How is the OGE in the Russian language? What do experts face when reviewing student work? What is the uniqueness and originality of children's work, and what mistakes do ninth-graders most often make in their work? The press service of the Moscow Center for the Quality of Education was told about all this by Nadezhda Nefedova, Chairperson of the Regional Subject Commission GIA-9 on Russian Language.

About cooperation with MCCO:

The Russian language exam in the GIA-9 format is being held for the eighth year. And all this long and difficult path of approbation of a new form of state final certification for the course of basic school and its transfer to the regular mode, the subject commission passed along with our colleagues from the Moscow Center for the Quality of Education. From the first day, MCCO has been organizing this large-scale and very responsible work, takes on the complex and very voluminous work of preparing and conducting the verification process by our subject commission of tasks with a detailed answer in the structure of control measuring materials GIA-9 in the main and additional periods of the final certification.

The regional subject commission for the Russian language GIA-9 is one of the most numerous in Moscow. When we started this work in 2009, there were 700 of us. In recent years, the number of experts has been from 620 to 650 people, as, for example, this year, 2016. And every year, the staff of the Moscow Center for the Quality of Education faces a serious task: how to place our commission during the main period of checking graduates' examination papers? There were years when we worked in two shifts: from 9.00 to 15.00 and from 15.00 to 21.00. Our working day lasted from 8.00 to 23.00. The last two years have become easier: experts work in one shift.

In addition, MCCO has always strived to create quite comfortable conditions for the work of experts: our fellow experts could always have a cup of tea, coffee, and have a snack. So over the entire period of our work, we have developed a workable team of like-minded people: employees of the Moscow Center for the Quality of Education, the Moscow Institute of Open Education and the Russian language teachers in Moscow schools. We have always set ourselves only one task - to check the examinations of graduates with high quality and on time, to objectively assess their success over the previous nine years of study and thereby help the children see their prospects.

On the features of the OGE in the Russian language and the difficulties of the expert's work:

In the control measuring materials in the Russian language GIA-9 in the OGE format, not one task with a detailed answer is presented, as, for example, in the exam in the Russian language, but two creative tasks. First, the guys write a concise presentation based on the text they listened to (task 1). The second part is "test". And the third part (task 15) is again a task with a detailed answer, creative work, composition. Moreover, the themes of the essay in the third part are variable in nature: three formulations of the topics are offered, and the student chooses one of them.

The approaches to the wording are also different. The first is linguistic in nature, requires the student to understand the utterances of linguists about language, the ability to explain the meaning of the utterance, and give examples from the text. The second topic is closer to the experience gained in literature lessons. The children are offered the final phrase of the text, and they must interpret its meaning based on understanding the content of the entire text, taking into account the author's position. This is a different direction of work.

And finally, the third topic. To a greater extent, it is of a worldview character. The student is asked to explain the lexical meaning of one of the mental concepts, for example: "love", "friendship", "mercy", "humanity", "compassion", which form the basis of a person's system of value ideas about the world and life. The guys, based on their experience, explain the meaning of the word, give examples based on the text they have read, examples from their life experience.

The student is interested in working with such materials. During the exam, the nature of the work changes, and the student can express himself in different areas of creative activity. But it is not easy for an expert: in order to check the work, he must know the specifics of each type of activity and the criteria for evaluating different tasks, taking into account the peculiarities of their implementation. The package of materials for checking the work of an expert includes 19 different texts (as it was in 2015), 18 linguistic quotes, 18 fragments for interpretation and at least five words for interpreting the meaning, but on the basis of 18 different texts again. The expert must comprehend all this meaningfully, correlate with the requirements of the formulation of the assignment, the criteria and conditions for assessing the examination work.

Awareness of the importance of the expert's work helps: not only to check and evaluate the work, but also to help the student realize how successful he is in mastering the program for the ninth grade course, what are his prospects. In addition, there is a schoolboy behind every job. And not seeing the student, but reading his work, we are imbued with the meaning of his reasoning and his emotions. How not to respond, for example, to such a force of conviction of a graduate (graduate): “What motivates a person in a war? Rage? Not. Fighting impulse? Not. Conscience? Not! Patriotism!!!".

About the features of the work:

We work with language and see a variety of graduates' work in terms of language proficiency. There are vivid professional impressions. There are examination papers, behind which we see the enormous work of students, their parents and teachers in preparation for the exam. The works are distinguished by their maturity in the perception of life, the individuality of the handwriting, the depth of the content of the material. Last year, some guys, choosing task 15.3, wrote an essay about friendship, one of them contained wonderful words: “A true friend is worth its weight in gold. We must not only look for good friends, but also be such. "

But there is also what we call the "quirks of the language" of our students. Here are some examples:

"Each of us has a detail that makes us human."

"Conscience is something that cannot be passed on to the shoulders of another."

"... signs of dismemberment ..."

Laughing, and this is a good relaxation during the difficult work of an expert!

About typical mistakes on the exam:

The exam results depend both on the level of mastering the school course in the Russian language and on the level of language development of the graduates of the basic school. Therefore, we consider the achievements of ninth grade students as intermediate: ahead of the years of study and years of growing up - all this will give adolescents an opportunity to improve in language and speech.

A particular problem that we often encounter when checking school papers is a large number of grammatical and speech errors. They indicate that the children have not mastered the grammatical and speech norms of the modern language well enough, the formation of which is largely influenced by the nature of the spoken and written speech of the immediate environment and the family in the first place.

The student's own experience of speech practice is also extremely important. This experience is quite specific in the selection of vocabulary, the structure of speech, if only because adolescents actively use youth slang with its vocabulary, speech patterns, and grammatical features. When a student creates a text on the exam, he relies heavily on his inner speech. And it is not always possible to correlate it with the speech or grammatical norm of the modern language. It can be difficult for children to switch from informal communication to literary speech. Often in their work there is a mixture of levels and styles of language.

Of course, any native speaker is under the external pressure of modern language practice. But adolescents are especially susceptible to this: there is a process of active development of the world around them, and through language in the first place. For example, in the language, as in many other areas of life, there is the concept of "fashion", "trend". They are set, among other things, by journalism as an influential area in working with language, with the development of language. But the frequency of the use of a word and (or) turnover in the speech of others does not mean that they have become a literary norm. The specifics of the expert's work when checking examination papers is precisely connected with the establishment of the correspondence of the graduate's written speech to the literary norm.

Wishes to students and teachers:

I want to wish only one thing to my students: love and value your native language, also because language proficiency is the key to an intellectually rich and emotionally rich life. Whoever speaks the language owns the world, because the language provides tremendous opportunities for understanding the world and provides the richest opportunities for self-expression.

And I would like to urge teachers that there are no final achievements in the profession. It would seem that we have been doing the same thing for the eighth year - we are improving our skills in checking the work of students, we are conducting an expert assessment of their educational achievements. But the more we work with colleagues, the deeper we plunge into this process, the more we understand how much we still don’t know! Therefore, I wish teachers not to lose interest in the profession, in the business that we once chose and which we serve so faithfully.

When preparing for exams, you should first of all pay attention to the Rosobrnadzor website ( and the official information portal of the unified state exam ( - there, first of all, information about the OGE is published, which in one way or another otherwise it may concern the interests of future participants.

On these resources, you can familiarize yourself with the procedure for conducting exams, the schedule, the features of the OGE in various subjects; find answers to frequently asked questions.

Official sites of the OGE 2020 - grade 9

To understand how to perform the examination work, you should first of all familiarize yourself with the demo versions of the control measuring materials (CMM) of the OGE in the subjects of this year. Demonstration options will help you get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe structure of future CMMs, the number of tasks, their form and level of complexity. In addition, the demo contains criteria for evaluating the performance of tasks with a detailed answer, which give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe requirements for the completeness and correctness of recording the answer. This information is useful to develop a strategy for preparing for the OGE.

When reviewing the demos of the KIM OGE in 2020, it should be borne in mind that the tasks included in them do not reflect all the content issues that will be checked at the OGE.

FIPI annually prepares a certificate of changes in the CMM for each academic subject, it is also posted along with the demos. A subject teacher, even if he is not one of the organizing teachers at the OGE or a member of the subject commission experts, should familiarize himself with the methodological recommendations prepared based on the analysis of the results of last year's OGE, and recommendations for subject commissions to check the fulfillment of tasks with a detailed answer, to know the process from the inside and be able to explain to your students all the features of the upcoming exams.

Also on the FIPI website there is a priceless thing - an open bank of OGE assignments. The bank contains a large number of tasks used in the preparation of variants of the KIM OGE in all academic subjects. It can be used for self-preparation for the exam. This will greatly help students navigate the examination material, practice in completing typical tasks. The teacher also needs to use the materials of the open bank of OGE assignments from time to time and include them as an element of the lesson when repeating the material.

The recommended table for translating the scores of the 2018 OGE into assessments in the Russian language is published on the official website of FIPI (download).

The maximum number of points that an examinee can receive for completing the entire examination work is 39 points.

Table 1

OGE grades table for 2018 in Russian

Distribution of OGE points 2018 in Russian for assignments is reflected in the demo version of the OGE in Russian in the specification file.

table 2

Parts of work Number of tasks Maximum primary score Job type
Part 1 1
(exercise 1)
Part 2 13
(tasks 2-14)
13 Short Answer Tasks
Part 3 1
(task 15)
9 Task with a detailed answer
Parts 1 and 3 10 points for practical literacy and actual speech accuracy
Total 15 39

The system for assessing the performance of individual tasks and examination work as a whole

The answer to task 1 (condensed presentation) of part 1 of the work is evaluated according to specially developed criteria.

The maximum number of points for a succinct presentation is 7.

For the correct performance of each task of part 2 of the work, the graduate receives 1 point. Zero points are given for an incorrect answer or lack of it. The maximum number of points that an examinee can get, who correctly completed the tasks of part 2 of the work, is 13. The assessment of the answer to the task of part 3 of the work is carried out according to specially developed criteria.

The maximum number of points for the essay-reasoning (alternative task) is 9. The assessment of the practical literacy of the examinee and the actual accuracy of his written speech is made on the basis of checking the presentation and the essay as a whole and is 10 points.

Maximum points, which an examinee can receive for completing all examination work - 39.

The examination papers are checked by two experts. Based on the results of the check, the experts independently set points for each answer to the tasks of the examination work ... In the event of a significant discrepancy in the points given by two experts, a third check is assigned. A significant difference in scores was determined in the assessment criteria for the corresponding academic subject.

The third expert is appointed by the chairman of the subject committee from among experts who have not previously checked the examination paper.

The third expert is provided with information about the points given by the experts who previously checked the student's examination work. The scores given by the third expert are final. "

The discrepancy of 10 or more points given by two experts for completing tasks 1 and 15 is considered significant (points are summed up for all positions (criteria) of assessing the task by each expert: IK1 – IK3, S1K1 – S1K4, S2K1 – S2K4, S3K1 – S3K4, GK1– GK4, FC1). In this case, the third expert rechecks items 1 and 15 for all assessment positions.

On the basis of the points awarded for the completion of all tasks of the work, the total score is calculated, which is translated into a mark on a five-point scale.

"Attestation of 9 grades in a new form" - Projects. Graduates of IX classes of educational institutions. Innovations in KIM GIA. Recommendations for the preparation of graduates. Order of conduct. Parents' statement. Features of the state (final) certification of graduates in 2013. The decision to participate in the state (final) certification.

"State attestation grade 9" - Monitoring the level of preparation for the state final. About mastering. Test results. Features of the conduct. Russian language. GIA-9 in traditional form. State (final) certification of students. GIA in 2013. The results of the GIA-9 in a new form in compulsory subjects. A package of documents for organizing GIA-9 in a sparing mode.

"Preparing for the GIA" - Availability of the rate of presentation of new material. Checking workbooks. Student self-control sheet. Self-control training. Individual student support system. Building goodwill in the classroom. Development of self-study skills. Individual educational route. Selection of individual tasks.

"Final attestation of 9 grades" - Information for filling. Answer form. The examinee. Tasks with a detailed answer. Top of the answer sheet. Additional form. Annotations. Information entered in the forms of the GIA. Sign. Registration information. Registration of answers. State (final) attestation of 9th grade students. Maths.

"Instructions for the GIA" - EXCEPT: For the Russian language - spelling dictionaries. The organizer is a member of the commission for conducting an internal investigation. Mathematics - a table of squares and reference materials containing basic formulas. To appeal a violation of the examination procedure at the educational institution, a graduate must:

"State final attestation grade 9" - Municipal examination commissions. Appeals. Delivery of results. Duplication of materials. The executive body of the constituent entity of the Federation that administers education. Preparation of analytical data. Database formation. Conducting an exam. Territorial Subject Subcommittees.

Basic state exam(OGE) - compulsory final test for 9th grade graduates of Russian schools. The OGE is a form of organization of exams using tasks of a standardized form, the implementation of which makes it possible to establish the level of mastering the federal state standard of basic general education.

To conduct GIA 9 on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad, a single exam schedule is provided. The duration of the examinations is set for each academic subject.

Exam materials

Control measuring materials (CMM) for the OGE CMM are formed using an open bank of tasks and specialized software posted on the FIPI website

Before the start of the exam, the organizers conduct instructions, after which the participants are given sheets (forms) to record the answers.

In the event of a defect or incompleteness of the examination materials, the organizers give the OGE participant a new set of examination materials.

At the direction of the organizers, participants in the OGE fill out the registration fields of the examination work.

The organizers check the correctness of filling in the registration fields of the examination paper by the students.

If there is not enough space in the sheets (forms) for answering tasks with a detailed answer, at the request of the student, the organizers give him an additional form.

Trainees are given drafts as needed. Students can make notes in the CMM for the OGE.


CMM and draft records are not processed or checked!

30 minutes and 5 minutes before the end of the exam, the organizers must inform the participants about the imminent completion of the exam and remind them of the need to transfer the answers from the drafts to the sheets (forms).

OGE participants are required to pass 4 exams:

in Russian language and mathematics (compulsory subjects);

two exams at the choice of the graduate from the list of subjects (see below).

Innovations - 2019

Since 2019, all 9th \u200b\u200bgrade graduates are required to undergo an interview in the Russian language as admission to the main state exam.The interview will test the students' skills in spontaneous expression of thoughts, so this form of control provides only 15 minutes for each ninth grader. During the interview process, you will need to cope with five tasks:

retell the read fragment of a literary work or journalism close to the text, accompanying the retelling with additional information;

demonstrate speaking skills in the form of a monologue on one of the topics suggested in the ticket;

show skills in dialogical speech by talking with a member of the examination committee.

During the interview, the student gains certain test points.

The task


Expressive reading

Retelling the text



Compliance with the norms of the Russian language


The student receives the main number of points for compliance with the norms of the Russian literary language.

An important point:the phrase "spontaneous speech test" sounded in the wording of the purpose of the interview for a reason. The student must prepare for the assignments in just 1 minute! As a result, he receives a "pass" (admitted to the OGE) or "failure" (in this case, the student has the right to a second interview).


According to the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of basic general education, students who do not have academic debt and who have fully completed the curriculum or individual curriculum (having annual marks in all academic subjects of the curriculum for IX grade at least satisfactory) are admitted to the OGE and successfully passed an oral interview in the Russian language.

Students who, in the current academic year, are winners or prize-winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, members of the national teams of the Russian Federation that participated in international Olympiads and formed in the manner prescribed by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, are exempted from passing the state final certification in the academic subject corresponding to profile of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, the international Olympiad.


State final certification for educational programs of basic general education includes:

Required exams: in Russian language and mathematics

As well as exams at the student's choice in two academic subjects from among academic subjects:

  • Literature
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • Geography
  • Story
  • Social science
  • Computer Science and Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
  • Foreign languages \u200b\u200b(English, German, French and Spanish)
  • Literature

The subjects chosen by the student are indicated in the application that he submits to the educational organization by March 1 of the current year.

Students have the right to change (supplement) the list of exams specified in the application only if they have valid reasons (illness or other documented circumstances).

Additional material:


reference materials issued with work, ruler

Russian language

orthographic dictionary


non-programmable calculator. The OGE participant will receive the necessary laboratory equipment along with the examination materials

Social science,


no additional materials are used



periodic system of chemical elements D.I. Mendeleev, table of salt solubility, electrochemical series of metal voltages, non-programmable calculator


geographical atlases for grades 7, 8 and 9,

non-programmable calculator, ruler

Foreign language

sound reproducing and recording equipment


texts of fiction and collections of lyrics


For each subject, a scale for evaluating the results of the examination work (from 20 to 45 points) and a scale (based on the recommendations of the FIPI) are established for recalculating the primary points for the implementation of the examination work into a mark on a five-point scale.

Graduates can find out the marks for the exam at the educational institution where they study, after the work has been checked and the results are approved.

Graduates of grades 9 who received no more than 2 unsatisfactory marks at the state final certification are allowed to repeat the GIA in these subjects within the main period.

In case of non-receipt of a satisfactory grade and at retake, the graduate will not be issued a certificate. Instead, a certificate of completion of the training will be provided. The certificate indicates the subjects for which an unsatisfactory grade was received, and next year it will be possible to retake only these subjects.


All draft exam models of the OGE 2020 in academic subjects were prepared on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard of OOO. At the same time, the continuity of the checked content with the Federal component of the state educational standard is ensured. In comparison with the 2019 examination models, in the projects of the KIM OGE in 2020, the activity component and the practical nature of the tasks are strengthened. Some approaches adopted in international comparative studies to the design of assignments in mathematics and subjects of the natural science cycle have been implemented.

The tasks of the Main State Exam for ninth graders for 2020 have become more practice-oriented and test skills such as searching and analyzing information, arguing their point of view, reasoning skills.

RUSSIAN LANGUAGE - the number of tasks has decreased to nine. Task 1, which is a presentation, can now be written in any of the proposed genres: notes, essay, travel notes, review, diary. In the second part of the work, tasks are presented to check spelling, punctuation, grammar, as well as to analyze the depth and accuracy of understanding the content of the text.

MATHS - included a new block of practice-oriented tasks (tasks 1-5).

SOCIAL SCIENCE - the structure of work has changed. In most of the tasks of the OGE in social studies, it is necessary to analyze practical situations, express your point of view, based on personal experience and facts.

STORY - new tasks have appeared that involve working with a historical map, as well as testing knowledge of the history of culture.


BIOLOGY - the number of tasks has decreased.

In the OGE on CHEMISTRY and PHYSICS 2020 includes real experiments.

The condition for obtaining a certificate of basic general education is the successful completion of the state final certification (GIA) in four academic subjects - two compulsory (Russian language and mathematics) and two to choose from.


The key to successfully passing the exam is the high-quality mastering of the school curriculum, repetition and systematization of the topics studied in grades 5-9, the development of various skills (reading and analyzing the content of the text, solving problems, etc.).

The tasks included in the examination paper do not go beyond the content of school textbooks and programs.

Passing exams well is not difficult if the preparation for the exam is organized correctly. We recommend:

  • Study diligently throughout the years, avoiding knowledge gaps.
  • Do not "cram" - but carefully understand each topic. Human memory is the most imperfect medium of information. But knowing and understanding the theory, you can easily deduce any forgotten formula in one minute.
  • Refresh in your memory the theoretical material learned over the years of schooling.
  • Check out the main documents of the OGE, which clearly spell out the criteria for evaluating work.
  • Disassemble tickets from previous years on your own, together with a teacher, or using video lessons available on the network.
  • Test your level of knowledge by solving the demo versions of the OGE - 2019.
  • Do not be afraid of mistakes, they are inevitable. The more mistakes you sort out at the preparation stage, the fewer of them there will be on the OGE.
