What are Chinese character tattoos and their meaning in the modern fashion industry. The hieroglyph, in fact, is an illustrative result of the generalization of everything around the symbol. Figuratively, this is not an overgrown well of antiquity, which does not replace a certain object or concept so much as informs us and the environment about it. Alphabetical writing differs from hieroglyphs in that each of the hieroglyphs is assigned a certain meaning, and not only phonetic.

A little about Chinese writing

Chinese characters are considered the most ancient and are used not only in their homeland, but also in Japanese and Korean writing. Even before the year 45 of the last century, Chinese writing was widely used in Vietnam. The number of hieroglyphs is not reliably known to anyone, since they are systematically and continuously modified. Every day, people around the world use at least a few thousand characters. The approximate number of all existing signs is 50,000 pieces. Statistics say that a thousand everyday signs cover approximately 92% of all printed materials.

  1. Simple signs have one dash, for example: read And, stands for one.
  2. The hieroglyph with the largest number of dashes consists of three characters: , read moons, designation - dragon.

Interesting!Researchers of writing are very surprised by the fact that hieroglyphic writing does not depend on the dialect at all. For example, if you need to say something to an interlocutor from China, and you write a hieroglyph on paper, then every resident of this country will understand you, regardless of which province he came from.

Hieroglyphs tattoos of Chinese origin

Modern writing in China comes from ancient pictograms denoting objects. It is proved that the most ancient signs date back to the 2nd millennium BC. e. Compared to all existing writing systems today, Chinese writing is considered ideographic. In other words, it conveys not the sound, but the meaning of the word. This helps the Chinese to understand each other, promotes unity, because this country is divided into a huge number of dialects.

The style of writing hieroglyphs in modern times is called kaishu - exemplary writing. Complex Chinese characters are mostly made up of keys. What is it and how to understand it?

What are the keys in Chinese characters?

These are the so-called graphic components. After all, in themselves they are separate unpretentious signs. It helps to classify the written sign (hieroglyph), referring it to a certain thematic group, for example:

  1. Key - - a simple sign, means - "man".
  2. He is in hieroglyph - translates as "death".
  3. And in 亿 means "many" or "one hundred million".
  4. The same key in hieroglyph reads "remainder".
  5. And in the sign "child".

The Chinese are sure that in order to understand and speak their language well, it is enough to master 4 thousand characters. Hieroglyphs are, in fact, very difficult to write, and it is even more difficult to translate them. But in the tattoo industry, a certain trend has already formed.

Important!This does not mean that choosing a tattoo should be limited only to these symbols. Each person has the right to express his desires, negative or, conversely, positive emotions, inspire himself with some encouraging expressions, capture some pleasant, memorable moment for the rest of his life, and so on.

What do Chinese characters mean tattoo in Russian?

Perhaps someone will find the above symbols intuitive. By and large, some of them are similar to the meanings, objects and things that they actually represent. This is easily explained, because the hieroglyphs are the "natives" of pictograms. And those, in turn, are designed to specifically express the meaning of the picture.

first sign means the sun. One of the oldest symbols found in all languages ​​of East Asia.

Interesting!It was originally depicted as a circle, but over time it transformed into what you see. A similar fate touched a number of other signs. This is explained by the formation of common traditions in the peoples where they are used. The second explanation is that rounded shapes are not very convenient in writing, and besides, they make it chaotic.

Symbol is considered a key and is used in signs such as:

  • 旦 - dawn;
  • 旧 - past, ancient, ancient.

Next key character has two designations - "warehouse" and "cliff". Included in characters such as:

  • 厄 - adversity, disaster, difficulty;
  • calendar, history;
  • 厈 - cliff.

Key translates as land. Examples of characters with his participation:

  • 圥 – mushroom;
  • - tomb or tomb ;
  • 圧 - crush or press.

Important! This example is not given in order to use these hieroglyphs in a tattoo, but to understand that one graphic component can fundamentally change the meaning of a word symbol.

Reasons for popularity in tattooing

Tattoos in the form of Chinese characters have always been in demand and popular. It is obvious that they will never cease to be in demand. Especially in countries far outside of Asia. Such a tattoo gives the impression of some mysticism and mystery. But before rushing to the salon for such a fashionable image on the body, you need to properly understand all the intricacies and meanings of hieroglyphs.

Asians themselves often prefer to get a tattoo in the form of a hieroglyph, however, for some reason, in English and with a lot of mistakes. As for the Europeans, they prefer to prick a hieroglyph on the body.

In our country, a certain canon and traditions in tattooing regarding hieroglyphs have long been formed. In fact, all existing salons offer customers a single standard character set.

Consider the most well-known and sought-after Chinese characters for tattoos about love, health, career and their meanings.

HappinessProtection of the Gods and Heaven. Gives happiness, good luck and luck in the field where a person wants to become successful.
Double HappinessIt is considered a very powerful talisman. They say it even fulfills secret desires. But it is more expedient to use it to attract happiness and understanding with your beloved half.
LoveAttracts love. Endowed with powerful power. Helps to "attract" a soul mate, gives joy, peace.
Eternal loveHieroglyph-talisman, symbolizing eternal friendship, mutual understanding, sincere love. Supports the flame of passion between loving hearts.永愛
LuckA good sign as an amulet, preserves and even increases luck.
WealthContributes to the creation of a favorable atmosphere for prosperity in business. A good amulet not only in terms of income, but also in the general situation of affairs.
MoneyOne of the most sought after and popular feng shui symbols. Attracts luck and wealth where it is placed, if it concerns the premises. In comparison with the symbol, wealth works a little differently, attracting not wealth and prosperity, but the energy of money.
ProsperityPromotes career growth, helps to regulate life aspects. That is why it is so often used both in tattoos and as a talisman.繁榮
abundanceBrings prosperity to the house, and the abundance of what the owner wants or wants. As well as the symbol of "Prosperity" attracts luck and abundance in any field of activity. 豐富
LongevitySymbol-amulet of health. It is also considered one of the most popular hieroglyphs.長壽
ForceStrengthens physical and spiritual strength. Suitable for both marriage and family.

The meanings of other Chinese characters in a tattoo in Russian

This is not a complete list of Chinese symbols symbolizing growth, prosperity, love and wealth. The Chinese language is considered the most powerful and diverse.

What should you know before going to a tattoo parlor?

Before deciding on a tattoo in the form of a Chinese character, you should very carefully study the symbol that turned out to be your priority. To prevent the trouble that one European young man got into. In his naivete, he trusted the tattoo master, expressing his preferences and wishes. He paid a lot of money, stuck hieroglyphs on his body, which, in his opinion, should have meant: love, obey and respect.

While he was in his own country, nothing happened, but when, by coincidence, he went to China, it all started. Everyone, without exception, the Chinese paid attention to him, even turned around in surprise. The guy decided to find out what was the matter, and after inquiring with the locals, he found out that he had not at all what he wanted.

In fact, he had a message stamped on him that at the end of the day he becomes a very bad and ugly boy. Returning to Germany, he had to spend money again to remove the ill-fated tattoo with a laser.

Important!Summarizing everything that was said above, you can see that the choice of a symbol for a tattoo requires special attention. The beauty of the picture here goes to the background, here the meaning of the hieroglyph plays a big role. After all, one sign can have several meanings, and sometimes they are completely different.

Which salon should I go to?

There are a lot of salons that will kindly provide a tattoo service, including Chinese characters. But some precautions should still be followed by everyone who wears such beauty on the body.

What must be done:

  1. Make a preliminary plan or drawing of the image that is preferred.
  2. Compare the sketch with several analogues on the Internet.
  3. Read as much information about its meaning as you can.
  4. Consult with several experienced tattoo specialists. It is desirable that they were not just masters, artists, but well versed and understood the art of the East.

  1. Choose a tattoo artist who, in addition to oriental art, specializes in a number of genres. A good master is one who devotes all his time to one profile and his vocation - oriental art. In other genres, he, in fact, should not have free time, as well as desires.
  2. Get a tattoo without thinking, and so - for fun. The East does not tolerate thoughtlessness and frivolity. Many hieroglyphs are very similar to each other, so it is very easy to make a mistake here, correcting a mistake will be harder, more painful and more expensive.

Options for applying a hieroglyph tattoo on the body

Those who revere Chinese characters as amulets with a magical meaning, capable of, for example, protecting against evil forces, quarrels, and so on, make tattoos in the form of a talisman, choosing prominent parts of the body so that sorcery begins immediately.

It is not at all necessary to wear a tattoo, for example, on the neck, hoping for goodness and wealth. It is not a fact that the Chinese hieroglyph tattoo dream, the meaning of which is to bring good luck and success, will certainly bring it and other human benefits.

After all, inscriptions decorated in any way look no less attractive and mysterious, for example, in three-dimensional execution or woven into any image or written in several colors on other parts of the body.

Important!Writing hieroglyphs, especially pricking them on the body, is not an easy task, and if you choose between a pattern or symbols, then the latter can give the body no less wealth, beauty and mystery.

Drawing Chinese characters is a whole science, which not every master manages to learn. After all, when deep meaning, mystery and beauty are combined, such a combination cannot remain unnoticed or appreciated. Apparently, this is why Chinese characters are in such consumer demand and popularity.

Chinese lucky symbols and their meanings are of great importance in Chinese culture. The Chinese believe that one should surround oneself with lucky symbols and motifs to ensure good luck in their lives and careers. But the pursuit of good luck is not limited to these symbols, as the Chinese also love to use lucky words, use auspicious patterns, and perform rituals during traditional festivals to invoke good luck and blessings.

At the center of this, there are three gods of fortune, namely the God of Prosperity, the God of Longevity, and the God of Fortune. Hence, the idea of ​​good luck such as these three Gods is often seen in various artworks, paintings, sculptures, furniture, architectural decorations, clothes, restaurants, houses and buildings, and we can classify them into animals, plants, figures, objects and symbols. .

Lucky symbols in animal design, both real and imagined, are the most commonly seen and used, and some come from ancient mythologies and legends. Examples are:

  • dragon
  • Phoenix
  • Keelin - Dragon Unicorn麒麟 (deer body, cow tail, head horn)
  • pixio貔貅 (a legendary creature that looks like a winged lion)

There are also four mythological creatures in the Chinese constellations that represent the Four Symbols (四象) and

  • 東方青龙 (Azure - Dragon of the East)
  • 西方白虎 (white tiger - West)
  • 南方朱雀 (phoenix - birds of the South)
  • 北方玄武 (black warrior of the North, combination of turtle and snake)

Each represents a direction and a season with its own characteristics and origins, and they have been and still are very important in China, Korea, Vietnam and Japan.

Often these symbols are depicted lavishly in architecture and furniture in particular. For example, the Qilin statue in front of the palace, or the phoenixes embroidered on the bedspread, curtains and blanket.

Animals and birds with auspicious connotations: lion, tiger, crane, deer, bat and magpie. Birds such as magpies and bats represent good luck. Their names (magpie) - symbolizes good luck, while the bat represents bliss, due to the fact that their names sound like good luck and bliss to the Chinese. Some sea creatures, such as fish, whose name sounds like "surplus" in Chinese, are often served during the Chinese New Year. And sometimes different animals are combined as a set due to their auspicious representations - for example, the dragon and phoenix are often seen at weddings, and the tortoise and crane are often seen at holiday dinners, symbolizing longevity.

Bat (蝙蝠):

We usually see five bats together and they are supposed to represent good luck and love, long life, good health, wealth and a peaceful death. For the Chinese, the bat is also a symbol of longevity due to their long life, and red bats in particular are supposed to ward off evil spirits.

Magpie (鹊):

The magpie was often carved into the back of hand mirrors. When a man was called to war, the wife would break the mirror in half, leaving one for herself and giving the other half to her husband. She said that if one of them was unfaithful, their half of the mirror would turn into a magpie and go to the other spouse to tell him about the infidelity.

Sometimes a magpie is depicted with a horse and this symbolizes double luck and joy, while a magpie depicted together with bamboo and plums symbolizes good luck in love and marriage, and finally two magpies together represent a long relationship.

Carps (鲤鱼):

The carp, or 鲤鱼 in Chinese, is a symbol of good luck and success in Chinese culture. These fish often swim upstream and this is auspicious in Chinese because they represent patience and determination and that wishes will be granted after some time of failure.

Rooster (公鸡):

The rooster is a symbol of good luck for the Chinese as it symbolizes confidence, strength and advancement. This symbol is also widely used in business environments, and the Chinese always take a rooster with an impressive comb for new work as a symbol of good luck.

Dragon (龙):

In Chinese culture, the dragon is considered the supreme being of all other animals and creatures due to its powerful symbolism of good luck, protection, prosperity, and success, and because the Chinese consider the emperor to be the son of the dragon. Consequently, the image of the dragon is often depicted in palaces, temples, houses and on dishes and cutlery such as bowls, plates, spoons, etc. In particular, in the Forbidden City of China, there are elements of Chinese dragons - on roofs, stone floors, chairs , sculptures, pillars, handrails, etc.

In particular, the nine dragons are particularly strong and are mainly used in building decorations and sculptures. Your feng shui master might advise you to place any of these in different parts of your home for specific energy. Here are 9 dragons courtesy of China:

  • Bisi(赑屃) (a cross between a Chinese dragon and a Chinese tortoise, one of the "Nine Sons of the Dragon") is an elder dragon, often referred to as the turtle dragon due to its shape. He is also the most popular and recognized, strong and powerful with sharp teeth, fond of carrying heavy objects symbolizing the hardships of life. It represents long life, prosperity and strength and is often found on tombstones in graves and on monuments.
  • Qiu Niu(囚牛) (Cow-dragon hybrid). This yellow dragon loves music and is often found on musical instruments.
  • Yaji(睚眦) (wolf/dragon hybrid) - This fearsome warrior has a snake's belly and a leopard's head, and always wins in war. Often seen on the handles of swords, it is a symbol for those worn as a protector in the military.
  • gong fu(嘲风) (Hybrid of goat and dragon). This creature is very adventurous and loves to climb and eat, and is often seen on the four corners of rooftops and palace rooftops. This dragon is believed to protect against floods and disasters.
  • Pu lao(蒲牢) (Dog-Dragon Hybrid) - This dragon controls sounds and likes to scream. It is often used for temple bells and command pens.
  • Chiwen(螭吻) (Fish-dragon hybrid). This dragon protects water and is often used on palace roofs and balconies to provide protection from fire and danger, as well as natural disasters such as floods. He lives in the sea and has a stern voice, enjoying eating sea creatures.
  • Bian(狴犴) (Tiger-Dragon Hybrid) - A defender of the law, a fair judge who loves lawsuits and often stands at prison gates. This symbol is used if people are in legal trouble.
  • swanney(狻猊) (A hybrid of a lion and a dragon). This fire and smoke dragon lion loves to sit cross-legged, watch over his kingdom and smell incense. It bestows wisdom and wealth and is often depicted on the basis of Buddhas, or on Buddhist incense temples and resting places.
  • Fu xi(负屃) - This is the youngest Chinese dragon and is often found on stone tablets.

Lucky or golden cat (发财猫):

The lucky cat or golden cat symbolizes the transformation of evil into good luck and is a symbol of protection from evil. This cat is often two-sided, with one side showing a smiling cat with its paw up to attract wealth, and the other side showing a frowning cat holding a broom, symbolizing protection, sweeping away trouble while taking care of you.

Plants and fruits

Plants, flowers, trees, shrubs, herbs and fruits have always been very popular as auspicious symbols since ancient times. This can be explained by their forms or growth characteristics, their names or the ancient stories and folk legends in which they are presented. According to Zhu Wen's "Chinese good luck motifs", the allegorical meanings can be loosely classified as:

  • Call for wealth and prosperity
  • longevity wish
  • Expectation of a harmonious family
  • Expressing your desires and aspirations

Peony and Pumpkin:

Peony and gourd are two plants that represent wealth and status - peony can bring happiness, wealth while gourd can bring prosperity.

Pine and peach:

Pine is a symbol of endurance and vigor, and peach is a symbol of longevity. A peach-shaped cake can bring joy to an older person's birthday.

Grapes and pomegranate:

Since grapes and pomegranates have a large number of seeds, the Chinese generally consider them symbols of fertility and a large number of offspring, which is very important for the Chinese. As a result, these two fruits are a permanent fixture during Chinese weddings, where the pomegranate is placed in the bride's room and the inside is opened to reveal its seeds. The traditional Chinese canopy bed engraved with bunches of grapes is also a common item in wedding rooms.

Bamboo (兰草 ) and Chrysanthemums:

According to "Chinese good luck motifs", bamboo and fragrant chrysanthemums are often associated with good luck as they subtly represent its aspirations. For example, bamboo represents the ambition and spirit of a person, while chrysanthemums symbolize pride.

Finally, certain plants and fruits are often combined together to give favorable patterns. For example, the yulan peony (magnolia) and the Chinese apple blossom branch together represent "wealth and rank in harmonious, prosperous families." Pumpkin and wheat together mean "tens of thousands of generations of descendants." The orchid and the lingzhi mushroom symbolize "friendship" between virtuous people, "while the pine, plum and bamboo are known as the" three friends of winter.


Other plants and flowers bearing powerful symbolism:

  • Apple - peaceful
  • Apricot - beauty, spring and good luck
  • Cherry blossom - strength and beauty
  • orange - prosperity
  • Lotus flower - enlightenment


Since ancient times, certain figures have been associated with auspicious symbolism. They can be classified as immortal Buddhists and Taoists, historical celebrities and beautiful ladies and men.

Buddhist and Taoist Gods:

Immortals such as the Buddhist Gods, the Eight Immortal Gods, the Chinese gods of doors, the God of Fortune, Prosperity and Longevity, all of them originate from the religions of Buddhism, Taoism or Confucianism.

God of Wealth and God of the Door:

The God of Wealth and the God of the Palace are very popular with the Chinese, and statues of them are often placed in homes and workplaces.

The carvings of the Eight Immortal Gods traveling through the sea are often depicted on ridge decorations on rooftops or ornamental decorations on front walls because the Chinese believe that they can provide safety and protection from evil or monsters.

God of Happiness:

The Happy Buddha, or Laughing Buddha, with his round belly and huge smile symbolizes good luck, abundance and prosperity.


Other symbolic figures from several stories and folklore, and they are:

  • The Seven Wise Men of the Bamboo Grove are for fearlessly expressing yourself
  • Lin Heiking is a famous poet who symbolizes a noble and honest life.
  • Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai are "butterfly lovers" who represent the pursuit of freedom and love
  • Healthy and charming boys - represent aspirations for a large number of descendants, or wealth and good luck


Auspicious everyday items are things we use on a daily basis, such as writing, making music, or decorating homes. They carry auspicious meanings from their names, and some are believed to protect against evil spirits. Since ancient times, home decoration with such objects has become very popular.

Incense lamp: Incense lamp.

Musical instruments:

Musical instruments such as the "Eight Sounds" (eight different musical instruments made of metal, stone, string, bamboo, gourd, clay, leather and wood), together with the bell and musical stone, represent conviviality, harmony and good fortune.

Writing instruments:

These include the "Four Treasures of Research", which means writing brush, inkwell, paper and inkstone, which together represent the praise and admiration of a scholar with deep knowledge and high cultural achievement.


According to "Chinese good luck motifs", other objects also serve as auspicious symbols, and they often acted as ornaments, carved on beams or posts, on cabinet doors, or as decorative windows.

  • Pendant with red or peach rope
  • ancient coins
  • rhinoceros horn
  • Five Kinds of Favors - five ritual items made of jade, which include bi(a round flat piece of jade with a hole), juan(semicircular jade pendant), gui(an elongated pointed jade tablet), kong(rectangular jade with round holes) and zhang(jade tablet gui).
  • The Hidden Eight Immortal Elements are Li Taiguai's gourd, He Xingu's lotus flower, and Lu Dongbin's sword.
  • The eight auspicious objects of Buddhism are the magic shell, the magic wheel and the treasure umbrella.


Traditional symbols that are auspicious are very popular and festive and can be classified as follows:

  • Chinese character 寿 means longevity
  • Chinese character 囍 means holiday
  • Chinese character 福 which means happiness or luck

floating clouds:

Patterns of floating clouds in the sky represent elevated status. These signs are increasingly used in homes and furniture these days, although they were once exclusively visible only in imperial designs.

Ice crack, flowers and herbs:

The images of the ice crack, flowers and herbs are those that are shaped like bamboo leaves and they refer to elegance and nature. They are often featured in gardens or furniture in the home of scholars or educators.

Finally, as discussed above, various auspicious symbols can be combined together to bring their own auspicious connotations, such as animals and plants together, or a specific object and an abstract sign, and most of these should be seen in architectural structures in homes and furniture or interiors. .

Let's see what they are made of. Traits and Chinese character keys- the main components of hieroglyphs that will help you unravel the mystery of this mysterious script.

Features of Chinese characters

Take a closer look at the hieroglyphs: 如何写象形文字.

Each hieroglyph consists of separate lines, which are called traits. The number of lines in hieroglyphs can be from one to 20-30 pieces. For example, the character 一 - yī - one consists of one horizontal line.

But there are hieroglyphs-record holders for the number of features. For example, a hieroglyph consisting of 84 lines means "a kind of dragon in flight." It is composed of three hieroglyphs for "cloud", and three hieroglyphs for "dragon".

Each stroke is written in a certain direction - from top to bottom or (and) from left to right.

In total there are several main features (see figure).

When several lines are written together (without taking the pen off the paper), complex lines are obtained, which are called ligatures.

Ligatures may begin with horizontal or other strokes. When counting strokes in a character, the ligature is counted as one stroke. Below are the tables of ligatures.

Now you can distinguish individual features in each character: 如何写象形文字.

Graphemes and keys of Chinese characters

There is another element of the hieroglyph - grapheme. A grapheme is a kind of mini-hieroglyph. A grapheme can itself be an independent hieroglyph (but not always), or it can be part of a hieroglyph. An example is 妈 = 女 + 马.

There are graphs keys- these are graphemes that are associated with the meaning of the hieroglyph. The rest of the character is called phonetician- that is, the defining sound.

So, the hieroglyph consists of graphemes and individual features.

You also need to consider that there are traditional hieroglyphs (operating in Taiwan, Korea), and simplified ones (operating in the PRC).

For traditional characters, a table of 214 keys is usually given. For simplified ones, tables of 170-180 keys were compiled.

You can download for yourself a table of 214 hieroglyphs (the table consists of 2 parts).

Keymap (continued)

Chinese characters- components of Chinese writing, Chinese characters is the topic of this article. Chinese characters are the oldest scripts in existence. Chinese character consists of standard features (from one to 28), repeated in various combinations. Chinese character corresponds to a toned syllable (there are three tones in Chinese) and denotes a single word or morpheme. Complex Chinese characters are a combination of simple characters, of which there are about 300. In fact, Chinese characters, or hieroglyphic writing, unlike alphabetical writing, have almost no connection with the language itself. The list of Chinese characters, like any dictionary, unlike the alphabet, is open, and its volume grows over time. Chinese characters are one of the most profound and mysterious forms of writing on the planet. Each Chinese character is a drawing, each sign has its own history and meaning. Its signs should be understood associatively, figuratively. And if the study of colloquial speech of the Chinese language begins with phonetics, then mastering written literacy - with the Chinese character. Each Chinese character consists of a certain number of graphic elements (there are more than 200 in total). As a rule, these elements by themselves do not carry any semantic load. Combinations of graphic elements written in a certain sequence are called graphemes. A grapheme can be used as an independent simple Chinese character, or as part of a complex one. The number of Chinese characters, like the characters themselves, has constantly changed over the course of history. The greatest number of them was collected in the collection "Ji Yun", compiled during the Sun Dynasty. This collection contains 53,525 Chinese characters. Today it is impossible to determine exactly how many Chinese characters the Chinese script has. The average Chinese uses several thousand Chinese characters in his speech. A person who understands the meanings of 1.5-3.5 thousand hieroglyphs is considered literate. In an attempt to calculate the exact number of Chinese characters, the opinions of linguists differed. Some call the figure 40 thousand, others - 70 thousand. Most Chinese characters are found only in the texts of classical folk literature. Consider the structure of Chinese characters. In some dictionaries, Chinese characters are arranged depending on the number of strokes and on the graphic alphabet. In this system, the entire mass of Chinese characters is subdivided into 5 divisions of the direction and into 24 bases. The basis is considered to be a line in the lower right corner of the Chinese character. If this line is absent, then the bottom line is taken as the basis: . In the Chinese dictionary, the list of Chinese characters opens with the first division of the direction and the first stem. Complex Chinese characters follow each other in the following order: the grapheme on the left is added first; then in the upper left corner ; and finally on top. The following are some simple Chinese characters arranged in graphic alphabet order:

For the first time the word "hieroglyph" was used by the Christian preacher Clement of Alexandria. Of course, he did not designate with them the written signs of China, but the ancient Egyptian symbols carved on stones. Literally translated from Greek - "sacred inscriptions".

People have always believed that there are natural forces that can influence fate - the ancient Chinese were convinced that nature and man are one, while being in constant motion. It was these principles that became the basis of the Feng Shui teaching, which states that space is filled with auspicious flows. Anyone is able to control them, attracting harmony to themselves.

Hieroglyphs of good luck

To achieve success, feng shui advises using one of the most powerful symbols - the hieroglyph "dzu".

It consists of two parts and its meaning is very symbolic. The upper part, similar to a cross, called "shi", denotes a spiritually developed person, a sage. The lower part - "kou" - translates as "words, advice." It turns out that the message lies in one sign - "good luck accompanies the one who listens to the advice of the sage."

Where is the best place to use it?

Many people who are interested in Chinese characters and their meaning mistakenly believe that once they have acquired or painted a character, it does not matter where it is located. It is not recommended to wear it in a wallet or as a pendant on the chest - without coming into direct contact with the energy of the home, the hieroglyph will not reveal its full potential.

In the house for him, you need to choose a place where he will influence the area in which luck is needed. In the corridor, it will serve as a common protection for everyone; placed in the work area - will help career growth, in the money sector - will bring general well-being. For greater effectiveness, it should be used in combination with other hieroglyphs.

The next sign means "love" and is pronounced "ay". In combination with the previous hieroglyph, it will bring good luck in matters of the heart. If there is no second "half" yet, he will help to find it, if there is one, he will save and bring peace and tranquility to the relationship. It is better to place it in the southwest, and you can also carry it with you - the closer to the heart, the better.

The hieroglyph for "happiness" is pronounced "fu". It consists of two parts - "god" and "abundance" - the Chinese are convinced that happiness can only be known in selfless service to the god who gives abundance. It should be placed in the area where there is not enough happiness.

Hieroglyph "longevity" (pronounced "show") - gives health and a long happy life. The best place for him is the bedroom.

The hieroglyph "health" gives recovery to the sick, brings health and success.

The hieroglyph "money" attracts, opens up the possibility of a new job, helps to get an additional source of income.

The Chinese use over 10,000 characters. Before placing any of them in your home, be sure to consult knowledgeable people. This is especially true of tattoos, otherwise the consequences can be very deplorable.
