Code of samurai honor "Busido". p. 1 of 11

In order to understand that there is a code of honor "Busido", it is necessary to give the translation of the component of the word hieroglyphs "bu", "SI" and "to". The Japanese accepted Chinese hieroglyphic writing, and the attenuation lies in the ancient meaning of these signs.

"BU" - denotes the ability to subordinate weapons, "stop spear" and prohibits violence. "SI" - has the meaning of the "warrior", "noble man", aspiring to knowledge, "scientist". Initially in China, this word was designated by people who had skill in a certain sphere and occupied their position in society, thanks to the scholarships. However, such scientists were ready to take a weapon when necessary. "To" - "Path", a set of life rules and installations, philosophy and meaning of life.

So, "Bouri" is a person who is able to preserve the world, both with the help of art and military tools. The ideal of a highly educated warrior capable of achieving perfection, both in literature and art and in military business.

Being merged together with Eastern philosophy (Buddhism, Dao - Zen, Sintoism, Confucianism, the works of the invincible strategist Sun Tzu), Busido was the character of practical moralization. Samurai considered it by the method of improving mental and bodily hygiene, moral and philosophical peacekeeping, designed to teach the Samurai "right life" in society. Busido combined the theory of Being, the study of the human psyche, solved questions related to the concept of the essence of the individual, his role in the world around the world, the meaning of life, good and evil, moral values \u200b\u200band moral ideal.

Warrior, brought up in the spirit of Busido, should clearly realize his moral duty, must evaluate his actions and deeds, morally condemn and punish himself in case of incorrect actions, violations of its duties and debt ("Giri").

Busido was based on the power of persuasion, public opinion, an example, education, traditions and the strength of the moral authority of individuals noted in the history of Japan.

So, Busido is a special morality, developed by the villain by the warriors, which included in the dominant class of Japan, which was a system of views, norms and assessments related to the behavior of samurai, how to educate samurai youth, creating and strengthening certain moral qualities and relationships.

In the era of the Middle Ages, the main in Busido was loyalty to Süster, with whom Bouri was in the relations of the patronage and ministry, and the honor of the weapon, which was the privilege of the warrior-professional.

With the coming to Japan, the capitalist relations and the abolition of the Samurai class, loyalty to Mr. was replaced by the Emperor and Motherland, the honor of the weapon - on high professional skills. Beads headed the professional army and fleet, became scientists, teachers, artists and poets, managers of capitalist enterprises.

Principles Bouusido:


Politeness implies patience, no envy and evil;

The ability to own themselves and manage its feelings, which was brought to the beard to perfection. Sincere equilibrium was considered the ideal Bouusido.

The feeling of honor, the consciousness of their own dignity was brought up by samurai since childhood.

Increase the voice to a child or an adult was considered "face loss", shame, a sign of weakness. Honor and glory were valued more than life, so when one of these concepts was put on the card, samurai, without hesitation, gave life for him. When the samurai was put in front of the choice: life or death, he always chose death, and often remained alive.

Lies for samurai was equivalent to cowardice. The word Samurai had a weight without any written obligations, which, in his opinion, humiliated his dignity.

Love for arms and martial arts, sense of responsibility. Meanous consumption of military mastery was considered dishonor. Its abilities were prescribed to be applied only in case of extreme necessity, and in other cases it costs the power of glance and words. "The best match is the one who did not take place where the victory went without a fight" Sun Tzu.

Samurai believed in their divine predestination, put their will in full dependence on the will of the gods;

Westing the dead ancestors and worship the souls killed in the battle of warriors and military leaders, deified heroes and emperors "

Reverence of the elders;

Respectful attitude to his wife and children;

The reigning of gossip and any conversations "for the eyes". A friend and close to a person bessi is obliged to point out a misdemeanor, but to do it a hint so as not to offend.

Meditation - immersion in silent contemplation in the "Dzadzen" position (sitting on the heels), mastering external and spiritual forces to achieve enlightenment, finding responses in difficult life situations;

Persistent raising of will, attention on composure and mental equilibrium, composure.

Permanent work on yourself, self-education, the ability to allocate the essence of any problem and focuses on it. Despite anything to go to the goal.

Development of science and associated military equipment, metallurgy and mining, etc. expanded the circle of interests of the beads. One will is not enough for victory, knowledge based on books and logical thinking is necessary. Dogmas "Zen" changed in accordance with the Spirit

Codex Becidido begins with the checkout of the Yamomoto Tsungomo "hidden in foliage".

What does this name mean? Daoists (Zen in Japan) worship the "Tree of Knowledge". Care for him, admire the beauty of his carved leaves, listen to their whisper, do not hurt the fruits.

This is the Rodonarchist of Western Culture - Eva, threw the fruit from this tree, for the first time to him approach him, and ate immediately with Adam. And knowledge did not go to humanity.

Translations of A. Bochenkova and V.Gorbatko.

Jamomoto Tsungetomo. "Hagakure" ("hidden in foliage"). 1716

"The life of a man is short, but his name is forever."

"The samurai path is gained in death. When there are two ways for choice, there is only a quick and decisive way - death. Be firm in your determination and go ahead. Die, without reaching a goal - it is really fanatism. But there is no dishonor. But not achieve your goal, retreat and continue to live - this is cowardice. If you strengthen your heart determination every morning and every evening, the path for it will be free. All his life will be impeccable, and he will achieve success in his field. "

"I do not know how to defeat others, but only a way to defeat yourself. Throughout your life, go ahead every day, becoming more skillful than yesterday, more skillful than today. This path never ends. "

"The victory or defeat is a matter of temporary circumstances. To avoid shame, you need to choose a different path - death. A real man does not think about victory or defeat. He recklessly rushing forward - towards death "

"Samurai causes admiration precisely because he has good manners. It is difficult to find a sample to follow. Therefore, it would be good to create such an image and learn on it. You should look at various people and take only his best quality from each person. One is politeness, the other - bravery, in the third - the right manner of conducting conversation, in the fourth - the right behavior and manners, the fifth is equilibrium. "

"Roughly referring to people, you like to lacquer."

"If we rejected anyone who once made a mistake, then we would probably have no useful people at all. A person who once stumbled, will behave much more prudent and benefit, because he experienced repentance. A person who has never become mistaken is dangerous. "

"Generosity is compassion. One who sinned, you need to regret even more. All you do, you need to do the sake of Mr., parents, all mankind and descendants. This is a great compassion. Real wisdom and courage are born from compassion.

When a person punishes someone or strive for something, carrying compassion in his heart, then everything he does will be the right and possessing limitless power. "

"The self-acting acts are petty and unworthy and turn around to man in evil." "When the moment comes, there is no time for pondays. And if you did not find out everything in advance and did not make a decision, most often you are waiting for insulance. Reading books and conversations with people are needed in order to prepare in advance for the possible development of events. "

"It is known that the fish will not live in too transparent water. But if the surface of the water is covered with riquishing or other similar plants, then the reservoir will be replete with fish, which can hide in their shadows. Also, lower estates will live in serenity, if on some things to look through the fingers and skip them past the ears "

"In order for peace and consent in the country, you need to manage the country from the position of compassion, because when a person thinks about the people, as his children, people think about him as their parent."

"On the advantages and disadvantages of ancestors can be judged by the behavior of their descendants. A person must act in such a way that his ancestor is manifested by the good qualities, but

not bad. This is respect for the ancestors. "

"What is important to be a samurai: develop your mind, encourage humanity and strengthen courage. To develop the mind, you just need to exchange opinions with other people. To show humanity, you need to do everything for others, put yourself in their place and take into account, first of all, their interests. Do not make a close one that you do not want yourself.

The courage is to make teeth go ahead, not paying attention to the circumstances. As for the external aspects, it is worth saying about the appearance of a person, about how he says, and as he writes. Basically, their nature characterizes the presence of calm power. They are improved by the constant practice of everyday life. "

"Truly, there is nothing but the only task of the current moment. The whole life of a person is the sequence of certain moments flowing into each other. If a person is fully aware of the current moment, he doesn't need anything else. Live, keeping faithful to the only purpose of the moment. When a person understands well what such a thing is to live, the number of his affairs will be reduced. "

"If a person believes that there is a difference, he is in a public place or in his own bedroom, on the battlefield or in tatami, then at the right moment he will not have time to make amendments in accordance with the situation. The main thing is always in a state of constant readiness. If people do not show their valor on tatami, they will not show her and on the battlefield. " "First, win, fight later."

"Decity, anger and stupidity are things that are easy to recognize. If some bad events happen in the world, then, if you think well, it turns out that they are based on them

there are the same three vice. If you pay attention to good events, then you can see the presence of wisdom, humanity and courage. "

"When close friends, comrades or people who are obliged to do something wrong, should be alone to specify them and pop up for them before others. It should be done so that I forget about his bad reputation, and praise him like an unsurpassed comrades. If you submit a person alone, and he will understand, his flaw will be corrected, and he will become good. If you praise a person, the hearts of people will change, and bad glory will disappear by itself. It is important to approach all questions from the standpoint of compassion and come correctly ... A person who scolds you straight into the eyes, will not accomplish meanness. "

"Ask, when you already know, this is politeness. Ask when you do not know - that's right.

"There are rules for parenting of a boy in a samurai family. From the very infancy, the courage should be encouraged in it and beware of knowingly scare or tease. If in the younger years a man showed cowardice, it remains a scar for life. In addition, the child will grow timid if it is strictly scolded. We should not allow the child to be developed bad habits. To the right speech and manners, the child's school gradually. Let him not know the greed. Otherwise, he will grow a good person.

If there are bad relationship between parents, their child will not read them. "

"To teach a person to correctly express your thoughts, you need to practice at home. Practicing in writing letters, attach effort, even if the letter consists of just one line. Well, if the letter is felt calm power. If a person writes a letter, he should think that the recipient hangs him on the wall "..

"If you get into trouble or find yourself in a difficult situation, it is not enough to say that you do not worry at all. You need to rush to meet difficult situations bravely and with joy. Remember the saying "The more water, the higher the ship."

"Confucius was a sage, because from fifteen years sought to become a scientist. He was a sage at all because he studied later. "At first, the intention, then - enlightenment."

"It is necessary to carefully select words. Words as "I am afraid", or "how terrible", or "how hurt", you can not even pronounce into a joke or under the influence of a minute impulse, or in a dream "

"The ancients said that the decision should be taken into a gap equal to seven breaths and exhalations. If reflections last long, they will be harmful. "

"A good man on the road is not lying. You should take care of him and be generous to it. If you are sharing with those who are subordinated to you, you can keep good people. "

"If you need to convince something lord, but your position does not allow you

do this, then you will show great devotion if you find that which possesses such

regulations so that he said to the Mr. and did it so that he corrected his mistakes. To be able to do it, you need to be with everyone in good terms. "

"A person who does not get wisdom scolds his time. Hence the troubles arise.

A person who in conversation shows restraint will be useful in good times and avoid punishment in bad. "

"For a samurai, every word is important, regardless of where he pronounces him. On a single word, you can judge his military valor. In peace times

show man bravery. In troubled times, one word can be recognized

or faintness. This is the only word - a heart flower. This is not just an empty sound. "

« There is nothing impossible.. If a person shifts determination, he will be able to move the sky and the land at his own desire. But since people are not resolute, they can not dare to it. To easily move the sky and the earth, you just need to concentrate. "

"If a person shares his opinion with you, it is necessary to take him with deep gratitude, even if it is worthless, it is better to listen to someone else's opinion in a friendly and shares his. If you don't do this, he will no longer tell you about the things that I saw and heard. "

"Better when a person is still in his youth to face the injustice of fate, because if he does not experience difficulties, his character will not resist. From who, facing difficulties, lowers hands, will not benefit. "

"Dignity can manifest itself in appearance. About dignity speaks a calm expression. Dignity is manifested in a few. There is a dignity in the immaculateness of the manner. Dignity can be expressed in movements and gestures. But all this is reflected on the surface of what is hidden inside. The basis of all this is the simplicity of thinking and the power of the Spirit. "

"A deep feeling of the difference between yourself and other, enmity and quarrels with other people - all this is born with a heart in which the compassion lacks. If a man moves a heart full of compassion, he will not quarrel with other people. "

"You should dive daily into meditation, preparing yourself to the inevitable death. Every day, calming down the body and mind, it should be meditating, imagining that your body is torn off on the part of the arrows, rifle bullets, spears and swords, take away the raging waves, striking the lightning that you die in the earthquake that you fall from the cliffs, die from Diseases or make Seppuk, when your master is dying. And every day, independently
from circumstances, you should consider yourself dead. " (Comm. Vysotsky: Following this Council has a great magical force. This is a karmic law, inverse to another law "Not Delhi Skin

unborn bear. " If it is figuratively representing what is happening to you to attack (selection of the meditating,

depending on what he can threaten in real life), they will not happen.)

"If you have a high position at younger age, you will be catering yourself enemies, and then all your efforts will meet resistance. If you are gradually conquering a position in society, then people will become your allies, and happiness will be provided with you. " "Great geniuses grow late" - Japanese saying.

Taja Sinen (1521-1573).

"Your fortresses are people;

Your walls are people;

Your ally is mutual understanding;

Your enemy is dislike. "

"A person who behaves roughly does not possess or dissemination and caution or foresight. He says implainly, accepts for the farewell politeness and a few of the person of the man of dismissed and far-sighted. When the battle time comes, then he first remembers his wife and children, and when it breaks his last

hour, the end of him, for sure, will be miserable. This is how rudeness is adjacent to cowardice.

The man is deeply insightful and far-sighted, thinks over the situation from beginning to end, and each aspect will be considered very important. He, first of all, will think about his wife and

children, T.O. Really assessing the situation. Man folding and cautious postponed seven cases out of ten, and will discuss the remaining. Dismissible and prudent people rarely admital, however, who does not have such a quality, and there is only intelligence, make a lot of errors. Forensicity is the basis of the integrity and diligence. "

"Having met another person, better tell him only one third of what you know, and do not trust him completely, and you avoid trouble. Well-owning a person will not be too frank in a conversation with other people: if the flower blooms slowly, he does not start blossoming immediately, but as soon as spring comes. Otherwise, yesterday today will become an enemy, and yesterday's flower will turn into dust!

If a person succeeds in reasonable intelligibility, then he will succeed in any other quality - intelligence, foresight, the ability to understand people - and thereby gaining respect for others. "

"A person should divide consciousness into three parts: it should get rid of bad thoughts, assimilate the thoughts of good and establish a trusting relationship with his own wisdom.

If you do this, then a person will have little of what he could be ashamed. "

Message of the teacher of Gokurakuji (1198 - 1261).

If you configure your heart to selflessness and help the world and people living in it, you will gain the devotion of the people who see you and hear.

« Error inside common sense - This is when, someone confident in his rightness, trying to impose his opinion, but not with damage for himself, but with a potential threat to the life of another person. Common sense inside the error "This is when a person is on the verge of death, and someone comes to help him, without thinking about thousands of possible mistakes and negative consequences."

"Truly, decent regret, when a person applies well only to someone who represents interest to him, and bad to the one who does not represent interest to him. Even dogs and the beasts are rejoiced and wagged with the tail when they are well treated, or they are nailed and run away from those who treat them rough. The value of the fact that you were born by a person is that if you are kind to those who treated you badly, then even they can change their attitude. And even if they won't do it, you will gain the love of the gods, and those who will hear about your deeds will praise you. "

"Being wasteful - went, and bargain, knocking up the price to the limit - a crime, because the shopkeeper lives trade."

"To people of the lower in rank and position should be particularly benevolent. In its limitless gratitude, they will fulfill your orders with particular care. "

"Even a joke should not talk about the squares and disadvantages of others. For that you may seem like a joke, others can confuse, and this is a very big mistake. If you really joke, then that is funny for everyone. In all, restraint and benevolence should be taken.

It is necessary to discuss good qualities of people and silent about their bad qualities. Human. Not disassembled in these cases, it can easily be oblivioned "

"The open heart does not know the greed, and the absence of greed will help in the future life."

"First, the rules that should be thought out and feel your heart and then exercise by your body."

"Do not neglect, even joking, the tips of the parents. And although none of the parents will not teach their child a bad, rarely come across children, who listen to the advice of their parents. What bitterness should be filled with the heart of a saddled parent, who sees his child becomes bad. And what happiness should be filled with the heart of a licking parent who sees that his child follows good advice. This with confidence can be called respectful attitude towards parents. "

Simer Ticubasy (1350 - 1400)

"A man born, you should go to overcoming everyone, helping people, giving themselves for the sake of others, and it is precisely the joy to find joy until the end of their days."

"When a person has talents in art, this indicates the depths of his heart and the ability of his clan. Only reputation is valued in this world, and if a person wants to achieve fame in the arts, he needs to take for this with all seriousness, despite the lack of skill. If a person shows interest in school, then let him not get talent - all the equal to the diligence will cause respect for other people ... it's very rare something perfectly well, however, showing persistence, you can compare in this case with others, and already will be appreciated. "

"A man who has a mind and an adamant heart will be able to subjugate others. People are different, and if you use the person who has come to your soul, not in accordance with his abilities and skills - it can end badly and even destroy someone career or life "

"Human nature is that it is good to learn how difficult, and

it's easy to get used to bad, and therefore people are gradually likened to those who surround them. "

"If a person often comes out of himself, then there is nothing more humiliating. No matter how angry you are, the first thing you should have thought is to dear your mind and correctly sort out the situation. And only if the truth is on your side, your anger will be justified. Only the ability to sound sensitorship makes an impression on people and cause their respect. Well, if you are not ashamed to correct your own mistakes. Insist on their own rights you or to blame, the worst of the evils.

But, on the other hand, and others, and you will be bad if you do not respond, and you will behave like a three-year-old child, when it is necessary to show anger, irritation or express disapproving attitude to something or anyone, so that Like too convividing or very stupid. "

"So it works our world that even one of our ten of our desires does not come true as we would like. The same one who will show perseverance and diligence in the affairs that he does not like will receive a warning from heaven. If we still be

persistent, then desires in our heart shot down one after another, as if dust in the wind, and our cases will comprehend the same fate. It is necessary to try to try to forget about these aspirations, because the one who pays anger in his heart - a man hopelessly vicious. "

"Do not seek to avoid the upcoming battle because of its vast importance. However, do not insist on the battle, which can be avoided because of its secondary

Rules of Hodzo Nagaudzi (1432-1519).

"... To be needed to seek your sword and your clothes are no worse than other people. We just need to try not to look ugly. If you take money and chasing things that you do not have, while accumulating debts, you will despise ... "

"As soon as you have any little free time, take a book and get reading in such a place where no one will see you."

"Do not lie, whom you say, and how little it would be said. Even in trifles should be true. If you lie, it will become a habit, and in the end, others will turn away from you. Know that if someone doubts your honesty, it can become a shame for life. "

Taked Nobusighe (1525-1561)

"The one who seeks to save his life will lose it; The same who is ready to give up their lives - will retain it "/ Tzu /. "If Mr. acts correctly, his servants will act correctly, even in the lack of instructions. When Mr. acts wrong, his instructions will not execute "(Confucius). "A strong general has no weak soldiers." Never lie under any circumstances, although the truth is not always rewarded immediately. Neither right for your own strength, taking care of parents. Do not talk about your own shortcomings. No one should behave rudely. Special politeness to show in relation to priests, women, poor and eldest. Whether Jing says that "when you are polite, - you're safe, but if you are not polite, you will bring trouble on yourself"

Teaching should not be treated carelessly. "Teaching without reflection is darkness. Reflections without teaching are dangerous. "

Do not complain and not gossip. Do not frighten because you are poor, and do not be commerce because you are rich.

It is impossible to neglect the censure to its address. "Good medicine is unpleasant to taste, but treats the disease." Unpleasant words are unpleasant for the ear, but help change behavior. " "If you give a tree, it will grow straight. If Mr. listens to reproach, he will become a sage. "

"If the law is too strict, it will not be observed; If the prohibitions are too much, then they cannot be followed by their execution. " If you declare about awards, they should be handed immediately.

Knoda Nagamasu (Simeon) 1568-1623 g.

"If someone understands" authority "as the desire to intimidate everyone and behaves arrogant, even with the elders of the clan, swears on the trifles indeed words and hear does not want warns of other people, persists in their own mistakes and imposes their opinion, then even the elders are afraid to express him His censure, and he will take over his own actions, and this is the path of destruction. Warriors will be afraid of their Mr. and will not think about devotion, but only about their own benefits and will not show official zeal. If, because of his arrogance, the owner will be negligible to people, then even ordinary people will leave him.

True authority - the ability to behave with the observance of etiquette and distinguish between good and evil, right and guilty, correctly define the measure of promotion and punishment. "

"Encourage your subordinates and listen carefully to their words. It is well known that gold is hidden underground. "

Beadido - the moral and ethical doctrine on the norms of the behavior of samurai (beads).

Despite the fact that the Code has never been formulated officially in writing, he had an extremely strong impact on the formation of worldview, philosophy and life principles of the military estate and in general of the Japanese people.

Beadido bases arose almost simultaneously with the formation of a sustainable class of warriors in the IX-XI centuries. n. e.

Loyalty and willingness to fulfill any order of Mr. became the defining qualities for a samurai. His life and death were subordinated only to the law of honor and samurai debt. The feelings of an ordinary person did not have any meaning for warrior.

The main ideological sources for the occurrence of the Code of honor of the warrior, as often referred to as Beadido, confucianism, syntoism and Buddhism (especially Zen) were called. The main moral and ethical standards of Confucianism, primarily the loyalty of the debt, honor, the concept and characteristics of the "noble husband," were combined with a Buddhist trepidative attitude towards death and, as a result, indifferent to life, faith in the possibility of rebirth in better quality depending on whether As you managed to live and complete your life.

The path to the ideal lay through the hardest psychophysical exercises of Zen-Buddhism, training with weapons, battles and death.

Some rules of the behavior of samurai were set forth in the "Law on Military Houses" - "Bu Tekhhatto". Then the book of Dudodzi Yudzana "Budo Syusin Xu" was published - "Fundamentals of Military Arts". The most famous work on this topic was the book of the former Samurai Yamamoto Tsunghetomo "Hagakure" ("hidden in foliage"), published in 1716, among other things, the author in this book focused on the warriors on honor and even the need for violent death for a samurai.

In a situation where the honor of the warrior at least accidentally decides, he should immediately choose death. As a rule, the warriors followed this advice, and ritual suicide - SEPPUKU (or Harakiri) - was common to unusually wide. The popularity of its different types has reached such sizes that the Government of Sögun was forced to fight him legally.

After the restoration of Maidzi, Bouusido's popularity went to decline, but did not disappear at all. Already at the end of the XIX century. Former Samurai Nitobe ININZO wrote a book that I so called: "Busido: the spirit of Japan," which became one of the last bright examples of the written characteristic of the warrior's path. As part of the national self-consciousness, Busido in some periods of Japanese history again became relevant and deliberately used by Japanese politicians to enhance the combat spirit of soldiers and to maintain the idea of \u200b\u200bnational superiority.

This happened during the maintenance of Japan wars at the end of the Xih century. and the beginning of the twentieth century, when the Militarist government actually made expansion by national politics, as well as before and during World War II.

The most vivid example of using Busido at this time is suicide pilots, the so-called Kamikaze. The idea of \u200b\u200bsacrificing his life on the orders of the emperor was only the norm of Busido, in the obligation of which there can be no doubt. After the end of the war, examples of the route of a warrior in such orthodox forms became much stronger. One of the last - the suicide of the famous writer of the nationalistant's sense of Misima Yukio, who committed SEPPUK after an unsuccessful attempt to a military coup in 1970

List of references

To prepare this work, materials from the site

Beadido - the moral and ethical doctrine on the norms of the behavior of samurai (beads). Despite the fact that the code has never been formulated officially in writing, he had an extremely strong impact on the formation of worldview, philosophy and vitality.

Busido (translated "Warrior's path") - Samurai Code, a set of laws, requirements and rules of the behavior of a real samurai in society, in battle and alone.

This is the philosophy and ethics of the Japanese warrior, which occurred from the distant past. Becidido, which originally united general military laws, thanks to the moral meaning and revered arts in the 12th and 12th centuries, as well as the development of the samurai class, was connected to him and was fully formed in the 16th century as a Code of Samurai Code.

Basic provisions and postulates Codec Buusido

Fully formed at the end of the period of the warring regions Sengoku Dzidai (1467-1568), Codex Samurai Becidido prescribed samurai: to be unconditionally devoted feudal; recognize the military art of the only activity to be engaged in samurai; commit suicide if the honor of the samurai is blocked; Forbidden a lie in any manifestations and thirst for money.

Exactly and quite specifically, the postulates of the Codec Becido are decorated in the "initial foundations of military mastery" Dudodzi Yudzana:

This courage is to live when you need to live, and die when you need to die.

It is necessary to live with a clear realization that it is necessary to do a samurai and that disgraces his honor.

It is necessary to weigh any word and always ask if it is true what you want to pronounce.

It is necessary to eat moderately and not allow for promotion.

In ordinary life, do not forget death and save this word in the soul.

Samurai must read the law "trunk and branches". To break it - it means never to know the virtues, but a person who does not take into account the virtue of his son's respect, is not a samurai. Parents are a tree trunk, and children - its branches.

Samurai must be not only an impeccable son, but also devoted to his Mr. He will not betray the suzerena even if the number of his subjects decreases from one hundred and ten and from ten to one.

In the battle, the devotion of the samurai is expressed in order to go to the spears and arrows enemy without fright, towards death, if such is duty.

Devotion, honest and courage - three main qualities of a samurai.

When Samurai is sleeping, he should not lie down in the direction of the house of Mr. To the side suzerena is forbidden to aim during the shooting from Luke, nor during training with a spear.

When samurai, being in bed, hears a conversation about her tinyne or wants to say something he himself, he is obliged to get up and wear clothes.

Falcon does not peck alive, even if it did not eat anything for a long time. Like him, the samurai is obliged to show what is fed, even if dies from hunger.

If the samurai lost the battle and death threatens him, he needs to solemnly pronounce his name and smile to die, without shameful rush.

If the samurai wound is fatal, the samurai needs to say goodbye to the senior and serenely die.

Having only physical strength does not deserve a samurai title. In addition to the need for the development of sciences, the samurai must spend free time for poetry and studying the tea ceremony.

Near their housing, the warrior can build a small tea pavilion, which should be put in new paintings-Caemon, new ineffective cups and a non-plated kettle from ceramics.

Samurai is obliged, first of all, keep all the time to remember that death can come at any time, and if the time comes to die, then this samurai is obliged to do with dignity.

The word "beadido" carved on the stone.

Busido video

The video shows an excerpt from the film "Last Samurai", transmitting the meaning of the Sumurai Code.

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Warrior's path - everyone understands differently and most people the path of a strong person see one-sided. The Warrior's path includes a plurality of components - from the moral principles of the corresponding Code of honor to the most effective techniques for work on themselves, a special way of life and service (special activities).

Someone the Warrior's path understands only both physical training and the implementation of the relevant qualities of force in the training hall (will, strength, speed, patience, stability, etc.). Someone pursues as a goal - only the power of energy, flowing down in meditation of 5 hours per day, and moral and spiritual principles are ignored. We will look at the integrated esoteric approach of the warrior path.

If you consider the path of the warrior with thedz Esoterics, then you can allocate at least three directions - three Ways of the Warrior: Warrior of Light (movement on the bright way, the basis - ideals), Gray War (without distinction of good and evil, life "for yourself", the basis - egoism) and Dark Warrior (against God and his representatives of light forces, the basis - ideals). About the struggle and difference in good and evil - read.

We consider the first option most worthy - this path of a light warriorand the corresponding principles, and methods of achieving perfection, and the strength on this path.

Main questions:

  • Understanding the Warrior's Way
  • What does the warrior believes
  • His attitude to the world
  • The ratio of warrior to oneself
  • Introduction to meditation - primary techniques
  • Understanding rituals
  • Dynamic meditation

Esoteric in martial arts

Between the athlete and the warrior a huge difference. What do they differ from each other? It is much easier to say that they have in common, because, everyone else they differ. General, partially, goals: and warrior, and an athlete, like any man, want to be brave, improve their body, be able to defend yourself, their loved ones, become a master of that level, to whom he is able to walk. The first is to become physically strong and master the martial arts; The second is to get power over your body, performing various exercises and complexes.

The differences are much stronger at its base. If you take an athlete, then his attitude to martial arts, in most cases, ends when he goes beyond the sports hall. He becomes an ordinary person who sometimes trains in the gym. For a warrior, this is a lifestyle. Warrior is the next stage of human development. This is a person who wants to be strong in all his manifestations, wants to receive power not only over his body, but also on himself and his destiny. Warrior is needed, first of all, internal force. Physical training for him is one of the most important opportunities to strengthen the strength of the Spirit, increase its skills. Martial arts for warrior (training, fights) are situations where all his personal qualities and abilities can be checked, deposited to perfection, and then applied to achieve their goals.

First task For someone who decided to become a warrior, find inner power. The inner force suggests that a person wants to be a person, wants to maintain peace and self-control in any, even the most extreme situation. When others lose their heads, he is able to think, take responsibility for himself, manage, clearly act, i.e. We defeat the current circumstances, foresee the consequences. The inner force involves the achievement of absolute fearlessness in the face of danger, since fear paralyzes the will. Fearless - no emotion, maximum mobilization of all their internal resources in order to find the right solution and best realize it.

Second task - Rate lifestyle, to which a person spends time, his own strength, since the warrior's path is the path of honor. Does he live decently or loses dignity? His soul is chista, the fire burns in it or is it periodically sick? The warrior needs to be inside the fire, the soul was clean and, so that he was not ashamed of his life. Warrior is very important with whom and how he communicates so that it is not just comrades (gathered for training, diverged), and spiritual fraternity, friends who could go with him in life. To any minute, at the first request or without it, could come to the rescue if there is a need for it.

Third task - Understand what techniques and workouts should be used. There are few physical exercises. Warrior understands that there is a soul that the world is energy. And he tries to understand how to open the power of the energy of his soul, how to awaken hypersensitivity, supreme, how to manage its energy. He is looking for this with self-adequation, meditation is one of its main and very powerful tools.

The preparation of modern athletes science consumes huge forces and funds. Nevertheless, no of the athletes are unable to make individual, rarely encountered, Master of Oriental Martial Arts: their abilities allow you to make your body invulnerable even for cold weapons, if necessary, reduce the weight of your body, etc. All this is impossible without targeted work with energy in meditation.

Everything is important for warrior. And the preparation of the warrior begins with what he believes. Most people underestimate the power of belief. And it works simple enough. Even in the Bible it says: "EVERYTHING TO HIS FAIT." What a person thinks can be divided into 2 large spheres: what he thinks about the outside world and about himself. Knowledge of the world can be a variety of. Ultimately, they add up to the overall picture and lead to the main conclusions: the world is beautiful (and in humans, a concrete person has a future) or the world is terrible (and there is no future). If the world is beautiful, then, despite all the cataclysms, difficulties, it goes from a primitive society to an increasingly perfect (people become smarter). If a person believes in good, it has a chance to enjoy the patronage of the forces of light and getting a huge pleasure of life. When a person has an optimistic view of life, the state of his soul automatically becomes joyful. Otherwise, it is quite depressed: if a person believes in bad, he cannot be strong, can not enjoy life, its goals are aimed at revenge, with all the resulting karmic consequences.

First - knowledge of the world: Whether the world is bad, or it is normal and everyone can find his place in it. Knowledge about the world determine the range of possibilities available to humans. And, ideally, looking at this world, a strong person can get a state of omnipotence - he believes that everything is possible, in front of him millions of roads, any goal is reaches, but it is necessary to pay its price for it. And he already makes a decision, whether two days or three months are ready, and maybe all his life, go to the goal. The state of omnipotence is when a person understands where he is initially located (possibilities, conditions) that each goal has its own price and any result depends on the quality and amount of effort spent. This is what the warrior believes. With a sad look at life, a person locks himself into a cage, there is no way out for him in life, he cannot change the work, change his habits and negative beliefs. He is doomed to stay almost unchanged and, in fact, not to live, rushing up, and run in a circle, being in the same situations, states, experiences, conversations, to conduct one's life.

To achieve the state of the warrior, it is necessary to push the framework of its perception of the surrounding world so as to end up, come to love for this world. To admire the capabilities that exist for every person who found the corresponding look at the world - to live, love, develop, create. The first difference - the warrior found his way and his system of spiritual knowledge.

The second is that a person thinks about himself. Here are a variety of options. The saddest thing is the insignificance, when a person does not believe in himself and believes that anyone is able to achieve something in life, but not he, but he remains to go below the grass or take revenge with all mankind for his insignificance. This is a person with an understated self-esteem, which believes that life failed, he is bad, weak and nothing good deserves. The warrior is a person who does not feed the illusions regarding life and himself. He understands well: no matter how high it, he always finds someone stronger and smarter than him. No matter how low it does not fall, there will always be a lot of those who weaker it. Therefore, for him, the priority is the path, going up, and the awards on this path say that it acts correctly. He goes on his way worthy: does not agree to transactions with conscience, it is correctly calculated and does and does it, and this is confirmed by life.

Part of the preparation of the warrior is a sport. When an athlete wants every of his movement during the fight, it is not only rhythmically right, and that it was a splash, an explosion, energy release at the right moment, he thinks about how it is to achieve, as it matches its nature. Not to do without the use of internal techniques. With the help of such techniques, the athlete is achieved, for example, the maximum relaxation, which is the key to the possibility of maximum energy emissions at the right moment. When a person thinks over this, then everything he does is becoming new quality. For example, it is known that when a person falls from a height, his perception suddenly slows down and the pictures, when approaching the Earth, is slowly driving onto a person. This is a modified state of consciousness that even the fastest blow to see, as if, in slow motion and think over the best options. Warrior with meditation can master such complex states of consciousness. If the athlete does not master the meditation technique, he will never be able to control this condition consciously.

What is better to start? Achieving any significant goal implies the seriousness of intentions and efforts that the person spends. Therefore, if the athlete wants to become a warrior, you need to be patient and find the system of knowledge that will help him become a warrior. One of the simple options is to find the appropriate spiritual esoteric school, where there are system ideas about the world, the formation of self-assessment, setting goals, the possibility of mastering self-assessment techniques and meditation, which will help improve psycho-emotional and energy training. The second option is to independently look for the strongest answers to vital issues, aware of the value of beliefs that make a person strong, psychologically invulnerable (he has its answer to each question) or weak (it is easy to remove him). It is necessary for the books by the books, journals, to find installations to take them on arms (for example: who I am, why I live, how to treat).

Third, if a person is independently trying to improve, then you need to start mastering the meditation aces, i.e. Learning the maximum possible relaxation.

Introduction to meditation

Before talking about meditation, it is necessary to understand that the warrior's path can be different - there is a dark way, there is a light one. In one case, a person draws his strength in hatred, in another, he turns to God, cultivates all positive values. Many of the necessary questions are not related to the choice of the way: discipline, the ability to count its steps, physical training for the development of internal techniques. They are subordinate to other laws. But, the decent part of the issues is related to the activities of meditation: communication with the soul, with the highest forces, with a subtle world. Therefore, before starting to engage in meditation, a person must decide what way he wants to become.

If this way of Light - It is the path of creation, love, protection of justice, bringing peace and harmony to this life, attitude to the world with the trust of the highest forces. In this case, a person is looking for exactly what fills his heart with joy, what flames in his breasts. This is a flame and serves as a source of huge inner strength. If a person becomes a dark path, the purpose of which is power, destruction, violence, he is looking for dark sources of force. In this case, representatives of the dark hierarchies will help him and strengthen the opposite qualities - hatred, the art of deception, formulation of dependence, etc.

Center "Man Development" - a positive organization. It corresponds to everything that relates to the path of light. Naturally, a person who chose this path when he enters into a state of meditation, in the small world will help the forces of light.

There is a huge variety of meditation techniques, this topic is as complex as cybernetics, in their saturation, various details and concepts. Consciousness of a person is one of the most difficult works of the soul that exist in this world. As the consciousness and intelligence of man works, so far, by and large, it is not clear, although, every year many billions of dollars in the world are spent to understand this. Meditation technician set, but you always need to start with simple. The first steps are very simple, and the final results may be incredible.

Meditation - A special state, in this state you can do a lot of interesting things. The entrance to this state is almost standard (in different schools) - the same basics and techniques. The bottom line is that the physical body of a person is very strongly connected with the centers of his consciousness and the state of meditation - this is the maximum peace, the maximum possible relaxation of the physical body and the calmness of consciousness (desires, emotions, stopping thoughts). In most cases, when a person does something, he does not have time to think through, track, he does what he feels, considers it right. In meditation, he stops these automatic subconscious flows to perceive their inner world and consciously manage everything that is happening there.

So, according to the Azam: the first is the entrance to the meditation. It is well described in autogenous training. It is advisable to sit comfortably for meditation, here there are many options: who can - in the "Lotus" pose, who cannot in the chair, etc. You can experiment and find the most convenient position. Meditation is based on managing itself, i.e. A man pronounces the desired team to achieve the desired result.

Main teams:

1. "Muscles are heavy." The challenge is that heaviness appeared, all the muscles relaxed and marched.

2. "Body warm", i.e. Heat appears. And, with a good version, relaxation is so complete that the contours of the hands, legs, their perception begins to break a little and, almost, blurred. At the entrance to the meditation, a person makes one's own energy more, the soul than the physical body.

3. The "stomach warm". The belly is responsible for emotions and, with each team, the overall relaxation and calmness of consciousness increases. This is clearly fixed to relax the muscles of the abdomen and changing the feelings in the head.

4. "The heart is calm." The task so that pleasant sensations appear in the heart that spread throughout the body.

5. "Breath is released." The task so that in the breast there is ease, joy and has grown the overall condition of comfort and pleasure.

6. "The face is relaxed, the forehead is pleasantly cool," completely soothes the brain and the nervous system. The reaction also goes throughout the body.

After the face relaxed, the next team introduces a person in the first state of meditation - "Iimfaction, silence, silence." The task, periodically repeating this command, less and less, to keep the feeling of smelling in my head.

Everything else that is required from a person is to observe what will happen, and do not interfere with the consciousness of energy itself and reveal. Supporting the state of smelling, a person gets the opportunity to observe how energy is born in it. First, the pressure appears in some places the head, then the increased pressure, pleasant feelings from top to bottom go along the spine, penetrating into each cell, into the whole body. Tingling, the streams of energy begin to escape and the person perceives, how the forces are poured into it. It is desirable, of course, to strengthen this state of the presentation, as the increasing bright light enters into the person (white, fiery). If you represent dark energies, then this is the connection of the dark forces. White light - fire, if the highest strength does not mind, it gives a person the appropriate force.

As a rule, the development of teams of entry into meditation takes several weeks or months, so as to obtain a full feeling, and Iimfacitation is required to include in regular practices. And if a person decides to do independently, then not for one month, this is more than enough for primary acquaintance with meditation.

Further there are details that are a pretty set. For example, disclose your abilities, a connection with spiritual laws is taken into account (the presence of the human rights in the person, from the point of view of the highest strength, these abilities to receive, etc.). This is the reprogramming of your own consciousness (replacement of unwanted qualities and installations), and targeted work in the small world (healing, astral battles), and much more described in different books.

To enter the meditation, optimally, one team is operating 2 - 3 times a day for 1 to 2 minutes, if worked out deeply. In general, the entrance to the meditation is 5 - 10 minutes. To begin with, approximately two times more: 10 - 20 minutes and 3 - 5 minutes during the day - Iimfaction. Having caught this condition, its energy strength, the next step is to work the ability to connect this condition to its real daily life.

Meditation is mainly related to the management of consciousness using images, it does not require maximum volitional efforts.

Self-pressure. This is separate from meditation technique. Self-pressure does not assume that you need to relax deeply. This is clearly formulated logical commands: what we clean in yourself, which reveal. This is one of the main tools for reprogramming itself at the energy level. Its essence is very simple. Everything that man believes, everything that he has is what he once checked. His habits, features are recorded in the consciousness of the program. Self-pressure is the possibility of their fairly quick change, the ability to rebuild energy. You need to learn to formulate the correct commands for yourself: what I want to get rid of, then destroy (suppose, fear), and what I want to get - strengthened (suppose, courage or fearlessness). The task is to say these teams with the maximum effort of will so that in the end, it would be possible to feel: here he fear - he disappears, here is the courage - it is born inside me.

In addition, there is still rituals - Special actions when a person appeals to the highest forces and, on the basis of the relevant laws, receives the ability, rewards, connecting to powerful energy sources or is exempt from karmic barriers and much more.

Are esoteric techniques in real life applicable? Flemfaction in pure form is a state that is necessary in meditation. In life, when we open our eyes, this state turns into contemplation. Contemplating, we all see, hear, we understand, but at the same time we retain the same deep peace and an increase in energy as in smely. In specific situations, when you need an instantaneous and optimal reaction, the state of smely helps to feel and understand that the soul tells and instantly implement the information obtained.

And in order to understand something, a person needs a mind. It should be honed, sharp, allowing a person to enter the necessary information in his mind, to imagine all this, incl. How to work meditation techniques. In a concrete situation, in real conditions, as a rule, it is once and the reaction should be instantaneous. Here, in many ways, you need to be able to listen to yourself and, on the basis of intuition, spent skills, respond instantly. Thus, with the help of the mind, we have the opportunity to modify any real situation and instantly find the optimal output from it, to understand how certain tactical and strategic tasks are solved with changing circumstances. In other words, the mind is needed in order to record the program.

Dynamic meditation

Next technique - dynamic meditation. Its essence is that when we completely calmed down (Iimfraction: Emotions, desires are resting), a person has the opportunity to awaken in his soul that before (when the emotions were tense, the thoughts ran), he could not call him. Thus, a person, being in a state of smelling, can take the next step in meditation. He gives his soul to the team, the execution of which wants and observes how fearlessness is born, fire in the heart, dignity, whatever. With the help of two main tools: an image (a person presents that he wants, as he wants) and a mental team, which displays the meaning of what he wants (logical programs go through other information channels of consciousness), you can simulate yourself.

It is important to clearly imagine how to build yourself as a person wants to see (strong, happy, perfect in all manifestations), to configure himself to a specific situation. For an athlete, it can be a specific duel. It is in this fight with a specific rival or in a duel at all (there are features here), a person needs such a state and he learns to call him.

Thus, two main tools are used in meditation to control themselves: an image (we present what we want) and said the word, thought (what we want from yourself). Technical difficulties in the work of these tools are very much. This is due to the fact that, in essence, our consciousness is a computer much more perfect than you can imagine, even, taking into account the most modern scientific and technical achievements.

The root cause of everything that has a person at the moment (desires, emotions, thoughts, habits, advantages, problems) is the information recorded in consciousness. When a person is born - he does not know how to go or write. All this is recorded in his mind with the help of the same mechanisms. If he listens, sees and says: "I want," it fits with the "+" sign. So, he needs and consciousness will fulfill this desire. If: "I do not want," a one or another negative reaction is formed, which will cause rejection to the appropriate object. Therefore, when we present something and want it to be a team, then in the image or word need to invest the efforts of the will: "Want." If you just observe - this is another program for consciousness: "We are watching", that is, do not know and do not change anything in yourself. When we add volitional efforts, the internal mood is "I want." And the more we want, the more powerful energy we generate. This team is perceived as a guide to action.

For example, if we present ourselves in the image of a interesting person and want it to be perceived by our consciousness, as a team, it is important to imagine everything in detail: how to shine eyes, facial expression, posture, feeling inside (spiritual heart is burning , the whole body is overflowed with energy), etc. In this case, consciousness automatically decrypts the image created by a person. If a person thought over this before, consciousness understands that he wants in detail (which is behind this look, gesture, facial expression). Decipherating the image collected from a variety of teams, consciousness seeks to realize it almost and for this, sends commands to all the centers participating in this, so that the body is relaxed, the spirit is calmed down, the fire in the chest was burning so that the person was in the light streams and T d.

A separate conversation about how to build yourself, starting with the primary control skills of themselves. Let's say, a person tries to maintain peace before a fight or before any tense significant situation, by suppressing negative emotions and unnecessary distracting thoughts. Starting with a small or very significant victory and ending with the person he feels that hearts, flies, enjoys from delight in a situation that he needs. If this is a fight, then a person forms a master's condition in his consciousness - I see everything, I hear, I understand, I know with closed eyes who, where, where is the skin, I feel. This is a big, long program of work, but the road is asset going.

The essence of dynamic meditation is to build a logical sequence for themselves: as, since the one I am at the moment, with all your advantages and disadvantages, step by step, through many stages, come to your ideal. Moreover, the ideal will constantly improve and, since the development is infinite, this process can last a person's life and, even, not one. Therefore, to become stronger, smarter, etc., you need to see how it can be (to form a lot of steps) and learn how to call the appropriate states.

A person must clearly, in detail to represent what he wants to build into the role of the image, the qualities and abilities of whom he wants to possess. For example, when a person thinks: "I will lose," he is already to some extent, he does herself for defeat. If a person represents himself only by a physical body, which runs on earth in itself, he cuts off from himself energy streams. It is quite another thing when a person sees himself the center of consciousness, influence, the forces to which God patronizes. It represents how the streams of light are lowered from the doorway on it, enter the top, along the spine, fill the chest, they are directly included in each chakra. Here, it is desirable to know the energy structure of a person than a person knows it, the better to use it. To begin with, it is possible to submit the main streams: the first - when the light (fire) enters through the top of the spine and on the chest, the second is a wide stream with a diameter of 1-1,5m lowers from above and enters through the skin into each human cell.

From how much a person is open to God, light forces, as far as believes and their efforts will attract light (fire) and depends on how stronger it becomes. From the point of view of the highest strength, everything is very simple: doubt, it means it is not clear whether to give you energy. Much depends on the mood. If a person, meeting a problem, asks his soul and higher strength strength and energy for overcoming and struggle, he gets them. And if you perceives an unpleasant situation (for example, the missed hit in the duel), as the reason to surrender, then the help to him weakens, since he accepted the decision - it's time to surrender.

The thought of man, the mood it is a direct program for energy sources. They increase their turnover (and the fight ends when it must end) or stop the creation and supply of energy after each failure. Therefore, in the dynamic meditation at the energy level, it is desirable that a person who leaving on tatami or going through life, presented himself all the better, stronger, more beautiful, both of how strengths of strength, energy flow into it with a huge speed. It is important that he aroused the feeling that the energy of powerful streams plays in his body, moves in it. Causeing a feeling of energy growth, presenting this and directing all the forces of his soul, a person feels that it becomes stronger, faster that his perception is thinned (sees further and much more, hears better, reacts faster). These are programs that need to be impressed by causing appropriate images.

As for the qualities and states of a person, before his eyes should be an image - ideal (as I want to be). One of the collective teams when all the best for a person is rushed together: "I am a warrior of light." At the same time, a person should understand that he is fighting in the name of becoming stronger, because God loves strong, decent people and everyone is obliged to become stronger, bring love, justice to this world, justice, learn to give joy to people and defend them. Accordingly, a person must understand that he fights against injustice, arrogance and other evil manifestations. This image, an understanding of which should be a warrior of light, will constantly develop.

Logic teams - words that are accompanied by images ("I am calm", "I am relaxed", "I am a light source", etc.) will go in parallel. Here everything needs to be thought out and learn the step by step of themselves to give these teams. A person should work with each team until the desired result is obtained: the necessary internal state has become stable, entered into a habit, the relevant programs were created at the subconscious level, management centers support the state of the person in the mode that it is necessary. To do this, it is necessary to periodically repeat the command (once a hour, half an hour), for the entire time of working with it. These are direct commands - as I want to look, what qualities are displayed in view, etc., and the closer the person comes to real mechanisms, to understanding that his soul is laid in nature, the more effective they work.

In addition, there are associative teams. Each person has its own individual features. Someone has direct teams for a hundred percent work, to someone better work with associative. For example, if a person wants to find peace, he is not calm himself, and the perfectly calm ocean (a huge, powerful, in which the power is concluded, but she is sleeping, waiting for his time when the storm is born). When you need to be calm - it is absolutely calm. If another condition is needed, then a person is looking for other associations. The meaning is that what a person imagines itself is or what is associated with it, so becomes. When he submits himself to whom he wants to be, he attracts the corresponding patronage in the small world, awakens those sources of energy in the soul that will enhance it to increase the necessary state.

The ultimate goal of dynamic meditation is thinking about who I want to be, to call the appropriate states and enter the mode when a person is constantly growing. Because, at one reached, the top is another and, presenting yourself every time everything is perfect and stronger, the person grows constantly, no matter how much he would live.

Read and other important articles

To go through the warrior, it means to follow these principles, obligations and regulations in your life, which are consistent with this way and with your inner world. That is how it is formed for yourself the principles, check, be impregnated with them and follow them. The principles of each person are formed their own, they develop and polish with life experience, receiving new knowledge from teachers, from books and personal insights. Something changes, as in changes life, but something remains unchanged base, the rod.

Stand on the warrior's path simply, to remain a warrior all your earthly life is difficult. This is a call, but the warrior must be ready for challenges.

The principles of the Warrior, which I brought for my life and who were taught me my teachers below. I try to follow these principles now:

You can doubt how much you like to indulge in thought, before making a final decision, but if I accepted the decision - go to the end.

At the same time, when making a not too significant solution at the moment, you can use the technique of 7 inhales. If during this time the decision does not come, then it is necessary to postpone it. Either you are not ready, or circumstances.

If you do not know what to do at all, - do a step forward!

Warrior is not the one who does not fall, but the one who falls, but then gets up. Do not be afraid to start all over again, from scratch!

Warrior to become a harmonious personality and comprehend this skill must be consciously improved in 6 types of noble arts and, in the end, become a creator in each of them.

Here are these arts:

  1. The art of sound and hearing (music, possession of a musical instrument, singing, writing music).
  2. The art of the word (sticker, prose, oratory and diplomacy, and, by the way, "Boging" including :).
  3. The art of creating and vision of meaning in the image (painting, graphics, calligraphy, photography).
  4. Art of healing (recovery techniques, acupuncture, massage, traditional medicine).
  5. The art of combat (possession of weapons, fist art, psychotechnics).
  6. Art tactics and strategies (chess, checkers go, military art, strataghem).

Three shame for warrior:

  1. Show your art on the fun public.
  2. Show your art for money.
  3. Refuse direct call.
Sword, which is not polished - rust. Art in which you are not practicing - fades.
Practice without the theory is dangerous, the theory without practicing is useless. Combine everything with the mind. Be flexible and harmonious.
Learn the story. To understand the present and predict the future you need to know the past.
Be ready for everything at every moment of time. Have the necessary things with you. Prepare at leisure - you will use in a hurry.

The list will be expanding the list. Good luck to you on the Warrior's way! And remember that any principle of the warrior will change your life if you truly feed yourself to them. Do not be afraid of these changes and be prepared for them.
