Do you want to know what physiognomy is and how it can be useful in everyday life? Then read this article. Applying the practical tips described below, you can lift the curtain on the mystery of the life of a stranger. So, physiognomy - how to read a person in the face? Be patient and you'll find out!

The modern rhythm of life is extremely high. Every day there are many events, flows of information in clots of incredible sizes move in space. Humanity has recently entered the era of communications, which will rule the roost for a long time to come - whoever owns the information owns the world.

Scientists have proven that a modern person receives and processes more information in one day than a nineteenth-century inhabitant received in a whole year.

Every day we meet many new people. But when meeting a new person, it is sometimes difficult to find contact. Moreover, it is quite difficult to determine how much you can trust a stranger and whether he is a reliable person. You can’t just ask him about it - he is unlikely to give an answer. But there is a way out - physiognomy.

How did physiognomy

This is a science that deals with determining the character of a person, his personal qualities and even the events that occurred in his life. It will not be a day, a place and an incident in pictures and details. Physiognomy allows only to understand the nature of the event.

Despite the fact that physiognomy is translated from Greek as “face” and “fortune-telling”, it is fundamentally different from Tarot cards or a crystal ball - this is really a science. It is built on observations, research and psychological tests.

When a person interacts with the outside world, his face and body react to it. Even in complete solitude, alone with itself, the body shows its reaction outward.

For example, when a person is serious, his eyebrows are frowning, when he is angry, the pupils constrict, and the nostrils, on the contrary, expand, as breathing quickens. To understand the essence, just look at the keyboard of an old laptop. What keys are on it?

The ones that get clicked the most. The same thing happens with the human face. When a person expresses emotions, facial muscles contract.

Each emotion has its own expression, its own personal “imprint”, which can be used to determine what feelings and experiences a person is experiencing at the moment. Different people react differently to the same episode.

Of course, there are situations, the reaction to which is approximately the same for everyone, so sometimes even the style and standard of living can be recognized by the face.

Like the buttons on a laptop, human skin can be cushioned. In those places where bends most often occur, folds form. It is from facial wrinkles that you can learn a lot about who is standing in front of you.

The more often a person experiences this or that emotion, the more the skin in a certain place will be deformed, which will help to unravel the character, inclinations and even bad habits. The body leaves clues not only through wrinkles - this is just one of the forms of manifestation.

Facial features can tell a lot, the most "eloquent" of which are:

  • brows;
  • eyes;
  • chin.

How to read a person by face using physiognomy

Eyebrows are perhaps the most expressive part of the human face. They very brightly signal surprise, anger, anxiety and are often an indicator of the current mood.

By eyebrows, physiognomy makes it possible to recognize some character traits. But it is important to remember that many girls, and sometimes not only, correct the shape of their eyebrows, which significantly distorts the result and reduces their level of information.

Eyebrows are easy to assess ambition, the potential for creativity and the pursuit of fame.

A shy person can be identified by this description of the eyebrows:

  • sparse eyebrows;
  • light or pale hair;
  • thin line of eyebrows.

In a noisy company, such a person prefers a supporting role. He is taciturn, rarely shows initiative, behaves peacefully and rarely shows aggression.

The following eyebrows will tell about the confidence and good self-control of their owner:

  • even, smooth eyebrows;
  • long;
  • having clear, pronounced outlines.

The eyebrows of a person prone to control, manipulation and a thirst for power are characterized by the following features:

  • thick unruly hair;
  • black color;
  • thick eyebrow line.

There are 7 types of eyebrows in total:

Location matters too. Low eyebrows speak of ambition and strength of character, while high eyebrows characterize indecision. Long eyebrows are characteristic of those with a high level of intelligence.

According to research, it is the eyes that are instinctively looked at first. The human gaze is so expressive that even without knowing physiognomy, you can quickly understand what mood a person is in.

Eye shapes and their influence on character:

  1. Big eyes characterize sincerity, sharp mind and openness. Expressive eyes are a sign of beauty and a high level of self-control;
  2. Bulging eyes indicate passion, strong vitality, willingness to take risks. Such people often strive for control and power, are capable of reckless actions;
  3. Small eyes symbolize such traits as decency, pedantry and strong moral principles. However, people with this eye shape are slightly insecure and self-critical enough, which is why they are indecisive;
  4. Deep-set eyes characterize a person who is conservative and calm, but at the same time vulnerable. Such people have perseverance and concentration, they prefer stability to risk and know how to handle money;
  5. Slanted eyes give out a bold optimist, confidently walking along the path of life. Sometimes such people can commit rash, rash acts, which often has a negative impact on their position;
  6. The lowered corners of the eyes speak of a caring person who knows how to empathize with others. This form indicates kindness and inability to say “no” at the right time. Others often pin the solution to their problems on such people;
  7. A small iris is characteristic of impulsive and quick-tempered people. They do not like responsibility and try their best to avoid it. At the same time, sometimes they can be generous and have extraordinary cunning.

The color of the iris can be very informative. Brown eyes speak of a strong character, blue eyes are known for their kindness and openness. Green indicates a high level of intellectual development of its owner. The whites of the eyes should be white. This indicates good health.


The nose is, in a way, an indicator of success. By the nose of a person, one can determine his potential success in business and other areas related to finance.

Experts in the field of physiognomy note that the nose is most informative in the fifth decade of human life.

He will talk about the level of financial well-being and professional implementation.

The nose is formed only by the age of 20. Its beautiful shape does not mean that its owner is successful in all areas of life. It would seem that a nose that is not very attractive at first glance may turn out to be ideal in terms of the characteristics of a successful person.

The shape of the nose matters a lot.

  1. A straight nose predicts material wealth and speaks of the decency of its owner;
  2. Thin is a classic beauty standard, but its owners can be considered proud and even arrogant personalities;
  3. An aquiline nose speaks of great sexual energy and charisma. People with such noses have not hefty leadership qualities and are able to lead;
  4. The owners of short noses are very optimistic, have a wide circle of friends and are very responsive. But you can't call them careerists;
  5. A long nose signals well-developed rational thinking, conservatism and pedantry. Sometimes its owners can be arrogant, especially with strangers;
  6. A large nose is characteristic of a gentle and kind person who sincerely empathizes with the problems of other people and is ready to help them in every possible way. Such people have magnetic abilities to attract money.

It is worth paying attention to the nostrils:

A shiny nose, which is considered not very aesthetic, speaks of great success in the financial sector. A little pink color also promises prosperity and wealth.

An earthy color indicates the possible presence of diseases, and red capillaries on the wings of the nose indicate alcohol abuse.

The mouth is very important for determining the spiritual qualities of a person.

From the corners of the mouth, especially in adulthood, one can understand the mood under which a person’s life goes as a whole. Lowered corners are characteristic of pessimists, and those directed upwards are characteristic of optimists. This is due to the fact that optimists smile much more often, which contributes to the formation of just such folds.

An ear

The human ear is very individual and is not distorted by makeup. The disadvantage is that it is often hidden by hair. The shape of the ears contains clues about character traits:

The normal ear is colored white and pink. The scarlet auricle characterizes an aggressive person who cannot control his anger. But when evaluating this indicator, it is worth considering the time of year and whether a person wears a hat.

The chin becomes an assistant to the physiognomist at the age of 30, since by this time it is formed:

One of the few cases where the myths are true. A wide “strong-willed” chin really symbolizes a strong character and steel endurance, and a small “soft” chin speaks of a person who tends to quit what he started in the middle of the path and easily panics.

The eyes are the source of strength

A look can literally transform a face. A very effective way to influence the interlocutor, especially in controversial situations, is a heavy, or as it is also called a “magnetic” look. Its existence is confirmed by the fact that sometimes people seem to physically feel when they are looked at.

The whole secret is to learn to look with two eyes at one point. For example, when talking with an interlocutor, you should try to look him in only one eye.

To develop this skill, you can draw a black circle on paper and hang it on the wall at eye level, and then look at it for about 2 minutes 3 times a day.

You can also practice in front of a mirror, which will allow you, to some extent, to be in the place of your opponent. This is an excellent technique that allows you to clearly control facial expressions and facial expressions.

And a lot more interesting information about physiognomy - in the next video.

Hello dear readers! Many of us would like to learn how to read faces. Agree that this is very beneficial: at first glance, you can tell what kind of character a person has, what type of activity he is inclined to, and how to communicate with him. These and other questions are studied by physiognomy: how to read a person by the face and even determine what he is sick with. Does this method really work? At the end of the article you will find a test on this topic.

The science of physiognomy is the study of the internal state of a person by his appearance. Today this teaching is perceived by many as pseudoscience, but over the years it has received a lot of attention.

Previously, physiognomy began to be studied in ancient China. Even before our era, the connection of facial features with the human psyche was established by the ancient Greeks. Pythagoras and Plato accepted students into their school solely on the basis of external signs. So philosophers determined whether candidates for students had a penchant for doing science.

The first treatise on the types of people according to their appearance belongs to Aristotle. He rejects the original assumption that good looks are indicative of good character. The famous physician Hamn considered physiognomy useful for making a diagnosis.

Despite the dubiousness of the achievements of science, its study unfolded in the 11th century. The doctor Avicenna used the achievements of physiognomy in order to make a diagnosis. From the scholars of the Middle Ages, two treatises have survived to this day.

Subsequently, fortunetellers and palmists became interested in physiognomy, science moved into the field of astrology and esotericism. Treatises of the 16th-18th centuries are especially rich in this kind of reasoning. Leonardo da Vinci himself studied human facial expressions with interest and associated character with it.

In the 13th and 14th centuries, Lavater's book "The Art of Knowing People by Their Physiognomy" was published. At one time, A.S. Pushkin paid tribute to this work and even referred to the treatise in his books. One of the original statements for its time was the opinion that each class of society has its own physiognomy.

Such recognized scientists as Sechenov, Pavlov, Darwin should also be included among the admirers of physiognomy. Have these smartest people become hostages of pseudoscience?

Today in psychology achievements of physiognomy are widely used. Everything that this science studies is widely used in the training of public figures, psychologists, managers, and businessmen.

And although many theses of physiognomy are still being questioned, they are invariably successful. Proof of this is the well-known lectures of the modern psychologist Natalya Kucherenko on this issue.

Physiognomy of the face

Each part of the face is of great importance for determining the internal state, so we will consider their forms separately. Even wrinkles and their location play a role. To make it easier for you to orient yourself, let's imagine physiognomy in pictures. Let's consider the most striking features.


We are used to hearing that the eyes reflect the soul of a person. But not only the nature of the look, but even the shape of the eyes and their cut can say a lot about the character. For example, if a person has large eyes, this indicates his sensitivity and masculinity.

Small, narrowed eyes indicate a stubborn and self-satisfied nature. Even the fact where the corners of the eyes are directed matters. If they are raised up, you are dealing with a determined person. The corners pointing downwards speak of a cheerful disposition. A narrow corner will tell about a smart and insightful person, a rounded one - about a timid and indecisive one.


This is an equally important part of the face. If the eyelids are swollen, their owner is an extremely tired person. Eyelids falling down speak of the sexuality and sensuality of their owner. If the middle part of the eyelid falls to the middle of the eye, one can assume a dexterous nature.


From this part of the face, the character can be judged mainly in men, since women often change the natural shape of the eyebrows in the name of beauty. If the eyebrows are thick, their owner is a strong-willed and uncompromising person. Shaggy eyebrows belong to a resourceful and determined person. Elongated eyebrows will certainly confirm the mind and insight.


A long, straight nose in ancient times was considered by many peoples as a sign of a person's reliability. It was not scary to be entrusted even with a public position. A wide nose speaks of a calm and balanced nature, and a short one speaks of lightness of character.

A bend or hump is characteristic of powerful people; in women, they indicate business qualities. The narrowness of the nose prophesies a bleak life full of worries. If at the same time a person has wide nasal wings, he is very prudent. The tip of the nose, resembling a bird's beak, indicates suspiciousness. The sagging tip belongs to a person who is aware of his attractiveness. If the tip of the nose is convex, this nature is soft, responsive. The sharp end belongs to treacherous and deceitful people.

Lips and mouth

The first thing you should pay attention to when considering a person's mouth is its size. A large mouth speaks of the indecision and changeability of its owner. If the mouth is like a bow, a person can become attached for a long time and sincerely, but he will never take a leadership position.

Physiognomy attributes thick lips to sensual natures. Thin lips belong to liars, cowards and unreliable people. The protruding lower lip speaks of indecision, the upper lip speaks of inner vanity.

When the mouth sinks inward, one can conclude that its owner is stubborn and thrifty. A downturned mouth will tell about an imperious and decisive person. A mouth squinting to one side indicates inconstancy and sarcasm in relation to life.


Pointed ears, like those of a fox, speak of cunning and resourcefulness. If the earlobes are long, their owner is calm and will live a long life. On the contrary, short lobes indicate a nervous and quick-tempered person. Not without reason, in ancient Egypt, there were ways to lengthen the earlobes.


If you and I read faces, this important detail should not be forgotten. A pointed chin speaks of a person’s insincerity, deceit and cruelty. The round shape indicates a soft character. If the chin is oval, its owner is distinguished by loving, creative inclinations. The square shape speaks of a strong and courageous person.

A double chin in a thin person promises him prosperity and the love of children. A fleshy but small chin betrays a lover of pleasure. If the chin is tilted back, its owner has a weak character.


You can also judge the inner world of a person by wrinkles. Rough and distinct wrinkles speak of the collapse of plans and gloom. A horizontal line dividing the forehead in half indicates nobility.

If two or three lines cross the forehead, this person is prosperous and very resourceful. If there are three lines on the forehead, this fact indicates artistry and literary talent. Unusual lines on the forehead, crossing the forehead, speak of a life full of hardships. Diamond-shaped lines speak of the loud glory of their owner.

These are far from all the features of the face that make it possible to determine the character of a person. But even this knowledge is enough to determine the type of interlocutor.

Test: "We recognize the character by your face"

So, are you ready to learn something new about yourself? Then there is a test for you. We recognize the character of your facial features.

We judge a person by the first impression of his appearance, and the life experience we have accumulated often allows us to correctly determine the features of character by certain features of appearance. Observations of the relationship between a person's appearance and his character laid the foundation for physiognomy- a system of knowledge that allows you to determine the type of personality of a person and his spiritual qualities (both innate and acquired) based on the analysis of the characteristic features of the face and expression.

In a narrow sense, physiognomy - this is the expression of the face and figure of a person, due to the very structure of the face, skull, torso, limbs, regardless of expressive movements. Facial expressions are considered by physiognomy, allowing you to draw conclusions about the emotional manifestations of a person. Also separate kinesics, which studies the totality of human body movements in the process of communication, phrenology, revealing the connections of the human psyche and the structure of the surface of his skull, and so on.

Physiognomy interprets character according to facial features in three stages:

  1. Bright, special features, as a manifestation of the main specific character.
  2. Protruding parts, telling about the possibilities of a person.
  3. Symmetry and asymmetry as an expression of individual personality traits.

The asymmetry of the human face is associated with the uneven development of the cerebral hemispheres and structural features of the skull. The presence of asymmetry in a normal human face can be proven by creating images of the same face from two left and two right halves. The two additional portraits are absolutely symmetrical and thus differ significantly from the original.

The basic ideas of physiognomy originated in antiquity. Each culture accumulated its own observations: among the ancient Bedouins - qiyafa, among Muslims - firasat, in China - xiangfa (xiangshu, xianzhenshuo), etc. Physiognomy was especially revered in the East, considering it a full-fledged branch of medicine, believing that a person’s entire life path can be read by his face.

In the West, the first physiognomists were Theophrastus and Hippocrates, and also Aristotle, to whom the first systematic treatise in this field is attributed - physiognomics.

In the Middle Ages, studies of physiognomy were replenished with the observations of the philosopher John Scott and the artist and scientist Leonardo da Vinci.

Physiognomy has not lost its significance today. Modern research confirms the connection between the internal psychological content of a person and the external features of the structure of the face. Physiognomy is closely related to psychology, it helps to most fully draw up a psychological portrait of a person. The following are some data of modern physiognomy:

  • Eyes mirror of the soul - they will talk about creative and spiritual qualities. Owners of large eyes are sensitive, have the makings of a leader. Bulging eyes speak of slowness and laziness. Deeply sunken eyes - in angry, unfriendly people, prone to cunning and resentment, physiognomy explains such negative manifestations of character by the fact that life failures are destined for this type of eyes.
  • Forehead speaks of the mind of a person, his philosophy, ideology, morality and morality. Wide, high foreheads with open angles and even wrinkles are most often found in intellectuals and talented people. A very high forehead with a long face betrays a tough, unkind person prone to violence. A short and narrow forehead indicates a small mind and a strong will, as well as hard work and housekeeping.
  • Chin measures strength of character and sexuality. If it is wide, this is a sign of a strong temper (remember the cartoon supermen), if it is poorly defined, it indicates softness, and a heavy jaw indicates uncontrollable passions. A slightly split chin is characteristic of passionate people and womanizers.
  • NoseWith sees the will and activity. A straight nose of moderate thickness and length is a sign of tenderness, accommodatingness and hard work, with a hump - in people who are exalted, disposed to mental work and constant in cordial relations. A slightly upturned nose speaks of carelessness, natural cheerfulness and spiritual simplicity, and a too upturned nose speaks of courage and risk-taking. A crooked nose betrays the deceit and hypocrisy of the owner.
  • Mouth talks about sensuality and love, as well as about the inner energy of a person. A large mouth can indicate courage or deceit, a small one can indicate fearfulness, pursed lips can indicate firmness and determination, and a droopy jaw can indicate stupidity or serious health problems.

However, it is worth mentioning that all signs are finally formed by the age of forty, until that time, one can only assume a person's predisposition to certain character traits.

Physiognomy- a unique tool for analyzing facial features with a decoding of the individual characteristics of a person. The ability to correctly read the internal state, character and inclinations from the outside can help in various situations of interaction in society: at the first personal acquaintance, when selecting personnel, at important negotiations, etc.

You can practice observing traits anytime, anywhere: on the bus, at work, or on the street. You can start with yourself by looking in the mirror. The habit of observing faces and associating their features with certain forms of behavior significantly increases social communication skills.

By looking at the face, you can not only get an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe person who is standing in front of you, but also find out his past and predict the future. Once upon a time, the art of reading faces - physiognomy - was dubbed pseudoscience, but now hardly anyone will deny that there is some truth in it, and a considerable proportion.

What can his face say about a person? Almost everything! Let's start with the form: chubby people can easily adapt to any environment, they are energetic and easily overcome both personal and financial difficulties. A square face betrays a strong and determined person with a heightened sense of justice. Such people are born leaders. A person with a thin, elongated face goes to success, overcoming difficulties, much is not easy for him, but this does not detract from his kindness. An oval face speaks of prudence and calmness. We can see large facial features in self-sufficient, successful people.

The complexion can also say a lot, but this is more medicine than physiognomy. Each doctor can determine the general state of health by the color of the skin on the face. An unhealthy blush will tell you about high blood pressure, and an earthy skin tone will give out a problem with digestion. Paleness is a consequence of a lack of hemoglobin in the blood or anemia, blueness - oxygen starvation, yellowness - problems with the liver or spleen.
By the dark circles under the eyes, we recognize an overtired person, this area is also responsible for fertility. If the skin around the eyes is light and elastic, there will be many children, and the person will be on excellent terms with them.

Now let's move on to the parts of the face.

A high, convex, wide forehead is a sign of a bright mind and sociability, but the owner of a sloping or narrow forehead is unlikely to occupy a high position in society.

We rarely try to learn about a person by his ears - but in vain. Ears, the upper part of which is above the line of the eyebrows, are a sign of intelligence and ambition. Flattened ears betray authoritative people. Owners of large and fleshy ears, as a rule, live in abundance. And people who have pointed ears, like bats, often do not have the strength to resist instincts.

High, prominent cheekbones will say that you have a fighter in front of you who can achieve a lot. If a person lives measuredly, quietly and in no hurry, he has low cheekbones. He is unlikely to be a leader.

Nose - that they just do not measure by its size and shape! The face of a good-natured optimist and an honest person is decorated with a large straight nose, a pessimist was awarded a small nose. If this part of the face is naturally curved, then you have a person with a complex character. But it is better not to quarrel with the owner of a hooked nose.

Thin lips speak of purposefulness, determination and composure, which are often accompanied by cruelty. On the contrary, it will be easy with a person who has full lips. He is friendly and honest, although simple, and his life is filled with positive emotions.

A wide full chin portends a comfortable old age, square and protruding - evidence of great willpower. A dimpled or bifurcated chin is a sign of a passionate nature, and a beveled or pointed one promises problems in life.

Wide thick eyebrows adorn bold, straight people with a strong sexual constitution. But their owners often suffer from the manners of a dictator. Owners of thin eyebrows are much more modest, they are secretive and often get sick. If the eyebrows are bent upwards, the person in front of you is friendly and a little capricious, high eyebrows are a sign of generosity. And bushy eyebrows are called devilish - their carrier is obsessed with various obsessions. The fused eyebrows express confusion, a jealous character. Such a person most likely had a difficult childhood.

The eyes are the most important part of the face. Big eyes indicate artistic talent, a broad soul, as well as an inability to manage money. People with small eyes are usually extremely cautious and prudent. The owner of bulging eyes is easily carried away and loves to play friends. Close-set eyes speak of seriousness, even isolation, wide-set eyes - of naivety and gullibility. And yet, the expression of the eyes can tell much more about a person than their shape.

The science of reading faces is very deep - in order to master it well, you need to read more than one book, study hundreds of faces. You cannot draw conclusions about a person by analyzing only his nose or mouth. If you come to sad conclusions by looking at the faces of loved ones and your own in a new way, do not be discouraged! Physiognomy does not make diagnoses - it indicates the direction in which you need to work on yourself. And remember that there are always exceptions to the rules.

People who have mastered the skill of physiognomy (reading by faces) can say a lot about a person. To do this, you just need to look closely and compare the facts with existing knowledge. For those who know how to read a person by the face, many manifestations of the interlocutor's character will not come as a surprise, since most often the features speak for themselves. With skills in this area, you can almost always predict how someone you come into contact with will behave.

Physiognomy as a science of the face has developed in ancient times. Ancient China is considered the birthplace of oriental physiognomy. In the West, this art became widespread in Ancient Greece, but Eastern physiognomy differs from Western.

Over time, Chinese physiognomists developed the art of face reading, created special treatises that were distributed throughout the countries of the East. They were also brought to Japan. And although it cannot be said that in our time in Japan they are completely fond of physiognomy, its influence can be traced in painting, the production of masks, theater, and various areas of communication. What is the essence of the Japanese method and how can one read the character of a person by the physiognomy of a face?

As you can see in the photo, the physiognomy of the face in the upper zone is mainly the frontal part, it clearly reflects the entire life path of a person:

In this zone, information is obtained for the period of life from 15 to 30 years, as well as in old age.

An ideal forehead (correct shape and healthy skin color) indicates an excellent state of body and spirit.

The middle zone (from the eyebrows to the tip of the nose) reflects the years of life from 35 to 50 years. The harmonious balance of this zone indicates the orderliness of the psyche. The lower zone (upper lip, jaws, mouth, chin) provides information about the period of life from 51 to 77 years and advanced age. The correct forms of this zone testify to the balance of character.

Physiognomy by facial features in Japan is based on the decoding of clearly marked positions. Each of these positions refers to a certain age and is associated with specific behavioral traits.

There are several schools of facial physiognomy for determining the character of a person, and each of them is based on its own system of positions (from 99 to 130). The interpretation of the content of these positions, and especially their combinations, is a rather complicated procedure.

Wanting to know the secrets of the face by the method of physiognomy, conclusions about the character of a person and the quality of his personality can be made only after examining all positions. In addition, the state of five vital features is taken into account: eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth, ears. The balance of these features (proportionality, color, purity of skin, etc.) is a favorable sign. Japanese facial physiognomy suggests that if all five named features are formed without flaws, then the life of a person with such features is like a full-flowing river. The flaws on the face of a person indicate a crack in his character.

Physiognomy of the face: what do eyebrows mean

Eyebrows in facial physiognomy are of great importance. Wide long eyebrows are considered ideal. The proportionality of the eyebrows (shape, color, density) is a sign of a balance of emotions, mind and character.

Rigid bristly eyebrows indicate the opposite. According to physiognomists, eyebrows reflect relationships with the immediate environment. The pleasant shape of the eyebrows signals that their owner gets along with others.

Here are a few more examples of physiognomy of the face on the eyebrows. When thick eyebrows rise up with their outer ends, they say that this is a sign of generosity and courage. Such a person is considered born for success. Dropping outer ends of the eyebrows indicate shyness. When the structure and color of such eyebrows seem lifeless, it is believed that this is from the depletion of internal energy.

If a man has even and long eyebrows, and, moreover, they stand out against the background of a pleasant skin color, then he can be considered an intellectual. A woman with such eyebrows is considered a coquette, and any antics can be expected from her. Short eyebrows testify to the absurd nature of the owner.

Thick and bristly eyebrows mean that their owner is a person with a "devilish" nature, obstinate, stubborn and uncompromising.

Thick, heavy eyebrows that join together indicate an irresistible desire for dominance. A woman with such eyebrows has a strong character, she is not suitable for the traditional role of a housewife.

Highly located eyebrows are a sign of purposefulness. Eyebrows sitting very low are evidence of the opposite.

Physiognomy of the face: how to read a person in the eyes

And how to read the character in the face, looking into the person's eyes? The eyes have long been considered the windows of the soul. The eyes have always determined the state and feelings of people. It is believed that a person with beautiful, attractive eyes has health, will, intelligence, temperament. Such eyes radiate light and warmth, are well protected by eyelids, have an expressive iris. Deviations are a sign of defects in character and intellect.

Big eyes are usually a sign of a sensitive soul, often courageous and even striving for leadership. Small eyes often belong to closed, sometimes self-satisfied and stubborn people. Often such people are distinguished by amazing constancy. A large iris is a sign of softness and calmness, a small one is an imbalance in internal processes, which adversely affects relationships with others. The color of the iris indicates the presence or absence of vitality: black, brown and green - vigor; blue - sensitivity; light brown - shyness.

Physiognomy of the face according to the eyes also takes into account their fit. If both eyes are on the same horizontal line - a favorable sign. The eyes are slanted downwards: in men - determination; in women - indiscretion. If the upper eyelid is slightly pubescent, this is a sign of maturity; a strong drooping of the upper eyelid in men means depletion of energy. The unpleasant color of the lowered eyelid indicates physiological abnormalities. A swollen lower eyelid is a sign of a hectic life; too sagging lower eyelid - evidence of uncontrollable drives. Swollen eyelids (upper and lower) - fatigue from life. If the outer corners of the eyes are buried in a network of wrinkles, this is a sign of insight.

In Japan, for example, up to 40 types of eyes are distinguished. All of them are identified with the eyes of animals. The behavior characteristic of each animal is attributed to the owners of the corresponding type of eyes.

Large, with a lively brilliance, the eyes are the eyes of a dragon. Such eyes are possessed by a person who uses power. The elongated shapes of the eyes with the rims bent upwards - the eyes of the sphinx - in refined natures. Large eyes with numerous folds on the eyelids - the eyes of a lion - are endowed with leaders. Elephants have narrow, elongated eyes with double, triple eyelids. They are usually characteristic of obese people, calm in nature. Round, with a yellowish sheen - the eyes of a tiger; narrow small eyes with a black and yellow iris - the eyes of a sheep; eyes with a triangular cut and sagging eyelids - the eyes of a horse; eyes with a break in the upper eyelid and a dull iris - the eyes of a boar; eyes with an excessively large iris are wolf eyes.

Before you read the face, remember that in assessing the character and destinies of people, the eyes are central. Treatises on physiognomy recommend reading on the face to begin with the eyes. However, it should be borne in mind that the most reliable information can be read from the eyes of a person who is already over 40, that is, when all the signs have already settled.

Here you can see photos of examples of physiognomy of a person's face by eyes:

What does eye color mean in a person

Green eyes are the eyes of tenderness, loyal and reliable people (which is especially true for women). At the same time, these are the eyes of people in need of love.

Dark-brown color to the eye means that a person acts mainly spontaneously (under the influence of feelings). Such people have absolutely no idea what they want, in particular, in love.

Grey eyes- the eyes of people who quickly respond to changes in the situation and overcome any difficulties. These are the eyes of inquisitive people, they can easily bewitch when they want to.

Light brown eyes- the eyes of people who obey reason rather than feelings. Usually light brown eyes belong to strong personalities. But very often, behind a harsh appearance, a gentle, sensitive nature and great cordiality are hidden.

Blue eyes are deceptive, they most often want to find dreaminess and naivety. But in fact, the opposite is true: these are the eyes of people who persistently achieve their goals, relying more on reason than on intuition. But in love, such eyes attract you, and it is impossible to forget them.

Black eyes mean that the person has a passionate temperament. Often such eyes belong to rather nervous people. They command, but without rudeness. If they want something, nothing will stop them, they are ready for anything in the name of protecting their happiness or their love.

How to read character by face: what does the shape of the eyes mean

The round shape of the eyes means that a person has a quick temper, but these are short-lived. Under all circumstances, there are no round eyes in vengeful people.

And if the round eyes are wide open, then this indicates impetuosity of character and sincerity.

Elongated almond-shaped eyes with upturned (raised) upward outer tips give out some cruelty. So, at least, they thought in the old days. And today it is readily admitted that such eyes testify to the subtleties of the soul, love, sensuality.

Elongated almond-shaped eyes with downturned outer tips give out a tendency to disputes and melancholy.

Deep-set eyes speak of a rich inner life. They analyze and treat others with distrust.

Bulging eyes (bulging eyes) reflect a pronounced sensuality and a very developed common sense. The owners of such eyes, as a rule, have something to remember.

Physiognomy of the face: what does the shape of a person's nose mean

According to the concepts of physiognomy of the face, the nose is also an indicator of the characteristics of the spiritual life of a person. The shape of the nose, like the eyes, stabilizes after the age of 40. However, the ideal nose is considered to have a rounded tip and shaped wings. Too big nostrils signal personality defects.

The ideal shape of the nose means that a person has the nature of a lion and is distinguished by courage, passion, assertiveness. People around like people with a beautiful nose. And hence the consequences - the owner of a beautiful nose becomes a strong personality.

A long nose, as a rule, is a sign of a pronounced personality. A variety of shades stand out here: a long nose, well balanced with eyes, mouth, chin, indicates a strong nature; short nose - about the openness of the soul and optimism; a bony, long nose is an indicator of pride, arrogance, quarrelsomeness. A bony long nose with a pronounced hump often belongs to a gloomy person. If the bridge of such a nose is too sunken, deformed or dotted with horizontal ruts, this is a sign of malaise. However, with a general balance of the face, the sign of malaise does not dominate. The ideal is considered to be a high and even bridge of the nose, which happens in healthy people.

The tip of his nose says a lot about a person. A person with a tip of the nose resembling a "suspended drop" is usually cheerful, and therefore, he thrives. If the tip of the nose resembles the beak of an eagle, then such a person is considered insightful, cunning and even vindictive. The full, large, bulbous tip of the nose is evidence of cordiality and warmth.

A raised nose with bulging nostrils means that a person is self-willed, unrestrained and loose. The forked tip of the nose is evidence of timidity. Too small nostrils speak of compliance, wide wings of the nose - about conceit, a red nose - dishonesty, a porous red nose ("spoiled orange") often belongs to drunkards. Dark spots on the nose are a sign of physical distress. As a rule, a nose that stands out sharply on a woman's face indicates a dysfunctional life in her youth. However, these signs begin to manifest themselves clearly only after 35-40 years.

What does big and small mouth mean: facial physiognomy by lips

The shape and size of the lips in the physiognomy of the face make it possible to determine the strength of the internal energy of a person. Usually people are impressed by a large mouth in men and a small one in women.

In women, a large mouth means that she has a masculine character, and men do not like it too much. The general rule is that those with a small mouth are preoccupied with the struggle for survival and endowed with a weak character. A thin line of closed lips signals a scrupulous character. A person with a large mouth and falling corners of the lips has a strong will, it is difficult to influence him. A constantly twitching mouth ("horse mouth") is a sign of neuroticism.

An arched nose with the corners of the lips directed downward means that a person has a sensitive nature. Bulging large lips are evidence of success. Symmetrical (without distortions) opening of the mouth indicates a balance of emotions. If facial wrinkles descend to both sides of the mouth, this is a sign of a difficult life. If such wrinkles go to the corners of the lips from the wings of the nose (a mouth-nose ring is created), this is evidence of deceit. The mouth, one side of which is lowered, often belongs to the stubborn. If the upper lip clearly protrudes above the lower - this is a sign of indecision, if the lower lip protrudes further than the upper - selfishness.

Wrinkles above the lips are a natural sign of aging. Often fine wrinkles signal poor health. Wrinkles that cut deep into the lips sometimes speak of prosperity in youth and deprivation in adulthood. Spoiled teeth and tongue are an indicator of poor health.

Physiognomy of the face: what does the shape of the ears mean in a person

The physiognomy of the face divides the ears into four parts: the outer rim, the middle rim, the inner rim, the lobe. Usually, the ears determine the features of the life path in childhood. Face reading has general rules: a well-shaped ear indicates a happy childhood; their shapelessness and pallor are about unfavorable factors. Too big ears mean that a person has personality flaws; too small is also a sign of trouble.

In addition, pay attention to the position of the ears on the head. Upper ear area:

  • above the level of the eyebrows - high intelligence;
  • at eye level - above average intelligence;
  • below eye level - average or even low intelligence.

An ear without a well-shaped lobe indicates an imbalance in the personality. A long earlobe is evidence of carelessness. A small lobe indicates scrupulousness. An earlobe that is too large means that the person is wise. If the earlobe leans forward slightly, this is a sign of sincerity.

The inner rim of the ear is an indicator of emotional experiences: if the rim is pulled in - restraint of nature, if it is protruded - intemperance. Preference is given to pink ears. Yellowness or blueness of the ears are considered a sign of malaise; dark skin color near the front and upper parts of the ear - a hidden disease. Moles inside the ear - trouble.

Physiognomy: what does the shape of a person's face and the width of the chin mean

Analysis of the five vital facial features is considered the basis of the face reading procedure. Reading in the face is carried out in two ways: observation from the side and in the process of conversation. The second way is preferable. In both cases, the shape of the face is first determined: in physiognomy, oblong, triangular, trapezoid and round forms are distinguished.

The oblong shape of the face is a rectangle. The width of the face is about the same as the width of the chin. This is the so-called aristocratic type. Elongation indicates intelligence, sensitivity, poise. Often a person with this face shape is prudent and reasonable. They say that such people have organizational talent, and are distinguished by aspiration to the goal.

The triangular face is characterized by a high and wide forehead, protruding cheekbones, a small bony nose, deep-set eyes, a small and slightly protruding chin. In the area between the cheekbones and the chin, there is little flesh on such a face. According to the physiognomy of the face, such a chin indicates a high sensitivity. The triangular shape of the face is perceived as a sign of high endowment. At the same time, in the character of a person with a triangular face, physiognomists also note such traits as cunning and quarrelsomeness. Such people are not inclined to attachment and devotion. They say that among spies and traitors, most of all people with a triangular face shape.

The trapezoidal face shape has much in common with the triangular. This face is characterized by a broad forehead and a slightly narrowed (but not pointed) chin. The trapezoidal shape of the face means that the person is intelligent, sensitive, artistic, while the spirit of a fighter is not characteristic of him. Women with a pronounced trapezoidal face shape are optimistic. They live happily, creating a pleasant atmosphere for others.

The square shape of the face usually belongs to a stern, masculine, often heartless type. It is believed that such people are usually slow-witted, often rude, persistent. Also, a square face shape means that a person has a decisive character. In communication, they are straightforward and frank. People with a square face have an unquenchable thirst for success. They make good performers, although they themselves are persistently drawn to leadership. Women with this face shape are characterized by a desire for dominance.

The round shape of the face is associated with good nature, gentleness, peacefulness. Often people with a round face shape are gourmets. They love comfort, good company and do not seek fame. However, they are not alien to ambition. If a person with a round face has a high nose bridge, protruding cheekbones and even burning eyes, he is considered purposeful. Such people make enviable leaders and commanders.

The art of reading in the face, like any other art, should be learned persistently, patiently and for a long time.

The distance between people of different heights when communicating

A group of psychologists, after conducting a series of experiments, found out that there is a clear relationship between the "talk distance" and the growth of the interlocutor. Namely: the higher the man, the closer he comes to his interlocutor, and, conversely, the smaller the growth, the further he prefers to be from his interlocutor. In women, the opposite relationship was observed.

Such a distance between people when communicating is explained quite simply: in our society, a kind of “cultural norm” has been created - a man should be tall, and a woman, on the contrary, should be miniature. And although this is not always the case in reality, we all unconsciously try to fit life into theory. Therefore, a tall man is pleased to stand next to his interlocutor, and a tall woman, on the contrary, tends to move away to hide her "flaw".

It follows, in particular, that during a conversation you should not approach a tall interlocutor or a short interlocutor - they will feel awkward. And in the same way, do not miss the opportunity to please a person - come close to a miniature woman or a tall man: let the absence or presence of an extra 10 cm of height bring them joy and pleasure.

How can one develop a magnetic gaze?

Let's say you have a meeting with an unpleasant person for you. He is quick-tempered, arrogant, stubborn, has a very high opinion of his own merits, does not tolerate other people's opinions, suppresses everyone with his high official position. Perhaps it will even be your tyrant boss (this happened in your fate, no luck!), And he called you for another dressing, which he always succeeded in, and he (not only with you) downright enjoys such moments. You can put an end to these pleasures. With one magnetic look. Yes Yes.

How can one develop a magnetic gaze, and how to use this "secret weapon"?

During a conversation, look at the boss between the eyes, i.e. at the bridge of the nose. At the same time, imagine that you see a small dot there and you know the weak side of this person’s character (all such people are actually weak and deserving of contempt).

So, talk to this person and calmly observe the point between his eyes. Do not look at him gloomily and point-blank. You will soon notice how he will start to run around restlessly with his eyes. But when he starts talking, don't look at him. Consider, for example, his clothes, hairstyle, hands, in a word, whatever you want, just do not look into his eyes. Listen to him calmly, carefully, do not rush into a skirmish, especially do not show that you faltered, were frightened. But as soon as you start talking again, then again look between his eyes at an imaginary small dot. Calmness and such a look (it will seem to your interlocutor that you are looking straight into his eyes, look inexorably, firmly, as they say, see through him) is the basis of your behavior in this situation.

Result? A few of these meetings, and your tyrant boss will be broken.

You won. First their insecurity, and then - someone else's arrogance. And almost at a glance.

What does the look of a person mean during a conversation?

If the interlocutor blushes and hides his eyes, you are likely to suspect that he did some dirty trick behind your back. And in vain! Recent research suggests quite the opposite. What does the look of a person mean during a conversation?

It turns out that people blush not only when they are embarrassed, but also when they feel guilty. Then the paint is a silent request for an apology. In addition, a person often blushes when something pleasant happens to him.

And the eyes are even more interesting. If the interlocutor looks at you for a long time with a glazed look, it means that he misses half of your words past his ears. On the contrary, when your boss or friend is listening very sincerely, he may unconsciously roll his eyes - a sign that he is making an effort to fully comprehend the meaning of your words. If he lowers his eyes, this indicates that he is very worried about everything you said.
