Saying, its meaning is that there is no point in condemning a person if he has achieved victory. If during the path to victory this person could be attacked and ridiculed, then after a victorious triumph, all these attacks and ridicule are worthless. Another interpretation of the saying is as follows - the defeated, in principle, have neither the strength nor the rights (taken away by those who won) to dispute anything. Sometimes the word "judged" in the saying refers to contesting the victory.
The saying is used when someone begins to criticize or condemn those people who have achieved something, have gained the upper hand either over other people or over circumstances. Indeed, there is no point in condemning the victor, only if it is not a struggle against the victor, overt or covert. Often the saying is used by those who "won" as an excuse for their actions.
On the other hand, sometimes the path to victory is such that it is impossible not to condemn it. An example is the destruction of the civilian population of two cities in Japan by the United States with atomic bombs during the Second World War. By these actions, the US military showed that in terms of moral qualities they are no better than the fascist executioners of Germany and the same Japan. Some paths to "victories" are so vile and immoral that only a person without morality can not condemn them.
It is worth remembering such an aspect as the conduct of information wars and the bias of some mentally retarded people. That is, in some cases, the condemnation of the vanquished is a continuation of the struggle, and the behavior of the mentally handicapped, who support the condemnation of the winners, is only one of the sides of this struggle. A vivid example is attempts to denigrate Russia's Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War, celebrated on May 9th.

Losers and those who have left the race are not loved. Everyone loves winners!

Historically, the ideal of the winner is cultivated in any society. It can be not only victorious wars for the possession of new territories, material and human resources, but also victory in prestigious music and cinema competitions, successful performance at scientific conferences, not to mention sports competitions that gather millions of fans in stadiums and on TV screens. national teams around the world.

The spirit of competition permeates all spheres of our life. Hence the endless beauty contests, giving their winners a ticket to the world of fame, prestige and big money.

The victory at the Olympic Games is quoted more than the victory at the World Championships.

The American business magazine Forbes annually publishes a list of the richest people in the world.

Since all millionaires, as a rule, dream of becoming billionaires, being on the coveted list means being on the list of winners.

Well, who among us has not dreamed of getting into the Guinness Book of Records since childhood? Still would! What prestige! This book has a huge circulation around the world, catching up with the Bible, the Koran and Mao Zedong quotes.

They say that winners are not judged. In other words: victory - at any cost, because the end justifies the means. Is it so? And is it always like this?

I don't have a clear answer. I only know that the end and the means must be proportionate. And you can not treat dandruff with a guillotine.

A few words about goals.
Let's say I set a goal for myself: to win first place in a city boxing competition. And my teammate took the bar higher. He decided to become a national champion.

As a result, I won and became the champion of the city, and my friend, having lost in the final, took second place in the national championship. And, although in the eyes of society, his sports result is much higher than mine, but in terms of self-perception - I am a winner, and my friend is a loser, because he did not achieve his goal.

But who sets these goals for a person: to be rich, successful, to have many people under his command? In order to achieve these goals, he is ready to push others with his elbows and trample on the fallen.

Yes, the person himself sets these goals for himself. False goals, false victories that do not bring satisfaction.

The only good news is that people are constantly changing. His consciousness changes, his thoughts and feelings, his attitude to life and to other people. Therefore, what seemed significant yesterday, today loses all value in his eyes. What seemed like a win yesterday is tantamount to a loss today, because so much time, effort and nerves were spent on empty goals.

Winners are not judged? Judge and how! The mood of society is often as unpredictable as the behavior of adolescents during a period of active release of hormones. Therefore, yesterday's idols are being thrown off the pedestal today.

After all, they will be replaced by new lucky ones, basking in the rays of fleeting glory. True, today's idols still know nothing about this transience.

Yes, and the man himself in his new, more mature state judges himself, yesterday's winner. But why live in the past when you need to look to the future.

In this future, a person will have other, higher goals aimed at the benefit of the entire human society. Such is the spirit of the times.

Therefore, the one who gives more knowledge, strength, kindness and love in the service of everyone will be considered the winner in the new world.

In the world of new relationships between people, there will be no losers. We will all be winners.

Winners are not judged

Winners are not judged
Words that, according to legend, belong to the Russian Empress Catherine II. She allegedly said them, defending A. V. Suvorov, who was wanted to be tried for the fact that, contrary to the order of the commander-in-chief Rumyantsev, he undertook an assault on the Turkish fortress Turtukai in 1773. On the verdict, Catherine wrote: "Winners are not judged."
But this legend is not confirmed by any historical sources.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: "Lokid-Press". Vadim Serov. 2003 .

See what "Winners are not judged" in other dictionaries:

    Winners are not judged- Book. The expression means: the main thing is to achieve victory, no matter which way (honest or dishonest); successful beyond criticism. He must win! And the winners are not judged (B. Gorbatov. Before the war). Victor means winner, right? A… … Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

    The Tokyo trial of the trial of Japanese war criminals, held in Tokyo from May 3, 1946 to November 12, 1948, at the International Military Tribunal for the Far East. Contents 1 History 2 Accusers ... Wikipedia

    International Military Tribunal for the Far East trial of Japanese war criminals, held in Tokyo from May 3, 1946 to November 12, 1948. Contents 1 History 2 Judges 3 ... Wikipedia

    Pay Day ... Wikipedia

    It is not necessarily the right cause that wins, but the cause for which it is best fought. Egon Erwin Kisch Victory has a thousand fathers, but defeat is always an orphan. John F. Kennedy in 1961, after the failure of the amphibious landing in the Bay of Pigs Either know how to win, or know how ... ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

    Judge, judge, d.s. judging and (rarely) judging, carrying. 1. about whom. Arguing, express what n. thoughts, considerations, draw conclusions, conclusions about someone or something. "He knew how to judge how the state is getting richer." Pushkin. “Everything is noticed by me, I judge ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    I; m. The one who won, won. P. championship, competition. Solemnly meet the warriors of the winners. P. competitions. Come out victorious from what l. Walk in winners. * Winners are not judged (last; victory is more important than the means to achieve it). ◁… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    Yeltsin, Boris- First President of the Russian Federation First President of the Russian Federation (twice elected to this post in 1991 and 1996), former Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR (1990 1991), former First Secretary of the Moscow City Committee (1985 1987) and ... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

    Judge, judge; dep. judging. 1. nonsov., about whom and without additional. To form an opinion, a judgment about whom, than l .; draw a conclusion about something. Judge a book. Judge students' knowledge. Judge from your own experience. □ How easy it is to make a mistake in… … Small Academic Dictionary

    Shingen (Harunobu) (1521–1573) commander, belonged to a very ancient family from Kai Province (now Yamanashi Prefecture). In 1541, Shingen, having deposed his father, practically usurped the leadership of an extensive and rich clan. A year later, he took over ... ... All of Japan


  • Winners are not judged, Viktor Pronin. Danger is nearby, in a dark courtyard, at the entrance of your own house, but simply - on a crowded street. Ilya Kasyanin seemed to know about this, but somehow he did not pay attention until he turned out to be ...

Where did the expression "winners are not judged" come from? and got the best answer

Answer from I "ll be better [guru]
Indeed, the words “the winners are not judged” are often attributed to Catherine II, who allegedly put it this way when A. V. Suvorov was brought to court martial for the assault on Turtukai in 1773, undertaken by him contrary to the orders of Field Marshal Rumyantsev. However, the story about Suvorov's arbitrary actions and about putting him on trial is refuted by serious researchers and belongs to the realm of anecdotes.
("Russian antiquity", vol. IV, 1871, p. 591; A. Petrushevsky, Generalissimo Suvorov, vol. 1, St. Petersburg 1884, p. 154-155).
For the first time this expression is mentioned in the decision of the court of Thebes from 389 BC. e. , on the charge of Epaminondas in violation of the Theban law, which forbade holding power longer than the prescribed period, and he exceeded it by four months in connection with the war with Sparta. Brought to trial, he did not deny his guilt and said that he was ready to die, but asked to be written in the verdict: “The Thebans sentenced Epaminondas to death because, under Leuctra, he forced them to defeat the Lacedaemonians, whereas before his command not a single Boeotian could endure the appearance of their battle formation; for the fact that in one battle he not only saved Thebes from destruction, but also gave freedom to all of Greece, and changed the position of the two states so much that the Thebans went on the offensive against Sparta, and the Lacedaemonians considered it lucky to remain intact; he ended the war only after he restored Messene and laid siege to their city itself. Recognizing the correctness of Epaminondas and deciding that “the winners are not judged,” the Thebans removed all charges from him. Moreover, immediately after the end of the war, he immediately resigned all his powers and himself voluntarily went to court. Later, this phrase came into use and already in ancient Rome became winged.
There are many versions about the authorship of this expression. Here is the percentage of opinions.
Caesar (29%), Napoleon Bonaparte (25%), Alexander the Great (25%), Catherine II (9%), Charles Y (5%). Stalin (4%).

Answer from Yoasha Metzger[guru]
From Rome.

Answer from Solnisko 95[active]
from me

Answer from Egor Bolshukhin[expert]
from the winners.
I think not a fact from Rome. after all, the Romans conquered many peoples and it is impossible to say that something belongs to them in full.

Answer from aunt Motya[guru]
These words are attributed to Catherine II, who allegedly put it this way when A.V. Suvorov was brought to court martial for the assault on Turtukai in 1773, undertaken by him contrary to the orders of Field Marshal Rumyantsev.

Answer from Bobrovskaya[guru]
These words are attributed to Catherine II, who allegedly put it this way when A.V. Suvorov was brought to court martial for the assault on Turtukai in 1773, undertaken by him contrary to the orders of Field Marshal Rumyantsev. However, the story about Suvorov's arbitrary actions and about bringing him to trial is refuted by serious researchers and belongs to the realm of anecdotes.

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

The winner is not judged.

Suvorov, contrary to Rumyantsov's orders, took Turtukai. The military court was dressed up and condemned Suvorov. Catherine II signed the verdict: "The winner is not judged".

  • - problems faced by uninformed bidders. In English: Winners "s curseSee also: Information asymmetry & nbsp ...

    Financial vocabulary

  • - The danger that the winner who won the contract will lose money on its implementation ...

    Economic dictionary

  • - a term denoting the situation following the results of an auction, when the winner of the auction pays for his purchase more than it is worth, or sells the goods for less than it is worth on the market ...

    Big Economic Dictionary

  • - Words that, according to legend, belong to the Russian Empress Catherine II. She allegedly said them, defending A.V. Suvorov, whom they wanted to try for the fact that he, contrary to the order ...
  • - Ignorant - uneducated Cf. The ignorant people judge exactly this way: What they don’t understand, then everything is a trifle for them. Krylov. Rooster and pearl grain. Wed Wir sind gewohnt, dass die Menschen verhöhnen, Was sie nicht verstehn. Gothe. Faust. 1. Wed. Les esprits médiocres condamnent d"...

    Explanatory-phraseological dictionary of Michelson

  • - The ignoramuses judge like this: what they don’t understand, then everything is a trifle with them. Ignorant - not educated -. Wed The ignorant people judge exactly this way: Whatever they don’t understand, then everything is a trifle with them. Krylov. Rooster and pearl grain. Explanation...
  • - The winner is not judged. Suvorov, contrary to Rumyantsov's orders, took Turtukai. The military court was dressed up and condemned Suvorov. Catherine II signed the verdict: “The winner is not judged” ...

    Michelson Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original orph.)

  • - Book. The expression means: the main thing is to achieve victory, no matter which way; successful - beyond criticism. He must win! And the winners are not judged ...

    Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

  • - These words are attributed to Catherine II, who allegedly put it this way when A.V. Suvorov was brought to court martial for the storming of Turtukai in 1773, undertaken by him contrary to the order of the field marshal ...

    Dictionary of winged words and expressions

  • - In what I found, in that I judge. See COURT -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - noun, number of synonyms: 5 laurel wreath laurels palm first place victory ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 1 surrendered without any conditions ...

    Synonym dictionary

"The winner is not judged" in books

Judged by clothes


Who are they judging?

From the book Notes from the Sleeve author Voznesenskaya Julia

Who are they judging? One day the door of the cell opened, and a girl of about sixteen, all bruised and scratched, was brought into my room alone. She hides in a corner and looks out like a young animal. I am silent. I'm sorry for disturbed loneliness, I'm used to it. - What's your name? - the girl asks

Success is never blamed?

From the book Henry IV author Balakin Vasily Dmitrievich

Success is never blamed? So, if Henry III could not improve his own position, and Guise, on the contrary, strengthened his own, then Henry of Navarre, having won a victory capable of glorifying a more talented commander than he, managed to compromise himself as much as possible.

In Puebla they don't judge like that

From the book American Gulag: Five Years on the Stars and Stripes author Starostin Dmitry

They don't judge like that in Puebla There aren't many prisoners from Central America and Mexico in New York prisons. The vast majority of immigrants from these countries are illegal immigrants. They tend to settle in the states adjacent to the southern border of the United States. Those of them who break the law are there

Judged by clothes

From the book Self-Portrait: The Novel of My Life author Voinovich Vladimir Nikolaevich

Judged by clothes While I was a banned Soviet writer, the inability to earn money for a living depressed me very much, but now that I have been declared practically outlaws and the risk of being sent to prison or a psychiatric hospital has become quite tangible, my material


From the book Poet Without a Pedestal: Memories of Joseph Brodsky author Stern Ludmila Yakovlevna

CHAPTER XI POETS ARE JUDGED THERE On a cold rainy evening of November 29, 1963, a friend called me and, without saying hello, said: "Read today's Vecherka." And hung up. I went for the Vecherny Leningrad newspaper and immediately, near the kiosk, opened it in the rain. in the newspaper

Winners are not judged

From the book Wing to Wing author Andreev Sergey Pavlovich

Winners are not judged Ringing spring day. Ice crunches softly underfoot. Overhead, among the archipelago of clouds, a plane circles slowly. From here, from the ground, it looks great like a soaring kite, calmly and lazily describing clear circles over a bluish haze.

4. Winners are not judged

From the book With Your Eyes author Adelheim Pavel

4. Winners are not judged Here comes the gentleman, Master will judge us. N. A. Nekrasov Headman The very fact of the fearless use of fraud and violence makes one wonder: are the local authorities afraid of appeals? "On May 24, 1974, Abdunazarova invited Bushchanova, Galai,

Decisiveness: not only the winners are not judged

From the book Palmistry and Numerology. Secret knowledge author Nadezhdina Vera

Decisiveness: not only the winners are not judged Before you get down to business, carefully weigh everything: do you have any doubts? If yes, then it is better not to proceed with this undertaking. The antagonist of uncertainty - self-confidence - is much less of a problem. Allowed thanks to her

11.5. Winners are not judged

From the book The Big Plan of the Apocalypse. Earth at the End of the World author Zuev Yaroslav Viktorovich

11.5. The winners are not judged The sustainable balance in Europe was maintained by the Jews. Today they give money to one power, tomorrow - to another, to everyone in turn and thus take care of the world peace. Carl Ludwig Berne (Baruch) about the Rothschild brothers. French historian Jean

Tried the victors of fascism

From the author's book

The victors of fascism are being judged Seventy years have passed since the tragic beginning of the Great Patriotic War and more than sixty-five years have passed since its victorious end.

Winners are not judged

From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions author Serov Vadim Vasilievich

The winners are not judged by the Words, which, according to legend, belong to the Russian Empress Catherine II. She allegedly said them, defending A.V. Suvorov, whom they wanted to try for the fact that, contrary to the order of the commander-in-chief Rumyantsev, he stormed the Turkish fortress in 1773

Chapter 11 Winners are not judged

From the book On Both Sides of the Front [Unknown Facts of the Great Patriotic War] author Prokopenko Igor Stanislavovich

Chapter 11 Winners are not judged A Lithuanian schoolboy says: “What could happen if Lithuania was occupied by Germany? They would speak German. I think that the Lithuanian economy would reach the level of Denmark, Holland. It would be better.” According to the Estonian teenager, “victory

11. Winners are not judged

From the author's book

11. Winners are not judged And no excuse is recognized for the vanquished. And their only consolation, as Beklemishev said in his readings, is not to wait for mercy. The former Commander of the 2nd Squadron, retired Vice Admiral Zinovy ​​Petrovich, did not expect or ask for her either.

Winners are not judged

From the book Think and Grow Rich by Hill Napoleon

Winners are not judged A perfect example of this kind of people can be considered Dan Galpin. While in college, he was the head of the Notre Dame football team, the national champion of 1930. His graduation came at the most unfavorable time when the depression destroyed
