The choice of university is an extremely responsible task that is facing graduates and their parents. It is necessary to take into account many factors. What is the fond of a person who would like to be, what life goals. And pushing away from this, choose the location of the university, his teaching staff, education quality and much more.

We have prepared a list of the best universities in Europe, where you can get an education. We also indicated the cost of learning. Choose the best, apply and start gnawing science granite.

1. Technical University of Madrid, Spain

Emprego Pelo Mundo.

Madrid Technical University is an old university. Some faculties have been over 100 years old. The school of architecture and engineering is of great importance, because it was here that the history of Spanish technology has been going on for two centuries. At this university you can get a bachelor's degree, master's and doctor in the field of business and social sciences, engineering, as well as technologies. There are 3,000 employees on the territory of the university and 35,000 students study.

Cost of education: 1 000 euros per year ( approximate price).

2. Hamburg University, Germany


There are six faculties on the basis of the university. These faculties offer almost all possible disciplines - from economics, rights, social sciences to humanitarian, natural sciences and computer sciences, as well as medicine. More than 5,000 employees and almost 38,000 students. This is one of the largest universities in Germany.

Cost of education: 300 euros per semester.

3. Madrid University complutunce, Spain

This is one of the most ancient universities in the world. And perhaps the most prestigious educational institution of Spain. There are two campus. One is in Monkloa, the second is located in the city center. Here you can get a bachelor's degree in business and social sciences, art and humanitarian sciences, medicine and engineering. This is a very large university where more than 45,000 students learn.

Cost of education: 1 000-4 000 euros for the entire period of study.

4. Oxford University, United Kingdom


The history of this educational institution takes its beginning back in 1096. This is the oldest English-speaking university in the world. More than 20,000 students are trained here. Business, social sciences, art and humanitarian science, language and culture, medicine, technology and technology are available. More than 5,000 employees. Nine times awarded royal award.

Cost of education: from 15,000 pounds.

5. University of Glasgow, United Kingdom


The University of Glasgow is one of the oldest training places in the UK. The fourth oldest university in the entire English-speaking world. It is among the top ten employers for research in the UK. There are many programs for learning abroad, help with employment. The following directions are available: Business, Social Sciences, Art, Humanities, Language and Culture, Medicine, Technique and Technology. You can also get a doctoral degree.

Cost of education: from 13,750 pounds.

6. Berlin University named after Humboldt, Germany


Founded in 1810. Then he was called "the mother of all modern universities." This university has a great authority. Here students offer a comprehensive humanistic education. It was the first university of this type in the world. As in other educational institutions from this list, here you can get a doctoral degree, as well as a bachelor's degree and master. The university granted the granite of science 35,000. Unique in that only 200 people work here.

Cost of education: 294 Euro per semester.

7. University of Twente, Netherlands


This Dutch University was founded in 1961. Originally worked as a technological university in order to increase the number of engineers. Currently, this is the only university in the Netherlands with its own campus. The number of places is limited - only 7,000 students. But at the base of the university, 3,300 scientists and specialists work.

Cost of education: 6,000-25,000 euros for the year.

8. University of Bologna, Italy

Forum Vinsky

One of the oldest universities in the world. Many believe that this university serves as a point of reference and the basis of European culture. It is here that 198 different directions are offered to applicants annually. More than 5,000 employees and more than 45,000 students.

Cost of education: from 600 euros per semester ( approximate price).

9. London School of Economics and Political Sciences, United Kingdom


It was founded in 1895 to help students specialize in exploring social sciences. He has its campus, which is located in the center of London. Here you can study criminology, anthropology, social psychologists, international relations, sociology and many other sciences. About 10,000 students are trained, and 1,500 employees work. It was this institute that presented the world of 35 leaders and heads of state and 16 laureates of the Nobel Prize.

Cost of education: 16 395 pounds per year.

10. LEVENSKIY Catholic University, Belgium


Founded in 1425. Currently, this is the largest university in Belgium. He has a very high rating, campuses are located throughout Brussels and Flanders. More than 70 international training programs. At the same time, 40,000 students are trained here and 5,000 employees work.

Cost of education: 600 euros per year ( approximate value).

11. Swiss Higher Technical School Zurich, Switzerland

Began his work in 1855 and today is one of the best universities in the world. The main campus is located in Zurich. Educational institution offers some of the best physics programs, mathematics and chemistry. More than 20,000 students and 5,000 workers. For admission you need to go through the test.

Cost of education: 650 Swiss francs per semester ( approximate value).

12. Munich University of Ludwig - Maximiliana, Germany


One of the oldest universities in Germany. Based in the capital of Bavaria - Munich. 34 Nobel Prize laureate are graduates of this institution. The second largest University of Germany. 45,000 students and about 4,500 employees.

Cost of education: About 200 euros per semester.

13. Free University of Berlin, Germany


Founded after the Second World War, in 1948. One of the best universities in the world in terms of research work. Has international offices in Moscow, Cairo, Sao Paulo, New York, Brussels, Beijing and New Delhi. This allows you to support scientists and researchers and establish international relations. 150 different programs are offered. 2 500 employees and 30,000 students.

Cost of education: 292 Euro per semester.

14. University of Freiburg, Germany


It was created to enable students to learn without political influence. The university cooperates with more than 600 scientists from around the world. 20,000 students, 5,000 employees. Mandatory knowledge of German.

Cost of education: about 300 euros per semester ( approximate price).

15. Edinburgh University, United Kingdom


Founded in 1582. Here are the representatives of 2/3 of nationalities around the world. However, 42% of students from Scotland, 30% of Great Britain and only 18% of the rest of the world. 25,000 students, 3,000 employees. Famous graduates: Catherine Granger, Joan Rowling, Charles Darwin, Conan Doyle, Chris Hey and many others.

Cost of education: from 15 250 pounds per year.

16. Federal Polytechnic School of Lausanne, Switzerland


This university is funded by the state and specializes in the field of science, architecture and engineering. Here you can get acquainted with students from more than 120 countries. 350 laboratories are based on the territory of this university. In 2012, it was this university that submitted 75 priority patents with 110 inventions. 8,000 students, 3,000 employees.

Cost of education: 1,66 Swiss francs per year.

17. University College London, United Kingdom

British bridge

Strategically located in the heart of London. Known impressive research. This institute was the first to take students of any class, race and religion. 5,000 employees and 25,000 students are engaged in this university.

Cost of education: 16 250 pounds per year.

18. Berlin Technical University, Germany


This university played a big role in turning Berlin into one of the leading industrial cities in the world. Here students are taught in the field of technology and natural sciences. 25,000 students and 5,000 employees.

Cost of education: about 300 euros per year.

19. University Oslo, Norway


Founded in 1811, funded by the state and is the oldest institution of Norway. Here you can learn business, social and humanitarian sciences, art, language and culture, medicine and technology. 49 Master programs in English. 40,000 students, more than 5,000 employees. Five scientists from this university became the laureates of the Nobel Prize. And one of them received the Nobel Prize of the World.

Cost of education: no information.

20. University of Vienna, Austria


Founded in a distant 1365 and is one of the oldest universities in German-speaking countries. One of the largest universities in Central Europe. The largest Scientific Pedagogical University in Austria. His campuses are located in 60 settlements. 45,000 students and more than 5,000 employees.

Cost of education: about 350 euros per semester.

21. Imperial College of London, United Kingdom

News in HD quality

Imperial College of London began to offer its services in 1907 and noted his 100th anniversary, becoming an independent institution. He used to be part of the University of London. This is one of the most prestigious Universities in Great Britain. This college is related to the opening of penicillin and the basics of fiber optics. There are eight campuses throughout London. 15,000 students, 4,000 employees.

Cost of education: from 25,000 pounds per year.

22. University of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSpain


Barcelona University was founded in 1450 in the city of Naples. Six campuses in the second largest city of Spain - Barcelona. Free courses in Spanish and Catalan. 45,000 students and 5,000 employees.

Cost of education: 19,000 euros for the year.

23. Moscow State University, Russia


The university was founded in 1755 and is considered one of the oldest institutions in Russia. More than 10 research centers that provide practical assistance to students in research work. It is believed that the Educational Corps of Moscow State University is the highest educational institution in the world. More than 30,000 students and up to 4,500 employees.

Cost of education: 320 000 rubles per year.

24. Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden


The largest and oldest technical university Sweden. Accent in the field of applied and practical science. More than 2,000 employees and 15,000 students. Compared to other universities in this part of the world, a large percentage of students - foreigners.

Cost of education: from 10,000 euros per year.

25. University of Cambridge, United Kingdom


Founded in the distant 1209. Always consists in the list of leading universities in the world. 3,000 employees and 25,000 students from around the world. 89 Nobel laureates. Cambridge graduates have the highest percentage of employment in the UK. University with truly worldwide name.

Cost of education: from 13,500 pounds per year.

Special statistical agencies are engaged in school ratings. And the data can vary greatly, depending on many factors that were taken into account. As a result, it turns out that in the statistical top of the 100 best universities in the world, for example, there is one university in fifth place, and according to another rating, this school occupies 20 line.

Therefore, for a more objective picture, we will consider the lists of three world agencies at once: QS, TNE (Times Higher Education) and U.S.News. They differ in their impersonality, as well as authoritability. That is, we are looking for a kind of medium-grade importance, if such a concept can be applied to the rating of the best universities in the world.

Immediately it is worth clarifying that domestic institutions in this list, alas, did not fall. All universities that will be discussed are located in North America and the UK. Yes, we have decent universities, but according to the above-mentioned agencies, they are not good enough. One of the most serious Russian educational institutions - MSU named after Lomonosov - on the list of the best universities in the world (2017) takes only 95 lines (QS statistics). So our universities are not the fact that the first tens, to the first fifty still very far and grow long.

So, let's try to figure out what the best university in the world than he is so famous that it is studied in it and where to find it. The data may change the year from the year, but the troika and even the top five leaders are usually unchanged and keeps the bar very and very long time. Denote the first ten educational institutions.

Top best universities in the world:

  1. Harvard University.
  2. Cambridge.
  3. Oxford.
  4. Stanford.
  5. Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
  6. University College of London.
  7. California Institute of Technology.
  8. Yale university.
  9. Imperial College of London.

And now we will analyze the most remarkable educational institutions in more detail.

Harvard University (Harvard University)

Harvard remains the best university in the world in the world. It was founded in a distance of 1636 and is located in the city of Cambridge, Massachusetts. The average number of students according to the university varies within 21 thousand people.

Among other best universities in the world, Harvard has the largest donation fund, as well as provides a significant number of scholarships with far-only numbers in the checks. Separately, it is worth mentioning the library at the university - it's just a storehouse for anyone who will suffer knowledge and answers to your questions.


Today's ratio of the number of students to the teacher is seven to one. Moreover, a good half of the lectures are readable for groups with a composition of no more than 20 people, which largely increases the chances of understanding and fixing the resulting material by applicants.

The best university in the world has the following faculties:

  • school business;
  • humanitarian sciences;
  • design;
  • pedagogy;
  • management and management;
  • right;
  • health care;
  • dentistry;
  • religion;
  • applied Science;
  • advanced studies.

And this is not a complete list. There are also academic specialties and departments for training specialists from different profiles. So in Harvard, you can learn any science, there would be a desire (and opportunities).


Among the famous graduates of the best university in the world, the Presidents of the United States (Roosevelt, Kennedy, Bush, Obama), world leaders of other countries, members of the Royal Families (Prince Denmark Frederick, Sheikh Kuwait Sabah, Princess Japan, as well as Tsuckerberg businessmen and Bill Gates .

University of Cambridge (University of Cambridge)

Silver receives one of the oldest educational institutions in Europe - University of Cambridge. It was founded in 1209 and is located in East England (approximately 90 km north of London). Nearby (50 km) is Stansted.

There are almost 30 thousand students from around the world at the university. The educational institution is characterized by its conservatism (however, like all the foggy albion), so any applicant who fell into the Walls of Cambridge, becomes part of the centuries-old English traditions. This applies to clothes, rites of matrication, release ceremony, etc.

Faculties university

When entering the University, applicants always face a serious dilemma - what college to choose. The fact is that the existing Cambridge system is strikingly different from the usual American and European analogues.

That is, here choosing a college, which is the faculty, you determine for yourself a lifestyle and a circle of communication. What direction neither take, it has its own buildings, sports halls, platforms and generally individual structures that do not come into contact with other specializations.


  • humanitarian sciences;
  • biology;
  • clinical medicine;
  • physics;
  • advanced research;
  • social sciencies.

All of them are divided into 150 faculties and departments. It is worth noting that for study at the university you need to have not only a flawless portfolio, but the round sum on the bank account.

Famous graduates

Cambridge is famous for its graduates, including such large figures like Newton, Bacon, Rutherford and Oppenheimer. You can also note large literary figures: A. A. Milna, J. B. died, cl. Art. Lewis, L. Stern and our compatriot Vladimir Nabokov.

Cambridge gave our planet the largest number of Nobel Prize laureates in many areas.

Oxford University (University of Oxford)

Bronze went to another older University of Europe - Oxford. Established an educational institution in 1096 and is located in Central England (100 km northwest of London). Oxford can take up to 25 thousand students from all over the world.

The university is also notable for the fact that in the college of College, Church Cherch took place a shooting of a cult film about Harry Potter, and in his walls was written no less legendary "Alice in Wonderland."

List of faculties

The main direction of the university is humanitarian sciences. But since the twentieth century in Oxford, both accurate sciences, right, music, medicine and art are also taught in Oxford. The school year here begins from October and consists of three semesters: autumn, winter and spring. Summer, respectively, - vacation time.

Teachers in Oxford with excess: one lecturer can read the audience in five to six people, which makes it possible to fully use the tutorial system. That is, the student receives from his teacher not only the basic, but also in the expanded volume of specialized knowledge.


  • humanitarian sciences;
  • design;
  • pedagogy;
  • right;
  • health care;
  • applied Science;
  • advanced studies.

Faculties, as well as in the case of Cambridge, are divided into colleges and operate on a similar scheme similar to it.

Famous graduates

Among the famous university graduates, you can allocate the following world leaders: Margaret Thatcher, Tony Blair, Lewis Carroll and John Tolkina. You can not forget our compatriots - Anna Akhmatov, Joseph Brodsky, Ivan Turgenev and Kornea Chukovsky.


Stanford, first of all, is famous for its research activities. From the first years of its existence (1891), an educational institution devoted himself to finding the truth and solving the most difficult tasks, in parallel, naturally, teaching applicants and attracting the best of them in their ranks. Located complex in Silicon Valley, which is in the state of California North America.

In addition, Stanford has repeatedly turned out to be on the tops of the ratings as the best medical university in the world, thanks to the innovative discoveries in this area and a large number of exclusively competent and experienced teachers.

Faculties Stanford.

Stanford wondered not only as a purely educational institution, but also as practical. That is, when other universities made the main emphasis on the cultural level, Stanford month to the month systematized the data of the global exchange in employment and gave exclusively "useful" society of citizens.

University specializations:

  • business and management;
  • medicine;
  • earth science;
  • humanitarian sciences;
  • engineering;
  • right;
  • pedagogy;
  • society.

The specific direction of each faculty was necessarily calculated from the current needs of the labor market, so Stanford graduates with a 100% probability were provided with a workplace. In fact, they were already employed, only by choosing a specialization and passing exams for admission.

About graduates

Stanford We are required by the invention of the modem and TCP / IP protocols. In collaboration with other graduates, Surf screws and brand Townsend made our current Internet. The university studied the presidents and government figures: US President Herbert Goover, Senators Kent Conrad, Diane Pienstein and the Judge of the Supreme Court - Sandra O'Connor.

Different with high-quality education and businessmen: Director of Nike Philip Knight, Developer and Father Peter Pal, Peter Til, Two Founders of the Mastyt Search Engine "Google" Lawrence Page and Sergey Brin, as well as the founder of Yahoo David Filo.

University (from him. Universität, which, in turn, happened from Lat. Universitas - a totality, community) - a higher educational institution, where specialists in fundamental and many applied science are being prepared. As a rule, research and research work. Many modern universities act as educational and practical complexes. Universities combine several faculties in their composition, on which the combination of various disciplines that make up the basis of scientific knowledge are presented.

The foundation of the future welfare of a person is laid in the youth. An important step on the vitality of each of us is our education. It will largely determine the future specialty and work achieved. Today it is quite clear that a person who did not receive a full-fledged education or not at all graduating from studying, will not be able to become a minister, president, a large businessman.

There is an academic rating of the universities in the world in the world (ARWU), which determines the prestige of education in a particular institution, which is undoubtedly taken into account by applicants when choosing its university. There are also Russian universities in this list, only they occupy mallefactive places at the end of the first hundreds, so, Moscow State University is located only in the 70th place. Tell the most prestigious universities in the world.

The first place belongs Harvard University (Harvard University)located in Massachusetts, USA. This university was founded back in 1636 and is the oldest educational institution of this level in America. He received his name in honor of John Harvard's missionary. The university includes 12 colleges and faculties, the most prestigious branches of medicine, economics and jurisprudence are considered. The university has several own museums, for example, museums of geology, zoology, as well as archeology. It was here that the largest scientific library in the world is collected, in which there is a large number of rarest manuscripts and books. It is noteworthy that among the Nobel laureates, more than 30 graduates are Harvard. Every year about 18,000 students from all over the United States, as well as from 100 countries of the world studying this university. The number of teachers exceeds 2300 people. The number of people willing to get to Harvard is always great, despite the rather expensive level of payment for learning - the year of his student's stay in the university costs $ 42,000. It is not surprising that the Target Capital of the University is almost 35 billion dollars. Harvard is ruled by the president, in the entire history there were 28 people.

Second place in the feature list takes Stenford University (Stanford University)located in California, USA. This educational institution was founded in 1891 by California Governor and part-time by a large railway entrepreneur Leland Stelford. The university is named after the son of the policy, Lland of Stenford Jr., who died still with a teenager. Almost 15 thousand students and applicants from around the world study in Steford. University is known primarily for its high level of business education, MBA. Part of the landford lands are located in long-term lease at high-tech companies, this structure received a well-known name - "Silicon Valley". Famous companies such as Hewlett-Packard, Electronic Arts, Nvidia, Yahoo, Google, Sun Microsystems, Cisco Systems and others were founded by graduates of the university.

In third place is located university of Berkeley (University of California, Berkeley)Also located to California. This is the oldest out of ten universities of the state education system. Numerous ratings give reason to assume that this is the best state university USA. Founded in 1868, the university is now covered by an area of \u200b\u200babout 5 thousand km2. Worldwide fame to the university brought training specialists in the field of physics, economics, as well as computer technologies. It was here that in 2007 it was announced on the post-free Internet resource of Youtube video recordings and events held at different times in the walls of the educational institution. It was Berkeley first decided on such a step, which corresponds to the ideology of the university, as a public institution. Physicists of this university played a huge role in the development of atomic and hydrogen bombs. Cyclotron was invented here, antiproton studies were conducted, the laser was developed, photosynthesis was studied. Berkeley became the opening of new chemical elements - Plutonium, Sybigia, California and others. The BSD operating system was born here, which posted the beginning of the whole ideology.

Fourth place belong Cambridge located in the UK. This is the second by age of the University of Europe after Oxford, it is founded in 1209. According to legend, several scientists left Oxford because of disagreements with local residents, they founded a new training center. The history of the opposition of Oxford and Cambridge is so deep and interesting, they occupy such an important place in the history of English society that they are even united in one whole and refer to Oxbridge. Now as part of Cambridge 31 College of Miscellaneous Food (at the same time, 3 of them take only women) and more than 100 branches. Humanitarian specialties enjoy highly popular with students. There are even theological colleges at the university. About 17 thousand students take about 17% of them every year, and about 17% of them are foreigners. A high level of training at the university confirms the fact that its graduates from 1904 received 87 Nobel Prizes, for this indicator with a university, few people compare. The president of Cambridge is a special royal blood - Philip, Prince Edinburgh.

Fifth place is given to the famous Massachusetts Technological University, United States (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Mit). This university was founded in 1861, today the research center is also located here. The birth of the university was the answer to the growth of science and technology in the 19th century, since traditional education could no longer adequately comply with new trends. Mit today is the most real Mecca in the field of computer technologies, robotics, artificial intelligence, as well as other areas of technology and science. At the University, engineering and scientific training initially focus more on the absorption of practical skills than theoretical items. During World War II, MIT prestige increased noticeably, as students and staff of Massachusetts actively participated in military research programs. The most famous institutions of the university are the laboratory of informatics and artificial intelligence, a school of management, as well as Lincoln's laboratory. Massachusetts is considered to be one of the most prestigious technical universities, it is no coincidence that the Nobel laureates 72 are local graduates. Also here is the economy and management, philosophy, linguistics and politically science. The cost of learning in this prestigious institution is from $ 30,000 per year.

The next row line belongs California University of Technology, USA (California Institute of Technology). This private university was founded in 1891 by a politician and businessman by Aimos Corpe, as a result of several renaming the present name was obtained in 1920. The main specialization of this famous university is engineering and accurate science. It is here that the laboratory of the reactive movement is located, which is actively used by NASA. Although all universities and honor are their traditions, it is here that they are developed. So, for each Halloween, students relieve pumpkin from a high library building. The fruit is frozen with liquid nitrogen and decorated with light bulbs. For first-year students, the "Boss Day" is held, during it, freshmen must certainly get into the University building, which hitrible traps created by the elder their comrades. It is believed to learn more difficult here than anywhere. After all, students are invited to learn a huge amount of information for a short time. University even attribute aphorism: "Study, Sleep, Social Life: Choose two of three." The university adopted its own Code of Honor, according to which students are inconsistent in other places freedom, so, is allowed to carry out the examination tasks of the house.

Seventh place right Columbia University, located in New York, USA. Founded by the university was quite a long time, back in 1754, thanks to the resolution of the King of England George II. However, already in 1787, the university becomes private. It is quite early that this institution has become known that the political elite is preparing in it. It was this university that many ministers and presidents of the United States ended, including Barack Obama, and 54 graduates became subsequently the Nobel Prize. Columbia University is one of the most popular for foreigners, about 20 thousand people study here, while more than a third came from abroad, representing 150 countries of the world. In this institution is the Bakhmetiev archive, which is one of the most significant storage facilities of Russian emigration. The symbol of the university is the lion. University of Slanged to his school journalism, open in 1912. Any political events find a response in the walls of the institution, so, during the Vietnamese War of 1968, students were captured by 5 educational buildings, the conflict managed to be resolved only with the help of the police.

The eighth line of the rating is given Princeton University, United States. This is one of the most famous and prestigious American universities, it was founded back in 1746. The first lesson took place in the house of the priest Jonathan Dickinson, which is the founder of the university. In the city of Princeton, New Jersey, the institution did not move immediately, only in 1756. The status of the university received the institution in 1896. Now it is studying about 4.5 thousand people, while all learning is built strictly on individual plans, it is also closely related to research work. From among the 400 teaching professors seven are Nobel laureates. The total number of teachers exceeds 1,100 people. The importance of Princeton gave the fact that this is one of the few universities that joined the Google program on the digitization of books. The university library itself boasts 6 million printed publications, 5 million manuscripts and 2 million units of other printed products. Here there is also a code of honor, according to which students undertake not only do not deceive themselves, but also report on all cases of violation of orders. Exams in the university are carried out without the presence of teachers or assistants. Violations of the Code may also lead to an exception to the school. Princeton is famous for its sporting traditions, there are 38 sports teams. The princeton symbol is a tiger.

Chicago Private University (University of Chicago)Founded by the legendary John Rockefeller in 1890 occupy a ninth place. Other sources mention the date of the foundation of 1857, however, the financial assistance of the magnate at the end of the century allowed the institution to start working full. The local library was founded in 1892, today more than 3.5 million copies of books are stored here, including rare manuscripts. 79 people, somehow connected with the University of Chicago, are Nobel laureates. In training the most powerful areas associated with physics, economy, sociology and jurisprudence. The university takes about 14,000 students in his walls, about 2 thousand teachers teach him, the symbol of the university is Phoenix.

The final listed follows the legendary Oxford (University of Oxford)Located in the UK. This is one of the oldest universities in Europe, his fame is not surprising, because it is founded, as it is believed in 1117. The university consists of 39 independent colleges and 7 educational institutions belonging to religious communities and not possess such status. Today, about 18.5 thousand students are trained in Oxford, while a quarter of them are foreigners. The university has 3,700 teachers, with members of the British Academy of Sciences are 100 of them. Only in the 20s of the last century in Oxford began to take women, and separate training was abolished after half a century. The main directions of students' training are humanitarian, mathematical, physical and social sciences, as well as medicine. Oxford is not only a university, but also located on its territory the Research Center. In this university there is the largest educational library of the country, in general there are about hundreds of libraries. For the organization of leisure, students are offered about 300 circles, in addition, much attention is paid to sports. Oxford graduated from Kings Edward VII and Edward VIII, 25 English Prime Ministers were trained here, and among teachers it is enough to remember John Tolkien's names and Lewis Carolla.

Evgeny Morushevsky

freelancer, constantly travels around the world

Harvard, Oxford, Yel ... All these names are constantly on our hearing, it is difficult to find a person who does not know about such universities. We decided to allocate the most famous universities in the world from different countries and make up their top 10 prestigious educational institutions.

Leader countries

In each developed country, several best universities can be distinguished, but not all of them turn out to be in the list of world leaders in the quality of education, prestigiousness, scientific achievements and other important indicators.

Most of the top educational institutions are located in the United States. In each state there will be a worthy establishment, some of them are neighbors. The second education in the world are universities of Great Britain. It is also worth noting the presence of prestigious universities in Germany and France, the Netherlands and Switzerland, China and Japan, Canada and Australia.

Top 10 popular universities in the world

Of all the items it is worth noting the top ten, which are known to almost every person. We are constantly hearing about them in the news and films, we meet in magazines and the Internet.


Harvard University is located in Massachusetts, namely in Cambridge. This is one of the most famous universities. It enters the top three best educational institutions not only the United States, but also in the world. The university was formed in the 19th century on the basis of college and was named after Missionary John Harvard, who was considered his main sponsor.

In America, this is one of the oldest universities. For all the years of his work, dozens of Nobel laureates and owners of the Pulitzer Prize, as well as 8 US presidents were issued.

The property of Harvard University is not only schools of different directions and campuses for students, but also libraries, museums, botanical garden and even a forest site.


The difference between Princeton University is a combination of sciences of narrow specialization, art and knowledge of the general direction. Each student is obliged to learn the program that goes beyond its specialty, which allows to expand knowledge and makes it possible to work in the future not only in the direction selected in advance.

In Princeton University in 302 audiences of the center of Frista taught Albert Einstein.

Here in priority there are the development of their own abilities and knowledge, scientific research, conscientiousness. Upon admission, students undertake to comply with the "Code of Honor", which they confirm later when writing each test work, putting a signature under a kind of oath. Only decent people are able to pass the whole way from receipt before receiving a diploma, as there are high demands on the knowledge and compliance with the rules.


Yale University closes the troika of the best universities in the United States, together with Harvard and Princeton. He is located in New Haven, Connecticut. He named after Eli Yiel, a merchant, who sponsored a sponsor for school, from which the university was further formed.

Students study more than one hundred countries in Yale. The university owns the third largest library. If you compare it with other university books, it ranks second in the world. Since the university appeared in the era of the colonization of America by the British, here is the largest meeting of works of British art outside the Great Britain.


Stanford University founded government representatives in California Stanford. The educational institution is located in the Silicon Valley and is named after their deceased Son. The university includes the highest school of business and research center.

Graduates of Stanford University are the founders of such corporations as:

  • Hewlett-Packard;
  • Nvidia;
  • Nike;
  • Yahoo!;
  • Google.

In order for students as mastered the knowledge as much as possible, various research and scientific programs are used in the paper, and for each teacher there are only 6 students.


Oxford University is considered one of the oldest in the UK. The training system allows you to produce truly specialists in your business. Each student receives a mentor who leads it throughout the term of learning.

Special attention is paid here not only to the educational process, but also to conduct leisure. In addition to libraries and museums, hundreds of interests are enshrined at the university.

For training at Oxford University, it is ideally necessary to own English.


The second in the "age" in Britain is the University of Cambridge. Approximately about a third of students are foreigners, although it's not so easy to enter here. Expensive training in some cases is compensated by issuing scholarships and grants to especially talented applicants. In total, 28 directions are offered at the university.

Together with Oxford, he is a university that is most popular among the elite, including members of the royal family. Also, a graduate of Cambridge University is Stephen Hawking.

Bristol University

Bristol University is one of the largest in England. Not far from Bristol is Stoneh.

Winston Churchill was a rector of the University of Bristol. The quality of teaching in this university is worthy of higher grades.

Graduates of Bristol are included in the list of Nobel laureates, members of the Royal Scientific Community and the British Academy of Sciences.


The University of Sorbonne is the oldest university of France and one of the architectural attractions of Paris. Here you can get a higher education free of charge.

Teachers of the Paris University were:

  • curie's spouses;
  • Louis Pasteur;
  • Antoine Lavoisier.

To date, the Paris University of Sorbonne is divided into 4 parts, closely interacting with each other and united by social institutions. Each individual university adheres to basic specialization.

Bonn University

The most famous university in Germany can be called the Bonn University. It is associated with many famous personalities. Graduates of the Bonn University are the emperors of Frederick III and Wilhelm II. Karl Marx and Friedrich Nietzsche also studied. Among the teaching staff, it is worth allocating the laureate of the Fields Prize Otto Wallach and Pope of the Roman Benedict XVI.

At the university, humanitarian and economic specialties are taught, accurate sciences, agronomy, theology, medicine, etc.

Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov

The university was founded in 1755. The decree on his opening was signed by Elizabeth I, and therefore initially he wore the name of the Imperial Moscow University. The proposal for his opening was made by Academicians Shuvalov and Lomonosov, in honor of the latter and was renamed the university in 1940.

MSU property includes more than 600 buildings, including museums, libraries and archives. Training is made on the 41 faculty. Popularity and quality of education MSU them. M. V. Lomonosov ranks first in Russia.

Each university of the presented dozens is known to most people due to the high quality of education, famous graduates and teachers. In addition, the architecture of buildings deserves separate attention.

What to do in the world's largest university, where it is better to prepare for the language exam that write in a motivational letter, which is about to interview and where to look for scholarships. The editorial office of "Theories and Practices" collected several instructions on how to prepare for admission to a foreign university, get a grant and go to learn.

How to go for free to learn abroad: step by step instructions

Step 1: Analyze the situation. Step 2: Determine the needs. Step 3: Find a suitable program. Step 4: Collect documents. Step 5: Complete interview. Detailed guide for each stage.


Princeton University is the fourth oldest university in the United States, it was founded in 1746, part of the prestigious "Ivy League". Here studied and taught more than 30 laureates of the Nobel Prize, including the famous economist and Professor John Nash. In the ranking of the best universities in the world according to Times, Princeton takes the seventh line. There are 36 compartments here. The most famous schools - Humanitarian Woodrow Wilson School of Public Affairs and Technical School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. We tell about the procedure of admission and why students do not pass through the Gate Fitz Randolf.


A distinctive feature of the Yale University - an applicant does not come to a certain specialty, and chooses what he wants to learn throughout the entire period of study. You need to choose among educational areas (humanitarian sciences and art, natural and technical sciences and social sciences) and skills (letter, critical thinking or foreign languages). The practice of such freedom in training was named Liberal Arts Education. The university offers about two thousand curricula. We tell about the requirements for the incoming and symbol of Yale - Bulldog named Handsome Dan XVI.


Harvard is the oldest university in the United States, founded in 1636. Every candidacy for training in Harvard College is considering two employees of the admission committee independently of each other. Foreign students come to the university on the same grounds as US citizens. Now there are about 6,700 students in Garvad. We tell about the SAT, Ukrainian Studies exam, 70 libraries and how American football has become such as we know it.

Instruction: how to enroll in Harvard


Among the graduates of Oxford 26 laureates of the Nobel Prize and 26 of the UK Prime Ministers, this is the second oldest university in the world, so the competition for admission here is an average of about five people in place. According to statistics, 91% of graduates remain satisfied with the quality of learning. At the moment, one foreigner accounts for two students from the UK. We tell about the options for financial support, County Oxfordshire , rowing and learning course uniting physics and philosophy.

University College London

Founded as a secular college - as opposed to religious Oxford and Cambridge - UCl began to take on equal terms of all those wishing, regardless of their gender, religious views and social status. Today, more than 30% of foreigners from 150 countries study here. Among the famous graduates - the inventor of the phone Alexander Bell and Mahatma Gandhi. In UCL, each student has a mentor with whom it can consult both academic and personal issues. We tell about numerous student clubs, among which there are "Conservative Society", "Magical Community", "Surgeons Club" , submission of documents and the course of Vikingology.


The second in the age of the University of Great Britain was founded 800 years ago by scientists who left Oxford due to the fact that the local student was involved in the murder of a resident of the city. Traditions are very important for Cambridge: within 700 years, a student with the lowest score was handed a wooden spoon. In their recommendations on the receipt, the admission committee allocates three main points: academic abilities and potential, independence of judgments, passion for the selected specialty. Approximately 34% of Cambridge students are foreigners. We are talking about the preparatory stage A-LEVEL , 31 College and Russian Society of the University of Cambridge.
