The Legend of Belgorod Kissel

In the summer of 997. The Pechenegs came and stood near Belgorod. And they did not allow to leave the city. The siege dragged on, and there was a strong famine in the city.

And they gathered veche 1 in the city and said:

We will soon starve to death. Let us surrender to the Pechenegs - maybe they will at least keep someone alive, otherwise we will all die.

One elder, who was not at the veche, asked: "Why was the veche?" And people told him that in the morning they want to surrender to the Pechenegs. When he heard about this, he sent for the city elders and said to them:

Listen to me, don't give up for three more days and do as I tell you.

They gladly promised to obey.

And he said to them:

Collect at least a handful of oats, wheat, or bran.

They collected. And he ordered the women to make a chatterbox, from which jelly is boiled, to dig a well, and pour the chatterbox into a tub and lower it into the well. And he ordered to dig another well, and insert a tub into it, and look for honey. Found a basket of honey in the prince's pantry. And he ordered to dilute the honey and pour it into a tub in the second well.

In the morning he ordered to send for the Pechenegs. And the townspeople said, coming to the Pechenegs:

Take hostages from us, and send ten men yourself to see what is happening in our city.

The Pechenegs were delighted, thinking that they wanted to surrender to them, chose the best husbands and sent them to the city.

And they came to the city, and the people said to them:

Why are you ruining yourself? How can you stand up to us? Even if you stand ten years, what will you do to us? For we have food from the earth. If you don't believe me, see it with your own eyes.

And they brought them to a well, where there was a jar of jelly, and they took it with a bucket and poured it into the pots. And when they cooked jelly, they took it, and came to another well, and drew honey, and began to eat themselves and gave it to the Pechenegs. And the Pechenegs were surprised and said: "Our princes will not believe us if they do not taste it themselves."

People poured a pot of jelly mash and honey from a well and gave it to the Pechenegs. When they returned, they told everything that happened. And, having cooked, the Pechenezh princes ate and marveled. And, having released the hostages, they got up and went home from the city.

Questions and tasks

  1. How did you manage to save the city and its inhabitants? What qualities of character helped the elder to save the city?
  2. How does the legend begin and how does it end? Can we say that the tragic situation ends with a life-affirming ending?

    Try to show the sad and joyful moments of the story by intonation while reading.

  3. What features of Old Russian literature were manifested in the "Legend of the Belgorod jelly"?
  4. How do you understand the words: "Pechenegs", "veche", "told", "commanded", "korchaga", "home"?

    Can they be replaced by the words used today? Which ones?

  5. Prepare a retelling of the text using the words you explained.

    Convey the exact beginning and ending of the legend. Find the correct intonations for retelling an old Russian work.

  6. What are they talking about initial words legends "In the summer of 997"?
  7. What union is repeated in the legend and how many times? Why do you think this is being done?

1 Veche - a meeting of citizens to solve public affairs.

The Legend of Belgorod Kissel

In the summer of 997. The Pechenegs came and stood near Belgorod. And they did not allow to leave the city. The siege dragged on, and there was a strong famine in the city.

And they gathered veche 1 in the city and said:

We will soon starve to death. Let us surrender to the Pechenegs - maybe they will at least keep someone alive, otherwise we will all die.

One elder, who was not at the veche, asked: "Why was the veche?" And people told him that in the morning they want to surrender to the Pechenegs. When he heard about this, he sent for the city elders and said to them:

Listen to me, don't give up for three more days and do as I tell you.

They gladly promised to obey.

And he said to them:

Collect at least a handful of oats, wheat, or bran.

They collected. And he ordered the women to make a chatterbox, from which jelly is boiled, to dig a well, and pour the chatterbox into a tub and lower it into the well. And he ordered to dig another well, and insert a tub into it, and look for honey. Found a basket of honey in the prince's pantry. And he ordered to dilute the honey and pour it into a tub in the second well.

In the morning he ordered to send for the Pechenegs. And the townspeople said, coming to the Pechenegs:

Take hostages from us, and send ten men yourself to see what is happening in our city.

The Pechenegs were delighted, thinking that they wanted to surrender to them, chose the best husbands and sent them to the city.

And they came to the city, and the people said to them:

Why are you ruining yourself? How can you stand up to us? Even if you stand ten years, what will you do to us? For we have food from the earth. If you don't believe me, see it with your own eyes.

And they brought them to a well, where there was a jar of jelly, and they took it with a bucket and poured it into the pots. And when they cooked jelly, they took it, and came to another well, and drew honey, and began to eat themselves and gave it to the Pechenegs. And the Pechenegs were surprised and said: "Our princes will not believe us if they do not taste it themselves."

People poured a pot of jelly mash and honey from a well and gave it to the Pechenegs. When they returned, they told everything that happened. And, having cooked, the Pechenezh princes ate and marveled. And, having released the hostages, they got up and went home from the city.

Questions and tasks

  1. How did you manage to save the city and its inhabitants? What qualities of character helped the elder to save the city?
  2. How does the legend begin and how does it end? Can we say that the tragic situation ends with a life-affirming ending?

    Try to show the sad and joyful moments of the story by intonation while reading.

  3. What features of Old Russian literature were manifested in the "Legend of the Belgorod jelly"?
  4. How do you understand the words: "Pechenegs", "veche", "told", "commanded", "korchaga", "home"?

    Can they be replaced by the words used today? Which ones?

  5. Prepare a retelling of the text using the words you explained.

    Convey the exact beginning and ending of the legend. Find the correct intonations for retelling an old Russian work.

  6. What do the opening words of the legend "In the summer of 997" say?
  7. What union is repeated in the legend and how many times? Why do you think this is being done?

1 Veche - a meeting of citizens to solve public affairs.

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Slide captions:

Russian chronicle. "The Tale of Bygone Years". "The Legend of the Belgorod jelly". To literature lessons. Kolotukhina E.V.

What work of Old Russian literature did we study? What was the feat of the adolescent from Kiev?

Old Russian literature. What does the concept of Old Russian literature include? What genres are typical for Old Russian literature?

Chronicle What is Chronicle? Why is it so named? Who is the most famous author of the Russian chronicles? What annals are you familiar with? What is he talking about?

Epigraph to the lesson Every nation is not without a tribe-clan, and the scrolls of chronicles of deeds preserve it. N. Gusovsky

V. Vasnetsov "Nestor the Chronicler" Details of the portrait of the chronicler. Interior details. The first lines of his writing: "Behold the tale of bygone years ..."

"The Tale of Bygone Years" The "Tale of Bygone Years" was compiled around 1113 by the monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery Nestor. "The Story ..." is the fruit of the creativity of several generations of chroniclers (the monk Sylvester rewrote and partly revised the "Story ...").

Checking d / s Plan of the article "Old Russian literature" Features of Old Russian literature ". The image of the author of Old Russian literature. Famous names of the writers of Old Russian literature. The emergence of new editions of Old Russian books. Test on the material studied.

"The Legend of the Belgorod jelly" 997. The ingenuity and cunning of the Russians save them from death at the hands of arrogant and stubborn Pechenegs.

Dictionary work Veche is a meeting of townspeople in ancient Russia to discuss state and public affairs. Syta is honey diluted with water. Kad is a tub. Patches are pot type dishes. Korchaga is a large clay pot or cast iron.

Analysis of the "Legend ..." What historical event are we talking about? How does the legend begin and how does it end? How did you manage to save the city and its inhabitants? What instructions does the "Legend of the Belgorod jelly" contain?

Retelling close to the text

Lesson summary Insert the missing words: "The Tale of ... years" was compiled about ... a year by a monk of the Kiev Pechersk Monastery .... The genre of the work is…. It was based on ... about the Russian land. "The Legend of ... jelly" tells how ... the city was besieged .... Only… and… the Russian people saved them from certain death.

Homework Expressive reading "Legends about Belgorod jelly" or find and write a recipe for jelly. Read the article "Russian Fable", answer questions and complete the tasks of the "Check yourself" section

Used materials: A.N. Zamyshlyaeva. Literature. 6 cl. - Volgograd, 2014. N.V. Egorova. Lesson development on literature. Class 6 - M .: VAKO, 2014. I.L. Chelysheva. Literature. 6 cl. - R.-na-Donu: Phoenix, 2015.


6 cl.

Test on the topic: "Old Russian literature."

  1. What genre of literature does The Tale of Bygone Years belong to?

a) life; b) a story; c) chronicle.

  1. When did chronicle writing begin in Russia?

a) in the 9th century; b) in the 18th century; c) in the 11th century.

  1. Who is the author of The Tale of Bygone Years?

a) Nestor; b) Methodius; c) Cyril.

  1. Why did the chronicler begin his chronicle "from the creation of the world"?

b) to tell an interesting story, similar to a fairy tale;

c) to convey the experience of the past.

  1. What is a chronicle?

a) a rare old book;

b) one of the main genres of Old Russian literature;

c) lyro-epic genre of folk poetry.

  1. When does the story begin in the annals?

a) from biblical times;

b) from the description of the living prince;

c) from the described historical event.

  1. Why is the "Tale of Bygone Years" a monument of ancient Russian literature?

a) it was written in ancient times;

b) this is a very rare book;

c) this is a book that reflects the worldview of an ancient Russian person.


1-c, 2-c, 3-a, 4-a, 5-b, 6-a, 7-c.


Card 1.

Insert the missing words:

The Tale of Bygone Years. The Legend of Belgorod Kissel.

Card 2.

Insert the missing words:

"The Tale of ______________ Years" was compiled about _____ by a monk of the Kiev Pechersk Monastery ____________. The genre of the work is ____________. It was based on ______________ about the Russian land. "The Legend of ________________________ jelly" tells how _______________ laid siege to the city of ________________. Only _________ and _______________ of the Russian people saved them from certain death.

The Tale of Bygone Years. The Legend of Belgorod Kissel.

Card 3.

Insert the missing words:

"The Tale of ______________ Years" was compiled about _____ by a monk of the Kiev Pechersk Monastery ____________. The genre of the work is ____________. It was based on ______________ about the Russian land. "The Legend of ________________________ jelly" tells how _______________ laid siege to the city of ________________. Only _________ and _______________ of the Russian people saved them from certain death.
