Technology and nature

Dirt and anti-dirt


Candidate of Chemical Sciences A. I. NEKHAEV

It has been rightly observed: there is no dirt in chemistry; dirt is a substance, most often a mixture of substances, out of place. The history of acid tars, which, unfortunately, are quite massive products of oil refining, is another confirmation of this. Why “unfortunately”, you will understand a little later, as well as find out (who does not know) what kind of bird these acid tars are. By no means a blue bird of happiness, rather a black one ...

Let us begin our story with a substance incomparably more popular than all the tars put together. The alchemists called it vitriol oil - we call it sulfuric acid.


This acid is a substance not only extremely popular, but also extremely important. No wonder the volume of its production is one of the indicators of the economic potential of the country.

Most sulfuric acid is now spent on the production of mineral fertilizers, but it is almost as necessary for all other sub-sectors of the chemical industry. And not only chemical: metalworking, textile, leather, food industries cannot do without sulfuric acid. Oil refining and petrochemistry are no exception: they consume sulfuric acid on a fairly large scale and for different purposes. Here are some examples.

The most common synthetic detergents (CMC) are now amine active. This means that their active principle lies in the anion - most often in the anion of the HSO 3 - composition, which came to CMC from sulfuric acid, the cheapest and most accessible. For example, castor oil is converted from a staining agent by the action of sulfuric acid into a detergent. In our time, in order to obtain high-quality CMC, it is usually not natural, but synthetic raw materials (alkylbenzenes) that are sulfonated, and the cheapest CMC for technical needs have been and are obtained by sulfonation of kerosene and gas oil fractions of oil.

Another example. Approximately one fifth of all petrochemical products are alcohols. The most common method for obtaining alcohols, including ethyl alcohol, is the sulfuric acid hydration of olefins. which again requires sulfuric acid. Another example. A modern car engine designed for high-octane gasoline. The classic antiknock tetraethyl lead becomes persona non grata because it poisons the atmosphere. Nowadays, the octane number of gasoline is being increased by means of alkylation processes. As a result of these processes, branched hydrocarbon molecules are obtained. They are added to gasoline to increase its octane number, and the alkylation catalyst is still the same sulfuric acid ... We will omit for insignificance - the insignificance of the scale of consumption - other cases of using sulfuric acid as a catalyst for petrochemical processes. Incomparably more it is used for the purification of petroleum products: fuels, oils, paraffin. Acid removes unsaturated and aromatic hydrocarbons, resinous substances, sulfur and nitrogen compounds from oil - everything that reduces the stability of fuels and oils during storage, worsens their performance, smell, color. Purification of petroleum products with sulfuric acid is the oldest and technologically the simplest method. But at the same time, this is also a backward method: the losses of valuable oil components are great, the acid corrodes the equipment, and most importantly, a lot of waste is generated, which together are called acid tars. Because of this, sulfuric acid cleaning methods have now been supplanted (but not completely) by more advanced ones, such as hydrotreating fuels or treating oils with selective solvents. About 90% of the world's oil production is now processed in this way. However, let's remember the huge scale of production: thousands of tons of H 2 SO 4 are hidden behind the remaining ten percent. The purification of the most valuable oils - hydraulic, vacuum, electrical insulating - is still trusted only with sulfuric acid.

Thus, the positions of sulfuric acid in oil refining and petrochemistry remain quite strong. And if so, the amount of acid tars continues to grow.


Black viscous mass, which includes up to 70% H 2 SO 4 plus the original organic compounds, alkyl sulfuric acids and other sulfonation products, plus resins and polymers - all this is acid tars. Their components are partly chemically bonded, partly just mixed together, and it is extremely difficult to separate them.

As you know, the degree of use of production waste is an indicator of the development of the industry, a measure of the culture of production. Utilization of acid tars until recently was considered a hopeless business. It is impossible to dump these wastes into rivers even after careful neutralization: they decompose slowly and for a long time. The easiest way is to burn the ill-fated acid tar, having previously dissolved it, say, in boiler fuel. But this is not a solution either: flue gases with a significant content of SO 2 are formed, and in this case the effect of acid tars on the biosphere will be very negative.

That is why for many decades acid tars were poured into huge storage ponds. Needless to say, both these ponds themselves and their immediate surroundings are lifeless. “Even a bird does not fly to it, and an animal does not, only a black whirlwind ...” the pungent smell of sulfur dioxide mixed with no less “aromatic” organic matter spreads far. This is gradually decomposing acid tars in storage ponds.

It was impossible to put up with either the irretrievable loss of acid and organic matter, much less environmental pollution. Sulfuric acid has successfully purified many products for many years. Now the question arose. to purify it itself and at the same time receive income from waste.

A natural move: in order to somehow utilize acid tars, you must first of all divide them into at least two main components - organic matter and sulfuric acid. The simplest tool for such a separation can be water vapor. The mixture processed by him is stratified. The top layer is organic with traces of acid, the bottom is black dilute acid. The spent acid can either be concentrated or used where a weak acid can handle it, such as in the production of ammonium sulphate or superphosphate, in the leather industry, or for the demineralization of saline soils.

The choice is relatively small, especially since each of the listed industries prefers at least technically pure acid ... There is more demand for concentrated H 2 SO 4, but it is not easy to remove excess water from the acid. The productivity is low, the equipment corrodes, and most importantly, it is necessary to first remove the remains of organic substances, which, when evaporated, decompose up to 40% of the acid. So it turns out that the game is not worth the candle.

But there is no evil without good. Thermal decomposition of the dirty acid proved to be a profitable option. Sulfuric acid splits, "in order to die, be embodied" in the same sulfuric acid. The decomposition product - sulfur dioxide - is needed both for the isolation of cellulose from wood chips, and as a preservative agent during the storage of fruits, and - most importantly - SO 2 is used to produce sulfuric acid. Strong, clean, suitable for any business.

But what is the second component of acid tars - black "viscous" organic matter good for? It could be burned as boiler fuel. But it will be bad fuel: there is quite a lot of sulfur in it, besides, nozzles quickly coke. It is possible to process the organic part of the acid tar with air when heated and thereby turn it into bitumen. Bitumen was the first oil product to fall into the hands of man (as early as 3800 BC!). Since ancient times, in construction, medicine and in the mummification of corpses, its water resistance, astringent and antiseptic properties have been used. Today, huge masses of bitumen are used to build buildings and roads, to protect metal structures from corrosion. Demand for bitumen exceeds supply. Getting it from acid tar is twice useful: the most harmful dirt turns into the right product ...

Journal "Chemistry and Life" No. 10, 1978.

Belongs to monobasic preparations of weak action. It is characterized by the absence of color and a pungent odor. The drug is hygroscopic, characterized by the ability to react with many types of solvents and combines well with organic substances and gases. When interacting with active metals, it forms salts, and when the temperature drops to -16 ° C, it turns into a crystalline mass.

Ways and methods of obtaining

An industrial way to create acetic acid is the use of catalysts in the oxygen oxidation of acetaldehyde. The process takes place at high pressure and temperature. Depending on the technology, manganese, rhodium or cobalt catalysts can be used. For the food industry in the production of acetic acid, a biocatalytic method is used using enzymes of acetic acid bacteria and liquids containing ethanol.

The substance was discovered in ancient times due to the violation of winemaking technology. The vinegar formed in sour wine was found to be used in everyday life, and the acid began to be used as a seasoning for food, a medicine and an organic solvent.

There are a lot of acids, as well as their various chemical compounds, in nature. They have an active influence on the whole world around.

Here are some interesting facts about acids.

Lake of Death located in Sicily is called " dead". Plants do not grow along the shores of the lake, fish or other living organisms do not live there, and birds never fly there. Anyone who accidentally falls into the lake immediately dies. If you lower your hand into the lake for a couple of seconds, then instantly the skin on your hand will turn red, blister, and begin to peel off, exposing muscle tissue. Think this is a horror movie story? No, this is the real picture from life.

And this will happen due to the fact that the lake is nothing but a reservoir aggressive dangerous sulfuric acid. In 1999, after a painstaking and dangerous study of the bottom of this lake, researchers found that this acid comes from two underground sources.

It is also known that the mafia in Sicily always drowned its victims in this lake and after a short period of time there was no trace of them.

More interesting facts about acids. Oddly enough, but acid can help in the fight against such a bad habit as smoking. Employees of the Duke University Medical Center (USA) have created a completely unique technique for getting rid of this habit.

Now various methods are used for this purpose, as a result of which purified nicotine (without various harmful substances in the form of carcinogens, aggressive tars and carbon monoxide) directly enters the bloodstream. To do this, they use impregnated patches, chewing gum and inhalers.

The technique developed by the researchers proposes to use the properties of the compounds of nicotine and pyruvic acid, which is formed in the body of a smoker. When these two components interact, a nicotine compound - pyruvate is obtained. This compound enters the smoker's lungs. Now the last tests of the new tool are being carried out, after which it will be available to everyone.

Interesting historical facts related to organic acids: In 1714, by decree of Peter I, an apothecary garden was founded in St. Petersburg. Medicinal plants were grown there, supplying pharmacies with them or processing them into medicines. So, the leaves of one of these plants, placed in milk, protect it from sourness. Fresh meat and fish, transferred by this plant, last longer. A yellow dye can be obtained from its roots. The fibers can be used to make nets that do not rot in water. Leaves are an inexhaustible basis for the hostess' fantasy of preparing healthy and wholesome food. We know this plant from Andersen's fairy tale. Personal experience with this plant can bring to tears. Finally, this plant is recognized even by the blind. It's...Name this plant!

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carboxylic acids

"Chemical properties of carboxylic acids" - The name of carboxylic acids. The structure of the carboxyl group. Formulas of carboxylic acids. Task. Chemical properties of carboxylic acids. functional group. carboxylic acids. Salicylic acid. Chemical properties. Trivial name for carboxylic acids. General properties of carboxylic acids. The road to knowledge.

"Examples of carboxylic acids" - Formic acid. Acetic acid. Valeric acid. Chemical properties of carboxylic acids. Stearic acid. Study the structure. They form ethers. Lemon acid. carboxylic acids. Acids. Indicator. These are organic substances. Classification of carboxylic acids. Oxalic acid.

"Carboxylic acids and their properties" - Interesting historical facts related to organic acids. Classification. Algorithm for writing formulas of carboxylic acids. Methylpentanoic acid. Structural formula of the carboxyl group. Which acid is stronger? Acid names. carboxylic acids. Ethanoic or acetic acid. Physical properties of carboxylic acids.

"Limiting monobasic carboxylic acids" - Monobasic carboxylic acids. physical properties. Structure and nomenclature of saturated carboxylic acids. carboxylic acids. Carbon atom. Limit monobasic carboxylic acids. gaseous substances. Types of isomerism. Discovery history. Formic acid. Name the carboxylic acids. Trivial names.

"Ultimate carboxylic acids" - Repeat the definition of carboxylic acids. Esters nomenclature. copper acetate. Isobutyl acetate. Choose the formula for the carboxylic acid. Carbon atom. Crossword on carboxylic acids. Trivial names. Chemical properties of carboxylic acids. Ethane. Obtaining carboxylic acids. A task for self-control.

"Classes of carboxylic acids" - Homologous series of acids. Apple acid. Classification of carboxylic acids according to the nature of the hydrocarbon radical. functional group. Obtaining carboxylic acids. The use of carboxylic acids. Isomerism of carboxylic acids. Classification of carboxylic acids. Representatives of monobasic carboxylic acids.

In total there are 19 presentations in the topic
