Today we will talk about the nature of spiritual wounds. It is only in some songs that spiritual wounds are spoken of as something sublime and romantic, while in life, spiritual wounds not only amaze us with their variety and occur quite often, but also cause us quite serious damage in the field of spiritual health and protection.

The main problem of a spiritual wound is its invisibility and often our complete ignorance of their presence. If everything is clear with ordinary physical wounds on the body, and the main sign that it has arisen is the loss of blood and the appearance of pain as a signal of a violation of the harmony of the body, then with mental wounds everything is much more complicated. Instead of blood, a gap is formed in our outer spiritual protection, through which our spiritual energy leaks. And any loss of spiritual energy leads not only to a weakening of spiritual immunity, but also to a weakening of spiritual health. Sometimes we can guess that there is a spiritual wound in the soul, but as a rule, we don’t know anything about what to do with it and how to neutralize it.

Unlike spiritual wounds, most often the weakening of spiritual health is associated with the impact on us of a negative spiritual environment. The more often we are in a negative environment for us, the higher the level of negative impact. An excess of negative energy in the soul leads not only to a lack of positive energy, but also provokes a negative oversaturation, which, in turn, requires an emergency reset and provokes us to act with unpleasant and sometimes even serious consequences, both for us personally and for others. And if we add to the impact of the environment, also our own tendency to lead a negative lifestyle, then all the signs of spiritual malaise, not only on the face, but also have a very specific reason.

As for spiritual wounds, they usually appear in the two most common cases. First, we often inflict mental wounds on ourselves by doing either stupid or thoughtless actions, following the lead of emotions and not thinking about the consequences of these actions. There is also ordinary negligence in relations with other people, not to mention elementary impoliteness and ignorance in the elementary rules of communication, etiquette and culture of relations.
Secondly, other people can inflict a spiritual wound on us, intentionally or through negligence. Often we can hear that sometimes only one careless word can hurt a person to the very heart, and sometimes even kill him. So it is, and most often the degree of injury and its importance depends on how important this or that person is for us, what importance we attach to his opinion, words and deeds. In addition, usually the most severe injuries come from those whom we trust the most, ranging from loved ones and ending with best friends.

The consequences of such injuries are sometimes so severe that a person who has been injured and has weak spiritual immunity sometimes literally dries out before our eyes. And all this happens because we often do not realize what an important and paramount role spiritual health plays in matters of the health of the body as a whole.

As an illustrative example, I will describe some of the most common mental traumas:

resentment - the level of energy losses from this injury, depends entirely on the personal attitude of the one who was offended, to the object or reason for his offense. Of course, it is very difficult not to be offended in general, since such a way of life implies the highest degree of conscious indifference to almost all events that arise in our life, not to mention the consequences. But often the problem arises in the fact that our memory of the subject of resentment does not allow our spiritual wound to heal. As a result, day after day, and sometimes year after year, we send part of our energy towards our offender, while we re-experience our resentment in our souls. Moreover, the offender himself may have long forgotten about this procession, while we continue to remember.

We can be offended both intentionally and unconsciously, often without even suspecting that certain actions will affect us in this way. What may seem trifling for one, will be a serious tragedy for another, since each of us has our own attitude to life and the problems that arise in it, due to the difference in life experience, spiritual immunity and awareness. And this understanding leads us to the following conclusion. Firstly, it is useless to be good for everyone, since each of us has our own ideas about what is good and what is bad. Secondly, the problem of resentment that has arisen is, first of all, exclusively our ailment, which we have to fight on our own. Sometimes we ourselves find a reason to be offended, and even often provoke our loved ones to those actions that can be regarded as offensive. Of course, in most cases, resentment, we explain the reason for our bad mood, and justify it with the help of this reason. But in fact, the main reason for resentment and its negative impact on us is only in us, or rather in our personal view of it. It's hard to admit, but quite a few of us love to be offended. After all, this allows us to get away from solving the problem on our own, and often it is due to our grievances that we try to solve other problems in life, believing that the person who offended us should somehow compensate us for moral losses, unaware of the real harm such losses cause to our spiritual health, and who in this case is the true culprit of these losses.

Resentment is a universal means for attracting someone else's attention. Often we justify our own imperfection by the presence of resentment, and often cover up our own shortcomings with it, which for one reason or another have become visible not only to us. And in this situation there is nothing more false than the ostentatious and mythical search for justice. We spend strength and energy searching for what is in each of us. But not knowing this, we prefer to look for it in others, completely ignoring the wisdom that you should treat others as if you wanted to be treated yourself. Resentment pricks our soul over and over again, reminding us of its existence, but instead of healing our spiritual wound, we begin to comb it again, feeling the need to search for external causes, our internal failures. We try, by searching for the guilty, and often by searching for other people's shortcomings, completely ignoring our own, to forget about the pain that does not subside in our soul. Some even resort to the same methods, thinking that by offending others, they will take away the pain of their own resentment. But this approach only increases the total amount of mental damage.

This injury can be cured only with the help of the two most common methods. Firstly, you can forget about the offense, which often happens after the advent of a long time, or when another stronger offense displaces a smaller offense from our memory.
Secondly, it is possible and necessary to change your personal view of this or that offense, honestly analyzing the causes and consequences of its occurrence. Of course, both of these methods require a lot of effort from us, and often a radical change in lifestyle. But after all, any struggle with this or that problem requires certain efforts, and the price of efforts will correspond to their volume and accuracy of their distribution. In fact, you need to teach yourself not to be offended, compensating for possible losses with other joys that are in your life. Resentment is somewhat reminiscent of a spiritual ulcer that continues to develop as our personal energy supply, in the form of our attention to the issue of resentment.

the loss of a loved one is a more serious mental trauma compared to resentment, as it requires much more time for natural recovery. Indeed, it is one thing to be offended by someone, and it is completely another to lose a person close to you, with no hope of returning. Moreover, in this case it is very difficult to establish the severity of the injury, since some people die and can never be returned back, while others leave on their own, thereby finally breaking off friendships or love relationships, not to mention divorces or betrayals by one of the spouses . The situation is further complicated by the fact that our personal role in this case may not be significant at all, and external causes and circumstances may be to blame.

There is nothing surprising here, since sometimes we cannot rely for our lives if external circumstances turn out to be stronger than internal ones. We can be ideal in one way or another, but such an ideal behavior or character does not at all guarantee us identical ideality on the part of our partner, nor does it guarantee the strength of the relationship. Any accident, or lack of resistance of a foreign organism, can cause its sudden death. Quite often, breaks occur as a result of the accumulation and growth of spiritual illnesses, to which we can personally make some contribution in the form of all kinds of nit-picking, provocations, and even insults. As a result, the crisis growth of a spiritual illness provokes a person to some rash act, just to throw off the accumulated pain from himself at once. And such an action brings relief in many ways, but at the same time harms many who surround you.

We so often become attached to certain people that a constant energy connection arises between us, provoking a constant exchange of energy. Moreover, if your soul mate becomes ill, then you also sometimes feel some discomfort, since part of this negativity passes to you through an energy connection. By the way, the energy connection between close people is far from the only example of this type of connection. Often, experiencing constant attention to one or another object, we thereby establish a constant connection with it, and depending on your goals and the goals of the object, an interchange of energy occurs, which is not always useful for you or for the object. Some of these objects are public vampires, accumulating the energy of many people who pay excessive attention to it. Such objects can be various religious organizations, sects, idols, etc.

Naturally, when a forced disconnection occurs, or a person himself decides to break this connection due to some important reasons, he experiences natural pain, as if another one, connected with him through a small piece of flesh, was torn from your body. An organism accustomed to the interchange of certain substances will experience natural hunger from their lack, which will be accompanied by poor health. With a break in the energy connection with another person or object, the same thing happens. We no longer receive the boost of energy that we need, and at the same time we have no one to share with those surpluses that the other person needed. To re-adapt to a new energy lifestyle, a substantial period of time is needed, which is directly proportional to the strength of personal attachment or possible dependence.

Often in such cases, experiencing unbearable mental anguish, we resort to proven means that drown out phantom spiritual pains.
The most common means of dealing with mental wounds are alcohol and drugs. However, the problem is that these substances are not spiritual medicines in the truest sense of the word, and act on the soul only as a strong painkiller to temporarily drown out the unbearable pain of a break and loss. Therefore, they work in much the same way as drugs to combat physical diseases of the body. However, the drugs themselves do not cure the disease, but only give our body some time to rest so that it can gather strength and protect itself. After taking such a remedy, the mental pain usually subsides for a while, but comes back again when its effect wears off. And of course, there is a great temptation to repeat the procedure than to gather strength and endure the most acute torments for the first time.
In addition to temporarily helping with the pain in the soul, alcohol and drugs act destructively on the body as a whole, thus presenting the kind of price that must be paid for treatment. Of course, in a certain dosage, snake venom helps with some diseases, but an increase in dosage will cause irreparable harm to a person.

Forgetting about your loss is not so easy, but it is possible if, firstly, you come to terms with the inevitability of loss, and secondly, if you switch your memory from remembering a constant source of personal joy to the joy that has remained in the past. In the end, we must admit that we keep most of the happiest moments of our lives in our own memory, considering current events as something ordinary and everyday.
Again, it is good to heal such a wound, the search for alternative relationships, although this is also not easy, as well as come to terms with the loss, especially when it comes to children.
But after all, the treatment of the body cannot be called an easy procedure, especially when it comes to the fight against very serious ailments. In the case of spiritual wounds, the same thing happens, but we must remember that we ourselves play the main role in the struggle. As they say, helping those drowning in grief is the work of the drowning themselves. You need to understand that life does not end with loss, and you will have to live with this fact for the rest of it.

Time is the most effective remedy for rupture injury, and the safest for the individual. After all, all experiences, sooner or later, begin to smooth out, and those sharp corners that hurt us eventually rub against our memories, often idealizing their object. The main auxiliary tool for the treatment of this mental trauma will be the search for various distractions. It is clear that there will be no direct alternative to the one with whom you had to part, but the task of the distraction is completely different. Each person has a set of individual qualities, and if they are in one person, then they are also present in the other, and their difference just carries the role of the main distracting factor.

Not all stories end with a happy ending. Life is unpredictable, which means you need to be prepared for everything: a broken heart, unhappy love, betrayal, trauma and scars that remain forever. No, no one claims that there are no stories with a happy ending, where lovers get married, create a family, live happily, raise children first, and then grandchildren. However, to see a huge and bright rainbow overhead, you need to survive the storm. Each of us at least once in a lifetime faced parting with a loved one who left a mark on the heart. Over time, the understanding came that everything that happened was absolutely correct. If fate separates us from certain people, then it is not in vain, believe me. Our task is to learn to let people out of our lives with a light heart, without the heavy burden of resentment and withering memories. Every girl should know how to quickly forget a guy with whom there is no future. She must learn to ease her suffering and accept the truth, tune in to a new wave of life and open her heart to new love, instead of tormenting her soul.

Many girls make a big mistake by letting the situation take its course. Unpromising relationships do not bring joy and happiness. Often, it is the woman who is the first to feel that an alliance with a loved (or unloved) person no longer brings satisfaction to either her or her life partner. It's time to leave him alone, give him and yourself a chance to rebuild your life before it's too late. She understands all this, but is silent and continues the relationship, which in the end will not lead to anything. Why is this happening? There can be many reasons: strong feelings, habit, emotional dependence, pity, hope, and so on. Nevertheless, she endures and hopes that everything will work out, and also believes that everything will change dramatically. This is the female nature - to wait, endure and hope, because forgetting the guy you love is much more difficult than deceiving yourself for a while.

However, time goes by. At one fine moment, the realization of the futility of a joint future finally comes to a man. He, as a rationalizer, logician and strategist, guided by reason to a greater extent than emotions, immediately decides to leave, without unnecessary hesitation, self-deception and temporary loss. He leaves his beloved alone with her thoughts and emptiness. He just goes to a new life. Finally. That's when the woman begins to reproach herself for not leaving first. Why couldn't it be done on time, if all the cards were in the hands in the form of prerequisites for parting and a clear understanding of the logic of the imminent end. In order not to get into such a situation, you need to find the courage to leave someone with whom you can no longer be. So, when to leave first:

You don't have feelings

It doesn't matter which side's feelings dried up faster. The only important thing is that love is not mutual. The rule "be patient - fall in love" does not work when it comes to true love. It is even more irrelevant where love was, but ended for one reason or another. There are no feelings and it needs to be accepted by you and him. One of you must confess their absence, and the other must accept this truth.

Evaluate what is really happening and learn to be the first to draw conclusions, take action and think about how to forget the guy with whom, in fact, everything is over.

Betrayal or betrayal

You can tell a million real stories about how the relationship after the betrayal became dead and good for nothing. You can also remember just as much about how people managed to rehabilitate themselves in each other's eyes and start everything from scratch. One way or another, how to act in your situation is up to you. But do not forget that if a person betrayed or cheated, then he was pushed to this by real reasons. There is no guarantee that this will not happen again. It is extremely difficult and problematic to be with a person on whom resentment lives inside you, or with someone who is offended and angry with you.

It is better to leave on time and think about how to heal spiritual wounds, and not about how to glue a broken cup together.

Lack of happiness

You have not yet understood why, but you have already realized that you are completely unhappy next to your other half. Things are not developing the way you would like. Inside yourself, you feel that you would like to be with a completely different person, but you are afraid to admit it even to yourself. Isn't happiness the meaning of human life? How to live on, build a family and exist with those with whom you are unhappy? These relationships are already dead, you just don't know it yet. Urgently put an end to the relationship, make a plan called "How to forget your ex-boyfriend?" and go in search of what you really need. This is your life, no one has the right to waste your time.

Difference in worldview

On the one hand, your opinions should not coincide, but on the other hand, they should not differ much. People whose worldview does not coincide from more than one angle of view have different life goals and objectives.

How can you go the same way if you look in different directions? Your paths will still diverge, because the happiness of each of you is on different shores.

Constant tedious control

Do you have to constantly control a partner who otherwise misbehaves? Or do they control you even if you do nothing wrong? Each person strives to be at least a little free, even considering all the restrictions, rules and realities of modern life. A little personal space is what each of us needs. If someone constantly encroaches on it or even forcibly takes it away, we get tired of it. If control does not stop and brings you only fatigue, it is better to put an end to this story. Think about how to quickly forget a guy who is constantly controlling and does not give air.

Only passion

Passion in a relationship is great, but it won't get you far. Thousands of couples have tried to build a family, guided only by attraction to each other. With the advent of the first problems and difficulties, people dispersed, because they were emotionally unable to make sacrifices for each other. The storm in bed subsided, it became uninteresting, what other difficulties?

The really smart person is the one who learns from their mistakes. All of the above truths are taken from the life experiences of couples around the world. Do not repeat their mistakes, hoping for something that simply does not exist. Realize: it's time to break up and think about how to forget the guy you love or no longer love.

Forget quickly and painlessly!

Breaking up is an art, no matter how blasphemous it may sound. Although his genre is slightly melancholy and dramatic, he still needs to learn. It is not so easy to leave the situation correctly, to get out of the situation with a minimum number of emotional wounds. It only seems that it is enough to cry a little, and time will do everything by itself. No, it's all in your hands. Time is a good helper, but the main agent is yourself. In fact, the scale of the tragedy, the number of wounds and scars on the heart, as well as the speed of their healing, depends only on you. How to forget the guy with whom it's all over?

Move to a safe distance

After the decision to break up is made, move away from your ex-partner to the maximum safe distance. Many girls, and guys too, make the same mistake: after a breakup, they try to find a meeting. Some want to “shine” themselves, as well as demonstrate the level of their own happiness (“look how good I feel without you!”). Others want to return everything, so they are looking for a “random” meeting, which could serve as a good impetus for the partner’s active actions and subsequent reunion. Both of them are misleading themselves. Why prove something to someone with whom your future is impossible?

If you once decided to leave, then you did it for good reasons. The best option is to be alone, move away, abstract from everything that could remind you of the past and think carefully about how to forget your ex-boyfriend.

Understand yourself

It's time for introspection (but not introspection!). While you are alone, there is time to think about your feelings, emotions, and future. Put everything in its place within yourself, put each emotion on the shelf where it belongs. Deal with inner frustration. You have a unique opportunity to think about who you really need, what you really want, in what direction you will act further. Conduct an internal analysis, understand yourself, stop mixing up all your thoughts and feelings. A person who clearly knows what he wants, and how he relates to this or that situation, and also understands how to heal spiritual wounds, achieves much more than someone who does not understand at all what is happening inside him.

Throw out the old trash

All photos, gifts and other reminders of past relationships are in a landfill. You will not be relieved by the fact that you constantly look at them. Even years later, they will give you internal discomfort. Throw away all unnecessary and fill the shelves with something new and pleasant.

No matter how important and expensive things are, you no longer need them. It is especially important to delete joint photos that can hurt not only you, but also your future partner.

Get social

If you need to be alone for a while, that's understandable. At this time, we will be able to understand ourselves, throw the rubbish out of the apartment and head, think about how to forget the guy, and tune in to a new wave. However, do not even think of closing yourself off from the whole world and suffering. Endless pastime in a confined space, refusing food (or eating it in excess), lack of communication with the outside world will not lead to anything good! Time passes, everything changes, and you still spend time in your apartment and do not communicate with people. For what? Urgently put on the most beautiful outfit, please yourself with new purchases, start attending interesting events. Soon your social circle will expand and you will no longer have time to remember the former.

Build your future

Nobody will do this for you. If you have no desire to move on, you are dead center. Can breaking up with the person who left you really break you down that much? Of course not. You are a strong and self-sufficient person who will definitely succeed if you want to. Go to the future, develop, live and enjoy life.

Do not waste time on memories, think about how your tomorrow will go and what you need to do to become better.

The rehabilitation process should take place after a hard break, but it should be clearly timed. Set a conditional deadline that you must meet in order to let the person go and go in the opposite direction.

Waiting for a brand new happiness

You need to wait for your happiness, it is important to believe in it, and most importantly go to it. The gap happened, this can not be changed. You have done a tremendous amount of work on yourself, and now it is time to move on. Let everything inside not heal completely, even if there are scars that will remind of themselves. You need to learn how to live with them.

Undoubtedly, breakups, especially very severe and painful ones, change people. After rehabilitation, you are no longer the person you were before. If you meet your ex-boyfriend today, you may not find anything to talk about with them. You are different, you have become better, wiser and more resilient. After what happened, you will never make old mistakes, because now you know how to heal spiritual wounds and as a result of which they appear.

Your heart is broken. There is hardly a person in the world who has not experienced the shock of breaking up with a loved one at least once in his life. True, the typicality of the situation is very little consolation. When this happens to you personally, it's very sad and other people's experiences don't matter. The pain is there and it is real to you. You feel completely helpless, and there seems to be no end to this suffering.

A person who has been abandoned goes through four stages before being cured of pain. At first, he does not believe in what happened and hopes to return everything. Then comes anger - at him, at himself, at everyone. The third stage is an attempt to improve relations, to return everything back. Finally (often) comes depression. By the way, for men, this situation suggests other ways of defusing: the stronger sex loves to flood sadness and melancholy with alcohol or frantic driving, or hard sports, such as fisticuffs. Who is more experiencing a gap - men or women - this is a very big question that psychologists have not yet found an answer to.

Is it really necessary to go through all these stages? After all, there are other important things in life, there are people to whom you are dear, and it would be good to remember that there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Here are some ways to help you regain your peace of mind.

1. Don't dwell on the past

This is rule number 1, if it so happened, and there was a break in relations with a dear person. As difficult as it may be - keep your distance, avoid the temptation to write to him, meet in person or call. You may have to stop communicating with mutual friends on Facebook or another social network. It won’t be like this all the time, but while you are vulnerable and weak in spirit, you need to wait and endure until the painful feeling of emptiness subsides in your soul. Even if you manage to return the past, it will no longer be the same relationship, and it will still end soon. And most likely, such virtual communication will be reduced to a verbal war, which will only exacerbate your longing.

2. Unleash your emotions

Do you feel like crying, crying out loud, screaming in pain? Why not? Do whatever you can to get through the pain and clear yourself. Perhaps others will reassure you by talking about their personal failures with a dose of humor and even laughter. Do not believe them, they survived the breakup no easier than you. Everyone has the right to express their emotions if it will help them heal a spiritual wound faster. Don't let negative feelings rot inside of you - and you will naturally feel some bad emotions no matter how serious your decision to break up with him was. The main thing is that a strong expression of feelings does not become a habit - this way you can scare all your loved ones.

3. Accept the fait accompli

Realizing that the end of a relationship has come is like a program with a certain number of steps. The result will come much faster if you manage to stay away from this person. No wonder they say: "Out of sight, out of mind." And this strategy is based on such a concept as time. One day or a month is not enough to forget about your love and move on. Sometimes it lasts for years. Look at the situation objectively, even if you do not agree to parting. If he stopped loving you, it's really sad, and you will cry for a long time before you accept this fact. Moreover, if the relationship ended by mutual decision - do not delve into the reasoning that everything could be different. Your mission is to achieve such a state of mind when you simply recognize what happened and even be able to see this as a blessing for your future life. Stop feeling sorry and beating yourself up. It's time to face reality and accept that the relationship is over.

4. Try not to lose yourself

Most likely, you have lost a part of yourself in this relationship. Now is your chance to find yourself again. Isn't it wonderful? This is one of the more positive aspects of breaking up with your partner. Take advantage of this. Maybe now you will find time for your hobby or just for an activity that you really liked before meeting him, but had to abandon it? Maybe you stopped taking your favorite aromatic baths because it annoyed him? You can have salad and muesli for dinner, while he had to eat chips and drink beer - he liked it so much. There are many personal things that made you special. You simply have to find them again and enjoy them. Or maybe you have new hobbies - because life is so multifaceted. In the end, try on the mask of a completely happy person. Perhaps very soon you will get used to it and actually feel happy. And it often happens that there was somehow not enough time for a career, or your loved one did not approve of excessive zeal in work. Now it's time to think about your place in the team.

5. It's not so bad

According to various observations, the period of overcoming stress after parting with a person can last from three months to three years. But this is a considerable period of life - the best years of life, mind you! When was the last time you met your friends, went out with them, went to the cinema, to a bar? You probably wanted to dance, go shopping, ride a roller coaster. Do what makes you smile, laugh and feel good. Or maybe you need to visit the horror room in the attractions, get a good fright of your own reflection - and get a real therapeutic effect. Don't be afraid to be unpredictable and stupid. Enjoy life.

6. Listen to your thoughts

How do you look at moving forward in life, while not trying to forget anything from what was, but floated away? And is it possible to force yourself to forget the past until it happens by itself ... Memories can suddenly appear in your memory, again immersing you in moments when you were happy (or, on the contrary, deeply unhappy). Well, don't interfere with your thoughts, smile at them or cry if you feel like it. Let the memories take their course, instead of clinging to them, again plunging into your longing and sadness. You can even look at photos or read old messages you received from him. But do not forget that this is all in the past and therefore should get better. Your past is part of today and you can be grateful for it. But this is a read chapter of the book.

7. Admit your vulnerability

Don't rush into a new relationship too quickly, thinking it's over. Moreover, do not do this to spite the person who left you. This is a sign of weakness that will not help bring him back, on the contrary, he will strengthen himself in the thought that he broke up with you correctly.

This does not mean at all that one must forever abandon a new life and devote oneself to the memory of a departed love. A new meeting may be very close, and she will certainly be happier than the last one.

8. Learn to Meditate

Life throws us challenge after challenge. Meditation is always one of those things that can bring you back to yourself and your emotional center. This discipline can help you sort out all the difficult emotions in your heart as well. Go to a club of interest, contact specialists, or even just find a popular course on self-improvement and meditation.

Follow these eight steps to work through all the consequences of a breakup and how to overcome them. And then sigh, smile - and you can move on!

There was a lot of pain in life
There were many bitter torments,
Cold days, sad days
And scandals and separations,

Hot feelings are not mutual
And betrayal of friends
And insults cruel, strong
And bad news.

There was a lot of pain in my life.
I have suffered a lot in my life.
Was dissatisfied with fate
Loudly whined and mourned.

But spiritual wounds are worse
What does to you
Indigestion, diarrhea
And regular hemorrhoids.

Yes .. I CAN'T sleep under this sky ..
Yes..absorbs the chain of worries..Whirlpool..
But I wanted to go into the flames of the lines .. HOW TO RUN
Dive with sinless overflow..STAR NOTES

How to reconcile yourself with yourself .. TO LIVE ..
In polyphony to hear the SILENCE ..
And to live the day like life .. AS WARNING ..
And not imitating anyone .. SOAR ..

To be alive and heal you need LAUGHTER
And the flour will be ground .. and there will be a PIR
And in order to Love and live, you will do everything .. YOU NEED THE WORLD ..
And together We will save him for Us .. FOR ALL.

Soul arrows more and more hit me,
The veins are compressed, and joy becomes pain.
We have who is stronger, he often always survives
Whoever loves has to fall a thousand times.
I fell a lot, so fast, so sharp and bold,
lived, died as in old Russian songs.
And my heart rusted from the rains and tantrums.
Waiting for us to be together someday...
They hit me, hit me suddenly
Then suddenly from the back, then point-blank deep into my heart.
And I lived with reluctance and looked at ...

Sooner or later,
Everything will be as needed.
As fate would like
Life will judge us all.

Late or sooner
Everything in the world passes.
Time heals wounds
They say to the people.

Well, if he can't
Someone a little earlier
And who a little later
Death will punish the pain.

Sooner or later,
We'll decide at some point.
But not everything is possible
Return back.

The path is sometimes difficult
Life is difficult sometimes.
Believe - and happiness will be
Sooner or later...
Markovtsev Yu.

Early autumn is like maturity
A yellow leaf peeps through the greenery.
The fruit is poured, there is ripeness in it with elasticity,
And the sky is warm, the rain is drizzling.

Birds huddle in flocks - they teach to know,
Young, how to fly in a wedge.
And every day, below the dark clouds,
Before, it was getting dark outside.

Early autumn, there is an admixture of summer in it,
And on a fine day, it's still warm.
She did not settle until the world is damp,
The rainy season has not yet arrived.

Early autumn is the time of transition,
From hot days to...

Time does not heal wounds
Heart cuts bleed
Life hurts us
Now I know it for sure.
I'm sorry it happened this way
That we didn't hear each other.
That it all happened like this
And we are not together that road.
I love you still
It hurts me to listen to your words,
And, like a shot at point-blank range,
They will kill me, the candles will go out ...
Was yours and knew happiness
Loved like no other
But you, using the power,
Sent me to rest.
I hate and regret
The days we were together...

Early morning. Hard frost.
Hoarfrost lay down on the branches of birches.
Patterned windows, dim moonlight
Dawn was born in the sky.
Gently touching the patterns of the window
He reminded me that I was not alone.
There is also a mother, there are children and grandchildren,
Those who lovingly stretch their hands to me.
For the smile that my grandson gives me
It is worth forgetting all the hardships around.
