How to determine nationality by a person’s appearance, especially in the modern world, which, as a result of migration processes, has turned into a new Tower of Babel? After all, if you come to the UK, then three out of five people you meet in a crowd will not even have a European appearance. But nevertheless, typical Englishmen have not yet died out. They are more often found in rural areas than in big cities.

What do the representatives of the so-called titular nation look like? They joke that felinologists can give an accurate description of the exterior of a purebred “British”. It has a massive body with a round head, short ears, large amber eyes and thick smoky gray fur. Of course, we are talking about British Shorthair cats. As for the people, the nation was formed over the centuries under the influence of the Normans, Germanic tribes, Vikings, and Jutes. There is a lot of English and French blood in the veins of modern people. The British only benefited from this combination of genes. Representatives of this nation are considered beautiful. In this article we will look at the appearance of the British, the features of their appearance.

Formation of a nation

In ancient times the island was inhabited by the Britons. These people not only gave their name to Foggy Albion. The Britons belonged to the Celtic ethnic family. They assimilated with later newcomers. Despite the fact that the culture of the Britons disappeared, their genes greatly influenced the appearance of the British.

In the early Middle Ages (5th-6th centuries), Germanic tribes - Jutes, Saxons and Angles - landed on the island. They pushed the Britons north into Scotland and into the mountains of Cornwall and Wales. At this time, the English language was formed. In the 8th and 9th centuries, Scandinavians (Norwegians and Danes) arrived on the island, and in 1066 the Norman conquest began. But this Frankish ethnic group was in no hurry to mix with the local population. For many centuries, commoners spoke the Anglo-Saxon dialect, and the nobility spoke Old French. Only in the 12th century did the mixing of the Normans with the Anglo-Saxons begin.

General signs of English appearance

As we see, in this cocktail of very different bloods it is difficult to determine one type, as, for example, in small countries isolated from other states. Most of the newcomers to the islands carried dominant genes, which greatly influenced the appearance of their descendants. But we can determine that in Scotland the appearance of the indigenous people - the Britons - is more often and more clearly manifested. And in the west, in Wales, the influence of the Franks is felt.

Some representatives of the English nation show that they are descendants of tall and thin Scandinavians. Others, on the contrary, are squat and prone to obesity, and are a purely Danish and Saxon product. But we can still identify several appearance features that are characteristic of all Englishmen. It has an elongated skull, close-set light eyes and a small mouth. It is extremely rare to meet a dark-skinned Englishman (unless he is the child of a mixed marriage).

Irish type

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland includes many lands. We think that the appearance of an Englishman is homogeneous, but this is not so. After all, it is impossible to draw a portrait of a typical Russian - the residents of Arkhangelsk and the Krasnodar Territory differ from each other. But British citizens themselves know how to determine their nationality by appearance. They intuitively guess whether a person's ancestors came from Scotland or Scandinavia.

Let's look at the types of Englishmen in whom Irish blood predominates. There are two of them. The first one fully corresponds to the stereotypes about the Irish. A cheerful and slightly romantic sanguine person, with a face dotted with freckles, green, wide-set eyes, fiery red, sometimes curly hair. Representatives of such Irish English people are the Ron Winsley family in the film epic about Harry Potter. But there is another type. Short and thin, with a pale face and piercing blue eyes, he is the complete opposite of his tall, red-haired compatriots.

Scottish appearance

In the harsh, inaccessible mountains, where warlike newcomers overshadowed the indigenous ethnic group, the Britons survived and even formed their own type of modern Englishman from the north of the country. Of medium height, an active choleric man, with a narrow face and thin nose, the Scot makes a pleasant impression. This type is also characterized by a small mouth, and its eyes are always light - often gray-green or steel-colored. When it comes to hair color, Scotland even surpasses Ireland in terms of the number of redheads. About 13 percent of the population in the north of the island have fiery hair.

Many more people have more or less reddish hair. But in Scotland, as well as in Ireland, there is a type who is not at all similar to the immortal highlander Duncan MacLeod. And if we were to describe his image briefly, let’s say this: “This is Harry Potter.” A pale, thin face with large, slightly close-set blue eyes, a sharp chin, black or dark hair - such guys and girls are very attractive.

Scandinavian appearance

The Vikings also contributed to the formation of the English nation. Those to whom their genes have been passed on may not go on diets or deny themselves the pleasure of eating an extra piece of cake or drinking a pint of beer. The Scandinavian type can be called lean, if not too thin.

Often representatives of this appearance - both men and women - have a disproportionately long neck. They are characterized by tall stature, a bony, very elongated face with sunken cheeks, and slightly protruding teeth. Like all northerners, they are fair-haired and blue-eyed. If we compare the types of Englishmen with movie characters, then a striking representative of the Scandinavian appearance is Captain Hastings, friend and partner of Hercule Poirot.

Norman type

This last wave of emigrants was long reluctant to mix with the native Anglo-Saxon and British populations. The Normans, having captured the island with the right of the sword, formed the top of feudal society. And, despite the passing of centuries and the bourgeois revolution, the appearance of the British still depends on their social origin. The elite, although they will never admit it, will look down on the lower classes, even those who have become very rich. The Norman type is graceful. Its representatives have medium-sized and soft facial features.

Unlike people of the Scandinavian type, they are not tall, but they cannot be called squat either. The Royal Family of Great Britain is a striking example of Norman appearance. This type of eyes are not set too close. A high forehead, thin nose, gracefully defined mouth and sharp chin give the impression that the owner of such appearance is an intelligent person. Of the film actors, Hugh Laurie, who played Dr. House in the series of the same name, best fits this type.

German (Saxon) appearance

The Germanic tribe of conquerors had a great influence not only on the formation of the English language, but also on the appearance of the modern inhabitants of Great Britain. In the provinces and cities you can meet large people who tend to be overweight. The description of this type of face depends on gender. In men it is wide, with slightly saggy cheeks. In women, it is often round, ruddy, with large features. The eyes are pale blue or gray, often protruding.

From the description of this type of face, it seems that he is not very handsome. But it is not so. After all, Harry Potter's uncle and cousin are just caricatures of the German type, just as Aunt Petunia is of the Scandinavian type. Based on the beauty who played the role of Sansa Stark in Game of Thrones, one can judge that Saxon appearance is not so bad.

Gallic type

The southern coast of the British island has been inhabited since ancient times by the French, whose descendants have long considered themselves English. Gallic blood mixed thoroughly with Anglo-Saxon, Celtic (Irish) and others, which gave rise to a charming southern type. Its brightest representative is the young actress Emma Watson, who literally grew up before the eyes of television viewers in the image of Hermione, Harry Potter’s childhood friend.

Despite her black eyebrows and brown eyes, she has a typically British appearance. This is demonstrated by an elongated skull, large eyes, a beautifully defined mouth, and a graceful thin neck. Actor Orlando Bloom, disguised as a Nordic elf in the epic “The Hobbit,” is actually a Gallic type. Many people with this appearance work in show business because, along with a spectacular and pretty appearance, their genes gave them an artistic character.


In the 18th and 19th centuries, Great Britain colonized India and many other countries in Asia and Africa. The new citizens also had a significant impact on the appearance of the British. Modern migration processes have further aggravated the situation. Mixed marriages are not uncommon in England, and very beautiful children are born from them. A striking example of this is Naomi Scott, a singer and actress who is among the Top 20 most beautiful women in Great Britain. Her father is English, and her mother is from India.

Also on the streets you can see many young people, teenagers and children born from marriages of British people with people from Black or Arab Africa, Southeast Asia, Eastern and Central Europe. But the older a man or woman is, the more English blood they have. But even among retirees we observe several types that are strikingly different from each other.

Descendants of aristocrats

Great Britain is a monarchy. The royal family still enjoys special reverence among the country's citizens. Recently, princes can afford to marry persons of non-aristocratic blood. Their chosen ones are people from the rich bourgeoisie. We will talk about the appearance of representatives of the “high-middle class” later. Now let's look at what a typical Englishman from high society looks like. Prince Charles doesn't count - his large protruding ears and long mouth make his appearance unique and special.

But the royal family consists of several dozen members, and there are also nobles of lower rank, so we can paint a portrait of an English aristocrat. He is tall and thin. He has a very elongated long face with close-set light eyes, a long gristly nose, an inexpressive slanted chin, a small mouth with thin lips. For ladies of high society, female hormones slightly soften their angular shapes. These ladies donate fortunes to dentists to correct a birth defect: their dentition is arranged in a narrow horseshoe, curved inward.

Upper middle class

From all of the above, it becomes clear why princes of blue blood do not look for an equal, but choose brides from commoners. But the latter are also divided into classes. English women from the upper middle class are very pretty. Not just one family, but people of Saxon, Norman, French and other nationalities took part in the formation of their genotype. In Britain there is even a concept of English rose. An “English rose” means a beautiful woman with typically northern features.

We can only give a number of names of famous actresses to make it clear what a representative of the upper middle class looks like. These are Lily Esley and Elizabeth Brighton (theater stars of the early 20th century), Belinda Leigh and Vivien Leigh (mid-century), Jane Birkin and Caroline Munro (70-80s), Rachel Weisz and Rosamund Pike (2000s). The “People's Princess” Diana, née Frances Spencer, also had a similar appearance (round chin, large eyes, a small, slightly upturned or straight thin nose, plump lips).

Middle class

Celebrities and top managers can afford gym memberships, healthy organic food, and some can even have their appearance defects corrected by plastic surgeons. Well, what do English men and women with average incomes look like? They usually have excellent genetics, allowing them to remain slim and youthful into old age.

Celtic, Scottish and British blood flows in their veins, and sometimes a stormy cocktail of them. And representatives of the fair sex from Great Britain refute the myth that northern women are inferior to southern women in appearance. Keira Knightley is recognized as the most beautiful woman in the country. She is the daughter of an Englishman and a Scottish woman.

Working class

Among this social stratum it is rare to find a real beauty or a handsome man. The types of women in this environment are divided into two types. The first is the so-called towie. This type can mainly be found in Essex County. Ladies try to look beautiful thanks to tons of cosmetics. False eyelashes, nails, hair; rhinestones in eyebrows, navel, teeth; permanent makeup... All this war paint makes them look spectacular, but not at all pretty.

The second type of women from the lower strata are Chav girls. These are girls who have given up on themselves and live on social benefits. They do not particularly bother with the width of their waist, which in some individuals reaches impressive volumes. This unpretentious appearance is aggravated by the bad taste and especially the addiction of these ladies to leggings, which they wear without skirts or long tunics.

Working class men

A blue collar worker can be defined by his love of plaid shirts. Among this caste there is still an opinion that if a man is well-groomed, he is gay. Both sexes have an unhealthy addiction to alcohol, but at the same time they love to talk about Christian and family values. The types of working class men can also be divided into two groups. The first is a large, phlegmatic, big guy with a purple face and watery blue eyes. To imagine this appearance, just remember the constables from the stories of Conan Doyle.

The second type is a thin and short man with a bony, narrow skull and small, expressionless facial features. But even such people can be quite nice. An example of this is the actor who was included in the Top Handsome Men of England and played in the prequel of the film epic about Harry Potter “Magical Beasts” and “The Crimes of Grindelwald.”

From all of the above we can conclude that Great Britain remains a caste country. But it is not so. It can be noted that in recent years there has been an increasing mixing of social classes. This makes the gap between the older and younger generations more obvious. If the former are more prim and prefer clothes in calm colors and good cut, then the latter strive for convenience, showiness, bright colors and fashion brands.

Dudulina Tatyana Vladimirovna, Kastyrin Danil Vladimirovich, Smirnova Anastasia Alekseevna

Nowadays, borders between countries are blurred, people travel, so it is very important to know the traditions and language of the country you are visiting.







KASTYRIN Danil Vladimirovich

SMIRNOVA Anastasia Alekseevna

students of class 7 "A"


DUDULINA Tatyana Vladimirovna


The relevance of research:Nowadays, borders between countries are blurred, people travel, so it is very important to know the traditions and language of the country you are visiting.

Purpose of this study is to reveal the featuresnational character of Russians and English , English culture and its traditions by comparing the cultures of England and Russia.


1) identify traditions existing in England;

2) find similarities and differences in English and Russian traditions;

3) prove the need to study folk traditions in order to better understand the characteristicsnational character of Russians and English .

Hypotheses that were tested:

1) Are there any similarities in English and Russian traditions;

2) Does the geographical location, history of the country and its climate influence the culture of the people, the formation of the character of the people.

Object of study are the features national character of Russians and English

Methods used:literature analysis, observation, comparison.

The topic of our research is a comparison of the characters of Russians and Englishmen. We read the opinions of many scientists and ordinary people, compared the characters of the two peoples, their traditions and habits. And here's what we managed to find out... « National character" is a set of specific psychological traits that have become characteristic of a particular socio-ethnic community in specific economic, cultural and natural conditions. The character of any people is in constant development. The process of formation and development of national character occurs under the influence of the development of history. Acceptable evidence of the existence of a national character is the national language. Language both reflects and shapes its speaker; it is the most objective indicator of a people’s character. It is generally accepted that one of the negative aspects of the English character is snobbery, the idea of ​​the innate superiority of the British over all other nations. Tolerance is a distinctive feature of the English nation. The British overcome any difficulties in life with enviable tenacity. They just don't pay attention to them.My house is my castle ~ My home is my fortress. The house serves as a fortress for the Englishman, where he can hide not only from uninvited visitors, but also from annoying worries. They do not make a cult out of clothing - in any case, they do not at all consider it a measure of human well-being. The British are very unpretentious when it comes to everyday food. Having their own shelter is the ultimate dream of an English family, this is the goal for which they are ready to deny themselves everything year after year and make any sacrifices. The Englishman likes to live surrounded by familiar things. In home decoration, as in many other things, he primarily values ​​antiquity and good quality. “Prude Englishmen” is a familiar phrase that has long become a stereotype. The British are the biggest conservatives in the world. They really don’t like to change their habits, lifestyle, food, clothes. The Queen hasn't changed her hairstyle in fifty years, Prince Charles prefers a gray suit over all others, and Princess Anne is known to be a big fan of salmon, which she can eat three times a day. English conservatism grows on the basis of respect for traditions.

Traditions and customs of Russia and England.

Tea party

The oldest and most well-known tradition in England is considered to be treated with special respect and this tradition of England is revered no less than in the east. In England, of course, they drink Indian tea, although Chinese tea is also considered refined and delicate. Self-respecting Englishmen take their own specially blended tea with them on trips. The traditions of tea drinking in our countries differ significantly: the English tradition originated in the 16th century, the British still plan their day with the help of tea, in Rus' tea appeared later in the 17th century and since then this tradition has changed a lot.

In England there is a tradition of drinking tea six times a day.

1st cup of tea

The British wake up at 6-7 am and drink tea in bed before washing and dressing. The tradition arose as a result of the damp climate of England and morning fogs. A cup of tea helps them wake up.

2nd cup of tea

After they wake up, they go to the living room for breakfast. For breakfast, the British drink tea with milk and most often eat oatmeal, fish or scrambled eggs with bacon.

3rd cup of tea

The British have second breakfast (Lunch time) from 12.00 to 14.00. They also drink tea during this time.

4th cup of tea

"Five-o-clock" is an English afternoon tea at 17.00, accompanied by tea and small snacks.

5th cup of tea

Lunch among the British comes very late at 19.00 - 20.00, accompanied by tea ("High tea") and a large meal in the living room at a huge round table by the fireplace, where conversations are held.

6th cup of tea

After a late dinner, shortly before bed, the British can drink another cup of tea.

There is a tradition of tea drinking in Russia, but over time it has changed significantly. Previously, tea was very expensive, and not everyone could afford it. Therefore, a tea ceremony appeared in Rus', which consisted of the ability to brew and pour tea so that each of the guests received their own portion of tea of ​​the same strength. Tea was brewed in a samovar, and then drunk from cups and deep saucers with jam and sugar. Nowadays, this is no longer a ceremony, but an ordinary evening tea party or family Saturday gatherings with cakes, pies, jam and sweets.

« Love for Gardens (English Garden)"

An Englishman also cannot imagine a house without a well-kept garden near his house. This is a special custom of England, which is revered by everyone. Competitions are even held to identify the best garden near houses. An Englishman whose garden near his house is recognized as the best is considered a very respected person and he can rightfully be proud of himself.

English gardens, the main style of which is a skillful imitation of natural nature, “wildness” created by human hands, are a strong national passion.

Not all Russians have gardens; usually it is a dacha with a vegetable garden. In Russia, they strive to use gardens, first of all, not for decoration, but for growing cultivated plants and harvesting.


In England there is a queen who does not really rule the country. She is part of the traditions of this country. The British believe that the monarchy helps to unite the nation and maintain the national spirit.

Russia is a country led by a president, he has real power and can make independent decisions. Before the Great October Socialist Revolution, Russia had a monarchy, and the head of the state was the Tsar-Emperor, who wielded power and ruled the country.

"Strict (English) education"

It is customary to keep children in England strictly, and the higher in society you are, the more strict there is. We often see how in a rich English house, with a huge living room, a gigantic bedroom, a majestic study, the so-called children's room is located almost in the attic and is a miserable closet, and this is done quite consciously, for fundamental reasons, so as not to undead, but to harden. It is no coincidence, apparently, that the Boy Scout movement originated in England at the beginning of the 20th century, and its slogan was “Be prepared!” A true Englishman must be ready for any difficulties at any moment

In Russia, education is more democratic in nature, parents are more lenient towards their children and less strict.

"Private boarding schools"

Another wonderful tradition of England is a good, prestigious education for its children. Wealthy Englishmen prefer to send their children to private boarding schools; schools with separate education for boys and girls are especially popular (it is believed that this will not distract children from their studies). Boys and girls in England very often study in private boarding schools away from their parents; they come home only for the holidays. The tradition of studying in such schools originated in the Middle Ages, when the British went to work in the colonies and left their children in boarding schools. Girls study in some boarding houses, boys in others. They are very rare.

In Russia, girls and boys live with their parents and study together, usually in secondary schools. In recent years, private schools have also begun to appear.

« Love for your home"

The British love to be at home. They say “My house is my castle” because they do not want their neighbors to know what is happening at home. The British prefer to live in separate houses built for one family. The center of the house is the fireplace, around which all family members like to sit and look at the fire, exchanging news of the day. The mantel often displays a clock, mirror, or photographs.

Russians love their home, but most often it is an apartment, and even more they like to invite people to visit or go out themselves, because they are more hospitable and hospitable than the British. Russian people are more open and often interested in the affairs of their neighbors.

"Politeness and Balance"

English are polite and often say “Thank you” and “I’m sorry.” They don't talk loudly on the street. They don't jostle on buses to grab an empty seat; they buy tickets indicating their place in queues at bus stops. Residents of England do not shake hands when meeting each other; they do not show their emotions even in tragic situations.

Unlike the British, Russians not very polite and more emotional, but good-natured and very hospitable. In ancient times, a Russian person, leaving his house, left the door open and food ready for the wanderer, which is why there were legends about the breadth of the Russian soul. Due to their greater emotionality, Russians are characterized by openness, responsiveness and sincerity in communication.

Communication in England and Russia

1. Russia

Communication has an extremely high degree of importance in Russian culture. One of the features of communication is conciliarity, characterized by the opinion of the team, the opinion of outsiders. The next feature of Russian communicative behavior is the requirement of sincerity and sincerity. Sincerity is the desire and ability to establish personal relationships at any level of social relations.

A smile in Russian communication is not a mandatory attribute of politeness. In the West, the more a person smiles, the more polite he is. A smile among Russians demonstrates a personal affection for another person, which, naturally, does not apply to everyone. The “duty smile” has a negative connotation. There is no requirement to “keep face” or “maintain dignity.” The contact nature of Russian communicative culture is incomparably higher than in the West. During a conversation, Russians often touch their interlocutor's hand, violating their personal space.

In Russian communication, the range of topics discussed is very wide, especially in comparison with the communicative culture of the West.

For a Russian person, a heart-to-heart conversation is a priority. Russian people have a strong tendency to ask their interlocutor deeply personal questions as a sign of friendliness, which are considered taboo for Western communicative behavior (in this way Russians are close to the Greeks).

Love for debate on global, philosophical issues is a striking feature of Russian communicative behavior. Emotional gestures are also possible, a raised voice, a sharp expression of denial are acceptable: “No way! In no case!". Although this is often seen by foreigners as a quarrel or rudeness, for Russians this often just means more emotional communication, and does not carry hostility or authoritarianism towards the interlocutor.

2. UK

At first glance, the British seem to be reserved and imperturbable people. And very often it turns out that the British almost never say what they think. The British, unlike, for example, the Americans, have a favorite pastime - complaining. With an important look, nodding and feeling united in the general displeasure with others, they grumble about everything in the world until, finally, they unanimously agree that everything around is very bad, and it is absolutely impossible to somehow improve the situation.

In conversation, the British use a huge number of platitudes to support the conversation or to cover up their own reluctance to say anything specific on a particular issue.

Weather among the British, it is not only the most preferred topic of conversation, it also serves to fill pauses in the conversation. Deprived of the weather topic, the Englishman feels practically unarmed during a conversation.

The British jokes are most often extremely sophisticated. Sometimes the meaning of such a joke is almost impossible to grasp. People here love irony and expect the same from others. The main things in English communication with each other are words expressing request, gratitude and, most importantly, apology. If you do not say the required number of words of gratitude or regret, the British will probably immediately put you on the list of “unpleasant” people, that is, those who are not kind and polite enough.

Try to avoid excessive gestures when communicating with the British. This is considered a sign of theatricality, and therefore insincerity. It is considered extremely rude to talk with your hands in your pockets. Hands should always be visible. The British usually use gestures only if it is absolutely necessary - for example, when showing the way (the index finger of the right hand is extended). Or, if they stubbornly defend their position (the index and middle fingers of the right hand are raised and form the letter “V”).

It is considered indecent to address strangers until you have been introduced to them. When greeting and addressing people, it is customary to use noble titles, even among close friends. Although the “American” habit of calling each other by name is becoming increasingly widespread. When communicating, avoid touching, except for shaking hands. In public places, never look at other people. The British avoid eye contact, considering it indecent. The British try to exchange handshakes easily and quickly. The British prefer a short, energetic handshake, without any attempt to hold your hand in theirs.

"Love to the animals"

English They love pets very much. They have approximately five million dogs, almost as many cats, 3 million parrots and other birds, fish in aquariums - and 1 million exotic pets such as reptiles. In the UK they have specialist dog shops selling food, clothing and other things for dogs. There are dog grooming salons and dog cemeteries. In the UK, pets can send Christmas cards to their friends. There are special animal hotels at airports. The English people believe that they are the only nation on earth that is truly kind to animals.

Russians too They love animals, but, unfortunately, in Russia not everyone has the opportunity to keep large representatives of the animal world. Most often, residents of Russia can afford small animals, such as cats, dogs, small rodents and parrots. And animal care services are not so common in our country.

"National sports"

British entertainment are also traditional. Golf, cricket, tennis, horse polo, fishing and fox hunting are rightfully considered national sports. For the British, cricket is more than a game. The English play it every Sunday. If you really want to gain their trust, try learning the rules of cricket.

In Rus' Since ancient times, everyone, young and old, took part in festivities and celebrations. On the holiday, a rare day free from work, people sought to take a break from hard everyday work by playing, competing or simply participating in the fun as spectators. But games served them not only as fun and entertainment, but also as military training before battles with opponents. National sports Russians are lapta, gorodki and kettlebell lifting.

Results of comparison of traditions in Russian and English families

Comparison of holidays in Russia and Great Britain

Let's look at specific examples of comparison of holidays that are celebrated both in Russia and in the UK.


Christmas is the most important holiday in Great Britain. It is celebrated on December 25th. The British give each other gifts, decorate the Christmas tree, look forward to Santa Claus, and listen to the Queen's speech. During the holiday week, they visit and sing sacred songs.

Russian Christmas celebrations have some differences. Firstly, in Russia Christmas is celebrated on January 7th. Secondly, the main holiday in Russia is the New Year. It is on this holiday that people give each other gifts, go to visit, listen to the president’s speech and wait for Santa Claus. The similarity is that at Christmas Russians sing songs called “carols”.


In Great Britain and Russia, people celebrate Maslenitsa. The traditions of celebrating this day are similar in both countries. The British bake pancakes and organize competitions to see how quickly they can be baked and eaten. However, Russians celebrate for a whole week instead of just one day. Maslenitsa is a very important holiday for many Russians, perhaps this is explained by the fact that after its celebration many observe Lent. Maslenitsa is much brighter and more interesting in Russia than in the UK.

The chanting of mothers is associated with the annual spring Greek festival in honor of Rhea, the mother of all children. Christians celebrated this festival on the fourth Sunday of March in honor of Mary, the mother of Christ. In England, this holiday was expanded to include honoring all mothers, and was called Mother's Sunday. In Russia we celebrate Women's Day on March 8th. On this day, all men agree to do everything around the house and even cook dinner.

Every second Sunday in May, English mothers become queens of the day. Children give cards, flowers, and congratulate their mothers. It is a tradition to visit your mother on this day. That is, the celebration of Mother's Day in the UK has much in common with the celebration of International Women's Day in Russia.

May holidays

In Russia, the holiday of May 1 is known to everyone. It has been celebrated since Soviet times and is famous for the words “Peace, Labor, May.” Thousands of people took part in parades, rallies, cleanup days were organized in schools and offices. Today, May 1, is a great opportunity for Russians to have a picnic and spend free time outdoors with their family.

It is very interesting that the idea of ​​celebrating May Day in the UK is completely different. May 1 was very important in the Middle Ages. The May Day celebration has a history associated with the celebration of the Roman flower festival, which heralded the beginning of summer. People decorated their homes with freshly cut flowers and believed that flower perfumes would bring them good luck. Early in the morning the girls went to the field and washed themselves with dew. They believed it made them more beautiful. Also on May Day, young people competed in archery and tug-of-war. The British celebrate this holiday cheerfully to this day: they dance, sing songs, play various folk games.The most striking feature of the British national character is extravagance. The main reason for the extravagance of the British is the history and geographical location of England.The island position of Great Britain automatically affects the British, separates them from other nations, makes their character, mentality, and way of life different from other nations. Many people note some oddities in the character of the British. One of these oddities is the talent for speaking in hints. They never mean what they say here. The phrase “Russian character”, “Russian soul” is associated in our minds with something mysterious, elusive, mysterious and grandiose. Why is this problem still relevant to us? First you need to understand who the Russians are.Russian people have always been suspicious of wealth, believing that wealth is associated with sin, that it cannot be acquired honestly, without breaking the law. In Russia, spiritual values ​​have always been put at the forefront. Russians love to have heart-to-heart conversations; they love openness, simplicity and ease of communication.As for the Russians, we show ourselves as a strong people who love their country and are ready to sacrifice everything for it. We are patriots of our Motherland! No wonder there is an expression characteristic only of Russians: “Risk is a noble cause!” As Tolstoy says: “The Russian people are kind and patient, but when trouble comes, they are harsh and merciless, sparing neither themselves nor the enemy.” This is where our patriotism is manifested, our readiness to give our lives for our Motherland! The Russian man has his soul wide open. The positive qualities of the Russian character are hospitality, openness and patience. We always welcome guests. Our Russian folk tales testify to this. There, the guest will always be fed, watered and put to bed first, and then they will ask about his problems.Comparing Russians with foreigners, we are increasingly convinced of the deep spirituality and internal decency of our compatriots. The bulk of Russians are honest, kind, sympathetic, hospitable, modest, emotional and intelligent people. In the words of A.I. Solzhenitsyn: “We will get back on our feet when conscience prevails over the economy.” In the meantime, we need to learn to communicate with other cultures, demonstrating the best features of the Russian national character. Every person should have a national self-awareness, a value-based attitude towards the individual, society, state, history and culture of his fatherland and people. A citizen must respect the law and the norms of collective life. Social responsibility is the most important characteristic of young citizens, manifested in concern for the well-being of their country, its strengthening and security.The culture and traditions of England and Russia differ significantly. This is due to the geographical location of the countries, their history and climate.

England is a very small country surrounded by seas. This means that the climate is humid. The weather is often damp and cloudy, which is why the British drink tea so often.

Russia is a huge country. It also has seas, but most of the country is remote from them. The climate in our country is not so damp. But in some areas it is even dry.

The histories of the development of the English and Russian peoples are also very different from each other.

All nations are very different. Everyone has their own traditions, customs and understanding of life. Everyone has positive and negative character traits. But despite all this, we all want peace, kindness, love and to live together!


  1. Lossky N.O. The character of the Russian people / N.O Lossky - M., 1991.
  2. Sternin I.A. About some features of Russian communication / ed. I.A. Sternina // Culture of communication and its formation / I.A. Sternin, Vol. 1- Voronezh, 1994, 27.

3. Sukharev V.A. Psychology of peoples and nations / V.A. Sukharev, M.V. Sukharev. - D.: Stalker, 1997. - 400 p.

The national character of the English has been described in different ways, but most commentators agree over one quality, which they describe as a sense of superiority or “insular pride”. English patriotism is based on a deep sense of security. Englishmen as individuals may have been insecure, threatened with the loss of their job, unsure of themselves or unhappy in many ways. But as a nation they have been secure for centuries.

The English are a well-disciplined people and it is probably no exaggeration to say that they have the best manners in the world. They are all polite, they all know how to hold their knife and fork and how to behave in society. Besides they are never rude. Coarse expressions are hardly ever used. You may be struck by the fact that life in Britain is less noisy.

The English display a surprising unity in a crisis. They also have a strong sense for public order. The apparent coldness of Englishmen has been almost universally noted by the foreigners. But they also confess that once one gets to know an Englishman better, he turns out to be a very companionable fellow.

The typical feature of the English is their love of games. They love playing all of them. They play football and cricket; games are nowhere so popular as in England. But however childish at their games they are very serious in business.

The British have long been famous as a nation of animal-lovers. There is a pet in nearly every family and often the family dog ​​or cat has a special chair near the fire, special food and a special place in the hearts of its owners. All this doesn't mean that the English differ from other human beings. They certainly feel the same emotions: jealousy, envy, joy and happiness as others- only their external reactions are different.

When one speaks of the English, one usually means all the nations living within the borders of the United Kingdom - Scots, Welsh or Irish. The difference between these nations is great enough for everyone who lives in Britain, but for the outside world it is less apparent.

English character

The national character of the English people has been described in various ways, but most commentators agree on one quality, which they describe as a sense of superiority, or "island pride". English patriotism is based on a deep sense of security. The English as individuals may have been unsafe, afraid of losing their jobs, feeling insecure or unhappy in their own ways. But as a nation they have been safe for centuries.

The English are a well-disciplined people and it is probably no exaggeration to say that they have the best manners in the world. They are all polite, they all know how to hold a knife and fork, and how to behave in society. Besides, they are never rude. Crude language is almost never used. You may be amazed by the fact that life in the UK is less noisy.

The British also show remarkable unity in times of crisis. They also have a strong sense of social order. The apparent coldness of the English was almost universally noted by foreigners. But they also admit that if you get to know an Englishman better, he turns out to be very friendly.

A characteristic feature of the British is their love of games. They love to play all of them. They play football and cricket, games nowhere as popular as in England. However, despite their childishness in games, they are very serious in business.

The British have long been known as a nation of animal lovers. There is an animal in almost every family and often a dog or cat has a special chair by the fireplace, special food and a special place in the hearts of its owners. All this does not mean that the English are different from other human beings. They, of course, feel the same feelings: jealousy, envy, joy and happiness as others, only their external reactions are different.

When someone talks about the English, they usually mean all the peoples living within the borders of the United Kingdom - the Scots, Welsh and Irish. The difference between these countries is quite large for anyone living in the UK, but it is also less obvious to the outside world.

Sukiasyan V.A.

Moscow State University named after V.S. Chernomyrdin

National character of the British

The character of the British is considered the most contradictory and paradoxical of all European nations.

The British are credited arrogance, snobbery, detachment, hypocrisy, unsociability, restraint.

The geographical location of the country played a role in the formation of the English national character. The island position of the country shaped the “island” thinking of the British. For Europeans, this isolation is associated with snobbery.

In England you can't go overboard saying "thank you" and "please". This may be the only country in the world where someone who has had their foot stepped on apologizes.

The British hide negative emotions and feelings and, as a rule, do not express them openly and naturally. This leaves an imprint on the way of communication: the British find it very difficult to speak with pronounced emotions and gestures.

In general, the British are modest and pleasant to talk to.

The British are smart and quick-witted, they love to think. Their favorite activities, according to many researchers**, are reading, gardening and research.

The British are fond of sports. Golf, cricket, football and rugby– the most popular national sports, and fox hunting and racing associated with the upper class.

The British love gambling. More and more Englishmen have become interested in card games, special establishments are appearing (opening clubs is also a typically English activity) where you can read, play cards and, finally, communicate.

The British are also famous lovers of nature and animals.

American national character.

America, like any other nation, considers itself the best nation in the world. Americans, however, have strong evidence of this: people from all over the globe come to this country and many manage to fully realize themselves. It is very important for Americans to be the best. Victory is the basis of American psychology. Every event in an American's life, from prom to marriage to buying a car, is staged to make it look like winning a competition. In addition, the Americans consider themselves the only country that knows how to win. Victory is important to Americans because, as a rule, everything is great for the winner, and everything should be great for Americans. The awesomeness factor is present in all aspects of personal and social life. Universities give academic awards to anyone who is even remotely capable of passing exams.

Elementary school is primarily concerned with instilling self-esteem in children: children are taught how remarkable all their achievements are (even if these achievements do not involve the ability to divide one number by another without the help of a calculator). In some schools, dictations have been abolished altogether, because children will write some word incorrectly, and this has a detrimental effect on their self-esteem, i.e. makes them feel less than wonderful. And so, because of their sense of superiority, in many European countries Americans are considered:

-->impudent, arrogant;




The American nation as a whole is credited with several common characteristics:

-->Patriotism, bordering on religious belief in their government system, which they consider to be the best in the world. When asked what exactly they are most proud of, they answer that it is their state and political institutions.

Americans' political views are most influenced by their family traditions.

-->Americans not interested the culture of other countries, only our own.

-->Americans really appreciate individuality and personal integrity. They believe that they are responsible for their intentions, choices and destiny.

-->The right to privacy and personal opinion is universally respected in the United States. From a very early age, American children are encouraged to make their own choices. Two-year-olds may be asked if they want to sit next to Mom or Dad.

It is believed that Aging fundamentally contradicts all American ideals and concepts. The slogan for both men and women is “Look twenty years younger.” Old people, who are called "older people", try to hide their age by any means, thereby tinting their hair, wearing jeans, tightening their skin, and removing wrinkles through plastic surgery, etc.

Hi all. Welcome to my channel.

Today I would like to talk about such a phenomenon as a typical Englishman. My friends often ask me: what are these typical Englishmen like, what is so special and unusual about them?

So, what is an Englishman's character like? According to my observations, many English people are very friendly and open. The stereotype that they are closed and cold is probably not entirely correct. Of course, there are people who are more good-natured and open, but the British can also easily invite you to their home. They don’t have this attitude: my home is my fortress, which is closed to everyone. Not at all.

The British visit each other and communicate. Sometimes an ordinary conversation in a store can develop into a story about your life, your family. But at the same time, it should be understood that with such good nature one should not expect anything more or some kind of long-term relationship. It could just be small talk. And in general, the British are very social by nature. It seems to me that this quality is instilled from childhood, since schoolchildren quite often attend various clubs.

Also, much attention is paid to sports here, and usually all children play some kind of sports, and are not limited to some classical disciplines (like football, basketball), but take part in a fairly large variety of games in which girls also participate, including. I think all team sports adapt children very well to being in society; they become more sociable and open.

Regarding appearance: the British really take care of themselves. This is not to say that they are some kind of slobs, but perhaps, by our Slavic standards, their appearance will not quite fall under the concept of neatness and elegance - typical Englishmen are more relaxed, democratic in their clothes. And they probably don’t pay as much attention to this as we do, because clothes for us are an expression of status and wealth. In England they take this somewhat more simply, but it cannot be said that the British wear things that are completely ugly or unstylish. The only thing I would like to say about girls (when you go to a pub or a nightclub): they go too far in the sense that they dress inappropriately for the weather. If it is convenient in winter not to take a jacket to a nightclub, then the girl does so so as not to take it to the wardrobe and not accidentally forget it there, that is, she simply puts on a dress (even without tights) and walks like that down the street, while how there is snow all around. This is a bit of a shocking moment. And at the same time, girls really love false eyelashes, nails, and various bright colors in their appearance. Maybe it would be good individually, but the whole thing feels overly intense.

Typical Englishmen love to go to pubs. And for the British, they are not bars or places where you can drink, but more as places to communicate and spend time with your friends, acquaintances, neighbors (this is why local pubs are very popular, where they constantly broadcast some matches, hold lotteries, karaoke ).

Another point that may seem trivial, but nevertheless, is that typical English people do not take off their shoes in a house or apartment. In our culture, it is common to take off your shoes, or at least ask about it. In England, you may encounter guests coming to you and simply walking straight into the hall without taking off their shoes. And only if the weather is really bad and dirty outside, they may ask whether to take off their shoes or not; but I came across the fact that even such a factor as inclement weather does not stop people, that is, they leave a lot of dirt behind. And when even you say: “Excuse me, can I ask you to take off your shoes?” - they may think that you are rude.
