Vladimir Valentinovich Fortunatov

Russian history in faces

... Studying the history of their country is essential for those who rule - and those who illuminate it bring true benefits to the state.

Prince M. M. Shcherbatov


In 1862, the Millennium of Russia monument was unveiled in the city of Novgorod. The creators of the monument, M.O. Mikeshin and I.N.Schroder, immortalized 109 figures of educators, statesmen and military leaders, writers and artists in the high relief of the monument. The list of names of those who were awarded the monumental incarnation was widely discussed and was approved "at the highest level", that is, by Emperor Alexander II.

In his "Russian history in the biographies of its main figures", published in 1873, N. I. Kostomarov included essays on more than 40 characters in Russian history from the 10th to the 17th centuries. - from Prince Vladimir the Saint to Stenka Razin.

Hundreds, if not thousands, of detailed personalities and brief biographical references were published in well-known pre-revolutionary and Soviet encyclopedias.

Since the second half of the 1980s. a real "boom" of biographical literature began. Biographical articles were regularly published by the journals "Otechestvennaya istoriya", "Voprosy istorii", "New and Contemporary History", "Rodina" and others. They often preceded the appearance of monographs, brochures, collections of biographies. Along with the central publishers, local publishers have produced many unique biographical books.

Popular magazines and newspapers began to publish "ratings" of historical figures based on special opinion polls.

It is impossible not to recall the great resonance that the exhibitions of the artist I. Glazunov had. The author himself gave the central place in the expositions to the large-scale paintings “Millennial Russia” and “Russia. Twentieth century ". More than 200 persons of Russian history were presented on two canvases.

The "personal question" does not leave the agenda of Russian social and political life. The reburial of the remains of the Romanov family took place and their canonization by the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church in 2000. However, the question of the Lenin Mausoleum on Red Square has not yet been resolved. The reburial of the remains of the philosopher I. A. Ilyin, the leaders of the white movement, generals A. I. Denikin and V. O. Kappel, was carried out, and at the same time, cases of destruction or desecration of memorial sites are known.

In the conditions of the new Russia over the past 15-20 years, many new monuments, memorial museums and plaques have appeared. But the opening of new or the restoration of old memorial museums is often either hopelessly delayed or even in doubt due to the fact that some "very important persons" of Russian history "had the imprudence" to be born or live in houses, places or land plots that they liked modern influential and also rich people.

We should also mention the powerful stream of feature films and documentaries, in the center of which were hundreds of famous figures of the past.

“... Only in the recreation of the destinies, behavior, consciousness of historical personalities is it possible to represent the course of history in the whole multilateral integrity. After all, this move in any, its most diverse manifestations - from shifts in the economy to the acquisition of a new religion - is embodied in nothing else, as in actions of people, although this does not mean at all that individual people, individuals act entirely consciously and purposefully; in the end they just live, - moreover, together, in unity with many of his contemporaries, "wrote V. V. Kozhinov.

Everyone has heard that objective factors primarily affect the history of any country: climate, terrain, access to the seas, geopolitical position, provision of minerals and other material resources. It is these factors, in one combination or another, to a determining degree affect the fate of peoples and people who find themselves in a certain territory in a certain historical period. But for some peoples, favorable objective conditions are clearly insufficient for the organization of a full-fledged social life, for progressive development. Indian tribes could occupy vast areas of North America for centuries, being in unity with the surrounding nature. White people who came to the lands of the Indians over the course of several centuries have changed the face of North America, and the world as a whole.

A man relatively recently separated from nature, took a special place in it, created his own special extra-natural world. The conscious activity of people laid the foundation for history as such. The emergence of various forms of a community of people, the relationship between these communities, the ways people interact with nature, the whole vast new world that did not previously exist in nature itself, which in the broadest sense is sometimes called culture, was the result of a person's use of his intellect, will, energy, muscular strength and movements of the soul. At the heart of any historical event, process, transformation is the movement of human thought, a certain idea. Most often, a specific historical person who put forward a particular project, innovation, idea, expresses the general aspirations of his contemporaries or, as they say, the objective needs of the time, urgent tasks. The objectivity of the so-called historical premises in reality turns out to be imaginary, since it represents only a high concentration of desires, aspirations, readiness for action of many people. Therefore, any fragment of historical development, any historical event, historical fact there is a manifestation subjective factor, that is, the objective-practical activity of individual individuals or entire groups of people, which constitutes the active beginning of history.

Historical science operates with a variety of tools to describe its subject of study. Using a huge number of designations for specific objects, general concepts and particular characteristics, historians sometimes forget that modern man acts in a different objective world and is not always able to delve into the realities of the past. Perhaps, in our country, many people do not know history well because in the form in which it is presented, it is difficult to perceive. If we focus on destinies people who made Russian history and entered its annals, then this approach can contribute to the formation of a different understanding of the events of the past. Indeed, in the actions of many historical personalities, not only a certain historical predestination, an "iron" pattern due to "objective prerequisites" was manifested, but also the peculiarities of upbringing, personal psychology, the totality of human qualities, the influence of other people and much more.

In the book offered to the reader, for the first time in the historical popular science literature, an attempt is made to present the events of national history through the biographies of specific people at all stages of our historical development "from Rurik" to the present day. Against the background of the modern "lack of people", the history of Russia amazes with its many people, the wealth of human destinies. However, even in the century before last it was said: "Yes, there were people in our time, not like the present tribe ...". Not even hundreds, but thousands of people “ask” for this book. But the volume of the book is limited. In such a situation, one cannot but resort to some systematization, structuring of the material used.

Firstly, there is a well-established periodization of Russian history, which has fully justified itself in organizing the educational process. In accordance with the nature of the state system in Russia, the following historical periods in the development of our Fatherland are usually distinguished:

1) the pre-state period (up to the 9th century);

2) Ancient Rus - an early feudal state (862-1237);

3) Russian lands as part of the Golden Horde (1243-1480);

4) Muscovy - estate-representative monarchy (1480-1700);

5) the Russian Empire as an absolute monarchy (1700-1860);

6) the Russian Empire on the way to capitalism and constitutional monarchy (1861-1917);

7) Soviet Russia - USSR (1917-1991);

8) post-Soviet Russia (1991-2008). Secondly, within each historical period, all "characters" are classified. There is a danger of repetition of some information, which the author, contrary to the saying “repetition is the mother of learning,” will try to avoid. This book proposes the following division of historical persons into groups:

1. The first persons of the state, the highest leaders of the country (grand dukes, tsars, emperors, secretaries general, presidents).

2. Statesmen (we will not add the epithet "outstanding"),

3. Generals, military leaders (also without the adjectives "great", "famous", etc.).


Publishing city: SPb .:
The year of publishing:
ISBN: 978-5-388-00305-8 The size: 4 Mb

Book Description

The book contains biographical portraits of the main characters of Russian history.

The first persons of the country from Rurik to Putin, brave generals, including Suvorov, Kutuzov, Skobelev and Zhukov, political leaders from Vadim Novgorodsky to Vladimir Zhirinovsky, religious leaders - Metropolitan Illarion, Ksenia of Petersburg, Alexy II and many others, creators of national culture from Nestor before Likhachev, famous women, heroes and antiheroes of our history will appear before readers. Cruel and just, wise and reckless, praised and hated, steeped in legends, they have created and are creating our history. The impressive gallery of stars of Russian history is designed to help not only better understand our past, but also to understand modern life.

The book is structured chronologically, each era is represented by fascinating stories about the most significant characters in our history.

The publication is intended for the widest circle of readers interested in the history of Russia.

Russian history in the faces of Fortunatov Vladimir Valentinovich



In 1862, the Millennium of Russia monument was unveiled in the city of Novgorod. The creators of the monument, M.O. Mikeshin and I.N.Schroder, immortalized 109 figures of educators, statesmen and military leaders, writers and artists in the high relief of the monument. The list of names of those who were awarded the monumental incarnation was widely discussed and was approved "at the highest level", that is, by Emperor Alexander II.

In his "Russian history in the biographies of its main figures", published in 1873, N. I. Kostomarov included essays on more than 40 characters in Russian history from the 10th to the 17th centuries. - from Prince Vladimir the Saint to Stenka Razin.

Hundreds, if not thousands, of detailed personalities and brief biographical references were published in well-known pre-revolutionary and Soviet encyclopedias.

Since the second half of the 1980s. a real "boom" of biographical literature began. Biographical articles were regularly published by the journals "Otechestvennaya istoriya", "Voprosy istorii", "New and Contemporary History", "Rodina" and others. They often preceded the appearance of monographs, brochures, collections of biographies. Along with the central publishers, local publishers have produced many unique biographical books.

Popular magazines and newspapers began to publish "ratings" of historical figures based on special opinion polls.

It is impossible not to recall the great resonance that the exhibitions of the artist I. Glazunov had. The author himself gave the central place in the expositions to the large-scale paintings “Millennial Russia” and “Russia. Twentieth century ". More than 200 persons of Russian history were presented on two canvases.

The "personal question" does not leave the agenda of Russian social and political life. The reburial of the remains of the Romanov family took place and their canonization by the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church in 2000. However, the question of the Lenin Mausoleum on Red Square has not yet been resolved. The reburial of the remains of the philosopher I. A. Ilyin, the leaders of the white movement, generals A. I. Denikin and V. O. Kappel, was carried out, and at the same time, cases of destruction or desecration of memorial sites are known.

In the conditions of the new Russia over the past 15-20 years, many new monuments, memorial museums and plaques have appeared. But the opening of new or the restoration of old memorial museums is often either hopelessly delayed or even in doubt due to the fact that some "very important persons" of Russian history "had the imprudence" to be born or live in houses, places or land plots that they liked modern influential and also rich people.

We should also mention the powerful stream of feature films and documentaries, in the center of which were hundreds of famous figures of the past.

“... Only in the recreation of the destinies, behavior, consciousness of historical personalities is it possible to represent the course of history in the whole multilateralintegrity. After all, this move in any, its most diverse manifestations - from shifts in the economy to the acquisition of a new religion - is embodied in nothing else, as in actions of people,although this does not mean at all that individual people, individuals act entirely consciously and purposefully; in the end they just live, -moreover, together, in unity with many of his contemporaries, "wrote V. V. Kozhinov.

Everyone has heard that objective factors primarily affect the history of any country: climate, terrain, access to the seas, geopolitical position, provision of minerals and other material resources. It is these factors, in one combination or another, to a determining degree affect the fate of peoples and people who find themselves in a certain territory in a certain historical period. But for some peoples, favorable objective conditions are clearly insufficient for the organization of a full-fledged social life, for progressive development. Indian tribes could occupy vast areas of North America for centuries, being in unity with the surrounding nature. White people who came to the lands of the Indians over the course of several centuries have changed the face of North America, and the world as a whole.

A man relatively recently separated from nature, took a special place in it, created his own special extra-natural world. The conscious activity of people laid the foundation for history as such. The emergence of various forms of a community of people, the relationship between these communities, the ways people interact with nature, the whole vast new world that did not previously exist in nature itself, which in the broadest sense is sometimes called culture, was the result of a person's use of his intellect, will, energy, muscular strength and movements of the soul. At the heart of any historical event, process, transformation is the movement of human thought, a certain idea. Most often, a specific historical person who has put forward a particular project, innovation, idea, expresses the general aspirations of his contemporaries or, as they say, the objective needs of the time, urgent tasks. The objectivity of the so-called historical premises in reality turns out to be imaginary, since it represents only a high concentration of desires, aspirations, readiness for action of many people. Therefore, any fragment of historical development, any historical event, historical fact is a manifestation subjective factor,that is, the objective-practical activity of individual individuals or entire groups of people, which constitutes the active beginning of history.

Historical science operates with a variety of tools to describe its subject of study. Using a huge number of designations for specific objects, general concepts and particular characteristics, historians sometimes forget that modern man acts in a different objective world and is not always able to delve into the realities of the past. Perhaps, in our country, many people do not know history well because in the form in which it is presented, it is difficult to perceive. If we focus on destiniespeople who made Russian history and entered its annals, then this approach can contribute to the formation of a different understanding of the events of the past. Indeed, in the actions of many historical personalities, not only a certain historical predestination, an "iron" pattern due to "objective prerequisites" was manifested, but also the peculiarities of upbringing, personal psychology, the totality of human qualities, the influence of other people and much more.

In the book offered to the reader, for the first time in the historical popular science literature, an attempt is made to present the events of national history through the biographies of specific people at all stages of our historical development "from Rurik" to the present day. Against the background of the modern "lack of people", the history of Russia amazes with its many people, the wealth of human destinies. However, even in the century before last it was said: "Yes, there were people in our time, not like the present tribe ...". Not even hundreds, but thousands of people “ask” for this book. But the volume of the book is limited. In such a situation, one cannot but resort to some systematization, structuring of the material used.

Firstly, there is a well-established periodization of Russian history, which has fully justified itself in organizing the educational process. In accordance with the nature of the state system in Russia, the following historical periods in the development of our Fatherland are usually distinguished:

1) the pre-state period (up to the 9th century);

2) Ancient Rus - an early feudal state (862-1237);

3) Russian lands as part of the Golden Horde (1243-1480);

4) Muscovy - estate-representative monarchy (1480-1700);

5) the Russian Empire as an absolute monarchy (1700-1860);

6) the Russian Empire on the way to capitalism and constitutional monarchy (1861-1917);

7) Soviet Russia - USSR (1917-1991);

8) post-Soviet Russia (1991-2008). Secondly, within each historical period, all "characters" are classified. There is a danger of repetition of some information, which the author, contrary to the saying “repetition is the mother of learning,” will try to avoid. This book proposes the following division of historical persons into groups:

1. The first persons of the state, the highest leaders of the country (grand dukes, tsars, emperors, secretaries general, presidents).

2. Statesmen (we will not add the epithet "outstanding"),

3. Generals, military leaders (also without the adjectives "great", "famous", etc.).

4. Leaders of political, social movements.

5. Workers of the Russian Orthodox and other churches (sometimes they talk about religious leaders).

6. Leaders, creators in the field of culture (thinkers, philosophers, workers of literature and art, etc.).

7. Women in the history of Russia (of course, we will talk about the most famous, outstanding, famous female representatives).

8. Heroes and antiheroes.

Thirdly, in his approach to each historical person, the author is used to being guided by an analytical scheme that allows him to form the most complete picture of a particular person. In its most truncated form, this diagram looks like this:

1. Dates, main circumstances of life and death of a particular person, place of burial.

2. Parents, especially the formation, education of the individual, family.

3. The main directions of activity in chronological order (infinite detail and differentiation of the material is possible).

4. Personality in the assessment of contemporaries and descendants, unique features, "memorial train" (monuments, names, etc.).

It should be admitted that there are not enough materials about some of the characters in Russian history, and there are not many chances for filling some of the "blank spots" in a number of biographies. In this book, the author did not always succeed in following the proposed scheme in full, and curious readers will have to look for detailed information in special works. Therefore, the appropriate literature is recommended in the text itself, in page references and references.

Research on the subjective factor in Russian history cannot but be subjective, cannot but reflect the personal experience, life position of any author who undertakes the collection, classification and interpretation of biographical material. One should, apparently, come to terms with the fact that history can never be fully objective, if only because, as a rule, the historian does not have access to some part of the material necessary for a full, exhaustive analysis. In this regard, it is much easier to operate with mathematical formulas and physical laws than “getting into the head” of some historical figure in order to understand his actions. Historical reconstruction is difficult in itself. And the understanding and assessment of people of past centuries cannot but be influenced by the worldview, the system of values, the personal experience of each historian, including the author of the work offered to readers.

The book brought to the attention of the readers is entitled "Domestic History in Persons". Domestic history means the history of our country, Russia. The name "Domestic History" today appears in the record books of all graduates of Russian universities, since the subject under this name is included in the number of federal disciplines and is mandatory for study in all Russian universities. The reference point for the study of "Patriotic History" is the State Standard, in force since 1998.

The name “Domestic History in Persons” means the author's desire to personify our history, to show it through people who have left a certain mark on it. The Russian language is rich, emotional and expressive. The very words that have been assigned to various historical characters usually already contain a very definite assessment. For the Russian people, it has always been important to assess the moral character of this or that historical "person". Therefore, behind the "faces" and "masks" can be hidden directly opposite in their human content "Faces" and "persons". In Russian history, as in the history of any other country, there were disgusting, disgusting people for whom biting and even rude definitions were found in the Russian language. The author of this work openly declares the "subjectivity" of his attitude towards various characters in Russian history, but will try not to impose it. In any case, the way out for any honest historian who claims to be objective is to mention other, including opposite, points of view; if not an exact quotation or statement of a different opinion in the main text, then at least a reference to the works of other authors in the notes and bibliography.

All that has been said allows us to assert that this book is addressed to the widest circle of readers: high school students, students, teachers, politicians - everyone who is interested in Russian history.

First of all, of course, "National History in Persons" is offered to beloved students with the hope that in parallel with the main study guide on this subject they will read "subjective history" and look at their past, so to speak, in the "human dimension." And when preparing abstracts, they will not primitively "download" texts from the Internet, but turn to the recommended literature in order to delve into the life vicissitudes of some hero or monster of their own history on their own.

The work is addressed to lovers of historical reading with the hope that on their shelves, already crammed with historical literature, they will find a place for this book, which, once read, can later be used as a reference book, or by children and grandchildren, or for solving crosswords, etc. .d.

I would like to hope that this book will be acquired by Russian libraries, which in spite of everything continue to sow good, eternal and wise.

Maybe someone will leaf through this book before the next elections, look at the next "face" and make a really right choice.

The future “faces” of Russian history may also be among the readers. Welcome!

This text is an introductory fragment. author

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Introduction In this book, you will read the legend of the ancient Greek scientist Plato about Atlantis, the mighty kingdom of the Atlanteans, which flourished on a large island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean and sank to the bottom nine and a half thousand years BC.

Many decades in educational and scientific literature historical figures a modest role was assigned: the events that took place were explained by the development of productive forces and production relations, the struggle of classes and other factors. There was no place for specific people in it. In fact

russian history

generously animated by statesmen and public figures, generals, spiritual mentors. All of them are "the living face of Russian history," and without them history is simply a listing of events.
In the encyclopedia section

The history of Russia in persons

an alphabetical structure was used, in which there is inevitably a mixture of events that took place in different eras. But the user has the opportunity to quickly find the historical character of interest to him. If the whole picture of a certain era is important, it is better to use the "" section.

The section includes materials prepared by remarkable Russian scientists-historians, including: Rapov O.M. (Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor), Vdovina L.N. (Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor), Fedorov V.A. (Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor), Tereshchenko Yu.Ya. (Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor), Kargalov V.V. (Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor).

Vladimir Valentinovich Fortunatov

Russian history in faces

... Studying the history of their country is essential for those who rule - and those who illuminate it bring true benefits to the state.

Prince M. M. Shcherbatov


In 1862, the Millennium of Russia monument was unveiled in the city of Novgorod. The creators of the monument, M.O. Mikeshin and I.N.Schroder, immortalized 109 figures of educators, statesmen and military leaders, writers and artists in the high relief of the monument. The list of names of those who were awarded the monumental incarnation was widely discussed and was approved "at the highest level", that is, by Emperor Alexander II.

In his "Russian history in the biographies of its main figures", published in 1873, N. I. Kostomarov included essays on more than 40 characters in Russian history from the 10th to the 17th centuries. - from Prince Vladimir the Saint to Stenka Razin.

Hundreds, if not thousands, of detailed personalities and brief biographical references were published in well-known pre-revolutionary and Soviet encyclopedias.

Since the second half of the 1980s. a real "boom" of biographical literature began. Biographical articles were regularly published by the journals "Otechestvennaya istoriya", "Voprosy istorii", "New and Contemporary History", "Rodina" and others. They often preceded the appearance of monographs, brochures, collections of biographies. Along with the central publishers, local publishers have produced many unique biographical books.

Popular magazines and newspapers began to publish "ratings" of historical figures based on special opinion polls.

It is impossible not to recall the great resonance that the exhibitions of the artist I. Glazunov had. The author himself gave the central place in the expositions to the large-scale paintings “Millennial Russia” and “Russia. Twentieth century ". More than 200 persons of Russian history were presented on two canvases.

The "personal question" does not leave the agenda of Russian social and political life. The reburial of the remains of the Romanov family took place and their canonization by the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church in 2000. However, the question of the Lenin Mausoleum on Red Square has not yet been resolved. The reburial of the remains of the philosopher I. A. Ilyin, the leaders of the white movement, generals A. I. Denikin and V. O. Kappel, was carried out, and at the same time, cases of destruction or desecration of memorial sites are known.

In the conditions of the new Russia over the past 15-20 years, many new monuments, memorial museums and plaques have appeared. But the opening of new or the restoration of old memorial museums is often either hopelessly delayed or even in doubt due to the fact that some "very important persons" of Russian history "had the imprudence" to be born or live in houses, places or land plots that they liked modern influential and also rich people.

We should also mention the powerful stream of feature films and documentaries, in the center of which were hundreds of famous figures of the past.

“... Only in the recreation of the destinies, behavior, consciousness of historical personalities is it possible to represent the course of history in the whole multilateral integrity. After all, this move in any, its most diverse manifestations - from shifts in the economy to the acquisition of a new religion - is embodied in nothing else, as in actions of people, although this does not mean at all that individual people, individuals act entirely consciously and purposefully; in the end they just live, - moreover, together, in unity with many of his contemporaries, "wrote V. V. Kozhinov.

Everyone has heard that objective factors primarily affect the history of any country: climate, terrain, access to the seas, geopolitical position, provision of minerals and other material resources. It is these factors, in one combination or another, to a determining degree affect the fate of peoples and people who find themselves in a certain territory in a certain historical period. But for some peoples, favorable objective conditions are clearly insufficient for the organization of a full-fledged social life, for progressive development. Indian tribes could occupy vast areas of North America for centuries, being in unity with the surrounding nature. White people who came to the lands of the Indians over the course of several centuries have changed the face of North America, and the world as a whole.

A man relatively recently separated from nature, took a special place in it, created his own special extra-natural world. The conscious activity of people laid the foundation for history as such. The emergence of various forms of a community of people, the relationship between these communities, the ways people interact with nature, the whole vast new world that did not previously exist in nature itself, which in the broadest sense is sometimes called culture, was the result of a person's use of his intellect, will, energy, muscular strength and movements of the soul. At the heart of any historical event, process, transformation is the movement of human thought, a certain idea. Most often, a specific historical person who has put forward a particular project, innovation, idea, expresses the general aspirations of his contemporaries or, as they say, the objective needs of the time, urgent tasks. The objectivity of the so-called historical premises in reality turns out to be imaginary, since it represents only a high concentration of desires, aspirations, readiness for action of many people. Therefore, any fragment of historical development, any historical event, historical fact is a manifestation subjective factor, that is, the objective-practical activity of individual individuals or entire groups of people, which constitutes the active beginning of history.

Historical science operates with a variety of tools to describe its subject of study. Using a huge number of designations for specific objects, general concepts and particular characteristics, historians sometimes forget that modern man acts in a different objective world and is not always able to delve into the realities of the past. Perhaps, in our country, many people do not know history well because in the form in which it is presented, it is difficult to perceive. If we focus on destinies people who made Russian history and entered its annals, then this approach can contribute to the formation of a different understanding of the events of the past. Indeed, in the actions of many historical personalities, not only a certain historical predestination, an "iron" pattern due to "objective prerequisites" was manifested, but also the peculiarities of upbringing, personal psychology, the totality of human qualities, the influence of other people and much more.
