Profession code 190631.01 Auto mechanic




Subject (cycle)

commission Road transport

Protocol No. ____

from "__" _________ 20___

Developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for the profession of primary vocational education

190631.01 Auto mechanic

Chairman of the subject (cycle) commission

_________/ V.M. Vikulin

Deputy Director for educational, methodological and scientific and innovative work



Reviewer :______________________________________________

Full name, academic degree, title, position, name of GOU SPO









"Road Safety Rules"

1.1. Scope of the program

The work program of the discipline is part of the main professional educational program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in the specialty (specialties) SPO 190631 “Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles”.

The work program of the academic discipline can be used

in additional vocational education and training of workers in the field of maintenance and repair of vehicles with a secondary (complete) general education. Work experience is not required.

1.2. The place of discipline in the structure of the main professional

Educational program: included in professional cycle of general professional disciplines and is aimed at the formation of the following general and professional competencies:

OK 1. Understand the essence and social significance of the future profession, show a steady interest in it.

OK 2. Organize your own activities, based on the goal and ways to achieve it, determined by the head.

OK 3. Analyze the working situation, carry out current and final control, evaluation and correction of their own activities, be responsible for the results of their work.

OK 4. Search for information necessary for the effective performance of professional tasks.

OK 5. Use information and communication technologies in professional activities.

OK 6. Work in a team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, clients.

OK 7. Perform military duty, including using the acquired professional knowledge (for boys).

PC 2.1. Drive cars of categories "B" and "C".

PC 2.2. Carry out cargo transportation and passenger transportation.

1.3. Aims and objectives of the discipline - requirements for results

Mastering the academic discipline:

be able to:

Use road signs and markings;
- navigate according to the signals of the traffic controller;
- determine the sequence of passage of various vehicles;
- provide first aid to victims of road traffic accidents;
- manage your emotional state when driving a vehicle;
- act confidently in emergency situations;

Ensure the safe placement and transportation of goods;
- to anticipate the occurrence of hazards in the movement of vehicles;
- organize the work of the driver in compliance with traffic safety rules.

As a result of mastering the discipline, the student must know:

- Causes of traffic accidents;
- distance dependence on various factors;
- additional requirements for the movement of various vehicles and movement in a convoy;
- features of the transportation of people and goods;
- the impact of alcohol and drugs on the driver's ability to work and traffic safety;
- bases of the legislation in sphere of road traffic.

1.4. Using the hours of the variable part of the OPOP

The discipline consists of hours of the variable part.

1.5 The number of hours for mastering the program of the academic discipline:

the maximum study load of a student is 65 hours, including:

obligatory classroom teaching load of the student 49 hours;

independent work of the student 16 hours.



2.1. The volume of academic discipline and types of educational work:

Type of study work

Watch Volume

Mandatory classroom teaching load (total)

including: lessons in the classroom


Independent work of the student (total)


Preparation of abstracts;

Work with reference literature and Federal laws;

Preparing messages for presentation in class;

Simulation of complex traffic situations;

Solving thematic problems of increased complexity;

Using the Internet for more information on preparing homework;

Systematic study of class notes, educational and special literature on issues for paragraphs and chapters of textbooks;

Preparation for practical work;

Preparation of reports of practical work and preparation for their defense

final examinationin the form of an exam in the 5th semester

2.2. Thematic plan and content of the discipline "Road safety rules:


sections and topics

student's independent work



Level of development

Section 1. Rules of the road.

Topic 1.1. Introduction.

Survey of legislative acts.

General provisions.

Basic concepts and terms.

Survey of legislative acts. The value of the Rules in ensuring order and traffic safety. The general structure of the rules. Basic concepts and terms contained in the Rules of the road of the Russian Federation.

Independent work

Work with reference literature and Federal laws of the Russian Federation. Compilation of crossword puzzles on terms and concepts.

Topic 1.2. Responsibilities of Drivers, Pedestrians and Passengers.

Responsibilities of road users Documents that the driver of a mechanical vehicle is required to carry with him and hand over to police officers for verification. The procedure for providing vehicles to officials. Obligations of pedestrians and passengers to ensure road safety.

Topic 1.3. Road signs:

Topic 1.3.1. Warning signs.

The meaning of road signs in the overall system of traffic management. Classification of road signs. Signage requirements. Duplicate, repeated and temporary signs. Warning signs. Purpose, a general warning sign. Priority signs. Actions of drivers in accordance with the requirements of priority signs. Prohibition signs. Actions of drivers in accordance with the requirements of prohibition signs. Prescriptive signs. Appointment. The actions of drivers in accordance with the requirements of prescriptive signs.

Topic 1.3.2. Signs of special orders. Information signs. Service signs.

Signs of additional information (plates).

Signs of special orders. Information signs. Purpose, general features.

The actions of drivers in accordance with the requirements of signs that introduce certain modes of movement. Service signs. Signs of additional information (plates).

Practical lesson

Solving complex problems "Analysis of typical traffic situations using various technical training aids."

Topic 1.4. road markings

and its characteristics.

Significance of markings in the general organization of traffic, classification of markings. Horizontal layout, purpose. Vertical layout.

Independent work

Elaboration of a summary of classes and the Rules of the Road of the Russian Federation on the topic under study. Solving thematic problems of increased complexity, which are compiled by the teacher.

Topic 1.5. The order of movement of vehicles.

Topic 1.5.1. Warning signals. Start of movement, maneuvering. The location of the vehicle on the roadway.

Warning signals. Types and purpose of signals. Rules for signaling by light direction indicators and hand. Duties of drivers before starting to move, changing lanes and maneuvering. How to make a turn at an intersection. Reverse order. Location of vehicles on the road. Cases when traffic is allowed on tram tracks. Turns on the road with reverse movement.

Topic 1.5.2. Movement speed. Overtaking, advancing and oncoming traffic.

Speed ​​limits in built-up areas. Speed ​​limit outside built-up areas, on motorways for various categories of vehicles. Prohibitions when choosing a speed mode. Choice of distance and intervals. Special requirements for drivers of slow and heavy vehicles. Overtaking, advancing and oncoming traffic. Actions of drivers when overtaking. Places where overtaking is prohibited. Oncoming traffic on narrow sections of roads. Oncoming traffic on ascents and descents

Practical training

Solving complex tasks "Compliance with the rules of speed limits on the roads"

Independent work

Simulation of complex traffic situations for their solution in the next lesson.

Topic 1.6. Stop

and parking.

Stop and parking. Stopping and parking order. How to park vehicles. Places where stopping and parking are prohibited. Dangerous consequences of non-compliance with the rules of stopping and parking.

Independent work

Topic 1.7. Traffic regulation.

Means of traffic control. Reversible traffic lights. Traffic lights to regulate the movement of trams. Significance of traffic controller signals for trams, pedestrians and trackless vehicles. The procedure for stopping at traffic lights or a traffic controller that prohibits movement.

Topic 1.8. Crossings

Topic 1.8.1. Driving through controlled intersections

General rules for crossing intersections. Adjustable crossroads. The order and sequence of movement at a regulated intersection.

Topic 1.8.2. Driving through unregulated intersections

Unregulated intersections. The order of movement at the intersection of equivalent roads. The order of movement at the intersections of unequal roads.

Practical lesson

Solution of complex tasks "Analysis of typical traffic situations when passing through intersections"

Topic 1.9. Passage of pedestrian crossings, stops of route vehicles and railway crossings.

Responsibilities of a driver approaching an unregulated pedestrian crossing, a stop of route vehicles or a vehicle bearing the "Children's Carriage" identification mark. Railway crossings. Types of railroad crossings.

The device and features of the operation of modern railway signaling at crossings. Dangerous consequences of violation of the rules for the passage of pedestrian crossings, stops of route vehicles and railway crossings.

Practical lesson

Solution of complex tasks "Rules for crossing railway crossings"

Independent work

Making a report of practical work and preparing it for defense.

Topic 1.10. Special driving conditions.

Highway traffic. Movement in residential areas. Shuttle vehicle priority. Tramway crossing outside the intersection. The order of movement on the road with a dedicated lane for route vehicles. Turning on low beam headlights during daylight hours. Actions of the driver at blinding.

Practical lesson

Solving complex problems “Cases that allow the use of sound signals. Training ride. Requirements for the movement of cyclists, mopeds, horse-drawn carts

Topic 1.11. Technical condition and equipment of vehicles.

General requirements. Conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited. Malfunctions in the event of which the driver must take measures to eliminate them, and if this is not possible, proceed to the place of parking or repair, observing the necessary precautions.

Section 2. Normative legal acts regulating relations in the field of road traffic

Topic 2.1. Administrative


Administrative offense (APN) and administrative responsibility. Administrative penalties: warning, administrative fine, deprivation of a special right, administrative arrest and confiscation of the instrument or subject of the APN.

Topic 2.2. Criminal law.

Civil law.

The concept of criminal responsibility. The concept of civil liability. Grounds for civil liability. Concepts: harm, guilt, illegal action. Liability for damage caused in an accident. Compensation for material damage. The concept of liability for damage caused. Ownership and possession of a vehicle. Vehicle owner tax.

Independent work

Working out the outline of the lesson. Preparation of reports on the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, using the Internet to speak in class.

Topic 2.3. Legal basis for environmental protection.

Civil liability insurance of vehicle owners.

The concept and meaning of nature conservation. Responsibility for violation of legislation on nature protection. Federal Law "On Compulsory Civil Liability Insurance". Insurance procedure. The procedure for concluding an insurance contract. Insurance case. Grounds and procedure for payment of the sum insured.

Independent work

Preparation of reports on the Federal Laws of the Russian Federation "On Environmental Protection" and "On Compulsory Insurance of Civil Liability of Vehicle Owners".

Section 3. Psychological foundations for safe driving

Topic 3.1. Psychological foundations of the driver's activity.

The concept of mental processes (attention, memory, thinking, psychomotor, sensation and perception) and their role in driving. Attention, its properties. The main signs of loss of attention. Various causes of distraction. The influence of emotions and will on driving. Qualities that an ideal driver should have. The values ​​and goals of the driver that ensure safe driving. Motivation for safe driving. Motivation of power and its role in accidents.

Topic 3.2. Fundamentals of conflict-free interaction of road users.

Ethics of the driver as the most important element of his active safety. The concept of conflict. Opportunities to reduce aggression in conflict. The mode of work and rest of drivers. Driver safety.




3.1. Minimum logistical requirements


The implementation of the discipline program requires the presence of a study room "Road Safety Rules".

Equipment of the study room and workplaces of the classrooms:

Teacher's workplace;

Jobs for students (according to their number);



Visual materials (dummies-simulators).

Technical training aids:

Computers with network software for 30 places;

A printer;

Scanner (plotter);

Multimedia projector home theater with ceiling mount;

Plasma TV (diagonal - 106 cm);

DVD player;

Technical complex for taking exams for candidates in drivers

A set of educational and methodological documentation;

Operating 5-section traffic light, electronic, with controller;

Projection screen (mounted on a wall rail);


a) Hardware and software complex UPDC-MK Automobile,

Network version (apk testing and development of psychophysiological

driver qualities).

b) Hardware and software complex for professional selection, career guidance and

Training of professionally important qualities of a driver "PLKPF-02"
in)Automobile simulator "OTKV-2M".

d) Pedal-steering simulator for the formation of future drivers

Correct motor skills to operate the steering wheel, pedals,

Gearbox and handbrake.

e) Hardware and software complex for professional selection, career guidance and

Training of professionally important qualities of a driver "PAKPF-02"
(Diagnostic and training module).

f) Cardiopulmonary and cerebral resuscitation simulator.

(Simulator-dummy T12 "Maxim III-0I" + wall board(full


g) Mannequin simulator for practicing foreign body removal techniques

From the upper respiratory tract.

Magnetic boards:

A) the scheme of exercises of the autodrome,

B) driving around the city

B) crossroads

D) a roundabout;

Interactive board «Activboard 95».


A. Interactive Multimedia Learning Systems (IMSE)

/CD-ROM - Multimedia guide/:

1) Module "Rules of the road".

2) Module "Electronic board for modeling, analysis and analysis of road


3) Module "Examination tickets and thematic tasks of categories" A, B, C, D ".

4) Module "Road signs".

5) Module "Road markings".

6) Module "Traffic signals".

7) Module “Lighting devices of all categories.

8) Module "Fundamentals of vehicle control and traffic safety".

9) Module "First aid".

10) Module "Instructor Arsenal".

11) Module “Automated autodromes.

Methodology for conducting qualifying exams.

12) Module "External lighting devices of vehicles of all categories".

13) Module "Legal responsibility of the driver

14) Module "Road symbols with exam questions".

15) Theoretical exam in the traffic police according to the current methodology. Network version.

16) Preparation for a practical exam in the traffic police.

17) Educational film on first aid for road traffic victims


18) Educational films on the basics of driving.

B. Stands electrified with remote control:

1) Means of traffic control;

2) Signals of the traffic controller.

3) Road signs (electrified with remote control).

4) Car first aid kit.

5) Taxiing techniques.

6) Landing the driver.

B. Manuals for practical exercises:

1) Adjustable cervical immobilizer, adult (adjustable).

2) Mask for assisted ventilation.

3) Dressings:


germicidal wipes,

Adhesive plaster.

4) Rubber harness.

5) First aid kit (car).

6) Visual aids:

Ways to stop bleeding

cardiopulmonary resuscitation,

transport provisions,

First aid for skeletal injury, wounds and thermal injury.

7) Consumables:

Spare airways for the training manikin,

Spare face masks for the training mannequin,

Films with a valve for artificial lung ventilation.

- first aid equipment.

8) Improvised materials imitating:


Medicines to stop bleeding



9) Means of immobilization for the upper and lower extremities, cervical

Department of the spine (bus).

10) Magnetic car models.

11) Magnetic models of road signs.

12) Magnetic models: traffic lights, pedestrians, cyclists, traffic controllers,

Objects of social and cultural life, pedestrian markings, speed bumps.

13) Traffic controller's baton with reflective stripes.

14) Emergency stop sign.

15) Towing rope.

16) Identification marks of vehicles.

17) Car repair kit.

D. Posters:

1) Sets of posters for the section "Rules of the road".

2) Sets of posters for the section"Regulatory legal acts regulating

Relations in the field of traffic.

3) Sets of posters for the section "Psychological foundations of safe management


4) Sets of posters for the section "Basics of driving and

Traffic safety.

5) Sets of posters on the section "First Aid".

3.2. Information support of training:

List of educational publications, Internet resources,

additional literature.

I. Main sources:

1) Rules of the road of the Russian Federation. Official text with comments and

Illustrations, M, ed. "Third Rome".

2) Zhulnev N.Ya., Textbook "Rules of the road", M, ed. "Behind the wheel", publishing center "ACADEMA", 2011

3) Smagin A.V., Textbook "Legal basis of the driver's activity", M, ed. "Behind the wheel", publishing center "ACADEMA", 2008

4) Mayboroda O.V., Textbook "Fundamentals of driving and traffic safety", M, ed. "Behind the wheel", publishing center "ACADEMA", 2008

5) Nikolenko V.N., Bluvshtein G.A., Karnaukhov G.M., Textbook “First pre-hospital medical aid”, M, ed. "Behind the wheel", publishing center "ACADEMA", 2008

II. Additional sources:

1) V.I. Konoplyanko, V.V. Zyryanov, Yu.V. Vorobyov, Textbook “Fundamentals of driving and road safety”, M., ed. "High School", 2005

III. Methodological aids:

1) G.B.Gromokovsky S.G.Bachmanov Ya.S.Repin and others, Exam thematic tasks with comments to prepare for theoretical exams for the right to drive vehicles of categories "A" and "B", "C" and " D", M, ed. "Third Rome", 2013

2) G. B. Gromokovsky S. G. Bachmanov Ya. Recipe Holding, 2013

3) G. B. Gromokovsky S. G. Bachmanov Ya. Recipe Holding, 2013

4) Zakharova A.E., Emergency assistance in case of an accident, M., ed. "World of Autobooks", 2010

5) Bubnov V.G., Bubnova N.V., How to provide assistance in case of a traffic accident (training manual), M., publishing house GALO Bubnov, 2010

IV. Reference literature:

1) Bogoyavlensky I.F., Provision of first medical, first resuscitation care at the scene and in the centers of emergency situations, ed. St. Petersburg: OAO Medius, 2005

2) Finkel A.E., Driver's Legal Guide, M, ed. "Eksmo", 2011

Internet resources:

1. Rules of the road. Access form

2. Rules of the road. Access form

Learning Outcomes

Codes of generated competencies

Forms and methods of monitoring and evaluating learning outcomes

I. Basic skills:

use road

signs and markings

OK 1 - OK 7,

PC 2.1 – PC 2.2

evaluation in the form:


Report protection

for practical work.

Focus on signals
traffic light and traffic controller

OK 1 - OK 7,

PC 2.1 – PC 2.2

evaluation in the form:


Report protection

for practical work.

Determine the order of passage of various vehicles

OK 1 - OK 7,

PC 2.1 – PC 2.2

evaluation in the form:


Report protection

for practical work.

Provide first aid to road traffic victims

OK 1 - OK 7,

PC 2.1 – PC 2.2

evaluation in the form:

Report protection

for a practical lesson


Mandatory control

work with practical

task (record).

Manage your emotional state while driving

OK 1 - OK 7,

PC 2.1 – PC 2.2

Current control in the form:

Poll in class.

Expert assessment in the form:

Report protection

for practical work.

Confidently act in emergency situations.

OK 1 - OK 7,

PC 2.1 – PC 2.2

evaluation in the form:


Provide secure accommodation

and transportation of goods

OK 1 - OK 7,

PC 2.1 – PC 2.2

evaluation in the form:


Anticipate the occurrence of hazards in the movement of vehicles

OK 1 - OK 7,

PC 2.1 – PC 2.2

Current control in the form:

Poll in class.

Organize the work of the driver

in compliance with traffic safety rules

OK 1 - OK 7,

PC 2.1 – PC 2.2

Current control in the form:

Poll in class.

II. Acquired knowledge:

Causes of traffic

OK 1 - OK 7,

PC 2.1 – PC 2.2

Current control in the form:

Poll in class.

Distance dependency

from various factors

OK 1 - OK 7,

PC 2.1 – PC 2.2

Current control in the form:

Poll in class.

Additional requirements

to the movement of various vehicles and the movement

in a column

OK 1 - OK 7,

PC 2.1 – PC 2.2

evaluation in the form:


Features of the transportation of people

and cargo

OK 1 - OK 7,

PC 2.1 – PC 2.2

evaluation in the form:


The influence of alcohol and drugs

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 289
with in-depth study of individual subjects "

(full name of the institution according to the Charter)


I.V. Kondratenko

(Full name of the head of the educational institution)

"____" ________________2011

Work program for

Rules of the road (additional education)


Grade 5 _____________


Kudryashov Vyacheslav Olegovich, teacher-organizer of life safety

Discussed and agreed upon Accepted at the methodological

methodological association council

Protocol No. ____ dated Protocol No. ____ dated

"____" ________ 2011__ "____" ________ 2011__



Number of weekly hours - 1

Number of hours per year - 34

The relevance and practical significance of the prevention of child road traffic injuries is due to the high statistical indicators of road traffic accidents involving children and adolescents. An analysis of child road traffic injuries shows that the main reason is the low culture of road users, including children. Students do not have the skills to behave in a transport environment, they do not know how to correctly assess and anticipate the development of traffic situations, the consequences of violations of traffic rules.

The program for the prevention of traffic accidents and the study of traffic rules among school students was created on the basis of the program of general educational institutions in the Russian Federation "Rules for the safe behavior of students on the streets and roads". Regional target program "Improving road safety and reducing road traffic injuries in the Murmansk region in 2009-2012". The program is based on a systematic approach to solving the problem of road traffic injury prevention for all subjects of the educational process.

Target: Formation in students of a conscious and responsible attitude to the issues of personal safety and the safety of surrounding road users. Expansion of the system of knowledge and practical skills of safe behavior on the roads.

Target parameters of the rules of safe behavior on the streets and roads:

  • treat the rules of the road as an important social value;

  • own methods of preventing DDTT and providing first aid to victims of road accidents, the skills of promoting traffic rules;

  • master the skills of safe behavior on the streets and roads

  • provide students with a basic education within state standards;

  • development of behavioral stereotypes among students that contribute to self-preservation in a traffic situation;

  • the formation of students' sustainable skills to comply with and comply with the rules of the road;

  • instilling a culture of safe behavior on the roads;

  • education of competent road users,

  • formation of a respectful attitude to the laws of the road, awareness of the objective expediency of the current rules and traffic requirements;

  • formation of universal moral value orientations;

  • instilling primary skills in providing first aid in case of an accident;

  • maintain a sustained interest among students' parents in the safety of children as road users.

Expected Result:

  • improving the legal culture of road users

  • prevention of child road traffic injuries

Normative - legal support of the program:

  • The Constitution of the Russian Federation.

  • Convention on the Rights of the Child.

  • Traffic Laws.

  • Charter of the educational institution.

  • Syllabus.

  • Training program.
Scientific and methodological support:

  • State educational standard.

  • Curriculum and curricula of the school.

  • Guidelines for the course of life safety for the lessons of traffic rules.

  • Textbooks on life safety, traffic rules.
Development of personal qualities significant for this activity:

  • independence in making the right decisions;

  • conviction and activity in the promotion of good faith performance
    rules of the road, as a necessary element of maintaining its

  • care and courtesy in the interaction of participants
    road traffic.

  • healthy lifestyle and self-sufficiency

Calendar-thematic planning

Lesson Topics

count hours


Introductory lesson. Traffic rules - the law of streets and roads.



Causes of traffic accidents.



Forms of traffic regulation. Traffic lights. Regulator signals.



Forms of traffic regulation. Road markings and road signs, additional information.



Organization of traffic. Rules for crossing streets and roads.



Typical dangerous situations on roads with pedestrians.



Hidden dangers on the road. Road traps.



Vehicles and traffic.



.Rules for cycling.



Rules for the safe behavior of passengers and pedestrians.



Safety rules for the passage and passage of railway crossings.



License plates and inscriptions on vehicles.



Rules for the movement of cyclists.



Additional requirements for the movement of cyclists.



Culture of transport behavior.



Responsibility for traffic violations.



On country roads.






Providing first aid to victims.



Rules for the use of passenger transport.



Bicycle and moped.



Rules for the carriage of passengers.



Causes of misfortunes occurring with pedestrians.



Dangerous situations caused by drivers.



Dangerous situations caused by pedestrians.



Dangerous situations arising from malfunctions of vehicles, roads, lighting.



Our friend the traffic light shines not only for us.



Group rules.



Rules of safe behavior in case of fire in public transport.



Classification of road signs.



car accident. Their causes and consequences.





Providing first aid.



Final lesson.


WORKING additional general developmental program "Our true friends - the Rules of the Road"

IS HE. Pilipey Methodist MUDO DDU
Focus of activity: sports and technical
Duration of the program: 3 years.
Age of students: 9-11 years old

Explanatory note
The program "Our Faithful Friends - Rules of the Road" of a sports and technical orientation is modified and is aimed at mastering the "traffic letter" by children, the correct behavior on the roads. This program is compiled on the basis of existing programs on the rules of the road: Startseva O.V. "School of Road Sciences", V.A. Gorsky "Young traffic inspectors", guidelines for traffic rules" I.G. Shveiko and practical experience of the teacher.
The novelty of the program is that the content of the program provides for the involvement of students in research activities and social design.
Relevance The program is based on the fact that today children behave carelessly on the streets and roads, go out onto the carriageway because of trees, parked cars and other obstacles. The result is a traffic accident. But, having studied the causes of the problem of children's road traffic injuries, it can be established that not only careless behavior entails a traffic accident, but to a greater extent - unwillingness to fulfill the requirements that apply to each road user. It is important to note that not all young pedestrians are sufficiently informed and trained in the basics of safe movement and behavior on the roads.
Pedagogical expediency is determined by the possibility of optimal development of each child on the basis of pedagogical support of his individuality in the conditions of specially organized activities, which allows the student, in a playful way, to become a participant in role-playing events that are possible in the transport environment, and enabling adequate self-assessment of their actions.
Target: the acquisition by students of the necessary amount of ideas, knowledge and skills that allow them to safely behave in traffic conditions, act independently in case of a threat or a dangerous situation, solve feasible tasks to provide various assistance required in such situations.
Meet: with the state system of protection of the population from dangerous and emergency situations.
Teach: traffic rules.
motivation for safe life, compliance with traffic rules;
the ability to observe the traffic situation and predict dangerous situations, the ability to bypass them;
personality traits necessary to ensure safe behavior when moving on the roadway;
confidence and the ability to count on oneself, to act according to the situation in non-standard road conditions.
skills and abilities of safe and law-abiding behavior on the streets, roads and in transport;
a culture of safe life, respect for the laws of the road;
bases of scientific and research activity.
Bring up:
a person of a safe type, having a conscious and responsible attitude towards personal safety and the safety of others;
discipline, based both on the specific requirements of the road and transport environment, and on the requirements of the norms of public morality and morality;
civic position, dignity and responsibility for one's actions, which can lead to negative consequences for other people;
patriotic consciousness of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
to a conscious choice of life and professional path, the formation and development of students' interests from passion to competent social and professional self-determination.
promotion of safe behavior for children and their parents on modern streets and roads; and activities to prevent child road injuries.
The Program is based on the following principles:
additional education is a mechanism for ensuring the completeness and integrity of education as a whole, ensures the integrity of the image of the world;
the development of the individuality of each child is ensured in the process of extracurricular activities, taking into account the individual capabilities and abilities of schoolchildren;
training should be solid and have a practical focus;
in the process of education, the mental and physical health of the child is protected and strengthened;
partnerships of all subjects of additional education ensure the unity and integrity of the educational process.
A distinctive feature of the program is the implementation of the pedagogical idea of ​​forming students' ability to learn - to independently obtain and systematize new knowledge, using general educational concepts and skills.
As a result of studying the rules of road safety, it is assumed that the student will not only learn these rules, but will also understand the essence of the concepts and definitions of a road letter, master the knowledge and skills that allow one to perceive oneself and others in road conditions, acquire the necessary behavioral skills to ensure safety, help and self-help in conditions of increased road danger.
The development of motivation for safe life will allow you to take a holistic look at the world, expand your horizons, and form a value attitude to human life and health. With this approach, motivation is formed to consciously continue studying the subject of life safety at the next levels of education, where the main pedagogical tasks will be solved: the development of personality traits necessary to ensure safe behavior in dangerous and emergency situations, fostering a sense of responsibility for personal safety, a value attitude to one's health and life, mastering the skills to anticipate potential dangers and act correctly in the event of their occurrence
This program is designed for children aged 9-11 years. The duration of the program is 3 years. 1 year - 144 hours (4 hours per week), 2 - 3 years of study 216 hours (6 hours per week).
Classes are held in the form of conversations, tests, video reviews, observations, analysis of situations according to traffic rules, statistical data on accidents in the region and Russia as a whole, games, competitions, knowledge control, practice.
Expected results. The first year of training is built around the same educational objects (concepts, definitions, rules) that a road user needs to learn. Students acquire the knowledge of a pedestrian who is able to navigate independently along a worked route. Get the skills of a passenger in public transport and a car. Get acquainted with the laws of streets and roads. Orientation in the main road signs. Learn to solve situational problems.
The second year of study is aimed at forming the child's vocabulary, understanding the meaning of road terminology and the ability to use the acquired knowledge when entering the transport (road) environment. Students get acquainted with the work and activities of young traffic inspectors, take an active part in the activities of this direction, and can also be in the YID squad and take part in rallies of squads within the city and region.
The third year of training is aimed at developing the competence and correctness of the actions of a young road user, full awareness of the issues of safe behavior in road traffic. They are active participants in the Yuidovsky movement. Students acquire the ability to use knowledge to solve cognitive, practical and communicative problems, describe and explain surrounding objects, processes, phenomena, master the basics of logical and algorithmic thinking, spatial imagination, measurement, recalculation, estimation and evaluation, visual presentation of data and processes, recording and execution of algorithms. As well as a disciplined and conscious attitude to the rules of the road on the part of cyclists, pedestrians, instilling a positive attitude of adolescents to a healthy lifestyle (through conversations, examples and traffic situations), partial elimination of children's road traffic injuries, development of transport culture.
The result of the research (project) work of students is the creation of a dictionary of road concepts, terms and signs necessary for a law-abiding road user (pedestrian), which is compiled by all students. Each child contributes to the general collection of research results in the form of booklets, drawings, essays, diagrams, presentations on individual elements of the future dictionary. The materials are completed in the form of a folder or an album in alphabetical order and reflect the essence and meaning of road terminology through the eyes of young researchers. Classes are held on the basis of MUDO DDU Cheremkhovo in the car class.
Efficiency is determined by the results of participation in school, municipal and regional competitions and competitions of YID units.
To determine the theoretical block of the educational program, control tickets with questions on traffic rules, medicine, testing, individual tasks for solving situations are provided.
The overall level of results of all training will be determined by the positive attitude of students towards self-education in the field of road safety. Students will learn to independently find information, systematize it and draw up results. A social effect will be achieved - a conscious desire to promote road safety.

"Our true friends - Rules of the Road", 1 year of study (144 hours)

total theory practice
1. Section 1. Good road of childhood. 16 8 8
2. Section 2. Road observations, situations. 18 9 9
3. Section 3. Road signs. 16 8 8
4. Section 4. Road regulation. 16 8 8
5. Section 5. Road traffic: rights and obligations of road users. 14 7 7
6. Section 6. Traffic accident. 16 8 8
7. Section 7. Road marathon. 16 8 8
8. Section 8. Movement without violations. 16 8 8
9. Section 9. Road memo for a road user. 16 8 8
Total: 144 72 72

The content of the program of the 1st year of study (144 hours)
Section 1. "Our true friends - the Rules of the Road."
Introduction. Acquaintance with the course of additional education. Acquaintance with the rights and duties of a young traffic inspector. The concept of road safety
Section 2. Road observations, situations. Acquaintance with the concepts of "research", "observation", "solving situations". Development of logic.
Practical exercises: participation in dialogue, observation, research.
Section 3. Road signs. Introduction to the concept of road sign. Who Invented the Signs? Where are the signs found? How is a road sign different from other signs? Where are road signs installed?
Practical exercises: participation in dialogue, observation, research.
Section 4. Road regulation. Traffic light, traffic controller. The study of the road object. Collection of information about the object. Learn about the history of traffic lights.
Practical exercises: participation in dialogue, observation, research.
Section 5. Road traffic: rights and obligations of road users. Familiarity with the terminology of "rights and obligations". Acquaintance with legal documents for road users.

Section 6. Traffic accident. Familiarization with the terminology "traffic accident". Watch and discuss videos on this topic. Identification of the main causes of child road traffic injuries. Accident prevention.
Practical exercises: making leaflets, participating in a dialogue, observing, researching, solving situations.
Section 7. Road marathon. Carrying out game forms of classes. Solving puzzles, crossword puzzles. Conducting team competitions. Working with board games
Practical classes: participation in contests and competitions, development of cognitive activity.
Section 8. Movement without violations. Education of law-abiding road users. Acquaintance and study of tickets provided for young traffic inspectors.
Practical exercises: solving control questions, solving tickets, testing.

Educational and thematic lesson plan for the children's association YID
"Our true friends - Rules of the Road" 2nd year of study (216 hours)

Item No. Name of sections Number of hours
total theory practice
1. Section 1. Knowledge and observance of traffic rules - the basis of safe movement. 24 8 16
2. Section 2. Road users and their obligations. 24 8 16

4. Section 4. Traffic regulation and road signs 24 8 16
5. Section 5. Railway 24 8 16

7. Section 7. Basics of safe traffic outside the city, in the village 24 8 16

Total: 216 72 144

Program content 2 years of study (216 hours)

Section 2. Road users and their obligations. The study of the rights and obligations of road users. Terminology of concepts. Acquaintance with the history of the development of traffic rules.
Practical exercises: participation in dialogue, observation, research.
Practical exercises: participation in dialogue, observation, research.
Section 4. Regulation of traffic and road signs. Traffic light, traffic controller. The study of the road object. Collection of information about the object. Repetition of the studied, addition of information.
Practical exercises: participation in dialogue, observation, research, practical implementation of tasks and resolution of regulatory issues.
Section 5. Railway. Introduction to terminology. Familiarity with the rules provided for the railway. What dangers lie in wait, how to avoid accidents on the railway?
Practical exercises: participation in dialogue, observation, research, solution of situations.
Section 6. Causes of child road traffic injuries. Acquaintance with the terminology "children's road traffic injuries". Watch and discuss videos on this topic. Identification of the main causes of child road traffic injuries. Accident prevention. Studying the issues of providing first aid to the victims.

Section 7. Basics of safe movement outside the city, in the village. Basic rules of travel, traffic rules outside the city, in the village. Dangers that may lie in wait for road users outside the city, in the village. Situation resolution.
Practical exercises: solving situations, participating in a dialogue.

Section 9. Road memo for a traffic participant. Education of law-abiding road users. Generalization of knowledge.
Practical exercises: participation in the "Safe Wheel" competition, testing, summing up.
Educational and thematic lesson plan for the children's association YID
"Our true friends - Rules of the Road" 3rd year of study (216 hours)

Item No. Name of sections Number of hours
total theory practice
1. Section 1. Knowledge and observance of traffic rules - the basis of safe movement. 24 8 16
2. Section 2. Prevention and advocacy is the main activity of UID 24 8 16
3. Section 3. Elements of streets and roads 24 8 16
4. Section 4. Research activities of UID, participation in social projects. 24 8 16
5. Section 5. Road safety. 24 8 16
6. Section 6. Causes of child road traffic injuries. 24 8 16
7. Section 7. Provision of first aid. 24 8 16
8. Section 8. Traffic rules for cyclists 24 8 16
9. Section 9. Safe wheel. 24 8 16
Total: 216 72 144

Program content 3 years of study (216 hours)
Section 1. Knowledge and observance of traffic rules - the basis of safe movement. Introduction. The concept of road safety. Basic laws of road safety. Formation of the UID squad for participation in city rallies and competitions. Distribution of duties.
Practical activities: participation in dialogue, observation, research, study.
Section 2. Prevention and advocacy is the main activity of UID. Acquaintance with the history of the development of the YID movement in the Irkutsk region. Acquaintance with the terminology "propaganda", "prevention". Conducting statistical research. Meeting with the traffic police inspectors, with the participants of the YID of the past years.
Practical exercises: participation in a dialogue, observation, research, carrying out preventive work among students, conducting a raid.
Section 3. Elements of streets and roads. Acquaintance with the concept of "marking", "road signs". Dangerous situations on the road. Dangerous sections of roads.
Practical exercises: participation in dialogue, observation, research.
Section 4. Research activities of UID, participation in social projects. Theoretical introduction to research activities. Choice of topics. Selection of projects. Social research. Writing works. Work protection.
Practical classes: observation, research, writing papers on a chosen topic, defense.
Section 5. Road safety. How to avoid accidents on the road? Studying category B tickets. Situation resolution.
Practical exercises: solving tickets, preparing for the UID city rally.
Section 6. Causes of child road traffic injuries. Acquaintance with the terminology "children's road traffic injuries". Watch and discuss videos on this topic. Identification of the main causes of child road traffic injuries. Accident prevention. Studying the issues of providing first aid to the victims.
Practical exercises: making leaflets, participating in a dialogue, observing, researching, solving situations, practical implementation of medical care.
Section 7. Provision of first aid. Lecture on the topic: "Basic rules for the provision of first aid." The solution of theoretical and practical issues in the provision of first aid.
Practical exercises: practice in providing first aid.
Section 8. Traffic rules for cyclists. Education of law-abiding road users. Learning the rules of cycling. Examining the tickets provided for cyclists.
Practical exercises: solving control questions, performing practical techniques and elements of cycling, preparing for the city final rally of the YID detachments.
Section 9. Road memo for a traffic participant. Education of law-abiding road users. Generalization of knowledge.
Practical exercises: participation in the "Safe Wheel" competition, testing, summing up.

Methodological support of the program

1. Multimedia electronic manual for the study of traffic rules for elementary school students of educational institutions:
2. Electronic collection of situational tasks for the study of traffic rules for elementary school students of educational institutions
3. Sites of teachers of life safety and physical education:
4. Tutorial "TeachPro Fundamentals of Life Safety".
5. Internet portal of the newspaper "Good Road of Childhood". All-Russian monthly STOP - newspaper. Children's application Kind Road of Childhood
6. CD disk "Rules of the road for schoolchildren". Theory and practice of behavior on the road. Tests.
7. DVD disc "Lessons of Aunt Owl".
8. DVD disk "ABC of safety". Animated series for the whole family.
9. CD-ROM "Smesharikov School". Game on the disk according to the rules of the road.
10. The computer game "Not a Game" was developed within the framework of the Federal Target Program "Improving Road Safety in 2006-20012". ABT LLC, Rospolitekhsoft LLC,
11. Babina R.P. Entertaining road alphabet: Methodological guide for teachers. - M .: LLC "Publishing house AST-LTD, 2000.
12. Babina R.P. “What the road alphabet says about.”: Methodological guide for the teacher. - M .: LLC "Publishing house AST-LTD, 2000.
13. Forshtat M. L. "Learn to be a pedestrian" Textbook on the rules of the road for elementary school students / Sosunova, M.L. Forshtat: part 1, part 2. - MiM Publishing House, 2002
14. Kiryanov VN Road safety. Educational book notebook for 1 (2,3,4) class / under the total. ed. V. N. Kiryanova, 2nd ed., revised and supplemented - M .: Publishing House Tretiy Rim, 2005.
15. Kovalchuk V.I. A game modular course on traffic rules or a schoolboy went out into the street. 1-4 classes. - Moscow: VAKO, 2004. Journal "Fundamentals of Life Safety". Information-methodical magazine for teachers. - M: "Rospechat" 2000-2011.
16. Yurmin G. A. Traffic light: stories, poems, fairy tales, essays /; comp. Georgy Alfredovich Yurmin. - Moscow: Children's literature, 1976. – 223 p. : tsv.ill.- In the lane.
17. Yurmin G. A. “Traffic light. Car and tram knowledge. Street science. Laws of the road "- M: Children's literature 1976. 223s.
18. Yurmin G. A. "Red yellow striped" S. Encyclopedic format - M: Children's literature 1976. 223s.

List of used literature
1. Barmin A. V. We study the rules of the road. - Volgograd: 2011
2. Grigoriev D.V. Extracurricular activities of schoolchildren. methodical constructor. – M.: 2010.
3. Grigoriev D.V. Programs of extracurricular activities. cognitive activity. Problem-value communication: a manual for teachers of educational institutions /D. V. Grigoriev, P. V. Stepanov. - M.: 2011.
4. Leisure programs for children and teenagers. Design. Implementation. Expertise. / ed. comp. L.B. Malykhina and others - Volgograd: Teacher, 2012.
5. Breathing exercises according to Strelnikova. /Author-status L.Orlova. - Moscow: AST; Minsk: Harvest, 2006.
6. Zhatin S. O. Rules of the road. 1-4 classes: entertaining lessons / author-compilator S. O. Zhatin. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2011.
7. Spiritual and moral development and education of junior schoolchildren: methodical. recommendations; manual for teachers of general education. institutions. In 2 hours. Part 1 / ed. AND I. Danilyuk. - M.: Education, 2011.
8. How to design universal learning activities in elementary school: from action to thought: a guide for the teacher / A.G. Asmolov. - M.: Education, 2008.
9. Kozlovskaya E. A. Methodical recommendations: the formation of safe behavior skills in the streets and roads in children and adolescents. - M.: Third Rome Publishing House, 2006.
10. Kozyreva E. A. ABC of behavior on the road. The program for teaching preschoolers safe behavior on the roads of the city, M .: "Propaganda Center", 2008.
11. Methodological recommendations: the formation of safe behavior skills in children and adolescents on the streets and roads. For teachers of institutions of additional education. Moscow, 2007. Textbook "Road Safety" grades 1,2,3,4. Moscow "Third Rome", 2007.
12. Startseva O. V. School of road sciences. Methodological guide to help teachers of educational institutions. 3rd ed., Supplementary. – M.: TC Sphere, 2012.
13. Smirnov, N. K. Health-saving educational technologies in modern school / N. K. Smirnov. – M.: APK PRO, 2002.
14. Tosheva L. I. Fundamentals of road safety; 1-4 classes. Teacher's workshop. Teaching aid. – M.: VAKO, 2011.
15. Rules of the road of the Russian Federation
16. Pankratova E. Breathing according to Strelnikova. // FIS. - 2001 - No. 7.
17. Approximate programs of primary general education: at 2 o'clock - M .: Education, 2008. - 2 hours. - (Standards of the second generation). Part 1 - programs in the Russian language, literary reading, mathematics, the outside world, technology, recommendations for organizing extracurricular activities. Part 2. - programs of fine arts, music, physical education, a foreign language, life safety.
18. The program of the course "Young traffic inspectors" for students of grade 1, edited by V.A. Gorsky, Moscow, "Prosveshchenie", 2011.
19. A systematic project for the prevention of safe behavior of children on the roads, the prevention of child road traffic injuries, including the justification of the requirements for the structure and connectivity of its elements, the requirements for the content of activities, equipment and educational programs. – M.: 2006.
20. Department of traffic police of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Irkutsk region. Road safety for schoolchildren: a methodological guide to help the teacher learn the rules of the road. - Irkutsk. Management of traffic police of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Irkutsk region, 2000.
21. Shumakova N. B. Development of research skills of younger students / ed. N.B.
22. Eigel S. I. Dictionary of road concepts, terms and signs / S. I. Eigel. - M .: AST Publishing House: Astrel Publishing House LLC, 2004.
Internet resources
1. Federal state educational standard [Electronic resource].- Access mode:
2. Federal state educational standards [Electronic resource]: official website of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. - Access mode:
3. Vlasova, E. The agency "IMA-press" revived little men from road signs for the traffic police social campaign. [Electronic resource] /,naruzhnaya_reklama /2007/01/11/14265/. (11.01.2007).

Variant of control questions for 1 year of study
- How many pedestrian rules are in the traffic rules of the Russian Federation
- Why are red, yellow and green traffic lights chosen?
What is the word for blocking traffic?
What is the word for movement?
What word can warn about a change in a traffic light signal?
- How should a pedestrian behave if a red traffic light caught him on the roadway?
- What is the difference between a red triangle with a pedestrian and a blue one?
- How many colors are used in road signs?
- Is it possible to bypass the bus from behind if the road is multi-lane?
- Which group of signs do signs with arrows belong to?
- Is an eight-seater private car public transport?
- Name the road words with the letter "P" (10 words)
- What word can combine bus, tram, trolleybus
- What is the name of the intersection of more than three roads?
- Does a sign with children painted on it give an advantage to children?
The end result of training under the 1st year program is an illustrated album (collection of slides) - a collective product, the result of the joint work of students, teachers, school librarians, parents and employees of the traffic police and the Children's House of Creativity. The results of the program implementation can be presented through project presentations, participation in competitions, exhibitions and conferences.
Formation of the student's vocabulary on road terminology
If a child can accurately explain something in his own words, then he knows it. Mastering a word means learning its meaning and norms of use in speech. Well-organized vocabulary work ensures the timely mental and speech development of children, contributes to the deep assimilation of program material, and serves as a means of ideological and moral education of students. In the lessons of this Program, "traffic" speech is developed on the basis of the ability of students to listen and understand speech by ear and pronounce the words, fully understanding their meaning. The teacher uses verbal methods of conversation (conversation), retelling and storytelling, which solve the following tasks:
- to teach children to identify the meaning of events occurring in traffic conditions;
- to give an idea of ​​the relationship between drivers, pedestrians and passengers, based on life patterns and images of fiction;
- contribute to the accumulation and generalization of an emotionally positive attitude towards good (correct) deeds;
- to form the ability to reasonably evaluate one's own actions and the actions of other people in terms of accepted moral standards (possible - impossible, good - bad);
- learn to follow the rules of the road.
- what program material should be given through conversation;
- how to keep the attention of children until the end of the conversation, not to let them evade the issues under discussion;
- how to get everyone to actively participate.
The teacher maintains interest in the conversation by posing understandable and important questions for students related to their everyday experience; constant encouragement of their activity, the desire to take part in the conversation. To this end, the teacher corrects the statements of the children, helping to adequately express the thought, supports different judgments, if possible controversial, requiring arguments. The conversation must necessarily have a connection with real life, questions must be posed in such a way that children feel their importance.
Conversation Topics
- Why are road signs different shapes?
Why are road signs red and blue?
- A day in the life of a driver.
- A day in the life of a pedestrian.
- Why was the passenger late for work?
-What is the safest means of transport?
- When is it not dangerous on the roadway?
-How to make a safe route around the city?
- Who helps crossroads?
- Who came up with the laws of traffic?
- Who invented the traffic light?
Where is the pedestrian going on the sign?
- Who violates traffic rules?
- Who should give way?
- Who invented the "zebra"?
- Why does the car have flashing lights?
- Why are there patterns on the tires?
- Why red light forbids, and green - allows?
- Is the work of a traffic police inspector easy?
What do pedestrians and drivers think?
- Are the trees growing along the road useful?
- Can a car be safe?
- Do people need electric transport?
- Do pedestrians do circus tricks?
- Are there common signs for pedestrians and drivers?
Where should you look when crossing the road?
Why doesn't the driver wait for the pedestrian?
- Does the road have clothes?
- Why did they come up with rules for passengers?
- What to do if the traffic light does not work?
- I design figures of road users.
- The history of the traffic controller's baton.
What is the difference between a road sign for a pedestrian and a sign for a driver?
How many mistakes does a pedestrian make?
- Can I cross the road in front of a moving car?
- Why does the driver exceed the speed limit when moving around the city?
How are traffic jams formed?
- The history of road words.
Why do cars collide on a wide road?
- Comparison of underground and overground pedestrian crossing.
- What riddles about traffic ask!
- What do stories about naughty pedestrians teach?
- What do poets say about the rules of the road?
- What determines the braking distance of the car?
What is the difference between right hand traffic and left hand traffic?
- Why can't a child sit in the front seat of a car?
What is the most dangerous place in a car?
- I draw the image of a violator of traffic rules.
- I draw the image of an obedient road user
For discussion, you can use short stories and stories of the following authors: G. Yurmin, Yu. Klemanov, Yu. Dolmatovsky, L. Lazarev, G. Yurmin, V. Berestov, L. Galpershtein, S. Baruzdin, V. Maramzin, E. Mar , Elena Akselrod, L. Mikhailov, A. Sokolovsky, V. Zhulev, A. Shmankevich, Ya. Pishumov, B. Lavrenko, O. Bedarev, N. Nosov, A. Dorokhov, A. Kotov, S. Marshak, V. Ardov.
The teacher can also use in the classroom L. Roshal's audio collection "Road Adventures of Bima, Boma and Bam", consisting of 15 separate tales.
Variants of questions and tasks for the program 2 years of study
When conducting excursions, observing traffic and pedestrian flows, it is useful not only to acquaint children with road signs, but to teach them to analyze correct and incorrect behavior, show real dangers created by vehicles and pedestrians, and explain the possible consequences of violations of safety rules.
An effective technique is to collect information using a camera, when children are enthusiastically looking for various subjects related to the rules of the road.
The main task of developing the intellectual and creative abilities of an elementary school student is the work of a teacher aimed at combining in the activities of students the unity of intellectual and creative abilities, the relationship between the development of the cognitive and personal spheres, creative thinking and creative imagination. The teacher must clearly explain to the student the criteria for completing assignments, point out possible errors, if necessary, give an action plan, an algorithm for execution, etc.
Below is a list of tasks and exercises performed by students in the classes under the 2nd year Program.
Working with pictures.
- Tell me what you see in the picture
- Find dangerous places in the picture and circle them with a pencil
- Draw the pedestrian path with arrows
- Choose the safest walking path
- How to get around a dangerous place, draw a path
- Who is the pedestrian, driver, passenger in the picture?
- Choose from the picture among the various items of transport
- Find items not related to the car
- Put a + sign next to the traffic participant who is doing the right thing.
- Where is the sidewalk, roadway, roadside, ditch in the picture? Mark with arrows.
- People are walking along the sidewalk. Who goes right? (one who sticks to the right side)
- Where is road, air, water, rail transport in the picture?
- Find in the picture a person who crosses the roadway obliquely
Psychological games and tasks
- Confused drivers. The student is offered a drawing with interlaced lines. The beginning of each line has a picture of the driver, and the ends of the lines have different cars. The child is invited to follow in order all the lines with his eyes, without the help of hands, and find the end of each line. It is necessary to record the time spent on the entire test, as well as stops, errors.
- Remember the details. Didactic material: plot picture on the road situation. Students are asked to look at the picture and remember what it shows. Then the picture is removed, closed. Children should name as many details as possible from the picture. You can ask questions about the picture. Children must answer all questions.
- Who is out of place? Didactic material: 5-10 signs, modes of transport or images of road users. Children are invited to remember which picture is in which place. Then the children close their eyes, and the teacher swaps the pictures, after which the students must arrange the pictures of the toy in their places. The game can be repeated several times. You can play this game with children, placing them in random order, and then confuse them in front of the student.
- Word game: the first participant names a word related to road terminology, the next participant continues the chain with the next word starting with the last letter of the previous word.
- Attention game: The teacher quickly says sayings, the children in unison answer “Yes” or “No” without hesitation.
- What do you want - say, sweet water in the sea? (Not.)
So, what do you want - say, red light - no way? (Yes.)
What do you want - say, every time we go home, we play on the pavement? (Not.)
Say what you want, but if you are in a hurry, then run in front of the transport? (Not.)
What do you want - say, we always go forward only where the transition is? (Yes.)
What do you want - say, we are running forward so fast that we do not see a traffic light? (Not.)
What do you want - say, it's very fun to play on the road, score a ball into the goal? (Not.)

Variants of questions and tasks for the program 3 years of study
1. Pedestrian safety.
The intensity and speed of traffic in the city. Any moving transport is a threat to human security.
Types of vehicles: passenger, cargo, special. Car brands. The ability to choose the right safe way to school, shop, library, stadium, etc.
2. Do we know the rules of the road.
Causes of traffic accidents with children: non-observance of traffic rules by pedestrians, non-compliance by passengers with the rules of behavior in transport, indiscipline on the street and in transport, etc. Discussion of the behavior of children who violate traffic rules.
3 Checking knowledge of the Rules of the road.
Repetition of the material on the Rules of the road, received earlier.
4. Basic concepts and terms of traffic rules.
Road user, pedestrian, driver, stop, parking, forced stop, road, carriageway, lane, sidewalk, footpath, pedestrian crossing, railroad crossing, vehicle, bicycle, residential area.
5. Warning signals.
Giving warning signals by light direction indicators or by hand. The meaning of these signals for drivers and pedestrians. Signals of turns, braking, when towing a vehicle, during an emergency stop. Sound signals are prohibited in populated areas, except in cases where it is necessary to prevent a traffic accident.
6. The movement of students in groups and in a column.
The order of movement of students in groups along the sidewalk, roadside, pedestrian crossing. The order of movement of students in the column. Rules for boarding a group of students in public transport.
7. Transportation of people.
How are people transported in a bus, car, truck? Number of people transported, precautions, speed of movement. What are the restrictions on the transportation of people?
9.Unregulated intersections.
What is an uncontrolled intersection? The concept of "equivalent" and "unequal" roads. How do drivers behave at unregulated intersections? What road signs can be here? Acquaintance with a group of signs of priority.
10. Equipping cars with special devices.
Special vehicles: fire, police, ambulance, emergency,
Equipment of cars with special coloring, sound signals and flashing beacons of blue or red color. Priority right of way for special vehicles. Vehicles equipped with orange or yellow flashing beacons.
8. Analysis of traffic situations on the layout.
The layout examines the traffic situations that children find themselves in. Various traffic signs, pedestrian figures and toy cars are displayed on the simulated streets.

An approximate list of questions for the day of quizzes on traffic rules
No. Question Answer
1 Why is it impossible to cross the carriageway of the street on a red or yellow traffic light? When red is on for pedestrians, green is on for the driver. At a green traffic light, the driver moves quickly and does not expect pedestrians to appear. On a yellow signal, drivers can continue to move, freeing the intersection. The red or yellow signals turn on for only a few seconds. Even if there are no cars in sight, you must resist the urge to cross the street and wait for the green traffic light.
2 Why is it dangerous to cross the carriageway? When a person runs, it is difficult for him to observe, to see, everything jumps before his eyes. And when crossing the roadway, the main thing is to carefully observe the sides, because the road is deceptive: it seems safe and suddenly a car leaves the lane, from the yard, house or because of another car or bus. Even harder to spot a motorcycle.
In addition, while running, you can stumble and fall. In this case, you can get under the wheel of a car that was far away.
3 Why is it dangerous to cross the roadway obliquely? When you go diagonally, you turn your back on the cars and you can't see them. In addition, the transition path becomes longer.
4 What do the inscriptions "Skid 1 meter" or "Dangerous on the turn" mean, written on the back of the bus, trolleybus? When turning, the back of the bus (trolleybus, tram) skids, it can knock down a nearby pedestrian.
5 How does the driver see the passengers of the bus, trolley bus? The driver observes the boarding and disembarking of passengers, their behavior in the bus cabin in special rear-view mirrors. Therefore, he does not have to turn around to see what is being done from behind.
6 What can happen if you are late getting off the bus? The driver, having looked in the mirror and deciding that everyone has left, will close the doors. In this case, a late passenger may be pinched by the doors. If the passenger falls, he may be hit by the wheel of the bus.
7 What are the dangers of bushes and trees growing on
street? The danger of bushes and trees is that they can also interfere with inspecting the street, because of them, a car and cars moving invisibly along the street can also unexpectedly leave.
8 Why is a parked car dangerous? When the car is stationary, it closes the view of the road. In this case, the pedestrian may not notice another car that is moving behind the standing one. Buses, trolleybuses and trucks are especially dangerous and block the view of the street. But cars can also prevent you from seeing the danger. We must remember: if there is a car on the road, danger can be hidden behind it!
9 Why is it dangerous to cross the carriageway of the street when it is empty? A pedestrian may think that the street is empty and start crossing the road without looking around. And the car may suddenly appear, leaving the yard or lane. You should always carefully look around when crossing the carriageway of the street.
10 Does it interfere with seeing the danger moving
automobile? Interferes. Often several cars are moving along the street. At the same time, one closes the other. A pedestrian may not notice a car that is behind. It is especially dangerous if one car overtakes another. In addition, on the carriageway of the street, cars often move towards each other (in the opposite direction). At the same time, when they disperse, one car blocks the other. If the pedestrian missed the car, you have to wait until he drives away. Otherwise, you can not notice the oncoming car and get under its wheel.

11 Why can't you walk on the carriageway of the street? Even on the edge of the roadway, it is dangerous to walk - a passing car can hit you. You only have to walk on the sidewalk.
12 How to drive on a road with no sidewalks? When there is no sidewalk (outside the city), you have to walk along the left side of the road to see the cars that are moving towards you.
13 How to determine that the car is about to turn right? The car occupies the outermost (first) row, turns on and the (left) right turn signal flashes.
14 What are the dangers of trailer vehicles? Firstly, when turning, the trailer skids, and it can hit pedestrians.
Secondly, an inattentive pedestrian, thinking that the car has passed, will start to cross the roadway and fall under the trailer.
15 What is the most important thing when crossing the carriageway? The most important thing is to stop before entering the carriageway, put thoughts of haste out of your head, the desire to be in time somewhere and correctly assess the situation.
16 How many meters will the car move when braking if the driver wants to stop immediately? Even if a running person wants to stop on the run, he will still "slip" two meters. And the car needs, depending on the speed, 10, 15 or 20 meters. In addition, while the driver presses the brake, the car moves several meters without braking.
17 Why is it necessary to cross the carriageway of the street only at the intersection and along
pedestrian crossing? The driver knows that according to the rules of the road pedestrians are allowed to move in these places, he moves carefully, slows down. A pedestrian who crosses in an unspecified place, and he may suffer, and interfere with the driver.
18 What is the danger when a student comes to his house? Having noticed his house, the student will want to quickly cross the street to get home, and may not notice the car that is moving along the roadway at that moment (switching attention)
19 Why is it dangerous to walk on
streets in groups? Firstly, schoolchildren can talk among themselves and look at the street inattentively. Before crossing the carriageway, all conversations must be stopped.
Secondly, children who walk in the middle or behind the group may rely on the front ones and look poorly or not at all to the sides.
20 Why is it dangerous to cross the street together arm in arm or holding hands? When a whole column of children crosses the carriageway, it is safe to hold hands. But when two or three are crossing, you don’t have to hold hands, and especially arm in arm. Because when danger appears, children can start pulling each other in different directions, losing the most valuable seconds.
21 What is more dangerous on the street:
pedestrian crossing without traffic lights
a traffic light? Crossing without a traffic light is more dangerous, because you need to be able to determine whether the car is far or close, whether it is moving fast or slow; you need to be able to notice a small car or motorcycle. In this case, often because of a slowly moving car, another one that travels quickly leaves. Because of the car that passed, an oncoming one can leave.
When the traffic light, just; green signal - go, yellow - wait, red - stop.
22 What is dangerous for a pedestrian
the moment when oncoming cars pass? Here one car leaves because of another. Therefore, both the driver and the pedestrian may not notice each other.
23 Which place on the street is more dangerous: an intersection or a bus stop? Both places are dangerous for a pedestrian, but stopping is especially dangerous, although it is not noticeable. At the bus stop, a schoolboy who has got off the bus is in a hurry to quickly cross the carriageway to the other side of the street and runs out from behind the standing bus in front or behind him. At this time, because of the bus, he may not see another car that goes around the bus or moves towards it. Often a student is in a hurry to catch a bus that is at a stop on the other side of the street and does not notice the car that is moving along the roadway. In wet weather, ice or winter, the bus can skid when braking and knock down a pedestrian if the stop is located at the level of the carriageway or has an inclination towards the site. When boarding or disembarking, an inattentive passenger can be crushed by the bus doors.
24 Does a driver of a car always see a pedestrian when approaching a pedestrian? Not always. The driver has to watch many drivers and pedestrians. It is especially dangerous when at dusk a pedestrian crosses the roadway in the headlights of two oncoming cars. Here
it's almost invisible here.
25 What is the most difficult thing when driving and crossing the carriageway? The most difficult thing is to notice a small car or motorcycle in advance. There are a lot of trucks, buses, trolleybuses on the street. When they are standing or moving, they may hide other vehicles, especially cars or motorcycles. Trees, bushes often grow near the carriageway of the street, there are fences, billboards, houses are located close. All this interferes with the inspection of the street.
26 What is the most dangerous thing on the street? Many people think that the most dangerous thing is a car, especially when it is moving fast, but even more dangerous is a parked car, bus or truck. Why? Because a car that is standing covers another car and the pedestrian will not notice it, will think that there is no danger, and will exit or run out onto the roadway and directly fall under
car wheels.
27 Informational sign "Pedestrian crossing" gives the right of preference
pedestrian at the crossing
roadway? The informational sign "Pedestrian crossing" does not give the right of advantage, since it only indicates to pedestrians the place where it is allowed to cross the carriageway. Paragraph 3.5 of the SDA of the Republic of Kazakhstan states: “At unregulated pedestrian crossings, pedestrians can enter the carriageway after they estimate the distance to approaching vehicles, their speed and make sure that the crossing will be safe for them.

Ludmila Syreva
Work program for teaching children the basics of traffic rules

I. Explanatory note

II. long term plan

III. Planned results

IV.Annex 1

V. Appendix 2

VI. Literature

Explanatory note

With the development of the technical process, the speed of movement, the density of traffic flows on the streets and roads of our country is growing exponentially. progressions. As a result, the number of traffic accidents is also increasing. The number of accidents involving children.

Becoming passengers or drivers of our own car, we sometimes forget about the pedestrian, although most of the time on the streets of cities and towns we ourselves are pedestrians. The psychology of a pedestrian is the opposite of the psychology of those who, who rush along the roads. Cars rushing at high speeds deafen people with noise, making them wince from the exhaust gases.

Hundreds of thousands of people die under the wheels of cars in the world! And among the victims of road traffic accidents, a significant percentage are children. This leads to ignorance of elementary fundamentals rules of the road, the indifferent attitude of adults to the behavior children on the road. Left to their own devices, children, especially younger ones, have little regard for the dangers on the road. This is explained by the fact that children there is no that protective reaction to the traffic situation, which is characteristic of adults. Therefore, they serenely run out into the road in front of a moving car.

In order to protect the child from danger, it is necessary to start preparing him for a meeting with the street as early as possible, to acquaint him with the rules of the road, with road signs, teach him to navigate in space, to form his skills of a culture of behavior on the street, in transport. This will reduce the likelihood of traffic accidents.

Traveling with a child from home to kindergarten and back is an ideal moment for developing safe behavior skills on the street. Before the child, there should always be a personal example of compliance by parents with all traffic rules without exception.

Teaching work traffic rules are carried out according to program"Birth to School" edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva.


A program to teach children the basics of traffic rules has been developed due to the special urgency of the problem - ensuring the safety of preschoolers on the roads and streets of the city.

Dangerous situations associated with vehicles also arise in yards, inside microdistricts where children play, as well as during movement. children in the vehicles themselves. That is why road traffic injuries remain a priority problem of society that needs to be addressed.

It is important to get to know each other as early as possible children with the rules of the road, to form their skills of correct behavior on the road, in transport, since the rules learned by a child at this age subsequently become the norm of behavior, and their observance becomes a human need.

the main task program is to teach a preschooler to navigate the surrounding road space, to consciously follow the rules of the road. Implementation programs calculated for one year.

important in learning preschoolers learn the skills of safe communication with the complex world of a pedestrian and a passenger are the joint efforts of educators and parents. To this end, in the long-term plan programs to teach children the basics SDA includes various forms of interaction with parents (entertainment, leisure activities, projects, consultations, etc.).

Novelty programs: consists in development of the content and forms of work with preschool children to study the rules of the road, which provides for a phased organization of the educational process, participation children and their parents in solving the problem.

practical value. The presented activities can be used in the planning system both in joint activities with children and in educational activities during sensitive moments.

Target: Saving life and health children to promote the formation of conscious behavior in traffic situations.


1. Introduce the rules of the road, the rules for the movement of pedestrians and cyclists. To form ideas about the rules of road safety as a passenger of the vehicle.

2. Refine and expand knowledge children about the elements of the road (carriageway, pedestrian crossing, sidewalk, about traffic, types of transport, about traffic light operation.

3. Systematize knowledge children about the organization of the street, traffic. Introduce the names of the streets closest to the kindergarten and the streets where children live.

4. Continue to acquaint with the road signs: "Children", "Tram station", "Bus stop", "Crosswalk", , "Food Point", "Parking place", "No entry", "Road work» , "Bicycle lane".

5. Teach children apply the information received in practical activities.

6. Cultivate a culture of behavior on the street and in transport.

Expected Result: A child who is able to apply the information received in practical activities, to anticipate dangerous situations in the traffic environment, to apply the skills of cultural, confident and safe behavior.

Basics Program for Children SDA is designed for 1 year.

The program consists of 3 main blocks:

Creation of a developing environment;

Joint activities with children;

Interaction with parents of pupils.

I block. Creation of a developing environment


design of security corners;

selection of literature, photographs according to traffic rules;

production of attributes for games;

design layouts;

Organization of a subject-spatial developing environment in the senior group in SDA:

Materials related to traffic rules (illustrations, games).

Illustrations depicting colorfully decorated nearby streets and buildings

Roadway layout: two-way traffic, crossing, sidewalks, traffic lights, road signs, houses, trees, cars, people figures.

Traffic light model, road signs ( "Children", "Tram station", "Bus stop", "Crosswalk", "Point of First Aid", "Food Point", "Parking place", "No entry", "Road work» , "Bicycle lane").

Samples, schemes, plans of the group, microdistrict.

Illustrations and objects depicting dangerous situations.

Visual and didactic aids, series "The World in Pictures": - Automobile transport. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2005.

Coloring books depicting various cars, streets;

Fiction literature on relevant topics;

Illustrations depicting cars, a city street;

Set of toy cars;

Cap, shoulder straps, traffic controller's baton;

Stencils of cars that are worn on children, rudders;

Exhibition of children's works"Our town";

Attributes for mobile and didactic games.

II block. Joint activities with children

Forms of organizing joint activities with pupils:

Excursions: to the crossroads, classes at the transport site.



Meetings, conversations with the traffic police inspector.

Productive activities: making attributes, creating new didactic games and manuals.

Game activity.

Introduction to literature.

Watching videos.

Entertainment, leisure.

Project activity.

III block. Interaction with parents of pupils

Interaction with parents:


booklets, memos, folders

parent meetings

joint entertainment, competitions, quizzes

project activity

meetings, conversations with the traffic police inspector

long term plan work senior group

Block I quarter II quarter III quarter

Joint activities with children - role-playing game "Bus ride".

Tour to the crossroads Why do we need a traffic light?.

Educational game lesson Why do we need a traffic light?.

building game "Our town".

Presentation "Where Can Trouble Come From"

Problem situation “What would happen if the traffic light was always red…”

Didactic game "Spread the Signs".

Educational game lesson "Journey to the Land of Road Signs".

building game "Autotown".

target stroll"Where is the danger hiding?".

Leisure "Connoisseurs of traffic rules"

Presentation "My Buddy Traffic Light"

Gaming leisure on "crossroads" "Red, Yellow, Green".

Educational game lesson "Special vehicles".

Didactic game "Name it right".

Watching a cartoon "Smeshariki. ABC of security»

Story - role-playing game "We're walking down the street"

Collective creativity "City Street" (construction from building material)

Interaction with parents - Consultation "What should a senior preschooler know about traffic rules".

Review-competition of corners according to traffic rules "Green Light".

Folder - shift "Advice to parents on the prevention of child injuries in the autumn-winter period" - Parent meeting with the participation of the traffic police inspector "Children and the Road".

Questionnaire "Me and my child on the city street"

Quiz on traffic rules "What? Where? When?"

Reminder to the parent's corner "Reasons for DDTT".

Photo exhibition "Exemplary Pedestrians"

Competition for the best family newspaper to promote traffic rules

Planned results:

Names the types of transport (ground, air, water, names the differences between them, distinctive features; knows about special vehicles;

Knows the signs of traffic lights, signs of road markings ( "Crosswalk", "Safety Island", some road signs and their types - prohibiting, indicative, allowing;

Knows the rules of behavior on the street (cross the road in a specially designated place at the green signal of a pedestrian traffic light, do not play on the road, hold an adult’s hand or handrails in transport).

VIII. Literature

1. FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL. Approximate general education program preschool education (pilot version)/ Ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. - M.: MOSAIC SYNTHESIS, 2014. - 368 p.

2. Program« Basics Life Safety» authors R. B. Sterkina, O. L. Knyazeva and N. N. Avdeeva - M.: AST-LTD, 1998.

3. Baryaeva L. B., Zhevnerov V. L. Regional program for the prevention of DDTT "Traffic Light Adventure"

4. Zagrebaeva E. V. ABC of traffic. Program and methodological recommendations. - M.: Bustard, 2008.

5. Vdovichenko L. A. Rebnock on the street. A cycle of classes for older preschoolers learning traffic rules. - St. Petersburg: Childhood-press 2008.

6. Saulina T. F. "Introducing preschoolers to the rules of the road"- M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2015.

7. K. Yu. Belaya “Formation fundamentals safety in preschoolers 2-7 years old. M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2015.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

2-Gavrilovskaya secondary school

The work program of the course "Rules of the road" for grade 5

for 2015-2016 academic year

The program is being implemented

OBJ teacher

Glukhovsky branch of MBOU

2- Gavrilovskaya school

Molodtsova O.P.

Explanatory note

The work program for the prevention of traffic accidents and the study of traffic rules among school students was created on the basis of the program of general educational institutions in the Russian Federation "Rules for the safe behavior of students on the streets and roads".

The program of the course "Rules of the road" for 5 classes is compiled on the basis of regulatory documents:

Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education (Approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2010 No. 1897);

Annual calendar study schedule;

Regulations on the work program of subjects, courses, modules;

Federal lists of textbooks recommended (approved) for use in the educational process in educational institutions implementing educational programs of general education and having state accreditation for the 2015/16 academic year (approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 19, 2012 N 1067 , registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on January 30, 2013 No. 26755),

According to the curriculum of MBOU 2-Gavrilovskaya sosh, the work program for grade 5 provides for training in traffic rules in the amount 0.5 hours per week, 17 hours per year.

The program for training the rules of the road (SDA) and the basics of safe behavior on the roads was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Laws of the Russian Federation "On Education", the federal law "On Road Safety", the Rules of the Road in the Russian Federation, the Order of the Department of Education and Science of the Tambov Region "On educational institutions - resource centers for the prevention of child road traffic injuries", orders of the Department of Education and Science of the Tambov Region, regulating the activities of educational institutions for the prevention of child road traffic injuries."

The inclusion of the study of the "Rules of the Road" in the regional component of the content of education is justified by the need to strengthen the educational impact of training.

An increase in the number of vehicles inevitably causes traffic intensity, involving in this process many new drivers who are inexperienced in the prevention of road traffic accidents (RTA). The problem of the behavior of people taking part in road traffic is also aggravated. High speed traffic becomes a source of conflict situations on the roads, the environment is polluted by harmful engine emissions, cars fill local driveways, courtyards of residential buildings, etc.

The stage of mass motorization, which is now taking place in our country, is also characterized by the unpreparedness of the population, especially children, to solve the problem of safe behavior on the roads. The unpreparedness of the majority of pedestrians to fulfill their obligations to participate in the process of road traffic is a dangerous social evil: tens of thousands of people die or become disabled every year in road accidents.

The level of child road traffic injuries remains high in the Tambov region. Hundreds of schoolchildren and preschool children are killed and injured every year.

The main causes of accidents with children are their failure to comply with the elementary principles of safe movement and the insufficient preventive work of pedagogical workers among parents, schoolchildren and preschoolers.

In this regard, the process of introducing students, starting from elementary school, to the environment of a modern person and consciously determining their place in this environment, as well as studying the existing rules of behavior for a pedestrian as one of the road users, is of great social importance.

Such inclusion is possible only on the basis of:

Systematic study of the rules;

Awareness in their assimilation;

Constant increase in the amount of studied material in accordance with the age capabilities of students.

The proposed program is built with these didactic principles in mind. Bearing in mind that in elementary school an educational basis is laid, on which, throughout a person’s life, his knowledge of traffic and the ability to ensure safety on the roads for himself and those around him will be based.

It is proposed to study the rules of the road and the basics of safe behavior on the roads as part of the life safety course, regularly, it is advisable to devote 0.5 hours a week to this (taking into account the conversations of specialists invited to the classes).

Time for such classes is allotted in the schedule and should be provided for in the grid of hours: 17 hours annually in each grade from the first to the seventh.

The program is built on the principle of increasing the volume of the studied material. This increase can be traced in the increase in the number of mastered terms, road signs and markings, road structures, etc. The teacher must constantly focus the attention of students on the fact that unconditional compliance with traffic rules is a condition for saving life for oneself and others, as well as an indicator of the level of education and culture of relationships between road users.

Separate topics included in the program contain theoretical and practical parts.

The theoretical part includes the necessary information on the Rules of the Road on a given topic and conversations on the basics of road safety during school holidays, due to seasonal changes in the traffic situation or the infrastructure of the settlement and microdistrict.

The practical part consists in the work of students on didactic materials on a given topic, excursions, walks along the streets and roads of the microdistrict, places of mass recreation for children, as well as in work with role-playing games using simulation and didactic materials made by students according to the rules of safe behavior on the streets and roads.

Target: Formation in students of a conscious and responsible attitude to the issues of personal safety and the safety of surrounding road users. Expansion of the system of knowledge and practical skills of safe behavior on the roads.

Target parameters of the rules of safe behavior on the streets and roads:

    treat the rules of the road as an important social value;

    own methods of preventing DDTT and providing first aid to victims of road accidents, the skills of promoting traffic rules;

    master the skills of safe behavior on the streets and roads


    provide students with a basic education within state standards;

    development of behavioral stereotypes among students that contribute to self-preservation in a traffic situation;

    the formation of students' sustainable skills to comply with and comply with the rules of the road;

    instilling a culture of safe behavior on the roads;

    education of competent road users,

    formation of a respectful attitude to the laws of the road, awareness of the objective expediency of the current rules and traffic requirements;

    formation of universal moral value orientations;

    instilling primary skills in providing first aid in case of an accident;

    maintain a sustained interest among students' parents in the safety of children as road users.

Expected Result:

    improving the legal culture of road users

    prevention of child road traffic injuries

Normative - legal support of the program:

    The Constitution of the Russian Federation.

    Convention on the Rights of the Child.

    Traffic Laws.

    Charter of the educational institution.


    Training program.

Scientific and methodological support:

    State educational standard.

    Curriculum and curricula of the school.

    Textbooks on life safety, traffic rules.

Development of personal qualities significant for this activity:

    independence in making the right decisions;

    conviction and activity in the promotion of good faith performance
    rules of the road, as a necessary element of maintaining its

    care and courtesy in the interaction of participants
    road traffic.

    healthy lifestyle and self-sufficiency

5th grade students

Must know:

    Ethical norms of relations and rules for the safe behavior of pedestrians and passengers on the street, road and in public transport.

    Types of road markings: pedestrian crossing, dividing lines of traffic flows and traffic islands, places where a bicycle path crosses the carriageway.

    The meaning of the gestures (signals) of the traffic controller.

    Road signs studied in grades 1-5, their purpose and installation locations on streets and roads.

    Rules for the transportation of people in various vehicles and their features.

    Dangers arising from the movement of pedestrians along the railway track. Why is it dangerous to play near railroad tracks.

    Signals given by drivers of vehicles.

    Bicycle device, procedure for determining its serviceability and maintenance. What to check when riding a bike. Technique for using controls. How should a bicycle be equipped for riding in the evening. Where cycling is prohibited. Measures to prevent a traffic accident.

Should be able to:

    Tell about the rules of behavior on the streets. Cross the street after exiting public transport.

    To assist younger students in the safe crossing of streets and roads.

    Perform bike maintenance.

    Perform practical cycling in a closed area.

    Analyze and evaluate the correctness and safety of the behavior of road users on the streets and roads and public transport.

Thematic planning

5th grade

Name of sections and topics

Number of hours

On the railway

Contest of experts on traffic rules

Final lessons



1. Causes of traffic accidents - 2 hours

A story about the village, district, city and its transport links, about the streets with the most heavy traffic of vehicles and pedestrians. Population increase. Prospects for the development of urban planning and vehicles. The main causes of accidents and measures to prevent them (according to traffic police, statistics). Measures taken by local authorities to ensure the safety of traffic and pedestrians.

2. Know the rules of movement, like a multiplication table - 1 hour

Repetition of the studied material in the 4th grade.

Tell about the background of traffic rules, about right-hand traffic, about the forms regulating traffic. Traffic rules - the law of streets and roads. Knowledge of traffic rules is not a favor, but a duty of every citizen of Russia.

3. Road marking its value - 2 hours

Describe the importance of road markings in the organization of traffic.

Types of road markings:

a) pedestrian crossing (regulated and unregulated);

b) lines of separation of traffic flows of opposite directions (solid, intermittent);

c) safety island lines;

d) landing area lines;

e) lines indicating the places where the cycle path crosses the carriageway.

4. Road signs, their importance in traffic regulation - 2 hours

Familiarize students with the signs of the warning group: railway crossing with a barrier, railway crossing without a barrier, dangerous turn, steep descent, gravel discharge, falling stones, other dangers, narrowing of the road.

Priority signs: main road, end of main road, intersection with secondary road, junction of secondary road, give way, priority to oncoming traffic, priority to oncoming traffic.

Prohibition signs: no entry, no traffic, no horse-drawn carts, no bicycles, no pedestrians.

Mandatory signs: bike path, footpath.

Information and indication signs: motorway, one-way road, lane for route vehicles, beginning of settlement, kilometer sign, residential area.

Service signs: first aid station, telephone.

Signs of additional information: distance to the object, coverage area, types of vehicles, temporary actions, blind pedestrians, disabled people.

5. Traffic lights, traffic controller signals - 1 hour

The meaning of traffic lights, traffic controller. Types of traffic lights and their meaning. Locations of traffic lights. Traffic controller gestures their meaning. Rules for crossing streets, roads at regulated intersections.

6. I am a road user - 2 hours

Knowing and complying with traffic rules is not a favor, but a duty of every citizen of society. Responsibilities of a pedestrian (discipline, culture, behavior). Passenger obligations. Transportation of people in various vehicles and their features.

7 . Intersections, their types, features of an unregulated intersection - 1 hour

Repeat the elements of streets, roads. Rules for crossing streets, roads, features of crossing at unregulated intersections. Signals given by drivers of vehicles.

8. By rail - 1 hour

Dangers arising from the movement of pedestrians along the railway track. Approach and entrance to the railway crossing (guarded and unguarded). Signals. Rules for crossing railroad tracks. Prohibition of walking on rails, embankments. Prohibition of games near the tracks.

9. Basics of cycling - 2 hours

Technique for using bicycle controls. Educational cycling (in a closed area). The device and maintenance of the bicycle. Measures to prevent road traffic injuries.

10. Contest of experts on traffic rules - 2 hours

According to the developed scenario, a competition is held for the best knowledge of traffic rules. Various forms of work can be used: competitions, quizzes, questionnaires, etc.

Purpose: to identify the best traffic rules experts both in theory and in practice (on a model, a school car park).

11 . Final lesson - 1 hour.

Meeting with traffic police officers, consolidating knowledge of safe traffic on the streets and roads (in the form of questions, answers). Presentation of the certificate of the best participant in the movement.

Calendar - thematic planning of the course of traffic rules Grade 5

Leading forms, methods, teaching aids in the lesson.


Causes of traffic accidents


solution of situational problems

story, conversation

Causes of traffic accidents


conversation, survey

conversation, lecture

Know the rules of motion like a multiplication table



conversation, lecture

Road markings its meaning

generalization and systematization of knowledge

Solution of situational problems

story, conversation

Road markings its meaning



conversation, lecture

Road signs, their importance in traffic regulation



conversation, presentation

Road signs, their importance in traffic regulation


solution of situational problems

story, conversation

Traffic lights, traffic controller signals




I am a road user


solution of situational problems

presentation, lecture

I am a road user


note-taking, test survey

presentation lecture

Intersections, their types, features of an unregulated intersection



lecture, conversation

On the railway



conversation, lecture

Basics of cycling


note-taking, note-taking

presentation, conversation, lecture

Basics of cycling


written survey

cycling training

Contest of experts on traffic rules

learning new material


conversation, lecture

Contest of experts on traffic rules


sketching, conversation

conversation, lecture

Final lesson


meeting with traffic police officers

conversation, presentation, lecture


Training and metodology complex

    Features of the content and methodological support of the subject "Fundamentals of life safety" in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard. Tambov 2014

    Programs for students of educational institutions "Fundamentals of life safety" grades 5-11. Ed. Yu.L. Vorobieva M.: Bustard 2007

Methodical literature

    TMC (Textbooks, teaching aids for textbooks) Grades 5-7 /Latchuk V.N., Markov V.V., Maslov A.G. Moscow: Bustard, 2005, 2009, 2010.8-9
    classes / Vangorodsky S.N., Kuznetsov M.I., Latchuk V.N.M.: Bustard, 2004, 2010.0 BZh.

    Rules of the road of the Russian Federation

    Kiryanova V.N. Prevention of children's road traffic injuries. Methodological guide - M.: Third Rome Publishing House, 2007

    Collection of regulatory and information materials and guidelines for the prevention of child road traffic injuries in an educational institution. Tambov, 2012

    Handbook of the class teacher: extracurricular work at school to study the rules of the road, M: "Globus".

    Game lessons in the course "SDA" 5-9 cells. Maslov A.G.

    OBZH: 5th grade: a textbook for general education studies. institutions / V.V. Polyakov, M.I. Kuznetsov, V.V. Markov, V.N. Latchuk. – M.: Drofa-DIK
