Princeton University is famous all over the world for its famous graduates and unique scientific developments. The educational institution is among the top ten universities in North America. Therefore, graduates from all over the world dream of entering this prestigious university. Princeton is distinguished from other educational institutions by a scrupulous approach to teaching not only technical and natural science disciplines, but also humanitarian subjects. The curriculum developed by the university leadership meets the modern needs of the labor market, the demands of employers and the interests of young people.

Creation of the university

In 1736, the British colonial administration decided to create a new educational institution in North America - the New Jersey school. It was planned that within the walls of the New Jersey school, students would receive a classical education. After 32 years, J. Witherspoon became the head of the educational institution. Under him, the requirements for applicants became stricter, and the subjects most demanded in practical life began to be included in the curriculum. The merit of Witherspoon was the fact that he tried to attract private investors to his institution.

The school of New Jersey became a university only at the end of the 19th century, after the number of educational programs was increased. Then it was decided to name the university in honor of the city of Princeton, where the central campus was built. In 1900, the School of Postgraduate Education appeared at the university, where undergraduates and postgraduates studied.

Another famous head of Printon was W. Wilson, who in 1913 became the 28th President of the United States. He created the current system of colloquia and seminars at the university, and also issued an order for the reading of lecture courses that met the needs of each student.

University structure

The main building of the university occupies a huge territory, the area of ​​which is 202.3 hectares. The university campus unites 180 different buildings - classrooms for classes, research laboratories, gyms, dormitories. Each of these buildings has its own unique architectural style, from colonial and Romanesque to Gothic and Art Nouveau. In addition, a part of the university are: convenient parking lots, forests, squares, parks, a lake, bicycle and walking paths. Among other infrastructure facilities, the following should be noted:

  • Lewis Center for the Arts, where students study who want to connect their lives with culture and art. Theatrical performances are also held here;
  • Theaters and galleries;
  • Cafes and restaurants;
  • Supermarkets and boutiques;
  • Culture and Natural History Museums;
  • Art Gallery;
  • Publisher;
  • Faculties and colleges;
  • Libraries;
  • Research Institute.

Educational complexes

Princeton University has a large number of divisions: various faculties, colleges and high schools. Some of them graduate only bachelors, others - masters and doctors of science. The university includes such colleges as:

  • College of Bachelor of Arts in Applied Sciences and Humanities;
  • Graduate school designed for graduate students and masters. Here you can improve your qualifications in natural, applied, humanities or social sciences;
  • School of Engineering and Applied Sciences for Bachelors, Masters and Postgraduates. Here, students receive not only excellent theoretical training, but also consolidate their knowledge in practice;
  • School of Architecture, where bachelors, masters and graduate students can study in urban and architecture studios;
  • Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Relations, where bachelors and masters can study.

In total, there are more than thirty programs at Princeton leading to bachelor's degrees. Also, almost all faculties have master's and postgraduate studies.

Students live in six dormitories located next to the academic buildings.

Financial support

The university has a multidisciplinary program to provide material assistance to students. Students can look forward to scholarships, grants, or internship assistance. You can apply for financial assistance along with other documents to the admissions office. At Princeton, more than 60% of students study on the university's scholarship fund. Scholarships can be either partial or full. However, the university administration pays out a 100% scholarship in very rare cases.

There are also several dozen special grants. They can be applied for by bachelors, masters and doctoral students. Talented students involved in security projects can look forward to the Boren Scholarship. For lovers of travel and cultural exchanges under the age of 25, there is a Laura Bush scholarship. You can also apply for an internship from DAAD (Germany), receive a so-called summer scholarship from Martin A. Dale, or request financial assistance from the Princeton Dean Foundation to attend a conference, seminar, symposium or summer school.

Dual Degrees

Princeton students can receive a diploma at the end of their studies in two specialties at once. Such a program is designed for undergraduates wishing to study in the main and additional direction. You can get a double degree in materials science, engineering, social policy, neuroscience, demography and public law.

A second degree is awarded by one of Princeton's partner universities, such as Stanford, California, Yale, Pennsylvania or Chicago.

It is not possible to obtain an MBA directly from Princeton, so many students sign up for joint programs at. The Princeton administration has signed a cooperation agreement with this university.

Hostels and clubs

Students have the opportunity to live in hostels that are adjacent to the main campus. Life in dorms is organized on a collegiate system, as at Stanford and Harvard. This allows young people to receive support in education, research, leisure and sports. You can live in a hostel for 4 years, while the bachelor's program lasts. But masters and graduate students also prefer to rent a room in one of the university residences, since renting an apartment or apartment in the city is quite expensive. The cost of living in a hostel will cost $ 300-400 per month.

Princeton students decide on the organization of their meals on their own. You can stop your choice on:

  • College cafeterias;
  • A cafe;
  • Restaurants;
  • Dining clubs.

The Princeton Dining Club is more than just a bite to eat. These clubs combine the functions of a canteen and a venue for debates, communication and meetings with fellow students. There are ten such clubs in total. Five of them accept everyone if there are free places, and in order to get into any of the remaining clubs, you need to go through a special selection procedure. Each candidate is discussed by the current members of the club, who decide whether to accept a newcomer or not. Since participation in the club is expensive, a certain amount is included in the scholarship programs for meals in such institutions.

Clubs are an important part of the university, so their traditions are honored and respected by all Princeton students. Every expulsion of a student from the club becomes a real precedent.

Previously, there were eleven clubs, but in 1937 one was closed, turning into a writing center. At Princeton, controversy is still ongoing over the legality of such a decision.

In addition to clubs, there are also closed student communities that operate in secret.

How to apply to Princeton University

Princeton provides an opportunity to get to know the university even before admission. This can be done by visiting the official website of the university, looking at the teachers' personal blogs and getting acquainted with the history of a particular college or department. The administration of Princeton University supports the development of computer and information technologies, therefore, you can learn about the institution through the free iTunesU application. This application has a separate IPrinceton program, where you can watch podcasts, videos about scientific and educational projects, news, theatrical performances and various events from student life.

There are two ways to submit documents:

  • Single Choice Early Action Option - designed for those who will only submit papers to Princeton. This can be done before November 1 of each year, and the results will be known already on December 15;
  • Regular Decision - for applicants who apply to several universities. The deadline for submission is January 1 of each year, and the decision on admission or refusal will be sent by March 31.

The set of necessary documents that must be sent to the admissions office includes the following papers (for more information about the process of admission to Princeton, see the link:

  • General University Form, which can be downloaded from: (Common Application) or (Universal College Application);
  • Addition to the main form, which is downloaded from the link:;
  • Additional application for foreign citizens - International Application;
  • High school diploma or education diploma translated into English;
  • Extract of estimates for the half-year;
  • Recommendations from two teachers;
  • SAT or ACT exam results;
  • Sometimes you need to go through an interview with one of the Princeton University alumni;
  • Certificate of English proficiency. Most often, they are asked to provide the results of the international TOEFL exam.

Remember that documents are not accepted from applicants who are already studying at another university.

Almost every applicant can become a student at this prestigious university, since Princeton has fairly liberal admission conditions. A big plus for an applicant who wants to go to Princeton will be success in dancing, painting or sports. Before admission, applicants should direct their efforts to any socially useful or scientific projects in order to stand out from the background of other applicants.

Each applicant must pass a series of entrance exams:

  • SAT or Academic Assessment Test, which is taken by all universities in the United States;
  • ACT or American Testing is another test for college or university admission;
  • SAT Subjects (two subjects to choose from);
  • Write two essays.

You can take the SAT and ACT in your home country. If this is not possible, then you can submit papers without them. But this makes it difficult to fully assess the capabilities of applicants. An essay should be written on relevant topics: about a person, an event, a certain acute issue. The problem of the essay should be important for society, so you should take a responsible approach to writing an essay. All arguments must be stated clearly and clearly, it is advisable to adhere to a pre-written plan, make intermediate conclusions and conclusions.

How much does it cost to study at Princeton?

The average tuition fee in the last academic year (2016-2017) was 63.4 thousand dollars. Of these, the fee for the curriculum was more than 45 thousand dollars, and room and board cost a little more than 8 thousand.

On average, the cost of one academic year at Princeton University will consist of the following items:

  • Cost of education;
  • Nutrition;
  • Textbooks, notebooks, manuals;
  • Visit to the sports hall;
  • Fare;
  • Books;
  • Entertainment;
  • Stationery;
  • Payment for accommodation;
  • Medical insurance.

A bachelor's degree for one student per year will cost around $ 49.5 thousand. Of these: 37 thousand - training; 3.6 thousand - food and textbooks; 6.6 thousand - hostel; 2.3 thousand - medical insurance. Master's degree will cost a little more. For example, a master's program will cost 38.6 thousand; textbooks, food, office supplies - 3.6 thousand; medical insurance - 2.3 thousand; hostel - 6.6 thousand

University achievements

  • 30 Nobel laureates;
  • Allocation of funds for the operation of 75 research institutes, two national laboratories for geophysical hydrodynamics and plasma physics (have a national status);
  • The staff and teaching staff of the University are the authors and developers of the international test for English proficiency TOEFL;
  • At Princeton, new ways were discovered to capture and convert carbon dioxide;
  • Availability of external sources of funding for scientific and research activities, allowing you to receive hundreds of millions of dollars every year;
  • Several thousand research projects are carried out at the university every year, and half of them are funded from outside.

Famous alumni

  • The fourth President of the United States, James Madison, studied at Princeton and later became the drafter of the United States Constitution;
  • Japanese novelist, essayist and translator Haruki Murakami;
  • Former US First Lady Michelle Obama;
  • Francis S. Fitzgerald, who wrote The Great Gatsby, but never graduated.

Princeton University - one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in the United States, is a member of the Ivy League and is distinguished by an exceptionally high quality of education.

Founded in 1746 in New Jersey, Princeton University today regularly ranks at the top of national and world rankings. The university has just over 8000 students. According to the US News Best Colleges national ranking, the best specialties of Princeton University are economics, history, mathematics and sociology - 1st place; political science and physics - 2nd place.

Princeton University's main campus is located in downtown Princeton, New Jersey. The city is connected by a convenient transport network with major cities - Philadelphia and Trenton in the south and New York in the north.

The Princeton University campus covers 200 hectares, includes many historic buildings and is considered one of the most beautiful in the United States according to Travel + Leisure magazine. On campus there are 10 libraries, an art museum, a theater, a large fitness center with a swimming pool and tennis court. About 10 events are held daily on the Princeton University campus, which cover a wide range of academic and extracurricular interests: educational film screenings, student music performances, Hackprinceton hacker competitions, bodybuilding competitions and much more.

Princeton University alumni include US Presidents James Madison and Woodrow Wilson, former US First Lady Michelle Obama, Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos, Google CEO Eric Schmidt, actor David Duchovny, as well as a famous American scientist, one of the founders of quantum electrodynamics and developers of atomic bombs Richard Phillips Feynman. In total, 41 Nobel laureates, 21 winners of the US National Science Medal, 14 Fields and 8 Abel Prizes are associated with Princeton University.

Princeton University prepares professional athletes - to compete with the Princeton Tigers in the first division of the US National University Sports Association in one of 31 disciplines. Athletes from Princeton University have won 12 national championships in golf, 6 in lacrosse, and 14 in rowing.

Why go to Princeton University?

  • 1st place in the ranking of US universities according to US News Best Colleges 2017
  • 7th in The Times Higher Education 2017 World University Rankings.
  • 98% - the level of student satisfaction.
  • Princeton University has 10 libraries with over 14 million print items
  • 3 Princeton University professors became Nobel laureates in 2015: Thomas Lindahl (chemistry), Angus Deaton (economics), Arthur MacDonald (physics).

The best faculties of Princeton University:

  • history;
  • maths;
  • Social sciencies;
  • physics;
  • economy.


Princeton University offers accommodation in 6 student residences. In each, in addition to rooms, there are canteens and cafes, rooms for rest and study, gyms. The residences host their own sports and creative events. The cost of living is from $ 8300 per year.

Princeton University (official website is one of the oldest universities.

The history of its formation has more than one century. It was first founded in 1746 as a college in New Jersey, and after its transfer to Princeton, New Jersey in 1756, it was awarded the title of a university.

Princeton University building

Many famous US and international politicians, writers, researchers, public figures and actors graduated from Princeton. This educational center of the country is famous for its first-class teaching staff. At one time, prominent scientists and researchers, including Albert Einstein, lectured here. It is the Princeton teachers who are the developers and creators of the famous TOEFL language test.

On the territory of the university there are many historical buildings, the photos of which are striking in their majesty and solemnity. Graduation ceremonies are traditionally held near one of these structures - the Nassau Hall, erected in 1756.

Academic structure of Princeton University

Alexander Hall (photo by asergeev)

The main components of the complex mechanism of the educational structure of an educational institution are: a college, schools of public and international relations, magistracy departments, as well as several research centers with excellent laboratory and technical equipment. A significant part of the equipment used is the result of scientific implementations of university scientists.

The list of students numbers about 8000 people, who are taught by more than 1100 teachers.

The list of main areas of study at Princeton University includes the following faculties:

Princeton University architecture (photo by asergeev)

  • geological and geophysical sciences
  • philosophy
  • mathematics
  • astrophysical sciences
  • biological
  • sociology, psychology, politics
  • architecture and urban planning
  • physics
  • the economy
  • technical and applied sciences
  • physical culture.

There are numerous art libraries, studios, a large educational theater, the most valuable archives of historical and scientific literature at the service of students and postgraduates.

There are 6 comfortable dormitories to accommodate students.

Conditions of admission

To enroll in Princeton students, applicants will need:

sculpture by Henry Moore, Princeton University (photo by asergeev)

  • TOEFL or IELTS certificates
  • diplomas, diplomas and certificates confirming any merits of the applicant
  • a document on the previous level of education of an international standard (especially relevant for foreign applicants who decide to get an education abroad)
  • successful passing of entrance examinations based on the so-called "Code of Honor" - a policy of academic integrity created by Princeton staff back in 1893.

I must say that this educational institution conducts a very strict selection of students for admission. Less than 10% of the list of applicants who have expressed a desire to receive a Princeton education become students. In conditions of fierce competition and a fairly high cost of education, there are not so many foreign students here (a completely different situation is observed in such educational institutions of the United States as or).

Cost of education

fountain of freedom, James Fitzgerald (photo by asergeev)

This is the first university to refuse from issuing loans for tuition fees to needy students and introduced a wide practice of using grants. About 60% of Princeton first-year students have financial aid, the average amount of which is about $ 35.7 thousand, provided that the estimated amount of tuition fees per year is $ 37 thousand. Accommodation and meals are included as additional costs for students.

I suggest everyone who wants to get a prestigious education to watch a video tour of Princeton University:

Princeton University is a member of the prestigious Ivy League. Founded as a college in 1746, Princeton is the fourth oldest educational institution in the United States. Today Princeton is an independent, coeducational university, not affiliated with any denomination. It provides tertiary education in the humanities and social sciences, natural sciences and engineering. With a commitment to excellence and discovery, a high level of research and the dissemination of knowledge, Princeton has earned worldwide fame as one of the best research universities. At the same time, Princeton stands out among research universities for its serious attitude towards bachelor's program development and teaching.

New Jersey College (known as Princeton for the first 150 years) was founded in 1746 and became the fourth college in British North America. During the first year of its existence, the college operated in the town of Elizabeth, then for nine years it was moved to Newark, and only in 1756 moved to Princeton and housed in the new building of Nassau Hall, built on land donated by Nathaniel Fitzrandolph. The college was housed in the Nassau building for nearly half a century. In 1896, when, after expanding the list of educational programs, the College of New Jersey received university status, it was officially renamed Princeton University, in honor of Princeton, which accepted it. Four years later, in 1900, the Graduate School was opened at Princeton University with graduate and postgraduate programs.

In nearly 270 years, more than 120,000 men and women have graduated from what is now Princeton University. Many of them have become government and congressional leaders; built a career in medicine, law, business; rallied the nation, making scientific research much more accessible and understandable; received prizes, honorary titles and awards. Princeton University has trained 11 Nobel laureates and 4 Pulitzer Prize winners. Notable alumni include US President Woodrow Wilson; John Forbes Nash, prototype for the protagonist of A Beautiful Mind; model and actress Brooke Shields; first lady of the United States Michelle Obama.

    Year of foundation


    New Jersey

    Number of students

    Student Satisfaction

Academic specialization

From 2001 to 2015 academic years, Princeton University was ranked first two in the ranking of national universities by the U.S. magazine. News & World Report (USNWR), with it ranked first for 13 of those 15 years. Princeton has also been ranked number one in the most recent US News rankings, as well as in a separate ranking for "Best Bachelor's Programs."

The most popular areas of Princeton University:

  • Economics (general course);
  • Political Science and Public Administration (general course);
  • Molecular biology;
  • Psychology (general course);
  • Analysis of public policy (general course).

The average percentage of students entering the second year (i.e. student satisfaction rate) is 98.3%.

Princeton University is proud of its teaching staff, because it is Princeton teachers who are the developers and creators of the famous TOEFL language test. A significant part of the equipment used is the result of the scientific achievements of university scientists. To enter this educational institution is an honor for many students in the world, the selection of students for admission is very strict, only 10% of applicants have a chance to study at one of the best universities in the world.

The university provides all possible assistance to students in paying for tuition, about 60% of first-year students are owners of financial aid, the average amount of which is about $ 35.7 thousand, provided that the approximate size of the tuition fee per year is $ 37 thousand.

The complex of university book depositories contains more than seven million books. The main library of the university is the Garvey S. Firestone Memorial Library. The Firestone Library and ten specialized libraries at Princeton University contain 7.2 million books in 2010, making it one of the largest university libraries in the world.

Today, the university has more than 300 student organizations, which makes student life more interesting and diverse. The university also pays great attention to the development of sports: "Time" magazine named Princeton University as one of the "strongest university sports teams." The most developed sports are American football, basketball, rowing, lacrosse, rugby, water polo, volleyball, golf and tennis.

Now on the campus, in addition to classrooms, a library and a museum, there is a church, a park, several theaters and exhibition halls, as well as a cinema, restaurants, cafes and bars for spending time outside of school.

View of the university.


The university is located in Princeton, New Jersey. It is a gorgeous green town with a variety of shops, residential areas and many restaurants.

Princeton is located in Mercer County, approximately seventy kilometers from cities such as New York and Philadelphia. The population of the city exceeds fourteen thousand inhabitants.

Nowadays, the city is known to TV viewers all over the world for the fact that within the walls of its hospital most of the events of the popular TV series "Doctor House" unfold.

The university is ranked # 1 by the National University Rankings in the United States rankings for 2012, and is ranked # 5 among world universities by the Times Higher Education's World University Rankings in the 2011-2012 rankings.

Number of students.

7,783 students, including 1,491 are foreigners from more than 100 countries.


More than 97% of students live on the Princeton territory in five resident colleges, each of which is a complex of several hostels for 450-500 students and has dining rooms, as well as libraries, classrooms for classes and seminars, and cafes. Two or three, rarely four, students live in spacious rooms.

Students of Princeton University are provided with housing for the entire course of study - 4 years. For the first two years, students live in college dormitories, which is a prerequisite for everyone. Seniors have freedom of choice: they can stay in a dormitory on campus or find an apartment in Princeton. Since the second option is too expensive for most students, they prefer to stay on campus.

List of awards and achievements.

  • Ranked # 1 of all national colleges and universities in America's Best Colleges by Forbes in 2008.
  • America's leading university in terms of number of national awards received by faculty, students and alumni.
  • More than 90% of graduates are employed within six months.
  • Ranked 8th in the world according to Shanghai Jiao Tong University rankings in 2007.
  • 6th in arts and humanities, 7th in natural sciences, 11th in social sciences.

The university can rightfully be proud of its graduates: 35 Nobel laureates, 19 winners of the US National Science Medal. The names of Princeton University alumni are known all over the world: Peter Bogutski is one of the largest modern archaeologists, Woodrow Wilson is a graduate, rector, governor of New Jersey, the President of the United States, Paul Krugman is a Nobel Prize winner in economics, John McCarthy is an American scientist in computer science, winner of the Turing Prize for contributions to the field of artificial intelligence, Wentworth Miller - American actor, James Madison - President of the United States, John Nash - Nobel Prize in Economics, Andrew Wiles - British mathematician, proved Fermat's Last Theorem, Daniel Tsui - Nobel Laureate physics prize for the discovery of the fractional quantum Hall effect, Brooke Shields - model, actress, Albert Einstein - Nobel Prize winner in physics (teacher) and many others.


Architecture and urban planning, geological and geophysical sciences, physics, mathematics, technical and applied sciences, astrophysical sciences, biology, economics, philosophy, sociology, psychology, politics, physical culture.

Prices and admission requirements.

  • Minimum age: 18 years old
  • English level:
  • undergraduate: IELTS 7.0+, TOEFL 100+;
  • Master's degree: IELTS 7.5+, TOEFL 108+;
  • Academic requirements: GPA from 3.0
  • Tuition fee $ 49330
  • Accommodation $ 9450
  • Food $ 6840
  • Estimated pocket money $ 3500
