Studying is boring, difficult, and often lazy. And if something does not arouse interest, then it is unlikely to be understood at the required level. For example, physics can be repulsive in its complexity and the presence of formulas. Is there any way to love this item? With the book by Yakov Perelman “Entertaining Physics. Book 1 ”it becomes possible. It is for everyone: those who have a difficult relationship with physics, who have not even heard of it, who want to refresh their knowledge. Despite the fact that the first edition of this book was published about a hundred years ago, it still remains interesting and relevant.

This book covers many issues from the field of physics, but it does not contain formulas. The author talks about everyday phenomena, explaining why it happens in one way or another. He talks about paradoxes that may surprise readers. In what case does the paper not burn and the ice does not melt even in hot water? Many other interesting questions are posed in this book. The author takes examples from the works of science fiction, everyday life, from the field of technology, gives problems, suggests conducting interesting experiments, and all this can be done at home. Familiar things are revealed from the other side.

From the book you can learn about myths in the field of physics, prejudices, there are descriptions of tricks, unusual games. All this is so interesting that in the first place comes the desire to learn something new out of curiosity. And then the training does not seem so boring at all, but quite the opposite. The book stimulates interest in physics and can be a good basis for studying physics in school.

On our site you can download the book "Entertaining physics. Book 1" Perelman Yakov Isidorovich free of charge and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy a book in the online store.

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We all understand that sooner or later any thing begins to bore us, and even the most beloved games and entertainment begin to become insipid and boring. When you are looking for a way to spend your free time, you should remember that you need something original and interesting, such as a representative of the genre. With the new game, you will again get the opportunity to fill life with new colors. If you are interested in it, then you can download and install it from our site without paying a penny.

Popular science articles from the book "Entertaining Physics" by Perelman, contained in this program, will certainly interest modern schoolchildren. After all, this book, which became a classic long before their birth, opened the most interesting world of science to many generations of students. And now, based on this book, they have created a game that will become a truly fascinating educational tool, completely unlike other publications. The guys will simultaneously play computer games and study physics!
An accessible, witty and at the same time effective educational program contains entertaining stories and articles, exciting games and funny animations, which are based on the most interesting physical phenomena and patterns. The guys will sail and shoot from a laser, travel into the past and get acquainted with ancient mechanisms. Physics will cease to be a boring school subject for them and will turn into one of the most entertaining hobbies!

Features of the game:
* 6 exciting games.
* 6 entertaining animations.
* 12 curious popular science articles.
* Modern colorful design.

Minimum system requirements:
Operating system: Windows XP SP1
Processor: Pentium III 1 GHz
Memory: 256MB
Video card: 64 MB, 1024x768, 32 bits
Audio Card: DirectX 9.0 Compatible
Free space on the HDD: 129 MB

Full version: with no restrictions

There are so many interesting things in the world around you! And it is very curious to learn new and surprising things. Yakov Perelman's book "Entertaining Physics" can acquaint you with such phenomena. This is not a textbook for study, but a book that arouses the interest of children, encourages them to learn new things, discover the unusual and curious. Here you can find a variety of questions, tasks and experiments that motivate you to study physics more deeply. The author gives many different logical tasks, talks about the paradoxes of our world.

With the help of this book, familiar phenomena can be seen from a completely different side, to understand why it happens that way. For example, it explains what the center of the human body is and where it is located, how auditory deception occurs, why a kite flies, and what walking really is. There is still a lot of interesting things in the book, some cases from well-known works of world fiction are taken, various kinds of prejudices are sorted out, and scientific laws are explained using simple examples from ordinary life.

This book is suitable for elementary school students and older children. It will be useful for those who want to learn something interesting on their own. Parents can read this book and tell their children interesting things, give knowledge that will be useful and will stimulate the child's craving for knowledge.

The work belongs to the Science genre. It was published in 2017 by AST Publishing House. The book is part of the series "The Exciting Science of Yakov Perelman". On our site you can download the book "Entertaining Physics" in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. The rating of the book is 4.55 out of 5. Here you can also refer to the reviews of readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinions before reading. In the online store of our partner, you can buy and read a book in paper form.

Name: Entertaining Physics - Book 1.1979.

The proposed edition of Entertaining Physics by Ya.I. Perelman repeats the four previous ones. The author worked on the book for many years, improving the text and supplementing it, and for the last time during the life of the author the book was published in 1936 (thirteenth edition). Issuing subsequent editions, the editors did not set as their goal a radical revision of the text or significant additions: the author chose the main content of Entertaining Physics in such a way that it, illustrating and deepening the basic information from physics, has not become obsolete until now. In addition, the time after 1936. so much has passed that the desire to reflect the latest achievements of physics would lead to a significant increase in the book, and to a change in its face. For example, the author's text on the principles of space flight is not outdated, and there is already so much factual material in this area that one can only refer the reader to other books specially devoted to this topic.

From the editor.
From the author's preface to the thirteenth edition.
Chapter first. Speed. Addition of movements.
How fast are we moving ?.
Chasing time.
Thousandth of a second.
Time magnifier.
When are we moving around the Sun faster - day or night ?.
The riddle of the cart wheel.
Slowest part of the wheel.
The task is not a joke.
Where did the boat come from?
Chapter two. Severity and weight. Lever arm. Pressure.
Stand up!
Walking and running.
How do you jump out of a moving carriage?
Catch a combat bullet with your hands.
Watermelon bomb.
On the weighing platform.
Where are things harder?
How much does the body weigh when it falls?
From the cannon to the moon.
How Jules Verne described the trip to the moon and how it should have happened.
Weigh correctly on the wrong scales.
Stronger than yourself.
Why are pointed objects prickly?
Like Leviathan.
Chapter three. Resistance of the environment.
Bullet and air.
Ultra-long range shooting.
Why does a kite take off?
Live gliders.
Non-motorized flying in plants.
Long jump of a parachutist.
Chapter four. Rotation. "Perpetual motion machines".
How to distinguish a boiled egg from a raw one?
“Wheel of laughter”.
Ink swirls.
Deceived plant.
"Perpetual motion machines".
Ufimtsev's battery.
"Miracle and not a miracle."
More "perpetual motion machines".
"Perpetual motion machine" of the time of Peter I.
Chapter five. Properties of liquids and gases.
The problem of two coffee pots.
What the ancients did not know.
Liquids press ... up!
Which is heavier?
Natural form of liquid.
Why is the fraction round?
“Bottomless” glass.
A curious feature of kerosene.
A penny that does not sink in water.
Water in the sieve.
Foam at the service of technology.
Imaginary "perpetual" engine.
What's thinnest?
Dry out of the water.
How do we drink ?.
Improved funnel.
A ton of wood and a ton of iron.
A man who weighed nothing.
"Eternal" hours.
Chapter six. Thermal phenomena.
When is the Oktyabrskaya railway longer - in summer or in winter?
Unpunished theft.
The height of the Eiffel Tower.
From the teapot to the water meter.
The legend of the boot in the bath.
How miracles were arranged.
Watches without a factory.
An instructive cigarette.
Ice that does not melt in boiling water.
On the ice or under the ice?
Why is it blowing from a closed window?
Mysterious spinner.
Does the fur coat warm?
What time of year are we under our feet ?.
Paper pan.
Why is ice slippery?
Ice icicles problem.
Chapter seven. Light beams.
Captured shadows.
Chicken in an egg.
Caricature photographs.
Sunrise problem.
Chapter Eight. Reflection and refraction of light.
See through the walls.
Talking "severed" head.
Ahead or behind ?.
Can you see the mirror?
Whom do we see when looking in the mirror?
Painting in front of a mirror.
Calculating haste.
The flight of the crow.
New and old about the kaleidoscope.
Palaces of illusion and mirages.
Why and how is light refracted?
When is a long path faster than a short one?
New Robinsons.
How to make fire with ice?
With the help of the sun's rays.
Old and new about mirages.
"Green Ray".
Chapter nine. Vision with one and two eyes.
When there was no photograph.
What many can't do ?.
The art of viewing photographs.
How far should you hold the photo?
The strange action of a magnifying glass.
Enlargement of photos.
Best cinema seat.
Advice to readers of illustrated magazines.
Examining pictures.
What is a stereoscope?
Our natural stereoscope.
With one and two eyes.
An easy way to expose fakes.
The sight of the giants.
The universe in a stereoscope.
Three-eyed vision.
What is glitter ?.
Vision with fast movement.
Through colored glasses.
"Wonders of the Shadows".
Unexpected color transformations.
The height of the book.
The dimensions of the tower clock.
White and black.
Which letter is blacker?
Live portraits.
Stuck lines and other optical illusions.
As the nearsighted people see.
Chapter ten. Sound and hearing.
How to find echoes?
Sound instead of measuring tape.
Sound mirrors.
Sounds in the theater hall.
Echoes from the bottom of the sea.
Buzzing insects.
Auditory deception.
Where is the grasshopper chirping ?.
Curiosities of hearing.
"Miracles of ventriloquism".

Time magnifier.
When Wells wrote his Newest Accelerator, he hardly thought that something like this would ever come true. He had a chance, however, to live up to this: he could see with his own eyes - though only on the screen - those pictures that had once been created by his imagination. The so-called “time magnifier” shows us on the screen in slow motion many phenomena, which usually proceed very quickly.

“Time Loupe” is a cinematic camera that takes not 24 shots per second, like ordinary cinema cameras, but many times more. If the phenomenon filmed in this way is projected onto the screen, firing the tape at the usual speed of 24 frames per second, then the audience will see the phenomenon stretched out - occurring the corresponding number of times slower than normal. The reader has probably happened to see such unnaturally smooth jumps and other delayed phenomena on the screen. With the help of more complex apparatus of the same kind, a deceleration is achieved even more significant, almost reproducing what is described in Wells's story.
