Lip and cheek biting is common. There is pain, discomfort, the mucous membrane of the mouth is injured, ulcers and bumps may occur. If you do not start treatment on time, the consequences can be very different - from stomatitis to tuberculosis and oncology. It is necessary to understand why this is happening.

Causes of biting the inside of the cheek and lips

“I constantly bite my cheek”, “my child bites his lip” - such problems worry many. The reasons are:


Most often, cheek biting occurs in the area of \u200b\u200bthe chewing teeth. On the inner surface, white rolls are formed, resembling corn in structure. The person feels pain and discovers a bump or wound that may or may not be bleeding, causing discomfort when talking, eating, or brushing teeth. On examination, the doctor will detect a violation of the mucous membrane and an inflammatory process.

Without treatment, acute inflammation will become chronic. Ulcers and erosion are formed. As a result, the bite can result in serious diseases (see photo):

A bump on the lip is a painless thin-walled mucous cyst that does not degenerate into a malignant one (we recommend reading: a bump appeared on the lower lip: causes and treatment). There are times when the lump grows, crusts, itches, and causes profuse salivation. These are signs of lip cancer.

Diagnostic methods

The diagnosis can be made by a dentist. You may need to conduct a histological examination. If necessary, the specialist will send you for additional examination at an oncological or tuberculosis dispensary.

It is imperative not to delay the visit to the dentist to avoid disastrous consequences.

How to treat?

What if a person constantly bites the inner surface of the cheeks? How to help if a child bit his lip? How to stop experiencing pain and discomfort due to cheek bite, lip bite? How to prevent serious complications from such a common problem as cheek biting? Let's consider in more detail

First aid for biting

Drug treatment

Usually, wounds and ulcers in the oral cavity are treated with rinsing using antiseptic solutions - 0.05% chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide, as well as wound healing agents, for example, Solcoseryl ointment, Olazol, Stomatofit, sea buckthorn or rosehip oil. If necessary, the doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory pain relievers - by mouth and for local exposure. Immunal and vitamin complexes are used to activate immunity.

A benign cyst is surgically removed. For the treatment of malignant neoplasms, depending on the stage, cryogenic (using liquid nitrogen), radiation (X-ray therapy, radium and electronic therapy) or surgical methods are used. In no case should you self-medicate!

Folk remedies

A simple antiseptic is baking soda. It is not difficult to prepare a solution of soda for rinsing: 1 teaspoon of soda in a glass of warm boiled water. Prepare a fresh solution each time before rinsing.

Many medicinal plants have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties:

  • Chamomile or calendula is brewed at the rate of 1 teaspoon of dried flowers per 1 glass of boiling water and infused for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then it is filtered, 1 teaspoon of honey is added and used for rinsing the mouth 3 -5 times a day.
  • Cut the bottom leaf of a mature aloe plant, wash and refrigerate for 12 hours. Then cut a piece of the sheet in half and attach the side of the incision to the wound.
  • Nettle and yarrow juice can be used to lubricate wounds. Infusions are used for rinsing. Pour 15 grams of finely chopped herbs with 1 cup boiling water, simmer in a water bath for 15 minutes, then cool, add boiled water to the original volume.

How to get rid of the habit and stop biting your lips and cheeks?

Why do I bite my cheek when I'm worried? - this question arises more often in children and adolescents, but it also happens in adults. The habit arises from nerves. Unlearn chewing on the cheeks and lips from the inside is the task of the person himself.

If there are reasons for a nervous breakdown, then sedatives will help to cope with them - tinctures of valerian, motherwort, peony, herbal preparations, for example, Novopassit.

Warm (37-38 degrees) soothing baths for the night will also help - coniferous, with sea salt, with essential oils (lemon, orange, chamomile), with herbs (valerian, calendula, oregano, mint). Take a bath for no more than 15 minutes.

It is also necessary to eliminate other reasons:

  • to get rid of bruxism during sleep, use a special mouthguard, which will prevent strong compression of the jaws and protect the teeth from abrasion;
  • correct bite of teeth by wearing plates and braces - systems;
  • correct or remove misplaced wisdom teeth;
  • restore damaged teeth, eliminate defects in fillings and dentures.

Each habit can tell about what is happening inside a person. The habit of biting my lips suggests that I was angry and annoyed with someone, but did not show it, but hid it in myself. And now this rage is coming out.

Suppressed anger or aggression is not just lip-biting. Biting your nails and biting objects like the tip of a pen or pencil also indicate suppressed anger.

The best way to break the lip biting habit is to let go of those aggressive emotions that have been suppressed.

To do this, I suggest doing a little exercise right now. Close your eyes, relax, take a few deep breaths in and out.

And start biting your lips.

Think back to the situation when you felt angry, angry, or annoyed. What is happening there? Who are you angry with, but do not show your anger, but hide it in yourself?

It can be several people, but usually it is one person. Often - this is a close person, one of relatives, work colleagues, friends or acquaintances. Okay, remember this situation and this person. We'll need it soon.

Now it is important to let go of these emotions of irritation and anger. If I have hidden and carry in myself anger, aggression, rage, irritation, then they unconsciously attract people with the same mood and the same emotions into my life. Because like attracts like.

It is important to let go of these emotions also because when they are inside, they eat away at a person. The main cause of cancer is repressed emotions of anger, aggression and resentment. So please take this very seriously.

And in this case, the habit of biting my lips plays a good service to me. It shows what I have inside the byaka, which is important to get rid of as soon as possible.

One of the best and quickest ways to get rid of negative emotions is to fill out the Radical Forgiveness Questionnaire for the person who caused these emotions of anger, irritation, hatred in you. It will take no more than 30-40 minutes to fill. But the effect can be so strong that the lip biting habit will disappear by itself.

Open the Profile. Better to print it out and fill it in by hand. If it is not possible to print, then read the questionnaire from the monitor, and fill out the answers on a separate sheet by hand or in a computer.

By filling out the Questionnaire for that person, or for several people who made you angry or offended, you can eliminate the cause of your lip biting habit. But a mechanical habit may remain.

To remove it, just start paying attention to it. Each time you start biting your lips, note to yourself, “Oh, I bite my lip. This is a sign of hidden anger. " And this deliberate behavior will allow you to wean yourself from a mechanical habit.

That's all. Click "Like"if this article was helpful to you. Or write in the comments how the habit of biting your lips helps or hinders you in life.

Many people have the bad habit of biting their lips. For some, this action helps to calm down, while others remove rough skin on the lips.

The reasons for the habit

The bad habit of lip biting does not just appear. It can form at any age, but it is usually during childhood and adolescence. In most cases, the habit speaks of psychological problems.

The main reasons for the habit:

  1. Lack of parental attention. The child receives little love from the parents. He needs mom's hugs, kisses, praise. He has a bad relationship with his family. Instead of love and affection, he is usually punished for bad behavior and bickering. In such cases, the child involuntarily begins to bite his lips slightly, and may also gnaw his cheeks from the inside. After some time, this unconscious movement turns into a habit.
  2. Negative emotions. Adults bite their lips or cheeks when they cannot control their emotions. Some are hysterical, and there are those who just silently bite their cheeks in the hope of getting rid of emotional discomfort. The habit can manifest itself when there is stress at work. The person reacts too emotionally to this situation. He is overwhelmed by frequent anxious feelings and, in order to calm down, he bites his lips and cheeks. In this way, he causes pain, wanting to quickly bring himself to his senses. Sometimes a person bites his cheeks even while laughing.
  3. Desire to get rid of rough skin. In cold weather or strong winds, the lips become chapped. Their surface becomes rough, the skin cracks. This creates some discomfort. As a result, some people chew on the flaky crust.

Another reason when they bite from the inside of the cheek is that a person is in thought. This simple action helps to keep him focused on the problem and not lose focus. After he thinks over all the important questions, the action stops.

If a child had a good, carefree childhood, then he will not have the bad habit of biting his cheeks. In the opposite case, you should first find out the reason due to which this disorder was formed, and later try to eliminate it.


Lip biting indicates that a person is very worried, worried, stressed, or experiencing other unpleasant sensations. He gets small wounds. The lips begin to become inflamed, and this is fraught with the fact that they begin to react to spicy and salty foods, cold and hot water. This creates an unpleasant feeling of very chapped lips.

Another negative consequence is the possibility of contracting an infection. Microrans are an excellent breeding ground for bacteria that lead to skin inflammation. As a result, various diseases can form and actively develop, one of them is cheilitis: an ugly herpes appears, which also worsens the appearance of the lips and face.

For girls, bitten lips are the inability to apply lipstick due to the excessively red border of the lips. Cosmetics will lay down in an uneven layer and further accentuate ugly cracks. This is especially important for women whose professional activities involve communicating with people.


Getting rid of the lip biting habit is difficult, but real. This will take 10-40 days.

The first thing to do is to find the reason for this habit. You need to listen to yourself, focus on your behavior. You will notice under what circumstances you start biting your lips. You need to try to control yourself and not perform such manipulations.

It is important to learn to control your actions and emotions as well. In moments of strong emotional outbursts and when thoughtful, try to restrain yourself from biting your lips. Remember what the consequences of this addiction are: inflammation, cracks, burning sensation on the lips.

Method name Description
1 Calm lifestyle. Try to protect yourself from stressful situations as much as possible. It is important that positive emotions prevail. If this cannot be avoided, then learn to relieve stress pleasantly. You can go for a relaxing massage, go to spa treatments. It is convenient to carry out aromatherapy and color therapy at home. Sometimes a regular bathroom with warm water will help.
2 A reward for successfully overcoming a problem. You need to reward yourself for any success, especially when fighting a bad habit. Set yourself specific deadlines for taking a certain step towards overcoming the problem. If you manage to hold out, reward yourself with something pleasant - going to the cinema, cafe, etc.
3 Correct care. If the reason for the bitten skin is excessively dry lips, then it is advisable to purchase a moisturizing or nourishing lip balm. It is applied at night, before going outside (especially in winter or when the weather is windy) or at any other convenient time, and also a balm is used before painting lips with lipstick so that cracks are less noticeable.
4 Taking vitamins. If the habit of biting your lips occurs due to vitamin deficiency, then you need to drink a course of vitamins. It is especially important to increase the amount of vitamins A, E and group B. If vitamin deficiency occurs in winter, you need to introduce more fruits and vegetables into your daily diet. Vitamin A is found in pumpkin, carrots, sea buckthorn, bell pepper. Vitamin E is present in spinach, eggs, almonds, soybeans, peas. B vitamins are found in pork and beans.
5 Sedatives. Such drugs will help if the reason for biting the lip is psychological stress. Among the most popular means are "Uspokoin", "Valerian", "Fitosed", "Persen-Forte", "Novo-Passit", "Corvalol", etc. But buying any of the drugs without consulting a doctor is undesirable. Remember, self-medication can be dangerous!
6 Keep a success diary. This method will help not only get rid of the bad habit, but also raise self-esteem, improve mood and teach how to achieve goals. Every day you need to set a specific task for yourself and at the end of the day write the results in a diary. In addition to notes, you can take and attach a photo of the lips.
7 Visualization of dreams. Be sure to imagine how beautiful, well-groomed lips should be. To do this, it is better to find a photo of lips and hang them near the workplace. This will be a kind of motivation.
8 Pronouncing affirmations. These are positive affirmations that are aimed at getting motivated. They must be compiled on their own or found ready-made, printed and posted in a prominent place. Another option is to learn it by heart. They should inspire, energize, and help train willpower.

Folk recipes

Even if a person takes a vitamin course, the lips need to be looked after externally. This will help special masks and balms that can be made at home.

The first recipe is an oil-based balm. To prepare it, you must take:

  • shea Butter;
  • wax;
  • cacao butter;
  • almond or coconut milk;
  • cocoa powder.

All components are taken in an amount of 1 tsp. First, wax is heated in a water bath, after which it is mixed with all the other components. The product is placed in a lipstick tube or in a small container with which it will be convenient to smear lips, placed in the refrigerator for a day. After that, the product should be applied as needed or when the lips begin to dry out. Shelf life - up to 6 months.

Another recipe is honey balm. Take 1 tsp. honey and 1 tsp. butter. A prerequisite is liquid honey. The components are not heated, but simply mixed. The product is applied to the lips before going out or before bed. It will help to quickly get rid of dry lips, it can be stored for up to 2 months.

Both products are harmless and can be used even during pregnancy. The only contraindication is individual intolerance.

Specialist help

Sometimes you should see a psychologist. It will help to put in order the nervous system and thoughts in order to find harmony with yourself.

In the treatment of constant cheeks or lips biting, several therapies are used:

  • cognitive-behavioral;
  • group;
  • individual;
  • psychoanalysis;

They all have one goal - to eliminate the reason due to which the habit of biting lips and cheeks from the inside has formed. The only difference is in the approach to treatment.

Cognitive behavioral therapy and psychoanalysis are very similar: the patient is initially asked to think and respond to the following:

  • why I like to rip off my lips;
  • how I feel after this process;
  • whether it becomes easier for me;
  • who said it would last forever;
  • what happens if I change this habit to another;
  • do I understand the consequences of my actions, etc.

The doctor then asks the patient to imagine a situation that is causing him stress. He closely observes the patient's reaction and the nature of his actions. This will allow you to understand how strong the habit is. After that, the psychologist asks to switch to something more pleasant.

The peculiarity of cognitive-behavioral therapy is that its main part is homework. The doctor may ask the patient to find a hobby in order to learn how to distract from problems and psychological stress. This could be:

  • reading an interesting book;
  • playing sports;
  • meditation and yoga;
  • visiting cultural events;
  • travels;
  • communication with other patients, etc.

The goal of homework is to find yourself and enjoy life. This will have a beneficial effect on getting rid of the habit, lifestyle and personal growth of the client.

In group sessions, in addition to general pastime, patients are taught breathing techniques. The basic rule is to inhale deeply through the nose (3-4 s), slowly exhale through the mouth (2-3 s). Usually 5 breaths are enough to come to your senses.

In addition to a psychologist, a visit to a dermatologist and cosmetologist is mandatory. Specialists will prescribe a certain course of vitamin preparations, give useful advice on how to care for your lips.

A beautician will help you change the appearance of your lips, and a psychologist will help you put things in order in your head, thoughts and soul.


The habit of biting lips and cheeks is the result of psychological stress, prolonged stress. This can form both in childhood and at a conscious age. A vitamin course, affirmations, keeping a diary of success, etc. will help you get rid of this habit. The main thing is to visit a cosmetologist, dermatologist and psychologist.

Every third person knows the eternal problem - lip biting. There are many ways to break the lip-biting habit, and you need to take it seriously. Psychologists assess this situation as an internal disorder, which means that even more attention should be paid to this.

Reflect on your actions

To wean yourself from biting your lips and cheeks, you need to catch yourself in a "crime" and understand in what cases the action takes place, whether it is reading a fascinating book, or strenuous work sitting at the computer. You need to believe in yourself, in your willpower, because the ultimate goal deserves effort. Try some methods of struggle, and the result will not take long.

Calm, only calm

Teach yourself to calm down. Most people, in stressful situations, break loose and begin to greedily devour their lips. This is not necessary. Relax, sit back in a chair, or even better a sofa, breathe in deeply with a full chest of air, and exhale. Repeat this procedure several times, while simultaneously remembering the pleasant moments of life, because positive thoughts heal absolutely everything.

Lips should not be dry

Avoid dry lips. Use hygienic lipstick, which is suitable for absolutely everyone, but if that doesn't work, grandma's recipes will be just right. Mustard - smear on lips and after it the desire to feast on lips will certainly disappear.

Eloquent speech

If the urge to bite your lip persists, talking is a great method. Let it be a dialogue with colleagues, relatives, acquaintances, and if you are alone with yourself - stand in front of the mirror, remember the poems, or even better a tongue twister.

Replace with candy

Look for alternatives like candy, peanuts are a great substitute. The most important thing is not to get carried away much, if the result is positive, you need to gradually limit yourself in these products.

The problem is stronger than desire

If none of the methods helped, then the bad habit is to be deeper than we would like. You do not need to be afraid of specialists, you need to make an appointment with a qualified doctor, be it a psychologist or a neurologist, and with joint efforts this bad habit of biting your lips inside will remain in the past.

The path to success is your path

Each person is individual in his own way, and these are not all ways. The main desire is to fight, find your recipe for treatment, win a victory, set a goal for yourself and follow it, with your head held high, most importantly, believe in yourself, and in no case go astray.


Biting lips, biting nails, constantly asking again are the main bad habits that adults often suffer from. It should be said that lip biting is the most common of them. When a person thinks about something, worries, worries, he bites his lips. It doesn't look very aesthetically pleasing. You can catch an infection that will provoke inflammation of the skin.

We must get rid of such a habit. You need to tightly control your own actions, to analyze your psychological state in detail.

Why does this habit appear

The lips are conducive to the expression of human feelings. There are those who constantly bite them. This is due to the fact that such people are not confident in themselves, they are very worried. Such a gesture may indicate confusion, a sense of fear.

The habit appears already in childhood. The following reasons are common:

  • lack of attention;
  • lack of parental love;
  • constantly experiencing stress;
  • nervous breakdowns often occur.

Biting the skin, the child tries not to cry / get angry when he is scolded. He does the same when he does not know the answer in the lesson and is nervous about it. The child bites on the skin every time negative external / internal factors act on him. If he does this too often, biting becomes a habit. When a person reaches adulthood, he cannot overcome this habit.

Biting on the skin helps to soothe. By a similar method, an adult seeks to normalize his psychological state. It is believed that the painful sensations help to calm down.

Negative consequences

Bitten lips look ugly. They look especially unattractive when the lips have a red border. This betrays self-doubt, even good cosmetics are unable to hide such a flaw.

Other consequences lip biting habits:

  1. Inflammatory process. The skin often cracks, and germs can enter through the cracks. This is especially true for those who constantly bite their nails. Herpes in women does not look very aesthetically pleasing.
  2. Uncomfortable sensations. For a person with bitten lips, any meal becomes a problem. In areas with wounds, burning and pain are felt. This is especially true for lovers of salty and spicy dishes.
  3. The condition of the skin. Due to frequent biting, the skin becomes very rough.

How to fix the problem

So, a person usually begins to bite the skin in childhood, when he lacks attention and tenderness. There are the following treatments:

  1. Please yourself after any victory, even a small one. If you haven't bitten your lips for a long time, indulge yourself. It can be sweet, a little rest, a walk. Visits to the SPA-salon and massages perfectly motivate people. Watch yourself.
  2. Take vitamins and minerals. The lack of the necessary vitamin and mineral components negatively affects the skin. It is necessary to take special products if you want your lips to become healthy. To obtain a list of drugs, you need to visit a dermatological or cosmetology office.
  3. Sedatives. If you're biting your skin due to stress, use a sedative. They will help you stay friendly, just don't go overboard. It is better to check with a neurologist.
  4. Take good care of yourself. You need to use special creams, ointments, hygienic lipstick. This will minimize the negative effects of harmful movements.

If the skin is bitten and cracked, do not use lipstick. This can complicate matters. It is allowed to use only special care products. Thanks to this, the skin will look well-groomed, soft and beautiful.

Relatives can help get rid of the habit. Ask them to remind them not to bite off the skin. You will feel ashamed and will want to quickly overcome your bad habit.

Follow these tips to stop biting your skin. This habit has not adorned a single person.
