Almost every student needed to cheat in class, but he did not know how to do it. In order not to catch the eye of the teacher, we will describe several ways to cheat in the lesson unnoticed.

One of all known methods are cheat sheets. Appearance is almost always the same - on small leaves written in small print text. It is better to make them an accordion, noting the correct order of answers, so as not to get confused at the most crucial moment. There are many options for hiding a cheat sheet: in long sleeves, pinned with a needle, in a pencil case, twisted with a tube in a ballpoint pen, attached to the cover of a calculator, and so on. For girls, this task becomes even easier - attach it to a hairpin in your hair, under a skirt with elastic bands, write on your knees or hide it in a bra. Wouldn't the teacher look in there?

In case the order of questions on the exam is known, a bomb is used - pre-prepared answers on the sheets. All that needs to be done is to replace the blank sheet with the finished one and take on a working look.

How to cheat in class on your phone?

For those who are especially lazy and in case of a sudden test, there is a way out - a mobile phone with an Internet connection. Of course, this method is not ideal, since it takes a lot of time to find the required information, and smartphones are not so small - they catch the eye almost immediately. You can get out of the situation as follows: disguise it as a pencil case, hide it in long sleeves, cut a “window” in the juice package for greater conspiracy, which closes if the teacher is nearby - the best ways to cheat in the lesson unnoticed.

Those who do not have a good phone also have salvation - sms and mms. We print the question and send it to the person who knows the answer, having agreed with him in advance. As with mobile Internet, a lot of time is wasted - do not stay too long!

If you don't have money in your account and if the cellular signal was deliberately jammed, you can simply download the answers to your phone's memory. Number them and write them off at convenient moments.

Continuing the theme of smart gadgets, we must not forget about the headset or earpieces. You find an assistant, give him answers, head towards the examination room, receive questions, voice them, send them to the listener, write from dictation. The most important thing is to hide the wires, which is not a problem for people with long hair, but for everyone else, run the wires through the sleeves and prop up the head, or use wireless headphones.

How can you write off the lesson without a finger? We use a ballpoint pen.

Remembering what you write with - pens, there are several unique options. One of them is a pen with a cheat sheet that you can fill out with the necessary information, but choose only the most necessary - there is very little space.

Crib in a ballpoint pen

The second option, how to copy in a lesson discreetly using a ballpoint pen, is invisible ink, which appears under the influence of ultraviolet light in the cap of the pen. Wrote on a piece of paper and shine during the exam.

Each of the above cheating methods is not always reliable, since the teachers were also students and know all the tricks and tricks. Be calm, unshakable and everything will work out for you, and do not forget that it is better to learn the material of the lessons, because. The knowledge gained during the training will undoubtedly be useful to you in life.

Video - making a cheat sheet using tape

Whether you prepared well for the upcoming exam or didn’t look at your notes and textbooks at all - in any case, a carefully prepared opportunity to write off something will not hurt anyone. The exam is a serious test for the nervous system, and the "airbag" in any case gives self-confidence. However, you should immediately warn: you should not rely only on cheat sheets or information from the Internet. In order to fully use them, you need at least in general terms to have an idea about each of the issues, and therefore, you will have to learn one way or another.

What to wear to the exam?

The best clothes to ensure that you can cheat on the exam is a business "office" style: jacket, tie. The inner pockets of the jacket make it possible to hide a phone or a cheat sheet, and if you sew a large pocket for A4 sheets to the lining, you can put “bombs” there. For this, girls can adapt an underskirt or a wraparound skirt, in which it is very convenient to make a pocket horizontal: it will be much easier to get the “bomb”.

In winter, it is very convenient to hide a small cheat sheet in the wide collar of a sweater: pull it off - look, let it go - hid it. You just need to make sure that she does not fall out of there at the most inopportune moment.

Phone on the exam: you can write off!

Today, even the most dense teachers are well versed in the capabilities of modern phones, handhelds and notebooks. Therefore, in order to exclude the possibility of cheating, the exam often asks everyone to hand over their phones. It's okay: take a second old phone, keep it defiantly in plain sight, on the edge of the desk, or turn it in on demand.

The main phone, completely silent, hide in the sleeve of your jacket. When the exam starts, it will be easy to copy: put your left hand in front of you, carefully slide the phone out of your sleeve into your palm, find the text you need and write. If the teacher gets too close, the phone is sent to the sleeve with one movement of the finger. Nobody will search you!

If you want to use a Bluetooth headset and help a friend outside the door (this is a great way for girls with long hair), a phone in your sleeve will help you tell your friend the topics you need without repeating them loudly to the entire audience. Pretend that you are writing an answer on a piece of paper, and at this time calmly type SMS with the necessary topics.

The psychology of cheating, or an agility test

The student should understand: an experienced teacher always knows when a student cheats and how prepared he came to the exam. Of course, you can write off, but if you don’t understand anything about the subject, it’s very easy to “overwhelm” you with additional questions. Therefore, the vast majority of teachers treat cheating rather condescendingly - if the student does it carefully, so to speak, respecting decency, and if he conscientiously studied during the semester.

Before the exam, be sure to practice cheating, think through all the little things: how you will get a cheat sheet or a phone, where to put it so that it is more convenient to write, and where to put it later, so that when answering from your sleeves, like a fairy princess, “spurs” do not fall down. Be sure to turn off all phone sounds so that you are not given away by its deafening squeak or click in the silence of the audience. If the fear of being caught cheating makes your hands tremble and your eyes dart to the side, it's best to stop trying.

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There is a fairly well-known joke that came from Internet memes: “what cheating for a teacher is teamwork for students.” Indeed, the process of cheating requires the development of certain skills, perfect mastery of certain psychological techniques. You can not do here without dexterity, attentiveness, speed of reaction. In a word, the cheater must have well-developed fine motor skills, which implies a quick and clear interaction of the main human sensory systems.

In Western countries, a negative attitude towards cheating is deliberately cultivated, while in our country this phenomenon is quite common. Whose fault it is, how to deal with it, the moral aspect of the “good-bad” dichotomy is not the subject of this article. We will only try to give some recommendations to those who, for various reasons, have not been able to adequately prepare for an exam or a test. Remember: cheating is never a substitute for thorough preparation and is only useful "for evaluation", not for knowledge.

Cheating methods

There is no limit to human imagination. It is this banal phrase that can describe the huge number of methods on how to write off correctly or how to make a cheat sheet, which today can be found on many resources on the Internet. But there are not so many truly original options, and teachers and teachers are familiar with most of the well-known teachers as well as the schoolchildren and students themselves. Therefore, the methods listed below should be used carefully, choosing a method for the situation.

1. Cheating off a cheat sheet

Spurs are one of the oldest cheating inventions, and the method itself is not the easiest. These are, in fact, mini-answers prepared in advance for exam questions or general information on the course if the questions are not known. During the development of this method, human experience has collected a huge empirical experience.

The variety of material is truly limitless - answers to questions can be written down on traditional "accordions", small scraps of crumpled paper, on A4 sheets with handwritten text, which can later be passed off as a draft. Such accessories are hidden anywhere - in shoes, folds of clothes, sleeves, in the lining of a tie, under bracelets or watches. It is as old as the world and the method of applying text to the skin of the hand, followed by hiding under the sleeve of a shirt or sweater.

Despite such a large number of methods, it is not at all easy to write off the cheat sheet. If there are a lot of questions, then cheat sheets are harder to hide, it will also take some time to find the right answers. But there are also advantages: when working on creating a cheat sheet, some of the information will be stored in your memory. The factor of confidence also plays an important role, because with a cheat sheet you feel calmer.

2. Cheating using technology

For many schoolchildren and students, making paper cheat sheets today is a father's method. The rapid development of technology allows you to write off using a mobile phone, player, tablet, e-book, earpiece. Even 10 years ago, the average cheater could not even dream of such a variety of devices. In our time, cheating with the help of these devices has become widespread, which has led to the fact that during the USE and other important exams, the use of technical devices is prohibited. But on a test or test, it is possible to write off, for example, from a phone.

There are many methods here:

— Crib sheets in electronic form. Most modern mobile devices read basic text formats, so downloading such a file is not difficult.

— SMS/MMS. The technique is simple and effective. Security questions are sent to a friend, who searches for information in books previously left with him, the Internet, etc., and then types and forwards the answers.

- Mobile Internet. Independent search for answers using the Internet connected to the gadget. It is not always fast, it is not always possible to find the right answer, therefore it is not always convenient. A more convenient variation is forwarding responses to e-mail, ICQ or Skype.

- Earpiece or hands-free headset. The method with humor shown by L. Gaidai in the comedy "Operation" Y "and Shurik's other adventures." At the beginning of the application of the technology, it was quite effective, but today teachers and teachers have already sufficiently learned to identify cheaters in this way. The essence of cheating is recording answers to questions on a voice recorder and then listening to them or real-time mode - dictating answers to a friend from, for example, a neighboring audience.

— Electronic organizer. Significant amounts of information can be entered into such a device, while the appearance of the organizer does not differ much from a multifunctional calculator. Of the minuses - it takes a very long time to write a cheat sheet on the device itself. Suitable for cheating only on items of the technical cycle.

3. Cheating and improvised means

Now more and more often during the exam or test, it is forbidden to have anything with you that is not related to the procedure. But at the usual control or independent work at the end of the seminar, this method can be useful. The trick is to use improvised means as a cheat sheet or to hide it:

- Additional materials. At control and even school exams in history, geography, biology, chemistry, geometry, you can often use maps, diagrams, tables. With the desire and ability to use them, such material becomes an indispensable assistant in the disclosure of many issues. If you can use, for example, your own atlas, then it would be prudent to make small notes in pencil on the included drawings and maps.

- If the message about the control took you by surprise, then the last method (which, by the way, we do not approve and do not recommend using) can be a quick small note on the desk of basic information - dates, formulas, surnames and other things. It is also used in the case when the audience where the exam will be held is known exactly. It is enough to arrive early, take a comfortable place and write the necessary cheat sheet on the table or chair.

- Here are just a few more examples of how to use handy cheating tools: write a spur on the back of the label of a bottle of opaque soda and lightly glue it back; hide the cheat sheet in an empty juice box, having previously cut a specially opening niche in it; scribble a formula with a needle, any other necessary information on a bar of chocolate and put it in front of you, eating a small piece from time to time.

  • If you are making a cheat sheet, it is better to write it by hand. Special studies prove that only 10% of information is assimilated when reading, but this figure increases significantly when writing. Therefore, by writing a cheat sheet “by hand”, and not printing it out, your chance of passing an exam, test or control will be higher, even if it cannot be used.
  • Never make cheat sheets with whole answers to a question. Write the main thing - theses, formulas, dates, keywords. It is on the basis of this, and not “water”, that the answer is built, and it is sometimes much easier to hide a smaller cheat sheet and write off from it than from a small volume of fully prepared answers.
  • Always make the numbering of cheat sheets convenient and understandable, hide them in a structured way, so that in a matter of minutes you can find exactly the material you need from the entire array.
  • Remember that the teacher, what you are copying, but may not show it, but will grade based on your performance throughout the semester. Therefore, it is not bad to have a rear from at least the final "troika", and also try to collect minimal information about the examiner, in particular, about his attitude towards cheating.
  • . The original cheat sheet, hidden creatively, even if it is found, can take its rightful place in the personal archive of a teacher or teacher, and you may be lucky enough to complete the exam and pass it the first time. And vice versa - impudent cheating in the hope that “maybe it will blow over and the teacher will not notice or show no sign” can cause fair indignation and do much harm.
  • For confident cheating, you need to master the skills at least in the basics, while behaving as naturally as possible. This will avoid suspicion on the part of the teacher.
  • Always remember, the best cheat sheet is no cheat sheet. Knowledge of the material gives much more self-confidence than the most cunning and informative spur.

Original cheat sheet ideas

1. Transparent printing

Today, in almost any print center, you can print an A4 page on folio - a transparent film. The advantages of such a cheat sheet are that it is practically invisible on a varnished wooden table. But on a painted desk, it stands out. The disadvantage is also the relative high cost of such a printout compared to conventional printing.

2. Cheat sheet on tape

How to make a cheat sheet on a transparent tape of adhesive tape - video instruction on Youtube

3. Invisible text

The spur is written with a pen with invisible ink (sympathetic), the text disappears after a while, leaving an ordinary blank sheet. As a rule, at the other end of such a pen there is a special flashlight, when you point the beam of light on a piece of paper, you can read what is written. The disadvantage is that you have to spend money on buying a pen.

If you are unprepared, lazy, or for some other reason unable to successfully write a test or pass an exam, you may decide to resort to a fallback: cheating. Here are some tips to help you reach your goal.


cheat sheets

    First gather the information you need. This includes formulas, keywords, terms, dates, definitions, names, conjugations, and so on.

    Write or print the information correctly. The font should be good, medium size (not too large, but not too small). You may want to write as much information as possible on a small piece of paper, but remember that if the type is too small, you will focus too much on the cheat sheet, thereby risking drawing attention to yourself. If you can print your cheat sheet, do so. If it is subsequently found, the teacher will not be able to determine that it is your handwriting.

    Rewrite the correct words. This is most common in spelling tests. Copy the correct words from your spelling guide on a piece of paper. Then put it on your knee or put it in your sleeve. But doing so is very risky, so be careful.

    Hide the sheet.

    • Try the "Body Cheat Sheet" method. Don't print out your cheat sheet, just write it somewhere on your body. If you are a guy, it is better to do it on the forearm, if a girl - on the upper thigh. Both options are great, as you can wear a long-sleeve dress or shirt to hide the cheat sheet when you don't need it. Most importantly, do not show that you have something written on your body. Write the words in a place that only you can see.
    • Try the "Water Bottle Cheat Sheet" method. Print out the cheat sheet on a piece of colored paper that looks like a label on a water bottle. Then stick it on this label and turn it so that only you can see it. Ideally, try to imitate the inscription on the label to avoid suspicion.
    • Try the Cheat Sheet in Folder method. If you carry study materials in a folder and it has a transparent pocket on the cover, insert the cheat sheet into this pocket. Put the folder on the table so that the end of the cheat sheet is visible to you, but not to the teacher.
    • Try the Calculator Cheat Sheet method. This is suitable for those who write a math test, because only in this case can you use a calculator without arousing suspicion. Slip a sheet of formulas or terms under the back cover of the calculator.
    • Try another way to use the calculator: If you have a graphing calculator, save the math formulas there. Then transfer the information to the archive so that you can use it even if your teacher makes you clear the RAM. During the control, unzip the information, and after it, clear the memory. If you do not know how to archive, look in the instructions for the calculator or on the Internet.
    • Try the "Hide the cheat sheet elsewhere" method. Hide the cheat sheet in a place where nothing will indicate that it is yours, such as on the bulletin board in the classroom, in the school toilet, or on someone's chair.
    • Put on a long-sleeved shirt and tuck the cheat sheet into your sleeve. This is a very good method, as the teacher will not look up your sleeves. When the teacher is not looking at you, you can easily pull out the cheat sheet, and then hide it back in the same way.

Cheating from a classmate

"Hard to Prove"

  1. Try getting a teacher's book to accompany your textbook. If teachers use pre-made tests from the "teacher's book" for the course, please purchase your own copy. Find the right edition of this book on the Internet and buy it. Memorize the answers to the questions before the test. This method is good for subjects such as science (beginner), a foreign language, or history, because for these tests are often taken directly from this book.

    Try to get an old copy of the test. This can be done by talking to a student a grade older than you or from a different grade in the parallel who has already taken the test. If you are sure that you will have exactly the same test, learn all the answers.

  2. Try the "Come back later" method. If you know the teacher will let you finish the test later, don't finish it on purpose and ask if you can finish it another day. Don't forget to memorize topics or questions, so you can find answers to the test, which you will add later.

    • Say that you feel bad, go to the toilet near the end of the test and stay there until the end or almost until the end. Before using this method, make sure your teacher will let you finish your work at a later date, otherwise you may only make things worse for yourself if you find out later that you can't finish.
  3. Try the Bring Your Pencil method. If you are turning in your work and the teacher is not at the table, quickly take out your pencil and write down the answers from the test at the top of the pile.

    • Keep in mind that there are surveillance cameras in the classrooms, and this method is very risky anyway.
  4. Try the Fake Assignment (Bomb) method. If you know exactly the format of the test beforehand, write down (print) all the important points on a sheet that looks like a standard assignment sheet.

    • Observe the formatting - number the lines as if they were questions, do not forget the page numbers and other details. Then make sure that the teacher does not notice you have an extra piece of paper.
    • If you have a regular written test, performed on plain sheets of paper, and you know the questions for different options, you can write the answers on single sheets of paper, and then choose the ones you need. However, the teacher needs to see how you write, so you will have to be dexterous to replace the written sheets with pre-prepared ones.

try Not write off


  • Never forget that the teacher is watching you. No method of copying will help if the teacher is looking directly at you while you are holding a notebook and copying frantically from them.
  • One of your classmates may complain to the teacher that you are cheating.
  • If this is a shared computer, you can delete your browsing history.
  • Watch what the teacher is doing from time to time so you don't get caught cheating.
  • Cheating each other is always better than cheat sheets, Hard to Prove is even better. The less evidence that you are cheating, the better.
  • Don't brag about what you wrote off. You never know who might tell the teacher.
  • On some important tests, such as the GCSE in the UK or the nationwide test for school students in Australia, all test results may be invalidated if you are caught cheating. The worst punishment is a ban on taking exams for five years, which means there will be no final exams and no university.
  • There is always a chance that you will get caught. Please, be careful.
  • If you're cheating from a student sitting next to you, lean over and lean on your arm while turning your head to the side to make sure it's not conspicuous.
  • Other students may suspect you of cheating and report it to the teacher.
  • If you get caught cheating, the consequences can be severe: failing a test, being suspended, and even being expelled. Many schools will even put a mark on your report card indicating that you have violated the honor code. Instead of looking for tips on how to cheat, try looking for tips on how to prepare for exams..
  • If you had to copy because you didn't have time to prepare, remember that it's best to learn everything after the test. You may have summaries later and the information learned can help.
  • In many professions, you will need the knowledge that you have gained by studying the material, not by copying it. Remember that you cannot cheat in the operating room when you are a surgeon and operate on a patient.

The telephone is an excellent assistant and friend of a modern person, especially a schoolboy or student. If you have exams on your nose, and there is no time to learn the annual or, even worse, the program of several academic years, you will involuntarily wonder - how to hide the phone during the exam?

How to hide your phone in an exam:

It all depends on your imagination and ingenuity. The easiest way is not to be especially encrypted, because according to the classic, what is visible to everyone remains invisible, so you can hide the phone during the exam in the pocket of your trousers, skirt or jacket. Whether you manage to use it will depend on your dexterity and skill.

This method is not suitable for serious exams. Indeed, recently, observers are increasingly asking to put mobile phones on their table until the end of the test.

The next way to hide your phone during the exam is to tie it with a special belt to your torso and place it under your clothes. So the phone will go unnoticed when you enter the audience and take your seat, but no one can guarantee that you will not be noticed when you decide to use the gadget. Here again, it all depends on your dexterity and teaching attentiveness.

Girls can be advised to hide the phone in the décolleté during the exam. Or attach it to the thigh with a garter. If you show up for the exam in a skirt, it will not be difficult to get a phone. Just make sure that the garter is worn over tights.

Ultra-thin and flexible phones are the easiest to hide, but the problem is that they are still very expensive and almost inaccessible to students or schoolchildren. Such phones can be hidden during the exam even under the exam sheet or ticket.
