1.1 This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the head of the department.

1.2 The head of the department refers to the teaching staff.

1.3 The head of the department is approved for the position and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the rector.

1.4. Relationships by position:


direct submission

Faculty Dean


Additional submission


Gives orders

department employees


The employee replaces



The employee replaces

  1. Qualification requirements of the head of the department:



Higher and academic degree.



experience of scientific and pedagogical work or practical activity for at least 5 years



Constitution of Ukraine.

Laws of Ukraine, resolutions and decisions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and educational authorities on education

Charter (institute, university)

Theory and methods of educational systems management.

Decrees, orders, orders on educational work.

The order of drawing up curricula.

Rules for maintaining documentation on educational work.

Pedagogy, physiology, psychology and methods of vocational training.

Modern forms and methods of training and education of students.




Additional requirements

* or the degree of Doctor of Science (or the title of professor) or the degree of Candidate of Science (or the title of Associate Professor) according to the profile of the faculty or department

  1. Documents regulating the activities of the head of the department

3.1 External documents:

Legislative and regulatory acts on education related to the work performed.

3.2 Internal documents:

The charter of the educational institution, Orders and orders of the rector, dean of the educational faculty, Regulations on the dean's office, department, Job description of the head of the department, Internal labor regulations.

  1. Job responsibilities of the head of the department

Head of Department:

4.1. Organizes all types of training sessions in all forms of education.

4.2. Develops and submits for approval in the prescribed manner curricula in the disciplines of the department.

4.3. Prepares conclusions on curricula compiled by other departments.

4.4. Approves the plans of the department, individual work plans of teachers.

4.5. Carries out the distribution of the teaching load and functional duties between the employees of the department and controls the timeliness and quality of their implementation.

4.6. Carries out a choice of modern technical means during training sessions and ensures their use.

4.7. Organizes and manages pedagogical and industrial practices, term papers and graduation qualification (diploma) works.

4.8. Provides course examinations and tests.

4.9. Analyzes the results of course exams and tests.

4.10. Reviews dissertations submitted for defense by department staff or other applicants (on behalf of the rector).

4.11. Organizes research work at the department in accordance with the approved plan.

4.12. Supervises the research work of students.

4.13. Organizes a discussion of completed research works and the results of the implementation of these works.

4.14. Provides preparation of recommendations for the publication of completed scientific works.

4.15. Organizes the preparation of textbooks, educational, visual and other aids and manuals.

4.16. On behalf of the rectorate, it ensures the preparation of conclusions on textbooks, teaching aids and methodological literature.

4.17. Controls the implementation of individual plans for educational, scientific, methodological and other types of work of the staff of the department.

4.18. It studies, generalizes and disseminates the experience of the teachers of the department.

4.19. Provides assistance to novice teachers in mastering pedagogical skills.

4.20. Supervises the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel.

4.21. Carries out activities to improve the qualifications of specialists of the educational institution

4.22. Submits to the leadership of the faculty and educational institution proposals for hiring, dismissal and relocation of department employees.

4.23. Contributes to the leadership of the faculty of the educational institution ideas about the promotion

distinguished employees, as well as on the application of disciplinary measures to violators of labor and educational discipline.

4.24. Ensures the compilation, accounting and storage of documentation of the department.

4.25. Annually reports on the results of its activities to the staff of the department.

4.26. Establishes relations with educational institutions, institutions and other organizations in order to provide scientific and methodological assistance.

4.27. Ensures the safety of equipment assigned to the department, inventory, as well as educational and industrial premises.

5. Rights of the head of the department

The head of the department has the right:

5.1. Determine the content of training courses in accordance with state educational standards.

5.2. Independently determine pedagogically justified methods and means of teaching that ensure the high quality of the educational process.

5.3. Choose methods and means of conducting scientific research that meet safety measures.

5.4. Participate in the discussion and resolution of issues related to the activities of the educational institution, as well as the faculty and other educational units.

5.5. Request information and documents necessary for the performance of their duties from the heads of structural divisions and other specialists.

5.6. Be present at all types of training sessions, as well as during examinations and tests.

5.7. Free use of the services of libraries, computer centers, information funds of educational and scientific departments of the educational institution, as well as the services of social, medical and other structural divisions of the educational institution.

5.8. Demand from the administration of the educational institution the organizational and logistical support of its activities, as well as assistance in the performance of their duties and rights.

5.9. Require the administration of the educational institution to legally secure authorship of objects of industrial and intellectual property

5.10. Appeal against orders and orders of the administration of the educational institution

in the manner prescribed by law.

5.11. Submit for consideration by the faculty council issues related to improving the educational process and improving the quality of student training.

  1. Responsibility of the head of the department

The head of the department is responsible for:

6.1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of Ukraine.

6.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of Ukraine.

6.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of Ukraine.

  1. Working conditions of the head of the department

7.1. The mode of operation of the head of the department is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established in the enterprise.

  1. Terms of payment

The terms of remuneration for the head of the department are determined in accordance with the Regulations on remuneration of personnel.

9 Final provisions

9.1 This Job Description is made in two copies, one of which is kept by the Company, the other by the employee.

9.2 Tasks, Responsibilities, Rights and Responsibilities may be specified in accordance with the change in the Structure, Tasks and Functions of the structural unit and workplace.

9.3 Changes and additions to this Job Description are made by order of the Rector.

Head of structural unit


(surname, initials)


Head of the legal department


(surname, initials)


Familiarized with the instructions:


(surname, initials)


I. General provisions

1. The head of the department belongs to the teaching staff.

2. A person with a higher education, at least 5 years of experience in scientific and pedagogical work or practical activity and an academic degree or title is elected to the position of the head of the department.

As a rule, the degree of doctor of science (or the title of professor) or the degree of candidate of science (or the title of assistant professor) in the profile of the faculty or department.

3. The head is approved in the position by the order of the rector.

4. The head of the department should know:

4.1. Constitution of the Russian Federation.

4.2. Laws of the Russian Federation, resolutions and decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation and educational authorities on education issues.

4.4. Theory and methods of educational systems management.

4.5. Decrees, orders, orders on educational work.

4.6. The order of drawing up curricula.

4.7. Rules for maintaining documentation on educational work.

4.8. Pedagogy, physiology, psychology and methods of vocational training.

4.9. Modern forms and methods of training and education of students.

II. Job Responsibilities

Head of Department:

1. Organizes the conduct of all types of training sessions in all forms of education.

2. Develops and submits for approval in the prescribed manner curricula in the disciplines of the department.

3. Prepares conclusions on curricula compiled by other departments.

4. Approves the plans of the department, individual work plans of teachers.

5. Carries out the distribution of the teaching load and functional duties between the employees of the department and controls the timeliness and quality of their implementation.

6. Carries out a choice of modern technical means during training sessions and ensures their use.

7. Organizes and manages pedagogical and industrial practices, term papers and graduation qualification (diploma) works.

8. Ensures the conduct of course exams and tests.

9. Analyzes the results of course exams and tests.

10. Considers dissertations submitted for defense by the staff of the department or other applicants (on behalf of the rector).

11. Organizes research work at the department in accordance with the approved plan.

12. Supervises the research work of students.

13. Organizes a discussion of completed research works and the results of the implementation of these works.

15. Organizes the preparation of textbooks, educational, visual and other aids and manuals.

16. On behalf of the rector's office, it ensures the preparation of conclusions on textbooks, teaching aids and methodological literature.

17. Controls the implementation of individual plans for educational, scientific, methodological and other types of work of the staff of the department.

18. Study, generalize and disseminate the experience of the teachers of the department.

19. Provides assistance to novice teachers in mastering teaching skills.

20. Supervises the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel.

24. Ensures the compilation, accounting and storage of documentation of the department.

25. Annually reports on the results of his activities to the staff of the department.

26. Establishes links with educational institutions, institutions and other organizations in order to provide scientific and methodological assistance.

27. Ensures the safety of equipment assigned to the department, inventory, as well as educational and industrial premises.

The head of the department has the right:

1. Determine the content of training courses in accordance with state educational standards.

2. Independently determine pedagogically justified methods and means of teaching that ensure the high quality of the educational process.

3. Choose methods and means of conducting scientific research that meet security measures.

5. Request from the heads of structural units and other specialists information and documents necessary for the performance of their duties.

6. Be present at all types of training sessions, as well as during examinations and tests.

11. Submit for consideration by the faculty council issues related to improving the educational process and improving the quality of student training.

IV. Responsibility

The head of the department is responsible for:

1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Type sample


___________________________________ (initials, surname)
(name of organization, pre- ________________________
acceptance, etc., its organizational (director or other
legal form) official person, authorized
must approve
nostalgic instruction)
"" ____________ 20__

Job description

Department head
(name of organization, enterprise, etc.)

"" ______________ 20__ N_________

This job description has been developed and approved for
on the basis of an employment contract with __________________________________________
(name of the position of the person for whom
______________________________________________________ and in accordance with
this job description has been drawn up)
the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulatory
acts regulating labor relations in the Russian Federation.

I. General provisions
1.1. The head of the department belongs to the faculty
1.2. A person who has
higher education, experience of scientific and pedagogical work or practical
at least 5 years of activity and an academic degree or title.
1.3. The head of the department is approved in the position by the order of the rector.
1.4. The head of the department should know:
- the Constitution of the Russian Federation;
- laws of the Russian Federation, resolutions and decisions of the Government
Russian Federation and educational authorities on issues
- charter ________________________________________________________________;
(institute, university)
- theory and methods of management of educational systems;
- resolutions, orders, orders relating to the organization
educational work;
- the procedure for drawing up curricula;
- rules for maintaining documentation on educational work;
- Pedagogy, physiology, psychology and methodology of professional
- modern forms and methods of teaching and educating students;
1.5. The head of the department reports directly to _______________
(to the rector,
another official)
1.6. During the absence of the head of the department (business trip, vacation,
illness, etc.) his duties are performed by the deputy dean or a person
assigned in due course. This person acquires
appropriate rights and is responsible for the quality performance
the duties assigned to him.

2. Job responsibilities
Head of Department:
2.1. Organizes all types of training sessions in all forms
2.2. Develops and submits for approval in the established
the order of the curriculum in the disciplines of the department.
2.3. Approves department plans, individual work plans
2.4. Prepares opinions on curricula compiled by others
2.5. Carries out the distribution of the pedagogical load and
functional duties between the employees of the department and controls
timeliness and quality of their implementation.
2.6. Makes a choice of modern technical means at
conduct training sessions and ensure their use.
2.7. Organizes and manages pedagogical and production
practices, coursework and final qualification (diploma)
2.8. Provides course examinations and tests.
2.9. Reviews dissertations submitted for defense by employees
department or other applicants (on behalf of the rector).
2.10. Organizes research work on
department in accordance with the approved plan.
2.11. Supervises the research work of students.
2.12. Organizes a discussion of completed research
works and the results of the implementation of these works.
2.13. Provides preparation of recommendations for publication
completed scientific papers.
2.14. Organizes the preparation of textbooks, educational, visual and other
manuals and guides.
2.15. On behalf of the rector, ensures the preparation of conclusions on
textbooks, manuals and methodical literature.
2.16. Supervises the implementation of individual training plans,
scientific, methodical and other types of work of the staff of the department.
2.17. Studies, generalizes and disseminates the experience of teachers
2.18. Supervises the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel.
2.19. Carries out activities to improve the skills of specialists
(institute, university)
2.20. Represents the leadership of the faculty and ________________________
(institute, university)
proposals for hiring, firing and relocating employees
2.21. Contributes to the leadership of the faculty and ______________________________
(institute, university)
ideas about rewarding distinguished employees, as well as about the application
disciplinary measures against violators of labor and educational
2.22. Ensures the preparation, accounting and storage of documentation
2.23. Reports annually on the results of its activities to
department team.
2.24. Establishes relationships with educational institutions, institutions and
other organizations in order to provide scientific and methodological assistance.
2.25. Ensures the safety of the assigned to the department
equipment, inventory, as well as educational and industrial premises.
2.26. Through all its activities, it contributes to the establishment of humane,
morally healthy relationships in the student environment and employees

3. Rights
The head of the department has the right:
3.1. Determine the content of training courses in accordance with
state educational standards.
3.2. Independently determine pedagogically justified methods and
teaching aids that ensure the high quality of the educational process.
3.3. Choose methods and means of conducting scientific research,
meeting security measures.
3.4. Participate in the discussion and resolution of business issues
___________________________, as well as faculties and educational units.
(institute, university)
3.5. Ask the heads of structural divisions and other
information and documents necessary for the performance of their
official duties.
3.6. Be present at all types of training sessions, as well as during
conducting exams and tests.
3.7. Free use of the services of libraries, computing
centers, information funds of educational and scientific departments,
_________________________, as well as services of social, medical and
(institute, university)
other structural divisions _______________________________________.
(institute, university)
3.8. Demand from the administration ____________________________________
(institute, university)
organizational and logistical support of its
activities, as well as assisting in the performance of their duties
duties and rights.
3.9. Demand from the administration ____________________________________
(institute, university)
legal consolidation of authorship for objects of industrial and
intellectual property.
3.10. Appeal against orders and orders of the administration
__________________________ in the manner prescribed by law.
(institute, university)
3.11. Submit to the faculty council issues related to
improving the educational process and improving the quality of training
3.12. _____________________________________________________________.

4. Responsibility
The head of the department is responsible for:
4.1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official
duties set out in this job description
within the limits determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.2. For offenses committed in the course of exercising their
activities, - within the limits determined by administrative, criminal and
civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined
labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.4. ______________________________________________________________.

The job description was developed in accordance with ________________
document number and date)


Head of the legal department
(legal adviser)

(initials, surname)

"" ________________ 20__

I am familiar with the instruction: (initials, surname)

Added to site:

Job description of the head of the department[name of educational organization]

This job description was developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", section "Qualification characteristics of positions of managers and specialists of higher professional and additional professional education" of the Unified Qualification Directory of Managerial Positions , specialists and employees, approved. by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated January 11, 2011 N 1n, and other regulatory legal acts regulating labor relations.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The head of the department belongs to the teaching staff and directly reports to [name of the position of the immediate supervisor].

1.2. A person with a higher professional education, an academic degree and an academic title, experience in scientific and pedagogical work or work in organizations in the direction of professional activity corresponding to the activities of the department for at least 5 years is accepted for the position of head of the department.

1.3. For the position of head of the department in accordance with the requirements of Art. 331 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation a person is appointed:

Not deprived of the right to engage in pedagogical activities in accordance with a court verdict that has entered into legal force;

Having no or no criminal record, not being or not being prosecuted (with the exception of persons whose criminal prosecution has been terminated on rehabilitating grounds) for crimes against life and health, freedom, honor and dignity of a person (with the exception of illegal placement in a psychiatric hospital , libel and insults), sexual inviolability and sexual freedom of the individual, against the family and minors, public health and public morality, the foundations of the constitutional order and state security, as well as against public security;

Does not have an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for intentional grave and especially grave crimes;

Not recognized as incompetent in accordance with the procedure established by federal law;

Does not have diseases provided for by the list approved by the federal executive body responsible for the development of state policy and legal regulation in the field of healthcare.

1.4. The head of the department should know:

Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation on issues of higher professional education;

Local regulations of the educational organization;

Theory and methods of management of educational systems;

State educational standards of higher professional education;

The procedure for drawing up curricula;

Rules for maintaining documentation on educational work;

Fundamentals of pedagogy, physiology, psychology;

Methods of vocational training;

Methods and means of using educational technologies, including remote ones;

The main methods of searching, collecting, storing, processing, providing, disseminating information necessary for the implementation of research activities;

Mechanisms for registration of intellectual property rights;

Technology of organization of methodical, scientific-methodical, research work;

Modern forms and methods of training and education;

Rules and procedure for submitting students (students) to state and nominal scholarships;

Regulatory documents regulating the status of scientific, pedagogical and executive employees of educational organizations of higher professional education, the features of regulating their work;

Fundamentals of personnel management;

Fundamentals of ecology, economics, law, sociology;

Financial and economic activities of an educational organization;

Fundamentals of administrative, labor legislation;

Requirements for work on personal computers, other electronic digital devices;

Rules on labor protection and fire safety.

1.5. Election to the position of the head of the department and dismissal from office is carried out in the manner prescribed by the charter of the educational organization.

2. Job responsibilities

Head of Department:

2.1. Develops a strategy for the development of the department's activities in areas of training, strengthens and develops external relations with employers and educational authorities.

2.2. Carries out an analysis of the market of educational services and the labor market in the areas of training specialists at the department.

2.3. Forms proposals for improving the conduct of the educational process in the profile of the department.

2.4. Organizes inter-faculty, inter-university, international interaction of teachers of the department.

2.5. Ensures the implementation of the state educational standard.

2.6. It creates conditions for the formation of the main components of competence among students (students, listeners), which ensures the success of the future professional activity of graduates.

2.7. Develops a quality system for training specialists at the department.

2.8. Defines pedagogical methods and means of teaching in order to ensure the high quality of the educational process.

2.9. Organizes and controls the implementation of all types of training sessions in all forms of education.

2.10. Attends classes, as well as exams and tests of choice.

2.11. Regularly holds meetings of the department to discuss planned and current issues of educational, scientific, methodological activities of the employees of the department and educational work.

2.12. Prepares conclusions on the curricula and disciplines of the department, on the curricula of other departments of the faculty and educational organization.

2.14. Submits for approval to the dean of the faculty (director of the institute) the work plans of the department and individual work plans of the teachers of the department.

2.15. Carries out the distribution of the pedagogical load and functional duties between the employees of the department and controls the timeliness and quality of their performance.

2.16. Carries out a choice of modern technical teaching aids during training sessions and provides opportunities for their use.

2.17. Organizes and monitors familiarization, training and production and other types of practice of students (students, listeners), term papers and diploma papers.

2.18. Ensures the conduct of course exams and tests, as well as intermediate tests of students (students, trainees) in individual subjects; analyzes their results and reports on them at the meetings of the department.

2.19. Organizes, on behalf of the faculty management, the conduct of research work at the department, considers dissertations submitted for defense by employees of the department or applicants for a scientific degree.

2.20. Supervises the research work of students (students, students).

2.21. Organizes a discussion of completed research works and the results of the possibility of their implementation.

2.23. Provides drawing up conclusions on textbooks, educational and teaching aids.

2.24. Organizes work and is directly involved in the preparation of textbooks, visual aids and teaching materials of the department.

2.25. Controls the quality and implementation of individual plans of teachers of the department and other employees.

2.26. Conducts pedagogical and research work at the department.

2.27. It studies, generalizes and disseminates the experience of the teachers of the department, provides educational and methodological assistance to novice teachers of the department.

2.28. Supervises the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel.

2.29. Plans to improve the qualifications of teachers of the department.

2.30. Participates in the work of educational and methodological commissions of educational organizations in the areas of training, establishes relationships with other educational and other organizations in order to provide scientific and methodological assistance.

2.31. Takes part in the international activities of the department, the faculty of educational organizations, establishes and maintains international cooperation on the profile of the department with domestic and foreign higher educational institutions, research organizations, enterprises and institutions.

2.32. Participates in the development of the staffing table of the department of educational organization.

2.33. Ensures the compilation and storage of all types of documentation and reporting on the results of the department's activities.

2.34. Controls the implementation by students (students, students) and employees of the department of the rules on labor protection and fire safety.

2.35. [Other Job Responsibilities].

3. Rights

The head of the department has the right:

3.1. For all social guarantees provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation for teaching staff, including:

For reduced working hours;

For additional professional education in the profile of pedagogical activity at least once every three years;

For the annual main extended paid leave, the duration of which is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation;

For a long vacation for up to one year at least every ten years of continuous teaching work;

To provide housing out of turn under a social contract of employment (if the employee is registered as needing housing);

For the provision of residential premises of specialized housing stock;

To provide compensation for the cost of paying for housing, heating and lighting [for those living and working in rural settlements, workers' settlements (urban-type settlements)];

To pay additional expenses for medical, social and professional rehabilitation in cases of damage to health due to an accident at work and occupational disease.

3.2. Determine the content of training courses in accordance with state educational standards.

3.3. Independently determine pedagogically justified methods and means of teaching that ensure the high quality of the educational process.

3.4. Choose methods and means of conducting scientific research that meet safety measures.

3.5. Participate in the discussion and resolution of issues related to the activities of the [institute, university], as well as faculties and educational units.

3.6. Request information and documents necessary for the performance of their duties from the heads of structural divisions and other specialists.

3.7. Be present at all types of training sessions, as well as during examinations and tests.

3.8. Demand from management the organizational and logistical support of their activities, as well as assistance in the performance of their duties and rights.

3.9. Submit to the faculty council issues related to improving the educational process and improving the quality of student training.

3.10. [Other rights under labor law Russian Federation].

4. Responsibility

The head of the department is responsible for:

4.1. For violation of the charter of an educational organization.

4.2. For the use, including a single one, of methods of education associated with physical and (or) mental violence against the personality of the student.

4.3. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - to the extent determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.4. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.5. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

The job description was developed in accordance with [name, number and date of the document].

Head of Human Resources

[initials, last name]


[day month Year]


[job title]

[initials, last name]


[day month Year]

Familiarized with the instructions:

[initials, last name]


[day month Year]

"APPROVE" ______________________________ (head position)

______________________________ (name of company)

____________/________________/ (signature) (full name)

"___"____________ _____ G.


head of department


1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the head of graduate school (hereinafter referred to as the Employee) ______ "__________________".

1.2. The employee is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the head of the Employer.

1.3. The employee reports directly to ________________________.

1.4. A person with a higher education, at least 5 years of scientific or scientific-pedagogical work experience in the specialty or practice and an academic degree or title is elected to the position of an Employee.

1.5. The employee must know:

1.5.1. Current legislation, government regulations and orders, educational guidance and regulations.

1.5.2. Charter of the institute (university).

1.5.3. Theory and methods of educational systems management.

1.5.4. Decrees, orders, orders on educational work.

1.5.5. The order of drawing up curricula.

1.5.6. Rules for maintaining documentation on educational work.

1.5.7. Pedagogy, physiology, psychology and methods of vocational training.

1.5.8. Modern forms and methods of training and education of students.

1.6. During the period of temporary absence of the Employee, his duties are assigned to ____________________________.


2.1. Worker:

2.1.1. Organizes all types of training sessions in all forms of education.

2.1.2. Develops and submits for approval in the prescribed manner curricula in the disciplines of the department.

2.1.3. Prepares conclusions on curricula compiled by other departments.

2.1.4. Approves the plans of the department, individual work plans of teachers.

2.1.5. Carries out the distribution of the teaching load and functional duties between the employees of the department and controls the timeliness and quality of their implementation.

2.1.6. Carries out a choice of modern technical means during training sessions and ensures their use.

2.1.7. Organizes and manages pedagogical and industrial practices, term papers and graduation qualification (diploma) works.

2.1.8. Provides course examinations and tests.

2.1.9. Analyzes the results of course exams and tests.

2.1.10. Reviews dissertations submitted for defense by department staff or other applicants (on behalf of the rector).

2.1.11. Organizes research work at the department in accordance with the approved plan.

2.1.12. Supervises the research work of students.

2.1.13. Organizes a discussion of completed research works and the results of the implementation of these works.

2.1.15. Organizes the preparation of textbooks, educational, visual and other aids and manuals.

2.1.16. On behalf of the rectorate, it ensures the preparation of conclusions on textbooks, teaching aids and methodological literature.

2.1.17. Controls the implementation of individual plans for educational, scientific, methodological and other types of work of the staff of the department.

2.1.18. It studies, generalizes and disseminates the experience of the teachers of the department.

2.1.19. Provides assistance to novice teachers in mastering pedagogical skills.

2.1.20. Supervises the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel.

2.1.21. Carries out activities to improve the skills of specialists of an educational institution.

2.1.22. Submits to the leadership of the faculty and educational institution proposals for hiring, dismissal and relocation of department employees.

2.1.23. Submits ideas to the management of the faculty and educational institution about rewarding distinguished employees, as well as about the application of disciplinary measures to violators of labor and educational discipline.

2.1.24. Ensures the compilation, accounting and storage of documentation of the department.

2.1.25. Annually reports on the results of its activities to the staff of the department.

2.1.26. Establishes relations with educational institutions, institutions and other organizations in order to provide scientific and methodological assistance.

2.1.27. Ensures the safety of equipment assigned to the department, inventory, as well as educational and industrial premises.


3.1. The employee has the right to:

Providing him with a job stipulated by an employment contract;

A workplace that meets the state regulatory requirements for labor protection and the conditions provided for by the collective agreement;

Complete reliable information about working conditions and labor protection requirements at the workplace;

Vocational training, retraining and advanced training in accordance with the procedure established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws;

Obtaining materials and documents related to their activities, familiarization with the draft decisions of the Organization's management relating to its activities;

Interaction with other departments of the Employer to resolve operational issues of their professional activities;

Submit proposals on the issues of their activities for consideration by their immediate supervisor.

3.2. The employee has the right:

3.2.1. Determine the content of training courses in accordance with state educational standards.

3.2.2. Independently determine pedagogically justified methods and means of teaching that ensure the high quality of the educational process.

3.2.3. Choose methods and means of conducting scientific research that meet safety measures.

3.2.4. Participate in the discussion and resolution of issues related to the activities of the institute (university), as well as the faculty and other educational units.

3.2.5. Be present at all types of training sessions, as well as during examinations and tests.


4.1. The employee is responsible for:

4.1.1. Failure to perform or improper performance of their duties under this job description - in accordance with applicable labor laws.

4.1.2. Violation of safety regulations and labor protection instructions.

Failure to take measures to suppress the identified violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the Employer and his employees.

4.1.2. Offenses committed during the period of its activities - in accordance with the current civil, administrative and criminal legislation.

4.1.3. For causing material damage - in accordance with applicable law.


5.1. The work schedule of the Employee is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established by the Employer.

5.2. In connection with the production need, the Employee is obliged to go on business trips (including local ones).

This job description was developed in accordance with _________________________________________________________________ (name, number and date of the document)

AGREED: Legal Counsel _________________ ______________ "___" _________ ____ (full name) (signature)

Familiarized with the instruction: _________ / ________ / "__" _____ __ (signature) (full name)
