors: 4194

Total tuition fees per year: $ 58 638

35. USAF Academy

Location: Colorado Springs, PA Colorado

Number of Bachelors: 4413

Total tuition fees per year: $ 0

36. University of Virginia

Location: Charlottesville, pc. Virginia

Number of Bachelors: 15,762

Total tuition fees per year (for state residents): $ 23,986

(for out-of-states and foreigners): $ 48,980

37. Rice University

Location: Houston, pcs. Texas

Number of Bachelors: 3755

Total tuition fees per year: $ 50,171

38. Georgetown University

Location: Washington DC

Number of Bachelors: 7590

Total tuition fees per year: $ 58 125

39. Kenyon College

Location: Gambier, pcs. Ohio

Number of Bachelors: 1658

Total tuition fees per year: $ 55 680

40. College of William and Mary

Location: Williamsburg, Virginia

Number of Bachelors: 6071

Total tuition fees per year (for state residents): $ 24,974

(for out-of-states and foreigners): $ 47,804

41. College of the Holy Cross

Location: Worcester, pcs. Massachusetts

Number of Bachelors: 2905

Total tuition fees per year: $ 54 358

42. Middlebury College

Location: Middlebury, pcs. Vermont

Number of Bachelors: 2507

Total tuition fees per year: $ 57,050

43. United States Naval Academy

Location: Annapolis, pcs. Maryland

Number of Bachelors: 4576

Total tuition fees per year: $ 0

44. Whitman College

Location: Walla Walla, pcs. Washington

Number of bachelors: 1596

Total tuition fees per year: $ 52,856

45. University of California, Los Angeles

Location: Los Angeles, pcs. California

Number of Bachelors: 27,199

Total tuition fees per year (for state residents): $ 31,556

(for out-of-states and foreigners): $ 54,434

46. ​​Emory University

Location: Atlanta, pcs. Georgia

Number of Bachelors: 7441

Total tuition fees per year: $ 55,992

47. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Location: Chapel Hill, pcs. North Carolina

Number of bachelors: 18,430

Total tuition fees per year (for state residents): $ 21,315

(for out-of-states and foreigners): $ 41,140

48. Colgate University

Location: Hamilton, pc. New York

Number of Bachelors: 2947

Total tuition fees per year: $ 55,570

49. Lafayette College

Location: Easton, pc. Pennsylvania

Number of Bachelors: 25,885

Total tuition fees per year: $ 55 720

50. University of California at Berkeley

Location: Berkeley, pcs. California

Number of Bachelors: 25,885

Total tuition fees per year (for state residents): $ 32,632

(for out-of-states and expatriates): $ 55,510

US Universities. How to apply to the best and most prestigious universities in the USA?

US universities have attracted students from all over the world for many decades. The opportunity to study at a US university attracts a huge number of applicants today. Next, we will consider how an applicant can enter a university in the United States. First of all, you need to collect the following package of documents:
- A completed application form of the selected university with attached payment for consideration of the application. Typically, application forms can be found on university websites, and application fees range from $ 20 to $ 200.

- A transcript, which is a list of subjects with grades in subjects that you have studied over the past three years. It is also necessary to attach certified copies of the certificate and diploma (if any). In addition, three letters of recommendation from teachers or academic advisors. It must be borne in mind that all documents must also be submitted to English language.

- An essay written on one or two pages in English. It should describe why you chose a particular university and what you expect from studying there. Also in the essay you need to convince the admissions committee why you deserve to become a student of this educational institution.

- Exam results. Required tests can be taken in the country of residence in specialized testing centers. School graduates must pass TOEFL and / or SAT, and university graduates must pass TOEFL, GMAT or GRE. Of the listed tests, the TOEFL language exam is mandatory, the rest of the tests depend on the requirements of a particular educational institution.

- Financial form. It indicates how much a potential student can pay for their studies for each academic year... All information must be documented in the form of bank statements. Some universities provide financial assistance to their students, which mainly depends on the academic performance, creativity and scientific activity of the student. There are also a variety of scholarship and grant programs for which foreign applicants can apply.

Next, we propose to consider best universities USA. According to the ranking of US universities, Harvard, Princeton and Yale are recognized as the best universities. Brown and Pennsylvania Universities are also among the most prestigious universities in the United States.

Harvard University USA is the oldest privately-owned university in the USA with worldwide recognition. The university administration emphasizes that when recruiting students, it is based not on their financial capabilities, but solely on their abilities. So, about 70% of Harvard students receive various scholarships (including foreign students). The oldest university in the USA is also the leader in the rankings medical universities USA.

Princeton University is also one of the most prestigious universities in the United States. The main areas of study at this university are technical specialties.

Yale University in the USA was founded in the early 18th century. In those early days, his mission was defined as follows: "to bring up exemplary husbands." Yale University successfully copes with this task to this day.

One of the very famous universities in the United States is Brown University. It stands out against the background of other US universities, first of all, for its unusual training program, which started in 1969. Its meaning lies in the fact that the student has the right to choose subjects of study at his own discretion. In principle, there are no compulsory subjects here.

The University of Pennsylvania is the first university in the United States (before that, there were no universities among educational institutions). This university is private and was founded by Benjamin Franklin.

Columbia University USA is also one of the most famous universities in the USA. The most famous faculty of this university is the Faculty of Journalism, which is awarded annually the most prestigious award in the field of journalism - the Pulitzer Prize.

Also in the list of the largest universities in the United States is Dartmouth College. Despite its name, it is a fully-fledged university that is part of the elite of American universities, the so-called Ivy League.

One of the most famous technical universities USA is the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It occupies a leading position not only in American rankings of higher educational institutions, but also international ones.

One of the most famous art universities in the United States is New York University. It is a unique educational institution that provides the most modern and comprehensive training in directing, filmmaking, acting and 3D animations.

To the most renowned universities USA belongs to Northwestern University USA. He is the oldest university Illinois State and is renowned for its scientific and research bases.

The University of Chicago is also famous for its level of education. It was founded in 1890 thanks to a donation from John D. Rockefeller. The University of Chicago is renowned for its graduates with degrees in economics, physics, law, and sociology.

In general, there are both public and private US universities and colleges. State universities The United States has rich traditions and a long history, they are very closely connected with the life of the state in which they are located, and are the centers of its scientific and cultural life. Such universities are financed at the expense of the state. There are not so many private universities, but, as a rule, they are at the top of the world rankings of universities. It is impossible to accurately answer the question of how many universities currently operate in the United States with one hundred percent certainty, but as of 2009, there were 4352 universities.

Of course, everyone who thinks about studying at US universities is interested in the question of the existence of free universities. There are indeed free universities in the United States, but it is very difficult to enroll in them, although it is possible for both US citizens and foreign applicants.

Since the cost of tuition at top US universities is very high for most applicants, inexpensive US universities may be considered. Of course, no one says that you need to go to study at unknown universities, but after spending a little time you can pick up options from relatively cheap US universities, whose diploma will also be highly quoted in various international companies. In general, the cheapest universities in the United States are the so-called Community Colleges. Payment in them, as a rule, does not exceed two thousand US dollars per semester.

Thus, if you are thinking about studying in the United States, take a very close look at the list of US universities. If you want to study in a specific state, then you should select US universities specifically by state. Also, each university, as a rule, has its own website, where you can get all the necessary information and see photos of US universities.

Let there be a lot of debate about the quality of higher education in the United States, but many people from abroad would like to study at American universities (for example, at Harvard University). However, the high cost of education and other problems do not allow the Americans themselves, not to mention foreign students, to get into the number of students of more or less prestigious institutions.

Everyone wants to get there, but only a few get there. The main obstacle on the way to getting into one of the universities is very strict requirements for candidates and exorbitant prices - from 35 thousand dollars per year of study for a bachelor's or master's degree. Not everyone who has that kind of money is taken there either, but it is very difficult to get free tuition at these universities... However, especially for those who have the opportunity to enroll, a list of the best was prepared:

  1. Harvard University. One of the most famous universities in the world, the first mention of which was in 1636 - the university has a very rich history. Refers to private educational institutions. It is located in Boston. Of all those wishing to study within the walls of this institution, only 6% are among the students. The cost of studying for a bachelor's degree is almost 44 thousand dollars a year, a master's degree will cost less than 500 dollars. However, Harvard University is far from the most expensive in the United States.
  2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The Institute is very famous in America for the introduction of new teaching methods into the higher education system. Its opening date is 1861. MIT also refers to private educational institutions. The institute is located in Boston. Compared to Harvard, it is more realistic to enroll in this university, more than 8% of those who wish to enter the university become students. A bachelor's degree here will cost much less than a master's degree - only 37 thousand dollars per year. The master's program costs 43 thousand dollars. Higher education at MIT is cheaper and easier than at Harvard.
  3. Stanford University. This university is also known throughout the world for the quality of its teaching. The university was founded in 1891 in Stanford, California. The university belongs to a private type of educational institution. However, it is even more difficult to become a student at Stanford University than at Harvard. Out of 100% of those wishing to enroll, only 5.6–5.8% are enrolled. Bachelor's and Master's degrees at this university cost a little more than 44 thousand dollars per year of study.
  4. University of California (UC). In fact, UC is an association of several California universities, which includes the most popular and prestigious institutes and universities. The first mention of the University of California appeared in 1868. All UC universities have public status, which means that institutions receive funding from various funds and the state government, therefore, it is much easier to apply for a budget place there. It is not so difficult to enter this university, 11-15% of all applicants enter. The cost of a bachelor's degree is 35 thousand dollars, the cost of a master's degree is about 41 thousand dollars.
  5. University of Chicago. Founded in 1890 in the city of Chicago. It has the status of the most expensive university in the United States. It is also a private educational institution. It is almost impossible to enroll in budget-funded places at this university, however, if you have the money, then it will be much easier for you to enroll. The percentage of admissions ranges from 12 to 16. Education at the University of Chicago is 48 thousand dollars a year - a bachelor's degree and 45 thousand - a master's degree.
  6. As you may have noticed, universities are divided into two main types - private and public. It is very difficult to enroll in private universities and institutes for free, and the cost of tuition per year is very high (if the university is in high positions). Public universities offer more hope for smart people, which have little money, since such educational institutions derive their main income from sponsors and the government. Tuition fees in public universities are slightly lower than in private institutions.

    However, few foreigners manage to enroll in these five universities, most often immigrants from Russia or Ukraine go to less well-known and expensive universities. The main obstacles to admission to the most prestigious educational institutions in the United States are high student requirements, high prices and high competition.

    The main types of US universities

    In this country, today all higher education institutions are divided into 3 professional types - universities, institutes and colleges. Now the country has a total of about 4 thousand universities. Among all this number, universities and colleges are in the lead, institutes occupy only a small part. Alas, the overwhelming majority of all institutions are of a private type, that is, it is very difficult to enroll for free, and sometimes even impossible. but in public universities make some excessive demands on future students.

    So, what is the difference between universities, colleges and institutes? The main differences can be discerned between university and college. At the university, you can, at the official level, conduct various Scientific research, get degrees - associate, bachelor, master and doctor. The main emphasis in universities is on the creative thinking of the students. With colleges, everything is easier - there you can be awarded an associate's degree and a bachelor's degree, but not higher.

    Also, within the walls of the college, no research work is carried out, but for the most part only "cramming" of the material takes place.

    If we talk about institutions, then in the United States there is no particular difference between them and universities. The only thing that can be noted is that specific science is being studied at the institutes. For example, you entered the Institute of Chemistry and Biology, then you will study and experiment only in this scientific direction. The universities of this country, as a rule, have a more expanded scientific outlook.

    Arrangement and form of education in universities

    The institutes and universities of this country, as a rule, are famous for their well-developed infrastructure. Campuses and dormitories are always in the immediate vicinity of the educational institution or close to major transport routes. As a rule, campuses are located in prosperous areas, not far from a hospital, police station and some kind of public garden or park.

    The quality of life in many hostels is maintained at a high level, even if this hostel or campus is inexpensive educational institution... The rooms and blocks are regularly renovated, furniture and appliances on campuses are also replaced in case of breakdown. Gyms, swimming pools, libraries, laboratories, parks are located next to hostels or directly in the same building. Some universities may have churches, theaters, cafes.

    The universities themselves are located in prosperous areas, not far from the park and the bus / metro station. Some university buildings may be examples of architectural art.

    If we talk about the form of education, then in many US universities the form of submitting material from one institution may differ slightly from the form of submitting knowledge of another. However, there is an emphasis everywhere on the development of creative thinking and free will. For example, after admission, you will be able to choose for yourself which subjects you want to study in more depth, and you can completely refuse to study subjects that are less necessary for you.

    Of course, if you entered the Faculty of Law, then you will not be allowed not to attend lectures on law and law, but you can quite "legally" skip a lecture on higher mathematics.

    But still there is a certain norm of visits to objects - unit. One unit is one hour or one lecture on any subject. Their minimum number per year is different in all universities. On average, in order to get a bachelor's degree, it is necessary to study each subject during the year 115-150 hours. For a master, the number of hours required for study is less - 50–70. Provided that the number of units in any subject is below the permissible level, then you may have problems obtaining a degree and a certificate.

    It is also worth mentioning the teaching staff of universities. In the United States, very large funds are poured into the development of science and universities, thanks to which all teachers receive good salaries, which is a very big incentive. However, teaching at an institute, college or university is considered very responsible and elite, so it is very difficult to get a job there. As a rule, each teacher knows his subject perfectly and knows how to quickly and clearly explain to the student difficult topic... Quite often, warm friendships are established between students and teachers in US universities.
