Is playable. But, in addition to this, there is also a productive one. What it is? This means that as a result of classes, the child creates some kind of finished product. The organization of the productive activities of preschoolers is the task of each educator. Being engaged in it, the child is socialized, he develops perseverance, the desire to complete the work he has begun, and a graphic skill. Multiple studies have proven that this is the most important activity for children in the older groups of the kindergarten, thanks to which favorable conditions are created for teachers, including future teachers who will work with the child in the lower grades. The fact is that the productive activity of preschoolers, combined with the game, prepares the child's psyche for school.

What are productive activities?

This is the name of the classes, as a result of which the child will create a given product with the specified qualities. Which of the following are productive activities?

  • modeling figurines and clay;
  • assembling an interesting design in various ways;
  • making crafts from various materials (paper, cardboard, beads, foliage, etc.);
  • complex exercises with layouts;
  • creating pictures with paints, pencils, chalk;
  • production of applications and mosaics.

All kinds of productive activities are important for the development of children. Preschoolers need to be interested in order to get the desired result, but this is the work of teachers. In all institutions aimed at educating young children, these classes are included. Parents should know what the productive activity of a preschooler is aimed at, why it is so important. If you study at home with your child on your own or prefer not to take him to kindergarten, then this publication will be useful for you.

The need for productive activity

The purpose of the classes is the comprehensive development and upbringing of the preschool child. Children develop in many ways, so it is important to include in the classes all types of productive activities of preschoolers, not focusing only on drawing or modeling. Classes should be held in a playful way, and not "under pressure", the kid should be aware that it's fun, in addition, he will be proud of his product at the end of the work. At the same time, he will gradually learn the need to listen carefully to the teacher, and do whatever is necessary to get the result.

All over the world, experts have studied the productive activities of preschoolers, and came to the conclusion that it is able to develop the following qualities in children:

  1. Good creative imagination, the mechanism of thinking, that is, the ability to think logically, compare, analyze and synthesize.
  2. Purposefulness, perseverance and perseverance.
  3. Good mental abilities, since the productive activities of preschoolers are cognitive activities.
  4. Fine motor skills of the fingers and muscles of the hands.
  5. The methods of productive activity of preschoolers are aimed at conveying to children the need for independent work.
  6. Curiosity, inquisitiveness and initiative.

Classes also have a positive effect on the discipline of children, teachers noted a good connection between productive activity and sensory education. That is, in order for a child to have a good idea of ​​an object, he must know how it looks, its color, usefulness, size and location in space.

In the process of classes, all qualities are manifested, primarily mental and physical, and teachers know exactly which child and what needs to be done more, they give practical advice to parents.

A productive preschooler provides the practice and skills that will be required for later learning and work. For example, to create an application, you need to make some efforts, think carefully about the placement of objects, place them correctly, and this requires creative actions. In the process of classes, children gain experience in independent work.

An integrated approach is well implemented in the productive activities of preschoolers. In addition, kids are able to completely relax, and this is getting rid of all sorts of fears of society. Children, creating a product on their own, can realize their ideas about a particular object in the model, receive a material embodiment of an imaginary design.


We suggest that you get to know the productive activity closer in order to have an accurate idea of ​​​​it.

  1. Self-creation of various items that are suitable for games, cognitive and research activities.
  2. Making items that will fill the art gallery of a preschool institution.
  3. Ability to design layouts.
  4. Designing the group's own book, where drawings, children's stories, and their chronicles will be included. You can also create a nature diary, and the children will decorate it with pictures, a herbarium.
  5. Production of scenery and decorations for the holidays. For example, garlands, posters, posters, Christmas decorations.
  6. Creation for a holiday for parents, greeting cards for them, souvenirs that will be distributed at the end of the performance.
  7. Development of the wall newspaper of the group.
  8. Think of a story as a group. You can diversify classes by creating a fairy tale or story each time so that each word begins with one letter. By the way, this is a very good lesson for the development of oral creativity, logic, help in learning to read and write.
  9. Creating your own performance. You can prepare your own script for it, and the children should help. Sets and costume elements are also collectively created.

Why is all this necessary? The fact is that the development of productive activities for preschoolers is not only interesting, but also very useful.

Lesson results

For children, it is necessary to create a system of classes. If the teacher correctly distributes productive activities, and all of its types are involved, the result will be as follows:

  • children will be developed creatively;
  • the group will have an excellent psychological environment;
  • preschoolers will be well prepared for schoolwork.

Most often, productive activity connects several areas, these are creativity, socialization, knowledge, work, communication, safety of preschoolers. Artistic and productive activities and creativity can develop the child's speech. At this age, there are many problems with it, it is scarcity (poor vocabulary), monosyllabicity, it consists only of simple sentences, and the words are far from beautiful, literary ones. For example: "cho", instead of "what", "beautiful flower", instead of "I like this flower, because ...", well, instead of "I don't want this, because ..." you can also hear "leave me alone ", and other expressions. Children need to be taught to speak beautifully, to explain their preferences more fully and efficiently.

In addition, children receive moral education, consolidate the knowledge gained in the learning process, they develop the necessary qualities of character:

  • activity;
  • independence;
  • observation;
  • purposefulness;
  • patience;
  • the desire to complete what has been started;
  • the ability to "sort out" the information received and its assimilation.

Productive activities also improve the physical condition of children. They become more cheerful, the mood improves, the general tone rises, the character becomes more relaxed and active. After classes and on them the child is active. It is important to immediately correctly form his posture, gait, body position, because all these qualities in the future will be useful to a still little man. Productive activity allows you to coordinate movements, "tune" the vestibular apparatus, strengthen the muscles.

Now we offer to get acquainted with the main types of productive activities. And at the same time we note the features of each.

Productive activity of preschoolers: drawing

Kids especially love to draw. Here they have room for imagination, everything is depicted on paper: heroes of fairy tales, space, forest, individual objects, patterns, scenes experienced in life - here the child fully realizes his thinking. Drawing, children once again experience the experienced emotions, reveal their thoughts. Usually, the drawing task is given on independent topics, that is, everyone decides for himself what, how and in what color to depict. From the drawings, you can judge the character of the baby, and find out his fears that he keeps in himself. Sometimes it is recommended to visit a psychologist so that he can solve the problem of the child, correct the idea of ​​the world around him.


It is necessary to engage in this activity collectively, draw on one topic. Fine art allows children to instill a sense of beauty, an aesthetic idea of ​​the world, individual objects. The development of the productive activity of preschoolers is priceless, because classes teach you to see beauty in everything around you, and only a harmonious, developed and intelligent person is capable of this. Children develop a sense of aesthetics, they change their attitude to each bug, blade of grass, as soon as they correctly tell what and how to draw. For example: "Look how long the antennae this bug has, without them it will not be able to live, so be sure to draw it." Well, after that, how can a beetle tear off these antennae by catching it in the grass? The child learns to see only the good in everything, his behavior changes for the better, his beliefs are formed.

Grattage (dac-scratches)

You need to take cardboard (white), shade it with multi-colored wax crayons, and then use a sponge to apply a thick layer of black gouache, or better ink, since gouache, even if dried, will stain the baby’s fingers and his clothes when in contact. After that, the children are given pens or other objects with a sharp but safe tip, and they must scratch out the design on the material received. The result is a pattern, or some object created from thin multi-colored stripes on a black background. The joy of children will not be the limit!

Modeling and application

The peculiarity of modeling is that a child can create a three-dimensional image of cars, animals, fruits and other favorite items. The subject matter is very varied. Modeling has an excellent effect on fine motor skills, forms imagination and a sense of space, because after making objects they can be placed farther or closer from each other, satisfies the needs of children in knowledge and creativity.

By creating applications, children learn to cut out objects on their own, arrange them in the right places, stick objects and elements on paper. Here, again, the development of finger motility, coordination is involved. To create an application, you need to think hard, think creatively, because there are rarely whole and clear objects in the details, so you need to match them correctly. In addition, a preschooler gets acquainted with mathematics by studying simple geometric shapes. Also, an idea is developed about the placement of objects in space (in the corner, in the center, on the right or left) and on the size of the parts (large or small triangle).

You can make a mosaic not only from pieces of paper, but also from lumps. This is also quite entertaining, no less useful for development.


This is one of the most favorite productive activities for preschoolers. Who doesn't love Lego bricks? The peculiarity of the classes is that the guys must assemble the object correctly, find the necessary parts and fasten them. Construction develops spatial orientation, motor skills, creative and logical thinking, aesthetic perception - the child likes or dislikes his creation. In addition, the child gets acquainted with the features of the details (color, weight, material from which they are made, shape). The child understands the architectural forms in volume, he develops his own taste, opinion.

You can design not only from finished parts, but also from paper, boxes, stones, shells, sand, kids learn to recognize details, combine them, synthesize.

Formation of productive activity of a preschooler

It is necessary to properly develop a training program. It is impossible for children to do the same thing day after day. If the kid loves to draw, but does not want to design or sculpt, you need to interest him. Ask to build or mold your house, and after he is ready, let him tell about him, about where he stands, where he likes to walk.

It is necessary to talk about finished products, be it a drawing or an application. At this time, speech is formed, vocabulary is replenished. For example, a child drew a kitten. Let him come up with a nickname for him, tell about his character, preferences in food and games - this is already creative thinking.

Productive activity is necessary not only for preschoolers, but also for elementary school students. Many schools have created centers for children's creativity, which are great help in learning.

The productive activity of preschoolers is a type of leisure for a child, the purpose of which is to obtain a certain set of qualities, the right direction on the way to preparing for school.
The formation of a child as a person is the responsible work of educators and psychologists working with children. The main task in this area is the use of various forms, methods and styles, including productive activities.

Considerable resources are contained in the activities of a pictorial nature. The child's drawing is the product of a child's serious work, which shows a flight of fancy. Here children reveal unique abilities and become independent.

Studies have shown that the impact of productive activities has a positive effect on the development of the child, helps the socialization of children.

Entertainment types

Productive activities of a preschooler include visual and constructive methods:

  • various ways of drawing up designs;
  • production of products from clay or plasticine;
  • mosaic, applique;
  • crafts;
  • layout making.

The types of visual activities of preschoolers also include modeling and drawing. For children, this is not just entertainment. All these ways of spending leisure time are important stages in the development of babies. Harmoniously form the cognitive abilities and individual characteristics of the child, have a beneficial effect on mental development, are widely used in preschool educational institutions.

Drawing and modeling contribute to the development of fine motor skills. The child's fingers become dexterous, flexible, the baby begins to distinguish between objects and their physical properties. Helps to learn to distinguish between shades and colors the development of visual activity in preschool age. Helps to understand the number and size, develops memory, perseverance, attention. These skills will come in handy in adulthood, but for now, not yet able to speak, the child splashes out emotions on a piece of paper: here he shows individuality and independence.

Productive activity is different in that it does not depend on specific materials, but is a creative work, the result of which is a specific result. By creating something with his own hands, the child shows it to others, feels like a doer, feels pride in his work.

Tasks of productive activity

Tasks and goals of conducting classes on productive activities:

  • evoke emotions in the child for objects;
  • familiarize yourself with the environment;
  • develop skills in the use of visual arts.

Children begin to form and develop imagination, desire and interest in productive activities. In creative work, the child becomes a creative person.

Thanks to the development of visual activities, the level of preparation for studying at school is visible. Artistic work requires special guidance. Parents or educators are required to guide the child, give hints, for example, using colorful illustrations, reading manuals and brochures. After all, children need the help of their elders.


Productive activities in preschool age are classified:

  • familiarization with visual materials;
  • development of sensory abilities;
  • improvement of motor skills and coordination of movements;
  • familiarity with the environment;
  • musical entertainment.

Ways to identify preschoolers' abilities for productive activities:

  • Speech exercise - aimed at the development of speech, sound pronunciation, correct orientation in space. Helps to consolidate the child's vocabulary.
  • Motor game - the conditions in which the motor activity of the baby is formed, coordination of movements and the development of general motor skills.
  • Finger game - training fingers, palms. To this training add the learning of the text.
  • Manipulative game - small toys, cereals are used here. This type of activity is necessary for the development of visual-motor coordination.
  • Musical game - performing exercises, accompanied by music, song lyrics.

In such ways, the main tasks of the formation and development of the visual activity of preschoolers are solved. Methods reveal the individuality of the child. Positive emotions that he experiences in the process of creative inspiration become the driving force that has a beneficial effect on the child's psyche. This strength helps the preschooler to cope with difficulties. Exercise distracts children from sad thoughts, removes tension, fights fear and anxiety.

Fine, constructive, plastic materials raise the question for children: “what can be done from this?”. Thus, the generation of the idea and its implementation are stimulated.

Features of the visual activity of preschoolers are in the preparation and conduct. It is important to avoid monotony and formalism here. It is important that children engage in creativity under the strict guidance of adults. The organization should be voluntary and built in partnership with adults. Parents or educators should think about how to get and keep their children's attention.

Challenges for parents and educators:

  • the formation in children of the rudiments of ideas about culture, art, artistic taste;
  • development of creative abilities;
  • teaching activities through which children are introduced to artistic culture;
  • the formation of self-confidence, the formation of individuality in children;
  • strengthening physical and mental health;
  • the formation of respect for the opinions of others;
  • training in the rational use of materials;
  • development of interest in their country, family.
  • formation of aesthetic perception of the world.

When organizing, it is important to consider that activities are carried out on certain days and times. For a child, such a routine of life becomes familiar, a habit and attitude are developed for the upcoming work. Also, do not forget that classes are not held as an addition to traditional ones, but instead of them. This activity can be called work in the workshop. A workshop is a work in a group, it is an organized space in which beautiful, interesting and necessary things for children are created. Places for children should not be rigidly assigned to them. Each time you can choose your own neighbors anew. Provide freedom of movement for children so that every little one can go for the tool or material they need at any time. The teacher must be dynamic and take a place with the preschooler who needs more attention, who is behind in work.


There are 2 important factors that you should pay attention to when organizing children's fine arts.

  1. Each form of the pedagogical process, which is associated with fine art, must contain meaning. That is, in the process of conversations, excursions, the child should be able to replenish, enrich knowledge in the field of fine arts and culture.
  2. The creative process will bring the best results when it is interesting. Activating the interest of children is what teachers and parents should strive for.

To complete a task, to learn something new, to consolidate the material covered - without interest, this is extremely difficult to do. Interest and the ability to surprise are the two fundamental forces of creative development. However, in everything you need to observe the measure: both in the game and in the content.

Regularity is another important factor in organizing the process of children's fine arts. If the teacher himself is interested in the process, then this will also affect the involvement of pupils. If the teacher is indifferent to the activities organized by him, the results will be much lower than the real abilities of the children.

Each achievement of a preschooler in visual arts is a small victory, so your indifference or neglect of the results slows down the creative progress of the baby as a whole. The child, as a developing personality, is dependent on the opinions of surrounding adults who have authority for him, which is why the assessment of parents and the teacher is so important to him.

The attitude of educators and parents to the fine arts determines the pedagogical conditions for the development of children's fine arts. If art is perceived as a means of self-expression of the child, then his work will acquire an individual character. If the means of art are perceived and used only for the sake of the means themselves, the works lose their individual style, and the creation itself and the process lose their essence.

The development of creative abilities through productive activities plays an important role in the intellectual development of a preschooler. They are interconnected and activate each other's work. The more a child can do with his own hands, the smarter he is. By creating something with his hands, a preschooler develops individual character traits.

Memo 11

"Features of the organization of various types of classes and ways to do productive activities in different age groups"

Class types:

By communicating new knowledge and new ways of depicting (information-receptive method - the dominant teaching method)

Classes to exercise children in the application of knowledge and methods of action (productive method - the dominant teaching method)

Creative activities (heuristic method)

Types of classes are differentiated according to the nature of the dominant tasks, or rather, according to the nature of the cognitive activity of children, formulated in the tasks:

Classes to inform children of new knowledge and familiarize them with new ways of depicting;

Classes to exercise children in the application of knowledge and methods of action, aimed at the reproductive method of cognition and the formation of generalized, flexible, variable knowledge and skills;

Creative classes, in which children are involved in search activities, are free and independent in the development and implementation of ideas.

In each type of lesson, the goal, objectives, methods of teaching visual activity are realized systematically, in interconnection. In the pedagogical process, all these types of classes take place. However, a student-centered approach to learning is unthinkable without taking into account individuality.

Distinguish classes according to the method of execution :

・On presentation

· By memory

· From nature

・By design

Memo 12

"Features of the organization of classes drawing and ways of doing work in different age groups”

There are the following types of classes according to the content of the image:



· Decorative

Distinguish according to the method:

・Drawing by design

· By memory

· From nature

Subject drawing.

Aimed at mastering the basic methods of image (shape, structure, color, drawing technique).

Learning objectives:

1. To form in children a cognitive interest in the world of objects, a person, and to respond emotionally.

2. To form in preschoolers a generalized idea of ​​the objects depicted.

3. Generalized ways of depicting objects are being formed, the ability to betray: a form (close to geometric, then to individual), the structure of the object and the proportional relationship in the object.

4. Develop a sense of color, shape, rhythm and composition.

5. Stimulate independence and creativity.

Placement requirements:

The light should fall on the right or left (depending on the children - right-handed, left-handed).

· Do not place against the light.

· Distance to nature approximately 1.5 meters.

· Nature at eye level or slightly higher.

· A background is set behind the nature.

Subject-thematic drawing.


1. Formation of interest in surrounding objects and natural phenomena.

2. To develop in children the ability to gloss over the image, to determine in advance the content and some methods of image.

3. Learning some of the available ways to depict a plot:

· Reception of creation of the elementary compositions, ie. the arrangement of images over the entire plane of the sheet (this is typical for younger groups), "Flowers in the Meadow" (cf. gr.).

· The location of the image on a wide strip of the sheet (senior group), outline the horizon line, the placement of close-range objects (bottom of the lita - large), (long-range top plans - less).

· Learn to depict the main thing in the drawing, highlighting the size, shape, color (cf. And the older group); to teach to convey in the drawing the ratio of objects in size and relative position in space; teach children to convey the movements and postures of the main characters.

4. Encourage preschoolers to be independent.

Decorative drawing.

DPI- one of the oldest arts, in its motives is similar to nature. It brings joy to life with bright, rich colors, expressively filled with wisdom and beauty, so it is understandable and accessible to preschoolers. DPI is introduced from the middle group.


1. The development of love in children, respect for their homeland, a sense of patriotism.

2. Formation of children's interest in folk art, understanding of its features.

3. Formation of generalized knowledge, corresponding visual skills, for different types of crafts (the ability to distinguish between compositions, color, characteristic elements, materials).

4. Education of activity, independence, initiative, creativity (when creating patterns).

A special place in teaching drawing (decorative) is given to the model of the educator. The teacher is forced to use the sample, because. in objects of art, patterns are difficult for children to perceive.

There are different types of samples:

1. A model for direct following is direct imitation - children are given ready-made information and a sample (information-receptive method).

2. Unfinished sample - children are invited to reproduce part of the drawing according to the model, and the rest to come up with it themselves (partially search method).

3. Variable samples - different options for solving the same problem are presented.

Any sample must be made in the style of a particular craft. The size of the sample should be 1.5 - 2 times larger than children's work.

drawing techniques

Thanks to the development of various techniques, the artistic images of children become more expressive and meaningful. This is evidenced by the studies of R.G. Kazakova, T.S. Komarova and others.

Drawing techniques can be conditionally divided into traditional and non-traditional.

1. Classical (traditional) drawing techniques according to use of materials: oil; pencil; watercolor; gouache; tempera.

2. Non-classical (non-traditional) drawing techniques: drawing on raw paper; drawing on crumpled paper; drawing with plasticine; drawing with two colors; drawing with wax crayons; drawing on glass; monotype; fingerography; blotography; silhouette drawing; scratching (color waxing); batik; collage; stained glass; spatter; seals, stamps.

Memo 13

Title page template

Summary of productive activities in the preschool educational institution




conducting productive activities

(age group)

Kind of activity _______________

(drawing, application, modeling, design)

on the topic of: " "

GBOU kindergarten (compensating or combined type, if any)


Group student ___


Checked by teacher:

Zapolskikh O.S.

Grade .

Essay score

Grade .

Date (day, month, year)



Educational tasks:

Development tasks:

Educational tasks:

Preliminary work:


Demo Material -

Handout -

Type of productive activity:(required to write)




Form of organization of productive activity:(required to write)



- collective


I Introduction ( min.)

– motivation for activity

Voytyuk Valentina
Consultation "Methods of organizing productive activities"


Organization of productive activities

preschool children

Methods in the organization

productive activities of children


It is aimed at organization and ensuring the perception of ready information


It is aimed at consolidating, strengthening and deepening the knowledge of mastering ways activities which are already known.


Focused on step-by-step or element-by-element training in procedures activities.

The teacher puts before the children the solution of not a holistic problem, but directing its individual elements to the search for solutions.

(The teacher reports a fact, the children draw a conclusion. The teacher poses a problem, and the children put forward hypotheses for solving it.


Independent solution of a holistic problem by children.

All these general didactic methods implemented through a system of receptions.

1. Visual

Techniques 2. Verbal

3. Gaming

Leading in productive activity are visual tricks we:

Visual tricks

1. Observation

In the process of observation, the child’s idea of ​​the depicted object, of the world around him, is formed.

Observation Requirements

1. Purposefulness (features of the object)

2. Emotionality, indifference of perception

3. Meaningfulness of observation (awareness of those properties that are to be portray: shape, color. Proportions, location in space, etc.)

4. Activity of children (emotional, speech, mental, motor)

5. Repeatability of observation (changing conditions)

6. Taking into account the age characteristics of children.

Features of observation in different age groups

1 junior gr.

Allocate one, two signs of direction (For example: color, rhythm)

short-term observation

Installation on the subsequent image of the subject is not given

The educator in the image chooses the shape and color

Observation happens in action, in play

2 junior group

The observation includes an element of examination with a gesture (draw shape with finger)

middle group

Longer observation

There are several signs (color, shape, structure - parts, location in space)

Repeated observation with complication of the content and methods of cognition

Questions not only reproductive but also of an exploratory nature.

At the end of the observation, the children are told about the upcoming work.

The drawings should be more complex, they can be subject and plot, personality traits should be manifested through composition, details - additions, a variety of colors)

older age

The goal is communicated after children's emotional perception of the object

Help children express their feelings, express themselves

Encourage children to search for words, images, comparisons to express feelings

Pay attention to location items, to consider near and from afar. Compare in size, establish the relative position in space: closer to us, farther, to the right, to the left.

Form a pictorial representation (how to draw, what material is better to use, what color of paper is best suited.

At the time of observation, plan a future drawing.

2. Examination

Purposeful analytical-synthetic perception of an object by tactile-motor and visual means.

Children form an idea about the object, which forms the basis of the image.

An examination is a purposeful examination of an object that needs to be depicted.

Isolation of external pictorial features

The survey can be divided into 3 stages

Stage 1 - a holistic, emotional perception of the object, through some kind of expressive sign (for example, Fluffy kitten - the most expressive sign "fluffy"

Target: arouse the desire to portray.

Stage 2 - analytical perception of the object, i.e., the consistent selection of pictorial features, parts and properties of the object.

Selection order. Corresponds to the picture sequence

1. Allocate and name the largest part of the subject and its purpose.

2. Determine the shape of this part (endure the dependence of the form on its purpose, living conditions, etc.)

3. Determine the position of this part in space (differences in different species of the same subject: the trunk of a sleepyhead is thick and straight, thinner and twisted)

4. Then another rather large part is isolated, the position, shape, and size of it in relation to the main one are found out.

5. A color is distinguished if its image is involuntary, but is performed in accordance with nature.

6. Pay attention to details

The examination uses an examination gesture: circle the shape with your finger, visually accompany the movement of the hand.

Stage 3 - a holistic emotional perception of the subject, as if uniting a holistic image.

Examining gesture - obeys the form.

Junior gr.

Joint gesture of an adult and a child (The finger runs does not stop anywhere. The shape is round)

middle group

The word specifies the location of the parts of the subject. (top, bottom, one side)

Examined gesture and visual control

It is important to encourage action by gesture and to name the parts aloud. Forms.

Find out the dependence of the form and name of the object, its parts

Senior group

Attention to the ratio of parts in an object in width, length, height

The main form is conveyed by generalization, bringing it closer to the corresponding geometric form (circle, oval)

Pay attention to the lines of a straight and rounded character.

Use the method of comparison when considering parts of one object and comparing similar items among themselves(generalizing image method.)

Pay attention to diversity items of the same type, to teach to see their expressiveness, the originality of each.

Help break down the stereotyped image.

Examination in different types of pictorial activities


Examining gesture as in drawing, only circle in the other direction (from right to left)

The examining gesture of the educator is accompanied by a word. (vase: the line is rounded at the bottom, straight at the top at the neck)

The order of operations in examining an object basically repeats their order in modeling.

The order of examination in modeling items round and oval shape with embossed features (apple, pear, cucumber). And complex dissected form

1. Isolation of the general form if the object is integral.

Highlighting the shape of the main part if the object is of a dissected form.

2. Isolation of a specific characteristic form (differences from the geometric shape)

3. Determination of the shape of other parts and comparison with the shape of the central part.

4. Determining the size of other parts. Compared to main.

5. Determining the position of these parts in relation to the main

6. Attention is fixed on the main relief features that refine the specific shape (in the apple there is a recess, the shape of small parts - beak, ears)

The movement of the fingers during the examination corresponds to the movement of the fingers during modeling.

Modeling scheme for this examination

(round shape)

1. Creating a basic shape close to a geometric figure

2. Sculpting a specific shape

3. Sculpting the main relief features of the object

4. Additional details (twigs, leaves)

Modeling scheme - during this examination

(complex dissected form)

1. Sculpting the stand

2. Sculpting the main largest part (generalized form)

3. Sculpting other large parts of a generalized form

4. Sculpting specific (the characteristic shape of these large parts)

5. The connection of large parts into one.

6. Modeling small details of the subject

7. Surface treatment

Dependence of the examination on the imaging method

Image from nature

Consider from the angle in which the image will be made. Focus on visible parts

Picture by view

It is important that children can "see" not only the main forms of the object, the structure, but also their possible variants. (different apples, different cars)

It is better to examine natural objects, to conduct an examination of toys, sculptures, animals, birds only after observations in nature, so that children represent the image "alive" expressive not static.

It is best to conduct the survey after the observation if possible.

3. Consideration

Paintings and book illustrations

Widely used method

In no case should paintings or book illustrations be offered to children for direct imitation.

This is an indirect teaching technique, used for the preliminary formation of ideas and ideas, when it is impossible to introduce children to subject or a phenomenon in the process of direct perception.

Use after observation, in order to clarify, enrich ideas

4. Sample

A model is what children should follow when performing various kinds of tasks.

You can not abuse this technique - children drawing according to the model, draw according to the vision of the educator, and not according to their own plan.

The result - the monotony of work, not the ability to draw on their own.

Most applicable in applications, decorative drawing.

In decorative drawing, children are offered 2-3 sample samples, and help them see the similarities and differences.

Display - public demonstration of one of the options for the image

Widely used method. It is used when getting acquainted with the technique of work, with new ways of depicting.

The display may be:

1. Full display

2. Partial display

3. General display (for all children at once)

4. Individual display

5. Show teacher

6. Display in the form of joint action of the teacher and the child

7. Showing the child's way of doing things.

Verbal tricks

Conversation - conversation organized by the teacher, during which the teacher uses questions, explanations, clarifications, contributes to the formation of ideas about the depicted object or phenomenon.

Maximum stimulation of children's activity

Used in the first part of the work and after completion

2. Explanation

Explanation is a way of influencing the minds of children, helping to understand and learn what and how to do.

The advice is used when children have difficulties. It is important not to rush with advice - let the child find a solution on his own.

4. Reminder

A reminder is a short note. Used before starting the process. More often we are talking about the sequence of work, planning and organization of activities.

5. Encouragement

Encouragement should be used more often in working with children. It makes you want to do your job well, diligently. Gives children a sense of accomplishment.

In no case should you publicly criticize the work of children, destroy drawings, crafts. Such methods- you can bring up a notorious, loser.

6. Artistic word

Artistic word - arouses interest in the topic, in the content of the image. Helps draw attention to children's work. Creates an emotional mood.

Verbal techniques are inseparable from visual and play ones.

Game tricks

Game techniques are aimed at solving didactic problems, creating motivation for activities.

Signs of game techniques

1. Game task - the goal of the upcoming game actions (we will build a house for the bear, we will invite Petrushka to visit)

2. Development of the game concept (we will take a photo for Petrushka as a keepsake)

3. Game actions (children are photographers - draw photos, give them to Petrushka)

Game actions are:

1. Motor (practical)

2. Imitating action (waving hand like a wing.)

3. Fine (drawing in the air - snowfall)

4. Onomatopoeia

Game techniques are ways of joint development of the plot-game plan by setting game tasks and performing game actions aimed at teaching and developing children.

The nature of the game

1. Plot - game situation by the type of director's games.

playing out objects or toys(Pinocchio came very upset. That he did not see the city of Ust-Kut, where the children live. How can Pinocchio be helped)

Playing up the image (drawn a path - a bun rolls along it, a drawn bird flies, pecks grains)

Playing with an unfinished image in order to analyze the created sample (the chicken crumbles. Why doesn’t it peck? It doesn’t have a beak - you need to finish it, otherwise it will remain hungry)

2. Game techniques with role-playing behavior of children and adults

Children are offered the role of potters, artists, builders, photographers, etc.)

Types of pictorial activities

1. Fine presentation activity(by imagination)

Preparation based on direct perception (visual, auditory, tactile-motor

Involvement of memory processes

Drawing by representation based on impressions received from various sources (events. books. television. cartoons, observations)

(This view is most natural for preschoolers.)

Images based on literary, musical works

Images according to a plan on a free topic chosen by the child himself in terms of content can be subject, plot, decorative)

Images on a free theme with a limited theme ( "My favorite toy", "All works are good - choose to taste"

2. Fine memory activity

More often held in the senior group, in the preparatory group at the end of the year

The process of reproducing on paper an object in the spatial position in which this object was at the time of perception.

The development of perception, observation, visual memory, teaching children to observe and memorize, and then to reproduce (for drawing low-detailed items, or simple landscapes)


Stage 1 - observation - holistic emotional perception

Before drawing, carefully consider, examine, remember, in order to then draw very similarly - such a task should be set after the first examination. On an emotional high.

Stage 2 - highlighting the main objects of their originality (shape. Color, size, proportions, location)

Stage 3 - remember, present the picture. Think about where to start drawing.

Stage 4 - After viewing, pay attention to the quality of memorization.

3. Image from nature.

An image of an object in the process of its direct perception from a certain point of view, with the aim of conveying it as accurately and expressively as possible.

- tasks: to learn to peer into nature, to see expressive signs, to distinguish originality, to accurately convey in the drawing.

Start training with a flat or close to flat nature, then rectangular shapes from the front (volume not visible) a small number of details that do not obscure each other.

Set nature. So that children see the most characteristic side (at child's eye level)

Nature should be of interest (the bird cherry branch will fade, and we will keep its beauty in the drawing)

- teacher says: “As we see, so we draw. How many leaves on the right - so much we draw on the right ... ")

You can sketch with a simple pencil to outline the proportions and plan the image.

pictorial activity, where under one thematic content different types of artistic activities

(drawing, modeling, application)

A generalized way of action helps children navigate various types of artistic activities

1. Perception - the ability to peer into objects, phenomena - as the first orientation

2. Orientation in the surrounding colors, forms in the process of pictorial activities

3. Ways of independent actions when choosing expressive means

4. Ways of creative actions in the transfer of the image in the drawing, modeling. Applications

In this case, the possibilities of the search engine are most fully revealed. activities

5. Co-creation of educators and children (together with the educator they perform a number of tasks, representing the result of teamwork

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Section 4. Organization of productive activities of preschool children

Topic 4.1 The essence and originality of the productive activities of preschoolers.

1. The essence and originality of the productive activity of preschoolers.

2. Types of productive activities of preschoolers: drawing, modeling, applique, design.

3. Stages of development of the productive activity of the child.

5. Visual abilities of preschoolers.

1. The formation of a creative personality is one of the most important tasks of pedagogical theory and practice at the present stage. The most effective means for this is the visual activity of the child in kindergarten.

Visual activity is an artistic and creative activity aimed not only at reflecting the impressions received in life, but also at expressing one's attitude to the depicted.

In the process of drawing, modeling, application, the child experiences a variety of feelings: he rejoices at the beautiful image he created, gets upset if something does not work out, strives to overcome difficulties or gives in to them. He acquires knowledge about objects and phenomena, about the means and methods of their transmission, about the artistic possibilities of visual activity. Children's ideas about the world around them deepen, they comprehend the qualities of objects, remember their characteristic features and details, master visual skills and abilities, learn to use them consciously.

The management of children's visual activity requires the educator to know the specifics of the child's creativity, the ability to tactfully contribute to the acquisition of the necessary skills. The well-known researcher A. Lilov expressed his understanding of creativity as follows: it “has ... common, qualitatively new features and characteristics that define it, some of which have already been quite convincingly disclosed by theory. These general regular moments of creativity are as follows: creativity is a social phenomenon, its deep social essence lies in the fact that it creates socially necessary and socially useful values, satisfies social needs, and especially in the fact that it is the highest concentration of the transformative role of a conscious social subject in its interaction with objective reality.

V. G. Zlotnikov in his study indicates that “creativity characterizes the continuous unity of cognition and imagination, practical activity and mental processes. It is a specific spiritual and practical activity, as a result of which a special material product arises - a work of art.

Teachers emphasize that creativity in any field of human activity is the creation of an objectively new, previously uncreated work. What is the visual art of a preschool child? The specificity of children's creativity lies, first of all, in the fact that a child cannot create an objectively new one for a number of reasons (lack of certain experience, limited necessary knowledge, skills and abilities, etc.). And yet, children's creativity has an objective and subjective value. The objective significance of children's creativity lies in the fact that in the process of this activity and as a result of it, the child receives such a versatile development, which is of great importance for his life, in which not only the family, but also our society is interested. A creative person is the property of the whole society. By drawing, cutting and pasting, the child creates something subjectively new, primarily for himself. The product of his creativity has no universal human novelty. But subjective value as a means of creative growth is significant not only for a particular individual, but also for society.

Many experts, analyzing children's creativity and highlighting its similarity with the creative activity of an adult artist, noted its originality and great significance.

N. P. Sakulina, a researcher of the fine arts of the child, wrote: “Children, of course, do not become artists because during their preschool childhood they managed to create several truly artistic images. But this leaves a deep mark on the development of their personality, as they gain experience of real creativity, which they will later apply to any field of work.

The visual work of children, as a prototype of the activity of an adult artist, contains the socio-historical experience of generations. The child cannot learn this experience on his own. It is the adult who is the bearer and transmitter of all knowledge and skills. The visual work itself, including drawing, modeling, and application, contributes to the versatile development of the child's personality.

According to the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language, creativity is the creation of new artistic or material values.

The encyclopedia gives the following definition: creativity is an activity that generates something qualitatively new and is distinguished by originality, originality and cultural and historical uniqueness. Creativity is specific to a person, because presupposes the creator - the subject of creative activity.

V. N. Shatskaya emphasized: “We consider it (children’s art) in the conditions of general aesthetic education rather as a method for the most perfect mastery of a certain type of art and the formation of an aesthetically developed personality than as the creation of objective artistic values.”

E.A. Flerina pointed out: “We understand children's fine art as a child's conscious reflection of the surrounding reality in drawing, modeling, construction, a reflection that is built on the work of the imagination, on the display of their observations, as well as impressions received by him through the word, picture and other forms of art. The child does not passively copy the environment, but reworks it in connection with the accumulated experience, attitude towards the depicted.

A. A. Volkova wrote: “Education of creativity is a versatile and complex impact on a child. We have seen that the mind (knowledge, thinking, imagination), character (courage, perseverance), feeling (love of beauty, passion for image, thought) take part in the creative activity of adults. We must educate the same aspects of the personality in the child in order to more successfully develop creativity in him. To enrich the mind of a child with various ideas, some knowledge means to provide abundant food for children's creativity. To teach them to look closely, to be observant means to make their ideas clearer, more complete. This will help children to reproduce more vividly in their work what they saw.

Creating an image, the child comprehends the qualities of the reproduced object, remembers the characteristic features and details of various objects, his actions, thinks through the means of conveying images in drawing, modeling, and appliqué.

What characterizes the creative activity of the child? Let us turn to the work of B.M. Teplova: “The main condition that must be ensured in children's creativity is sincerity. Without it, all other virtues lose their meaning. This condition is met by those ideas that are the inner need of the child. But systematic pedagogical work, according to the scientist, cannot be based on this need alone. Many children do not have it, although with organized involvement in artistic activity, these children sometimes show extraordinary abilities. Consequently, a big pedagogical problem arises - to find such incentives for creativity that would give rise to a genuine desire to “compose” in a child.

L.N. Tolstoy, teaching peasant children, proposed one of the possible solutions to the problem of developing creative abilities. This technique consisted in the fact that Tolstoy and his students began to write on one topic “Well, who will write better? And I'm with you." “Who should learn to write from whom...” So, the first method found by the writer was to show the children not only the product, but also the very processes of writing, drawing, etc. As a result, the students saw how "it is done."

Pedagogical observations of the process of children's artistic creativity show that the creation of an image by a child, as a rule, is accompanied by speech. Little artists name reproduced objects, explain the actions of the depicted characters, and describe their actions. All this allows the child to understand and highlight the qualities of the depicted; planning your actions, learn to establish their sequence. Researcher of children's fine art E.I. Ignatiev believed: “Education of the ability to reason correctly in the process of drawing is very useful for the development of an analytical and generalizing vision of a child of an object and always leads to an improvement in the quality of the image. The earlier reasoning is included in the process of analyzing the depicted object, the more systematic this analysis is, the sooner and better the correct image is achieved.

Children should be kept in touch! Unfortunately, the reverse process often occurs in practice; conversations are stopped, interrupted by the teacher.

E.I. Ignatiev wrote: “From a simple enumeration of individual details in a drawing, the child proceeds to an accurate transfer of the features of the depicted object. At the same time, the role of the word in the visual activity of the child changes, the word more and more acquires the meaning of a regulator that directs the process of depiction, controls the techniques and methods of depiction ... ". Pedagogical research has shown that children willingly memorize clearly formulated rules for working with visual materials and are guided by them.

2. In kindergarten, visual activity includes such activities as drawing, modeling, applique and design. Each of these types has its own capabilities in displaying the child's impressions of the world around. Therefore, the general tasks facing visual activity are concretized depending on the characteristics of each type, the originality of the material and methods of working with it.
Drawing is one of the favorite activities of children, giving great scope for the manifestation of their creative activity.
The theme of the drawings can be varied. The guys draw everything that interests them: individual objects and scenes from the surrounding life, literary characters and decorative patterns, etc. They can use the expressive means of drawing. So, color is used to convey similarity with a real object, to express the relationship of the painter to the object of the image and in a decorative way. Mastering the techniques of compositions, children more fully and richer begin to display their ideas in plot works.
However, awareness and technical mastery of drawing techniques are quite difficult for a small child, so the educator should approach the subject of work with great attention.
In kindergarten, mainly colored pencils, watercolors and gouache paints are used, which have different visual capabilities.
A pencil creates a linear shape. At the same time, one part after another gradually emerges, various details are added. The line image is then colored. Such a sequence of creating a drawing facilitates the analytical activity of the child's thinking. Having drawn one part, he remembers or sees in nature which part should be worked on next. In addition, linear outlines help in coloring the drawing by clearly showing the boundaries of the parts.
In painting with paints (gouache and watercolor), the creation of a form comes from a colorful spot. In this regard, paints are of great importance for the development of a sense of color and form. It is easy to convey the color richness of the surrounding life with paints: a clear sky, sunset and sunrise, blue sea, etc. When performed with pencils, these themes are laborious and require well-developed technical skills.
The kindergarten program defines the types of graphic materials for each age group. For senior and preparatory groups, it is recommended to additionally use a charcoal pencil, colored crayons, pastel, sanguine. These materials expand the visual possibilities of children. When working with charcoal and sanguine, the image turns out to be one-color, which allows you to focus all your attention on the shape and texture of the object; colored crayons make it easier to paint large surfaces and large shapes; pastel makes it possible to convey a variety of shades of color.
The originality of modeling as one of the types of visual activity lies in the three-dimensional method of image. Modeling is a kind of sculpture, which includes working not only with soft material, but also with hard material (marble, granite, etc.) - Preschoolers can master the techniques of working only with soft plastic materials that are easily influenced by the hand - clay and plasticine.
Children sculpt people, animals, dishes, transport, vegetables, fruits, toys. The variety of topics is due to the fact that modeling, like other types of visual activity, primarily performs educational tasks, satisfying the cognitive and creative needs of the child.
The plasticity of the material and the volume of the depicted form allow the preschooler to master some techniques in modeling rather than in drawing. For example, the transfer of movement in a drawing is a complex task that requires a long learning curve. In modeling, the solution of this problem is facilitated. The child first sculpts the object in a static position, and then bends its parts in accordance with the plan.
The transfer of spatial relationships of objects in modeling is also simplified - objects, as in real life, are placed one after another, closer and further from the center of the composition. Questions of perspective in modeling are simply removed.
The main tool in creating an image in modeling is the transfer of a three-dimensional form. Color is limited. Usually those works are painted that will later be used in children's games.
Clay occupies the main place in modeling classes, as the most plastic material. Well-cooked, it is easy to handle even a 2-3 year old child's hand. Dried clay works can be stored for a long time. Plasticine has less plastic capabilities. It requires pre-warming, while in a very hot state it loses its plasticity, sticks to the hands, causing unpleasant skin sensations. Preschoolers work with plasticine mostly outside of group activities.
In the process of applique, children get acquainted with simple and complex forms of various objects, parts and silhouettes of which they cut and paste. The creation of silhouette images requires a lot of thought and imagination, since the silhouette lacks details that are sometimes the main features of the subject.
Application classes contribute to the development of mathematical concepts. Preschoolers get acquainted with the names and features of the simplest geometric shapes, get an idea of ​​the spatial position of objects and their parts (left, right, in the corner, center, etc.) and sizes (more, less). These complex concepts are easily acquired by children in the process of creating a decorative pattern or when depicting an object in parts.
In the process of classes, preschoolers develop a sense of color, rhythm, symmetry, and on this basis an artistic taste is formed. They don't have to make up their own colors or fill in the shapes. Providing children with paper of different colors and shades, they are brought up the ability to select beautiful combinations.
Children get acquainted with the concepts of rhythm and symmetry already at a younger age when distributing elements of a decorative pattern. Appliqué classes teach kids to plan the organization of work, which is especially important here, since in this art form the sequence of attaching parts is of great importance for creating a composition (large forms are glued first, then details; in story works, first the background, then the second plan, obscured by others, and last but not least, objects of the first plan).
The performance of applicative images contributes to the development of the muscles of the hand, coordination of movements. The child learns to use scissors, cut out forms correctly by turning a sheet of paper, lay out forms on a sheet at an equal distance from each other.
Construction from various materials is more than other types of visual activity associated with the game. Play often accompanies the building process, and crafts made by children are commonly used in games.
In kindergarten, the following types of construction are used: from building material, sets of designers, paper, natural and other materials.
In the process of designing, preschoolers acquire special knowledge, skills and abilities. Designing from building material, they get acquainted with geometric volumetric forms, get ideas about the meaning of symmetry, balance, proportions. When constructing from paper, children's knowledge of geometric plane figures, the concepts of side, corners, and center are clarified. The children get acquainted with the methods of modifying flat forms by bending, folding, cutting, gluing paper, as a result of which a new three-dimensional form appears.
Working with natural and other materials allows children to show their creative abilities, acquire new visual skills.

3. The pre-figurative stage in the development of children's artistic abilities begins from the moment when the child's hands for the first time get pictorial material - paper, pencil, piece of clay, cubes, crayons, etc. There is still no image of the object and there is not even a plan and desire that - depict something. This period plays a significant role. The child gets acquainted with the properties of materials, masters the various hand movements necessary to create pictorial forms.
The pre-pictorial period is very important for the development of the child's further abilities.
On their own, few children can master all the movements available to them and the necessary forms. The teacher should lead the child from involuntary movements to limiting them, to visual control, to a variety of forms of movement, then to the conscious use of the acquired experience in drawing, modeling.
The associative stage consists in the emergence of the ability to depict objects, conveying their expressive character. This indicates the further development of abilities. Children through associations learn to find similarities in the simplest forms and lines with any object. Such associations may occur involuntarily when one of the children notices that his strokes or a shapeless piece of clay resemble a familiar object. They can be caused by different qualities of a pattern, a molded product - color, shape, compositional construction.
Usually the child's associations are unstable; in the same drawing he can see different objects. In his mind, when drawing, there is still no solid trace, which is formed by the common work of representation, memory, thinking, and imagination. A simple drawn shape can resemble many objects approaching it.
Associations help to move to work according to the plan. One of the ways of such a transition is the repetition of the form that he obtained by chance.
Having recognized some object in the drawn lines, the child consciously draws again, wanting to depict it again. Sometimes such initial drawings, by design, have less resemblance to the object than the associated form, since the association turned out by chance, the child did not remember what hand movements it resulted from, and again makes any movements, thinking that it depicts the same object. Nevertheless, the second drawing still speaks of a new, higher stage in the development of visual abilities, since it appeared as a result of the plan.
Sometimes there may not be a complete repetition of the entire image, but the addition of some details to the associated form: arms, legs, eyes - for a person, wheels - for a car, etc.
A large role in this process belongs to the teacher, who, by asking questions, helps the child to understand the image, for example: what did you draw? What a good ball, draw the same one.
With the advent of the conscious image of objects, the visual period in the development of abilities begins. The activity becomes creative. Here the tasks of systematic education of children can be set.
The first images of objects in the drawing, modeling are very simple, they lack not only details, but also some of the main features. This is explained by the fact that a small child still lacks analytical-synthetic thinking, and, consequently, the clarity of recreating a visual image, coordination of hand movements is poorly developed, there are still no technical skills.
At an older age, with properly organized upbringing and educational work, the child acquires the ability to convey the main features of the subject, observing the form characteristic of them.
In the future, with the accumulation of experience by children, the mastery of visual skills, they can be given a new task - to learn to depict the features of objects of the same type, conveying the main features, for example, in the image of people - the difference in clothes, facial features, in the image of trees - a young tree and an old, different shape of the trunk, branches, crown.
The first children's works are distinguished by the disproportion of parts. This is explained by the fact that the attention and thinking of the child are directed only to the part that he depicts at the moment, without its connection with others, hence the mismatch of proportions. He draws each part of such a size that all the important details for him fit on it at once.

4. Conditions for the creative development of preschoolers in the process of productive activity.

1. An important condition for the development of creative abilities of a preschooler is the organization of purposeful leisure activities of older preschoolers in a preschool institution and family: enriching it with vivid impressions, providing emotional and intellectual experience that will serve as the basis for the emergence of ideas and will be the material necessary for the work of the imagination. The unified position of teachers, understanding the prospects for the development of the child and the interaction between them is one of the important conditions for the development of children's creativity. The development of creative activity is unthinkable without communication with art. With the right wagging of adults, the child understands the meaning, the essence of art, figurative and expressive means [Venger A.A. Pedagogy of abilities].

2. The next important condition for the development of creative abilities is taking into account the individual characteristics of the child. It is important to take into account the temperament, and character, and the characteristics of some mental functions, and even the mood of the child on the day when the work is to be done. An indispensable condition for creative activity organized by adults should be an atmosphere of creativity: “I mean the stimulation by adults of such a state of children when their feelings, imagination are “awakened”, when the child is passionate about what he is doing. Therefore, he feels free, comfortable. This is not possible if an atmosphere of confidential communication, cooperation, empathy, faith in the child, support for his failures reigns in the classroom or in independent artistic activity. [Venger A.A. Pedagogy of abilities].

3. Also a condition for the development of creative abilities is education, in the process of which knowledge, methods of action, and abilities are formed that allow the child to realize his plan. For this knowledge, skills must be flexible, variable, skills - generalized, that is, applicable in different conditions. Otherwise, at the senior preschool age, the so-called "decline" of creative activity appears in children. So, a child, realizing the imperfection of his drawings and crafts, loses interest in visual activity, which affects the development of the creative activity of a preschooler as a whole.

4. The most important condition for the development and stimulation of creative abilities is the complex and systematic use of methods and techniques. Task motivation is not just motivation, but a suggestion of effective motives and behavior of children, if not for independent setting, then for accepting the task set by adults.

5. Creative visual abilities are the individual characteristics of a person's quality, which determine the success of his performance of various creative activities.

B.M. Teplov divided abilities and inclinations into innate, physiological characteristics of a person, which serve as the basis for the development of abilities. However, the data of modern psychological research indicate that the abilities measured by tests have a higher coefficient of determination than their supposed psychophysiological inclinations - the properties of the nervous system of abilities.

Distinguish between general and special abilities.

General abilities include a high level of sensory organization, the ability to see problems, build hypotheses, solve problems, critically evaluate results, perseverance, emotionality, diligence, and others. Special ones are those that are necessary for activities only in certain areas, for example: artistic taste and ear for music, etc.

Ways to organize productive activities in a preschool educational institution.

1. Forms of organization and management of the productive activities of preschoolers (joint activities of educators with children, independent activities of children).

2. Lesson as the main form of education and creative development of children: thematic, complex, combined classes.

3. The structure of the lesson.

4. Types of classes: on the topic proposed by the teacher (classes on mastering new program material and repeating the past, exercises in visual

and technical skills) on a topic chosen by the child (by design).

5. Features of planning classes for the organization of productive activities (single-species and integrated classes).

1. The main form of education and development of children's fine arts are classes, direct educational activities. Art classes are a means of educating children. They develop aesthetic perception, aesthetic feelings, imagination, creativity, form figurative representations.

2. Classes in drawing, modeling, appliqué are part of the multifaceted work in the group, therefore, visual activity is closely related to all aspects of educational work (getting to know others, games, reading books, etc.), during which children receive a variety of impressions, knowledge. For the image, I choose the most striking phenomena from the lives of children, so that the proposed topic is familiar to them, arouses their interest, a positive emotional mood, a desire to draw, sculpt or cut and paste.

In addition to classes in the preschool educational institution, joint activities of the educator with children are organized and carried out.

The main forms of joint activity of the educator and children:

a) "Joint-individual" - characterized by the fact that the participants in the activity at the beginning work individually, taking into account the general plan, and only at the final stage, the work of each becomes part of the overall composition. The task is given to everyone immediately, at the beginning of work individually and then adjusted depending on what others have done. When doing his part of the work, the child knows that the better he himself will do what he is entrusted with, the better the work of the team will be. On the one hand, this creates the conditions for mobilizing the child's creative abilities, and on the other hand, it requires their manifestation as a necessary condition. The advantages of this form of organizing activities include the fact that it allows you to involve in collective creative activity a fairly large group of children who do not have experience of working together.

b) "Jointly - consistent" - involves work on the principle of a pipeline, when the result of the actions of one participant is in close relationship with the results of the previous and subsequent participants.

c) "Jointly - interacting" - the work is performed by all participants simultaneously, the coordination of their actions is carried out at all stages.

Another effective form of organizing the visual activity of preschoolers is independent activity.
Productive independent activity occurs almost always at the initiative of children.
Conditions for independent activity:
1. Learning in the classroom should be structured so that children act not only on the direct instructions and display of the teacher, but also without his help.

2.organization of a subject-developing environment in the preschool educational institution and the family, providing children with various artistic materials (brushes, paints, paper, etc.), books with illustrations, theatrical toys, musical instruments for free use. Everyone chooses those of them that he needs at the moment. All these items are located in places convenient for independent productive activities of children.

3. close contact between educators and parents in organizing the conditions for the formation and development of the child's creative inclinations in kindergarten and at home.

2. Types of classes according to the nature of the cognitive activity of children:
1) classes on the topic proposed by the teacher:
a) classes on communicating new knowledge to children and familiarizing them with new ways of depicting;
b) classes to exercise children in the application of knowledge and methods of action.

2) classes on a topic chosen by the child (creative classes in which children are involved in search activities and are free to implement ideas).

Types of classes depending on the selection criterion:
by image content:
- subject;
- plot;
by image method:
- on presentation;
-by memory;
- from nature.

3. The structure of the lesson on visual activity:

I part of the lesson - explanation of the task:

1. Game motivation or introductory conversation.
2. Examination of nature, examination of the sample.
3. Display of image methods (full or partial, depending on the age of the children).
4. Physical minute.
5. Fixing the sequence of image methods.

II part of the lesson:
Independent performance of visual tasks by children.
The use of individual work techniques by the educator: showing ways of depicting, explanations, instructions, advice, encouragement.

Part III of the lesson - analysis of the work performed:
Forms of analysis:
- the teacher shows the drawing and offers to evaluate whether everything in it is correct, what the child came up with interesting;
- one of the children is instructed to choose the best, in his opinion, work and justify his choice;
- the child analyzes the drawing, comparing it with nature, a sample and evaluates it;
- children, together with the teacher, consider one work after another and give them an assessment.

Methods and techniques for teaching productive activities for preschool children.

1. Classification of methods and techniques.

characteristics of children.

4. The use of game methods of training and development in different age groups.

1. Methods of teaching fine arts and design - this is a system of actions of a teacher who organizes the practical and cognitive activities of children, which is aimed at mastering the content determined by the program of education and training in kindergarten.

Teaching methods are the components

Classification of methods

by the nature of cognitive activity

(Lerner I.Ya., Skatkin M.N.)

Information-receptive method;

reproductive method;

heuristic method;

Research method;

Problem presentation method.

2. Information-receptive method - consists in the fact that the educator communicates ready-made information by various means, and the children perceive it, realize it and fix it in memory.


Finished samples;

Showing methods of action;

Explanation, teacher's story.

A) Examination is a process of perception of the subject organized by the teacher. The organization lies in the fact that the teacher, in a strictly defined sequence, highlights the sides and properties of the object necessary for its image.

Survey structure:

1. holistic perception of the subject;

2. analysis of the perceived object;

3. re-perception of the subject.

B) Ready-made samples - as a teaching method, it is used in those types of art activities where the main goal is not to consolidate impressions from the perception of the environment, but the task is to develop individual moments of this activity (more often in decorative and constructive works).

C) Showing methods of action is a visual-effective method aimed at teaching children to consciously create an image of an object based on their specific experience.

Display types:

Full display;

Partial display.

D) Explanation, story, explanations, indications - verbal teaching methods aimed at clarifying children's ideas on a topic or familiarizing them with new image techniques.

Reproductive method - consists in the activities of the teacher, aimed at consolidating knowledge, developing skills and abilities.

Practical exercises.

Heuristic and research methods are aimed at teaching the search for an independent solution to the visual problem.

The heuristic method involves element-by-element learning of creative activity.

The research method involves the fulfillment by children of a creative task: the transfer of the plot of a literary work, the realization of their own plan.

3. The choice of methods and techniques for organizing and conducting productive activities for preschoolers depends on a number of circumstances. First of all, the goals and objectives of a particular lesson are determined. The selection of methods requires taking into account the specifics of the type of activity, as well as knowledge of the age characteristics of children and the level of their mastery of a particular activity.

4. The inclusion of game techniques in visual activity should not violate its natural course. The image is a kind of center of the game. Game actions can be organically included in the visual process or complete it. Very similar to "director's games" and represent an individual story game, but not with ordinary toys, but with images. The child assigns certain roles to the drawings that have just been created or already completed, sometimes he takes the role on himself or performs various actions for them.

In the classroom for visual activity, the teacher can use the following types of game techniques:

Playing with objects, toys, paintings;

You can even beat visual material (brushes, paints, pencils, etc.) with brushes about pencils, you can consult, talk, teach them to draw (“run along a flat path”, “ride” down a hill, etc.)

When playing with objects, toys, game actions can be very diverse in content and method of execution: find out the mood of the character (conversation, dialogue); regret, stroke, catch the leaves (gesture); depict movements (imitation of movements with a toy). This technique is used in all age groups, as it allows you to take into account the gradually changing interests of children in the environment and the ways of playing action available to them. The teacher uses it before the start of the lesson or at the beginning of it in the process of a conversation aimed at forming an idea for a future drawing. This technique allows you to solve several problems: to draw the child's attention to the depicted object, to consider, examine it; interest in future work; explain image techniques. (Teachers are invited to give an example of using the technique of playing with objects, toys, pictures)

Playing over the completed image;

This technique is applied at the end of the lesson, when the image has already been completed. The resulting image is used as a kind of game item. The content of the game actions depends on the image. (Teachers are invited to give an example of using the technique of playing up the finished image). For example, children drew a park: autumn, winter, they are invited to take a walk in the park, listen to birds, sing songs, etc. If a bird is reproduced, then it can “fly”, “peck” grains.

Playing with an unfinished image at the time of its execution:

This technique is aimed not only at developing the idea of ​​a drawing, but also at developing in children the ability to perform it using various visual means. The ways of performing game actions in this technique are also diverse. They can be expressed in a word, for example, the teacher, seeing the depicted girl in the picture, asks her “Are you not cold without a hat?”. Thus, he unobtrusively suggests the possibility of performing a drawing.

Game situations with role-playing behavior of children and adults.

In this case, visual activity correlates with the corresponding activity of adults - artists, potters, photographers, builders, etc. Such activities are often collective in nature. For example, children in the role of artists draw illustrations for one fairy tale. When performing the task taken on by the child, he is especially passionate about the matter, the most pictorial.

Application of game techniques

In the second younger group, the teacher sets himself the task of arousing an involuntary interest in the lesson in children. Game techniques are used to arouse and maintain children's interest in activities aimed at mastering elementary knowledge and skills, at developing activity. Often the whole lesson is carried out in the form of a game. (Teachers are invited to give examples of the use of play techniques at a younger age)

For example, the teacher says: "Children, a nesting doll has come to visit us. Here it is, beautiful, elegant!" Matryoshka greets the kids, shows her apron, scarf. In a playful way, the teacher encourages children to examine the nesting doll, determine what color and shape it is. Turning to the doll, the teacher continues: "Why are you, matryoshka, so boring? Tell us. Maybe we can help you?" - He leans towards the matryoshka, listening to her answer. Then he again turns to the children: "Children, it turns out that the nesting doll is bored alone. Let's draw her girlfriends. And then the nesting doll will become" more fun. We will succeed in a whole dance of matryoshkas!"

Having received a task expressed in such an entertaining form, the kids willingly set to work. (Teachers are invited to first offer their own answers to the question, how can play techniques be used to improve the quality of children's work?)

And in order for the children to draw carefully, show diligence, strive to achieve a high-quality result, the teacher warns: "Matryoshka will be offended if her girlfriends are ugly. You try, please the nesting doll. See how to draw." The described technique leads to a positive result: the children listen carefully to the explanations of the teacher, and then in independent activity they show perseverance, accuracy, diligence.

You can give a number of examples, various tasks for visual activity for children of primary preschool age, which allow kids to get significant results, despite the fact that they have only the most elementary skills.
Such, for example, is the task of fashioning posts for a fence that will protect animals from an evil wolf. The teacher's instruction to sculpt the posts straight, even, so that the fence does not fall, is readily accepted by children who easily enter the game situation. So, in a veiled form, two tasks simultaneously appear before the children: to complete the task qualitatively and to learn the technique of rolling clay.

In younger groups, game techniques are widely used throughout the lesson. This gives the teacher the opportunity to switch the attention of children from one task to another.

In the middle group, playing techniques also occupy a large place. Often the whole process of activity in the classroom is clothed in the form of a game. For example, the teacher organizes a game in an art workshop that makes or paints a Dymkovo toy. At the same time, the educational task - to teach children to draw elements of decorative painting - is masked by a game action; entering the role of an artist, the child strives to do the job as best as possible (he is an artist!), Shows diligence, persistently strives to obtain a quality result. Here is a snippet of that lesson:
- Children, look what toys I brought, - the teacher says. - They are made of clay and painted with bright colors. These toys were created by folk craftsmen. In order for the toys to be elegant, beautiful, to please us, they were painted with different patterns. (This is followed by an examination of the patterns, an explanation of how to make them.) Today, a toy workshop will also open in our group, and all of you will become craftsmen. (Children eagerly accept the offer of the teacher.) You, too, will paint your own toy.

Next, the teacher distributes the outlines of Dymkovo toys cut out of paper to the children. Along with a specific educational task, he sets the task of developing creativity in children. To encourage pupils to invent patterns on their own, the teacher suggests:
- Try to come up with different patterns. In the art workshop, each master draws the pattern that he invented himself.

Game techniques are extremely effective in cases where the learning task requires multiple exercises. They provide sufficient activity for children, prevent fatigue from monotonous actions.

In older groups, game techniques are used to arouse preschoolers' interest in the proposed tasks.

Already on the new program content, solving new educational tasks, the teacher continues to present children with difficult tasks for them in a playful way; introduces motives that encourage preschoolers to do quality work.

For example, in a lesson on art activity, forming in children the ability to choose a theme, a pattern, consolidating the skills of drawing elements of decorative painting, the teacher uses the following technique: (first, teachers are also invited to give their examples of using game techniques in working with children)
- Guys, let's imagine that we are in the "Fabric" store. Let's look at the drawings on the fabrics, so that later we can come up with a pattern for mom's dresses ourselves.

The teacher pulls back the curtain, behind which are hung shreds of fabric (or pre-prepared multi-colored strips of paper with patterns drawn on them in different combinations that are familiar to children).

And now let each of you choose the color of the dress for mom (children are offered outlines of dresses of different colors cut out of thick paper) and make such a beautiful pattern yourself so that mom loves this dress, so that it is elegant, beautiful. To do this, you need to pick up the background, and come up with a pattern, and determine the combination of colors.

In this example, the need for high-quality performance of the task is reinforced by the offer to do something nice for mom. The motive put forward by the teacher makes children want to make an effort, try.

The game technique is also effective in cases where the task is difficult for children, and many of them make mistakes. The emotional form will help the child to better understand the cause of the error, will cause a desire to cope with difficulties.

In the group preparatory to school, game teaching methods are also used, but their share is significantly reduced, giving way to other methods that allow children to form a conscious attitude to the educational task. The reception of game situations with role-playing behavior of children and adults is more often used. Game techniques are used in combination with problem situations.
