
Fox and black grouse - Russian folk tale

A short tale about a cunning fox and a smart black grouse ... (in the retelling of L.N. Tolstoy)

Fox and black grouse read

The black grouse was sitting on a tree. The fox came up to him and said:
- Hello, black grouse, my friend, as soon as I heard your voice, I came to visit you.
“Thank you for your kind word,” said the black grouse.
The fox pretended not to hear, and says:
- What are you saying? I can not hear. You, black grouse, my friend, would go down to the grass for a walk, talk to me, otherwise I won’t hear from the tree.

Teterev said:
- I'm afraid to go to the grass. It is dangerous for us birds to walk on the ground.
- Or are you afraid of me? - said the fox.
“Not you, I'm afraid of other animals,” said the black grouse. - There are all kinds of animals.
- No, black grouse, my friend, today the decree has been announced so that there will be peace throughout the earth. Now the animals do not touch each other.
- That's good, - said the black grouse, - otherwise the dogs are running; if it were the old way, you would have to leave, but now you have nothing to fear.
The fox heard about the dogs, pricked up her ears and wanted to run.
- Where are you? - said the grouse. - After all, now the decree, the dogs will not be touched.
- And who knows! - said the fox. Maybe they didn't hear the order.
And she ran away.

(Ill. V. Dudarenko, ed. New knowledge, Minsk, illustrators.ru)

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Sections: Primary School


  • To acquaint students with the Russian folk tale, to contribute to the formation of a holistic view of the main idea of ​​the tale.
  • Develop speech, vocabulary of students, teach consciously and correctly to read, highlight the main thing, draw conclusions.
  • To instill interest in folk art, in folk tales.

Equipment: ICT, cards, drawings, books.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

Literary reading lesson. Let's start with a 5 minute read.

Spelling, orthoepic, tongue twister, expressive, like a speaker.

II. Checking homework.

Read your riddles about animals, and we will try to guess them.

At home, you read fairy tales: “The Fox and the Hare” and “The Golden Cockerel”.

Which of the roosters do you like best? Why?

III. Working on new material.

Guys, guess what we're talking about today?

ICT: fox and black grouse pictures. (Attachment 1).

That's right, about the fox and the black grouse.

Russian folk tale "The fox and the black grouse".

Let's choose a cover illustration for this book together.

Look at the desk. Which illustration is best for this story?

(Students' choice)

Why was this illustration chosen? I like your choice. Well done.

Physical education for the eyes.

IV. Vocabulary workout.

Let's practice vocabulary before reading. (Appendix 2).


Te-te-re-vi-ny (what?)

Te-te-re-check (when do we say that?)

Te-te-re-wo-nok (who?)

Who knows what the word DECREE means? (Appendix 3).

Decree - an order, a decision of the highest authority.

V. Primary reading - by the teacher.

As the fox calls the grouse, read.

Grouse, my friend.

VI. The story of the grouse.(A trained student talks about a black grouse).

What do you know about black grouse? Dasha will tell us a little about him.

VII. Fizkultminutka.

(Alena is all about black grouse, but about black grouse, but I want to test your attention, let's do exercises for attention. “Do this - don't do this.”)

VIII. Content work.

What did the fox do to make the black grouse descend to the ground?

pretended to be deaf

What decree is the fox talking about?

That all the animals live together, no one touches anyone.

Did the black grouse believe that such a decree appeared?

Why did he tell the fox about the dogs?

Check if the fox is telling the truth or not.

Why did the black grouse not just tell the fox about dogs, but added, if everything was the same as before, you would have to leave, but now you have nothing to be afraid of.

IX. Group work.

Let's consolidate our knowledge.

  • 1 group - chooses a proverb for a fairy tale (5 hours) (Appendix 5).
  • 2 gr. - collects a mosaic - a fairy tale (5 hours), (Appendix 6).
  • 3 gr. - find epithets for the fox, what she is in a fairy tale (5 hours),

The tale "The Fox and the Grouse" is very similar to a fable. It tells about a cunning forest who wanted to deceive a black grouse and persuade him to come down from a tree to eat a bird. But the black grouse not only did not succumb to the deception, but he himself outwitted the redhead.

Fairy tale Fox and black grouse download:

Fairy tale fox and black grouse read

The black grouse was sitting on a tree. The fox came up to him and said:

Hello, Teterevochek, my friend! As soon as I heard your voice, I came to visit you.

Thank you for your kind words, - said Teterev.

The fox pretended not to hear and said:

What are you saying? I can not hear. You would have Grouse, my friend, come down to the grass for a walk, talk to me, otherwise I won’t hear from the tree.

Teterev said:

I'm afraid to go to the grass. It is dangerous for us birds to walk on the ground.

Or are you afraid of me? - said the Fox.

Not you, so I'm afraid of other animals, - said the Grouse. - There are all kinds of animals.

No, Teterevochek, my friend, today the decree has been announced so that there will be peace throughout the earth. Now the animals do not touch each other.

That's good, - said the black grouse, - otherwise the dogs are running; if it were the old way, you would have to leave, but now you have nothing to fear.

The fox heard about the dogs, pricked up her ears and wanted to run.

Where are you? - said the grouse. - After all, now the decree, the dogs will not be touched.

And who knows! - said the fox. Maybe they didn't hear the order.

The main characters of the Russian folk tale "The Fox and the Grouse" are a cunning fox and a cautious black grouse. The fox decided to catch a black grouse, but he was sitting high on a tree and was out of reach. Then the fox began to praise the black grouse. He thanked her for her kind words.

But the fox pretended to be hard of hearing and asked the black grouse to go down from the tree to the grass and talk to her closer. The cautious black grouse refused to come down from the tree. He said that the birds on the ground are in danger from various predatory animals.

Then the fox came up with a new trick - she told the black grouse that a new decree had been issued, according to which the animals should not attack each other. And now the grouse has nothing to fear. But the black grouse did not believe the fox. He decided to check the veracity of the words of the fox.

The black grouse, sitting high on a tree, informed the fox that he saw dogs. If there were no new decree, then the fox should have disappeared as soon as possible. But according to the new decree, she can not be afraid of dogs. However, the fox excused himself by saying that the dogs might not know anything about the new decree and ran away.

This is the summary of the story.

The main idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe tale "The Fox and the Black Grouse" is that one should not trust the words and promises of cunning people. If possible, such words should be checked, which is what the smart black grouse did. He scared the fox with dogs and, from her reaction, realized that the fox had told a lie.

The tale "The Fox and the Black Grouse" teaches to be prudent and careful and not to succumb to flattery.

In the fairy tale, I liked the black grouse. He acted very thoughtfully, using the words spoken by the fox against her. Thus, the black grouse escaped the danger of being caught by the red cheat.

What proverbs are suitable for the fairy tale "The Fox and the Black Grouse"?

The fox tribe only flatters and beckons.
Vigilance is the sister of the mind.
Trust but check.

About the fairy tale

Fairy tale "Fox and black grouse"

Animal tales are one of the simplest types of Russian folk tales. The characters are animals. As a rule, these are the animals that a person often encountered by the nature of his activity, in contrast to where any animals (monkey, elephant, etc.) can be characters. The main characters in Russian fairy tales are most often a wolf, a fox, a bear and other animals of our region. Each of these characters is the bearer of one dominant character trait, which passes from one text to another. For example, in Russian fairy tales, the fox is usually cunning, the wolf is stupid. Therefore, anyone who is familiar with Russian national culture in general and folk tales, as its embodiment, in particular, can easily name many stories about how a fox outwitted someone, deceitfully achieved benefits for himself, etc. Most often, in the finale of the tale, all the intrigues of the red cheat are revealed, and she herself is punished. So it is in the fairy tale "The Fox and the Black Grouse", which tells about the fox's next attempt to get prey in an easy and, of course, not honest way.

Summary and main characters

The fox saw a black grouse on a tree and decided to beg him to go down to the grass, for this she pretended that she could not hear the bird well. However, the wise black grouse did not agree to meet the fox, referring to the danger of being caught by the fox itself or other animals. The fox came up with a cunning trick to lure the black grouse - she told that a decree had been issued through the forest, according to which the animals should not touch each other, peace now reigns between them. The fox herself ran away as soon as she saw the running dogs. This time she failed to deceive anyone. Characters of characters become clear through their actions. The smallest reader can easily determine the selfish motive of the fox's behavior and attribute it to negative characters. Grouse as her opponent, respectively, will be considered a positive actor, despite the fact that he does not take any active steps to plant good.

The main idea and moral of the fairy tale "The Fox and the Black Grouse"

The content and formal aspects of fairy tales about animals are focused on children's perception, on the level of cognitive development of a child who is not yet able to perceive the complex psychological subtleties of more sophisticated plots. Therefore, the moral of such fairy tales is always simple and lies on the surface. The actions of the characters are organized in such a way that the child can imitate them and thereby learn to act correctly in similar situations.

In the fairy tale about the fox and the black grouse, the obvious role model is the way the black grouse behaves: he does not give in to the flattering speeches of the fox and her deceit, he acts carefully and prudently. It is this strategy that allows him to avoid death in the clutches of a predatory fox, it is this example of behavior that should become a model for the little reader.

Read the Russian folk tale "The Fox and the Black Grouse" on our website online, for free and without registration.

The black grouse was sitting on a tree. The fox came up to him and said:

Hello, black grouse, my friend, as soon as I heard your voice, I came to visit you.

Thank you for your kind words, - said the black grouse.

The fox pretended not to hear, and says:

What are you saying? I can not hear. You, black grouse, my friend, would go down to the grass for a walk, talk to me, otherwise I won’t hear from the tree.

Teterev said:

I'm afraid to go to the grass. It is dangerous for us birds to walk on the ground.

Or are you afraid of me? - said the fox.

Not you, so I'm afraid of other animals, - said the black grouse. - There are all kinds of animals.

No, black grouse, my friend, today the decree has been announced so that there will be peace throughout the earth. Now the animals do not touch each other.

That's good, - said the black grouse, - otherwise the dogs are running; if it were the old way, you would have to leave, but now you have nothing to fear.

The fox heard about the dogs, pricked up her ears and wanted to run.

Where are you? - said the grouse. - After all, now the decree, the dogs will not be touched.

And who knows! - said the fox. Maybe they didn't hear the order.
