It is perceived in Russia as an unconditional quality standard. It's no secret that employers value a foreign diploma especially highly, is it worth talking about a career start abroad? The most inexpensive way to acquire this quality assurance is to get a master's degree from one of the best universities in the world.

It is mistakenly believed that only rich people can afford to study in foreign universities. In fact, this is not the case. In theory, it is available to everyone. In many countries, higher education is free for foreign citizens, and a study visa gives the opportunity to work. Different ones allow you not to even think about financial issues.

In fact, studying after completing a first degree at home is also a way to reduce the cost of education, although the scale of the savings depends on the choice of the country. For example, in the United States, there are practically no free master's degrees, but graduate students, on the contrary, are paid a scholarship.

At the same time, even an average student can enroll in a free master's program in France or Germany; it is another matter that only outstanding candidates will receive a scholarship covering living expenses.

Where do you start?

Of course, it is worth starting with the ranking of universities, it is important to make sure that while continuing your education abroad you choose an institution, the quality of education in which will be much higher than the domestic one, and that its diploma will be highly valued. In the search process, it is worth starting from the specialty you are interested in, paying attention only to those faculties and universities that fall into the top 20-200 in the world.

Until then, click on the picture below to download your free university brochures.

At the same time, it is worth remembering that for representatives of third world countries, places are usually allocated with a separate competition, which makes it easier to enter. It is also obvious that education in the national language (not English) is cheaper - from € 400 per year, versus € 4,000 per year - for English-language training in the same country.

Not all degrees are equally available

In Europe and the USA, there are several types of master's degrees, which differ, first of all, in the presence of professional experience. Post-graduate master "s degree is a master's degree for those who have no such experience at all, but have a bachelor's or specialist's degree and want to continue specialization in their chosen field.

Business or management master "s degree - master's programs in business and management. General management master's degrees include: Masters of Science (master of science, MSc), Masters of Arts (master of arts, MA), Masters of Commerce (master commerce, MCom).

The Master of Business Administration (MBA) is a program designed for students with 2-3 years of professional or managerial experience. When applying for MBA programs in England and the USA, GMAT results are required, which is worth considering in advance.

Despite the fact that in different countries, master's programs differ quite a lot, there are general rules that apply to the duration of study.

For example, according to the standards of the European education system, a regular master's program must be at least 2250 hours or 90-120 ECTS (a system of accounting for the work of students in the development of an educational program). However, UK MSc / MA programs are typically 1,800 hours long.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that for admission to a prestigious foreign university, a Russian student often lacks qualifications, so he sometimes has to complete preparatory programs in order to compensate for the lack of knowledge before entering a master's program.

The procedure for admission to the magistracy

Usually, for admission to the magistracy, it is enough to send the documents required by the university. As a rule, it is required to write a letter of motivation, prepare a translated and certified diploma, resume and language certificate, if any.

Many universities offer to pre-register online by filling out and sending a questionnaire and scanned copies of the documents attached to it, which often does not negate the need to send the same documents by mail. Best of all - by registered mail, or by express mail (DHL, UPS).

Then it remains to wait. If one is among the applicants for a place on the course, the student will have to undergo an oral interview, which is quite possible by phone or Skype, especially when it comes to programs read in the national language.

A motivation letter and an interview are extremely important, so you should take them seriously and avoid general phrases, as well as not go into unnecessary details.

Considering that in Europe it is customary to send documents to several universities (5-10) at once, it is worthwhile to act like European students and send out applications for admission to the list of selected faculties. It is always more useful to have several options in stock; it is easier to refuse 2-3 universities than to skip an academic year.

Pleasant chores

If you think that your problems will end with the approval of your candidacy for the course, we have to disappoint you. In fact, this is just the beginning of a variety of troubles: you need to think about tickets, accommodation, allocate funds for food and expenses, and most importantly, get a visa.

Given that each country has different requirements for obtaining student visas, it is worth starting the process of preparing the documents in advance.

As soon as the confirmation of enrollment has arrived, you need to contact the visa center of the selected country and clarify the nuances. Most likely, upon receipt of it, the student will have to confirm the presence of a reserve of currency in the bank account, sufficient to pay for tuition and for living, since a visa is a type of student residence permit.

Many students want to continue their studies abroad. The reasons may be different: someone sees this as an opportunity to emigrate - after graduation, get a job in the country and stay; some are interested in trying themselves in a new field, gaining experience of communication and collaboration with representatives of other cultures.

A master's degree from a foreign university with a good reputation increases your career prospects both abroad and in our country. According to research by LESI NRU HSE, the salary of young specialists who graduated from a master's degree is, on average, 30% higher. A degree obtained abroad will allow you to apply for positions where knowledge of the language is required to perfection.

Alexander graduated from a master's degree in the Netherlands and now works for a large company in St. Petersburg. At the request of THE WALL, he spoke about his experience of studying abroad and how a diploma from a foreign university influenced his career.

"According to research data from the LESI NRU HSE, the salary of young specialists who graduated from the master's degree is, on average, 30% higher."

How did thoughts about the magistracy come about, and why I decided to go abroad

I have always believed that a master's degree is a logical continuation of a bachelor's degree. Of all my friends, only a few stopped at the first stage. They were lucky to find themselves a good job right after graduation.

I didn't even consider options in Russia. In the West, a master's degree can be obtained in a year instead of our two, and the fact that I could start working earlier seemed to me an obvious advantage. In addition, education abroad was interesting to me from an academic point of view. The level there was higher and more serious.

"I have always believed that Master's degree is a logical continuation of the Bachelor's degree"


I started my search by choosing a university: I looked at the world rankings and discarded those that did not suit me in direction. At St. Petersburg State University of Economics, I studied in a rather narrow direction "Mathematical Methods in Economics" and therefore could not radically change my specialty.

I stopped at several universities and business schools in Germany, France, the Netherlands and the USA, and already there I was looking for suitable programs. I applied for several at once, but the best option turned out to be a university in Tilburg in the Netherlands.

This is not to say that when choosing, I had specific priorities. Each university had its own advantages, so many factors had to be compared at once. If I wanted to, I would go to America, but, unfortunately, the distance from St. Petersburg did not in any way affect the cost of training and the position in the rating.

At Tilburg University, I chose the Econometrics program. For admission, I had to pass IELTS and the GMAT test. Optionally, it was possible to apply for a grant. IELTS cost me 12,000 rubles. To pass the GMAT, I had to fly to Moscow: in St. Petersburg, the queue was busy for 3 months. I paid 7,000 rubles for the test, but the costs turned out to be a little more than I expected, because of the tickets.

For Russians, the cost of studying at my university ranged from 15 to 35 thousand euros. Europeans and citizens of countries subject to benefits paid 10 times cheaper. Lucky enough for many, but, as always, not for us.

I would recommend everyone who enters the master's program in the first semester of the 4th year to decide on the university and start preparing. See what exams and tests are needed for your program. Find out where and when you can take them. Sign up in advance - places can be occupied for several months, or even six months in advance. If your budget allows, hire a tutor. With it, you can prepare well for IELTS even in a month.

Don't forget about all kinds of grants for international students... In my case, in order to get a discount, I had to write an essay on how you can influence the development of the university and improve its image. Tilburg University positioned itself as an international one, so I spoke in detail about my love for representatives of other cultures, the desire to exchange experience with them, and received a 10% discount on tuition for this.

You can significantly simplify the admission process by contacting agencies specializing in studying abroad. They will help at every stage: from finding a program to submitting documents and choosing a hostel. Only in an agency can you competently compare several options and roughly understand what to expect from each of them in the learning process.

“Tilburg University positioned itself as international, so I spoke in detail about my love for representatives of other cultures, the desire to exchange experience with them, and received a 10% discount on education for this”


After arriving in Tilburg, I checked into a hostel and began to prepare for the beginning of the school year: I got access to an electronic journal and chose my subjects for the first semester.

Only lectures remained from my usual system of study at the university. There were no seminars and groups. Everyone studied different disciplines.

The first month I felt pretty lonely. My neighbors in the hostel studied on other programs and most often came at night - we talked little and only on everyday matters. People who were close in spirit to me from the course all as one chose subjects that were different from mine. With one of my good acquaintances from Russia, after the start of classes, we did not intersect at all.

No one monitored the attendance of lectures. Delays, most often, were democratically treated. If you wanted, you could come 10 minutes before the end without a pen and notebook, and no one would tell you anything. However, students tried not to miss classes and arrive on time.

Throughout the year, grades were available for design work and weekly homework assignments. We did projects in a team of 4 people in the format of a report or presentation. The assignments were sent by mail to the teacher. If the course on the subject lasted 3 months, 12 assignments had to be sent. The top 10 got an average score.

We passed exams 4 times a year. In autumn and spring in short-course subjects, in winter and summer - the rest. Each exam was given 3 hours. No tickets, everything is in writing.

During the exam, we were strictly controlled: at the entrance to the classroom, equipment was taken away and escorted to the toilet. It was almost impossible to write off. To pass well, it was necessary to describe in detail the solutions and answers. The result completely depended on the depth of your knowledge.

In general, it was very difficult to study, but the atmosphere at the university helped me somehow to tune in. In the absence of a permanent team, the students worked a lot in the classroom and did not communicate much, and in the evening they all went to get ready. Most of all, this applied to local students - they studied with some special zeal and rarely went out even at the end of the week. This is what I aspired to, but the combination of Friday night and the so-called "bar street" 10 minutes walk rarely left me indifferent. There was practically no opportunity to rest, and every chance to somehow relieve my head was very important for me. After stormy weekend evenings, I sat down to study with completely different sensations.

As it turned out, graduate students in Europe generally go after several years of work. I had no such experience, so many things were new to me. I had to ask fellow students for help. They did not refuse, although sometimes it seemed to me that with my constant questions I was complicating their life. During the year in Tilburg, I realized that it is better not to rely on anyone but myself.

"Only lectures are left of my usual system of study at the university"


Even upon admission, when I applied to the agency, I was told that the university does not give any guarantee of employment. On the one hand, it made everyone equal in the conditions, on the other hand, the citizens of the European Union and, moreover, the residents of the Netherlands still had priority. It is much easier for local companies to obtain a work permit for a non-foreigner. There will be huge competition for the Russian specialist in Europe.

It was quite difficult to find even a part-time job while studying. The vacancies on the websites were mostly not in the specialty, and those that fit required knowledge of the Dutch language. In the employment center of the university, they offered to get a job as an assistant professor. This position was readily accepted by graduate students aimed at an academic career, which was definitely not about me.

I was hoping to get an internship, as many of my acquaintances from the IT sphere did, but it didn't work out. They took only those whose topic of the diploma was related to the activities of a particular company. Perhaps I made the mistake of not contacting the city employment center. With their help, my neighbor got a job in a small cafe on the "street of bars", which during the day served as a quite decent pedestrian street. He earned little there, but this was enough to cover a third of the cost of training. Such a salary, however, slightly less motivated students from countries not included in the privileged list.

As a result, I never found a job. It all came down to the fact that it was better for me to return to Russia. I cannot say that I left with great regret. I know people who have stayed and are still working. They receive salaries higher than the average in our country, but housing and food costs cover everything. In the end, it turns out a little - living in the Netherlands is expensive, even if you earn decent money.

For students, studying abroad opens up many opportunities. Both in terms of further employment, and in terms of personal development, new acquaintances and opportunities to travel more. You don't have to study abroad all the years to get a European diploma. Enough apply for a master's degree abroad and complete such training, after which you will receive a diploma.

What is the difficulty of studying for a bachelor's degree in another country? Firstly, it is not cheap, and secondly, education is mainly conducted in the national language. Therefore, it is much easier to enroll in a bachelor's degree in your own country, at a domestic university, and continue your studies at a master's degree or in graduate school abroad. But education in each country has its own characteristics. For example, in the United States, a master's degree is almost always paid, and graduate students are awarded a scholarship for their work. Free study abroad for a master's degree offered in countries such as Germany and France, but only the brightest student is paid the scholarship.

Prospects for studying for a master's degree abroad

Among the prospects for such training:

  • Best Job Opportunities: You will be able to choose the best firm or organization to work with. There are many more promising positions abroad, higher salaries.
  • Prestigious diploma: education abroad is more focused on practical training. So after the end study abroad for a master's degree you can get started right away.
  • Opportunity to get another specialty: you can complete your studies, which you started in your country, or choose a new specialty.

Preparation and submission of documents

Start preparing documents in advance, if you have chosen study abroad for a master's degree... This applies to both studying in Europe and in the United States. If you are an author of articles, publications, or have specific awards, they will also need to be added to the documents that you will submit.

The main documents to be submitted:

  • an undergraduate diploma from your university;
  • a certificate of knowledge of the language of the country where you will be enrolled;
  • recommendations from your teachers;
  • all your publications, written both independently and in co-authorship;
  • the awards you have received;
  • a letter of motivation why you chose to study abroad;
  • your resume.

These are the documents that are best for you to prepare in advance in order to be in time and on time to submit them to the selected university abroad.

Deadlines for submission of documents and prices for training

You need to study the prices for studies and the list of offered specialties in each country. It is best to start looking for an educational institution about 1 year before submitting documents. Each country has its own specific rules for filing documents. Moreover, each university has its own requirements. Basically, universities post deadlines on their websites, so you can quickly navigate when the submission begins and ends. In most cases, and especially in European countries, when it comes to education abroad at the magistracy, submission of documents takes place 3 months before the start of the fall semester.

Prices for such training depend on the specialty and the university rating. At the same time, there is an opportunity to get to free master's degree abroad... For example, Germany offers such opportunities for Ukrainians. But then be prepared that the training will be conducted in German. Do not forget that you will also need to pay for housing and food. Therefore, before choosing a university, familiarize yourself with the prices in this country in more detail, inquire about the reviews of other students.

Admission to Master's Degree - Scholarship

Where to begin? To get started, you need to get good knowledge while studying for a bachelor's degree. At the same time, study English. Then it will be much easier for you to communicate with students abroad. The better you know English, the easier it will be for you to solve all everyday issues.

To successfully enroll in the specialty you are interested in abroad, you need to study well in your bachelor's degree. The receipt of the scholarship will depend on several factors. The higher your GPA, the more chances you have of being accepted and receiving a scholarship. The average score must be above 4.5. You also need to show good knowledge of English (TOEFL iBT> 90) or the language of the country in which you will study. Priority is given to people who have scientific publications, who have actively participated in conferences or have experience in a specific specialty.

Types of Masters Scholarships

There are several types of scholarships:

  • national;
  • from the university;
  • from a private foundation.

As you can see, in the first case, the source of funding is the state, in the second - a specific university, in the third - a private foundation. Also, scholarships can fully cover the cost Master's programs abroad for Ukrainians, or maybe partially. There is also a third option, when the student or graduate student is covered not only the cost of studies, but also money is given for accommodation, meals, and also for insurance. Such scholarship will depend on the scholarship program or grant for a master's degree abroad... Basically, an amount is given from 500 to 2 thousand euros, depending on the country of residence and the specific conditions of the program, grant.

What is the likelihood of enrolling in a master's program abroad?

You need to prepare for such an entry in advance. You need to know that submitting documents to a foreign university will require some expenses. You will need to translate your education documents, notarize them and send them abroad. Be prepared that this whole procedure is not free. If you are applying for a scholarship, we recommend that you apply for several scholarship programs at once. You have the opportunity to win grant for a master's degree abroad if you want to get into free training.

Master's studies in Germany

Among the features of studying in Germany is the opportunity to receive practical training in one of the well-known companies. And applicants also have the opportunity to get a free master's degree abroad at state universities. You will have the opportunity to choose the language of instruction: German or English.

The competition for studying for a master's degree in Germany is very high, especially if you intend to study in German and not in English. High demands are placed on foreign students. If you had high scores in the undergraduate program (from 4.38), if you have scientific publications and good recommendations from your teachers, then you can apply for admission. You will also need to provide a certificate of proficiency in German at the C2 level. If you are going to study in English, a certificate of English proficiency at B2 or C1 level will suffice, depending on the university's requirements.

Tuition fees and top universities in Germany

How much does one year study in Germany cost? From 200 euros to 16 thousand euros per year. The sum of the remaining expenses for accommodation and meals for the year may amount to about 10 thousand euros.

Among the top German universities:

  • Jena University with more than 21 thousand students.
  • IUBH is one of the best universities in the field of business and management.
  • University of Applied Sciences Georg Sioma - takes 3rd place among universities of applied sciences.
  • Jacobs University, which occupies high positions in the rankings of German universities.

Master's studies in England

The advantages of studying in England are quality knowledge, which is supported by practical training. Among the features of such study abroad in a magistracy is the need to speak English perfectly.

If you are applying for an undergraduate degree, you will have to spend 1 year on pre-university education. This is due to the fact that in England, the school is not 11, but 12 years old. Therefore, the difference will have to be compensated. There are special programs Graduate diploma, as well as Pre-Master, thanks to which it will be easier for the applicant to prepare for admission and improve his knowledge of the English language.

Tuition Fees and Top Universities in England

Aim for a cost between £ 9,000 and £ 20,000 per year. As for other expenses, they can be about 8 thousand pounds, depending on the conditions and place of your residence.

Among the prestigious English universities:

  • University of Strathclyde, which is one of the 10 best universities in England;
  • The University of Sheffield has a very high rating among English universities;
  • The University of Sussex has the best positions not only in English, but also in world university rankings;
  • Kingston University London is another significant English university.

Master's degree studies in Canada

The advantage of studying in Canada is the opportunity to find a good job and receive a high salary after graduation. The cost of training is relatively low. When choosing to study abroad for a master's degree, be prepared to go through a big competition. To successfully enroll, you need to show a high level of English proficiency and have high scores on admission.

Tuition fees in Canada

One year of study will cost from 15 to 45 thousand Canadian dollars. On average, about 10 thousand dollars will be spent on accommodation and meals per year.

Master's degree studies in the USA

You know very well that the USA has the best universities in the world. After graduating from your master's degree, you can get a job in one of the best companies in your specialty. You will need to take a choice of the GMAT or GRE exam in order to successfully enroll in a master's program at an American university.

What is GRE? This is a complex special test aimed at checking the general knowledge of the applicant. This includes testing the knowledge of the English language. When submitting documents to the university, you will need to provide your results for this test.

What is the GMAT? You will need to take this test if you are going to study at a business school. Positive results after passing the test will allow you to study for the MBA master's program. Such a test may be required not only in the United States, but also in the most prestigious business schools in other countries.

Top US Universities

Among the best American universities, the following stand out:

  • American University;
  • Adelphi University;
  • Auburn University;
  • The University of Kansas.

Before admission, you will have the opportunity to complete the Pre-Master program, which will allow you to quickly adapt to the American educational system and improve your knowledge of English.

Master's studies in the Netherlands

Among the advantages of such study is the opportunity to study in English and get a European diploma, and the admission process itself is considered simple. Universities in the Netherlands offer quality education not only for bachelor's degrees, but also for master's degrees. Moreover, you can choose an English-language course.

If you need to prepare for admission, the Pre-Master program is suitable for you. Thanks to it, you will be able to better understand the Dutch educational system and significantly improve your knowledge of the English language.

Tuition fees and top universities in the Netherlands

Training will cost about 10-16 thousand euros per year. You will also need about 8 thousand euros per year for accommodation, meals and other expenses.

Among the best Dutch universities, the following stand out:

  • Hanze University;
  • Stenden University;
  • HAN University;
  • The Hague University;
  • Saxion University.

Master's studies in Switzerland

If you are interested in business administration, then you should definitely go and apply for a master's degree in Switzerland. You can go to a private university that has programs in English.

In public universities in Switzerland, there is very high competition for the 1st place. Therefore, to successfully enroll in your studies, you will need to show high academic performance, excellent language skills and excellent references.

It is much easier to enroll in private universities. Basically, Ukrainian applicants choose private universities, which are much easier to enroll in. Many children of politicians and businessmen come to Switzerland to study.

Tuition fees and top universities in Switzerland

A year of study will cost differently, depending on the specialty - from CHF 500 to CHF 38,000. You will need about CHF 15,000 more for accommodation, as well as food, travel and other expenses.

Among the famous Swiss universities, the following stand out:

  • Geneva Business School;
  • International University in Geneva;
  • Institute of finance and management.

All these universities are well known outside the country due to the high quality of knowledge and practical training of students.

Master's studies in France

If you are interested in getting a master's degree abroad on a budget, then you can apply to one of the state French universities. In addition, if you want to do research in the future, French universities are open to you.

The main emphasis in education here is placed on the theoretical training of students, although no one forgets about practice either. Basically, studies are conducted in French. When submitting documents, you will also need to provide a certificate of knowledge of French, and not just a GPA.

Top Universities in France

Among the world famous French universities:

  • ESC Rennes School of Business;
  • Ecole d'ART Maryse Eloy;
  • College de Paris.

If you are going to study in English, then be prepared: you will have to go to a private university. Only private universities teach in English. If you are interested in a quality education in the field of design, art or fashion, then you need to enroll in a French university.

Master's studies in Italy

Applicants have the opportunity to enroll in a master's program in Italy, and for free. It is more difficult to do this in public universities, where documents need to be certified by the Italian embassy. The terms of such certification are from 2 to 8 months, so applicants do not always manage to submit documents on time. It will be easier to enter a private Italian university. They also offer programs in English.

Tuition fees and top universities in Italy

Studying in Italy is relatively inexpensive. For a year of study, you can pay from 1 thousand euros to 20 thousand euros. The rest of the costs will amount to about 7-10 thousand euros per year.

Some of the most famous Italian universities:

  • Domus Academy;
  • NABA Milano Academy;
  • Accademia Costume & Moda.

Master's studies in Spain

Universities in this country offer quality engineering as well as architecture education. Also, the best business schools operate here, these are private educational institutions.

If you are going to enter a state university, you will need not only to submit a package of documents, but also to pass the entrance exams. It is much easier to enter a private university. To do this, you need to present an extract of your bachelor's grades, provide a certificate of language proficiency at the C1 level and provide recommendations from your teachers.

Tuition fees and top universities in Spain

For one year of study at a Spanish university, students pay from 3 to 30 thousand euros, depending on the specialty. Accommodation costs will amount to about 7-10 thousand euros.

You can choose one of the prestigious universities:

  • University of Malaga;
  • Deusto University;
  • Istituto Europeo di Design.

Master's degree studies in Austria

This prosperous country offers quality education, including a master's degree. For successful admission, you need to provide not only documents on the successful completion of the bachelor's degree, but also a certificate of knowledge of the German language at the C1 level. Private universities also offer programs in English.

Tuition Fees and Top Universities in Austria

On average, one year of study will cost from 800 to 28 thousand euros, and living expenses will be about 12 thousand euros per year.

Among the top universities in Austria:

  • University of Vienna, which has graduated from many world celebrities, Nobel laureates, writers;
  • Vienna University of Economics and Business, which is ranked among the top 100 European universities in the field of economics;
  • Webster University.

Master's degree studies in the Czech Republic

A great opportunity to study in the very heart of Europe is to choose to study at one of the Czech universities. You can study for a master's degree for free if you choose to study in the Czech language. There is an opportunity to study in English for a moderate fee - from 4 to 10 thousand euros per year. At the same time, the cost of living and food will also be low - about 5 thousand euros per year. Compared to other European countries, it is inexpensive.

Master's programs in foreign countries are available for students with a bachelor's degree. In many universities, foreigners can study for free, receive scholarships and grants, and start a career.

Systems of English speaking countries

The duration of courses in the UK and Canada depends on many factors and can take 1-2 years. In the United States, training can last 4 years - for example, a master's program in architecture. For admission, the results of TOEFL or IELTS tests, the results of tests in the disciplines required for the chosen direction are provided.

The choice of a master's degree depends on the goals of the student and his education. You can get a degree:

  • Business and Management;
  • Master of Science (Master of Science);
  • Humanities (Master of Arts);
  • Management (MBA). This program is designed for applicants with management experience. GMAT test required.

For language adaptation in English-speaking countries, universities provide Pre-Masters courses. During the semester, applicants overcome the language barrier, get used to new conditions.

For students with a bachelor's degree, abbreviated versions of master's programs are provided. Upon completion, they are awarded a diploma or certificate. They don't get a master's degree. These are Postgraduate Certificate Programs and Postgraduate Diploma Programs courses.

European system

The term of study in Europe is 1.5-2.5 years. Tuition is cheaper than in English-speaking countries. In some European countries, a master's degree can be taken free of charge, in Germany or France, for example.

Moreover, if in Canada and the United States free education is available only to citizens, then in the EU such a “gift of fate” may well go to a foreigner.

True, this will be a conditionally free master's degree, because for using the library, gym, swimming pool and other joys of life, every six months you will have to pay from 42 to 350 euros. Most programs are taught in English, so you will need to pass IELTS or TOEFL for admission.

Additional exams are not provided in most universities. To study in Germany, Switzerland, France, Austria, it is imperative to show the level of knowledge of the languages ​​of these countries. Free can only be obtained in the national language. A letter of motivation is submitted with the documents, in which the applicant must indicate the reasons for choosing the direction of training.

The best universities in the world are concentrated in Europe. In each of them, foreigners are offered a wide range of master's programs, including an MBA. Control over the student's studies is carried out in accordance with the common European system ECTS. Exams take the form of testing or speaking. For academic failure, they are immediately expelled.

During the implementation of the Bologna Process, higher education in European countries was unified.

Now it has a two-stage structure, which includes the following links:

  • bachelor's degree;
  • master's degree.

Russia became a member of the Bologna process in 2003, but only in 2011 the process of reforming higher education began, with a division into bachelor's and master's degrees. Nevertheless, five or six years of training with the receipt of a specialist diploma continues to exist in our country.

This diploma in the labor market is in demand in the same degree as a master's degree, but the latter has wider opportunities, such as: teaching at a university or doing scientific work, career advancement in the fields of law, economics and psychology, etc.

Why do you need a master's degree abroad?

Of course, a master's degree can also be obtained in Russian universities, but ambitious young people, aimed at career growth and at obtaining much greater opportunities for promotion in the labor market, prefer to receive a master's degree abroad.

Most Russian students consider universities to be popular for continuing education UK, USA, Germany and France, Canada.

Usually, training in a foreign master's program lasts 12-21 months. The cost of the course depends on the country and the prestige of the chosen specialty. This can be an amount from $ 2,500 to $ 41,000. And this does not include the cost of training, food and accommodation. This is equivalent to the cost of an inexpensive car and is quite affordable for thousands of Russian students.

Who are they, who are interested in pursuing a master's degree abroad?

  • A master's degree abroad is needed for those students who would like to have additional education or rise to a qualitatively new level of knowledge and skills in their specialization. The study of the field of knowledge of international law and economics, medicine, quantum physics and other special disciplines, a master's degree abroad can guarantee.
  • For other students, a master's degree abroad is an opportunity to obtain highly qualified work in other countries, because the master's degree is recognized by most countries and provides employment opportunities abroad. For example, Canada's Post-Graduation Work Permit Program for International Students provides job opportunities for any foreigner who has completed a Master's degree.
  • International careers are another category of interests of students, from those who are attracted by a master's degree abroad. Given the global integration trends, the number of such students will steadily increase.
  • It is not a secret that a master's degree obtained abroad is highly valued by our employers, so the presence of such a diploma is the key to a successful employment in Russia itself.

Education in a master's degree abroad can be at the expense of the master's student or state grants. These can be grant programs from Russia or countries that provide master's degrees at their universities.

To obtain the right to free education You don't have to be very smart, but you need to stand out for your academic or professional ability from other students.

And here all your best practices will come in handy: publications in print media, participation in scientific conferences, research experience, etc. Positive recommendations from scientific leaders or employers can raise your rating and bring closer the possibility of obtaining a grant.

Basic requirements for admission

To continue studying abroad in order to obtain a master's degree, the applicant needs:

  • Have diploma about higher education (bachelor or specialist).
  • Own sufficiently one of the foreign languages , this fact must be confirmed by an exam, DALF, TestDaF... It is better if this, this option is acceptable even in universities in Germany, Spain and other non-English-speaking countries.
  • Clearly articulate goals in the motivation letter for the admissions committee , which you set for yourself when deciding to continue your studies abroad... Sometimes the underestimation of this requirement nullifies the intentions of even "graduates".
  • Have at least some experience in volunteering... Any field of activity, preferably not related to professional work. This selection criterion is optional, but grant curators love versatile individuals and, if there is competition, will give preference to a volunteer.
  • Sometimes, among the requirements for a future undergraduate, there is an average diploma score within certain limits. Most often it is 4.5-5 on a five-point rating scale.
  • A very rating criterion for selection is the presence of at least two years work experience by specialty.

Some universities recommend taking preparatory courses in advance. (Pre-Masters), the purpose of which is adaptation to the educational system, somewhat different from the domestic one, specialization in priority subjects and the English language. The duration of such courses is 3-9 months.

Read also

Roadmap or how to enroll in a master's program abroad

In order to become a master's student, there is no need to first take the documents to the admissions office of the university. This can be done online.

For this you need:

  1. Register on the university website.
  2. Fill in the form.
  3. Attach documents: with motivational goals, recommendations and resume.
  4. Send a transcript of the diploma about the existing level of higher education.
  5. Complete GRE and / or GMAT test assignments (a separate requirement of some universities, more often with business specialties).

The documents are considered by the selection committee, after which you receive either an invitation to come with the original documents, or a refusal.

Required documents

A student who decides to continue his studies abroad needs to prepare
package of documents, which includes:

  • Higher education document(bachelor or specialist) with translation and notarization, insert with grades.
  • English Proficiency Certificate .
  • Several letters of recommendation from teachers or employers.
  • Motivational essay.
  • Summary.
  • International passport.
  • Preliminary confirmation of admission to the university.

How to Study Master's Degree Abroad for Free

It is a mistake to think that only rich people can afford studying abroad. In some countries, the education of foreign citizens is free, and residence can be provided by a study visa, which gives the student the opportunity to work.

For some, studying abroad is an opportunity to keep education costs to a minimum. The source of savings is scholarships that are paid by some foreign universities. The amount of scholarships is different, it all depends on the country. In the United States, for example, there is no free tuition for a master's degree at all, but a scholarship is paid to all graduate students.

And in France and Germany it is quite easy to enroll in a master's program with free tuition, but getting a decent scholarship is very difficult.

Real lucky ones become owners grants to pay for study abroad. Grants can be provided by individuals, such as Google's Anita Borg Grant for Female Programmers, or by government programs.

A number of government training systems allow you to receive a grant or scholarship to study abroad. The most interesting of them are as follows:

  • Fulbright - grants to study in the USA. Funded by the government and helps to strengthen the relationship between Russia and the United States. Training period- 1-2 years. The grant pays tuition, monthly stipend, health insurance, travel expenses.

Conditions : passing the competition, obtaining a J-1 visa and compulsory return to Russia upon graduation.

  • Erasmus Mundusa European grants program that provides accommodation, meals and even flights. Conditions : study in one of 10-13 universities in Europe, but the university chooses the program itself. The program provides full payment of tuition fees.
  • Chevening Scholarships are grants provided by Britain to educate students with leadership qualities. All expenses are paid from the British Government Treasury. This includes expenses for flights, food and accommodation, grants for scientific work, payment of a visa.

Conditions for obtaining : work in the specialty for at least 2 years (including volunteer work), decent knowledge of a foreign language (passing exams at least the specified minimum), upon graduation - a mandatory return to Russia for at least 2 years. Training period - 1 year.

  • Visby - Swedish government grants program. Aimed at students from Georgia, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine. Full tuition fees, limited insurance. Conditions: Initially, the grant is given for a year, but subject to excellent training, it can be extended for the same period.
  • Global education is a Russian program of financial support for students who independently entered universities in other countries. These ties already cover more than 200 universities in 32 countries of the world.

These are some of the most famous grants provided by government programs to prepare international students. But, besides them, there are still opportunities for obtaining scholarships from the universities themselves. You can learn more about this from the information posted on the websites of the educational institutions you are interested in.

Explore all the possibilities, analyze and choose the most interesting option for you.

Successful study in foreign universities!
